I` @oz:(2.2 Mrs. Marshall H(`I\'(!. I Mrs. Jus. Bonn-u. and Mrs. R. W. Siuan, Toronto, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Watt. 'I`h:- Qlrmn nix-niv \v:1.~: hold at In- S. W. Wall. The Slrmn picnic \v:1.~: nisfil Park on S.'1tur(iz1_V nfterxmun, when :1 good tlme was t-njuycd. Mrs. F. Jmws: 01' 'I`umn1n nnd hm` thrvv bn_v.~:. Murray. Austin and Dav- id. visited 1Vl1'.x'. R. B(l_\'(:S. zxllcalhs Fnrm." ln.<'l wcok. ' Mics Annie Roivc and Mrs. Alex. {or 21 fine motor trip. Miss Boyle of T(Il'()I)l() spent Sun- day with Miss Canning and assisted the choir in the United church, sinu- ing :1 very beautiful solo. The Sunshine MiSSi(l!1 Band met at Shirley and Mill )' 'I`url(I's rm S.'ilur~ (lay. July 20. Miss Gladys K01] and Mist: Viola Byers \V('i'(` in change of the meeting. Mrs. W. Bonmcr gave the topic. The next meeting: is tn he held at Miss Georgia Reive's on August 17. Rev. B. 1". Smyth. rector of St. .I`hnmn:~:. The l):1sr*h;1H tonln wont to Brat]- ford TuCsd:1_v ovvninn, winning the yrnmn hv 12 In 5. wcok. Miss Annie Roivc Cuwan of Barrio remnwd hmnr,` from Sodus Pmnt and Rn(~hn.s'tor. af- trip. Miss Pmvlo srwnl I l.4\J~I \r\rea1\rn: Council mot in Elmvale. July 20. llwith 1111 members present. I '1`hn fn1ln\\riI\u um-nnnI< \\'m*r\ nn<<- The fullmvinp, accounts were pass- ed for payment: Wm. McFadden. cut- ting wood. $1.00; D. H. Coleman. hos- pital maintenance. Hilda Volliek. $26.25: '1`. E. Smith. to pay Council. $17.50: Rutlanrl Elrick. 2 sheep kill- ed by dogs. $13.00: Mrs. Bauldry. Iim`tieultural Society grant. $8.00; (`veil Knuff. repairs to incinerator. $5.00: Public Library grant. $12.50: Dr. Wm. (,`oup;h1in. two sheep killed by dm.t.~'. $12.00. yum ull HIL'nlUt:Is [JIL`BC|l\.. I R\'l::u'< H55 nnrl 1156. setting thv XVLYS. Ht` Dlyll should put her I to please her hu Mr Farts: I D11 M. H. Limbert. well-known I~ nrr_\' Sound physician, was unani- muusly selected as Conservative candidate for the coming Federal election at :1 crowded Conservative convention at Burk`s Falls Tuesday afternoon. He will oppose A. G. Slagllt, K.C`.. Liberal candidate. IO pllfllst` KICK IILISUHIIU Mr. Facts: I can friond husband gels not it unless her fat lbills." luv:-:: In-re. Jun, llmmlil). :1 patient in Allislmn lm.-zpiml. hurl unv fun! :|1mnll:1tv(1 nu Sllmluy Inst. Horn. In Mr. and Mrs. (`nmm'un ll, l.ulu|::w_ '1'm`uIlln. nu July I5. I935, :: xun (John Hymn). I\'1i.~::: 'l`lwlm;| Shvll uf l`nI'unln rtpvnl :1 vnlmlv ml` (l:l_VH lnsl \\u-1-k wilh Imr aunt, l\'Irs. I1. Nixun. ll`{`lCHt`li 1`nmm_\'. WIIEFE WEIS Hit` .-\meric-an Declaration of Independ- ence si;:m3d'." 'T`nn\n1u- A' ux hnnrn Y mince" Honeybecs ` temperature Fahrenheit. CRAIGHURST do Style: nut hnr I` 1-`ic>"s:OuNc1L CHURCHILL THE BAR!!! E EXAMINER, I. At the bottom. I guess." seldom fly when the is below 45 degrees; HCI gL`lS mucn JUV tamer pays Thursday, July 25, 1935 1 of 1',)(_-trait. spent n ; at the home of I-Iarl U. r and 1156. s 'v 1935 fot `I. R` LU ZLHI. T. E. SMITH. Clerk "I think :1 woman r best efforts in dress msbzmd." can`t see whera A .1n|._ I\x||:\h {nu nun \ spent the wet.-kcnri ` setting thv fnr (`nnnlv Wm. Blab, Allenwood, at Age of 95 Recalls the Pioneer Days in Canada (By our Elmvalc Correspondent) William Blow. of Ailenwood. is the last surviving member of a group which sailed the high seas from England in a three-master! schnnner 90 _vonrs ago. for settle- ment in Canada. He colt-brat:-:4 his 95th birthday today. 