Perso/w \Y'll|lk`S lUl' n'1':1nged, cou- mnl ulcmls. I` v\Iu\nnrula\I\ pl'()('L SS1(Il1, ulniou by .tl\c ` water L-:u'm- pm union .\IA_lx C1{. 4, r87. ` \ llllll l.`l'lI.\'v'l(`_\` ilSlil`ll \.'UllL`\`l'IllIl}{ U11` :unnun1r. ifeeeivml fin` (lie l1umleu;.:iiiu `fmni .\ 1'. SllUl'lr1"\.`\ l of illsilule l .\l1'. Illui'cl1i.<-in slum-il LII.-Lt, zifh-1' the l;1a1, mm-rin;.: ut` Lhe cmmuil e.\'-.-'lI;Lym~ l |BuLli\\'ell (l.l`PU.\'lU`(l to hi:: (.\li' .\'lim-l1i~ ` .sm1"s)pe1'sni1:Ll t`1'l.".ll.L the sum ut $130 lin p:L_\'IlI(.`l1l~-fill` engine. He (lid nub _ `knmv when it` hzul been sold. l Mr. Bird stated that ll(`lll(l not know f\`l:1'l'_70lll;l)t`gi`jlglt`(ExV3;-VA`liIrfl,~\}`:l:+*p:l(l' -V .- or I . e mug} .x-. .-u in_::. L 1e . Clmix-I11:Li1 of the CommiLLee mt) th;iL- -` itlme.-h:u"l suld ib. ' '1 l Ur. Pulling W313llCill`ll:l[1(lSl3ill(l that I l I 1 l l lxeliaulfoi-gotten:;il.mub t.he,ui:iLl:e1*[illiL ` ; \v('l.$ \ll'(l\Vl1 Lul1i.~';iLt-eiiL.io1_1 last. week in . 1'e:Li1it1;.rtl\e report; of EllL"`C0llnL'll pru _ lei-eiliiigs He stated that he l`L L`0ll(?L`(Ql _. when it was dismissed in L`()LllllllL[H . _ Ab lirsp in was pnnosed to sell it; tn .~\ll:uul;1le. but Lliiilg fell t.l11-ou;_:h. _`Sl101'Lly u.ftex'w:u'di Mr. Bothwell told b. him t.h;1t, he had sold the engine to .\h-. . S1101-creed fez` $75, which he said was :i. good price. The sale was made b.;r'the I i\liLyl)l'. and he mid ucliers knew nothing ulnmi. in. This was in the spriiiguf1SS).3. " l`REN'l` VALl:EY CANAL. Actliei'eqi1est,iif.`tl1eMayor, W. [-1. Bennett. M. P. LtlL_ll'L`S$Bll the Council on the TX't`.Illi Valley `-zu1:Ll. In :1, very able speech of 2.0 uiiuutes durimtiou he sh0wed_the iiupot-buuce of this work ztntH.l1e iiecessipy of its completion. He showed the in) ioi-~ tzmce of the Erie G:ui:L_l on which L ew 3 Ym-l; is to spend ten. millions (l0ll.'ll'S lmm-:3. and (`,l.`llllH`(l th.-ti. tl1e.'l`i-em. `] IUYK IS `LU Splflkl L.`ll IHIULUUS UUll. ll'S 1110115. and cI:Li111el L11.-it. tl1e.'1`1'e11I; Valley C.-1_11a1.l would be of g1'e;1te1' - ii111po1-tz11`ce. The LGove1'11u1v_-111: must;_z1t. tend to the wishes of the c011sm;11e11c-ies 2110115.: the 1-ouee 11,1111 ha.sLe11 its L-o111p1eLi0n. :15 so 11111el1 111o11ey has :1.11'ez1dy been spetmt upon `it. He 1. '.l`1'e11I:o1\ :1. _dist:L11ce of 197 miles only 50 this 11ist:u1eo could he 1`e11dei*ed 11:`wi;g';1111le by i111p1'ove111e11t; of the 1 11Eit,111'z1l -\V:|.tL`l" cou1~aes. Be_tAvee11 B:_1.:s:L111L:1ke and Si111coe there are 1 only 11111-iles to be put under co1)L1-.-wt, 1- 'e11te1-i11'g Luke Simcoe :11; G11.111eb1'idge. `The s ea1`I*.1'poi11t:edo11t`. the 11:1Lu1-21.1 as weH us the loc-11.1 iIllpOl`f:Ll1Ce of the eo111pletio11 wm11dJ1e ambnut. $2,000,000. of wl1ig-111 $300,000 would be 1-eq11i1-ed f_`o1: t11e:t'0111pletio11 of the L=I.keSi111eoe, end. The Lfll)il.l~\Vit11l.dp0h of feel: would I ' g1'zii11o1' 300.000 feel`. of Iu111be1'. This .1yo111d gwe, bI1e.1:u*111e1`s :1 lower frenghb 3 Luke on thew exports `and 1111p(>1`1,s. 1 thus. 'e11h;111ei11g the .V'a.h1e of their F` nmulnnfq E un\u`r` -.1]ur\ vnu-zn (4111 Ishmved t11:1t, f1~o111 Wz111\:111s11e11e Ln is not now 11;1vign.ble, 111111 11111eh of - work. The zu1`1ou11n 1'eq11i1'ed for take bouts eu.1~1'yi11g 20,000 bushels of " l'UlHll.'li3. l \VUlllU ilalatl l:Hl`. vlll ULIU 3.116, -otsner points. In. conclusion Line Sp`.k81' 1'efc=1'red to the :a.ct,i0u taken by the counties and towns aong.-; the route and x11-ged t~hzv.t Burt-ie, with the rest} of the Couny 0fSin1coe send down [IL 7 <;1ep\xt.:ttri_>x_1tV 1=Isb100 stwng. f?t)_})1'i?ss iupon the Govern ment., the Coll! of the work. pletionz U b1T11H1ng of large eleVW(')rs. at E-11-1-K5 N0. 5.1 Fjmmce: -1'ec".011i111e`x1(1ed the 4 pztyunent of ztccounts tn the aunnngt of ; $1,150. the l:t1*gz-gt heiyg $261) for S1_xth_ VV`:rrd+mH+!;y-;I,tu. $300 for Collegxate ` 'Inst;it11te, $191. fm'_p1`i'ntiug to S. ` .VVSl9Y;' ' `A Nn. .6 x~pr-n1n:m=.nded 3 .t:mat3 of $150 ,(i3oWs..S'cBtIand :7 0. Eeetibbae. -Pom 2 % I11?;.`Frec1e;ic R..q;S_mn?` E9 um`; R9b*;,pe'Gra ` ' Mxnf S.W. X Lot `3~1n the 1:!tl1Co1i'ue.~i.