nng,o.apo nun nwgw Gift I: uxvvnnl n X . ll;1rrist(~rs,&('.. Ihrrie ` l`, Mzumgzvr. ' .3. CI). of ;\'.Y.. Tumntu, um. mu-er, , Robb. -v----y aw" V-, ; M BREADSTUFFS, ETC. f Wheab-Outside markets were rather nner todny,but not suiciently so to % .; ,1n'nenca-4a1ues hem.` rontzn-lovwheat - E continues uuchagged. Red wheat oh the Northern is quoted at 7_4c, and white at %. `I50. On the G. T. R, west,red is quoted J at 78c-`and white at 74:; No. 1 Manitoba hard, Midland. is quoted` at 820; N6. 9 . at 800, and No. 3. at 77c; No. 1 hard, 'g.I.t., North Bay, is quoted at 890; and 5 track, Fort .William'. at 730. l WInIu~_.nll Ky-...6..l.t `nil--. -l.:...L : `Chickens. per pair; Geese. pe,r.1b....`.... .,..` V Bl1tte1',iI1 _.1;ll). rglls .... .. . Eggs, _newla{d.... _ ,P`oLu.toes,pe1-fbag. *BHuns-;pe1'bus11"T ` Beecs,`perdoz.... Parsnipm perf(1oz_. Apples, ver Lhbl . .. K `H33 : timbthfy...` _ St1'__a,Y(.` Shea . Beet. hinds.._.. `.Begaf,~1ore..`........` .... ' ;_;L`ambs,-: cnrcuse,-per lb:.. L;,Vea; per 1l);..........'.' - Mucton`, per 1b.. ; I Dressedhogs... nu AUL?! (HI JU (U -'4IC._ ` I V ] `Field Produ(:c--Qu0tat!ons (Ire: Small lots, out qf stun-, turnips; 200 pm` bag; par mpg, 400 per bag; and qnions, $1 t()_" $1.25 per bag. . ` i Rmn\':_..I-{nn.nir-Lvori whifn Kmunc hvina i I ! UCDUB, `RU IIU UUU. ` E A_pples-Deu1ers quote small lots of I dried here at 2 to 2}c, and evaporated ' ` . at,.,8 to 3M0. A . .; `F-1nnnv_nnn+.nHnnu m-n- mzn (`nu R_H\ ` ; noon w anti. I Honoy-Quot;ations are: 6%c for 60-lb. tins,-and 7%c for 10-lb..tins; new clover ! honey, in combs. is quoted at $1.40 to I L50-per dozen sections-,' ton lots of pure 1 strained, f.o.b., 5% to tie. delivered. Nfnnhx QwhI1n__Nn|n7 mun nnnnln nInInn' {- ii I DIJCIHUUU, l.U.U-, U`/`g LU UU. (1CHV(`I`UU. 1 Maple Syrup---New run maple syrup` is I` quoted at 86 to 90c, in large tins, and M3 95o`to $1 in small tins. Old syrup sells at 75 to 800. ' i D..I...: 1:... n1.,.:.... ;. a.._.... IL... .41. l ..-.-- .......,....-. ........,\.... ` of Drawing. Oil! and China Painting. nduate ofthe 0nl.'1rio' S(`hY`x| of Art. Toronto, - 1 Special class for school chdnm Salunlav. \ IUUH pl AVU. 1, U,UllVUl'EU, HT: 011. l Straw--Demand slow. Car lots of out ` straw, on traclg nre__q_uobed at $5 to $5.50. 5 _ DAIRY PRODUCE. Butwr--Demand for choice tqfancy` dairy rolls, either large or small, is! ] active. There is hot suicient coming 1 : forward tosupply mquirementa. Medium 3 ` dairies are quiet, and creameries about: , steady. Quotations are :`Low nndmedlum 1 grade dairy, tubs, 8 t9 9c; "choice dairy ` tubs, 11 to 120; large dairy rolls, 18 to ' 140; small dairy rolls, `strictly chdice, 1-1 _ to 150; creainery tubs, `18 to 190; and i .crea.mex=yrpounds, 20-'-(; - -' (`.hpc=.r:4:.-- T`rndn fnirw smmmnr `mnlrac ml! . 1 4 I ~ UNI'I_'EDV STATES MARKETS. 1 ` E&\stw,.B`l11fu1o, "`April` `6.--OtttIe_L!"e. celpts, 4% care; prices tewdyg, 2`lod__/3 of `Canada stookers were on oar,` but mi-' ther of these were sold up to a Jute hour;7 } reports from.tha west were weak t .10o, . lower. - 0o.lves-"--RaoeipI,*D1& had; good: no primg sold at 05 cc. 11:60; odmmon V to fgiply good, was to 34.15, Hog...3,. onlpts; 40 cm; prices about shady." 51.i8P.l.I1i'3710"." ~ $195!. W. ea.-not j 111 iV.@!1ll."l4 . Md. 4 . ` V _ to tofnpjmyip r"`?.`.F.' DU -SUV, IIUUUIVUIIIR [U IUVHIIIHI. 1` i Barley-No. 2 iSiql)(f[(\(1.1|lr :3Sc; No. I ; at 31c; zmd fancy at 3-! (i_t1t.~`id:'. Feed.lmr'ley is-'q11otod,ut.32 tu 23-, nun-IT)": and \vosc Heights. " (',nrn_.Unnmml 4-mint. Um: I we nf vn). I nun, \VL'.`l', mun PH: -:`ll'. ()kf5-I)(1i\1'5`_'il'>` light nfnd prim-.~' rm. White 0ats#\vesb are quot-ed an 19 to lime, and 0255: at 20 to 210. PRODUCE. I Eggs-I1*i1tes cased off again to~dziy,V tolr for new mu being 90. _1JcmumI has _ largely i1)crezueLi and comlnissinn lmusoa , are lmndling large qunntltins, but thu ; so.Hing~isv rather better-than--Hw-buying~7 pn|IIf,r'v._n|Iit:f. fiunfnnnu fnr hrinrhf. ! a SK`-IHng-!sramer l)(*[[{`1`-inH12-~H)t"`l)tljHngt~j*- I : I 0ultry---Quietv. Qm_)tations for bright. stock are: "P/urkoys, 10 to `He; gvose, 8 3 1 Lo 90; chickens. 40 to 600; um! ducks, ()0 I to $00. ' T g f 1),.+..+..,... `,1'r....x.......'n.1. rv..- 1,4,. ....: I bu gpvu. _ E `_ 1 0(gz\toes-Unchnngvd.' Cm` lots, on E I track, are `quoted at lac, zmdout of store ` I lots at 25 to 27-._ ' Ilnl Dun: . I `r\....L..u....- ..'..,.. L`.....11 ' u..;u pm` uug. ' I Bezlns--Hand-picked whitelezms bring _ ` 70c,_ less commission; and ordinm'y' wh1te ] beans, 45 to 500. E Annlnn TL-.n1.u.4s nuIn`n n.~...1l 1,`!