Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1935, p. 1

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Crops, Prices Better Warden is Optimistic In Addressing Council `J. Frank Jackson and Frank 3 R. Johnson for Com- 1 missioner -i IU-5-5-~74. XVII". llH'l". \\'il5i ill] Ullhul ` [l'L'us:;flIl ::::pir:un1 fur the Recvcship n I yu:n- nun. In-pnly Reeve Stewart 1"v/:15 ('h:m'm:m ml" tho Fire and Pullm- .[(,`:nnmHl<-r- 1h:.~; _y:-nr. nnd of UV.` v'PrinIing u: 'l Hr-m-ptiun Committr Jluzat yvzn`. l - hm: :;r,-rvt.-rl two yearn` |, as /\|4l(:rm:m lur VV;n'vl Four and (ml! I,`/our us; l)vpu1_v RI-I.-W.-. Two uthnrs _ -` v.'uI'e numin:n,:-cl hut rhrl nnt stand. 3,` Twu for l)L-pm}/-l{(?(~.v(: 9 4" Two silliluz /\lIl"rm-n ure contczd` 4` im; tho juninr zwzut rm the Cow .r Chum.-il Am. w. n. Wiles, ward rr Five, whu !`.u:: :r[Bourd of Wrnkrz this your, and Am `nllfarry J. BIu~h;nmn. Ward 1' chuirnmn of the Ht-lir.-r Ctxmmiuc |('(1U35. Buth rm-n hnw: had diffic 11.1 jobs: to fill this _-,'c:1r. Three othc `nun .-.;..nin-.l.`rl ~ 4 In.-on vhairma-r. of `he. (wt-l1|`ir11,' .aI|ffi(-in |q1mlif_V. An vx `|'I'wn whvru Ald. \!1L'fil)H('ly slut:-cl lpimz out of (W ` was |)(`I`S|l{ld(:(` zll ` utzmtl. l'nnInn-6 T. year. Through a mn.~'idc1'able differen of npimun. the xulepayers are " gaskvcl tu vole on the question \_ `whether Civic Holiday shoulghgi` `held un the first Monday in j us! or the second Monday in A` {The date generally observed b trie has been held on the I ;Monda_v. one week later th `_ `nnm Civic` Holiday. " nun n_v .'|('('I.'nn.'l1mn. vlvv Alvit-nnvn in lho six wards ::l.~:n rnlurnr-cl Ivy ucttlalnutinn. `all ur; llm-v mt-Inbers of the 1 nl` l". for two~yem' :. It in the I'ir>:l Lime In sev- yc-:n-.~: that all u: Alzlermen had (-lm-t-LI by ;u-vl:nn.'nti0n; in fact, chffir-uny Wm; vxpuricnccd in `inn ::m'ri-it-nt. ratepayers to fy. r-xznnplv is in Ward K. A. ("nnlurrfn hnd ih-ly that ho was drnp- of ('umwi| for 1936. but [>(~x'm1:n(l(:(l Hw last moment 10 I . lid.` IJUCII (I IIXCIIIKICI ` was returned. togelh Biuir and Ald. Ha ' The latter .two ta `- of J. Elmer Thornp 1 -`. Smith who are others were nominat Tyxjer is the retir . muee at the end of ` my .1. Frank Jac ` n..n1z.~d more tba , 1x the unexpired tG"1 vr, who rcmovgq, mi v.`-;-Aid. Frank R, {. unaunccr residing on: !'H. |HL' l|L'IU Was ` r.uu\.uuuu cnh last year. t re returned to .un {OT `V/0`y .a;.... n.. D No. 48 `.\ U) \,( ling. A ung. . A mnlinn by C`.num:illnrs I`nn(-r and F`lomin1.:` to have thv (".nun(y pay $17.11! .<('h tux nn H-fm`(-.~:1r_\'! land :11 On` Lake to ]?`lo.~: 'I`mvn.~'hip,', \\'us I`vforn~c1 In thv F`in:1nm- (`um-1 IniH(`.(`. A similar motion in\'oI\*in,<:` $50 to V :-::;n'.'I 'l`m\'n:~'hip fun` 1'(~l'n1'-" (`.\'l\`,V Dl`np('I`l)' at Anton Millsf` hl`Ull1.