Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jun 1897, p. 3

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ULUAIHBUN `I Elli W51 '1' ARRIS'I`ERS.rsOLIClTORS IN HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. NOTARIES. ' . 3` PUBLIC CON,VEY.s2\'_CERS. Oica--In Barrie. next Bank of, Tomato; and Elmnle. Mceggiek Block. . Jouu Dxcxumos. ILA. . - D. F`. 31 ;cWn~r. in 11: .-L'I1I_`l`l<`lH qeruyxuexn. me Ht:-ptlug Niel!` hmplt.-1111,31 be-mu %u:u111u! a1'[=rd II, iwut l hum an-I nsnruggle along an .-aiarzes of I E sum .1 vsmr.-Hm.-:1vwr'1.s.m less H1.` -uuuuou up unit ..u_; x,. .. .\.! fund and had not enough nutritiuus fun! In kuep any can in Link-if lr-Illxlcfv-` :m~-nt. No fue} nu {1:re,. l*,i;m'e sou1e-I 2 mm; so:-n the inside of the fe of m.'my `M uh- .\ rnnrinun 1-hxruvvnnn nmwr .10,- ' and one may no gal; 0K_[ DlS_3[1il`..`l-l(3.$,&u(.l ` he came nnd stood by the prison! doom. and, While the jailer `was opening the X door. with one stroke he" struck down ,2 the man who had inc_arouraed him. t V`Pa.sysing' along the streets of London,` f `= he wondered where.his family wz}s._He t ;did not dare` to -ns'.{. lest. he "excite sus- :)icion; but. `passing along :4 little way (- L rom g`cneraticn_ E0 gener.xI.ion-hc saw I `herd. a. cup that belonged toithn family `gfrom Ll1.'e . prison, he saxvha l{eith..tan.k- `gpistinnwindow. His family, hoping that 1 `some day he would get. clear. came and i t ; lived as near as they oouhl to the 1 Eprisoln house. and they set .t.h.'xt Keith E ; tan-knrd in the window, h,o_ping he would f`se~e it. and he came along and. saw it- a.nd knocked at the door and went in and the long separated family -were al ';t.oget.her again. Oh. if you would start: ( `ifor the kingdom of God-tliis hour, I 1 "' some of you would find nearly all ' your friends and nearly zill your iam- "ilies,around the holy tunlxaird of the -. ' holy comnlunion-fa.ther.s. I_I)0Cl _li'l`S, bro- ." { e1`s,.sisEers nrounddunt sncreil. tunl;:n`d' {iwhich comniemorntes the love of Jesus. iCh1"i9L our Lord. it will be :1. ggrout i `icommunion day vzhen your whole fom- ' " ily Siis around thosncred tankard, One : `on earth. - One in heaven. . . Once more I 1`ernn1`iX that when the . rodigal gets, bank the inhabitumsy of ii euveln vigeep festival. lam very cor: i , tailn of it. `IE you hove never seen a. [ teliregrnph `chart, you have no idea how ` ,. many cities are connected l.uge,l.her `and ' how mzmy lands. Nearly nllthienoigln ` borhoods of the earth seem reLi:-:ulntod., ' `and news flies from city iu c'u.y` and `from co-ntinentvto c-onL in:ni.. But more A ' rapidly goythe tidimgs from earih to ` heaven.-and when 0. prodingal reLurns,it- ` is ibl]-.l19;')1ll l11(3ed.1l)ef(J}I`!: the thront: of froth And i t ese sou s now` presentis on L entefthe kingdom there wou, some ' one iIn`th,e heavenly kingdom to say, ` `r " I`hat:'s:my fathom . l`h:1t`s`my moth-ff _ en." "That's x_ny,son,"' ".`1`hat; s' the one ; Iyused to px_'a.yjfor." "That's the one for [2 Whom, I wept so mzuny tears" and one . , soul would say. ,'_' and En-,-. othm~`would 'sEy,H`allol\uirl"` ' ~ > Pleased with the 'news,`l'.he eeints below L r `In mum: l ,l'\Ai|l` lmnizues emnlov. " t Pleuaed with the `news, we aexncs mnow e . In "song: their f0I_1r?8\8S, 610910! `i Be and t e skies the mil 3 go.- . nd heaven` islled wit ' joy. I 3 5 `N6rVengeI`s can their joy; otalti ~ " Bubkindle with new fixe, -_, . 4 The sinner lost is found. the slug. E . !A.nd strike the equnding y~re. * At` the ban ueteot .u`oullu?neet`0B:e the oretora the D acaddn u festive A set` Philip "the conqueror. at the Grov- cinln hwnquet set. Socrates the phlloio-' ' her, but `at our Father's table an all 7 he returned prodimgla. fmoro then`con- qtrerers. The table 1330 wldelts leevee reach across seas andlenda. my gueeta . are the redeemed of earth and the glorie- vxusv Lhey pf I'll Hm.n1f a fin. An I gray. saeuidarr1`n1:`sv;fi"t11a{ grown in UN: cups in imm the bowls of l0.000 am-ramen_t.s. Let all the redeemed 0% `dual wzth gleuaning chalicm drink Lathe return ofathuusund proillgals. Sing, sing. sing! \\'orth.& is llm lamb that w;i.~s slain to receive blessing and riches arid honor and glory rind power. wurld svitiuut and i" That scene of jubilance 1 cpmes out before me at this moment an earth and all Cllb glolrlfled of heaven rise 1 ~ In J sort of picture gallery. All heaven i Lu pmturcs. ~ 1 .I,u-;-kl Lubkl There~is (.'hri:5t,! Cuyp " pmxitenl H.111 for wrtlxly gallurios, and :(_`Ul`l`g8`l.L * mil l`int-imctto and Benjamin ` \`\'cst,;ix1ai l),:rep;Lintad Him for earthly ` galleries. but all those picuires urn e;;li;..s't-kl. by tho.-Vinnsterpieca of lmaven. f Chrz:-ii, Christi There is Paul, the hero `Jul the 38.lul1e(lIln. and` of Agrippirs iouurt room. and of Mass hill, and of i Nemfs intuuny. shakln his chained fist in the very fare of test -chattering roy- Mtg . Hz.-re ia.Jouhu;1,' Lhe fighter of I a Be`.hor1xn and Gibson. the man that I postponed sundown. And here is Vult- Li. the pmfligauy of the Persian Court 1 unulile to remove her veil of modesty ur .r&nL it or lilt it. {And 2110 thec6r- !