Friday 6 Saturday lI.'\HIT.\.\' I. CHOICE _CO0KlNG ONIONS Fruits {R Vc-gctzlblcs 15 lbs. 25 i~Harry Armstrong THE GREEN FRONT PAINT, ENAMEIT am1vARN1sH, 49 Qt. Yuan rzm tr-In\{.u-in \ mlll COLEMAN and ALADDIM gnd SUPPLIES --usxn:no5n v 1115 l_hl.4I4 U1 l\\Jr`lLJ I .Ll\ ; ka LJ 85c ---~ 69c - $1.39 -- $1.59 - 98c Reg. 1.15) (Reg 1.00) (Reg. 1.95) (Reg. 2.25)(Reg. 1.50 Numerous Pieces of ENAMELWARE at HALF PRICE run 1936 \ \ 5 n. I an: 1 I , 1.41 Vzilvllgla (xll\J Ynu can Ir:1n.~1' ml place :l( :1 vcry lmv (ml with I \4\\uu- . .,..... 2 Used Electric .` - , _ _ _ I.-. ....... . .,..,.vv Ornarctal Glass Bowls, large size (Reg. 39c) 25c BADMINTON BIRDS (Regirgoc each) . . . . . . 2 for 35c BADMINTON RACKETS $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 ENGLISH DlNNERWARE--97-pc. sets from .. $9.95 nII'I'lIVI ru - 1 USED ELECTRIC WASHER, in good condition $15.00 HARDWARE Miss Simplicity ELECTRIC WASHERS 1|). Unto! cr 25th .1141 26!. I ]`of all the Ford V-8's at our show- V Thanksgiving SALE of ROASTERS 01 fun m1 F"t\ nc PLOW S_HARE.S ALL MAKES - nnvrvv ` 23 Where You Buy More For Less ROSEDALE BRAND .. , _.... .- _.....__-. .....`.u v n ---4 up-an -, -vs: \`u.I n an ln`i`u'lHcr. ll1Hl'L` cl1cc1'- :c lhix g n:1r:nHcv.l prmlucl. \()\\ IS A h( )( )1) 'l`IMli '|`() l)() 'l`|ll.\' FOR l:7`leuZT1'y_Ii.7;-I Crossed Fish Sardines Z Tins 29.73 Domino Dates - 2~1-uz. | l~:_q. 17 Salt, Iodized - - I 1<;_;'. 612 Lux Toilet Soap - 2 (`:1|<< 11 Classic Cleanser - Tin Brooms - - l.:1ch Durham Corn Starch 2 [ l Navy Toilet Tissue - 2 for j Macaroni, linlk - 2 Hm. Hawes Floor Wax -- 1 ll. Tin i|3i**ic| Meter Sas LlBBY'S Stoves $19.00 and $35.00 \` sucao P|NEAPPLE `An Tlillrsdny. October 24, 1935 --__. 2 1` I ) (IL 'I ma A 10 --Phone 240 for the Rawleigh Man. a Mrs. W. Hill was a visitor to Mim- ] Ico this week. ` A rh-any rs.-n run r~,,........ co ,.......` - -I-`v 1 17. Tm 42 PRUNES =1 15 if`! E n;;_ 11:; SINGAPORE l|ll' llilllll. ` ' .<.'|iri tho tv:I('lH-1`. lid I'mnmy, hv. .v Inn zli:|n`I Irl\4u\|v1I1n mrior \v(.m~_; 20c 22c ICU H115 WCCK. A grass fire on Gowan St. gave Che brigade a run on Monday mum- lng. Mr nml re 1;` r r\rm-r...-... .-mma. 18c evw ' .12", lIlll|_Y, ll|`Sl|.' 1`! knnw the 1r1enus now. Mr. and Mrs. Jns. PuJl'm'd family moved on 'I`ucsdny of week. to Toronto. __f`nminn 4n nmm rn..H mu: u WHUIS. LU 1()I'On[0. --Coming to town. Fall and Win- ter 1c sale, 4 big (lays. Wcd.. 'I'hurs.. Fri.. Sat.. Oct. 30. 31. Nov. 1 and 2 Whit.ty's Drug Store. We 1)(,-live:-. Phone 226 and 148. 431) MI`Q `M Tin:-1: Ilruu in C1 'm ~ , . . . .. rnune 3520 and um. 4I`$|) Mrs. W. Peck was in SI. 