Owen Sound relief recipients are uiilij/,in1.: one hundred acres of land fm` gzmicns, the seed being supplied from by the city. Fnriy million whitefish try are: living (li. at the pres'<-nt time! in (,::~urp,i:ui Buy from the Onlzlriui (invt-mum-ni imtci1oric.~; at Coiling-, i uuuui 0 z\m.:.;m .\1\\ nu _w- - .\ \\ l'L`\ \`i\'\` '| \\-'. \ \'|. \\ HI l-;\\`l\ l' `I \\ H Yl`. 3hU\ll\l dnc ) .\{.m\' unth pl` \ It \\I cxpc 8"` A .\l(\\'l I ARS and UNI" .\l\\1llll l\Clll\`llH`lu lll\\'lllL`. 1:-um mun L` sum IN ('\Sl| pLu._\ 575 A .\l(,)N'l H1 2.-\RS AND H)l'R .\l0Nlll$ it \ ,I Eliminznliun of tho nld : ml the Wyv River cast. of Midland which has: hm-n the .<'-nu ul` mun bors of serious nccid(~nl.<. is px'nnn.<~rl .by running the mud in :1 .-:11-ni;:hl |line from (he font of M1'C Hill In the Wye River h1'i build- ing :1 nc-w subway In the north of the old DIN`. | Murray llillis, G-yo-:1:--c-Itl :<:>n of !Mr. and Mrs. Rubt. Hi||i::. Mr-:Il'm'd. ....:n ....A I.\... H... cicrh! 1.1` hi< ow-u |Iory, m`umm'n. on may -9. n The remzlins of the Into Mrs. J11.-4. Belfry. formerly of B1'ndfm`d, whn died in Lincl.<:|y on May 2. W(`l`(- laid to real. in Mount. l`lons:mt Cmm.-- utery. BI`2lflf()I`(L on May -1. I T<'.liInin:1|I'nrI 111' HM` :`lll)\\' I\ Ill \lU\ l'llIlIll'lH, IIHLLIIUI nun (ll. 5' wood. | In order to continue their daily, ::u|>ply uf milk to the school childreni nl` Allismn. the women of the Home` I zuul S<-hnul Club are launching a c.':mpui}.{n tn rz1i: Fur the first time in many _V(`.'ll`S. Runm |'-s(.'r\'uiim|. on ihu (.'il.\'iL'l`l)! .~'hrn`r_- of I.=Ik(- (Tnu<'hi('hinu. will Luci ihv ::r`('1w of tho July I2 ('(-l(~br:|li4mv ml the Inrlizm OrzIn[,'(: |0(ix.:('.\` of ihu; mun.-i.-I 1 .'l'll fur '1 { MUN I ll. TI%.I'FE 'l'll|l{ l'l`l`N |\.n\\ I xill rccc; Hc-rbc-rt, A. Hills of Zc-llors I.imit or! today (,`XDl'(.`.\`.\`f`(l plr.~as1n`o at thcl r:1pi(li1.y with whivh '/'.(-Ilvrs wm`(: able to ('nmpl(\l(` lh(- l1`.'1nszu'l`i0n in- \-ulvimz tho Dlll`(`h(lS(` nf tho fm'rn0I' l)csnmx-toaux : lnvzllod in [he fine Dunlop St. prup(-rl,_v uwnorl by Dr Ii`. R Wnlls` and (I A Wnllx` l}I'. 1'4. TV \ nf 'I`m'0nm. --nn.. n M PIl|'\`\ i||t, Flilllll` lDiIlI|3\ll'l, L` H) UL. L`(IlI1|)lllll(`lll(`(l for his very able us- si. in crmiph-iim.: lhv li':1r1s:1<:- lion". Mr. Hills rt-mzu'k<~rl. On April 15. slun'1.l_v \H(`l` lhl` llunl.~'vill(- 'l`i'.'ulin{: (l`mnpz1n,v hurl pu1'('li:n.~:(-(l lhv lh~.<|n:|i'l<-:uix . and \\'('l'(' nl`l'-I'im,' it for ro-.\'nl(.'. Mr. Hills visilucl B:Ii'ri<> nnrl \vn.x' so }.:ront|_v lll1}')l'(`.'('fl with lhv l)(-nuty of this lnwn. as wvll as with its up :11`:-s.~:iv(~. l)ll.\`lll('.\`.`~1-lilil` ntnm. lhnl hv pminplly L'lIIlllll('ll(`l.`(l 'I1(~1.[n- lialinns l'nr lhv pIm.'lI.'I.<:.- ml` lhr- store whivh opt-ns lmnnrruw zi.-< '/.1 -ll--rs l.ln|ilt'Il I i `""`"" I Purchase of Desmarteaux Store Completed in Record Time (H llH'UHI.(). "Mr. D. M. Stewart. of Stewart 1 SH-w:n'l. Rmmo lvr, is In I: :1: cnmpla-tim.: t1'.'n1.~':1( H" 1\lI'.. Ylilln . ZELLERS EXECUTIVE PLEASED . g fWlTH RAPID TRANSACTlON_ POP-~-Th_<- Ki1|_ Punishment a Man * BELLE EWART 'l`lll:.