Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1897, p. 5

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-. .41 ...'. 7:32` mm; gaykznnm 'r}`suasm; xrimnmr A 35,- .1 The mmubxs Experience 5: On \`.\ Who Wa3Il4IVIlid For Yg|_rs Si! Ducnori Tkzmled Him. Wnixouz BAexzeli't'--H9 Uwes his `R*:no:In"m` and much esteeuueil farmer in-in-g HI `he Cuumy .uf Curletun, smut: ixk'rsm the viil.-e -)7: R-AUh`lU0"". _ Mr. Mooze Lm bees: gm invalid 1-.-r some years, ainl pluyslcnng 1aixell.-m_: ;agree_:.sto his ailment, Nut only this Mat Lhelr treutuient failed to restue ' him. - .m_ultl1. Mr. Muure give: the foll(.m'm'; account of `his illmsu and evexmzal resmrzxtiou to `malxh. Hoe . says ;-- My tizstsiclineas came on me " wl1en`I wais 69 years of ag. \ Prior to -that I had ulwngxrbeen a.~`\t,rt`)ng lnealthy man. I had 21 bad cuugh and w..s `growing weak and in bad _lxe.altlx generally, [_.venLmN)it,ll Uuwer to FIT1TETl7:T(l.:ctclr,`wh0 after exnmixxiug me said, Mr. Mkauie I a.:u':~'exy soiry LU ' tell you tlnatyourcase is [very scriou.u,' so much so that I ~loubt {hat yin call live two mrtiths, He said my t(()lll)le _-g._thg1 an-i br:_;nclgilis,` and he gave "ma some medicine and :4)mHeuves 9 smuke which he Said V1lhl:_'lll: relieve um. I took neillxer becliusv. Hell. sure . I h.ud_ _ neither tmulile he said, and than he did not. underet-and my casu Iwu d..y~. law; I "yang to Uttnvlt audycoiusuluslul s one of the most pr0minel1Lplnysiciau=s - there,` He gave 9. tllcruugll exlamingtwn f and. prououliced-`my Mzgitment lleartz E trouble, and said I` was liable in my I l present condition 129 (lmp demi -at; any u1mneut._ ILiClJi\`(l to Ereuminl iii the 7 city (or iome;j;j_ig;e and uudergp his .;D.......,.... IL. ......... .. hm 1;...., .. Mr. David Mooreis a well lnimui A 1 nu` `WAS Witt`). * uasrux _ mwj at mun noon I-`mm Iourml. present. condition any! `ruumin city 161' some ;i_ii;e tigeatment. He wrote a few ` lines on u piece`of paper giving my name and `plae ofresideucu and trouble, to carry in-my pocket` in case I Velmuld die suddenly. I did not seem to be gettfngl any better under the treatment and; nally left. the city .det.e:mi3ed* to` " consnltadoptot neurer_hQn1e.,.I W`xlS`v again examined and theidea that I hail heart. disease was scouted. the ,doc`.orA __._,,- f,II, ,,,` ,, _. `DICE `HG: IUIIUIKIQ in thy were luving J: 1). -Muunixz L! in UlCCQ\`U Dd GULI\A|\J\Ag III.l\. \.l\I\4\ ;nyjng;lgg_wgs many _a man iullowiugi M the `ow whosehheai-L was in aworsa V. shag i,h:iu_ m_iue. I remahied under` ' the timbnxent of thisidnctor torn long time. but gob-no betteij Then my ' case was'wnrsn _by an attack _of la. grippe, which left` behind it ,3 terrible gi `pain in my neck pnd shoulders. This?` became: so severelzhat I cbuld not raise ` l V ` my head frou_i`my pillow-without put-4 1 sing my hand to it and lilting it up. doctoretlkon _until I was trying my >_ sixth doctor, and instead of getting ' better wags getting _worse. The` lasit ' doctor I hiddvised me to . waitg until the heat of th summer was over when ' :9 he would. blister me for the pains in my, ` `neck and-shoulders, which heifelt" sum _- ` would reliiwe it. - I was on my `way to'_ , Ricl1mond__to vindergq this blistering - 1 \ when Ininet; Mr..:(}_eorge Argue; of North ' ,_Gower, who told me of the iwunderful I cure .Dr, W;,illi3m's"_Pi11k, Pills llgul wroughtviin - bim',.- aizd- `advised me` stronglyto _try' them. I wentgpn "to _Richmo'nd, bnt instead of going to the 'doctor sJI bought s_ome.I ink Pills and returned home "and began _nsin`g thm. Before I had used niysecond box ther has no roonr*t'.o doubt that they `were `helping me," I kept on taking the .Pink Pills, and.II!y malixsly, which the` -doctors hzid_' failedto successullyi ding- nose, I was rapidly leaving. me. The.