`{hl in by C?num`iIlm`r~ Du\\ n('_\'; and Hicklinu. we 1); \'.\`0d. 1 A .. .. ,n- .. ..M.-.lH.... 4.. nun. nun:-up... nu. , ' > A ropnrt of n xpociul vummlttt-v (01 iI1\'(:st.l::atv llw work and s::l:n'_\' of. Miss M. Justicv of the C`hildx`vn':` Aid Snciu-l_\'. pm-svntod h_\' (`nuncil-L lnr Dr1nk\\':\l('r. Orillin 'T`u\\'nsl\ip., rN`m1nnm1rl-d that IVIis.< Ju.~'ti(-o'.~; .~';\l:1ry bv $600 131'!` _vv:n'. zm invro;1. nf ll) and Hm! this rm`mmnm\d:\-' THIS WEEk S CIRCULATION 4850 71st Year. ll!) Ult` l`.`ilU\`l'. With Coun. (`m~lmn. Boston. in the chair. :1-discussion look Place on the proposal. uflcr which it w:\.< decided to charter a large bus am` take all the xnui11l)o.w.< of Council and officials to the Royal \\'intm- Fair 'l`hursd:\_\' afternoon. r0lumin::l at night ;\l'tor the oerformzmcc-. Tl\i< trip. of Cn1n`s0. will be at the indiv- idual expense of those taking me, trip. - ` Ai'('hitect.s" plans for remodelling and modernizing St. Paul's United i Church, Orilliu. have been received` and are being cunsidered by {he Of- ficial Board. WAVOR TELLS L` OF BUSINESS. M MUNIQPALITY4 :fTown in Egg; Financial; V-Ii Condition than Year . ,.; Ago, He Says TAx coLLEfioN HARD! Should Make it Easier for} People to Pay Their 1 Taxes ! C - 3|n1' expenses be (-:;rricd ("It for :xt~ An (-n<-mn'n,uim.: .~;lulu1n(rI1l. of the `lu\\'n'.s' lmsincss .~ \v.'1s p.:i\'wx Fh_\' Mn_vm~ W. .1. Blair :11 the munici- pal rmminatiun um.-(-ting,` in Barrio. `.(.'nll(-uinlc .'\uditurium Friday (`VH1- in:.: last. if: W rcm.'u`k(|d that 'h- wuuld !on\'(- vat-I) committee vh.'nirmun l`1'L-(- In make any remarks hv rlvsirvc] with l`(.`L{ill`d to his do- pnrlnu-nl. I "The 'I`nwn is in u h(.'ll(:l' finzmcial *:l:mdin;; nnw than it was at this `time lam yvur and if the prcxwcnl mvllmcl nI' limmcing and crurtailing; least another year, Barrie should he in a very sound position in compari- sun with many other towns. We ihuvv not p(-.rl'(u~mcrl any work this` |.. . n...u ..-....IA -urlrl rh--| In nnr Slfilhllll Ulnll, \vu|IH.I lulu ul uuu \|\, I ghenlurc d('l)L : ? "'I`hv (`nH('('li(m nf lnxn.-s has lwc-n4 !:: surv or _L{l'i(`\' task. Wo fmmd it 1 ,1 ln)(`(!::.s`:|'.',\' 10 clmnuo the tax ('()HC(.'1()1' :rlurin_L-,' the st-nsm1 in the hope of putlhu: nmrv pro.~'::urc nu those out- }.=:l:'mdin1.:' who. it was felt. could do ilwllor. um! pn`:n('ti(';1I|)' every pres-4 Isurc was pl:u'od rm them with the l`X(`.(`1)\ of selling: their household squads. stuck or pmpurtios. It is? `lhnpvcl with the rolurn of more pr0s- V :1wruu.~' hnws that (hv uutsmndim; .:n `\AI .....\..n. ....,1....n.1 r`.....| {llL`l'L`.`\'.\'H_\ H) Irlurim: 'pu(lim.: mm` 3s:Inndin;;' wl` :hNlm'. um ! nu... n1 1111105` [Hill U11` UllLSlHlIUlll).',- 3ln.\'('s will he grvatly I'('UC(`d. Cun ].<|rivrahlv is bring duno along the. `: linvs :11 the prt-sum time. r 4.