Farmers requiring money to meet .ma.t`ur- i , "ing mortgages '01` for. any uthr purpose, .,,_,Bh,0,uId, apply to the undersigued`: before maliing other arrangelneut. ' .. 7' H16 `. -itllvl. iuraunvcr cup. . Lucy uuu u. The 'Ladies.Aid Society held a picnic on i the `. 4Lh. in Mr.` Horsetield's grove. The weather was uniJv0r:\bie but that did not prevent xx goodly number from attending and . spending ii very enjoyable time. Financially - also it was 2. success. twenty dollars being! the recgaipts. . Hmvrri Hm-`r. nf \.\.'mi-mv hm: been with i evemng. `i Our football team played at' Elillsdaie `on the `24th. for a siiver cup. They won it. Thu 'Y.a.iim: Aid Snnimv held a nicnic me recgalpts-2 Heccfr Hurt of Weston has been with` us for a few days. He, with _ the_,5_ptl1e'r ; members of the family has `been arranging ! for the sale of the Hurt estate. The Aulds of Guelph are visitors a1:3Mm. Frnscfs. One of the children was taken ill; of .~.u:'rh.=t ie\-'er shortl.y after their ar;iv.1l. -' Evfry prrcuutim is being used to prevent- if enrmulimr. ` ` D l'.\KlJ HIK \.LLllLl\7II I UUIIJS KIJIIII LII .I|L!\.L|u it spreading. The funerql ceremony of the late Mrs \V j J Priest was cund1'.cte.1 at the Iinglish Church j `burying phceon Friday afternoon `2Sth. Prwinuxsd tn hm` nmrrizwe with Mr Priest. l uurymg pl`|L'L"Oll fflilily 1Hl,L`|'llUUl| .\)LH. i Previous to her nurriuge with Priest, dcueased was nxztfriml to :1 Mr Martin wlxmse ` sons James and Lieu,rg.e reside 1n the tr>wu- ` ship of Flos. The yurs of the deceased; .l;:dy were numbered as uiuety-eizht but mi;-ny of the old settlers say she was fully one hundred and three; jiezfrs old. I May 31--Friends- from Pengtzmg visited? Mr. and Mrs. John )I::Au!ey on the Queen's Piirthday. ` - ` am... Mr-I)nn1M nf Midland. visited ! I ITICTUIH lH.'l'(.' Iill. \V`it"l$. I A number from here took in the 2 l0rilli.'1, \Vyebridge and Hillsdule (24:11. 1 u.. \r,.\I..n;. `nr '`.,.1.... Q....:..m I1 . `R, " Angus .\IcDon.11d of Midland, ffiends here last wek. I `\ .......1.,w 5.3... 1...... r\n`.- L. ('~l\_'x ; ("nu `. Matt 3XcN:nlly,hf Cn,da.r Springs, called. 1 on friends hem Fritlhy lust, . l Miss Etta Conlin, who has been spending i {L few days with friends here, has returned to F109. _ . D R,{..Iinn.uIJ nu.-I C-umiluv AF I-I3HnroLa Yialte menus nere ms: weex. - Rxclmrd Welshvof Elmvale, called 0 friends here Tlmursmlay last. . u Prirhv lust as David M:\rtir \ \v:|sz` HEB. .MAJE5'1'!'3 uuuuuxyu JV-Aunt; \_CARRIES Queen Victoria. Her Life and} Rei"u" into every home. t er9.ons who` never sol books take Orders fast. Prxrlhce the most eloqur-ntof Lord D:1'\:rin'+ achicvmuelm. N0 book 3\)`lli}.'N prnisacd. `Vc nu:-ml mun: unn- vasxaers. ' iv to make 3154 to $90.00 a week. f IHBIIUS MEI`? Llllllllily lilbl. On Friday lust as David Martin was returning from Hillsdnle iiltertnking the milk from the factory, he left the horse standing at the gate of James Wl1utlm'm by whom he was employed and went into the house for an umbrella :9 protect him from _ the rain. ` He came out and opened it when the horse became frightened and dashed away at full speed. '_l_'he waggon was badly K smashed and oiie of` the cnns\dinged, and the harness was also `broken. The animiil was cziught at the post otue. Glad to Say . no one was iniured although school was out when the animal ran by but the children u. had just_left"the road. _ . . Rpv, Fmmr Mchlachern held a station at tn mos. V P. McDonald and family ofiiillsdale, visited friends here last week. D...1......: w..m. A: !.`I....,..In mnlml l\l'l IOWBI` WBSII 1'4 DEEICSD. Miss -Isa Conlin visited Mr. and Mrs." Vlumes VVelsh..of Elmvale} Saturday and ~ Sunday. . " HBO JUSU |8I[" [I18 FUR. 7 ' Rev. Fathr McEachern held a station at Mrs. McDanald s on Tuesday oast week. T<`.unr-uhnrh} in Mad to know mu` nhnmninn J.V.U'3- WICUHHHIQS Ull Luegsuuy UL liidh \'iU`.'h. Everybody is glad to know our champion wasn t beaten. ' lfh... Tm. {`nn1.'n uh`?!-m-I 11 and KT:-u '- "Jixgls 1+31.;mpsarefpies;51e1,t; Full wheat-never looked bettcr `in; this section? thfxn it does at present. We hope that it may continue. ' J A nmnnr vnanu am) nnnnalninlmr I` ' I A great. maqy arc; complainlng having c0,lds.'. ' 11- T.`;._...~ TH'-I"1,...L,.l..v AC Dnnh;n navlng cqms. . V I , Miss Emma McC0nkey, of Barrie, is visiting -with her sister, _ Mrs, J. A . T71- - 1 1311!. - . . A At the "last meeting of the T.O._G.T. it was depided to change the night of. meeting back to Friday evening. 9 (V F -\'Tul+nnLn7 ennnf. HUI. h()Hd>1VS[ T iriniinun uacim mun": 'I.`eac11ei'0f Violin. > A M ` and Voice lfrotltlction` meuuug Uauh LU J.'nuu._y Uvcuxus. _ C. E.'Ma.13ten1ey spent the holidayg `with friends east of Toronto, returning Home on l`uesday evening last. ~_ _ `h- !\,l'n,.T..-man N-.-`F Rm-v-13 xvhn;-lat} Home U11 Lueauuy UVULILLIS Aowu.>~_ Dr. MacLaren of Barrie, wheeleci down `on Sunday, beingthe guest, of J. A. Blain xvhiwle-in town. , _ J nnectiou with the church here on Friday evening, T_'_TIg_.svs.s_ beei1_T_d'cidev1 .to-..