! `Mrs. Warren Wilgar is visitinrg with relatives in Toronto. _'_Mrs. W. P. Gillen is in Toronto this week attending the fashion dis- play. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Craig spent last covered in lhc newest sh:.d<'s of rcpp. 'I'hc:`.c. sllilcr. cnnsizl of a 76 in. Ch(:st(-.rfir:kI and 3? iRl`{.j() colnfurlablc chairs. Spv.*.L:xl for the week. %---~~~~~-+Tnis Week s Specaa1s~{ READY-T0-WEAR EVERY com` AND mmss MUST co 0. MO0RE S i 33 t er a w I7.VERY ONE GREATLY REDUCED Compiete Coal Slack I This offer will not be duplicated this year as l)crl3 and bedding all increased in price on Jan. 1st. Complete with a 2 in. continuous post walnut-finish Stgel Bed, an all steel spring and a roll edge felt Mattress with attractive floral art ticking. 1-1 - in L 4 L L j. wmvmummmwmwn\\x\x- This E3;-:2 lowest price that Chesterfield Suites of this ciass. ;ave ever been offered at. 129 Dunlap Si`. 2 B FLJRIKWTURE STOVES Pun Ten REMEiWBER- T Every article in the store is reduced for this Sale. Your Used Furniture taken in exchange and time payments may be arranged if desired. SIMMGNS BED OUTFITS VVATCH THE WINDOWS FOR DAILY SPF.(IlALS SALES WILL SAVE YOU M()N[iY ON QUALITY, SEASONABLE MERCHANDIf:'i'. All Wool Coating and Dress Fabrics Not Specially Priccd--10o off. VVOOLLEN DRESS GOODS ALL ON SALE Special for the week This Series of Sales will extend into Next Month BEGHN FRIDAY MORNHNG $ 1 a 9 5 Conipieti`/3 I Admission by Program, 25c Student's ticket 15c TICKETS AT M/\I.C`.O[VIS()N'S Large Bowl Table lamps with attractive parchment shadvs tn lamps come in 6 different ct`-lors and value at $12.88 $18.88 $24.88 BARRi`E" Ri`.T." ' : Phti.~1n<:53F3 Sherwin-VViHEams PAINT EVERY UNI". UN S/\l.l-L GROUP] \ w' GROUP 2 Every Dress not Specially Priced 15"" pff Tursduv J'.mu:u`_v 2-1.'l935 - ---\ match. These are w()r_dm'l'ui (IOMPLETIL 78c yd. : . 98 yd. . . 98 yd. $1.58 yd. Ma $3.83 lllllll-|lIl' nu.I|II|I.u u_v II. n... nun-n RECESS-rC/\NI )Y FOR S/\l.I~`. FLOUR MUST BE RIGHT Nu 11:41` lr.\'in-.1 In lmkz` .\l1i:<- l`;u~Im;\' lm-ml \\`l|h inn-rim` flmn`. I1 (~.'m'1 lav (inlw :m_`.' n1<>n- than ml and \\'ll(`l' \\'i|l mix. 'l'n he an thv :=nfv Sidt` la}: in :1 .' )pl)' nf lh-:u'h':< Cold I\1t*(lu P`lu1n' nr I`muL'h'.< `Spvviul Br:-mi Flour and <'\'-ry baking` will turn out righl. Ynu know lhul lm-ml is an ill1]m1 !.'IHI iivm nl sin-1. You run`! :nl l'nr In Slip up mu :1 REMNAnN_I`S MONTH- END SPECIALS QUILT BATTS Ladies Wool Vests . