Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1935, p. 2

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I511 .'\l\1 I .-\f!vrn\vun (ml was F\`\`\'x`d nu nu`-' lawn with !\h'.~` A. F Garret! in cl\ar;:o. .\lix< Hx-\\'sun and .\h.~`.~ Chzumvn were in L'hzu`_::u of mu` lL`\" (.`I'.`un\. '\[rs. P L`. (`ulomun and .\lr.<. 9 1:-mun r~..x.._- n... ..;...- 0} a new price} U\\'('l.\ \\l ` lily-x` I um! man : Kulhlvc x uf llw I` Ck.` - OIUUJHI. Sibbalri. A. Bell. (U IH \l|L' uquu. .I| buck wnh m'nm:c u\\'cr.< \vvI'c lm'_L:v `nu Uh`-\(`H10-\`EIH(`)`. `HIE BARBIE EXAMINER. BARRIE. ONT CAN.-IDA l'|l\l`l\'I\III!'W. ' in me hand. \\-Hh nwnnn 37.20 `I l`lU("\ (III aldenhznr re tea-and-green acx- I grocer'|. Mn 9 by ` mdon. Ontu-in. bmIm- l\lL'|ll.`> 3 \\'u\tm- 4 ii u-_|| In 21 {Fill uldhfed. head .. 4\1l$.\l'.~ nvlvu (`,le\'e1zmd. 0.: Little Current. `ll I'll lIYl|_l" Her \`('I` can) .~hupc. and vaulghl u hln-:qun\: an-.1 Hl..`\`U.\.\K|l_\ llltlll HI unntplmnts. If pm1.wrl_\' l\.uullt-d ltttsitxz-ss inst:-ml -1 going lu lvll _\'un two lvttsim-ss firn similar vnxnplztints fuuud that our pm dirty milk buttlx-. tug--dIit`_\' and th fq_uitu-`hurt that \\ to :1 dirty lvutllu`. AL`; \\..n1.. uv-.. hlu. IIHRHI \'M'upv.- lI||lH`l', llltll I|I|l.\lH.`|| us. If hr (lid nut vxpc-rl In gel all Hw bnltlvs ch-un `vur_\' daI_\'. {In-n \\'l` did nu-I want In gm uur milk from Hull daxiry mm as wn luI_\' lllrov quzIl`ls ml` jm'.~:n-_\' milk and 21 bumv of vrx-an: t`\'l`|`_`' mu` }u11`vhnws ;m- uln-\'v Hm u\'uru;;v 1.21.-e! \\'m*k wv l.\nup,hl I'ull.~: and im- hullunm` ml` Llu-In \\'un- dm-i!vdl_\' dirty lu'c`u\:.-:x- Ihv puns had nut hm-n pI'upn'ly \\'u.~hn-(I Y lnld lhv ln1um_1,'-r ulmul it mud lu- tlmnlu-.1 mu \'m'\' px'ufuwl_\' and 1lD|1:Il'('nH_\' .\`iI1l`l`I`\`l_\` fur l(`HiI\g.', him. Hr .~mI(l Hun! Inn \\"|\' I\`|\'ilII` Inn-1| in [LI lhul Early Sundav morning burglars entered the :mre of Devme and} Lethe-rb_\', butvhers. Coldwnter. by` smashmg a rear window and then lurcing an inner door. They stole some cash from the 111! A consid- erable amount of stock and fixtures were destroyed. I-`nudstuffs of all kands were upencd and thrown on the floors. I Tm`! 1:: \'t`l`_\' lwn-ssznx'_\' In mining` hn.~`im-5:4 uml nu plzu-v is il murv m.-vu.-:. man In {hr lI2uulliIu.: nf .-nn\nlxnnl< If nu-.-e XlI'n] \\Vi|5 INN n|.\ l'I.`\_\ I1 z1.~:kvd if hr mu-hl su that he mulcl - lhr \`\'idx`lH`|* Hm! I had \hII|(' h i.~n'1 {hm luv! u: A Tip (0 .1 One`-'91` Ilu- \'ur_\' kiI\;,'_1::- hu.~bauul llhu lT{G{ll.< n-mix n |...Z.l.u- o. ... I. 2|l'l' llll`ll IHH Thu [Iuur dmll uf u-Ir vhlhi-l Sced mm` and har\'e::! un--Oh lil [hill `H cl \\lIl `husbzuul hupp_\- lmlviluully has `fimvnl but llu-r -..u H... I\.._| l.\ I \l'I.\ IIIIL 1 1`L`m{y for (I nwn oven the L-luth 0 gi`\'ci `I11;-In ihe il any\\"a_\'. 'I`h<*n fn good l`(':=1llH':llIl.\` pm In :1 ).:lu.<.< n buttvr and per` nli\`.~'. su than _\'c bling 1'i;.'.l11 awn pangs uf lmm,'vr your husbmul u -)I\r` -) \\|H K. Ill` \'IlI\|'.