Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1935, p. 2

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Thv rosox red upon my neighbor's vint- l|3iNK%%F-T0R[0NT0\` Branches of the Bank of Toronto are conveniently situated for the trans- action of banking busi- ness. Easy to reach, their location is indicative of the spirit of the bank it- self. You will find that all ofiicers of the Bank of Toronto are easily ap- proachable and glad to be consulted on any mat- ter having to do with business, investments or banking. 35,, "!'I.IE grmv ruse-vlnrl vinv fnr all his noiuh burs vivw. MY NI-IIGHBOIVS ROSES ARE ALSO MINE Tfba t j_j&--: -c7- v ll mu zlrc nut l`L`lUl`!1il1' In \ul\lic Ir high . and are . ` _ .\ . xmmlvnnq \\ 11:11 can I dn` ` --l.ct us .\'llj{_; L`.\I1 A Secretarial or Accountancy Course UNITED SCHOOLS, LIMITED, HHL`l' ynu: I. -\ til`:\lx -\.\'|`F.lSl) (IUU|\`SF.. 3. ;\'l` l\`l:\.\'()\.-\lH.l. (INST. i_ Tl-Tlx`:\\.\` .\`l'l'l`.-\1H.}{ TO YOU. -1. Ullcxccllcd l?;\\|`l ()\'Ml .:\"l` Sl{l\ \'l(ZE. I. .I.: .\o.\l.... IN WOM AN S REALM Es tzlhlinlwd 1855 A. SI MS. Mann gt-r IIAICIHIC . hr-(-;n1. u grmd mun 1 who gives mem all ~ -Abmhnm C`-ruhm- vmc Aro mvnod by him. but they are also mine; His was the cost. and his the labor hm. Hut minv as well as his the joy their lovolinvss to viow. . nnd am` for mv I'\o\I5- A quiet wedd-i on Saturday. Ju home of the b Bnyfiold street., dnugh Y T f`nuvnn u W. J. Lguvvztn. vvas murxucu In urn. Janws Victor Ross. Ottawa. son of Mr. and Mrs. 'I`h0m: E. Ross. Guth- riu. Rev. Dr. J. S. Shoru. nlinistt-r of St. Andrt-w's T resbyturi:m Church. officiated. 'l`h(- briclv and bridugrnmn \\'(-ro unnttmulocl. The bride was rlmrmimz in :1 whitv trav- clling suit with white foil hat and` carried R c(n'sago of gardenins. '1'... mmminv music wns nlavod or gamemns. The wedding muslc was played by Mrs. Burton `B. Wurnicu. Allan- duk-. nnd Mr. Frank Munro. Oltnwn. \v.'u: soloist. After H trip dnwn lho St. I.n\vrnm'o. Mr. and Mrs. Ross. will r(\sid(- In Cityviu-w. Ottawa. (`ORBI-IT l`--BOY`NTON An intvrc-sting : wvddim: . \\'n.-: .~'n1mm\i'/.od in 1-Issn Strm-( Pros- hyturinn C`hnrch. Allnndalc-. at 5 p,m.. Munduv. July `.22. 1935. \\'h-n flentrinw ivlzuuic Bnymnn. dzuuzhtor of Mr. nml Ivlrs. Arthur E. Bt>_vn- Mn, 75 Clunlwrlund SL, bL`('2Il11(` thv bride of L\\ l`L`l1(`l` (`liffnrd Ray Cm`- hett. son of Mr. and 1\IIx`s.:. John Cox'- hult. Gr:1\'(-ni1l1x'sl. Tho :'L`r(nnun)' was pt-rl'm`nu`d by Rev. N. R. D. Slnvlznir. ministr`r of tho t'hur('h. l"h(' zllmr ml` the ('hur('h was :11- t:'u('li\'vly (l(`(`l\l`(l!(`d with a profusion ..r .~u-mu I\tI'|\` hnh\"\' hm-nth and. fvrn. '[`lw brirlv. whn wm: given in mm`- |`ll_L'(' by her Inther. wore 21 becom- `ng gown 01' white satin and silk 12100 111 son\i-fittor{ ]in(`s, with Prim-e.~zs `x`/mrinzx (`nrnnct nnd white shoes and 'u-cessmios. She carried a bouquet , ml" Jnhnnnu Hill x`0sv>:. white sweet p(`.'1.\', l)nh_\"s breath. and maiden hair ft-rn. . mum In-irlnunxnirl Mice Knthlmm (om. Tho bxmusnmid. Miss Kathleen Boynlun. sister of the bride. wurc :1 guwn of green pxoorxzettc on semi- fincd lines. with mohair picture ha! and zu'('us.s'n1'ic:~' to match. She carv vied u hnuquot nl Premier roses. pink .~;\v(:ct pens, h:1h}"s breath, and maiden hair tern. The [.