Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1935, p. 1

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County Council Declines ' T0 Abolish June Session`; Long Debate On Reportl mm-timzs and le-i. llmr l(`,HVili{'.\` in the Allamlenle huilling Anmlwx` :roup wnuld be nmrle up of young mon 18 In 2: ) years of ago i '.FIw.<:o would ha\r n definite m`- gznnizzxlirm and czn'r;' on bu.s'ines'- In0(:Hm{.~`, h()('k(:_`/. l):I. dis- cu <'um.~: rm rnullv-rs: nf imr.~,rr~. 1n l\lIlIl\`L' Arm! '1 |K)ru;,'xnuv All n l .JVl.k.l\. All 1110.40 mutlt-1'1: W2 receive fur- ther ultcntimn at the meeting on Dnccxnber 10 and it is hoped that al` pvrsmm in1f)l`(':1r-(I in thn possibil; ilios nf 1his work will plan 10 b! present. Re11'(:.~;hmen1s will be serv- ed at the conclusion of the business Custod~3'/-()_fWe1WTZChild | Children s Aid Ward 13 Given to Mother .\lH|u Silm cty in . | Dual [had \ I uixnn ; Defaulted Debentures I\lr<. ll. Houghlon. of .\h*;ndo\\'- brook lhsrm, Richmond. Virgin- ia, in rum-.wing her subscription. \\`1'il('s as follows: We look forward each week to getting The Examiner. and should not like to miss a. copy. My husbzmd says it Is worth $50 51 \'-:1 I` " woxirii $50 {YEAR |_]()|]S, jlHU|l).;|l llEllIIiI_L`,l.' Ul |)l).`>.\|l)I`V .f1J.U\l\ll I It was clt.-cmc-(I smnificunt by sumo [ was (lune l)r-fun: n fire \\':zs |)rnughi ` that the sllgtzcstion to save the (`.mm- 1 unrlvr c<-ntml. I 1y nearly $1,500 by the eliminntinnl uf one of the thr(_-(,- (mo-w(-(-k scssirm.~' hold mummlly by lhc (`mum-il. 1*o-`S,.,~\vj,,.,; l,;,,,1,-_\- Hf u,[.Al,.,i1(h,m_ l)[\_ L`i\ 0d SCHHL 1'i|V0U1 ~ Th!` U51 0f}l\v(-on lhv lcih-ht-n and (`lining mmn. the November S(.~.~4siun in :xr:tunl r'.'Ish1_\-1.0.~1]_V 1),{'.,,(A- 7 mm, Tuesday, Nu-I paid out to the forty-six :n(.-n1bcrs|11-Cd by om, f the (_-ar(_-[;;k(_~1`5 .,n at the rate of $4.50 per day for six |(]u(_y` [\/1;-.,; \v, .I_ Blair was mm. (lays (Council sat I"ridn_\' night cal!-gm-d. and hv at once gavo porrnig- ill!-I rm` El (`NW-`l d?|.V'S l 1|.V*- W"-`9:siu11 for lh(- 1`$:u'ri(- Fin` I`n'ip;:1d(' tn` ll1il(!&l1.C at It'll (-(-ms per mile (nu: `am in g'iR],m;: um 1,1-,,._-. ' I"irv. In-|i Vt-xi In hu\*- lwvn c:1u.~:e(l by (|\`f('('li\'(' wirim.:. .~:1:n`1.(-cl in Hu- ` v way, was $l.378.7(). This 1'i;;1n'u dirl"r ` , /\llhmIL',h 1|u_- him \~ itst-ll' did mm- lnrln nilu-u~ n\-Iuincnu Ihut uul .uI.\ Ul uu~ pnupumn n. ziluble fur publicauu \'4-ll iVll'l I III. ury uf H I(.- ` hr` mt.-lnhvr shuulrl he 1 the :'e:1.~;u1 I\ I.u4- n H1. S(.`il.`-N 1;) has I suppt,-r Nlr Mr-I y ml" hm InLul(:0n-_Vcnr-nld had been made a ward ..