Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1935, p. 5

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u U1 me town, this morning. Dam- to the house and contents is par- Ily covered by insurance. Flames were first noticed in the scment near the electric switch x by Mr. Houghton about 6 a.m. rs. Houghton had smelled smoke (I had aroused her husband. Bar- e Fire Brigade. being called, was on on the scene, connecting up 1. 00 feet of hose to two hydrants. y the time the firemen arrived, the iames were eating away in the par- itions between the brick and the rame roughcast structure. As a re~ ult of the construction of the build- s. [ -:`j"""" I /LIBERAL MEETING I`0STl'0Nl'ID n~u._ _.,,, :4 Coal gas escaping: from the fur-n mice in the bzisemt.-nt of the Munic- ipal Building this morning gavel twenty-one transients who werel sleeping overnight in the adjacent town lock-up. in violent scare zmdl caused the removal of fourteen om them to Royal Victoria Hospital for treatment about 8 am. today. Fortunately, no one was seriously affected by the escapin_:{ gas. al- though several hari violent head- aches and a few pains in other parts of their bodies. Seven of the four- teen were still in their cots in the hospital at noon torlny. complaining mostly of liendnclie.-4. nu... _... .. _.- n. ,.-p,:,, n,, ..._..., \lI ..\.....ue...... v` The cause of the affair was thel escape of ;.{a.-4 from the furnace. It is thought that the departure of the firemen about 6 am. from the near- [by firehail, with the drmrs being left Fopen, caused the blower at the fur-~| mice to get into vigznmus action. At the same time. the check damper. in- stalled several years ago as an econ- mny device. served to (`hook the fire, the not result being that coal gas ae- cumulateri. 1 'T`hn .~n-...l-,. .`.'..,. rm`... 4!... r.... t WRANSIENTS I IN LOCK-UP ; GIVQLSCAREE irourteen Rushed to Hospit-ik al Suffering from U Coal Gas Phone your news items tn 223. IIILI 1 `J3! l`\.'I.l Cent. Pat. sold at Premier sold at . . . . Reno sold at . . . . . . Sherritt sold at Ventures sold at . . n\\.uu aulu Ill A av . . . . .73 1.05 BUY TIHZ H}3`|`TIl< (L1,./\S5 l.lS I`El) ST()(IK.\` lV1l1zLVlDl"4[`[-V Toronto Stock Ext.-h:1m.:e Winnipeg Grain Exchange 11 Jordan Street TORONTO Gordon M. Stevenson BARRIE MANAGER Ross Block, Barrie Phones l0l0-l0I7-llouse 196 F. J. Crawford & Co. MEMBERS 'Y`nv~nnl n C! nnlr 1:`unls . .4 nu. I G. Houghton Loses `louse and Contents in Fire Today NO ONE SERIOUS Did You'IJ\Io_tic1e'_ -_L l)-L ,- 55 Dunlop St. DADDIC IIJIIIUF sJI.n BARRIE T23 1.66 1.36 ]Roxy 1 "IWII"I'\lWI'\I II'I'!'\l I-IAFIIJIALJ II` I IIIJ V` Llkllls.) DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THIS BIG SPEC] Coming--JACKIE COOPER in PECK S BAD BOY ROXY - - HOUSE OF RADDIPQ I-IOMF` nr: r:M'n.'n'rAIMM::-x` lat Year. MNb7.?%TUE$PAY-:WEDr COMEDY,~I-l6S-(_I-(-)-E` I ATES IN SO YOU WON'T TALK, EH ! IIILJ ll\/l\JI\I4 l.ll'1uJ rl uJ\l\JL45 4'; An Immortal Story of Student Nurses. Thousands have`; tugged at THEIR hearts! Now they tug at OURS! You've? never seen a picture like this! ` -$ #f $%WW5%:5'W .52 ` ,,,_ _ Matinee Saturday, 2.30 p.m. Prices 15c and 10 Nightly Shows 6.45 and 9 p.m. New Low Winter Prices----All Seats 25c-15c The Screen s Biggest and Littlest Star in the picture that has been packing Toronto : Big Imperial Theatre for two 5 W- VITAGRAP; MUSICAL REVUE, PAREE, PA WALT DISNEY SYMPHONY IN COLOR BABES IN THE WOODS [WIN KIf\ I' IPAII 'I"'l\ QUIT I`lJl:' III!