`iuild the ` June 25th. Please bear this date in ' mi11d,a_11d not miss for it is always g(>o'd. . V i ` * ' i Nfiaa mu... `.\TaiHv v9a`r.nrnnri Immn last . n M_-ias BeHe~Nei11yreturned homg last} week after spending several moi1ths'with i friends in Richmond hill, -~m T h;1L... ........L ,. In... `Anna in. 1_I'IUuus xu LwuuuJuuu,:.uu, _ . f T. J. Dillonspent a. few days in, Barrie lastivek.` .;~ ~ . k I at , T..- r`1:LL.. I ...,u 11.... D I 1V1rS_. um), uwuuus gtuu. nus. >;. `Keaney,visitel.relatives in Orilha and I Barfle last week... _ '. -, ` V` mp, 1u':I__,._ -1.` ii .... ,...L......L 1vy\n A Di1l'Il C- ltibb ``Vl3C'\u - callr on Mr; Batten and M}? Thomas one Ga? last` week.~ "5" V - ' lJennison'.n A -r\ "112... 1.-.... .... 'I`L`.'....M1.... ./I-..,, ` Toront0`sgent`{ Sitrday with 1VIrs.`W_m: V Mr. Milman of?G`ra\ienh'11rstA, ';vaLa .` 1VIr;ifR; '~`Jermi_soxr-and V95 wife;l--df V Waiting with relatives here. . _ : Will Knapp i tickled oxjer the amval of 1 . ` % s son. - E delluxrsuuh ~ - ' Opedlbdge here on V Thursday (to: day) evening-and it proves to be /good. The; committee isgpendihg nd Iittle` time iri "trying~ to get a good pro'gra'm V ready, .- 1 M f M W - u: fnnm imam nlzumr} A riiAf.n3\ -hm. uuy, . ` Our football team played` A match here last` Saturday eveningwith :1 pick. . up team and held their own for thirty _ minutes. To dojustice to the. boys I might say the pick-A-,,up .' teamo were senior men and good pla.yers.; There is ~to be a matgh played on Saturday, we are told, so come out and encourage the A )'Z}.I`IlB .l3S|.'a,WBK- lVIrs_. Jno, Gibbons and Mrs. :_:L,I _,l_A.. ..;_ :. f\..3H... .-`...'.] KER .MAJESTY"S DIAMOHD JUBHAEE 1-` \DDYL`\! c-nnmn Vinfnrin. Hm rulll ANTEN MILIS. CPLAIGHURSF. ORR LAKE. _ GILFORD. .1'm: ABA=RBE~-'EX1H.NEH. HIIRSDA.Y. Jtme: 3, 1397. a epm-tsovf e on the yiaiting S visiting V visited When Victoria Became Queen. Light rm! air were `tuxudwxjhen Victoria ,becunm }'Im'!:Ln"l`s Qvm-n. The tax on 1 vnn.iuu.-5; hmu in 1,Ub`1),0U() a year to the truu;-sury. Your pevple blufked `up \vind`cws to escape payment. `It was cummon practice to paint rmvs ofwindows on the solid wall oia lwmse. This was dune so zhut hasty p:users -by,. mistaking swinblunce for reality. `. might um: accuse the imnatcw. of hexng pour. l Thirfmln (`rinwsz '4-N mmi: uhlo wirh '?MIritu1h"th9 " Hoodwnnnpntiun. intrinsic nine of N Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood : Sarupuills poaeeues actual md unequalled curative power and there- lore ltlu true merit. When you buy Hood a Sarsepuilla,uid take it ar:`cotdi'n"g" H to directions, to purify your blood, or, cure any of the mhny` blood diseases, you are morally `certain to receive benefit. The power to cure is there. You` era not trying an experiment. _ It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing. end thul - drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the wboleeyeiem. 1 HHL ,Ul HUI. LICCIISC [HE IIUHZKUPE OI Uulfz p()Ur- { . Thirteen crimes W' punishable with fdvznh when Victoria tank up her duties as lama-reiazn. The number of capital crime was later" reduced to nine in England. New 5 there are but two--high treason and wiifnl mnrrlvr. The do-nth n}-nulrv hm: nr:u-ri`v:rI!v `;H0od- s Pills :;L2:,.*3: 5 lHUlK.' KXIC Huh L\VU""'lgU L|L`u5UU illlll \\ Hllll murtlcr. The death p'enu.I:y has przxctfcully beenabolisshediu Bavaria. Deuma.rk.Belgiun1, V . V D . . V . , Prusasmwcden, and In some 0: the Lmtcnl } e um :Hodd: 1 I , ! Is the beqt, in fact - the One True Blood Purier. ; Prgparetfgnly by C. 1. H nod at Co., Lowell. Mas ; --.j----:` .`l.vK7llLL`l`l| L lt`8lllU'lL2! ll'LL\t` Tl-l!l _IIl UH,` V United States since\'ict.mi;1 lw<:7.ur.u Queen. V 5()nly three pf then` (ire nrw -"living. Hm lihmues of F.1V1ru\pe`* have u`mm:cd nmny Ltinics. \'|ctm`in. ilda huun cwitmm rziry [0 invent}:-cig_:lit Kings. six I'I.up r .ra_ four C`/.;1r.-. Lbru: Queens, thirteen [ 1' ten `Princes. `ii-Vt.` Sulmns, an-1 m-my petty i ruler: of simuller States of Europe and Asia, i :\11Sfl";lii1\.\\':!.~\i`i1iPV imnnrrrmt ma :1 nnnnl l'..|lCl"4 UL ISIHLIIICIV Ql.iIlQ`.'3 (N ILUFUPE HIIU . $3Ii5_. _ .~\ustmlizx.w:i.~x chiefly important as a penal ` colony in those days. The~;:reater pars off its territory was then unexplored. ' Its tonsil pupulutinn in 1837 was 215,001). Now i: is lover 3,300,000. '1'r>-day its trade exceeds` ltlmt of all (`G:'; Britain at the beginning`: lof Victm`i:i's reign. The city ot Melbourne Ethan consisted of a church. an inn, three lsliups. twenty huts and 1 l(uii_;1:iro0-meat? l market. IE is now 3300.000 people. . l ; ' l .iuteu:ls to present to the Queen of England Leo to Victoria. . % A Roman paper states that the Pope 3 a sedan clmir which is ll]0llL llu(l'K21Cl .ly after his $0-Cillltll "Se(li.i~Gesmtoria, the chair of state used by him only on special occa- sions. The Pope lids lermiell that the ee1'e- mony of blessing the Queen was to take place in front or St. l uul's Catheilrul, iul London, instezul of within the church, l)e-' cause of the luzihility of the Queen to walk ; up the high stairs into the church. It was therefore proposed to provide an ornmnental , chair in which. to carry up the Queen, and ` the Pope graciously lent himself to the solu- tion ol the question by furnishing this hand- some state chair, which can be used as well _on even ground as goiughp or dowustziirs by the simple shifting of tlis-cairryjing poles. Native is lumshy r_ - COt.