.--vault] | ns. V.\Ir. Debs is not likely-to sum... '4n+bet~ter-ehantho.=c who have `under V 1" Pr$0*,i }'f (The jPlZ05{!'05SiY5k '5`. `kesi-if `is 9., neemt.'y.1iz Mev`eryi1home:;~:Parn .-;-1 `miniat; : u3oti;gni:16yi}xeii. oijmnt; , tux-to` '.B__etAId;i-'-tI6'lr"~`l?o;1`t_\o_z`xa. _' * 4---..._I..-. 6125*. 0 '11 9 d;.womeu;~bu" igli ' 'ht- JA- n.`.`I`.`$, E`}`i.A.+unus fum('oungant3`old. : 1, YOURS men yum Jvvutun Ibm ot recxtat1onsor~; ` elocu 'on,.9rntory, voige ' C.nvssi" 350m 0. moilth and em pie `sent THE n BRg Y~GAR: AC E-N- 1`% `mhkimz .vou`hnve seen_ (or; IN 3'1 -_ocx V No havy band: and springs '. Truss odn}p1ete.w3lght nly 4 czs; Book on Rupture FREE at ' 81091131011, ,vlnl||.UA _y month at Cunvkasbg scum HE," BR DLE oronto. Ont, non -mooxnuu: w. .._l.`._._____ m mAmh ` ` mu mounucuu.'"_" ' " '? M- M0 m9i;th and _eM19\ 5.nvi\ss1"g samge sent vs; 'I.IE; - BR -GARE 'o.'o1\to_, Ont, `Ullllby `u-Juuuu, nfuv u,...........'-. buiidaa 'I{ma:='e .of R 5,WhQthe1- ym - _; thiavote w'as'the` result oi a gradua chmige of opiiiion rin its t1vi)r,: or a , Ldsirgto get nn1_Mm,.t_erVsiettle w 1c was to their notie at every County V 7 C_oi_1nci1 sesE5;qns,`.is i:un.1ater.iu1,Jhe L have$eJ.1ditipthe,mot satisfactory ck ' inuanixer.- ,1t~:.,is. pleasant to notet1'1e 9' , L_ u_bungeof.bpini<;x1 w[1`. has come over . the. members of th }3'i1g`(1s;t Tbody.. and 1? ,_ thepub11c_*gmera1ly lngreggrd to L119 M ' .Hou.-aehvf Rcfug`e.du`ring- the past. few F` V ` .yezira.-f It is not so long _since Eearcely _}_ 9. 'chmr'1pio_n {qr ` it guld `be ` found eimong the Cu11t3'*Council, I: whihtodayvits vote -vspea.ksAfor itself. ;" `In bringing about this change if public V .opinidutheindefatigible labor; of the V ` _cgy;of our "denomimyvtions arid the . pre%bf~tl1eC`o1xn`,y have done .19. very ` giczxt deal,-_ ' l"ew wiII,_dcA;':_y that` the mez;a'u_r._"i3 ziggood one, whether vi*{ve_dL A :from- ah ecdnnical or - `humei1iit'arizin' imam-;aiaf.... Tin; hussirxeexs sidc ofthc `Qf.t'hV9 que`s=VbidnL ';wr1_a most._ ably sec ` {fa`.h".i:'1'f:31 kixtick.-` in ithe ' }'3xam'rfer`=o'f I two -"w~2 Ex;I{eve,T{Jpl:n ' %R'oBs bf In'nis1' Showing` _t}1at`thcse 4 pa_m*_ hotxxalm old pa(_>p1c-, cmxigl he ~kapi; v ht i_nuc'h lsifexpenxse tqihe Oouny in gli a'_hotim max: if1'hef' 'com`rnqu.' gaol. `The"11.1i111aj;bita,vian side of , the" qupstibn- ' ;_ ...1 .- `r.;,,...;.`.;i1.r 4- ' I h to ~ us: `pl: O5T.1 ` In ' Ibo -ltobolh. . to cum mu-no ta =nlIA`loVlA qty onus ~ I - - : .; n.A_.; W%=',ed.\.? Opp Post omce _Y_`I.'um s1ii;`l{g, ;t-1'x`e_- vhe$3b't mg is: mduey~ for memv u...da.y.'.Yout - I3 11 ten dollars '\vf2:k13atyo a. lady_ of. Eh at this Store thd ormunity. ' Instead of tung over back pages in sarch of `profit, we wiH let_ this samp lQ_' of -`en'te1p1'i:s:,be another: instance favor fo\ osition. ` Of 0111' *x*xxxxx%%x$x%x*%x%xx%x Wef1ia9 fepeatdiy mad fhe asseriaiorgv """-x~.;.g~ `we can.a'o1:d;`tc:ce1ebrato`the D_iamod- Jubilee Five` Toints, Barrie, * % ,.7`gR_oge_rs Old _Stand. FRASER .ALae1.G1;rtain$ and Drap6res_ % Tm: St':ifY){ Pennsylvania has L just passed at law tdlmposeavtax of three V cents a day on all unnau}mlizedfdreign- 