Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1935, p. 6

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GREATER INT- EREST snewn 1 IN cg; WORK Not once in the past 45 years, covering good times and bad, has the London Life failed to make a gain each year in the amount of Life Insurance in force. Tluursd. y. 'ovcmbcr 28, 193; I yard 13}: 49c BE: WEEK-END BARGAEN _ FAFES. TP1CAL BARGAIN FARES During November INC I`\\'I'Il'.\' Douglas Drug Store Pholw 75 : BARRIIS. \'lSl'l` 'l`0R0.\"l`0 l{0\'.~\l. \\'lN'l`l-`.R l-`\lR Novmnbvr `0111 tu `_`.~`~lh a-.-_. - v-..- Kim) ('o'.u'l\ l.ilIl`\ AL1.`;s5ms mu: hllll -ulu alIl.\ wvn 11>: mm-h llw fnull );ll`L`niH as of the child. this mmuul mm-tin_-.{ :1 rupr(>.~:vnl:11i\'o ;:nth- nvv nnrtc nl` ux 1-nun. 1; , Ines: ('|1H(H`(_'l1 lI.'l\ L` uquirod at tho .`.~hultvr. the your uni` ::y.s`lmn wnws has been mmlin< I M you lcnnw, them- nvs in which (:hil(|r(-n I and paid for by the luun('.~' :n'(- i|l.`i|H`(".(`(l (|l`(.` ktrpl H1) in 1: high Inns z||\\'. |_\'>; lmvn our : I1-\\' ('|'li|(ll'(`ll :I:: pus- \(|Hl*l' In-I il'\ViIHI nr: UH` llll'llIUk'l inns of ` \v|1c1`(.- hnnms. 'I`)1i.<: s'p(-(rial H,\`p(`('t f`\'(`I'V ("X it)" I'm` viii`/.I-n.~:| l1czn'L\' and nth: -`rid'.I\' In Sund;I_\' till .\lm\d:\\. (Continued from pqge one) the County 'I`reusLu'ex' pays all our bills and we do um cullm-1 the per diem allowance ;:r;mtv(l under each committal order. By rcz1::m1 of the Changes dcmzmdccl by the head of- [ice it is found Hm`. we uzmnot cun- tlnuc this arrangement, but will have to proceed according to the Chil- dren's Protection Act and collect our per diem allowance from the Cmmty. "H. in: hnnnri that H: ihru v\t\vn- Tn, Two Skaters Dfownecl g Near Huntsville Town Huntsville. and his niece, Roberta Parker. aged 24. Coniston. were drowned at four o'clock Sunday at`- ternoon in Rat Lake. about two miles from Huntsville. They had gone skating about three o'clock. and had just completed one round of the small lake. when the trench- erous ice gave way. xv, David Holinshead, aged about 50,` I ,,_ ,1 , ,,., _, Al. Lu, ..A -..,_... .-- 0...- ...._,. No one else was on the lake at the time. but residents in the vicin- ity noted their sudden disappear- ance. The victims were the sole oc- eupants of the Holinshead home. in the vicinity. A search party recov- ered the bodies in six feet of water. about an hour after the drowning oc- curred. Y\l\'Fnn n|u`!n|u . y : \ .. ..ynnIrnvur'I up n (.'Ul'|'L'U. Miss Parlccr was cmployuci as :1 s`tcn();.5x'nphC1` in the law office of K.| A. Mnhnffy, I-Iunt.