gut; snug` u:_ A`Ih'|IlU,.PUU`-'.`WA1Il$lJUVUl' it A~approachingan%1-wou11-;re4 7- n?sil'e_i1t when [the weather was fair 1' setting" fair`; Jgigegg creutuxtes wm ` indicate .'tlj,tAwezit`.h(a1" in the an-rim ` thmgregen 3fmg,raferr9d.Ato. If . W7 5 iii!` ' lled with Watr. thav :TYROLES`E'-CUSTOMS. NORWAY! svnupg DB woods ' LUU kUBII U1 UJGLHIICXLIIUU. E Lead incased'coud'.1c-tors were nally J disc:irded,_except in some special work, as the protection from injury to the in , , sulation and from /moistuie, which the I loud sheath was suppoaed_, to give, was I \ --vfonnd-tom ' be~-~i1lusor3=-.---7Dents- caused - short circuitimz on the sheath of the f conductorsnvhile purwures, permitting V the entrance of moisture, 1ec_i_ to bad ` grounds as well ns.sl1ort.-circuits, I Ar Hun nv-nminl (`av what n.n.- kn :...'H `UL i 2 I 2 I Inn. AA.A`I(uIuvILIJu.|B um` UUJU l ._I.cpl. lu xjivxv, and to obtain this se\'z-r:1lz-zystems are lml0!:.Zr(l together as `one. While , niolding and exible conduits are used in the saloons and cabins, the conduct- \ orsin tho mnclfmry spaces and holds ; are run in iron cl) duits, which are thor- l oughly innsulatcd on the inside. and . V 5pm~:'i:xl ttings are exnployed in passing 1 through the docks and bulkheads.` Spe- I ci:1l'Wz}__e`;f tight sugitclies, cutouts and 5 xtures are nlsoused wherever there is exposure to the _\\`v;1rlv_`r.--E. G. Ber- nard in Ci1SSl6l".3 I-J;: , `zine, ` An Lncient sud "Cur-iula dermm Wed-' l torches. `A mocession was formed, with ding Custom. I In The Ladies Home Journal Max von Binzer writes of his experienpeht A Page at the Berlin Court upon the . occasion `of 3 double royal wedding and} - of the preceding and suc`cee'ding festivi- , ,. ties. Describing. an ancient and curious 3 oustom, he Writes: And nofwi-,-_after the wedding,` dinner and ball--came the `Fackeltanzg Several of the highest oicinls entered` the hail with aming the bride in- the midst. A number 01 compliated ipolonajise figures were then executed, after. which the `line closed . about the br_ig_e and groom and marched . out as escortto the bridal chambers. i 4H,. u... 13,.--" an .L- L ...-_1..x .___r' T, ` vuu ua UDLUKII LU tut? Lu. lunl. L:uu.Luut:1'5. I i Iv ..;,As the `doors of the bridal apart- monts closed upon the happy pairwe ; found ourselves immediately next the` , entrzince. We waited expectantlyfor the - 1 next` feature, holding our 'advan-ogeous l` position with some diiculhy. In a few g moments the dooxjsiew open, and hall I a l l)011S`d1](l`Sllk011gi1I`ft`l`S, Svitlrthemom A og1'-.1ms~embosse(l on the gold buckles, V \\'o1'e` thrown out by the ladies of honor. _Co1xrt`etiquotte`\v-.15` lor the nonce for- gotten. Generals, courtiers, chamber- lainsnnd st`-also ministers scrambledand 3 ' {fought with one another for these'm'e- 3 . mentos. But we pagesgarest assured, `got in 5 souvenirs `now, although many were l_ . given away me that'nigl1ttobeseech- : ingdignitx1_ries.` - ` i ` > vvvv an. .n viuuyxnlvn I `E123-i"g e`wi1,s1fc; __ __-:'had gone hungry" ; thiree days sneaked do"wn;t11e big beech `I { ridge above Balygunip, Me-.._. with its; face screwed into as ugly 9. sneer as L ever a wi1c3.:a{~.vore. .Be._y'.or;d the ridge, ' whereithe grotuid sank iritb a gullylike swamp, the wildcat foid avfai porcu- pine on the groqnd. The cat evidently `found the porcupine tempting to look _ on, for it promptly went on the limit with all Hm (n;n{ f if -}mni.'l nwu'na n. I ` link For TIMI Plrpou. I -`.`.";en (`1(*.ZX`it 22 plants were Int in- stalled aboard ship, lead incaaod oahlnl, mn_i/is ordimry molding. won undil- ` most entirely, am? in case of imxuhipl ' the buij was .fm;u;:utly` employed fa thexeturn mrcuif. Thelattet method 7 soon pa$_ed0u!- of use, {or it not only increzmed the re hazard, but was `in- efcieut x::.{-lszanically. and also liable ` so give n.~:e to disturbing inuences G1 ` the ship`: compasses. 3 Tn-arl in.--.c'aA' nnnnnbn.-n in n-A.'-\--n aucuacuiu nyuw. ,1 15:: Ann uugnnlluv uuuul, I aw to the sty,/mid no longm W. wallow in the mud ant} mire. Fowl: huddle t(igeth(>.r in 8149/ farmyard with -dro_opi,118 Wingsfaugl/'t11e air is lled ~ with the clamorouz-Ycnckle of geescnuntl vdticks. Those vs:/hi) live in the countxy .,am1_;spend i1mc)1'.time in `the open :9-7-~{ hav the a of obserging -thi } ` ~-mnvm mnfn/nf wild animals mud nf i nn.L I 5A\nu|uo as H (`u an .auUL u:\;u.uu1 05. At the present day what may be call- ed nwmposite system) for fir `installu V tion of the `distributing conductors is 0n1p1o_vod. Edna] _ecurityin,:1llparfs . " of `the i1.x tlw obgiumkept in f vinxv and fn nkfuin Hm": em-.u..] m ~.~+nn\c ' uu, .I.uL xv _y1\J.|u_pu_y vvvuu uu UR` uuut; with all the crnftrit '011Id ercpse. B_e- != - h-ind a `hummock, along :1 "snow ridge, W over a fallen log and through "a sprin- 5 kling`. of bush {ops the cat made its way ,_ in and approached the pomnpine. Then it` \ sprung and grippedits claws on its prey. \ It` sought to roll ghe porcupine over so- \' as to4)iAte_it. onrthe belly. It succeeded` <' 1 ` aw vU~uwU_u U}l l:uU Ut'.uj. 1.0 HUUUEUUELI only partiallyfzid IIEfi't{s"j"izv7s'fu1] l of short quills from the porcupine sA ` `side. The porcupine died quickly, but the wildcat, with `its jaws distended I t with tljefqullla,-c`(s11l(l ndt_eat_ the meat, I being able may to mp up a little of the 1 . blood. w x 7 I`I'\L....._-..._.L...LI._,,311 . -I ' '-`-v,~Nlew York Sun`. _ muuu. - N T1he>ggLQny 0 1:115; wlildjjut ab greag fafter zuvhi1e_`that -the brhte` rolleil over I and eve;-`i1_1 the snow,na11y.forcing_ a1 ` quill th1`0u'g1_} u.11`t'-)',(` and_jptQ'it`s;brain.h I tuc But}; a Luulpdbaca. A Lszad inmed conductors in ordinary E molding \va=,i~e used on the rst two 5 United Stzues men-of-war having eleo- 3 use p1auts--the Trenton and Omaha- but with unntisfactory results in egch case. In the latter ship.