`. ..-..,. . .. ..n..:u-, snurm posmon m uUmpan- - ilh ml that would add to our (law. .. .)..|.o ! 6l\.ll\'\.` AIAICI` `dill. \4AAnv spapers and that time ll_\' lxxtorostod with her n.< of the day. Shv has in her idem. sixteen g of extrelm.-:4 I greatgran gum: Dr. of the si1ua- `Toronto: he Examiner 1 Mrs. Pau`. `Mrs. w. s don't win" 1\'.\ .: W. Sask.: H. iberal in 1301- Walter G believes that O. Sc_vth [wing to make Her mz nl nppnrtunny. tuiutions T Enjoyable Banquet by Vespra Branch, Legion s 10th Year A most enjoyable evening was spent by the members of Vesprn Branch, N0. 149. of the Canadian Le- gion. and friends on Monday. Nov. 25. at a banquet hold to mark the tenth m1niv(.-rsary of the organiza- tion of the Canadian Ll"LZi(m, The event took place in the ('Iuh1'o<)xns nt the Forest Station, about 100 s:il- Umz down to the ample supper which was provided. T?n\I (`.0111-an ('I'II\'| :\l'HI(I nu I-hnix-_ Rev. George (.'rI1.~:1.- noted as r-hniz'- man. The programme was opened with the singing n!" O (`nnndn. ful- Iowcd by :1 few old snngzs. "Pzwk up your trmlhlos," and nthor wm~-timv songs. The prosidmmt. C'hns;. E. Day. on behalf of the hrant-h. \volr-mm-:1` the guests who rt;-nrIil_v 1`(`:~'pnlHIC(l to the invitation and \v:u~: xzlnd 1:) knnw that so many nf tho pmplo nf the cmmmmily wvrv behind the or- gnnimlinn. 'l"hn Fnllnu-inn nrmlrmnwm u/::\` `W315 ]}I'UVXllL'(l. ` ill/.Ellll)l|. Thv [ nll0\\.'in]4 prrmr:1nnm2 was given: Instrumonlnl .-;o1n(-1.ion.:. ()1- tawuy buys: vucnl snln.-4. llarry ()1- tnwzly, Andrew ()rt:h:u'd. l`. Mn_\'s| and Wallace I ul,I.1-nclen; d(ll`(`S.\`('H by Rev. Wm. Newman. (louruv . lulm- I-`ton (I-Innurary Prcsidcni ). Mnjm` '1`. .T \AIilli:n~n-4 M:|i1\I'W N ](l1()\N|(l:. FAIR WINNERS PRAISED IITUH ll'l()I1Ul'EIl'_Y l'l'Uhl()L`l1|l, lVlil_|Ul' I. J. William.-4. Mzljnr W. N. Knowles. 1 Everett Cnuttu: and Andrew (Yum- minu; .s'<-l0('li(>I1s by thv I u1luml(`n ` Orr-ho.~:tI':1 and H10 f)\v:\y family 1 qunrlrrtloz vucnl duct, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mulhrlmxrl; 1'endim,'. R. D. (tnults. ` Comrade 'I`. II. 'Pe:1(`u(:k. svcrt.-1,:n'y . ` 01` the Brzmch, took the 0ppurluni1._\'I to thank the Cnunly ( ?uum`.i| for their 1.50m-x'mI.~; slzpport of lhv '/Amt` v picnic by the donation nf $100. The chairman s|mk(- a few \vm'rl: `of thanks, nl`tcr whivh (mo minutv: lo!` :4i1m`u'o was nl)s.nrvvd and the DH: I ursunmu <:Iu.~;crl with the :;mp,in1.; 01` ;God Save the King." |lVlUll]UIlillH'l; l'L`il(1lll},', H. I). up (Tm lninnin um um a.m:.oi.m M t Camp Borden-M'an Has Narrow Escape I ..-.g. Hnmlrl Nnhlc, Royal C:m:nrii:m Bnrrlon. had .'I frnm rlunth m` sun vnntn Saturday nig; linjurorl. klnlxln u--..- rh-I llnjurvu. Noble wn.x' driving A motor rm` |\\'hi(-h r`m.