Some of the pouplc north cufuxg g'm~ornn\um uxpcudxtu 1-{usun hu:hwu_\' Thus would lu lurul beauty sf tins higlnvu vi.\'itors. Bx-um_\ um1dorx\mi 1 Representative Barrne, Ontario A legal investment /or Trust Funds $100. and Upward; Accepted for Terms or 5 Years. Unconditiona/Iy Guaranteed I.lBER'l`Y`S CANADHAN HALL OF FAME No. 2 Ill. !\l|ulXl l\,|I,y ll:HUl., (nun.-rl us; the mam who hr: ml!) the worm um! |il`])L nln quintuplm, (Izlll},Lhlvl`.`i M Mr Mrs. Hlunm-. l"11I_v-lnur um, five 1001, six Lnll nnrl ;hnr!nv THE 3TERL|NG `TRUSTS ONTA RIO Alla ..L a "ca GUARANTEED 7 TRUST 0 CERUFICATES :m lwy I)n1oc, world hruuum. vurld nlive the I. unrl nun. I.'|Hn_|n||l' In-urn The Relief Committee is not paid. In fact, we very much doubt if its members could be induced to un- dertake these onerous and often rlisagreenble duties for in monetary return. The men who are devoting: themselves to handling the relief problem are doing; so. we feel sure. l)ecniise of :1 rlosire to serve their fel- low citizens. They nre making :1 special contribution to the welfnre of the community thron;.{h the work they are doing. It mt-ans sm.-ril iee for each one of them and the least the citizens can do is to let them know that their el`l`orts are zippreciatecl. THE P31 ms Tlu-co i w1I.|I the rwul from alu- Slmcoo County is one of the lm`;((.-st prnclu(:(:rs nf high-class pntmot-.5 in Ontario, am] for that reason the in(:I`(_-n:.'(-rl price for I)nr)l(rys_ fifty ('enl.~: per 9()- pound bug, dCHV('l`(.`(l in Toronto to whole.- dealers,` i'.4 of cspccinl intt,-rest. The rumour factory is ever busy and there are al- ways people who are glad to keep its products in cir- culation. A rumour---stntecl by some as a positive fact, it is snid--thnt the members of the Barrie Relief Com- mittee are being paid for their services. has been cur- rent in town. As most of our citizens know. this story is untrue. there being not the slightest foundation for it. It is strange how any person would lend himself to such misrepresentation. There can be no excuse for doing so. as the story could be so easily checked by telephoning the Town Clerk. ... R . ... It-Iavnvll I-nu va. 5411103 [1 VVCUKIICE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES \ Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States. 02.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies. 5 cents -- nmuotlsnea 1 60! A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued It the Post Office Square, Barrie, every Thursday, by J. A. MacLaren (editor) and W. C. Walls tmanager`. owners and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is a member of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso- ciation and 01 Class A Weeklies. ctfuohnvnmrnsv n A rrlvsrw Thursday, February "I, 1935. j.j}"""" ' ' ` ' (30. (`.()UN('. FHUVISLSL)/\Y, FEBRUARY 7. 1935 (`.()UN(Ill. (`.()S'|`S (`.()lil.l) HE (INT :1 \'i(`\\ in rvtlucing the ms! uf municipal gov- L. it has lwvn ruinm`o(i that the Hepburn Gov- `. is cuiiimiipizititig It-g,i.~:lati for the abolition `()lll\i_\' miuwil. I1 is \'vr_y duuhtful if such a would nivbt with npprm'ul thmupthout the :`. Pvnplu art` not vn:unmn'(`d with ihv l(`iL`1l of I nu-nuluu - ' Hl( EIHSR l ( )'l`/\'|`() PRICIES . ..-r.. .... ...,.. \wu-u out uny impairmvm uf officicm-.\' m NOT SERVING FOR PAY D1T_o1iiAi:'NE3}Es `,7. ... ..... . "fuelling theil EDITORIAL a1\\':u`dcd under the Ontario Work- a..... .\,.o 1-... I, Established 1864 .._.... .:-.._-_: L. n, Aflvr n --n n- wt for Jmm-.