v ` - ` 5 Boys mce. 13-15 yeu.1'.~;-R Tun-aulce. _ A Griiths, J Tyne. ` Girls 15 vmu-s:':u1d nvv1'--.T(&s'zsie("l:1rk. A runwn. .3 mcneuzxe. 1 Boys race 15-16 yea.rs-P Biughzuu, =< E Sevigny, F Anderton. ' E 'Thrmvin;z baseball. hoys tumor 11 years -G Hearn. B Thom sun, (` J or-_v ` _ Throwing cricket bull, nys over 11 ' ye:xrs-C Scott, 0 Lyons, W Buddy. ` Potato race, boys-C Kennedy. _ Pobu.t._o race. girls under 11 ye~.u's---2 [ Falkner, M Buch1mau.'E Hez1rd.. _ ,, Boot race, boys under 11 yezu's--Q Bothwell, R Bunridge._J )IcDon:1Id. Boot: race. girls under 11 yuzu-s-P` Lang. B Hudson`. J. Mzxrrin. 3 . ' `W heelbawrosv raA:e-E Brown and H . H uyu1euhu.uu l1.Jl.lll|.fl". Three legged race. 'b()\'.s over 16 -G Y i and G Culbert. , l . . i 'Y`k..n.n...n. .......ly.\l- Imll luxtvc un.I.n- ll Caldwell and W Vince. W .\l01`1~is0n :1 U l'lLll|.ll$, d Lyll. I _ - Girls 15 veins and QVL 1'--Jh3SIt`Cl1ll'k, A Patton. S McKenz1e. I).-\un u.nn.\ 1: IR vvxxnnc D Illnrpkunu DYmF ' U.Il(l ` 1\Iou'ison:1nd R'Fi1idlan;. 'I`lu..m `n(vIvnt` .3...-n T.-u 1U.0l'l'lS()I11l.Il(l IV l.`IIl(llit)'. Three legged face, J1-s--A Brmvn and " Diment and H ..\'li1le1--. = Sims,fA Sexzigny :mdS Brmyn. N. % Pnhluttxll and `V Vinmz. `V Mm-I-i.~4n|1 ' ' HUG U` L?|lll)I`E. . 'I.`hro\viug cricket: ball. boys x'u1de1- 11 ~ Vears-H Simmons`. V Nash. W I{o1s'e Halt? ' ` ` > V .1. field, l`h.. -1; LIICK. r Lllolllpsou, a 1' 1eLL'ue1'. :Boun race. boys over 11 yau's-D Milne, (,`~Tl1ompson. - . A Boot mce. nrls over 11 \'e2u`.s--S` McKenzie. L xlliams, T Clem-R. Potato mice, girln over 11 ywu*s~I., `Pie:-Ce, D Catuwmn, L Drm:Lldsm\.. Qnnly vvnrux `VT \f:-I"-n-Huv \\' RIIl|l\u y I 1 2 1:1. uymenc. Heavy m:u'ch1ng order _1-uce-J. C0195, 0. Foster. V -- \\7lm..lhun-unx'n u-mvu._I 'I`lnn-Inn` um` --.._--- N053 and By virtue 5: the Pdwers of safe L , . contained in 9. certain Mortgam In which de- 1'u.ulHms been made, and which wIIrFe'p;oduced at thg time of sale, there -will be offered for sale by Pubuc Auctxon, at the Queen is Hotel. in the Town of Barrie. on " - `~>-'.~ ~a.mnnn.v n...i Iuirv. IRIIW r1e1'ce,- U L`aLuw1'o11, L utmzuusun. . Suck r-.Lce--\V. McCau'thy. W. Burns, H. Dyment. Hmvv m:u'(`himI order race -J. C0195, U. rosber. ; \Vheelb:u'r0\'vrace-1J. '1`hmrl0w and ` W . Burns. .R. Colborne and J. ' (30109, H. Dyment and W. ;}IcCz`t1-my. Rmr rm-p_J.'I`hnrlmv. VV. McC:11'thV. . 1:1. uyment emu W. gLcLzu'uu_y. Egg mce-J.Th11rl0\v. W. McC:u'thy. H. Dyment. G-irla. m.m2._a F.r.hel Mt-K4=I1'/.iv. Tillv 11. uymenn. ` 1 Girls. ru.ce_--`=Et;hel_V Mc.K<=nziL, Tilly` Fortnr. ; [\Imr....ln vmna _T 'ThInIln\\r H H rortner. u Ol)st:w1e race -J. Thuuloxv, H. D. Mucleod, F. :\IcUm'bl1y. Flat_1-u1a--\V Bums, L G P0,t_1c_he1', D Mu1'1'B:y. V A , F`l.-;.r'. i~.~m:-(Rnvs Brigade. under 14. Mul-my. _ 4, Flat jmce-(Boys Brigade, yea1's)--W. McKenz1e, R. Paton, I Kennedy. _ ~ Plat. mwp. H-Invs Bl`l!2`.`ldt` Over lzxeuneuy. Flat race (B0ys B1`ig:1de H -yeau-s)-Disputed. ; - . A Anuy.and navy vetex-:L1x mcc--1i. W'zyItox1, R Collbrok. W. Guite; V ..4-m..,n;v nF1.QR:'.R mmn__H H1~ur;r, Iwmgrove, u urauzun. - .._ F r Boys race. 9-11.yem~s-~_& Fae. G `W mzmlie, 0 Smith. ' ` .1H1>0 ?v:%GH*-11+; r1%I5*w~:;*s:sEeBvo:i:iw=L };`3% _ Smith,0C-,x"'1pps. ` ' _ - N Boys mce_. 1_1:13yea;'s-i\V -.\[cKenzie, * VV.'!)'< I uelu, _ _ , _ Throxvjng lmsebzmll. boy\s over 11 years -C Luck. F Tlxoulpson, S Fletcller. 3 - Rnnr. mun. hnvs nu-.1 ll vo:11's-D` . Veterzms of 1865-66, mce--H. Gregg, 9 W zutou, rt; L,'Ol1D1'uKe. W . Lnlxw; #51. "King J12, J. Rutherford. ' Veterans of 1885 mce-H. White. Fat; men's 1Face--D-s Boyes; J. bxuitll. Clim1)ing gteas? `pole . T11U1`10W- . _ ` \Va1kiug greasy po1e-R. Ard;Lg1).' W. McCa.rth_v. . . , 'l`mr.n'F cm. nnlifmw vs. ba.nd-1st. Town or harm. on V ` SATURDAY. am TJIILAY; I897. A1: Txvelve o c1ock, noon. by Mr. E. Crawford. ' Auet1onag&tlxe foilowiug propexfty, namely :- . All and singular that certain "parcel or m_1cl: of v land and premises, situate. lying and being m- the Township of .'I`_ossqront1o, in the County of Sim- goe and_ Province of Ontario, oontainmg fty; eight am oue~1m1f,acres. more or less, and being composed of Lot number Tbitt -Three, in the" ,seventh Concession of" the;ai _Township`_of * by the Inilitary. Cullbtish Uy ULIC uauu, ;.uu \.uum.au nun G.-DIES FOR SCHOOL PIUPILS. The` prizes for each event were (30 _ and and are in "the ordL>.r-of merit`: ~ Boys`. rzLc.7 vears and um1e1'~S. Brown,-James Ken11(>d}-', E. Jory, V Boys` race 7-9 yezu-:~.'~'=.~L Haunlm. L ` Kennedy,"S McCa.ushmd. - _ I Girls 1-am -1.`. 9-H v:n's-AB1`eIxI1zm. F -uc)'LE"'\"v:L1", mllitary Q , '_ 1Ac ` B ' 1 Hienneuy, D M.CUH.L1StLl.n(,1. 5 Girls race`, 9~11 yea1's-A.B1*e1xmm. 'Wing'rove, GG1'-ahzun. ` ' I Rnva mu-e. 9-1l.vem*s-~_& Pace; ` Smith, U Umpps. - race. 11-13yea.1's~lW McKenzie,- GGIi_ddon, G..Plaxt;ou. . . - { fliuI: 1-n1-4:- 1215 vrzrme-E 'B1'[111t0n. `Ur G}1_(1uon, urlaxnoxx. _ Glrls race. 13 15. ye:u*.s4E `B1-u11t(_m, }B_ Metcalfe, E Brown. ' ' 1* it The 27151.1 a.nnua1 `sssion of the O1.-o T S. S.