Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jan 1935, p. 2

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'l'hm`e was a good auendmwv at the January meeting of St. Andrew's W.M.S. which was held at Mrs. Alex. Cnwan's. Mrs. Rouke presided and read the scripture lessm). Mr:-1. Wil- son led in prayer. Mrx Rnnke announced that Mrs. Kell0gg s ALL-BRAN is accepted by (`nnzidi-.m Physicians, has been '11-sit-(I and approved by Canadian Dietitians. L-I4 CANADIAN GIZVNERAI, I-1l.lC(}'l`Rl(] C()., Limited 1)UN"l.` zusx BAKING FAILURES . . . . YOU CAN'T BAKE GOOD CAKE WITH INFERIOR BAKING POWDER. I INSIST ON MAGIC. LESS THAN 1(/ WORTH MAKES A BIG CAKE," .(l\`! ,VI.'\I)x\M H R. I. \(IR()lX,! lllwrmr ul rlw I'm- rirwltll Srlmnl 0! l)unn-vIl(' Sni- lIIl(`I . Muurrvul. E9339?! WIAZDA DON T RISK BAKING FAILURES .' MADE IN CANADA U guard your chilclrvn ugnilml danger- ous t-yvHImin-:n'uicl inf:-rinr Iumpn. Thry uflrn givv-. fur Io-rm light llum their m:u'king_r_ ilI|('1lN`H. Play nnl'u- Ivy 4-lmoning l`:|)l.H'()N M/\7.l)A Lznnpn. 'I'|wy 4-mturn Iwllrr li;:,|Il--In-ll:-r night. (2().`\"l'\l\. .\'() ALI '\1-'|'h|s !l||l(`llIl'lll alnlrsllnn-0 than \I-.u1|r lhukllut l'nwdc-r I llny h'.Irmfu) Imzn-ulln-ut. (tun-.Ixl:I`.~; In-\'l known (innkory lC.\`porrs and Die tiliznm warn :I9,`.lil1\'l trusting gum! ll1L`,l`C(lil`I[f In pot)! -(|ll'.Il_\ Imkinp, powder. They -.I(|vl.~;` .\lA()|(.' linking, l'uwd(-r fur re results! I\vu\'1\ .1:-\a ---n , .. . , LAMPS try 1.ov.|lun---~yuu ll us (Vt tullxng you about It. er 3 5 nun! \ Loi7KLoN blmu AI.L- RAN ``:""` I?/T /zxmm -_v_- ' Z 7 " j _' ?: Wellington Hotel Block -- Phone 75---BARRIE ST. ANDREW'S W .M.S. ,,-,u ,.. ,, L, IN WOMAN'S REALM Douglas nl':oulv.l\- Ll..L..l DI`, - -n- n A run FINDING FAULT MANUrAc_'RRs LIFE Tgoru-ow. A 94--- R__..__ - NEW INSURANCE ASSFTS - P:\YMF.NTS T0 POI .ICYI I01 .DERS vsA_y lA\a\4}lv\I|JI\.. I Mrs. Stevenson. who was in charge of this muting, read :1 splen-I did paper entitled Kept for the) Master's Work". It was taken from' the hymn Take My Life" which was written by Frances H-avc-rgul. This paper showed how we should completely sLn'render our lives to God and His work. up /1 .. , u. n ,. n. I SPECIAL RESER\'l AND SURPLUS INSUR.-\N(IE IN FORCE Payments to Living Pnlicyhnlders for Muturitics. ctc. - - - Dividends tn I u|icyhuldcr.'s` Death Benets Paid Branch Office-Bmk of Toronto BIdg., Barrie, 011! W. J. WALKER, District Manager The Company's Record, 1887-1934 .I;4'S_t;-RZNCE COMPANY A gum! pi' by luv.-il Iulonl fullmvml Ilw supper. R. A. Sutln'-r- lzmrl acting: as vh.'iirm.'1n. as usual. /\:r.~:vinl)l_y .-:inp,:ing was (`nnrluv1e(l by Rev. W. l.. Nirlml: vocal .\`nlm: wvru rtamlorucl by David Oliver. and Mrs. Vvullzmv luulimvr; instrunimil.-il sol- vvtions by Misses Olivv Broley and iRuth Small: :1 playli-t givvn by Miss vs I`{(*l(.`ll lleutly. l.illinn and Gladys Spring. Readings by (`.vm`g(,- How- xun. Mnrivl l c-zu-(wk and Mrs. lllev.` Sinvl;iir wore much npprm'iut0d: also two number.-; by :1 ladies` quar- totlv. lVlvsd:unc.~: Ferris. Lutimer. Spring and Gnodfollow. The clergy- man gzilosls. lV[essrs, N. R. 1). Sin- 'Cl|ll', B. l . Smytb and W. l.. Nichol yuvv biio-f but pithy :itl(l1'oss;v!:. On Frid:1y. -Ian. 19, thv members of the Stroud Wmnon's ln:et.itute hold thvir mmual social evening with their husbzmds as guvst.