` Julmty (.`h|lrlrcn's And S041- mrn yc.'n`.-. mm and had be-(V-1 l.(.-1' hmnv in S:x.~:ku1(~hL~w:w 1 .. . .. ...n.1 ml` the mcmbx-rs and` Barrie-Allandaln Y. `led for Tuesday. Dec. k. An enlarged puim '1H! H15` nntivitipx nf Ull VVIU I I`hrco r< .~cz|llinL{( L UIll'l.' U1 |\`V|L'L` U ml zm adclrcs.~: nv I suggests this I) sevt-rul dc-flnitw .\l\n-r\l\l\|~1-Ix I n urn Ill` }JI lfhl r(-(rent, e g of this I llldlglitl pllllll '` of he presented l`II(`DlI' nvnn re lf.\I_`lILt5(l I events 5 invet- \.lHHlIl.L`)' `(l I (lnubl ulmul \ V Stewart Chosen Reeve \\ Wiles Elected Deputy I I O C [ Jackson COIIIIIIISSIOIIBI` EI(_`('1(-(I 1936 by 1| T 12:: :1. 0. MU! They Kcet) Young (L Long Time i At Minesing, Says City Editor ! ~~ ~~' -~ , -~~ I J. FRANK no oN } yRe-elected a membeg Barrie Wat- [ 01'. Light and Ga.-:`Commission fox" [X936-37 by a majority of 11,8 ovcr ox-Ald. Frank R. Johnspn. V\'ll.l.l.\M ri I)(:]nHj.' R0 av :1 n\:|inI'H\' Deputy Reeve Re-elect?!` Hill. the New Pfesident Lion.s Club Once Sold Tickets to the Prince: [Stewart H:s_Klajority of 308, Wiles 415, and Jackson 118 l[JI'i1CLH.'l.` HI LVLH '1-elarvcd out. 2 healthy. Our statements is I nroprietor of Company. I-Inc: nnv nthn L0H1pih'1_\'. . M Has any Olhul` place of its size such .1 reg-ord`. ` I11! 1... \Vr|~|.v ...u. null \`n1:- war: due to lack m1l.\'1:1m`-ixw, i. in the lhv (-I1-H-n';n1(', lack Of May- 1r,( Al.<-x'1n;mIc contosts, and `.'.'imu'i` nu-zatlwr which ser- zvvg. llw \':.tur.<----especially \' ul. lh(-it` fi1`eSides. '11 (`Inna mnlnulnrl Deputy D EEIL-w:u'1 to ihe Reeve's m IHLHE. his m:1jm`it_V over nnm H. I".. 'l`u('k being 308. Txu'1r. hr`! in Ward One, his `(L hut l)<-pmy Roove Stew- :1h:`;u'i in all the other wards :u{\':\nur- pull. The R'wV0- .-(mu.-.,l 1..... uvnvxvn in I.-nun- -~.w:~ Iwu y(`( '5 In L.Uun- nnn fur \`Vm`d Four, and I)r~pu1_v Reeve. mh~.'t for the I)"p'1'y ..r.. .~. hut nlrlrn-nu ~11 PAGES 1\. J _\"`ZH'.\. wt.-r>. have started 4:) ~1m,-.~mg. but they wen.- thc natives being so r nnfhnritv fnr `hx [nu nduvcb ucuu; bu r authority for there . Mr. Geo. J. Johnston. 1 the Minesing I3askq'.*4* hI\.\l'\.l ltlllllil LUU with the net re- wuthi1'ds of the pnII1'(l :1 _ve:n' ago, nu I\1nndny. Tho nu`. l.3(){) out Of 1!- ~-,.I.n~.-` Hui `ml hm.-rred in Min- wnt: 88 years nld, 11 Nov. 5. 1867. The Iv-.1 in the cemetery ;.fh.n,r)pcl. at 99 years. woman was Mrs. 71st ' _w~.'n` Miss S. E. a` thilnri year, and of Mlneslng, had Ilml NH:-.' F`. Friv- (11 Hill) D8!" DCW aurnlncx`. Mrs. W. gxnlv. SL. Barrie, (III of being the .m in Min!-sing, K going strong. V.