`I ll gnnd nn-all and II 1: in >`w.- that lnv (.3-l.-' it part n1 .1 \\'i!\-`:4 :|.....|. v\-1.!-. . _..... Mix ingredmms and thinly sliced cucumbers. paprika gives a bit of I Inrt-:1 )'Ulll nu.\u.uIu Al and a cracker or glass of 1nn'1:I1n 3 the \\`cullxcr or I is ouscolm-d um I i|_>4|`\r \- I\l\I\:| |l(IpL'l. lAll\\'l but he cam`! being mudc I \.. -. ...'o \... l'\l'1 _\Uu tho clolh bdlllllllg lwurk. but 6! :\I'nv1 nun dll U\ UH Ul require 40 1 hour. Rmm tighten the ic 1.. iv Qiy ML` \\ UII l smncnng -\`-nr \'| nu 4 l\ IIICHI " (I \\'Ulll(|lll runn- three`-. Fulfillin3.: om'1h`s bvaulzful T1" -~Eduz\ Janus.-.~' in the V(`l'l\Ul1 E 3'n3:'s"s'i':'}xL" 1L'a'x~iEiii6vi Written for The lixznulner by --nnnrn A I I I-uni l\fII'\IIl\I HINTS FOR HOMEBODIES lluudling (`oulphnlms H lH\' lllp.\. il. Simple. Proportions` . 0.. . 1 HHH HY llllll llU| th on thv lublc. Sn he illusion of :1 meal vn fz\ko`n Hp frmn th`(- ':Inls 'l'lu'_\' :nl\vuys nf mm-r. mils and pcrhup.~' t'\`l\.'l')' and 1! _\'m1 can In-;_1u\ nib- u\\'n\' and nlluy Hu- .1 \l.'|... u uh-nu Hl(`ill KS5 UH In H In Jll do his tummy. v. don't furgct the table. '&Il.\ lll'\ |'I Il|.\|' ll l-hkv qnnlllio-.~z. \\ H1 lm.-I um-1' an n x\'-.~: Hll.` cuII1l'n1'l ` M Is up in lhv X|'.`< Jtlll ll` RFC}! Ill ! ' Any wnmun wlm lulv xm-ul>: is inn-f- A 4.-:ui.\|\u nu \\'iI) nlllll Illlll) II 401`. Why nut uh cup nf hot 501 2: cunl drink or juicv. dc-pending his tznstx-. while I mnfm'tubl_v with h you won ! foul hi ...\ \|vI1.\I\ lu- IN WOMAN'S. REALM {UH \\'Ulll IUUI lulu much whvn he is xfurlublv. .~\ny\\'uy In if hv jus1 gt-ls lis tummy. What- 0. . (nu! (-0. mm nn1sm.~u vvury n `n nning for . pour over A dash of; A nnlnur iv-1-. `.'.u1:sr ll krup hm` |l\I:Il\ \\'||n lllXIH_\' Wlwn dn_\".~: 'l ..v` :1 Inn- {.201 Wonch Family Hold; ?Fifth Annual Reunion`_ Is _\'0\u' .\`ub.~'criplim~. paid? --j._ l 'l`|u- fiflh unnuul 1':--union ml" thu- `\\ uI\t`h fzumly was held run-nll_\' un thv fnrm of Mr. and Mr.~:. Clim- Hurr. Bullmwille, when nearly 1:00 xm-1nlmr.~' of mu rluu _l{llHH`l'|'i from U.\'U|'i\h,`\'. l!uI'ric. 'l`l\m'nl--n. (`hur- vhill. (`raig\'nl(~. lh\inn\'Hh`. Rich- lluund Hill. llighlzmd (`rm-k, Murk- ham. Lm`u.=:t Hill. (`lu-rr_vwm'ul, `Nv\\'lunhr-vuk and ullurr ymims. 01` l`rnn.~._\'l\'amiu Duh-h uruuu. lin- l\\ mu'h l'2unil)' drnv nu-Ir (`amudiun `hi.~h>l`_\' hm-k in mm wln-n \\'Illnun I u \\'unch svlllv.-d in Murkhum '|`nwn- .-3.... .... l|\.\ Wu. In... u-I....~.. II... Him. IHINII HI HINI lllll ` 'l`ln~ fmuult-I` U! bl`l|l|l'h an! the Inn cum! sun.~;. the uni! ing up l`t'.*silll`l|l't` .`~`.t;nh--: 'I'ln-in` In`: mun zu mm Hum. Hm (.`zn\mlmn fmnily wma um: uI' ulln-1` l.mHu-rs lulv in llw Unit:-(l Slillcri. 'I`ln-ir pr:-.~`:-m lucnhun is unknown In the (`zuuuliun l`2unily \\ ilIizuu. Sui. hut! hut mm sun zuul li\'u- ;;run(l:auns. Ihu .~la~ E-lll'\ i\ Il|;; ;;ruu(l. living W. I". \\'nIu'h_ |u'n-an inlc-nt of lhv Wum-In .-\.~:.-:m~m1iun. lH`l ln-1".