` convention xvzis` held In the HY Hzuvkstoue Met11odisL church Juueisl 21th After the -addmss of W.e1cm11e3,(f` by, Rev. Mr. Nixon. pas'tso1'.of tl1e}t] ` clltfrcinall listened m-;m~~Lut-iees'Hag-;P `[1-.port2`Lx}d natxcial stateme11t`f1`0m 111 ':[t1_1e W01-thy Secretary 0. M; D 0iLIIe,_`ih Snanty Bay. This was followed` by__;11 Rev. A.F. ;Websb_e1j s addpess..`v``Th'e :11 [}_'7pa.sto1*"s inuencge _1}x secuxrmg 0. uUe_ep 1 ..:_~nae-0f-.11esDQns1b111DV in cnnnm -'r.inn I -.SII9~0~%Sp0DSibi1ity" connection; _ t with S. 5,` work. ,Tl1B-E ---- -----L~]-jitt1e has t1"a11spi1'ed the past Week` J teachers ad oicers WES` showia "Y CountyT.rea.su1-y.' [twould seem that [`".pa.stor'S Imluence xu v\7wu,ub W U`:"L 1 Th Cmlty Treasury. .. `; P349501 inuence is g`3"'te1' t'h"m the `yin com1e_ction-with` the condition of the`, the fact that be S vi:-tmi-Ily head of the the gummy may 11.-we some di`icu1_ty church and is,'or_si_1ou1d be, in tuu(.:I1` ix-1 'mee:;.ing' their .pa,yu1ents, as the` withparents, super1ute`nde,x1t..teachers {,;nO311t;,,boppo\yed:has reached a.Imost_. zmd pupils ' W skhe ,m}j--xed by statute. viz., Sper] The sub'ect E"`e11t`ia1s of `L suc(-ess~- . . ~ ` ` ' ' ` 1 a.- a.d~ ' L. 0 u. ,.1.,..... ..m., 39911-5 G 139/ VeM;2s.\.1.?.`.:.y.' *l\1v;xcb1f'l1'nIxly mm A be` 3 mpabhetic, hospit~able.. prompt , a.nd"a ove all be guided by the Holy` 11. L -consec_1'a,l3ed{Ch1`ist7ia1_) realizing himself `tube .21, _stewga.1"d of the Lord, h.'1.ving? M the condence of` t,heV parents and. jve`_1_1e1`a.ble` their` chi_ldh0/"nil d.Lys._- AKn`ifs`o1j;o .,'1`o1:onto : interested - 51.11 M `_in~his\.ob1e~ep lessons} `with -i11ust;i~a.t9io_ns( a.n_(1 pupm . - - h `The subject; Essentials ofa suc(-eEs~- ful S..S; `t_;e-ac.11er,"Wi.~s ably h4md red7hy- I Rev'.,J, H. Brown. Dalston. Sou1e*of ' veil-e.`to< be 3. `sue-' ' "psas a. 'taQchr,' o1:e'm1xsb,1*st`be';L scholars, be lled with. an earnest desire for the convermou of the pupils, Spirit. which guidapxce can be obminedf onhlgf b being much in prayer. f ~,,.' 'j' 1*. oungj, o_fDa}stou, bh"eu" taxxghb the S48. ILz_i3s,son for 4th _JuLy ,' l1;a.v1_n`gY foirhis class the a.u`c1ience/_ Vwhihj"no' dou_bb.recu)Vled. to. some-, of the ngre rm ` `1Hf.ar` h'i=.n.i-inn` the ennrb "of Election .0ro 5; Convention. -:.JfvlzLEI s|50RTs. 1 ,Tossorout1'o, notheretoyre solfand convis Seysinth concession of me saxu 'l.`0Wn8n1p or the late John Stmthy. . - ., . . E Terms and condit1ou:_s_will be made known on gm day of sale. or in_ the memtime upon applica- 10 - v _ H V , - '- . gn r' ta.11gl;'. 1aL`na.1ue x`;weuu1uueg:_ , ` t , A As far as he.11ats_1nvestigaced. Mr. . hmm V. He_wson.`gives. -the state of_ja.:'airs as ` 3 folIoWsA,:;A1?ziii'since` Jziriua.ry;`$1lO, $'7'2Q.1'nr1|1(Hv1o"I7'nI1nm2] nfhnf.p1*aI:i1'-`PI1 ' _, E T Islands. "Henr=_v Heated gashore on a hencoop with two others, zone ofwwhom was instantly killed by ) ltlle natives for showing fight. The; others'wereadopted by the natives, ; iron: whom they escaped three months ' ilater by stealing `a canoe and making L ;their way" ton nihalei-. In the navy he ~saw active service in the Mexican \va.1'.- `Af_Ee1- being; paid oif from the navy he L; Fort Snelling. and came to Barrie iahout 3.3 years ago. ` ; E, >S&ti .`IlI`diLV afternoon vas largely` -attended, Rev} D. _D. _;v.'-as for over it qilarter of- 21,- century iennnected with the yvarions hands in Tl-tciivn as it snare drummer, the 35th EBattali_on,. band were present at-the ifuneral, also the band of the Boys iB1-igade, -Whom deceased instructed. in &:The_ relatives present from a. distance ,8 ;were his son from Neivinarket, his ,6 jsi st'e1- Mrs. B. W. Murray. Mr. Murray, ,9 (accountant._ at Osgoode Hall), and- 1eit.heir._ son. '131oagh of it somewhat ,g%mQLn !1: deceased had `n1-any charztcterists that gained for L2 {him =t-he-respect those Vhofknexv ) . . ;%ivcle1nce:ztt the .funera~ . -- _---.Ai ' best. The driver ashe takes the cream, -\\-`as working for the U.S. Governm_ent_ `i\lcLeod.ofIiciati`ng. Asthe deceasedl '|.hii'n as \va.-s shown b _.A the" large atten-_' 1.h3HnQ_t_put in :1. wg,-u. nebusliel of oats will make 2 pounds of butter. Better feed grain; than sell it as it is so very cheap: pork pays better than anything else an the farm, and the crezunery and this run together perfectly. ' ` To make a success all must do their the butter maker `when the cream comes in, must combine. with the ta-rmer to make it pay. ' ' The Board. met on Wednesday ex-'en~ ing, 23rd `June. Present-Messrs; M-acwatt, Montgomery, J. F. Smith, Love, Perkins, J. Ball. @_A_Cj, Smith and Rinehart._ - i . - Resignation of A. C. Batten, princi- pal, of the `West \V,ard school. was read and referred to the Management -Coiiiinittee. . . , Mr, Maewatt enquired re. the-Allan-` dale boundary question. Mr. -M_ont . g_omery"reporte`d that. the report brought in by the.eom1nittee- and adoptedby the Board at thelast meet;~ in apparently wasnot satisfactory to `al parties `concerned, consequently",-' as yet there is no s_et_tlement,' and that umnlvl tulin itrnn RQTI/11;.-` I ...\.,....:o+m. `LL- or 3.. It has been proven that rai.'sing of . 