` enun- TH9$_97Y~F%Ii2AY-AT9BDAY Matinee Wednesday, E30 p.m. Pr'ices 15c and 10c Nightly Shows, 6.45 and 9 p.m. New Low Winter Prices--All Seats 25c-15c rs-4-uua -uulau---o-.._. -_. _ .._--_ ..-.\,u u In n4v\o'n\ru 'rFii's" Iilia Hi{sWAwsoU1,!L l.._...-....-I C1-.. -: |:.___1__. Iu__,,-_, '1'-|_-____,__: -B.-AR-RIE. S HOME 01: ENTERTAINME. `; `W A picture that will linger in your sweet- est dreams . . . from the book that has ~ touched the tender emotions o_ three generations. fl I'|rWr'1I INA -l)'ll-`l'I;E`.-l2\;.A:RE GIVEN T6 THE LADIES, % TONIGHT (THURSDAY) EPECIAL ADDED ATTRACT! -\,\nn.--- .__~--Ai-- MICKEY MOUSE /Directed by I Pr0ducc` ' A FOX. Picture with E12 DESTRW smmcn 0N LOUN_I_TREET JAMES DUNN Drrected by PHILLIP MOELLER Irom the novel by Edith Wharton and played by Margaret Ayer Barnes. As- sociatp drrector, Jane Loring. Pandro S. Berman, executive producer. THE + BARR IE E XAMINER Coming--ZANE GREY'S Home on the Range" WE SHOW WHAT WE ADVERTISE. . , _ . - - - - - - - - - -- .. .vvvvrcv-co- A Great Programme to see whether you are six or sixty-six pfhpl l0A;l'] foooooooooooooooo~ooooootoooooowooo-o~oo~oo4~ooooo~oto-oo-coo. I rVI"uu'rv 7'1/\`vi4~.uIrwu 1-... - . _ W 7 v vv 7 - 777777777 o~vo-l~0oo-tall-loo-OoOo0#OIoOO~I~Ol~Ol~oto0I IOOOIO4 `f<;i:;._'F';m'i"ONlGHT (7fIHIr day) and FRIDAY NIGHT? DU BARRY ROYAL IVORY DINNERWAl_2E_ = A.-..lL...a I........_ -L:_...__..L _t -I l I ' A-oN~ Here's a2-feature bill extraordinary, Babes in Toyland played Loew s Theatre, Toronto, and The Age of Innocence Imperial Theatre, Toronto--both big first run houses. CO-STARRED T - Sh Jhiln (1 Inch: nfln 4-lining I _ __ ... .._...v- uuvnnnv 1 III; JJCPGI llllCll|. BUCK'.iONES in `7Ti1'12 RED RIDER--Chapter 6 UNIVERSAL NEWSRE.EL-The Talk of the World .` `- ""99 ADDED ATTRACTIONS OHS. 2-REEL COMEDY--EVERYTHING S DUCKY _ v ...-.._-..-- -us -Anna Lv\IA\l. LJIJVL` Another large shipment of these beautiful dishes I hoOOl~OI~OOOI~OOOOo I~a~ooo~4:~:soopnp;pAAA;------ - A . . . . . . . . _ . snnuuv vv uunnuouay GI. `- .Everybody 10c Admission. .:_.: -v..._.._.'- n4vA4L\A llll.LV\JLJLI\J\a.I\l :olored Reel--Parrotville Fire Department "I! Irxiuno : l'I"I' If` r|r' nuuxnnn INI IF I'l"S AT THE CAPITOL, 1'r's THE 13ES'l`SHO\VIN TOWN She gave`him a I . . . then sent him gang known as ` Ivorite com- edy tea In! urvuiuu IIVKLJ LIONEL ATW"|L:L VHe"*len WesH.e_y* Ldura I-lopAe"'_C r e.wAs: J U , i e H O Y d O in-` HARLOTTE HENRY - 2;;~z*::a.sa22%.a:*:s . _ ` A METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PICTURE RKO-RADIO PICJUre - _ ,- _ ..-..- _ _ ._ A Plcfllres Roan:-nr-Ian-nrl unl~l-. nun lg...-.-.1 with .. ..v-.un.aa. Diucud by George Nicholls; If. published by L C. Pay 3 Co.. wlntnt Dunnr Jonnmous us IITITIC TOM BROWN 0. P.'HEGGIE HELEN WESTLEY E gm/ o`him taste oflife divine .. ...-._ _. nu. unuvv N:en back to the chain known "High Society" .u.