` ....3.. n\`lI`l\ lnff vvny man`? an ! I, \I\I\'l'nI: .H|,luJ l!_Lu Jon; uuu, nun: ` UU W` > ` :Mn...:. ..c -..,..n.}... m. `:r...+.n .` "dire an. _'exce1l em. - tonigx-After the` : feal`surg_tl{:it ngthing else :}.han Pink. -Pills-could. have restore__ mi; -my uuuu I. GLLI l1\!A_\2_` My 5v uuvuv `vvunr _ A fee1_mg of: good health. `I`st1llcont;inue 1 _tak mg. the. pills occasionally`, `feeling sure that fox :3 pegsou of ,I_gJy age they aiIiii`?A>f7d; much medical treamient I 'p rsn: cQn{1ition. _. .` n..w;x1;,n;.api:.k mug M... .;.'pw; M PrU5C1[L |;u_nnIu.Ivu. _ - _: Dr, Wiilialh;s?},1:iu_kPi1is create -new -bloVod,; build_up.ih;Lnerves; . and thus V drive `Vdiga.seVfro1 the V systenn: Ix; _ hundreds bf case; may have cured aier. ' Tall ionluer medicines zhezd 4fai'ied,.' thins, 'estabLishi1.1g,theehim t.l.2ab.tli`ey are 9. * V V'_t1za_1v e`1;:_.!i_z9ng`I:!'1e triu.m,|ph_s hf fmodem; medical, s_ci_nc. T116 vgenuius Pink fPills are soldonly `in boxes, jbearin 1 jghavfull-' 't:tad: _'.`n s a1`k,--`Di*;`;TA Wil-l iiui:g" * I .inkP_i_lIs' fay '_Pn1a".I_ gople;, - .. , Br ` .tgc .Jyuu`;eel ~ "r'qi1i'{_ bingposien - _b ` ,niusingxpy.;pi11LtI;as`.i1aas'n'a5% !jaiav.-mm, _ 5r9g i.It_'ret1't;natq ;1nhrIVar;1nid, fgziiwf mix. ` _ c)_fQDP`,WGl!,0E`-Tm? 'l!|l3.[Kl}|H` - o-..a\d9ul$l`*hfBaded' 'Iiayh} >aasane'g izxtdpiL1.L I , t!`1e,`lieu(iaacrg1,v'V.,:J_x`0(1. one or=",Eni1!&.} Ska father :fo 1~'the colonies.-"-M a'nnztaI>1e-W53! 01$` ma!-'35 4.. n:.... .; vszsm-a;a 1d vihiunvhti winiinb ' '43:, 3 a11ume~w;;_y~ ox; mags n `fdI:u_nng '. mi Emnlreg more . -+Imor- ` was rapidly l_eaving- T139.` L531 a!snIeit my. neck -and shouldezs, _ iafter s.- coupl of months treatment; I beame strong and heaItby.I`*cm now injmy 'I7_tb year and. thank God .f=1$st6i1u1i:1ga::5 M. . c9.r1'mm8iI`., , _. , `o[.a aoublna-ho` lidl IKBSGIM Rmlltdani. J.. an _hs,!:H 5, V.=votj`.E;2uii-#1 4. no nnmerom 1p ugn'v_Ic1nuy. _ Min L. Somerville is the aueah-o'f Mn. 3. Galbraith. V , .` Wink. lumlina wnnd hut I/oak. Thou, yqxunmxur 31 up l:l.1|.!9;I'h.,KR1?9l; ,1: `lm,-. ` r;2.m-w` 5 git Tnnrlixxgbahsiit-"I5tx9* i:p,t_h9 : ....:.`. I5 imr.`M'u'n\Munfm.- Tnhnmm um-. " ., l;eglth to igrllowi g a`Fr\exid"'s _ Advice. :omnv yereaterBargaa%ns%Than . V % The cn.mim1ed `success of this sale tells its Qwn'story=rg:1 {if th;_1t'?tl1e'pople of Barriwe appreciate1_geI1,T1i_e% bargains, sue}! a.I`_Qg1v1ng.T -. ` % 1 ` *1 We` `have, nmny blearing T1F\fiB1?;;"'"iiEI]v`*Hf'jf6g~ 'the_ba`z.:x11Ce of this ' week and f61l0Wi;;gdays,. `till - `L - `Z 5`: PP- ~ ' . ",..wu1-Donaldson audqhia ai_g_te;, `were the` V gum; of Miu H..Inghnm_ on Sunday hat. ;Laat. Satnrdav S. Galbraith recewed a \ when we will J%ic1Qse the - dciji-3. . %} We %hav`noi,- spac to `ennmirisa ithewSpecia. s for-thisawveek, but w1Il_`]us1; draw your attent1QnAto::j0 5 .:~`a- turday- v'e plac:`F9)[_'_As_a,L 2.5.,d0ze1i. He1f1_sitche3- Handker_chiefs.J The regularaprice of iwhichv were 750. ea{ch;VVbmV1;t~ Ezozider to clear them out `weJl.aQe%theI`r1 a.t_yo1_1r disposa] `f_I(:)/1: KR Don forge ` `ff Ad.d.r_egs._'_ % % FOR .SALE_"-.1 (:`ra'sStove`ahdVI1'ons, 2 1m..TcouLx;ex-s, 2 Tailof (Singexr), '2;Wo'0d n`toves,_ 1 Coal SAto_ve,_ Gas Fixtuyes, Qhair, Tables, et'c. V. . .When You` ._. 4 .' Ybu {Ion t l'<'\noww_hat you are"- taking. Your ~pIac`e**impli`cit_ 'cQn . dence'in_the `physician w-ho`.pn:.-_ T scribed it." and tmaxiruggist whd i:6iI1pbunded' it. "We" realize this "fully, .`.and% g1!_:_t 'acco:din.g1y.,;we . ~i5{a_nt-_yQu to have every: <;ondnci_:_ ` Min us-:--we want; your prescription} A Vt'r'a_de; We have` made 3.