'I`hom.'1~ on Monday rm :1 visit. to her rlnugh~ fnr. Miss Evelyn. who is zntu-nriinu, Alina College. Mm. H. Fell accom- panied Mrs: Peck. On TIIr\uIln\r mm on um cum. ,.r 110 Dunlop St. [ABOUT ALLANDALE n;o Inge Twelve $B$$i.T .E..GKil5L\.'-..'.'.'.1 &~` `?'Niui E'& EAmA` "`..nn.';."".`_.u' '3. Many Refinements in Ford V-T8 Cars for ISBTS LIIVUA . . I`hnrn.'1s n. ,1 . . -nk TBARVRHTEL and lass`. members and two visitors present. It was decided to hold the thank- offering service Wednesday, Oct. 30. at eight o'clock with Mrs. (Rev.) Heslip of Penetang as speaker; also to invite Stroud W.M.S. After the business part Mrs. Barron took charge of the meeting. Bible read-' ing. Miss Clark; solo. Miss H. Watt: report of sectional meeting held at Stroud, by I\ l'rs. N. R. I). Sinclair which included a very full descrip- tion of Mrs. '1`ooml>'s talk on her mission field. The topic taken by Mrs. Barron. who, assisted by her sisters. also served tea. Visitors' Night." at R.B.l'. Monday was visitors' night" with R.B.P. 601 and proved to be one oi the banner nights of the yuan . Many visitors were present including a good representation of Allanrlah l..O.l.i. 432. from Orillia. B:u`rie. Craigvale. Stroud. Ivy. Baxter. Thornton. Midhurst and Minesint to the number of M0, and 32 l..O.l,. members from Toronto includim. Right Worshipful Bro. W. V. Muir. Chaplain of Ontario West: County Master of Toronto. l`(?|)l'(`.'.'~('l`lllll[: 5). Orange l.oclges: District Master oi Toronto Centre, Wor. Bro. l.. C Eames: Western l)istriet Mastei Gordon Key(.-S: F.ast(-rn l)i. Mus ter 1). White. and Northern Di: Wm. Godclarcl. Mayor W. .1. Blair. of Allandale l..O.l.. 432. wt-leomerl thr. vi.~:it.or.s'. 'l"oront.o County ot'fi('i'-rs were introduced by Rm. (3. J. Grit? fin. Past Preeeptor of R.P..l". (S01 and received by Bro, J. Munro or l)ehalt' of the lodge. II/Z11. BAA..- 11 11.L-..A . rn , Ll\ l,'ll my L_HIlnly lVl1l.\`I(.`l' I`I. l.-'llir3S{ of Simone RB. Chan, Clmplnin D Chm'(`h of Simcum R.B.C`: .wn1;_,-'.x' h; Hm. Jmnns I`./f('Guf|'on of T()I`0Hl:\ Thr` l(l(ll'(`.\`(`S xvvro \'.'n`ir-(I nno" much r~n_]n_v(-r! by all. An (`I~.'('(`H('l1 (`old mt-:11 .\`H])D(`1` was .~:v1'\`t-(I in HM hnnqunl mom. 0.... A I.` n__ . \'I \,II\ nu-.,.,\.. With Reeve H. Rnbm'lsnn. Cflxnp I Mr R.P..I . (SOL acting as (-h.'zirm:m. r I Lzunrl progzmnw was given. Tho first cl(.-;_.5r(-0 \\/as 0.\'vmpIifir`(l by Cnmniy of Toronto nl'l`ir`m'.<. ./\rlcl1':w. wvn zzivcn by Cnunly M1lS1(?l` H. I.41Rosr of Sim!-rm RP. (`hnn (`hnnl.vxin I1 Snnr.I:ny m;n'k(:cl :1 l`LIl unni\'-I's:I:'_V (`I-It-1 tun A\'('. Unih-ri Ch \:it-nu nf Hxn rlnu um P - is Here Rev. A. Ii. Owe-n at Burton .