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Wool Bloomers, $1.25 for Ladies' Silk and Cotton Bloomers . Children's Navy Bloomers . . . . . . EXD1Es' HOUSE DRESSES 2 for $1.0_Q_m_ play. Mr. Craig spent week in Toronto with their daugh- ter. Mrs. George Regan. ` Miss Lillian Stransman is visiting giis month with relatives in New ork City and Miami, Florida. `,Misses Laura and Fay Price of Toronto spent the weekend with Miss Kay Price, Worsley street. :'_Miss Helen Garrett spent the weekend in Toronto and attend-2:1 the Bank of Toronto dance in Ea- ton's Auditorium on Friday e\'enin'z. u_:..__._.:.__. LINEN HAND TOWELS. LINEN TEA TOWELS 4 50x50 LINEN CLOTHS FLANNELETTE S HI_ZE'::I'Sr I'\,__LI l),.I C` Ladies Silk and Wool Hose $1.00 for Misses Silk agd Woo} _Hose`79c for . . 55131155 UNi5ER' ?iE)'sE;`% MEN'S WORK SOCKS LADIES LINED KID GLOVES Black and Brown, Reg. $1.98 . . . _ . . . . $1.49 DUFF S DRY GOODS BlRD S YARN LADIES s1u< BLOOMERS, PANTIEE and VESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c Phone 169 t--------1 Programmei I . Male Qunrtclic Dnu1.:ln:< :m'l[ Frank Muir. Vit-mr Knox, Edward B:u'll('y IO SOLO ..... .. Ronald Patti.-nu D ...... .. Rev` W. A. Earlstnn Dor- DING ...... .. Mrs. H. F. Murrcn 0 CANADA SOLDBY1-15/\DlN(,}(jl{C)(Zli{S A CLEARANCE OF ALL ODD LINES Values up to 98c COURTESY S_El3_V_IIE 111115.} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Prints. Broadcloths and Flannclettes l.JL4A..4 I Double Ei I I`-4l-4 l L . . . ze in Ibex Quality .I|I\l VI \I\J\ lltlov I I Sizes 7 and 7` -a only ;. .YI\I"I3 I Yf\C`I` i/'i_c'l:er~s -(-)-l'd_ l:;>-cation Miss Jean Kcarns attended The V Royal Bank dance at the Royal Yuri: ` Hotel, Toronto. last Friday evening. am-.. ru_... 1.. __ .,_._ _.n.......,\.1 4.. ay wunnmson, 1vmurxce unsnry VIOLIN SOLO ........ .. Master Sonrlnw SOLO .......... .. Mr. Emory Hi ! READING Miss Louise I-Iurlburl LADIES QUARTETTE -- Mcsdalnrs Hrsnth :mrl /\1`n11I`nn{' Mis.<": Anuusn, Auluuul. nus-u. LAIKIKAJ -.-.....,., Miss Cora Brown has returned to London after nursing her father. Louis Brown, who has been serious- ly ill. Arthur Nfr-Kmv/,in nnd Edwin Ino- . A1't.hur McKenzie and Edwin l son of Ontario Aszrirultlzral College. Guelph. spent the weekend at Lhnir homes in Barrie. I Ifvv I-........ c,.,\u ..n..- in r\Hmm~. IHOIYICS In ISHFFIC. 1Vh's. James Scott was in Ottawa on Monday attending! the funcwnl of her brother. William C. Little. who died on Saturday. ("Ir-nrovn 'Pn:u-rmlr qnffnrnri cnx/nrnl UI(!