` spgcialfy =Y.rir%S-*9 ` ~. > % ,t~hi;;v;1ine:ew:;?::s)z;Ll::,appxe{:iatf: , Feb; 23-Quarterly gefvies were: held I thb"F`f`a'eMetbodiat church on Sunday. Th. gnnrhwlnnk ni tha.I'.nrrl si Runner wn my T15 m THE STORE Eon I5fcEN'rs,; * .4D;ugisg_-an-_i=0ptician'4 % L Satj1rday%~% Evening Sale, -from; 6.30 %S?a.t11rc!a5y,1VIa.rch 6t'}h,: an be offered dum;g4,h24 the Free metnomss cnurcn uu puuuuy. The Sacrament of the-Lord : Supper was. 4 ndmmintered in the Methodist church after t -nun:nn -- in `which as elm cut the mag 54 Dunlop Street Have You Seen} ;It?'% Om-"Wo6d4_Frame Ladies_'_1\{ount is" axBea.uty. ~ Bon t,_be-mi`s1ed (-be;ep-it11ita1:ions'bf t-his splendid` wheel. 1`he_ celebrated; Se,e_li; ` Cnmetisall'right. T .. ` T ~ See our High Grade $65 .Whe`el beforebp_yix_1g'eIsewI1ere.. ' , A l_0oan1:ana; 4'1vil1 at its next, _ Com .ny;_h_1`_ mvine OF?- service. . \ J V Several of the young people here attended! {the dintrit meeting of the Sons of Temp-1' nnce at Edgzar Monday, 15:11 last, ~ `A TL... mil ha a mu-Inr Armin! at `Wm "H. % ' cooiii:B-VVN. * . - V Feb. 25-W T Peuson 6f Barrie, 'was_ in I town 3.1.; 1: la` Qnmm-a nf Rnntnn in vinitina dayain tQ_wn last week, _ . _ - 4 Fred Fiahex-`a {saloon Wednesday of mu week was-Ia.rgaI'y-attended and everything "brought good. prices. . _ __-.__ we `any nuurg, enurhinuwt. Ieb._%-l!iu'Rllen(McGaug in friend:-ut`Conlaon..~ - ` _ Two _:I h-load: of merry boys had girl: from the .C.I. drove out tolmes Ron`, .5. 'f|I.....i-n mumlum All rntnrnnll fannnr uwu indict from the 5.0.1. drove on: mums: Mu, oi: Tlmrnay cyan . All returned feeling- that may lndi I very plgauut eveuin .` tutwny the hearty vow of ks ..which they tbndared Mr. Ron ud family, in than Item Inning. It may Luv1ng- - , - . J`. `D. MuCu|ig L5 in Barric. under medical! ` tmtment _ _ 5. uunmul. - While. hauling wood last week, Thou. _ Arnold mstined a considyanbla loan by one of hi: hone: dropping d6ad.. . ~ 1- .1T M.;n.-me bu been nutferixim-from `account ox ms tamer`: aenoua mucus, R; S. _MitcISo:l| sang to 8 full house` Nicolaton on the 160.); int. _f'JRdW2_{mnL. Mrs. L`. 11.. nerguson. E. E Nolan and bride, of Collingwoozl we_re guests as`; St. J ohn _ rectory, last week. Miss Amv Fenzuson. in visitinsrher guests at BB. donu E_ recwry, um; was Is. Miss ` Amy Fer uson, `in visitingher . brother, J no.- A. %`eTrguaon, barrister of Torohth. . ` -~--(`I,...ln~..-Rr. Wawoeth nhinmd a. cnriond of` _ Bflivajtoclg a'1}d_ farm inrplemengn in thn`v_Ic1n1ly. _ Min 1'. Qnmau-villa in than smash-of -Mn. town 135: week. Mriz. B. F. Somers, of Beeton is visiting Mrs. L`. B... Ferguson. in `FL Nnlsm and bride. of Collinzwoozl '1`oront.o. Coulter & Fawceth Shipped a. caxioad of hogs .jsn;_l"ahe`e]'J3fronx` hexje on \V\ gdnesday of but weak. " - ` '1... 1.3.1.. n6.R.hntw8d: 'an{a:iI:` a. few . Fe_b, 25-What we want; _i more sndw `in- places. _ v '. `Minn Mamie McLeod has Iehurned home uumnIInuw-x- ` ~. _V&c. II &i,Bt`linInm'unam. ` ",. .Hr..hiiEu.Thnk .o!CiutImcr, L A|br,Rgh&*lrn:'.iIhiIh places. . `Mia; Maggie after spending about four weeks wxtpfriend ' near `Aurora. . . _ 'Alo'nzu, .0 _Donnell has -`returned -home` After visiting {glands in Barrie and vicinity. ' A hnmhar of our . vouuxz neonlev intend 159: week. _ 7 _ j _ Jno. Biaher, of -Byenlzwood. spent` a. few days in last week. ' Wmrl Fisher : saleon Wednehdv utter vmmng menus In Daruu auu vxvmxuy. `A number `of our young people; iuteni taking in the carniyal at_Chum,hiu to-igight (Thmday-) Lust weekour lihtla bur: {ran lld 111; by ' ('l.'Jm1`d&y.) - . . _ _ , ,Lg.,st-, week'qur lihtla bug was lled 11;) by_ `A. Campbell taking Nip last empty house than there waaitr town. Mr.