9 . 4 I-Te,v.eryT.pla:si.1xe h,t.~;i!%_5 ttggggnt V pain; and ' penalty more or`1es_s%.'hea.vy. A .. It in n `newidea. however,~1tha't?:1!i$} gTiii1f - L ' Is` is aam`mea_by-a11senme peQ'1ef'hEtVtWv ii 3 K Itzhaei-eve1'y,indu1gence-`we must` pay} ' get'1xpandletne have~m-(( __ _ ~ , , v ` "The old man soon got himself_ wide` enhggh awake to appreciate the joke" and `~ afte,r',a`$1ight "hm; very-thoughtful upause ` shouted bank, Young -:man, you gs), right baek*t am!-Te`ep as1o`ng as 101; Wqmt .l" 6o.g f-g-\Yus_h__1ngton Post. `- [' more or lessaneavy. -. . ` ,; :_;I_t is a "nexv idea, Vhowever,` that;the;mT? ' ohewar is in danger of aLdisease_tht;t; unlgsgf T V V . bathe directmausa of, afseril E nun 1'nnIn(`v.H`\.f.'(Ni' 3 SE01`, 1` H|S_ s`cHEME'woRKeb. 113??" VI-W,`-. --- -~--v -~-- . ` ` out on the attet-1n H16 IE!!_l;uruw: ,u1. _I:uu 4 (1 III! Morning Nip. _ mman herotells dninoident 1 lot. Only 50 feet. wow. you \}`ill ob- tatlve H, H,- Powers` career as IBETVB. `bllthllllii W3! -6l10\l`l_I'_.d_ In O!`dlf:l'- :her .1n'Tinmouth, ,to\gv_n of osea"su_o ca_ers `as came uriugt o n days when pedagogues1board`-_.\ night I `had a night bell and is speaking; A `1 W1'8 W33 3' 1W31W*n l tube connecting the front door of the I acquired a reputation for this -n...Iu.. 1 1 gh - _ _ -nnnn n 11 eeonrse _-. ........ .. ...m.n4>. in nnmme under any 1 om` with my bedroom. Ymise, I did -'rm;roi1"owaa'f_a 0811 -5)} ua'vI-xsunr-Q-: ' ` sum. l ~ Nine e. Four or ve physicians _wm ta1k_in`gT up town th0`Othe1f evening at the home `of one, end the conversation late: turned A `in. shop.` One of them he'd" recently-_ moved his olce down town, and there V was some discussion seem the sdviiabilv _lty ofsepursting house andsoic. T - ! Well. said the senaratiat,~.."I can`? thvrongnxy 6188!. mm _yuvuw {not A bug wage seen for as many L `j years oftentimes. Tffotela do not at!!!-so "long, because they are con- bringlng` them in," often in the an V ma: wme.1s'packe, etc. 7 _ lty otsegparatlng house auuomw. 9 Well, qaid neparatist,~.."I can`! no any ditterenge `no long . mg I anal at my office during-omoa hdnrs." ' arm: in min van a story, remarked ; my OIHUU uuuug uuavy uvu._... ._ Let me tll.you a_tory; remarked jhe oldest man in. the party. , _Thi:ty yam iagorwhen I began practice. I lived in Virginia, and for a' your or twoll. slept in my oicg. Then I mafrigd, oogi ' 1` my wife owned a nice house. andlwenc to it 'to~live. It sat back` from the Street I about 50 leaf, and we decided-tiiac it. l,_w_oni_ wg had myoice the attgetiin tha !Eti6?x1Ei"ISf the x ._. n..i.. an mt awiw. won" will circumstances. . Well, evefything went meely enough for three years `Oreo, when one night a ring eameto `my ball. It waetheu about .2 o e_l@k in the morning, the the ring. was a `hot one. Lashed who it was, and` the answer oamefrom a friend of mine ` to theve3ect"'t-hat he was a'm_ighty sick man and -wanted to'aeeme. gt once. I T told him to come.` around to the house and I-would meet hixnat the doofnd take care of him. .Then Igot up, and, putting on my,dre\ssing_gown_. and slip-, pets, I proceeded to the front-door. But tlfeie was no one there`. and` no ' one _ in L sight on the way- between-.:the gate and . `the hou_ae., j ~ V ' (5m|..;.& mm: nrh-I and I went back and . THE` DOC-TOR S ~.STORY. `the hou_se.. _ V .. - Thet was odd, and I,wen back `1 called through the tube to know what" was wrong. Ireoeived. no answer,-and, ` ` being quite unable to account for it, I_ _ took my 1amp-it wee a very darkband` . still night- -and` startiiqto go out. and ~ inveatrigate....Jneth ashlhwas about to step off `the porch }I1_lo_wered my `lamp to-. ` V get a better `light on the s%ep,_and_ there] f .at theefoot of the `porch lay .a' body. 1 . A `turned it overet once, and as the light fell onihe. fa'oeIo`Aw it waslxny` friend , . who had onjlyoa nyinne before spoken to '_me.