0n Tlgundy at the Ad \Tan::ed';g: oi Sevnty { ` Two Years. ' Another -familiar gure has been :removed from our streets. in the} ;person of ChaI'lgs_Hcn1'y, bill postvxt, E iwho for over Lhu-Ly years was it resx-3 :'deut- of Barrie. F01 several months; {it was evident that he was becouiing ` I feeble. but all were surprised t0J]e&l.l` `of higdenth Thursday noon. A Week previously he had been knocked. down ;cpurely accidentzally) by_ u. bi-ycle,f vats taken home `in :1. cab, and I d not. 5 fugaiu rise from his begl. I ' ' Hnrinsr his swvpntv-txvn V(%:LX`S uf life Iilgillll P156 HIUUI U1) l)B`l|. ,', During his seventy-two yezu-5 of life he saw kl. great. deal of the `world. I-especially in his younger years, and to ' `gixtuse who knew him best. he told, many exciting incidents of his eh1'l_\,' -1i1ys,'-and of his father and grand-E ;f.-uther. who were among the best` ;kx1<)\vn tmders in 'CzIn:1d.-Us early. "history. a A- Rmnlm-sz of Pnrkmzui will 1'e1uen1be1' : mswry. - i _ Readers of Pztrkuizui will 1'e1ueu1be1' ` his gt':LuITf5El1er-Alexander HL lll_`y?-i i(lL'>.`_(.'1`ll)l3(llllTllL` Co-i1 :pii'ucy of P()l1LlilL'. i -He was the first: English speaking; iti-iuler to ;;o`\wusr, fx'oi_)lo1iLrrztl and ; ;\v.-Ls catptured by the lndizms ELL Mac-i ;kin:1c. l)iu'i1`w his four years cnptiviby. 3 Hm wrotehisi iiu-y, which is (:01 `lI1L l`L (l i la. very valuable work, and xyxsjnil)-1 :lished in 1809. Iile was;tl1e i-sbiiiglisli . . . ,. ;W1`1l'.(3l.' to p:L~:s.t;h1'ougl1 Lake btuicoe. jAL Saul!) Ste 31:11-ie he puvclmseil ,l:lZ,0(X) am-cs of lztiid/and built. F01-Ll I lunun _ / " ;1_ ,UllU at ?Henry. \Yi llin gnenry. lfagtller of the (lec,ee1sul, was also at l `t1-zuler for the N01`/Ll1\\v'csL CL}. of .lIou- 1 `Lreul. and trruletl as far west`. as British` l_Uuluml)iu After t1~zu_ling with the} Eludi.-ms for xu:m}(, yezu-s, Ll1ll`l1). ,' which ; `he. iluul immmemble l]lll'l)I`( :l(llfl) l lescupes. he settled in .\I0l1t1'e:l.l, where E lhe worked at his prufesslon, that of` `it s.u1'vL-yor. He nally sett;le(l in New- lmurket anil lived to he as y_eau-s of age. ` l .n hi: nmrhm"< ciulu PlI:!I`lPH Hmn-v I \VillizLm Heliry, sou offthis luau} and !.ll`lI`KL u.nu HVCU ()0 U9 U0 y_Uil1'5 U1 gu. `On his m0Lher s side, Charles Hem-y ;w:I,s :1 nephew of Sir Jvhn Fulton, who "Sn )po1'td Nelson while-dying on board 3 :'lhe Victory. \Vhen the Prince of L 1,/'a1les visited Canada. in 1860, a. special . it-21in took Sir 'John-then over 100; :.zyl32l1'S oId--t(.v MOIlt1 t:d.i at the request 5 inf His. Royal Highness. He died at 'ShL=rhro0Ke at, the age nf109 years. -;The late Bishop Bethilne of 'l`u1'_onto fwas zuiether uncl_e, as was Nornizm "Kitsim of Fort Garx-y, wi10foundL`d`U1e ifaunous Kiison Rouue" t111`-oiigll the :V\'este1'11 St-ates. . . I (`Inn-Ina T.In`Hnv uvoa hniun in U n'nh-uni I \ V ( ._( {lllm =E~l1'v1`SPCD H1053` Wilt.) .1W`V in appzmrentjy \v2Ls_nor. sa.1_n-.~:uwwL-y M) 41111183 S.h0W11b .5113 *7`3`."a1 _parties"_L-oncerued, coiiseqiiently " "d?1`- v7 ~ , _ s_ett1e1ue11_t,' thgtt Th;`a;;}""" ' thg committee w 133111) ;1g'i1i1i . Y 3'9$") - 11.11:} report fiu-ther upon H t . , A ` -' 0|;-'-A; rt - lit c.0n1_-"1 L"""]'.1itf;i(:` has the Week ' 1T;h9 `_ha`31t;:fgg to him that the , `ix; c0m1e_cti0n-Wibh'_ the _exa')'i na'b.i0I']`s ~`m,e`_ f'b`ei'l;g.l ` C0l117YTT9a*5`-`."Y" [t `.V`11dSe9".1f ha t loosely "conducted. He i1nu1e.dia7t,elY ` the. couI}t;y vn1a.y_' have diicillty took me ruattr up with the WW0. .`e."`g _then;1`.1Ifmen%q'da? km; Principals and _I1isp_ectou from whbm 5 =lm0"t L'b-m7giEe ` rte 9` 3'3gn,m;.` hehad received xvxtitten 1`eplies*terbi- th9H'1'7Tx.e- Y: S `I u 6' Ylz" P .fyin proper ca.re0f the exkatmin-' < cent `of last/.V @1235 1.e'V }`1~,i,V-miifin altiolal pa e1-5,. &-c.,` which'w;is '1-eadzto ` ditio-1'3` :00-*~ e-3 9,?.( `SThe'y1.e3J1 the Bo-arg, andfrom which it aippezute ` J10`? P91` Med 90 ~mW:'H,e known theie was.no 1-c'>un.d for C iibte ieffmi?.??3i`i,3"1>p.Evincialsm: whv isctxssi9n as; to the ' A d/i`tm___.L_. .ud- VI 3A,VI_,`._F;,;_>h(;`-5.,` c0u1pQSxt;10n,0f_1e papers and` as to ~. g be iu*1: z`: -' OJ 1* 1 neg? 21e:VVlSd0l.ll of this Buard adoptingtlxe 'i1(?l.`P iegno 1230(1): of 1p ulicgtiplrzforh' ]I1tlif9;1 Papgrsifln f(`1`t"9-hthe 'WhIe Va-c:rn.t,,pos1.t1on, men 1'oma.l1pa.rtsrot matll W5 re. Smte Pot 9 Mn wge. . the count; hwin t11eir'e' eon it It `Dent Oolnmm-4 -0 ~1epprt" at next )iS s:iii1`t;ha.}tr:tl(1e a.pgp0incme):1t.wilI $0 to 1_'9gl"'1\34 -` mwting and `L'9:,S"1ggeSt a plan ` a.1mtu.fr01n nhesouth. but` no par.bic(1- i01'A`?11.9.f`.1 m""-`--, `H vi. 7 " ` lap namg isnentigned - ' " RGPOPC NO. (1 Of Elllance CQln"` A 1: 1. 1 5' +- '}'e vr` mitt"-ee' was adopted at follows '--Th`el` n n`! I10 Cl EOIE II`|I?L\Q .IfY')l'Q . Y` ( ' V ` | me my ` hon to ; w esuern at-aws. 9 i 1 i_ Charl_es He`m'y was born in M0l1tl`t. 4Ll~` i111 1825-,_ andat the age of 13 wcfut to gsea. where he spent 18 yezuns. two m the {_l111'chl-I]b_ service; fon1',`whg11iug andi ;t\ve}ve'h1 the U. S. mvy. _ During _1"xis; Ewhaling experience. the ehxp Cit-lI11lL'lIl | ;\vus wrecked off .O\s'yl1ee. one of thel g.1`` l mm , . Jz'mua.r.y;$1lO,` 1,."`.`.71$ 1090l"1..5 `M19. `{`v`1`*k`~$':`1"~'W. 557:83,inc1uding1renewa,1_ otnoses1~etir'ed- `D-34179 recommended for7.paYmen,t fr` 1 . a.nd j bh,e mil\vay deb paid`. in ;E N Meyers...-I 5 - L_., .. . .$13`45 7` ',Jn.nuqn~v.-, Ra-eivedL :gs'sghown_by th`e Isaac Princef .. f_1 40 1 cash book including ~pr_()_ceeds" "of Louis J` Vair...g... -_T_9_05 V", discounts since July 1st;.3$127._078;T11 and Joshxtaw-Cl5i1`kson.. .