` the electrical ~ plant` of which was `installed. by the writer in 18B~1,the lead incased port V and starboard mains passed through ~ holes bored in live oak kneeayone hole to ubontkench six fret of run, and the writer-has avivid recollection `of the ditliculzixs encounxr-rail in boring several hundred three-quarter and half inch ` holes through about eight inches` ofl gnarled ouk, very`1Iem'ly as hard tc fpierce as some of. the tougher metals. In ` is. perhxips needless to saythat thehost of labor_a.nd tools was no small item in , ` the cost of installation. _ ' { `I .....I .'....-....J .-.....r,,.;-_- ___, c_,,n~ r I ` 5.3 |. `But`tons'ai-e cei-tgily as fgigqigntqi ` I the siege ofbT1-ox, inho ninyh, century ` betqre our em, Ifpx, `both in th'a.t'mifOr-([_ r innate city juud- at M`oei3se,Dr'. Sch1ie~ mann digc-o'Vve;1'>exg:1,.Qpjec1 ;;VsV 9f,gp1<},` .si`1v`em{ mm mm 'whi c il `mum hm-I nn ~"-W ,`?_,,`,',.'.`?!`FE,`~`3E='.~!`,"_`i,',., V`, ~3.'~.W -wvvr. `anii Bronze xyhich cs),L1Ld..-hz1ve had no .` ;otshe'ruse than that of buttons. * In me: 1 .dize_va1 times the b1othi.n;of'theg common _ peopl was _ geuera_l1yfaaten`ed V with V `\vo'oden`pegs bf uh'e'type.aud"for1n of * thosdreaorbed to in emergenoii 'by the-,_ cou1;itry;boy df tl1e.p *Butto'nt covered w1th_.oIoth Wain` prohibited by George 1,.-in 1780, to enc o_i1_tag'o the I_ manufamsum of mgtul buttons. . A_ _Ts;okl1n'zv,I I:!`.fo'4:_t:I;%\naVo:" V , 'V'Whxar_e19n7tryinzj.`t9 sown at po1ioa~xozoe:nxka:u*. . . w . NINA uunuw`-vim .1-mavau #:"\;-'}nnu " yvuuq VK'VV[' y.\;;uv\wL.'!,- ` - _ H t `I _ . ".I.'v'_cm novmjtoo. heavytor Ergquirv atxir1ty`.air.! e-Ddtrsi rm =.sHtr3 LIGHTING. I-lu\L' \`ILI|3 HUVUILIILIBU U1 UUDK,'l'_\lHg ' ll -movenientg/of wild animals and of i. eo.l- I ing keenly in their own person: [the op- . `- ar1tion of the clmnging ntmos phe1'icu'J condiyiona. Moles become more uctivt ' indfgging, atoms and xveasclshecroiiic ni/xsually rcstlcssuiitl uneasy, and thr , hedgehog forrties his cave against tin /coming storm with an `unfailing provii aion which has earned for him {M11081} vi; viable reputation -as it weather prophvt. \V51r1"h5rn inzzn ufi" Tmlnr nk-im-4. B:R|D AL _FA\/E15, W! eat and 1$0r;:upine., , . _,_ .....1 *.~J...L .. .1 __,__ - xri-u: V` . -* nun? TIA . - .m__1:n: wont ' ` "Mona)on f Tealipacked under the an v.w\~i=h_.n ofznarm,anu*sp1 l>',Mhem,v . iamsam c_`:o'th uI:`qualmes olndiahand(:y!...; I Teas. or that 1-mom ey soo`tbgu:,:xunp`bu; (HQ- wt) fresh lexvosgoineo onaoonpac1m'zca.' ` .. .......E.f,.~:l;;-. -I-urn .9...--.-u-`ug H);--my wIuu)'i\`:s ens." Oi` ` 1`a}9!1 309 `7,.9 N? l fmshleag/osgo1nto Ionaoon ` ` _, ',l`hai,a.whyM onstvpn, },}yn`por-m*...n._. ngn|.._ : . >3 the aajno prxcouxnlqrgupwa, - E $8 `-Wu -in 240331134 cqddivc't'~ Ah. "*o.!aY % ` 1.*! l V I50 cenh per hare per m tum far 10 vests will amount to M`) paid in Jilaturltv value. 310). 70 cents ner slnra oer month for 1 ve.xr3 will be M ) paid in Jrlaturitv value. sun. per slmre per for h ye.xrs $37.20 paid in. Haturky value. 3101.). 95)Drebz1hist.o{`k will be worm 5100 per share In $100. \- _ Ameansof accumulating small earnings. mak~ mg hrge prots. A _ `~ . or [rarticulam exmpgre of pw rucrcugw mmmntvca to promptly, and permanently cum all, forms of Nervous 'WcaL`nc,sg.Errz:1ssio:m,Spcrm- ` atorrhca,Impatonc:/andall 1 4 `_ ~ ' - of Tobacco Opiumor Strimua -Befow and AeT"hnts, whicfh soon lead to Inn 1' rmity, 'Insa.m'ty, Consumption and an early grave. i Has been prescribed over 85 years in thousands of cases; is tlmonly Reliable and Honest Hcdicfm -known. Askdnxggistror Wood's Phosnhodlne; it , he oers some worthless medicine in place or this. iucioso price in letter. and we will send by return` mail. Price. one package. 81: six.` 85: 77: -it in-'11 cjfcts of Abuse or Earchsm. . * Mental Worry, excessive use - T) .\`uH ._ ~ Iv munur, um/'., uanaqs. ii ]:$'i1zi`ie:and -.1-\~k-1-yxvhere lb` Camida ` by ALL rQ\p0F_!1il.`1e drugqists. . ` .. . 9 \)l_l1_y ll LUW UL UHU u.mu_y Uwnuuwxs UL Ilflll. `eids and the air which. enable a man wine has eyes to see t0,f01'0cast- tln weather during tl1i:11extfmvJ1,ours. The explanation of all `this is tn be fmlnd in _ "the exceptling sensit,_iv<-mass of nmst nui- nmls, especi_ally_ those which am nmrr " `oL1es&_.wi1d,T-to --at-lngfplz/4-1'i<--al Mu x(1i- 7 2 time. They are all constantly yzjglgirlxg mforecasfsiixfter their own mzmm 1', zuui; us we lm'.ve`*hi`nt<- t.11cy.:u'c; far 1: v ; . ward this end; V x. trustwbrthy than Tzguy devices of mun :-\ .J .... ....'I 5.... QST.2IJpa1a m. maturity value. 3100. #5) prepaid Sl.0l`k per 8 yam. . ` . . $60 {l)l'Di1ld9MCk will draw 6 per cent. interest. 