S()l(lx Y '|'() i`()SIi HIM The npprrmt.-hing re-moval from P.nrrir~ of Chas. J. Seit /.. Sm:i`etu1'y 01` tho H:IIlw:1_v Y.M.C.A.. is Slll('(!I`(`Iy 1`:-gr0tt.(-ti by th(- ('i`.I'/.l'll.` of this: tuwn \\'ht`l'(' h<- has filled .s"Ii(.'i1 H inst-t't.il pizwv (luring, thv pnxt ('l],"iH yr-.'n`.<. l'(`_L{lll. ll' dutii-s in :1 ('llH('hlI`}{l!l}.( his h(` In mlditinn tn highly (-t'fi<'u,-nt lT)1ll1i1tEl`, gotivzilly zwtivitii-.< mont. work; duv(-lnpnu-nt mi vivzin spm-t, )1-'l|'lll'lI|.'ll'i_\ nnmniz thv rm-mlwi` tins p:n`Licii):it(-(I -m:r- in fur ('uinn1unit_'.' h<'il('l'- Ht` has rrumy (`h|ll`('h tn the h:i.~: Ir-nt v.'~:lunl')io ilh SISl.'|hl'(` in given his: \vhn|<-iii-:ii't<-it ruliipi-1'| `young: l'l`n(lt'l'('1'i spit-nrtirt :<('l'\'i('l` us :1 til the Ci-nlrul R(`lil'f iastiv Kiwzminn (le-vntiri/1, .~;pr~t:1:n| Zliitillllllt tn l m} H' and Girls Work, huvimt ('h:'tl'1((' thi- swilnming nnrl ]')|ZlyL{l'lllll h'l ])|'U}.`,'i`:ll1iIHl` and zulm l)i-- ing ti In-nriimz spirit. in the m`;;:un1'/.:ilii-n of thv K.-Y. Cltib stzirtr~(t by tho Kiwuriinns: this ynxir. I1 I54 :1 im- (Inmimttm-; I111}. hi-I-n an ('liHi|l.H`~ 0|" this yi-.'1i' llll('l hi.<.~: for thr- tnwu tn lurw .-nu-h II I'im- (`HI`/.('H. but it is 1| }.{l'(`tli s:iiisI'.'i('t.inn In h.'iv<- hzut tho In-in-l it of his S('I'Vi('(`S Iamiz. His hnst t'i'ii_-mix zirv Lzlmt to know that th(- mnvv in ii prnrnntinn tnr him. thv Simix l.()t)k1)lll of VVhl('h \\`lll t`h.'lI'L{('. b(-inn nnv nl thv in-st (-un(tii(`ti-(I by thv Hzulwuy Y.M 0| hv h. IvL- Pictures are (.`Vi(l!'lIll_V prmluceu ny I'1lm u\\'n(-rs who h:1\'- nu t'.'n'(- for the lives nf ynuth. nnly fur hnx ulv rive rv'(~L=ipls. I`ht.-rue are no "innu- H-nt films. Ir m_v judL1n10nl. Hm I-umw fur 1-mply L'hllr(`h(,'.`~` is nut. us smnv say, llml tho hislm'i(: gospel of p1rm'c Is ',mtiqu:m~d and irmpplicnhlv In mud- vrn life. but that in many -Imr(:h(r.: H has been slmnuefully tlisplzum-(I by tho insipitl Nvw 'l`h-uluuy, by Inuvio.-<, lrurnns. nxi.~:c(.-llanI:ous \Vl)l'](ilH`SK. '1hv churvh went tn Egypt fur h(`||,) and now Euypl (Iuminutes it. Pulpit: hnvv sold lhvir pmvor and :mthm'- ily. Th!-_v hnvv ('u|)i!ulutt-d In thr- (innmml.\' of at plI~nsLu't--Inntl pt-nplo. nml. r:1lhcr1h:m having gained them. Imvv lusf thmn. '1-L... .-m..mlv in uni Hm :mnlit:nti(m lust tlunrl. Tho renwdy is nni tho npplicnliml uf smme nc\v-fznugletl gospel. but [hr pr:-aching of the ;,{u. (1('.` by (End in the st-ripulrc-.~; tn me-1-1 nu-n'.< upirihml nc-zrd.~:. It is 1h0 nu!s:s:uu- of Whilfieltl. \V('sl1-y. H|)1II'm't>II, Mtmrly; of rt-y'ycnl:n1('(.-. fnilh. r(-14(.-n- 1-I`nLi0n, :|tnnim.'_ hlnntl, Hm dvily and lunlslxip of (`nri2 HM: pt-rst.