-lk)n "of t'~e 'I`ownsl1ipo1' Innislil._ The lot is well timbered And in :1 good locality. ` _ W For furth r purtu-ulunx and terms, apply to ` Henry l }`utt, Strum! P. 0.. oryto .-.. .. o. .`..n. \v .w esney. , . Q _ x No. `6 x`ecm_nmended grzmt; 1a0 , to the Public Lib:-an-you com1i_tiou tlmb tl1e1ibm1'yl)e kept open dtu-mg vam- tiou as during otl1er'p:3.rbs of, the ye.a_i1'.' `Nu 5, Pm-ks. N-.(`(`m)lll(l1d(:`d~l! M1-ye mou :l.s(1urmg onner paras Ul',l1ll yt-.a_u'. `No. 5. Pm-kls,Vrecounnendedvthe large _b1-eeinfront of-tl1e?'a.m1_oi-y to be cut; down as it is deadmxd rotte-u.Qn`_d in :3. dang;e1'ous coxxliitidn. , ' A lur-'len'x r -mu nnuen "pmfxnxvm-inn` (lil.m_. ,'( .`l0llS_30IlL1ll}l(_!. IV . A by-law `wags pzwsed g>.mpo,we.1-ing ,.thga.1\;Ia;o 1t]n.nd Treasurer to borrow. . - the m_oLney 1-equil-ed by the corpomtim" till t_h"ey. `tn.xes_ _a1'e' col{l;.t2e_d. The" zn`no1(nt nob` tgo iexcegcl .. .000 to lie . 'ho1-1i0w,ed - b nnte `ob. overdraft;._:-fr`o_1n .|t:heBm1k of ore xto. ` '~ -' A \.V \V:H:i'ncnx'\mn\1nH'n,n '!`|:lV`\'{J'l\dl-I . (H16 .511-UK OI '.l`Ol`O IEO. j - _ L ' . W. \_N11k'mso'u moved an mn1a`.: menu` f;11{1J_'_.'})kLrb* of. the`:money"be A l)()l`1'bW6CffI`GIll_the Bzu'rk ot'-UQmiin.e.1'ce. UL1C COl1h_.'P eacock vsgas his 0u1y*sup- port and the 11):-lakv.` `used. . , - M In T4`m.wlev`- movex Iseconded bv M1`. porn emu we uyuaw. ssseu. Mr B`rz>.iiv1ey`- movex ',`seconded by M1` Q R30` ers.`tha.t1;follmvin_ that 8.(l`Vi t.`"' Gf };I`.' . Smith '. the an item proceed to . audit. -the boo S uf'A1landa1e.-.+Gamrid. " ' 'l`lm `nnxihivil Hmn _-xd1'nnmmdA - " H. Beam: a.tux:wu:e_...nxrry ;sounuv;au.s - Iiighbh id .{ Anderson Lightbod ,.? Lelasgovw, ~'otland2 Fetiboae. P9 0 ` IN: Fmdx-in m.;smmr.._ '1`orouso%`.: , '1`oronto: :] W. T. Bowuum, MPitt`.sburg,h,,. ; US; J.'McLeod. Gael I1 ; J93. Smith. ; loo: J.. W,.Elli0;b'b.ALoh'don. 0nt.;, .W;` H. Beast L a2nd;wie.-Parry Soum} ;*Ju.s" J =r'.:..m.h` an Andmimn. T.imhtbndv..=` 9 Ge0.v".WlV1i9te-Fi'.asx;.T Shaw, M. Buffa.1`0.N;,Y; .W.B. .echter.. Witter: L [rl1llS_ B1HlU1Clllg' H16 Vihlllt UI L-119,11` B1-uducts. It would also uxe:u1 the |u'7YTl.nn.- nF I-yunrn .\I.;Ty7T 'u+ Qan- uncut. -ctne bqoks qr'A1u1nqa1e, -.+~ 'J,`he.,cou'uc1l than adwurnsad. am. gt tne_%qu_een?sV Hotel. ` Al'8t~C!FL:Kf11l`IIi.kIl0Wll as South-halt Lot 3, Con. 11. hmi.~`1`1l, near Holly` R0. '- 'I`erm3 uudull 'particul:u`s on zxppljcntioxx to un- dersigned. A ` " - Money loaned to purchaser; will be sold cheap; don't delay iu,euquirl"g, I ' ' ` R. I-.. BARWICK. 'row.\* L`OU.\'CIL. i Y 1.. Iht` .1. lillUH_V Ul b|.\ mum il sxu'v'u."e him. ,His : (`11-:1sc. b;u-1-ism-, Geo. C1`(.`:lSL`. Lilbl Chzts. CITIISQ. zit; lVA\`l.\nu\ . I.`u.,.! 1 ` sixL-L-ell- in-lll till L111 . ts..rwr%lsi-s deittil. lnllglltllu. (URI VVEIS ill SUU U1 \.-ilpll. ,'I.'l_\ _` L`lv:l.~:c. R. N . who :-e1-ved llllder Sir ` Edwlll-I Peilew. His hl'oLilol's' \vel'cl:.1` Gull. John F. Cl'use,= 018.. of Lolldoll. I Ellglnllll, Sir By; P. Cease.of`Vict.ol~in. B. U; the "late Cwll. Alltholly C112.-lse, ] R.E. '1`lle'l:lst'. llzlllled visiteil Bi11'l`iGil W felv` yezll-.5 :;go.'-zuld 0`liCe`C_~10 years V` l-eviulls to t lam Lillie. ,; 1' -misc \Vj:Ls 1 E(i|1(.'21t(iilE`},,7 lpel C-:lll:l.d:l College and I l-otllrlled to Eugiiillkl when he was 1 As `jullin_l- iiCll!;e[).".I1tlJiIlt-hvt.` ` Shh Illfzlntry Rcg__:illlellL,'11c welltl 0: Inllill _:lL the ciosesof ihe llllltiilly. ` Sl1bs(`QlI0llUVi1t - wuaj zld\'.-ulced to _:L' calptzlillcy. ReLlll'llillg_tn Ellglzlnd he rI)2l1'I'iL`d;L dllllglllel` of H. L`-.-llllpvgllie,` l)iu`l'iS[UI', guld tallllc to ULl,3:;ldil. ill_12i7S. 1 .-Xftel-;l. brief S()j0ll1`ll ill 0l`0I]t() er fzllllily settled in B:m~ie.. A few. )"can's :lg0.he \V:l$:lpp()il}tved to :1. position ill the Post Uice Depzl.1*tulellt,- ' which he 'l`l... &.n~..u..lI (\v\ 'Qanul.nv nnhn-H-h.l SHYVIVL NH. 11115." 5U[]S_ <'|l'{`Z [A1 A ` Nelson, B.-U; D12! C1-case, Lilble (7on1ptu`n. R. [:1 at. Toronto Denml College: Fred. J. ('1'e:1sL-. druggis. VV:lShiII;.{(`l3l1, I). U : V\ :1It(>1` L`I'cusv. Indi:mn:1puli:4 \lcd1L-:11 College, :1ud~ A1'Ll1u1':1L }10uw. /,4` n,...u..,-_.A `..-...- lvnun ..+ l`.uu..u..ll x A1'Ll1ll1' :lL xluuw. LH:ceu.