~e ml` lhv mzsm-Izlluml. un- .m1mnusl_\' l'(`llH'lI\'tl fur un ml-lIlxnn~ `A w 1.` w.....-h ...-..\. ill _V'l'ilI nu It-nt. I\h`.~; (`.I'.'|l1;un, 5|`! '- n tu- .-...`-u...,,. ......., .. llv_vmll.~: ;,'m':4.~snu.: :`nl1ltt\l_ l.)wln:: l`rull: nltln-51 pl't.'>:uIIl. Mrs. l.auu:h- lm. mu-(I 7M; ym1nl,'c.~al pun-.~.'n-nl. llnby \'ulIll1..!_ lwn \\'m-l(:i' nlal mm M Mr um! l\l1 .~' Willizun l\l-u'ri.~'. llxlII'ill1:,n-; for (-mnim: 1ln- 1,-1':-zulml li>`l1lnm-. lvm 'l`. (`uldc-r of (`rni;.-,\'nlc-. (lzunu u\\':n'rl.~:: (ix-n'giv l'rnH, l`Il\\'m l rntl, Hn::.~` HuI'm~ll. Slnrlvy llurnx-ll. llllly \\'ulkz-1'. Virgil \'\ ri1.:hl, Lillian l.umh. Ala-x (`npx-lalml, .l:um-.~; lvam. l"lun-mm l\luI'tlu-n, l)~l|u llnrr. M:u= 1.:iIl`I'l |\'un, Slzmlmry llruzhl. llus sell llurr. Mrn ll. l`I'uH, llt-ll: \VriglH, W. (Eihsnn, Gm Slunnlc-n, .l:u-k ll:-ynuld. Jun (}r:nm.:I'. .l-.-\- siv llurr l\1u.s`in' for lln- l:mrm;'_ \vhi(`h lull:-\\'ml the :x'|mI'l.`{ prn;:rsun wus_l`nr1\i.~`lu-l by Nvwlun l..'uu:lI< inn and Mr um! l\`lr:a. l{l|.`.`\l'l| llrnl- mm;Ci{ObE`l`ERiXS %C`O'.,M LIMITEDV` FE/1 TUIEE Their Famous Fragrant iiii$"iLAiii1:i."""I"E75{ ll` i|l'|', \\' l`. \\ lllll` C Hurt` mu! m. .~`l't'l`t`lll'_\'-ll'I'ZlMll`l` ;::ulu-ring will lw `Hy. il \\'2l:: d~vx(l-L Sure]:-ll - Bottle Zinc Jar Rings Down 210 Rubber Jar Rings Rn:-n Hr-nvv Unnlitv Hun-_n Sr`. The above "Specials" arerlnrl Sale all week of August ?2nd to 28tlI Our "Specials" at other points are not all the same, but you will always find them equally as protable. _ Are Cort-!;i|>;in\.v`ited to Visit Our and to shop in our Modern TORONTO MARKETS and GROCETERIAS. _-__- , Makes more nnd hotter Jnma J: Jc-lliuu Keep Enamcllcd Surfaces Clem and Bright. al Dl((Z Spreads like Bullet I 4-ox._Pl 5pec!'al HEINZ Delicious spiat z'1YLMER Choice Quality _5_PI'_I 0GILVIE S Royal Household -1"`--W `.la_1nAv4 ., . , . . . -., \`C.-/ .. . . |b.d| p";;a%.?+???**f 15 DUSTBANE PRODUCTS LIMITED 77 King St. Eu! : TORONTO, Ontario -Segcigl Special .l.L44nJA4\/ \1 \ fern I"-`lalces ..... -- _ A ,.,.- I Toilet $oaP F'I3u r INGERSOLL CREAM vulva Juan -s--no-no Extra Ilnnvy Quality Duzcn G. ' FF`? .` Hl?|||i threw. u-O .\' nu Secure Your Preserving Supplies $511935 70 THE CANAPJAN NAIIQNALT EXH_!BJT'9_N_ , ..............1'.4.u.. IUIV AH) allll \\'unt`h. M KELLOCG S 12 lim.!ur. I\\'u n ('l"(l lay S I. n n :1 plum-1. upnw vup_v nl nu-din-:1! ln-.'nli:;- \\'r|H-u I Ix-un-~|n`x-ml /'\'/.In-ma In Mr): 5iXl('(`lI) H-nlury. I|1'l`lI |IrlIIll'll IIH Qum-In I\r1:n'y. 'I'ln' Snmllx.-mu a plmln;;I'upl1i(- lIHH'il'.'|I In I. and pu\'el`l_\' wu ' and sununer :53; 2 3C 2g2.61( C|Io(o|.'I;t'av$y|_'up n-_J..`1_. L an H(`\\' mnunlnin in-n|:; lllt` Nutitmul (iv: '1)".-; Yuknn l".x1u-dnlnu Imnwrl for Kim: (ia-nu III f\r`I:n-u Read`/for lmmednate Use 1-lb. Tin No. 4 Sieve THE TOILET SO W11 5c I~I;\R'l`lI'.\` 'l`RlNl'I`Y creunm. Mrs. r. L Lnwnxun ;-um .\u'.<. : Elliott Cnlvs. (kw h\H1\!`ll\2l\`l\` baking: tablv. and .\lx'.< N M 'I`lwIn.