-vt-rnImL' nf szuints. and (-mnfnrl fur all who mmxrn. I remain. dear friends. yuurs fnr lhu revival of Biblical pm"-m'hin),' znul scpiritllznl DIIWUI` in Hm ('hl|l'('h. J. H. (ZARBIG. I`n. (`nllier St. Buplist ('hurr'h. H.'ll'I'i(`, All'," 5, 193. ). The E'.1'muin*r welcomes lot- ters to this column on matters of general interest to its read- ers. but does not necessarily en- dorse the opinion. ,~.1rpressed. All letters must be signed, but may ho published over a pen name if 30 desired and spt.-m',fie(I in tha- letter. Communiculiuus should not be over 500 words in length and should be received not later than Tuesday night to ensure publication in that week`s iss1u:. DR. S0l`ER.'S ADDRESS - . , r~.._.,.: .... Comrade Remains In Legion Vocabulary} --~~---- i Cum:du's returned snldix,-r:+ at: least in Onlari()- -will Continue to; .'|(ltlr(-ss one anuthe,-r as t.'(;n1rud1.-,"` lhv ()n1.:1riu cmmnnnrl of the Can- zuliun l.(-gion vuu.-d at its (-mvc,-n-` Hun in London last we-ck. A nunnht-I` nr rlnlmvntr-5: smuzhl tn in London last VVPCK. , A number nf (lvlcgzltcs sought to` <-hzmgc the greeting to "Gontlt-~! men or Mr." but the veterans of; Ypres and Vimy Ridge Von.-(I thvt prupnsed change down. The change , was suggzestcd bcczmso rmlicul or-' ;::1nizuI.iuns now use (:umr.'I(l<.-" Ln d(-: their nu.-mbcrs. 1 1 x . , I A mnhrm that arrnv service uh d<-. lhmr n1(.-mncrs. A motion that army service of] (-ivil .\'0rvnnt.~x be Counted toward` . in the service and made .'|p[)liCul)lC to returned men enter- ____________:______ tn St., Barrie; Charlcsx T. S. (2ill-q- piv. R.R.2. Rt-th:my: Miss Cathar- inr Hardy. Hurrit.-_' Miss Evelyn Car- tvr. New Lowell. Canada knuws :u'L\ml (Toast In (fnast r. 9 Minister .1"! On ` '11 A znu. in v London. -`Jpn: p;vuu, *. . | L` *1 all K VIIU III.` II Unit- . which 1. Eng- `The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA l`HF. [)I.`3'[`.\Nl` fulurv Jlilil) in` u ~u|j~-I of prulpln-vy, but inn-Hi;_r<-nt I'm-i"_vlnI I'CIl'lili!l5 an imlmrlzmt <'|4'Im':2l ml` Pm-inc-~~ practice. Frc-Km-m|_\' it ie lhr .`I]rluliI`.`lliHII of P111-`~ll`.\'IN'l`i'lIl`` In tho- pruhlo-mu" ml 1: morrnw. For this Tlw Hunk Hf \m:| .`Tn!i.I with nvc-ru'c~nl1n'.\ cpl -Inn":-~~l nn| lmnkiug t`Xl)t'l`it'lH'1` lm`-~o'~.-(`w HIIll~lI.l| I'.l|lilIlllI'lll. .0ntario s Highways are NOT Speedways! SbNbl1Ll1DD DFILILIJ wnlrn, n. --/er. Lu 1 n in ..._,u. Isa and death in its wake. is l.:m.Ienin;1 tl1Cl1(`IlI'l`S of people, police and court`. :1;-_;1inst all. reckless drivers. They will be dealt with ruthlessly . . . to make Ontnrio s l1ip,lv.vay1; :~.lFC for everyone. In selF-clefence you are wise to figlwt the temp- tation to speed . . . especially at night. Make sure that your brakes, lights and tires are efiicient. Cultivate :1 denite sense of responsibility towards pedestrians and other drivers. It is the only wise rI\l anann been spvnl In-r SENSELESS SPEED \vh|.'h.`1`r:r~./cs tcrrilwlc injuries wake the hearts COMTSC. 1832 UV ER A (IEN'l'l`RY 0|" B.-\.\l\l.