-:. The buuntifully s|)rezul tnblvs were an enticement. to both eye and uppe- tite and full _iustive was (ltltlt? In the` good thimgs provitlvd. The ludio.-4 ru-- t-vivml hiuh vmnplinwnm, not only for tho ::lxp|)t'l`, but for the many phases uf work for Home and Cuuntry" whit-h they are mulcav(u'- 'ing to rurry on. George [Iu\v:um led. the men in throv vhec-rs and :1 tig- m"' mu! :ll\`n nvrn-nu.-cml Hun H\nnl(< mt" nun-u: nun un. a l-All nun; nu-nub. Mrs. Cowan sorvvd to:\ at thu 1-lnsow of the meeting. uw men In wnrvv vnccrs am: :1 1:; er" and also oxpros.~:c-d the thanks 1 H10 Masonir` order for the vourtvs of tho India-:; in making: :1 vlmnpgv dnln (J()l.l.lER ST. Y.l .S. Collier St. Y.l .S. meeting on Jun. 21 was in charge of the Christian F`clln\vship dcpnrtmcnt. It opcncd with the devotional period lot! by lVii.-:s Juan Jnmivson which included H piano solo by Miss /\llo Ferris A short biisiimss pcriod followed after which Mr. l`ufford gg1\*c :1 very dc- lightful piano solo. Thc socicty then left the buildim; for u sleigh-ride which ended at the home of Miss Ruth Cumming. leader of the Fol`- lowship Committec. After a social hour the evening was concluded Iwith another sleigh-ride into town. 'Stroud W. I. Entertain Husbands and Guests Plume 222 for Summary of I 934 Report ESTABLISHED 1887 THE good job printing. 3blI1"AIN. mom. 51' moms. Standardized grading appears now to have become definitely establish- ed as a permanent factor in practi- cally all phases of the poultry trade in Canada. In speaking of a person's faults, Pray don't forget your own: Remember those with lmnms: of glass Should never throw a stone. If we have nothing else to do Than talk of those who sin. `Tia better we commence at home, And from that point begin. ` l 5..., `nu... Inn-1|nI.\.\l un. gunuu. Iinim-cliato.-l_v after the cercimmy "that newly niurried couple left on the train for l`uronlu and other c.-ash-rnl points. rt.-turning to Hit` l)rlc|e':: hmno at Edgar for :1 few days be- fore lvuving for their hmno in Km"- uh. WlH?l`(` they zn'rivod We(lnes:(lay. Mr. and Mrs. I~1verel.l will l`l`.\`l(l(` mi llll-`ll` farm m the Third Lino. which was taken up by the parents (if the groom in 1875. Mr. Everett has lived lioru all his life, attending the West Korah school, und tlw Suull high S(`l1()0l. He was auditor of the municipality for years and has held the office of Warden of Christ's Church fur a number of yours. He also is an officer in the Komh Orange Ludge, of which he has been :1 mmnbor : its organi- zation in 1906. ` mm. im:.i.. i:.,...i :.\ r:~,i,..... n..4...-:,. i I l 1.uI1un H] nmu. 1' The bride lived in Edgar. 0nt:ujio.; I where she wus born. and where her 4 family still reside. Unt`ortunatqly'. her (`hildhuud home was destroyed`. by fire :1 few weeks ago, but has since been replaced with the won derful cooperation of friends and neighbors. } rN'eding her marriage. Mrs. Everett was honor guest ut .t lurge miscellaneous shower. and re- ceived many useful and beautiful gifts from her friends of the W0- men's Institute and ('hllI`(`h organi- zntiunu of which she had been 71 1 valued member. 