> .1` 9130 -= an over draft`. in l:he_ba,nka oi_3`. $7;.9 a'1'.84 J H Wi1_1is'.. A ...., 43.28 `1 `~ s.nc1-t._he'Coll'migw debepture-ftlnds _' " . : ' jsirgce`1890:_yhich'.~h`a.}1eges_'h.u.v:e been _ , _ 2...: ~:, ,. .- x;nsap`p1\0 1'1a.bed).-which mth.-lnterest . Jubuee';,cc0nn5sas:per1;he.fo110Wmg' [V `amounts A',bo-$11,561),-a.1;ota.l. of 146.550.: st __ _ _ A L 2-:>).u,n}_;v;hM'1(c):%v1.$;a`;r3.;3"c e.;7J`; bglance `(lug `kg Rob-ed Spmm ___~;` `V Hi?_' _:$: `_-/5; ) '1 J . .3 f V-Law-i1:is.._......,= `DEATH or CHARLES HENRY 1 l = uueresneu. _ . ~ - Oh the platform were Prof. H. H. Dean, of Guelph, G. C. Caxton. (_`mig- burst, and Hon. Chas. Drur_v, the lzxcterl fpresiding. After expressing lllal plezzsux-e at being in B211`:-iv Prol`. l)(E ax1 gave an inforulal talk on tluh'ying._ The butter business is estzxblished on 21. m1~.-lmsis. Ehgland uses. forty` vmilhon dollars worth of lmtter very lyear of which Ciumdzv. only sup ' Xoneorcxvqmillious. Never lwfm-e 1 Eour history were the mule relations- between the mother coIuxt1'y auil C'l.Uz!AI:L so plensetnt. V frigemtm` {l.CC0l)1nl0(l.:Ll}l(_)l) supplied by? l iwl_1ich is necessary `:()l'_, the st1cce:.~;,l'11l i isluppmgof buttex-.. _L'r'e2u1xery butter ',i;~ the best l)uLter,':1:; it," is _ properly jumde-ztml you can get 2|. uniform! llqualiby. The qua.lit.y must be kept," up. We hear so much of Dunislx _-butter. Tl1e spe2Lke1' had visitml the crezuneries were and fouud that, our _ bl1tLe1' is quite good, but we must; keep it, so and make `it name fol-ou1`~ selves. Iflwhe make it good quality we _ mm mt Hm ht`-`.l'. nrimx. ()m- Vl`l'\' > l . K .-ma lille re- ;. bheGove1'nment. aide p1`onlpL slxipment. ; [ l L FonnerIy Opened by Prof. Dean. of the 0, A, C. k - Guelph. i The followiing 1 e1iurL'of the opening; got` the CIIBilmcI`y was nmwoulzxblvi fczwrned over from last week's issue : ; Thu nnnnh... .\L` H... uvun\v\n)I'I\7 nn 5 I E K I ;czu'r1eu over {mm mm wvuun s L~'.~ue : The opening of the cx`euxne1'y held on i June 17th was well attended by those ntgerested. I (`In H. nl..H-`nmu ruvunn Dun? H H ` 1 I t E a St:`lVL`S. 1L\vhe mange a. goon qumuy wug can get the bust p1'i(,'v*._ (mu \'(`i'y! i.il1l[i01'tl1lt item is shipping `lmttur iiiuinedhitely. Englzu-id l`(`(111i1't Si)l}Ltt?l'i Is.-ilted vex'y`ligl1tiy, su Lh.-1L the i1'('si1` urezuny taste is 11()[iCL`:li)it.`. In} sut-cessfnl 'd.~iii-ying gx-exit, .~1Ltm1tim1! 5in11st,i)e_p:L1(1 [-0 details. Coiva must] ilw wall r-:n-and Fm-. `X'Yl .l`(ii nut i-\'u1'VI `~ number _,tl1;Lt 11.-willy pziy for .lIlllb'l; llU_pil.lll bu uuLu.u:. Luna uiuao tl)e well cared for. Weed` nut e\'e1'y cow that does nnL pay you. lietteri keep zi. few goml cows than :1 l:ir,,re`:] their. keep. Test each enw sepimitely, A; cow should milk at least, Len months,` otherwise she will liau-Llly pay for her ho:u'd. A cow slmulcl make zit least 350 lbs. `of. butler-`:1 year. For feed, igrass is best. {lllll pe`;i.< find ozmtvsp fed green are very successful. Corn is also ! _goml but requires; to l)e`ii1at;t11'e; ot.l1er- - 'wise it xvntery. Sorglnnn haul been found most successfiil. Uoivs should be furl and lnilked in the st:Ll)le. In the erezunery the n1:Ltt;er of testing the erezun was often 3. `source of ' trouble. Do not` strive. for :1. -very ` lxigli test, from 80 tn 100% is ah:>ut 1 `right for you hztvea. greanteixnuxiibei` of ineliesamtl often more money. The ` proper" way to set; milk is in deep `cans or erennier. cover with water and "use. ipleuty of ice, Use ice so that` when ,you go to skim there is ice stilllin the. water. Set it immediatgy after and bring it down to 45 "Do not nut in well. ( . than sell It 15 15 Clleilpr ,bett_er :1nything*e1se the perfectly. ! Tn Innke ;1, success do their`_ ' together pertecmy. | ; their` ibest. d1`ive1' 21s.h the c1'e;un,| ` `the maker `whey the 1 'comes in, 3 f2L1`u1e1`t;0 make it. 1 ' - 13 Owensmreet. name, Dated the 15th _dqy of J mm, 1897. x 24-26.` VVedues{1a'y`even- J .1 ,ing, W:.':ci:~rnnHnn nf A 1",. Rn`r.tm1. nrinci- `zmLlr(.1nena.r13._ V\"et :m'd1>'efem-ed \`n \-l.m`moH~. nnnnh-ml wk f.hP- -\H;1.n-' f0l'.l.1e`f1_1vtl1Pe. - _ '; ` 6 le] Conri ' mitt-ee' ado.pteL1 :--The "comxittee lmving 'exa_mi_u'ed.~ the fol- Y lowing ;1cco'uu_t>S, fzmd beingycert-iedv r;'n."n.1~e mannnxnnded fox~"na.vn1'enb hpziadby thegboaxdh `. g ' -bsXy$_-91.:_ but as,tsh_e- 1 - 1.; d)=`E`2?11! eils Bmikxe CREAHERY. $x.oo_ PER, YEAR IN `ADVANCE. "'1", bemnzum omwa.wu._ 2 M , _L V ` Qwmg _ ..The.,,-,us ers vy:r:`Li`., ILS$1`s xf" 0. I ; Baker, 'un-,'.G`eo~` l`|m1s,_ ' ' $'50 n`mn.1;.'. ` .h6:";'D1s"- * 723:3 Bmie, ' V` 2* 00; held at. me, '71.-09 L128evs:2%*Ie2:.."- ` " J2 00,- `Afte1e~1ie='$h16iY. `r i;,xme;::tm9eb< thug * With ;isnu1kinr |)1)x`LI1.-\vst In-c-e=au I 6 fternouu. Sevn ho:1ts\ve1'eex ectc-I to enter, but only four olwyet the i'sL-ertex-`s gun. They WLT8 D.`u1ntlx:~.~..-;, -Shoo Fly. N<)1`ma. and First-. sailed by -;`CliH. . Czlrluy, F. A. V:mSickle. W, B. "Webb and Dzwe. 01791111011 respcub L" iv'e!v. Dr. 'A acted as Linw- L> made the Allatndale buoy i1_) 7 lninutus-. Norlua 1eudi'ng.