\vonur 1| nnixvn ...u. nnlhor ::1|r-(-I'.~':: wrznlion by Bur nmvh \l'|\:u\ .-no I`VXSllll']}.: ncru (lllI`lI1I. , llll.` ])Zl.\'L VVl.`l'K.j 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Plowrlght spent] `Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Plow-' right in Stayner. (')Iium' Wilcnn ic hnilrlinu nn nrl- tl'lgllL Ill Dli|yHL'l'. . Oliver Wilson is building am ad- dition to his garage. I-{orb Orchardf has also been building :1 garage to` his new truck. ` Instead of an ()])C'l'(` being; per- formt.-d on lvliss Viola Adams as r(-- gmrtccl Inst week. she has In-on p1.'1t-- led in :1 ])]{lSt,C!` of pzlris cast. | Miss Velma: Chnppe) of Clmdlt,-< }=,pent Sunday at, hm` hnmc hm.-1`:-. 1\/`Ir. ymd Mrs. Frank (`h:1pp(.-I1 and !`:1n1ily visited at Alliston and Bveton, Sun- clay. ("nn(n'nh21niinnq nnr'| lane! uric!-um 'JH_V. C0m.zra1ula1i0ns and best wishes. are extenclecl to Arthur Graves and; ,hi.-=. bride. formerly Miss Viola Rnwu ill. who were m.'u'rie(l Snturdn_\'. A shower was held in the hall law! | Thursday evening for the younul rnguple :11 which :1 large (.'l'()\V(l xvnsl ,m`e.<(*nl. lVlzm_v uscful gills were 1un-' `lured and 21 plezm`-.m ev(-nim,{ is 112-: v3('n'l(`(l. l `IV I "I\l`l\u-u ,... n.. ..n .. `(lib lH ll.l\.'. I ' nu-neon! 1\/I : IUIH (I'LL \V.I. lla.|!o\vo'(:n I`zu't_v I T110 H:xIlr)\vo`(`.n Social being sptm I `m'(`d by the Women's In:-`1ih11(` h:1~:: boon (-hamfvd 1.0 W(rtin0. ni:.:h1, Dot. 30. in.~1o:I(i of 'I`h1n'sdny ni,L:h1.| This (`-\'("nI is Imld r-.sp(:ci:\lly Fm` tho, "hilriron of the cnmmunity nml all` are wolcamr-. Nu clmr/.:u for mhni: -inn Fred Lewis of 'I`m'un1u has been visiting hero durin1.{ the past wur-k. 1 1 1 Mr nnrl 1\/hm: .1 Pln\vI*Hr|11 Q|\"l11l I 1 w W A 1 4 II\ I Any, xuuxum 'u`1o1;v. On Mtmdny upper was . hr r'rn1n ~-r~rVnHn vuc .`l'I [v`(`If11 ir ()\'r\r ..-ivl. I `You are invited to inspect ihc finest MIN ESING I ' night zm (`xvoonl -rvcd hy lhc Indies oi I\I'\ .n-ml u- uvnll nu! \u\u.\ pun Ill .1 (`am llk` \\':i 2|llI)\\'('fl lnl rolnrn to his home in I`1':1rll'urrl. 1 M1`. Czu`. is (-xm)lny(:cl by Wilbur Black, local l1`llCk(.`l`. Ill: many l'1'i(.-ncls wish him spoody rc- cm'e1'y and return In Hm district. Struck n_v Car. Cyclist i.-2 Hurt William Galloway of Slrmvl hurl. a mn`m\v (.'S(`1])L` when szlruok fl'u:n| Iflw 1'1-:1`: h_\' :1 (':n` while ri(lin;: :1 l:-li !L'_\`('|o an tho llh lilw. Slmzlzljc ul- lvrnmm. l"0I'lllllZ\|\'l_\' ho \'::x:: n l? \-nu-r u:-u~i;.n. in G. lvvIll\.Il II-Iu I)\ \,Ullll' llIIl|1ll'l(l;..