` 35;` for 5 rinses _l'Igo Two \` -..T:.`. -A-"/V I-`UH .\`.-\LlC .-\'l` lH)l`(il,-\.\ l)Rl'( .\"l`l)lHI II-\I:ln' .<\. .\'.\II'I'II. nrm:ui~l ImIu:It'I`.\`u.\":~' l\lll'H .\"l`lH{l~' \\ .\l. ('|ms.<|..\\'n urn.-.-;.| Krushcd Wheat Bread, halted by a new scientific process, endorsed by many prominent physicians, re- lieves constipation by sup- plying your diet with the necessary roughage and other non-drug ingredients. >'Vl` ll L-,li.~:l 5-| xv 90 Collier a\\'.~:lm 3Ull`Ht'.`: in rm-:u Imvt-r.v.. `n|'IlIIL{ h|iIn`|l_\` I IN WOMAN `S REALM Ill :- ....:v- - -v-cw-v-- -t---v IZTT lnlule slx lueaplng teaspoons of Salada Black Tea in a pint of lresh bollln watet. Allerulx Inlnules nlmln llquld lnlo lwo-quml conlalncr. While hul, ad 1% cups ol rnnulaled sugar and (he lulce ol 2 lemons. Sllr well unlll In car In dluolvedy ll conlalner with cold water. Do not allow tea to cool before ajdlng the cold water; otherwise liquid will become cloudy. Serve with chipped Ice. -.-_ `$..._. ___.. __ *4 JUNE Whul in so rnrv us in any in Jun:-_ 'l`hu-n. if I-\'u`r. c'u|m- lwrh-'1 alum; "`ln-n llzuwvu |l'it'>i u-urlh If H lm in H ow ro THE 'lI\llRIlT. E.\ AMlNlER. II/\-. INF. 0N'|'.. C`-'\N.'\l|/\ -..__..,_. A. Cilulhers. Sluynur, ls Baptist Mmlcrulur Chosen at Ccmvcnliun 'l`lmr.:u|u_\'. Jmm 20. III.`-I5 -..__... __...._.._..____.--.._. I Inwilnn is (hit wonderful nrw mlnrlms, Vt-_|:rNlNL` rmse | \\-Inch lmngs |v.s"`us laugh- lI_|:hI.\ and n zzxuurul, snlkcu mlmcss to (H; lnm. Luvuhm Is thc E;lsit`\`( thmg in the wnr|J to us(- and wiil give vnur hair lwaury beyond your cxpccuunus. Luvnlun dues not hlrnch nr dye--it is a irinsr winch w`ll nut color fthc smlp u! MY:-ct the lmir in nu) wav except to mnkc it xuurr hwrly- 'x`.\`re' radium. 'I'r\' l. v M": thunk us fur n-my \`.~u u?xrnr av xunrr IuvH)'- 'l'r\- fur tc|lu'._u \'-V I-r~;; 'l'|u- l'lu.~:h uf Hl't- may woll he .-am` '||nI|lIIu; hawk n\'t`I' lllllr. and I. \u' fHere s NEW ` BEAUTY for Your- ` u V _. 'L6VKLONV llllll`, Am! avvr ln_v.-4: NIH-lhu-r wa- Ii,`ill`l|, Wr hour nli.lr-n- 1'_n.~'.u-n; -Iv-|_\' I'_`|(Hl I'M-1:: u stir nl mu;h|, An ll\.`:lllll`l wllhin it Hunt | ".u`| zuul lu'n\\'t-1'5. A... .. 1.u...An.- ;.n...... an o `um L lI_t',|Il, ("|imh.~`. l