Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1935, p. 7

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`F: One of the Fvhn r21ml>lin;: report- (-114 clmppod 3'1 on n llu'e.~:hin;{ heo at Thomas Fo0te's. in ('nlch-slm' North. the other day. and was forc- jl-l_v reminder`. or the :,n-at hvtwccn thre:-him`, in (hv om dny.~: nnd in those. He would not like to; have renders J the l~`.<-hn inror H1211 .I.. Ihnlzu nun: ~n-n \\ru-ulhinn unann- RUMACAPS C LEA N SE , . your system at Urn: Acnd, relieving Rhcnmntism and Sciatica. l'xu.-,1` Srvtln ~-:---- ..--.._.._- 1 ____..._____._.__..:..___... DR. C. C. FLl~`.NII.\'(`-. Vclminnrinn and Surgvun. Office. 48 Bayfield St... Barrio. Phone 811. Threshing of Today Compared With That of 40 Years Ago When It Was Big Farm Event P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER . OPFN DAY AND .\'l(`-ll ! 41 Elizabeth St. : I'hum~ 218 G. GD. Smith ._& Co. .~A_LIl.`L_. rmuunun-uru um. . I`l'T\'l-`R Al. BIR lr`(`T()l{R AND EMB.-\l..\|l-?I{S 0| !-`..\' I).-H` AND NIGHT Motor ambulance In cornccllon BAIIRIE. 0N'l`.-l ll0Nl-I 83 (Amhr.-rs1lmr;.: Echn) e `L. vs 1.. ..._,,_u_n:, .. . \'F.T}`.RlN .\Rl .\N orrml r5'r|us17 4" o:d'r.{%i'xx- ups -.au4n--n- an I-`.~`aN|xhed IR639 l\VI,`II II nvu L`l"I`t| Thu!-sxday. S :-.pten1I)or I9. 1935 Notary Public. Cu nu zh--1\rin(' nf \\`i ;Jl-ZSSIE R. Iuwsox.'1`mc1 1- Organ. Suuzmg and all subiocts. Pumls mw.-n:u`cd DR. \\`.-\l.'I`l-IR ll.'()ODRO\\'. (`)I'il|1:I. Suwcvssnr to the late Dx`..`\.P..-\rd;:;:h - F._\'n. oar. nnse and throat . will bx? at Qm\vn`s Howl. Barrio. `\'m`)` Sn1urda_v. R n.m.. `.4: l`. . nmm. \'l("l`uIuAN Ul{nr;K UI" .VUN.\l-..\- Iarrie Br:m(`h\. Well Baby Clinic {mm 2 to 5 o'clock vvery I-`riday. Ap- plication for m1rso`s S(`r\`ic0s may be ; made direct or through ductnr. I`olc- ' Ihmm I88. "W.-\l.'l`l-`.R .\lncNl7'l"l`. .\.'l`.(`..\l.. Bur- - rio. Tonclwr of piano. nrunn and Thr- .' or_\'. singinu mach. nnznnisx and u-hnhm |,n1nstvr of 'I`rinit_\' vhurvh. R.H`rin }Sc}mI:Irshi;> _<'.u(`x "1 far 11'-.1-~ 3" a"[`nrnntn (`um. WV 0 Mm-< `-du`<.<` 123 \Vur-`Icy Sh. }>\\'\~' 1 -` I \'l(`TORD\N ORDFR OF .\'URSI.\'-- Irlnn-rin Rrznu-h\ Hull R.-uhv (`hnirw master of St. .`\nm`e\\' 5 Pl" Church. Gold Medalist Tm . of Music and Um `I`ommu. 113 \Vorslc_v SL. : .\l;\\'l)El-`. .\!c.-\l'l.l~I\'. :\.l`.(`..\I.. 'I`v:1- chor uf Piano and 'I`hc-u'_\`. 0x`*.:um.~( 38! L`.onr_uo`.\ uhurch. H5 Bu_\'old St. . r II.I.m'n 'l`1'l-`I-`ORD. m~-vnnm c`..m.-.- , `St. United Fhnrch. 'I`v:u~hor of Pinnn. I {Or[.zan. Voice. 