` a_mpbell is to makg_cheese here _duri_ng_ the '-coming. Inrnmnl-" . Inmmer; I Thflectnrg axici lantern shw yvaa ndtl very well atteixdqd,` there being. duly ai numberqfsmall children` resent. . - Mr, Patten and sister, o_ Rockla_nd',. are tho gugts of J. C. Doohtfle` this week. ` Tn}... flikhhnn in lmulino fnnr cars of hav ~ .<;Ba`nt. moi: format ueaapavg wlms. ,no,w~~I:oya to: me :ae[._1arneu.;v':-twe L=s,ur.u..: . _the~ nqipal--Hoxugeatl schooI...~-;,. .SVt)1a.tAt,hey gi11Vj.o_1x_1 With ;-11Is.i1} ~extsen~ ` The-LMIB1:hefd`:in.Gu%hri 9hur'9|:.; 0.; Tr1i n[0lw;s mpathx % and g.ay*n&;. that Eridqy sv6ni9&`l_m.`xLth91+M1`i?A1sLwan:;thegGo;`o eslfcqmfnnb w .131`?-clonal? : 1 . ' by.the.mmnme:;_migQ ;isuatain*- tliea family` in : tryhls . . % am - .da . - . , ` " "he member; of the. I_;O`.G.'1.. trdted. ' `th,mselveatTJ"o.yiters on Thursday` evening of last week and everyonehad a g'o tf2d"time. 1."-V Ah the bogus o Gjlson `Sawyer _lastw '&eaeni,b_led~to:enjoya good time had `none 1 were mistaken. `Theta wqxp plenty of V oysters to help qlpng `those who enjoyed ' .them- in'paafsing &;txight,that will not shbrtly >hn..m`omn;-- v V ' ` * -' j V . mum` nu ~ fungi ..\-so} tho gugats ogd. Li. Uoouurle nuns wees. . . John Gibbons is Ioadxng four cars of hay \ Vfor nyxketftzhis week'. ' . , . . , ` f Rev. Mr. 1Fr.&_agr~ of Sutton, llc` tho. pulpit; on Sunday evening; Mr.` Ross `hav- .ina.axch:.naed'nulnits with him `for that D8 mtgomz-en.-' ' __ ,> _ V - LMatth'_w;Neilly was haulingstone moths _appxoaq-f;h;&intended wharf last week and wehndarstsnd thy; it is the int`entions_ I -t'0...~pnb several `pierag ut:z' this wintqr. S The aoonex they not, a!z:tLs:tnqihe;:b6tr.e.:.. , pf . _v `__` w 9 a _1l;kq J49-;9l:.,~.wnma4x mn__1ll0t;9s8;wne}'ver . - 5 ` ~ ;." = V .~as3 928- `; ' . * :~ ".rme11:.&*h`1 5,hl%-LWi3_ , . mpe&:"ih9u1d@!1hiioib9 i*.>',=;l`H ` "T`,EiL':\hW$eX8NiQ'-wbhti` ` .1 4 :' N16 &lMp10eS.0Ii 1uUd.".,` '- ` ' ~Barri'e.q rO'Vf71n,t,xB ttnfhe-`regidence or,V " -. B.oas, ex -time,-.on . Thutsda eveniqg lash. ; A la: e aI@I3ing.;pamr:ain..s_ 3.04.. '_ and} _sp6n'b` "9.--$ vgmy ` nhjoyab a. timq; 7 avpeaze with we b6ax1ti~ 4 mt qvqnin`g;fg,oo_ apd;,V;p1egs_xq13i_ -cou':pany.- gs: .;1gx_..i `-Wm. L1:'.z:iVv~.ixV:gfLsVo_1T.1v iarnz`. ~:w._t.7 f ~'wge< niidergtghd J10 : _1ho xgarou. swayj abonfk the: hiwigh Lauocbawwheggvar . _ ` !.`- ~ ,1 v._. .. M an pong: uroppmg uaau... ` 1`. J. `McBride but been nu'ering-from la nlnnn I Llpit annagzy evenmg, mu`. Lwuu nav- ggmhianged pulpit: wit}; him my ' ' . . ' ` ' [I All IFGGQIII` ::g oI;_I;gn;." mt h_e_w ;N< arzizxoari; g.-- sin fmlan and Linda). km in min: as Tmmm `GILFORD. - EGBERI. ` 7 - ."F&`b'. 2K2.-;*"I.\`ll`l'1>!1li36l.'__<).f:}9 I000;TI&1;it bi _ S. at .T.',- Guthrie." added largely _ to "tl1e"succeas.~9f= th contort held 330:0, Station:bx'i.Fria1,ay7svehing,, Feb. I9hl:;,` uncjgr ` 3 she ans%oeaLrLuug`1.o.E.V`- V A lam`IiEhinu.iim-.uf:n he 3.04.. *. {this at as 'Ws._' Cline"; Sailor, Lad. Robert` Gambol; Beat.` Lady and Gent Skater, Jan; Patterson and Miss -`Eie ball, Thornton. John Terry defeated McA1lis6er of Barrie in the mile race. and a named race of $20 3 side is to `he raced on Thursday evening} ' _v - ' Stewart is spending is few Hays in Allandale. ` ' "- ' ' ~ `" ` -Mr. and Mrs." Mcrregor, of Winnipeg. 3 agent Saturday wiph Mr. knd*Mrs.' George . hnrn ' = --'- ' - ' (DUI: gr,-Wauurnpsn run -an-:v-`--xuo .- [_;d:;min the. 4 3 W33 `` `W3 , makthohughwumldaut ittgnannn Th: unyrtinmcnj unmixed ml dxuuu Bu. Mann. . C. Wuhin and W * Aalxuagh anon! mm as}. uvpnlu nriiuud ha nmra ffiunhy min. "ad V _pe:on;e n. ' everyone spent Ln` enjoytbio Venn . Azrtquua'yoHhd"gnods " 3... find nncitwu hold on Wedv "fl ll-IUCKB IIVUTDI wen aetercly ctitfuuad by non oxancnoea I 1. were spun. Ilxntwu uu*u_Qg_ "tuna honing. Total reoipt: were mar 855. Tim anhrtnfnnlnnt mum. in the S. n !VQnll|k. L0!!! mcmpu wan: uvar . _ Th: cum-tstnlncnt mate; in the S. of_I. ` Du. vunoncllnlai on Thnrgday qymmg luv, gbqg ; vqrylouglj programme was -{mm hi Hui Knfnof: Ink. inychoan furor Ill!