Oll'i(:inl I'ig,'ur<-::. as r(~l(.~:1.s(.-(I by Malcolm M(:l.cun. (..'nllim:wnnrl. rc- turning 0l'I'i(:(-1` for North Simum-. followinlt 1lm'ofl'ix-iznl count of Ihr-| bnllnis l"ri(l:ny hm, intiicnhr V(`l`_\ | little ('h:In1,'v in H10 1'i;,'ul'(-:4 1-mrxpilrerl ! and pul.)li.x'h<-II by Thl? }C.\:urninv.-r im- rncclintcly after the vim-Iiun on Ocl..l 14 I ROXY THEATRE . . . . . .. . (7`11rn to 1:a_r/rt 4 EXTRA ! EXTRA ! THURSDAY--FRlDAY~-SATURDAY SATURDAY MATINl:Z_l_j".~A_'I: _2_.30 -u:~..n-nu. . . .. A -_ EUROPEAN CRISIS - BRITISH FLEET GUARDS SUEZ CANAL! MANY LOSE LiVES~-A RAGING FLOOD SVVEEPS TOKYO? BIG BLAZE IN AUSTRALIA! MICKEY MOUSE and FZ0x7E1;:E*E+:i\2vs A Real Evenirg s Enjoyment in This Program BE SURE TO SEE IT! _-m_ FEATURE NO. 1 48-PRIZE RED HEADS~-48 f\Klf.` I'.`l1r\| I,`III"rI\I n"r-Arrr~ __..--_ .--__-_.._-4.-n news. A TVTGHTLY so-ws, 6.45 AND 9 P.M. ANOTHER GRAND TWO-FEATURE ATTRACTION TO ENTERTAIN YOU! '1 f`l:u~b "yin. illlll l`I'i|lIK l\ IUIYH` fur lhv rlt-l'-ml.'m1. nr Hlv pl.'nin1iI'l'.< in` IV[.'l(l('Hl!(" T.m>kh:n'1, 1|. . RH!/\?PSOfD7 3` $,~._;3g:_!..._\M'~,'., IIII IIIIIIIIIIII Jlllllll W`eir~.* A srepm FETCHIT IF I 1- W .9 . . M ___1 ~ MARSHA Hum JOHNNY oowns noaw CUMMINGS |IlI' ll|'ll'|IlI(lIIl Ill`: hir: wifv. zmtl his` l nf whmn lnstifimi - mmlv by tho lnlvi 2 cl1'm'n, 7)Ica.s'n) Hll'HI!(' l;U(. KHIIl'l, lurk, who px'u(hu.'- Iv or prupm-l_y: ILZZIH (.`.mn'l, Rm . `(I n (:el'1iI'i<,-(I ('(n))_V nun D_vmen1.. and ' L:I'.'ml of prulmtv *1Iln-zun Nov. 1!. . ..l` (I... _F-O_X K/lO; lETONE NVvs- ;1;.;t`;;;'v;;i:1ge'a.;;2g The price paid for hn;.:s today by |.<`ir.~:! Cmnpr-r:11ivu I`n('kor:-'. of On- turin, Limited. Barrio. was $7.15 pm`: cwt.. live \V(`i}.{hl. us cnmp.'1r(-d with} $8.15 nnc W('0k :i;.{<>. $8.65 two \VC(`k\'? ago, $8.51) lhr(-0 wvc-ks ago, and! $8.35 four xvvvks ago. The price paid for mil 1.,'I':1d(.- was! $7.25 per t'w1.. as (-mnp:n'o(! with $8,135 0110 \\ ('(?k nun. $11.75 lwu wm-k.~4 ::x,qn_ $8.(`>() H1x'0(` \\`(-(`k.< min. and $11.45! |fmu' wc-vlu: wgtn. 'I`l:i.< wzxs 0qn.'\l mi |.`9.8() HUI` (`\\'1 (h'1-\'\`<-II \\'(-inhi 1: ,__%__ I HOG PRICES TODAY I} -------:T_________/ -TTHEM DANCE! LASHES ADDED ; 3 T0 TWO TERMS , ; REFORIVIATORY5 Gorgeous joan naver so excning at. in this tumultuous romance directed by W. S. VAN DYKE of "The Thin Man" and "Nuughly Mariano" fame! It`: the lopsl MA'i`EI\VJ-EE S;'[-`L-JISDAY-' 2.30 P.M.