39 Owen St. Phone 232. ` PROF. D. E. WEIR. Tt`ilCht`T of Finn and Violin. Piano Tuner Phone 6}4r 33, Barrie. Ont. ..__...__._._...__..__.___.__.____. GORDON LON(`-MAN. }\arl'is1t`r. Sul- Icilur_ Nntury. Eu. `Money m Lnm: Masonic Tonmlv I\ui1dim:,. Ban`:-ie. .._..____.___.._...__.__...__......_.._ Urgan. 5 subjects. Cnnsvrvn 1l'l`hu\r)'. Urgnx ' of St. Andrew's h Cnld Medalist .\ll'Sl(` LI .` blnglng Pupils lm`\' of l DORIS N. lll'N'l` 11') : B.-\RHH-I ` 1`! THEORY I M l ;:T/Ia}iTi;nd's New Dock I Opened at Ceremony I I Mi nbw duck . l)l.`{. ,lHl `in 192:; and z-nnmimvd this sunmmv. \\':|.~; nIl"u:ially opened at n C011-1nmy ,I\/Inlldzny 0\'('-ning. ;1tl01\(lv('l by nmrv :1h1m `J.,()U() lVlnym' S. W. Niv- !Kin1vy mmmtvd the pl:1t1`nrm and Him mu-I: linhlu \\'nI'r- 1m-nod on fun I glxnm-y mt)lmu`.(,l Int` pmuurnl unu itlw dnurk lights \vur(.- iumorl ltllw first Iinw :11 8 p.m. , The (ll)(,'l . .~'_\'s1c1n. which umxs . nf throv, piers. n \vnr<-l\n\ls(- zmrl r:nl~ rand sidimzts, cost. in all nvur hall` .1 imillinn (ln]lm'::. The` original wuu(i~ on .-xtrm-luru which it l't`])l.'l(`(`.` \vn:' lumen en mm nnd mm `I'll Bil {hum - __ ` DUNC`.-\N I. M\`("l`.-\I(`u. R-\.. lm` cossor to (`ro.~`\\`i(`k~ S: Roll). Ilurris tor. SOH(`i(0l`_ UH`. 1\hnc\_\' to Lmm Ross Black. R'.n`rio. __ .\ll.\`.\` `-1. H1-.\l{Tlll'l{ I-`urs Rvmodtllrd and Rrpaired Over llu1'1bur'.'s Shoe Store. ['|Ul`(? \\"Hl('|| II I 1881 and 1882. UP W USHAL `HOS saw I ma MARK [\4IIlGLll|ltl.lU ,...... ,,..,,.. , Sc-hnnl. fur ;--vnncl |)ri'/.0 wi1h pninl.~4. Ella Thmnsnn. SS. H. lhml with .5 ;u)inl.\'. I::lb('H:\ Rl\|`|'N.\'1|Il. SS. 10. lured Hm I`('(`i'nlinn mmiul and 1 luh Bn\\'.'~:(`l . SS. 11. Nr\\ 1=`lu:<, the lm,-(IHI fur pLll)H(` ::p(-:1k|n5.:. Tho vhumpinn !s'|)(`H('l' in 1110 u inn" divi inn \\">:: I-Erma H-`:m|:uH. I ) L`. . A. 0|... ..I....... (Conmzmrd J .._c r. . rm; ummmmk'2\M1N1:n_ mumm. om-`. . ` (`:\N;\D.~'l _:_~. I lrmn page mm) rnntl \\'i1h |\:uI\\A~1\I\ Q C H As A CEREAL it's FINE either way! Il s so lmmly to have n pn<-k:\_:r.:* of K1-I|u;:g`.~: Al.l.-"INN in lhv kilvln-n. ?"t`r\'0 it :I:: :1 l'l'l`1`:I|. Ilsa` il ulsn us :1 ulm|4- int.-re-ulivnl in yuur Ilnnilim. Inn-:1d~1. nun-I:-h. \\:IIs`-'. 4-It-. DON.-\l.l) I-`. Mm~l.. \Rl-`.N. l\.:\.. Rm : rlstcr, Solicitor, vim`. M;\sm1iv Tmmnlz . Ruildivm B.':ll`l`|\`. Mnnvv In Luau. Keep on the Sunny Side of? L3-3i'e `I l:IMv.-4pnnnfIe1- Jrev wi on IN COOKING I I uurmgv, u y \':-gv|uH:- HI l'I|ll.`I' |)|l\ in ! whh 4-:n u-gun rirh /\I.I.-lhuw .~|up;1ivq I l l`|!'l'&Il` |I:I|viI.<. ALI.- lllnlll g H1. 