-a AP | uv IU DU OUU. Bzsled Hny-Choice to fancy hay sells from 37.50120 $8. Dealers quote 2-tonl [ at $10 on track ,here: No." 2 is quoted " lots of No. I, delivered, at $11. I I Rh-nm__nmm.m1 Lv`r\\17 m... 1nC'c A: ....+ m.csebunuHyrpuuuua; :;Ir-uU-:-u;.4~'=~ Cheese--Trade fair; summer makes soll : at 10 to 10560, and full makes at 11% to V ' 12c. ' DRIESSED HOGSHAND PROXISIONS. JUHI Ll MIL D. H.,Ma;1aren,; --- -~--~~.u. Aav . Offerings of dress hogs continue light, A few sma.11_ . lots by rail came in to-day. Light; loan hogs, ' on track here, wills; bring $6.50'to`$6."G0; light` fu.t3@1,!1to,S5.V50, I xaru 4.144;; A;-u,LA:.;.;uuu. VfiIF1dV`h'1i.Vymfnt'S (WW5. Provisions con-=1` tioue nctivo and rm. There isgggd gen - cm]. buying. Quotations are: Bnrrelled pork, shoulder mess, $10to$10. 50; heavy mess, $153 to $12.50; short out, $18 `to $13.50.` T\11 Q0hl` llnnl-:1 1...-.. ..1...... 1...*,.,... o1.D.uu. ' . - ---r - Dry Salted Meu.ts-Long clear. hzicon, car lots, 70; ton 1ot>s, 7x0; case Iota, 7}~fc;~bucks, "7%c. mn'|zn 'N|'nnf.u._U'n1nc `known 1n... I 7\[\}` UKIUIXB, I %gU- ' ' > Smoked Ments--Hnms, heavy, 100; t medium, 110; _ light, 120; breakfast bacon, 11c; roll, 80; bucks, 11c; picnic 1 lmng, 7 to 7%c. All meats out of pickle ` Ic less than prices quoted for smoked meats. ` ` % T.....1. mz....',...,. ra... ..|_.. H1/..'. -_.:': ..- . .4 ~-vvu .u...-u......u I , Toronto, Apri1j6.-j-We had _9. heavy run on the market to-day_,'_n_ all told- guite one hundred loads of stuff were on sale, _1_gg1uding _n go_up_1e of thousand hogs. 200 shobp um/1.1imbs,,120 calves, and it few milkors. . ,rn1...........:.... 12.... ,.\.x....:.;... ....4.u- ___-.. JLllll\U.l`Du The enquiry, for shipping. cattle was dull to-duy, as buying from Buffalo was practically nil, and the quality` of the ,,stufI_wmLp(1or' 1 r_1`c_:sJ:unge,,-from`.3,}4,,to, , 41/,0, wih a lower tendency. ' I- Izm-nlumi ;...m.. Inn near (n m3;.... em... I llllflil/5. ` F I Lnrda--Tierces,,. 7c; tubs, 7`,{c; and , pails. _7~/cs; compo11nds,`6_to 6%c,_ _ " LIVE STOCK MARK_E'I`S. m `X /4U, Wlhll li_1UVVUl' lAl`.lJlll1UU.Y. N I` Butchers? cattle was of) . 1n_ price from two to three dollars :1`. head. For afow exmrselectiona 3}4o'un(l 3-6-8c was paid, but good ordinmry canblo `sid .eas11y at` 'iihif'f' 1vnnffn't"7i7.n. TFO *n?TwE<: nlniii around 30 per pou1id,_ and` some good ';?uiit??~/eirft` and the -yards were not cleared. Milltnu xxzm-in nnihf. uh frnm 1'4 }V4llh|Jl'tI WUJIU lllllll um I each. ' Wheat,-whine. new........ Wheat, red, per bush. Wheat, goose, per bush ... Peas, cu_m1non, pe1'bush.`. I Oats. ner bush. . . . . . . 4; cnv, nuu rsllurlzs (ID as W OH}. 1 Ontmeul-Cnr lots of rolled ants, in) 3 bags, on track here, are quoted at 82.80, { mm Fixxzill lots at $:. .t'0, I 9 ' D.xm;_l`m- Inf: m.-H. .....n \l'I\(`f "me we,Lmum~_. Tgllnw, tjenderedg. per 1b,`; . low. rough. .per;-1b : =k,in i'5"l` ,aA-ac lam skim: ., ; 455- E 1 v uuu Hllll IUIS Ill: Q}5..U, P0as-Car lots, r.(.rth and wvst. : quoted at 396, and vzrst nt 40 to He. export. Odd cars for local :1ccou_nt \\ ; bring rather mane. ' * Rvn._Hninr (`su- Infc fnh uni; unug, ruuwr 1110516. V l{_ve--Quiet. Cur lots, f.0.h., f are quoted--at 32% to 330. ` Rm~lnvhr>nr_.hnnmnd hiv- , nu.` quuwu--in; iJ&J} H} 0-H`. E I311ck\vl1(y1t-.-])cnmn(l fair. - Cur low 5 west, are quoted at :.'t3('iynnd oust. nt 27 : to 280, nccordirig to mention. ' K nun VVFBI; 11.'l'lgHL.`5. - Corn--Demnnd quivb. CM 1 mt of ye)` low, \vest, offer at 270. nuo- h,.I I..|.L NTWK Flour-Dull. , l`Ul'l>.\Hlll&II_), M `/50. Straight : rolleyf `high '! frelghta west, is quoted at $3.60, and ; middle heights west zit 83.70. . f MIHfnmY__ A hnnt afnurlu u \\.'natnc-u vnilla I i LATEST nmxm RQSPOIQTS. 1 xuluuxu srulgllw wean an ea). (U. 3 3 Mlllfeed--.~\bout; steady." \Vestern mills * quote single ton Flats of `bran M, 5910 ` 5 $10, and shorts at $9 to $10. ' 3 (Tnfvnm|l_(`ur has nfv v-nllml mun in HJU. I/HU '_Y?ll'llH _\ VU_l'U H014 UlL'Hl'Uu. v vMi1ker's were_ quiet ut from $10 to $80 rim}: ' Tomxito, Apg 6, 1:935 rn-n * ms BARIRIES- _.. .,.-- - ..-_, _b"1"eache1V- 1! ` and Venice` I roducfi0n nder of Grand Opera Orchestra. J Elm-clara talent supplied for ofwhole pro gramme: ' ` ` For terms and data! addrms _ ` ,_ uuu BUIIIB EUU 'HcTtid?> _W11S BT07 n1mmnA `IU 11 U0- ` u 00* H1 Uh , 6.5 05' i . -1 _ uu 2, 33 `hi, - 7 no ` mi. , mu L, uu- . (2, for ., twill; .uu rr 16 `n- H1}, 103%: .} ,7 V :2; U5 incendiary tires. record of all ilres. . "iINC`EK"Dl.7\RY l`lRE.*`,~. Mr. Gibson, in ,explainin;.; the latter bill, referred to; the great nlunhor of He said that in wa ho opinion of the chiefs of ilre departments and his own view that the number of incendiary fires was infinitely greater than the public had any idea of. .