(I UH ozuuruuy. George Peacnck suffered 1 broken ribs when he fell 1 sidewalk before Christmas able to be out again. Tori `Prion nnrl cnn Pnfnr m EIDIL` L0 DU DUI Elgl. Ted Price and son Peter of Mm- treal were weekend visitors wiih ihe former`s pzwents. Mr. and M..,. R. M. Price. Wm-slr~y.S1. 'Rr\v Dr .Qhm'H vi h 1Y1 'T":n`n"'.fn 1V1. tI`l(.`C. WOI`S|f`y.x3Y. Rev. Dr. Slmrif wm be m 'I`:>rn`-no next Sunday. p"`aChihE at Hi:zh Park in the morning and at Calvin Church in the cvming. R/[PC l\Ifm'o`:n-n1 Rn-\iH1 rnhurnnri In k-Il""L'H IV] LHL` ('V"`Hl. Mrs. Margaret Smith returner` to Toronto on S:1tw'da_v 10 1`(`.SLlYT)( lmr duties with the Juvenile Cow`. hav- ing recovered from hm` long illnesstf 1\Ir- ....,l 1\/I'.... `r-rr..,... \n..l.I. .... .....u..-.\,u u-nu up. .-...h ....._~,_7,~. Mr. and Mrs. Joffrcy Webb mul trmmmniod Mr. and Mr.-4. G. K; May- or and sons of Newton Robinxzm nn :1 motor trip in 1.05 Angult-:4, (7nl.. plzmning to : :2 munih with rr-lniivr-x ` [)lEHlllHU.', relmivcs. (W T2 T7 IUl?lI.l\J'(.'H. I O. B. P:1Hm`snn and Miss Pnm`-` `ran loft this morning, I'm` Clm1|mm.. Ont. in nl10nd tho f1m(-ml of :1 rod- cin. Mrs. Con. Vvillard. Mrs. Willnr wns known to :1 numbvr of llurriv vwnplc. h:|\'in;,: vi: lwru .<(`\r(`r;1l <-nn-nv\nvL- , I Miss Reta M(:Kcvm' Mrs. Adamv Matrtm Miss Louise I-Iurlburt .. J:u1m Adam; Daughtrw Miss Rhoda Young . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Helen Miss Jean Goodfcllow .... .. Gingvr Mrs. H. F. Morron ................. .. (}|m'i:2 Friends of J:mr~1 Furniture supplied by A. F.. Smith I')Tf"l2`C`C IA!\Yl'\\f (Pm!) CAI I.` :>lH`|Hll,`l'I`. Wrm. Dr. 1.. J. Simpson. On1;1ri') Mi'%i of TC(iu(-;11i paid :1 Sil()'.`i Vi`7ii. to Barrie l.'i. ovvnimx when il'.` \'V{-`IS :1 s;peak(>r ul lhu Wardcnz Ban- quet. He later lvfi hy thv midnight train rm` North Bay in crmmrrlion with his Dopm'l1n<~n1:11 vluiios. Mm. C`.hm'lc: Miller. L?Ik(`\'i(`.\\' I.n(i;::`. Spnri'm/v Lake. has l`(.`iIll'l1(`(i homo nflt-I` :1 visit with hm` |)1l`(`l]i:~`. Mi`. and Mrs. Juhll Iluwmnn. I m`r_v Sil`(`(`l. in hmmu" of tho first. birth- day of Nirsz. Millzr ~` hahy ( i.'l1lU,iliL`I`. Mmiylin .i.'1nv. :1 p:1rl_\' was hold on Mmiriziy. \\'hi('h w.'i:: attonrivri by n numhm` nf (`hihh'(`n uf iho noigh- bnl`h(m(i. E\'iclvm'r~ Ihnl lnm:-L~n1`L-cl nwl:. (1-1 I1`-if-.'l`11?t`. (`nn1rm'_\' tn 1)(-liof, w:-.- fuund r<~(-omI_\' when an owl bnndou April 22. 1934. in Cnlifurniu, wu-~ shot by :1 hunlor in Ontario, 2.00U hnilcs :.\vu_\'. Ocluber 9. 1334. M $1.00 lb. 15 yd. 29c pr. -10c ea. 15clea. $2.29 67c 89c 39c 39c God Save the King Tho Audi('n(' DIALOGUE~-rTrin .......... .. Ro'_v Smiih Ray Williamson. Maurice Gnsnry V10] JN SOT!) Nlnsim` S(\nrln`1 79c 25c 57c "69? 