'RDr`a|linrr H11 (hive ivnnindininlv :r;)uI mrmuay many. Recalling lhe days immediately prececling the voyage, he said: "My D( ()pl(`. were greatly concerned a- bout it all, for Canada seemed so far away and the journey appeared in their eyes as if for ever. The sep- aration about 10 take place seemed :1 permanent business in their eyes and l'e\v expected to see each other again in this life. Parties were held and farewells said and all went, on boarrl the small vessel. The quarters were small and passengers were (rlnscly confined. "'l\I[\ nlz-Inc! kn-nf\\nI~" Inn cnirl "urnu (fll)S(!ly C()TlIlllC(l. My oldest bl`0U1Cl`". he said. "was ion years old and had been sick for mine months and the doctors said the trip would either kill or curt` him. The boy passed away during the vnym.{0 and he was laur- ir-(I at, son. I remmnlxri` the service. It was cnnrluctcd by a Methodist minister on 1110 deck and the body wrapped in a shoot was slipped from nff :1 board into the sea durimz lhv service." l\/In Tilnuu unnruxu-n in ``-\u\ `\l\|A.<`\ COOKSTOWN Mr. Blow rofvrs tn the h.'n`dship.< of tho :'(`HIr.`I`.~: of thnsr` days. Sot- tliug` mun` Whitby." he said. "we 1-nrrit-d whvnl nn mu` h. \('k.\' In the mill to have it [ground intn flnlll`. l`hr- mnds in wet \vvnl,hm' \V(`l`(` l'ri;,'hlI'u1l_\' mud(l_v". Nlnnv vnnvu nun U/illinnx Illnuv Much interesting: infnrmntion was given by Mr. Arthur Gibson. Dum- inimi Entumulm.-,i.s't,, at the recent annual meeting if the New Jersey Mosquito E.\:termin:itiun As. on the notable work of the Entomo- lnpziml Bram-h of the Dnminiun De p:n'tment. of Agriculture in mos- quitu control in Cumulu. As in years })2lSl. the officers of the Entomologi- (tzil sm`\'ice have nssistetl materially in tl(l\ iSll1];{`t`td (lire(rtim; vzirinus c-:imp:iip,'ris in (`O-l)p(`l':lli()n with municipal. Civic. and other author- ities throu;;hnut Czmudn. These en- tnnmlu_L{ists have not only evolved pr: ,-tieal methods of control and 1-xtvrminatinn but also numerous ef- fective repellents for use under all sorts of conditions. Ten repellents which have proved their efficacy since their intrnductinn :1 few _v nrs am were mentioned by Mr. Gibson as having been up..'iin snbjec-ted tn :1 series of enmpzirative tests by of- ficers of the Branch. I-`nllmvimz the t.(-sts. the repellents were classifier] nu fnllnw-z` , BARBIE, 0N'I'., CANADA IIl},'llllllll_V IHllll(l_V Many years ago William Blow married and settled on a farm at Allonwnnd nnd tlnrro worked Mom'- inur lhn Innrl -xnr! nvnillnn u.\uv`t\r] mu.-nwnna nnu merv wnrxea (-w;n-- imz the land and gelling stnrtvd. Prim-.< worn poor nnd little prn;_vres: (-nuld ho made for some time but wnucr 51-(In: (ab Dunn's No. 1--Oi) of citrnnu L-Ila, 3 07.3.: spirits of camphur. 1 02.; oil of 1:11`, 1 (32,. oil of pennyroyal. `/4 02.: cnslor oil. 4 tn 6 01s. tb) Bacnt and '1`albn1's N0. 4 (fumes troublesome to eyes)--oil 0! (.`Ll(`il1_Vp1ll:~`. 2 n /..~:.: liquid cnrbulic acid, 4 drops: oil of citrrmc-11:), 2 07.5.. lcaxtnr oil, 3 07.5. In\ TWnnn'c Mn 11 lfnrnnu 1rnnh1rA.. `Mosquito liepellents _ That Should Be Help il S(`I'lL`S (H 1.h1 1' as follows: E`. ;u. 4 (1) Those w tender skin: nlln '2 nun - L-r\ Castor on. .5 (C) Dunn's N0. 4 ifumos trnubke- .smn(- to (-yes)--gun1 camphnr. 3 07.3.. salnl, 3 02s.. pctmlatum. 4 07.5. ldl Howard's N0. 2----Oil of Inven- der` 1 oz.. alcohol, I 07... Castor oil, I t\'v tn Mr. `and 1\/Irs. Wnllur Sumlu_\', July H. 1935'), :1 For Lee 9 Tender Skin (Zr Those which may be used um the arms or where the skin is less tender: z..\ n...m-_- 1\Tn o_.,.n ..r I-HrI\r\r>Hu xonner: (:1) Dunn's N0. 2--nil of citmnclla, 2 075.. Castor oil, 2 07.s.. oil of pen- nyroyal. `SN 07.. H1) W(I\\rnx`d'< Nu 1 (Hrm|v)-~-nil nyroyan. an oz. (13) Howm`d'.< N0. 1 (grousy)-..o11 of citronella. 1 07... spirits of cum- phor. 1 07... oil of cedar. 1/'2 n7.. (0) nnnn'.< N0, 3 4dix'tv)-nil of . ton. Primer to Jr. I-Stuar1 Thornmu. Fxed Shamd. Velma Westlake. Reta , Thornton. Prilnm` -- Doris Carr. Donald DHOT. l ()7... OH ()1 ('l.'(liH'. `/2 HZ. 1'0) Dunn's No. ldix'ty)--nil tar. 2 07.5.. Castor oil. 2 075., 011 of pcnnymyal. `,4; 0'/.. Applied Through Cluthing (3) Those which may be applied to clothing through which mosquit- oes may bite: Int Rm-nt and 'T`nlhn1` Nn 1--nil OCS H121)? DIICZ ta) Bacut and Talbofs N0. of Cassia. 