`r'uim ofthis pa-um lery ind olh ;er great heroes an heroines--Duvid Twiui his harp, and Driaui with the : cymbals, and Zechariah with the acmll. . ; a.zid St. John _wi:th th aeven vials. and {the reaurrectlon angel with the trum~ ;pet. On. Luther in the corridors, sec , the fzwoslof our loved ones. Thu cough form from than thma.t, the wamnesa `Vom- rom the limbs. the languor gone roux. 2 (lm aye. Let us up and greaf, them; 1 Let us go ufx llllollb with them. Wu: Wl.ll, we wil I . . F`:-n.rn Mum Mllbm-. I ...o,.L. - ...I:..H._. ,: `I WL11, W8 \Vll.ll " / From tibia hilltop I catch aglimpse of qtllcmehilltopa where all sorrow and lsiglnng shall be done mvay. Oh. that IGod would make that world to us 3 `grealityl Fuibh in that world hvelped old ;Dr. 'I`yng when he stmd by bhalmaslxet `of hL~1,dead son wbos sum. had been" torn off in the thrashing machine. deatlxensulng, and Dr..'l`_vng with 'in- ifiuite composure. preached hefunaygl w[sex`mUnnt his own bel son. Fmlh. :ia1.llr.Lt world helped Martin Luther fwiiholxtone tear to_pul; away in death %his fa.vo'rite child. Faith in that world `helped the dying woman to see on the `sky tbs: lelter 'W," and they asked lherxvlmt sha sunuosed the lettnr "W " CWO . . - 7 Last week he found his father's bull dog pistol on the table. He hid it until. his parents had left the-houaef. '1`!-.v-n approaching his brother, two yev.._v-5,` younger than he, hemut the pistol`."m ' his mouth and fired both harrels,.s:1t- - tering the boy s head. Dogs and nuts have suffered from his Oloodthirsty l spirit, as he was, never contented un- L lass he was torturing something or by listening to the. animal's agonizing cries. He will now b_n taken inchqrge, but as the State has no rafqrmatory the ax` lhorities are bothered what. be do with im. ' `* 1 .`~ ` ' somebody. One day he put "his cat in -hr'st0ve,.'1nd built. 9. fire and stood l _ue1peu L11`) uymg no the ;sky and jlierwlm. supptxsed the letter "W," gun the mieaut. Oh." she said. 3 "don't you knowi `W stands for`Wel- cun1e.':" Oh, heaven swing open thy lgateal Oh. heave-`n roll upon us somg `of the sunshine anthems! Oh, heaven, iflash upon us the vision of .luat=e.r! lA~n old, write bells usjof 1; ip com- 'iu1g` lrmn In in to Frnurw1 The crew } was rnrule up. of" French sailnrs who had bemn long trom `home, and` as the whip _ Imme zilung the coast of France th mcn lskipped the deck with ghee. and they lpo`Ente to the Lplras of the ob ruhcs ` w here they drive wor::1h'i'ppod and he the hlll3Wl)`;[`6 they had pl:1_'Veil in baylloud. ' But when the ship C(1l!Il'e into port and these snilnrs saw father and mother and` jwifemnd loved-._ ones on the whzut. they {sprang ashore and riished on Lhebanks i-inlo t'n >3~ city, and the captain had in gel. another crew to bring tha Sl'1l.tpt0 `her mourings. So` heaven will a to; gawhiie cmne so fully in eight we can `sw its lowers; igs nmnsions, its hills `and as mg 30 into port, and our loved r one`.-4 shall call frmm that shining nhora, land speak our names we shall spring {to the bECl].~~l(l1VlllB this old ship of wmld tn'b<.=. manag`-ad by another .:cn=.w, our roiigh voyaging of the seas iended fioraver. i . l !__ n_ I I 20 tho lad stood by shouting with Peg and poking. her with alblazing $16 : The next year no killed a little brother, old~ er thgn he, by stbi him with "a butcher knife. H9 eta. bed the little fellmv-in a. dozen /places. and he died two days later. Last wank ha {mind hin f:xf.her`n bull vonmw OLERK, n be} at hi: `0tce~ in tbg Court Howie, Barrie, every Saturday ~ Residence and P. 0.. Oookstowu. Jesse Pomcroy, the Massachusotia boy fiend, is alive. his spirit must have " left `him and gone into the body of a little negro_boy, nt Gainaville,` Florida, who; though -only 5 years old, is credit- ed-with three murders. His parents are ignorant negroes and have k t. his murderous pranks quiet. until t a last one- They say he is "conjured" and cannot help n;,__m\Vhan only 4 years old he set fire Lo his little sister; bun- ing her so that shodiedvthe next day. `Amalie rolled over the round, 801'6.n1- inc with main. liar liq i`. draw nblsze. A}:-Your old Neg;-o Boy Who In Credited mm Imung Ills sum and Two Broth ` J..I_ULL`J.'lJ`JL'l>3A.` .L .L'JJL.- I She-.~\.nd once you said you; would lova `me forever and a. `day. l .H<,-It seems to me as if I had. -_.. Wilt His Researches Have Done for the - - ` World. ' ' nu ._.) ` ". gu rnuin uuu_ uv_ equalu. ` J . _ - Long s.0iIenj:_fB' D-3_'C3Agg__ . reseambes. produced `_ Chase : Kidney-Liver Pills and ~Qhase I :'0lntm'nt, the first a. certain euro 50'! ~ all kidney. liveratoihach. bladder -.n_nd ~ 1'-heumb.tiot"roub1e|`;' the~1attor'.an*n_bao- . "iwte specific -for ch'ronio.,a.`nd offensive "akin sdlaeaaea. Among his dtbexudiscwver in-waie OM60`: Cats:-rh_ Gun and Chime ! A unused and '1`urnontino`rtor_cold:_g'. ant! ' fronnhtin. - - mmm `mm `+3.. m$AdIn`3}in-I ~\ -l.UV`L uuu v--aw-7--- --* ' ulncturo u. Edmanaon, Balm I 45, omhr.