~;l1u(l 1.ln~mu;h an iron nul- imz zmrl tnuk :1 t.wont_\f-l n<;l 'rlrnp over the omhzmlmwm in tho r.'1i|wn3' tracks nt I":-nnl and B.-utlnumt Sire:-l.~:, , Toronto. ripping about l.wvnt_v-fivv feet of the r.'1ilinu,. The cm` was-` considerably darnzuxcd. EPATRICK BOHAN; MILL RETIRE *;ASROA_l)MASTER, `vunn zxnu Alllslnn Blll)(1I\'ISmI1 UL Lllk.` iA1lzmdz1lc Division. vice Paitrit-k Bu- Hizm. 76 Maple Avenm-, Barrie. wlm '_i1'o!ims on November 30. Mr. Vickzi }huurlquarle1`s are at Allnnduie. 0? Mr. Vicks has been C.N.R. Rund- imaslur, with headquarters at Home- jpayne, for the past fifteen years.` I Cj>HiS wife and family, who have been ` lresiding in Port Arthu1'. will 1'mn0\'o `H0 B:n'rie. He is an expcrivm-Dd ni- fificiul with many _\'L:nrs' scr\'i(-c to his ligcrodit. ` V _` NU`. Buhun. \\`hn ]c.'1\`0.< the (.N.l-`. ISL-`l 'i<'v un Sililll'dL\'. \\`1|S born :11 "in ..u n mum... `in nu ts|\ l\T.\ 1-Local C.N.R. Official Suc- ! ceeded by Peter Vicks, i Homepayne | I EFFECTl\/`E SATURDAY 1 Anmunnrelnonl is made by J. A. !R`0gc1's. Superintendent. Allandalc Division. Canadian National Rail- ways. that Peter Vicks has been ap- gpoimcd Roadmastcr (m the New- fmarkot Subr1i\'isi(m. 1')o1w0cn Fair- bank Jun(*1.iun and A11:mdalL`. and [also on the Moafnrd. Pc-m`lam.:. Mil- Hnn and Allimnn Sul)di\`isi nl` L110 !An....,:..|.. 11:. H mm. n-n.-;.-L- R..- November Session Here This Week Simcoe County Body Holds} i I I U`\\' '!`0l`.1|13 H`u`l ll`.t`_\' .\Cl`_l.`U UH ii` farm near Moafurd. Grey County. In 1903 they retired to ma! town., Mr. Gifford died in 1923. and since ! that she has made her home; with dauxglmu-1' in Barrie. ~ Rh.` hrs: :1 fnmilv nf Nah? 1-hiI."Ire\n,` wnn nor uuugmv.-r In nurrlc. ~ has :1 family of eight childr-cu.` `sixteen grandchildren. and . :tc(-n Igreatgrandchildren. Her chiiairun are: Rvtta Gifford Kilbnurn.` A. B. Giffnrd. !\Ioafnrci:` `Mrs. Paul Montague. Syracuse. N.\'.: ` J. Puscoe. Niagara Falls. N.Y.: A. Gifford. Moose Jaw. E. Gifford. Lnckport. N.Y.: Gifford. Amos. Que.: Mrs. J. Scythes. Barrie. / Hr-r mnnv fripnds min in con-_rra- Ll. DL'_V1Ht'S. Dul'l'|U. mam friends jnin 4 In her. xlc, :1 member uf the inn Air I"m`('(.'. (Taxm) mirm-ulnu.\' (`smut- ' 1~`uI'in1Is injury in Tm"- ! night. Ho (,~s(`.'1pt_-d un- IEIUUHIU. crs )'cm'.<. ho '. :perivn<`0d l'1`.': d|ru('lm's wow l (I the vI1. hxur months ?1. us: ful|u\\`. I*`r:mk A M. D. Murrisun. R. I. Gr 1`\ fh;1-]_-1`; Sim-lair. A. H. (iunri ' UH II`i('ke. I". W. I)<)l)sml. _ ` man, Dr. J. H. N. Smil >' m....;.. n......... I) nuuvn 1 '~ `Ills Ill UZLLLIIL` ILHIHI. ;Ju\unsuu_-. ..`. . '11ild1'en. `:10. 3 pm. 4811 I.cf1`u_\' scimul Concert on Tl`.ui'~`- L`hi1:ii`L`n day. Doc. 19. in Community Hail. ilbnurn.ilixerybody \ve1como. admission to ,Ioaf0rd:`a1l. 15 cents. - 481) 50. N.