-:0 winters Min- . wun the chum- ,> Town League v\ n urnnn nf aiv I`/ll`~'.V'|l'Hl \.al'ilVJ< Hurry Foystotv. I..-ightcm Adam 2. .~ lhvir intentivru. mg Itrong, `la L-n< gm: again for U1" rat her 1 1i1'ds 1 I -\ 1-nun rs Hl])3ll"U WI`-`l |:, 1.'. .Z .5 on Hr: M 1.29!) on Hus 11:. _-,1-nr. Thu _ "l1ll"l'HC*tW"'r 1,008 gmng to l: .:.n `ll. LVIISB P1. roy- Hilnrl year. ) cl - rt-built. . .- I-....v L... xlH.' l]l'.l I 60 ye. urnrnnn '|JUllL. |Vll J?` :11". 1111:; Just ..r :1 two car .1. ..l.l hlunb, Fl IVVKJCCH " n|'.l black- uu.-. ..r.. qllill'lk'l'S Ill l.U||uHu. -|ll\' isticv.` \\`;\.< .~~i_\.;m\d. In 1} lion he had clxavguu 0` .-`~hu\\'im.`.' uf C:madi:m Wu paintings in Burlington I don. An hum:-nclinn chu-v his UUII. An itttorostixtg; .\`tor_\' of an um- b~u`ra.<. situation is told rmpm-I ing M1`. Sh:1n'.\"s duties 1h(`l`L`. an :1! {air about whivh thv l.mtd(m pnpovx` made quite a t`u. at the timc. 1'. appears that the first duy`s showing. was for Royalty and the social col- ubrities. For some reason. HRH. tin Prince of Wales arrived nn the so cond day alum: with the genor: public. Approaching the on11` Prince did nnt have n tivkot nt` mt {Inns WEEK'S `CIRCULATION 4925 '.l'hv |v.\n IUES l'l,'HlilI'l\. I |Il.`ll' I3 lIUj l than um`, uvmlt-mun." (`olmmllt-v App|'('('ialL-d L` work 01' thn sm-(-in] ('mmnivl{<-<- ` zuppnrmltly .'u)[)I'v('iu1.vd hy the I lucrs ul" (`mum-il. wlwlhvr u ' .;-I .1 .1! ..-Gil. .-nun. Hi (In- KN) UI IIH` U|llll| sulnmllvd \\'us (Turn to page J Economy Recommendations on Controllable ltems all '[ `I v\ f?wo0nLANns E ; IS SAVED BY A. FHRE BRIGADE] :;Summer Riece of Mrs. :| Harold F. Ritchie Dam- "! aged by Fire r ; . LOSS FIVGURE $3,000 WReeve-1 ()S(`;\I{ Ii. SIIANK ` - -P}mm hu .ln('k.~'m:. Burris ,i___ E4: Temperance Prograrn In All Sunday Schools -i Proposal for County I | Thu prugrannmc of the Ontario "I`t'n_xper.'1n(:e Federation will be put l into effect in all the Sunday Schools. yo!` Simone County. it was decided at` in xnm.-ting or the Simcoe County Temperance Federation in First B:Ip-- tist Chum-h. Barrie, Thursday aftm`-` I I noon lust. About fifty temperance Jcnthusiasts were present from all f parts of the County. R. D. Cuu|.t.;. [ Miclhurst, presided. and Rev. W. K. i Batty. Barrie. nctml as s6.`cl`(rl:n`_\,'. Thu: R A Ih:-Hnnn Tn:-nntn `LUIIHJIII ii I The c 1lmr_lirr.s'. nun.` 1 n iNatural Increase 74 `I In Eleven Months} V" $3.. vl.I`KIJl\4 ICGIIICI II Turned Down coNDEM'i5Ei: SYSTEM hurim,` the HI`.-1 vlvvmm xnunlhs nl` 1935. Barrie oxpurriencod :1 nulurul| increzlsc in pupulntinn M 74. there havin,'.: been 202 births and 128 dr`ul.h:~;. In the smno pcrind of last Hycur. the natural increase was 8-1. 