Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1935, p. 11

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( ADLI-IT COLUMN 1} hay. nmv IVIr~(1m'm1ck [Jet-r1m.( '{"p,-[L s1)rim:{ tnnth (`ultivz11m'; also Cobbler seed ))n1:11nos. Carl I) G()(ir4. 15;) SEED HARLEY FUR SALFI r(,}n0(l r-lnnn -Ind ()A(` `)1 Annlv In SPIED H/\l{l4l`1Y l"()l{ Sl\L.l`~(,j()()(l clean seed. O.A.C. 21. Apply Lorne Winurovc, 71h C011,. Ve:sprn. Phone (S()9r3l. 15)) BANNER OATS. Alaska unis, spring whoat and barley for sale; also maple syrup. Apply Ivan McI.e:m. Barrie. R.R. N0, 1. T`olophnnc S)f)3r21. 1:31) FOR SALE-~-Qu;1ntity No. 1 timnthy hay. Mr`Cm'mick Dot-1`in_L{ 7'5-El. sm'inL' l~'()l{ S/\l.l';~ -Seed l):n'Ie_v, H./\.L`. Nu. I 21. Reygistcred No. 11. $1.25 per hu.<.. sot-rmd ;.zonm':m'rn1. T3zuz.-' invlurlml. Mnrris Darby. Wave1'l0_v. Ont. 13-ll) FOR S/\I.F---Soot] h:u'l(`y. 0./\.C. NH. ` `)1 Rmvi- Nn II 9.19.5 nm` hn.<..\ IMPROVED BANNER ()ATS. rr-).:i torcd N0. 2 L{l`&1dC. No. 1. 3rd an-ner- alinn lsmlvd), 75 cents per bus. Stmvzlrt M. Bell. B:u`ric. Plums- 629. 15p I"'RI7.T . B/\R1..I~`.Y, O,A.(7. Nu. 21, (inv- mwnn:-u\1 Hrnrln Nu I m'n\\'n frnmw SEED GRAIN I'm` snlo -B:u'|c_\', ()..'\. C. 21. ;,-mwn {mm 1'e;,'is1orv(l sot-(l: also Tlmusnnrl Dollar unis. Applv Allan Bmmvy, Midhurst. Plmnv (illl rim! 3?, -13-l'7n ..:.?._:. TRUCK DRIVER W/\N'I'F.1 ) at nncu. nnn with small invc-stmr.-nt. (.-rmntrv. l'l{|/.1`) l5Al(L.l`.'Y, (),l\.L'. N0. 21, (unv- vrmnunl Lzrnrle No, I, ;:m\\'n {mm rog.:i.\'lL*r0d st-ud. $1.11) pm` bus trum- pvminn seed). Bill New. Strum]. 16I`22. 15;) GENUINE GRINIIVFS .'1If:Ilf:I $0041.` Nnlhinu hr~|lI\r nh1nin:1h|r\ Rnuhvl` UPZNUJNE U|{llVlIVl'S .'1Il:l\ Nothing holler nl>tnin:1hl(\. $13.00. ().A.(`. No. 2] hurl` Nnlmng |)Cll(`l` nmnmnnlo. unslwl lmrluy. $1.00. Bath (`.uvorn|n0m Standard No. I. W. J. G:1lbrnilh. Slnymzr. 15!) ll!)/\HIAY All/\SK/\ ().I\.('. lhi mils. grade 1. 1'cgis1orvrl Nu. 2. sovnnrl ;:en- or.'11ion from 1-Iilv slm-k: also mu Ruck nnd om` \VynnrIuHo (`U(`kl`l'(`]. I7.1'no.<:1 (?1':1\vlm'd. Om Station. 15!) ()./\.C. 21 BARLFY. 1st prize mull- 1 1i1_L`,' barley ('omp(-tiiinn. 1'0_ui.\'1m`ur1 N0. 1. $1.25. t1'e_uislo1'od N0, 1 ('nm~' polilinn sevrl. $1.35). 1'o;_(i. Nu. 2. $1.15. Eric Simpson, 1G1mv:11v-. Ont. 14~1. m1 FOR SALE -~ '1`imnth_V svvd, :I`|.m timothy and mo-qu;n`l-1' :I|.\'i|(<` mix <-cl. (luv:-rnmont _:zmrl(~ No. 2. prw-` $7.50 pm` hushol. I)eli\`v1'<-d,` l):1u.< incllxrivd. (`ash with nrdm`. 1\ li<-hzwl J H:n'I'im'1nn Hrimxv PM 1!L1Tn IMPROVED BANNER OATS fur Government stmxdnrd No. 1.` z-01`lifi('atc No. B 25205; nlsn O.A.(j`. No. 21 h:n'I(\_\' frum ]`ll'i7.(` winninaz field in (`mnpotilinnz Irish Colwhlz-r pnt'.11m-.< grnwn frnm (-crtifiorl svml. /\pp|_\' VV. L. Russell. Phone 602} l'InL 13. 13-Hin `I.0ST~ -Ono Dilnhi .<\'(-1` t'i1:;1I`1-Vol Iighiorz initials W. S. M.;" \'ulm.`ri us kvepsuko. Liberal 1'o\\':1rd. .1. R. Buys. Barrio. 15h C()LLlE DOG LOS'I'~-Dzn'k h1'(>\\'n.` 4 \\'hH(` Tm`! \\*hih- rinu nu-rmnd nu-r-I: 'J'KULJl_& lJKlVl';l WAN I l`.U at mxct.-. One With small mvc-stmr.-nt. (.-nuntry. Apply Box Flxnmlncr. li) I.`\n.\'\\'cl`.