_All,!>I1or-Lrsfvit - 0I=!'EII!!9 count-ANY `ivi"u1'u){|. BAT1`LF.Fl!2LD HOUSE .uw-: uzu In yuuu;-,x-1 umu .1 uuy. * ---Stnpfurd Aunus1us; Brooke. "l`IlE lAl{.'l`ll AND MAN ?:____jv vfs/ ._;3.T%c<)_l_J_TTs 'V I `)0 \l\. \/ I I `J Representative 22 Dunlop $1., Barrie Tho Cundlt-s Women's Institute hold thuir annual meeting on Tues- day, May 7. at Mrs. Athert()n's, I)uckw0I'lh SI. 'I`hi:i brunch had :1 Ivory Sll('(.'(`SSful your. Total l'E(.`L'i[)lS `wt-ro $lBl.81 with an expenditure of $171.55. 'i`hr,- eioctinn of officers re- isullr-(1 us follows: Prn-5., Mrs. Hurry v(')1.tnwny; lsi. Vice-Pres Mrs. Reg. 'Smith; 2nd Vice-Pres Mrs. Andrew, Cumming; Soc'y-'I`reus.. Miss R. Hamilton; A.-;s't Sec'y-Trens.. Miss E. I.ightf(mt: Directors. Mrs. Herb. ` Buldwirk and Mrs. R. H. Irwin; Dis- trict Director, Mrs. R. H. Irwin; Dis- ` irit.-1. Representative. Miss R. Humil- ` tun; Convent-r.~: uf Standing` Com- Il1iHI,`l`H~Si(`k. Mrs. J. Bmnrose; So- vinl. Mrs. .105. Mull-(in: Agri('ullure. Mrs. R. M. Bull: Ln;.{islutiun, Mrs. H. ` Aim.-rmn: I~l'(.-alth. Mrs. I. J. Carm- lh('|`R; Hi:-ziuriczil Research. Mrs. J W. Ferris; Home Economics, Mrs. .|. l). Knapp: Canudiunizutlon, Mrs. R1-1.5. Smith; Press Coin. Mrs. Jus. Mulkin; Auditors. Miss Lighlfuut. 1 Mrs. I. Cnrrutht.-rs; Pianist. Mrs. A I Cummings; Assist. Mrs. H. H. Irwin." III ...:n L... ._...,.n.... .1.) ... ` \zluuI|IIlI_-1, as-\7IaI., nun. 4;. ll. uvvun. The next meeting will be held an Mrs. Herb. B1lIdWi('k'S. on June 11. 1 .1. u_, nu. \.,.\.:.-.n. ,,.u..,:. 'I`h.- bt-m.-(liction brought :1 pleas- nnt t-vvnim; to 11 close. ' I ..,.,....._,. , ` (.5ru(-ling.-: wurv ret-eivod frum' Shm-w l I'('.'~`.h_Vl.(?l`iI| W.M.S. extend- '(`t`. by Mrs. .I:|.=:. lh)l)eI'ts0l1. Presby- |t(-riul Pre-sidunt; Burton Ave. W.M._ S... by Mrs. P`. Dnbsun; Burton Ave. (`.(`..[. l`., by Mrs. Doe; Collier St. W.M.S.. by Mrs. Malcmnsun. Other vnumbers were: vocal solos. Mrs. |Wheth(-rs, Miss Ellison (Jubilee iSinu(er). Miss: Norma Livingstone '.'md Miss Velma Cnles; reading. Miss Laura Rnmrh: :1 sketch. School Days." by the C.G. . I`. group. I run... I. . . . . . ..I I ....|.A .. .._I...... ll IIEU, And still her magic is the same. 4 A little love. mue trust. a A soft Impuls.. a sutldnn .lrenm-- ` Am!` life us dry as lesorl. dust Is fresher than u mountain stream H I W" I The unmml Mother nnd Dnughlt.-r Bzmquvt, spnnsmrml by the W.M.S.| and C.G.I.'l`. nf (fqmtrnl Unitedl Church. Wm: held May 14 in thv Sunday Suhuul mum (If the church. The lHC!11|)(`rS of C.G.I.'l'. were al- tv-mlants at the . whivh was fuH()WL'd by u prnpmxnnne of tun.-;t.~`. ,r-iv; -"The King." proposml by Mm. Rnthwell and respomled In by the Nminnnl Anthem; 'l`he Church." |)I`npUS(`(l by Miss Irene Duw.