25c several on u- ; but L`- \\'|u'. IIvIII1L:Il_\ Dhll lxcl D. JHUUIL`. lhrvo b1'o1}u:r.-:_ 'I`h0:nns nnd Isaac of 'l`hm'nlm1. I):1\'il of I3m`riu: also two . I\'Tr.\-, Rnhort Rmhzom of Vine nnrl S.'1r:)h :11, hmzur. 'l`ho p:IH-lwn1'- ma-: \\'(`r0 xix 1wphu\\'.~:: William and ilfnlwrt R(>(l;.:m`s. Ru) and Bowman I | Allon. Hurklvy nnrl J.'unos Allen. '[`lw law Mr. Allvn \vn.< n mvmlw ml` 'l`rini1_V United (`lmrt-h, 'l`l\(n'n'rm. 'l`lu- : was conducted by hi.~: pu:<(ni'. Rev. S. (3. 1V[CC()l`l1l2lL`k, as- . by Rm`. 1'`. (.3. Purncll. .Iu. Webb. :1 rosidenl. nI' Tin)` 'l`m\'ns|1ip fur half :1 <'cnlm'y. mud in |\'Ii(1l:md at lhv home of his sun, (`:11- nl-. an C-Mun-:1-nu Tun: u 11) I097` \VI\'i. J. ALLEN The funeral of the late Wm. J. `Alon. son of the late William and Isuhellrl Allen. took place Tuesday '\HOl`ll()l)l`\. J:muar_\,' 15. 1935, from fhe rczsidenco of his brother`. Thomas Allen. to I`hm~nton Union Cexnotery. |\ll(l|EllHl Ell llIl' HUIHl.' Ul [H5 SIHI, K ill` 1-1', on S:1tLird:1y. Jzimiziry 1!). 1935. H0 \\':is in his 8151 _\'(`:u'. H0 \-ms burn in Innisfil 'I`nwn. spmirlin,-: the eu1`l,\' purl nf his lift` in thv \'i<'in- My of Sirnud. where his pxirents 1.':n'~ l`i('(l on fm'minx:. Al zm o:n'l_\' :l_L ,0 iw m:I.rriv(l J.'ll1('! 1`vrr,\' of Innisfil. Sho p1'e(I0(:('zisurl him four A\'(_-.'n's nun. Mr. Wvhb. who was an 0ran_:1o- man. (fun.-:m'v21li\'o and 1\n;:Ii<':m. .` lhn lnsi .\'u'.'\'i\'in;: im`1nhm' of his family. Ht` i0::\'os hvn rl.'nu1htcr< iVlr.~`. l!:n'r_\' Iim'h. 'I`m'nm M1` Nm'ri.< D(`.'lH, B1'zm1l` ::i.\' ::nn.<. r`uIn|x nun} D.~...I`.... ..|' Y\ 1 Al 'll.\ IulIllll_V. III` ll'il\l'S l\\H llilH)LlllUlI`.| Mrs. Czllol) nnd Reuhvn. of Midland: AI- fre=d_ of Elmvale; \V:1Il('r. William "md David, M` \V_\ro\'nlc: 2-'1 ;1r:mdvhil- `(Iron and three grout-grznnrlchildrcn _ l\Ulnb wunn 1 I51 1 In --1vn:sIIa-IH1I'.\ Heath and Armstrong, MiSS(" . DeHart. and Strange. RECESSA CANDY FOR SALE ll EIHIERT B. LEIGH 'l`hv duuth rw('t11'1`(`ri in \V('. Tm`- mm on 'I`hur. Jznnlmry 10. 1935. ml` llm'l>(-1'1 I3. I.oi_uh. n;_:od G5 _\'(:ur:<. Ho \\':n.s` :1 hrnthvr of Mrs. H. 1'`. Sum!- x-rs uf Allzmrlulc and of E. J. Leigh`. ml" 1I:1\\'k~_ Born in Om. hm` mme \\'i1h his p:11`on1.~' tn Bm`ri(~ as :1 N lmy and \\':1s educated at CCn(1':nI__ ~;L-luml. He learned the lail0rim:} trade and fur _ve:1r.~: \\'lS with thoi firm of the Into /\lo.\'. Milne. Hm \V.'lS in the VVO.- fur . _\'e.'n's and I {Emu rvtllrnvd In I3;n'ri(.-. Ho \v:\.