` _He was quite dead. And .Wh.en_an4 = examination was mad.e,i wegdisoovered getfhgb he herd-died of hearbdisease, and . ,4 _so_nea1` to me that] oonldnhngogtb have , `touohed him.' Possibly I con1d< not.ha_v_e V been of any service tohim, iet,I had seen .1 ~ him when he ms: rang`the'be1I; _5h;the` T possihi1Aity'_`theto I mighbso aeotedme , that ironxthal; day. to this 7 I have had nay emce as heat bed amhenld gs} 1'v_aa_.v__Exohange`p- ._ u - 3 ` " 7-77.. ,V. V F . . I 7,` " remarked- ; , [l1L1.nl-an -ih.IX't Ind ' .0013/3,Wl3.ll"1.03@ own ' .fr9ntt_Dark. .' en1,~eolors_Ixe,-off ooursa, {mt fm)'.thing_1ook_g!-sworsa on 6 fat`-woman" man as brilIia:\t_or`a`light i `e`o1 _ _,1`he zoto} line: should 7' -be atndied too. `For imtance, ia (mly } 1` ahlim waigr that ',Ioo1,we1l when an-* `circled by 3 xibbm safnhpbut even a 5 non? woman;wou1dlWw_e1Lwith the - xibbom3:1t in at the side seams and taped with owing ends`.inA'.m{ntbo-` . New thewaist. The goodknd buxpointn . of the !a_st- womui1'q~ng'u:'e should studied. and1oosejdraperies,.lace`ja!1bot " and owing`ribboy_s;wi1l go ta:-~in (line zuisins TW5n6t'" 0118 thin? to be however;; is that"n'nda1'- ~ neaththejlpose .d_1-apgries `and drooping . ff611_t3.1er6.,mu83 be a_ o`nnd5tio_n of 5 1v.e1l`cut,. well tting lining. ` .. ~- ` `; " should be weighed weekly, aa~..by_this means,` almost to the excluion of all `others; we can-tall how the cm: is de- 1 `veloping . During the rst week there: ii 1 generallyloss in weight, butgby theend } of the `second week the child should ` have regained its birth weight, and ii there in a~_-gaimn or lee; thanfour ounces ` weeklyvox-Va `stationary wejghfrwe know. *; Aohihrom birthtomonthnotaga there is_soix1e.'hu1't_iirith` nnjsrition, nitherzin qytuntity or quality of themilk which it receive; or iys . powers of .aa- ` gimi1;_ation. ` nowja Pit a Child to Sleep. J; 1 ' Every ehild. shonld have abed to him- ne1!,'}ind he ehqnlgl -`.-"_-'-, tucked into ' it . early in` the evening`. `gfhen a pliysicizin .preso ribes*son1'o impoitanbt' remedy that 'innst`beftaken; rs motheregls l;ha&tis~ tiipe well expended to. coax and whedle and even bribe thelittle one to'sw`allow lit." Spend "just as'mngx`h'thought and e- , - `fort in getting" yenr sleep eyery night, ifhe does not fall off his chair at . .the eveningmea1_ frnxn `drowsiness, as L thenormal child shonld. -` Give up cen- V parts, l theategs, partie's-'anyt -x-till V you have secured for the nerirons, itch- 1 ing boy or girl the benign habit of sleep. Ooaxvhim to his room, givehimia quick 7 ..s;'songe bath, tuck-him `in hii single bed, . Iv" with a-light wool blanket over. him be 3 sides the sheet, and in`: lowered light I sitby_1_1im and -talk to till he is` If qnieted. Tell him gentle, `soothing ate: a ties-'noth-ing to excite his imagination 3 .-and when he is nally asleep` hzivethe . room cool, `dark andqniet; v~Den"t let I-. hiring tryeto` sleep gnproom whioh"h2is 4: Khan 9; sitting` mom l 6V8l1iIlg him m'yvm__s1`eep 3.1.1 pxwm Vuuvu ..... been a aittgng 1jQOmj11 the evening without having it thoroughly `relled- with fresh outdor ai1*,'.whi`ch-may be accomplished `Thy throwing windows,. `wdq open f9r`l5`11:iI_1ntea{ ; " How `to vlsnre` Jqlfpghnupn _u.u.......,... L . Tab1ets"0f_pi1re'pepsin"a1id'pancreatin V may he used with gdod e1 fect`f`Eac_h? tablet , should Vcontaixlrz grains-.of the forpner and 3 grains of the latgr, The A f dose-_is one 01} two-after_ea9h _me`a1._ _. Jute smoluersancx 18itYEj&:x;_g{,1u, avauu--~' I . er'gjLl_iead. Juta is` rare y,!ounr1 ax quay :g _drasa fapxics. witlgthevexogpgion otvery, "I = b [A wax,'vto..tVs3; 1inen,ljy.VA_1ma._t1ns .01. _ Jrhioh 't_he,introductipn- 9t.ootg;oxii,zn6xi1i} _ 1thL1inen threads may. be defsict:ed,b is,to / L , onto'1 ,a sinalfpiqc of the material. to E * `unrave1the.Lt!