1y)ab e half yexrly, and in 10 years will be worth 101` . , The Grant - ~ lumuso pncom water. 8110 will send by return" Price, package. :1; six, $5. 'one'w:'u . please. aim will cure. Pamphlets freogonny nd_dress_ yr ' The Wood Company, .` ` v Wfndqnr nu} rVuv...a.; - -grmnr Tui I: ._ IN gut ' * SAVING 3 m5 LOAN COMPAN V, E TIlEIE ST SPRING ."n..-.... ..u n:.....: n1_-__,`.,. __' ,, "Go to the Ant. thou nlgxslri, consider her way: `and ma wine." S'AVlN'G 1s EARNING ` _,____ .__-- _.- ---..-`. u--_--y-punt`; {Cures all Bldod Dlsiaisgs. ii-ovin a ooinmbn `Pingplg tofthe w9rs_t $_crotulo_us`Sora. ;\ JU,_[$&I?U 311:.ju3,.rt:1I:_l.'It(1lalV-`_l1u. V11 1 `ii? _11l1ed gyith Water,` thgy r II l;V;._>._;~.-;,. 4` gg `, fnj :wd gath er round H19. top, -e-Lon~ fitandurd-'. ' V _ ' ` Q:-in/1-:, {Roy '5'.-E`;"ED 17"? ' MR. A.f B. G`ULI_`.0DEN, _ HF` RF`\"I\\l %CLAi>PzRIoN?s Tnazmpw 2 X m rrsmflu punmn. With.... Jvu'a rrxyatl-LUDINJ The Great Englishrnemedy. . +u=ffpaa::c+.fn. . ` ' ,,,,, Than with mny otiiei' kinds. the twist is so fj.rm.tha.t it's not so '_ apt `to unravel as`some, -and that's what. gives - if its c:ctr:v.ofi'm:::;-,{ Astrength. 7)?` n'E.\'\ :.v Ca. TORONTO f uunyumu U1 . vU.I_y uulquu .U\ 1115 [)iuUjl1l" .'LB1:a_Ju'uLe._ been put upon `t]m1nnr1{e1.'_ V --'13./a .`B:ez1pes'L,;zmd, the cub which wil. ~pru!`::bly becpnm the most pup11la1', 1:- th611`<>;?(nx)et1', "AJsmal1 green frag; 'i5 fOu1:(1?inVGirnmny which always` comes` out of ?the water when cold or wet'.`wat1u_u-' is :\1)p1'0achi1'1g. The-sv. " ?qf1'og's-are caught and kept in glussvjnw ' `furnished with a tiny ladder and haul . ~1_1ed} with__ water. _ .l'heA frog xvemm prophet sitsfhigh and dry on the 1;0p_ 01 his ~1a_dder_ for several hours before n tnr_1n"and,c1i_mbs down to tlmbottoxn `when.-.th6` Weather is `to ,be fair and um? rm: TEA dip > ` C3mp:_my, . Windsor, 01117., C&!l3d> n . ~...L.... . 37 v District Agent. Barrie. an 4 . v:,.u;|q'wu'nqu:Iuu): V` _ -V ~ us : `up mm. thejudgo the` 5` mt maling 0031. The .r,ai1ro`tul It '`sa.ig1;that he;onu'g'ht the fellow Lear; but; gtm man said his was esep1ng'." thezr. because his `wife `11ii1;.(r:i, and he had no money _ pa. hgfeh :.`.*Pretty hard bed '7" edthe judge. ` ` V. M : `F7119 ,`Annwaml- "i Q .;.,,uy``-,nIoxioyA.p .. "..... 1;-a.;..- s|.- Bl1l\A)lILo ` 1 The bed is_1iot all that .needq close rare in the sleeping room. The dhsng is far more imporfant than many pople Suspect.` Acvuumlations of ulf and vdust fomi a fzworitcE`\ nestig place -fof _ disease germs and nnsuv0r_V`sm(-lls. On this accomit inzmy ornzuuents are not to be coufunended in at be . The bits of drapery, the In-a"ckets,z the gay. Japanese fans, the-plxotogmplis and the. pieces of bric-wbruc tlmf are :ulm._ilmbl( in other parts of the house are out of 4 place here. Wl1z\teveI" furuitiire there is should be carefully wiped o each (lay ; I with 2; soft vloth. and this shakenout ` of the window afterward. - mL_ _----A....l1.`,. I. __ ........A.\ ......A_ ..L`,...I.1 ~ele;t.-9t-her-1=emark&b1Hve&%hBr1>r01)})- ' K 9 has, and vimhavq heard of.n, oldgxnetieorblogist who -adjusted; his bu-~ minister, in `such `a.'w'ny that - the lcchw; 9111` rin u.f littla 11-';whn'ever at yu.u:u_,-yam VIUllUJl.`.[, In vu,uU mu.` ILLLUJ mmnrna ..hnn'l-nnahiun,J1n}1A u1nn1:1 mun" , -W v-- -~-- --~--- -~- ~~.- -- ----~- g "I Sap is a watery fluid found in the iii- 1 terior of the cells of plants and trees and contains dissolved or suspenrlcd in it the " ` materials required for the life. and V growth of the cell. The idea that in '; -wwinter the sap goes down into the roots % and in spring rises again is quite er- roneous. Trees and plants are fullof 2 ; watery sap all the winter. The phen_om- l ens of freezing in the case" of trees and , -plants are but little understood. Irhessp 3 _ "1'"in_1eaves' and in smaller branches is ` often frozen.` This is seen especially in the `caseof twigs of hickory, which in 1 . very cold weather are as brittle as glass, ? though` the same twigs at zihigher tem- F 5 perature oannot by any possibilitybe broken with the hands.` For various`; 1 causes the water contained in the cells ; V only begins to drystallize at some degrees ; ` below the ordinary freezing point.- This" is partly due to the chemical oomposi- `. tion of the sap, which contains various ; sa1ts,_starch, etc-., in solntion'._ Besides this the bark of-trees is a bad oondnotor E `of heat, and the interior temperature of , 'A[/trees and plants is gonerallyahigheriif ` winter and lower -in summer than that? ' a I of the surrounding atniosphere. ' . UL UIU wnuuun (|ll\.`1 \\ cull. The receptacles for waste water should be washed out e\'erj' day and ~ scalded occasionally. In hot xveatlwr the scald- , . .ing.shou1:l..tnko.plac04we1vyday~Aandvthe---i utensils be sunnvd. if possible. `Shoes and j other articles`0f' apparel slxoulll:-not be 3 left lying about t ln_-, rmm to gather dust and look untidy. soiled clothes should : never be left in f}1(`>`l(`r`ping room, They K I contaminate the ntnmsphore. . ` -Prepare -4 shredded` wheat ~bis<-nits. Rine. 12 canned Sili`illlpS in cold W2l.t6I'. dmiu and fry them three minutvs in 1 1-2 j tablespoonfuls of _` butter "and set aside. Beat 4 eggs until light, add -1*`tvub1o-` spoonfuls wnter,_hnVdagain boat fot two minutes. Add onii-quarter tenspoonfnl j saltvand :1 little/)w/hite pepper. Molt one- -: half tublespoonful butterin the blazer, { pour in th>c-ggs, stir for `a few minu_tea. 3 When thgyeggs begin to set, add 4 ounces M igratedswiss or American cheese, st-ir ` for gs/1/xiiuiite, then divide the mixtuie V equally over the hiscuits..Lay.8 shrimps L pf: each `one "and serve. ` 5 ' j How to Bender Yourself Liable to Colds. " TOI1B 0f't1I(TChi(?f causes of catching cold. is :1 lack of oxyggn in the lungs. ' pnnn1n\uhn }n~n'uH1n vinfnrl air nrn um-w -..