\' In nm 1-l~:m(~ ('lH 901 R.H. 1. B.'n`1'ic. FOR RICNT Slczunh(\:n1(-dmnnx \\'i1h rnnnimv \\':vIz-r R VV KT.un-.- l"Il"nl ('()SY IIUEVHC fn |nnH HI mun: 14 UNI"L'RNISHI~I1) Apply Mrs. P. Bar`! or nhunv -$:'v\ \". yrrolcrrcd: qu |:\ppl_\' 19 Muir vr~2 um mun Ih.<.: uay m-Ire. ti _vr<. Md. 1250 lbs; b.'1_\' luau`. 8 yas. nld. 1300 lbs. Above an` real good how- os. in good condition. and gone work- "rs. Am\|_\' W. A. McC`m1key. Barrio. Phrms 233, l."\n `rs. Anni)` Ipnone 233. LIVE STOC|(NF0R SALE n In 1'... i nsnv vnu mm It In Thn Eu.-mum-1 LOSTiAND FOUND .. um II In `rm- :....... ...... CAPABLE 'G]Rl.' for ;,'(3n(-ml house- work on farm. nhlc tn cook and help with milking (D()Wl'I` xwnslmr). Rwan- onable wages. Box ()," Barrie Fac- amincr. 15h i -I NICE UNI` unfurnishx-d. St "I. K HSH \\'IH1 ()l'(1(`1'. inghm, Ur*ln:~_\' P.("). L for salem-N0. 18], gnod| .-, $1.00 per bushel. W:\l- I zfrov. 151) l ` for sale. 1 Mills. Apply A.1 J. JU ;.u:'1----uz:x`l< mu . whnrr rim: nrmmd I name (vf Pu S.~\I.I .. .~\mxl)' L.H'l` Hn<').\IS 11:1` 2\ml_\' 102 I&.'1_\'- 15! V App] 10 VH0 hU.i 13-Hip W;\l- I 151) ___ CAPABLE WOMAN Inns have Lznnrl home in small nrlult family. with nmclcmtc I'nnmm.~r:utinr1 fnr rwrlinary household services. Box 'I`," Barrie Examiner. I51) `0l'R~ I \`\ \1l palpvrs rrip. llhlt` Sun-\ 15p Burton. I noun lruxuu All 1934 taxes must be paid before the 20th instzml ur proceedings will be taken to collect same. 15b W. Pearce, Collector. 'i`hursdn_\'s ml` each week. All trucking clmrges will be paid by the Cnmp;m_v and prices quuted over the radio ur paper will be net to the farmer, A nhmm r-nll 10 M1 . R00 will be |(}I'1NI?)RAl. 101' sale or A real h:n1L l\. V7: l\\Jl.a, n\o|\u an l!z\WKF.S'l`0NE. 'I`(~IIwph0n(! Oro 112} lms hr-r-n nmmimr-d 'l`ru(-kc!` from |()m 'I`n\-.'nxl1i|> zmrl will he 1)lez1: hr.-on 'l`ru(.'kcr lrmn Um 'l`n\-xnsllip pleased to Lrm-k ull mcmb(3r.:` and nun-mem~ hers` hogs tn Barrie nn Tuesday and week. All 1l`Il('kllIIY 1-h:n'm~s nnirl A phone (-2111 in Mr. all that is nece. and he will be glad to plck up your hogs and dc- nvur them 1:; tho plant :11 Barrie. r-- . n .~ n I _., | II-`(IRD R0/\I).'s"l`F.R in first <-ln.<.s`( rliticm. with four uurnl til-vs zmd ' l1(~u11:<<.\. (`lnwm fur :*.'1s11. Czm m. .u Ar. M..n....~.I.x l')F.SI".X (`f)Ul l. fur H1II(` trhcnp. A13- ply \\ r2s1rn1`5 B.'1km'_\'. 151) _ . ESSEX SF`.I)AN, ISM). for quick S1ll(`.| /\[:1)l_y 78 l)unIup SI. l3|)1.|'l WANTED ]VHfl((?-&lL{(.'fl couple In run farm. Mun rnusl, give |'elinl)le references as In hrnu-.s't_v, .~4n|)ri(-Lv, industry and ability in farm. Other u pliczmts not cnnsirk.-rod. 200 at-res. nml huilrliI`1L:s. I.'nir: Slmrcs 1928 IIUI)S()N S111)/\N. gun .1n.n- will mluv l`II'|(l\`1('|`(Ill S }3l<`.AI]'I`lI<`UI. HI./\(',Il I,() l`S nn nnrlh .\`hr)rQ :11" Luke Sinwm-; ulsn lmlxsv and lnl in I'}lIn\'nlv. Any 1'un. terms :1('<`nplL'(l. Am)l_v A. '1`. Hust- Iinu'.<. 74 !~'..'mfm' St. 13-17;) I IIOUSI . FOR F-.*\l.l`I NH. 46 I.l|(*n| K1 7.nmm ln'i1'l: Z{_nn-mx hath: nrn-. l'(_) Kl`)N'l' and .~ ('undlcx'. A Nn ') T\1iI14\ |I('cn::0. L'|u`.'Ip nu` (`ml tum at 45 Mc1)unn|d St. 'l`() RI".N'l` OR FOR SALE H: znnl \'1.