1 IJILVIIIIIIIIV lVl(I\ICl NI Canada is one of the countries of the world peculiarly able to manu- faettire macaroni, thanks to her ex- cellent Durum wheat (`r()ps. Once upon a time sunny Italy was the one and only producer of macaroni and its fame spread to all countries. In the eighteenth century, smne young Englishmen after :1 visit to Italy waxed so enthusiastic over macaroni that they formed a Mac- aroni Club. one of the members of which was Charles James Fox, the statesman. But the glory, to a con- siclerahle extent has departed from ltaly. Many countries no\v make macaroni: Camada alone having six- teen establishments engaged in its manufacture in 1938. In that year. the` total progluction amounted to nearly 27.000,000_ pounds, close on 3.- 000,'l')00 of which went to the British Isles. while l.000.000 pounds went to seven other different vountrios. from Newfounrllnnd to Japan. - snsmr, MISS nena '1'nompson;',a;wv_.-nr-- ing :1 dress of tomato red sifk fcpo. also made on princess lines, with ac- Cussorios in mnu-asting shades. Her bouquet. was uf I'ns0s, nur:-issis and baby's breath. Juvk Bmmvy of Ft! gm`, ()nl., ass ted the grnum. 4..l.. ..m.... "111 run- l.n.w....l. ... l.lVl.`S HHU H'l(.`Il(lS. The bride wore 21 becoming dress of dark brown silk crepe trimmed with orange allover shadow lace. faszhionod on long lines. with brown matching nvcc-9.-*.m`i0s. and c.a'rric.-I :1 large bouquet. of red Columbia r0s~ vs. narcissi and baby's bx*eh1'I'1_ The bride was atteiided: sister, Miss Rena Thompson: ing a (in if mmnin v-ml giik r;I:i\nn . _iC`l Knrw EVERETT-TIIOMl SON tsault Ste. Marie Daily Star) A wedding of great interest to Korah people took place at Dnlstnn parsonage near Barrie, Ont.. Wed- nesday. Jan. 2. when Miss Mabel E. Thompson, eldest daughter of Robert Thompson and the late Mrs. Thompson of Edgar. Ont.. was unit- ed in rnnrriage to James P. Everett, of Kurah, sun of the late Daniel and Mary Everett. Tho Innr|'ino`r\ urwvh-n tnnlr I|1.'Il`n nl lV1i`lI'_) J';VUl'l'l.l. The marriage service took place at high noun and was c0ndu('te(l by Rev. F`. Burner of the United Church in the presence of immediate relu- tives and friends. '7`!-an Ixuhln u.,..-.-. n I-.n..n....:... 4...... $ 61,388,356 CANADIAN MACARONI nnnrl-2 iu 1u\n nf` Han 508,078,583 son lea m prayer. Mrs. Honke announced Mrs. Liscumb. P1-esbyterial Supply Sc- cretary, had received a letter in acknowledgment of the missimlary hale which was sent last full. The articles of clothing were very much appreciated and special mention was made of the quilts which were Ivory acceptable. `YUP..- C4......nn... ...\.n .... .~ in 1 24,822,029 50,227,556 28,774,988 16,170,589 80,039,022 8,833,299 WEDDINGS _ rnanr ('ilHl(` l)ilL'K I1.`-.\'('tll(`(1 [U : )ltl' s:utist':ivtinn. Shortly utter we were given the (`hair we were studyiiug :1 book un antique c-tmir.~' and wvre| quite thrilled to find the exact pit!-A lure of our vhziir. It is called :1 Han- truek (-hair after :1 mun nmm-(I Hun- euek in M(I:S1Ct1llS('1t!3 who murk- chuirs of this type and [)t`(i(UI,'d them through the country. We have no way of knowing it` this t-hair wuv _<..'ietu:itty mude by IIzm('0('k but. Wti - do know that it is like the ])i('Llll`(' in every detail. The (`hair is u Si(l('~ rtwii` and is painted black with an Cross-patnel with leaves and t'ruit painted on it. The eul0ur:~: are faded and softened but are plainly dis- eernnbte. Our next move i::'t have the (`hair re-tini.