~:{ nnv uf the first 1: t,-nli::t from B:ll`l`i(`.` ~::-rvinq :11 (`zmm Bnrdmx and Inter! u\'m`. with lhv (`..'mndi.'m I-Ixpvdi-E . *. .. .`\I`I...- cl. um... I \('|lIl'lI HI IIHUIHU. n`Ul\Vl\'HII.' HI 3: his wifv, fzwmvrly 1\I:n'_V J. Arm-| -h~um:. and fnur daughters. Inlm:-; men! \\'.'n.< in I rn.~;per_`t Cen1otury.} 'l`r>mn(n, on Jun. H. Alfred Rnyn-3r: and H. E. 1\`IcCI\111o11_c1:. former class I'riond< of dcccasc . nttcndod tho` l'uncm!. } ...-.- \....._. - ...v.. -..\..uu Tho rlsath occurred in R0) :11 Via; "Via Hostnital. B{11'I`iL`. on Sund:\y.! nmmrv 20. 1935. of Douvla-5 Carl ..\'m':s, m his 27th year. He had been} `1 since last July with :1 stomach; ilntvnt. 130m in England, he hzldi mm \Vc. at the age of four to Iivvf -{eh Xde :1.-\.-.l6`-win. Yr.` .......... n\: Jewelle__Be_ayty Studio UO('Gl.:\S (`ARL LYONS l\ c.~'llc s Special contains the essential lll_Q'l'CdlClliS fur waving" all kinds of hair snccessl`i1ll_v. ll prniimlcs a natural lnslrc and sheen, is gentle in acliun and will nut injure the most delicate textures. You Will Be More Than Pleased. Price $5.00 GBHTUARY J! N estle s Special. Croquignole Wave [I l)H|Kl|'H EIIHI ldll'| i 10 I-Zxpvdi-i \ After tho Wm` hr.`| mu. Sur\'i\'mx: an), ..-1\- M...~.- I A.-m_: 58 Dunlop St. PIANO 501.0 . SOLO .. Rev READING Club's leading p1a_Ve1's. He his 75th year. 'T`I1n 1'1-:3-nnu-an! cnrn-I unxunuhi [H5 la)L| )Ui11'. The inhtwent spoI't:m1z\11ship nnd love of sport in the grzmcl old gen- tleman was a b_\'wm`(l in the city where he had so long made his home and gathered his 1:mrol.<. and o.\` prcssions of kcenost regret in his passing were heard in the local sporting fmtcmity. n.!.. r nu- .....Ax... 2... In-n ..m._.. _.l..,.....,. .....-. ....-. M1`. Little retirocl in 193}, nftel` scwving for half :1 century in the Civil Service. the last 25 yours as chief avcoxlutzznt in the I)cpz1rtmcnt 01 Rai1\\'n_V.< and Canals. I .-. .. .. ..... field of mnntour sport, that it. is r|it`~ ficult tn :i.<. his nnnu` with 1ll1_'v' ono b1'nncl1 (`I1til'(`tf\ . He was me at tlw first ll1(`lnb(`l`.< of the Ottawa Am.'1tmu' Athletic A: nnrt \\':is Captain and :1 lift` member nt the 0tt.'i\\':i Fnuthnll C'hIh. Ito \\':n: :1 LIIT`-'lt vri('kut pln_vm'. and (`H]1t(lil]r`(t tho ()tt;\\v.'i Crivkot Chih's team in many of its m:tt(*lws with tho UHit("t Stntvs. In 1887 he made the all- C`:m:idi:m (*ri(:kct t('.'1m zmrl l()llt`(`ft Enuhuirl, ;.{uinL! as Ott:1\\':i'.< rc-prv~ S(`l1L'1ttV(` on the tonm. On 1\1zm_\_' (`huvnpinn 'I'(E:Il]1.