\U 3f.l(\ l(.l-I Tu: IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE... THAN SORRY MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT or HIGHWAYS In Unmrin, during I954,` mobile ncciulcnzs. L I . a considerable incu.-usc over I`) 5 15. II to all thinking people that //nit mm: \/0; ll-.. THIS. M957 57.9?! H urhl-NW1!`fill`!/lIlI`n in vrr (I:-purlMu`nL of lull:/.'iI:_'.,' u `mg-13'.people were killed 8,990 people were injured ll\ vs. Ar. fur NH` 51/ be reduced by s:-mnrvc H\`il`ll('_\` . . A, A_. __` F-0res[(/M I Ilml. 7'. If. /\lrQm'\Irr/, Mm/x/r: 0/ H/glm In . 1937) `munrly I0,()I)() num- . It must be evident Inll Page Flvo be llu` slupptng abroad of thvm Fur oxmnple. mur- ists in (`nnadu :mnuull,\' buy 4.000.000 pounds of but ` tel`. 18.000300 pounds of mean. 4.000.000 dn.:vn.~` 0! e;:,g.< and nu doubt pruportlunme '.um\nn'..~' of brvnd. \'c;:e- tables. milk and other comnmdmcs. All of whlch shuws the impm'lam`r of !0lH`lSl bu.~'uwss In the prun- ary pruduccr. '--- Deccntrulizing relwt ndmnustrzmun and pumng control back in the hands of me mumcxpakmes should C.'\N1\l).1\ MKKIII ()\li|\ (.()\'l .lx`\ll) rldilirm l'(',;lll.'Il` y <-ncr- nlly ,. \ I-llllilhlt` :u:~`s1.x't.'n1:-(- ;; \vhu|<-~lu-:u'l-rl lnpmt-nl pnrlu-1:|.'n'!_v thr 1,1; ml Ct-nlrxll an ' l`k)} Girl.-4' yt-:11 nning p|ny;.5rnur1l `I ms- In-nc-l`it IS of nnw x \ I :1! hnvv \/ nn Mlf. buildm add ` 'l`HlJl(Sl).'\Y, /\l(}I, S'l H, WW 1345 l.L|LH |.\lll.'U I OU1 A weekly newspaper devoted to the intere.-;ls of the Town of Barrie and the sur1`uundin,LI, country, issued at the Post Office S(l_llu|`(!, Barrie. every 1`hui'sdny, by J. A. MacI.m`en (editor) and W. C. Walls (manager), owners and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is .) member of The Canzidizin Weekly New.~:pnpers Asso- cintiun and of Class A Weeklies. cnncr'DlD'rY(\M l)A'1`h`Q ill, the (:mnmL-1' h\I.~:iru~s.<; hy cu was b:I.~'v(l on .\l'l3\'i;'.`\'S `\\l) I'\\|\' l.()\NS ` IV|ucluun'; Ema;.;.A;L ndru T2il3iTORIAL Established 1864 wh<-r(~ .'u-(-nmrnw rlmxht nmrlv ll" lhv smnrulm-.~:s of to ho Inn-.~'h-cl vqux L,r\|.. ... employ. thuuszlnds ' and also the staffs about mm pcrvnn H un lhu :my\'nll of a paid 4 .; I In um. ... ..,...`, wvrl that banks do lm.~:n')L-ss on them by l.Il`|)(1.\'iY(l1`S, and in mak- l`irst. rmusidc-1' llw 5:111-ly -pl` suvh 1' 1.: not _|u::ln'i(-(I H1 mukmu n \.~'v|l' \\/llh ulhvr |)t`n|)|("S m . : to think this the prupor (.'lLluUn iuiu In Luann 11 VV\.\.r\IA\.n. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $2.00 :1 year; in United States. $2.50 :1 year, payzible in ndvzmcc. Single cnpics. 5 cents. Subscri|)crs wishing to discontinue paper zit expira- tion (if pcriud paid for (we L-.\:p<,-(-tcrl to nulify this ut- ticn bcl'm'e date 01' expiry. j_ , .. Hw I'm murlu h.'n\'v <,-ml hunks h: ll`(`(l at V:nn('u `W,_.... _, J in tho l(';.:I.\'lmi\'v :ls. 5400 in I`rincv F.d\.v:\rd ls- `hero are ~H.