`0n the second lug First; broke her rudder and the No1'n`.;L her tiller, which gpoiled their chances I 3 noun; ne sailing \yns seen on ' F1'ii.-zy keef)e1' and J. A. _MacLau en as .~sL:1rtv1'M ` {The hoznts got xuvay Well toga-ther :-.m1 3IFnx- winnimr, -Kffr hlrnin` th huov- K]. G. Scott, ;I . F. Ewzm, `D. H. .\l;1cLaren ,. }Jzuues Dunn...... [Ma1"El' V3.1-d,..... ;F- wn, .... ;W. Johnson...... :H._ Myexrs, . . . . . .. v . (oifey, . . . . . . .. '\V. (`:m1phull...` . Eye Specialist [mr wmmu r. .-1Im- Lurmug um uuuy- an Capt. W .ish's, the Dzmucless broke ithe peak Black` on hex'fo1'es:1il. The gnine miles in" 1 hour 46 miuulzes. Ir H... 1...,1 nm.+ ..n..:.Lm+e )...r..I thn Shoo Fly nished Hrst, Inakixng tim- .-&1list. and Cookto\\'n` lacrosse clubs p1:Ly(1`i!. tie on Jubilee day, 3~3 ! O1-illia bent` Bezwerttm on Lhu L 2n:I., by :1. score of 71:0 4. .-. . ,... `iv r-n u 1 n n-i The Izist. in the series~of O. . Lgagu matches was shot off onFp1day wlth the following scores : , i ' 300 500 mu Total 1181' uuer, WllICll _:spuueu bl1t`.`ll' Cl1U.IlL'l:5 ful` winniu AffL~1' turning thie buoy- `am um ~......:- m..n1,- AI! Inn: Fnunu-1 '1`~h.. imue mues m l uuur w uuuuwrs. u `was too bad that accidents befcl the 1 bozlts as all were sailing \vel}.am1' Hm ; finish would lnwe been aclose one. ll) u: a\.v1U \u l LU 1. | . , E gsflifnfE?.i,ii1g`i;.3 . . 31Rh? .`$}}1i~E1: [I(Lst,r\u:e!4:' 11 hot'11ist.;l Ttl".1( Y`\vil`l 1lIx:L`V|f` of_1 hour 50 mixrx-utes HE n 1 . sx,,u,,_ {_ 1`i1e"Cievela1nd'_ riders niawiiev the 22.3 miles in 12 hours 13; minutes, the The relay race between` riders for the Toronto World :u1dtl1e~ Cleveland Bicycle, Go. from Toronto to Chatlxam; took place on Szmirday. Each side I took 3. distinct route, the Cleveland riders passing` `through Brzunyton. Acton, -Guel 11, Be1'li'n,_'St;r'a_tfoz . St-. ` .\lnry s. Lon: on. the ne\vspa1Je1* riders keeping south. _a.n taking in Oakville, Hamilton, Brnntford, VVoodstock, . Ingersoll, London. Sb1'a.throy. London, was :1 common point, and n.l:_ Delaware the routes nally .u1erged_1_nto one. World men arriving t;wo`11oni's" latex ; : KT} ninntr H3 mum .crt-e>.a1`.`T[ .E1`eSt- JUL lzlllfa CLLUDY: U1 34,`L!Uu A.\J(I4`\A~.:-_ Referees in C. L. A. inatches should pay p:1rtxcu1zu;:1bt;enLiou to Rule X. of - the revised rules 1-cgalmling; fouls. For . a. v_i0l:1tiou`~of section 19. glelibe1-hibely ' striking :mothe1' with-the lacrosse, or otherwise," the referee shall '21!) once reuiove the oeuding player for all` the remarinder of the ixiateli. For all crtheu foutls the refireg mlaiy, a.l1isloption,. eit en-suspen t epayer ortie zu:uL._V mid suspend him for $119 second. If- the 9l:pye1* offends aftexf haviu been once susdpendedlie goes off foiit '3 rest, 9 of tl1e..`p1a.tch. ` V zLrrxv1ng LWU .LlUll1'b 5` :x opg - ; taken m the race, whxch W111 do I for the cause of good ro:L51s._ n r A` ..~..&..l.n- 11,1-, : nr. Chapman mid mss Baker named on wed-. n55_.d3 of L1st`.Wee`k. A " V ' > (H;1mil'tonI`_iines. Jfine'24_:1i.\ ;. `One -of the mostfcharming fgqf the _ many delightfu} June weddixj1gs here . this year toulrpiace at Chrisblimcil . Cathedral ab 8 ofclock last evening. - s when Miss Marion `Mabel; Ssecohd. ; daughter _of;1\11-. Hugh CI Baker, be- -ciune. `the wife of M1-._ bWa.l_$er Peck. `Chap-ma.n. Assistant Engineer Q `:33 : Northern division of the grand Trunk" , T11e.Jt1bi!ee=:1ecoationsof the. Cath'eHj`.` 5' dm`. ivereenhanced. by large ch1sr,ers' f ofpeoriies'wn&4et.he1: cut; owers`- _ Only the c-lmncel was Hghted durin r the ceremony. which \vus.._Witness,e by 3. large number of ftiiends, _in_' addition to the invited guests. Rev. GaTi`6n"Bland, rector of the, `(J21-t2hedr;13,`_ `ciated. _ _ " e V ` V . ' :T_he bxide{. Was attended by Miss Fella Msmdonald. Mes Kafe'Ken1ie6yVk l\1iss Mario`n' Counsel) andmiss Carrie Qrerar. Mr`: Hq.mry~, Bgm~d).'0f- this City. wa$4roo1n:-nna.1 ' . - ht-i m .- , . " ' ' V '14! ac (!'nn.'n mac n? mhxh: 2 /u. B D 3 ' ` cuy, w- ` "'l.`DLlll15lI1iLI ,, ,- , The, bri e s gown was of white V . -Duchess sa.tin,. trimmedwith embroi-4 dared. chiffon and pearl asse_xnenteri'u; and she carried .-1- han some h<);1quet' .of roses-. I The bridesxna.ids'_ gowusv ' ,1. me also very attractiye. All _W6I`G `Of - V w'111it`.e"xnus1iu,'t;}_1os.e: of Miss. Kennedy" and Miss Macdouztld Vbe_ind'__o`yer `pink - '-ta;etu.. `silk, and those of _- lss Ore:-a`.r: _ V and 1VIiss;'Coun"sel1 LovAer_.'-g,re`en; t . __ LAI1. "four w_orSe,di!intYv`;*1$37"~. .0<< -ml L bonneiis of 'd_1-a.wn-muslin-,' _\;ithw1"1ati1-' ,-of pink 1-odses: .A acI1gva.r1*:1:;1._, .Hil?as.1 . f'roses`amdx`b efs,mall,;goIt_l; insgxvxts * -:1-.m*=zn.`nm1a.~ therein.-atit-. 2 mo ` `The `goom Li'gift- tti-:1`. '0! pin!` FUSES. - I Hxlills IRU-'l`l.`UU., W U1&_KV5$Il~. f` roses` mini Q/31113;}. gi )I,d;' ?in$;;\v ib. "1IsmLin;,`pe;a[r1g;. tI1'.e~Lg.1t`o t_ %:,g1`0I2 `pmitrfxitwold Watch.` . ` " > WEDDED IN. HAniLTi)N.;_ A Yabht Race. Rifle. natch. JOHNSTON g WARREN _vor.. 'xx%x1v.% No. 26. fN>WREAY ` J. FRANK JAGKSON _.and graduating fr_om the, . .0phical College. I am preparedxto eor- delphia. aitex` taking a conga, ofd`_sl:udy~ hila elphigx -teat" EH1" c7.s3s_;p,f,-- 41eieotive` eyesight, '*=ch:.b1e Bj::_g1&ST' ii.