\*un and Miss Brvu-Imx. farwy work and n0\'('|lu`s. U7'Iu's Delirious Tan is m-ru-fly the same as sonwd in our Booths at the Canmliun Nulimml I'.'.x`hiIn'!iun. THE CERTAINTY OF DAWN In quietconfndoncer "andinllm ndlmrencu to soundbusinmsprinciples limthewczylolruo success. The Royal Bank offers to lngivirnoto enterprise the security and prmge which sixty-Ilx years of expurinncu have built up. _ I 3eam14 'nnI;m ln:.liluliun |.i.. . n ..l . . A- Z-lb. Package 1-lb. Package Black or Mixed Black 31` 61` FRY`; S 11 Med. 13332. Size 'l`in1 1` y Tins 17-oz. )7 . 23 "in; All Stu `, wilh a bantuwod s\\-ing. i w._ Curunu Hrnnd T` o . 1 Cnrvmn Brand 1% - . `I (iornnn Jiraml Fruit Jars 3'".E.`,'2i .. 99c Parowax 1-um-u. 120 No. 2 Size Tin Add Milk or Water Onl-y Aj Al the Sp:-ciul Plim of T54-9'3 ? Package IVUIVTT Soak: Clothes While! 4 ) the side uf hm` ~81 chi1d-- nu-su Larqt ` Padres: ` __ Plmnu 222 Mr gumu Mn) prmlln.` .-. .._._._.._..._. .. ___..-_ ...._-.-...._---o. 20-or. Padu gt . 3 `J ! 59. ` TH:-dium 531.0 ( I Duzcn L ORANI, Mnnnqur '.)`luIrmluy. Allxunt 22, I03 T515` "$1.13 ~a child -~t?\esu-E ; will rise and] death and E and ` nu... the hem`! i 1 Ahoy: use Canadian National Telegraph: D.Bj.%%CLEANING msnz \\'lllll'.' back I Thv uuuual s\xuunL-1' :.;zu`d<`u Ix-`1 undm` the uu$pict~.~' uf 'I`r:n'1t_\' !.~u'- lsh Aid was held at the hulnc of Mrs J. W. Plummvr. 54 Pool Strve-t. Ins! E`x`i(l2Lv .\(t(-rmxmx. when the pro- couds \\'vr\- about $80 Tho :\w:~`!s \\'crv recei\'od by Mrs Chas. u-~ Nix`:-xx. president. and .\l'.'.<. E. V. T{lI!$lt`}'. \'ivs~-p1'`sid(`1`.! of me Pan'- ish .-\id .\h.u-n.\..n 0.`-. nu... .-.u~.r.\.~l nu l`\.\ Why use a messy Powder when D.B. Paste is available". For 1" Houoehold Cleaning (`l:2.\"l`lltI \'l'2Sl'IL-\ GIRLS E.\"l`l*Il{'I`.-\lN 'l`Ill-I \\'.l., Thu .-\ugu. nu-chug ul` the \.`c.-nm~ \'vspru Junio" limm-xnukz-1`s was held at the hunw M` Mrs L.. \\'murm'x~. sum 10 mvmlmrs and H \'L~.1lur.< present. 1\lr.~'. L. \V im:m\'\~ read (hr -`um -Qu. ".\l2lkx- l!v.`\\` {ru-xul.<. but km-In ll`\.. ..hlA n... n\\\' -.n.- <.l\~m~ Ihn uld `H)\\'\lU. k\.|C|l\I` l2t'\\ l|ll'll\I.`. L'||| hm: old: the new k|l`(` sil\'\`r. nu- ure gold." The roll cull \\':\s s\\"rt`d by "\\'h)' 1 l\t`l(`ll1.: In lI...unur.u " I ll|\' l\'|l\'\\ III}; I X|u|.\\Iu_I . :\ fu\'m'ite pm-In \\'a.< gnvt-n by .\lu|`!t` R('l\ni\`k. Thamk \'uu." I Thr girls than h;|l\(h`d me xm~x~Iix\,: .tu me St`l\|\\X` lustiluw whu supplied ' me pru_s:nunxm-. and z~\'x`x'yo|w t!nju_\'- ed the cmllest that I`\\1lu\\'vd. Ice gvn.-euxx. vuku and lexm-nude \\`L`l`\` sw-`\'vd by me girls. I The uv.-xt um-t-hm: is In be: held at ;.\1'. Durxs \\`u\gru\'e`s home. Mrs. G. Trask Marks ` Her 84th Birthday} \l\`\\ lII| nuuiv by (`vex I I I I 1 =x'x3:,m_\ zwith 2 n\I\I ; (`HI "Hard wurk an .);.\n.. 1.~ the X `(hut `.\h`$. '1`msk i (on her f2uml_\' .- jwnrk. ;\lr,~'. ":L 7.!-nv bun- XUI XI HF! llilllltl .-nuudvn mum` wan `Shv has four .~:un.~ j'l`:`2\sk. Chislmlxmx -Jusoph. .