'l|>ir1hs nxnnlwrimz 213 and deaths 12!). | M.'u'riag(.-s ropurttxl to the l`u\\'n (`lurk in the saint: eleven months numlwrerl 82 this year. as n;,'uin.~;1 70 last yam`. Tu Hun |\\nn'|\ nl` T\.u-nun|un- hi:-Ilu: In the mnnth ml` Nu\'eml)vr_ birth.-: tntulled 25 ns :1;1;1insl 12 last. your, mzxrrizuzes 13 as compared with six in Nuvumbcr 1934, and dnzalhs ten [as zuzainst six last year. The Stork was apparently much busicr last imunth than 2: your 111:0. Ixum .Vl:ur. illl)lU-Z. When the firunwn 1:01 on the stone. the fin : was blzr/.im: merrily in the so1'\'in1.: p:m1ry, and Hwy were able to confine it to that section. Shutlimt all the doors saved the place. The smoke was so dense, lho ,m(~n could not gt) upstairs. I Thu lncq ic mun-rnrl hv In- EA. E. Allen` is Elected .Canadian Legion Head Iisucceeds A.F.McGuire| ulunu . Who` '"- I A. I".. "Rt-1'1" Allvn was C11-(-fed prcsirivm fnr 193601` Barrie Bram-l1 No. 147. (`nnzndiml Lvpzirm. British Exnpirv S(~r\`i(:4-. by a(`n'1un1::1irm at the annual vlc,-ctinn nf ()ffil`!`l'S hold [in thv I.(-ginn Hull on WL-(lm-sclny 1-voning of lzn-.1 wvok. He . A I. M('Guirr- in tho offico Mr. /\H(`n has been first \'i(?(,'~])l'(`.- side-n1 during; the past your and win: pI`l`\`in\lS]}' l`('(`n|`dil1L',' s0(`n-1uI'y fol`: 1hr(`r' )'I-m2~:. Hv hare boon :1 xnt-mb(`1' ,nf Ba1`ri(- Branch fur the past six .|\/n:n'u . !_v-ars. I Other ul'fi(`vr.< L-lvcicd in<-ludodzl `firs! \'ic(--president. 'I`hnmus 1VIay.~'; .<(`vnnd \'iL'(>-pl'L~sid(!I1l. G. E. J.'un(`.~': chaplain. Adjutant Arthur Whit- ifivldz .\`m'g(`m1t-at-arms. Henry l)zm'- sun; <*xv('u1i\'o T. I-`.. Shvpht-x'd. II. Gurlm-r, Hm-ry IvIu(l::(-5 . J. I. Mur- .ph_\'. F` St(`\'<-nmn. W. N. Lixinu-` 1.... ` ` '1m- mII(`('$ or b(.`(fI'L`l.Zll_Y um l\`ur1~r will be filled by the `im: vxo<`uli\*(~. Tlw insmllaliu mnny will lulu` pluvv at :1 lmooting boforc Christmas. I I)U|lUIl|].', [)L'IHlIl.\ Jhhul 'l`m'n (`IL'I`l\".~' Ofl'i<'v in Hutullud $l.2(S8.:>4'). the lm`; Hukvn nut b(`llH.1 $500 for : H u....n... |).m.u-mu Q0 TN`H (`OHIO HUY )4!) U|).\lilH'.\. I The loss is covered by h'l:~i1ll`LlHC(.`. Crown Attorney Shouldn t Carry on Private 1 Practice ` Town Fathers Chosen for '36 .. llH.'lLl(_1 2 League, xx. n. L.;unerun .a. ward 'I`hrce \}\"1ll1axnGarncr FA w...a 1:...- \\ {UK} I` HUI" '1`. E. Shepherd G. E. Jmm Ward I-`ivc \|7 A ("ill A C` f`.nnc.- W \V. A. Gill \lJ \ V I Arthur Jay, ......u. ..,.u..,, - cooperation 5. including` l.n:un:r- urn-: ` $51) OR US If n l\l'L'\l` C`h;u'lv~ 1). Sl(`\\:|l l Dvpul) R(*c`\`u~ \V'IIlI;uu R. Vvilcs Aldcrnxen Ward One t`..........ul XI C` `u~- ?l|'L' |UU) forces," 1\n~ Iinn . 