_1rre_ads, and 't@nVto`exa_1n- " ind themj =I}nc19r_ a`T'?atm!_')*: 1 Tj filaaa The ohudea V` of }ax hreI;ids A 7 X1 319` V513? 1113ki ;.'1.'.h`:9t!0;i!1-3h}.`,H!1 I .:9f;f9xi#3::`%lk&1iYi` ?*5**:i*91>` ' we I mtewf f`1i.e= V wayed-.~&jWi td`i;i~spi:u1:ad'gmulat., ; A-3 An U`-\AI'II> K. `E ` . `l I ' such as` cotton and` `_linen;- burn readily; % ' `I w.____._ 7 ` 1.1106! to Toll From'V6:otahld!. _ -~mm'1neooau; . . , Silk `andlwoolen materialraxe bash` tested by_bu:_ning .th_ef threads. All ani`-it _ ml g;odaots,f_snch Was ail): `ind wool, bum alowkv &1Id16Y6 akaort of[_littlg' olxgaxfcoalhead. .iw'hic1i*emits anoctor like - burned * featheri. '. V__,e'getabj1eT; products. ---... ..:.. -.;.,..;.1`.an'*'1-gird hnv9,.nt>'small.r 5110!] COWQXI EMU _u1.|ou5~ uu:_u um_-u..._,, ` leave zio vresicfuufflfztiid, ha,ve.:no-'sma1l., Jute smoldersand !e&iap:a`:1iggxt; feathie ....:..... I.;m.A fl`:-uta 331 1'si'e]`v.f0nI1d in IBY IGHIIIRUI W nu vu\._y.uu,-e i,arts!u1enatho!tlme;*Y5Y. ..`.rmm' vnrfnlannnt. and. I! 1 ...%A_s5 "six;rig11s 16:gtiiawI?wg:s1t1y *o+n6.Aii:ii"@ei=i`aaJplauawse ht! smaw::na*=faswA la" cm:;bg"niadma qn` * dw Jtvogcnie iniggringgliindlxetlom .. . 1 , . _' -5 _.;_.._.. '.........:n ma}! u'nnnn1r-anti` V `%B1)u.a:e.Vanu nu pusuuw HMO alley knowh !5Al_)`w:;P~%4 tPPERsf.~A [ ' .'. . ` Hajving Hart. and Nerve (Troubles, sugh , _ gs Palpi_ta.'tiox1,AT1`1robbing 91: Irregularsx, f`Beating" df _tl{e_ -Heart, `Shortness Of` . -Breath, ' Smothe_r mg _,F;e1it_1g;';L 9ss,'. "of _Men1'dry, nggzgngss, _Feiin'g of `Anxiety, ; ._ ;;-.or Mbrbid: M_en`ta_l. Qongll0n,etc. ` " - For` Thin O:j`lPoor B1opd,_ General ,De- . theygpe I-_nos`t*xrah3abIe. h-Thbse `Pil1s."`do' ` not stimhlate for the moment as brandy I ,.. L. `...;..-......r..n .. c:m..1am< Hn. -but" - Wily, xi1er.e`e:tsr cif Lia. ",G1-ippe, etc; . ' * ; LEVER Baas, u- b.. ` W ' 'ronoufo_ I10! Sllmulal um luunngyuu no u_.......', _-:xrg1j>9tlj"r pimferful:-Vstimgglgxmis fig,`-hp`: [act `as a_/tox',\sIZ5w1y,'yet ekfnxaently, !`~bi:jIding_<;xp the `tis.s1ie`s,'.r`esto`1-ingajegulaf , xiicart actiozi, regulafing the_d_igestive org?g3_ and ti:!ut_raIiz.ix1g `the poisonoixs V .u2.-le'nl'fkia klnnri. >Prc',e 6Q_(::"p-21` tabx, u organs_ a.uu us`:n_u_u.u,u.`m5 ...... I... ; aids'of the blood. _ gem gige tonend vigv_a:* to evve.-ry nerve, ggjizmt sufcmrs i'_rcm-a`n'y Heart _orjN_erve_` ` > ` , _;di_atc bcef. _v K 3,`. 3 V `~ Eah"`bi is,`:gua~r:int(se,d tO:7give satis- `fa`ctiojn.-". "o`u:x:o_:xe `bezel: if yot'1,\v.ntit." ` ` 55? $I-_s9*; Q . `.Th_ir dire ct' ation 6n_ the Ngrvous Sys-_ f`Di,S& 3.SKC y>`~3;.A(`xj:_~`S\!::e Lo;nd alnxst imme- _ rDv%pepg if9rfi%t'he%S&vs-. bythe Lgs f%%Aiiams E ` Tint; vFmtti;% :1 ._q `I `1',he_~poWaer~ m 111:5 uwu_ pn-uni! is as deadly `as the far L=RnooEouH1rops'npan the unsus- igigunxun victim. The gun is a bel- 1 ......a..:......... M mammoth nronortiona; I ' " "i- ` . . . . | ` . V Y i D. ` V . . Save gonponsixxsjd o_ wmppers. ` for latest: rbodks a.x3d pr1zes. Andw ,_ up imitation` to` bopalmed u2fpn1y4%u.' - g _ ten in Ewqrvwa bx: man, up ...,,...-..--.. 51% white wlien hatched, but m may *3: ` to the ah`: The litt wa-. }5i5u {ne'van'more vrolia, for his tam-, 11ltl6ifr6m'$I;eS*;`lI01n0rB;*nu>xcsu,~~- all in tw9.`r ow9 as neatly as cigarettes. white when idly Wm Mnmvd tn the ah`: `wt:-. . neat sum` make bug R1114 Lfraxgi {big r ":(:ii?:3t;i1cfL\14t_i:;`:t 1my'0u__:u= J ~_ stdnL`l1dtel$. ` pm 13!: Ilvlnghy inlanvarydcnrlptxnn. ` wiu cncgnmejmd a. mag- 1nm!m::uto!ywar!a:ea.re In 3 mp: leather. satclml. bstliku magician, iijilb 3, yeah;-man, with blue_ light xnustiuzhemd halt. ma H.3.DQLue,t\nd his piaoeqf ympnguasahxuuxxypmedo .4 ..mn1m11m!n alley known ~ i. The cgg casen,_w_mcn um nuu Hum.