--Prices 15c and IOC Evening Prices: Adults 20, Children 10c Saturday Nights--A1l Seats 20c . andAshe s`hard to tame. DAUGHTER or TH`E AR!C7H JOAN! Never so gorgeous as the hard-to-get charmer, who meets her match. ROXY THEATRE MONDAY---~TUESDAY---WEDNESDAY Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 SENSATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT GALA STAGE SHOW NEXT WEEK! P_HN'.l`/{$3-India s Rgzal Magician I Pl-II 11w ruin/\I*lv IV,vr\11I'\l~l\tN ROXY -{-Hausa our arts WATCH THIS EAPER NEXT WEEK FOR MORE STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENTS Coming----TED LEWIS in _ `A`HEl3E COMES_ BAND _ MORE GLAV1; i(3l`2*(vv)iiJ'Sii`:l:AN EVER! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY l|nA'l"1\vr`:' \\.-.'l\nI|"`(`t\A\7 A'I' n A d "Nuughly Mariana" no! c u__ l\..l.- AHERNE K MORGAN MacMAHON ...|... z... TRULY, THE SHOW 0% WONBERS Rob'J{bZaI };77T HE3 _FE2PS SPECIAL TWO-REEL COMEDY CHARLIE CHASE in NURSE TO YOU" MUSICAL ACT--FREDDY MAR'l'Il\"S BAND v5EE_! T;1e- _1v1-s|1i'o._.`13o1':;r "Hunt; iv1;sIe};z_ SEE! The Burnihg of a Woman Alive! II ' A Maho- Goldwyn- Mayer Pnlure Shnntiny; mulch. u'v('.s'o and tur- k(-_vs. Int 32. (mu. 5, l ~Issn. Wudnr.`.~;- `day. Nov. 6. Shotguns and riflv.-:. Shut xhx-lI:< .~:um'>|ix-(L Ml) .R<-;;ul:u` nwt-ting Barrio 1'h'am'|1 Hrilimh I- HI.-Id Wnrl.----.i..n nnUL ram-n.~a .~:um>Iu'n. British I: V`Vm'l(l I" ((I:In:1d:H_ \V(-(lm-.x'(lz1y, N H.()() p.m.. 46 (`lzlppvrtnn S1,. Dr. A. R. Scott. of 'l`umntu. 'I`hnun ind:-...-Curl in I T'_:---_---._'i`:-'j : COMING EVENTS I x_....__.____________ III. rvuuuvvurunu A W. S. Van Dyka Producolon ll'l`H` l`H`KH'n I-`cdurminn , Nov. (ith, I Sponkm` no, 44;) ll l`)nnlit-:I1:- No. 44 12 _ _'I_HURSI)AAY--iFRIDYfSATURDAAY 31$ 2% c we, \_ I'll! Illlllll IIil" nun urn. s l.l\ p. nl:_1.L. 1, 3 I 1:.ruV rt. 1 L111! Marsh Hunt. Johnny Downs and Robert Cumming nuunzsu n ..........--. .___. ,_ Coming~--"P6MPEIl--Spectacular n;{ the rt-. of the nb.<(.-n- whivh wvr(- not known 1- In-iuin-.l t-ILr\\I\i|I.;I\r\ urn. Im-lurlim: 1,0!` pull, \ whon lhv r mudt-_ Hu- 1V[(.'CllxiL{. 3 nvnv ,I l` with WALTER C. KELLY, STEPIN FETCHIT nick I.!....s I_L.__._. n .... H I n I 7- I` UI'l;.{lH-"ll (")l'H|)llc'lll()l] \V-'l!{ - plllmliiy of Dunczm 1*`. K.LI.. |.ih(-ml trzlmlidntt-. l`. h'in1p.<:nn. (.'rn1s only four \'nI('s nut. and 1|\(- l\/I n ,..1....o ml` 1\\'nI' -Hu EDWARD ARNOLD IN CAPITOL <* SINGLE--MlI'.Ll0N DOLLAR NOTES HH'H \\'l'l'(` HUI I r'ig.{in:ll (-nnupilniin wlllrznliiv nf Hum \'GlIlI TIKIIJI 5 VVIIII JEAN ARTHUR - BINNIE BARNES -.._, _. __.. ..