` L&"5. " I hive-'all'.the " modem; appliances mu ascertain Jhtj. nature of t,-he trouble: If ytmr eyes are ~ t1:oublingy ou,.coine,in' and we will ex- . amine them free 9f n.1l qhqgrge; ' Having just lretutmady from Phila- I ini#Gi$%.m._-a` i 1 V % i V _. aud.`oaxzcym _ 3513313., some AGENTS ma BA;mIE'. of the Grain: ;l"ubile Celebration at Bat,-no FOEND ..,views > HAMILTON D. STEXVTART, -` Vend0'r"s Solicitor. ` Owenstreet. Barrie, Ont. a mm rlnv nf .lmm_ 1897. . _ ! IN THE TOWNSHIP . Oi` TOSSOBONTIO. _' eight oue~mu_ acres. more or man, uuu mu number fl Seyenth Qoucesslon of the sai Township ( I LTossoroxmo, convisyetl-`t PHOTO(>3`r\ E:iP`EIER` [EXOE|.SIOR ausmess nuttise ' Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Spelling. Practical Grammar. Banking; Commercu (Arithmetic. Law and 0or."espondence,-Mens\u`ation. Civil Service, Shoraand am writing. Dnyvvand Evening Sessions. Open mar and `winter. No classes. Course dates from rs: dny of at mndauoe. Students my enter any day of week or month, In mes and elclencywelqualledvxby y . few. snrmmad bv none.` month, In mes and few, surplsed by none.` __________.___ .SI-JALED Tnnnsns Mldreaed co the under. adiind endorsed Tenders forsagfglgixlg 00:11 or the Dominion Buildings," re- ceived at this oicq until Thnrsdn_, 15th July. Specications can be seen and `onus of tender obtained.` on and after Thursday. 241.!) June inst. at this oicwwhere All `necessary lnfonnntion can be had on apglicationu . - Tenders w lunt be considered unless made on natures of the tenderers. T of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works. . enter into :1 contract when called Yrpon to do so. ' or if he fail to compler the work contracted for. Tenders ll not beponsldered unlggg made the form supplied and signed with the ac un _ - Eaclrtendar must be aqcompnvned by. an ac~ cepted bank cheque equal tove gar cent of the amount of.t.he1.ender, made paya 13` to the ordna- whlch will be forfeiged If the natty decline to If me tender bed ot accepted the cheque will be returned. 'lhn Demrtmtant will not be bound to accept ' .. V . '1he De rttmant not bound`. the=lo.wes or any tender. `. - By order. . ' E. F. E. ROY. Secretarv. - DepamnA entof Pbllc xx 0 ta. Oftawa, rd June. 1897. unvuiunnnnru hhanv-n u.-. m out author; paid for it. The Sherwin Williams Pain: is me beet.fof, M ' your oors, covers mostglooks best. wears longest, most economlgal. ` ` ' ULWWIM 'L`)l'l.l dllll. 1.0.1:. Nemfberg iixsertin Lluaj advertisement. with- out a orjty' from 1e Department will not he mid ' n - _ July lat. 1897. Closes Atdday in` honor of our Na.tional Z Holduy-Dominiqn Day. ` M.d. FIf:_g.wLEY` BARRlE $'-EINEST On Sale Frjay and Saturday: This means 9. "part;icularly short weeknand business "has got to be . extra briskwto "make up for the holiday, For this mason we'_a.'ra determined to crovyd as much business as possible into. Friday and by making Shoe Pfices doubiy attrjactiva,. I \ ` . -K -. ~,A.L,: Lula uau 'l)UAum.7 av ....- ` money saving chances: - . mums nnirr. - ~. . cu . nu'n__u____ nan` ___` 1*'rlus,y a1;_u bguuruay .................. .. c Ladies Dong, K`d Ox. Shoe, patent tip, kid , lined; hand turn sole.-Ame':ie:u1 make. best selection 'of `stock, 81,75. `Friday a;1d'Snt11rday`;.. .... ..'. ............ .. 8 Ladies Opera S"'ppers_s. qimmgd sewed soles. . veyy neat styles, 9013; -Fnd.-Ly and Sat, Ladies Ox; Shoe. choeolnmshade, tip, -_ heayy soles, Friday _zu_)d S-.1turday...., Ladies -B. Kid 0x.,Shoe, tip, sewed sole. " heavy. verv- neat style, $.10. Friday and Saiurdaj .... .... , mxnapu uzusu. isseer ~Rus._'Dnn_J'.}ulfJ311tton.. B;1oL__..l,pg handturxi sole. wide heeI,$1.75. many "and Saturds,y.......... ........ $ Mixes "Pan. Oxford Shoe,1;'d lined, J Fug make. $1.Q0."F;id2x_v and Saiurdny. Misses . B. Kid Ox: shoe, patent tip u.nd'_ r d. u sn $1. . ma 5?sa.`in.-?.X..Xf .+_J.;....-"3? _. 3} ' ' Unxupa unt. ~ - 0hild s Tan Kid Strap" Slivsper. hand turn ~` .=o1es;t'.p,`wedge heel, stzesi to 10} $1.00. 1 Special; ...... .... ............... .. ChiId s Button Boots; 'cho`c,olahe `shade, turn sn1e.":s 3 m7. Friday and Sa'.,Jrda.y. .- `BOYS DEPfT,! ` N -,~ n.-n__ n..lL`-D..lwm~nln nvlnvminn a` l1cation.- w not unlggg the ram annulled and sixrnd _ vflllwyluull [ll 1\\_va:..u.n-quay fSi;va,l'go `St.. John, ` the ` Baptist? the of_ers` of Kem~;Loa'ge, .A.E ~&!`1&,-AEMJJ No; 5 230 "-.G.'R.7.v were ' installed. 4,..._Th'e[ " norwasi. assisted by `W. a" 'VW=.'-B120 ; '_Jg`t'E. "Pan-A _ ' J. (.~Mbrg:m:f.\v ` Bro` James} W, nR*W; V?7*i*hu`rsaaV mane 21th.`.-bgih :5.` % ceimpony ~ wa3.sL[_pe i'f_orxnc1; 1% by ` W. `Baa; r DVIB unrA,j Boys Boslon. Calf `Balmorls, extension sole, whole, faxed. neat. serviceable style. $1.25: Fndny and uturda.y....'..v...... $1. Youths Tau Oiford SlTo`e,' leather lined. sizes_11 o-~18.'~J D K?3:g.m.-"fie, `$1.00. . - Frl . .' . . . . .: 75, 5 '- T anus rm-f;'. . ' Men s 'Laqe_BO0T$._ 1`dn and Oxfofd, blood V shade, new com_toe,vory uobby and _ styllsh.$1-.75`. Fl`ldl.Yl1-Dd Sa.Jrday.... $1.25 Mania nnmy (`Ann-nun and Lana Rnnf mi in `hi8\.0bjpg_b 1essonswit.,h -illxistramiqnsl Afer; hearing the 1*eporb'o`_L_'. Election -Gom;pitbee.,;'R9v.VvD.-L. bD; McLeod sp'ok_e_` same, _w'o'I:.ds. .<._J.f::c.1,1.t=/_v_3.1`. toTdi:icq11mgd. v'tt:.c_*hez:;s'.