` lug-"frequency, pre -little {brown :j',;n1)t`g11tV;1yis_'1g* an `inch long,,each eon-' tg_101itt1a:jro%;~i5` ` `,;nb=1ess,=:: `.1 1;.` +..,. am. in nmtlv as olnarettea. `cockroach is the oxxgmm 1o no 1 au- .>- cgg`casen,_w_h1ch are laid with Ina :f1-mnanav. are - little "brown _ to the cur: Ina .|lI_Dl|7 wu-. i5e'v_an more prolic, his I`ng1\_uxau.n rlcmn. `line gun us a nor - itsnontrlvance of mnmmoth proportions; nhnnh the bugs bydaylight, as they" rllllthan hidden away in crannies. ""`WhI6"nould be the eectot dropping mnllfplnch ot powder upon a single bus ` nmn thahblef .` o A ' M m-r:z;n;;a1nsust;uuwm;Lvnumaom: We ymm sis`: am mm can-`uanxagvsem in nut! , . _: wt tho but M. L spas; ngatim, ml the newspapers tried to ikuonpf V flewith lulu hopa; it V was nos: ' tmuu inhabaancmz _ hugmmpun`nLm3aI;4Lt119JP`i8 ? not-anofot thrtrue pmgzeagamheyvnr. General `Crank rqplgul 1:; a imleg way, `,`_Genaral Shaman is certainly advancing ` mpldiydnthst direction, and while I 69` . not with to be the oonxmunicator of -new: ...u..h mm: `ha nnnlensnnt to YOU I hBV,5 an/yfI_t1ck_to the bug's xoevanu `lemurs, 7 he potions himself by_d1-swing t.he`lat~ through his mouth to cleanse them. I a Box of powder on the oor an n_ water has walk into it and` in the midle of tha heap.` ' . i r L ;g1;_g. hotel, one having count1'oes' And\n1`S1es of plumbing, I some- mo Ins` mnelfas 60 pounds of pow- Ioo, thelmgs are` originany. from `anmu, and t1_xeky~ therefore sta.y_ tho _k1tch6n,` where thggg 393.; / .'.;. .4 um, um! be seen many" oxide thorougliiy em out is _pa8~ Will! N10 eommumcanor OI -nuw: which ha unpleasant W 9uIhaj_ ml`! ' to belleita -that Romain by A thin dine ii: his possession. " The olden!- dy then aaanmexl,u]baner1ug' toncind be- 'nuna numewhat excited and daant in her gnnnper, tho yoiinger one joined with Al _.1a.:_. 41...; Damn nnnl name nomewnn exogeu um uuuauu n. W mnnner, and younger ever be taken. Jnshen xrcourler rode up has 5 Sherman, `General ~ read iqto her in mounting thtlea that Rome could. with from Waahington oontaim - '1 ` 1'91! I W the mm. It announced t.,lmt-Shannan Bud 3ust>npt1n'ed Rome. `The ladies. hm! caught . thy purport of the oommlzuipaliou, ul- tshongh it was not lntemlcxl that Hwy should blur 18. Thaxvlmburstrirxto tcznli`-aJ; `mg: the mother-in-law was much Jixf52cm1' ll . "*`*--- '""`,"V0v~ . "The mother then began `to talk with great rapidity and-with no_ little uspct-: \:, saying: `"1 coma fx-om`Richmo_nd nos inn: i `ago, w em I lived in a house on the .'l;|1s'.i.. rive: hich ovarlopks Bciie isle, am; 1'1-ml, the satisfaction offlookixxg down every 6153' - on the Yanitee prisoum-s._ I saw I,huus:'.nLis.' _ inn ounagx ' `, ' - qampaign is, over I wmu, to see him \\1min ` "of the Yankee army-in S0\l$_hI'l) 1::-isous. "_ 1... Hum Rnrnsidn rode intoihb _v::rd, "bf army-in souc_I1ern1:x-;suu.~s. _ - Just then. Burnside rode 1nto`th0y.':rd, diamouptgxl and joined our party o:x"t1m- ` porch. He was gxrnnn of grant gz-.1`.: `:7: . and elegance of manner.\`nnd x\'zxs::1\~:uy<.` * _exeess1ve1ypolite t9-tl`1cgentl(:r`s0x. IE`.- " -raised his hat, made a prnfo\x1u1`l;(`:wm , the ladies and as 1:04, looked ut`_his'(`<'",:a" ling hyon the road mid tn the a(lor Om), ` ` who was standing near liixn,`-7'1 don't. r-`mg-, V pose,mndam, that you uvcrmw 2-'.tn;._m.y" ` `. V `Yankee so!diers"befo1--. ` ' ' smntly, `,`N6tut libc-rt-y`,sir. `~'12~.i, . `such a good shot that every `one was gr<;uL~ - 1 ly amused, and General Grunt joined Incarc- ; ilycmthe laugh that followed nbBuri1-; 7"` side ! exnense. _ ` "1 ; . _ I1 ! 111- um ulyb aide : expense. \_ C_-`__,_.____.__ . E A Region Who Makes It Bl: Grewsomuz` nunnm uov-nob .