` , Shoat,` tontg gave may 1"` o0.0oo`no.rnnlao Ch` '3 Kiglnay,-Live! Pm: and 100,000 umpmpf Chan nom- mnt. The return tiny broxlsht vwvei - how much they won appreciated. The ` lama me distribution at sample! will ' be continual dun-3 1896.. ,Those- at I ` (`Manes 'Ih0I1Id one cab IE5}-cent utamp_ and -nlnvn man]:-A n' `-33:12 .1!` the [AC1 ` `I|l'0l1_llDIElI. ' L `r I ;r.;,. . I During` '19i!I `the Canadian "man" J00. fmcnhmu Mann.` l`|n':nnim_ can n*wh.Y Gimme mould enclqqg 8`5_-(29115 uW!1P_ .gnd -alpo xfeceln 3' uneqtsoi` tho. VILNII `I u_aulu.InAr?wturn. `E " , woass THAN JESSE POHEROY. A Emacs bf1;AN -u_... ..--. .. -.- uuungsin HYBICIAN, SURGEON die V (Late of Dru. I-Iarvie :5: smith Orillim) Oxmcxq mp Iycsxpnuos :_-001-nor Owen and T-mE D0EsN'T FLY. \...I ......... ..... __:_1 __`. "-uuu. All auccuful and ' distinguished 7 men. have imitate-rn_. and Dr. Chase. the: well- knowu author 0! Chase's Recipe Book. to the rulex `Dr. "ed" rim1r.' but _ no_ Ann-In proved no exception , s discoveries ns-e many prosteud-~ What his edzom ti Sme mmhra People of Canada; `VIHAI THE Pdits ARE sum. Mn. '1. Maloney, 2 Glldaraloovo nvonn I Qoronto. Cnunda. aays: Both myself In my huiblnd hue used Hun onl Gringo Cure with splandld raw! 1. r. Milan `was Iuering extreme {:1 n: from the dl ` case, but after using 1 o remedy for 091} one night, awoke l_he next morning oom- plutely cured. and bu not bun troubled llnco. My ex erlonco vn slmllln. WI Inn use use Munyon roup Gun to! our lime on six months old. mdwitix In Inc! the bent or ruultl. Tho I II In: very bad. but utter this treatment lh0 oomoletely recovered. W. hue lmnllolt Imp orn:scWiu7s and sums . nu ma: mstorm - bad. but after thll treatment IEO comgletely W9` in: Hull tan in Munyen- u Bomedlel and hop nnnltnnv In tho hnnn." - to lately W9` In Hell it constantly ln tho noun." ` 1 M you Rheumatic Curt lemon: am (0 I nevgunln 01.19 to line horns ma area S: I 3 Gun. Pr1ee26c. , ., ~ _\ . ,.. `nave In onotothnonoun ma run I nan. Price 26:, W Human : Dnpopsln Cm anosulvely mus (arm: 0! tndlggtlon at names can Munyons Cald can pro u man up I told 11:6` few hau. Pt ` amazon`: (bush re B!_0|}_l egg; ,_ ._Ar_r;,n,-xo.u._. 5:31? B3] iota 156` fin 16. ' atop; con; , nlglt mom. nllnnoomma and Ipeodlly hub thy -Inna. Price 23. ` 3! on` Kidmry Cu oaupeedl V fII\. ` in 31: lm:l. lolna 0} xrrolm. I Is? kidney disease. Prle 250. - > _ _ mi hack. 0} xrolm kidney Muuronh Nan : Cure; Mo: ' Malayan : Nam Cure atopux nmouuum IN builds up the system. Price 360. _ Muuymfu Henducno__(.`un stop: Madman (Q Muuymfl Headache can three minutes. Pnce 250. ` ' Mummtfa Filo Ointment poslmely cuguq ' " Munymfa cum forms of piles. Price 25:. , 3 Munynn'I Blood Cure oradicutol all lmpvrltllg .0! ma Mood. Price 250. Munron`e Female Reuiedln In I boo"! to II `T ('11. (1l:xnyon!a Catnrrh median `mm M! n Cntnrrh CuN~-price e.-'-endlcam tho due- from the nyatem. and the Cnmth Tablet!-vpcQ_ R5c.--cleanse and Ian! tun pun. Human`: Asthmtr Damages xgltevein t2Il!O_ Munyan'I emmllca nlieve `:1 minutes and cure :19 penny. Pr! t . Munyonwa Vltanner, En mat (on e I alorero! vital. strength to weal: .~I A geparate mm. for each dim ., :1] (ms. mostly 25 can I vlnl. . - Pmonnl 169561 ! to Prof; {i_ul_)!mI_.}_} .. ...~._... , _ 7 an -_ Imam to Prof. Munfg. 11 Aulsrarl mm. Toronto. Ont.. Innvcrcd wit me lo cal advlca (or any disuse. ` -4 _._._....-.___ SICK} MADE #WE_LL_j 1:. 15ALmER= SURGEON, "mm mm Throat um`! None, 40 College street, Bni door from Youge Street, Toronto, ` may be comulted at the Queon's'Hot.ol, Barrie, the second Friday of every month (mm to 1! arm. . ' V In Spring Tirtte `ge1_:.Pt_u-e~Bloot" _. ` L Aby.u.slhg B..B].B. -No other` remedy ossesses such pe ~' fectrcleansing, heallng and purlfyii\ properties as Burdock `Blood Bitters. It not only cleanses internally", `but ii heals, when applied externally, .all sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofuloussolfes, blotches, eruptions, etc.; leaving the; `skin clean and _pure as a .babe s. Taken internally 1t 'removes all'morbid3;.- elfete or waste matter from the. system 7 and tliorou' hly regulates all the organ of the b0` y, 'restonn the stomach, "liver, bowels and 1) 09d. to healthy ..5l;tiO1'g. _ _\ Ask your Dealc But ask him CLAPPERTON's V THREAD. % % 1=oR}_spooL V 0P THREAD- . 1 Indy: will give yon the kind he makes moat profit on- ` and sTInnll blame to him. For A spool of - , I CLAPI_ ERTON __S THREAD, 1 am} you ll :6! the kind thlt * . will give` Zou ost "prot dud satisfaction - and It costs no more than Inferior kind: I are sold for. E ~ E Does not breaker snarl. VIRTORIES 1` PAYS you to get ENTIST will visit Cooksbown lst andirll Wedne ay of each month.` Hillsdnle Inst Wednesda ,New Lowell 2nd Wednesday. " "0lce-- a_.{tofPost0fce Burle nt. `PEACH A BLOOM _ ` - f SKIN FOOD 9 For the Skin. ' HEALTH- rnxomnu. .3Utcu13.'Ul\`. 624;. ' 01-`moss AND NIGHT` RESIDENCE: Browns BlockADunlo St.,Bar1ie. ' _-J.11a1snhoa --n|:N ... -. i-Kn -`.lf `KIIIILVVJIA QLIJJI jne-I;-`I should kiss yo -ULULV 1.. u would you L now-- vu -w .