-. 11?%;gIs3;23';"%;;:E7:2aZi"2f`p.AIi ` %..43MI1r:o!6H % =1Km> visht1y,89r{-i Luu AU vvuu uJ.\ nun; VJUIAILUI x 1 apt;.to' be tiroubled wislicolds. . * T - 1 .Huw to obtain um Best Results witinj V _ Ohinezie Lilies. _rFor `qu'ic1;-bl0on1ing 0116050}; Hish_! muybg 5 inclnes in depth and, open top. Having selected your dish, tnkel \.~ .'{.`;' h;nIm1T.E. . ..;;;. 2. ` Hill. JJJIVJH}; 'BU1UUlaUU -`yUUl'_ lllll, U1o1SU`{ - seu-u1;'-pe~_13bleSr-01'r shn11s,-.thmp:\ck4 the sht-11.: well ixrotlncl -the` bulbs in such a way tlxut when the strong roots begili toij push up from the bottom of the 1'ecep- ' _ tamle they will not push the bu1b_its0lf I 1% n(` Hm umfnr "mn'u unnwnuifn Inn {A J ybf binbrumxomsii 6i`2:"1:;3esr"`a' ` Hiwwto Make Pxyunq Jelly. ' . . I Wiu:rri11n+1:1Tunqs ""Ii6ii011_gli1y,__ coveri. with cold `water zm(1:p1:`u-.0 on .t11e,bnckT of the Ht()Y in a granite vessel oLearth- I .911 crock._- -Let, them `gtantl for` "several hours, and,` w11eu`.s'we1l9d until large `fE1I(1I1I11Ij5;""plci{1hDIli'WVheI'e"`thi$y"WilI ff faimmer-gently 1i1;ti1.`tang1er; Drain: o ` thg 'jI1i(`.8,' and, when` cold `en"oug'h,re- mpye the?stou0s`fro;n~-tlge ,pru'xies. "Put - a11.te1getl1e`r7 ovr _- the "re afjter'n`a:3asni`- \ if1'g,z'mr1 nllowjali Vawbox of'go1utin an " " ' 1-tram VILIUJV 1U1)ll|l|_l_|JUL\ `JAB U1 WUUDHUL yI.UlJH\'\. Wild birds make still better objqt of observation, because in the "lgx . ,_air. . ._1:h2ir.-..m:1n'nns.;.a.r.-*._:.zLsi1y... nou.u;L.T' Crows and swallows remain near home _` when 3 tempest is brewing; Sea gulls no longer venture mit to sea, but how: ] over the fields or y inlxmdwhen -wi { and rain :_:re,_ncar; swallows y low ; _; ,an:1;ki'm_the water, andxhe robin brooch, ,, , melancholy the bush or seeks th ` shelter of a lghboring roof. These zm. ~ u 1*!` a nu: n u uTIHTiITVupKuTv1-n`U1;IFFIU_rT1VU1 y quuru of `pxvunesgmd `J.u1iQ8L.`; .'J.`he ge1 atin.~of (course, must bo fa:-eviouely aotikdd ,for ,ha1f1an hour in it little cold water." `A- gi11.of orange juice orjfxlf a_g'il1 or. 1emon"jninii'7iI1inV improvemmt, mg in}: [gill of Vsherry. _I1pwance for which nitit be made injiioaluring tholiqnid. J?our [into `I mold or molds aridset on the foe `om nin1xt.,Eut with sweetened or .~.1.4...`...1`,..~m....-. A ` " lI(lUl!'- I4.\\'x`y VVIIA JIUU lillll l,vLlU IJlIlU_1L'-'3Ull ' "plied nequontly, evon to _b1'11bs w_ater-_ g'ro_w.n, as theyioon" drink up what is t of the water. * This seems -to me to 3 be about the only thing to =beVx1ook(},d out 1 for; Miter is the chief essential to` st1'on;:; growth, and ~1:his`must{bo sup- . placed o_in;a`sha11ow dish-,Vand it is an ` easy matter` every morning tomli the l glasses. It is not 11ooessury' that the! _ bulbs should be covo1'e(1 with water, but *it/iS'11Q(:asBury`_}}ut they should boubolit 1 half Submerged. _ 1'2a+.s.;9` ..x...,.,.n..1 h1I"Iliurl 4.. H... ..,..;,... an Inn) yyu , theblxlb. '51 "J"!-III: $41.! Whilpbd ._.--.4.-n uau nuL}xuC15l:\l. . Bit2`.`(a`,c{hva'4:0z|1 pliiced in tho.wat0r .wi11ke(p it sweet, 2u1(1ulitt1e ammonia : -in the wutur will assist 'iu`n0urisl1infg_ 1n"hn'H1 v ' ' . ` How the Cold Atfect the Sap In Trees. r1__ ._ _ __-L-___ n__ :_x A-.. 1 :_ u_, :`_ " kind Iuvqndgi V n :`n '..r'..'.1A-`\.{..'.;i.;._..s.a|. -1-1.-.. :1 1.: > Ildw to Make Cnuapb Mlkndands. -n,_,,,. 1 ,1, 11 1.,,,1, L 1,-,, ,1 .4: u; p5wuu.u nuu. -foHrvcry~qn `Nina oci'|M'$n uni I I i l V it is stipulated in tho bondtliut a pound I . of` esh shall be 'fo1'f(site(l, one extra`; 1? -:..t.lmt which `ho iniglit hzwe "received. V w are. :I luxvv-uvltun vvnuu muu ULIALIA Uh LVAIUVVDIAXIJ 1' . and -brotherhood, The _rst will try to .3 Fq1lt'(*'lA the 1ifohf1ood71ont__fho__sccond will st;1n(l and demand that, although_ vounc-o of blood will cause the loss of , Sxvedi-.nho1:g` said, Ulu11'ityi_tsolf Acon- ' -sists-in--aeting-justlymu =\\'l1:1te\'er oioe, lI11.\T7l_l]if{H"$_:l'll(i oniploy"-9; "1'nent u poiisii is:1~1l_g ;ngod in. --Hard ' l r natural heritage fttactive. young] _\v-0n1`a_.n~,> now; . V doomed to ,l, ` _1eAsS slpinster- hood -by~~ill ~ heglth. N0 W0.-' inzui should en~ ..ter `upon the. du- ties of 'wifehood'\ -\vl.I,.(.>,iis hot tted By. "ths\,_t }),ositionJ and for the responsibili- ties o nlotherhood. If a _woma11 sutfer-sa l froniweakness and-diseiase of the` organs that nmkewifel1o_o(l a1'1(l~mother_hood~ os-, sible, she should m`medy these o11(1it1oI1s before gassuxhing -tl1e,resgonsibi1ities of. ( = wi,fe..- Otherwise, she stands littleohanc of proving `a happ ` m`othetho_od \vil1`\:,\vays x1ien'ace;lig,r with 'thevter`ro,rs of cleatli.,g,_-- . V " -`A "s'ure`and. quick cure for M 1' ness and disease that; untsh woman for, This \E;(ls u more bloodtl1irsty_2in `cruel than the - ., bucks, and they were over eztgcr to hack I Love is the ! of n1-any a`1L:m-_i_ ,#it7_;u1 few buildings she saw the ` time w xollyisouth of the Mexican bor- _ go1odJ1ea1th - f_O1'_, . and cap{1lil~_\_vife, 'q,t`1(l-i hl1'i"we':"l_:ci` ' if .