`~' I-In was ttw fourth n|rh`::t l11l'tHt\(".' nt' thv ()lt:1\\*;i (`urlin_L: Club. juiniw: umunrt 1900. and fvnturi-(I in munv impurtmit ('mitost.<. Pln_vin;,' with Vt" L. Blair. G, ('|n_\'tnn Anrlorsnn :m"l the late Ctl(ll`t(.`S Watt. he \\'.'i.\` in 15! of tho zmnuzil (`0n}p(`titiUnS for thi- f`nuvn.~u.\.- F`n-`nu--.1`n .10/\|\l\wv I\i.. So \'c=r.~`:1lile was Mr. Little in the (lnvornnr Gonm':il`.< trophy. his teams winnim: 15. In.-:in;1 two and hr- im: mm. His team also wun tho Quobrw` ('li21llom:v (`up five _\'o.'n'.<. H0 In-Inm,'o(I In the SI. Iluhvrf Gun Club. and r{i::p1n_\'r*d (`(111. kill in kmwkinxz Hm vim pix!- vmis. Gulf lid nu! vlnim him unll ho ntlninod his 70lh l)ii`lIir|;i}'. hut he did vvr_\' wull on the links at tho Ch:mdim'v Gulf Chm. In his _\'nun:{ . 4. Lilli. . llIl_' lull: \.IIuIH.`h vv:I\L. Ill` \\u.\ III l1I| l 1.... ram... 1... .. THE Blllllll} EXANHNEII, Accompanied by a score of T0- ronto Kiwanians. W. R. Cockburn. International Vice President. visit- ed the Barrie Kiwanis Club last Monday night. this meeting being devoted to marking the twentieth year of this international service club. In his address. Mr. Cnckhurn spoke of certain aims and ideals of Kiwanis. emphasizing the respnn- sibility of the members to take :1 live interest in Civic affairs. Previous to Mr. C0ckburn`s ad- dress. Rev. E. E. L(')l1;;' read an in spirational message from Dr. Car- rington. International President. in. r<....I.l..... .- ....... .. ......i I... Live'Va?hd help Live ;Is Thme for Today; Kiwanians Are Told; BARRIER 0N'I`.. CANADA ....,,.`,... ............... Mr. Cnckburn was introduced by` Fast Governor Dr. W. A. Imwis us one 01' the most tmthusiastic and aciivc Kiwnnians nf Hm Di: 'Br:foro cmmnoncing his Z1(iC|l`URS. Mr Cockhurn called on Ron Shaw of Toronto 10 nfficinle in the ])l`('S(`lll.'I- tinn of `.1 bnuster prize. :1 frzmwtl picture. the gift of Hm . l`hr~ prize was drawn by Dr. Norman W ` Rogers`. who was mllim` un\villin;_:Lvi conipellod to sing Sweet Rusiv (`V-1 | I Grady" as in suit) bt.-fore rocoivingz the prize. .~...l....I:..n I.. hip uIltlv't\I`\' ONE-ACT PLAY 2 fWE (IAN TELL YOU] As an inlmducliun In his mlrlni.-:.~:.. Mr. Cnckburn pmpmimlvrl :1 num- ber of quosiinns un Kiwzmis which were nnswcrr-d in \'zn`_vim_' (it.-gzror-.< of cnrrt.-ctno. by the I`m'nnln 1\ i-] wzmians, who had l'(`(`(,`i\ (,`fl mi prv~' vions intim:i1,iun of this rlivt-r. I v ,,,z ,,. I 2 ,, i,:_. . um. I III`... .,....-. I . I In x-mmnt-n(~in;_r his C`m:k|)urn rvh-rrx-rl In I in l.l1elil`:-nfmun: Isl. whvn it was :1 vzn:-:4` ml uf tho fiH,v.