\'.:{ Hot fowl supper. Stroud F'x'e.sby- a Fal1_<.iterian church. Friday. Dec. 6. Sup- se per 5.30 to 8. Good program. Admis- rt. sion 50c and 25C. 481) : J.` Don't miss this! Dance at Stroud Community Hall, Friday. Dec. 6. Bob C0l`I,`. .'l`- `lPn\\*eH's Melody Mon ut Barrie. Ad- missinn 250 plus lax. 48-4911 Climnximz an industrious career In municipal and fraternal life, Mayor-elect `Herbert Grozm Robert- 1 sun. rrlmsen by nL'(:lnmatl(m as chiet i oxccinive nf Harrie for 1936. has Ix-vn inlx.-rt-stud in munivipal politics for about thirty _vcm's. During that time. he has nL'cupi<'(l pract.icully every position in the gift of the mlnp:i_yr:r:<. l)nrinv Hm mm! V(`ZIl' Iw has lmnn i':iinp:iyc:r:<. Duriniz the past ytrzn`. he has been Reeve of I3nrri(_- and alsu chairman of tho impcirtznit F`iii:im:0 Commit- tee of the Town C4)nn(`i|. This nfficlr _ :1 mitnml . : to the M:iym'zilty. us: M:iym'-vIv(:t~I]h)- b(.-I`t.smi's |)l'(`(t(`,(`l`!~'..H()l`. Mnynr W. J. Blair. n(-mrnpivcl the sztiiie office for .s(2v(-ml y(-nrs. Born in 1V[zn'ch 17. H176. in (this- gnw. Hcri1'.'in(t. M:i_yni'-ut-ct. It.<>Lic1't- sum was thv nnly I-hilzt uf Mrs. . Rl)l)(`l'tK(lH, nmv t`t"Si(iiYt}Z in Hamil- ton. and the late William R()l)(`l'1.S0n. Whmi :1 [mt mt" nine _V('.'II'!~2. ho (`nine ;l\I/ith his p:m-nts tn L`.'in:idzI. the family :~(`HHl`IL{ in ltznnittun. 'l`h(`-rv I-its Wm'. .'It|l'll(tl`(t Vtt`tl)l`iZI Pnhlic Sclirmt zinrl tlznniltun Cotto- J. ,`tll(' tiistitiitc-. Tho ll!`L ,'(` to he :1 (tl`ll;U.{i:wt was :il~ I wziys with thv Illl1l)iHUllS yznilig, man. with tho l'(`SHH that ht` hi(`(l hiI`ns(`H' nvm` tn 'l`m`unt<'; tn ntlonxl tlw 0nt.'n'in (fullvxzu of l`ti:n'ni:it'_y_ ;:r.'i(tiu|{ tmni that instit.nt.inn in .- i 1895. L`.... -\I;vr;\r rinlilu 1nn`lu-zl tTl`lI{||| .11 SIHLCI`. rusp(:('1Iv(-Iy. 1" The Wnrdt-n (.'0m:{1':Ihxlul(-(I T)nuJ.{-'` Ins McKenzie and lr(-rl Glll'lI1UlL{.{_ Alllstnn, the twn buys who l`m'mncl the ptmlto jurl;.:inL{ l(-um which ro- pl'(`.:~`t:nt,(!d Ontario at Ihu Rnynl Win- lrsr Fair, (rnminu s('(`nn(l in lhv all- Cunadn comm-lilirm. Ho nlsu mon- tioncd various F'ui1'n(`n('(Tn1111|y pl'i7.t'~ winners at Lhv Winter l":ir im-lurl-` ing the fnllrnwirutz J. H. Gil'!'(~I1, Fln|-'; vnlc. second fnr hall` :1 lmsln-I ufi Dnnlcy pntmnos: W. I.. II::n1ilhn1.! Collin1.wond, McI,nln.~:h umnlm: ; -] swcopstulms; I`h(>mns G1'.'Ih.'Im. R.'n'-; rio. U1ormu.:hl)rt-d Imrsos; Sam 1~l.'1.\'-\ ting.-:. '[`nlt(~nhmn. :-:I:mrlzn`d hrml` hr)|'sos: and utlmrs whit-h hv .~<::icl In-j would mtsntiun at :1 lzntor st-.-4. Ho sugm-,st-rl thui :1 It-In-r hv s:(-nl In : ' ouch prim--winn(-r (?I)llL[l'ZIllll.'llil1_X`_`, him on behalf of tho County of?