`N'1'Y or SIMCOE. ., _ '1`<)`,WIl`: Scssxomf of the Peace. and that Ihr` Court 0t'Gc 31:3 that MI_eod wzis going to the cuuntry to the county jail. In? the course of a. couple . . `of days the matter was settled. the defendant "t* ,I An Unusual Case? "T ` ` The case of Solomon Hill rs. McLeod of Markdale is a case of anunusual nature. . It appears that Hill has secured a. judgment against McLeod to 3300. Later on he feared Without first settling up and forthwith had a Writ" of` ca.` sa. issued against McLeod, _` which Iedfro McLeod arrest and nmmittal paying" $200 and the . plairati paying the She1ri s costs. ` We 'uridersta1_id that this is ` the bhly case of this nature thuthus occured ` in this district for many yaers.--Advertiser./W. j ,, _, , M3"}'i,.`1 E`! 5- 3951195? _ . _ San Francisco, May 2_S.--From Luchow, _Chin:;.,_ comes the news t:l1ut')I1'ss H su, 1 daughter of one "of` the gentry, was. married` recently to a Red Flower Vase. which was a substitute for her dead. betrothed, son of `the Vice-Chanceor of the Fen lnlperlal Academy, and former Optimus of Hamlin . Academy. The young man died a few days before the wedding day, zu1d.the brcgvd to forawear n_1_ru'riage and observe her widow , l1.,.,.A :.. u... c. 1., ..c .1... nm.-,;.L,., 1:r,....1- 1 EU IUTBWEEKI` I1]_[l1'l'lHgC IUJU ODSEFVG HEX` VV1(l0W~ L hood in the, family of the betrothed. Hence the curious marriage cereznony to a. vase. A memorial will ljo `sent to the Emperor asking him to erect`. a granite arch at Luchow to I commemorate the bride s virtue. _ use of Liquor, Morphine - Tobacco, pur- oha.se_ or your druggiisb a home of Him: Chloride of Gold`-Tablets. They are guar- anteed to cure or mnfney refunded. Tablets may be given secretly in tea or cuifee and vo1unmri1y..givon up.. Price $1.00 per pack, age. If your druggistadoes not keep-the1n - send direct to The Ohio Chemical Works, ' Lima, Ohio Book at eparticulziru and-tesb `l mohiu1`free. in If your husband oikaon is addicted to the i the free use of stimuiunts allowed until , . Mr. E. iv. am, Re_ev_e of Chatham ` 'J.`p., Kent County, Om, says ;----"My daughter, has been very" weakly for some years"; she was v"i'y pale and always felt tired ; she was pzjevailed upon by a.'friend 1 to try as box of Miller's Cozilpounn. Iron ' Pills. I` must say i1:_\\yg;8` a goud n\'_est-` 5 ment ; she at gince began _t9`improve. The ~ color came .toAher chks, sl1e'g!)tstr0Dger` `rapidly, and now is quite well. -.~ Snhl at S9:nn>.I-s Hi-mt Stank, nnn: ~ rupmly, nuu DUW I5 kluli Wdll. . Spld at .Sea;zers [frag Store. opp. A Post, oice. :s`ent' tio any address rmTJfa'nada-syithou_z extra charges - A\"D.........`L..:,J..n .... \'xr;\,1..`A,.A`1.. ._._u *HI 'I2'iIlllI|.liI-11' llzllll extra l"IIf5* _ . AT.Brace`bridge, on \'V`ed1ies_d:zy mght, Hunt's Bank was burglarized a1i5i`:uboun a. thnixsxf{1id"d1laxs in ashand $9.000 worthnof bonds stolen. . 1 V nruvrmvirun rvnn `.1 . . n . 8 Uuuu buumu. ` - SHILOEUS CUBE. the great rCongh'an.d_1 Cfoup Cure, in iii great demand." Pocket vsizecontains 25, only 255:, Children Lave -it." Sold-byvallldrurrgziahs For sale byfJ. Woods. ' _, Does Yd ;d or s'..`;. Drink ': . ' _ . . .`~-' _ _ _, . . n . unnuuu-.--... .4-s -~..1..... . c.uun_A salinasocririon, ci.V/um, arm? ' ` '_ I . In andjfor the C0l_mt{f of Si1nc0c. will lw hold in 1 the Court H_>use._1n I up _Town of Barrie, on - _ .. `I\l|.' | Sarsaparilla rs hour In In no _ Hm nu. Tm. mmm nu :BI"e-man's " $_`.=`__'.'_E5f_...%:? 3:: ' hiwc -rulml ,iI1'[hn,* m:7.x1r.e Queen. Um` umged ` \`.mw r:n'\' rn ` ;Bcg1ment`nl Orders. _ Hm:x:!q\1:1rterS, Hwrir. .\I 1y 15: N0. 1--UIT1cor2- and n`.un-_-~i .the talliun will hr plezxscni to learn thu plimeut has been p:1id'tn the F:- sviecting the cmmmm1ing' I)Kf1cM'" :, those whn are to have the hnnrrnf .11-im; the mllirin of (`:umd.n wt. H ;cvw.*.rn1z<'v: ut. We J\1l.\:!-vu at th ` .. ..|\ ...x. L .... n....... A. sown Twgun S:__1)"INGS. As stand by Our Scribe in nu mamma- Bound Barrie`: Rauvay Ward. Wm. Ar1])st1`ung is making an 3:t1c`~`n ring to hi.~ huuse un~E.s.~;a ~:u'eet. The :u1I1ivv1'szu'y .~`ul`Vict*5 of the '\Iethod1.~;t chum-l1 melted $lUl.e~I;. RM`. Tho.~:;Ed\v:1rd.~ z1ttc>ndu ugeeti11gxu()n1li;L last wee-k. _ - \\.' . I2 \\`..h| an.` PA '.\ \n'r_.|un.;:1':" IV. I). with hi: duvs ..b um. ` `__A_'13. Webb zmd E E1; of .~.mrtin;.{ :1 hicyc : Pm- (7'L`11`k 1-emmm hi.~:L1'iptn Duhuh mm! x u.u\,.n-.-_,y V..- . 7... Next. atone o clock in tl1e:1t'te1:nuon. of Wlll(`ll,:1ll Justices, Coroners. (.`onsts.ljes. [;llllI\`I'.". and others are requested to take uutiee :nu1;1tteu and to do and perform all duties which shall :11 . pertain to them. 19-21 hnrHT': Omlm. 7 CHAS. DRUR" 1 l'L(`1 \ I h1.