1)isc11s:einn or the lulu:-ilW:|H(:d rc- purl of the special committee ap- poinlctl :11 the June Session to in- vestigate cIcpm'tyru'.nl:aI CX]`)(:r1(HlI,ll`t`:~, produced more fi1'cwork.<" than have br-on zmpuronl in County Coun- cil circles in r(:c(.-nt yea 5. mL.. 5\RRIE + EXAMINER K3 \'Vill`Ll l`l\L` 11 A. E. Guess.-I Ward Six an Cu .\l;|_\'or 1: n..I VEILIUH H1 l'll'bl ic, : t tempo fro! niv H T3 (` l (ll illl the To : urged. II`. Wm. Robertson Hf: L'l. ' all 1 r. 'l`n .2 U]! IUI UH," 2 commented. xll texmx.-1`.'n\ve Total Ab.-;lin- .rl |l'L'\` Ed T. '1`yrex` :\II\~ The l'(.`pnrl.. Whi('h xvm; frnmerl byl 21 committee ermsisting of Reeve H1 G. Robertson. Barrie. ehz1irman.3 Reeve W. M. Cramp. Orillia. and Reeve E. .1. Ewms. West Gwillim-e bury, came up for rliseu:4sinn Frid.. zlflernoun last. nnrl it was prettv well on in the evt-ninp, before i1 had! been rhspnserl nf. n:_, _,a .._...._n ....., .1 ..n :1 _ . . _ , .:| 1' lfbl DiI[)-- l Jrsday at't(`r- ` nt all L Cuul.t.;.i Dun \lY KI dllll ll! .3. and u miglxt M. `Mllls \ U|.`,l'iHIllH Schuols .nrl I`; l. he liquor r) funrl::."| fur the` `g; people xpul ..x. ml sixty fmugln, x I on urn!) I out- xt bu I'.1..-` ----COMING EVENTS-- T...-_v _...._.___- -- _.._j v_.._. ._ ......_ With an nl..',m'li\'i` of $15ll0.fl() the Pizirrie Hi-rl (`ms:< Sm:i(-l_y llllUlllll`t' lll(`ll' Anminl (_`.:ummiL: n in lake place l)m'('ml)(`1` 9, ll) nml ll. l!`.. A. llyzin lms zuzziiii l:i|u~n Ihc (_f|1.iirin:msl'xip and is Lziving 1I1.{L{l`C!SSiV(' lr-:i(l(-mliin tn `ilm Cainp:ii;;n. 'l'L-:im..' of \\'Hl'k(`l`H um hc-ilu: . frmn tho KiWIl1l:: Club, liinns Clul). Kinsmmi (fluli, l(nig,'hl:4 of (.Tuluml)u.u and Cunmlizm l.o;_{im1. I1 is ox;)(~<:lvrl this _Y('1,ll' thin. H lacliv.~;' loam will inko purl an-l l(.`ldL`l`.`4l1l[) in this is lwim: Lzivvn by Mrs. J. Plllnn and Mrs. Mnrrny Mills. /\ln~:i(ly ll vi-r_v nice rt-.~pori.s'u h'lSl)(`(,'I\ madn in the Campaign Iv?- 1m'. rvpnrls R. C}, Nurmmi, tho 'l`l`u:islii'(-I`. It is: pninlml mil by (hv (`um- "!i`lfP(3 !h:i1 all ('(Illll'll)llllHl1`- mailed S5IVl`,1ll<' i`wi'('ssi|y til :i lnisy WUl'k(.'l callim; mi HM`(`(Il1ll'll)lllHl`. I`lm l .;irriv llvrl (Tram: lizir; _iu:;l irmnplvla-r_l n vvry fin:-, yi-;ir'.s wurla. i sl:ll(`4 N. R. Viniun. the Ontario Field S(.`(,`l`('l`dl`_Y. who was in BZll`l`l(} m. l\I4m(l2iy xsnnfi-1`i'im.: with the (.`t)ininill('('. "W0 urn prnurl of wlml 1h~ J31`-\`l`ll` Hl`llIll`ll has: lwvn Elbli` in accninplisli during lhv DH:-ll ,'y 0m'," stated Mr. Vinlum. "and l lo:-l that :1 real ncml liasi b(`i`ll filled by i1; kindly, . mini.