- uni-_y nlunuulfj can uuiu nun uuu. Through the efforts of the Plough- tons and nearby residents, a con- siderable amount of furniture was removed from the burning building. but the loss along this line will be quite large. The house itself was very badly burned, the walls helm: punched through in places and the roof being full of gaping holes. I CI.n..lI.. ..n.... n... _._. ..,... ........,, .\.u. ll! huyung, n-nun. I Shortly after the arrival or the' firemen the insulation on electric wires leading from the pole on the street tn the house was seen to be burning. For this reason, it was felt that the cause my in the wiring it- self. as there was nothing tn indi- cate -that the fire originated in the furnace or elsewhere. : rru...\ 13:... .,,,,: .- .u. uupg. xu \.An\.vvII\. l C. The Fire Brigade stayed on the job until 10 a.m., incipient blames having, broken out around the build- ing up to that time. I ing, the fire proved a very stubborn one to fight. `ML... n._v-.... ._-..u__.. _nnp_.- -n..._.|- Mrs. Baker. mother of Mrs. Helmh- ton, an aged lady who has been con- fined to her room in the house for several years through rheumatism. was carried by Mr. Houghton, with the assistance of Leonard Richards, a neighbor. to the Richards home across the street. She was then tak- en to Royal Victoria Hospital. but is stated to be none the worse for her early morning exit from her bed. 'T`l-n-nunl. o'..'.\ ,.cc-..4.. Ar J`QI\ vr....,.1. I'm more than delighterl with the results." is a common comment from users of Examiner classifieds. THIJRSDAY--FRIDAY--SAI:URl_)`Y ,,,,__v _ __....:-_- -.1.--so-uao;na. 2 Sldows Nigh-tly, 6.45 and 9 p.m. Prices 25c and 15c Saturday Matinee, 2.30 Everybody 10c Admission In Ihose days, friends and neighbors, a lady paid a frighffu! pen- city for jump- ing fhe traces! ,- from Um novel by L. M. Ina, Yu 19'! [U EE {his picture! You carry if away . . . a freasured memory! 90 MINUTES OF LAUGHS IN THEIR NEW FULI;-LENGTH FEATl]_l_?E PICTURE! {Z A tremendously im.ereslii1;{. first- hzmrl story of his ob::ervz1tiun:~: while on 21 tour thrmuzh several countries of Europe. Asia and Africa, vms told to The Examiner by Dr. Enoch T. Atkinson, following his return in Barrie after spendimz six months` abroad in siglitsccixm and also in p(~.s`tL{i`.'1d1lntc work x hr Azinmm e-.Hm-r r.-um c....|. I I [)('.\'L).:I'Zl(1lIElLL` \.`./()]'K Dr. Atkinsun sailor! from Snuth- nmplnn, Emglnnd. on the E1npr of Britain" on December 14, and :1Hn|~ :1 rnnuh nl-nnn Ivnxlourrtn n.....'u,| U! nnnuun UH Ll(`L'(:HHJ(!l' 14, {Ind .' a rough ocmm Voyage, arriv- ed at New York on December 22. !Dr. Enoch Atkinson Hamel I/\Fter Six Months Trip} jln Eurgge, Asja and Africa! cn-umu 1'cs1u(,'n(:C O1 11. U. r1ougn- ` at 23 Lount street, in the north d of the town, this morning. Dam- IIY bv insnrnnr-,r=, Tells Interesting Story of ' Visit to Various Countries I !ENGLANl)~_MlA\E(_)VES ON Great Many Undercurrents Against Hitler at Work I in Germany , has just arrived. appp.p.p;n..--------- ___._.