()0() civil s(\r~ huusands vmzngod in the m 4000 mumm- ` m fiftvon of mu , ,II ..r ..,..u.. :\I' Chncn H1('ll` (vlllplll l7; l\/hmiluhzx. 30; (mturin, EN no. A\.vsI\.||' ...... ,, 1 things are justxfwd 1 ' van say to the V010 at the money that h . on your behul1'." Th M [hr ll(ms'v 01' Cum` nf $-LOOK) (`1Il`h. Mum .... A, uxnlrn('l(-(I x the (|<'px'(-.~:smn. hunkx.-r.~: would lnzms. It :~'l:1n(l.~' vh mum-y :\vn1l- urrluy that. n1` gl)\'(`l`l\l11(`n1,S mt! ".~`lr:u1;,;I(-I Inun:~'." Hrs xvmxld riu, 90; Princr m about equal 24 members tr h'Il'1,'(` min /.-n. (1 ~nd:< lluwv has w that the |ltlI|l.`. n\* I rdercd by . ,, , l l l result in :;ubstantial >:z1vin-,:s in costs, it the municipal authorities will play the gmne fairly and see that relief puym~nt.< are kvpt down to the minimum. Past txperitznt-0 has shown that this has not always been the case. With the province paying grants of $5 to $7.50 [)(`I` pcrsnn to pl-oplo on roller lists in solvent and in.~:ulv(.-nt ln\ll1ll'lDZllllleS respectively. the unv- -rmnvnt cam hardly afford ll) let the relief (.-xpt~n(li- lures [:0 lhl'()Ll1.:l1 \vithnut an effivient chock-up. Next Monday. Barrie cc-lel)rz1tcs its znmual civic hulndzny. With Ihv I-`ironu-n'.~; ceI(~l)r:I1inn in town and lhu I.-ginn x:n1l1m'ix1g:Il Midhurst there will ho plenty of nppurtuniiy I'm` tho 0111'/.(2ns to enjoy thtmwelvtrs. This idea of :1 Lrivic holid.'1y goes back sixty-six yours, though I3:1rrir- has not >h. if 1h:l1. lung. 'l`m'nn- In : Ihv f.'\.~:him1 in 1H6!) and other muni('ip:1li- lies ;:r;uhIully fnllowwl Its oxamplv until ])l'.'l(`H(`.'1H_V 1-very city. mwn and in(.'nrpm`nH~d village in 1h!- pruvin('(- nnw tukvs: :1 day 01'! for this purpusv. This hnlidny is nhzzm-\'z-(1 In smnc extent in Mnni1n|).'\ and lh<- pr.'1iri(- pl`nVln(`('S but not in British (?uluml.)in. (,)1|(-In-0 ur lhv M:Il`lliI11(`.H'. Since 1875 `Fm-nntn h:1.~: had I its <`i\'i1' lmluluy um lhv first Mnmiuy in /\uL{u:~'t. L`..'m.'1(l inn city. Mr 1 nbrzv pr: lmlixln I. _. l'(vv\. (`(l In lmlny. % In-l" fun p:n'vd lo luml Such :1 plan 1: the h.'1ph:17.:n'l A .- jLl.\l un- wilh nu (`\'v!`)`lmI .'ll11}')l('. i ,.,. . nIilll.\'l('l`l'll and hn: ll(`l1(`l`. l'NIO.\' (?lllYR(`lI SI-`.R\'l(`,F.S Midlzmd l`n-i- i`n.<.~` Tho :liii1Ulli1L`l`ni(!l1l that four i"rui(-.~:t:1ni ('in1rs'iu-s mi ivlirilnnd. the Y`i`o. Am.:li(-ziris, inpii.~i.< nnrl Unilvd Churvh. am` for the S\`('IlIi(i your huiriing scvon joint i\`(`l`\'il'(`S un Sunriny (iuring July and August. may not . :m_vihin;; nut of the m'riinnr_\' In tho people of Midland. Tho church people of this inwn have learned ihrnugh Ihv years in in-li(`\`(` in om-h mhvr':= Christianity, oven t1u>up,h ii\(`lI' k'l".'('(i.\' iliiivr in snnio i`osp(`(`is. o1>1N1oT~Is OF OTHERS `.`l11D|(l_\ Il1(`lH na.x:.. uvulo vnml-w_\~u and ('nur(linn l than slut!-n|(`nt. t'z1<-t, th; five yt~.'1r:; hunks of (`.:murt;1 vuntr; (rinl |n:nn.