panracr p:AMouns._ HEART min. . nkznrwoon, ORILLIA. ms K-mam THHREDAYQ trim:-.&e~ {Se 139:-.4 _ "`A giant numberof men and women, CLll't moptha and` years ago by t'uiuv..~"a Celery Campqxmd, have calmn the iruuhle tnwussure the proprietors of final: famous medicine that their ures are permanent; I n0bl8 and rnnrr` nF nu!-_ A uaauuabi U. ` Wm. raibt, hf mm : ooxen Lu :1 ack ` of Shropshiredowns `that. is surprising him just now; One ewe vgdmpped. zhfec lsmba ` Id; Tlmudny uni snotkier ewe drdp `two lpnga bn Friday, The lambs are 12 hvelj - ant ugh |graen biI|Vs and May sunnbirie were lathree` months off. . Tim mum... AI ..,.-.a.-_-.x .,-., wen! uuree mourns otl. The 'mouuI:Vof cordwom taken outiu ` this nun ern sectiuu is exceptionally large. bwing to` be small demand for lcgs.; '1ne _ciI`.ies"willA ooded with woqdfurh year or an. , , > ' ed the `nmes fro Ill 30. _ > _ Alex. Bro a st.ore and, pustofce were burned last. F Hay night, No insurance. ` Lnaa$`2.000. 'ben ghpjirga was noiced an ' alarm was" given tthe church, where? a large crowd were atten iug` theapeci2Al`servicea-. ' i , U E spreading` to other `buildings, eyerythi of consequence In the post oica was sav d.--Free Press. V - I When ouhave thccbance. There is `no use undergoing dshi t_718_SO:d_&Y_S when travelling if you know what es no invel on. Those who ` ' T'HVE.v%HAPPV cunts nu nus AFFLIGTE9 nesnne, Am: mm mt. nounus mxuu` L DEBEAMSVJLLE. om. . Iu\:uI_UIut1 man Hlell` cures are This bright record of par- rnanent cures, shown only by Paine : Celery Compound, ,i__wortliy of special` notice, as it. is the grandest record of the kind in the world. L. should also be noted v.hat;a.l'l the permanently cured people are residents of _our own Canada. There am's.mamz..-1i,.:..... .n... ..;- --u-v-pm n-CU Rum wsgdruu of vfne. my ;,.m...?;n.f }I;_Ltnd Putnam only.` 25:. pcuym are realoeuts ur. Canada. \ There aresome medicines that gdrciully EGILEVG pam and sutfgring, that assist. yn - bxjildiug`up vain hupsf 9. new life; but `after a few days or weeks we terrible ug'onies'c0me back pgaiu in In 316 alucmiug forms, and hope and faith are lost furuvur. This nmmr luinmmu mlmn D.. ' ' .. fV..I .-..' l T-is Jbyou News.| a ; HAVE TR|E_D lT } ` 1 Knpw int the-_- _ . 4DOM|N}O%N LINEM luuua, uuu nup allu Y8!!!) lost Ipruver. This never ha'ppe_ns when Pain a Celery" 7.00111 pound isuaed as? banisberuf diszxnse. The first bottle establishes ajuydus feeling "(if ' security," at;d-"Bonn `a narfanr. nnrn in` .....v u--15 uuuuu c_mkuuuuut`B IJUYOUS reenug "of secuI;1uty,'and-fmrgu'a nerfect cure is` effected whxch is permanem and lasziug. Mr. Hixoti says: T0-day] thinkmure of P5:ine s Celery Compound than evex` before. fiince I `-was _ `uni-ed-3over* rtwu yeurutgo+--I Have never had`a b.xd'duy or ' ldat. a-Vday s _woi*k, never hailing; had a return of the rheumatism from which I once su'are;j so ten-ibfy, Thnmuh niv inunmm cnnxnn L...,.. ..