~: trip [0 |.' K) ' T he (flu-i.sti:m B1`\'fhI't,*l) who uxnm-1'-sed on Sumiuy mu.~L haw (`owl hath; v .\I1'. Bruve. of (ir;m3"nlxI11'.~{. Ills I In:-.~. cl . ]\.\\1 H|U\'f"1 HIU) UH` ll()lhv\` Jill!!!) UCL'\l[JH`l( hyGeu. W111i:-1}`. 1 ` . : .\I1`.~:. Jus. Walkvr nndf.- |1niI_\' la.-u'<.~ In I`v.~'iL1w-ill St. Rm}. .\Iiun.. \\'hithv1' the. best. wishes of tlmir B.'u'1'ic friemlsv ;1rm11:p:1x)y thbm , .3` l.;1;~:r, '1'h11x`:~.`d;1_v \\';1ltvr K015--_v while ` stzu1din_:zz1t`tI1us~\'iI<~}1. had l1i.~: lip cm npvn by H. ;etiIfk`uf \u>ud`l1it,`ll 11-H frum 1 :1 p;l.~`.~`i11;,"(";l1'; ,. Eh'uvz1le h?L:' ilmppvd out of the: junior ]:w1'i.<.~:- lx-uguv. Our buys an-Q \\'>1`kix1g hard 1'n1-tl1vi1'_1st m:m:l1m:xL 3 'Tl1u1-.~;d:u'. kw - ` lI4llglH(`\`l' lJUl1l`l'}.5 LFEUU >ll'1lL'h Ill ne l:11'g nxnu.~:u T111-.~d:1' "night . lwtwven T1-out (`1-wk uml I m'\':1.~:.~':u1.`: \\"heni the U'.'liI$` .~'Lu[)pcd it 1121111 :~`c1':111xl)lul over 11;}-* I'.mw;11nl gut .-uvuy ' with :1 b1'nken lei '-wrth Buy Ti1m2s..; i(]lIilX`lcl'S. at .~:u.'h iirmr us the nti1qer<:mn- ir.:nLiim_v may (iil'EL`T, `Hie hunux. .~:[>II_i uiui (;Iii'.'el`SZlIl(i men of the Hezuiqimrter Com- panies Nos. 1. 4 and .3, win pzLr:ui* for Divine _Ser\'1L`u on the IIl'lI`i{t`,tF11l1(H`(' at an huur 1. ` he muned on that day and will pxm-emi us idilecteli by ti1eI)iiiCel'i{1 cmnmmm. E M. 3-01: Tuesdity. June `.1'3ml, the may i appmmeii for the ceici)mtiuI1 uf tne Ju|)iIeL-. itim banui, sunk} and Cmnpiiuics 1, 4 mm 5, mil puivuie at the mzu'ke_t square at-~10 2I.ln._ in review order, under the connneuni .of :hu senior utcer present, and will ilr joilluxi uy i am: ufmar ('r.innmIiH:x nf the Rwiniunt which i amuu nxmpuu nunn nun. An enthusiastic meeting of South Simcoel Liberals was held at Coolsstown on Tuesrlav. when much important business was tra.ns- acted. The matter of'l)rmg1ng out a. cam- date `was leftover. A resolution of`s5mpatl1y, was passed with VV. H. McDoagall; Alliston, at present ill. The election of olcersyresulted ;mioll9ws:1Presid'eut,_W. Wright. Allistbu ; - am: an (1 NnInn_ Totteulmm : 3rd do.. l '>!L4u|'Jl uz.u\4I.L lu\..n,...., ....v ..... ... J... .._, 1 any other cmnpzuiies of tl`it3RL`glll1ul)l may be ` ble to rusexnlile zit liem1qii.2i`:c'i`.~'. A [ feu-de-j U will be fired at mum. :sfLe_lf Wlllcll the oliicers and men will be j_vimi lnn'uii (Llhl will purnie uguiu as in.~._v he xlll`Cl.`t<:(l. Cour { panics not pi-iieumliiig t():lX'eml(1ll(\1`tCl`S will , parade at Compauy s Hemlqiiarters as E o:'ilere(l by the ollicer uonnimudiug and nail H.-.. . 9`.m-il;. l 3 u ~1f' rmnn l V IUUHIU Uy Llll: \JLIu;l:1 Lunulnxuutn-u`; uuu "Au. 1, re ax. fen-de-joie at noon. 3 The otcer commludmg trusts that uicers and men will make as good u turnout as'p0s- ! sible. I 12.. ,...r1.... I ministers, reviewed the-spiritual and nancial l naunu lJlRlvlJ:\iIa Luccwu;;.i The annual i1}ee'tingoi the Barrie District I of the Methodist ch-.1_i'cli was held in Orillia last Thursday and Friday. The first dayr was spent in ministerial husinees. Nntliing more than ordinary matters along this line came before the meeting-. except the resigna tion of the Rev. Win.,..l}aco1i, who retires,- receiving his cre ientiale. On the second day then laymen were present. and, with the work of the year. The reports w,ere"nearly all of themost encouraging cliaraeter. The membership of the church is considerably increased. The meeting was presided over .by Rev. M. L. Pearson, chairman of the, ,district.i Rev. F. L. Brown was secretary. - -Rev. W. R. Barker was elected to the sta- tioning: committee, and Rev. R. L. Edwards to the Sabbath school eommintee._ Aguollgwsz .L resm.-uu,__w. H ngm. ziluxcuu ; 2nd (10,. G. Nolan, Totteuham; do., C._ Peacock. Imxisl: Sm, .\l. I. Cassetly, Tottenham`; Trens.. T. Elliott, Cookstowu. Directors: Innisl. Jas. Allan; Tecu_msetl1, K John Semple; Tottenhain, Dr. Campbell ; Beerton, J. Boyle; Essa, Dr. West: Tossor- ontio, E. J. Reic_1;.Allistou. R. Scott; `u..I....... (1 T.m.$.h Sheriff's Oice. ~ I peruuu [0 mum. ;.~-.L 1 Barrie, May Sth, 1ST. `slxerirf cn. Simcoe. 1 OM10. la. .1. menu Mulmur, G. Lamb.` `MPhee, all of Squtlx Orillia; _ ,: - . MARRIED. . _ H:i_zEL-l\lCBHEE.~-At the residence of the lliBj.y11bther, Mrs A Mc Pl1ee, South Orillia, 1 km the lllll (lay of May, by the Rev. N Campbell." John H Hazlen to Maggie Q _ W DIED. . - - ' Fell aslep in.Jesus, on t`l1e`.Z7tl1 Mziy, at Collingwuod. .of -l1>ea_r,l: failfuref Jessie... Haggard, (Dollie), d:iughter_of Charles -'x_n'd Lucy Hugg-mi, agedll yeem::u1d 3 months. I A sweet child of God. He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His .bo5om. 15;. XL, lil. 8llUWlu_uu xuuxcuau U1 |,puA:{vvn_ .Si`c teenmtin`l1 families ol :Fl`en'li Canadiclll ` numbelring 96 win till. are leaving .Debroi1_: _ -andvicinity _toreturn_ to Quel)"ec,;*some of `them have ben tenmonths out of work in ` . Detroit ` a . ' '7"zT:hom.s`17hqmpson,'.tl1e,ixilllon:l;3eJphilalm - > thropist. who left his fbrbune to"his wife . { with thgprovisiop that on her d`ee.1:lmn-half E the income should go ti) pom` ,women_pf Bfattleboro. I Vt, was g1a(luz{t;d Hom- j Harve'.rd Cpllege in 1317, in `t;he_\ class witli H... ntninnnl`. hintnrinn. Ghnrne Bancroft. -The trafc earnings` of the P. ,R._i.foL' the week ending May 21 were _$469.000.:as against $407,000 for the same weekygiu 196. alx3wing_zinVIV1V:re"z\se of $61,900, nrn fnmisl-z ni"F'u3nnEE.".an.'1 Harv8.rdU9liege1n 161'/,1n`ne_\ wu.