{l`()(lI1\Sl11iIl1 V\'&IS Clarence Cm`- hett. GI`uv(mluII's1. brother of the groom, and tho ushers were Donald Sinclair and Frank McGuire. A1- lnndulo. Miss Anah Bailey, nrpznniszt tn` the church, played the w(-driing music. A n.... H. mmnnnnnv in Man r-hnrrh music. After the CL-ren1(m_\' in the Church, :1 reception was held at the home of the brim-'.< parents where the bride's mother and groom's mother receiv- ed. Mrs. Buynton wore canmgv genr- gette nnd lace, white hat and acces- sories, and a corsnge bouquet of sweet pens and baby's breath. Mrs. Corbett was g(wvned in dark green {Int (`l'L`[)L` with a(.'ees.s`m'ie.-4 to match. and :1 1-In-chm` HI H\\'m`1 nens and [Int with a(:ce.<.~`u1'|L-:4 [0 lumen. and :1 curszuzv 01' s\\'not pens l)ul)_\"s breath. Later. Mr. and Mrs. Corbett left on :1 short motnr trip. the bride trnvellim: in a white cm-dad pique ensemble with white hat and acces- sories. They will take up residence in Gravenhurst. uunulc -.11 Hm umrlriinn ll] uravennurst. Out-of-tmvn guests al the wedding includerl tho fnllnwing: Mr. nnrl l\/(rs. Ellsworth Dillman. Little Britain, Mr. and Mr.-4. (`.hurl('.< Boynton. Mrs. Dzxvirl Gnndcrlinm. '1\'Irs. J. (,`.ul)b2|ldS. Mr. and lvlrs. E. J. Vnnsmne. Miss Beatrice Vanslone, Mrs, J. D. Van- smne, Miss Wlnnifred Rowe. all of (}rnvenhur. Mrs. Irwin Huulws. Kilworlh_v; lvlrs. William Olmstend, l\I(`:Ifm'd. Thcy hlnnm for I as fair As for the man V his o:u'(-. ']`hu.< I nm rivh. l` n-mun Port Sydney intends to hold 11 big regatta and birthday celebra- tion 10 mark its first m1nivc1`sn;'y `as a village on August 5. WEDDINGS ROSS-COWAN :1 wedding was solemnized rdny. July 20. 1935. at the r bride's parents. 16!! Barrio. when Jean 1, dnup.{htor of Mr. and Mrs. ownn. was married to Mr. 'ictor Ross an... vm. .- I.` hung (Tully. HOG wun |)l`()IUSlUI 1 bnb)".~: breath nndl ns ` 3. nn.. .,..,u 1\/Ire . :.- - Essa was first surveyed as :1 Town- ship in 1821) by 21 Government on- ginoor by the name of Bensun. It mntnins 8.000 acres. is 11% miles I4-up, by 83;. miles wide. nu, . ,,4.|.....-..A ....... 1.. L... n uh ._._. u q ....u_.x ...u. The first nctllemc-nt was in the smilht-as! corner by G. Dimvoody. '1`. Duff. R. McLean, who took lots 10, 9. 8. in cr.nce: 1. The Inca- iiirns \\'(`I`(~` taken for them by one of the mrveyiiig party by the name ` of M(`C0nncH. who had worked for George Dinw0nd_v's father in Ire- lund, who did this kindness for the. son of his old master and his rela- lives. 'T'|1nun lnc \l'nl`n unhlnrl in moi: IITVV I lvlrulvr -wu-u- --~- lniuse six heaping teaspoons of Salado Black Tea in a pint of fresh "boiling water. After six minuies strain liquid inio two-quart container. While hot, add 1`/9 cups olnranuloied sugar and die juice of 2 lemons. Stir.we|| until sugar is dissolved , container with cold water. Do not allow tea to cool before adding the cold water; otherwise liquid will become cloudy. Serve with chipped ice. _'l_'M(_)_AMAKE ICED TEA -1 c_n-.:_ n|--|. .. . ..:..o .3 l...l. I....:I:.m I know frmn this that others plum. for um, And when. H11.-Av own. my joy may alum ho; So why hr so|fi.s'h. whvn so much l1ml's Hm- l.