- .1} uuuu auunrelgx B0 Lernmy, , `?Thruugh my inuence many have used PiIie a Celery Cpmgound and have been ` cured. H I_w;ish t'o airm once morqthat ` `it; wz_a.srPaine s Celery Compound that tom; ` the? rheumatism fEGiii"'iE'y"'systeu:. .1 .?,0J!g1!_!9om,n;egd- _it.,to All,,theuu}a'.ticr T -and sick p`eop`Ie'. - . _______.__.._____._ ~ ,un.--mu. ovum Aln8l`l0I.l Jservxue m_g;_he u . -Tet ofmos .vutse;au omp icated _ .0ircmi'xstmices `()vercomei;_ All`, and - -"Restores Wife and Mother in Good A Vealthto Her Family:-Thes 7;;-e the -1- Wniitan .Word's.of Edward Barf, S1_.z'rry 1:` ~.Qentre, 5B.C.' _ . . . -f`-.-M`y_wife:waVs taken b ndA Iasir August `: . -witlrustvdua`proattatiou. Which Iat`eM;u . developed intzq paralysisof Que. side.` We b_rid=-many gexndies, ;but _alI7i'x1 vai, -I` g `t on ht wopld` try"Sout-h ,.&merjn;an. ,N"epvine. "liaviug gfeen it gdvernisd Kg.) the ` ; Ijlgw ;'Wa[w_ik`nter,. 131`/3-,_,P1lDQ|?`B., mad ; .1 , 3 m gVI:ud{fc>h _2 $510 ,to any that tl'1'o rF.;uIs` :, ' `ie`m `n._2nsIz,reel;ott1eajsLwauuiasrnislxa manna; , zjn3:as_l;f; and;"iami1y.f Iuwomjsedv .. wdudqm fQ).`;`]_18tand:`W9'Q_-I1: rm 8,peL.s ud ;h1"gly 0fAbhiis "gram V e3gad"" NoI`c-;we: % Ed `MK IYFVI ('\!\'l' TEA n-nu: w,uw nu _`.l'W0 ISIBSBB. _ Della Prentiqe, of Cooksvil1e, is suing a Watford honelkeeper for damagus for re- taiinving her liberty and `implanting two kisses on her cheek. Mr; and Mtg}; Prentice were behind in nheiz--i9e`ard biH-,~j- and th wife wa leftjbehind to make peace with the I V ` - 1" > ` , billjso Della said in heL`qxamination,,;nd 1-`the; landlord, not being able tovgt vibe _ money,`stole two kisses.` The cheek `kissed V was sore from an`u1cera.ted tooth, Eut,.Su spite of this, `which ought to have made - the "articles dear at ainy/*"Ei, $5,000.'or ; $2,500 each; fc}r' the kisses is 9 be asked . of her connI:ry s j:_uy., , , mmm sHA'1"rERED__ `N'EB.vms Axsnrni - ._m;ALYs1s.: - "ShiMfed,: Nivs V Develped gNrvoim ` Prbtration---L`? urvoi1 s- Prostpaton Des vleped Total `Paralysis of nbe.'Side--- _'Grnat South Amerian Nerviue` m _t;he Pammlslarvo sand iIIr8s`are:A1warsPB V f Wants $5.000 fox`-" frwo Kisses.` nHa Drnn Lin 1\`Vl1/`ALA.-:`I_ CEYLON TEA. mains D. copses ox report. - Uu motion or `Shaw and. Benton by-law No. 308 cuuwliug the hppaintmeni uf cemuu townskup uiuers add providing fa: thi1T'Te7Iif"merzmon was introduced and puaed iu the nsdal way. Thu :uIvi'unhixi?v nf t.