<:villc. Mr. Hol- inshcnd was :1 well-knnwn fnrmc-r in Bl`lll'1(.'I Township. and an member of :1 pioneer family. [helped in the work during the past year. includirug the larlie:~;' purchas-` Eng committee which had :1(:con1p- Iishod u grc-at deal in clothing the wzu'd.s' of the socit,-t_v. R(.'p0l'l of Inspector 'l'h(- work of the (.'hil(h`(:n`s Aid Society has l)3(:nrru: mm'(2 involved as the _yv:lr:4 ha\'(.- pnsstvd, and cxp(?r- `K-ncc has wid(.-nod, but tho work hn:;| (l4:vel(:pL-rl Lzrzullmlly, and it has nil mntribmerl in hlt-ssinp_ nnrl hr-lp rm` n<:;,:|e(-lerl and dependent children. 1,, __,__._A:._._ .v__ ..........I lUl' HHS _,V\-`ill. WU '(lll,.' IHUILT l,'IlIl.`\ lll|I.\ than 1,-vcr ml the (tonlinucd rncr(~;.' 'md blessing of `md, and ZlCkll(J\\'-| Ie our grt.-at imlehlcrlncss to Him fur lhn urnnrlnr uVIII'|.'il1(i nnu/nr nl` H.T(l}{l.` UUl' Kllfill, Hl(H.'UlL'llIlU?b LU l'1Ill. for the wnntlor w(n'kim;' pnwer ml` His; grace in the lives 01' Hmsc whn, have been committed to our (rare. ll During: the _vcnr it has been veryl uru'oum;.inL: to find hnth l)n_v.< mul- uirls r(-spnndin;;' to the appeal cf` Him who said "I.(.~l the limo chi! (Iron L-nmt: unto MC." S(`V(?l`1l tn` uur wards have hot-n urlnlitlvd In rul mnmbt-rship in different cmmnun- the County, and other plat-cs: they have been in l`n. lunnrm . Sm`ivl_\' h emphasis I 01' our wnrl Child as :1 1 Hr I'1n- uvinninu` (`HUN 1| ])l'(.`('I(H|S U])[)Ul'll.H|` winnint." tht.-m tn C`hri. citizn-n.~:|Iip. and in this we have the (:n-npuI':1tim1 of the p.1stm'.~' nth:-1' (`hristizm wm`ku1`s all over the County. We tn.-c-t surv that our work has Ln.) n unnnu-nun nlwn-n in llun \\I"]\'l\I'l I put (Hum allowance worn the (_'()unly. "It is hoped that ln the near fu- ture we will be nble to estzxblisl1 an ofilce for the society in the Court House. This has not yet n1:1leriz1li'/._ cd but we believe will be wnrl out in the near future. uv. . . . .,-,, .. Our Ext-<'11li\'o Btmrtl lms l'ni1hl'ul ly and l1m'n1rmin11sly nllontlod 10 1h duties (l(`m1ln(l('(l 0| them. and th hvnllh of our (rllilclrun has been lh I)(!('lIllIl` (-m~(- nl` our ML-rlicnl Bourc and no t-hilclrvn in tho C`.num_v hzw H-('ci\'('(l l)(.'llu1* or more skilfull cm`- l`hv humor of lo].-,':nl mlrmtimls hn huvn g:i\'<,-n extra prnminvnxw rlurin the y('1H`. zllllmugh Ihis Sm-h-1}` hn '.1l\\'.'L\'.< hurl gzunrl . in plzwm t..\..n|..- .....-m-.1 tIl\llI'I'lll| \\'4- lmv .ll\.\' l1Zl(l _u()()(1 Slll'('L 5 III ]nu'uI_'.'[ `x(`:|llh_\'. lmrmnl 1:l1il(lrun. We have! had more enquiries fur such this veur, and by udve1`tisim:. and explor- ation have .- u goodly number of udnptive hcuncs. VV(~ hnvv nlem hmrn lH',L;L-ti to nu: rlucu nur Sluultur }mp1Il:1ti(m lo :1: mimmum by pI;u'in;: prm'l1(::Ill_v :11]; uur \\':u'tl.< in lm:nr(lim.; humus. hul. \In' ..\~u...< nu-n u-ilh nlll` nn-<(-nil ...,.,.._..-.. . ..... In prcsentimz the annual 1'1-prwl III` fhik` \/'|"1lI' Mil` |l`(` lY`IlIl`l` ('nnu'('iull*~: \.