-im-1 1-nu I Mayor-elect H.G.Robertson Cangifrom Scotland as Boy! K`:r1;t}e%rf-|nFterest Shown \ 1 In C|1i|dren s Aid Work \_ Drggfic Chlalges Planned)` Employment of Additional Staff Now Under , Consideration DIRECTOR'S-RETURNED 4 Society Plan to Collect per: Diem Allowance from County ' C Ill(`l`l'iI:ill,L{ in\I'1'(`~xl un [hr pnr1 of the (*iti7.vI1:; in thv wnrk and ad- 111i!1i51l'.'!1i()ll nf Hm Sinu-nu` (`nunty (.`.hildren'.s' Aid Surioly \N:\s imlic.-|l:~ nt the nnmull nnox-lim: in the ('hil-5` drc`n`s Shvltor 'l`\Io.s`cl:Iy v\w_'11lI1:,'.` when 1`rvsidvn1 Ir.'mk A. llnmmnndi` remarked that the attendance wnsl the largrnst in Lon yours. Members of the Cnunty Cuum-il.-" in session here this week, :wnilt:d" th('1n.s`eI\'es of the opportunity of :1t~l, tondng the met-limz, and in ::ddi1inn.? :1 number nf L'Idiv.<, who are cluimgl such :1 splonrlid xmrk as: an lllxili&l)'_\ i to the Dire<-tmus`. \v01'<- pI'osxml. | re-01c`:-l-d in"? until Mnrrh; A. Hummnnrl. I". Grnnl. 'I`lmrnn:\; (} (}c`nr;:(.- 1 u! 1\.. .. l\ l'..l. xn II .VH1(`l:|ll'. H. H. uuuuull. ur I". D. H. ( J. Smith. Recv Barrio. 1)opu1_V Roovo of Barri roprosenlmivo. of the County 0 vi]; and Dr. A. T. Little and VV':n`dr-n of tho Cu1m1_\' us Imnn di1'L`(`\Ul`.\`. A m<`o1inp, uf dirmttm elect new uffircrs will bu l1c|( December 3. In addition in thv 1`:-('1.-ption 0! ..r .-n.\.\.4.r cl... nxnnnu h mm. I":n` nwzny fi('l(1.`~'. look!-d lIl`(3f_`ll all ll} ll(X(l|lll)H IU H|l.' I varimxs reports. [he addresses by Llnyd $1Ipo1'vi. of the ` Public V\ oH':n`v. C Branch. 'I`m'un1o. and Surmu:11- (`m1r'. Re; -... -|.,..o ...l.l.~n.-_-nu I |JUCL'Hll)L'l` n). of tho` meeting, h(~nrrH C. Evker. fiold Department of} Children's Aid` .1. II. 1Vlilchcll.. Registrar. as \\'('H' as : :|(ldx`C>:. by Rev. \\'. E.` Vvnllm-tr. Rm`. N. R. D. Sinvlruir. zmrll Rev. Dr. J. S. Shnrlt. .`\p|n`(`<'ia1im` of the sm'\'icvs 02' I`1'C.~irlcr11 Hum mond \\'.'1s vnicocl by F`. \V. Dnb. u dir(~(`l and of Dr. A. T. I.iUlr*. an ..m o-..;....,a ..r 1l11\ inclihninn hx: H ' BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1935 I The opening rt-in.'u`ks of His Wm--3 ship Wzirrlen Herberl J. Ci`nwf0rd ill.` the opening of the November Ses- sion of the Simone Cmmty Cmmcil; Montlny n1'LeI'nr)un were optimistic in tone. i -Ir`..n,Ho:,..... i....... in... .m.-\, unnrll .plus tax. -mun I St. Andrew's Ladies` Aid. after- lnmm tea and sale of homemade bak- iing in lecture room. Saturday. Nov. Am *2 nm 431, [L l (H\'-'| . Reeve (pf? B:n`ri(_\; :1! u-`Ow f`nnu_\ IV U\ Hum, 435` I'll}; ho IL. llHIlH' IH'iIH am! Mr. Hul l\l':l'AV I`: (`l1m'I(s.-` I). h'lt'w:n'l. Rug,'in:nlrl E. 'I'm~k. l)|'Il lI'1'Y REF.` Hn1'r\' .l. Hm-h:m.'m. . 13 \AH|n- /\l.l)l".Rl\4F.N fn \`V:ml ()nv .1. '1`. (`nvn ll\ L` I.`- I 2.\1 urn . uuchro and danec cards 8 to 10. da` Corkindale`s 0rd 250. tax included. In-sxnx on 1I\n : But Three Contests in Monday sVoting . C:;"()x;'.1.1` Wednesday. Dec. -1 young people. "C1u' mission 50c and 25C. Qnnzlosxv hon 1.4.. HI U)l'1L`. I Conditions have ht-on very gnodl in Simcm: Cmnnty since the last session in Juno". he said. (L`mp.