(zrave3`ards.m,...,\, About ve and__ forty mile below Port- land, on the Orgd sir}e o the _Co1umblo., the broad expanse of water here ows\v1t1x- -m+. .. 1-lnnh, and it. is as deer) and still as 1 broad or waver nere nuwa mm- oui; a ripple, and it is as deep death; Just above this point: is Comp rock, which was the starting place to `jjthe. happy "hnxiting }grouml`. of the various Oregon tribes '01 I_ndians,but the high Wu-~ text of 1862 nwapt Coin....rock of all or its deposits mtha point below. ' Have the overowinl 'Watae1,`8 of narily/` _;up_got_ad,-well upin ,0 pecu - " h03Ji'9`..thebugxinqnest1on.A . *"`therom'e __ V ` _ es\`m~ez_\_the All Alongthelr bdies, [ _,eI!:'dd` 'l`h_e acientjo ninh1e_ is U 7 V t orgnmis, and, the name K me iron} the or! n`t,\ It is an- thlt the rstroach landed in Eng- mpfthan 100". years ago. `Since 1.. sum: hm come to the front mp- to.the point; below. ` - Here the overowing waters nearly] ' half `a century ago lodged-who remains 0 many tribs,1),-igh and `dry, literimy mov ' mg theflastz` resting place of their dead, for no Paelggggst tpibe ever burig `their ' deml_pbe1ow' the suiface of ,the_earth. Somq . hedged them about with rocks, abova the ground,1eaving the face upward and 'ex- posed. Othehsv pgt `aburk cdiering over . `them, while others wem*susp.enled f1:om l1mbsLor.left- inthe forks 0; trees. Time has robbed every form of -its eT1_1bTm11ce' and . `leftnly the whitened bones and bleached I skulls. ' . 3 ~ m...1....+. nntinfa and nhvsiuinns axe '. skulls: . . -- ~. . Students, dentists and physicians are 1 -eagex* to secure. these trophies for articular u titan; So great is the demand that at least" 1 one man has fox: yars foiioweq the lmzgu.~d- - -ous~bnsine's`s"o1 gathering these skulls for. ' the market." It is rigky, forjhe few re-L _ dinixigalnians stiilH&e`ep;igiLmLer_t11e .remains3b,_f- their dead, and to he caught in thmncirwould meaq,a.prison'ei*"in the re` ' ceases of the neighboring mountains, oi'=- Alowed by `a dcdtli off.'slow tqrt.ure,`forv nc, qimrter or. mercy yvonld b6",shown_tihe vic- . a ' Still, knowingjthis, Howard Clause, .a _recluse,_x_1ightly `risks hisfliie to 'gat1ier- `now and thendx `box `or; ?larg_o;o.nd sma skulls is shi1ipedfrom~ Port1und,`O1`.', to the various noted seats of mdical and - de1}`u111earning$pthe`enat.--San Franc1s~ nn J1. .' - ` ., , gthese gxinnmgmhiened skulls, mg every - . > $311661` ,V|_2.l'luu_Iu Lvvuuunyu `_ " In Windsor-`county, /V6,, is about as! queer. a bownbns there .1s _int11;e,Unit7ed V `;~}t`utzas. Its~nu_.1`ne ia,Ba1tlmore,vnnd it `pos- lsorseq little of interest saves histoxjy in 3 \'d ` 421:; ` hnoz1e"ot its inhabitantsLexpress-thg test priiie; Baltimore iafairly old, as . An::.:!c.'an towns go, luwing been set. 0112 from Lf`uvend_is!I.andjorgan1ze_d in 1793. 1t lghcn-,.1,md , 276 pr'esumub1yj.umbitiJu1 and - an inhnhimnts. . but every*census" s%.4grgss:*%;` --`six-on-n,-inn ' * . .._:- Ilx,<>;_,x Z111 inhnblmntspuuu every Uuunun . Jig:-0;. 2 ',;=--downwm'd., 1x:,18Q0_th,p19Q h1__1'_ ` 199 ` vsmm; _ V am; 1a2o,2o4;1sso,_179'; 1s`4o,155:L1s_ao; mm since then has fevixld in steady A ,;,u citizen, and't1n3`subequemi record - :4 as follows: In` 1810, 207`in'hahVit- - 1890. 64. - Today the mimbex-Zia 59,,and: 1 . 9! fine` .s9_ spends. his `v'vin12rs}in the S01- mars? h0meatBm\tt1cboro., ' 1 , 4 ' 124; 1860,; 110', 1879,` .8,8-;;18_81,n'l_1,' jmd ` > NM`7Mncr- p'm- hmmned mne town. not I; 1,1110 '4'! 0_ DI'BlH1w.U1,y_,uduu_wn_uun uuu 111' inhabitants, . everysensus` ) mince than has fvilld _1;:hcn*-,- I10; Vdiersf home at urzmu:_uoro., * . I . _ ` Nothing ever happened _,-in.t1x`e town, not? 1 63911` 1'.ri,m9, and it has nQ'gi1stinguished I` s ns;t>r daughtera;~.:'.Ehq homage a'ri3.scatba1`~ Iefl dyer the` telfrltary, inclucled '\1_"1th1`1x.Bt;.1-: wnuntmn L m IL now ' in 5: . - h - . `x ' '04; v1`1l:;ga.a ,V`q_i;15i .t;her.a.la -nbiaAuAnis, noj` ~ ;:hm*;:h,AnV9 pogtgfce. imp evag a;c1d.ex7..Inil.1.