`.,.....\.~... .. v l'ni1hl'ul- nusly the -(I thcl hildrun lhv |` Board, 1 have. ...- |\\1u|~r| .-I.-lfnll ["II`.| ) ; upon the ('hristi:m rrk. and l(mk(,-(I upun urn!-in!I< nnnnrhxn. has ;xlw.'1_v.=: plat-N11 I has Innnn rlun-inn I1)()<:'r(>1e, l.A\\ \'IIe, M151e<:H.\M`, (jl|H5l~` `NIEVISR, Nl\/ER (Z()Ml |`() <;1e11-;1~` lhcczulsc they tztkc IZRM/\(Il `(Ind l.i\'cr ()il l:'xh':1c1 'l`:nlw-' ?1ctscl:1il_\,r tn gain \vcig'ht and |hui1d rcsi.\:l:1m'c 1:) colds and lnlhcr ills---:1ml lirmuc cer- |l:1inl_v docs the trick`. ` l -- S()I.l) x\ I` - 1G..':()7: NlHTil)(.'l' pic-or-s of mail re` .C(,'iV('(l, 2927: mail soul mm, 4147. I l"i(-Id Supt-i'\'isui' Sp(*:1l i l.|uyrl C. '.`<'ki2I'. ('.hi|r1r(`|'i'.< Aid 'Br;m<-h. 1)<-pnrlmcnt, nl` I`nhli(- Wel- I'm`('. in mi iIll(`l'(`.\'lin;L{ :1(l(Ii'(-:43. dc-` vl.'ii'-cl tiuit Iho pmhlom of the Chil- dr(`n`r; Aid Sociciios \.-ms iiicrozisimz, nut (i0(. l'(`.'lSinL`,, perhaps h(`(`U!~l(` nf lhc I':nulLv l.0(-hniqm`, of His work. The idea of the Department was that the (hilrli-x-n`.~; Aid Sm*icL\' should :,:ilhm' i,(i1.{('1.|'l('l` tho h(`>`.l. thought of the cnimminily in work for the gznnrl ..r H. ..i.:i,i.....1 "l`|n. ..-,..-L- 1n'1L` am,-i| I iougjas Drug Storei v-n- n AI1I\II` V... n. nu. nuuuu. It might seem somewhat discour- aging when we realize that nur work is increasing year by year. irnm the Inspec-tnr`:; report it will :ippC;t' i that there were at the end rat` the ` fiscal year 38. : ehildren unrler sup- ervision. [`his oi` L!0lli`S(: is too mnny, but we presmne that these conditions wili prevail until t`inan ciai (.'0i1(iiti()nS ('ilZll|}.{(r (.`()il.x`i(i(.'i'1li)i)'. The care til" the f'ilii(iI'(`l1 while they are in our (-hzn';:- is: mine at the t important feature.-; oi` the wm-k. Wt feel that the (`are that they reeeiva could harrliy he illl|)l'UV('(i upon. Nu ` changes in the per.~mnei oi the . oi` the shelter have heen made in the eo_tn:s'e ml` the ya-nr, am] we he- Jieve that Miss; Burni'ieiri and her Ci1pub|e:tssislant:: who have now had some years oi" expi.-rienne. are ('Zlt'l'_V- in}; out their (ilIliL'S in a e:irei'u| and efficient way. The t`('s'.tt|t>; nl` their careful attentinn tn (illl_V 4-an lw seen by anyone who Visits the Shelter and sees the children and their enn- duet. Imleeri we are veiy often cumplimentet] upon the inaimer.-: and behavior in` our (:hi|(h'(-n in emitr:i.:l with some of timse who emnu trmn private h()nl(?S. It7".`i:: tt(!(!rIll`H>: lo _~;:i_\' that any traininp, the::e ehii(h'en have acquired was acqtiired urI`I\ . ..i 4L.. 'hu spvukor said he :mprc-t-i;uI.(.-(1 very much what Mr. .ln.~.1i('0 \\'ns trying in do. day after day finding .\'m'rlirl ('undi1im1.~: (rxislixm. I'n this county. the minimum sinfl` roquirccl tn adL'qua1L-|_\' moot lhv um.