~:hed with, of murse. the ptliltlitli," (H) the ]):l|l('i li-t'l us it is Ih. Your Child's Reputation There is many a child who st:ffs-rs I from the reputation that its mother gives it. She does not mean to dam- age it but she does it unthinkingl_'/ and this reputation may stick t'or a long time and not be really dl"1'('I'\ - ed at anytime. You will hear a mo- ther say. `Mary is so lazy. We simply cannot get her to do a thing`. Mary may not be so lazy. not more than the average child. She may ll{l'. L nothing interesting to do or her mo- ther may expect too much, _But by continual repetition of tliisemark, she is definitely labelled la`7.y. She may say, `John said they eamejome after the dance, but I don't"~kn0w whether they did or not`. Implying doubt and damaging a reputation I heard a mother say, `I never send any money with Jack to the store. for I might never get my change All these casual little remarks that really do not mean much but when l 4 1 they are repeated all too frequently I` cannot fail to damage a child's repu- tation. Family loyalty should no` permit any mother to parade her family's shortcomings to the world. Of course. some of them go to th- other extreme and rave about ll1C'l1` wonderful children until they arr cordially disliked by all within the sound ot' the mother's voice. If you must talk about your children. do use :1 little judgment. ` Rickcts One of the trials which beset. the winter babies is rickets. Unfortun- lately it is often in a slight form Iwithout being recognized. The rick- ety baby is not a thin baby always. but may be a fat healthy looking child. Rickets is caused by a lack of vitamin D to act on the calcium and phosphorous which are necessary to make good strong bones. Even a` small degree of rickets is bad be- cause it leaves the baby in a condi- tion ready for other infection. The rickety baby is apt to be a l'ESllu`S." one. the kind that moves its heat about until it rubs the hair off. it is fretful an(l cries a great deal Rickets is specially dangerous for girl babies as the pelvis bones are weakened and instead of the pelvic opening being round. it is elliptical :m`d`n1akes child bearing more dif- ficult. Rickets may be prevented by sunshine and cod-liver oil. In the winter it is difficult for our babies to get sufficient sunshine. so that they need cod~livcr oil each day. The month old babies get a few drops and the dosage is gradually increased. Most babies like it. Cod- liver oil makes a stain that is very difficult to remove. so that the bath is a fine place to give the oil. Cod- liver oil will prevent and cure rick- ets. In`ope it is called the Eng- lish disease. as so many babies have !ll there. presumably because of the Slack of sunshine. The poorly shaped jaws and mouths of so many Eng- `lish people may be due to a rickety condition in infancy. I Dessert. Gingerbread Scnnt '- _- cup granulated sugar. `/4 Icup butter. I-~_ cup molasses. 1 tea- spoon soda, in cups flour. 1 egg. b.- teaspoon each cloves. ginger, cin- .namon, 1.-_. cup hot water. Cream the ;butter and sugar, add molasses and beaten egg. Add hot water and sift in flour. spices and soda. Bake in :1 round jelly cake tin in a moderate oven of 350 degrees. Serve with whipped cream or hard sauce. Hard Sauce hf. cup butter, W. teaspoon vanilla. ter. add sugar gradually and beat thoroughly. Chill. A little nutmeg: may be grated over the top if dc-sir~ ed, 1 cup powdered sugar. Cream but- i ': '.. . ., I .A llamcock Chair | Some yours ago we were given a chair which had come from Eh:-, homv of my husb:1nd'.s` grout-uunl in Nova S(rm,iu. 