`ll||lI\IV with `. :|('l'l`\` Hf lnnd I (`I.()'l'llES ('.\R}.I-`l7LI.` FIR!-ID. Apply 11!) I`l.~'.<:1 hmdzllv. it ! .1-IAN Tl IF`. Mt )DF.RN' W/\\' Elw tmlln; fur rum. Phuno 53-} W ( :17! fl!` H\'l!l' lHL`lIl lIJ lI|\' {Hunt at uumnu. First Cooperative Packers pllcnms nm, C()r'lSIrl('l`(`(.l. zuu hllih lil`)L!.\'. (Ir salzlry. Slnlv l(`I'l'l'!S. Apply to I . A. Cnluzhlin, Ph('I] )Sl(ll! I3-161) F OR SALE OR EXCHANGE I u wm <.-uw II. In The Exnmlnor) u ` x'xo1.'sEw1\'F.s- . ho unlvnri and I`\J Il%l-1 THIS IS TO ADVISE THAT I\ III I-\r\I-0 I`: I'\ n F lR:n: vnu mm It In Thn Exnmlnnr) PROP !-Zl7i}Yml;C)R SALE IQ,-nu unn c-nu II In Thu Fvnmlnrrl lll|-D IO I\l l\IJVl\)|U IIIIXL R. W. ROE, R.R. 2 urI.'r.`<'I'n\n: 'l`.-lu-nlmm- Ora lUl)hUN bl'.JH\N, rill mko m:nrl nn 5: `u trnvk. l!)2# .. siulur I .1 mmm. 5.17 rn. 1\|>`.( Apply .`\H.'md.'11 AUTOM BILE nv um: mw :1 In Thn Examlnr MISCELLANEOUS- Q,-n. nnn s H |n Tm Fvnrulnnri RUBBER 'I`IRF.D BIYGHY wzmlt-rl, in gout! repair. .I. [L (' (`r;:i,L:- vale. Ont. l|mn(- l'irll. Stmucl. 151) ESSA TAXES nnmo kn V'\v| irl (Y p\ll)H<' an: /\ppl_\` Box l"()I( H.*\|.l'J N0. 46 I am lwick, !-pu-vv lmlh: Al <-nnrliliun. Enquir mm TH 1\ l-xnln Avn IF THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BAREIE, ONT.,_CANAl)A . (,'()N'l'h'/\L:'IUl(b plnm. - L`.\Ch.'llLL!(! for real ostznc. rgmn. Phone 31. 14-18)) I` UH Mm ha 11:: with 2 Zl('l`l`.\` Apply H. Arm: w NOTICE E 'IVr'\ ATNVYTCII` ('()N'1'R ACYTORS plant n-\'(-h:\n1!I- Fm` I mmmlmn , Tl) I\ l.'mIL' 1. hunk ; l)l`i('k hm > HiL:h\\`;I_\' n-li.'1l>l(- I ||\l\' nn I WANTED -4-t-ylindt-r var u power plant, ;n~vI`(-mhl_v 1 gnnd condition. wmo Box nmincr Offit-(-. problem -`xiv an.- l.Y I..`\UNl)- <:| Nnzwl /\l- Am-. ~11: s of lam 1. 1Imn;,'s. np|vxm>nt.~ nmnunhnl 2 lnr . hcntm;:. u: `11L!(`. Hll`(_` HI l5-IH[) ::1m Inor 15-Hip 51) 1.1-)-1 1 In- 15p 1\l- 1-1|) OATS WAN'I'I*Il), l):|x'|('_\'. mix:-rl gynin. Will pay murlu.-1 prirv and truck it away. Apply I). I`). Hislmp. I25 'I`m`nnlu St. l hmu- -WM. lp WUH1` 1-Hip ` w. i-19p IZUU to mun ll).\. all young 4: broken and in }_{(m(i ( Ul1(lI11t next \\'m-k'.< mum-r fur (IL-1211 l)|'ll|((`H and II) ;_{un( ]\:Ipc-I 151) W. A. 1\l<-(TONI 1\'()'I`I(`F) is hm`(~h_v given that the pzn'lnm`. h(-1'0lofm`L- sul).' he- lwr-:-n us. the un(l1-r.x'i;znc.(l. Iru(lin_.{ undvr the name of "B:n`riu Plzmintl Mill" :1< (`nnI1`:u'ln1\ in lhv 'I`n\\'n of ::;1:1Im1 1110 Sam 1): be presented to 1 Hntlrm. by whum sotllorl. T)/\'!`F.H nf Rnrrir soulorl. DATED at Barrie this First day 4 April, AD. 1935. .1. I). (`I.l~1I.ANl imake $15. and Up weekly! WU want :1 x':'p1'(-.<(-nlulivv in B:1rr|<- lrnr_l vzwh ml" Ihv |u(';|I- Hu-< In <:~l| |x:\|\v1|:nr nrim-ll rim-\ -'H(l (such 01 Int- xu1`I`nuImIIH: |Hf`il|-' ill(`,\' in 3011 pnpulzw pri('o (lI'c.~1ws. Nowvst . and materials. Ex- (`('|)1iUl1:Il \'u|uo.<. Pcx`n1mwnl and pmfi1;1l)|L- I'('DL`. l1 hlI. 'I'hv Gur- 'd<.n l,)1`es.~'. (`mm)any, 308 Fuy Bld;.z.. T01-nmn. 12bp iNQT1gr:_ TO CREDITORS: WAN I`ED~ (,)n(- .\`('(7(IIl(I-h'Ill(| r(.-l'ri1,5- m'nlm'. Apply to Visnn Fur l"2u`m. RR. N0. 1, Aluzlzs. or ph(m(' !NH;r:'). If wrllinu. |>l-n.