-rls horn is (urn :`nH.1in'm fir-lrl \\'m-km`-4 nn n!" JVIY. l'.aU|\UI' .\ll!_;;;l'5l('ll lllill lHl' DU-I (.'i('l_\ pin! :1 (rnunrsv n!` m'1inn fur thv future. Thu I')upm'1mcm l`o(~l:: it has a great. responsibility to Hm public. Ladies work wu.~*. inv.'nlu;1b)(:_ and ho (`ell that the nm')m'1uuit_\,' for service in m'g:1ni7.a1inns of this kind was un 12 Inrl In 011.. I.-O .~?\- V`-\r|\\.|K' \ H1 (!KL'.i|l\ limilc-(I. I\Ll\AI. n`. till.` Clllllllll ml` the (`M1 1-`. p1-:u:lic:x1 nu. . J`. `Ehone 75-BTKRRIE U Ill._\' LU \\.lHl\ IUI llIl' ;;Inul| `1il(h'(:n. The work was ju::i cu} 0:-rmnplc nf C`hri: _-ss Iucluy. 'llIl)I|.\ (ll fn the I :n. C`i.\n:.n tlllll llll\' V." he dO~ d(~m;1ndod h the his~| HU \\'ilb HH months, :2 had b(-(`n I 4w nu. ...... 0 BUSINESS. Wok mus ` 1 UN_lgj ALlTY ....,.... -.. vvlqnv .u,.|u..\\.. nu um I\.\ .. "Th1'uLu.:huul ) (`}Il' .`L\ .\`l1.`lH of b0:n'(lim.{ HUIHCH mnlin ucd. As In:m_v are private lwnws in are muinluim-(I suciuty. 'I'hL~sL- 1'e;,{ularl_v and to 5tandzlI`(l. It :1|\\':Lv.~; aim to kvcp :15 [ms- slblc in the Slmllcr. huli(.'vinL', us we do that cln'l will m:nk(- muvh better p1'n;:r('s.< in :1 prix-':utv hnmc than in an insti1uIim. lw it vvvr so well Inan:np.ud. "H/n urunl 1:. |II'nl\n'1 II||Ill1\ -.-min (Continued [mm Page one) maintained. or kept in good repair during d('.`[))'E`SSi()l`l yours. The bus- inoss nsscssincnt is up $11.24-1 and in- come $15.35]. This latter is an im~ porlnni item which requires very close scrutiny on the part of the As- Ql|L`K`l'\|` SCSSUI`. There has been excellent L'U-U1,)- erution by all members ut the Town Council and there lms been 21 very harmonious spirit throughout. the yam` with the result that there was :1 _L ()ll(.'1'2ll li;,{htenin;:'-up in all De- |)i1l'l.l1l(`lllS and it will be noted. that there is still some rool"ri`i`v`oi' im-' prnvemc.-nt. . .' ' 'l`l~u- `Rr-Ii:-l' \`l.'\l`1(`(l ml`. prnvemem I t .< V "The Relief situation started at the l)ep,innin;.-, nf the year with .1 Central Relief Committee. but un- t'urtunatel_y those on relief were not .:uti:~;1`i(.-cl and made the administra- tinn somcwlmt dil`1'ieult, and embar- |rnssim.{. with result that the Chair- 'm.'m of the Committee resienerl and two or three uthe:`s l`nllm\'e(l suit until e\'entuz1ll_\' relief matters wen let`! to Alcl. Buchamun. (`huirmzm u! n.. .- ..\.1 "`\I II\v I`GIIII I`....-..:L[ l.\VU U1` lHlL'L` U` (Thnirmz Rulictf and 'l`rm15]mrt:1linn (`um loo. and the Maym`. In hllHfH(.`. finnm.'i:1l st;mrlinL: .\h()\\ H the I`: Alum: this line I wmllrl likv 1n gust` that :1 Cmmniltcu, or n rn scntntivc from each wart] u[ R.'1tcpz1_\'ers' Assm-i:\1i nctin (~unjun(,-tinn with mvml)(\r.< nmm l~u 41. r'.....\..:I r.\.- Hm -ulmh. .