'I`h(- -1-hair is uvv:' :1 lmndrvd years old and is as firm and rigid as u new chair. '1`he will is u rush-bn|.Iu)m(-d mm and was nut |in good vrmditinn. Wu W1`l`(' nut :Ih'lv 11:) find :1 place to got it rvplawod. We could gut imiluliun rush but not Um real thing and it would m-v(-r do tn insult :1 fino uld 1-huh` wilh :: sub- ::lil.ul4-.\Wv hidml nut timv and hm .- n,w fuund :1 plu('(- whore 'h-,/ In the work. and just yestortluy our (`hair mnw buck re.--st-nlod to our iufzu-Hnn Qhnrllu -.I`na- ..... ... ~. uuu uuu Anna vvvnu. Mrs. Cnrruthcrs. Wcllngton Sl..| invited the Society to moo.-t at hm-' home for the Febx`u.'n'y rm-Ming. VLA..- r1......... ,......._..I 4.... -A um. ..I .-.\ \ an n max. 5.: .3. The Young People's meeting at Central United Church on Jan. `.11 was enjoyed by a goodly crowd. Mr. Pust gave selections on his accord- eon. The third chapter of "Trans- forming Friendships" was the sub- ject of a talk by Dr. Perkins. Rond- ings by Miss Isabel (`ulhnm and Jack Walsh followed. uer n set. at "Easy-Way" books at The Examiner. Every hnurmke-epor should L'..i'.'e them. 'Jl";_czi;%_A% cut it$V `Best "SA`I.AlIH' Get set of Easy-Way" [`he Ex.'.unmer_ Rvm-v hnn-n|u.......- Wrlll I0!` 'IT|(`. I`.'X.lnII`Iel" Dy `JE.'SSIE"ALLEN BROWN _ Wtlirf for The Examiner by lt5boi'I5,-mu i run nr\r\IIr|I HINTS FOR" HOMEBODIES (`I-INTB.AL Y.P.S. if E A j .ICllllI Lllll III," Ill!` llll.l'l l'hl, Ul \VHI('ll has been well .~:u::tained. int'lu('lin;.5 one llnunrary l.if- M('ll)i)(`l`:ill|) pre- ( :1.-uteri to Mrs. A. E, Swallow, Sla_y- it Her. The report of the Literature} `Secretary. Mrs. R. S. Cunnlntzham. ( )rilli:1. told of the huge boxes of 1 literature sent to Northern (`. 1ln])S for tv vinler rea(linp,: and of t'.`ln'lstmas| '-:il'ts sent in Northern Sabbathlg '('honls. to many who otherwise would liave niissed all Christmas 'rheer. Mrs. J. M. Wallace. Midland, Library Sec-retar_v_ had a quantity of lltt-rat.ure from the l`re.~:l)_Vteri:m Duhliealirms, '|`urnntu. She. too, re- ported the work all the Ext-liamze De- partment, urp;in;,' the use and help )i papers on the mission fields of uur ehureh and recommended UI'.' use of the lantern slides in connec- tion with the papers. The Home 'lelpers' report was presented 'vlr.'.. Sinelair of Allandale in by the :nt'oreed absence of Mrs. Leslie, the f ~egu1ar secretary. Her report told if the rnany sincere and interested women in the church, who are not 'u-tive meml)er.~: of the W.M.S. but "lI'(` united in the service by prayer and saerit`i(-e and are a valuable part if it` Mrs. F. A. Stephenson, Elm- vale, reported in a splendid way the wtivities of the Welcome and Wel- "are Department. The Elmvale Aux- li:iry were re.~:r.mnsil)le for the issu- 'ng of a szplendirl pamphlet for the -tse of all W. and W. secretaries in Barrie Pr-esl)),'terial. Miss Grace Wil- `oughby, Alliston. sent her report, which was mad by Mrs. Cooper, eon- 'ernint: the value of the splendid magazine. Glad I`idin_es. the use of which is invaluable to the work 1. the Soeietv, Y.W.A. and Mission Bands. Miss S. MaeMurr'hy. Clnrks- `mrg. presented the Press report. in ivhieh she expre.