__v...- MATlN-EE \-`;|:I;NES[),AY'AT 2.30 J.`hI- urn (-:In(li(l:H(-s low.-:: D. I- 7.2M: J, '1 5_~,:.x1u: vnnalpgunixunm `= gag` \ : -\Jo gn .'un: pm-xanu 0 l""l1t I) COMEi.)YHAlV\lD CARTOON Produced by EDMUND GRAINGER `Dlro:Io_d___b.y_ EDWARD_ SUTHERIJXND 2 FEATURE T'- To I. VmQ&\\1vun...uaU@N 50 Minutes at-' H 3`-"' ' McLEAN'S LEAD, 2691 Official figures show that Geo. McLean, Liberal. had a load of 2691 over J. S. Drinkwutcr. Conservative, and that he had a majority or 16.3 of the totzii vote pulled. in East Sim- cue in the Federal Election. I Z (er. C.c.r-'., 608; rej(.-cted ballots. 142-. jtnlul votes, 14.608: number of name: rm voters` list, 18.853. px::`x:cntag..- voting. 77.48. ` Vntru 1-nut in tho \rm~inn,< mnnir-i- V .m`rit- .......... .. i('nlIin;:w `f|~n4-rvvnmu il..'4II|l, ..tI'lu-I it Vnt cast, in the various munici- palities. as cmnpnrt-d with the total names on the list were as fnlln\vS:! n. . . -. nr. `VUHIIK. ll.`H). I i|ll(I?l|l' I), [mm] 14:2. : In In. ll - 1930 Dnminimu F`.l('c1inn. tho l'is:lI1'(-S fm` Nnrth' Sixnvn-3 I. 'l`. Rin1p.s'xm. ('Inn::(-rvnlivr`. 6. ("., Dl`lll`_V'. I.ih>r:nI. 6.4: v 836: rt-jvott-rl ballots 37: . 1')'7n|. .... In-9 m- All the comedy of a Southern courtroom in this heart-warming story of a small- rown judge! ll I:|.\l 5021 302:; 455 mu; 249.4 mm; 7:24 1300 , 14:17 V01 im: 77.0 77.!) 80.!) rrn I 121.1 '76.!) rrnn A:1.:I 78.2 74.8 72.9 R The rt.-gulnr monthly mt-ctinu nflt th(- W:|t.(_\r, Liprht and Gas Commis- sirm xvns 1101!] on '1`u:r.<(l2x_V evvninpi rat this W('(`k and was l:n`;,'ul_v taken up in rti.<(-ttssinn.-4 of the p1'n;:r(.~.<.~: mndo during: the yum` by the throt`: D(~p:n`tm(-nt,s_ tho (Jnmmissiunur,< oxp1`0s:~:im.: thmn:<(-lvos as p:u'ticul:1r- Iy ptmsvrl with the utticiont manner in whivh th(- 1-.\t<-nzzivn wurk of the lust, ft-\v months has hm,-n (-.'m'i(.-rt on and the hvtt<:rrm>nt in the s(~rvi(-L-s to the public`. I\n.. L].\.\l. .. .l.\.l 4L..6 .1. NORTH SIMCOE I VOTERS MAL ' 77.5 PER cum rm nmz. I I`hr- Muym` 1-nquirvd 1'vp,'ur(lin11 tlthr` (iis'<:rupnn('_\' l'(.`[)0l't(`(t to tho t"I`m\'n Coum-El whn hntt hm! :1 sur- , vrgv made of the ntunhor nt` ::trm`:, I ltzrhtr: and \\'1|!~`. intnrmml that tho F.'t(`('ll'i(' 1.i;:ht D<~pnrtmr'nt luv]. 1 :im-- this item :\ppcnro<:I in tho 4 nu-.<.x'. 1T).'l(t(` an nctuznl cuunt rm thx` ~21 roots with the result that tho count "()1'1'nspm(lvrl (\\ :I(rtly with tho num- ` hm` for whivh thv I`mvn is cl1:u';:vd. About .'I do /.011 fIlIt-I`.'ltf` \\':\t<" ho:)tm :: h:\\'(- been installed or mn- ;tr:u~t0d fur. the urtunl in. in smm` cz1.