\ lII||\l\\ l:u H]`I|)( `by the Council for the admin {lion of relief. should hr :11) I(.'Ul`t2lil any rlouhlful (':lH(_'H of dents Ltottiiip, 1`0.liel'. A pnirl time Relic!` ()H'ic(~i' might ho `to sznvc his h`iIl1ll'_\'. ulilmximi satisfied this \\'nul< 1 nut have the CIISL` in th(-'n'1:nm I` in whix liof has hen di'i i`-1t``l'L'(`l ! |\/fr R|Ivl1n?5t%' I! 'k I LIV .\:.l\'l.` l||.\ -`ILII(Il.V. (|l|Il\'ll`L`l| .\'21HSfiL`d the n'1:nml' adm_im,ut`c.-mi Mr. BllCi1{1'H&l`i' ""`~-3j"" " "'I`hL-ro- av'r-`fa l_lllY_\1)(`1' ml" 1 hudius of \\` 'Ii(:h`;,il1 M21_\'o1' is u z fioin mmnlwr, xii'E*,`l1 5:9 I'1ibi`:1i'\' I 1l)(lCll(!S 01. \\`lITC,_;_1l1e9_lV 3'01" 15 :-.\;-us { ficiu momln.-r. stiff!) as ILibr:1r_y Bu:n'I Hospital Board. Board of Health Parks (`.ummission. Vvutcr. nw (Ens Cmmnixsion. All l,ln-sv ln`.'1m'h' 03 can rcpur`. 1)1`m_[x'(-ss IhI`Ull}..:h L'('l1H -,>m_v at the close of this : The I m'ks (3nn1m..~:sim ir` `In I). ttunnnt-ndtrd on the building` of ; long:-desired combiner] luvnlm-_\' mu ])u\'i|i inn B:1_V\`ic\\' Park \\`i1In.u requirim; any extra funds. This lm been nc'cmm)|is)1cri lhrumu,h the as operation with the Board of Work and ihe Relief (`mnmilloc at :1 cns u[ $1,584 cumpieto. I A.~: u mvmlwr ml the .nnrd I. 1x: 4|..\ L1..:l..m.- \'`\/!1` A | AS (I lH(`III|)|,'l Ill nu: Lnnuu I-u Dil`C(fl(Il`.i for the I-}ui|w:1_\' Y.M.(`./\. whose nc1i\'iti('s lmvv mm` broaden- erl out to ('()\'(31' the Tuwn us :1 \\'h<>l:3. I might stzx`.<- we i\1'L` (lL`. Hm`. lhv B(>m`(`1 nf Erlu<'211im1 .<|`m11|r`l H'- scind their il`|S1l`ll('U(m.< in rt-;:,;1rd 10 `the use of the Collegiate Inslilmc auditorium `and Jzymnusium for the use of the _V0Ln1;zor pvople luelnnzzingz to ('hur<-h m';.z::ni'/.atinn.s' and \'.M.(`. A. at-1i\'ili(:.< under ICld(,`1`shi}`._ wiih I out (:|mr_unm; :1 high rvnlul. It i:; run H`-.0 I"):-Hi1i(I< cu1~mH:-rl hv H`:- (nut \.uu l'L-It lhu public should ` `mural ; .1 (DUI (:n:n'_m_1; :1 HI,'!l nunmu. 11 II\ lhnl fnrililios sumylivrl by 1}`:- m the Cu1lL'1:iu1(` Instituw be :1vuil:1l)|u fur the mental. mural and physical uplift of mu` young people under proper guid- ance. at :1 nominal sum to cover ex- tra heat, light and cux'etakcr's ser- .uir-rm WL'll HlilI1ilL',L'U. Wu want In. :-mpnn.;im- possibly the nm.~;l iln;1m'l.' of all our \\*m'l\'. that is. 1 01' l'n.~;lu|' lmmcz; lnr ml!` \\ ultimate uhivo! (ll 'nII1':.'`, in): of wand fmatcr hum: (`hilch'un. I\I`lzm_y pvuplv \` little timid :11 ucluplin-,: the Children's Air! Sm-i our long c-.\'pcri0nc(: let u: that you nu-ml h:n\'- nu 1'x score. The vast m:1_inrit tinns vnrriml ml by thi~: - been :1 wm1dvl't'11| .~:u('('(`: failures hnvu In-my mm nr C`\:~. o`...e.u |\'\Iu\u\!.< -... .. -rm": BARRJE I~. XAMIN! >(.-r Board of he Y.I\/I.(`./\. s mm .r1,u-lirms \ l"nIlnuiuOn Tn.