|1n(',nnnr-,il 'nauimJ u ' ;n{vEsT:D>1N CANADA `own 7 'ss.o.oo.oo . ACCUMULATED mums. .. T 41-our, ASSUR-`ANOE.. lay Ad. Voters List 1896.... 5' 4 62 H. Cnu e&:(}o.. stations : (LL51 ' E King ff: "Co bal, Tp. S. Ln~un`t. J. A. Otto hahucg on stove for 'I` .I-I.I| KR! lU'u`rl\|.l -.-. . . . . .-..--. E. Bell bring g above from Barrie, W placingit. N. Beill co ds of wood,.Town ` "all , , How" can "W3 raise n`19,"re_ `c>o'tn'- to _thu' ', ;aere~?', "w53.k?I3f`cuurs5 bi u`x_ing-Pum'am s ' X; Extnator. `P:;tmi1n s Pgxiniesa-,Doru. :Exg`mctor` has given` un_1}{'_a_lI_txa~t_i_s_f__:c}ir>n, Fmw If !!! mum, m} nainlmu-. 2 puaeu nu ma usual way. _ '1` he :xdvi'sabi1ity of the Council `paying a per centage of the coat. of erecbiug wire uces along the principal roads of the t wushin was bakpu un and. discussed. It. ` Rnhert Rubartson, udit.ur`1897.... 10 00 Council ndjuurued 0 March 10. an 10 a._m. . J. Tnnuors; _ ` . "Inn-It uiUl..... .... .n -.-o-J-us` 0) David Bemth, u.udi\<\){`i897.... ' . 10 00 aver handled, ` - V Feterborough; Oct; To I'.1c ssrs. Eru. nsonJ Bates & ' ' Toronto . A _ Ge xtlemehm-1 Vtake greamplasure -in tam.-i_fying to the; merits uf. Dr.; Cha.~ie'_s K, ' S: L. P1lls.,. They pwve bhemsehres to he ju-at what r.h:\7i`u 1'eoommeude'd fox-,;aud aron of the best. sellilig villa that I hgve , . C.Q.+' rn`m...-.. n,--1 BUCKS mung U18 p|'lllClpKI T0103 01 W16 t wuship wens tdkeu up and discussed, 11. um decided not to take any. action. \_ . 1`. Ddll lg 00 (13 UL WUU! H=.XI'l.; ... ......... .. uudi or i9",. D..lm.u- mlmm 1 Accmmms ? Buhthi time it was a Go -Send to NT? John Br-;'wu,_ a G.A..-1. ..Vete1-am, of .2446 Alarshall Street. Pl|Kiaielphia- D(dged`SlmL and Shell in L :4 Interest. uf H15 Country, only t0beh;svt`!;`1ck;'! Ly mat Insidious Disease. Cuar}-\i)-Bu: A Dr `AsI,11ew"s Cax1arriial' Porwderrcurezi, ' and Per_L_u3menbIy, too---'I`his is\ Miz'itT he says :- . . By a mere accident I came acrohs Di`. A:gneW s (Jam:-rhal Powder.` 1 was a grain; . snferer from that grciat[nmlacy- -0atarrh. Ti}.-day it. gives inc unbounded p!easI1ra'm state. for suiering lmm-\nit.y ssak'e!haAt this w`-Jnderful remedy" e'ectad.a speed) '_ and purmanezmcllre in my case, and I have been so Ihankf_ul. for in` tlnu I am . wxiliug to spnq the 1:ema.mdui- of my days ` in sprgavd . xnewgtq my fellow wife recs. ` i-71.1 _. s:......_'.._. .l_.._ _L,.__ ,::_ 5Ul.lHTt`~l5. : _ ` ~ bold 2;; beagers drug acme) opposige ' .);o(`ia'iYri`t.= " ~. '._I`, `mania 2!, Allirdg of. illiamz, ,'c{a;sd. ; ` _ _ _ '-p{gce..'. He, Iihub. .-Dr, '_`&m'1att9ngj 4, 286 , : is Iii} (Ya nu ~n`_lgl'i'lUhUl` uua g\'5$114 l.H.|lVK3a'Il- 3&H8[C}IL`B , `every ;.;:ic1.,;.or r_e'nl"me*_ritV`i.r. has Lh_o35t of _imiam rs, .'andLwe would: specially warn 1 ans nbshiues. offered` for izhe vgenu`i.'n`e. ' ` ?Butnam``E`x.t:`aghor;- N.0;"; Pq!s'9n._&' 100., . prqgr`etor" " x ~ ffifsxue, $6.