-um. Mrs. L. Pi('k(`l`llU responding: "Mothers nnd D:uu:htm's. by Mrs. Wm. Mc- Bride and her dnughtm, Miss V01`- nnn Applnby. I '......o :...... .1 n....... ! ('UNDl.l W.l. RAISE!) $181.8] 1 WITH MEMBICIISIIIP OF 22 I 1 ' I `MO'l'|Il'Ill--l)AUGll'l'Ell. BANQUET ' LY (.'EN'I'RAL W.M.S. AND C.G.l.'I`. I ._ __, __ ISARIIIE WOMEN'S INST. I | The regular meeting of the Bar- lric Womt.-n`s Institute will be held on Tuesday afternoon. June 4. at 2.30 an the home of Mrs. Mclntush, 13!) Bcrczy St. The speaker will be Mrs. Ul|mzm.. Members are requested in please kl'L']) in minrl W:nb:I:;.x'u Cul~ Inn (Iemum tn be he-ld in thr- [..ibrm`y Hull on |"`rid::y. May 31, at 3 n ('lm.-k. Anyone will be munlv W('l~ (mum. A(ln`1i.~n;iun free. _]ns er is dilfcrent; it's fresh, unspoiled. an its informal hos imlixy appeals to disco.-rnin travellers. rm rnn c of activi- ties will %ll every wakmg our.--or if you prefer you may loaf luxuriuusly Imid chnrming surroundings. Tbc Cnnlialrnlal ljnulru . Jail! brlwrnl Tannin um! |'.1louwr. //0/[nus Ilvr janprr Purl: Raul: through lb: (..u-.1414-I Kuhn. Alwayx I For Ti. taper Park Lodgv.-.n} aspet Golf Week, apcuu pl : JASPER 1 Earl ,- --- ~-u--u-u Ivuulvvv-I -uucgra r Tirhn .1-J/urlbcr In/onmuinn sn yur ununl (IN K. Agni! j So simple is lhe heart 0|` mun, Sn randy for nvw Imp!` and juy: Ten` thousand yt-.'n's .-:int:e It began Hnv,e left it young-,m' than :1 buy. I uon..n.....| A)\.|-ll uucvcn, uuugnu-1 Ill mi. emu `Mrs. Grieves` Ruhsun. l{mll'urn I.udge," Burrie. uml i:r:m(l(l:nu4lilur `of the lute John (`.'nnuron. in furim-r editor nl"l`l1(.- Glulm, was mnrrit-(l In Mr. .lum.-s Coutts Wullu-r. sun of lVirs. Walker and tlw lute William Walker. The (.`L l`L`llIUlly was ('nIl~ (lu('tu(l by tho Mmlvralnr ml` the l rv::- byteriun Church in (T:m:i(ln. Ill. Rev. J. S. Shnrtt, D.D.. nssi.~:t0(l by Rev. A. B. Wixiclicslt-1'. l).l).. znul Hi.-\'. John G. Inkster. l).D. l`lu- l)l`l(tL`, who was given in mnrrinizv by her 'f.1ther, wore in l)L`(.'UlIllll;,' ;,vm.vn ul flowered iliuusscliiic (ls: .-mic wilh :1 white picture hut, uml (`.'II'l`i(.`(l :1 bouquet of l`nlism.'m roses nml lily- nf-tlw-vulley. Miss l)m'utlu.-:1 Ruli- sun, who was ln'i(l1-smuitl. w:n.-: g'_()\\ ll- ml in :1 frock of yullmv silk in.-t wilh mutcliinp, hill. The p.;mmn xvus zil- tended by Mr. Srnlt l*`yl`<*. |)urin_: the Sllllll of the l'L'|. ,l.\ t(`l'. Mzuslvr Juhn Rnb.~.' hrullu-r ml the l>rirl~. ~mnp,{. Miss Muriuurvl Sisily |)liI_\ (`!l the wcrlding mu:~:i(-. Fnllnwin): lhu ccrenmny u l'L`1.