~: ;;mwn for you. upon your n(\igh- bar's vino`.' -Ahr:n|\:nn (~:l`lll\(`I' l `I l l ives. These lots were settled in 1826. The first white child was John Duff, broutzht in by his parents. The first white child born in Essa was Wm. Dinwoorly. A little shanty was built on 1')inwnocly's lot. In this they all took up their residence. The first church was on Dinwood_v's lot. a log` building. Services were taken by Rev. Wm. l'~`raser. Bond Head. That little log church was clear to those people; more so than some of the grand churches of today. Then the whole family went to church. babies and hired help, even it` they had to no in an ox-cart. It was God's house and the place of prayer. All tried to leurn to do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you. Ministers travelled from one place to another on foot or horseback. The first school was taught by Andrew Col- man. This school also boasted of having been the first Orange Hall. ;......:.... -Rnmlln A _ u A Ola. 4,. Yuvuv 1|-us: .u~.v...,, -4..-... ||I\. ....-. v.....,,,.. ....... Coming further north to Ivy, the first settlers were the Beckertons. Davises. Fletchers. Lennoxs. Parkers, James McQu:.y, Hugh Speers. When G. Davis and wife arrived in Essa they had their first meal with the Beckertons. No doubt the meal was plain to what they are today. but they said they never enjoyerl any better. The l1eart_v welcome and the good cheer made them feel at home in a st1'am,:`e country. Later, some of the Arnolcls arrived. John Arn- ,olrl owned 500 acres on lot 20. Con. L 7. He was L-euntry. 300 acres. born in 1830 in this` Alexander Arnold owned He Came over from Ire- ; land in 1856. 'lI`un-than run-Ila urn nnwun f:\ nnnunr l lilll [H 10:). Further north we come to another settlement which was called Bally- 1 \'n-S(.-roen after :1 place in Ireland. Later thv name was changed to Utopia. Here `Richard Bell, miller, born in Canada in 1853. has resided sim-c-` 1859. Wm. Bell. furnuer, born in Ireland. 1842, came to this coun- try in 1847 with his parents. 7.. `nan 75...... I....J .. ..\.`..I..a:.\.. at l l t t l D t l t l l I > > I r > > I I n n u s > > > P I I > u .7 In 1842 Essa had a population of 534. In the next ten years the pop- ulation more than doubled. there were 4.643. Its clearance was 29.026 acres. This gives a slight. idea of the work and hardships our forefathers and mothers had. for in those times the mothers worked hard as the men in helping to clear the land and bringing up their chil- dren. To whom we are ellj()_'\ lll_1I today ? Look around at the`ul homes. What did those first pioneers have`) A little log shanty in the bush. maybe two Families in it. A tallow (`andle 1'01` :1 light. maybe not that. when it was dark: get up at dawn. Now we have electric lights. When wash day came the water had to be carried from a creek maybe half a mile. then the tub and wash board. soap made from wood ashes and an all-day job at the tub. a tired back. Now we have cisterns. water in the house. electric washer: put the clothes and water in the machine. it does the rest: no tired back. the washing is done in an hour or so. Look at your (arms. all cleared: your iharns. your outbuildings. your fenc- es. Look at all the modern machin- ery for labor sz\\'in[.Z. Look at your cars where you go to Toronto in a nu Aux: nun Inn y..........v. couple of hours. when it took our` fathers a night and day to reach Holland Landing: with a load of grain. Now the truck comes to your home. takes your stock. to the city. In a few days you get _\our cheque. No work for the farmer or worr)' about tcaniimz. We c\\-'0 all these luxuries to our ems. If they had not worked and saved. made C-\'ery cont count. would not he cn.ioyim.: the comforts lot` today. We all should rise up and 'call them h`cssed and thank our 1.x.m......i.. r...