9ra_ernployedix1 the State. The contest for the palm for absurd legislnlion goes T on, but Pennsylvania leads yet. As the Philadelphia Record says: In whatcfer light the law may be placed, it is amost. contemptxble and repulsiye ; measure. entirely worthy of thQ_legisln- ` 1 tive body from whichit has emauatpd.' . The asylum for the oppyssed boast is~not heard so often in the States Lace Curtaiigs Ranging`f1jom 560, to $5.00 pf pair ` Dies: lGo.od:.s and % 11111.-ling 2(5 Gastumes ' in lovely colorings Vancll `latest __ ,..'.._.. ...;;...:m; L. .\;.:m (Mm Q`2'K 4-n QR H0 '2 N Uostumes In luvmy uuwuuga a.uu- mucnu -m=,{wes. ranging in_pi-ice from $3L50.to $5.00.-4_7+f-+' : New Te_xppeb_Mus1in,s, Orgadies, Cardonets.` _ progrssive -methods in storekeeping.` > ~.Bestfor,fee`twA1;-ich afe`I9I_1g fromAbaLl_ tb toe, 7 "and short 'om_helIt_-o ball; -Ordinary Shos j_curve`upwards.t_o sharplyfor such feet, " . ,_ben`ding`_them Full ridged box 4 : t curving sides, and stylish effe<`;E?".-V Laced, i Butgqned; ',C0igre_ss,~ ' c?>r; - E ' ?0xfofd."jlack;=-ffan--4Seal'Birov?n~ " `-.-armin>++Win-; ~.SiZSa,'5`;t'5 `:1 V " "' `/L tq` f V. Weltfd,-fr $73, 3'4'.s$5 ;. , .'i.%.`5"`"*`*` % V`-"' .1='I.s-.;. ;li-. .&`..i.-Q `751at;tread * shape v -,A',Vf\|I;(i`>`.)'AF`|,1El,:L has ben of flirct benet to 0311' stock is conipletauyin this dpartmeht arid` ye~`a-]ea'n find great values in Art "Draperies, brightmfects, a11.a.(: moderate cost. W -ha;ve'.;added.to this departzent s6me"ch-oico recent'pI0dt1ctipns_n0tv shown `in; the earlier_ seasop. T ' ' ` Ila ` {apron}:-.-hnhtf DOW. been (lismssd. The public have Loan ~ `prepared for this result` by the rmzfrl: \ of the J ndges of tliia various sittings of `this court. held to deal with the case `i8l8i8l11El1l}0fl-ll_C views theig Lordshipa * corismuency. A Until such is given it is ' to be assumed that they` _will discredit _ a11dtakiing full zidvantvageof the'amend- Tm: London election petition has Ii; will hie interesting to have` 21 full held of mo voluminous l.9Sl.llll0Ilyg0lUg to establish 9. svidespreadiand thoroughly orgamv.e(ls"slem of bribery to cariy the ' thes\\forn testimony of many witxiessos, 1 `lA.L:A-4 L4 Md-.....'l 69:. eSuudu.y so on! yzianlcxo rfi`ily'l4se4tvo.x/\tii. 1 iei1 .a`ti'ip to `H Hooia: FiLLS aot.Voua\ilyVtin * 1J? L V { onithelxvrani1b0W01-`. +Qu,m*khw {_ 4_ 4 _th'eo1uyVwhe- g - M.\ ` K. Lur(1ay,~`29th was :s_ grmi - tug gztwnbs ' ` ey 1`p. Uuum i.-Grey. . . ti in . 1 a - - I I "i),L$,,i .t).l"t 5H:\\f`.Y';Bll."`V and-R... M tai " I .f9.m,a,.wim_: .muum x*J.Luv ...u....-.- ..- benets to the respondent Ji1ft.he case- _1`l;ev_l1=sve'-ut least set up a startling 'pr(-,cedcnt.. 9. ` _ Arm} yam of deernouuf County Couxiil, hm conc1`ut1e.d- q 1 1 -1|`. . .,'_ -1` T5..f..m-. Wvhnf.` gmgna ,L~i"MSQ f11'e|`l Mu_ dM `.3hmh in '1" manta '_: lm cgryynugxgeg M Wi1}jg`5 .. "I116'{1`11i1JVR};>|Ltl;!7Lu;1 mu; u., .i._.., .,.,,...,.. 9 ` hggi. been F prggent_:(1 sq_/ frr:_qunlyf Sq ad col unsylmay ivisl. u"4%_2ieAcs3s,ssuiy gtp ' V ;2;*:i#n1V~if**~teri: > fair = bfit 5:. 19 ,` Say ~ that` ns Si31j`:h1):d has . j fch~ar1t 'b1e,}Gkiri:tiaii. person` -in - CU uuvuxu x.uvu.u.J ..