1 02., cumphoratcd n7c \':.IunHnn 2 (`WC 7.... V:'.:|SHY`lC. 6 07.5` tb) Bacot and Ta1b0t`s N0. 2--oiI of peppermint. 1 07... oil at cassia, 2 07.3., vaselinc-. 2 07.5. r... ammo ....,: 'T`ull-mrc `Mn '2._I\n _ Thornton. . Pruner Duns Carr. Donald ` Shund. V, J, REYNOLD. Tenrher, Z VZISCIIHC. Z 07.5. (Ci Bacnt and Ta1b0t's No. 3-oi1 of turpentine, 2 cc.. paraffin wax. 3 grs.. V{'lS(`.1inC. 1 gut POINTERS OF PLOUGIHNG In regard to the cultural experi- ments carried out by the Dominion Experimental Farms. it has been shown that it is not necessary to plough more than about 4 or 5 in- ches deep under ordinary conditions. Equally high yields of corn and grain have been obtained on several E.\perimental Stations in Eastern Canada from ploughing four inches deep as at seven or eight inches. Moreover. in the shallow ploughing the draft is considerably reduced and therefore the cost is less. In the Prairie Provinces. experiments on several Stations have demonstrated that yields of wheat may be main- tained where no ploughing is done at all. In these experiments the plough was replaced by the cultiva- tor or the disk. Ploughing hay land in August. or immediately after harvest top-working. and replough- ing' in the fall has proven a sound practice for the eradication of per- ennial weeds. Fall ploughing should be done in Eastern Canada in pre- ference to spring ploughing on heavy clay soil. Where annual weeds are troublesome. disking rather than ploughing corn land is recommended except in areas where the corn borer is present. Im|rl' MI`. and Ind sun ml` Shul- -r':a : Miss: (H). Jr. III to Sr. IlI-Dick Bray. Ken- neth I-`ildey. Joe Riven. Jr. 11 to S1-. II-Orval (`ave (H3. Mary Carr tHl. Orrin Cave. Bill \Vestlake. John Holland. Sr. I to Jr. II-Wallace Halbert. Jr. I to Sr. I-Dnnald Harvey (H). Gordon Harvey (H). Harold Thorn- ton. o.eI. . .III to . V. J. REYNOLD, Teacher. )1` Tondor 5 ~ which mu , lI4\.L unounu . IV-~Mur)orie Harvey :' Skin uy IVII`. LIHJSUII n vo mu. nu-sv on- f x -unnrmnnu n6`, O \'\'U1'HI\\'hi1L`-1hi ` used I oil, the land was good and :1 crop was asstln.-(l every year so that there \vorv nu l`nilLn'e:<. M1`. Blow still liv- es on the old hmnt.-sit-ad now owned by his son Wilbert with whom he livt-s for the con('ludinn yt-;n':< 01' his lift`. can ..1.1.. 4.. u...... .....u . .- - - HIS llll`. Still able to hem" and 2400 fairly elc-nrly, Mr. Blow tzlkus :m ilxh.-1'1-st in every-lay affairs and wulkvd tn have his phnin taken. His l)ir|h(l.'1y is an July 2. , so [10 is Iud:I_\' 95 y('.'n`.~' yxmmz. woll slmpliml with p1'vvi nwmnrios. I'm lw kopl him. <-10:111. wholvsmno and up- rixzhl. Hv never zrrossml to his mo- lhorlnnd sincv his I'ir.s'l journey, onnclndimz that mm su(~l1 ovum in `:1 lifn was enmuzli. l$n1 hv 1-xpm-1.x` in (`I'0::s llw Jordan in due lime and in moot his Pilot. {mm in rm- an Inn. nun |\'|I xlllll AVlI.\. lH'|'I) I)Iil('K Mr.x`, W. ML-L xrlhy uf I3(`('lI)n spmn the wu-kvnrl in Mrs '1`. R(':udm;m's. Il|l\ l` lH|ll|'o Berry pit-kin HRH` ht'H' NW.` nu... ....u~ ...-..- nu _'J`.h(~ rum!`<'m\slrllr`1inn ("IIHD has rhvnrlvrl up .u nu-n smtl has .-'1, up unothvr cznmw nonr Cunkstuwn. Mrs. A. Thnmsmn of 'I`nrrmln :~:pm11 a; day with Mr. and Mrs. HON) B ck. 1\/Irv \U 1\/I:-I"-n~I|\\v ml` l`ln..I.... . u-x_ n. | FEEIJWT PLEASANT 1 \ Hugh Cuhilt is nhlv to I H)(`(` H1011`. always at II ' ' II your OI'I'I"'II OI"I Hun` ulw :1<`|1:u1r<- nu hu)_iIIu fnmls til.` Zlll: sh:-I .' :1h'. Slump .11 l7uIInix1_x:nI Slnr:~'.: In- :usurc uf I-'1'vsl11|<'sx, Qllztlllv nml I"J' N % ac '-h ,;1'l'i(x|u-: luilcrs` must CHASE & SANBORN'S PLUM JAM GOOD QUALITY (.`OLDE.