- _-_-. AERRISTERS. S011!-Itors of the Supremr Court, Proctors. Noumea, Conveyargcezs. &c. Money to Loan. ' . . _ Oicesz Ross mock, Dunlop street, Bame, \ _YVlLLI.`w`GION AULT. A_L1r.x Gown. ROSS" BLOCK, ~3AR3IE. Elmnle. MCK gin : Blot Dxcxusggs, -- 51f . ~-o1r 'ri)1w1z'1'o.+ `j 'g::"m: e- med "1 - - % for sInrtling.Mn:v?1;1g1Iv1t were ugh . %Mc0UABRY'sBLAUKSMITHI HAUGHTON LENNOX, ` W. A. BOYS. Gm. E. J. Bnowx. Barrie. Al'lston and Crcemom. Lennux & Boys. Elmvale. - Bnrnc 0l('e-Cur. Dunlop and Owen streets. F.lnwale ()m('(`.--()|:p. Hnt s Hotel. Monev to Loan at lowest rates, 4n1cx1';' aucwu-r. ) ARRIS'l`-`R62 mr vlwrnna ts: nmn U Hwamox Ltmxox, Gm. E. J nan. Odicei ; Rou'Bl6ok','Bm-ic. 0 E. Huou. A.-E. H. Cnuswsop. HOOD. uaxs & rrmsrm. ARRISTER8, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. I . n. '1'. 3A_N'rING. Uonmw will b hi )8 Court Howie. Rnrriu mun nnvvaun at uunawnunn. ABKISTERS, Solicitors oi the Sup:-em Court of Judoisturejor Ontario, P1-no tors Notarie, Conveyancers,et.c. ` Money to Loan. Ottice: Ron Bldok`, BIrri. C E. Hlkimnn A -F. H. (humwxalx. . `L7 IYLB8. ` `ABRISTEBS to.- Jxo. H on n_.._a- minxox. novs & BROWN. 3A12R1sTERs, SOLICITORS ` MacAmuv._ mun & uccnnniv. lansxsmzs. soucxwons. ,:-cnuvnun A unnnn A nnwsox J: cnnswxckn. unklwrmzu n..l:..:...... M H... Qnr DONALD_ R058. 3- A-. IARRISTER. SOL ICITOR. V` Can-efIIl_ly Glnlnxhbd au d 'l`rue_`F-1 )3. W. A. ROSS, L.R.C.S. Egin. F. 0. P.. London. V Get a n;A3nu`Gz x,teI`:xs1:' txqxz} Lo, H. fLYoN You can have om; anywhre from $600 to -` $6,000 from the1s.*ge1'1umberfor sale by` ' STRATHY & ESTER ABRISTERB, Solicitors in uxght Court on Justice, Nonriea Public Conveyanoer omega: Over Bank of Toronto, Barrio. Money in mm of $2000 and unwnrda. to `AND AHENGE '_i)115i.'iV.-A n- tint ..\.-....m M-.. mm ........m ,t\~- ". B. nub: P., Y\Y(Y7t` 1 , ami Gneral Repair Sopu % *...a..e.,%.} `nun: uvA nAl1z:u `Barrie. Stxyner and Totvenhmn. " MONEY T0 LOAN. -en I] .... l.a Wan ` lnuo:po\rut d. 1861. mull-w'n-11 ..2_: n_,u,,., . 15! W- .n~ -uia1.Anm. Lotnrr & idusrr. [<:'l`I.`mz an! I. m~nn~.- pm r, M. MWoM:m /, % IIUJ I`; I L U nun u . - .153. Faun B1rrla_0iue: Ross Block. ` Urlllhl. Money to Loan gt Lowest Ram omega: uver runs or Ioromo, nu-nu. Money in of 82000 upwards, Lom at 5 per cent. H. H STBATHY. Q.C.. . G. H. ESTER. AULT & 006;! DR. J. C. smug, `T Lu nvrnnnnu ; , u- A -, uuuuvu. PHYSOIAN. SURGEON, &c.' is NIGHT` Rmsznsnme: Rrnwn: ms QUESTION No witnesse required) PHYSICIANS, ETC. %H u{<>- AGENT. `BARBIE.- vou wAuT%A%Houss Mlscstusnous . J} . unxcn :-London and Canadian uhnmbers, 108 Bey Street, Toronto. s_ " Telephone 2413. schomherz. Saturdayl. .. B. E, Inwm. B,A. Jxo. Kngs. B.A 0|?!-`ICIAL, vvl.lL\JA& vuu. 'CO_IjWEYANOERS.,_&o. n'n an nfn n......... An PORS. NOTARIES. ET(.' I m.u....L...... D. 1;; mm: , As it is lm.prob:1ble that all will be ready at Abu Hamed before next spring. no serious `conflict with the dervislles may be expected before that time, un- less the lihaliia resists the occupation of Abulumxad, not now :rntici4)21toil.. only ii` few douwmlized troops being: stationed there. Latest zulvixses State that the main dervish forces are con- centrated at Berber, where there are 18,000 fighting men, and _Vneu.r Orndur- man..wl1ere strohg ezirthworks have been constructed two or three mile. from the river, to a.void-being shelled by the gunboats, as they mt-re at Don- gola. The dervishos are said to be hit- terly hostile and determined` to reso- lutely: resist the nxt adi/nnoe: and as ` the attwck on Dongola was zi surprise and so not 9. real test of their fight- ing quality, and the Moslem successin Greece mgxy bring other African Mus- sulrnunsito their aid, the invading col- umn may have anything but n. parade. `Dissansions umong the dervishes and the overthrow of tho Khalifals author- ity are, of course, always possible, and it is known that alter the cmpture of Dongola. the Bmggaras, the Khalifafs main support, wvere`7dishea.rtened and only kept from retnaating to Khardo [an by throats and entreaties. But such conditions cgnnot be relied upon. "and 313 one half of Sin` Hk.-rberl:lKil;- ohener's tome of 16,000 men will be used in guarding his line of communi- ca.tion,~-. the remaimder will doubtless be stiffenedyby` British and Indian regi- ' ments before this advance on Khartoum. That will be the" momentous phase of 1.1.. ..:...._ .... __ r<;J LLAL ._,.L1..:..,. ...:H It is stated that the{iti'm forces in the Soudzin are to attempt. furthar advanm in July, when the Nile has risogfsufficiently to enable the . steamers to pass the fourth cataract. The steamers are now at .\[er:iwi,. thr- Fgyptian outpost in the great brid o the river south of Dongola, and advaniu is to be made only to :\ el)li amed :11 the eastern `point of the band. when the stream again turns to the south The dist1nmAi.