~:(- ::1;m~ Iwicv. 15;) One cent a word, cash, each inser- tion (minimum charge, 25c). five in- sertions for the price of four. 25c extra if not paid within ve days of date of issue; also 10c extra when re- plies are dxrected to The Examiner. Store or business advertising (in- cluding agents) in this column. two cents per word, cash with order (minimum 50 cents per issue, 70 cents if charged). .\uHL' 13-15b iN(.).1_`l(_2`E ' JJu\_y I luau rut. LJCII I lb SATURDAY, APRIL 20 Neilson s Rosebuds 25c lb. Licorice Allsorts . 25c lb. Jelly Beans . . . . 17c lb. Fruit Jellies . . . . . 20c lb. !_3_RY$0N S Private Sale of HORSES AUCTION SALE 0FA1;9_.H;QR_3_E5 Car of Well Broken Farm Horses, 1300-1600 lbs. each, will arrive at Essa Station on afternoon of April 11th and will be for Sale at FRED NEWTON S FARM _l'f I ! . zif X. Z PTS'-l`)R~E I |\l4IJ 111.411 I \.II1 .4 I r1|\Ivn off Penetang Sh, Barrie Friday - Saturday, APRIL 12-13 W. O. McKlNNON Phone 1164 : BARRIE 5.1:. Np. I. (\n_L:u.s' If wI',', |)I(`:l::(' : Pl:iced 5c, 10c, lgc, 20c 30c and 60c. M,15E (SF 174-5-1|-.s-{)~N's MILK CHOCOLATE CITY DAIRY SPECIAL Easter Chicken Bricks on Sale Saturday 25c--Half 13c um Inn :1 Bayfil St., Barrie A'T`l1I')I\A\I ADDII Fl rtln 3.11.1`. .\!.-\Rl-?. \\riu,ht H00. `.120 3. .\l.\RI-I. \\c-iuht 1200. am` 10. (il-il.lIl\ (`-. woigllt H00. ago 7. (iI*Il.l)lN(i, \\t`i;;hl ltillli. 313:` 7. .\ll (it-nllv. Sound. Well Brokc-n -&l\-/I I I-4 I \d\II ('0.-\l.. (`OKI-I. \\'()OD. Bl.l)RS' Sl`Pl LlES.(`l-SMEN'I'.LlME.&c'. \'i.-In:-i~n \'t and Rznilu-uv fizlrrirl Bl I'l'LlI-..\.l r..\n-..\ |.1.|.ur...u'. \'iclori;| St.;u1d.R;1il\\u)'.Barrie- i`3)ii'ii1E"il*L'jt'L";;" ...U}. , !-Y C0- <- _ NOVE!..TlES___ WANTFII) '[`() RENT Small mark-rn hmmn nr zlnnrlmunl furnlqlu-d or In\- -ur --w-- `J05. N. BALE}? LUNCH AT >U1llllI IJ. |l(l|\.U||. Ill |.||L,' Paul of Bnrriv, and all clnir 1110 said pznrtm-rship are `SL`l\l'd the said John (I an Auvlirm Sale of 1.`) gum} l1n1`.~'t-.\' :11 his Burn 1`: I I IV. I'\ t gum: (' am ':: ]\::p-1' ck-tuilvd list . 1\]<-(`UNI\'l*I\'. Am'1imwur . TO CREDITORS pznrtnorsmp John n the same wnll .l. I), HA'l"I'()N.` (`I.EI41\NI). and w(~l| Hun. Sm: nil:-d lisl. unu nelp UH.` DUy DCULILE. They called those the good old days. Look in Payne's window and then tell us. \`nInn:~H;-I nennrlv-non! nf nhilrl_ wAN`1`r.I) 'l`U l(l'.Nl' hlnilll mum house or :1p:1rhm'nL. ftlrnmlu-d or I furnislu-ti. Apply givims, full purl lllnrs l'il'.~:l |(`H\`|` In ux (E8. Harri:-. IHEHCH. K/U\. VlL' 05 LU. Dr. Christie of the O.A.C.. will be the speaker at the 1 Club next Monday night. I`hn mix-nd-in-nlnr-n nn` LU,'gl:1`_y `cu. LUWIU at \.u. 10!.) Buy an apple on Saturday next and help the Boy Scouts. 'T`hnv nnllml fhrwn tho Lvnnrl nlrl LILID HCXI. lVlUl]UEly lllgllt. , The mixed-in-place pavements seem to have come through the win- tor in excellent condition. ` 17nnIr\\~ :.< n An in v-nnnnnnknv |fW:A'L mews I11 --Full range of children's spring toggcry at Cowie & Co. 15!) Ruv nn nnnln nn Snhlrrlnv nnx-f LHCH ICII US. -Splendid assortment of child- ren's spring coats with hats (0 match. Cowie & C0. 15!) T\.