-:.~:ed appreciation of `he hearty eooperatiun of all W.M.S. members in the Press Department. md asked for a continuation of the `-ame in the (`Ul11lll_L{ year. Mrs. J. S. Shortt ot Barrie gave some very practical information and advice t'rom the financial point of view. Miss 1.. H. McGuire. Pene- `nng. Treasurer `or the Society. re~ nnrted that although not being able` `.3 reach the full objective. yet many 1\uxiliaries in the Preshyterial had made a faithful et't'ort to reach their allocation and many had gone over the top: Orillia and Barrie had done valiantly. Mrs. C. W. Maittan_dCnl- limzwood. key woman of`th cial Campaign fund. auno vmwnnlc nt` ninn hum-h-mvl.:t.l We have no right to judge a man Until he's fairly tried; Should we not like his company. We know the world is wide. Some may have faults--:nul can we say That we ourselves have none? 1"<`rhaps we may, for nught we know, Have fifty to their one. The Executive Bridrtl 0!` Dzu'ri,- P1`o:;l)yu=1'inl 'W.M.S."mcl'h`1 St. Andj rew's I"rnsl)3`IterIm\ `Church, ' Barri?-. nn I`ue.-;dn_v. J`:'Inu:lI"y IS`), with an nt- h"ll(l:lll('L' uf lwt-city. Dt-pmtnwntnl reports were pm-:~:(mtv(l for 1984 and plans for the prvswnl year .-s wurk were nutlinvd. All l`(.'[)()l'l.` we,-ro on- H1u.~:insliL- and imlivulive of tho km-n interest and (`un).'i.s'l.-H1 ondvzlvnnr that has always R-:|tIIrwl the work in this: Prosl)_ytvriul. Tho rncvlinp; dnvntml itst-If 1-xt'lusi\I(-ly lu busi- vwsrz, as tho work was: hrnuuhl umlor rcviow, ln`iny,in;; its: In-st jmlgmt-nt In the .-unhulitm uf pruhlt-ms: which lhnvv In be {um-d. Im'I'<'z1.~:=(l illlL`I`(`.`~`| `Ind rm-mb('r.s'hip nro c-.s1w(-lnlly In ht` found in tho Yuunjz Pomp]:-`s nrg:m- i`/.nlirm. as ropurlvrl by Mrs. N. H. Ilhilline u-ill:-. R/Irv 1' HI vm..:o |lIiIVl' H) U!` liIl'('ll. IlI(`l'('ZlH( (l ll1lL'I'(`.`~`l '-nrl ht-I m'g:m- I hillips, Orillin. Mrs. C. W. Mail- lnnd. (`nlliny,\vnml, and Mrs. M. H. Brudt-n, 0rilli:1_ Ihv ('lI('nlll'l),!il)L{ rv parts from lhv Y.W./\. Lzirl.-4' nl'L{.'In- |izn|ium:. and Mi.-zsinn Band .".c-`rv-; \:Il'i('.~2, ntu-s!.i|1;.: In |h(- fuilhful wnrki wf lhvsv .~:r.-(`rt-l:nI`i(':~:. | tn: . .. .. . . The slwvt-5:: nf lhr- Supptv work, .(-p hy Mrs. I.i::<-Iunh nf Barrio-, \NI.\` up In tho high : 5:0! by this tlvpnrlnu-nl. rm mnny yvnrs-~ many h.-uh-.t: of (-lnthing hnv- Bonn} won! for gmu-ml rvliof in tho` 'Wvsl M ndtlilinn in the Inxuznl lmlvs sent 0:; tho S(`h)ul l'('.'~:i(l('n(`l`S nml hnHpil- 115:. Mrs. K. N. Cooper, (mllingwdml, "vpnrlvd fur the Life M1.-mborship rlepnrlmvnl-- lhv inl.orv.s`t of which :n-n|IIr1 In T\/In-c A F` Qu:-.H..\.. Clo... l ........ _.....v-.,., ..V._.',...., .u ...u-.. Mrs. Malcolm. Elmvale. Mrs. Stov- enson. Barrie, and Mrs. K. Cameron, Allandalt-. had vharge of the do- \-otlonal hour. Mrs. N!` W` Heslip. Pent-tang. presided over the meeting In her \'-ry capable manner. Mx -. G. 8. Lloyd. Midland. recorded t`w minutes. Canadian western shuop ranges produce annually from 150.000 to 200.000 lambs suitable for fattening purposes. In addition. more arc at least 100.000 to 150,000 unfinished (arm lambs that would benefit by being attened. ;.;[;i....:;.;a;; RL;Q_ By W.M.S. Executive of Barrie Presbyterial pm: L.aIln]JuIp,'n lunu, 2111110 `In I upwards of nine hundred~5,{ _.00> 'io1lm's had bvon given by Barrir Presb_vterinl during the two _vear.". This campaign was closed Doc. 31. au... y_r u n..,___., I-,..:,_,,,,. .5. ...... .....