<(`.< lwinu hold up pomling; minor :11tm`.'1ti0n.\'. Rvpm't.< from. `thn.<:\ in . nrn \'<\I'y _L{l'1l1if_\'tltt{. Mr. Smith. Suporintmwdmtt of thv W:1t(`rwm'k:~; Dr~pm'tm('nt. r(-pm`tud| that the stnndnipo on J:1n1v:< Stroot nnrl thn rmmrl 1-mnnnt tank :11 thnl mm mu smnnmpv un .num-s nun`:-II :md 1hr rmmd (~,cm(\.nl tank :11 thol numpim: station have both boon lhnmughly c-lozmvd during the] month. Mains loading 1:: dond ends haw` also bx-on flush:-d out to ra- mnvv :m_\' nr~<`1nm11:1tvd . S(`I`\'i(`(`S an \Vm\Iv_v and Samfnrrl slx'e01.~'. which have hovn givimrl tmuhlv in wimvr monlhs lhmugh f1'o(~.zin;:, have boon 1n\\'m`od and <.O\'C1 .'lI small leaks repaired. ..\.,.v.6 nrlnlnnl 1.. Ilunl A no... `.4. Mr. I-`rn.<,-r'.~' 1'(-port for the G215 Dop2xrnn(*n1 w:1.< also oncmnragtingz. Ono lung standing and conslunt :\`0lll'(?I! nf zmnnyanc-0 to rcsi(lm11s in tho \'i(-inity of the gas plant has been rc1nnw\d. It has been tho prac- livv for _vnz1rs in allow some refuso [oil from lhv plant to ho dopusilcrl lzmd :u'(~n1mIlu1r~ along llw ruil\v:n_v lrnck. Equipment has now bx-on ml up with very little (txponso tn flllor this refuse and the oil is nn\'; being: . and l'(`lY`l()\`Cd by the town. A car of (-indors has boon us- wrl tn cnvcr thv nnsiglnly appear- wncn of the low-l_\'in;{ gmund adju- vvnl to tho track. I `.... ..-.nnn. -urn cll l\nI'nu` cnll CHARGED FOR `GETTING WHAT 1 . sAY_goMMN.! {claim of Ald. Mills That; ` Street Lights 15 Short 3 i Is Denied 1 u: nu. Mr. the month sztrumz un llnl;.{.'It('. : '11;-1:1 Hook that has William. mpurlml l1o:1\'ivr wire Burlnn /\vv.. Alfrtrrl and June slrr-015:, mum poles lmvu l)(!(`l1 l`(`- plm-(.-rl and that work cm the Allan- rllllt` rli.s`lril)ullnn syslvn1 has now bcvn c(>n1p|vl(`rl. Minor load :ulju: (lurin'{. monts may be rcquirorl and. as nl-i hm-n r0.'1rl_v r<~pnrle(l. if any l`llSl()ln!`I` for-ls llml his . is not (`X:1('ll_\' us it sl\:ml(l he the (Imnmiss4im1 \\ ()lll(l :1mm`(ri:11.(v ils being; l'(`D()I`l(`(l to tho nfl'i.'0. Not only have. 111050 l1(`(!(l('!l im- hmrn paid for as 1h-* \w)l`l( prn;_rx-r~.<.s'ml hut tho T-`.l(-(-lric |.iL:l1l Dvpznrhncnl has also paid In the Bank of l`omnl,n $3,500, in ro- rluotitm of the imlel:-lc(lnr.~ss incurr( -rl 1n'm m'm'r-menls `(1ll('Il(Hl` in I.`).'