~'cd was hm-n at Cu1'mvn.ll, En rluml. and was :1. son of Cu 6. ,vHv. 3- . l`n:m\.. R. N _ who 2->1-wed umlvr bu` I1{ lt1 [L111 L110 Ulllt U1; [US (lt 2LEll. '1`he_ funeral on Sundaxy. notaxvitlb st:u1din~vt-he` bitter `cold_,_ was lawgely-V anttmulc by f1'i.em1s who thus paid tlwir Just, 1:1`-ibnu_e' of 1'espech.t:0 the x1e(_-__gI.~_'enl. `A sl1(\1`b service was con: ducted in T1-iniuy L'}]uI'l.`h by Rev. (`mmn Ruei11e1*.l:md at `the g1'zu-'9 the bezlutiful and solemn M:Lsnvic service w:1s('m1dm'ted by the \V'o1't;l1y Master of ,Cm-i1;t,l1'i.-`m jL0dge of xvlxighkieceasml 'w:is it nwluher. The 1mlIbeu1'L~1`s were as follinvs :-- .-John ,P0\ve1L Jzmws W':u-d, `Jzunos ' Hmde1`sou.D. R. Mi1i;c11isu,x1..of the P O. dep;u`Ln1ent, E. E. \\ i1]izm1s.'Jn'hx1 ' `Stephens. _;_L B. SlcPl1ee. Dr. Bus.-mko. ; . E Seldom, if ever. lms t-he .G1'au`1 d"_Ope1`;L House ~eel11) lle'(1-thzzu it =\YihS . ` ' t-`sday--t_1igM,~wiHHzh+S+HadeL-' - School cl1'ild1'eu gave an ent.e1`t:L_i1u1_1ent; forthv lyexlet of the Public Lihr.-wy. The Izn-ge .`l;fAE\311(1.'lIl(-`.0, was due to :1. lzxrge extent. to the,im1:um\ug 1` the childruu in selling tickets. The C P1`e_sbym-1-i.-L1'1s_ cm:1'ied off the si!k'Unio1'1 * ; YCkTVith ovet-\:60wox-tlx of tickets. of j " - - ~ Jean .\I:u:\v:' gut. 91 fhnc `-m-inn- Hm h:n\d:nnin lmnk ~ 'dut.\\'if211 Miss `\I_cD1)g1:3,1d,. who hams ,3." 1j1`m.1:k:h- .w:ith' ,Be1,`1in,: bub. wan}; Ea Ipiixy ` =ypp'reciated.y D. H. .VVarLIUvho timched the p1i"k',fO1'i?h1QDh ` \ .whi'c1`c1ea.t`s pff; tha .`mLtin g vdgbb o.n; 0rg;Lni;}%: 1'zl1"B~ff_l,Im,, new-31> v " .:u:.Lu .v;;u:\v:LLb gun ' ~`""*=- ,~---~-v- - H-_ cux-mg the h.-uxdsouie hook Wm - $3l, t.l111s se ticket,sI%TI1e I.-1.1`-ge v:h01-us frum the -thi`v`E-73 `W -1? "- ~ . ' ~ ~ Separate Sc-houl deliglltnjxi t.he:u1dim1L-e. :`1V,1`U\ Ts 13- 'I`yn1_i`\1 4 11-35 '1` w irh their singing. the Glnri2I._ being `$1-_`,`;l_"'\` }) ; e.\'peci:LIly well rendered "l`l1ey'.did lmnme hr. '5` 'r'um,,- 1 3 3`; 3 1; ;_.. g1'eat. `credit to thmnsclves and tixeir M_:iud. A. orren}. 4-3 3.13 1.- ix1st.L -uctors. in the flag, "st-:u`1` :s11(1`;B`}1{{ T-$3311 `3~_-53 -.-}f.5lj?- ,b1"non1 drills. she -Preshyt.e1'ian;-a7nd ;`3_gU'`.`,b"3'_`05 f; ` ; .. ,"-"` 4* Mebhodist, l)b_vs zufd girls taxextcd te . ~ 7 5 '" vzu-`ledum.11oel1v1'us nliubsb t'.-Lultessl .. " . ' the 11usult}ot` lgn1gzi.~ni1 mu-eful tl`ilil1i1;; ; ~ ` . .N"TEs` ` _ , " j by `G. F. Heudx~ron. The '.1`1-init_\'* " The B.A.-.A.A_. and vBm`x-ie .)'unid1is , chm-4.-h thyfir two xiumbers zphw an.ex11ibitij')n match .111 Gookstsgwu ` xnadea.very:L;n(1sing, portion of ,bhe.: t,u-uigllt. ' ` _ " " `=4 pro'gr:un._ Miss ZVIuI1pny's bezulbifully. ,_.Bex_-Inn hockeyiezmni uje"13,1o-v _p_`}\i,$ lIiI,1gff ` sweet "imd_c1e;u`,SODrzu1ov wins nev,e1- to play Barrie fo1"$2O0'a.'sig1e. .,f12h`e`y . heard to b1Tte1*' a_nd her w,o'\11d11.'b__b2$ke t;he.o?r ~\'\gbe'n Barl`ie., M solo 1'ecei`v d-' _"a. -?heau~r`v`vencore. r'Hx-)1` teailn 1wem'iuMgo911,rj.their ch.5swet`...a1t0.*wasalso verv .x11'uch now`:`wlleu-'oni.12eaxn. Have so ugly- ` 1'e00g1)ized `as Jane of =thg- '_fore1`ib_sb. j.g11eet:ix1g..`ef` uh" gBa1*r"i` clarinet plesyrs of tberovixxcsg gave ,,LzIt`(`gsse_~C1\1lx`; ,w . ; n,Vsn10.thu.h7-fm1lt1ess `y ex_e.'_cut,'e`d.. _. " We1li`_1_'1gt9n?Ho_beI.oIi.Fxi "36 *Th e_enmtertaiiinxeutaaetted abouitV$S0 at 7. o'clock-for th ' ' L Hun` hhr-nu-xr .. ' `tiven to the Pupil se1lin?3 the n10S,LL Th" f'i`3g WOW 5110-V5 ".~1< `V3-Y - Lust. F1'id:1_v..Dr. 1.} he B. L1'l'i- .\`.vp-`1r.-m- ../x ..o L: I. . \ _ If you wzu1t_t9 save money.see me before re- Vnewing your present mortgages or borrowing . elsewhere. Iteostsyou-11ot11Inp,'toenquire. ` nnl1IIl30f$25(H/0 $5,000 lomxed on long or short G . , I2I1e~;11oru,1*y. - I v ` . - - T'.I.`_he `,B0n.rd of Manage:-s,-_of_A"the `Public Library desire to thank` the ' .Sis3:ers of the ,`0a.bholi,e church and- .V1x". , ' .'Mrs; Balmmn,. Miss Gross and otherg-of the '.l`ritsi.ty _churc_h;.: and Mr. G. ;I-Iendersou. ;the pix ilstot ,tliel x`e1 teniam and`; Masha ist; Sbbilihllfao s. f:>`r=. their _ `V&I\lBb18-SBI`V'iL'BS which`_conbribut;e_tI-to, ' fmake tshg late'izt,i`n mid; of ime uh11e>Libru;xvy~e:uch' 8. greo.t2.auc{- =c,r_;-sg uancieullyna.nd[.otzherwis -Timur, : .8-}so%hI-ank `Mr; M.c`D.;on`uld; ion :0` -` ,ln`si' nimm_ . Public `Library .Entert_ainmnt. I SHIM.