\'pc-ak- ing for, himself, he would say that he favored a S_VSt(`.llllltri(7 enquiry into all tires which were 5uspecte(l of being of dishon- est;.origin, and also the keeping of 15 Ho thouglit that tho matter should be talwn into consideration at this or`the next session. The only 01)- jeotion to it would he that it would necessitate the appointment: of anothor 0icial,~;e.nd altl1o11 <,:l1 the inspector s Sal- ary u_[o'u`l'd be paid hy a levy upon the in- surance companies, it would allow the - Government; the 3opport11ni6y of placing another heeler. Mn Xvhifnaw nvnvnccmi hi: ' nnnrnvhl nf _`!A_a:it9dL::Cnvasse_r.s,._,_'___A "QDEE'l[`VlBT0RlA;V Hm hr: MID Rzlcu, - Hnsfcapturedthe Brilhh l~3nnirc. Extmnlinary lestlmonlalsfroxn the urea: men; 5`-ml fur co y_ free. Ma ulso! Lornesuys: "Thebeszpopu:1r . life of the. ueen I h:xvesgecn." Her Mnjeaty sends A kind letter or appreclation. Selllnx by thou~ nds: gives enthu.=i:n~t'ic emlifactlrm. Cost 3 ' mint '0!` money. but large (-.irru!:1tivn'I{ustieslaw retail: 33.00. L43 of lmtorical ilustmtions. r Large Boox--over all '.'x6x10 Inches. Men and `women f`f 8!1u1(1l1..' In h_; commumty making 015to$4oawels, EX('Iu*lVe territxon. Prospec- msme to nizenuz. Hook.~u,m time. THE BRAD LEY GAIMETSON CO.. Um. Toronto. Ont. l lllHVU1'5ll/`Y. ' > .1 , 1`.hes'econd. claim was that in regard ) to the Canada (Innpany, which, by its 2 1 agreement, was to,puy the Triiversity-`ii; R 1,000 for 1,O00.00041eres of"land which . . was granted it by the Crown on oondi~ - tlon that it paid this yearly sumrnml . performed other public oillces.' Owing to >- 5-diloulties connected with its charter" 1 ' the4eomp21ny failed to pay this grant for '1 u number of yours, the sunfof itsin-. debtedness now amounting to $196,000; The bill proposed to extinguish this 1' claim forever." The Government `could | . I not be responsible for all, but the nni- ` versity.he1d`-that it was responsible for u . portion of thedebt. . = I A'I`he third oloi_;)n nroso out of the occu- _,_put;ion_oU.he_Q11een 5..park by the Parlia.-._ ,;nt:nts QLUPDOI` und Lower Canada. The` * Act of 71853 ztpgiropi-iote(lrth 7 park, 170 acres, for public \ purposes,`the intention being to erect a Govormnont house, 1 nrliuu'1ent house, and is building for the several (iepnrtine1its'of the public service. This ivus t'1nder,un agrceinent - "that agrzultiutinn of the land should he ' made and rent given at the ruteof six 1 per tent. l`l1e7b;1ild,ii1g of the university, whih then occ11piod the site of the/pres~j_ . ent Pur1iu_iuont bui(lings, Jvus `token _ D possession of. Time amount of this claim lg Ayes `placed ut $225,00_0._ 'l`he__ spemkerm I ~m1nted(}lm.(:'ellni` Rnv mi nswino that 1 Tho House went into committee upon . I the resolutions pertaining to the salaries 1 of provincial municipal` auditors. The 1 resolution wasvreported, and referred to E the bill of the Attorney-General to make 5` better provisions for the keeping und V nuditing of municipal and schuo.Lac- l counts. ;,The Pr:-mivr explained that at l the suggestion of hon. me nbers the bill _v had boon made to apply go small cities | of populations of 15,000, and under,_ as x a well as towns and small municipalities. i ants of Ontario are recognized in the bill. 'Tho bill was I`('pOl't(`li with` these anti 0ther`s1nall amendments. '1`_i SCHOOLS. `Mr. Ross moreil tho House` again into gnimltte, with Mr. Strutton `in the l i i l _ 3 tion: "That. towartls the maintenance of `-4- technical schools there shall he paid zin- nually, on the report of the Minister bf _ 3 Education. out of any monoys appropri- . uted by the Legislnturg for that purpose, in sum not exceeding thh amount payable K for the niniiiteriuhcv of _High siihool ; pupils under the regulations of the Edu- E cittion I)eparti11unt , ` I NIP Hnvic hilliin nmm"ui Hm Luv wn. ll` : The Association of L`-lmrtercd Account-0 ..hnir, for the considomtioh of this rvsolu-' I D L 1 L ilrsllhall l/VHU 1Jl'UVlll`UU |J\'Jllg UUIIUUIJULI. . The object of the bi11,he said, was merely to settle outstanding claims against the university, which, if not I v ) L: l 's6tt1(L"ITi'ig}it I ea7r"to contention and litigation. Last your-the university fmn-p ces showed only a smalls111'p111s; and thi year it was not probable that the receipts wouldmeet the ne(:0ssm'y expenditures. The main object of the. bill was, how- ever, to dispose of a number of old claims, once and forever. It wasa con- venient timo, and a proper time, to `I L. `recognize these c1aim,71E?