\r_\` amounted to ___;,.__ ...;._.n-n. - .. ._. . ... _-..u\\u .<\..1on\.'II.~ small vunnnioos. In this `gs could bx` vffvctod with- goes into offoct. 11 of their biggest job` be no ne-ed of a body me spent in .~'v. mxnlwx` for 1-urlx mun- `. ,, ,,.v . A t,\'pm:x'uplm'ul v purlud llu` Hun!.~'\'1 the "nm.<" uf uffm-. thvu` winter spurts pmdmwd fur l'1.`olu` ` Sm'er|\ an` advo- buuutify the Fur- lsluke It l.\` the nu- ulu whwh delights u....\.~l 0|... ... ... svillz` FL 1 us hawxng taken hvy lmvo put over ..n... ._. .., I, .-. I x the corres- uf nccidems ns employ- ._|.u _ a ..- wIIIr'I\'~Y uusidurablu` llll`ll Ull NIL` HI I would give lh chance to live. u\I|\I\.\n u. .... um`. Its nbjocl is 10 prnvidt` for pro. mt wm'k(`rs. and [or those finding jobs with in`l[)1`(1\'(!lnOnl. of bLisiiiu.<.<. , so that tho burdvn of un(`mplnym(~nl may not be in- crmist-cl. Had such a scheme been acloplotl in the days when indnstr_\' vas flnurisliing. the contributions ` l would have been .\'(`ll`(`(`l_\' ll0ll(`(`(l by those prn\'idin;: the funds and 2| i`o.x`('i`\'v of milliuns would have boon zwziilablc to assist in taking care of those thrown out of work by sluckcnod trade when the dcpmssinii llll tho (`0Llllll`_\'. Wziys will have ln bo found to l'(`ll(`\'L` lho ])l'l`h`(`Hl uiioinployinonl situation. but in the mozintiinu tho prup(>:4o(l insnrzm(~u plan should do n1ll(,`ll to pro- vonl vmiclilimis bucoining further :ig.:gi':i\".itcd. In the town of Pembroke there is loud protest from the merchants because of notification reeeiveel that the C.N.R. management has applied to the Board of .Rnil\\'n,\' Omunissimters for permission to abandon the line {mm Golden Lake to that tm\'n--a strett-h wt` 20 miles. The line is being: operated at :1 loss of S30.()0() at yezu`. In cliseussing the matter. the Standard-Obser\'er points out that the {reip.'ht problem of the I`ili1\\`Zl_\'S has been uggx'a\'uted by the shox*tsi;.:hted policy of busi- ness men employing` trueks when it ezn'r_\'im.: t`x`ei;.:ht and express from Ottawa. Mmttreul . J .n_ ,.. _, .,,., ,, , v .. . is only :1 few ` cents cheaper. 'I`ru<`ks coming into Pembroke dml)" and thing: Pll\..'\.' HIHH 11 titude seexns buying. but If that city 2 I\\n|\ Cf ck ` Total bvnum.~' 0mm lm`n's Cmupcnsutmn Art Jmmury um $506.070.86. us rmnpurud wuh $3-tti.RT0.01 m t punding month of 1934 .-\.~' the number lxsually mcreuscs with the.` number ul` pe1'son ed. these figures would seonx to indicate a co improvenxem in tlw employment smnamun. Some criticism is heard of the F(!d(.'l'll Unemploy- ment InsurzIn('(- plan on the ground that it will nut help those now out of positions. The xneasure is nut m- tondod to do this. as should be very obvious to any- ` I n , ...., .r. Midland Public Utilities Commission wanted to send two delegates to the convention of the Ontario Muni- cipal Eleetrieal Association. but A. J. S. Gray. gov- ernment supervisor in Chll`; .ZC of the town at't'airs, re- Iuserl to sanction expenses for more than one repre- sentative. whereat. the emnmissioners were "much an- noyed". Mi`. Dudley going so far as to declare that he would resign. In view of Midland's financial e0nrli- tinn who (-an reasonably say that the Sll})L`I`\'i.\'l)l` was not right? But. altogether aside from this aspect ml` the matter. Midland had no need to send twn delegates to this convention. As far as any practical accuinpli.- ments are eoneerned the 0.M.E.A. has never done anything of sul't`i('ient value to justify the lll(`l11i)(`l .