____.w - -: -----Iain and UHARLES R05 METRO - GOLD WYN- MA YER All Pictures Reproduced with our large New Gold Fibre Sound Screen --_----v-- x% FREE--MONDAY and TUESDAY NIGHTS Du Barry Royal Ivory Dinnerware I~0O~l~l~l~o MONTGOMERY. BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1935 ire thought to have been caused ough defective wiring or :1 dc- t in the switch box, destroyed the I ck-clad residence of R. G. Hough- LOUHI, strnnf in tho nnrlh I`-Cll, I 'l`ho Gerinmi people do not know what is going: on in Germany or in H! rest of the world. the press is mu7.7.led to such an extent. The ne\vspnper.s' there print. only what the Government wants them to print. and even if they published anything] that the Government did not like. `the papers would not be circulated lun,vwn_\'. Everything: they print is lfl(`SljIll(`(l to extol Hitler. Their] whole aim seems to he to make 8 (Turn to page twelve. please) rulluunt (ll uppusluon LO nluer wmcn i:. not expressed openly. Hitler is a greater force now. of course. than when 1' was there three years ago for tnhnut. two months. The people won't say much: they are afraid to talk for fear of Hitler's ruthlessness. , Hitler seems to be a law unto him- iself. I 'T`hn 1". . ..,.,....I.. .1- ._.\4 I.._..... l IL. I think they are going about it l`! the right way to consolidate their Lsains and hold anv gains that they , may have made. They are very op- ltimistie but not foolishly optimistic." | Unclercnrrents in Germany J In Germany there are a great many unclervurrt.-nt.s' at work; from [what I could gather through speak- ing confidentially with a large num- ber of Germans. there is a great amount of opposition to Hitler which in nu! n\'nI*n nnnnlv 1 -Titlnw in n nu: nu1'Lnw(.`SLcl'n COHSL 01 Italy. I A very pleasant feature of his tour I [w:1:~.' his trip by `bus through the ilt.-ulizm and French Riviera where `he visited Monte Carlo, which he` found extremely interestinL: and very l')l`tlSDC1`0llS. The city of Monte Car- In is part. of the Prineipznlity of Mon- 2`:('U. which is ruled by the I"rinee| nf Mmmm, whose chief revenue is rh-rived from the Lznmblimz tables of Itlw Cfnsinn of Monte Carlo. n.- Aflziruunn um ..,.c......,..: z,.. ....,,.,muu Anus` nu.-, nnumn In Enulzmrl 1hey seem to be mov- ing ahead quietly. zmd as far as any, nl).<<-r\'m' can tell. they mo mming b.'u,~k. Great Britain possibly stands numhnr one n!` all the cmmlries I visited: in fact. I am quite sure of it. Illll' \.il3\'IlH) l)l IVIUHIC L,lH`lU. Dr. Atkinson then returned by rail through from Monte Carlo to P.'2ris and thonco back again to Lon- don. Emzlnnd. 'l\r. L`uun.~....-.-. 1.... (UH). l':HI:lilH(l. The Examiner inquired from Dr. /klkinson as to his impressions re- unrding tho vzn-inus countries visited by him. I2`n:rI-nu/I 1Ul'n. .. Al.,....J He reached Barrie on Christmas Eve and is now staying at his old home :1` 50 Blake Street. On the trip over. he left Quebec City on June 21 last. tr:wellim{ on the Empress of Aus- trnlizl" to Great Britain Dr. Atkinson was several weeks in Emslancl. spending :1 good deal nf the time doing postgraduate work in Lrmrlnn l1ospil.:1ls. He then went rlirevlly to Germany. where his l1_-znrlqumters were Munich in Ba- varia. later goimz on to Italy. From Tlnlv hr: lnnlr lhn Mnrlifnr- Ivurm. iutei` ;.:UiIIJ,: on [O uaiy. From Italy he took the Mediter- ranean cruise. landing at Istarnbul. formerly Constantinople. Turkey. He came back to Athens, Greece, where he saw the ruins of that ancient country. and then sailed to Jaffa, the port of Palestine. Motoring to Jerusalem. forty miles from the Coast. he made that his headquart- (`rs for various motor trips through Syria and Palestine. Dr. Atkinson visited Damascus; and Baalbk. and then Beirut on the Mediterranean Sea. He motored along: the Medit- erranean coast and back to Jerusa- lem. ' ll) \,illl'(). H , He was in ( week. but I T _vrarnids :1 tnkinr: the . nun-I nf` f`n.'