`tIiis__\vas thef" ,+c,entonniaLof, the. estab1ishn`ie_nt- Of~t~lIB-} universityu I 'l`.hn nhnnnll r-1.-rim man that in I-nrvav-R {LUlJllUl' llL'U1Ul'. Mr. Whitney expressed his approval of the proposed bill, and said that be ap- prehended that; t)1e1'u would be no objec- tion to the appointment 01" such an oiclnl, for the nppointlnent was 1 neces- ., sary, one, and inthat yen? di1`1`ered_, from, the other appointlmmts of the Govern- ment. He thought that, in view of the many and increasing numI)er of incendi- ary rcs, the notion should'1}e taken. rrv7\ ,. ! Wm NW 1n,9reI_y>o`z `uupu or `:3%135!!3Vm9I:&.-Junt- W: W * RM! 41! Mr. Ross moved the second reading of ., his bill to set apart certain wlld lands '; of the Crown for theuse of the- Univer- slt-y of Toronto. The bill proposes to set { apart six townships of six miles square of Crown lands -in Algomu in considem-, 3 non of l\11>(?1lllll)S held by_ the university . tigaitist the province being cancelled." I The nhipnf. nf Hm hill ha nnizl wnu pl 1 I pvas placed at $125,000; "mid the decit at .tion, which was but} an small phrtldf the" ...-- .,.. M1-. }'Imv1nn(1hopo(1 that the majority of the House-would he . in faster ofgthe main mxrpnrt of the bill. It was an not of restitaltioxiwell s11ppo1'te(1_l)y thmlohg m'1':Vy of fzfcbs .give11 flay the-'~ Mvinijster -olf Education. . The 1mivexsi_ty W118 in need of such aid, Q5` shown l)y"_ the lnanciul reports _in con1;ect_i011 with it brought down fromfyenr to .yemj'. For Linstzyuce, the eat'.inm.to of expexxditnre` for the` year $18,000. H did 1um',A_hnwever.thi nk that the bill- up pres'entedxw`ou1d`be a. sulojent cure for the, evil. In mznlgig thin-.rest1tu> gm,ntg"orlg1na1)y glloxved, it" was ;st'ipu- lubed that the, bunikversitiy "nuI;hor1ties ahoul(1;theroup on reslgnnll claims. : The tmnasiotibxnvottld be cledlared by a court of ldw ineiYeot;1va." But the *' Gov'ern-' ment ptjoposedvthut should be enforced by a deed of release, nd those who were/ to make the 1:elease`ware; in the-langua A of the houpmanxsner himself, trutee ot. v.nnmnIAl`\i`iMI9H$\iHn3hL*::1nh1 Iininmnwnu the Crown. If the attexi1pHo.a,etzthe. ,ni- versity free was to_ be successful 1;/must boa release not; by, but of, the univer- sltyvf_1-om those tramm`ela* and burden: which 'wal3hgd~it down~Tbona~bu:denn were nwmmly of debt on oaioionorof i I L'l.'lUll lIL`}Ji'|l'L'llll7lJl;. Mr. I)m'is bill to unled the Izuv ro- spocting the rogisztmtirm of vit:'\| statistics and Mr. G1bs0n s bill to coI1.~r'u1iduto um! amend were reports-d with mlmemus ; amendments. - '-'"-1-\V`xr was pluuug 13.}: v:\E.1K0,il\J`U. '_L'uV(V3_V Sp(3`lKel` 7i\1ote(i Cliimcollox` Boyd as saying that this claim was especially and legally just}: and that there _\y_u5'_1iLt,lo doubt but that it would prevail in it court of law. The ,11niversity, howevor, haul no litigation in prospect, *:m(l- looked to o pcucenbie settle- ment of tl1o'cluin_l. l` . _ \ 5A_ `Les Tos _[!_RQ\I_INC!AL MUNI- " _ClPALAUDlTQRS. f You don t .know what you ar_e l t'a'l You place implicit con- ` deuce in th."lpl1ysici:1`n' who pre- ~asribed4t.+aaeHh-diuggist~\vh compoundedit. We realizevtl:/L c fully, an-Rd act accordingly. W __\vA1t,y9u)t.9 .ll?i)1`,_C.)./._U/: condcn T in us--we.:want your prcscriptiffn trafd._ `We have "made a speci 9y oiwthis line-4~yve will approiatcl ;IEf" ' ` V LOCAL IJEGISLATURE. 1 '- Malntenanceof TeehaxlcaglfSchon)jb_--lnecn- I diary IF]:-en Inspect/pr to A`p`polnwd-- Wlld Land: to be got Apart for the Use of the University of"!`o2-onto. EXAMINER, mUn1)A\', APRIL 8. 1697. . 1N_NE1c1) or AID. THURSI_)A Y. . V. .... 0 ect ose ml tog 3 c1aims',71's?"tliis vxyns 51333 the W 0f~t~ll8 ..... .,.._l . .,.v.l..,.. its: as Triiversityr` I0.00U41crcs ; aid RI` nnectod charter niled grant ~ ..-.-.. .4... K14 .u; LL.-LA] .-.. Mr. Willonghby suid_that' no measure ' of greater importance hzid heen- brought 1)('f()1`0 the House (luring the session. .\'othing was doing more" hnrm in the _Connnunity tlmn depnrtinental `stores, 'uud the harm would have to be counter- *:u~t.e(1ilxy:lcgisln.tion.' _IIefxvns`n`enttro -. with the bill. M1-.~ Clelzmd defended the depgirtinental smros. They ivore all over the world, he fiiml, andhe did not see how or` Why they could or should he legisllted against. `If 1u>0pli\ could buy their goods betterand 1-lwaper from them than olsewhere,;there _.\\'as every reason for their existence. bimnething had been said about people Emimr tliero and xvm-king fni` mun wmmu \IVIlUl`lIVi VI I OVOXTOWCF N !I'.