-\!lund:\h-: mud .1au'm-lv. 'l`u\'u:\!u Mrs. Juhn Ih-b:`l`!:<\\ Hrs. Juvk .\lL`Phx~r.~ v. . uu~vnnh-|nIrh~.u\ All 5. Nu` m ' papxws. mrec. Part \>f e;u`th`.< beautiful 'I`1`inil_\'. A hmm.-ly cultage. at bit of lawn. Soft grusxx for ehildrvn In tumble` on: A l:-min` for roses. Xv blounrund, .-Hun '. 5 .\'\u'uI. ['l`ra. H-i_L{h!_\'- ,\\'HI\ I ;\\'\\l`K. L\ll`.~'. H`;l.~`K In sun (|\'l|\'K` lu- in;\_\'. her mum hubbienx` bx-ing.: .~'t`\\'- Mug: drt-s, -.< and quilts. Sm` is in 'l`t`lI\{H`k?lbL\' {inc health ' Born nvur Hsnniltml. :\lr.~' '1`rusk`.< \\'us Exmly .\!uunt. .~:m\.~`-- Judzzu (`ueur_s.;vl Minn; \\'illi;m\ \'iL-Em`. Onllin; 'l`u\'u:\!u; two d.nIghu`r.~'. }{\~lw1'!: H;Imiltm\; and '.\h`s. .\lL`l hx`!'>`\'l\. Onlliu: six Jr u|Q_ u unnl .-Q \. 3.111 dd\'l'L`. 1\`\\):I`.\'. K\Il)t`l`l: hx~r. rm-u _u:`nx\ds'h|ld1'vn _::r:u\(k'h1l(l!'z`n Rh`: 'I`I':| `\ {l'ZN\(Il'Hll(ll'l'H Mrs. 'I`r:Isk sull kwps \nc hv rnndiuuv h .\ \\ IUXIVI l\l I l`lll`l`i(`d U fullu\\`iu_s: fan-nu-inn \vt`UX'_I;\' 1Hl.~l\. \\ \"~| ourxw h. Urilllu. xm\\hcx' M W J K. .-\H:uulah-. cvl:-blunt:-(I hex" 3 -{mirth bn'thdu_\' S2mn'da_\'. 3| munlu-r uf her I`euuiL\' pl`\'.~'- uni H1 21 pm ! In` h01`. I n.. 'T`.-u .~1 must \\'as sug-teslcd auul out V:-r_\' s\u`ct`ssl`ull_\' ;: 'I`hur.~ any. ....;.... u-n.- n|\`|u\ lu- ! : 1!\ul`.<(1a|)'. pm-In k. A mu in cm w. \\'e -at fu1lu\\'vd. Mu lexnunztde and . I. sun m`\`p: rx`adin5.: 4'1 l\'|llIL'(' IUI cling. An apple nee, .\'!_\' dn.-ss. for UK` ...|. u ...- `S up with tho dzuly spt`t`xull_\' |\[``)lii(\I\ 2|ll~ Nu` anu G gltf lru nay our \.uA1I(\a :- bouquet of pink sweet peas. Mrs. Hack. mother of the groom. assist- 'ed and wore a costume of black fslxuxr with jacket 0! black lace and gblack hat and carried a bouquet of 3;cnm.eon roses. Later. Mr. and Mrs. Hack left for a trip in the Mari- Ttimc-.: the brxde going away in 3 - sun 0! knmcd Roucn blue with lnavy ha: and accessories. (`EH9 The church was decorated wnh a profusion of peach gladioli and terms, i J.-\(`K-.\'lCO|. I Zurra Elizabeth Niml. daughter of {M12 and Mrs E. H. Nicol. of Cree- - more. was married-to William Hugh `Jack. sun nf Mr. and Mrs. Roderick `Jack. of Newton. tn St. .-\ndre\v`s Presb_\'termn Church. Creeumre.` \\'edne. August 14. 1935. Rev.` E. C. Currie officiated and Boyd Wood played the wedding music. .\'urri.< Hughes. of Orangeville. sang during the signing of the register. I-`ink. blue and white summer flow- ;.. a..m1.\. offal`! rioonrated the B8Ll4-PA'I`T0.\' The marnage was solemnnzed in `Burton Avenue United Church. A1- landale. on Saturday afternoon, Au: `_l7. of Mary Jessie. only daughter of =.\r and Mrs. John Patton. 62 Wil- ;llam St. Allandale. and Wllham A. i.Bell. son 01 Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. 238. Colhnzwood. The ceremony iwas performed by Rev. S. Milton Beach. minister of Belletalr United Church. Toronto. formerly 0! Allan- dale TL.` ob..."-In tuna dnnnu-no-4| uvnh n . ...-...\,..-~.. ..........