~ (kn-Inlin nf Ihn f\ A r` flnnlnh I,ll\-lll nu. V. V.-.-... .. ./. uh ....\..-. ....,l Dnn`t forgot to join the Barrin- `I-lmticultuml Society. $1.00 mom- borship entitles you to valuable pre- Hvninrnc [CT In CXCCHCHL CUHUILIUII. -Easter is a day to remember friends with a Greeting Card. See them at Cro. Drug Store. I51) nnums. '~Fm`me1's. nttontinn! Now low 1935 auto rates now effective. Phant- or call at The S:1rjonnl. C0,. 49 Dun- lop St. 151) _. 1`n mnh-h Hm F.;1H\r (rnsilnno. p DI. 1.11) -Tn mntvh the I".ast(`r cnstmnv. Eli7.z1h(~1h Arden will make you Innk your best. New stock at Dmuzlns Drug, Store. 151) AI :1 mr-Minn nf Vnsnrn fnwnshin I WAN'I`EI') Hlstllrv l'.'n`m In l`l`lH. Must lw \\ (`|| l'(-m'(-rl nnrl \\':llv1'<-(L Nvnr HiII`!`i(`. Stale p.'1r(iv|||.'nr.~'. lh--- ply ut nnrv In I".xuInim'r (\ffI<'(-. l:'vp IJFUII, Dl()Y'U. 1-)!) At a meeting of Vnsprn township (rmlncil. hold on April R. it was de- cidod In rli: relief after Sat- urday, April 13. -._H` vnn urn ltuukintl frn` n clnnrl If you are looking for :1 smart Easter gift. let your first choice be F.li7.:Ibe1h Arden. Now on display at Douglas Drug Siorc. I51) -~T.n1.est, stylus. export workm:m- |ship in all lines of l)(`.Illl_V culture .11 Tll(?kCl"S Beauty Studio. Miss Groy |ofToron1o in ('lmr;zr~. lp ---'I`rinity Parish Aid afternoon tea. sulv of hrnnomnrit: baking and vnruly at Mrs. Int.-srm's. I85 Dunlop SL. on Fridzay. May 17, from 3 to 6. 15!) ` -~Upholsturing,r done. latest (tnv('r- imzs to choose from. furniture r:-- pnirerl and refinished. Phone 910.}. Chas. Kelly. 65 Clapportrm St. 15p Y:1...\._l. H7 1 :. l.ll'Hily, l\[JlIl I1). I 1 1 ...A.... 1...- I..I..-... H... \/IIllIW- ;\\,u_y, my \..u,;,;\. 5.171: .u. ...l. Frank W. T.i\'in;.{sl.(m has lnkcn the (-m1tr:Icl from 1110 Shull Oil Co. In wrm-k the fnrmm` Turnhull rosi- dcvnoo which is to he roplzlrcd by :1 service stzlliml. Mrs. E. A. 'I`:11um. RIL 2. Pmrrie. ...o..< nun n!` '`'ur\ L<||I-alrirrlll 1-nn-uxnl uuu -J:-uL.. \..~....,n...`v . . . . . . . . u _ .. Soveml rnembt-rs of Barrio Brunt-h nf the Canadian I.(`I1ir)n. including Past President Edwin Shutcr. who ws mm: M tho . zmr-n(l(-(1 the Vimy Ridge bunquvt of Allishm Brzmch Tuesday eyoning. ur....u..\.. . 1\nV n .- an Inn] ind SL`I`\. |CL' 5Ii|llUll. 2. was one of tho :~:u(:(:0ssfu] coinpr-L iturs in the 1`L'(,`(`,H1, cnukiv ('mnp(`i- iiirm which was pm on by tho Cun- ndn Starch Cmnpnny Limited. ....-.. hf l")n.~.-In n|~4|v\Iu|-. l)I(IXI\.ll ; lIK..\\I(IJ Lyn u-uh. W(`Zllh(`l` pmhznbilities, as sum)]iml `by Czlnzuliml National 'I`(-lvumphs. are as fnllnws: Mndm'.'1tv In frosh snutlwzxst winds. partly (tl0u(l_v; Fri- day. fresh southeast to (rust winrls, cloudy. probably some rain." A.....L.A.~.- tn Ikn hnnuc urhir-h Lluuu_y. lnuuuun_y nuuu. nu.--. Anchors for the buoys which marked the deep water at the bath- ing place oppnsitn St. Vincent l"m`k have all (ll.\`El|)|)(`.'Il`(`(l sincrr last. fall. It is alleged that t`i. timk them for anclmr.s' for their lmzlts. -~-Oux` morning: .=:p(-(rial during April for l e1'm:mcnt Wave, Sht-ltun's uil of tulip Iwm(l_ rugulzir $5.00 for $3.50: r)thm' waves $2.50 and $1.95: finger waving 35:`. Plmnv 356. Idz-:11 Beauty Parlour, 5 Cluppcrton St. 15!) C/\RR(.)l.l. Hn H. l!!.