}is Kin--W lI\;)! vvxsn \L\lIIux\A uuu I1] uuu unt) uuhl` ` masses it was in serious n1utter,.and it ` wu.s also kl serious thing to interfere with the natural channels of trade. He was not stating, however, that he was opposed that the (lepzwtznentnl store destroyed indi\`iduulity as well as property. - He, limvever, thought that more time should be ullo\vcd,v so that the matter could be p looked into. i No one could see the signs :<~.s. of business-rms' which had been along King: street for yours come down without a. feeling of sympathy. He hinted `that a I to thoprineiple of thobill. He thought- _l :u'lizuuentury conuinittee to take evidence a on botli-si(les of the question andto en- quire into the xvagvs of employes. etc., would be appointed before the next 7 "He suggested, that the,,,,bi11 should be withdrawn. . ' TOO LATE IN THE SESSION. Mr. Whitney said the gravity and im- pm-tanco of the subject was such that It i I I: frng+t%lfhe biiHmd`"beenintrod1'Iced would not'be possible to deal with it in an intelligent` way with the time or double the time at their disposal. He had A strong synipathy with the objects of the ` hill. Coming from a rural constituency, he knew, perhaps. better than meinbers , from cities, that the retail merchants lhroiigliout the .oount-ry were suffering terribly `from the system of depart- mental s'tor'es. The Government _ would have to `grapple with the question sooner or later`, and adopt some means of so1v_ (``l1'llt`.I'_lll the session something might have been done. r I numvuuiig.-, xmu Uuuu siull IIUQUB people ';:ning tliere Working for little wages. Why did they go there? The wages in .nmII(`i` stores were notany betteij. Lots of the people who went -to: these stores (ezune from the eoiiuntry. There was land in` plenty. zmdfwork eiieughfor them on -thr- farm, but "they Wanted to come to the city, zmd were Willing. to Work` for me, me and a half, two,` or three dollars pm` week. He did not think the House ` (`mild do anything on the nmtter, .or. mken. .. , M1-N. M<-Nieho1th'o11ghtit Wei; :1 ques- Hun of the greatest good to_ the greatest number, and therefore` `there wzts some jmtiiicezition forthe stores". - V ' M `.\.".1,-. Mnthesou pointed out the great I sliliivulties in the way of dealing with- Ailm qll(`.Stj()I1.` V ' - . ,\I1-. .`s`tmtton thought the most success -`Yul way top;rupp1e with` the question was I Ior the city td tag the co'1mern's for ,.all ,_ih__`:.gI)dS_O.l1.thB pre1'nises.; . > - \h'. Ht. -Jnlm unit? Hm!-I nu nil mmunn1_` \vh:1U be1iet_\ve1iIi1 res111t"ffom.?fny `steps 7 ' mrmlug U] H13 (110)? 'p0D_l'. :UOIII'955m& `Manny; has aan,tn4MayoxfV Jwe11t.4,w gpwkama or mad fxomwnahihulcm. 'l`lievVone'I.ue1an Treaty. (V .\ o.w Ym'lA:,_Apri1_ 6.-;- 1`-he` World -to- xnurx-mv morning will publish the follow- mgvvcnpyriglxt; cable `1despatch,\ Vfrem " _'.t`:a..1;;zus, Vmmn1ela:Tha Congis bf ,-, -`\ u'x'mjmeln has Ilnimllnously wspd xmthlli` " :}'x:x.~'{t/imlly 1-ued the Gu_iu1a .1)`.()1`1Vr`;(I`zx-y x ::i7h'itlrutio11 t1-e-may `with `Great _Bri't`ain` \\"hic:h'W21s.'-11gQtiate(Lhy "the U111 Lfmxtc-s; Thq mens`u1'.e was rst; rea(1`tK}"the-R "1-igulxsu of '1ep1'esentg}tiv6a `last 'W0`ek*,... Twhun Scnbr A1-gan;u'x*an`sp'Qke _e1oquent_-~ `. `Lv in `its fu.vox'.5 '.l_`he eec9 nd?teading'waa wnmut lnoidoxnt, It cnm up on` jjahej mm '1-ending to-day '(M01_1duy), . andatter `at .~:poe_oh by Se"uQ1- B1-iceno, the H6use- _ gtu(1 fox` the treaty 11nan1mo11_s'1y, -fitmld `I-r.!i J`;V 17t`."($l10(\1'insr nnd anth11nim:Hn dnmrm; Ill` `I l'.`l I Il'Ll7\l M1`. Meacham said t.l1.a/tyv the bill was of . importance that ishould have heel; _ -r1`(`?o`\"i?r`h im-xit` bill. 'Th?mi`fM`g stores ' worn "to be taxed why cutild not factories he tz\xvd`.* The House m1ght m be ('ons1'st;- ' out. If it attacked-the stores itashould attack the factories. He .thought thrrbill inc()1x)[)ltq. ' \ OI.wt)7r\`r1n 1rnrnrn711'\ 1 `nuss was c1'o\\'dcd out by the lzite I5usi- - -- . --,v..r .....-4uu. Mr. Hjzu'd_V` gmid t-hut when th smaller mulvsrmm who Was expert at-his hus1- ` : .I1('S. it was :1 sm`inIm nmtrnr nn it I` 1 vgtggt mr me twenty 11nanLmo11_sly, -`amid -y:'w"_ ' cjhooring and enthusiastic demon- sn-.-xtions of grut;it'.11de "to Uncle Sam. l'h;A, treaty was alao ungxnimualy ratied "lg/che" Seimtov to-day. President Crqspo ,`wu1 sign '11; next F1jiday,, - . 5 `. -- Th PotaI'.ml"atoI`I`. Buffalo," April 6.