-`kf3;a`x`ia paiu17?s;.i;E1e`f we puhxigto gu;:rd,agaiuae those. _d.x:ger== gs!;pZn.,-" ' V _ ` o St. 'Cz1t'mu`ine, Fef), 18-Slieep on t-`he (arm `of, Henry_ Mayer, fu. Louth,'h;1vexiied of zystrange disease. They. tum black and die; and when cut, open `the flesh is found a?! decn.y:d._ ' "` ~ ' '.LTe`revu1t` 1} n__1e~9ui1ippine . Islands, which h;1've_ beeusgzgnish km three <;eut3uri_es, is`!xke}y' to belmore injurious to, Englandthnn to Spain, since: the citizens of the former ' country cantrol. 3?? the e-xp0_rt:' trade `and nhg Spmuislx are `.n1er'elyr oiciala, wbue `the Uhineae have a. prxxdcicgl `munopgly of. the retisil radg, . V _ . iAIiDR1ss$'_ - - 0 , `Sn-a'nge Disa 16!; Sheep. `A. _ln,e.s*i.'?"- D. Tmm. Drugggkv WIZIAPPEN, Ira} cm. A 3? 33 The daysof, 25> cnts a box for: ` pills azfe numbered. \\ I 5 54 `ab. 16 -`-:I'b_-'l'e I-xpurunce coucert Frfday = _ni:U_IC last pisaed utf very successfully con- sidenn rtha"`weather. Miss Annie Todd 'w0u the ai|ver mo" :11 in the elocutiou convent. A gobd progr.-mnue of tecitations, reudinua. dialogues. et;c.. Mlui yhteu. Proceeds $6.40. Th Fnrexln-er'n' a-nm-.1-I, fulnza n`nn.- nmn J Dr. Agnew s Liver" at 20, . cents a.v_iaI azresurer, safer * ' _and i)leasante'rAto take-. ' > are?mpniant1n5ti.Ql_l9thersZ ; _ drugg1sts:santhem.' V Cure Q:ntpTi6nTSick `and Nervous Headaches. Dizziness, Laeai_tude, Heari- ' burn. Dyspepsia, `Loss of Appetite, and all troubles arising from liver diaurdiar. V Qnl.-I .. Q............ A .... . ..|,....' K...,'; ..... DIICK cnllrcn. ' - - _ Miss L. M.:P;`eston lxasfgne to visit. ffieuds in Toronto and St Thomas. " ` Ouhho-:key team beat Barrie Jtiniors 3-2 on Wednesday night. ` '_ nu LFUUUIHH IHHBIUE lTUlLl HVHL` UIEUIUPP. Sold at Sengers drug slurs; oppmute post nice. `Hamilton "Ladies" CuITge.. . The Aanwnn-I Annnximx am Au-nnni. 3. A Miss: `La.ura. ' 'Smi c'l"L~`is attending` Vfb llllll IJRILHCE \JUl|Eg.. _ V I'1r\eA;1_len\voo:_i Anglicans are erupting `as brick church. ` M:|\n Y \.I 'D.....o..... I... uuuuguua, egc.. ]('\TII. rroceedn $5.40. The Forest;-r's' c0nutr_l, takes placn ngxt Fniday. Feb. 19th. ` ' ` Bms 8; Co., 1 -V-Tomato. `l-*' - `~ _ ' DEAR SIRS_,-,-I take the'libe:ty_ of writing tp youvregardiug hiy expeence with 00'. 0iiAS'3 KIDNEY-LIUEIS` PILL, and the wdndaful cure of - dyspepsia of x8 years'_stzii:ding effected by them with three -b oxes.j.` I gun as wellasl ever was, and amamzmoftygzusof age. I haven- 4commended`D3.c:mr.:I(ImrLi1aPILLs~to 7 ` a great numberof - people And they all saythey - are worth their weigh: in gqld. mygu dcsim-' ` . any funhmigtatement or certicate of my case." ` h.:n I. .