` B1\R-ltlli EXAMINISII, ISAIHHIS. UN'l'.. CANADA Can Stand Lot Of ` A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE L0'\/EH BIGGER HYDRAULIC BRAKES A. N. CRAPPER, District Supervisor SHIFTING SYNCRO- `)aJJa SYNCRO- MESH SHIFTING SOLID STEEL TURRE1 TOP KNEE- ACTION WHEELS WhO OWIIS an :7/te EXCELS_|Q_i_2 AYERST 8: HARRIS Ltd. Elizabeth St., Barrie I ` I (Copyright. 1933. by The Ball Syndicate. Inc ! -.._... ITH so many cars making so many claims 10 nupcriorily, you may he find- ing 11 (hlhcult In dnclde on yuur ncxl aulmnolulc. If you have m.u:l1rv<.l this poinl, why no! full back on H10 j11dgn1r_-II! of one you can lruxil ...u hit-ml. /\mnnq l}m::o you know are men and women who have bought 1935 O1(l2;mu- kilos. Talk to them. Of rmusn, hm! lhinq, 1l1ny'llcull your allonlion to llm Snlirl Stm.-1 "Turrnl '|'r)p" Bculy ly l"1:;l1m. Thvy Wlll point oul lhe co11vm1icI1co<>l ll1(sC0nr:o.1lo(l Tim and l.uqw).xqe (,`nn1paItn1(ml. They Will vxplnin the ndv.mlaqr.m of Knee-/\<'lir)n . /\ll-S111.-nl Syncm-Mesh Tmnsxnnssioll . . . Centre Contlul Steering . . .Hy Bml . . . and Flslmor No-Dm Ventila- lion. In other wo1(ls,ll1ey will un(:onsc:i- P R I C E D F R O M ously prove below your eyes every claim $ . we nmke for Oldsmobile. Why no! come in and let us explain how n lunr Hm 6 (`V1.2-[IRIHL Cmuu~) . nvnl ll`! .0] _()__ '3`lY V0 C4" ow an ()ld3 lle fully .';:.'.`ls,:;nI'l`I':::l'ql-1'l.ll`l?;nv.:l... llnmx`.)l1 lll\(`ldlr`lll0WdllL`(-()I1Y0llI'Dr(`!(?lll cm plus; the convenient terms of GMAC. bogin at $1375 TORONTO BUFFALO ' wmoson "bml `K4 N A T19 N A _ .__._______ __,,_, Anrl frum all Stations In-lwm-n TR()U'I` (7|{l'Il'Il( nml A17!!! )l{:\ im lmiing MIDLANI), l`1`lNE'l'AN(i und Ml*IA|"()l{l) l'l(.\I\'('|l I.I.'\'l'IS. 51 Dunlop Slrcek. BAR-RIF. ~~....-.....v , ..,, The Niagara Peninsula is singularly Ylf`ll in n.-live; of tioublesomo pioneer days and offers many inluu-::linq hours of sightseeing. Motor couch p(l.`i5(,'ll(}l'l,`l um allowed generous stopover privileges to (?HUl)lU lllI'H| lo visit ilihse liistmic spols when il(1V(.'lllnq lo Nl(lq Falls, Buffalo or United States cities beyond. IIIIIVIHIHI, l,().\ I)U.\', u. .1 1: CENT A MILE Round Trip EXCURSION rm! ti. Tmnr-r Limivnl Ne-wv nstlr upun-Tvllt`, Eng. Dislrihulnrl in (Tn;-uuln hv Ulslnhulnd tn Lnnlldn by Mrillivrnv Bron. Limited 53 Tmuntn i-E'u'|:o')\'\'F,'I'v|AY 17 nom manna Phone 128 l"rlImr'I'\Inrl. 1 an, 'auIImmfnm, Sim!/uni, Ill IlIlIbIIUlI)'~`IUnunIv-.u1Iunun- , nun I ;u Ontario Jockey Club-SpIinq Meeting; King ; Phte International League Baseball; Toronto vs.` Rochester: "A ATTRACTIONS--TORONTO-SATURDAY, MAY 13 A. . . . . _, _ _, run r ., -,_-,n.V_ DISTRICT NEWS CLARKSON HOTEL ~I H()NiC (513 _- ,--_- ln'.wnmn'il/e`, Ifmnl/nr:I, I ....... ...- I I.......- I TICKETS, TIME TABI.IL'S, and all Coach Trclvcl Infnrlmltin (:mIvII:I:_ umuu I\ I.\'(..S'/U.\`, KI! .\'I H: I/{.1 I` I/.I.\ .1 ll..p.` I .-. I'M (sr :M(L,T W . I Whit By J. MILLAR WAT! V/imoiw BU! Thursd.1._v, l\In_v 9. 1935 _..__.._.__._._..._.. yum clu-xc1\ Will-TH!-Zl:H()(,`KFELL DETROIT O lI~\`(>l` Cll0_\L`I\ l`\L`ll|l