`2. ml... 1' BUY L1~:X' Your Passage Booked to All Parts of the World. A.F.A. Malcomson 41 Dunlop St., BARRIE Phone 447 Creemore 7I5olle`d 80 Per Cent., Oro 79.9, and i Flos 79.1 | I OFFICIAL MARGIN 1,954- .v\t prr 1-nt prim` :n'-rngv yield nwams about 10'. on the in- vostxneut. V. v.-....'.- 90% `av. 1\I9mbors 'I`m'nnln Stuck and \\'il111ipc:.' Gram Exchanges 11 Jordan Slreot-'l`0RONTO F. J. Crawford & Cf). .uouIa;;rx I1uIIlIl'. I)l`.uICu ROSS BLOCK Phones 1010-l0l7-}louse 196 GORDON M. 5IEYN%Q[N Wright-Hargreaves Teck-Hughes Sylvanite Reno --_.-.___~-.;- Nlanager Barrie Bram-h nn in run: BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935 'l"hnmn.~' Pluinbtrco. ZlLE(`(l 60. 135 Cnllior Sll't`(`1. nzirrmvly (`S(.`Zl[)(`(`l '.. ll1_llll'l(`..\` in an acvirl(.~m un,l :Bl`l('lfUl`(l S1.. opposite P1'in(`D n{| =\\'alc-.< School, about 6 pm. VVcdm`.<-I lday 1:151. The man siiffwod 1 fruc-| turcd loft ankle and bruises. nndi was romnvnd to Royal Victoria Hus- lpitnl whore he was given merlivain `;monl.inn by Dr. Neil M. Laurie. l Plinnbtroo was riding on the roar; I I | `pf :1 load of [gravel drawn by a lmr.s'e~ `driven by Poi'C_\' E. Scanlon. aged vxiricr. I0 Peel St.. when :1 mad-l lstvr clri\`'.-n by Louis Hockriclgo. `n_-god 19. 39 !\IcDnnalcl St.. zippmm-h-i `l`Cl from behind and struck the 1`(`:\l `portion of the \\'uu`on. The acciden`. , ;rv. in injuries to Plumbtrve` and the death of the horse. ! Hnckridgo told the police that the- l`1t.`\(lll}.Il1l.\' of a inntnr car cnmingl from the opposite direction. blinded, him. and 21150 that there was no; ;li;:ht on the rear of the wagon. It; lwas also raining at the time. and it: was \`0l`_\' dark. Chief Stewart in- l\'`. and no charge will bel lnirl l A Court nf Revision Iurnrd :1 num- l.)(.-1` of appvals my revision of ns.s`o.s':~'- mt-nts at :1 session in N10 (.`m1n(',il Chumbt-1' 'I`uos(lz1y .'1fl(`I'nn(m. but all l11Zl[l(`l`.`~' wort` ltrfl uvvr fur final (Iv- visirm to an :1(l_i<)m'm'rl svssinrl whivh is bving hold :11. ll pan. t,:mi;.{h1 at. tho szlnm pl:1(:o. The m(-ml)m's prc-son! 'l`uo.< nl'lorm>nn xw.-re Rt-(eve H. G. Rr)berls0n. chairman nf the Fin zmcu Cummitlec, who z|cl,(r(l as chair- man: Mznynr W. J. Blair, Ald.-J. T C;I\':umgl1 and Ald. Nnrris Webb. 1... A rV..v.1...Au `inn r\I.,| ru uvrx J. I. i7IHI|)I;(>ll. was 1.954. lhc rm1_im'it_v nf tho I his Ihruo mmnnr-nt.<. l`|u. illll. IULS UH Ll'l'L`ll\ |llL' 3Ll'(_('l. Mrs.` Com';.{(,- 1'). Jnhnstrm sought rc-duclirm nf $500 assessment for land and buildings on Collingwoud Street. Cknll {NH f`.\.s-\ I\l\ nu ..... . u... u... u. \.