`... I A quwl but prt-tL\' wedding tmnk p!.u'(` an U2lx".`io:, .-\llg\l>l 15. 1935. \\!u-u Muss I. V. Muyme \\'Ilkin.~zuII. .~:u-uml d:uu;h'.er of l\Irs. and the late '\\`llnuu .-\. \Vllkil\sm\ of Hum-_\~ mrml. xvns united in IImrrlu_s;e to Mr. (imwgzo .-\. P9.-uure. sun or Mr. and '.\h.~' \\'ullvr Pearve uf 1!zu'rit-. '1`hx- PM. W. K. Bally perfurlncd Hu- .~:-l`u'n\nn\' v The \\'m'1~.i will exz1::\vvx` i cull. 4 Nutiuns and kmgdoms V fall. HCli\l(`(1. Thc bruit` was chnt`mingi_\- gmvn- Ni in pair pink crepe on long lines. `with the lung .\`ieu\'cs coming to puiuts over the hands. With this shv \\'urx- matching m*cessm'io:s umi !L`!|l`l'i(`d 2| buut1t|t`i of red l`\).<(`S and my-ut'-tin--\'ullc)'. She was attend- mi by Mrs. I-`Wt! Smith. of Barrie. _;m\'m`d in blur on-pr fzlsiiiunud on flms-mg hues with matching acces- .~`m`i\\~' She carried an houquet nf gpztlc punk l'US(.`S with liL\'-uf-th(--\'ul- ivy Fred Smith. 0! Barrie. \\'us rmg. _ .: E .-\m:ng the mwsts preset M the I`\`Ct`p!i\\l\ hvld at {he hnmc of thc ::rumn`s p:n`o.`nIs fur inmwdintr rel- au\'es and friends \\'erv: Mr. and Mrs. A Gmhnn\ and children. M1`. }und Mrs. Sawyer. Mr. and `.\'Irs. Chz\.~'. Brown. Turomo. Mrs. A. Gil- lan. Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hulme. i.\Ii.&< K. Monroe. Miss Mary Van- 'Bnskn'k. .\I-ssrs E Alden. J. Wuud. .P. Self. R. .\lcQuillan and G. Mal- `..\n.-\- T.u-nnln | `umcy. Lurunm. .-\fh'x` the reception. the young couple left by motor for Northern On'.urm poims the bride travelling: !m a shrimp pink real silk crepe dress. wuh whixe hat. coal. shoes and gluxrs. \`&`l'l`lH\\ll_V'. The happy couple let! for a (rip dawn lhv St l.z\\\'rem'e and \u N:-\\' \'m`k. On their return they \\'xll u-sxclv in Wales. Onlnriu. \\-hcrv Mr. ii-`'zaI'w has zwvepled A position un ilhe ("uminuulimx School slulf. .----u nu...` - u \.....-v- . .-\ quiz-1 wedding was suleumized tn Ihv pannuxxangc of First Baptist r(`hur\'h. L`lnppe|`mn St.. Barrio. un \\'vd1nx~'du_v. August H. 1935. when 2\lm'iel I-`ulliolt. daughter or Mr. zmd Mrs. Robert Folliutt. Culling- wuud. became the bride uf Ht`rln-1'! 1\!itL`lwH. pl'Up|'l(.`IOI` of the Clark sun Hulxrl. Barrio. furIm`rl_v of Cul- Hxxmvuod. and sun of the lute Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Mitchell. Rx-\'. W. K Bamy. pastor of the church. ut- ficintvd. 'T`l\.. bu-ulu u-an x-hnmninnlv u.n\-n. [ .\'|IEl..\Nl)S--ll.~\RRlN('l`ON .-\n z\ttrm'n\'v xvodding luuk plun- nu R:mn'du_\'. .-\ug. IT. 1935. in St J'.um-s United Churvh. Struud. \\'h-n 31135 Mabel Hzu`1'i1\g1on ut -'1`urumu. dnugzmer of the lam` Mr. and Mrs. 1-`. G Harringtun uf Out- rnn. Susk. bccmne the bride of Mr. lhunald Juhn Ne01au\d.<, '[`0rul\tu. sun nf .\Ir and Mrs. J L`. Nut-lands. Slmud. um. I Q D-.;.lnv muuhu-om! Hu- 5H`0ll(l. `I Rm-\'. 1.. S Pz|islt`_\` nmdm`ted lhv cvrm1mn_\' at 4 pm. and the wedding music was played by I\li.~'s Olin` Imnk-_\'. Slrnud. ` 'l` In-64-in uvhu ~21: uivnh in 'l$1`uk`_\'. aimuu. Thu bride. whu was given in nun-ringv by her uncle. \1r. H. Saw- _\'or. \\'us guxvnv.