\' COHOE SALMON WAX BEANS coljr-'1-:1`; Formal Sgiced Ham as 11,1 9` MACARON] 3 CHEESE LOAF S Meat & Fish Specials good until Saturday Night P& G SOAP 108-m35 CALAY - 3 for14< 'cckin_;* x :1skcd In vu. PINTS . doz. 95 QUARTS - doz. 1.13 K-GALLONS doz. 1.53 L`:-.`.Jur Certo mzimvr JAR RINGS, Pkg. of 12 - 5` ZINC JAR RINGS doz. m .\I:4It_ Spirit, CiIIc`r, Hulk VINEGAR . gal 30 PAROWAX 2 pkgs. 25 Largc PR8- 7;-`art:-A. I\'u`nLu'r IAP RH GENUINE 1935 ONTARIO SPRING LAMI PRESERVING 2` 2o<` 1";;;'1`:,` you H I1(`L`(l these LOINS FRONTS ~ 1232 15'b~ 11:15 GLASSCO S SOAP DALE snnnlgs 1', is thv m-m-rm pas- ` dam X"29..L,,. Pl.-cr FRESH MINT FREE IV!` I uni". .3 111.9 "Tomato `Juice ) lw nmuml Iv vu- Small Pkg. g 4__ Jus 29` I Sliced VISIUIHZ HEY HISIEF, IVll'5. JUHII !\lllU|ll Misses Ruth Vvohster und Luuiso Johl.) of Orilim zu'(- vi.- Mrs. P`. C. Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Millard nr Kim:slnn are visiting their daughter. Mrs. A. D. Milli -nn. Miss ormn Lawson nt Trenton is visiting hm` jzrandpziwnls, Mr. nml Mrs. M. J. Lawson. Mrs. Minniv Bunrdsull of 0m \\'(l!~`. thu guest ml her nicvv. Miss U|nd_\'.~: Bexu`d.~:nlI, lust week. `Mr and l\4r.-4, R, M. Blnck mid Miss | W. Dickensun of Hmmu. Alln., is visiting ul George Gray's. Thmnns. Shnnalmn is visiting his dzulgzlncr in Now 'I`nl`uI`Il(). S. Swan of Hamilton spent the wet.-kom'l at H. (`nrnnhun's. Mrs. A. (`lcgg of Pvlerlmrnuuh us visiting her sister, Mrs. John Arnold T\Hi:u-nu nun. \Unh nnrl T.nlli!<(` week. Mr. and MI`.-4. R. M. Betty are hn|id:|yim.: all Bnlm l3v.'wh fur a cmnle of dnys. Miss yr'ln Mantle nf '1`m'nntI\ stncnl last week with h(`l` p,r:1ml- Myr'lr3 Mantle spent mother. Mrs. A. Vnllick. Nl'rx' nnm. Wilsnn and `with M'r.:. Edmir Archer. Mr. and Mrs. I`t-rcy Kitvhim: of Tnl`rm1u \\'('l`(.' the gllnsls uf Mrs. '\Villis Spring: for n few days. Mica I M Lmm-r R,N_. nf'l`urnnlu. Vollick. Mrs. Rum. Wilsnn sun Jimmiv uf (`.uvlph are spending u ft-\\' xvm-ks v. ith Mrs. Edgar I`t-rcy WIIIIS hpl'In_'.: II)!` n u:w uupn. Miss .1. M. Lower, R.N., of 'l`unmlu.| \vns: the L{ll(`R1. of her sister`. Mrs. R. M. Blm-k. fur an t-uuplv ul` d:1_\'.s' lust week. Mr .-mrl Mrs: I-`rt-I1 D1)llL!h(*I'l,V IIHII Mr. nnrl Mrs. T-`rod Dmuzlwrl_v l\1is>; .lnycn um! hnhy Ml`lfll'(`1 of BRll`I`il` spun! S1mrl.'n_y at 1). (I. Ih~:n' sn1l's. x Mm W N Rrndlvv nnd son John .-\d \ L`rl i: |sn1l'.~'. Mrs. W. N. Brndlo._v rulurnvd humv cm .`~`mturd:1y nflvr 11 visit. :11 tlw fnrnu-r`s lmmo ul (lun- flllllfllll` nnuquv. Mrs. (`. l".. Imlvhul` and son lmnnln urn vi::itim.: with Hum. Dr. 1.. .1. Simp.-mu and I\ ll`:<, Sinnpsnn :11 Min- (-t':~: Point. (`liflnn D1-an nnd (lnnruv '1'<`I'r_\' (`liflun I)l`.'ill mud l'(-rry left on Friday In join the on-\v of lhv ::1-:um.'r Rm-krlifl` whivh .-mils from l\'in;:.~:l.nn. Mr. and Mm. /\ll`r(!d Bnnth, I l`I`(`y Mr. l`vrryv Iiuxvlvs nnrl IVIiss M.'Irv_:n'vl ll:n.\'v.< nf I'nrnutu spent Sunrln_v wilh Mr. nml Mrs. John Arnold. Mr. and Mr::. George Nnrlhwuml and son (}(.'UI'L;(` ml BI`u.s`.'~:(-ls and .l:|<-k ML'(":1w of llnxriv wt-ro the ),1ll(*Sl.`~' of Mrs. S. 1\'t`rr Inst wcok. Mr. nnd Mrs. M:|('Lur(-n Millnr nnrl fzunily nf Parry Snnml wr`r(- lhu Lluusls nf lhv fm'mcr z~: sisttrr. Mrs. (`h:L~.2 L('I1l1(),\'. 1:15`! wuvk. W. W. l`ylL-r, l'l'[)l'L'SL`l1ln|iV(` of the Ilppor (`zlnnrlu Hi|)lc Sncicly. 1.'.:1\'n :1 lx-alum in Alltrnwuml Unilml church can WNh1(`>:r1:Iy ova-ninu. run. .....I TL!-c '1` I.m-nn ('mrmlmll and sun I`ummy, Mr. and Mrs. Will chlH'(`n wvmlosruny (,'vI.'uuu;. Mr. nnd Mrs. '1`. Lurne (.'nn1phcl| NEWS OF-ELM`v'AILE BAYSIDE cuonca ;-,* 2M>"r:m' - A , , _4_ _ A __ snug}; 571 Ann; I35` I DIIJI`. \4l`l pa. ---._ 3-lb. Block 1 Customers Have To B3 Bought NH [1, Is(vY\." aiape .11: cc \VELCH'S RAISINA SULTAN IVLIID 1 ch:-latte : "_ RITZ BISCUITS HEAD LETFUCE CABBAGE CUCUMBERS Thick Rib Roast Blade Roast - Pot Ron`. Hrmclcss Fillet: of Veal With Pectin Added suokgg Boneless Shanklcu TENDER BEEF ROASTS "F!"Ni5 FRUITS 6A'i`i5'(irrs 9< ~ In 13 swrrl Mnu-.1! J PICNIC PICKLES Mzu:I.arcu'.; I-4 v PEANUT BUTTER Prinrrsc. SOAP FLAKES W-, Tllc N('W (`crud :A11ln- Swvrl Mixntl DIFKIII` DI Carr and I.u'.nsv nl spending. an 1-n1|pl0<:l'\\\`ev Bell Culimgv, \\ ns.'