` '33:] I `II lvllgluy yzgtlnuuu was givcn by Mu Knfoofs tide, inches: {not we ennui: um denikd.; . . Mr. W. nd Hits E. Qutlisnftaook put in tin entertainment nI~Midhu_m Int Monday owning.` an. Mu} imam mi Eu. 3. Cumin: lpetrormen. everyone aspen! nu ljllylutl pvanxng. Arnuqmyd the . were spud. noeittwu naldggw y onus. Tan! ruintn were 55. ellnbhhrly Ellim m Em Cnlhiha left an Saxurdny for 3 months visit in Toronto uni vicinity. . Mp. "Zr-.1` Min Channnll. nf Prawn HE, l Iuronso um vlcunuy. V Mgnfmd` hgiu Chappcll, nf Ctqwn Hill, ueIpen'ding`t few day`: waiting friend: in Edcnnle. . . ` ~ " " E. _H. `Pullman, projarietut of the'Edeuvala cheese tary, in in the village. And speaks hope ly at the proweu for the coming -lll uuon. . L - The Farmers Institute meeting. on Friday afternoon, wia amended by quite s nmnbg '1 bf fu"mers,"who werg Anxious to gas in- formatxbn on the an . gunininn mnnzina win well attended. Lha H. Iormauon me an gqnlning meeting was well attended, the S. of '1`. hall being comformbly full. Addresses thy tbhe delegaon Were`i'nte`rspu-rsed by music by" the Edanvale band, consisting M organ, violinfl!-Txiiiifni and month-organ. A very pleasant evening was shun spent. Mi-. nnd Mrs. Thenkaton. of Ravens. vumug n n. >n.omnaun.u. Ouig 5 number from the villnga atteqdd. sgrvice at Sqnnidale Qomers. on Sundny. vu -.c, any 9...- - \ \ Feb. 23i-M}u_ Annie Rewe us returned` home altar-spending} hw da`ya_ with Muss Rosa Roggarson, Bradtord. _. . "Mrs. Corbett. is viaitingfriendg. in Toronto. Miss Aggie Allan, who took par} in they Vanvlack annivgtsaiy sen-vices. my home Aaili L I ` V many left no ticket. their names cannot be I pulplts Wlul mav. mt. I.`l"M, ur muuwu. Last '1`uesday`evenrng the carnival in our rink was a grand success, being the best attended one for years. "1`herevrere-about fty masqueraders. Large `numbers were present fronrCookstown, Gilfo1d,(1:efroy,f Uherry Creek, Strand and Thornton; The iollowingis a partial list of costumes. ' As i 1 published ;'48th`High1snd'er, W. J. Jebb, Uookstown, Best Dressed Gentleman ; Sum- mer, Miss Ba ll".'Thorhton, Beet Dressed Lady; Jumping Jack. Jas. McLean ;-Fish- errnan Bill, Will- Reid; Miller, Melton ~Reid;. Slur Paper. Irving Reid; Silver King; Will. Books; Washer uom`an,,Horry Reid; Craclreyflsck, W. Mathews ; Soldier; of "the Legion`, Noah Groves; Washer - Woman, ' Joe. Irving ; Jack Giant Killer, John Hannon :`Mr'. Marsh, James Mints ;, ` Bell Boy, Roy, De La Hay ; Moon and Stars. Thomas Trotter -; bun Flower, Birdie Donnel; ` British Emblem, Beckie`_Burling; Dandy ` Jim, W. Ba-ston; Snowslies, Mabel Mal- :. colmson; Music, Mend Stewart; Musician; 'W'2.. -r`.n..'.'-` Rnilnr Ind. Robert` Gnmbnl 2 .1 '1 pleuusnn evemng was mun spear. Mi`. and Mrs. Thenkntun, of.Ravenna, and Mrs. Harper. of Baxvar Valley, ml visiting n H. 'Robinson'u. Onitni 5 number from the vilimxa attendd again`. ' . ., Mr. Lemon, _V.S., imbuying 5 carioad of hdraemfor ,Ma_nit'oba. ` ` Eddie Rods is in Toronto on a visit. Miss Lemon is viailgmg her brother, U. P. Lamont. A ' ` V `n nnnv Raw J A Rom nhnond mmonu. _ r , V .' On Sunday Rev. J. A. Rosa changed I pulpit: with Rav. Mr. Fraser, of Suttn. 1 Last. '1`ueadav`avenuuz out Musician; `WES. Robert` Gambol; 11.... T min and flank Q|.