(-ill):'. and zilmmzt imul. Inm;'v(I and 1hrv\v Mr. C:1r. milziiiuiii1;: him in :1 rope. He was taken fur trcatmonl in- the lmspital in I3m'ri~ \vhm'(- it \v:1< {mind the Inu.<(-ivs w(.-rc- turn `mun ihv Imov jnini. /\i'1ox' iho Ir-',z \\\ (1S pm in a vast ho \\'.".'< 2|HI)\\'('d In [ us Your Old Suit` Call 577; \\'c`ll and deliver, with .* vice if }xHl \\'i.~h. E lupcnuts clcumsd :1n.1 )`|'L`.\\L'\l ADMIRE We'll Make It Look New rooms today. New beauty. New driv- WRIGHT CLEANERS 88 Dunlop SL, Barrie TIIE BARBIE I-JXAMINER, BARRIE. 0NT., CANADA 1 will |`I'Il I h -hr. .~cz'- Suits :1n.l `_ $1.09 N 11% I) 1 Mi.x's Lziuru Thmnpstm ls visiting Ihcr . Mrs. J. W. Henry. .....I ru..-..I..u.. 1ur..--.. Mi:-< Marion 1\/It-Kny of Grimsby vi 1Vh's. H. Iilzxrskslnck last, \v(-vk. Mi.<:: I\ I<~Kny is smiling this .w0r-k fur S<-ozmd wht:-re she will \'isi1 In-1' lH(lH`.f`l' for smne lime. . 1Wi.'<,\'l`.. Hvllv Slmvnrt. Mm`_\' Fl(`.t- r-hr-r and (}r`nr`\7i(`v0 Jmni\son. Rev .H. (L Blnl Rrmuld St,owzn't and N:-villv .I.'Hnir.-:~'un nltmlrlnrl the [.0- ml (`mint-H mor-ling of H10 /\.Y.P.A. ii` Orilliu can Frirl;I_V vv(`nint{. I\T:m_v fm-nwr "H-s:i(lont.< will read '\\'i1h r4-mu! of tlw p:1s. of the M110 Unilml (.`h1n'(-h Ithvn Metho- ;Ii. Rt-V. MI`. l.)(~kr- (liml in Aurr)r.'I I.-1:4! \\'v-ck znflz-r nn illnoss of svvurul nunnuu VR-.-\' John I.n(-kt-, :1 former pastor of l-`ulHllliI_\' (l]l('llIl)Illl .`\`(lInl` [H lH(` Hy` lrlm \\ lll`.\` l)r~<':nm- cmssvrl and 2: l:u'_1:c` sm-rirnw uf tho \'i|l:u:~ was in (i;n'l on S'1ln1`tl.'I_v night. ll war: not until lulu Sunrluy nflurnnnn lhnl lhis was l'(`])Zlll'(`fl zlllhnllgll 1hr` mm: hurl bl.-on working all (la) !Suml.'1.\'. l`h<- Unilc-(l Chur(:h people '\\'<-1`<,- rim-ply thankful that the lights \w-rr- in .~:l1:11)v fnr llw Ovtrning sm`-- \ ir`:-. On .VIrmd:l_v lh(.- [)()\'\'(.'I` was off ngznin for mus! of Hm (lay while re- p.'1ir.< `.\'l'l'(` l)(-lug made. Snnior Institute 'l`hum1m1 S('l1ll)l` Institute met at l\lr.<. A. ll::ll;vrt,'.s' on 'l`uc.<(l:x_\ even- ing,` with :1 gnml :1ll('nd.'1ncv. Roll lrull \\':1.< :m: \\'(-r(-(I by "A Book I Ilnvv Run! and tho 1\ulhm"` which .~'lm\\'v(l ll1Lrr<,' hncl been .'I vlricty of rcu(lin;: clone by the n1un1bcrs. The Hallnwt.-`en party was discussed at smnn l(:n:.{lh and was decided to hold `it in the Or:|m.:0 llnll on I-{allnwe'en. "l`hn. pmqrnm xvns ln the hands of glhv 1-nmmilh-v on home trcmmmics. lVlr::. H. Hl:u'k. <'k ;:u\'(- :1 vm'_V fine 51:21]: cm "(`:m~ of the H:". Mrs. , L `I! HM Inn .1--. (VI ...\.. ......,.4 ing ease. Center-poise comfort. Sup- . nu... u. n. ..x-u_y. . rs Mary and Charlotte Mason of Gr:wvnhur.~'t are lml_id.',1ying with their parents. 