\p_:1_B Vvcukuml \'5:?i(uI':`. in [0 Mr. and Mrs. H;1I'u,T_(l |; ghl.L-rs of (jilfurtl. :1}! Jn: nnd Mrs. Slnnln-`\' Sn-(I Juun and Dmw-un ;nl (Inn Hit-kit-'~<' I\1|' mu] Juun unu Imn-mu Gun. I)it'ki("'~" Mr` McAulc_v ml 'I`nmx 1\ulu_v`s. PRAIRII-I I)Iu`.Y \\'lNl) 'l`hv humi n-I `Jhv rlir :1:-ts :15 :1 (`hm-k un x-vnpurntu n Hum lhv sur- l':lr'- of H10 1.{I`uuIul mu! zllrn from tho lvzlvvs and ulhv-1' |):u`1-: of pl:m1.<=. Ru-lnlivv hulnidily i.:< ;L|'1':r1('Hl in HM.- \'i:-ini1_vuf|ur;.v hmh:-.~: ul` w.'n1<-I` and un lhc xw-slt-rn .\'Urp(`:; ml` lh'ili::h (,`ulumbin. 'l`lu- wind hlnwinu uvu-1' the Pacific ()4.-can hm-(-mm-_< 4-hzxrgml with lm)i.s'lurr mm! in n-:u`hin;: Hu- Cnusl Mnunlnin l':Hf|.{(' is I'nx'-mi tn d(!.~:('1-ml. It {.{rn\v:< L'rmI('1' nnlil 24:11- urnliun pninl is rm-:,v-hwl wh-n lhu vxct'!~'s mnis4l.1n`(~ is (b*pu.-'i1ml us: uin. ] ll.H.'~'lll|.{ UV(`l' thv mmmluin.-: II (hu- .\`('(`lI(l.`4. l)('('lHl`l(`S \\'.'|I'.mt-r. nml I`('|l'l1- (2.4 llw dry lwll :I.-'. :1 dry wind. ()n arriving nl Ilw Mill high--r -l-\'n- Linus uf lhv S:-|kir.k.\; mu! Ihu-ky Muunlnins, it uunin n:nl'< with nmrn rnuisIuH' and rt-m-h. lhv v:|.~:h-ru slum-.-: of llw mmmlmnr: uml Hu- ])I`i|iI'i('.\' us: quilv n thy win-I Wilul. us :1 rulv in (':m.'uiu. |xlu\\": with ],Ir<~:Ilr`sf fnrvtz on |hI- /Ulunlnc uml Pm-ific cuush rm lhv .~.lnn'v.~. ml` 1h- Grcut T.nk- , mu! mu-r Ihv- pnniri:-.~:. III `.III`., 1| Brown: "llnw w Smith: Hr ,`-?l'l'llH`I undvr :1 :4tr;:n;:z- I l`lmuun' lnllna-1|- HH(ll`,l` II !\'|l'i|H){l` (I Brmvn: lmlm-(I; playing fm1hnll`."' Smith: "Sn did .1 nnmcrs are nu lhcm. 'l`hc) \ l`l'}' ll'Hl_V II. Durlul` ((`hl'I`\ ii: lhv m.'nHt-I"' 1"nlivnt f;.',r~' for you in fiw` l)m'lm' `HIUII H` \n.n'|I nv:-nu. `1 3.1:, III my at-u mlno :v vu-1m only (`Imp I I'm tlimzlm.-xis: withm F"rli`ll3; I H Vfy WE es 3'25 I-lb. IIHI _vnlI'|l I'll 5: .\`(l1.(vT\:l` C mice 15 DON "l "ttllnphzmc rn I npc-II /IISS` |VH'.`1'. Jllnl my, M1`. nn nnv lmnily n ID)`. with Mr. M1`. um "'` fa-milv : " M|`S. T.(..:| , Pl! in N: D `S _J\ H'.~: Fll c1s_:LE_R_Y APPLES M2 um 1.52 we-anuuanu 2 for 15;: 5 fnnllh that x Stnr:-.-L zmcl 1"1: 4-wlinul vrl nlll." .r..| lllll. nuhlfu was un- "`- 1 ac " 1 4c in .ET? x\ \{uQ[ \ ~ \ .\l1ul\P "'1' II) lH' HIIHJ (Iv-llI:'inIl." I: I lhuuxzhl lu- . Iilllilll. III .' whu -:m I :n: qlll" .l `V lA`Il hv :nt.~: ' "l':r1('Sl HM.- Hus \ ':m-:` npt`:< ml I uni--u nu n Page Eleven we:~I::=. :11 (mm)- 1. Bur'i1. I` [own incllnrloal I Iivll and (Inn- .l: |hll'.~:; Mr. dim` and I\'Ii.~`.~=c.*.~: nl '|`nrumln wt V \'VllH|. VV , v 1' 1ht- prnil W. )1.` `Ila. 16 unln HF!) :11 ('llll|)- 1 part with ma I'CqlIiI'L` ln.lN.` ht .. ..|.A Erlwnrd Dr,-vmoy nf 'I`nrnnt.n was hnme for tho w(.-n| Mr.-:. Chas. Martin and family of Pclntrtznlm are hnlidnyim.: with her pznrt-nls Herc. Mi.-4.-: Bath I._vnn:: pf 'l`hornlnn is hn|idnyinI.' with hot` sisu-1'. Mr.-:. 1'-`r:mk Hipzuinsnn. Mr. and 1\/Irs. Black and friondrz 1"r:nnI< I-ngulnsnn. of Rm-kwnml vi: wilh Mr. and Mr.-.'. Juhn J(-mu-It nn S:ulurrl:n_v. and Ivhiv. I"rvr| Wnnris .'Inr1 l'.':milv nl' RHl't'nlu HIT` hulirlnvirw :Il lVlI:::: HM /,0! Arno ]\/h'.~:. Roy ("n|,-mun um |un'n(:. with fnrnu-x Hvh/:1 (`uh-m.-m Immly ml Hul'InIn um` hulItl:1_\'Ir1L: and 1`/II':;. Cl I:ns. Mills. and I\Ih'.~. /\1'lhu1' I`)rn|)sm1 nml fa-mily. nr-(-rn:\p;nIi(\rl mv MI". and l.(`.::|io Dnl').~:rm tn! 1'3m`I'i(,-, nmlm'- Mirllnnrl on S1m Jxln.-.4 Elva R:mtin;1 is ,:!<-Him: along lli(`(.`L\ nflur hnr st-rinu.~: up:-rntinn Inst 'I`uvsrl:|v in lhn Hnyznl Vic-tnrln I-lusnitn|_ B.'n`riv.-. Mr. and |\/Ira. Jnhn IW(`Kl1iL h1 nnrl msmx. Mr. and Mm: S!