\\.\.v.v Ill 4:-..,uu.,. James Keenan, 5 Bradford Strov`. who lives next door to the Shell Station on the south. on account. of the new station. sought :1 reduction in his total ussosslnom of $3,300, which includos $750 for land and $2.550 for buildings. | hnnnriz nil 1;m;+n.i ,1.-.qa.~ml . `)..)i)U l(H` DUIIUITULS. I Imperial Oil. Limited. desired :1 rt-(IucLi(m on the business :1ssu.<.~:- mom on its property on Tiffin S1,. as the company mzumfactured the pm- ducts which it sold. The present Itntal assessment of $7.000 includes $300 for land. $3.700 for buildings. and $3000 fox`.-business. : T? (1 Iiniiivhfhn 911 Lnnnt Q1 n `and $3.000 f01`~~businvs.~'. 4 R. G. Hnughton. 23 Lnunt St.. ask- ed adju. nn his Imus .\uhi('h had h|\(~n:`1\n|'ns-rl nnrl uvhivh `SEVERAL SEEK I . REDUCTION IN 5 5 AssE_s_s_MEN'rsg \_.uuuu,..,u uuu `nu. nunnnn vvuuu. .I.'1mcs A. C:1ldwell. 1119 Blake St.. snmzl a reduction in his .'1ssussn1o11l \\'hi(-I1 1,nl:1l.< $4.100. in('1udinL{ $2.600 for lnncl and $1,500 for l)11il . 1 1:` 0 13:4,. ...I,I ...I... ..........4.... `|41\ 1 n a nun: n : qu,u\IVI nu nnu|uIuy,.~. E, S. I<`i17.p,'m':llrl. who upm'n1.ns H10 Clifton limo] on B1':ulfm'(l St. nil FI\'s:.'| Rand, pmI<:.s'1(*(,1 :1 l)11.s`in(.-s.s' us- s;v.s'.~`z1w11t of $1,250. which was arriv- vd :11 taking mu--qum`lm' of the total |:1.a': on lzmd zmd buildings nf I $5,00(), includin;.: $1.000 fur the form- nr nnrl Q1000 fur Ihn lunnr nuxlzinrr Im:),U|lU, Ill(.`lll(llH}.{ ml.UUU |Ul' lIl(? |l)l'H1- ` vr and $4,000 for tho lanur. mnkinrz l llw tom] znsru-;+s11wI11 $(i.25(). ; 1Vlrs. A. W. Green. l enotam; S'.. V smxght rudu<-litm in assossnnenl 5 whivh totals $300 for land, and $1.400 for huildin;.{2~'. Y\1Trx' '|7.Hnnn Tnclin nqlrnrl vnrln:-_ Dll'l!Cl. Shell Oil Company. which ercclorl 21 modern gasoline service SiZli,i0l`l on thv suutliensl. cornm` of Bl`2l(lf0l`fl and Eli7.ube1h Slrcols rrnrlier in the ` '_vv:n`. nppoulocl :1 total ass(`.s'sment of ,Sl6.250. includim: $1000 for land. 512.000 for buildimz. and $3,250 mm--. (]ll2Il`i(`l` of the min] for land and building) for lmsinoss. The (.'omp:m_\' maintained that the ussossnaents :1ll rmmcl were 100 high. and that th: building had ncluallv cost only :1 small zlmzmnl in excess of $l2,000. v__,.,, , 1; ,, - n If u .-. I\. Ll . l1U\U, (\|Z\)H. 4-) ldllllll DL. i|.\I\`| `ed adjustmen{:.>f.taxes h which had buen'1)u1`m,-d. and whivh `had been replaced by :1 new resi- dvncc. THE + BARRIEL + EXAMINER :22? ` : {Man on Rear of Wagon; ; Has Narrow Escape 5 *When Struck by Car: -3l.