-.lrez1;_j_ndij:x them_th`an God` is- behintl a.11_theu.`. 9. .T._1:t;$ ;and{tha.ta His covenaant:'hwith~-`ispeople will neverr. I rd ' da. `at dth ` r11 V h' ' `gay; M'}x3Ll;Lnox 0f.B&Eie"'n: A, on 13.3,. . ;P.Ms7 ~fo_ on Mon go; ten ewed ' 1.531; `ac `.f_ 6 'g ca.'mes rongvy V I1}; m.PJqryg;;..` j `S.=W';-" 9f_Miss;Minn,ieIeiF,fonne1:1yofBarr?g bougqn heir s1`de;an` .show.e><,1'th`sm-ltol: .1? , T-J.jW`. `V Miss F..I1ewaon,.whohas been 3316.4;l$`71.u1;l?9Y"m5"`"`?'3.m"!`?hmE9 - var; fE ."B .,',H&l`p,eI`i. ChPe" i1iS"9.`few.weeks.withMr.E., Jgse 64% M59 P9S81b1e..sx5nP%th1?1Hmnthe1r = : .`Pa-l1in;."'- irreas. mg 'of.Penetlang. recurumo. roam-Sv0t'=MB-L-v*1~.&s;;1n !J1e`*`~trPb1e8-`% . Vm- `Mn`an'l~lrD.A111`.9Iadf=!m11Y:-9 2`n.mngo%'o.;:.m...nEa:m%a`Z.`i; :Nq.;z:J;II,-j.u.1$'. ;~'_f\39'_15lll1e&- 4.,u1u. L. - ~ - : . .1`9`11Y`W` ;..P .L .*". 1` ; '"J' " sq-Emmi; Woods. of.f1`o1`onbb.v"b..' J M3S&Y;5WP?`iV{`<;:%SS1t`} *>v;"1,`%`-_ has him; visiting Mrs. (.Dr_;){Pa.b_Iers'6b1!`, Er J:g;; .Bi .a-..w.,'.,J-:._f gi_1'eg{-I :3 7 -rw9s1_h99:~?:~9z1I3@?5:~.','i, uv'1"`1haefdXI$i:vMi1iS`.:'1ite"tl;a1 names of bh~ F 1"1-111 ! ~EW9inAl.J2, ..7:943QL9-15953 3-P3-T .6lcem.vw_hO.m11 difect `m 8;EaiI.s':'6f' _King'VarqL.1n Qh3;t'h$m- this ~ ~ A ' ~ ` M z . i`\ge`ek,"ahtending t;he.O.W.A. mg.et.; `L A A *f'I"th' 17 v L . .. th%vi`?d_). ?~?W:.`?t`fghbzxizgnd, . Miss)BL->119 enderson:le!'rf yxnunoss. L- C d ` M". .II: Juyunu, H.-_h{. A: uuxh y u-uu -Ja.u.uuu._y . . . . whzn Me.n s Doug. Congress and Lace Boot, ex"- tensiomsqle. Whole, fox.ed. bcstquality. $2.00. Fndny and Saturday .... $1.50~~ Men s Grain; Harvest Bobts. buckle and, glam. bellows tongue, peg sole. F`rida.y- . , ': and Saturday .- ................... $1.15 In aomenf these shoes the quantityis . limited and the best zrorqt as}; matter of course.` It will pay you to. visit the-store. _` No ueedigo buy txzx`1ess;goi1`-<-vv'n.nttao._`. 7 u Th-Sole Agcy ,f`o1- the.Ue1ebrated Slater Stamped . shoe. I N_ up, genus ine withoutrthe. price .a.nc1} name on the , Msole.ofTevery'pair7; V H . . . SEALED TENDERS nlznmTnd endorsed for Supplying .'l`lUU5 uuu vs: uvv-_-v-- - -I . ;This_ listijpoints to some` of _t_hi -....-.. mm-.-m nkanr-an ~ heavy. no: u.ndVSah_1rda; . `veraswellx JV & `Lt Fri ya1;giS;Lturday.. `Rina Hana Km 0! SW04 y - . Bitpp ..T.i fiz ARRIE . 1=l:1is.ti`Vi)llt`Vt,io1AI;i`iV1~l(_e1A"1{l.;A4)`lg,:` '_.' \.1._..'..' mil. ` -1.....:....... ......`,. ,. MISSES DEPT. "V-an f`nH` !2nHnn R 5 'nn.p*s burr. V8.7 Gr-nn'QHnnnr h-n iizi `A $3- `-!V.;M7`f.. '::" '1`... sidamsn; T .` _SHOE STORE. ' On'Monda ,June 21st. in Barrie. ix Iady`s gold wm ch and c -in. Owner can have same by prov- xing property and trying expeuses,2ut Va}: 8: Co s 5 . D1-v.Goods Store. e. --Theie w'il_1 be cmnmunion and xjeceptlon servlce at Ighe Congregation church Sundav mornmg. "Nan l"nu...u\-up.-. in mnu..l. -n-\..n-....J -Last Suudaf evening the Rev`. Mr` Pargdgg reac ed in the Congrega: tion chlurc . . ` ` p.uu.u.u uuuuuy LIJLLI I-11116: -The Conqueror ismuch improved by hex` coat of green and white paint. `On Wednesday-she\ma.ile her first trip `this season to Peninsular Park. nu vn-' - .. Llnnu uuuuvll UV 1. vtllnluulwn Luann --The Allistou Herald is rather wide of the` mark when it reports the Barrie Creamery xs making 100 lbs. :1 day. |OnMe; day last; Week the output, was 11.1 . ' Lxuvn -A nmnber of lpeople cbllectd to hear the band on hursday night but- """* `PPte' A _T HUD llitV UEEH L`X[)B(.'.LC(l `illl band s hard work on Tuesda[y. ' TLA `I/5-\`~n:\1\l C1...~nbLn .~..n..I uuuu nu... n v. n. \.-u ;. ux,-..uu_, - '--T;)e Montreal Gazette speaks in the hi hesb lferms of praise about Bualo 3 Bi 1's Wild West Show,` saying that they performed everytliixig-promised, and more. This is the Great and Only Wild West-Show. and In) one should" miss. seeing it. """ "' V !\nv.`\YrI'ta \'\'T \\1mnr\ "Fa (ml.-.1 nn.l.~n-a `LOCAL News; ualnqu m.....6 Iva AGENTS WANTED-To take . orders` , for 1-elizihha Canadian grown nursery ' is! vck Expvr-ience not necessary. . Will ; pug: vi E.-`.2-3: and expenses or liberal coni- mi.~~:..n. Good territory to canvass. *;\iiiu->--81-oivii Bros, Co, -Brown's !L\'\1ifr$t`l`|'cn` 9.0., Ont). -" -21437 -Thu-u is no decepti-n. fraud or fake about Buffalo Bill's Wil West`. and ` Con ress of Rough Ridnrs `of the Word.. It is so large that. its size need not be exaggerated; it is so novel that there is nothing else under the Sun like it; it is so genuine .thut.-its zmnouncenients may be believed mplioitly. ' v _ - ` u,....,.+:..... :.n+~n..,. mp rlnnfk (`I1-ua nut.-u\.xux`_;: . Tsonietiuie before his death Chas. Henry had sent; 2). Written request to Dr. Smith to have a. post mortgm examination on his body. which was held on Friday by Drs. Smith and - Addison. Death was due to :1. disease which might have carried him off much sooner, and not to the blow given by the bicycle. ` ' 1 n_n..:. -r....i.-,... 1...`. ...\...,. .,.i.,..,a :.: 1; t :3,,?'i,??;.i'.,,%`2,`te.`i vuu ULK/J LIL: -.