- ._ fo xsjor getting the `coveted . g5i':6i:f6'?E m'.'.:.-umstauces mad such I BIA 39'). no Tu Eunutxx I ~ X V Vehmmeione, new June. 1397. ` I:`uV.iv`ll`ne"l(3iif6o'=i`Jf 1o1c_.'s.-aszvalrzer. T V " Du! SIR:-.-WhilaVh'and1ng you forfpuho information I element 0! tho`*Jnhilee Cele- nanees; permit me the tothenk ou"~ ox the tree use of you: pips! during the futix weeks. and for -our udminbla report ' of 1113 eglubmion. our kindness donni- bnted In no unell `degree to the mecca of ' Tuenda lut. Also Allow me uinoerely he thunk 1. {those :3 when: the town wdmyuif, ere. indebted for the heart uaiatap"<:e ac-` corded me, especially Mr . W. K_ortright,' secretary. Dr. Keikez, c eirmun-of-water - ugorte, end Capt. MoPhee, who took charge` 0 the {i eld spam. Then gentlemen rendered ' me very feithlnl Iupport. To the Ffra Bri- _gade, whoeubscribedlibenllv. built an arch, and took charge of the grand street nelne; to the St. -George`: Society and two Son: of . Eughnd ladgea,_who mbecrlbed and built two line arches; to Deenhligan and the ' C.M.B.A.. for their hehfty co-o rntiori ; to > M}. W. 3. Salldeluld the I. . Foresters, "'4 I In AI-ah and wlmuo Cabin ""4"; won v-uvuy \,...,... who ereu(cu .. VH1 ' -, u. Mum Home muck a aympathe choru . .; Buchanan and Blakeley and the Orangemeu. for the discreet {use made of their organiza- O:nn in In-inn Mind-bdv 0` use made ot their 0l'K3l.II'l.u- tion to bring 65 solid" body members to town {to the 0.0. Foresters. n he subscribed and took part ; to the tradesmen who assisted greatly by decoration and oatsfto the Sons of Scotland, who, in response tothe order " of their grand secretary, built a signal re ; and to Dr.. Wallvsin and the yvbeelmen I am much indebted. The School Boards. Town Council, military bodies, boys brigade and the ladies, gave me every support. Com- llaint has been heard that acharge was mhde or admission to the grand stand, and his, Worship the Mayor has demanded of me an ` explanation. Neither myself or my com- mittee are at all responsible, nor are the Council, so far as I can learn. My desire was to have secured -the stands tree to the ladies, but found persons representing the Hospital ulreody had possession of them._ The Grand Strnds are controlled by the Agricultural Society, and I understand that application had beenmade by the Hospital Committee for their use for the day to aid in the Hospital funds, which was gronted tor that . urpose. ` The su scrlption lists I issued` in favor of the Hospital have not yet been returned to me, but 1- understand that they represent about 8l500, to which amount I have much pleasure in adding about $90, `the balance surplus lro_m - the games and sports account. as below shown. Ho ing that the Institution may from this time orward have the heart}, support of ourcitizens, and prove a lasting ' benet to the sulierinpz and poor, ' < ~~ ~ Yours sincerely, Janus WARD. REC!-;lr'1`3--Lu ouum...,........ . License holders, 3100; Town Council, $100. Sons of England (Barrie). $20; (Alhmdale) 35; Fire Brigade. 320; R. L. Rice, (booths), $15; refund from sports committee. S15. 