11'. Billy Spence nun of I rlstor, soncunr. v Building. Bnrriv. fi (i(i.\' .-'\'l` HIHH!Cl{ !'I!l(`l-IS`. 1 l U'l';\'l'UI-IS :\l.:() .\`!l()\`V ~';PEc1AL}BAiLC`AiN%i :~:xcunsM1o_VNs`} V'\v E.:`: 1")L5lRi\.l CIi"ALN.ADA" . Canadian Pacific ONE. CENT PER MILE rr:-uI.|r |H`X'lll I.|rr. parlor and rznrs` :1! :|ppru\im`:|tt`|_\` mill`. plus rv:.:nl.|r h--rlh [urn- T<.._l.?1:EAGH 1 `,1 1, \"I'\Tl().\' l.\' -.....-..p--any INAIVAI HOLLY ` VI(l\ l'..`V', !.\'HU\`V Jl'Ml' J. A. (`0Rl!l.`l`T. \:m':nu~or `.x\1~1'.1d'n SOUTH SIMCOE YORKSHIRE BREWERS F`'"I?.`._ ANNUAL ,L53:Mr`*"`3 1935 The Country Miller Who Pioneered Our Electrical Development !|`W'Ill l' :lI\1I .'\lll Ill I".I""l :I-'olll\ I Y.V`wA" '"' """` Sale will } eld under cover at iluu: Agricultural Fair Grounds, ALLISTUN, ONT. 1:110 l ..VI.. .`?'I'.'\Nl).'\lU) 'l`|.'\1l-I .._-: 4 -n- 1:----: g... _ 4 Jun W l an Co15t1ne;?n:$a!M Law JOHN w. H(BBi D....:.l....| 25 s0v\7s "- W Y ' "T.51z'({*::';7 Most of them Bred Majority m" .`ior~-/i;r\aMv~. Agu .....~.,. I...`, I.,.... ..-. .`,x :- r:..~-...`...,,.. ,-, ... - _ 1 ,g. `| TO n cnumry miller nt Georg:-1 own, Om nrin, `glut: for Imilding the first long-(lialnmw hynlru 1rmmni9~`.inn line in Camuln--!ht' for:-rnmu-r nf lhr rlislnhminn sy. which hnvr hrmxghl llu` In Ir-ctri:-ity in our hum:-s zmrl indurxlry. During the ye-nrs of this devz-lopmt-nl , .-moth: r in hrnvvinl xx-rvirc Ims heon built up, ns Th:-(,`un1iII< Insuruncc Comp:-my mndc nvnilnhlr` m-rm:-; (`:4 Tm-ilitir-9 for pruufclion of depc-n(Ianl.~x np,:nin-.1 xx pruvisirm of inrmnc for mluculion and mhrx pm wt-ll us. for the lxm~r ycnrs of life. 'I`h:`r<- is u Inxmrzmro (.`m~ stumls nu nllvll" whit-h hzm won ])mnininn. (`0RBE'I`l`. \"_\':u\m`r dt~ods_ :xrr:m::1n:: nnnp _.f 21!! kinulu ANTEN MILLS . Al.kin:=4 Mn `r1lV V7. r`I\.' President COLWELL 1 '~ .:` \ A .,7 ' Iizsurance-{ipmp/ny . . . ' // u " . . nnr . r\n.\./ .s. n I r<`pr(~s`.c`nmlive nf Thv (`nmin nnpuny in ynnr rnmmlmilv. H :mn Cnmpzmy, l)]n'l'.'I!ilI11_ in nu. g.-.nndwill nnd l`ri:~n.l-Juip Ihrnn I . .\'lN(&IvIl{. llislrir-I .\I:uI:Iu:-I`. Head Olfkigi TI\nf\LI'ff'\ Fleur: \II"l(C ~*R9#::.s2.%. U3` Rhr.-nmnlxam Srinhcl; :nuMAcAns deeds. arr:u\_x_um: anve of all (ruler and Trust **-* litmus! tbs .7.ii'ng'5 {1)i;;i;lnay| DAILY SERVICE GRAY CGACH LENES 777"? 71;! I USE Rht: TGREETQ Single--$1.'75 Return----$3.15 f.'..; r1iA. J. L/worrc Managing Dinector Douglas Drug Store t--_ J. I`II)'lN 'lI..\`0N'-. U..\`..'\.. Rmtlstorvd Ostoopux. G King I Bllrrit`. '1`t'luphun(` 345.

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