<: by 2};/ttlt),t)tI()_t)t)t). l~'.v<-n that boon suvh :1 l`(`(tll('lil)l1, ll (laws nut t : bunks htnvu .\`|I'tll1L{!(`I't |m.x`|nu.~:.~;." Any knows that muvh of thu: c:>nlr:wtinn II to thv (tut-rt-:t.~4vrt v<>|um<- wt" trautv in N(`iHt(?l` l1l('I'(`hllll nu!` m.'mul':u't1|rvr cmnn1itmum.\' without tam` pt'u:~'p('(`t.\' gnnrl.~;; tn do so would be In invitv ch: umlr: Ht" Il'll'll who vut (town mitt nm'(- with It-::.~::~n<-rt (t(~m:mrl:: rhw tn t W('l'(` pr-rt'(-1-lty gum! r|.~e| zmrl thv I hnvv hm-n rlt-l|1,:ht-rl to urnnl tht-m In tn rt-:1.~'m1 thut llw Innnkrc. with so muvt ublt-. would \V('I('()l]\l` nppcwtutntit-.< t JUZIIIS. In <-:|.~::-.-: zu-(-nnnmurtntim thv l).'lnk('l`:< nu thu I'(` the-_\' ([Il('.\'linn(-(I thv |)l thv mum-_v '.'|H ur w bm'rtm'<~r wmllrl nut luv .'nh|(- tn n~p:1) should he rt-nwmlu-H-(I ml mum-y (~nt.ru. tn (,tl`})(1\'ltIH`.` inn |u:m.~: lh<~_\' l\Hl:t lix'.~:t. Illll(lS. 'J'ht' lI:lll|(l`t' nut gnnd ft-llnw nt' |nm.~:t~lt' 1) though Mr. St(`\'('n." tn 1 thing to (lo. 'l`R\'l.\'(i T0 ! dnnnwnt or Iho Hmhzrm Bay Ilnilwny is :1 I hy the l 1n:m('I:Il Post. but su<'l1 2| stvp is I` m hv lnkvn. nu nmltm` hnw ;:r(-:11. thv In.~:s ( (1 by thv upurutlmx ml" this white 1-l(-phnnl. l'\'l~`..\lI'l.0YF.D l..\B0ll ON n , . .. vr .. n...n Eu \l'l lil\;.{ ml` whnl Ihv r:nl\vz1y is vnstimz thv lux- Annuul 1n1<-rcxul ('h:ll'L`(`H rm thr- mum-y hur- n build it run nbnut $2.5ll().(l(J() and r1<-p1'ovin- mt 4 -v(~n lhu\u.',hl of by (`m\'u1"nm<.-I11 u(-(:uum- \ \'Ol'l.D ' Bl.F.SI\`l.\'G IN` IHSGUISF. n .. n,..\I\...-n'.- vx [)(`l'i(`nCl` rd mothnrls l'l.I) FIND Till ) DEl`RlS.\`l0N nun !\u-nrzlinu 1:7 The Packet 'T'1n1r` nf `.'UlIlH im'm`1'I(l uvw` l'm`t_v _vL-2Ir.~< nun hm: (1. Th(\ mnxwy nus .\`l`ll1 from Toronto ::H:u'|\<`d. As the Orillin paper .x':L\/s, il un n\\'v.< nr`('nunt.~: wnnlrl fnllnw this (`X- M n\'0rmmv the depressinn." ml. is Hw ;4I'v:ItL': pm|)lvm In C:I1\:1((:1 s |1:1v- bu-n spvnl. on ])l`l)\'l(|IlH.{ 1'0- mm>|uyr-I \\'|H\ lIHl<- IIl1]1l'I>V(`In|`l\l In W. l.. l\/1:u'kvn'/.u- King, Hw l.1|wr:I| .l Olxn In Its campaign fur Hw 1w-((111-111-11 n in Cmmdn. M:u~lvz111'.~: l\r1:11,';1'/.i1w pninxts 1111- 06 scnz1tm's and 245 mo111h(-rs of 1nu11s. with 11 5115311111111 in(lv11m1l_y $4.0 hcrship in N19 provinviznl lv;:1.\'lz\t11n-.< is bortzn. 63; ljrilish Cnl11mb121, -I7; lv1;m1 l1ru11swlclc, 48; Nn\':1 Smt1.-1. (mm: Edward 15111111! 1\vl1ich 11:15 21 pup11l:1(i<' In that M` Si11'1<'nu (`n1111!y\ 1&0; QL11-1101'. tho lv;:1.~:h1ti\'v (`(1111101) and 90 111 K01: Hy. I11(l(1111ni9iu.< run (`H1111 $~N)() 111 I`r11 land In '.!5l)0 in Qxwlwx-. '\`lw1'c- -8 vnnts 111 fv(l01`;1l (1 p10\'i1u`111l .~`(`1'\'11`v .'111(l also 1 ,1. ..A ..... vsnlv-cull! In ` Sl`().\'(`-I`. ON ' - l(`li\'lllL`.\' 0| :u,'0n("u-.\' pn-- ufl`i('r's In pmvidim; work," :1! unu zmd would l'lilI1ll1:IIl` that have prvvznlvd with nvidml It \v:1s vffivimnlly :1(l uw1'.