`... um. .... Mrs. K. N. Cooper, C`ol1ingwood. oresenled her report as ("nrre. ence Som'o1ar_v. whirh is always qood. The . of the year : work thruughnul the Iro.=b_vlorlal. declared Mrs. (`nope-r in her inspira- Honnl resume, has proved tn all the `Iron! impetus given to (ho sevvrnl hundred women `who attended the fine sectional meetings hold through- out the Pwsluytc-riznl Inst autumn. when an address of hlgh excellonm-i was given by Mrs. J. H. Eaton. Or- illia. member of the Pruvimal Board. Death and illness have vh- lted and taken a sorimxs (01! this vein` in tho Pro.- and :1 fit- tlng tribute in the momnry of the late Mrs I-`.. ll. Nolan, Mrs. (`nlm MacGregor, of (`nll1m:wnnd. Mr<. Wismer nl` Barrie and !\h`.~'. Gray nf Bradford was paid. wI....A..A:..A ._|..._.. .....__ ..,__1. 1.- .... qua... .4 n u. ,-..n.. Tonmtivc plans were made for the annual meeting of the Presbyter- ial to be held in Knox Presbyterian Church. Midland. in-`May. and dole- unlne um!-A nnnnhnrl In-nm Ohn W!-ac- Lnurrn, Avuluanu. m-may. 3110 CR` gates were :\ppqhI\ted`{;nru the Pr: byterinl M aft?-hcf tho` 'Prnvincf: Knox (`hurch,. (Pnromo. in April. \O.... n.v..l..,.I... I:H.._....I.. II... on. Then let us all. when Wu begin To slander friend or foe, Think of the harm one word may do To those we lltlle know. Curses are -reaped as easily. Remember. as they re sown; Don't speak of ulher's faults until| You have none of your own. Have you read the advertisement.-2'? J) nus. ul. II. I'4iIlUH. KIT- ber Prnvinriulr 1th nkon lhisl - the' .~ It M..M.. Kfrc r~.u;.. l`lH)'- 0018' dlzcnm Pros- hv` 'Prnvincf:` an `min in A us-il The election of officers for the ' Canadian Legion Auxiliary was held on 'I`u(-sday, January 22. and result- ed us folluws: Past Pr(es.. Pearl Bur- ton; Pres., Edith Shuter; 1st Vice- ~ Pres.. Leona Murphy; 2nd Vice- Pres, Constance Coles; Rec, Sec-`y, ~ Florence Drake; Cor. Sec`y. Lillian . Lindsay; Sergeant-at-Arms, Lucy -Paddison; Executive Corn.. Com- ' rades Sanders, Johnston. Maguire, Conk, Livingston, McDougall. Aud- - ltors, Elizabeth Hnunsome and Con- i Stance Coles. (`nu-u-ruin Y\/fro l\/I-nu nnnrl -.7. .n llllli WHTK LIHU DI'(,`S( HU'U [He D l~ ri'/.425 pl'(*.\`t'nl(`d WPFCZ For Pinn- H:er's Budge work, Rnsabcl Lay; (2) `for best work on tho Naturalist Budgie, Wilda I"ri(,-kt-; 13) tom. [)l`iZ('1 for the lust W0('k nf camp. Su'I.:mm.- Grasett. Monica Flynn. Put Mr-H1-id:-. Wilda Fricko and Emily Bull. Ranam` Hervl .lnmu< thnnkml Hu- Wllllil l`l`l(IK!? HHU l`alT1H_V Hffll. Ranger Beryl .lmws thanked UH- Scuuts fur tht-ir ussistuntw in (.-stul)- lishing the camp, and Hay Living- ston, who was present on he-halt` ut the Scouts. replied. Mrs. W. N. Bell. camp nurse. recalled some of tho epismlt-s of camp and thanked those who particularly hc-lpctl with thi- (`amp the st-cond woek when must lot` the stuff hat! to l( lV(`". Mrs. A. I(.`.. Brown, B(l}{(` Secrr`tnry. .'td(lr(-.:,'- :(-(l the Guides. giving them :1 con- 'crotr- idea and plan of how they (`()llI(l he better Guid<.'.s' and keep their Guide promise for the y(.-:u'. |'I`h~ muriting ('l0.'~i(.