$:). 10 ml`. mm Mrs. 14m_\'u (.`nsl)y, (}I':n*vI|l1111'.'t. 2: sun. KIRKUI` At the Royal V'it:turiu Hnspiiul. Barrie. un Ivlundny. Apr. 8. 1935. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kirkup. (`.il{ord. :1 sun. REID Al thn Rnyzll Vi(`ln1`iu Hus- I nlhul Rnrrm nll Szmnrrim . Ann! Hmd, Ilnwkt-smm-. :1 RO\`VE~ On Salurrlny. ul Stt-vvnswwn M(-mu Allistnn. In Mr. and | Rnwc. a (l:1u_L:htcr. MARINE INH(\:\Hl) M()'l'()l\` \\':ml: ed.` 10-15 hm'.\'v p . cnnnplvlv \\'1lh nropcllur. Wriiv full part-icularsvtw 1`. A. M. livrnivk. (.}v1`:Ilrllun. Uni- ilriu. 15-lh [..lVIN(`.S l`0NE Kirkland [.uk( nn Snturrl;|_\'. A I by Rev. Mr. D) Wrhrnrd vunnr Ii. 192;`). In Mr. mm Mrs. wnnnn: (`:n'rul|. SI} Innisfil SL. Barrie, an (laughter. (`USBY -~A! the Royal Vi(:tm'in Hm- niml Rm-rin on 'l`hur. /\m~1l .V[\l(l\'.(_)l4ll Hn>`Nilill, Ii. um. y f`:n'rnl| `().\`15X pita]. Dltill. l5(ll`l`l(`, (I (5, 1935, In Ml Rnirl Hnwkt- 19:30. Mary Lzrunam. ncmvea wife of Albert D Slmun. in her 67th year. Funeral from her late residence. 81 Berczy SL. Barrie. on Thursdav. Apr. 11. Interment in Barrie Union Cemetery. [3 AN -- :` April 4. an. In: 1 K. At the ltuynl VI('Uu`I:l l. Barri:-. nn S:|1urrl::_v. Apr. in Mr. and Mrs. Wilhzmz an MARRIED . At the R Victm Rm-riv nn S;|lu1'rl.'I\ . A` 'VVAN']'l')l)- um`:-s, with L)NF l*`.I)\NAI{T7 -- In Lake Amzlimln Church. In) . Apr. 6, 1935, :11 6 p.m., Jr. Dymvnt. I\T1s.< Dnrnlhv vnllnunl` zizxnrvhirir nf Nil` BORN _\'nl Vxctnrln Hn~:- 'l`hur. Aprll and Mrs. IAl()b {l 1'41. :1 'ill VI(`U)l`IZl Hus- Smurriny. Ann! and Mrs. Brun- - n cnn sun. .-. April 6. 1935. mrinl IIn. 1d Mrs. Rtlsswll li)U `. Guelph. - Kiwanis- E CARDS OF ' Quality MEATS at Low Prices I I Call SPARE RIBS . WEINERS . . V SAUSAGE . . Rolled Roast: of III`AI news. with small (`nun sultnhlo fur mnrkt-1 um` en farm. Ill HI(`lIL'IL1hhu rlu. Mitllzmcl ur ('ull1m nlust be right. Apply umim-r. l\ulIcu l\uuala Ul VEAL . . . . . . . 15 Peamealed BACON ( by piece) Fresh (`II A ITIF I'IIl'Il` Quxcuy and (1lllL`K1_\' came me can. HIS sudden death surprised us all; We have lost but God hath gained Om: of the best the world con- tained. .-Sad1v mica:-d hv lnthma 11 Dunlop Street Fresh and Smoked Fish Phone 94 - ovsnizvris and Fresh Vegetables J. G. SCOTT HANDLES THE HIGHEST GRADE ANTHRACITE COAL Philadelphia and Reading Spring Pl'i(3S._.April 15 LOWEST IN YEARS Il()USI'lWUH|\' V by tho? hum" nu Appl," \7 Hu_\l`1r M. J. BRENNAN ned Dad. Sister and Brother. -Sadl)' missed by Mother.` WYEVALE STOVE . . . . . . . . $14.00 ton EGG . . . . . . . . . . $13.75 ton NUT . . . . . . . . . . $13.75 ton PEA . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 ton BUCKWHEAT . . $10.75 ton .T_.____\ THANKSl " T?) I \ ` 2 lbs. 25c . 2 lbs. 27c . 2 lbs. 25c `8c lb. 15c lb. `I COULSON S HILL i GRAV-LY CRISP! -'.mm.:-: Ir\'nnn\Ih` ___________?_` CARD OF THANKS Phone 50 or 51 ATTENTION! Page Eleven r1hd.'1_y zmd Hu 5!) The Hf H10 a-Hi- n`spun.\m _VuuI`s1~ll' ilu-ss urn ing. You from on Wrilv I'm nu-nu Rn HOUSEKEEPER WANTED at once` for a retired business man. Apply 124 Mary St. 151): `Thursday. April 11, 1935 l\u\\'. U1 vs rnlht U! 134:! _-..._-._. SPI:`.Cl.'