-Ma.yor J pwett. plans `to have 500 acres of land` under oultlvw \ tion py the city .p',o0r for the ou1t`u`!'e;' ` nf nnt.nf.nea* mad .nf,hm- vmmmhlnn this u_1uu 51;: mm uwy -puur wt` -um oumxrell nf potatoes` and other vegetables am; max-. `His ambixicnj lsvto o;ut-Pingrao g 9 Mayoxgof VDetr'oi , tho`gox-lgl1_1atorqtp6,tu fnrmimt bv this aihv- -mm-. (}nnmIn'nmn'h' me: or`Earieg:Ien wd)_1y.L0Lr-_2_mwt ,' (Opposition applause.) The institution could t__not be placed upon a truly national footing. or on the plane of great universities in other countries, by grants {rem the tnnde it the province, but `through the `philanthropy of public- minded citizens.. How could the trustees of the university hold out their hands to the Government andnsk, for. aid when the history of its tzrzgnsnetione with that Government had been one" of ..g1fta `and retzractiona, promises `and tallunee, prop- erty -given and taken away. ~ - ' H MONDAY, V J DEPARTMENTAL STORES. an-. Middleton s.bill to regulate depart- mental stores provoked quite a discus- sion. The bill provides that any city having 1; population of over 30,000 in- habitants can impose a tax upon any departmental store carrying on more, than three distinct classes of business. it. speciziimx to be imposed upon each addi- tional line. -Mr. Middleton said that the I departmental store had deteriorated the mercantile standard of the business of the country. and had broughtdn a cheap John system of trade. ,= " ii i I Nil` I-lnvr-nrll: cni that ha mun nnf nan. [u`IIlt'1]HU U1 L-Hi`. Ulll, _ DUI: Ht.` Lnuugnb ii good p11rpose'3.wo11id srved if thaihiil,` being thus brought to the notice of- the Hous:o,- he dropped until the next session, when thvrc would be more time for con- sid_omti ' . Mr._ Iiowlnnd anointed `out timt in Vionim, whcrexn liconie was required for We-x'_\', mule. p_orxnis:t;ion to _couducL 3 de- ' gurtiiuuitgxl storo was rehisel. He said than he mentioned this to show ghat the nuitter was 11 proper on0_ for_ legislation. He was not of `the opinion that. the stores could be pnohibited but they could be restricted 1!; \l,..... .. ...;. LL- L:\\ __.., .1 -John said taha as zxll.mo1 101V)"c;l-K` um with private rights the l H"v\11.~su50n11ld nnr. don] with Hm nnnennr ,. _wo0_L Wool, unwashed . W93 ,.~.wa2hd . . RAM (Tidal- Mayoxnof rDetr'oi;, thoorig'h_mtor qt pbdo ` farming by th"e city -poor. Oongrdanm` ' Mahany; calm/'Mayor Jewel! in ` * -`mmlmmn a! mall fmm Wddhidh. 3 : IIUIIH B'Ihl.|TlH UL unuu. V } Mr. Hnycock said that he was not pre- fmrcd to say thzwhe was opposed to the I principle of the billw but he thought a I srnnd nllrnmnikvnnld ' K1 abrvnd if Hm hm` _u~,y-u |u\Vl`-1'u:L'g'll wuau pnvzuu rlgnns E116 I)`n11.~su~-ao11l(1 not deal with the question mm10po1ies. . I V "'|`hr\ hi um Hnan uni!-lnunnuuj unlvss it: vdei with monQ'polies or quasi luulupuutr. M-- ' b"1`he bill was then \vit11drmvnT .. ........_._._:_j.;.__._ . \A\rnA\ HAD HIS SYMPATHY. 'A'snHIoUs MATTER, j -" %jxx%%x%%; I . , ` ` ' ` ` \ . ` K I ]Bvussels %Ca1pets4-/ E Tap95t1 Y Ca*1 D9tS~#/i i r%*%%%*x% H IL wSt1=ong Rang*e of Patterns } in A11-Woo1and Unions `high; Q_l`_:l_l'J._...f.. ...j..`....- ` 5 _tz%,'3'oumiix` mo `naxnv manna; _y ` ,-`v !)iI1,t3.':jua.n_-t;'|:Aa._=:;,.". . .~'. ._ _4 %rnA\y[1_zv&%EvLIN, ; $ ooo< ` :-AV` erf}:ctBen%;=dyLf6rCons'ti a- A og. Spur Stom_ach.Diarrt_\oPe_a. 2 .~WQrms,C9nvulsn0ns.Fevensh- ' ; n:,-ssVan1L<,)sso12.VS1.1:`13:AI>. I- romotcs`}3%ic'eslion,Cheerf111< _ ` `ness andRest.CdntaIns neither` V IIT.MoIphine nor Mineral- O1` NAnco'r1c.j |unnlmwmmuulImnum mnumm nu.1anun-muumnnmu .Iu:WT ' AVeee(aBlePrparalionforAs- slmilating thefood andeg ula- lin tho Stnmsmhq and Rnwolq nf` aunuu H115 UICLUUU (mu HUS Lll. ting the Sto_1_nacl_1s an_dBowls of . jyqarounammrntymel = ~?_:1%....,.z.1. _.r..z- - ...a4l.\'.J`mna, ` -I % :_:xA'r coxvor hwaagghgn. ` I-`a`cSix:\iIe.Signbatx ire gt ` /)7 /.//o'.5T"" ` val}-\\ hAt ,. Goosie Wheat... `Qatar halter: ` ";"SPR1 1VG. A %x%%%%x% Your Trafde S_nliciled_. `.Wi|'|__Be%P%|easved to Show Goods x%x%xx%%;m,- Jmmm _Jan1 .a4l.\'.J'an_na 0. RmhlIa'.S'Jb-- We ihvi}e atfhtion- of p1'ospcfive buyers to our extensive stok7qf :u`p_g:ts, which_em. braces the"lz1test styles of M1 the `leading makes and grades for this sezggon, Atno previous time in the history of Barri hast-he range of these. goods been equalled` i_n variety; newness or value Dufzilop isfreet, %Ba>1r'1?iI In htfest / American and Enolish dsigns and.` I . ' . c0101-mgs, fr In low grades to b_33_t qna,11t__ From the: best known makers (imported direct); M and their best g0ods-- [ .\ I \\ ulsfree menu. H0()K0ll time. THE BRA] LEY GARKETSON CO.. L"rIi. Toronto. Ont. ' Crosley s %\\RBrussiels : a just `an gooduad "will answer eve ..0datoia`i a pd up ii 'bne`-size b,o`Et1bs'on1y. " `lance, sold, in bulk. Dowtvallowvanyone to sell {on anything else on thy plan or pzdmige that t\ . . ITPW` poue."__ I?