- tu llmsu in (li: in Burriv. Mr. \ inl.nn pninlvrl out that tho :~`.Cl`\ l(`('?S of Rml Cross were morale-huilv.l- inn xn nr~r-n.<, in llu-an (luvs, llv nlxn rt-.l'm'r('(l in the f:i('t Ihnl The not result was that Council, influx` crmsi(l(.-ring, H11: ropnrl vlnllxel by ('|au.-:(.- in l.'lllHl'lliH,('l' of the vvhuloi under the chnirm:1n.x:hip of ex-War-I (.l(,`}x J. E. (.'mm1b.x'. Brzldfurrl. as Art- ing Warden. :l(l()pl0(l the ropont ma, i1l11(:H(lL'(L without i cannu; mu 4-nnu`muHn'. The H:n`riv st:i1(` S(.`(, l`('l`dl`_Y, j/0m'," scr\:i<'es inn svrvitrttst M) net-vssuuy in th(.-.<(,- days. He .':t.~:n ro[m'rvd the f.'u't. many M` the families` h<-lpwt last year were those nl` nmrdy Ex-Sm'vit~(: men. Wu must not fnr;,r(-t our soldiers". :~`.lnte(1 Mr. Vintnn. thc-_v tu- su`\'o muvh from tho hands nt` the (Ianudizm punplt: and R1.-(,1 Cm.~;.< ha: an nl>liL:`atinn tn fulfill tmvm'(t llmsv men". Rm`. N. R. D. Sim-lair, lhc In-w presidx-nt mt" thv Branch. ur1:(2:' the puhli:-. :~`piI`it('(`l <'iti'/.un.~4 M the r-ummunity tn gjvu at this time to the Red Cross in urdcr that the work so splendidly smrted lust your may go forward un(:url.nil(-d. - {`un1v\'1in'n IIn:|rhIII.'\I'!:n'( urill hr nnmmri nm in Hm Th-rl (T1'nss: Wm`k- I forward un( Campaign UCiId(]lI')l`lCl`S will be opened up in the Rt-rl Crnss Wurk- 1`u(m1s. king Blm~1'.. A : Red (`1'n.<.< display is ix.-inn: put in Hm winduw pf Muynr I{nher1.::un's drug . tho firs! or next Wm-k and :1 very ht-nuiiful win- (iuw (-urd is` `Wink dist.riI)ul-rl by H10 Boy Svcns unrit-1` the dirt.-(`Linn m" M1`. Hnllnwny tn the xno,rcl1;n1f.< on the main street. Tho Roxy and Cup- :1! mmn.~n..- will nlm mm :1 Rod (`1'ns:< Irnilhr rim-inu Ihv -mnnniun. JVUV. rlmun-vu_y I` Etnl thca|.r(~s wil Icnuaon. . -nu.) i Dance 0\'ur) S;11urd;1y evening, to} Bob Powell's Melody Men in the? Oddfollows` Temple. Admission 25c` plus tax. 42tt`b* Ivv sohunl cnnccri. ~`ridav. Dec. BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1935 puns m.\. Ivy school 20. boys g'mn.1 A real progm , Prom Night? POLLING BY WARDS I". Mnjo X65/idfthy Cause Seeking Support The report as finally aclnptc-(I, was only a shadow of its ori;,"in::l sell` us first prcscnu.-(1 to Council. A'4 AI PEIEY lH).\I)\' ('3 M()'l'()ll ("AIRS '1 .-4-uv-.4-xv-ow-was -n 1 cmpzizra n`N\'\`V1 'I`url-: m'il,v r um-I<. being in ml rug: wimz * .\'ill also run :1 Red (_`rnss' irnilr during the rzmlpnign. L concert. Friday, n-.1. Highland Flimg.