-u the eminent historian, George Bancroft. ' Hiewidow, who is now over eighty years old, is one ofthe most liberal given; of the "day to charity and benecial`px'isee. 'm... r`.`......1:.m n`..h1i.. urn in For n. rmnnina ,aurpgise.- A Jubilee portrait 0f=Queen (lily W uuruu_y nuu vliuuuvlua vuvwnrv .... .. The Canadian public are in for a genuine Victoria is coming out that puts them all in theshade, and a beautifully atruck.Jubilee Medlalof Canadiau'dea' u is making.th_oe who have eeeuit ask _'uat e the.matt'er with Canada -T" Both the Jubilee portrait of_ ' Her Majesty and the` MEE3IirTI5eIi1i issued by the Montreal Starmpretty good guarantee ;; ' that they will be well up to,` the mark and, one it. 1 Elllg HIV) om. it. Barrie District Meeting; , ,,.. . I ._ . J LA 11...! T T.'x\'lu1' '/xl . ....\,. . . . :mdf;1miI_v I. V5 B.'u'1'1c friemls n oI\?..\. . The LONDON! `AND cANAmANi A LOAN AND AE_NQY_G'. % I Limited ` % % % % i Tl0_34`BAY_ srnm. Tonomfog :DnIVh`*l'_\": Bv order, T L` 2. umpm-, we umcur cnnu, w ofiicexia um!` men J uxde on that day ff>r' 1". respective cmnpzuny -ix 'umn' nu Hm nthvm` nu u-.2; -v\- 1. I Ed. '\\l1itc|m>.'iEl, {:1 hiL')'L'lt,* liV:I' . t`[l1l'll(`Il(l Friday fz-um uh other paints. ` r1- in dning ;:1-eat work [em-in;_r mm-hin;;. Khe.~t:' last i house Intel)` 041' UHIY '75 LIN `IHIQUI CHIN` r. mm 3 Com- l.'>,wi1I Divim .=qu:\re-utan ay an M-r In nmnmmm, U. . .\lajor'and Adjutrinv. 1 : 15th? 1597. 3.'>Lh Bait-' 1 tl1:nttl1econ\- e R:-;_'i1I1enL,.nf3 'V.u.l : mm nf - of nlpre-.-ent-` 2 the coming Loans made oh improved farm. property at `0\ V(1St CIIFITEIIE FEWQS. lien and Women Qo can workhud talking -and writing 31:. hours for six days a week, md ml! be content ten dollars weekly. Address. NEW. IDEA""t):. Bmmf0rd.0nt ` 1 \\`( l'l. ` 2 h.-ul it IH \Il " Divmu: flmng Wloney An M Irishman bought a return ticket tTSt.-' Louis and didn't come back again. "V\ hat [did he "saver A German saved up enough money to go to Ger- many, then bought a- schooner and didn t go. .V\ ha~t ' did he` I save? An Italian bought awatch at _' half` price, -with` the 1 se- rcond hand gone. It gained thirty minutes every hour. How long did it take to let a. wholeday go? V_These probiemsiare easy"t gure out compared with hon! arew` I going -to save money? One guCSs 311` ';5*,"5:-3 99: and if yo.'. guesst-~ ,__.. _..-cm nrrIn'n1'1. i1i*AGEI1%fnHUG% s-Tm; I L L we ll` do the ret. A. Whh *ou s end a dollar here vou ~ 3 . _ _ . lg l'@r\`~ um :1-f\" \ AF sf mcr 2: cure as . Vvucu _yUu D1J\.uu u;, u.,......, H-.- '. ... ` get the worth bf it just as surf: as } yet: put it~'in the bank. can fmake everything` satifactor}r; quick _as \x'i1},1g if you only give: ' 4 t;sa*ch}ance. "T - TV _ ` .- D0n t forcet the free distribution 01] M ' Dr. HobE s Sparagus Kidney Pills,` 17 - ,' 5aWd3Y;`}1m,5`th- ' ' . ,. ~ Druggisp and Optician "b"TI`Tns tsifit " ` borrowers: " M0dernte" * charges. " ` V "'_The new illuminant. acet;y1cne- gas, Isl steadily makingit way to the front. The` carbide factory at. St. Caitlizirines is tiirzsiiigg ' rlgnfge quantities, imwliines for bnrni_ngl Lthe` gas` are being manufactured nt several places and a large new fuctdryf fo1=producing V carbide is being constructcdvin Quebec. Mr. Wilson, the discoverer of the method of --- :..,.:.m Hm mu-hid hv a nowerful electric 1E5i=i8 n ,31!E;;3TEi[ the dxscoverer or we uleuuuu u. prolucing the carbide by powerful heat, estimates that our export: of carbide, will before long reach $20,000,000. The gas nnu.` 'r-rmtu 5!) cents Der 1000 cubic feet as.` betore long reacn o_;:u.uuu,wu. .Luc gas now costs 59 cents per 1Q00cub1c as. compared wlth 90`cents now paidiu Torqnto. M..- n .....;..- Wnv vnrnT`1aVBh8BD I compareu wwu w Uclxun uuu ,,..... ... ..\....,.w. Mrs. D. says: For year/sbl l1ave'been .Iierv'ous and weekly; '<"I*'took mm `do1l_at"s' W61-th u`f.M.Miller s Con1pcui1d vIrdn;Pa`Hs, 1 and m.iiow quit we}l"a1;d'~Mrong' ` ` ` ,3 ; Sold at Seagers D1 u}1'Sto.Ife. o'pp.1' Bostzuice. sent to any-Address ' witliout in`}raj charm: ".1, ~ ` .2 3 3- In Russia AbCut 200,000 rgcruitsare yezirly 51 5 en1iated in`he ar,my._and pi these onry aboixt". . 50,000 can read.