- vi... and In 1871 I (`I0 \\ (.` 0\\ C what~ Go to bed` your grain . par- ' \\` -, -T 1 ` Only :1 small crowd attended the: 'duncv and flour show in thv Barrie; .-\rnmur_\' last Friday e~\-unimz. under `the mnspices of me R0_v;\l Victoria` H-lospitnl Nu1`sc.~ Alumnav. Tho| Ei\ttx';1`:i:Ex1 was staedl :3 gay De- . unvy. oronto. an at on 1 xmm_\"- tickms were sold from door to door; `which assured the event's success: rum a financial standpoint. onlyl about 25 couples were presem at the dance. `|\lu. urn: aunnliao-I kn !J.....\.u-I ("UH UICIH L)!\`SL`(1 uuu UIUHK Heavenly Fmher for the parents gzrandpareuts we had and the heritage the)` left us. Is it any \I clan` that Essa has been called .r`.~n~:l.-n 1\" l.`.~l.n. Inc n.- nnnh UEHICL`. ` , Music was supplied by Howard! ;Tt1:'xim"s Roxwrlers of Torontu. Floor; `show attractions consisted of com-` cciy numbers by Arthur Huston. Tm-untu. nephew of Walter Huston.` famous stmle and screen star. and dance numbers by Helen Graham. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Gmhaxn. Barrie. A paper given by Mrs. W. J. M('1.(~un to Ivy Women's Inst.) Pioneer Settlements In Essgltgvnship RSI-`.5 l)_~\.\'(`F. .-\.\'l) FLOOR Sll0\\' I! \S SI\l:\l.l. (`R0\\`D MISS :\(i.\'l M:\('l'll.-\lL. 'M.l'. l'() Rl'.\I .-\ l":\R`.\Il`ZR-I.A'B0ll l E.ClL`H. 1.40! US .`(l('H ill un and tr)` to serve n -uun`.r_\' and when our shr .. .u.u v1\-\\' :0 In` .--x |.\ UU(|t' HI(|_' \\'u.~' of the I _ is a little ; nu`: having I i` f'I(H1L`L.'l` lllilki : purer. a little: ; lived in it. ll H11) \\ Ls each Miss Winn!-fred Kydd, of Mon- treal, slim, smart, lovely, is still on 1 the sunny side of thiny but she has captured the highest honors ever to be given a woman in Canada. us... a nu. vnuunp-est nm-son ever [0 be given 2; Vvulnlun ... Vu.u....... She is the youngest person to be president of the National - -Council of \Vor- ' men, having gain- ed that nmce four years after her -frui nnhlic _ Luv: Lu.Ull|.lI:n.A L. I W. C. A.; vice- .president, Inter- national Council of Women; vice- ,president Montreal Ch1'ldren`s Li- brary Committec; President Wo- men's Debating Society; member. Permanent Conference for the Pro- tection of Immigrants; captain,` lGir1 Guides. I \v._L ..._..a,....s ".6411 Vhlc chn nnr-nnf- Lin`! uuluua. ` Not content with this she accept- ed a deanship of women at Queen s , "University and distinguished her- self by immediately esmblishing a girl's smoking room. nu... nm y-co (Yanndinn woman to l\_L; vxml (;l`l`)/. will not chm i':|| :n'filintmn.< und l`lll (1;-1v fur Ihn Rv(' durim; lhu vumim: cl: :lHl)v)lll1('I`(| thvl, fnllnw :~`H-I1 rvuvlwd nvvr the \ .\'[ll`(`i.'l] mm".im: nl` thv rirlim: 2l:45`l)L'i(lH()l1. she In run as :1 U.F.O.-1.11} in lhv now riding of C`. .\ uuuluu -. 111.1 glns HIHUKIII5 luuun. Was the rst Canadian woman `be appointed to the World Disarma~ _ `ment. Conference. The honor was gnot too great. She kept it a secret 9 `for a whole month. 