-.l:....A Qn ':..m:ak 4...... ` .: . nu; l|JA5 I-|LV;?LLlL\oL1lC.-I.|'L VI C-ll-H-|\rWlC UL HA) 5616; 31 win,b_e p!e9.sed_to furnishv:9p;e:~_ ; `; ,Yours~tm1y,` j 1 )7 __W. W. HODGES. E YEARS . W.W.HODClES SUFFERED * ..x> _12.: CHA$E`S KIDNEY-. ~LlVER:PILLS EFFECTED- -AANALMOST `MIRACULOUS -. CURE, . . A `fouxo .J . % ~ PIEPKPRIGE jSKIN-=F00'D 1' 7 - |YSTP E % #030 STATIQN. - canto by an.` cuss. j ELXLVALE. 3 Maxi;-EAL Mi'LuNER 1y1mx2s:` ` ' ~ A. r ...... ..x,..u:..,. :.. L...:....... I...~'6 want no "A we win sen mar ii: I; JII9:~ME3" n VW'.pu,-h'fn'l.'0!'1i efferent . Thia. H5111` prweiw $2.50 Fm Iace,_he bevl cryatafg **`" can move er \ wit _ Let. nun?" ~ ,pucxer. umepleceevet` *:~ If you want as gmd aw-Wat!2; everyday tmE`8f.8V6!' than willstand haul we-nrs.. send am your 81- V r_eb}n'n the money if Ina%:a:uraatio1n}T7timm*% -IUllH`. K'1fI .I.I. l!C ' RaIInIaIiun% {nu muvemeljn. BWHI W slg, nely ;..'w `this is th __ ; ipockei; timepiece eve:-.mIli- _, ~ ~ If vou want`. an anal an-W'n}zi Th Gheqn \ :1: -`ns-~ LoNnoN._ ~ - paxstngzgame as Bank of Numb` Most convenient \ Grymt Britain on anylfomisnioountxjy Hand 2 ndk nnnm.ininn- srdmmmg !5WiPS0N 5 HEAD" Th 11:31 ":1" " jtfhg` 1$%.:,s:; Eauyarq nma??.%% UL_l:(|: unlmllg VI-al.q'xufJu'll-.l'JNlnlal' H d: "k tainin in :3? parotglowclhe wolg,.\:.n(1_fful1 fumishaipn appl!aon;,jzn , L ~- "xx ~,--v-.- 15,, 1 -THJE,_UN!TED sfrnifssx , ..-,,-. ...g.,-arc-oo.O:C&`Ip cAPmu.,_ ' ` ' 'I`ux Must Hon; nun; hnQt~'S_:e"` iflfafnxgalh of Of G-1l8I'3.l!,B: _.__.._. -' Cnequa Bank Chequas are avaablav at. pnsthmgame Bank of CLAPP E:2ToN s` . - '~--.=J:f1iani1:s4V_>me..;'xst:xtl::nh .; 1% you ahouldsee our (imitation of 00 line of jtnugry to chqose .%`i:%"?z?7%`!"m latest and m J :1 `nvimtion `Wm 4 :\l<`1n8:m.' .'l.`r:v it and .1>s{$ ' erg En:-gt;-f -on B "ken ' bass Biqngagzfmhmmda ' E9, Nam ): cateiwiaad : [4e',}l1='s!s3::~s is Watoo` P143 nquum: . V . . . - ' I was starlfr-'1'busiurs-:1:-<'(yenr and w:m:i-ug' tu nd out what thread was the. best to use. lestr-Ll all the loading makes. _ .Re'peatedtria!~.1o\ved me that nonecoxn- -`, aw L'medthe..'. ' - .- ' . '* nangers.V"'jV:;ai.:A`iT L about himsgzl E ` know the reppftatiog 0 other L 15bi>- sa? `#59 him~-lf - you `wagft; ` `}I6_11}rvn`ei_g:h\ku::f \S|P50N of the fastest a.iid::'nost , commodious betweemmontrenl and W W ,L1vnrpooL_ ,Prlees.as1pw!;e.!nwe s't.i `Forfullfnfonnation ahply tq , ' . if 120/2ULA'R~ o613n" Ai*'%A:n vv _1m} Assungcemvm-A * -x-g17 ;1stW(>ldcr>i1a.1.;i.s-knwth}sAlong ago an(; insist mg gttlzzzg " Cl:xpp':rlo_n s.". V n . % qoa~%Lg;5asbu4 Streiigth, Smddthness aVnd -:Frees_1om from Kibinks found in . V V 1. .u_.:m'1`;, I . Binnkm Toronto Building-, 7 V v ` - .nuinn Q -.