~s' hardly more than hundrd milias, and the movement '1 not intended to be an axtwk upon tlu Klialifa, for oiving to the nortlie:i.s Icrl; bend of the Nile between Blor--iwi anw Allin flamed. the invaders will be f:ir.. ther away from Khartoum at the lutt `I` point than at the-former. Thu bbjei-1 is tosecure 3. position above the val arant from which the river,-ill l) `open for the advanm of gunbozitsr ti Berber and Khartoum, and at whirl rs flotilla may be collected for a "d:lT47.' upon either or both of them when -' favorable iqppdrtu.nity_ may offer. M Abu Hamedi the Egyptian forcs wil. beiabout 300 miles from Khartoum, and as [rum 3. .pl.1B an little southot th. formellr the Nile` is upon the yem round._advamce can be `made at any time after the nex`t'n`u.ry 2r and gu.nlx)a`t.s have been arrumulated As Abu Horned can be reached by river only at high "ivater. this zwcumulation must be largely mzulie by land, und for this purposa military railway is be- ing pushed over the desert: from \V'ady Haifa to Abu Harnod, a. `distanve of "about 220 miles, on forty miles of wliii-l: rails are now laixl. Six months more will be required for t`llB construction of this line, though if necessary it can be built much sooner, and when #111` the giinboats will be brought up in sections by rail, and an a.rmored flot- illa assmbled in the river ready to ' push on to Khartoum. -.-nu up.-manna so vvAIa vv uuu uuua. nu-n-- ` ways.pre,fer to givehiim his first: few lessone double. along with a. free. len- sihle, fast-walkimig` horse, A light front " bob;l'eigh*-answers'well' f * sons. As soon as the colt has become used tonhnrness. the bit, etc., and has qeased to be afraidof the driver or ve- hicle, and has learned to go. albng with his mate. "like iaihmse should, weleel .nohesitat'Lon in hitching him single to a. cart. It issafe for the first` few times- touse alsicking strap. saysFau%_i_ers' Advocate; being careful that it is inop- erly` adjirsted abbut half way betiveeh the roots of the tail and coupling and fasteinedeih the proper, position to pre- vent slipping either way. then buckled I ,19,0S.e1Y C0. the,shLts. It is no.i:,wel,1,t0 take lung drives at 'u:st;7in facnthe , i_:~sho1_1ld_be retumecl to the stable; b'a5Iis_ftifto chance bwjg may be assur- ...I - ' l2l1'L,'p11H'.ByVI1lQlI_ Ll`011Il(l U18 hoot about tw,o~th~i'rds oI';~'th.eI Way.` to the heelftheir advwfif` is lightness. while theyprotecbthe toes`. which is all ` ' `that is requfrul in, colts, Should "the * heels soreness, light pl;v.t e.oE this ordinary sort should be) at,once ut om. Ajmistake Ls _to s on` the cult much heavier in front than behind, with the idea of imp;-.ov`mg his s.c'tiom. _ It [9 mgch safer to copy na- ` turej by. emdeavoring. tu 159.01)-l1-iJn1 bul- anoed than to force 8. conxlition which ;an ovebanxious, inexpe1'ienced`dr1ver `may seek to obtain. , ` ' - ........_ L; uuLIIJuAnL\UAHLItJ`,_IJUo numou Mccmrnv, Q.C.,- F.E. P. P2:-um. Q.(`, J. A. M(\)Am'nY. D. C. Muxcxusou. BARRIE. McCarthy, Pepler. McCarthy 5: Duncan. Alllsbon and Crecmore. V M:-Carthy, Pep1er.(_}ox-bould & McCarthy, Onllln. Monev at Lowest R.-mm ` has just l`r:mi -` _O_.__ 9. hicking iron- adjusted about between. tail fastenegioin thenvbuokled thezshoits. is,no.t,Wel,l,,to take drives at first; in fact. the .sh:or.t'dri~ves in 8 dayzirc niuch to. be -alwziys bad policy away adie- , ta-nceonxl then `turn around and return -by the same road. .lt is. much better to go. around 9, block, a. diiferent one at each time. however, so far as practica- `bIe.`0 that it will not require notions of hisown no to where he should go _ or turn. I ` y y Look well to the colt's feet.vNe'ver - under any circumstances allow mm to become-.footsore. because ifhe. does it . will seriously affect his guit by causing . hgILIn_ to step short and "tieVd ,; up." .As saoonas the toeslieginsto hrenli` u "put ' on light nhoes*or_tipa wei hing mm five to ei.ght`ou.n'-zen e'o.oh-.*: envy shoes are apt to cause the-_._oolt to become leg Weary and h_.ithi.1,neelf-a. huliit h&(,l\ .0V6r:ome \f\rhein'onoe 4cquired.; A Lipie '..a._thv1n;plate` which passes around the about of; `the way., the heehtheir lightness. while_theyprotect'the all .`'is; colts. ,_Should "the heels show ploteeoi the often made the_colt xnuoh behind, with ectioin.`_ lmop- him which an inexperienced `driver 4 I ' fl`ru1isportuLion 5; -3921; shell crabs aim! from the .1- to I`<:rt`l:inil,-Or-.. ss! ui iy :u'coiii;;lEsh~ oil for Hm ifrw. K safe the riv times- preferred too long weari.~;01ne trip. It isi uOu.vv_u, anuu. up Uiblll hM\Al]_,ib_3 . .7 . m.unxs:on3 are rnine. its songs are rxune; its Godis mine!" Oh, it 1.`! no tame thing to become a. Uhristianlu it I is a merry-mu.l:ing; it isxthe killing of . the futtod calf; it is a. jubilee. You ` know the Bible l]9VUl"COI1J.jJ8.I'eS it to a j funeral, but Yxfways ooiii.pu.1'es it to -something `delightful. I mountain Lrunsiigured mo1 ning.. . . j Bible expressions about -pardon and ipeace and life and ooznfortmnd hope g heayen, andlwistvthem into one ; -garland and put it on the brow ot the 3 hrumblest child of God in this nsseun.h- V E. lage. and cry. "'\Ve`:ir it, wear it now. . wear it .lnrever, son of'G0,d, daughter ' of the.