\`hl}) fees. The Barrie C(nnmi.~4.s'i()n, several years ago. pru- perly sized up the m`ganizat.inn and declined to con- tinue its membership. In cxpressim: approval of the proposal of Essex county council lhal. it is desirable to abolish the 10'. penalty added to tax arrears aftvr May 1 and replace it with a sliding scale arrangement. lhc por- centago mounting up as long as the taxes are unpaid. The Sudbury Star says that to chargzc a dclinquonl 10 per cent. whether he pays up one month or ton months later. seems hardly fair. It is necessary, or course, In have a penalty, it adds, "l)ocauso if it vvoro not im- posed an even larger number of persons would lot their bills run into arrears. Every effort should Ix.` made. however. to arrange penalties in such a way as to luring taxes in as rapidly as possible. and also to offer encouragement for rapid payment." ova SQ` 0p`l'l :\nd thv Rm The Dominion Bureau of Statistics announces the 1935 edition of the Official Handbook of Canada ready for distribution. Between the covers of this volume of nearly 200 pages is a mass of information not only in- teresting but useful. The extent, resources, industries and progress of the Dominion are set forth in graphic form. Every public library should have a few copies. likewise should every school, also every citizen wish- ing to keep informed respecting general conditions in this country. Individuals are furnished with copies a`- ' 25 cents each: there is a lower charge to teachers, stu- dents and clergymen. The plan of allowing` discounts for prepayment 01' taxes is meeting with a splendid response in many places. In Barrie, ratepayers took advantage of this offer to the extent of 3512.906 up to January 31. This year in nrcler to further em:nurage the ('iti'/.ens to pay their taxes ahead 01' time the Town Council is al- lowing payment in sums of from $10 upwards. This should make payment. much easier for many people. and they are also saving money to the extent of the discount. It also helps the Town to keep down its bank overdraft. Both the Tnwn and taxpayer thus bene- fitting. the citizens should take advantage as larg`el_v as possible of this plan of prepaying their taxes. The North Bay Nugget is running a series of articles - on "What's Your View on Improving the City?" Wal- ter N. Duft`. former mayor of Barrie, past president of the Lions Club, Board of Trade member, and chief clerk to the general superintendent of Northern On- tario District. Canadian National Railway. advises the boosting of North Bay as a convention headquarters. and suggests Every Citizen Active" as a suitable mot- to. When in Barrie Mr. Duff was one of the town's live wires. His suggested motto would be a good one for any town. , A [ cheapness and inexprience. If so, it was a fair and ` reasonable view. OPINIONS OF OTHERS suuw m um punct` and cnmplamec at` his was Selling." How do 3` L` asked. "Why he has taken all 1 mmplamant answered. With :1 ernment. erlnm.-nt. of the (`minty clnlmzo p1`()\'inu(`. Pvoplc nut km grunt ('L`ntI`n|i7.1\tnn1 nl` ;.:o\'vrnnwnt, thv fovlinp, be- ink that thr l`an'thvr thv spending budy is l'l`tt\()\`(`d f1`un1 the t:tx1)2t_\'o1' tho los.< t'onsidv1':1tim1 is then: for the mun who pays the bills. 'l`hnngh nppusvtt In the ntmlmmt wt` .ho vnnnt_v cnnncil. many pvnplc urv an` thv upnnun that the cost of this tmtty vnnld he nmtm'iull_\' reduced. It` tht` p1`npn.