~ I - S1.1 116I318,3` L`!>r<>avia:`9t18 99093}?! as: Vex`- ` L 9i*3?`1`?36% K$1'3I!%?1"311Mh . `. L 1Vi.'L-` 0PP1't11h1*'Y ~ `mmfea ip. ;. I1; 520` ~ IQQB `there ` . I: plncn oz puwuur uyvu u s......,... .._, mbmz, `V ~- _ A ' wuu1dbedeadbefore;hecoiild 4_ tithe gdgp. . There are five or sfx dit- ,1n nh, all of . which 3;-'efata1. inyjtic to the bug's feetnnd feelers, kn -nnlnmm Mmnell bYdl`&Wi!lR THE_ HS'KULL'GA"| HERE_R.. l.._.......___ "" A Qua, vg ` opt Tivhshlp. x'1n...1....`..~,..-.m-.h-; `V0-; In nhm' 0 Eeljrltary ;nc1uaeu V lLl)lu_.DIgu'= u, uuumcu t read NCO .nInv\nI\ H1111 gen irI?rtgfA 3r4:jdHa_a" ' .L -vvnq PUT qrmns. L. A F5hv~ M4 101' I115 llllu old wax-ship --Minnesota BOIt_on.undwus turned-over to nayal Abrigade, they v-1_o\ 1nd . -1a1_171y` `swarming with 1ari;e?and~. j , ;'1`hey could he scooped up; L gicommnndar Weeks almost I ..1`3l:t1e1?1ngAthe ship hnbiab1e,' , 1;he,bug himter; and thQ9'ach- _{ bad day` 91 it... Nonahae baen " b_ In Mniue,`bu.H:aaV jfoxf the `!aati24 yeInfs.' Ho .- y~yarz3_gcnnnt:qtcLL with the` * urzms 1;s;sinL~s:s,zLn(1 it was - bimcutzy cg ghting these esia that he rsp suwtcd out. 3 I -was hgenuaecuorw mm nu puuuurauu -e.aWf6.?i t':i_i1`sf:1n'til' -it -actually made 3 the maiiir feel up if he needed aqma of the cure an as soot: aaheconldgqt to it, , "`In sqme of the country the landscape wan alive with the glittering and glaring` advertising o`f7thi5 wonder-, our mm-linmhnnk. and in ommrtionlu l 111 Ill uumun: city and mite ihaeemedt an if oyory available inch of nnocoupied tamitory ; " was upvepedyvitllx notices of it. Bigger; l.` "1206, t_ha'n.thee1iame of tliiimedioino was E ,1 the name of $1113 Nillsolaon of pnbliol 1 benefactors, thishealerof mankindrthe i . " great disooverer and Blank : Whatever; I ` it-was.` mg B1`ank s Whatever-it-was in 7waa far" ~1i1ore.in evidence ea :Blank s ` referred to above was gnaahinghis be than as Whatever-it-was. ` _ A_ ` `In the ineantime one man in {she citio t . 7. -...a.....m~.... M. 1min nut fur the follicles. I referred to above was gnagnmguia pain I a1.1dpul1i"ngA his hair` out by the follicles, _ and anothofmnn was laughing his lungs _...L 5...: mun? mnnm aria was the . 83011110!` mill W38 lauguuq; um Au.u5n ` out. And why? Because oe was ` revenger, and `the oth_er_ way. the -re- a vengee. M. . _ j - U and {him nnh of it is herein. Blank ; `vengeep g V __ . `- And the nub of it is herein. ; ` wash wiealthy man in thecityof Iune- 5 ` less, where the ads; showed up the thi_ok- ' 1-:8t.~nd,.he.yyir_g8, n1trAaj,sv!e_11;3nj1T_F1!1-. Amimrinnn and luoked down upon earned J 4.5`: --` ~ ~ XV-F9, ,!+!!*!- J !:`1*:,,, ,.----_~- - Amerioan and looked upon 'rnf`sondi1ii'qtuaxuqo;* mr-roxut antif- wealth as compared with dzhorinheriteld 1 End nnmomlng kind--he being an_inheritor.` Ho snn_b- I ,A Vermont "man here tells on incident`. 1 bed most of his fellow citizens when he of Representative ` hadthe ohance, `but he we.Ipartiou'1arly 6 ohoolteachet -111 'Tinm0uth, ready to down the main who was the ur- A Rutland, in pedagoguen` `boarrf-. . \ ohibeot of his own fortunes. He who ` `*1 WW3? ..W1'W35 1W." 31 in j A V rlslngnnd acquireda made money was too uttarlywnlgu for among mosh wit _5'`i3- .Ar_ H19 M216?` from `him ot his` roux 1- of 135:3: Sag: !'d n *1 k_md_h d15hk`1 50 WW9 ' bown he was destined to reach the house lly, and this man was a millionaim and of Elihu Cramton, father of the Hon. John a gentleman: .He:h`ad,mude erverypent he W. _C1~amton, a. famous landlord of the possessed endmade it honestly, and a B1` Cramton was known for `_ snob `was one of the objeot in life his end We as" an _`*13 rim _ 'Bis_resu1ar. was gunningfor pe,1mm,`3uy_ , _~ - . hour in summer was. 8:30 o clock and in HA ,1 `R1 1, ~ ` - - V 5V0'010O_k. H8 u an was one he hacL1t in fol: I ..x.;\..