-nH :'~3h:n'm- \ i.~'.iI1-(I wt Ruht. I\/I(~(,".1l| B(h|.\`(IV('l'. on 9:uL11I' I\/11' nntl T\/TH: H.'|I'\m\' (}l'['l`Yl`:i(](`*: .~(-nu rmnrpu .\`11ml:Lv vi- 'l'nr at i\/Irq VV Jul llIl' lxIllllI'l.\ Hllll nu` In Mm, I\/Int-/\x`llnII' 01' vismm: with hr-r ni(`('l', (II l.n.\' /\II`_' F5('nll .`h:n';n-' Sumlnv VI` Mr. nnrl \ lr.<. Nnrmun Jnhn Drain tuul /\Ii(-0 nnrl * Slunzt-s::. nl W. St11I';-,o.<:<`. * and I\/Irs. llinslryv rmnzninin \v('vk; Huhl. Wilson and Art <.'(I(?k nl` Mimucimt, :1! A. (".r:a Mr. zmd Mn; NI('l"'ll`|.'1II(` 01' =1! Wm. Sh:n'}n-`.-;. Hort (`ruwo nI' 'l`nrm1n was tho 2:l|(`.\'l of his ::i.~:l(-r. ]\/1r::. .lns(-pl} hnylv. mu-r lho wt-1-kvnd. Nlrs. J:1mrr.< Phillips nl` Brnrlfrml - :1 I'(`\v (lIl_VH of I'M, \Vl'(.'k with hm` tnntlwr. Mr.~4. J: l.('i;:hl l\/1i: lithe-I Nu-_v hm: l'l'll|l`H(` tn 'l`m`unln :|1'It'I' .\'p(-nrlimz tho pus! two wm-k:: with Iwr fullwr, R. .1. Nvv. hu.~`incs Vlrs. W. Jon! l)un<-.'un'.s'. MI`::. A. (`.m* m Sniurd y H hnr -.i or . Urn! Mr. fuhll -Zlxn-m huI'n(!. wnn lurnxt-r: snsu-r, J\'lI.-:5 Sylvn (`ulr-mun. (Tun Iullv I'm` I.:IsL Wtwk) Jmmrs D. I{"nn_v ix vlszitinu at his hnmv in G.'u.nnnquu. iV[i.x.~4 Fivclvn l.(-mllny nl` R1-(lditl is lmuw mu v.'u':ItinI1. Miss (h':w(- RUbl!l'l.`x'(Ill is snt.-mliluz Ihir: Wl`(`k nl Rnlm Hozmh. Misc: I)urnlh_v Nrry is hnli(ln_\'iIu'. with '10!` : nl. Alll`()l'1|. Mrs. W. .l. Hm.'n'l ul' Angus vnllz-(I on l'x'innrI.-4 in town this week. Ml`. nnrl M114. H(`.l1I'_V ('nu.s'(- un- nt lhoir 1-u1`l.'u{(~ :11 Snnrly (`m'c. lVlissvs Mzn`_inri- zmrl Lillivn D:1vi:; urn vi.-:ilin;: 1'1-lntivoze `ll Purl ('l`1`(Hl. Mi.-.'.-.` Idllvn K. ":|lm'.x'm1 ml (fhi':u:u_ III.. is vi::it.in1: hm` mother in town. Mrs. Hz-ulur hu.-: rvlurnml In l`ut- tvnhum nflor vi.~;ilim,: with Mrs. (E. rr. 'I`ht- w.'nrm._rlry w nu f:n'vn('r.~< min I .-mini, 15:11-ru.-. `Ir. Wlr.-4, IW(`KIliL ,h1 zmrl > (`hiH|l`(`r1 and Mr. Fllphivk and wll l"Ilphi(.'k \'iHi!('(| (}r:1v<~nhLn'st ml: an S1mrI.'1_V. Mm. I.lp.`|i<-l< ro- ninr, humv :1I`1(-r :1 hnlirlny lht-ro. ('.'Il`l_V ta: ulm|;(<-(I nml D r)I'.'Iil| `.111 '1v. nrl Mrs. Hnrvxry (}1'(-nrusitlvr: .- Amy-l<\: Calif. vis:it(-rl :11 i}1:1rpa-`u `I wm-k. luv \-i Inr-4' (`HM fnmilv M KILLYLEAGH Hi 1ikL`1_\' in Id 1vn:<. 1' :1 Bul'I'nlu .1 m1... A .. UTOPIA n-W: |:I: Wl`(`K. .'i- (_`,urtis family of I W. Newton's; Mr. and oh:-szlrm of 'l`hurnl<>n at K` Mus" Jmm (`.(lfl'(.'}' of S(.'l1nvnht'r;5 I:-: hnli(I:1_vin;{ with. hm` Hunt. Mrs. ('. R. Winlvr. ` Hnrn In MI` untl 1\/Ir: Wnllm` 'z\vfnrrI W(`lll. tn Tnrnntn to 'xHl`n(l lhv |'um-ml Wm. Paulo. vvhn! v nunrninu :nl'Om- |H`l` Imnvr, Ii. . N(`_V. I. (T1-m-lu-I". Pnulino nnd ' N('\'\'l11ill'k(`l :n'- \'i.~ 4 Sl::1('l', Mrs. Frank Culv- ` 1v1r:<. int ur(l:Iy i I lm-.-zs. Wire Nu` C7. and 1\/Irs. Kell nnrl xrnntu \'i: thv form- l\lh~~: Jun I{:-ll HII-< 5:11; .1115` 1` and Hl`l`I|1.'l Suth- ulh_\' Dunn n1` l'urunlu ; with Miss S. M. l_\' in he wN:1inc.l apart trnm he }`llI'.\llL`\l. and thc_\' must he the retailer who wants their .311 jux \ '1lh('I` is rn: hnrvv Hnrn. In Mr. mu! lvlrs. Wnllur Cult), nn (i:nm:|1lvI'. Mi.~::: Almu Flruttnn nf 'l`m'nntu I.-: vi.-:ilin;.: this W(`('k with Mrs. llvrh. ]l:Irm.'In. Dnnuld Elinos nf Nvwm:n'kvl. i:: npmulim: Hw ::ununur months :1! (3. I". :1ll's. '|`h(.-lmn Fnrho.-4 uf Tnrnntu i.-: lan|iln_\'in_x: with hm` .\'i.\'l(`x`, Mr.-:. 'l`. .l. I):uvsun. Mi.~<:: M:Ir_\' lmzhzun of R.'n'ri(- spent :1 fvw (l2l_\'.\` of I.'|.*1l \\'0('k wilh ruin- Hvx-:: In-re. Jun llnnqlin :1 nntimll in Alliqhm Him` nsm-(I Hw torm- Jnn. Kt-ll, this will nmkc um 1lin::lv_v. mrl (':H`n|in(* . (':n'n|im- 'lIl1ilU: for :1 I /\rlhu1' Lu- (`.r:I\\'l`nl'rl`.:; I (if 'l`nl'nnln \urrI::_v. hnl i Mil ls. 'l'hi~ Ixlcr I nlcunx 111:1! rc- gct cummxers. 0'5 mcrc11:mdise :1 planned and keep our Miss Lillian Stewart is holidaying in '['m`0nt0. 