1\/r.... vv... Mrs. Hurry Lynn spent last week in I m'ry Snund with her sister, Mrs. iWm. Wilson. The young pen play Clam.-d Li; iTL1e.~'du_y L-\'cnin1.:. I 11.. u..\ n. _. \..\....--5, 1 `J Dlll`lI1{ 1110 Rev. G. N. Grey's stzly lin 'lhm'ntnn ho \v.'1.< the gLxu.~`.t of Mr. `and IVh`.s'. .1111,-uh Hull. '1`rinil_v I\/iissiun C'.il`(`.iC will meet I on I-`rixlny (-\'<-ninxz. Nnv. 1. at Miss Dora Clm`k(-'.<. N010 clmmm of date. 1\/Irs. M<*I.m'cn nf Mitchell and Miss Fnwlvr nf Toronto are visiting the fnrmm"s dZ1ll[.{h1(.`l'. Mrs. S. C} ML'(`.m'm:1('k. T\/|'nc:Ln-n ... `A/l..r`.\... .... I. G....ll Will .17! lHill',K. Mosdnm 5 l.cmm:<. Ruznlm and West, and Miss Elonn-pr M(-Kr, attended tlrm W.M.S. : r:rml'0ronce in A1 vliston Inst l'Imrsdny. ` `A/ll..- mr- n.v..t;._.. ,r rv,, McCm`m;1ck, S('ntt.| ` Rn]! lvlwr GM Hlnkn Jami: n |in form with :R'.-\' Ln Ills IVnHn.I THORNTON nun\>|In'n ;`,u\'l' kl \((`l'_V IIHUI 'C`:m- :.':\'- .~:nn1(_- m'n(:ti('z1| hints ny. I\/Irs, \V:hslor read :1 pan-cl by Mrs. St(`wm`t of >11 Hr>n1(: Et-mnlnies of ` l'"HHrl:=". Mi.<.~' Norma Hal- :1 . in hm` usual sweet n}_{1h_\` r(-port xvns Lziven of v :1nnn:zl. Thv cnnvcner {inn rvp 1h.'1l Shh had (rs. I,nwr(-ncv nf Barrie to rhv m-xi mt-olimz. The ten \\'m'(,~ 1VIr.<. Ii.'1min,u`. Mrs .<. `.:>:1ko. Mrs. Bl:u~k.s'tock H1111-L- (`hurt-h .-\nni\'(-r>a:n'_\' I-..:. 1 (11 . p:`n].`.v put on their Ilnp.-4" at Edgar un IHI` er-Safety brakes. CATSU]: LIHIL`. Gordon Bush is now making: marked improvements on his resi- dence by enlarging, also erecting a veranda and cementing`. More Work at. Forestry Branch Cone picking is still taking place at the forestry branch along with extensive alterations to the buildings : thus making extra work with the result that extra men are being hir- ed. The work this year is being divided up more among the men on the extra list. married men getting the preference. Half Crop of Potatoes 1 The potato harvest is now nearly eompleted in this district. the qual- ity being above last, year but the quantity of the notatoes is estimated to be about 50 per cent. of last year. But the higher price being of- fered will more than make up for the loss in quantity. Turnips will likely all be harvested by the end of next week. There is still a eon- siderable amount of fall plou;.:hin;: to be done in this vicinity. School News Teachers seholars an parents spent a \(- v enjo_val)le evening in the Orange Hall on l<`ri (,)et. ill, in the form of a social in honour of the. three boys. Murray Duekworlh. Charlie Cameron and Gordrm Bril- linger who succeeded in passing their Entrance last June. The boys were presented with their certifi- eates amid lively applause from those present. Certificates of hon- our were also presented to Willina Cameron of the senior room and Jack Hanlon of the junior room who obtained the highest ninnher of Dtjints at `the Esszl School lai1`. for t1l`S school section. 