-Lord God _/lllmig,hty! Oh, the ' joy of the new con-viertl Oh`, theV_g\lud;- -* `neon oihthe C`'~' ser,viicel' 4 '-You have seen sometimes lh man` in u Lllgious"g*e't up and give his ~ ex.11eri'ence..VVel`-l_ . Poul gave, his1.expe1:i- ence.` He arogserin. the presence of two I.`h1l1l'3h~e&-i;l1e-C11-ll`l`Gh on Berth and the ' `church in`;-he.uven;-~ai'-ncl ho":-iaird. " Now, ` this is my _5xi1:eiWienJCe, aqrrawifuihyet always` rejongrngi y poor. yet ~rnal_nng many rich; having n01 hl1'|E.` yet p.osses' ing a1l`things." . illf the eoplel m,thi- religion, they would all pass over into Utheki don1oE `God thenext momentx .W.hen- _ ` of hol-K3,? his httenidant said: -"Hove Dill. much pain`!-" "Oh," he replied, `since I found the Lord Ihmie never had any pain exce t suk"~'1hen-they ` said to h1m."'Wou(l y_oulike to send on message to your friends?" _ M would. l?ell.t`hem only last night the love `of Jesus came rushing into mysoul` lilketihe sulrges of the sea, avndlhnd to cry outt.,'Sto ,Lbrd. it is enough ; stop, Lord. enough)-'1" Oh. the joys at this ~ Christian religion! Just pass over from til-`>36 tu1ne7_'oI_vs of this world into the x"- Lures-_ot,t e gospel. This world cam- 1...; satisfy you: you have found that)" It is {note ' to be.c; to n v`bunquet,than,.,t.o ., . . ` ~anything else. It is COl.I}.1Jd.l`Btl in the V Pshould be returned stable; Bibleto water--:hri.ght, flashing water, 1 {ENNIS fresh rather than weary. '.lVv0', to -the morning-rose,ate,<,.Qfireworired, 1 wish Icould to-day take all the i,e_ .. " house,kn,e'w the joys of `he; Christian 4 uniel" Sandeanan` was dying ` "Yes. I- U1` Lunl. feet.vNe'ver5 -> t_.0 ' became. footsore. because do9s_ U . . will seriously gm causulg hsinn "t,iedj; sabomias an five eigVht`ou.n'.-:e.s ggzvy becom ` \jv1mn'dnoeV4cquired.,; L'1L).iBv i..a._thinv,'plate`\vh'm11_ Ll`Qu1ld the. oI';~'th.e w`9.y.` Hm haul-"fkniu m1nnu?'{ '3" in HA-Hmfnvnbu l`ruxmpm`La.Li oi - sL)Et crabs `alive {T9111 1%-I, Cw i_ <:L_`t`IzLm!,-Or-.. jusl; an '.o:ss!`ui_\' l.V:mc. v - BREAKING TH`E. ROAD com.` yo "me A .\'D commvrs. Hm harned. we 8.1--` 1,3,, 1.2, !___L ;.;. wuora was mum mus ms Rxcgfr _` T0 mmcs ma snub. " 1 The Christina Banquet to WM:-In Everyone - lg lnvllel-.L I-'1-alive oruutou sanction- ed to the Glorious Chrlsllan Iellzlon. Rev. Dr. Talmage preached on Sunday fromjtbe text, Luke.x'v., `.13, " Bring hither the 1'u._t.Led calf zmd kill it." 1.. ..n -..,.. A u: ...t..u. H. Lu_\oLCu tau `gnu. nu: IL. ` in all agas of the world it has berm customary to celebrate joyful events by fmtivity-tha signing of treaties, the proclaunation of pace, the inaugurar. tion of presidnnts, the rroronation of: kings, the, `tho uia..r'riag`-.-. = :1 H0wever`u1u1:l1 on other days of tho ' 5 year our talile may have a stinted sup- ply, on 'l`hanlasgivu1g Day, there must be something bounteous. And all the at con1l0rtnbloAhom'es `of Christendom have at some time L\el.lBb1`'|l.0(l joyful -events by banquet and festivity. Soine-l t thing has happonesl on the old home , ` stead greater than anything that has ever liappened before.` A favorite soul whom the world suqrposed would he- :/some a v-agn.hond and outlaw forever has got tired of sightseeing and has re- turned to his father's house. The world said he never would come back. The old man always said his son would come lnclr. He had heon looking lori` him-day after day and year after year. 3 He l-11nu,w he wtxulkl wine lg.u:k., Nmvti having returned to hisfathere` house, the fatlier J)I`(X:l.'.llll1S celebration. There is in the qiaddopk-a call that ll:L`<) been . kept lib and fed to utxnost capuuity, so /as to be ready` for some occasion of joy that might come along. Ah, there never :would be grander day on the old hoixmslead than on this dny. Let the butchers do their work.` and tho houselceepers bring into the table the" _smoking rnent. The uiu.~s'Leians will take their 1)la.6es, and the gay groups will move my and _down the floor. All the . friends and neighbours are gathered in, E and an extra suyply is sent out to the table of the servants. The father pre- 3 sides at the ta.'l)i;u and says grace and]. thanks God that his long absoxit boy: is home Oh, how` they. 'i_nissed' .101 0? A SAVED suuL. LUUIIT E LUUNIII. ` B ARRISTER8. SOLD ITDRN`. PROCTORS !\'0TAbIES. CONVEY.-\1\'CE`RS. sic. Olvlcxq :-Cor. Dunlap and Clnpperton strgets. Borne h ting across his brow` ax`: Lina remem- bold iiiizigezry does tho Bizblo set forth; Ithoe morryimiukiug wherra. soul comes, V 1 One brother stands poutiug M the bank door and: says: "This is El. g,ri`i-Alf ado about nothing. flfliis bad. boy` should have ben chased instead o greeted. Veal is too good for him." But the father says,"Nothin,g is too good; * nothing is good en.'" There sits` the young man, glad at the hearty re- oegptiou,-but :1 shadow of sorrow flit;- Uranoe of the trouble be had seen. Ail ready now. Lot the covers lift. Mussio, Ho \V`].8_d6Ld,_lLXld' he isalive a.gain.fiio 5 was lost, and he is found. By such home to God. wire: .