- CAPITOL . nu. IHI. [~`.n;,rland Moving Ahead .._y n__., ,,, , l this information. The Examiner is unable to quote! the price of hogs today. the figures not being available from the First{ Cooperative Packers of Ontario. Limited. Barrie. the usual source ot'| i I ! I --Free tonight, (Thursday) and] 'Friday night. Du Barry Royal Ivor) I dinnerware at the Capitol Theatre. x TOWN EMPLOYEE HURTS BACK}, `A/huh Vim-A Qvnnnnnnx ..m..x rm` IUWN l`.lVll'l;UYl`.b HUICTS HACK When Floyd Steuernol, aged 29.` Amelia street. Barrie, fell Off the: tail gate of a town truck in the town] yards at tho rear of the municipal} building about 8 a.m. tOdEl_\'. he rc-,` cnived injuries about his left side] and back. necessitating his removal; in T1`nv:xI Xfirvinv-in lfnunvxl Tkn` unu umzx. n(!(:CSSILnLln}:{ ms removal; to Royal Victoria Hospital. The-1 truck was just going nut of the yard. 4 carrying a number of town work-` lmcn. when the accident took place.` Dr. E. R. Tyre!` attended the injured $ man. 4 vv uuuunn. Following the lodge work, a ban-! quel. was held with the new W.M. presiding. `The Grand Lodge" was proposed by W.Bro. Gordon Long-I man and responded to by R.W. Bm.| A. W. Smith. Visiting `B1'e1hren" was proposecl by W. Bro. H. G. R')- bertson. with replies from the fol-l lowing: D. F. Mccuaig. K.C.. Km ]Lodge. Barrie; W. Allan. Mine1'va,| Stroud: E. Sheppard. Prince Ed-, ward, Picton; T. Tough. St. John's," Paris: C, S (in): Mnrrill WnllnnA- wzuu, r'|cLun; 1. Jougn. bl. .1onn's,i Paris: C. S. Cox, Merritt. Welland: M. Wright. Manitoba. Cookstowxm! Newly Elected Oficers". was in-1` troduccd by W.Brn. F. C. Lower. with responses by the W. M. and` Wardens. ! uunu UI HKO Insurance agent. } During the evening. a Past Mas-1 ter's jewel was presented to H. A.` Henry. Immediate Past Master. the presentation being made by W.Bm.' O. D. Williams. . 1-1 1 I -:.:-:. l Very Worshipful Bro. Alex. Cow- an has a record as installing Master lequalled by few Masons,in Ontario. |On Thursday night last, he officiat- ed in this capacity for the 35th time. when he installed W. Bro. J. A. Coutts and his staff of officers. His installing record is unique in the fact that he has twice installed father and son as W.M. of Corin- [thian Lodge. The first case was that of the late Robert King and of his son Byron King and the second that of A. B. Coutts and his son .1. A. Coutts who was placed in office Thursday night. When Byron King was installed. his father was pre- sent; with his grandfather the late R.W. Bro. Robert King this made re- presentatives of three generations of one family who has been presid- ing officers of this lodge. I `Dr ... A `D r`<,\..u.. r: (V 1.. .... .. MOND;\Y--TUESDAY---WEDNESDAY Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 I-`_v.=-ml`.-..l.. 1n.. A.l...:....:n.. \lAll\4\l\`I \ll Lnnln nuu5,\.. N W. Bros. A. B. Coutts. F. C. Lower and Gordon Reeve assisted in the installation ceremony. 'T`l..-. .~.N!:........ :.....L..n..4 ....