<: have been gum! and p1'i(-as hnvv im- prove.-cl which .~:hnulrl make it easier` for the people of tho County to pay` t I taxes". `Lfln III . . .....ln.-....~. h! u. I I ...-.:..-v. -"g pm' `L `` `V'` "7" ' "' Hind. Toronto. and Engineer r`. Hy--` `if1iI`:ga?"S` r*;'=':"7_C01er St. Iltzghd. Toronto. southbound to '1`0mn- ited Church anni\'m`. Preacher: Cmssan noticed the 0nmmmg' Rev. P. Bruce Thornton. D.D.. fur `vain and putting on his brakes th(\ S",e'e 3'`'$ pf,r Of St Pa1`5tautor:nobile swerved to the left and Ugxed` Cm:" f;`l bpeg' M 47':8b&%z;1n1efto a stop as thfe 1t1ralln ewtby. CH5 Gut` F0 W1 6.` he U11 01 e ront portion 0 t e ocomo iv: 3lISPiCL*S B?|1`1`iL` Cllfling Club 3'. {touched the motor car on the right club moms, Clapperton St.. Thurs,- [front corner. with the result that day. De_c.-5. 8 pm. Lunch S`l`V'0d.;thr- right fgont fender. bumpev. .\dnns. 50c. F.\'(`l`)'l)l')(1) xvnlcmno. ho:1dlight.<, right fmnt wheel and nvn. nunn |l.1\Il| .xu....\.. . . .. (Turn to 1m.ya two, ])I(`(l.S`I.') H. (3. l{()Il".l('l`S().\' Illllllll. I lmlwtl. *xn1)ln_v1- -.1|u- In: NI/\Y()l\ , Hun .`..l.4..v.-nu llu:< sln;1(* in H1!` (`'ll'(`,(`I mu H:nnillnni:m. |*`n|1()w IHIIH. Nmv Ynrk and ('hi- nwtl. and in Ilu-54v l`iH(?: nplnymi for :1 sxhnrl Hint? H1.-: lnnkorl hrigzlllur :nL:nin_ u|)<`1'I!uI1 l`('1ll!`ll(`tl In Hun-` . .,,. v, H I". l'IV Id Uln u . - . . |~` . -sou, the gunse and chicken} own Hill United Church.| -1. Play by the} .nI.:. "{"l.u-or 'T`iv~nn" Ar`-' . `. .I"I\Clll X UL'll('tI.l mco. I.0.0.F. 'I`e-mplez` dancing 10 pm. Mc-I orchestra. Admission } M: 4m. ; `L l'lB_V U); over Time". - - His Wmxwhip wulcornt,-(I all mom-[ burs bzlck in tho Nnvcmlnm` S0:<>:inr1 and oxtt-ndud lhn sympnlhy of the Council to (Irmncillurs Llnyd I.(`lh-| crby, Cnldwnlor. and R. N. Hi('k|in1-_.! Vex; `II. on l.h:- death of fullwr zmrh sister. rcsptrmivt-l_v. I Thtl \tV:n'rInn r-rn\rI l':)in|:aIl-rl T7nnII_' {Ht nnmzh, Hump- Modern Portia Wins v Appeal in Court Here R Against Conviction saxun ; 43b; nl-an v !~:lImIm'Il up. llir: llmmur fr-II Ihui. :aHhnu N:-ism) hml pm, nu! his h:m it. :1 nmrt-nll,\` hml Ilul.|>(-4-I1l'\'i(ll'l\I In I (Tl:|ppi:4rm. I r-un:4irl(-r Mr. Nt-I`; -'lmuM luau puuw-I uml Hu-n mu Ilw lvft turn. If |u- hzul (lmw H \(,'l'(.` would hnvv lwvn nn :u-villa ul :|ll". Hv HH'll :;nu_;;<-.-:1:-zl Hm! I (.`l:|ppi.<<,>n plvml guilty in .'I (`hill .ul' .'|\l'l-dill! Why not send :: mpy In \-Jun-k`.~: l'1.\'umincr In :1 frivnrl'.` `I0. . 