-4 M mxl.\'t:1mlin;: .'1l)1li!_\' untl moy mum unnun g...- hwmw to ho nnce ugnin ,\' it IS equally true that `n wolvnmc relief and do In-.' fur it. and won't take IlIs`\IL1l-`Ir: H(~pburn's rlrnstio doci- uf rolit-f bark (m to tho |r`."`5`ins_', in Re- ! mnnnt he denied that we on rc>hul' very much lhov would obtain 0m~ 4.` 1.,` nnnn '|rI`2 |)l':\`I(I(` for 1h(- (Ich- ': yam` mm H\('!'(` Is 2l(l(llh()ll.\` mu`! lw1u-r- nf mxl. fr(~~ {mm pulnutul in-~ c thrown 1n. nt cash stake. physi(`- mcscif are the re\vm`d.~` or it be the fault nt ........ ..u..~..n- H li|ll'I_V lll|l_\ ll .VI!Hu'\\nuu -nu. tcrost.im: plnnv. Slap for National Gnvornn1cnt The zidvrwstcs nf `national gm nv~r\n\nI\i ` n. \n\' H!` whnun :u'<- _ _A9a%ro1ii i:`I3"`isasPors\] '\.r-s-`nun : ""EI':'A 'l`l\ QIFH "Hut." say of tin` ind:-I THE BARBIE EXAMINER, BARIHE. 0NT.. CANADA THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT A Weekly Review at" Nzlliunul Atfuirs HY WH.l3lHl) I`:(`.(}l.lES'I`ON 5 (H \\Hl|l oplo. an mipulnln xnrlinn :21 L` HUI K151 \\ t`t`h and Social In- , the body head-` I I Some Zrhinkabouts o * . III Ulll' UH) Il]l'_)' just as viulently the ditch. . . . . (Continued from Paae 0718/ mm: r..mhm- l1\:*lI.~ . hv Thursday. August 8, 1935 . we utncrs mr gum . . . . x Christ's timv the demuns rush- he swine of Galilee mm the sea. nu` day they take the road has. 11: Irinlanfhr Inhx 4-nllicinn and Applit )m Pace Uel lx.\:*11.~ by tho `ml \V. A. HUI] of I U19 I'Ui.l(l Hug, ` nllisnons and Non Nomolo: IJIL. \.ll. l.`4l\I n A---.-- Thv Fulitnr nf The Exnmim-r. Dear Sir: I n(ldl'(!SS this lem }ull. Mr. Editor, that by yuur 1 1::-ss I may speak to those whc tended the meeting in Central I vd Church on August 2nd. at v\ n.. n...u.1.-1 Qnmar n! London. suwlznmn, 1 was u.s.u-u u. em..- the plutfm'm to lead in prayer. In so doing, I w.sh it to be understand I-It-nrl_v that I (in not endorse Dr. Supt-r's ntldrc 9 which followed. May I make pnrtiL'ular reference to his rt-mark wherein he supposed that all his ZIlI(li(`l1(3(` \\/ore theatre-goers. He 1 ru(`ve(l-(l then tn (le.s`crihe the (`ow- hny muvivs" he shows weekly in lslingtun lu buys and girls. 1 wish, .~:|nve Dr, Super is renowned in (te- lmlo. that nppurtllnity had been giv- en in the YIl(`.'(`l.|l'l}.! tn those whn wish- vrl tn reply to him, or ask smnv ques- linne (`(1 L.Hlll'CH UH l`lIl[-'.u.\|. nuu. 1 Dr. Donald Super of Londx land. was the speaker. As P1-osidem at the Minisn suviminn, I \V2`-S asked to pm doing, un .-I.-m-Iv lht end: tinns. I spc-:1k fur mysvlf nnd our 1-hurch. um! say that we not only do nut nt- tvnd tho tht-ntre. but (li(`()lll`.'Ll(' nth- trs: frnm doing HU. It is in1n1nrul. It f:x|s1l"ivs life. It is the urenlvsl t1-:u`h- vr of wrong doing in the world. Ovid:-nlly prmluvetl by m... ....y.....-_- u-In. hnvu sv pal ;:m'urnxn pupuluimn 1' pu\'m'nmvnl.-z