2 R: mnh:-(`.zmtain Whish, Major Ward, I$15; from sports commmee. cw. ` S5 each5-Captaiu Major G.-W.lo;>.right`, Geo. Raikes, C.0. Foresters, Thomas Sidsworth. J. R. Cotter. E. E. Williams, Bank of Commerce. Bank of Toronto, Ilmvson 65 Creswicke. - To entries to games, 84.90.. * . J. A. Mn_cLarcn.' 84; J. H. McKeggie. $3. $2 each:--Wnlter Scott, John Scott, S. ` Wesley`, Alex. Milne, C. A. Perkins, Dr. [ Addi:5on, D. H. Mn.cI.1uw.-n, E. '1`. Tyfcr, R. , A. Douglas. John \V.0oda. . I911 rmch :-~R.. Love. Fred; Man`, F.N. \'V.00ds. `$1each:-~R. Love, Mn.rr,`F. N. Wm'rcn,.T. N. Hobley, R. J. Fletcher, Hy. Ellis, A. A. Simpson, P. H. Stewart, S. W.. . l)zWia.,}{V. J. HaI1ett,.N.\V`. E. King, Mrs. Lully.--8373.90. . ,, n`vn|.~\'nVI`\Hl)f .;.R\7 Pam: 1.zmy.-oo;o.uu. `D . 1-:`xm;:x'D1'r_u11E.-'-By Paid: Field and water sports . .. School children : nrizes .. . . ,. . l*`irM \'urks` and illumination. , . . . . Printing, postage, 0 c... . . Incidenlsals to lunch. . . . . . . . .. Sumlrics.......;..............`... ; Cash anrplneto llospitzll. .' .. 'B'ar)rie, 2-am June, Low. 1 DEA_R SIR :---Kindly. permit me. through your columns,_' to return to the iadies of the town below mentioned my sincere t-han[;s fox their very hearty aupportgin. tendering to ` our defenders the-lunch in the Town Hall, es I have not, also sent supphes. I also desire thank Mr, Wm. Taylor, who so willingly assisted in tho decomtionof the tables with `plants, `and also those whokindly le11t'a.r'ti'-` . cles forho occasion: Mesdamcs (Colonel) , O'Brien. (Dr ) McCarthy, (Dr.) ,\Vo1ls, Cre5\vicke,- J . H. Bonnet.b..CnnlIe, Alex, 3 McCarthy, Iiallett, Jol1n'St;ephons.Stra.thy. .6 1 Russell, D1) McLeod, VVbst~er,,.'J G Scott, t C H Ross. Thou McKee, Simmons, Bzu`nfuIm` 13 3 Monkma'ii,`f'(iJT`B6yiT(11Ilg;zj7hd:xgn~ ix Forsyth, Mao\vnt_tr._ .Lower,\Ge.brgollogg. i Stephens. J Povvc, Hubbert, J, Wo'ods, R 1 King. Sn, olnms. (Dr.) Ca1laghan,,Moran, \"c.nSitt-art. Byown, B1\rnn,_(Co1onch C2\mp- E _bell, (Dr.)` Patterson, S Louut,.Sl1eppnrd, Laily, Booth, Johnson, James Henderson," Shanncv; McL. Stevenson, (Major) Smith, ' lsoaunko, Wziy, Ault, MoPhee, Findlay, ] 0rmsby,Vl)ut.t.on, Conrtlallrl, .Haunilton,A` Reedy, Thoa Johnson, Pae, g\\ m. Johnson, Dougal, Warren. Johnson, K. 1`c-as. Sf Sowrcy; Ford. -Henry" Sewrey. P-arkos, G. Sowroy, Dotxgifll, I{nul Gmse, Turner. and Misses Rog'erso1x_, `Ross, Harpur,~ I):-\1;z::1\zsx1dI.ee, ' ` W ' " Yours ornfy. i JJl'o.'\ll -Jllu of your paper, vterrms, to thank M`rs."Ward uudthu ladies wl}3"ae'7;ki gL'aaisted ' her, for thoirvkind _'I`ho`1unch ` COIIHMGIRHOD ,on Jubilee` Day.~ tendered by them was most umplewind gm-y much enjoyed, and the ladiegau'il1`p2}.rn1ou me for ssiyingthab I-9.111 gl.aT to nd that vthe Britjnh ' soldier` still` ' is, as .lxe~ "always ' `ims ben; and Ltrusl; will ever c.0nt_imie.t'u be; u izsvox:ite \5i_it;h.vexy r_ue.Britl h'_1nd37.f - ` ours truly, W_;`_ ~ A ~- " .JAK114 amd on helmlfryf bh olcem. non-conu`r.ismm1_etl otccra and men, and the , 1 _ , WM4 ;Major,g 35th"B`aLtali_(mj` .~' J11 Dunn . . ~j{,J1_111_283-;-l.