-n nu 1 u . val. z-xy at his .`in1\\'imr1 Oituary, l'.\'li`llSl\"lf L'll'L'M, (ll '1 311's. (71-ezlse, ins 1; and mur dzulghturs 3 : :nn< zn-4-1 M` A I `I-ll kn ` ....,.,l Lym-h. fnrnwrly . In Svhnnl (ml 1 .`_.$..LLL_.L._' ' '|__*..._"l" ___LJ.JiUz._1L`. _..L1J!.._` ' [I.lI...s.t}.Ll1._"` _. L %n`l1\`I'_L;',y into his hl\.~'ill_L*:3:i, is kuushx by ` inn- T. R .' ll] \\'lms0 cmplny he has hex-11 for over ve wars. `;mIe knowil r.h;u. M1 EChl1!'L`hl \\':L~' In IL-uvu Lu\\_'IJ. the mum-' [hers of the 1)()t'k( }' club, xxlzuif` h;::sty' ' .:11'1'.-\nu'v1m-ms n-`:1 fuwmzll sunnm` at `\ . 'IILlu \I| um um: ru_y Luau, :11'1`;Lnge111e|1ts_)1":1 f;l!`e\S'( !t.l'1o\Vclliu;:tuI\ hntul. A gtivo 5:1!) dqwn to the s w lap:-v:u_l in Mine Hunt. '9 -style. .~'\t'tm- .-1- very hem- "l\v-ulx the t`XL`L`H\'llD menu. I 3 L" I\.. `I. Invu .. .....n\.. life Specialist 'ullld.ll;.;l'll.lK'||l.?lUl' :1 1u \:\\ (`ll bu[J!iL'l' Ell: :t.l'n- Wclliugtun _Un;u_t~1.lxii~ty- gtivu Mxuhr! sgxppm`. spx-u;u_l 'vn1wd_v;~: best hezu-Ly interview "w-uh Lhv '..u:LsI3 list . iu.'zLs [l)l'npusvd by Dr. MJL uwgn. the pl-c-sh cub. Thx! ho.1I,th Ifmnz-. L hmfch-` ill, was x'e.Ic.eivu,~d \viLht:heux-:3 and a. `Liar and <)t ht?l` rn:uxifcst.-xtiuzxs of '-'1.pp1-m-iutiou. The chalinmux spoke =VUl`V highly of the purn he held at!-'ztys ;l1o11vst}spurt in the town :1-x1 `lthc si11cm'e regret of his I1-uauds in llusin<,: him. _As _a slight. Lu!u=x1_ of I'z:'_{;i1`d.` the club p1-esclxnced Julf ` with 'i :1, very 11;u1(1. gold scux-fpiu.`ix1~Lln: Sl1:uw nf~;1'. hm-knv stick-_ nn whi.-Ii tn`. `t.-1kvn_in the furthering at` all gourd, [U1 \ UK) l,Ii|4lMl.`UlHt' }.[UlH SCHYI PU]. HTLLN ishupe of :1: lmckvy stick-. on which (K1 \ represent :1 puck. 1-cstud :1. Inrgc-. pu.n'l.,~ n\Vhen Llw "st:-nins nf H.s`,~.- :1. Jnllv V I`(`pl'(. 5L UL El PIICK, 1't`S[L`LX lEU`gL` I)L`rH'l.\;j g\\'hen l.l1e'stmius 01' VH0's 21. Jolly. {(x`o'3d Fellow" at last (lied u.\m_\'. Mr. Ch1u'chill.`in an few words t}hl \CG. the clul)_f.:1' {he honor dune l1im,.aml ` `- yiktillP611 llet)!-Hlttizlle-\0itld` :tlw:x.-ysbe--.- 31-ezuly when possible to assisn B111-1-ie in any way he <-oulil. Then followed '3. {)1-ogrxuu of speech and song to " tic-I1 _L`V{'X`y0I](3 cmm-ibuvd; nmkiav the " time ass v1'y" plezzszmlly. The cup- .min, V. A; Boys, made :1. short; spevch" in which he tom-lxcd _brie-y on the work `of the season. He tl1:u:l;ed.t11e players for their vigorous assistance. _ - nzml s oke of the wuy t;l'1eyalwnys. ` ; 'r)heye( hism-ders cheerfully.` Heulso x-eferred to tllfe henul being compused of purely local men, who had been : gxveu such splendid Support) by the? -~ town. 'II1c(`)'. he stated thztt ,B;11jrie. wduhl. have three teams in the 0.1-LA. Ilt Xl3`_yL`ll1`, and they willbe v _ -well up in the. frout`.~_mnks ;1-t.Vt,he `X uiuh. ' ~ " - - "ER Y'z;.xi< in ADVANCE; (_)1'1|li :1; A. L. Vick, V G. '1`. Madden. \V..M. H-arvev. A. B. w.1s.(`omns', - J. Scott. ' J. B. Hemiurson. W. Hickey-. sk.. .. n n -D LOSES (N omi_.LL\. ' Lal.Sf{ I`I111rsd:xy four rinks QB loal c111'1e1's'\\'exLt, to Orillia f01?. :1. Me-ud. V (.r-ivna -Int] urnmu }\..mI>un In: `X2 oh.%J~_~ \.uA1\.lU vn.u,y uu uunua lVl:. I/I: I:~\I'uuX "g:`1u1e and were beam.-I1 by 28 she, _ only [Bends hiaing }5la7yd. Th_:'-"rinks ' j and sm)1`es.\v'e1'eaLs tolloxvs: - ` . Orillia; b ' Barrie. " A.Cu\w.n.` ' ' ~ `Dr. J. C. Smith, g \V M.H-urvev. ~ Geo. Hogg. _ .- Pe| ........ ..17 _ D. .\[<.-N1\' `.6. . ur L` Tn.) r\.. m n.. ... l.'J. n. LJpUIItlvnC\.~`L\ J 01111 Kennedy, Roht. \V;1'do. Juhn Lxrruthers. IDA-.. A. H. Boatoxx, sh ;\,-g1`L llt dealut ix1'te1'est was ltulxen-311 t11e'loca.l t1~ot- t3h:1b \vn.s-held on Llmicah last. \Vedx1esx1':Ly.` It; took from `:}3l)1:o' . . '6 pin}. to decide the race and ,y1:(~:re was pleuty_of fun for the 01-h.oke;"s. 4 M The jmlges \ve1_`t_-. R D. ,,I'IiIl,.._"EgT1n.- ' A'mI,e_v am} A.-osHe,. >'I imex-,,'_E A._ TI... i`.xIl.uuIu'\n. onnxux olirx-0 Hun mu Ulllf. scam ihexvay {tlnngs went: , , _ Mvrtle 71).. Tyndaxl ..... .. 5 3-2 1 John s., J._`~mill|.