'I`rinil.y Miss'irm Circle will meet on Wednesday evening. July 31, at the home of Mrs. Arthur McQuay. C'umzr:ztul:ni0n.~: lo Misses Audrcv. Jim 'l`nylrn- -nl` Clnvn. Qun.. is snvnrlimz his vacation with his aunt. Miss M. Spence. Mr. and Mrs. L. Millimm snout (ha.- nms. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart, Frzmk- [in and Belle. were in Toronto on Saturday attending the funeral of Mrs. Penn. M'I- nnrl M|'< W Armklrnnrv nnri Mrs. Venn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Armstrong and Ihrve (rhildrcn nl` I`0r(mto are spend- ing :1 week with Mr. and Mrs. T. Arm.~:tr0m,'. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Thomnsnn the home of Mrs. Arthur McQuay.l C`ungratulnti0ns Audrey Ivlillipzun and Bernie Spears, who were successful in their Norma] ex- nrnv: Arm.~:tr0m,'. Thompson were in Tnrnntn on Friday attend- ing the funeral of Robert Brown. husband of the late Eliza Juno Thnmpsnn. Rot-ont visitors included: Mr. and Thnmpsnn. :md| Mrs. Ht.-nth of Orillin with Mrs`. Whitim.-,: Mr. and Mrs. Hzlwkcy and Mil(ll'l'd of 'I`n1'nntu. :11. Matt Mc- CIL-nn`.~:: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hem` of W::s:n1.:u Beach and Mrs. G. . (`raw 0! 'I`m'rmtn_ :11 Mrs. J. W. Hon- 1'_v's; Mrs. Mnrr 0.1` Barrie, with Mrs. Rubl. l.(-nnnx; Miss Ruth Simpson 0? 'l'ul`nnI(). with her cousin, Margaret Simpson. R('('(`nt \ iSiU)l`SI Rev. R. H. Brett Snnpsnn. Rt-ct-nt. visitors: of Barons. Allu., with his sister, Mrs. A. Mr~Kun'/.ir-, nlsn Mr. and Mrs. Reg. IVI(.-K011 /.i(` and family of Toronto: T./Iisscs Ruth Simpson of Toronto and Murv (.'m'riu of I`.lmvn]c. with Mrs. H10 lmyzll \/|(r1m'I.'| I-Inspnal on sun- clay .'nl'lnrnnrm, nftc-1' u dn_v'9 illness. Thu ::yIm)::ll1y (`.l' the ('0mmun1L_v is z-.\;tonrl<'d tn the | )(!l'O1lV(`d nm`(-nts. 'l`hz- funr.-I':n| was held on 'I`lI('sclzly :`.I'l(`rrmun :11 the homo nf her p.'n'- (-1115. The smrvice was in (`hzxrue of UV. S. G. MvC,`urrnnck, whn was as- -.i. by Rvv. R. B. Bt,-ynnn. Bur- inl tank pl.'|<:(- in the 'l`hm'n1nn Cem- ,-wry. Tho b(`(1l`Cl`S of the little babe in its while <~z1. were four little uirls: I..(.-rmm .l.'1mics(m. Mary Reid, Dornth_v 'Dun;;-y and Edna Guthrie. I-2lli24-Bu.nl.lng A vvry quiet, but pretty wedclim.-, took place at the mzmse horn` on S.ah1rrl;|_v zxflt-rnnnn last. July 20. when Amy. cl:uu.:hlcr of Mr. and wm. IV. 0. Hunting of Elmvalu. wn.-4 x-nil:-rl in m:nrriu[,'c to Mr. Wm. W. Ellis`. Mm or Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ellis. :I|s:r> n1` F.lmvulc. 'l`hn In-irln wn,-4 :uHnn(lu(l hv Mrs. HIIIS. ulsm nf l Thu bride was attended by Mrs. (`:4-(n-go Mg-Knight, Baxter, sister. whilo Mr. G('()1'l(` McKnip,h1. \vu:~' Ll`(I(ll11.\`lYh`|lL P!`(`3'|)_\ l(`!`lH`. (`hlll'(`h(`.. The bride was ZH.liI(.(1 in El pretty pink silk (`T1S('H`ibl(!. with white at`- ('(?S.`\`()!`iL`S. 'l"no pnrty left immedi- ately for points` north and west. On Manda`-' mnrninll Rev. F. G. 'I`h(\ wt-(l(liI~g (:m'om was per- lnrmorl by Rxv. F`. G. Purnell. who. until very r('<~(u1LI_`, . was the minis- ter uI' 'I`ownlinc. I\'_v zmd Baxter l"r(-::|)_\'t(-ri:u\. ('hlll'('h(`.S. l`lu- hrirln wns nlliw-rl in :1 Dl'l'U.\"` mu] nl Wm. .1:-hl)'.s`. Mix, I-llmnmr Hl)[)p('I' nf Hurnilln in hn|irlnyinL: :11 th(- hmnc of her hm: Him`. '3. H0[)[)t,*l'. Miss I`hu|m'n Iur|ws: of 'l`urmtn 1 north and west. Manda:-' morning Purnoll rt-<-oivocl :1 phone message [rum Allonford. one of his 1'o1`mor nu. roqm nu him in preach the l'un(!I'z1l .~'.('rvi for a much ro- -mm-tvd member 01` the Allonfnrd vhur<:h. who Di1SS(`(l away on Sunday vvmxillg. Mr. Purncll and family IN`! on 'I`LI0sda_v morning fur the funeral S(!l'\'i(`(` in the afternoon. Senior Institute The nw1nhm's of the Senior W0- mt-n':-; Inslitult-. L:rur1(hnnth(-1'5 and vi.~ailux'.<. nun1lwriug pt-tween (i0 and 70, mm :11 the homo uf Mrs. Fred UH)`. \yix_h_ the Sl:1nIv.:y_ I`l Rubi. Lt.