~-J. Frank J achson has some splehdid views of the procession 011 Jubilee.Da.y. `Two takenjmb the_ 0st; oice, are especially good, ones Wmhe Boys" Brigade and school children andfnhe other the Barrie mounted contingent. Nothing _c'ou1d be more sttahle for Barrie people 60 have as souve.niLs of `. the Dia.mo11c1Jubi1ee, . `uuv dvnuv-orrrvvr - 'Y":,` :1 --The scholar of American history can enjoy `no more-enbentaiuxng and instmct;iv`e object; lesson, than that furnished by Buffalo Bill and his `Nikd Wnnf. mrhihitinn, Nu Inna;-}rpr hnxvnvdr . IUPDISHBKI DY DUHELIU Dlll Ihllu [115 `(V Hkl _We$&mbitionr_N able. can impart the same amount. of` pamta-ble instruction in three years lthabis afforded in three hours at the Wild`West, dis lay`,-which willbe seen here on July 7t ./.. V :-The pro rietor. of the Great Im- ported S1U,C3 `Trotting St:Llliop,l\1-ine- _|ola 6738. has decided before ~c'omIn"en- .-inn 0 muurnnr: cnsmnn wihl\ lm lh H11-\ ` "0111 Dwt. nas _(1eC1ueL1 Uewre cu1u_Iug:LI- I emg-a, summer season wlbh mm m the Bamjie district, to have him brou ht} to Barrie for inspection to the V el `lington Hotel, Barrie, on` Sa.t1u1'day ;u.fr.m-nnnm h1lv_3x-d. Pm:ties,int`.e1esLe,d,i nngnon `10561, barme, ml Da.b,u1'ua.y: .. aftgnnggn; Juw;3m;PaL 1; in mising ne` horses should not -miss` seeing this great. sire on this occasion, I ashe is pronounced by gootijudges to be the greatest stock horse in Canada. 1... 34-... ..n.~.n-.4-. nf 4-kn NAnfl1n1rn --In its report of the Northern `I . Baptist Association `meetiug-;l.-.Lsr,_}_ week, the Stayner-Sun says:-~The .e Training of S. S. -Tea.c'heI`s by the Pastor" was perhaps the uiosb~interesh- ing and protable address` of the day-. __'J.`his was given b ' Rev. Mr; Sheldon, of Ba.1'rie~.- He s owed very clearly 2 -the'ditY'e1`-enc'e' between _a.- teacher . `teachinga lesson and telling` it. The duty of the S.S. teacher is not merely 1' A to hear the children recite their lessons but, to twgh them the lesson; ` V[ H A , _ .- 5 .... ........u.._.. _ , _ MissTC_a.l1ighen is home fronfr TOl'0_I1t0r for her vacation`. ` 9 Y 1\vA vv 1 n m 7* _Pe'rsoi1al; . Ross, of Ghatham, Yiiow ._' on Thu:-sda.y-. - V ` - `M':.... I`1..H:,..L.... :. 'L...-\.. a..'.\...~.4n,...,....a... `L E 1, I v null!-15 L1 Angus: Au uv vv AJ- .B.,H. Ardetgh, [of Gra.venhurst,' has been in town ,fo1\a.-few days. - ~ - -1.-r::;.. DA" T14- - `Dunn `net nu Minn- ubuu ... ..,,....,;,,.,,,. ...-.. ...., .. _ ~ V_ ery Rev. Dea'n*Egan left _on Mon- _day to vxsxt; re1a,t.x-ves 111 Dayton, Ohxo. 1 '7 . m,...1.`..; 1...`-. ..;n.. ..' +.-. cknnav vu/uauuuu um unu uvu4\4 Au \1l-lvvu_vAAvIt|4.n; Ths Misses Bryan, of Oinchinatti, are 3 ` visiting theirm1nt._M17s_ (D12) Patterson. 'M.:. 1'...m;m ma mncu nntnv nf vxmuuxs uuuu. vuuu._uu,::_. \u;., a. umu\.1.qvu- ' Mr's. _La.sh1y and Mis Denny, of Toronto, have been v1s1t1_ng Mrs. (Dr) Walla, I ~ ' .1,` . if . .lU1'UIllIU, l:lU:VU UUUU VlBll:.l.l.1S 1111-3: \.lJL[ Wells. .. ` :3 , ; The Misses Nordheimer, `of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs": Ardagh "B1yh Ootztage. _' _ u'_..1....'..: D` x.'I........l: X:-` nulmmu in ` J A Herbe'x't'E.* `-b`f. dsh.wa. is ' Noi'cb.`_str'eet.. V H`. Rnss.`.. _ vu uuaam I v.iibih'g with his bx'-Q'h_er,TR`. Manuel, 1 s 'Joh"n_` Geo`rge, df Vggon,` .ha$`bn ending a.` few" glaysf with .AhisAV11V_r:gclbza; 1` .n.vn nu. vuablvvpvlan - -L D Arcy Hinds, ro_f .1"oronto, `His visitngfriends in town. '12 ['1 A...1.i.-.1-. -.-.43 t1..........1.....o+ - Imc m\.U11.y LL? IVLDIII LCLUIDI-`V179 -Ill UULI \lAl4VI.lUu J. W; Forhau has : gone tg spgnd , vacation at his home In `ha.tham_.% nu u.--. 1-`, an .L1.! uau -f` I , . . . Robert _Spr0ul .. ._ V -J; H. W'l1llS . . _. . . . . .. week, 7 aunenulqg Que .u. v .41. uxg,-.t2v.. A A _ `_ C0"Jel1&!1TzhW1ln-{'~.l1lS_.people .vm_1_1everv. `um =31: H I ' fl) , (1 - j H,` ` '1 MisBel1eIenrlerson.-le;.f_ T _ ;!,_f1iev.._ ilrv.~Lenx;.o of B&rn1e,`_1n;g?)'unyfV $;,.7g `W399 `"3 b . 9 fa;-_d_ojn m_on:_ia.o?atten._-the wedd1ng,h1q.s\b ecu. '_}_IhB9 g. gamevsbrpngly , .3: . V we -. L 4; ;`'`$;;{`ff`41`f malspssib1e,.s}mpa.thi:zing-intheir The most--important pieceof b_uinss Th<;mLis_S ommers.._._. : 3%; ,of\:?e net;ahgi mm :gP9;g$:,;':a.3:L.p:el1.7as;;Vin phear` Auf_<)ubles.41`onebyth,Goun$y 09.uacik 1;h1swe_ekA .Ia,Vs.`Sm1th:.'.V...` _mhweek__ J 2 ; L %_BVdys.-wilILbe_boys wh1letig11e.1s. and- ;wg,.s t;he,a.dopts)_n*.pyf aneport j:oTbu_1ld J, McNe_!11l..A... %nn&an4:=4r9%"Anu:,m fa:sn.i1'3?-r`?`* a':`1r33,92;.21`s`:`:fe`: r%`a3sfk`e;g?33?m%?;?; $:,`s`i;,;1*u;.:.;x;::1e`. V 91: _ . ,..ageg)9n"%gnM .x.fr- Ilegg gy;gningL..shem 9 Exic+#lec1_ge<: -g Ag nigb1;t,. f Geo,;_Reedy;.<.. j.~.? , * _A b_ ; 0]m_5__ ' i.~:: e,nepo1-;yon u_1' 1 .0 WM ._ _ 1?" m `A .. M - .. V ;_',rl;9.qs;ea1onsTIra% 'en_was,opanedand tteton and Hamytqnqgg was;-eg2t:eql_ho _ ` -Lb `4l;lessrs.;nI4ennox: -aha-_ me%-;~(Couny* Gammmtee tog Yqugegmmiggegn - Amdfarsun Mmmnsic~.by~ t;heHa.wk- h mm in1`sitas;'bn?am1~o;nla{ns.`*f!hIita.i1x`n.;......;.mm `amine! . vI'1 ~. '~ -- ': _ nu: 0- new-: -_;nn-:v-': AI` (1 19..clebtaidz~he}tbrbiehv&hhi:JI 0;` , . heir; a's-, 1"s'ed` m ti `T " total Mi:`.,a.nd: :s:xy;qhei,Wd3i?8* .s:cmauu1 f.: venon?n gonnaclg ~ cos :1;ms_`_. xns bham.manF:.9Ei8n33V-T:~=3 =ibn'1yibh.&S" work. I M .t ;mg;x-a ulyntio ` % . wiaheefot W `* BARRIE, ON'i`.? THURSDAV. JULY 1, I897. t ' ` gclow lslven thcPrIze Wjnncrs In the Sports 3 n- lnuun a`)ml Farm = % kPropfe.rty ... mun mnunrnutb