` ..... .. ` .2 1- 1 3 4 3 3. Butcher Boy . E'. .3 :4 5 H #1 [Minnie T. I`urnu,1'. ..1 3 `3 3-5 3 `Maud. -Morreu .... .. .4-3 2,; 113-1`, Bilhr 'I`.,_S, Price, ....t`6_6 6 dr. > I 'rhno--s.1o.1.; 3.13.- 3.125. 3.15. 3.09. am. 3.17. D-%jH-Madmen .aiEt)~I21gI1D. , ' M 2 _ uje _`1;o-\='M}\,1 ~ fo1"$2_O0 'aa5sig1e. .,fL h`e ~ t;he`o?e r ~\xgbe}11 Barf" - tea.'u_\ were in~gog)t1_shzspe_tE;eg1thei L" u`.a1;ch- ,Be1r1in,A gunk.` wam E} . L now`; `whcm `our. tea hm-`e s,`ca{1"u~;l.'}f; : mm:-had1*hnu(-k'fm- rizhinhishrs ` _ dmigr h'xnx$si..} \ ings` in; she; I;ist:<>.xj:yo;ah& mm: ham: :inet:hn'i-takimd: 1`ot:1X..,..'.; ....... .. . I` l{:)ju1`l()' for Orillia. 28'_'shots_ . Kenn, ' ~ x. IL, Harvic-. . /~.).. ' SPORTS. ' LHL` |.v\VU .'{:'lIUL'5 HIUULXU -nt, `hut in fm)H;;1H. Im- :. ;Hhl.'llIll()::L cw:-y km :pm t, h {- Lakes ':m pro: __Ib.iU2._h_`. __D_|1l Ehum hii hl|\'ilHA\`.s` iqkvxusciv} HOCKEY. ll,lt'!\( _\ Clllll, UIZHI" slfox-`:1 ntrexvell sup}: an hutul ,~\hm|r, I.` cuR_LuG. `-Donald .12.` ` Sam. Lounu. 51-: W, \V_i|kinsc)iI, '1`. Pearcy. Alex. Brmvulce, H. Harper. Noah G1*re.~e, Geo. Louut. - Du. Me ):m`hy J. .\1or1'is. ' S. J. .s:mrprd, J. MOL. SEm~';~n.= .S.J..s:mrprd, V .\{cL-SE.c\~'auson. Bk. . ..... "[`ofuL . , L l\?\ I1lL\:`A , tirt=_nT IL 15 L-y ciub-.-mal nu}. nf him. ` mentioned ml}. 1)iy_s'L'1- ~ cry kuul` of pl'l)lllill7.'- fhu .~;.-unsa Smlce, sk.11 ` um ' ._My easy terms of repayment are wliaf: suit rowem >_ >______ wiaving just termed from Phixg. delvphia. after taking rs course of study ; and grmhmting from the Phadelphia Opt-icul College, '1 am prepmjed to cor- reet all cases of defective eyesight, mmklo hu alumna &.r-, I have all the. T9135 ll U -.c,u_:-112133 bv mmln.-n _>cu[gr_)_xe_ UV g_x3ss:'.s.-oou..4u.uu. modern zsppliunces to. ascerfiii na.*,ure of t;h'=t~ro1_\hte.- ` If. your eyes are . troubling ydu, come in ai)d'we.wil_l ex- amine them free of all cbarg. A I!falI; "5'i5 V": I '1 % A t&:mhn$*re*Ewe-A I *1 * irmasb m-.;I;Inroh month _ I .\= `!ouu")!31enuythat5\A`tha B`b" it nbvzlrist`-';vic'f`: .s{,1g.' *g7.f' Tug" ,~],og,,~ ` ,3 1; 89-13 1. ._ . men ..r.L., U.*3~..-.m=99. *'n;-;j1`iseo`5r~$>ens?as9i`&`iv3?:)-go s#v3;$*%?w % <` em bahsm:. . ` . ~ . v ` . v Ln; mnmns L . >UEEEN VICTORIA? Her >I.q mid `Rehtn: m'mthxstn1'i'c work. sells on sight to Voy. XXXIV. N0. 9. :D1WG(}l3.T``"`'C'A' ' " A A 9na`o1rr1c:`Ajn . ' ` BAs_i iiL1E Have'ynu tried It? I! but. A ! . .....1 vnn will-use .nn Have you nne do >2 un yul ~-IJ:An `Thu ` goin3`on,we-Vo ax*M_a_ V b . um .tne15rk5W br mac. % Anstlc Photogranphs up to glaze.` 2 The L|:|.t.~'t and most 61 O WEMAKEVTHAE ,cnqu1rr~g;, R. L. BARWICK. Bank 'l`orunto Building: Toronto. \'\k .. or uerecuvo eyessgm, Lg}asses,.&c..lJ1mze_a1L.the , _'...... '`-'+.. :- nunn THE [BARBIE EXAMINER. ` AULT & Comm. - . Snlh'it()r:i'. R. L: BAR\v1rK. ' I Ba_nk 1`01'onto.BL1ildinp:, Barrie. ;.TFY`C?'1(.:"(?T*Wi'f--1ge1 us the COWAN. Solicitors, Bzm-la - UEEEN VICTORIA ? Life mid , A` . Re1gn:grcuthxsm1'i'c_ S8"S0_ll "_`*--~thuu~sz\ndaw-4.we>xw1-{1u:Terhx-ix;rodueea1Lto.Cnm. _ adjsmsin glowing words. Easv to make 20.00 9. Wd0k.,S0lIlL` twice that. Many lnztkc. more in spare time tlmlrdurinpz (in y at" regular employ- merit, 'l`_his year's Great Sexagen:u`y_Celebmtions sreboomingit. Books on time. Prospectus free 10- m.uv:1sse1's. L`e1'rItory going fags. ` THE 1.`R.~\DLEY-GARRE 1`SON 10.. LEL. ' ~ - '1` A1w.\"1"o. om. - 3mfaiI=- '. 1 Mus MEN. " > -. Man s American emu CuIf,.Ba1mora.l. _ f whole f,';x.-(I, heavy uolq, regular price.$`2`.00.` spenialb . . . . . . . .. 1,75 ' I-1eL_\ s;Lac-ed Booi,,;7 lgellqws lztbxigue,` ' 5 went sown. peg sole, legulnr price, A ' . "$1.25, -ape-Qil. M L.- -A - I } ; . . 1.00 Men s'_Lni)qEelLBio9.'r9gula.x1-price - : _ " V: 200[speciinl. 1',-' fl_;'50` ' `- Men's` Pure Gum ; LIn,ml!eriY!&n`R12|>b = 1 " i`ag\|l,tLi`. pr_l0_ _'$_I`.`25" to " `$l`. ape9ia1..., ;,_ `-,.' _ 'Mn s PL, light rnhbars; p)inE9d toe, " u .regulin pri,oe; ,6()0;;_5DeeiaI...;-..~.v._.:7` ' ` Mat1ybrbkqn I13s of V Shoes,` ipc1u`d- _C f1ig5--Rubbnfs[ `and O.vq1:sl19eS that; '.nr_Q...` ;no_t. adve'rtized[_ will. bq jileiced` on sale ' `at; prices you cu,n~'t nff0.I'f1.~to ig_tmre.