-n I..r.. ..n l\ ,7 -.V nmking ` 7 I . thim THORNTON that Service at Knox Church next Sunday at 11.30 am. Mrs. Teney of Winnipeg is vis- iting her moiher. Mrs. Mmwison. Miss Marv Caxton of New York home. Mrs. A. Jary,;Jr.. of Toronto, is staying a couple of weeks with Mr. Jary. I Service at St. Peter's next Sun- me-r. I). H()[)[)t,'l'. ml [`uruntn is vi::il.in_x: Iwr :~'i: Mrs. '1`. .I. Daw- -sun. day at 11; st. Paul's, 1.30; :51. John H. 3 p.m.; St. James`, 7.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellsmerc of Gold- cn Valley and Mr. and I\/Irs. '1`. Ells- merc visited Mr. and Mrs E. Ells- mcre last week. Mine Sm-uh (frzuixf in; ' :1 {ow 1'1iIu_,'_ her mmher. Mrs. Morrlson. Mary is spending 21 few weeks at the old home. T\/hm A .T:n'v,.TI' nf 'T'nl'nn1n, is Jury. day at 11; St. Paul's. 1.30; St. John's. n.m.: Jznnws`. n.m. Webster on the 5111 line on 'I`hurs- (`any uflcrnocm. Although it was very warm, Mrs. W0l)stor`s lnwn prnvcd to be an ideal spot for such .1 ualhcrinn. On the m'rIvnl or last week. Mi" Sarah (Jruig is staying :1 few weeks at Mr and Mrs. E. (`/nstnn'.~;. On Monday they paid :1 visit. to Dr. and Mr.~;. C. Rudolph at Br.'1ntI'm'tl. prnvcd to be Ideal spot lur such gathering. each grandmother, she \-vas decm~a1- ed with 21 buttnnholc hnuqum ul ..wr:ct pens: and bcl'n1'e the moctim: vvns called to order 2: photo 01' all the gI'nntlm<)th0rs vvm; tnkcn. After some Mums of business had gI'antlmntho1's taken. had been di.x'posv(l of the mcr-ting was handed over to the vunvcnor of the historical ro:carch cummiucc. Ly- man Purnoll Icntlurcrl a very pleas- ini: instrumental and Mrs. L. G. .lun1iv.~;nn sang,` When ynu and 1 were ymnig. Mzaguin-." Mrs. Syl. Rcynulrls ;,',avc a very l'inr~ paper on the blue willnw plate, which was more int.m`e: as sht` had a largo blue willow platlui` on dl.H`])l2l_Y as she was nlvin_L1 her paper, which her huarvrs could lnlluw stop by step Mrs. P. W. Carr ;;:1\'(,- sumv vcrv l`in(- S\l;.U. ,(`>'.1ll1Il.\' for this sonsnn of the year, vi'/..: The sterili'/.in;; of fruit jars. Community singing, \v:i.< w-ry much l'I]jHy(`(l and n (~ Pinneex'im.: with p,r:nirlxnnIhe1', 1'1`- cullcd tho (lays of l<'m;.: nun. Th!` :;lll'Dl`l.'a`('_` 01' llw al`1crnrnm was a pri'/.0 01' a Iva r-n7._\ given 10 the ulrlest gr. idrrmtlu.-r present. 11. went U` lvirs. l-`alls of M1.-al'm'rl, who is 89, has 2! ,uranrlr-l1i|(l1on and 25 ;_vrvz1t-gr.'n1(l- ('.llllfll'(`ll. A prize 0| an mnl`n'nirlu1'-d tea towel was givn-n in Mr.-;. A. .1. Mason as the newest grnndznotlmr p1'(-smut. l-lappy S('ll(H)l (lays V\'L`l'l.` 1`(.-(`allorl hy the moml)ors in ans\v(.-r to the roll (-all, giving a mullo ll-.'n'n~ (`(1 at st-lmnl. '1`:-a was sc-rv(-(l on the lawn h_v Mesrlamos ML-T)tmalrl. M(.'Quay, Kvnnarrl, linupp, O`(`nn- ncll, Pa1'.<>n and ntln,-rs. Madam Dnnaxzc was present. and cnnsider- nblc time was spent uvcr the ten cups. J. H. l2lWl'l`,!u'(` SpvnL Inc \ \/(.`l.'l(l:Il'l in Millon. Miss Em Allan nf (`onksvillo spent Sunday :11 hmno. Miss Mnriun Ilorlpzson is: \'isilin;', :11 Rev. J. McEw(`n's. Stmlffville. Miss `Helen Bruwninp, zmd M1`. Doyle are hnliduyin;.: at Syd `Brown- inLI's:, m}.{'s. Mrs. I-Im-ton couple of days 1 I`h1- hncr-h:1H Lzumc by 12 In 5. Mrs. Thus. Harm-r of Sutton spent the past wur-k with her daLu;lm.-r, Marshall Rt-ive. 1\/Ira, Jnc: Ronuruse W., -sun. | l).'Iviti Smith mi` Btrulun is spouti- in]: this \vu(-I: wilh Rt-rl Ii:n'm.'in. `Miss I')|::i(: Avvry nI' i'urnnlu is hnlidziyimz at Mrs. F`. (Tait-in:in',~:. Miss; Nettie iI['lI1illl is .~:r)vmliii_:', hvr vzmzilimi with hi-r mnihr-r. Min.-: idmilv (inllnp is imiitln_vin;', with hm" Si.*{l('l' nonr Brzunptun. Wm-kt-nd vi.~'iIm'.< \`J(.`i`(`I Mr. l"nnlt- ziml ri:uu',iil(!r M:ir;{;n'(sl mi" 'l`nrnnlu. :Il Miar: Hll'/,(`| Arnu|rl'.H': Mr. nmi Nirs: Hnv ("nit-mm: :mri -um ni' Shul-