-Hun.` .-..\. . hnnzm. lspnrtallinn (`.:nm'niV- yur. Th. x1: .\hn\vs I .-.7 I :~`-lIL:- lmiltcu, l`('pI`{`~ lhr ;n<-imiun. :l(!UI1*,_', in :1mmin1v il(h11il1i.\iIl':l~ nhlv I: htful ':1se:: l'(,`Si- ~l,.l' A uni.-I (`nil nu...` u.. ;.11\n`_a1w1- ])u|)liv 5__I\7I_;1_\'01' is ::-.\;-of- I'2ibr:1r_y Bunwl. ioard Ilenlth. and ln`;1m-h'- "053 (mun- 1m'..~:.xmn I).- I0 :1 nor] mu! cw \\`i1hu.ul| 1 has vu- Wm'k.~ nmilu.-u oust K CH5 A I 1 `An. in uyhi.-I I nc ml the chief :iI should be *0 kn: ....\ uni uh- I L'.\|' fuH nhlt Tune in to the General Motors Hockey Broadcast every Saturday night over nation-Wide network. 1C.<:::1 Cmmcil hold its rux.:'u1:u'] nn~ :11 Thurntnn on Nov. 4 with: :11] H5 members ])l'(.`S(`lI1. Acconli|I_s:[ In Ihu report supplied by the Clm'k.| tho b1I.sim'.~`s (' entirely of pa.<.x'i11g,' ac-L-n1n11.~'. The main items \vm'o for rlrawimt gravel. as follows: ` C. Spa-m`m'. s47(s.:(>; n. I_.ennox.i $141.60: A. Iioycx`. $364.62: A. Aldcr- sun. SHKJB: D. nl`lpOl`. $157.50: Jas. \ I'ISS.\ l"UU.\'(7IL 1 l Nu-ul Q`H::'i !-`.T' A (`nnk I.I-rnxhr-rl Ernie, 0NT., CANADA xauurus n:I\'<- lwml um uf 4,110 fu:;tvr p.\ront.~; ( Therefore at (his aunt when we hnvv 1'U|)1`(`s('I Bring from m:m_\' purts ( ty we would like In usk erutinn in making this Inn-1- I.-I\:\\IPl\ 'I`Iu.. I L'(H|l`('llll . Tmmcil no:-it mvc-is n 0 RAPID-Al3T|0N SALE Barrie Bargain House Sala Positively Ends on Wednesday, Dec. 4 LADfiES GOLOSHES in assorted shad- es, zippers or fasteners, Cuban or spike heels . . . . . FOUR and NO MORE! V`/OMEN S HIGHTOP BOOTS of 1.119 finest rubber. Just the thing for fall and winter wear . . $1.85 ARRIE BARSAIN HOUSE No. 9 Dunlop St. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES COATS. AND DRESSES FURTHER RE- DUCED IN PRICE FOR THIS LAST-HOUR RAPID ACTION SALE Do not miss the chance. You will save money by visiting our store while the Sale is still on. this nvw h:ulnu'm- \Ru|a.iMAA9$i 75 Elizabeth St., Barrie AYERST 8. HARR1_ LTD: |)i| and . I` (H .`\|,'I' i id. $30.00 l)Im(l for ` l.u')U; Hilh. I('ru.~'h(-rl ` . $46).S!:').1 id $1l.l')(); ` Millt-1 FOUR MORE DAYS OF LAST HOUR SPECIALS AJ I.l|In lwturon l5.\lHIIlf lll'N'l'S\'lI.Ll". URH.l.L\ TORON |`() x\llDl..\.Vl) II.-\.\lll."l`0.\' Bl`lI".\l.O L"ll\\J.\ - ---~.-.. and 1 I ` fully :1(]vc1'ti.~:(~ S. STRANSMAN Phone 128 MEN S Horsehide PULL- OVER MITTS, none better AVIl._JA I &l L4llL-I A -.1, -vsqvsaw-. and pepper-salt patterns MEN S SHIRTS, Suedene F LANNELETTE 36 inches wide . . . .____....... 7-. -. . --_ ... _ ..__Z `Coming 1sIvcnts'.()nly 3 m.-uls a wnrd, 500 mini ...._..x..:_. _.?__ Next to Brennan s Butcher Shop '1`u'kv\:~' :H1\i 1ul\~:'m.mun ;l'. Clurkson Hole`: -- Plmnc 6`: B.~\l'{RH~Z

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