-afar Ian; pattnrann Sharp. . . : -. _ - _ V Mina Annie Reivu is yxsmng fnendu In Bradfdrdg _ " ` ' Mia: Auaia Minn is anendino E fw dawn EH 0! MM ylugnnmr on uunuay mas. ;Lant Saturday deapatch unmmoninghim to Thornhury on_ `account. of his father a serious illness; D . Q Mhnknll mvm On an FM! hnnur At J5raa1o:.u.,' _ * _ _ Miss Aggie Allan 13 apend_1_ng a few days , axound Vanvlack, "< `- `" - ' ~ .;`...- Rd Rlmm wnn.drivin' tn \r.efrnI'1 nn aground Vanv1a_c;;. . ea u ` -As` Ed. Sloan was.-dr_iving" to Lefxoy on 'Sa.turday_eveniug.' his horse tan _awa\1\nd _badIy smashed his cutter. ` - M. \ a.:`.mmn1.ex1;a1-;1>.P.. is alztndinml .baa1y smgsnen ms c_uwar. . , "M1-.,~ Mxscampbell,-M:l _.P., is attending: ` theProvincialt atliame;;`ab present. - ` ` W. hma nun:-x`:-nrnnm-ref. nf A nreamnrv . Isms vrcxmny mu patromze nu. - . . _ Mrs. Purviis, daughter 'o:John K. Ross of - Bame, died at her father's residence, on Thursday, In Noremper she left henhume in`Sndbury to visit; friends` in this vicinity.. She` took'sick_in Barrie, qnd in spite of dochm- s , skiirand kind "i:iends aymgathy and aid, she sankinto her final sleep. Herf reunaiixs _.,were iollovyed by 8- largannmber of" sorrbwjng friends to theentral Presbyterian _Qemehery.' on _Saturday.` __ - me ~t'rov1nc1axraruauxeM`au yr:-mzuu. -We hisve every"-pros pe_ch _of a creamery hem.` thistoming summer,: if the` farmers of` this vicinity ivill` patronize it. ` I ` M.-xi Pm~vii:. daughter "oi John K. Ross : ~Short1y"a.fterVsb.e was taken ill` `sh. ' ;T6wnsbip, jRetu1-ning bq..Barrie she - T _ were sent for ab.out..a.we ek before `ehikirn, Ch,as.>Pu1'vris of webbwdod, I Mm_.Pn1-vi.wEaa.a.Lda.n2ht`er of UUrW I.Ifl.I` 1)`: J. V`l.\Jg lrvuyuwug` away on the p1_-ecedrng evemng.a.b 5.50. The deceased Iadi lef_b_ North ,BL\y Ton ~ Nov. 20th 1_;o` visit er par_ents_in_ Barrie`, and` while ` therej contracted malarial ft-:\{ez'.thI:o : the. fumes from `an -open? sewer nding their, way into the hon`s'e.. `visited -hertauntfs h0ln8 ih Innisl. `v31s7.gain taken in and gonAhinui.n1g...tQT , ;2ss;- wea._ke_1`,- Mn Purvxs and her son_ . her. death, and remaxned-`with her; .unti1`r bhrend.` Mr.;J?.u::vi.s' .- other".- ;'&d_MiSSE1iBh Purvis. a.n.d._fa_lso his" ~bx`:oth,.e't. ,f.ame5s. .1 111`!is of : S`u' were present. as the funeral. / . 1 ,"werepresenbbatgtnexunerm,1 . L . ~ 5-_ T _ of '1` 5K5: V - Rbs,'s`,.`of Barrie, and; `was married;n_tT L ` 14Tyea;x's .'go.._1 Que` son. Rbssy w9_.svb_5_1-n} ; of he_.marr:age amdds left.`tb mou'rx1 a j ; ~moth g_r _s_ 1q\_v`e. ;'.E`he' dejceasedv lady was j 8 .m!l1bi%',0f1?l;'0VP!'?3`1 5"39+ <=hi!11t9,1.!- -_ and .~_<:bLy'-:`v\?1bnker'\ ix_,1;~?alI L A and ,ph1l&nl;lgmpi ;m0,ve.. ; -maa-.~, hein;_Va ,prpminiin_b{;,rgien1ler pf M he`:\N cm etc; L :`5!ie m`u ,h.A iss 4 1:;{,\tt{e;;Qhnurqh,;a`nd mounxyd L ' 1181;?` . _ci.Lf_" , The an ::3t.:o?ee9:V<`mm`e you L T"1Vt358`?-LL .~8Hi$`3i"V*?i`7Tiil$ii$V_ L.` wamdnrmvad; `o- tho olmorhunity `Oi f .. . obituary.` 9 . .(No_i'th"Bisy"T_imes)'-" * `Last Friday the town was shoqked by the sad tidin `bale a;Ql1edkfrom ` ._B9.t-rie that the w e- 0 our efsiei-Tnetf townsmau._ D; Purvxs. E,sq,A1.1`ad passed n.u1n_v n the hrecediniz BVEDIHIE .81} '5: SBt:\1;!`d5Y . last, .aB.IX_jsQ_"``1zens* 1' ` were deprived f_2h opferbugliy *4 o Lhovgi2xg;th1eV1asb'trLl;ilxbe;'o ~respect;._ar_n1 the : v-~`-We :L:s,xx1':e;;V; AR,lcliDlRuv'xIIIs'xr\u.nvn-vim, ,1rbudtst;liit?;he11:sgun. j . Th`: Yunnan enarkT|an,Irihy;nig{u `wand snndmeau. .cHuacaffi.7 . \ J Lu: Mk I endeavured [41 show mu the (:0 _ gnblsshcrmumgcouurry meruham. '1 Ihh d 1:uq)_ furwauxl hand-mu-haul` wish 3 dgxuuuul ulna vWap.sPeIn would p.y pmsulgos. lua my banana :1 ms mcn who nu; mi grunt `depart-lluntul ltorea ui_`TurunIo `Ware Bu cums Lugetner I0 dramas: otfpmu Ln: - ~10: aim Durnimon, they cuuld acutely mg- `gus nnyalnerutigns um would masks the punbil nervius of mu `miunszy mum corn- plwcly uuhae'rvient~m sllcirnncrcau {Jun it ll mar. `Ens posul lam pertain: nuupaperu to be curried free; and wnhuut. nee pouugo: theta c"ould be no ullur d.uly' uewspsprrs crowding In, ur be 'St:nt In Lu'"e\'ery buwlu and village wuhu I. my coat whatever, carrying we o.