` Amohg`fJh_D.8a'aants.propar, . ever -v 200 villaaza. If Russia had b.s`mz_my the perc`nhnge.of`il1iteratea rises7to 95 :pe1`_ `cent. In qome pq.x`bs.there is on`e school in in plum jnere ll! one kuuuun nu every `IOQ villages. If Russia b.s`many schools according to her `population: as t-lleye L are in Swed.en. she would` have` 250.000, ~ wherea she has only_18,000. Of her budget: of .31 billion rubles oply 500,000~`.go'es to popular `education, 0113 six-lmndysedth ark of the cost bftha army! And of the all` million about two-thirds qo_es,ho pay;in-2 spec._lsora.' v . _. . `IfADY7D nr7S'!rmo' hm mill nnfv uV1;d`x1v1;i:eV i vised: ole}: nag` = _ V 950a;~ `nd $1.90. ` The new illuminant. acetylene`-V is ,m.. .....x,;.... in mm m the The, your Bbweln. and [make your heal olaaxiwu Bpeuwru. .y H AKARL S CLUVEB. ROOT will puttfy , our Blond, clear your Complex on, regain/he V nun. 95n_ .50. mi $1.00. For nla: bv Illh Ulll-Illll lflhhlllurv --------v---`--v--- I is made for staining and varnishing at the same time. It imitates ntitumi " wood, M1hog:my, Cherry, 021:, Rosewood, Walnut, Ebony. Over new \ wdod this produces the finest efTect. n..- u_--x.:... name Dnlnfsx, nu: what is the best mint to use for -Joim G;ALBIzAIm-f& 503', 10-15 A`p'p1`a.isers, Barrie. wood {ms produces me nncm cucu. . G _ Our booklet, "Paint Points," tells what is paint use each purpose. It is a practigal book, for practical people. - Just :1 plain ( talk on gond pnints; Sent tcT:my address free. For booklet, address 19 St. Antoine Street, Montreal. _ ` I wnnw _.. Opp. Post -------`T.----.n. %gmmmmmmmmmm2 - --4 A4 -4 ~c -9 -t 4 --4 BEL (hr-if jnyi June: me with -.154 mzy is : ej.'z>' are f The In; Ii 1x1i{{rf.;:1 come to n his eztse i mmmmmum*mmm T/IE SIIERWIII--WILLIMIS mnlsusrm - - will snnn lye` puzzling jnyfsxl notes on exwzry sile_. im- mnnLh' of weddings-, is again ii_.;; For bashful people the ce're.' niuny is a most trying one, when. :15! are xeclupoxi the iiappy pair. man who wants to be perfectly c111i<{r`;u1ile.un such jm occ:n. shuuhi us,-"for he can't help feejing up ` ini-`one of our suizs that are If:-ff:-ct in Style, ' `fit and Finish R ALEX; _M1LNE[ THE TAILOR There are paints for houses, for barns,` .for fences, for chairs, for buggies, for farm wagons, furniture, cupboards, shelves, bath tubs. r ' ` W11` % { are made for all these purposes, not one , mint far :1 surfaces. but 21 different mint mane 101' an uncse purpuscs, um um: paint for all surfaces, but 21 different paint for each surface. That is the sccrct of good Q p:dnting-the right paint in the right place ` ms st/sew:/v.mLu)ns co. ' FICUFIIND THE SIIERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS ma 3;/sew/r1.nv_ILuAns ~ mm 1) `The Stranger` iTHE`SU| , _ 1.! LL.) ...,..,A...,. the sfeady customer. M Our bush is 0 u-`:ompc'>und medicines and drugs, and n'qt to discrimir between }3atrons;- HTr--i>x'cscrigt work without a`pc_er; it gbrought, us cu_stomers[from mi ;Th<; drugs \\'eu'se are "warrant 1 . I I 1 r 1 MONEY] SfAV|%fNG%S4 {AND ]LoAN __coMPM Go to the. Anthtliogt `slu.;5'gar`1~, om ' ~ her way gnd be wise. - . ` F? .\> V , ` a .\ V V, * 50 cmts per slxarelper mnntgrfor-10-yea; amount to w laid in. -' M.1tux'1ty value, $10( 70 cents per 5 are`pe_r month {or 8 years V ;$6T.20pa!d1`n. Maturgcy value, $100. 1 V &50,m-epmd stock willlxrworth 3100 my 5}! [;$6T.2O paid 111. Maturjty value, `aw. I $50_p1-gpmd $100 'es\r`. " " ., _ A ~` ` ' )5), bl'L1{1i,,`03_Et>0'."-.Y.?.i1,H3\`X1*`i*1)!`.,lf cs}ut.;'_in glaglalp e half `y_ea.;1y, a1;T`1_10Iyeax{s wl`be .,- Aimeana of acimmnnrfxzllliarnms imrlnrxze m`ots.' ' ;" `~" v-. .,` A II1C!HlS Of M20! in lo: 1`ots.' `q`r 55% culius `SA VING "IS E41_zN11 TENDERS WXIWQD we nave 28` mg: loan at 5 perqent _a1 ` .thbor;oym*.;tiac Wqhnffo. lmnahsnementans &Ma,-,;:Mpv Ip.rge 1`ots.' ` ' " qr par cula;_?3,enqnire,_`of`: `UIllI`lllbLlA czsvswm cmmao `NEW YORK uormzAL_ `ore BENJA_M` 5,06,:-` V. nismcn"ageu . /\1I\vI iealexs sell TORONTO* ImpLon&a-r is_as we_1com,c ....A.. Z... L..,... AND Tuesdziy, J um` Wm . 13 rtaker1V b}`%'\t:ttie `dish-es , you *use. Remember. your guest has _no better_o.pportu- - nity to criticise you,;then' at your tab1e.A _ There is "no ex- ctise forthe` house\`vife s =neg1i- . qence in thijTespect. ' Table- ware is made up` in such pretty designs thatreven the cheap_ grades. have exquisite patterns to recommend them; I AC0 UNTY . 00 01:1` PURCHASED AGENTS-Le`;P$`&`g `;`.`.).1.*"5 mking YUU have seen for many a . You);- uame and addx-ea will bring the gol mm.-. matinn R. I . GLOSGOW. Toronto. Ont . Wanted. ' low. - . BENJABIIN 8: C0. Bnr.` ` Bill .\'e_s"` for sgrvice at Lot 4 JOH.\"HARI{1S().`<'. Eden BARRIE. ONT. :1-TT1&f1i';l; \1.......` AGENTs-;=:.*=*:m= for 1 makimz vuuhave many day. R1S()N. `Etlgar P.0.* l.`;97' ....., Mafuager ` _ uAJ.|4|.A.\JA.VtIJl.n June 1--On account of there riot being a leader appointed to` lend the Endeavor meet- , ing, .1 feaw brief remarks were given by C M Hi:-kliug, H-.:\' E `V.|.;IC(` and V H Kerfunt, 9 ,'l`he 1 uS'byle1'i:m puIpitWTs' Killed by Mri A .\I.:'l'.1Vg-=r from (,`o`.liug.vooI. Mr Wall we l hnzinvv In (7nnl;1mv-`u. - " Jlil`. VI RXLLICL \'u H0 H3 UCUU on (He $ICK '. V list for some time is zxble,tn be out again. .\[EaL\ .\l;n;gie X`-"antic is visiting as Mr W 0r0k's. 1 1 3 ! irxg at me m...m. =` Tht)Im|.a"KI11l1;puud Harold Kerfoot were I | in our village Sunday.` 1 l Midhurst Public School. i ` Senior Degmrtment. (__,,IV.. Sr-\"ill1am'3IcG0wnn, Maggie F=ir- iqul`.;u`3uu, .