-\l .l('(`l;l, \.-3:: ' ` .iL` lo ilxi . iv ii-lL`(1VV up \\'.._ 1. :1; 3; .:_u` in its <~iulu.<.` m:u'glling li`.1'::1:;.i`. 21 km uxm.-:I2:(.us_co1:x:tt;' \'.'us' u`I'i~;.1'l * 1`. c-Lilli. :-'o1~.u=(inu~s l'llt"_\. :2 2; a tutti d.`,Z\lll t1'uvu1's0(l :2 mu v1'.-mill, olton (`ihnlsiug lioiglils so slvop that the Indians haul to disiuuunt mid. -itiil(Ll-llCli1Q-l01'St33.- \\`-ll`lI_-1L`\, (`r1i1l$ afoot-,- she. was (`-fl11(l(.)1}0(l 1l(>yo1' to sot lxoij tooth ` '(iii'3:l1it'$l;h1it'(2nly-oh"rovks o_1'g1';'1ss. ~~ that not t ootprints not ' ` bvu'2\'y'fio.r011to tho party \V:1s i21l I 'W1uan pursuit` ujus not hot ui'tu1'._tl1em_ ' and there wusno _d:u1go1' in sight, Ge- ronimo would carry lior"o'I1 his horse. In their ight the Indians found time "for . consitloruble i_nu'1'(lering and plundering of the whites. She found the sqiunvs 1:.':..'M l:t;'.lH~ 1 . l . s and _mutilute, tho bodies of any white i person who1n,(-ho xvurriors had killed. ` ~ -, 3Vl1`o1`e-tlie Indiunsitraveled She had no idea, xcopt ,t;lmt,,,they, keptmlmosu, altogtlmrin the motmttns. ` From the cluu'ucter of tho soonoryhs sha tlescribod . Indian must have kopt most Aofathe `de4'.. It was the su'ddon1Io_ss of the at- 'tzick,by the Mea=iczu1t1:oops that save-d_ lQ_i1`13Slif0T~f0I"- if - tho sqr:&ws-had41ot~' been for thermoniontpanic*it1'icken`tl1ey- _ would have killed her to prevent her being'i'oaptur_ed. But fortunately; be-_ '=co`ining separated from them in the (ion- fusloi1,-'she ro1x`u'\ined' in hiding while they ed: When f0u11(l,hythe.Me,xica,ns,` slit: was in goodl`o)11(lftion; physically. _uu thixt she was wom ..byfatig\'_xe,;\nc1'- exhogurofaud her face was`sw9l_1en` from tho boatixigsi` of the " 's_q11aws. - '-Soon Kn`fter_hor reouptxxre` the . Mnvirlhnn irlnnununil Lnu I-A FHA TTuHnR H j"*rones"t_>r` Tu": Lowe}: onoaas T)-tA_T FO!3_ETELL waamgn. ox-Gonottlj A llluwludu mm ua Vouta When `lieu In :3` no 0 8torn-A (ho; I men: to Give Waning. J . The :pidg,.u_:gu'od example of the living buozneter. Close observation of 7&0 work on its web castle will soon en- Jhle one to `fonout the weather. When u high wind or 1 heavy _"rain threatens, thslpider maybe seen taking in soil turithsgxea 4 t cnergy--that is. shortening the rope laments that sustain the web ituctnlfe. I! the itornris to be unusual- severe or of long duration, the ropes `\ `doubled so th ' hon. -' Too often I bod*is.made`up`in I 3111)- shod mumer without `being thoroughly aired. 'J.`his should never be allowed. The covering should itt be stripped, back overtwo ohnirs set at the foot of the bed. The mattress should then be V the air may gettoall parts of it and t so for from half an hour to an hour. In wry severe winter wedther the time may be lessened. Each piece of - bedclothing should `be. well shaken before it is restored. to_its plnee, and the `pillows beaten and patted into shape. The white ,spread, that should have been removed at bedtime the night 'before and neatly folded, is now fresh and smooth. rm__1....: :- _`... -11 ..|`...; _.._a. -1--- ` ago, \\`i`.(`1l Hui 1ii`st. \`v.~'.~`u1 _('1`U.~.~('\i _ ..-\...v... \I\ m \ .- Fmiii the. time, i( S_~,`_SMji1:!Il (50 . _\'v:n'.= the Atlantic 11:0 u\'01uti(11i_0f tin: Ili`.`.1`il`.(` " eiigiime1~ h;i.~ Em-ii rapid, but he is the ' ()ii<-`('nf Iu:ll'il|(` .(-i':1f'..~m:1ii tl1'z'n,` :ih()_\jv :ill`nIli(>1`~`, has kept 1rz1('g' with the d`\'(`iU})IllL'1lfS of this fast 51: l'(ii1?"' ziigv. zuid .i_lQI_2_lji(iS mduy rlw nmi Iii shod I p1'uduct of :1 ('( Ilt.1lI'_V"iil1lt Iizzs vi`m1v' "nmrv nu-w typos, and 1i1oi'm2'<~\\' acvupai mzu'in9 0ll.'il1(`l`I' t0(l1.1_v is i1iuruinip0r- ' tam than auiy (lock ofiizw, bur hisi1n- Vessel, he controls not only thv 1;r_<:p111- i manipul:1tion of heavy guiis; The eyes portmico is- as little recogiiizcd by the iioiisuifziriiig man as his icltziitityis (-011- H`fl1(`(i from the \',iei\`0f ih(*.~ r~ who t1'zn'.- timis th:ui:ui_\' tliuriias 1;i'm<'mlit. The I 91 in ships. Down iii the" bmwls of the i I I x I sioii, hnl"tlm 2-;t(~,uri1ig, iiglitiiig, pu1np- , ' ing, uI1('i1(l1`il]g, i'eiiti1ut1`oii'of the iii0d- j , . * orn m:I1`11ll` st1'1i('tu1'e., mid on t,h<' war- 1 ship hv is even l'(`Sp01JSi1)l(`. _fm' tho :.t1i:itvz~:t0o1'.tIi<>, ship are thosv of t11unf}i- : cor of the wz-.t<'1i, but the b1'ziii1.that ' guides tho ship to her destiiiatioii mid regulates her internal economy is the brain of thv marine _ongineer._` His is the will 1'CS1Y0l]Sibiiity, `mid, .\\'c am` afraid," his is the least share oftlio hon-V or that is given to those who serve their (`.011Ilt1`_Y or their emp1oyers\vith-courage and doV"0t-ion on the sea. (11 .L- .. ..'l.`l \:.. __.l .1 L`... -,.`n,_._;___ i. 9 . I 2 L I . 3 4 (JUN. HUYUPIUJI U11 lllL' DVH. . All the world .1i0urd of the guilnntry of Czlptnin Kane of `tho Calliope in workiiig his ship out of the :a:unoa zin- c}1 the t-not!) of a.cyo1,om\. Who ' heard of the smuggle of t1it(`l1gil1(`("1` 0ic< 1's with the uulchinory down be ? low, auid how many kiimx` ;o\`c1i the nunigs of thcm'?-'-Pu1l Mull Gzlzette. 1 _' Hpnes Fallurcs.