-xpmsivmana ledctlvc Ml- \'erm.mne.-uu or me umumur.i1_.'a me. u! 'l. _orouto_ W mien: frag: postage the lake newspapers mar. exmcloyly `xur rm: advert.- llemvnta they uonmin, could not beVc'u`.-u- lubed. '1'ue pamfel pulsing: rate was iixed in order nu meet the couvcnreuue of the public; is ubeiug used an the dmiribuung agency of 3 fun` mouopolws in Turonm mceull upon lelsiiig me niercunula trade of all. Canada. 7I`he`552Ik' pllsuge race was made lower Bull, so that kndwleuge might not be lwnpereu III in mov_emenu;oil: in being used for nothing so much as for the bulky packages ol ueparb V mgiinl store cnxalogueuvuicn are sent` our ui cons to addreason ll18\v'8l y town and township I in English-apuakmg Canadn. O _"P6llI`lLBtl-G(;llLl`8l,lul1l0Ck is krinwn to be working on a revision of the poasal laws. If the departmental mature men are able :9- percgive any my or ways in which the postal __ nervice of Uanuda. may be made: to arm more fpiihfully ii_`ve'their iriterescs,' rest assured ,_ tlggtwthoue change: ggllibg ur ed 11 n Hon. Mr, Mulock. _ II: will bu dons adtultly. The; > arguments willbe plausible. The voice of " the petitioners will sound like_ the Voice of ,t_lge pedpl. Therefore, those who Believe that `the; mail can of this country should not 1 _ he the delivery wagons of a few stores in , Toronto and Montreal, must stand up right! now sud malre Vlg0l`0|:I yruteata. I l -'1` M kglxovgng cxal-.I..;a an {mug Hank . xtsawuwu ul Hm qummu us qamyda, um : A ` ' ' TiE".Bo4x'1tNati:u;TP6Tiny[""fhere `is. `law of self-pfeservation. and the salvation ifarsonnto be wise and united for once In giefendingibeir interests. ~ ~ a Personal Policy, anciontly described an the of ten thousand merchants and the buiness' welfamuf a thonaand-towns depend upon the business `capsciby of then; scattered- 5 ` .l . . I I The interestg of the people` require to be promoted in the revision of_ the postal laws. not only as regerda newspaper pgsmge, bu: also parcel and _book poet. . The whole mu system of the Domimon, maiutajned at great cost by the nation, must not. beoome an arm in the verworgeulzation of a. departmental etore monopoly. It _ is almost that now. There are projects bu foot aiming" to make -every mail clerk. poatman and mail driver - _iu the land the errand boy and buxdembearex I of the` departmental etore l The time has ca.nle.when retailers must either has up`for battle or lie -dovwn to be `massacred. Every newspaper editor who is snot: securely jailed in`by his advertising local Ientingeut, and every merchant who has trade to lose should come forward to lprobect his business. - ' ` - ' 9 . `manager should break loose and set fire to-. _ . . .. , 'Honet eur.'erpris{a,in commendable, but! any one enterprise that destroys nonvothers should _be- carefully examinedo see if it is |honest.' ~ ` ` ` 1: :. ;..... has ..I.....,.. `u...+'+:.-.. ........ ........r-~ 'nonesu. _ . _ If it ban be`. shown that this very people` _ who are bging: nancially deahroyedby the . dqartmenbal stores are taxed` to mskejheit extermination epsy-- - V I . _ ' If-if. .'-.nn he shnwn` that the dam:-rmnnnl '-P b.w-A tdtgulount` 'owooi:"bning- .,hk:nont`thkl:ti1\er, lid H ouily on 396053: of the npiensiuf roach. . Loniut Zfgzdfgmnight I folly '91 F00 BHTHH VGNWOR. toll and Halon, at -the raIidu's\:n of ofJohgvSh:ughn`o.