>_z4__ B .m~%zIL1e. ;;.-\"_r~_. bsffaildafor 7the %?wor1a.. swm cmmAL4 {L%W%cnAnerrss I I; = .1. A. `)la<:hAR:l}N.. n nmhrnw n 1...` `D......i.. A. KINNEY BROS, 41003 mm thc`chanc`e.-. arnrninn` ardshins thme davs I ...._..-........, . ! ``'1he" Barrie Agent . - .1 ;:5u=.w YORK. _l6-eGE1atles Fillingham is name mi ng.._a,aborb visit. 33 ; ' If ` Mr. Wg:lton,'(:`r.- W. -P., S. of T.. uuthe. gueap of Mr. and Mrs, Jaa. `Hart while `here, '.~ .- , V t L "`kno n..h n -.1 C......:I..` ._-.._.1 1.- r\,`n" 1* E80. 1D7"J.ll6 W'.'IUl!1l' [135 0861! [M16 ,_la:ely. ' (`V A literzi . `society was forrxiad lash: week, gvi F`. C. Bathn, president ; A. Primrose`, ' vice-president: Frank S. Jacobs.`secre|*~ary- ` treasurer. ' Th old time subject `Qt Single versus Married Life" is up fo~ discussion next Friday eveninxzw ` _ . A nlniah-Insx n`f vnnn nannln mm-n Rn um ax` [VICKY GVCUIUH-~ A s1gigh~load of young people were do wn to the Beaver Meadnw for a skate on I Saturday last. Thn smnw nl-uynn nlnln warn nln nut nn ` oauuruay lrli. The snow shoe club.were also out on Satm-day,,.and enjoyed a pleasant tramp down the Nomwapaga river. Thanktr are due to Mr. Fovstnn and Mr. and Mrs. A. Pueac, who contributed so largely to the plqaaizrea ot the outing, ' ` ` ---~-\---- `Inammatory *_Rhe'unatiam so. Acute He Could Not. Attend td His Daily Duties Lived Three Weeks in Agonizing rPnl\m when that "Good Samarinz-m_,,oE ' all Om-es, South American Rheumatic` Cure, Passe'd;'Hia `Way--It Helped ia . .3 Few Hours, and Speedily Cu:-ed--' Cbsc 75'G`en:a., ` ' I | ' E "A. Norton. "a well-known citizen of Grimsby. 0nr., was eevereiy attacked '. with inammatory. rheumatism some 20 7 y"3.i`"_iig"6:f'zi"if!5'1i i`e1:b3i`d; 565 ' ._ve 01` six weeks ago the dread disease . {returned so violently that he had to give 1 ` up work. nearirhrevweekehelay reeid ent of the town who had been cured why South Ameriean`R_heunmtic_Unr'e pei-~ waded him to try it. amt. to his great -surprise: after using the ggedicinelzut one inbed suffering terribleagony. Another 7 week he "was. so far recovered es to go ` ,ab_on|'. town. From the rel; dose taken , ~l he felnnarked improvement, and to.-day he is most enthusiastic in s'ingi_n`g "ice" pmnees. *No case too eevere for South 1; Anxeridan Ri1geng atxo Cure to check in em hours. and cure permanently. ` ' 7'-7v a'l':~RnnuE:rsr-J1-nv~ af'r(IIn**.rvr1tn1':;+n UUUYB. agu cure pGl'Ill3nel]Hy. _. " Sold abvsaagm" drug" stnre,'*u,pposite 1299,vi99:T ' L : `nuts W`;"``-% `!**Y%?:.:"!