- " i No greater-<..0pportu11ity `is nffoied ' the c'0nun91'ciu1.mix11 tQ exemplify the ztniouities of_husiness't11au in :1 case of I distress of his fellow man ivhki has holy`, cstiy fail:-d~in business. I say honestly I 3 -fzzi1e:d.beuu11se there are many such fail; , co1nmerciu13vu1t_11res descend beside the-I " Uhristizm S:1n1u_ritn.n, -one as'tho coxn~ i m<`1'cin1 gravedigger, ie other as -Lthe -'.lI1(i'bI`0thGI`i100d_. t-1'yt(>.% ETHII-4>Vnx Hid HFnh`]n:\r7'`11I1i' Hun unnnn . ures. These are the times ;\v11en't-ho{_ pliysicizm with the balm of fellowship". heritage` amm-_>, "doomed 1gve'-`, -by--iHv+ thedu-_ 'wife11ood in 0l(`t`l` \Vith Vast R1-np(msihi1iti(-5 Whn Quid... 11,. I`-...I:t il ierce s T Favorite P1-esqription. It acts dire_ctly z_mdvonly on'tl1e or a`ns`/involved! - It nmkes`-them strong :1 healthy. ,.._It curea'a11weakn_ess and disease. M It pre-- area for wifehood gmd motherhood. }I)`aken during,'the,expect:111t `period it. m'akes`baby's cbiixing easy and compara- tively painless. It insufea the health of i the .chi1d.' Thouszmds of women_l1ave`! .testiec1~to its merits. Druggipts sen it. ur c.-._- A-_....j __;-; __u.m _2_.--. `Favorite Prescriptlqn`.v' writes Mrs. Barlmv. ofJ_.onada1e. Providence Co..R. -was all broken down fmm nervous nroutmuon. 1 new: Inlmu-grerrrrcxlcx muce KaKl1ly0lll' ' ` CHI? H ' .;;:oi`::,!::'::3:a;*:.t:ts`*s$..:*.`:*1.::L+f" :33` ` .Batlow. of`Lonada1e'. Providance co.. )1. . H; is up of the most/essential elements that g6 to nourish the Where the appetite is varying or lacking, it in- ereases it, and where digestion is weak, it aids it to perform its function in a morewigorous way, It enriches the blood," makes healthy flesh and cures clironic coughs and colds by making it possible for the_body towesistdisease. Our friencis tell us IT WORKS WONDERS" ;but we never like to over-state the merits of we remedy even when. it has been tested and _ tried for over twenty-fiveyeaxs. If you will ask for it, we will sen you a book telling `trod more about the subject than we can put in a. few words. n~s...,. 1; an` .. 1; .1" g.'.;:.. 2;; '1`hoipidQ_i_tgnod living barometer. the work V the spider may be '1I'ltl1*g!ut cnargy--tl1ati5. orqatmngthened aawell as shortened, the better to resist the onset of the ele- -menu. Not until pleasant weather is again close at hand will the ropes ht .lengthen9d as before. ..On the contrary, ` whoa you see the spidtr running om th slender laments, it is certain that. calm, ne weather has sevin, WlH`=_~t duration may be measured by tln-it elongation. - Tc`.wnv-as 9A lnnnro Hun cnizlnr anal.-no crvm: Go to for Scott s Eda!- don. Two sizes, 50 cts. gnd $1.00. j _i;as rJKR'i N"E_'NlGILNEE"R. Emulsion scorrka 'BOWN E, Bllevillle, om; 0 . um KBAREHE 1;xA_ngm;a, Trivsnav, l_;IARCH:25, mi. :: `ll`l'\- ` nian nzuned Peck, living near (}ulal)a- - : would not suller it, though he zillowed '.=as,- A-.T. > On -~tl1e-~,previoue+ 9-"r,-'~5 when Geronimo made his bloody mid into the Santa Cruz valley, he killetl Hrs. Peek glnd her young (-liild,` but l-am-ied Aniceta into cxiptivity. Thur he V shoultl do sosurprising u thingns to I .-<]iill`(` herlife was due probably to the l:l(`i that in `case of ultiinutely being ; eompelled to surrender to the United ' * rsmtvs troops he might secure hotter ` I('l`1l1>l by having a. prisoner tq deliver up to the whites. So the girl was hur~ 5 riul, along with her captors and corn-` ; })t'll{`tl to \`._`il ll(`SS the other 1I1ll1'(ll`IS. that 1lu~_v vonunitted after their slaughter at V t-he Pv('l~: 1';i1u'li. \ A _ V It Wilts` hard work for her to keep up g with her (':11)t()1's, but her life (lvpended f onit. Several times that (lay the .~'quziws would have killed her, but Geroninio th\exn to abuse zLnd"bv;xt her, to their hei1rts content. But she was` only at - the beginning of her troubles. From 4 the Santa Cruz valley. the Indians: swung hack to the Sierra `Madre, and . 5 their long journey through rn'ount:iins and desert was a rough and cruel one. ` - 3 The Indi2ins', pursued .ceaseless1y by "too closely followed the band scattered, troops on both sides of the Mexican bor- ; der, traveled all day, never skipping) for twonighrs inthe sumo place. Their one meal 9. day, which they ate at night, ; consisted `usually of horseesh, but if i this 'wereVlaeking and `they were,n9t ; the books in search of small game and;-i_ the women to ghther snakes, liz:u' grnhs and edible roots and plants with ` .which, to make out a. satisfying nieul. Tlieir only baggage, hzufdled a1wu'ys,by tlm m111n\va r-rmui.-furl nf hlnnlznfu mu] 1 , She ivas Anieeta Chavez, who had 4 , b(`.:`ll adopted into the fmnilyvof n rnnel1- : * 11_11n they desired to take along. Tho_ Inn-1 their ries and two bolts 4.u\.u vuaj uu55u5L', uuuuwu mun L13 5 ,Uj the .~:qumvs, c0usi_st0d of blankets and p:lp00SOS in baskets, together wi'th any of (-z1rt,1'i(1gosvm1d1f Usually the Indians had plenty of .l101'.~t(`s to rid(-., but tl1<`_\" ...T`....4 V 4 .