\ 5 v` "I ouv'_.1jewe|eot1ie.",`lo_A ok. at whetlxer y0Ilbny.0f h0beV` " "H " " {Adm u . .---an-n AM-fF~V=r 1-.5 XVAW-I`EI)-Y0lj ' ulw.-Hf still .\ 4-h.-um-tor. max! la 1 9 VV wouug _h| spiru. u! umluubud `character. _L.;=:4)d uIker<.a|nR;itxum,`;'A111`! indu.-triuul cm nd empluylnenl in A *-f()d cause. wzm Qt.`-u per month and uz]wanl< -.u-mrdim: in ability ` HI . 5 1 l1:njo:x -,;>-I ; part 01 Lot `HS. 4 -I mus: m H uuuc: T\:1%<;J2m=;Y To _L~;:m4 City of To sum. nr :1 pom! m or nc:u` Ln:<:uh city. and mzulllourhw the .~';1id_ Cmxlpzmy to con- struct, mulm.1lu`:unl upunm-. bnmcln lines. to build. Inztlutzun uml upcratc` tn-luxurapll and telephone lilI_e.f. t4>`;:u|wI':1h: eluxlrlvxty fur, the .~'upi;ly m_ hghr. heal and [:uW0|`.u1ul for. all usua Incicltmtal. m`cv:~x:11'\', :ulv:1nt:1_:epu5 pr proper auklxoritv. rI;:l\ts. p1'1\'lll:g:o~I and pmvvrs ln u.-onnectlon Wllll or Lu:-ulrntal to the objects more said. r5oR%[{1{L"i:j`9foV"R:"?Td RENT.` BAfRR1E s * LARGEST }SHOE STURE %GToT0d=bye to) _% Winter fdotwear But 'dou l; forget our season (m long before yourswmd many of these _ Boots and Shoes will be snitnblc. fo'1:, early spring we:-u.~.. ~ .. . v Wmxn .mv\u.vln tn nu} mum vnnnnvc Gal I] GFI Au`; u\.:u.. __Easy clxdixgh "to get your u1o1u=_v s represent : W0l`l;'I1`O11tOfSllL`h Shoes-us the prices, mm mnnts. >Ladies Oil Peb Guar,Bn`xtton . I military heel,- heavy fegulur price $1.50, special .._$1.10 Ladies" C|mica Chrome Kid.,Butto} ' Boo_t._ Guodytur VVeh_<. new stock , toe cap, reguhr p1'iuef$3.00, special 2355 Ladies` Dougolu`, Button and Laced. Boot, extension sole. tipped very swelI"sty1a_,,regular p1`ic_e $3,00 .- special . . . . . . . 1,50 Ladies` Dmlgoh KM, A]l;:n_1i 1S1:_r_gp__,_H ' S`ipper. Put. ftip. kid Iinad, `regular price. $1.25, speu;i.v,l 1.00 ladies Conquest Rubbers, pbixxted the ` special . . . . 30 vnvy` uvomza u u u uuuuuu Mises Oilv Peb Buthoxi Bddts, ,r1\'tegi - sole.-`toe cup, rggular prxcq $1.10, . Z Cbild s Peb.`Bu1:ton fnxixd -Lace Bouts, _1oe oo.p,.hand made. size 5 `to 7, 1jgn'lun_price, 70-.:; specinl "a FQR. BOYS. . ' 4 ' `Boys Lace Boots;-_h_1_gl1 cut, toe-cap - ` `wax-sewn. Sulyuish. sulfa. ' regular _ ` price, $f}25, . . . . . . T ;T.; .1T0 B_6y`s Lace Boots, hue cap, strong wax- sewu seams, int like sole. - ai`z' 10 to 13. regular px'ic_6,-$L400, special, 7 nmn u nu ' -,apeoi_g_xl...._...;. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1` V & PAT 111 1{S()N. ` s`u11cin:rs;1hLApplicnnts., ; 'i`oronto, 18th Jamlury, 1397. ' (.1: Apptzcmn _T_g Pmnmim `:4; ll mucm ruey luamrzi `.0 buy. ' I AN - `I-.`.I>-YuunL: women _a:_ul1ngng Hug-vi! nil! .vnumx in smrll. u KERR M.-\CDO.\',\I`.I) mvmsox ` , r. ,& 1 A l`11`.l{S0N. 4$`%sul1cin:rs,oLApucn 1f57I`IcE Goal 011; `AT 5 PER. CENT. }iE\V$O.\' .2 CEIESWICKE. ..n x I.` u...` Ill L3. :1;-guy Lu R. L. }}ARVv ICK, ak . f '1':\1`'.|xtn Buihf:m.'. l_I(,|\lrL! kw uluwulvvv-el`4.\\,vn_uua. p MA fur mam 3, * #:v.='i`nLtba (:3: e." ` oi; -no, ur uldef ` umluubud imhurrfnun Dem. 111 lmlzmclllg atuu SHLC5. \\'H:ti WUl'b.. V 7H' inv,itss `zvmm etenc1'ci1nixiitt:_eea7 hos. Tzitlock is a. clever clog llama-er, 3. d Snlmil cei-miiily knows how to in; mpulzite the `cards if :uiyone does." Th` greatest :m;i-action is-1l~`eri~is. tlni n1e.n1erisi'.. His exl1ihibmns":1.1*o both ' am. using and iiist1:nct.ive and suggest t xgi-eat possibilities for this science. the stage; to \YiLi3C 1 his eve_i"yzict.. On Monuiuy night about mlozon roniineini citizens. ` including .Dl`. VV:l. lwm {'lI]d_ Dr. .A1`nn-ll. closely followed his every ` 1not.iuu:unl tL`S_t_e(1i3hevSL]bje(`CS :Ll;dif- -l ferent times. The _COIICll1S10ll auwivod "` inthy them was that tslm wonderful ` control F'e_1-1-is has over his subjects perfectl ' genuine and thzxb tliere can `be no fzi `B~:Ll)0l1i': his pei-fornmnce. At 11 05-o13-Jeh&Er+iigh-ke-px1t one of his v_ suhjoc-ts to sleep to remain in that; ` ,condition` fox-'1L18 hours. Every. op- po1~tm1it3y was given the counnibtee to exmnine the subject; h`efm'e his sleep ; ':nntl**l:he>tlocto1'st()ok his~ uls and - .tei11po1'a.t\11'e.