-.r ..n pg...-a ;g Hm .....\.,,...+-.. nonm L0 uou. , . First of ;il1,t:i1e1'eis the newconvert-'3 icy. ilt Ls no tzrnxe t'n'nng to become a 'hrisLian., V The most i;l`8I1lIldOl1S mo- ment in ama.n s mars when hesurren- dersi himself Lo God. The grandest time on the `father's homestead is'when the ' boy comes but-ykrw Afxnoxxg .Lhe grati throng who .in the parlors oi our church 5 pro1'eaedL'-`hriet, onenight was ayoungi man who naxt.morning-ran.g my door- bell, and said. "Sivr, '1 cannot contain myself with the joy I -feel. 1 came here this morning to empress it. I. hu' e.. found more jov in fivednrinutes in serv-. ing God than` in a.1l_the years of my prodigaiity, and 1; came here" to any so." You" have Item 1.erhu.w_a.. mu-n runnin,g'for hiB_ temporal liberty and the officers of thy. low utter man, and you saw him eev:a4;;e,- or hear the judgia had pardoned him, and . hnw Lrreztt was irimrnf that 1`+ .U`|lAd man, but it is a. very tame thing com- ; pared with the runhing for oue s ever~ la5ting_life, the terrors of the . law after him and Christ coming. in to .pardon and gbless, and rescue and save; > _. I Ydunenlembar John Bunyan in his ' great story tells how /the pilgrim put his fingers to his ears. and ran. `cry- ing, Life, life, eternal 1itel"_ A4100: par driver, some time ago. after yeairs\- "having had to*stru.ggie-" to support his` family, `suddenly was informed that a large inheritance was his and there was a. joy eimountin to` lyawildermept, but that is a. s;I1_a._i _th`ing compared: with"the ex,per`ien;~ue,oE one when he has put in his hand the title deed to the joys, the ra,ptuires_, .thie splendprs of ` heaven, and his Gain tu`uiy,;itsay: '1ts mzmainnii nmn minn, ifs nnim are THE BARRIE EXAMINER," 'HURSD.-\;Y, JEVNE `)4, 189' :5 w ting 21 grmt; `` boy 5 of 1` But. out. Alexamder, longing for other worlds to can:-pxcr,-`and yut drowned in his own hottla: Bvmn whinmsd b\* _W0fllLl3 50 C0'lEl ,'3J1U yt.'L \lfU\VKlt9(l L m his own bottle; Byron whippud bf \disq u.ietudas' around the world: Vo mire !1iL1KJ1ia_ownv.,s:mlA~whikr> 2:}? 1'. tliifrsfre-ot,s oi Paris were up laurhng him; Henry II. consuming nit hum-i against poor 'I`humu.s a l5<::.;-I--z1ll' il- ltzstrqtjms of the fact that this wurhi (nnnot make a man lznppy. The wry mun \v2w.1.oE;:ned the pmmuul of !,h(>;( ` CUIX. IE5 L lLJ'lJ`l.1.'!l S()l'E{F I }z1_-dying usudcr um starlxghl smg- ` .... . . . p Tlll`. song xyaua vguglit up Zlll Ll the fields zuiiuiu; Llm Vl:'dlUl'lk?il u was said there wage at least `wounded. mun uniting their vui. ;tliey wine Lu the verse: l`hero everlasting spring all And never xyjitlmring [Ems `Tin but z|._!1Il.l`I`D\V .~stre."u11\ii-. 'l'iii3 heavenly land from uu Oh, -id. is 2\,grt`.1ll. religii/ln Lo i - and IL great religion to die l.yl *1 is only (me heart Lliroh betxscmiy ELM.-it reiigiun. Just look into (1 io[ your ;').'lr God and ~;ui` yt}lLf$t?lf for Liane and for (IKCFIXA lull is yours. Somu of gun. ii -I yuung mu.n Of the man. have gt .:L~`i[l`LV. I know nuL the ii.-um :_V `scene iii) every lristoi'y. ll some of _\'~.`\| would rise from the ted of lCll1i'll`]:)'zl11o.l `come out lroiniyour ilelihuin oi sin .lll(l ' l loozr on the clock of your ihusllxny llllrl moment, you would see and l) r 501110- Q thing, you h.ive not sum or huird be- fore, and every tilts oi the miixailn, and every str(,n:e of the hour. .Lnd every 5-stroire of"hour, ;_i_nl .e\`ery swing ,1 of the penduluin would say, ".\'nw, now, lnow, now!" Oh. come home to your ' h`a.tlier's hoimol Conic , huine.. 0 pro- digal, [min the wilderness I ljonie home, coine hoinef . But l notice that when .the prodigal Calll tlle-re was the father's joy. He did not greet him with anyformal "How do you do. ' He did not come, out and Isay; You are unfit -to enter. U0 and wauh `in the trough bylhe well, and. ;then you can come in. We have had. 'enough trouble with you." " Ah. no! W hen the proprietor of estate pro- claizmeil f8l'.lV8.l, it was an outburst of a fzLther`s love and g1 father's Joy.` God. is your Father. l have not Il]l1\'lJ sympa- " thy with the description of God 1 some- " tunes h:a.r, as thqugli He were a Turkish sultan. hard` and unsympnthetix.` and lis- tening` not to the cry othis su|)_jce:ts. A main told me he saw in one of the l;xsi.:__` ern landsa."i;'Lng riding along, zmdtwo, men were in altercation. and one charg- ed the other with having eaten iis rice. and the king said. "Then slay the men. .le.~ i1s. Uh, ivurn p1`u(1;-4.15 roine nuine, ri jun. lie:_ii' the L:hrfsii:.ins sing! Just 1% hetir the (`l1i`ik1iuhs pray! ii is not e. il stereotyped suppliuiiozi we li-ave he;v.rd :3 over and over again for `.10 years. but `5 `pim.-ng of the case in the hands oi God will an i1npuri.un:ite [JlP VC long pmyi-rs. Men never pray at great Hi lengtli unless they have nothing I0s(1_'y', gl a'l1(l_l.lli$ll` liehrts are hard and cold. All l the prayers in the Bible that were an- `C swered were short pray-.-rs. God beu it merciful to me, l.