` mm with feature p1z1y.! I". mm .1 Ill - -ISl)H. l)l`II l"l`Y 1. up 1 ll()l.ll);\Y 11-1 10. . [ll 1!! 3SlUH VSIIIUIU. .`\1'l \ V {'51 .\ IJl\'llL'.`lld. l..LIl|\'H. -501) $350 im`lu(lin_-.; lax. -19-Slip` nef'v.t f Dam`:-, Tnxvn Hull. Cook. p.m . , Wedxw. Dvc ll. l`)u_\'lc`s m'ulu\.\- . 1 in- ~ tra. allspives Cr-uk. Junior E~`;n`-1 49b`n1c1`s and Junim` lnqitule. Admi>-| g to 3 sion 400 including tax. Lunch scrv-I the l ed. 49b; 25c Tlmrnlon Cnntinuulicm School` l2tfb1cnncert will be held Fri.. Dec. 13 I Two short plays "Ici on Parle F`mn- | `liilg. cais" and Sauce for the Gnslings". play. also several musical mlmbers. A 49l)|danN\ will follow. -ml) u KHHVIC 101 NIH .'I\ I`)! ~ l nYl..-` 1.0!! 1:51: Recmmncmlatiuns |`(!,'.{Zll'(]iHL , rr--` (Iuctiun in sul:nry of the Wzu'd<.-n nml` Matron 01` the Hull.\'.(' ul" Rr.~l'Lu'_:-,1 arnuluumzntirm 0| the ul`fi<`o.-.- 0|` Cmm- ty Clerk and Cmxnty Trcasumr. rv-1 tuininn the Cutnnty Engineer in nn. udvisnr_y (::u')u and appointing! another (mo, t-nntrihulru'_v r(`.tirin::i ! I allowances fur ('nl.lllL\ nfl`i<.'ials. and last but not luasl.----(:1iminatirm of thy June S(.'.'~2SiUll of the Cfnnnty (,`.0um:il' with the ()X(`C])H(:n nf munmitt--n: (.-hairmt-n---were ull thrown in In thoi limbo of 1"ur;,{ult(:n things. 1 x n - 1.1:. ,r n_,, ll 20?. 131 ms u"- -- I,|} lIll' Qfllllpfllll xlml ml by CI. `sily :1 WUl`k(.'l` lihi UL"! furlhr.-r 1 I-ry Oldvl` H who krwwn in n in I0 W Iring Om CUM! , I :1 . `1:nlr` urnn 1-:. , u u,,, lHl.Il 778 470 825 4 I 0 704 586} Enlarge Y Actiyities Six-Point Programme iMeeting on Dec. 10th HI VH3 [this 0 aml d have I ing. 'l'hv i /\ rnoetinng of lh friends of the Bar} 'M.C./\. is planned f( .10. at 8 o'clock. M` View regarding org,ani7.a1,i4m w disr'u.<:~xed. I`hrc led to the cznlli inn .'wl`l`l|,'lrll lhul H1: ,zu!ir>n : ldu1'inL( this gr: u - 0'. I H... 7yL'ElI' HM .\llp[)L`I' rlllll zlll il(lLllL'...`i U I repm`t.~:. ML Merrill enlzwgml so that Lzrnups within the m(`rnbersl1ip carry on rc,;'ulm` meetings week by week lhrmlglmlni the en1,i`.`e S('2I.=(>Il. One of these zgmupz-4 wnultl he {or rz1ilw:1_\- men lh(*-m;=t.-Ives aml mi;.{ht in:-lmlv Annvlum (frnun unnuhl hn nnznln v;~.-\ ... ....,.,.,.. " `h-" l'nHl|(` r Rncon'uncndatinns of thv (rummil~ i.~:lrun`u-ntnl lee l'(`.[.{:ll'CIiH_L the (Tmwn Allm'noy' `lhv l)(-;mli Dcpnrtrncnt. ShL~ri1'I"s Office, Rn;_:is-lrlmyvv ul try Office and Pmvincia) I nli(`0,|'I`(n'm1ln,:~i were all adopted with slight ultc-1'21-~al)nut fuur lions. }th<>u1.;'h (In 1 (`.m1n-lunrlvr cunt ... . .....`..l.. mu :nn 1. L... .`o:n.-. I .. . .

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