`;i\LgI1 Mc(3a1`l;1'm,-oi N (m iraf~ket, ; -and?11iaqr1:xu;.qhterMeentricg-spent cg fvi with A Mcualiufxl East week." " ; ,J li`Hi)pc\?tQqlqb1=n:taa1I:f1e 92u(1i_ha}n v .Mtii",Wi1} _Stzriug uml . d*..V9.'f her` vuudixyf /nchhal` ~ `n`n'nn- um": oida.v m a Mnionioia1nng'Vthe_ ` J li`IIci)[m?\cqlqb1=n:taal the `42uq;n_,qa}-nu: A `r=|K=~%I.s'=4wen~~tim2 in ;.Tr2:9z:19:.998.'_&I9. \)ea`.n,h'-',. V _ p__., .. ' . ' ` Mrs` S Dean. _\"ho hams beBn`v,Isitiin'2Ir.'1eudI' ` T0rontb;+Hnn'med hot1'e`o1xSa\1(I\n`-?f- 3 _ ` ilxmssprin-;;= visited xriendgmj` ,a`se'y`,` '. met` wank ' ` " ` V- ' " '5 `gee :`\d,u`ma., of saupm; spent sggnday dim .Mr:i",Wi1}_Sgzr*i:1g her"S1udhy_`/nehc:ql' ` 'HI'i\.\ Th;3 ling 1;t'11\'n(idirof;`~Su;JWWi`. ; 1 ` Imm S11rr .6 . nun nrnnnr Du Muueuuuu we LU. noreawrs, ne arch, and whose Cabin ` V . Mann: .._......... nEca1rf1~s--To Subscption: - u runn. 'l\...-... (1....n .-G . JBa1'rie'," : Allow me through tht;`mu`Hmn r behalf of bin: ....,1 ,\mm..-u nut] mm-.. anal "Barrie, 2-Sch June, 1897. :..,u.. ....m.i+. mn. through kc-.5:VI<;'x'-v>r.`tlcs1h[tY.1`e3'2nt}}4LJa!`xei v-,-.-;- `Wing Men Know? ~_ . ., "13%` F. 18 2.`` Itia'fo1ly\`o' b{1il5.up0't1i`P9if , " `:"`*"""' . .`9"{-`3-`-"v~ emrer -ivr.;rhiteetrsi:sc:*2r;'.ii~;wit?!-. ;mm`haa'been`vsaicin%riei:dq ` "`' I" W. fduhdutiori hf aan`d7 ' A mrmed hotmoxn Saturdm } I d`i~": `y m.mm by mucmm otvxnerva H` n'_(;` viaited friendaiii'V`\%:uaey',L `compounds xa equQall1yVdqngerou9 and deg-v. .gapti:ve..T118uuewavtbduphe=\1!h % a'1m_;your blood.'p\m,= mic}: and ing Ijloodfa Sau'snpayi11u. --`qr kufn week. V =.~ ag1;th\'n6drof;}~SxilIW?2`. is 1.0 mi ._ of Baum, npgnt cit nomiahing by Ink my---:...._., nmsou; Yoursrufy. ( I. ' Hn1>1m1z..\n j W .m1i. WIIUBU VHUIU . xfu .. .._ ---:-:-* .5129 70 . V rmss commmmrw. A25 00 Tuyegmmz Now when the'Scnate has 895 7 `G9 30 into the business of saying the -:ouutrY-`-V-h. u->~ MT.;"1 uni. fhn mrrl Ehb 5:373, 90 ` ` 30 oesit nob are mm mm Eu`?-V-t-of 7 from the expense of maintaining 1 ' 20 75 existence`) - ~ '90 19 - u..o.m1;m Nicriihz It; wbuld h `ZUIU -99 191 existence: Saturday Night: churlish to have raf the dircunxstahces, : Loo smooth a. antler mony of the ubilee an hopor. n..L.....m u..=:mm'm honor. _ l . _ Oshawa Reformcm Mr. Foster reached (WW 1 the: height of abeurditf when he declared very fact, that the that watches the a uxury. This eelf- in M; ofum. constituted champion of `the working men hjjm onion 1; ' ' 11' h~Th%.l3 they `politah assemble; oles so l would not be able totell the time o e uny. mug It `fyfgi highest `types wi It would, be ihteresting to know when and `* where the ,'I.`ory party has ever been the the surviving re ' eavngery; the na '. `frientljof the working classes. . ai11ilt \Vhitney told the ride beneath th. `alongside `will .h ' Conlservzitives of Norfolk Countythzit the ! duty of tho Ontzuio Government was to keep .u,,,1e SW93 m ` `expenditure-within income; Certainly. And Gemm,y.m,1 111` 3` Lllilt will always be enev.