~`od lnkin;: U\'(`l' of thv t`unnt_\' roads . toms by tln` (iu\'m`nnn'nt um-s Into will l'(`li(`\`(` ttw t't\lll\t)' t`t)ltltl`tl.\` lhvix` This bvim: thv vusv ttwru would of NH` pwsmmt .~'i.'.v and the tnnc spvnt Cnnld bv grv:nl_\' rv (`no nwxntu-r icipatlity would tn` s11t`t`icn~nL \\ith [Importmn:\tt'ly in | Cl'l`l|.\`t`d voting: pu\\'vr for the l:lI`:.:vr Inunn'lp:Il1tn~.<.l The Jnnv su.<.~'1nx1 could he cut on! and H10 mm` of the nthvr twu lvs. Nt`\`(`.\'S;lI`_\' work twtwcvn .\`L`.\`.\'l0n.\' ' cnnld ht` rn.~'il_\' hnndlvd by In __ 1 .4 tn vn_\ uff the pi |Ii\~n > [U UL`. ll`l'\`llK0 IOI` IUTOHKO DEDDIB \VHEH L the Province for Toronto when selling. would keep its army of travelling sales- .- hlgh\\'a_\`s and by\\'a_\'s of the Pl`0\'lllL`t`. it the smaller towns and villages a better ve. T \' I'l(` ;\l. 0 F TORON T0 ls . happc H01` ('0.\ll`FTlTl0.\'f v~| .. .!pp0Iu`d -'1hc .g their line .`\\' 1\1\rcury vex mnplain loudly : ivr still a;:ainsi coming s mean only 0 1 1 : ( s-V 4|. . ... .\IIl)l. \.\'l) \r\'ll I. l'\Y with men ':IiIwa_\' 1 In spilv of |\uhlu'il_\'. thvr think that I>luvy Lung Is a am cxcl\um:c. \\'h_\' thus lib .0 ..._ ,.,. .. nger ticket dL' 9 when 7 cnlnc- rcently ` ed the I higher n c at. 'l`lw d(-NI 1.. :4.. sj1;on1EwIJ;gV;A%spors `=7: `jj*=g~T [% .%;;j1-;noM.. EA T0 xsnng `V _ '.~;W-:`8an' I5-i: mv1m1m|i:< nf l'nr1|nm1:- in I` THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BARIHE, ON'l`., CANADA AN('[l-'.N l` IIOMIC ml (":m:1 is in- n.- IHLl'.' [HEN INC JIIC .< fallen. Maw North ndied himsell 5 Couus.. Centra-i-Ohtrio`Group: Wins Nalaco Cup, 34 The Cul1'u1g\\'om`l Bulletin pmnts out that one o.-rrm` for which Imxnivlpal councils uccaxslunally fall 15 ud \'crt.ising the public pusitions by lvndo.`1'. This Is a dis- tinct violation of the Mumcipal Am and a contraven- tion of good public policy. Doublless the lcgxslature. when passing the Act had in mmd the value and im- portance of merit. ability and permanency as agaiusv. ,.:-.'..uuu.uuu.uU. an HIk`lt'J>(' HI 1. . (cent. over the pw-.'1~.n:s _\'e:.-n'. \\ [new premiums of $168,000.00` The Barrie L`ep2'e. ni American Life xs Walter . (`myrtle I 0| (i()\'l'Il{N()l{.\' :1 \'i(`vrv;,::ll 1`v.\irlm1'o. lmrd Mt-l1'nll'(' In-im,- lhv 1:151 (Emu-rn:n' In uv(-{nay it. 1Vlv:m\\'hilu. (luring tho /\mx-ri(':m in- \':n Hw ('l::Il<~mI hurl In-vn MuIIl- mnm-m~': |\:\:nlnn-n~In|-- :.. |'7'.'r. I Isherod nu-Eco ..-. .. "Al % QFFANADA A 3!-!\| 1-urn |\. IHI `I SL1 l'l.'l. llll .\l|I|ll' \\ (` porl1:ms nmnths. Invidvn hnvn boon told that 1035 worn now-ss:1r_\' t:1. \\'(`t`k. mino. nnrt ztlmnst t`\'t`l `(mu 1' tlwirs. but ttmso -::rs still In nld liconsv plutvs. l`t(-pt-ntim.{ tlw qu:-. in \\'n_\'. \\'h_v is it that t'ish is mm and flush nf um-tlu~|'Z` I`\n| l`nuvn (`nu Cl ..l.'| IIlll' l|l\.\l| \ l|lIIH'|I I` uvtinn In rv('lif,\' llw 'l`h;ml yull fur spam`. I am. \'. nInu- I V vvnnum nzunlm; mnors. mu: ll\(`l`L' are plenty of thmn. I will just mon- liun the (-1130 uf lwu cars that h:wr- lmon parked cm 1hv \-cvst sidv n|' 1 Bnyfivld 5111-017 :1 lmsy . um] ui prn\'in(.'inl hi;,'h\\'n_\' m~zn'l_\' ruy)|)sit~f ('nllim' strut.-1. fur .s'unu- \\'vul zuuli Im'idx-ntnlly. ll m:|rkvr nvnrn nun:-n.~.-...-n I. -0 n-ml: I I. t llznrrio, I"U|n'1Iu1'_\' .` lvkllllll. IIIC l)lIlIl' l':.\IlIllllH'l. i Dear Sir: I just wzmt In nsk nno| question nnd nmko mm mmlm-nt. Why is it 1h.'1l rm vurinus .~*lr(wl.~'l that 1 could mum-. Hm [l()|i(`(` :uppnr- vnlly nlluw 1-:u`.