~'l; 2nd. wl was to livv zmrl h-4 liv of lhv prvsmxl :n;,n- wu: hy Kiw:mi:< Inh-rnniin C:Irrim_{tu|1 in the phr; help livv. Ifln.-.ni.. i.. Chin rnnnl VVIIIIL` the: `C X\|\V(lll|.\ nuthim: \V2l 3 \\ n in |IIll|'|}\HlIl\ -I-. pm-vt-nl m0mb0r.~; from tukim: an iIli(`Hi_:j(`!\I imorvsl in good 11n\'(`l'l1lnI`lll and :1 man` ;I(`1i\!<` pzn'ti<'ip.'11im1 1-1 ;,:n\'crnin;: |)0rli1'.~'. Kiwnnizum .-m-um do all in their power in pm- tcrt the work Zlll'(`Z1d_V mm--n.- plishod. but tlu-re is 2: nu-w (`hallcnggu frnm Iho ynuH1 uf today who are lnnkin;.! for l(,`1l(l(`I`: '1' H1 ` (`an O. f:Ii\'l_\' numb(~r.< in rliffvronl tho Dominion but \\'I` ('1ll1H1 ('nrr(~(~1|y in. in >1 II-H how many hn_v.~' and uirI.< UH` \\':1i' in;: tn gym in work. The `L'I)\'t`I`lHHl`H" musi Wllkl,` up In this ::iln;I!ivm. Kr \\':mizm.\` have dnnv ll1ll('h H... 'I.urnrl .-l.ilr|u..n xw vrl; 3.. I'M` 1h ~ 1.1:. 1.. Kiwz111is ix this 1111-11111 1-1-l1~l1r:1li its lwc-111. -Ah _v1'.'11` of (~.\;i:;t1~111'1-. I`11`sl, nbjcut, was In 111:1l~;1- 1111(~.~ known. 1111- 111111111 I11-1111:. t1'z1dv." I11 I91!) 1':11111- :1 111-w wk` of solf vxp1'1-::. wiH1 1111- 11111 1101111,: (:h.'111g0tl 111 W11 |111iIrl." took 1111 11111112 of :1 ::11i1`i111;1I 11111 : wiih :1s. 111 H10 1 do1`1)1`ivil(';,'1`1l and (~1'ip11l1>1l 1:11i|1I1 l)(.-i111: lhc m.'1i11 11l1j1.-1'1i\`1~. H1 said lhu spezlkt-1'. wl1:11 shall 11 11 fit if we . 1111d1~1`111`ivil1-1 cl1'1l(l1`1~11 and ullnw 1:r111(liti1111.< ('.\i1~'l (11:11 11101111 2111 i11(-1`1-:1: 11: 1 11111111):-1' 111' 1111(l1.~1'p:'ivilogx-1| 1-hi 11'011'."' (_`(111: \\' 111115"! (10110 i11 111z111_v \\':1_\'.<. |`l_1<`r1- 11111. p(~.'1co of :1 pt-1'111:111v11t kind. kiw: is has :1I\v:1y:: 5111111! 1111' 111-:11-1-. 1'0f<-1'1`1~r! \v'1H1 111'i(l1- 111 1l1-.~ 125'. V1- of 1'1v.'11'1` In-1wv1`11 (`z111:1rl:1 :1111l 1 U11i1(-1| S(:1l1-:4 ;:11(l 111 H112 11:11-11 l 1::1(r(.- M(*111111`iz1l 1-1'1-1-I1-(I I1_\' 1111 1111111111211 Kiw;111is i11 l 11`ili.x'|1 (711111 biu. 1\1r.. rs 1 4|." 1.1..,l . 3| IVIIIIHIIIH 1|lllIH- .~;(:un(-(~ um- I (`)'ipp|()(l l.`lli|fIl`('!l H111. i! |):'4~- 1- un(1m`|n`ivil4-;:<-'1 lnw 1' Hw .-rp:`i\'il(`;,'('(l (`Mild vv In` x_\'.\`. 'I`l_wrv lu~ nvnt }\'i\\':m- MN! H4` :lu~1n \':-:x": 1 mul Hu- `(I Hnrtlinzl by Intvr l)..:o . I'.\!....\ . ,,\ `Fall Faiates st ` Throughout County Officers Re-elected? This Wek sSBEcials at A. E. Sm1th s February Sale . -..._:..__j._.-.._... ._.__.__.___.__.___._.._._?.j_--. 3-P ESE T; ESTERFIELDSU TES the Special for the xvuck Sponsozd by W.C.T.U. ' LIBRARY HALL Monday, January 28 8.00 I".M.