`(l with Taps". u wus nnuny nenu. A treasure hunt previnus to the supper was entered into with en- thusiusnl by the Guides but they failed to find the treasure. The open fife, blue d(.-cnrntirm::. and large plutes of beans, helped to give as much of a "Guide Cump" atmos- phere as possible to an indunr meal V in the middle of January. 1 District (`.nmn1ts.s`iuner June V. Simpson. who was (.`mnmandant .r[ the Camp. was in churgge. After . I per the following budge.-4. purest.-(I :11. (Jump. were given nut: Piom-er`:: Budge, Audrey l"r) Rl)s:Ib(-I Helen Crew and Marjorie Mudetumt. Life Suvt-r'.s' Budge. Helen Crew. Swimmer's. Helen Crew. Marjorie Mndelund, } (-ugy Beverley, Mzlrjurior IHUSUII and Suzanne Grasetl. Alh-i lelc-'s. /\Il(|l`('_Y Foster. Helen Crew. Rnsuba-I Lay. Mm'jm'ie Mmleland und Suzanne Grnsett. Miss Audrey Foster was examiner for most. of this wnrk und pre.~:entt-d the hurlgt-s ri'/.es nr(xo-ntwl wt-nv Fur hinn. `Guide News Tjj Enjoyable (Jnmp In-unlnn About thirty Guides and mem- bers of the stuff of the Guide Camp held ut Cedar Point last summer, and visitors. zittt.-ndcd the Camp ro- union uncl supper nt ']`rinit_v Parish Hull last Saturday evening. 'I'h0so in cimrge rcgrettt-d that this could not have been held last. full as wus planned but the delay did not seem in any way to detract frum the en- joyment of this annual event when it wus finally hold. A Ir:-ncurn hunt nrnuinuu In Ihn l.l`IGl()N AUXILIARY l"2l.EC'I`S | ()Fl"l(Yl'IRS;MRS. BURTON l'Rl".S. ` Lovllal is that wand:-rful new odutlcss, vegcmblc time which brings lustrous lug!)- lighrs and a natural, .~xlkcn softness to the luur. l.u\'.tlon is the c-.tsi<-st {lung :11 the . world to use and '1 give your hair bc-nuty beyond your exp:-ctatiom. Lu\'.ll0n do:-s not bleach or dyc\-~it rs. a rinse which will not culm- the scalp or ufft-ct the h.ur in any way except tn n1.lkt' I! more lnvcly--nmrc Try l.0v-.1lon--yuu'll thank for It. SLEJIICC LIJICS4 Comrade Mrs. May Bond, zone I`(`- presenlativc of Orillla. will conduct the installation of the 1935 nl'fi('e-rs on Tuesday, January 29. Midland Auxiliary will be gimsts at this meeting. FA VORED BY CAN/IDIANS Hundreds of thousands of (`nnudi-.ins have C*" Diemiins discovered that this delicious ct-real corrects constipation due to insufcicnt hulk in meals. Unless checked, this ailment may cause In-'.ui:u'he:, loss of appetite and energy. You feel helnw p:lr fail to get the best out of each day. Isn't it pleas-anter to enjoy -.1 gentle. mlturul fund instead of weakening your system with patent nu-dicim-s? 'l'wu ruble- spoonfuls daily are usually suicient. (`hrtmic cu.~:o~;, with (.l(`h meal. Serve with milk or cream. If not r(`|i(.'V`(`d lhiv. way, see your doctor. Serve as a cereal or use in cooking. Appctizing recipes` an the red-and-green package. Remember, Kellogg's ;\l.l,-BRA.'\' ix` much more eective than part-bran products. Sold by ull grocers. Made by Kellogg in London. Canada. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN supplies a generous quantity if mild "hulk to aid regular habits. ALI.-BR.\\' -.1l.-.n furnisheq`vitamin H and iron. Unlike cathartics, this tempting cereal umtimu.-.-. to be effective when used for months. Keep on the Sunny Side of Life Accepted by Canadian Physicians Tested and Approved by ACCEPTED By Science A Fountain of Youth forojjl-lgir! 3s`$\{1

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