`L`pll(Ill w:i:~: held in Knux Church purlnrs, win-ru the guests were received by Mr, uml l\/lrs. Robson mid Mrs. William Wn|k- er. mother of the grunni. lvlrs. Ruh- sun was snmrtly [,.',()VVn(_`(l in an (ll'(`S!s` of deep blue silk llIl`(`. with matrix- iing hat and m- nml :1 simul- (ler bnuqm-t ml" Swvnllu-:ii'l l`U.\".\` and lute l`L`l:lliV0.~'. nml inlinmlv l`rivn ml" bnth families were present. iIu:lu(l- ing frum out-nl -lnwnt Mrs. l):wi(l ll. F:-ck. an aunt of the hrirlc. and Mr. C`:un0rm Perk. ll vnilsin. nl` l.\':m.s'- tum. Ill.. ulsu Mrs. Blzu-k<-ll Rubin- sun and dmu,vhtur. Miss: Mnrinn Ru! inscm ul` ()tlnw.'i. 'l`lu- ll.\'ll(`l`.'< wvrv Mr. (lcmrgo Wnlkvr. Mr. ("li:u lz-.~< (`ninnhnll l\/h- Ml.-Iuilln Il..t..I. lily-ul`-tlu-vnlluy. Mr.-2. Wullu-r wu-; b(c(nn'1m.{ly (li'L-ssutl in .'n guwn n|' l)l\I(` silk. with |)i('llIr(- hut. llllllll'(l< IVH'. umn'gt' Wx'llKl`|`_ IVII`. ("Hi Cmnpboll. Mr. Mn-Ivillo llnlz-I1 Mr (`mnnu-nu ll:-1-I. AI`1.n- 1|... L.(IllI[lUI.'|l. XVII , lvn'I\'lII[` IHH Mr. (':un(-run Pt-ck. /\l`tor L`t'pHnI1 lhv hrirlv and xzrnnm Bt'|`llI|l(l:l. ()1) rvhlrniuu H1 live ml (`hzmlin ('l'I',~:l`(`II(. Hill. \Ill uII.'|r I'|.'lI|lIl, 1VII. .'Hl(I lVll":. V~/ithers will r-.s'il- in Ilznrriv. Mrs. West, mntlwr of Hw |)l`i was the hostess at .'I vmgv all-lip-,lIll'ul t-vousscau Inn at her rv.s~irlvm-4- on Wednesday uftornuun and 1-vunin.-. May 22, in hunnur of 1h- l)l'illl`-l'll'l.", A Isurun nunnlum --H---uh--I I`.-inn ! WAl.l(l'Ill--lI.()I!s'()N A pretty wedding, tuuk pl:n,~v nl [Knux C()HC[.{(' chapel, l`n1`rmlu, um |Frixl:n_y, May 24. I935, whvn Eliza- beth Grieves, dnughtvr ul` Mr. and ilundgc-," of [`hc.- In` I\IIu- I. fI....I6.. 111. II ... :- llI(' ).',I'UUHl. Fnllnwimz llw l`(`l'l`lHlIIl_V, :1 weal- dinpt ln'enkf:|.~t was suwxu-I. .'I|'ll`I` which the lumpy 1-muylv Ivfl mm :1 fm'lI1l1:hl':~: mnlnr trip In pninlx in the United Stnlt-s. 'l`hv hrirlv \vuru- bi-`iue triple slur:-r vrvyw. mzulv in I rin(*ess Mnrinn slyll`, In"-wn Iul'- 'fLtn-tI'imnw(l with hrmvn :u~-1-::::m-- ies. f\-1 ll." .. |l`.`i. On lhr.-ir r i rm ur.,..: " 'l`he bridv, when was ;:iV('n in mur- gringc by her r.-um-r, wm: b0nulifl1ll_\' gnwned In Juvu bruwn ["11-In-In chif- fun lnffetn. .~`.h-m-ilh-d In sllvvr mu! made in .~'ilhouetle f.'u.~.-him. Slw wuru zn French turl'v|u hut mud lIt`l'l`S.~:I)l'i('.`' to match. inuhulinu, unliquv ;;ul:l ||)I':|l`(.'l(!l mu! 0:: inlus. nml u':n'rivl n lmuquol of 'l`n|i:.-mm: rn.<:~:: ulul hm. Sim w.'u.~.' llIll|llI`Il(|(`(|. l The \vcddinv_ lllIlSl(' Wm: plnvml by 1 I.urnr` V. Wil|lI`l`::, llnru. bI'nllu-1' ml"! lhv grnmn. I-`nllnwinu Illa .-nn~n.n..nu u ......l [en t . wnnvrs. vzlnrn. uov. .l. W. Shier, I`0rnnlu. unvlv uf lhv hritlv, I I nffivi.'nt(,-(I. in tin pr-<-mm u!` only lhv immedi:ItL- rt-lutiv:-:< 'l`ln- ll1lll.