\::'uur .Fiul-uy, Annie Domn, , . IX X... I`. .. .\IrsC1;n`kson from Uollingwood, ils viif- ' Cl1ri Sr\.=".*1 . - \anoA-acvl. nu. June l---The rainy viutber anithe sharp trossu of`-...:be pgnweek are hindering the growth of ma grain, especially in the ats. Mr and Mrs Hermn were visiting friends I INVILI 0| U111 Knllu, Biwcllilly HI U16 U359. I a Mr and Mrs Hermn were visiting friends 1 hnere this week. 4 , . Rev. Mr Agar. the pastor, preached bio I113! sermuu of this conference year to 3 full church on Sunday. Arranaemguts are being made for the hold- CUUYCH (H1 3111103) . Arrangemmts are being made for the hold- ing of El picmc.some time thfh mouth in the grove on the l'. Lh line. under the auspices of the `aabbath school, hers. Ur .\`.r-annahnn nmu-In mat. with An am-L`! LU6 OBIUUBIH ECIIUUI, KIELG. Mr. Stranaghan nearly met with an acci-' dent in town.on Saturday, which might have been very serious. He was atamlmg on the sidewalk when A bicyclist came along and knocked his cnitches, `which he is forced to use on account of his broken leg, out from `under him. He hill; but `his leg was only slightly wrencbcd. The police failed to catch the rider," else he wduld_hnve been brought 3 to time for it. . ` May iI5-Pienty at rain this last two weeks Some warm weather would be welcomed now. ' Miss Cassie Dryadaieis visiting her sister. Mrs. Robt. Turner, this week. u- \(':l..,`.. u:.... r .... .. 'r.......... .....;..ol I `The Jersey Hull " ` 9. Con.3. Om. Ter1ns-s1.00. :11}-`I. JITB. IXUUC. Juruer, UH WEEK. ~ > } E Mr. \Vils0n and Miss Laura Turner spent 1 the 24th. at Edgar. Tho) rmmnnn nra lmuv an Hm nmnn wm-it nf IFIUUUH HCFC IAIEL WCCB: ' Married on Tuesday 25th. utihe residence of tne bride's brother by the Rev. E . Jonps. of Coldwater, Charles H. Preston of this ` placate Violet Smith, 0:, Uthoff. 1 Rev, 1). .inm9s. nf Midland, rielivrarn nma. HM} '.'~}LIl. life nugar. The mag=ons.are busy as the stone work of Albert Turner -as ham. n.. ur... ........:..- .c... mm. u... IIXUCIT .lUl`l1BI"l! |)JI'Dv On Wednesday evening the 26th.. Hrs. Priest died at the ripe age of one hundred years. The deceased was born in Ireland, ` '\Tr.\aml Urn. .Tne=nh (`nx-khurn nalld nn i pl3G8-{0- \' IOISE OWNED, UL, UWAOII. Rev. D. James. of Midland, deliver: one I of his noted lectures in the Hillsdale Pres- {rbyterinn Church on Tue2d&y- June Suh. ' ` Qnvvnvv . ..4..~- `L-.. m-..`_ r:--_.. :_ -.:n YEEIFS. 1118 llC8&SCl VV'I|3 D0111 H1 uemuu, '.\Ir.'\aml Mrs. Joseph Cockburu calld on friends here last week. l.L......'n.I A... |"...u.,L... DELL ..- Kl... ..,m2,l.\...u. DUI]. -t ` Sorry to state that Walter Kent, (on the sick list. .lll.'.L.IV"K ll`|)IH \, UHIUSJ UUU. ll. VVZIH ICU being 1n Cuulucuv-iu. ..\Ir \\'estney was assisted by Mr Softly. | , last Sunday. .. ` ' "' ` .\hs. \`.*. .L`L'1.) vim has been on the sick I [Has 5,... . L . :..'1 ..LI.. A,` LA -..4. _- . 9 _ 1. .Jr.-Lw 2 IH.-Bcr:L. i Birdie Dunn. ' TY `.12. `[ Dll'(lll L lllllI. ` ' H.---.`\lE:.ri-.v B:.L(.'l\', Ruth Black ( Perry Cull, lilclxel Snentll; Nellie Coutts. l Junior Department." . General Pmcieucy.--Cl;ss I1.-Willie '\\':\tt Coutts, Forest Wallw_'in,l Hattie Blzxnslmrd, Marion Orroki I \.\ `J T.\nA;.\ f\ Um...) 7..6A:n WANTED~::r:;i;i'5':;:"f:% as; . {Education to whom- 580 amon would be an inducement. Icould also engage :1 few L.'1d18S at their own homes. . T. H. LI.\'COTT,Toro1m.0m. * I D[]iI.IlilCy. - , II. Pt. 1st---Jimmie Courts, Birdie Gill, Nellie Poole. T D 1.5- 'EI,...I-\....t .\{,.("1,....,... YYTJINA J.VlU( .' F0018. I.--Pc. 1st-He1-berb McGowan, \Villie Shamacy, Darcy Riley. ' .~\f.r.m\rlnnv9.-(`.|nsn H.-...T;nn1m: Cnlltts. LV U. Cook. `.\'A .U.i|.[CH.` D1iLIJ5I1i|l'U, iV.llH'l0l'l U['['()K- No. 3.--Jessie Orronk, Pearl Wattie, Edwar'd MCG owun. `D....- -1 .\....n.. 11...... (V :,.t-zu | ...L.. mxwaru .uc\.aowun. ' . Part 3.-Agnes Dunn, \Vil'lie Gill, John Shanucy. ` TT_ Pt. 1st-.Timmin (`,nnH'.n. Ririe Gill. `No: 2-~J.Sl1a.micy. W. Gill, Katie Coutts, Bland Atkinson. . 11. Pt. 1--Birdie Gill, Jus Coutts, Maggie Valens. ` l l 1' DA. 1 mg--- q"uIVl'|hr|L n,.-....,. r<,...u.'l \ 11.16115. . Herbert: .\IcGowa.n. Average attendance. 41. I. Pt. l-Gorge Stewart, George Coutts,'> CROW} HILL. - 1V1-xv 31-)Igss Cl1ra.` `Partridge. of TT99n?o. sper1_tT,Tb_e..V.34:th under her: parental roof. - V; ' `F .Q;uc.\nr: on!` `T\rv'<:c (1 ,W;nn;no. yulu Um? (I: 11! [U5 VIEIV UU K5-`-lhllly. E 1 Atrthe Sons of Tempprance Eridayl g last four short :md~- interesting speeches were made . by C E `]jp1i1'\'. John Black, Wmlierfoot, "and TLidy on t_heVic1orian* Era. _. which several of the members [were appointed as delegates to attend a 3.i.,trict' Shanty Bay. . xiv T-T purfr;r}uVo ennv Qnnotr af- I QIIKKIIHU) , L}iXl'L'_Y 1.\.IlUyn Atxendance.-Class I1.--James Coutts, ` Annie Barrett, Edwin Sneath. Myrtle Coutts. No. McGowan, J. Orok, Emerson (`nnlr For seasoned Spruce and Hemlock Boards.