`1UU lUl' l)lIl|UlIlf.',3~'. | Mrs. F.l.hlc0n Leslie asked reduc- Hion nf $525 .'1ssessm(mt on two vzu-- ant lots on Grenville Street. l\/Iva. (inn:-an `IN 11\|\v\(~`r\|\ .-nnulxl I _ } Court of Revision Hears Ap- i plications for Lower I Assessments MEETSJAGAIN`-`TONIGHT: }\`t`1|1 laid. IV\(\I4svA V.` vv.1un4nI.\ 3112.1:-I : The Crown has ordered an inquest I gmto the circumstances surrounding! l the tragic death of Forrest J. Wall- win. near Midhurst. Friday last. a repnrt of which appears on Page One of this issue. The inquest will be held in the Police Court Cham- ber. Barrie. at 9.30 a.m.. Friday. _ November 1. 1 | Mrs. Green. 20 Napier St.. brought Ito The Examiner on Tuesday. a one- ccnt United States of America coin idated 1853. which she had fnnnd in her garden recently. l.\'Ql'F.S-T O.\' '.-'tl.L'l.\' DI-Z.\'l`ll '7`l`.\ F`...\.. \ J _....1 .. U... L. UL ll|UlL'ilU;.'U Ull LIll.' lilUL \'. Quite a number of new names have been added. as well as renewals received. l'h(`.-40.. with changes of ad- d1'o.s`s*, make :1 lot of detail tn be looked after. While every (`(1113 is taken to have the run- urds exact. sul)s(-ribcrs are -no.-lrnrl In 1I`1l1nlr Hunh l..!~...l.. on The Barrio Examiner's mail- im: list was revisvd on Fri- day. October 25. All payments made up to and including Fri- day, October 25. 1935. should be indicated on the labels. f\nHn q nunnl-uaw r\I' nnur |}II`)/llllllllh lllil|lL'. l`lc:u-.(-, 1-.lus(~k your label. and if it should not rrrznd oxzu-ll_v :1: ymn think it shuulri. plrznsm notify this office immvdi:|.lcl_v, xu ihnt tlu: mzntlvx` may he lnulcvd into :11 (m('(`. lll'(1S l?.`(ElL'I.. SlI|)S('l'll)L`l'S 1ll'C :1.~:l<(>d tn check their labels to $00 that they rurrospund with p.'1yn1vnts mnrle. Plnzlnn 1-Iuuvlz vnnr I-ulunl nul Attention, Please! JUDGMENT IS I , RESERVED IN ; ; DYMENT CASE, U_V l'lHlH5(`| I, 1'. l'I1"|:' mm. and (T, I), S1:-\v:n~1 1l1(` plnintif . nml II':n mnml, BZll`l'il`. 1 11121., , .- AI \rViH](`S.\`('S I'm` ulmlml: Miss Mnrlv Rr*1I_i.x'h'y ()fl`i(-z- (`l(-H vrl nhs'h'nr'1 of litlv H. Mitchell. ."~`u1rrn;_(zI trzn`, who pmdlu~:-(| : nf lhn mil! nl` Kimu Witrwssw-.< for H xtlurlwl him. h: wift-'5 bmtlmmu all as in Ihv prrunixv !Action for Possession of Property at Elizabeth and High Sts. i DECISIOIN LATER ON !YOU VE SEEN HJM FACE DANEER n\nL.a \n.4.|J I lL4r|lJLl" BN1; Fl-{OIIIVI EVERY STATE HEAR THEM SING! --- SEE TH 71 at Year.