`All the Legislature win Wu; above ' hatFi'e`to`Withheld some of the customs Cogsacka; the `c My gran `e from the schools, the cheritehle be ggen u,,'m1e}; institutions and the agricultural eoeietiee, the Mexim Ru leaving` the uumicipalitiee to pay 9. larger Vthg'S?anigh.Va( proportion of the coat of the administration Amuc '1`am, of justice, and there willbe a large surplus are among me _e\"ory year. The `Provincial Government world s roligh . does not need to resort to" direct texetion. "gems; of the ,9 "' It can-allowtlie iniiiiicipalities to tax them- 5 signicant my 7 selves IL little inure}-ivlien Mr. W~hit:i_ey'gete, throughout the *4 into ollice. _._ ~ > .\,r,.,.+.-mi \Vitneas: If iingoism is an evi- , " I --- 4 oice. ` _' - -. lVIO!1t;l'03_l\VitDQS!_: jingoism evi-`I cler.cen_f wenlgheaa in t\. statesman brought to ; the strait of aequr-ing popularity at home at l tho expense of friendsliipabroad. nothing is-ijgg more nu\jes_atio.tlion the stern repression of ' h every oxpression that` inoyhreeri ill will or ' i, suggest the possibility of quarrel. l rofnse ` c 7 Looontomplote tl16.DOS8lbiili'A' of war between ` (1 two kindred peoplesf was the word of Mr`. Laurier when questioned an tothe military V ` sironmh of Conxidu. in` these. words are 1 registorerl `cL'V(l6cl`C0> gone forth from ~hei:.ven ` and .lu:or(l by_ prophet oars. They `ore the \ voice of 0. g:,ro.n faith` inthe progress of the , jirohii6d new'.enrtli; Nothingrsince ,tlin,dh3Lg, of `George Washington has done so rrritoh to 1 restore harmony hotwoen the two seotiong as the English poople as has this impoi'ia1'jubi- lation. which has aroused in our neighbors not jealousy -but brotherly pride, and dro.wii` them to us gind, as iroonseqxrence. on to ` .tshem_. Anion` on in Canada, it is nowsemed `inrallinimla that wear British in allegiance of~ lie2'u;t..'if Ainerioan in climate rind waya. Int` 7 us henceforth `look for,,tl\nt whiol_rwe opnlilr in our. neighbors and` do whamvill mhlmthm like n's,ao that kindred .a`we_ 5.1 ate "un_d- living on o_ne.~\lot, wo`_in.oy{dwol_,l .... ...;~..`.n.-m~ in hurnionv anel_,mutuul liglpfnlpsa; :SENSAT|ONALL f3:l`NECL:dTHlNG lllnn vuu-. ls'\xI;g;'. o:i1'une.~\lut, \vo m,L\y .dwel} 1 tugetlxer in hcmminy P_ig1pfu}_ussa;- magi) ; act. 'ei\ilyV5 and 't1dn;1"xi%`15 on me lwfer dnilbowel/5. 1Qu_rVeLaigk heud~ tam," ..._.;..........~. ",- r Night: It would_ haveabeen ) rafused knighthood under xstzmces, and Wilfrid Laurier is . geutlenmu to dialsurh the hz'\r- ' xe Jubilee by a boorislxy refusal of Reformlm: t abaurdit :hea xi lluxury. l ' 'oles h .thg_t ` $10,000.00WOI'th orMen s, Y0uths %& Boys wFine%s11its &Trousers i This Remarkaibile T_ransacti0Tin*iC1Uthing is of transactiens csonsuninmed By this rm. `We have the ` s similar opiportunity has V transpired i`n'Canadai for` ye superior clothing at ahything.']:'-l'.e. the` prices which `~we1 -` f\.... :.........,..m' ~u1vin]1nao an-~.fainq' the-mnszti(ie.<:ir9.`n]1 (I:.l.lJ.ULli.I;1&'.I:;.sV. VV_ "Iv--vv-V, . . _ . -_`_ .. * Our imme'nse1purc11ase co';1ta.i(11s' theme t desirab` %b;y:( >urse1ves, at _th_e Kgrjeat salg gm _hich_took placein the ; of Her ` L BLB.RIK.\TURSD:\Y,, JULY 1. 1897.1 CASHMAN & ~PERRYS..