` Cedar Shingles, all of the best quality. Also . Timothy Hay and Oat Straw fresh pressed. To be delivered In car lots. - IJGKUUMGL KUUl- V` `C. Sissons and Miss G. ;Wiggins* "paid us a flying visit on Sunday. 7 ` /`kfhn Qnnn rd-` Tnvnhnnnnnn 17..A.~.u-I SHANTY BAY." ' ' June 1-Am mg those who spuwt the 24th e;-e were Mr. and Mrs. .Brooks,_ T0rono,'Mr. and Mrs. C- W. ;Pa1k, B-axrie; ' A , ,.-L.._ `E ...... IIr\IIl\!U vnnh av~.mnl~ .Ui11ll.C.' t `. _ .A number of our young men `spent- the day in`Ori11ia. -* -- ` M.-,mA }\.l'u-ir. Inhn Pavnn mmnt 2 LO 1Ul'Ulll4U. _ _ ' T1368. of T.` havelelecyed the follow- ing delegates t:0>tl1e Districf Divisib Juue=8 LVI1-s._ James Hart,,- Miss Helen Malcolm, Allan Watt `and Wm. Barnes. r , , l \r,, -Tn- ..... .. I... 4-nlymn NT.` Donn.-Jul U118 ua_y ill uxgum. - Mr_'and M1*s'.- John Payne spent a few days at Wharton Grangeulast week. Mrs. O B1'ien is lmme again. Miss Mabel Sanderson has gone back po Toront o., ` ' m. ,'(`1 _ m-1.....'. I\ll\f\V-I\IJ +1.,` chum..- .D3l'IlBS- .- ` } Mr. 'Pl'umIne1- has taken Mr. Payne s house forthe s_u_mmer.-'_ ' _' - `"` S. Price s'houso is going up rapidly. A fBw'_fl`0II1 116186 attended the S. of T. ocontert at.Oro Station May 24th., A` good progranime`is reported. ' KVVHI Drum on Mr} Qlmhhw Raw hat ) I g0l'](X pl'Ugl.'i.U.lJU.M1 JD lU1JUU`?u- i ` fWi]1Ross, an old Shanty Bay buy, ,was'in'ou1` village on Sitndgzyf 1\,I :.... .\I`..T.",.r.-yin n Em-nmr `i-.o;u-}1nr A hei:gspenta fyv c1ii_ys v v'ith Mr Smd 1V rs` ~,W:JS 111- our vumgu uu_ uuuu_u._y. ~ `_ lVIis_McKenzie, .a former teacher. Dloane. . `T ` , n-'.. .....,...L L:..- L,.1:.1...m ...:a-1.: menus uun:, v~ . _ ' Fred Dale, W21 erley, wasjshe guest of LGeorge\Pat.1t1dge_oy; Sunday. ' V a,..\..;.., Tmn uimml his sister Mm `The Outlook will before long print two -more papers by Ian Maolnren in his series of "American Impressions? The second article iothis series--that on "Good Ma.'nnefa~-- ~ has been very widely quoted. `and has over}- ,where` heelfrocognized as a rather exceptional bit of 5. preciatiou bf a foreign visitor of common able traits in American social `life. IQQHD a `mum Thn nllnnk (".nmmmvL New Edition of `_`Quven Vic- tzjrln" nuw nxxdyf Elxlargcgl --th.lrry-t\w)l'u|l ave plats lltlclf B115 l1i~`mr\j of the Queen an t e \'i(-!ori.1n Era puhli:lmI.. The only Canzulizm book :lcCept-.d by Her lslujesty. Sales enormous, c:un':1~'-x>r:=. knocking the bottom out of all l'i`(`0l'll:`. Em"-y to nuke .thir!v dollari. Weekly from m)_\v until Dinmond J ub1Yee.'l artic11L1r.< mm. Tux px..u>u:Y~(`v,\111:msux Cm. L"m-, Tm>mo pane. 1. _ - ~_ 1 .J;m1`es Day spent ins: |h01ld9_.), S friends here, , ._ ` -n..,J `h.1A '\'IT..'.'.....1.m 1~|-1no+l'|t>1 annui- .0[`\;ure01`geruu,1:Lugu_ug,1 Duuuqy. - George Leslie visited his sister`, Mrs J os Foster, who is sriously ill, -------h---:---- commendable traits In Amergcaxx socuu me. [$3.00 a yam The Outlook Company, 13` I Astor Place. New York.1 ; . V - hshlicu 1-u}.wIII-I`b.aLu x1u .uuJ. Rev. H. Partridge spent J Sunday at I SECOND LINE, FLOS. \. nl . ': I -'-.'r.. Ueunze Sneath. 11.; Orrmls, Hzuuld Finlay, n GRENFEL. ' MIDHURST. is still May to the dull use} caldl weatherhf late, busmeu I! not an brink as. might, be expected around this icinity,` `although some of the lucky ones are doing {their nhnre. , ` U. I.....L.._.l.I- I`..IA..._;.... ...-. nnnn prntscu. We um-u mum mu- vasxiers. `may make 3154 Books on time. Prospectus fnzcto A trial \villco.+t 11oL}nng,:t'11 it 1uuy.1'x1l,ynux' m.-xupty ~ pocket bouk. . . ' ' c The Brad1ey~Ga.r1-etson Co.. -Ltd., Toronto weir unnrv. 511*. Leapherdale, Coldwater` was seen passing thrcugh our village with a train `of ` vehicles to supply customers. Mina L-afrainrr in home again after an VEHICICH [0 Supply C[],L()}8f3_ _ Lafraintr 13 home again ! X1!1d d visit to friends in Penetang and its surrounding country, u _ a Mrs. Farrier, Midland. is vivitimz fnendsg `surrounding counuy, 3 Farrier, Midland, visiting fnendsl ` i `-M3 locality. * ' ` ` W . Wain}. loft. fur Parrv Sound to heek In mu locality. .' I W` Welch left for Parry Sound P1ymenc as also did Dickinson, the lfmitefrururning Home having been uuEuccess- ! u . - `V - - ,, ....:._... :.. A... ..:n q Ill]. x We Al"? to have an auctioneer in 0l_1l' viH- age, in the person of 51. Coughlizg, we wlsh ' him success in his undertaking. " i 1 \h .....1 \I.. R Kmmn frnm Tav. are: Mai 3l--The weatlwr still continues cold anl l dump. Frequent {rests at night an-1; season very bzxcl-umrd. `, Rd Ranmlprn wan furfnnatevn securing: mm in ma uuaermkxnsz. 3 Mr. and Mrs. H. Knapp. from T3)`. 3%"! f visiting with relatives here. E Will Kmmn ii nkled over I 5 is non. . ` "Mrs. Curziq from New iork 1a _` with her aisti` Mrs. F. Carson. | \l.`..;. 0...... (mm 'l`...m.m in ' WILD DEF BISIEI` Jlf- D . Liil'SUU- Bliss Pears frfun Toronto friends here. 56350 very U3|Ul`LWl'll. ~ I Ed Saunders was fortunate in securing [ employment upon his an-ixfas at the 300.4 -.L Miss Ellen Januett is home f0r.g1 vlsia. The C. E. will not meet next Turadny E evening. Hnr Vnntlmll. hmm nlrurml :|1`.' Fllllfllli `nu * Hay and um 3 ...\ .,-. um