\l. H:\Rk'..~\l\" OI"!-`ICR \.\ hnln |`I\nm1:'.h H.u"u\ .-hxnkx 5l l`.1('1.`\l. H. \\'hIlt` l`1_\m. 06 this \u-vk lI\`(`d l`uun\ Rt Ru rrm OUR .\`L'l`l-'.Rl\\l vusl nu mmv I ll\.\` years. All tfhirks ml from eggs laid by my . sn a smali uumbm- . ""ir'ks. Thus. .1. B. I Rn V. .-anmrl. of prm uloubn onvud 1|`; nu` POSITIONS WANTED lllzlv vun Inw ll In Tlln Furnulnm-I HELP VGATNTED -.. unu nncu In In Thu Evnnulnn _l;.;E`YWL`li"li(E|"(>b`_> v I\\|l nun It All The E'\.|nun WANTED -- Someone to take over small garden, ccmrally located. Tel- ephone 292W. 15p __.__:._:_______ 7 . I 7174}? An nlnu II In Tim I. --|.nl.< uf frmn one to [ivv 1 small <'nH.'u.:v and burn. r Lznrrlon ur x-hick I Hm m~IL:hhm`hnn(l ml" Hm`- ul ('ulI1I|L',\\'umi, l`ru'<` xfhl /\I\nl\' R|I\ "H" - ul` half day nr (|:1_\`. `ia-lzl 1511 W A N'l`l.H h_\- wuh >\\` 1.\Dt`Cum1 lo!` hen nld ;u`e- hulchvd _~ own flock. Al- nf White Rock Kenny, Shanty lfnfh )()KS'* 15!) I Shanty 1 15tfb GO-CART FOR SALE -- L1oyd" make. Apply 31 Dunlop St. 15p FOR SALE -- Light wagon, nearly new. Apply A. Paddison, Allan- dale. 15p 2 TIRES AND TUBES for sale. 5;; x21, $12.00. Bert Thomas, 9th Cnn.. Stroud. 151) FOR SALE~I-`rec Methodist church shed at Hillsdalc. Apply W. M. Minn, Hillsdale. 15p EXPERIENCED FARM HAND want- ed. Apply to M(:Muslcr Bms.. C0nk:;- town. R.R. N0. 1. BARN FUR SALE -- 42x:)U lrame burn for sale. Apply Walter Fralick, lMinesing. 15-16p FOR SALE N Dry slabs, $4.50 per zcnrd delivered. Phone A. F. Harris, '85 Sanford St.. Barrie. 15-19p %BOY'S BICYCLE for sale, in good m.nriil.i0n. suitale for age 10-16 years. 40 Blake St. Phone 868. 1.-`Sp BARN FOR SALE 42x50 frame hnrn fnr unln Annlv Wnhm` Fralick. TRACTOR CULTIVATOR for 7'/I2-ft. tractor cultivator, stiff `At I.ivingston`s Garage. SPRING (`O/VI`. size 18. navy blur, price $3.00, in Al Condition. Worn only a short time. Call 610r32. lhl 1 `FOR SALE 3 electric incul)atm'.<. 240-egg size. or trade for hot water incubators. 4?. Collier St. Phone 1409. 151) ORGAN FOR S/\l.EA~-Upriz.{hl. pinnn must R(-H uruun. in unud crmdition. Ul{(iI\N run h1\I.r.--upr1L:nI, plnnn case Bell ur;:un, ;.{(m(l RcnsnmnI)|c price. Apply Examiner Office. 14-151) FOR SALI*`.~-Irish Cnbhlor pntatncs vgzmwn from certified seed. Apply Arthur Walt, Midhur.sL Phone 601 rim: 13. 15b __:________________ COMPETENT GENERAL; ;.v_nnd cook`, rnfnrcnces. Armlv Mrs. R. H. Undm-- I bug, delnvnrc-c 1-phnnrr 739.1. BUILDING IN HILLSDALE furl ' 90x36. wall 24-foot. Sell cheap for quick sale. Apply E. Cnrlett. Hillsdnle. 15-161) FOR SALE Ctmd quality potatoes. 15 per povk. 40 per bushel. 50c DOI` hug . dclivcrvrl. (Sen. Ottawuy. 'I`eI~ 1-nhnno 15-19!) FOR SALE 2 ele'1,ri(- washms. mp- un tub, in A1 condition. Bmgzznin. (`.'I. or l(`I`ll`IS. Hnmiu II:1rd\vur0, telephone 230. 151) FOR. SALF. Brass mnuntorl single |1:n'no.s'.<. heavy; also light xvagun with pole and shzlfts, (-lurnp. S. V. Jnnus, Om Station. 15p FOR. SALE - 2 ;.',irls' sprim: c<>ul>'. .~:i7.cs 8 and 12 _w`.'1rs, $1 duch; zllsu nlh(`1` clnthing for child 8 )'vm's. Ap- ply 233 Eli7.ZlLVL`H'| St. or telcplmnel 1406.1. 