` `At any timex u1~ii_1g-_tl1e. ` '\veel<, the public axe pemiittecl to see the;. and n. i-ward will be gin an to anyone who can mvakeu him. -No (loiilit/t.l1`c-`1e. will be-an big c1-owdjin" zittendance on Szitii1~da.y_.1iiglit. when Ferris wakes him from his long sleep. .... 1Vlis&i'.I4.*un:a'. MK_i1i1is;'y."` TtiEteL1_imin,' n1ous'.,G1:bie ;,Vli:IIxcc_vsl;.`-.:Jn<'), Neelauzg '- _1ms rg:tum,1edAh.0me. zmfer 'vs8engIiu`g &. _.W i11ie;xDixo11.j; Etdgxe 1ay'nn,, Bessie` few.-dz? jvihh. Miss Ethel. _.i|IiilI1lS~., .'1`nomso.u. A;vera.g`e gztbendannce, A . . 1'Un'9- ' , I ' Ui,u'L`.y Pl uuv ugunuu uuuunu ., Z .I~1 3 Miss` fx:ot;t;."M-ingsixag.`isAbh__'-gu9abiof. Jr. II.(a._)4_-Ada._ _l1&.y\m'1- R9} Miss _Mu*y.B1'o.oks, f A? , _ Welte, 1;1lx'a.1'l1e S_'ug1bh. Ni,m'a.'rGarden;' .`_1`,1~s., T,` I;L_n.1ft, is -visitiug..f1'ieI1`ds;.it1 01ivo`Fleteht1',"Z\w..'Shgm{;, Ma. `-Ban`-~ ;I1istc)ve11." - . _ T " ` ' b.eL',-ElirrgMurshaxll. .'(b)`**E1l'litV\*VQ1Ee 4j.;M_1-._-1i_,V fIra.y a .ndfa1u[y\1aveAznoved ;S3;axuleIy hhmv, Edna. *Tu,yIo1'.` Jessie `to Bexmo. `_j:M1's. _ "W r'a wll1L.bem-issed_ Vaix-.~MAve1~a, ez_mntet1cIu;1ce,' 40, ` j i.u.t._L1ech1x1'cIh he1'e.w 61'B_ShQ ,W8.S an `\S1v. 1 (me: 1un'l3.11tlex`.` Emu .(;`.mu _- active \vo1)1g:r.. ` " ..;b1)ll. `Fred Hm-setield. (b) Olnn-1% Miss`-Tessua Hunter, Gx1thrie.`.was in Scott. Al_'lm`1'g' Perm-_e'. Nelson Bank. (ct . 0111' x;eig.l1borh0ud.lust`. meek. 1 F * s N `Maggie `Duncan, ;,:Ly'.1.1~vi_s. 1_:`reuerick~ A 'u\mibet:'$rzoxt1. herettended _theT Allmwd. LAvez~:Lgent.nend_nuce. 44. opeu`u`1eet;ing oi: tzhe. of T. at Guth-` Jr. 1 (3.). Frank Rayner. JackVG1'aub. .x~ie.B_`1`idmyeveui21g--. :\g Ruby .Ga.rson.: Ednznndarcou. Percy is reported`. 4 V - ` Qorbent. Hehl`(Burr1dg'., (1)): Stanley: Oueo_QuvVshe1~xxnm1says ha1so.w :2, Hoxrseeld. .14 1't,i1.iI1.'J.*` cmdy. Norifnej ,sh,i11'the bay;,tb.eIothm:day,_t1mI: was Sim,muns,V_ John Iyjccubcbeon. John gabmxi`. 6kfeeu1l0ng~`aud..8;jinches amass; Pamong. ,A.Ve,1'$ _ am;'enciance,. 34. ;h'e?-;bac- {.2 .`j 1 ~ ; . But&1:cyvera gs:s` _ ' . - too ih``U~l.1,c!B' : - ',_ *7} M` ' ` 3 `K K` ' `V, U.` ., R `.,>~.._.%..__[,"\l8D` \ i ` "_ 7 t` _ ' M 9,; ` V, Oxtmusm-~A_b;, B;xr1`ie.?'on;'r[mrsdny.- ' `Rab (}hq.vla/;BIe;;ndowd#Orease. ' - L .`:861R 111r,:'3hI1d: mam. Amu mm min Em; only: - \.\: .... \.xI.r\ -._..x u. -.\I1' AVl=s\\'uutI1. Q1} ..";1cLi1i;: for Angus Z\lcLx:ml1nov,=d for an order ti)` L'oniu1il D .-Utuu .\iL';u`Lhy fgyr con- tenxpt of cmn't; in cnnnoctmn wlth the North Ontzu-in 1'c~(.'0ul1t- pruccedlngs.` - ;\1r-: =.\-1c{}zu*H1`,`H1m\'evt-1*. explaine'd the nmttqr to the court so Ll1:Lt- he did 110:; have to go'L~L-lliml the burs. l1.l u pm i A n, AAuov\. \4\' av t.p||||A`\| yum \Ill.A\'t ---At the call uf the pl-esiLleuL, t.l1e1'e will be aux iunportzmb meeting of the B2u'1`lU Reform ;\Ss()cl2ll()ll, held in their rooms on F1-idamy evening next}, Mzu'cl19tl1. at} S o'clock. to (llS(,'\lSS Ll_`.L_l decide as, to Ll1c.vustin;.: and exercise of Uuvenlulonb p:Lt1`<>1m.go in`1'eg:u'd tn uppoitltxnvnts Ln ollice; also to trams- :Lct other lmsiness.` All Libe1' invited to :LLl.L Illl. ... . 1` . .q r -'l`he u.~\u1-urn B;ume1* says :-M1-5. I .\Iye1'sn1u1 ms. Scott of Bzumie s 1:-uh Mommy, the 2v:3_111,1el)1`lxeL1=y. with L Ieir n|othe1'. Mrs. Sanderson of this town. it = being her 80th l)irt.hd:L_V. Bouquets and o\ve1's:u1d letters wish- iug her many hznippy retums of the day \s/ere 1_-gceivtld f1`0u1 hep g1':md- children resident in di1't`e1-L-nt parts of Cu.u:u1-.1.zLud the United Suites" 11- n Best? V5':WKeep;It.%: v\.\.x\ u mu .- 1 - ~ , - \ x v E K.` ` ` ` V `\_`1:L1LLl:_. _'A___ > 1 , Sykes shot; the -Iud,i:1n`s dog while in _'1_h_9 Ml_5>`t`.>` `l'1\- W110` 114 Ike. we act; of killing his `sheep. This vys1t_m`.r Mrs:-. t-wslwy Iebutw to yen ugi-d the [ndi;ur.w1m ch.-Lsed Sykes W h1t'hY this .`VWk- . ` forsoule dismnce with at rie. Sykes J Bliss luv /. C. Erly left on S;Lt3L1_1'deLy esCzLpin`, p1'0b.'Lhle,.deaLbl1 only py tlvvt fU1" l`m'0ntD. ox\5u1.exte1ule.c1 vxsxb. to running. ' 1\e1";L.u_nt;. Mrs. W. H. A1-kaoy_ _ - 7=.*1-\--.`:u.x.L|_}_{I~)|| .\`nnl*.in Rf x~izf.|I)-Iwl I \ *.`\Il Ultllilll l.liLXllL`U. ylllgL`1>'5Ull h1'()11ght- t-u~_i;ul-~l1e1:e.,uxx `SLtlIl`(1`;L', .- b'!t'lg 1,`mlrrHitt`d\f1`-f;l`1t1~:H}-1 [as I 1 1` x 1 , On \londa.y F01"1'is.