` get; that you get O-A-3-15053.1-A`. _L ~!.hs3.f3" ..`.a-2--'-2-* ; ` 1=Ac-siMILE. THAT THE havea world-wide reputation. Fast colorg. NEW. .WhnL You p L Take Medicine SEE SIGNATURE 1897 W 931;. -W339? Bei Hideip. 'l`AIImv.. rnn %AALssuus4 1; Palm; ljndulte Mine Torm Special school clxdnen Salurtlay. %!!8s_,mITJF!~vLAY. A. J. unison. 3% w t%*x*x%*$%%%%%x*%**%x Good' No ' k FOR % an; gs . Aseuzaami sI.a_Anm gggf 25 gg. %i<~ as W 9 . ` , r . * 7 .: " mt . ; AVGR OER sse":::g.3z: #6:` * "O * gxxerz wM""E'D--`NTELLIGENT V MEN`. .- _ _ w1t1;(:)3.l a;.lu<-utmrn who w.1nt ta better thuir posltiom. and `rank! be content for. year with am and ex- nsea. .}\r rite us, yilth deicriptirgn and accum- on. tmffwe. will Imke n. pmzmlzluu for now "or ; the fzture. Am/f'Iwclt,d. relhhle men t`o,r_AAu3- tra_l_la. W_riI/: tuxxy, far we are in a hurry. THE MAN.AGERT* A0 Wlnhmnnri Rf \V.m I`mmnfn (`Inf ~ / ; Druggm agd/Dptxcian Carlefully coirectcci to date. V ' ' lAm_uz. April 7,1897. 7L....1. :- {UK llM'Y:8|1" , ._,, "Ma," A III! NI l`IL`,lI\ll'au, 49 Richmond` St. West. Ifm'onto. Out ._.4, _ , ,, rm 0"" AND `IIlD_E.`i nhm! ' 75' who give: customers the very best. ***!le_&&'`lly!!%"he liv~' :.... ..\....l.u -..A ...|... 1...'...... ......_.. ys~-T._._._._..`. ` come (mam - a - . . . .. -`N% ELLIGENT MEN . '1t1;(:)'.b.la;.lua-,.Ltion who s hath-.r thy-ir nminn-1. nml -VI:-9.-nun 9.9!: an unit. Uta" nvvvuoi ur- ng_ prot. angi who keps `every- ihing there is a demand for. comes A the nearest to pleasing everybody. If thre is anything you wish thixt canno , be found in mu; store. we will procure it at short notice for you. L who ery _ .~.s... ...... L...n._-;.-,u.- "I.4u.....-.4 l:.-v - BARBIE. ONT. A 0.. .'..,.4325.-_'.I .....,.4-20;. . .- R 1. 17.` ..'4 00 '. A (In V`r: _-25.. H _ .l_ y.6-35-' ;.A4 85,. 3,. .10` -- .11 `. .18 ~'m u.U .L`U .`.4_' 00 ' P1: /r - I 4%; would he mntent fnrr DU V15` (11) ` `-|AAt.R{o1m <'il Kim, has week.. two"ah ll- _ dran,Aageg_1M_l had 4 yam r6npantiyely,vwera`-. plaep[ng`.togather.`~ alfp the morning `th W on (:19 `W dinioovmd dead, hgving bean We have :1 Iunre mnount. of private funds to loan at 4} and per o_o_ut.. p.1y:xblo _vu:\rly.' Lozm-5 on xnoru.:zL_::u.-\ will bu 1n:uh-. up to _vnlue of the property ulfuml. . I A large amount of private fumla for]ln,vc.=Ln1e1 :_1t5, pcr cam. on :s21tif.'l(3[0!3_Y security. " v AUL1.` ,& COWAN. 1\1-Smo .1.` :Ro.x~a Block. Barrio.` We have xx large amounf of private funds to .loan at 5 per centum1_uulIy on wrnu, fuvurzxblc to the borrower. if sccunty is good. ............. - ......--.._____ / - . v- 11" -~- , [ nmwsos dz cums xcmzz. / 89 Dpnlopstrcet. efnrrle. (9-' no) Itoss Blcx-k i April 6--The roads are almost free from R snow, and are very muddy. / I The run, of san durina thn nut wpnlr hen: _:suuw, auu are muddy. ruuyof sap during the past week has been excellent.-c_old nighta yd sunny days. 1 Already. in our neiahbo mm]. vnn mav I new exceuent.-c_old nights a d I Already. neighbor/Eooxl, you may , se the furmerinyhis Java?`/e-place'-behiud'[ the plough. Mrs. Mnmrmmt Ivan ..+.........x 5-..... ..| _Apfil 6--The Priiicipal of our school has favored yourcorrespuqdexlt with the monthly {report of the senior division for the month, of March. Those. who#hn.1e,,,J:eceiv.eLLI:wo-. rhirmz nf thn whnhi u"mlmr- nf mmrl m\..J....o T `L RR1JEv315RK;E'rJT_ ux muu:u- 1 now. vs(uo#r1u.1e...J:eceLueu,nwo-_ third_e of th whole `number of good conduct: tickets pussi Re are ner reported. . Fifth Class -UniHnwlna: Annin ?\/Tnl(ivmt l H Aprii6---Spring-likdwenther. ; Home farmers have started to bill the soil. L. Gibbons is spending, 0. few days in ;V-Tororgro Lhiaweek. ' `rm. ;,.;. ..:. um .,.I H16 pmugn. , ` | Mrs. McDermo.;t hge returned from al week s vim with frieu s in town. ' VVe are glad to he that Mr. Muir, who ' e pal u an augeroua acci- dent in the bush, al ew weeks ago, is getting along well. The crueherl heel is mending nicely. ' I - Mn: llinlmn 4/ulm ;n:....m1 .........w l... mI:-~ uuat. vv guuusuuy we nelgmiors turned out [ `about aewieuteen in number, and gave`Mr. [ Stran;;! who has had the misfmtune of I hzwin his leg broken, 9. wod bee. About ftee cords were cut. up during the day. H " T()k (3hrbi)lle-i&he&1inIr-Verwroinelv: and; Ul}.U('Jll uuruu were cub uunug the day. jr Jlh e.li'r oI{e'nbnemhealing~verLnicely. uxxw /hf/expects to be up and around in 2; few I aye. _ . .,,x3euu)r untu---J nvmxer, may LVIGP Lawrence Warner. Lizzie Fitzpatrick, jglliott, Alex. McKIn;mn.v , Juninr 'l`hir:I_A/Inlnlnnu hnnm _IblllUblo, nmx. LUUl\.lIl[]0Il.' . Junior Third-Adolphus Dnine, Iary` Martyn, M McAteer. Willie Reid. Lloyd Rcdfuxfu. J Kearnan, } eM|.Walki_nshzuv, Em rm; Brawn-. V The average daily utendnunce was, 46. IL Hcur.d_'uud W McKe\'er came down from Onlmnder and are visiting friends here. .A. Warnea Saw milI.waa hnr'nr. tn Mm Irorn uzuumuer 3110 vxsmng mcnds here. Saw_,mill.waa bum: to Lhq ground early Mondi`y morning. "No doubt M; was set on re by some person. It is a had 3n.ir-,--na; it L`hrows*quite'a.'number n f men out; of eInplnyment.f(n' the present. It 1 I if! 1|. nitv Ehilf. H inmI.'IrHnriuu H'LI nnl n-nunh} ' 4 4 uuzu -nu. m cIupmyIm:ub.I()l` me nresenb. 