`k1`9 W:- -{3 bieeaum'`1vwo:$ e. sb-L`Trapid;h` that my family 4 . bgmiutedlairmeti ..J 5&1`-~?atf`,this. imeT_I.L, " Li` nofiefed `, &m'er,1 Kidnyt, ,G:a,r'6 .: 4 vz1hi:eci_ 'A_luh_o`ug{;`I had 1i_ttIeLfaibn2~;. V]; _'1`hoa. Day. and family` moved toOril1ia'. i last: week. 1 . V < . E , `Miss N.~Cam'erCm, who has been =ill, is on thyrroad to'recovei'y. -h W.hB}1dd, Barr_ie, spent Sundayit his ome_. ere. . . ` . [ `him .~.Ihm.:..`n ..-.......`........:..c,.A -- .1-L._..__ - uuu.m,.u_ere. I I`he`followin'g were appointed as delegates from Shanty BayADivisxon S. o!:7'1`. to Dis`- trich Division}: Edges; on Monday :- - Misa H`. Malcolm. Wm. Barnes; C. H; Arthur: and I .1. w aw. 4nose\ present; report: navmg 8. good time, altholuzh they could scarcehr get 3 winding. room, The next; District Divigion ' vi wil1be._held_ at Shanty Bay. A ~ ` >- 1 H ' T ?`; *`1*`:`.`7 I 5 ``-`` 1 t.. . Fiue.i;a:sLpgoft5V.had;;.ma1 1 M Iian~.':`.=ripiwe xxhiahr attee:e1_ inyo kidneys :: asnd`ca;usad:iLintensav`: "ain in my back am} ; ~in.`inarv o us; rm ma nnmm. ;..;.....; Eucn uxvnnon an maa: on n_1_onaay Mlsa .` HA. Malcolm, Wxu.Barban,' 0.6.-Arbhur and .. 1 A. Watt. Jhose present report having` Hood time. althomzh thew coultl marmiu ant. },Jqhn1`Sne.lI,`.ofWingham, Oul5_.. was in a . -` mhelxujom of Pain aud_'(,Ago'n`y from 71 Disased, . A Kidueys~`-,3duth J A'mricai_1. Q .Kic1v_rey Gaire waafthe Welcome Life --Pm; n:s:sare1w.; - % - i"vq_i~.-A--lb"Reiv..1llljantly }i;xdV - I beamd`.'wu': THREE WEEKS IN._AGONVY. Feb. l6:The weather hs hen .n_ at-nlu ,--ru_t:rvg.f .--1,5 Gn;esLSVt'm`-,ly._: Per Packa'8e.} xmm P521: SHANTY ZBAY. MIWESING. xmotuu cumrnm WUl'K UI `VUUT uzu-luah ` "Let it l=eE5_rf1?fiibered that the best carpet, rug and mat makersjn Qanada always uau the celebrated. Diamond Dyes, and ag a consequence achieve the succe _- 7 ` they desiae. `Nun 6`Diann..nA" am 4-.'nu nII`]V Hum: i'n Drryu nuke qnreu, rugs nd mats arhomel If so, you surely dg home dyeing. ` It in nnmllmaa tn `um: Hm} ant-nan": i'n unnr uyuung. . * _ [Lia needless to `say that success in your work` do-pends upon the colors you give `yuur cotton and wool rags. Whgn you` ' work of _vour'hauds. ' haveghandsoine design, rich. hrigbtaul brilliant colors give life gud beauty to _the I'..n 1. I. nu D0015 I183! summer. The Young Puoleh Christian Excsdeevor T Societies of Breutxwoiid, Uftnpia, Angus {int Nev`v:Lowell held 3 union meeting at Angus _' on the 5th inst. It was Well attended. Exxllent music was given by the New `Lowell and Breptwood choirs. F. W,` _ T~rott., of Brentwooq.