-- Ll id Th?iHi?:htimr 01i*f(mE"Tho)` l*::1l (xv 5 Onpturt-d by Geronimo ; Bani! and Dragged About For 'l'w`o` Montlinmwitnesaed Much of the Savages` Bloody Work. Brutally 131)-ted by the Bqnnvu. CHNIIIKEIA 1 ""I`hvf' first of `the children cupitnrc-d ` and-wscned in [the last Apache war was Sumiugo McKin. ThVe'othe`r was alittlo 10-gear-oltl Mexican git-1,=Aniceta' Cha- gvz. On June 20, 1886, a detachment , Jf Mexicixn troops surprised Chief G("ron~ im0's lmnd 40 milessoutlienst of Mag- dalena, in Sonora. So sudden was their '; mack that the Indians ed, scattering . to cover and at last nlaking their escape. ` . $3 the soldiers sbarcliegl the scene of the l . fight for the wounded und the plunder I .`lu-yc:1u1e`up0n :1 little girl, raggwl and b2ll'('f(X)f:(l, hiding among the rocks. ' . of M0xiczm~bl0(}d, and j . when she was made aware that those ` i-euhnnt her were of her own racezxnd ` fuiz-ndl'y she told them her name and xvi n-v `\\'hi:n In 11': UIUHEQBIUU. '_Every_24 hours the spide; makes semi nltemtion in its web iii Eif the woatluq. _ If these ohxmges zitkeimade !0\'~'nrd`l:\`+-:l~ tug, jnsnbefore smzsqt, a ue clr-ur ni;:}'.' may be safely `couxxtodmpou. When H: spider sitsquiet and dull in !h(`:1ui(.U.! nfhn umk ruin {a mm f.n- n" H ..'u \ zen ymus ago, there werehvo (`itsns ~ whore white children were taken pris- mcrs by" the Indians and am-rwaxrd W1-ru recaptured and restored to tliir ; t'x iu1 _ said a mnthwgstem mining exrgixxeey. _ . A'I`hx\` u-of AF Irina nhilv-an nnnh-u-ox` 3 "Dnrin g the last Apache W25, ended: Imexioans Mdelivverod her to the United, {H I Kali! VV Ht IBUULI K (II MEI-' HEN `1'UUly |:\l1 U IIIIU T x States authorities; who took. measures ' to restore her` to her friq;1da.~g 1; saw her ` 50011 after`.-Lher return `to `Arizonzt:-u brown faced,` dark eyed child, hzgndsomq, as all Americnnjmi: dren are, and "show- mg `no signs or tho*1m.,r,d* experiences of ` her two months captivity with the } `oue1`est Indians t1mt`1ive. , -\-L-New York Q n . - ` ` ' . ms TERRIBLE expemncs or LIT- TLE, ANICETA CHAVEZ. ` .VlVI`1`-IIHVAI -vuI.uv,uuu V A 7 :"`< :>"Sinoe I /Wbeeu` married I don t get! Ia1i ehon&**.iIxt`;` ` 1* i -. gt - 9'Wn| vmdm-hnn.thnt-nth! :_ nun UuVlux,rf"g\,hI.`!_l>l;|!1 Lg % ". -Ha: `M an AP.xc1ii3T?3APT1x'1a; mu. _L_.;..,.5 ynt fi01'i;:I2:>': and tlwz IAA.. MILK/\1lA. l.HlKnl|\' good I l2<:m-.- 1-nd<\ - fzu -1.1 In t1wvl1:u'H izif; 731$ nix : nation `gs. a 1 r . L\.I\'l- ..,..\_. , ._.. W, ('zq>m`;'H1 11111; ` they }':.~'m L`0Il.\'i:lI!i ) . ..n Em. n..'n 1\\ ...`.\~. Dylul BIKE liulcl; INK uuu IL] (I117 XHl\x\:I gifits web. rain is not far 01?. 11 it 1 active, however, anii continm-5 so (1121 ing a `shower, than it will be of brim J1!1!M1')I1.-ILI1L`;l1J.l-1i11(:._\'5LillIu1l0\v.;... These v:m`ous indicatioms may l:v\m- nessql and .~tudi<`:d tn th\!bl':~[::<'\:I11Ih;: in the" open ziir. But you In mt al- ways go outd<~m'.< ~t('>"w:m h` (M .~_- `aw. barometer. '_Ul(-n- ;:x`(- f(`\\ lmxzsr 5 \. 'E A 1`- thegrafty (:x"(~utu1m1m`s 1:1.-I 111.41 LL` `acme comer mu-rvin to :~\\i1.=;,j i:~ ~;v u board, "Flies tukvn in mm (try-2 in: hem. Watch _t-hes,- p1:u'-(- .~'. zunl \`..v t; cvnn gum u. uni:..v-';- ...n.u... ...n .. -L. 1'. nunmm Ll .- fzw .1) _.. , \\`}1i`.<` .. L". . . "Do you know," he said. the highest ` price ever paid for a single short poem?- That was easy for the reporter. , Of cou_rse I do, he said. " It was that 5` $1,000 one of our American periodicals paid L 1 up to Tennyson `for a couplo of dozen lines ` cwn-mt ~ ~ ` pL'1IUL| yccumu L`lllQ.`(l1]U&ll.`J.H. 1 K 1 T1111. (jams A %CAT%ARRH CURE by Ifnclt It Brought an Unlwroncdntedly ~. Large Sum to the Writer. lcctuul fall (ir two out of the literary pm`-V son, just to show that individual that all. the literature in the Wor1d'wusn`t cc1m`r<'e! in one human _being, when the literam` person _bcca1ne cateuhexical. "Tm vnu knnw." rm said "am: Binhnef ' The Sftur _repoi'r,cr me taking an intc1- ` x I 3 pun up llllll llLl.lOULl_lI I01 {I pUE_5111. ' - I'll admit it- was an Englishman whc I `paid the money, said the literary person iii 2 tone of regret. This Mr. Smith, who , giied in 1839, at the age of 65, was 21 broth 2 er of Horace Smith, z1n_(1:4he~two Smiths V wrote) vhose very clever things of n bygone` ` day known as `The Rejected Addresses, C being iinitahions of {anions authors. On 7 Stmimn, the king s printer, who was suf- . | j one occasion our Mi`TS1nith dined with Mr. l i fering fr9nu>1 ,_r:g9__and gout4_n1n>ugh,ixisi. mental hiculties were as bright as ever, ` and the next; morning M1`. Stmimn l'6~ m\i\'mi fr-nm `Mr Qinith Hmfniinmiua ghnmn , ucpuncruy ts won. _ . I beg .your"pardon, ho eald, but the highest price ever received for A short poem was by n. mug), an Englishman, too, by the way, bealring the plebeian name of Smith. I-lls `poem was shorter tlmn_.Tennys0n s,` and he got 15 times as much for lt. . l ll hep ydu, lntermpted the reporter, that no American publisher; however An- glomaniac he may be, was fool enrough to I put up that amount; for a. poem. - I'll mhnit ihwsm an WnEr`Iin`hm.m whr .n.. ., ,.,. i of elght1incs:_ Vm... 1.`. _ 1 CCU: '7 lkll llllknh llfli` \-`y HUN VI- ' X you see the rspi(Ir's,.muiii:;; um Ll, `tfn walls more fm-ly tlmn usual ynn 1: ;._~. i be sure that rain is nczir, K ' 1 r There an-. im1ivi(1u:i1s_ \vl1(i\wr.:!:l not keep 3 Stock of .`4)2i(i(`l`n`ill)(1UlI}lI'ii'] :. 111- 1 : ises f(ir't}1c_nxprss fmI`]}(JS(*()f pimp? - - ing the weather from their )HH\'<'1`==' and the enmity 11-11 by the goml 1im.,~w-- -maid for this particular species of uni` mail is notorious. Thdsc individuals can study th(3_ll10V'8Ill(`1liS of their own (Ir. -mastic axliiiialis. Carts 11nd(1o;,-s are gin-: _to scratching and other l.lll(`:l.