\l' wns lmtuflllly (l('('ul'. I|(`(l fur the ma uzxsiun with xprlm: rlmvt-rs. nu... I...x.n_. 17 .. -.u.~u- --v un- A pretty wedding m` wide interns! took place on Saturday :nl`lvrnuon.l May 25, all the home 0!` the bridt.-`~:. parents. 41 Wnmloy SL, Bmric. when Evelyn GL-rtrudu.- West. daughter 1;!" Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Wvst. In- came the brim ul' Orley Bruvv Wilh- ers, Barrie. sun of Mr. and Mrs. Wul- : ten 1". Wil.h4*1's. Elnrn. nov. .1. w I Rhhm '1".-...m-.o.. ......I._ ..r H... .. I A lime sun. an little min. A soft wind blowing from the west And woods and fields urv swoel uunln : uu Canadian I -<. | u.-\ n ;\l\r including: t` ._Z_.._._ ___._.__.j Lnl prtpud 7-JAY 5 Dr D A I} If I I \ lily 45, Ill HUHUUF (ll IIH` l)l'llll`-l'll'l.`V.l x large IlulIll)L'I' uf I :-ivnrls ml:-xuln- nn-pnm Pd; . PARK E .|,,:-, Wl'l`lIEllS--WEIST WEDDINGS r,npen_lune23- pk, Sept. 1-7 .' ll IlL'LlIllIll|}; HlIVVI1 nusxclinc re `. ~: :0!` t. /Ir. re: i.-tor. . lwnu-1' ..r H... 1..-;.n.. -may amp-nvc . L()D(}l': I Sn. simple is the earth wo trc-ml, 0 quick with love and lift` hm` 1 :-mun` I National Telegraph; In l..l;.y- .;.`.... `._ ..__.. y $(0pnver r. \l\l II.` c \" u.-..u-- mu- JUE S-$7.50 Ll meal! -Sc-pt.l I NEW Lowms! coon BAKING m-:|-zns coon MATERIALS. DON'T msk DOUBTFUL BAKING POWDER. LESS THAN 1 WORTH OF vDON T RISK BAKING FAILURES! MAGIC MAKEgA FINEW(;KEl"/ ` ,':V`, `-Y}ffT,'.f '1 5/71"`; 2' rm: |.:Amin-: anmm-zn, Imums, oI~vr".. and woods unu news swoel ugaln. Andr wnrmlh within the Inmmtuln'.: breast. I (`.0I'\"I`AINS NO A I.lIM-'l'l|IN ulnu-mu-nt nu a-va-ry lln I1 ynur gumrnmeu llml Mnulr linking |'nw- dc-rln {rm-[nun nlmu ur uny lmrmful Ingr--all:-ul. :ay:rMlS$ IIELEN C.CA.\vH - ` llI<`.l.I.. wt-H-kmm'n allrermr 0] the Cluua-Iulue Iunhuu (2-.umd-.|`.~a Lending (}uukery Experts cautlmi ugzlinmt trusting expensive ingredients to inferior lmklng powder. 'l`|u-y udvlse MA(.`l(J for best results! I`). "c'AN}\bA No change in Quality lColligwood Bridge Club Play with Barrie u... No to lhe wnmnn witlmut :I washing Imullimc Rinm is` also :1 Isl:-s`~:in;.:. Its rich. lively s11cl.\u:.:1-clutlws Sm" S slnulcs` whiter. 'l`|u-y Inst longtr, nm_ \\';lSh(`tI this "nu-scrub" wny. (Emmi lur dislws and all Llulning. I-Izny on lmnds. K ._, t) (|lllL'K Wllll IUVU (UNI |lH" HP)` frnme: I`on~thousand years huve dawned and fled, A...1'..om `\uw ..\....a.. :.. n... .......... STONEY CREEK The old Gnu: Homo- uad u| Siunoy Crank occuplu the me ol n duel-Iva bunlo I-olwmnn Amuicun and lhnlnln folconln Ibo Tull u! 18].! II but been prounvud un : hhlollnul mnuun and contains many intonat- lnq ullcu ol curly dnyl. r-uv-Q/-uwr--1-lIW-Zr'ZIf- Sozlid as the \ Continent l\I\I IFUIVIWII L`