`S1L\Del`." Lord, that - I may receive` my sight." "L0rd,\sz1ve me, or I pariah." The longest prayer Solomons prayer at the d8(l._lL`8ilOn of the temple, less than eight minutes in length; according to the ordin1r._v._`ziLe `- of enuncietion. '2`n1 hear them pray new that the prodfvgals :1re4uam mg home.. Just see them slimke hands. No putting forth the four iips of the fingers in a formal way. but a. hearty grusp. vnere the muscles of the heart seem to clinch the fingers of onehnnd nround the other hand. And then see these Christian faces how` they are! And see that old man get up. and with the same voice..he sung 50 years ago in. the old country? meet- ing house, say "Now. Lord,` lettest thou Thy servant depart {in peace, for mine eyes have seen Thy salvntion`." .lhere was a. man of l\'el'th who `was - hurledinto prison in time ofpersecution aim mna av n emf. nil is samEles.uud 1 (Late of Dru. Oymcm AND Rmxnnuos Collier Streets. Barrie ' -St.r_m;e 01 um uour. ;_i_11v1.u\':*x"y s\\.n'.5 the sq , ".\nw, nuw, On. home }F_a.ther's _ C4;~xue,hun1e.. svxltlurxmss . [Inf I uniinn Hmf whc-n thn I`.-Y`()f(!7\.l eaten he r ' 8. \ . \ ' whether ha has " _ he shun. Ah. the rzruelty oiascsue , like Uhut`. Our God L3 not 3. sultan, "not ` a despot, but :1 l:`zLt.her `kind, loving, : .forgivem,LLnd He !IL_tl.(t3S all hseavenring ll again when a prodigal comes back. .Iv:] I 1 1 1 1 I `'nopleasura," He says. "in the. death of him that diethJ' All may `be? saved. l[ it man! dues not get to hues;-I vein. it is because he will not:go there. gt 5 No dhfferetnce, 7the_,c;olor,,rio difference the arntecede_uts,- no difference the sur- ; . roundings. no difference the sin. -When{ the white horses of (`hrist s victory are ;1 brought out to celebrate. the eternal? triuiniph, you may is of t'l_1.e'm,?`l aun-d. as God is greater than all, His;_ -joy is greater. a.nd.whe.n a soul comes rj back there is in His heart the surg-ij mg of an inlinitencearl of gladnass, and to express that takes all: ` the rivers of pleasurp, all the thrones} - of pomp. and allthe `ages of eternity.` ` It is a joy deep~er~ than all depth. Ildi' : higher than all heightT~ahd4vide,ptha5n all width. i1!1S1`va._s_t._e_-r_._thun all immen-,` sity. It oversteps, it undergirds. itgf outweighs all the united s1)le}1d0r'_andj` "joy of the lLniVe1's.~.=, and who can tell` what God's. jqyrist 1'ou_:r=g_meniber read-. ` ` ing the story of a king-wlmV-en-seme~- great joy 011` Eesvity scatters silver and gbldhmoug the people, who sent , valuable presents to his`, but i methinks when :1. .-:ov-.v.l_ mines` back, God i -;.L` an (rl:i(l Hmt. to ex;xJress His joy He ` when .- .11 cmnes mack, uou "is so glad that to exress joy lings out. new` \vm'1u_- into space and kindles up _new suns. and rolls among` th-e white rohed an`t1_n-ms of the re: deemed in great ha!.`.elui,1h, while with . a. voice that reverberates among the . mountains of frnniiinscense rink} is echo- ed back from than-`ver1ast.u1g gates he ~cries.\,"'J."`h'is my sun was dead; nnd he is alivengain 1" _ V, _ _ V I nnhm also tlmbwhan a nroduzal alive again I" I notice also t,lmt _when pfodigal ; comes home there is sjoy of"tl1e m1n- ` isters oflreligion, Oh, hit is a. grand thing ,to' preach the gospel! .1. Izhow them has been a. great deal said about 5 the trials and `the hzirdshtps oi! the, 1 ' Ohristianv ministryir Since I entered" t.heisro`fess-ion -I h3.`V8~5B9n:` more at the _; goodness of God than _I will be able to relebrate in all eternity. I know some . boast abdut their equilibrium, "and they do not, rise hito enthusiasm, and the? do not break down with emotion. but confess to you plainly that when 1"` i see a man: coaniug_ to God .and~givin _ V i up his Sin Ifeel"n 1.body. mind an soul a trunspdrt; iWIl1en "I see mman A i. bou-nd -bani!"-vnnd foot in evil habit" emancipated. I rejoice over it as though ` it were my own emancipation; W hnn in one mm munlon aevlca such it nmanolpauon; When in one communion a?vlco such- throngs o1 youngand old stood up and in the presencnot maven and mu-th and hell uttgated their allegiance to Jesus Christ, Ielt :1 joy sumathing _ akin lii1;h:it""n'l:ich tho axmstle de. `scribes when h.e_ says: "\\ h:3Un:r in 4 Where saints imumrm.J reifgn, -oughi an ar .11 lb U.l)UU i g 1:` at ` e ' '1`-he mdy I `"3`:. ,mn ;Gd kuo-IL g'f:f.1:noe:{`h?J:1`eel`v.6r`h:&!1;`L!l1gIghteGr(:3bc? 3;: JUL haw nut m`uh.mrs :1 gm kt:-J m;31viour's rihleounaei `a-dw) f;9.XIL E j1%* `b *` l""`6~`.1 wmfymofllla is-.x-e.r3=aaheuiar*xmv2i:'"t11:ii"'gEEI&~a in H her b*~`*:1.:, ,"`* E:y7 the is 10000 "`1T?`"m"V3"`"` 3; ` 15" aw'n U -16 ` amramenm. redeemed 7? k`" mhffv` [>0U1 ~L`d "W '-L8 #1? sup; Y! and g`lo rLfied eaven , I and Ouzlil 111*! `wt to mu rt? :`ume1w;Lh ` ri3' ""uZ5 Huge fm mg, hwrrt .1: i return Sins. ' H U ""'-`rH:V \r""."'} my (du.Nr : bnz. .~si1m! "\\'nrt,`:!:.' is: Mu. I;....n as... H W .. , ....`. B. V _ CONVEYANCER, ETC. MONEY TO_ LOAN. `OH-`I.c1:s:-Bnnk of Toronto Building, Owen alreet.__Barrie ' ~

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