`a'__V m0\'(- 1 ments on the approach of rainy weuthm f 1 .and their rm lookless bright and glosy ,/ By, Horde; and cattle stretch their neck/-I and sniff the air. Sheep becomo~frg}{r-; some dr turn their backsto t.he/wind I A '-_.p) ..........-.1 5...... .... ..L1.. llnntn 1.1).; 4.. I . `rue power mum props we body : 18, gm. `, Indue proportion spread, . ' "`" Ilryou mounts upward, and the strength > `.;,,.._,A1l_sutt1Kasi11 the head. a, , . I % 5 " This compliment; was so.ploasi_ng ct; ! Mr. S_t`1-zihan that he forthwith zultld a i codicil to his will, by`av_h4ch ho b'eq11j(uthd 1 3,000 in ci1s_h to the poetical Mr. Smith.` I ` 'I`hi= In-hm nnm-lmlml Hm Hh\I`)u~\r um-. "1' BU. ` . The literary person simply withered the reportexby 9. lgok. ' I hm? rmuv nnv-(Inn kn cnh-I hue Mn: 3 e E I i l Wc_.|,UV`J H1 l`4lb_1l LU H10 PUUIJICHI Js1.1'. `DHJIUI. This price,0o11cl11 the literary por- spn, is at the rate of $1,876 a. line of our I'n(>ny, and, us there `are 47. words in UN ` pooxmeach word brougllt the lucky goniu: z\bu11t_$319.10, xx -price for pucmgv \\`hi(`Iz evgn the `1m111isC`(1.e1`a0f pr0s1`,01'ity xxillj sc2u`ce1y bring-,'1u mndur11bz11`u bucked ridc1'.I of Pegasus. "-\\'ushingt_o11 Slur. uUtnlX;. r _ 4 she acovepts-it, the whole affair is set;- , t-led. '\'cry_ufL`eu t;he,gi1`1 has ncjuyet wade; h1p"hvr1i1HffzTITIT_o:T1TIiT\"v i1ITTxRc re g? _1n excuses,` sugxs not to d1~it11;, thexvimy andygt.11oti'ef11seio point blank, for 131104 -39 consido're(1-a. grogs jinstllb, p1'o'~;h1g that elm-has -been 'n1e1'ely`.'1{1-ling with the {ec- tioils of hr lover ut'.1.`..1:1: rm. in ........ ;.f...c..J{..x.. u...L u.. The Beculiar limnuor I171 Whic_h Px-opsah -of . .\lur1'i:1'.-,;o Are Made. - - The1'v is`m101(l m.~"mxxx*p1'e:ti1i1r::ux10ng I Lthc 'l`_\f1-()1c.w`1w\u`:11'1i21;: p1"upu.~1u1s `of nm. ' 'riugc,. .'1'JC= 1jr.x"u ui1x:u :1 young n1a1\`1:u_\'s 21 visit as ;L\`(1\\`u(1lt)\'L*1' hmgbrings with him 11 bottle-0f=win'o, of which he pours out n 1 g_1ussnud.p2-usentsit to the bbjeutof his des)'11'cs. ` ' `I m nnnnv-o 44- H... ...\...1.. ..v..u. .x.. M upuu U1 nut mv_e1'. V ` - _> ' Sliawill, for instance, maintain that the 1, wi1xc]30oks,sotgr,`f` or bh`a6wln9 tlisagpgesk ` svimhttr; or lm; aha is afraid of 'g;1gtinQ' 3 tiusx". or that the invinst hm: fnI*hirM::n`/hm`. . ; guun Aux , ul` may nut) in uumu. V1 gkgllg : ti):_sy'. o1`_t1Lat.tho pricsthus1orb(1dun"l1eI'-{ , t0`ak.efuny~.ln `fzw.b,;she,mukGs use of ant. } ;` aubtexfuge that prnfsyuts itself at ` 1 melita 3 -f` ' ' V ~ " {I b vm... .mv..... mn- M: n...;... .\-....,..... a- u.-. ..1.... mun us : ; 1 `- 1 * 1 I W '1`he_.pu1'p'o1*V:_ of theiaegxousos is that slit \ huh.` not 6om;o hp `a decision and that u }`wine,ofe;-lug-`is pmx;1ab11re._ A . V V i5 I`h1iz ntfrtxnxyix nnetnm dnnnv vnw fm ;_ wauevuuuguug us 111'e1}Iub11rU._ 15 _'.1`h1s an-angi: custom, dating very fax } back---according to one account `it was known as out-1y,`as the ninth century--is -called, bringing tiha wine, and is ayA1L1o1`1Vyf'. I -move wimthoiact of propaamg. . Iv shviamsaeath to mhka E2111-dot mu . -mous W}n_1I.huu ,uGU OI propus g. I ~ Shyivvorsrleahh to make sum: that , .cas_a 'bet9rohunu, find It a very hiappythr x stlmhiog. Not award: need_bo spoken, % 21Hxe?31*l1g upgredhe pain!u1`No"~o1 ov nation-. \ ` - . T 1! into! the wine}: sp111ed,~_or the clan,- or Bmo broken,` 1bf1s*`%ccg1iaiderJ:i A most; 'l11.pPb.mN1"f"n'45 `lm - Vw*i ...5N?h! 1' .;.1W\. 3: .v A k1..4'.l`lg:y~1uavg film tat` bemm` tn ulph Will IIIID rtuufr "' v xsently been made to turn ghis ullfuiling. :1-rnmb"er of very unique]ivi11g l ):n'ojm-- `Several ingenigus attcm ts: - instinct to some (3on1111s1'cijal 1150. 1,\ inn luum hm-m nnf nmm t1mm..r1.-M` sbui BY ALL DEALERS Price 25 Cents Lug vvuaga, Vyvlnnn-ii, -_.~..- .- the Chest and all Throat, Bronchial and Lung Diseases. The healing anti-consumptive virtues of the N orwuy Pine are combined in this medicine with Wild Cherry and other pectoral Herbs and Ba!- sums to msike a true specic for all I forms of disease originating from colds. nu vvubuu, \Ivn\n-4, ..;...-an--an-vs, Bronchitis, Hoarseness; Sore Throat, Croixp, Whoop- ing Cough. Quins? Pain in ' LL- I11.--` .....I -1] "Hun-Ant uuu- uuwwu - ----.-- -' Pleasant and Perfect Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, 1s_.-.. -LL=n If nnnnnnn nan . uAeAAv Anslvqn 7 Your lower limbs seemed far from Stout When lust I saw you walk." . ` The cuusol presently found out . When you began t'_0 talk. . The pb\\`ex* that the body`: lengh. In due nrouortiun snread. " '*` THE MOST PROMP1`, ` `Pl...__L /1._.. AN Aomfass N'oTT*Rr>:;J`i:cTEr) . Price - 23. arv1d50c} minutes. Cums cold in the head in ietiv CURES incipient Catarrh` in` . A from one to three days. CUREI chronic catarrb, hay (nunr anti rnan (diva? UKILI LHXUUIL LQUGIILI, MG 4, fever and rose fever. _ ' Complete, with blower free.` `V185 U1 lulll LIIUIL UKlL'45 VU IIIU `V lllll "and quarrel frequently. Goats 1;,1t'~;xt in -_ rcesgsantly and leave the hilltopsffor mom sheltered spots. Pigs run ne/m/sily about, nun-Irina ch-nu: tn fhn ch: (I/Y/ll` nn 1nnmrn `