&v.anthc thirdnnuoeninn, ibexfo they tha light ll |he'u'rly mam, greatly planned with their , . anunaiaumx." > exveruunamou e_x_azsy-- -. `If it can be shown` that the departmental storey` have reduced the wagoaof "working ' people in Toronto andinfzlctories throughout ` the province without increasing the pu-hka- ` ing power of ` money as regards the real necessanes of'11fe-- * ` T3 SI non kn uknmn O-H20. Hanan-hnnnlbol ah-u-an of inoneplj go to the mono 1ists-v r If ib_ca_nhtrshown, inshore, a epgzr - mental states eimeat the 'o1erlfrT:fw of all the mercantile, nanciish and industrial condi- . tiana that at present prevail and the substi- tution of an enirely"ne_wJordar of things net provided for noxgeven dreamed of by those . [ who framed the preagnt mnuicipel and cq'tn- `V mereial laws, does in not irrisistibly follow - ~ that there` mm be new legislation suited to ' the new cenditiont Apd if` revolutionary - changes are threshtene-1, Jnaiy zjxot the mulbi-_ -- `uncle of .pe<')pLe who will be prejudicially . Mfesed resins and pgezenb those changes: 5 - necessmau 01 me-- - If it can, be shown that depattmedutal stores ,ha\ r-arresteibuvildingfoperatioqq ang pt_h_er_ lines of `xudustpial activity in this a_L'nd aid- joining bnwns- ' . _ '_ , I If i:: can be shown thatarenuanion for inohop'6Ij Jounng wwns- ` if in can ,tha.t'arepu6ani_on for ` chapneas is. gained by a clever manipulation of wa,r's and words, and that the real prot-s If it: can bmahown. in aliorls. - week I argued that cmintrypn bli ` .u:x.dli,t-"Ea =h93_vei11'99id nd di8suisedLemissary- - Tlala hdaily tl:a.b.Vder4i've.s' ten tbolxsand -ldollarsibyenx-rtomJiapantmentalaw:e&lvis. .. not likely no turn 3. mo suspicious eye upon such `good `uustomem, `The h,ope"'of the_. ,c'ou_.ntry is th provincial press, whih has, nothingjo` gain. and`o lose by these great, all-gobbl='rng~imtitntions.. Last-V snandfupin. a tow and shout for gs imp`oi- - moi: a postage ' he dollar daily is the" `natural child of free postage, . F clullar dailv Q31. 19 nun u-um.-. -... A .--.v llvnqub-J, and it; ia.h9T2_ve11'p9id and` "of . _..Ml&r daily , in nnt I:henew'snaner?uhat was aranted trees 0f `quq1u uauy is _n_ot the newepap_er,;tha1;>_wa.a grangerl free.5 - 'tranami_s'aion through the mails `;' 2!; is an off~ - V_ g` zingof that privileg. .'1'h ndveribement o the local mercKah`appem`. in-the 4.10931` - paper `and reaches ism local public Qncea 5 ._+wee`k.~ .The.dulln_nd@t`ily plaeeahe advisrt-_ A -'via_emunt oi 4s!;e-depanmeuytI1, stqrutnd; I the Inoae` oithe zugtomms ofgthp. local marchgmt ' ..six,:tiu1es a; week- :_ and those advtiagmentsv T hhfanggd, jhey- . are _ large." anti ; ' Lattiracciire, - mitten by men who; do nptbing ; `else anmdrnw lgrgq s'gl_gmgs_ for wri ' on vs;e';ius:biva:'advdntisemeI;h 'every- day. ' hat I 'ch_aue his thee l:`1ou_l\xnexcha'nh in nu nneqndl ` 4 gs? ;cqntaeh.r 'Dd1IA\f"h319$;Will_ jieriph we 1 ;ve.r:%. nm,chey tr-may-Ired to pow : :'agg,"#.nnd~.'.in>116 at __r iwny they `V1 `vmhitndg 1. `Q. ` ":1 ` V V . ,1 _' Snysf 3 3;in1 in. tireadfulr . wag? sari; u:mIej1oniihion;M`uhnb!e to taut; rzsgerly. iIn;bLil:1jv0ik;I.hn1.1\rI_i!l' EI:\oIxA:71?1_1l`a]5:i"Itocl;.;1'1a;.. _-:3 ; :Pv9st,{&b_lc)_{? ijcn Wk Ann; -Mittens I-ti%`t-manta: 61 Q \1U_I_ll[iS1lIltl?'l,|: Ull: guy 3; naL;.u1u. : . . i` Sal! utreaxrs nf`g,t9`o`._"i IT il$akt:e.IiI wirzsese . hon. _nfin_cxf`oa L K an Ed at M0lI(X3)., man man, _ There wil be a. parlor social `-at `Wm. 7Ande1json a to~1iighn`under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of St. James : churqh. Min Wilson is home again. , {Miss M. Path-idge itviniting friends in thin vicinity. - . _ V I Miss L`. Rix is .viaiti1ig friends at Stroudi Albert Bell has tetgurned home after upending two weeks in Hastings. V - .-.

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