- .._ 4'-` un uuuu-..uu \.-.1 \,L||\I||_y. The officers installed are as fol- lows: I.P.M.. H. A. Henry; W.M. J. A. Coutts; S.W.. J. F`. Nelles; J.W.. John Hodges: Chan, H. J. Loug- heed: Treas., H. A. Sims; See y, A. H. Felt; S.D., H. L. Jones: J.D.. J. `L. Williams; I.G., J. E. Thompson; S.S.. A. E. Whitby: .l.S., Geo. Cald- well: Tyler. A. Hirlehey: Auditors. A. B. Coutts. J. E. Thompson: D. of] ,C., Alex. Cowan; Sick Committee.` 'A. B. Coutts. F. C. Lower. W. B. Webb. J. E. Thompson and A. E. Whitby: Trustees of Property. J. Shrubsole. G. Reeve. A. B. Coutts: Representative to Masonic Temple lCo. Ltd., H. G. Robertson. | In D..- ur-..._.1_.n n,,,n . ~ :- \/ . ;_nu., Al. u. ALUUCK noun. l W.Bro. San Coutts is one of the youngest presiding officers Cor- inthian Lodge has had. being but 28 years of age. Initiated only seven` years ago, his rise in the lodge hasl .been rapid. He was elected Junior! lsteward in 1929. Junior Deacon in I193!) and rose year by year until he ` {reached the top. His occupation is lthat of life insurance agent. Durimz the evenimr 2 Fact 1\/fnu-< (.1KZlZ Instals for 35th Time lat Corinthian Lodge 'j`\ 1 I HOG PRICES TODAY I ROXY - - HOUSE OF HITS Adults . . 25 Children 1 5c N!!}Yi!!rAP!is%B9!i9 750 ALL UPHOLSTERED SEATS 25c Now You Can Sit Anywhere in the House at Our New Winter Prices PRICE CHANGE IN EFFECT NOW DINNERWARE GIVEN AS USUAL For the 1:'r('.alesL you hzlvv vvvr st-(-n-in Tuilorml Suits or ()\"r(-oats f{:`i3,.i`" $22.50 for fhe first time since "sack Streef", in sum. Wharton : world-loved story of a rebel hear! in America : era of Iacecovered hypocrisy. STARTING TONIGHT (THURSDAYV) UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE '0 also have in st.o(',k--a. \'(`r_\` 1-xt-.rl|(`nt (`lmire in bath Suits and Ovcrroats. Prices start at $16.50. WILF. H.TODD Roxy Announcement MEN'S HAND-TAILORED -T0-MEASURE SUITS and o-mo OVERCOATS l . . . . , . . . . . . .. ...-......ux. . \IIVlI nu... I The annual meeting of the Centre `Sim:-oc Liberal Association was `scheduled to take place in the Barrie | Public Library Hall, Thursday af- ! ternorm last. On accmmi of the very ] unfzwnurahlc xventlwr mnrlitirms I prevailing 0!: Wednesday and l`liur:;- lday of last wt-ck. lhn innelim: was .pns(pnned until lht` middle nf Jan- |l$1I`V H.l1UCL(J(l. The matter was r1is('n\mrerI about 8 8.111. by Roy Green, driver of om- nl` the town trucks. who, with other {men {going to work, was in the (own \ya1'd back of the munit-ipnl building. |NoticinL: windows of the Int-kup hw- ing broken. Green forced the nut- ysidc padlock of the look-up and nn1~ ificd Chief of Police Alex. Stewart. When the fresh air rushod them, several men ('nl|np. ' F'n|Ir1r-on nf H11` 1\x.'nn1v..nnn u'ru-n in on lCLlHlU|EllC. The smoke pipe from Ihv furn:u-<- was pm. exactly airtight. with the result that the coal gas was di.- inated around one of thn cells and tho lock-up through which i1 pn.s.=:cd., |A man. who was loclced in ihis vr-H as 21 p1`isrmt-.r, was the most, sv1'im1sl_v affected. '1"!-un vv-n.l01.n `nun .13, ..u.n..n.l .. 1 mum, several men (`OIlll])S(`(l. F'nurt-on of 1110 1w('n1y-nm- wmw` Itakon to the hospital in truvks and imxrn. VIKING 1s BLAMED

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