1 Crnssan oncnminf: train. )automobile 3 {came to the train ew by. I .The front of the locomotiv: !!touched .nr..m-.9 nnrnnr mnh H-up rnsnlf that I last. 1 According tu Traffic Offimr Jacki slmwis. Barrie. who investigated. the` ;motor car. driven north by Crossan. {was travelling north on Highway 27} twhen all at once a train loomed 3 'from the northeast. It was an C.P.R E ;f1_ver in charge of Conductor W. I-I.` -Hind. and Engineer F. Hy- liand. '1`oron-1 `A I m. ``| tlm'I. lhink you lmvv hm-n un:~'Il)l4- fun` this JI(`('il|l'll| :11 :1 is Hmmm` H-n1:II`lu-(l uflvr my I for Imlh Crown and (l(.'fl`H('(' 1 HNJH [Ht .~'pm:(l1m,'. 'I0lH` IHJI. n .'|('('i(h-IH I In". t'l1:n';.;r.- CH1`. I Ward:-n C`x`uwl`m'd slzm-d that 1110!`; Pnlnln I-`air. which the Cmmly hzull hclpud by :1 p;r:mI. and which had! been hold in Barrie. had been a dv-1 cidod .s'u('cv.~'..:. 'I`ho pnlntnt-s wvrv nf; high quality and many buyers had` been un hand. Hr` was : it hurl. put. Simmo on tlw map as u put:1to~ pmducing Cnun(_v. TIL. `IL... 4.. )ll}.',Hl nix,` Rhohertson 1936 Mayor Stewart,Tuck 101 Reeve; Wiles, Buchanan, Deputy 'No HecklingA as Nominations 1 | Made and Nominees Ad- ` dress Gathering ` 1 I I SIXTY-SIX NOMINATED ',g".}'1 ._ Re-elected as Trustee jusx Z1 S(.`(`l)H(l Ur uru can `_ing the railroad tracks. Es`:-\`e:`al nnmmuuun meetings aunt" iwhich nominees declined to qualify; `for the post, has elected William; Cramp as Mayor by acclamation (or, 1936. Councillor for the past three; _vc.-ars. he was chosen when three: ..n.n.. nnrvxinnnu fnilnrl in mmlifv. 3'6-ars, he chosen when U`H`t`U} uther nominees failed to qualify.` William F. Riley. Warden of Grey, County and Acting Mayor in 1935.? will again be Reeve. 1 - ._....j_.._.. , is your .s`ulm`riplim1 paid? "` I ..|>: n::Im>:: worn pI:wr)rl in} inn mnny of Iht-In fur s `ft-rt-nl ])n.s'|`!i- hr-1w(-en s7.ZuI' rl 8.110 p.m.. at 1114- zmnuul inn rm-Minx, of tho Tnwnf u- in Ihu (full:-ui::1n alldiinr-I tiny Ins-.1. mm] of Hwsn, only iwn hm! rmnlifit-d for of-% h Town (",lm`k A, W. Smith; n`clm'k S:111n'd;ny (3V('nh)L{. ! nznnr-s w(-rv plm-t- in nrxrn-Z for Mnvm`. lhnr for R!.`(.'\. (,',` .a.. 11...... Hun fun` Ii ,1. uuux.-up. \zlIuIn.y . T-{ls W0r.~:hip (:mu.'I`.'I!11|.'lft`d C.`m1n- I. cillnr H. G. Rnl)(n'lsnr1. roove of I`4:\r- ` ` ric. nn his (:lc(`li(m by acclnxnminnil as Mayor of Barrio rm` 1936. and], referred with regret, that Cmmcinor v William Hawkins. move of Stnyner. was retiring` afttrr eight years ser~ I vice. Ho s|u5g(`.st.(~(l that nu-n11wI'.x-i7 put. in their motiuns nm~I_v in tho`! I \ sv. and that lh(`_v attend (`om- mltlvo n1o(`lim:.< on limo so lhnt lhc-_\' cuuld flm<'tinn properly. In lh:~:j wily. it n11_I:l1t ho pn.<. In out :I day from tho Nnvmnbor S(~s.~:ion. i On motion of (" I-I(-nrv and Drinkwzllur. Ihv W:n`dt`.n unri: Clvrk w(-r(- zu1Hmri'/.N1 (0 draft IN -' tors of s_\'nm.'xlh_v and fmwvurd thvmi tn Councillors 1,.(`ll1c1`l'>y and Hick-1 Hun`

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