12.... .. annlsn nf hunanr iu (langui- `TOP 3 wnolc IHUHLII. Has a. sense of humor, is consid- ` ered brilliant, tactful and possessed -of an engaging personality so that ` her ability to dominate women old- i er, more experienced, more learned, -is no mystery. Is an international- ist, a believer in disarmament and =a champion of women, believing in their capabilities and their eventu- al place in the sun. mllhuf at Mnill Universitv H.l putce In un: nun. Educated at Mu:Gi1l University` and Bryn Mawr. she is the daugh- `ter of a 1\`lnntx'ea1 nancier. LIBER'l`Y S CANADIAN HALL OF FAME THE BARRIE EXAMINER. BARIHE. ONT.. (7ANl\l)A _ __ N0. 9 lllnl. puunnu speech. Now holds the fonowing oicesz vice-president of ` the Montreal Y. 111 (W A . ulna, u:| nu,- public znada Has Second Woman in Senate Page `J Anyrmo whu RH <'n|l<-d up speak in publiv . My 1:: sovenly prmulmriznlinn. (2: your words wilh u <'ri1i<'a| that you will nut om-nrl yul r-nr-Ix rm: -` H1-rn :-|w- H fnuv Written for The [Examiner by nu-an-cw A u n F`: I-|l\/\IIllv 3":"i'na'"AL`L":':1~':'"i 3'i'z'E$'vs/ii: HINTS FOR HOMEBODIES l,In,::\" vvrxn Ill spc~,al(e1`s do not S4 mr l:xno'nnrI(- hast S!o\`cnl_\ ldngli.-.'h ..l I `Tran New Senators I And Several Judges 1 i Named by Bennett 1 I DOESN'T nus * \YH'P.`!.PLY9!'%jP 4PPEI!TT.ZL _ ` I /, /. /7//////,'{ //( SH RE WHEKT nsnxunu-5A l\l- t\ALIAP\IALI `Annu-A-ll M'Ar3:-:" I-IN-C-ITX-N-/-3."DA.-~-6F--'CAI~1-A`-D-I-A-Nun`-V`7H E_A-T Going to Business School `. In xwuhlic nr l1i_-;'h and WHIP UP YOUR APPETITE ? Fn-'.h, 'ulll1-l`iP(`l l[`(l In-rrin.-s---pouring thvir rich avor (hrtmglm wisp, gnl(|<.'n-hruwn Sim-dd:-d \` s :1 lm-.1l that will mulu: you cut with new intcrust. And it". p:n'|u-(I with vmrrgy, too. For Shrc(`|(|(-d\V|1(-:1tis 1()()'/In \V|m|(: \`(/In-.11. (lives yuu Nmuru-'8 own h:ll:llH`L' uf vital hvnllh L`!(`H1('FIlS\ In :1 must (lt'L'i')llS and <`ligL-stihlu form. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COM PANV, L`: D. Niagara Falls, Cnnmh 12 big I7i.\('Ilils in every box. _, ,, /11. 111.7, ...,,,;;/um, ' l '3 `. V` ---I T- N? -C.` sun-I'ipuu-(I In-rrin-s~-pr Sh rn:nlu:ym|L-21* Fur? Nalm Ia,-lici: h, uglm \` wnlcfnst new rm'k('t| Shrc-d(|(,-d \"(/heat is 1 )|(: `I1 Ia,-Iicinus f Nlnznrn Falls. CE. I IIII.arI I , rIv\ava I s rnulu .IJ.r'Ml\I\A And from :1]! Stzttinns Imtweun'l`|{OU'l` (`RI-`.l.}\ nnd /\Ul{()l{A including MII)1.ANl), l 1 and MICAl"()|{l) BR1\N(?ll LINES. 1 To TORONTO BUFFALO WINDSOR DETROIT .., ., ...`. >7` - V V. ,, . Tickets good to return from all poInQ not Inger QIVIVl7lIIvmd7NVbA>Y.V-AVUGu5T 1:,...... T.-. .... '1`.-,..'.. l..I..m.. 5.... (mm Anuult ASK mm HANImn I Tvmn Farm, llckru, mm tram IHIUYYIIIIKIIIVI yvlml tuunn. l\.\l\ l`\ Vn ll.'\lVI}l1ILl. Huvn Q ,7 _ T , , _ _ , _ __ _ _ _ _ , _ _ g Ifrllrzvillr-, Irm~1nam-illr, Brmzlfnrd, Brnrl;'.'ilII'. Fhullzmn, ( ('m n2uuII. (.'.m ([14-nrnr, (.'mIr'rirI1, (luv//rll, [HM llv!!`)'f\IIIlI.]7l;j1'rH7,KilIf1li (]iHt',[\'I`\'(;.T(}.\'.I\'II(]!1'HI`I,/.iP1I{\II\`,A I.().\'I)().\', Mm'ri\Imr;;, .\'u[uuIw', .\'I.l(i.-ll\':l I".ll.I..\', (}\/l4l`:w .'\'nun:1? I ulnm'\!un, I uri\*_ I '!v'rImm, l'urI llu/M". I'rr\mII_ SI. (`:1 .S'urniu, .S'nuIlmn1[>Imx. .S'lru(]0nI, 'I`r'n!m1, Whitby, Wi.:rIrm_ W1 urn Vrunl all |)0llIl5 nu! Iutur Illun IVIUIIUI-I I . Huuua Ind Train Inlomnuiuu /mm Apunlx. ASK FOR HANDHILL 1 I - I I I I - T I L ` I I AIJProachableH . (lmlllrml. (uImur,l,', Hllrlfr/I, IHMI/.'l'();V, Vnwm lim/mv Iixlm.-1'1. (`ulmur,I,', m'IIn/I H I./I 'I'()1V_ lllI\ll\', l.I\Il Tn`ll, ()~/m':nu_ (hm-n ` (`at/mrim-.v, Um. Wumlcfurk. July 25. 1935 "THE

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