-d in white lace. i`u. with :1 jacket. mid lncc ihui in nmlvh. Her buuqm-1 was of 1S\\'(`(`li\t`ill'l roses. .-\Xlm\dim: her \\':Is I\li.~`.~` Leila Ha1`i'ingioxi of Tm`- untu whn xvore shell pink silk or- gzmdiv with ivhitoe m`co:~'sorivs and \`iH`l`l\`d ru.~'es of an shad`: in match her gmvn. Mr. Edward G. Neel- ands of Struud was grounisinnn The _::rumn`s favours \\'ere: to the bridv. :1 cheque for `.1 silver ten ser- vivc: in the bridesmaid. ii cameo l`lh),lZ to the groomsxmm. miliiar_\` ll\ru. sci; in ihgj orgzuiist. an onyx . l`ll\ u UPS! lllklll. Fo11u\\-uxg: the or-rmumxy 2| recep- mm \\':m hvld at the Clau`k.~`un Hm- cl. \\-uh humediatv.` I``luH\'x`$ ut- ttmciixug Later the mnplo lvft on it (up. 1111- brldt` u`u\'ellin;: in :1 wink -n,~:o1nbl<- with Inulching tw- ln-ssuriuzz On (hvir rvturn lhvy will u ,. .. Dun k'l`$l`|'ll'5 LFII \ ll reside in Barri. l`l'.H. The endless pageant ul birth, .\| I'I`l`lIl~ILl.-F0l.I.I0'l"I` l`lZ.~\R(,`l:`-\\'lLI(IN3()N . \. . _...,..... A..I..... WEDDINGS H1HXCHlHg lll'L'l'>.\Ul |L'_\. ` On their return they will restdv at 44 Holguto strevt. Anundalo. Out-uf-tuwn guests at the mcddtm: included the fullowtltgz 1\`Xiss E\'el_\'n Maddie. Os!t::\\'a; Miss C.'|thv:-rim` l\Iac1nt,\'rc. CnIling\\'uod: Mr. and .\Ix's. E. W. Foster. Miltun: Harold St.-nplvy. Mtdlu-.:d; M1`. and Mr.<. Thu. .3. Patton. Nurth Bay: l\'1ls.~` Ft'unCC.< Smith. 'I`uruntc: Mrs. J. R. Croft and little Miss Grace Gonnntto. Hamil- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Humer Heard. Kn- chener; Frank Spmrn, Kin;.'stmt;I i\Ii. D01'uth_\` Patton. Tl'ttt'U. N.S.; Duncan Bell. I`m'untu: Mr. and t'\It`.~x \\'t J. Stbbald. I\Ilssos Helen and` Ir....\.- cud`-.t-: r~t..\~..t...., 41- ua.-.| Deputatium fmm tho I\Icut'urd Board of Trade. fishing guxdcs and uther interested put't1us met the tuwn council to discuss the propo.~- ed plans uf d-cpening the Bi): Head River and takmg out the large rocks. so motor launches can shelter. and otherwise beatztify the river. t H \L'l'S. brumh 2 at pcucln chiffon !'ln\\`ors lll in-1' ham`. and czu'x'iv-d :1 hnuum-1 of curnllm\'- ers. bul\_\"s l'nvall\ and fvrn. Miss I-`r:uu~os I\Iux\~`vlI. .-\Iluudnh-. mum: of the bride, :`L'tv:d us jlll\lu|' ln'|dc.~- maid. She \-.m'o pa-m-h luff:-ta and n \\'r:-nth uf pvuch chiffon (`hum-rs in hm` hair. and vurrn-d n Hl|St`|:|_\` ul blue cornfl0\\'\'r.~' und ('rv;m\ pumpmn!1\illS. 'I`|\.\ .1 nun\|I\ .- L`HllI\Il1 U\'L'l` liI|I\'lil .IIuI .1 \\xnnn` u--.4 -\unI)< I) JUL` L\|Up|\' llIlL'l ILI mp tn .\`Inn!roal. Que LS1`|'H pmnls. the br in an impm".od mud: suit nf bruwn baskvl matching :u`co.~'. the A... ,.r 4.. lull happens Ina: Inns vumous lace puwaer I! being discanlinued. Connoisseurs will appre- clale ll: fraaranl elegance, In liulully cling- ing delicacy, and In Iuperb tenure. Hna, I09! and unoolh as the traditional Elimbellu Arden complexion. Choose it in Cream, Nalurella, Roxe, Special Rachel, Spanish Rachel, Speninh Coquelle or White. ' L/IJLISICID L/lus nasunu Wellington Hotel Block Phone 75 : BARRIE But always nw Kidrs u! WI" flmv Steady and su'\\n_x: as {hr 5: .