151) i HONEY FOR SALE ~- Sixty lhs white $(i.()(), si.\:t_v lbs. light umber $4.80: sixty lbs. (lurk nmbm` $420. Twenty-miIu free delivery. Mnyzuiro Bms.. Min('.s'in;:. lltfh FOR. SALE 3 (.'()pp(`l` tub Buully wnsln-rs. (`:,vralnr type, 3 piut-vs wznsh (lay oqllipmtrnt, h('H\'_\' cusl \\'rinuvr. $11.00 (luwn, ."ri1.0f) per \V(`(`k. F.n1pkv .'ll`(lV\'.'lI'(!. l hnm- 108, 15)) FUR S/\l,F2 .1 0l(-('h`ir- r:mp,o. 1 lzn-sn mllor. 2 lur;,'(- ('upl)n:n`rls, 1 l>11_u_s.n\' Ixu;xu`. Iw(~l 1 1l"ln'H)]`)hIIlll` nnrl n-n-urrls. /\|>n|\' N. Dvm(-n1. 110 I".1i'/.- SWEF/I` CORN for s:11(~~ Extracted {mm tho v-urlin-st. and host strain of l"..'n'I_\' Sunshinr`. (mo week or In-1.11-r <:m`li(-r than Sunshine. twelve row H-iIu'h ('nh.\'. \`(.-r_\' dvlicimls nnrl ho:1\'_v vim-Idvr. Apply W. L. Jnlmslnn. lIm\'1u*.\`tm1v. 13-15): WANTED-Fm'm hand. non-smoker.` State wages expected. Apply P.().' Box 363, Barlie. 1513' FUR SALF Tomato plants that will uivv vnu rim` {mm in Jul) . 2(' each W:x.\;, lost: ' 'wu: wurkinu 1` 38 Tiffin ` l`}(?(3S l()|( H.`\'I'K`l'llN(i. Il`(1lH .\`('- lvcl pun U1 BLIrrL'd I{UL'k.~.. 250 :1 dn/, l`|m|m 395.1. 151) H.'\'l`(`HINU IC(?(}S for 5:110 nnn1IhI{m'l<< (1:mrl\`1l:|IH\' I` W III I I2 max. .\'.'||v. 25-u`. .. m l\'m-I01`. Allzn` l1(`('|{)'4)|((`. l Qr:|mupI'mm\ mm Apply D_vm(-n1. nlwlh St. 15]) F1` RN15! {F.l) (`(Y1"I`.-\( 2 F3 :\mIl_\` E. :\. II:u'rx.<. I`hnI `Four :\puruncm. so] with shady porch; 1: room. fireplace. dmir cue. electric stuvv. bedding. em, nptin` 669W. h:`(14'1ll1 F- ll nun (aw H In Thn Finmlnnri COMPETENT LHu'Nl'.'l{1\l.; gmwd COOK references. Apply Mrs. Under- hill, 60 High St. 151`. 0 ynu rupv 1 quick. snlv ux. IL-stlmz H h1ClHl`l(` ZIIKI urdvr. $5.00. .1. SL. Allnndule. 5`1'UUl :\ppl FOR SALE an inn: It In Th: KIA! IH()1{N hul<'hin;.: v;,:;:.< fn ur u\'m' l)l`l' dozen. W. -\ z.t.Lm mr :~;_:ua (hand \'itnl11)' mno (i()Sh'-L mm p|.'1nls llml \\'lH mi July, .\`(`(`(l hcnns. (`mldon I per ccn_l.; electric 0 and V\'I`ix\;.:c1` in 55.00. 1~h1tcl1iuL:s, lnndule. 151) UHIUCI 5 Apply . .~x\parutv cnlruncu bedrumn. li\'mg.- mlgrumn. kitchen- . collar. laundrv. innal. Telenhone 15p-16x1 sale. legs. 15;) . . WANTED -- Young man by month. handy and Lzoncl worker. I`). V. Wil- son. Shanty Bay. 15p 1'1) - cents ms: 1 ` x 51. Barru`. 15b SEED AND FEED FOR SALE nu mm It In Thn Einmmorl RED CLOVER SEED for sale. Phone 1480, Barrie. 15b SEED PEAS f Priest, Amen 1 SEED PEAS 5; clean sample, ter Allan, Lefroy. |FOR SALE -- Alfalfa hay and s0ed| oats, Ronnie's early yiclder. Apply Ecison Wice. Phone Stroud. 151) I CHOICE SEED BARLEY. O.A.C. N0. 21. for sale. Apply Burton \V1!`l1i(.'(1. RR. 1. Allandale. Telephone 19111. Stroud. 15!) QUANTITY MUCIIURIA BARLEY seed, also Banner oats [or sale. Ap- ply J. G. Robertson, Ivy, telephone 10 ring 22. 15p ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE--AbnL11. 3 tons. S()COI`ld (tut, choice quality. Apply A. B. Cnutts. Phones 281 or 997.1, Barrie. 15b RELIABLE WOMAN wanted fnrv general housework, part, time. An- ply 86 Burton Ave. 151)

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