THE + BARRIE + EXAMINER :::m KIWANIS CLUB SWIMIVIENG Open to Nm1-Swin1n1crs of all ages. ll1UI\QlJr11 --l.`L\|.lJr-:1. --urn; v;\.,..- Saturday Matinee at 2.30--Everybody 10c ANOTHER SPLENDID 2-FEATURE PROGRAMME 'l'UliSD+\'Y,11`\:JG. 20th Advanced Swinnm-rs L'|.\ssvs---2.3() p.m. Allamdalc Wharf ` 2-w:;1:IbTTn}su Show Qale to Barrie and Country NEW NO-PREMIUM PRICES rrrrrrrr In nnlrcc /.._........; Q..L...-.l-.., ninl-.b\ Stan`! at 6.30 p.m. WE.DNli5DAY IVLVV 1V\J"l. l.\I_4LV.ll.\J|Vl 1 nxnx/1.4., EVENING PRICES (except Saturday night) [NI "II `II\ MEN'S HAND-TAlLO RED -TO-MEASURE. : jj;jj.__.._. COLORED SINGLE-BABY EEUES" SEE OUR IN-STOCK SUITS--$1G.50-$179.50 Aug. 12th -'l'HU.- FRI. WILF H. TODD AVI\ILVI./LL41` -. Ann` ---__ OF BRIGADES, BANDS, FLOATS, DECOR- ATED CARS, ETC., STARTS 1 P.M. From Market Square to Agricultural Park. FIREMEN S TOURNAMENT and FIELD DAY - BARBIE CIVIC HOLIDAY - MONDAY, AUGUST 12 - Fun and Entertainment for Everybody SUITS THURSDAY _ FRIDAY - SATGRDAY (`_;__...l_.. lUl..L2...... -1 "2 Q0 ,__Fu:.w-ul-unr`u 1nr :NEW RACKET ; WORKED HERE A BY TWO MEN Warrant Issued for Arrest of Pair Under Crim- inal Code MONSTER PARADE ,_.A._..... -.-uu\ro rv.,\.-g-9 nl-J A _ __\_ `is`K1`\1\`1i-:' Cl-Y`l'Cjl;_;)-I.I61;-Y' _- g9NnAY, $22.50 BARRIE TO LEARN A TRADE`: Jfium GETS 1 i INDUSTRIAL y i saw. TERM; I _ " 7` \ 34-year-old Boy Sentencedi M to Four Years for ` Theft 3 [LA RUMBA...CUBAN DANCE or LOVE Cnnlnu-.m.-ing, MUN. -TUE. - -3 -n\ \`v"atch for Miriam Hopkins in Becky Sharp," Filmed in the wondrous beauty of the new technicolor A NEW BETTY BOOP--"BABY. BE GOOD" Thrilling Firemen s Competitions, Men s and Girls Softball Tournaments, Races and Sports of all kinds. A Paramount Picture with MARCO LYNNE OVERMAN - MONROE 0WSlEY IRIS ADRIAN - GAIL PATRICK Admission--25c, including tax AFTERNOON SPORTS Ar`l'lll"I 1! TI TDAI DADII` 1 l_4l\1`l\1\l11 LII. \I AGRICULTURAL PAR? The price pnid for hogs today by` First Cunp(,-ru`.ive IzlckL-rs of Ontar- iu, Limited, Bzwriz.-. \\'ns ! ,~'8.9() purl x-\vt.. live weight. 120.1). shipping` puim. as (:mm):n'od with $8.75 mm \V(.`(,`li zngu, $9 twn weeks u_:.:n, $8.35 thrc: \-.'<-oks ago. and $8.2?) four \.`l`-l\L'L` run. 1 K` E I HOG PRICES TODAY I1 ~--- Ex- BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1935 L- Community Picnic AND SING-SONG Cn.`\Ml';5 AND FUN ` _z:radc w:I.~: 1 with $8.85 - . . . . In. I1\ I [1 F111 Ulllll` vvus in B;n'ri(- tin of the fin: true] and h_vrh'nn1s. \ 9t|'u.- trucks In pm 4;!` iIlF|)L'l'UlIIl H1 Is your subscription paid? \4\I11\/L41`-1 5.1m ....`....- ..- STARTS 8 l .M. Famous THOROLD DRILL CORPS of 40 Men ERNIE BRUCE Musical Comedy Troupe ORILLIA KILTIE BAND --s.\ -.. .,v..:,. 1 .- `| IL`. .`_ 1 lailwfdize I663 GA:Bl-/V 73 Z. ,l- ; ; b bong rms: |llC.r\l{3IlI'I.`\I!||l'I.\|{! I(0~u- in Ilvr lluir hum ly (imululivr l,ul:1'.~4 lmrk in 'l`u\\`n (lutsltlv of Yuu and `Z 0ll`I` llil~! union Radio's famed 4 Mills Brothers have a surprise for you. Broadway Gondolier, year's outstanding musical revue! Comedy De Luxe. Charlie Chase in Something Simple". Also a Novelty Reel all in color and Movietone News. AN UNEXCELLED PROGRAM! !Viidnigh.t.$ii9xv!!Izs1$?x%! t} I 2 minutes after 12 o'C1nck Sunday Night. Roxy s ticket wicket and doors will be opened to a Huge Frolic. showing a picture extraordinary in Love, Dance and Song. A 55 Dunlop St. THURSDAY--FR[DAY~SATURDAY 2-~l\`/l.1 3:.'f`lNEES4~-- 2 . nnnnn See Clark Cable: and Juan Crawflnrd at their best. Also a Host cf (`mnocdics and Shorts. Barrels of Fun! Follow the Crnwds tn thv Rr`-xy Sunday at Midnight. ROXY THEATRE Auunnnun >Jll\Jvvs.;, V. .v ...... - _ Stand by for the Entertainment Treat of the Season! La-`J.Vll'3. .I. 11 Vn_4n_u..r Thursday and Saturday at 2.30 P.M. NIGHTLY SHOWS, 6.45 AND 9 RM. . 'r*,.,,. 1'. .L_ C,.