'l`he znulienee `w re further entertained by :1 var- iLi prograin followed by refresh- .nts. v REASON FOR l`lEAl{S 'h(~ The teacher was I:-Hing his (rlu.-;.~`.`1.z1-v about the (rm1qu(.-:;l.s` of Alt-x:mdm \No the Great. Ho mzulo the tale a slirg '1 ring (me. am \K/hnn Ah-\'nnrhu~ :-....a 4;... Mr. and Mrs. A. Wlieatiey are hoi- idaying with relatives in Sarnia. William Davidson is imp1'uvin;.1 his tenement house by cementing CJIIHO :1 ninnhnr `frnrn {ho villnrrr-I um Ltlllltllltflll nousc Dy cemcnunm Quite a number `from the village attended the dance at Baxter last week and report :1 very enjoyable time. (En.-Ann Dunn's (lid? Du you think he ;:.1v(* u (tin.-:9. ` um-:11 fvust 1n('(`I(`l)1':l1(*hi:2 lriunn':h'. |Nu. he am down and wvpl." the Tho (-hilrlrcn :~'<`<~m(-rl n liHI(~ rIi.~'- `nppuimr-d :1! this (-hildish (-xhihi- When AIL-xandm' hnd cnnqucI'vrl=lir>n on the part of lhv horn: sn lhu India," he said. what do you thinloic-n(:h(:r r-mntilnmti. "Now, why do _vuuH'1ink /\l('.\ :1skr~(l. Up \\`('lll :1 litllv hnnrl. Wt-ll, '{`mmn_\"." ll l l(-mu-, sir." .~:;nid l`m`n :~1in,'.','l_v. pm`lmp:~: hv w.'1_\' hzwk." .mrh'I` \ SPECIAL ASSORTED Ps 2 .4: -..\.,.rxn.. _SPAGHETT| xng. | MI`. and Mrs. F. J. Norman spcm Che weekend with relatives in Wu- terloo. I hinb T`1m.m,.... r ur,.,.,:..s....1. :,. :.. SPECIAL i5EANlmBUTTER Round Steak Roast Sirloin or Wing Roas`t`_ I`-`ct Roast lb. 1 3:_Rump Roast lb. 160 Porterhouse Roas-t- Eisket lb. 8;_Bologna 2lbs.2_ Smoked or Fresh Fillets - lb. 157:. oAAfMI-SAL LlBBY'S. CLARK'S CAMPBELUS, AYLMER OR wnoo. ' Dick Dawson 01` W0nds:tuCk is in town this week looking` up old friends here. | Mr nnrl mu... r.... n..|r,....: ..,\.: Plew s Oat Puffs - l kg'. 9&1` Perfection Lemon Oil Rnttlc 15 Green Peas - - 1 l<;;'. 9 Willard s Humbugs lb. 15 Aylmer Infant s Foods 2 Tins 19 Palmolive Soap - (Elke 5c Rice, ]5:u1c_V ]z1p:u1 New Brazil Nuts Bayside Peas, No. '7 Keen s Mustard - 1 2 21 3..5!5.N 5 lb. SC ANGUS McLAREN'S 1 - - 11).: .2 '.l`i112fm`] 1, /1-<)z. Tin ' lI.'\l .I'I`:\\' PEA s()up 2- r3`n"i*"'19` WEEK-END VALUES pinnuu Mrs. r'c(rK. I On 'I`uesday_ Oct. 29. lhv Suns M England will rneol in tho 'I'rninm(-n`s Hall for the (!l(.`(7ll0n of oflicmjs. af- ter which the White Rrmr: (Ic;.{rm.- will be exemplified. --'I`hnnp`h lmrrl hil ln; 1|-m 1'1:-nnl