+.1 mm the rising hour, and every mu gu\rl1,Ig'uuvmmu.u m: -A ~ - -._ .u. .........a gunmngkxor perpemzumy. ~ - Lwi .A_m1 B1a!ik_wasTo1`1e haiit info: I ah more than all the ethers, orB1ank_ he 2 m` had with him qlwuys, He`didn'i: know 1, just how he was going to'obt.in his`! ob-` sot ject in life, but he waited `and trusted ea in Providenpe, and one day it qameto 115 h< L him in the'shape_ of aftirmula oifered to (317 V himby a prominent. physician whoirec- St ` ommended it as very "nearly aIiinfa1li- ble reniedfin certain cases. He listened Y` , 'quiet1','saidAn6thing, took the`f0lf1I;1'/Illa, p] 'i'nhde_up `his mind and one Sunday ;i1om- I e` Sunday newspaper` in the city of Nameless and in allthe cities in the Uiiited States fairlyblossdmed with the t 8 L cirons*bi11ipoaters`efB1ahk s Wonderfiil U " [Whatever-it-`wae,` and B1a'nk woke up to 2 `nd. himself faxnmis._ He, tore. the car: ,p_ets iip in his w_3.in- pawings to assuage 1, 1ii8rWr'ath,` `but.tht_st,did no good, forkbe- Q fore the week was out there wasit a V [spot on oath within'1:eaoh* of_ Blanks `eye thai-didnft my the hateful thing '.to glare at _him- and qfiake big ilife a mockery and a hi,tte`rn ess. L V . - > +4.-iiiswae yproudjilame tg? be_,thz_a_ dragged through the mire `of vulgar printers ink, but he "had up recourse,` I for. the other man had 'fountL:indther B1ank,2 one W116 wasI_1 t so` gristocratic b an}i.w_aa wiiling to se1l;_ his `good name - {at a-1_air'priee.to t.1ee{0ra,te.a tent med-' ~ _ icine. It was the samemme, -"yet in `law. " V zit .wasn t,.`ai1d Blank` couldn't (19,, game ear.th1ything`e;<'c`9pt groanjin apiritand qurse1the'day_that jshe man faoross "the gtreet hadf;heeI_x,be141i. Once he threate, eIiedt0:smd1v2.h__hge__h.is; tormentor. baton, decq1_d.'thbught conclixdedithzitgitfwonld iurt`her advertise himslfoand the medi- b j him, sqhe 's:tt1eci>cioV'$'n lmllyjto ac`c'e_`pt- . : a ing the giiizitidn iridjmeserving wdigniy ` edaiiexice, which he has done in this llinn` ~' L I .1 1 ( l .21 `%,i ` 75E "always .o nfthe side of. _the right. 0011` :o1m1ed`the~.druIiimr. `-`V1LLmy~1'_`L?3Y' `M 'u.;. ;.;..;...,1;; ~.a.1m1.1.ig -m&,m'av .tn/1ix"a.k6 vxuuvu yaw al`lii;aun hiint- _ . _ g. . H _ "puddles: 1-cup the the; hotels, from which : si1theatoreaa1d"bugs.v f , . Fthohunter 01 his success-ghgt kciuoozitluct to wit! thepmzn-. ` id-bdnlnnzthof time; an year, L;V DBDIIB u1n:uu;w4uax,v_ s.u,u, g-......~ ous~ma1adybhatwi1l-in gs shor, z me prom `- jagalg. It" 1.8.111 ad 1113: J and one which wi1.1_;at; .ramax:<>yieix,jg,11n ` Solvable pw131`emt9.th ien9*:d1I ` - Ll wnu uuncu um m-,g.u_, ug .........,.. , ~B1ank?a_ zmmei l\ b111`d!i_l-' fhiily marle V $500,009 gut Of? `the "pm: at jmgdicine, and to adt1"some V119 L to thatromanchff dtlie gave $25300 `of ' hi!-earxi;inga.co.:;g{ widowed-V$it`2* 9f 'B11in1_r; M116 -h%dl8.e*-W -j;1'jg11 .chi1dxei;?5.10:I'5szic1i3n\iL` upoli hat ':'dnd`=f . [I ` L A L,a;a`:but% afsm nom 2..Ne.vjuzork 4.1%. V tiiblgr. " . , summer. - +u_m_.7; _'_=w - ,v.==w:_ xxisked-hiam BY-$0/N835 n 'Inu\m'1nn 34%;: v:;axz%v.3;{{*1`a%:xraei>Ai; M H ll WOIICIII-, I uxnu 45 . u ......_, m U15 uyuuxf 1 `- lo ne;to`_this V` .. :,,av 'Providence _ X'i?ght.c<.n'1- alyg gay that u`eyTto/1ix"ak6' P` . 