@.. ` em:Au- msrnn srrnzozg; %ofd the Mate1 ia1 or Wo1'kmanship',. The Cloth- ing.is `die he$t- m{1n`tifactu1'e-9 all` th?9 sea- sbi1 s . high grade \g`armentg,[ rhad of fine Ivmpol-ted and Domestic Tweeds, Serges and `No question about the *'terli_ng Worsted; nO*undesi1'able on trashy garments`. in vtjhe Avhole lot. z=\:d:\'ve 1'eactually` belowl hcosltlol mamifactm-e`. lwlthoutf the material, so we can.affo1'd;,tc:cel'eb1'ato`the Jubilee The prices lve p ` `_ V _ .f Majesty by ` offering ./the most liberal prices` for superiorclo$hing,_etl;at'hss Vnmked the record reign, l 4 . . The'chances are all in favor of the customer, _and' those who buy .will be enthu"*.tic enough to.come again and keep coming; tls a` poor. dollar that comes to us at/the` cost; of a:custome'1"s'sat`=:f;;ctio11. We stand -back of egerythiag we sell, #A-__..___ _ 4 13311: uitmsnar, 2 Jim 1`, 2 1897.` yr Trinlu I in------ _ Mlministwtioll 1`artar.'v.nd,our` own wild cowboys We zxlarge Bl!F>11_1B among atrfanga cavalcadgi _of the_ incial _GOVemment _wor1d rough riders.. Tnily a coggg to-'` direct xation `gether remote comers/Vof the world- alibies them" a signicant tribute to the conquest of peace 3 \ Vhit:\,ey gti`, throughout world. ' ' I * . _ ; its useless h nm evi-'1 ' .~ . m_brought THORNTON. V I hm, H June `29~-Oixr junior football team" went. d n"thi8`3-{to Stroxxd last Saturday and managed to- \`9I)\`953|_9 05' have the game a draw. On the same even- ` 3d ` W ing a team fronv` Bethesda came here t6 try 91- 1Tf3'co1xe1ueions` with a scrap team and was f.W1Fb6V\V9{\`(1efcated by twogoals to one-. V `mnr "E NIL! 'r1.pP.av, M_:sm.r1iri2`nreaohed his fara- \Vhen, three cannon shots are fired one of July 7th. Jxith aring trumpet eno sounding drum, ...; ColonelW:F.Cody, (Bu no triumnhal march through the streets of this town"; He has headed many` another e _ oevulcade, whose mission ': fact pu_blio---and this newspaper is is of that same public`-delights to do hijin on`or.` It will bee strange and cosmo- politan assemblage ofhorsemen he will lead rougi esrc .""' ' will be seen ifreternizing with savegery ; navelry ihen of England will the Cross of St. George. and .be Old Glory oating" over the `crescent of Mohammad will unfurlerl over is troop of Arabians; the Mexican R-uralie, the Arqentino`Ga.uno', 1 the S anishVaquero, the Texan ranger, the I1 Tartar, andour` wild cowboys .. . ...,. ....m.m um utranore cavalcede. of the l ) l 3 e 9 1' Bill) will start upon his e was not so peaceful as the `I > one which will follow him` '- . Itisbecause of this representatives of American _ ~ Ssm s troopere; the' blaok"Eag`ls of . the imperial Ensign of Russia j wave above the E_mperors Uhlans and V L l Colonel w triumpt stre has ` (lefcated twogoa \ \Ax'unsuocesa , in. laatTS1mda.y gvening. . I whlch wa * many `friends of I \ 8 1 i f 3 Ci 1. 6 ll 9. U 5.- - at "Writing, L `Al 13 go V. The Rev. M. 5p.r1irig'preaohed val! savmr,-n to the Mebhod_is'" of this_ place Alarge congregation V aid clear attention to the eloquent address a deliverar1. We join with "the M1`. _Sparliug"`inwishnpg ,hiaL`V::x;T;v:j6TLv1_:<>_f ,}9,b. 3, Richmond Hill. _' - . 4 ,. Miasi Minnie, daughter of our esteemd merchimt Henry Bull, was mamjied-_laat. \Vedne;~:day'in the .'1`ownline~Prebytar-ign ~ clxuruh fry 'tHe' Rev. G. B. GI`8gg`t0-./Dr`. D. B. Heury, ufSouhhLyoI_1, Michigan. " Th ' young couple lef_h on Smunday morning for tht.