16 I is a pity that all izxcs-ndiuriea are not, cuughnt and punfsherl. . Mr Rlniu nf l2rm.;.. n.-a..n|m}`l Fm \/In 1(_rr0r_1I0 Lnla,weeK. _,_,__7 W 7 ' M The ice ufxthe edge of thehay has broken. and it worm` be long till what rrnains in the bay bugihs to shave. if this kind of xveatllen Eontinues. ` . - - LL. I1... QUDIZIHUUH . _. _ I M r._ Banting came jn op MoIid`p.y evening, ufcer spendlngn few weeks with` his family `in the city. I W -' ` A mpntiniv nf Hm frnnham. mu. |,...I,I .-... lu um uuy. 0-_-_*_-._ * ` l A meeting of the trustees waeyhelrl on Monday. to selecta ait fur the new school. t.) be builtl1A}rethis summer. undm consider 'tl1e`tohdei'a. -Your:-correspondent has not got th_e1_r renrt, but it; iuaitl tlmthure is` alyout four hundfed c_1o{larsv beween the lnwgml; nmihighest tender. ` ~ " ' V `There were six-rixnitint arm. hhn Ih d-"l` "0`ne - H undr'ed :Dn'eu One. Dllar lisv penuliar wand true only of Hand : Sara, aparilIa._ It`i_afeoonomy _to buy Hood's. ` 1 W ` 2 FXCELI.ENT ('ontnu"tr to zu*tY\'e nun-its for .4 me Lxrpzw-st Life Imuraiwv (`.un1pany in thv world: "Chui(`n,'. u-rrltury ; s:xlar_v z1mh'onuni3 ' (3ompanv 5as*<:t.~` met two hundn-xi and thirty- ` funr nmillion dollar--x; rro In 1x>l_icy-lnhlx-rs ['h:\veucvcr In-cu uxun led by. any nllwr cum . mnv 2 irwn!-1 M`;-r\' 1 \', kind ufmlh~v. MONEY} 36 L_6I\'N Mom-:v Tc5 L nun unsllup/WHO 1n]ure(1nerselI Dyltauxng j `on the ice so e weeks age. is getting" along ' well. and soon be around again. ' Lust We; uesday the neighbors turned out` about aevfeutaen in nnmhnr .-m:lunun~Mr- I uuxccs [WSSIDIG are nem reported. ` : Fifth Class -Unie' Bowles; Annie McKiver, Millie Walkmshaw, Gordon Bush, Cassie" Neff. Hurry Clark. ` l>1`nnr'H1 nl.In;nVr,AInLn m+,....+..:,.I. .u:M ucu. nurry Ulill'K. , Fourth, senior--John Itzpatrick, Alice Walker, John Warner. Violet Nelf. -T4`mu-H1 {..n:m.A\X7... A (1 ..... .. lI,.......L uulncl`, anuu warmer. Vloleli Hell. Fourth, Janior-VVm A Groves, Hmmnh -McKinnon, Jaxncs RTeid. Raninr 'N|ir:l_...I Vvullxnn Qua" R?:Inn _eaLs, zmali... (Jp.ts._..,. .. -`Rv.eA,`,... . Baekwbem. 12;. udau ` itll PUl|l5H "|- Mr. Smiph, of, Barrie, prenchekl for Mr.` Agur'onl;}_{g giirujt on Su_nd1y -ILLHI3. (`AN employ ve men-a`d three India! to work at and around home. A ;:oxltl1i|;:'.}\'i(lu mxx! 1 salary forpuohers. '1`. H. I.I!\`S(?U'I`T. . { ` l`nrunto. om. E 4 : }MUNEY.ATA41 AND 5 PER BQNLE uuu ulgneu Lenuer. ` , "l_`here..,were six-rixnitiatd ito lqhe I`.U.d:1`, in ,t,h` list meeting, __a.ud"more ffor"Ijl1eh"x't. . meating)"" Thae conteHta"ur' good for in- creasizff; the, rnembetshig, '_as jgvell as for making. (A19 eyening bo`ba.;enj<)yad by all. , Mm l';'."`KeaiIev. "of limb:-`in. whn |m:' lmn nmkipg. M19 eyeying bo`baenj<)yad 1u'."Keauey .,"o[ llama, who has ban \ bpsenxlinigfa fewA.w`eks here visiting friends}- _ returned home mi Saturday` evening- William J. J,riniabn'. who has hnhn J ; IBDIITIIGII IIOTDB 0|! llllflly evening- .4- ~ 'aul'ererof-that clrehdetl diaeae,cqpamnti6'n'; V .-wan called llmnevon Friday mornlng Inge.` He waa.in-his, fty-fth year. ~ He leaves a Wife W_ill_ia.m J1 J,riniabn', who has been} 2 alid three children behind`. The funeral. on Suml`ay,v. wan largely attended. .thexemg1inn beinglinterred in the Zion burying gmu'_nd. ..J HBCKRTEY. PEPLE3 & MCCARTHY. I3.-hnn Hwrrhfnru .2-n In ..... ` We have amourif Igap percentunnuully !lCl\|llllUlI, UIHIICH [V 13491. _.Senior Third---I Wu.lker, Susy l\Atc-er, Fmwrence Warner. I.iz';.ie Fitr/n:m~i.-I: Rnhr I 9 ..- -._-..V.. ..-.,. .., ......u...5 ncely. -- Mrs Bishop`/(vho injured herself b_v_fa1ling m some me. gettindv nlnmfl - _ VJHv._TABLE.`J Potgto (new) per big. .. Oqbbaga, penhead Be,bs.per.ba Bggiqigs, perbag Qagmu, small red, `per bag . llinnv nun u... In ' ; nu-`uea en -r_\' (Iv.-5] VH0, l`H`.\L\S 3 Thc Mutu: 121?. AT 5 PER `CENT. AT 5 PER CENT. 'WANTED GRENFEL. (+II4i<;ORD. ANG US. mllml by. any Ix-.+imhle kind m l\!|iKlH'g"l'. tu:1lLifc Ins.( %.`****i` ,K1Il1I7q-L. .. V . .3 v No Vex: 1' .159 Km" F _, "8' "'"'V