2 r 2 snkhvi nmnnn g A utatlmg, `showed, , ,1 ~ the two in `J-hoh0rI*if ' Frame, V! . `Sh: x which wages ;ouabo:xongemmo1t;\1yV `puma countries of thoorldnn h . non of the appqrgnt den:-tho! pmgfehiya ' tbs inhabltnntg is Go a mum` 1_:;, w.:~o nnnBm` V sjudtiwhonu` . ~It_hna been found impossible to get any i_ mcurgtg gures from the SouthtAmerican \ oo\iiitr'ies,_but 200 is the maximume`sti'-`, Lmete ot` actual working, days in many of; i if-_ the number of Sun-` from the total number days he aubtrctd of days ina year, there are 2 ' one~,third "of the other days `available for ; work are set apart for holiday purposezfit, is perfectly `clear why there should not he . more than 200 worlgingdays in a year. `In It Anglo-Saxon oountries anc1'in the_ United)` States the special effort of workingmen .hb'.s' been ;hot to reduce the day'a_of labor, bx 3 9 the hoiirs of labor in. eabh day, and thus there has keen within ._the last 20_yenrs a I - larger redxiction, really, of working time in the Uhited States and in Great Britain than in the Latin or-Latin-Amerloan`ooun- ` t1-iea.-New;Yo_rk `Sun: I left 813, and if ` -Great Britain has 278; `ram: Austria, 292; Italy, 'vnr1t\,~Be1gium.and Bmzil, 800 each; Den~ Norway. &xox_:y, Switzer- Spain` 3993 `mark, .F1'~anc, land mid Wu`-mmberg, 302 each: Sweden, . 1 am. `Dvnnlnnnd Ire gun, you; '298; as. ' nd.805: the Nether I ` aou`.:gv *rai:~ w'onmV ma. V. I `"fhof`Boii6iliiihiE6i"G1io d;'l!ii" Polnt'snd'1-~WnmQ`Q3`,niru '9 M. W W ' . . _ ` I .5A Vermontman dninoidentil WW: 3 '\}"n`b` Powers MW: but 3351.1 i` W 9nK5: . `'d`31" qohoolteacher to seosu_oh callers during the Rutland`, `board -_ `*1 W9 310W? of the acquired ` ' ` thus p90Dl9. want 3 patient `[9 under his`1-om boarding houses of the .. +....m 110 was destined toreach "msmnas' u m.1I ...,.'.n.inn want ninelv enouizh I attgat 7il17;E fi\1iii6W t"ISfjthe V Bpegiking.-. hour summer'waa. 8:30 o`o1ock' mm "wide as"en early nser. ms gegum-_ V l'wi1iter 5'o ol0ok. a_tg__h1,__h;ggskfast" _ ahbrtlynfter the rising hour, andevery ` member of the.1io\'1ueh01d had to been had. Mr.`.Cramton learned that'th'e_ sohoolmastm-'3 .mo1-ning habits were too easy going "for that community, and he let be understopd that there would be a ` ohangeinthe_y oung mun a"houx of rising shtirtly after he -reached the Gramtxm hnn:nhn`_`.- ' V_ ' , ` snurmy uuu` uv u.u_v.~.. ...- ._.V,, ` households K Q - ~ Thiia threatw'a not long in reachingthe young scho'ohnastr s ears. He formed his plans and bided his time. In the course of events his belongings` were transferred to I) ....,..-a ~........ in m -nvida himself with amin- ; the _Cx-amton house, and he followed them. i I I sroom ssigned-t nd and Wu-ttembex-_g, aw eacu; Dwwuu, I4; Prussia and Ireland, 805; Nether- msmm1mmnamnwwx- A { good `care "to provide himself with teregting novel for` ;the` mat night. When he rather` late in the e-ven1ng,.h_e wgnt _ his room, bundled himself `up-4 `that was notthe day of steam heated hed- `rooma -xed himself comfortably in a `big chair and begamhis book. _ V ` ` mm 'nh2ht was 1011R.~&ud'Lth.c01d ohlla - .oiit...to know whatvwas wanteq. x L . N _1want!my breakfast, said Powers. ~ '.`Wlmhtime`1sit?"'ye11d;ithe landlord. ' ='It s 2 oiclock, This `is, my regular hall? for. b1'akfast;-and I wunbit. Oan b you . ` `gehlp and let x`ne haven? I" "The man got" liimslfi widg began his book.. The night; was 1ong,.andz`th.[co1`d playd hide and seek up..and..dOW1) the -sohoo1ma.ster s -back, but his candle and batik` held qut. By and by it came, 2 o`o1o'ck. The.book was_c1osed,anI SB_oo1- - mastar_Powers`~1eft his.rbom,cand1 in -~.hand. '.'I_n .a moment he was pounding at , the -door of-Mr. Cramtmfs room,.imi3a- " .tientIy.a/nd emphatically. After his mte ` tat-tat had echoduthggxgh the house for some time the old` man woke up and yelleil whatwas wanted. , -7 M1 m.m+.:mv b1-oakfitst. Poivrs.` mum I53 HUU , years ago. `VJ|.l|\N "tl56ngh`)iot on the `passenger, list, `pubesq game over annex; . a . % \ . A .`DaLna9eI nnlng for them with V ,, epowder- is hisjown Hhn-`unftl in as deadly illy Ina come mntxmp- tho'M:1yow_c1`."" fth: bug 13'. v ictygsh a still but Js, n`o7 duubt, ued to I ' ; ` .