< In he pnrkorl for an ilvrlofinilv period 0|` iimv. will: no regard \\'|ml(~\'v1' fur lhv |):n`kinL: rm,- ulnlinns. the : ml` utln-1' nurtur- ists. or the mm\'enion(`e of the pub- lic geI1m`z1lly'? I \ViH\nn| n nninu nH\nu~.- and Hun:-n ....._, ..... .......u. nu: ;.;iuuu-.~.L Ul'lll.`lll. IS [.0 (ronprrmle to the fullest. (-xlt-nl with ihv M:n';: Rom?! by cm`- rying out its .%'llL,'[.,'C:~`liI'InS mgmwiimg quality and grad- ing. Some 1.:rmv:rs in this dish'i('t imvo already com- menced sorting ow-r H1('il' pntnlm-s, picking out the fiI`st-gI'n(l(: for murkt-I. and lonvin;.:' the rest for fovd. That seems to Do the Inn.-it important thing: to do at the prmatrnl time. The "tru(:kin1_: inmim.-0" is ulsn hving (~urh(-d by the licensing rt-quironimits of lhv [m:iln Marketing: Board. One of tho [.Zl`(`Zli(:h'f difl'i('uIli(-s in the past, in the $115- ccssful nim`|( nf Ontario put:itrws has been that truckers huvo ht-on zu-ti\'(~ in p1Ii`('liu. potzitn(~s in- discriminam-l_v witlmui tho .~:pilrl.<" [wing pmpc-rl_v grmlud. and selling them in the lm'{.:(.-r inzirkvts sucli {In Toronto. The rt-. hm: been that. in many cases; Ontnrin-gI'm\ n pntnlncs h.'n\'(- l`('(`(?i\'l`d :1 poor repu- tution xIn1(m;.: the city h()ll!~'(.'V\v'i\'('.\' and ih(`_V have hoon inclined to turn In I"1'in('(~ Ed\\'m`d Island or New Brunswick p0lzlln(':~.`. all of which are ('zn'cfully 1.:i'2id- (rd hcI'm'v being n1'l`t-1'1-.1 for sale. Tho ubjvcl of tho whnlv nmn-im`n1 is in prn\`id<` ihv 1..'l`(i\vur with :1 hi1.:hvl' mm! prim` fur his (`mp by max`- Iivling unly lhv lws! uf his (`mp and l'(-(-cling tho ru- muimlor. Quality pntuim-.< ll'(` the (ml_\' (m('2~' whivh will cninniuml lhv lop privv in lhv m:n'kol.< of the (-miiitry Flditnr. The Bun`:-in F.:<:uni| ( \N`\U in :4 mm .-..~. u ll.' L'llL`l'Zlll`\' .' Withnul n:1min_L: nHwr.<. n'n nlnnlv nf Hun-n I will PERM.-\NENT PARKING \)7A?ERLoo ll.\Il LN mllwl"? rmlltl in siluntio x 'M< rm )HIS'l` 7` IHEHH` Ul cl l`1-rlmps mkv suxnu` , mm`. 1 I I : um! ....I (HI. \'n|Hnhl- Hxl\ 1" - hn\'-' ' their . . . ... .\..,., ....\. ....,:,u_v. 'I`hc1`o is no doubt but lhnl. lhc lnl(~.<:l` move Will be of tremendous b(-m-fit. (.-vuntuully. In tho potato [.:rnwurs and fm`mcrs of Sinurno County. Tho method by which they will rocuive tho pzronic-st benefit. is to coop:-rate ruling! I-stir-nl urilh n... M....:,,...-.... n.. .4 I-.. -, ,, nlhor 1 ViIIl`lI' lfv Ill!` lIllll'l'l `nmln pit'l|n`:-:; :u'n- Him 5.-:(`r-1-n, lhv bill-ImHl'1I, ! f"mm_v I.-nw, isn't i `'hlIrr'h m` |:('m:vn|vnl .- :: lull: v u-hi;-I` .- ill. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE I Some Saving without system is thrift without power. Have a plan-hutlgct your sav- ings. Dcciclc what propor- tion of your income is to he set aside each month-and keep faith with yourself in Carrying out your plan. Do not delay lwcmlsc your ini- tial dc-posit may he small. ()nc (l()ll&l!' will ()[)L'!1 an account. Established 1BV6V9 ` TOTAL ASSETS OVER $500,000,000 rvs slmwn frmn Hu- (ur llw pI`(~:<:;" 26 . l|u- zlil'1'u-H-nr'-. \\ hl'UH`l', r -nu i.<..'O 'I I). Thinkabouts .1. A. COUTTS The inc1'czI.s`(- In Dl`|('0 wn.-'. brmmht about by the l.'o1'nml.inn of the En.s'tm`n Czmnda Pnt,:It0 Mzn'ketin;.: Board under the l?`(.-rl(.-ml Natural PmducL~: Marketing Act. of which our old friend. J. '1`. Cm;si|1, Allistnn. is the prcssiclingz L:cniu.~:. In nmntlwr cnlunm in this isslxts, Mr. Cnssirn fully (-xplzuins the working: of the Bonn! nnd its powers in :<(-I prim,-5 and supply. 'YVl_....._ :_. _,_ ,1 u . .