& Salvail opened` , 2 \veek s erxgagexliexmt at t:11<+G1-and to .a. fair house. In S1a.(-:0 and F1-zmk B111`f.tl1ey have Lwo Lhut; are 11:11-:1 to km. I`..Hn4.1_- ;c -1 nlnvnu t\Inr1]:\t~n1~ beam in lmlamcing and slack wire work. LOCAL Naws. _.--..,.v T ., " ,I\r_1zu'c,l1.2.-M-`Isa B." Wa.rd_1na.11.'~Alla,n`{ ~da.ble-I, has :~b.eeI1`S .5auding ;a few- daysv `,,with..Mrs.-`Jams. " _m`b. _` M 1\:Hv.1c`7 Lmmi. Mn-Ki1i1a.v.'~`Ttibtenhzun.` E('ji'1x1erl`yVi o'LI Bhlifli V manta; mid 1 _- 708; bath: in thQ:DQ\TQHzAt't(i,l er} `M lihia; ~: as as ` * r #16 381211 1930;. U11&_V|9B'l5l1oIl(lXOI`(l? unease. ~ ..u:uu.-um mun uuu. uuumu w...-...-..~ -An Indian) nauued Ingersoll was n-nmrht. En ail, hm-u nrr.'\`.`-u.1`|1I`H:I.v :1.H.:i1* Hypnotism. .Sha1.1t)'- __B`ARRIE,. om, THUR%5D.'~\Y .` l_ \V(l::i LfCL 1 _ ClHllll'(`Il Illlglll. EUSU UL` HF trailed by the V:11'!UlIS 5::-In` `.vu\n\u: _ l`nm-hliqrhl`. L'l'UH(:'lI U)` LUU VIll'|Ul|S hl`llUl EVENING 1`un-hlyght H1-mvux-ks, ;_:encru1 11l1unmaL ... .....\ .....l lxnnmx uni \' l1l't`\VUl'KS, :.:'t.`Hl. 1`ill Ulllllllllil citizens. and boxmre zuxd V vn.l.~ Am. `.\1i1iou\Giiiii is visibiiigi in % '.[`o1`onti(). Mrs. Geo. Ellis retn1`uedl;u '1`omnu on Sill/l1l'diLY'. n` I! VY\,,,A.. uu \xu4u\uuu/_v- .`.li`ss_ `Lucy Pamyhe went; to `Toronto I on S.'I.UlVl`dzL_V. _ -.\l1-s. .-Ubert; Dygmenb, of 'l`l1eSs:1lmJ, is visiting .\I1's. N. Dyment~. \1/3,` l\l...l. II) J .. [Y.`.H\ l\..ZHC.\ LI- .. ..,~.u...:, ....... ... L._,...~.... .\)"iss Clark. (BL`1V0il` Himll) 01-illia. is the guest of _Mrs. Jauues Bull, Blake street. - ' \r- n . it n,,, ,~,. _u Y) ..... --! DUL\7\_ |/- * , Mis Gonstamce .\IuCu1'1"y. of I :u'1-y Sound. gs the gue.s`\;0t' Mrs. '1'. IM"Illlt:dy .~ Owen sheet). ` ' u my :1 ,, c n_I____... U \V En syn;-nu. .\|rs. Ghats. Cmm'1'. of C21.1W:11`)', spnt fi. sibmm, vvale lz1.:4t~\V'eel;_,' ,` Ht`-1' (I.-H.111}. i\l1'S. W . I1. .`\I'KaUy- ] .vss*:hBtHaea,u. Sophia. St. r`eturned home on Szmbtxxdemy .:lfl;e1'T 2:. few \veeks" ; \=i.~:it,\viLh1'riemls in N:uxt2yr.'. _ Misses Nuue and Agvie Grose, of the Olalrksou House, .- must Miss Minnie .\lcDonu.1d Spdllfx :1, tew days 11) Bhu- u' 11 \Ir,,,1L;_.-....,L.1). 2'9!!!!!!1 van: Hl.'\`|U n nun}, . Chas. F. Ward lms` gone to Bi)1Ta.u- ville to spend :1. new weeks.1n the ' D01uinio'1_a Org.-Ln &. Pi.~Lno- C0. t`:Lct30ry V nwjgex-e he will study t'l1x1ixw._ - _ n u - V n, , 1Y.`l. u..\).II.... .....l -inn] Jan. I CIAL a Qu\.u.\ nu uuuu. _\\1Iv u. ` .Miss Fmser who has _ been -gouxe weeks 1n --1\ L{W York m the Interests of the mlllinery depm-tluent of R; '12` 1*`L-user & Co . is at prese11t.v:Ltbendiug who opexmings in T01-out.0. Ladies can expect the cx)1'reL-t; Lhmg. In styles for 7 she coming s.ea2sou.; W ucus nu: \v Ill ouuu_y uuuuubt Mrs. Huvh .\1c.\lill:u1 and fzuhily Li-e I going t0%$gc.eb1'idge to reside wi1;l_1 her son. John mc.\11ll:Lu, umnager of" `no \T..i.-`o cfrnvnlll H\nf.1*n\vn uer mg Jas. V21 '.:rionor Roil. ,_ Rupo1'c.ofvVVes Wztrd School for Febi'u:u'y. ' Y ' ' .1, 4 rn.\-'-M:u-v PL-1-kins. Hzwrv b`eb1'u:u'_v. V _ . Jr. 4 (;1.)--Mary `P_L`l'k1llS. Hurry Butler, Louis Heard, Jno. McDonald, 1{_:.mbe McLeod. `(b) Alvin ~ Perkins. - Nu;-ulna? .lohx1So11.`1{11nter Kennedy, Gertie Butler. (0), .\daLbeljNe.e1a.nds. " llouise Ohu-k.Una._Lx1ck. Ste1lu.T`;:.ylor. Average ;1.tLe1 1(la.1u:e, 37. ` > Q [l-l`-;-l-'3. Pntnn N. Rmrm-K.` W. Averagea.LLe1 1(1a.1u:e, 37. Sr. l,1'E---R; Paton), N. R0gers.'_ F. ' Autlertou. 7., Redditm. - ' 4. _ `--1.. nzr m\_.'l` Rmxm-g,1 ..T).mn.Msnn. Autlertou. L-`.., ueuumn. $0 ' "7 Is. I` I- s\_ .Fl`.:'i`.`\:Il" '-}?.'[\Unl`Q "J1~. `I1-I (n.)-~'1`, Spears. L. Donnidson. R;~Bothwe1l,.J_, `Smith, F. Nu-`lles, J. Job. A. Speers. _J.-Mcmilkm, (b) E. Kidd. U Botzhxvell. S Vafr, A McLeod. Aver.-am acnexxglztnce. _. ` `AN.h|)'I-" Avem e amexxglztnce. on : "i J1}. 1L (zI.)- -Esthur '-R;oge1's; g A1:t:b_ui_"' ` v Pzxe. Mzwy Chunk. Ernie l. erkin's. Sadie Bmit; \`~111ie~)3;,m-1;. (1)) .aG1't`ie Sim- a.VlcIut:0sh.* Jno Neelauds; . _.\~Vi11ie;>Dixo11.j; 1`gy'nn, _ Bess:] Tzxonxson. ;ttbenda.nce.`3.- ._ ~h- IT fn.\~'.-;\dn. l~[n.v\w1.'1-d'.` ` R0` 1 Jqbilee Celebration. gd. FRAIKJAOKSUN 3 . _'___-'.....-..... A