-\ud thv warm. 5\\'\'Ct ow-;< .____.._.___....._.-_.__...__ Buslnu ferns and lrnilmg rlmmllis. the guest pews Lu-Ixu; l\l(|l`k\`(l with _:;ludiul1 and l'-rn. Thu hu-Mn \\'hn \\`:1< -_'i\'u-n Ill nun"- KHHIIUII HHII ||`lIl. Thu bride. \\'hu xms L!i\'l'H I riugv by hm` hllxcr, \\'nn.' :1 _:: Prvnvh i\'m`\' sulm with 12: high In-ck Hm`. d(`.~il;:xu'lI :- lines l`nHin_: tutu zrtrzun. H silk-:'Inlu`uIdN`d. rup . . a'.v oh.` `xnnll ..l \\'k| .\lII\-K b1`uid\'d to .1! H11` but H01` l'lu\\'cx I \'U||lH I` mmd. : chiffon `I n.u nnoe ny um-:_::. A l`(`(`\`\U(\l\ was hm-Id at I\1tml;I\\' x\lanur_ Barrie. after me cert-vn0n,\'. 'ljhe brwlcfs 'mt'her,' 1\IrsI". "an un, roi-i\'ed m n gvnwn hi` bTui- Tu _ 1*.` with blur fell hat and shuvs 11: _muu-h. Her -`nrsu_2:v \\'u.< of Pierson roses and lil_\'-oft)w-valIvy. The couple later loft nn :1 nu-10'.` Quebec (fny. and brxdu 1ru\'ell1n;.: mudol thruo-pin-v \\`va\'v \\-uh u..I ` ' "'UJ' " - O The luxury ol Elixebelh Arden`: exqultllo Venetian Flower Powder at u perleclly par- Iimonioun prlcelwhuiamurvelous chencelo Ilock up on I! for months to camel Elizabeth Arden preparations, you know, pmclitully never are offered below the H1! price. II [on happens that this Iumous face powder is knlnn Ah:-nnnmui (`nnnnlunurs will (mum. [nncmn sun SHE gmasntn BUlK HIRE ; HER cousnpnnnw; I Read the following unsolicited l ; letter: l .u.n.. . Up to five years ago. I knew no I end of aufex-in caused by consti- pation. I u tives but only found relief till I got. used to them. My physician told me ' to get some Kellogg! ALL-BRAN, ` o w to use it. and instructed me all kinds of laxn- ' 3 "1 did just as I was told bi my 9 doctor. and today I lend my igh- ` & est praise for what your ALL-BEAN Hus done for me."-Mts. Jan. 1 Maneely, J 1-. Address upon request. -- . ul nu .'\llU Hi!` \\'H|`HL 5\\'l'\.`l will stir And call her xume lo 1 A l\\1\I\ -.. \|u\l\\f\I\ a 1 \ ..~`.-. ALL-BILAN provides gentle bulk to help overcome common constipr ; source oi t.3_on. . vxtamm B and iron. It is also a good I The "bulk" of ALL-BEAN in often 1 ' more effective than the bulk" in fruits and vegetables. as it does not break down within the body. Two ; tablespoonfuls daiiy are usually auicient. If not corrected this way, I see your doctor. ....l --- , 7-- _---- Ian`: this food much pleaunter and safer than riskin patent med- icines? Get the ted-an -green ack- nm at vour nu-ocer'n. Mn e In I I v ! Kellogg's ALL-BRAN Bringsl 5 Relief to Mrs. Maneely ICUIBI .' U9! X-HE 1'80-IX'll1-KTEBIJ I e st our _Mm 110:: a London. Onuno. V a 0 - J Vmwltan ower Douglas Drug Store \U-ll:...yl.-.n Hnfsll Rlnvh gooponlinosunnylldoolulo `Due to insuzdent bulk i1|_ >111: I1 `c/ rs Trinity Parish Aid Tea at Mrs. Plummer's

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