`~i1,` new home,wwhere`r\1.he Idoctor ,ha'a'- an xtgnsiy'e.` u1_'mhve pwlotisv6.f"`~WeV wish with `_1_1 {rany/f`t}e1)ds.qf,Itlie `yjoung qbupl-9. V I. long and px`us_p'ero\_xs.czre`er for them; ,..'1"n9 b1'i' , of . ovr moat _' popular: young A l&.ie.$. .`_ ., . , ` Abea\_xtifu!' shower`. V "H ,' '3-:Ri;.u;=oI Nix.(m,and`~Roberh W.eat pmcl )1;h.e 1`a'tt,en-`g,brpthe"r J o_h}1 a._ v _iait _ l\ _NBWt0l:J' H Hgiuun 7 l[E;el`B_~uLumxcA~ vvuu u._ -_..... .. ._.,. R5tiinou.' " .'.7W.extend,(-B{:. . A%.:nse.mxs::Em~r% ":01 . the .Wesh, Ward :'s:1`)}$``l,W,"}3ar,r`;e,. `pup f ; \kihrlest_ wishesvfor him I`s'qo bin: new field of laboron the statfof The "Advance. V M`ohs're. 'Ferg'usg. n z`,a'1,1,(_l_'l,lI_li`1Vl, W/heglegtg` f!\....mn(-n n Hui 99l\ L Ell! -I.NUll`|.Iu LII! Mra; Stev-maul; n.- L M. r.mmmin' on Mra.~Stev\n_'soq j ~- VMr. Langhlin of Su_nnldl. is `visiting an` A J. MoQ.1ui,n`g.. q ` J mph`, Ball of WarLmh1ln,_tor, ubtendgd lm j gwedding ofhia aiaoalgumweaki -. Q; ` I A A lmze number `of pupils It lwlu In mum qu `btlohsrs. To_ront_q on the 22:21 ' Mxa.`I.aamin;.~.o Mm; Stevenson 3.; upgv .; an`, _ "M2:iV1. W?1H1:6gl'c]_Vt9` Topontb,/; qg . % "5 @@@@@x .__._"""'__T__-___..__.._...,._...__...__`.... THE CONQUEST Oi: PIZAGIL. ,..4 K atevn-`ed A-nunnn AF Tnhy "H1 A \ MIL Dabs, wbogfdw yam `ago was" leading a revolt agiinst law and ord_er the Stages, `in now 2:15 `the head.of a . ahenmto foungi a c__o-opemiva utopm wh9ra 100,000 unemployed am} penni- Jm men` shall nd wmtort and h&ppi- ~--and} _--; \r uh: . (3.0'Jta.1(11s tnemosn Ges1ra.o'e_se1eco10ns, uraue putts 'uu on wghichjook place in the Cimy of Montreal last Week. hi ng is ) suchmagnitude asfto %ec1ipsea1lL former rm. `Weghavethe verybest reasons or knowingthat no ed` years, of 4sec`u`ringvS_0` Valuable at stock of? the` Awhiclywere accepted from us. T > A ] V ains themost desir;1.b`eseleci;ions, made pers vonalyon thespot n 1: - 1 _...L .....n'|.. A rum. LINE `orrxxn: >_ V 1GELEBBA'l'ED____.._-_- \G1uthe Trusses Seager s-.. !w~A%NTED%;n I mamm "me; 'renem'ut'- ` _ I1-an payten dollars _ , ` weekly l0 lad _ mamfewge;'x'enemnt'-and met to span --her- tlmem 9. good cause. ` ',-_ _ , T`. H. LINCOTT; Toronto. Ont. yrv npunyu-3 _ I `Men. nd Wdmcn` `who'canvwork hal talxg and wrltmg six hour.<`-S daiiv. forislx days a. we and )V1ll~ be. content wlihten dollm`s wee_k1y` {\(.1t11`ea8. ,. j NEW IDEA GO,., Bxa_m;ord;L0nt . .....-. ..._. V *` , .._., V _ _ _ ` ___I.uxn'ust.s1m`L1ng,.me ' S mdneyi-. making youhave seen or memy u..,.da.y.`.`~Your nngnemud,-adciruess mu; xiuggthe golzdengmfonw H I ` Ont: ` f`;*_P`+. 9:`9SGW%' Tim-`onm; xx" `All01\'G.,1B applications for. the ` men who wor membershf the` Finance t I . V _ I position of County Treasurerer, we find 1 0 ` ` I I I I Oommitteiafhaomo time durihg the poriod when the shortages were going on. What worthy. sucoessors these M \ A would`iiYa oTo the late Trasuror-!, The able manner in` which thy looked other the nances of thowoiiixly when in oice `should 'certainly 9 ho`i_n their ` \ , u:._ ._ AL . imunhn`