---._l Eb1cERT IN ARENA ("l`AI')'l`C o uml ALL HOUSE RECORDS BROKEN With the Re.urn En_.v,agemcnt of NAUGHTY MARll:LlTA." The Manage- ment of The Roxy wishes to thank its many patrons for their steady and splendid patronage to its pl ugl`1lIl.S. Cou- tiacts for ;l:e year 1935-36 has us just been completed. We are proud to prcscxzt on our .` the following cum- panies: Fox. Mei;ro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 20TH Century, Warner Bros. and First National Pictures. !`l~.-so Big 5 will show about 95 per cent of the Best Pictures at The Roxy, this season. COMlNG--A continuous stream of Large Super Productions such as "Escapade," Oil for the La ups of Lhina", Shirley Temple in Curly Top." Janet Gaynor in her new picture. "The Farmer Takes a Wife." Sanders of the River." lt's topping attendance records throughout America and is now on its sccrnd week at Toronto's Uptown: And Folks, that s just a start. Roxy offers the finest pictures for the year. The Besl Theatre, and Genuine Com- fort and Entertainment. What a difference a `few cents make. IT'S WORTH lTl" Admission--25c including tax Lxx1(lv1`\vril:-1'5 1. (H.-I-nu mun ll`l'\'Vl'H.l,`l'S H1$])L`l'l,Ul lnd.'1y (`()Y1(l1l(f1iIl_l{ tt-: cks. thv pumps. hn.\'(-.`. \\=i1h thv .':hi|i(_v u!`- '1\In| nninl 7131: Year. ANNOUNCEMENT" ANOTHER cnv Eucom: ron THE STARS or ggmn DIGGERS or 1933'! . ---------\ ,_______ I COMING EVENTS I` 6 Song Hits! L 1000 Laughs! ~ L5. 's'~rXs! V ISANCE IN ARMOURIES ROUND AND SQUARE-Starls 9.30 P.M. BOB POWELL S MELODY MEN Jitney Dancing--Dance Tickets 4 for 25c Fun and Entertainment for Everybody \u.\..._v. 3 nm. I.~:l:1n(I:u'(l limt->. Rt hm M(`l.(-an : :m(l H. D. Sinvluir pm-. I unI'z|vm'ubl(-. \'(.`l`\`l(`(' in Shw Enjoy the Shows at the Capitol--See the newest and finest piclu1'cs---Air changed every 5 minutes-Large, roomy, upholstered opera chairs--Good sound equip- mun!---Large new gold fibre scrccn---KEEP COOL! IF lT S AT THE CAPlTOL---Il s the Best Show in Town Hello, Folks! M()u1:1Li$z{mNi`:117f` 15` Amlifjuk ;\_I1GHT_ AT THE ROXY. mu PRIZES! , LII--. lVl\Jlll rlx AAALA uxv.--. _--\,.`._____?, No exceptions! All Types of Dancing and Singing, Play- ers of any Musical lnstrument, mouth organs, violins, old time ficldlers, kazzoos, musical saws, ukeleles, saxa- phones, and what have yv-1'. We expect them all. What a Contest this will be! Same Real Talent, also a whole lot of fun and a Vinegar Barrcl of Laughs. Roxy Patrons will have the Treat of Tlieir Lives. You will also see The Big: 'l`wn-lcatmx- Program: Going Highbrow and Strandtd" Usual Prices WANTl:ZD-1(}0 Contestanis to take part in Amateur Night. lf yr~u can Dance, do any Special Trick or play any Musical lnstrument, get in touch with the Manage- ment of the Roxy. Everyone gets a prize. You may also win (me of Roxy s Special l ri'1.(:s. l)o nr`-t forget. Folks! lt's OLD TOWN HALL at the Rnxy Monday Night! We advise you tn cnme early frr seats. W - Ariana:-nn::nr.'anmrIIL _ MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY A DOUBLE PROGRAM 2- MA:TINEES 2 V u `C Feature No. 2--KAY FRANCIS in a performance that makes motion picture llusatrc-g.r_oinx-, worth while. 4--1mn;./2-auj VVE HOPE E.Vl:'R`{0NI-_ \VlLL "l'Ul\`N OUT TO SEE. THIS EXCE.LLLx\'l' PRU(JKAM. n._1., ' A s...... N:..L-V rs ' `lVlA`A A IA VL..Al..4I-..J .. At 2.30 P.M`:AMonday and nesday REAL COMEDY AS IT SHOULD Bl-l`Sl:'EN! WARNER BROS. HILARIOUS COMEDY RIOT A_I_}eugfv1Ni1t! Irll.) L/\\.LLl4L..lV I I I\\J\_ll\l`H'l- Don't forget Mnnday Only is .5.m.-.lcur Nighi! JUST LIKE RADlO S TOWN r72\'LL: _,,_.___--,.-....... up. nuunru-II-II 4 CAPITQE. > FUN GALORE! Hello, Folks! .---------n--- |I>\\'t'1' snow 'l`h<-r<- will In` ]1l`i'/.l".`~3. til:tl)1L' this `32 C.Vl:.HuV\: I n\A\.:....J \\:A\.\.l;L .;..u........._, ...b..., Adults 20c--Chi1dren 10c Saturday Nights--All Seats 20c These are the COMPLETE prices, INCLUDING TAX