` read an excellent paper which amused` the audience very much i[mna._.on1;:.nenahxe;:;;s;1g_wnx1;:1;H LUCY uvuuu. ' . The Diamund" are the uuly dyes in the world that give perfect colors and palisfuctory rusulus. - Ask your dealer for _'the "Diamund and see chgst"you`geL them; refuse -im,ication- and adulterated dyea.. - ` I ' E. B. Alpert`. -has been tfered the vagaub commissionership in the license dismct of Eaat Simcoe, and will pljobablv accept phe position. ; ~_ ' Gordrin, the vnnnopr Ann nf J. A, Haw. lily EMU ITECEHFHU I113` CU|Hl'-4JOU' Miss Edith Cunningham has been engaged- as assistant in New nrkehpost oice, and will commence her utzies on Match lab. .\I`..: n u..:m:.,... L...) .... Q..+.....I....-...m..,. .lDUX3_ D 81111118 1` I130. ' . ' -Bromiuent: citizens are- working hard to have a. new bounty` fdrmed with (Jrillia. as `the county town. ` ` ' *ji,The annual reporffof Dr. Beaten regard- . the year ending Oct. lsr,.1S96,_ shows that there were then 605 patients in residence, 332 males imd 273 iemales. During the year _patints haqfbb-discharged improved. other as'yluma'.\ . ..--- . . . ` . . TY$`i.i'iniv I4. inchmvthilr nn the lake. 4.6 males have died and 17 _fema.'les. '- Four ` ine` unimpro_v6d and--eighfr-traus'ferred'- to 5 ling the work done at the Orillia. Asylum for ` `c STANDARD menus In meuuru. - ` Chulea McCarthy is homevrfrom the nhantien for yhe present. Ho" intend: going ` hack in Much ~, ' 'Ii'im-Hun Mn"?Iiaia has mnved info thin .` V INC ! HOURS. < " G. Trott is drawing`wi*h wyich he intends putting: new fqundntion under yin` hi: homer next summer. G - TL; \ nnn.v D._nun n '_".hrinHnn Rnllnnunr PW" ` much. pnsmun. ' Gordcin, the youngenson of J. A. Haw, fell from a stool in the post otce; on` Tues-' day and fractured `his-co|la.:Jmue- ' Mina Edith Cnnninbhnm hm: harm nnaama WU; CUIIHIIBHCH H8!` UIIEIEE U11 ULRICH I811- _g)1}3.,l). Mcjmnn die.d_oz_1 S_aturday_;w_e_n:: _ ~ ing after an illness of uhree weeks, brought " on by a fall which caused xuternal injuries, - and ultimately resulted in blodd poisoning, Ellen Newburn, was botn at Big Ba_.v Poiuc; `aind has resided in 0ri1lia._for twenty years. $l_0`Z0.'75 hm: hpiaui mimd in town for the Feb. 18-Qips. Gi-age Yuuq is isltihg friends in Mumford. ' L--I..- u..l'V..4-h.. 5. hnmn .fmm Hm uacl In mucm Findlny Mcfiaig has moved into thin ,- village. He has {outed om; bf Tho; Rowan- tree houses. ' I! l`....b 3. .I..m:..n nnna`.-EH: n-Link kn andunytoepex/aIo,mzug' C-- Vi 9tHood'IPIIlI,whlchu[a ' `J .upt.o Nn!'luVcl'!lMiJ0ct., l S lngeermnnndaun. An lmg;:s5um:se. a1.uoouco.,x;owau,)ms . 'Ihoon3JPlIhu:atnw1xlIood I8arunu-[IL 1k\VE3TE.U `IN UANAXU ACCUMULATED FUN: `TOTAL AssURANcE.. V mcomm zsuu [133 FQBIUHQ In yrI|I1&_10r uwenny years. $1.0_20.75 has been raised in town for the India Famine Fund. ` .D......:...~...+ ..:o:......' ...... ...,...l.:m Ln.-A on writea :` "*1 `wA's_ alarmingly a1i'c_l;e'd with ` ma :e1ie:.-g1~.fhajm; %ugmj~ a1.;:m.` avg; `V Qrw,.Vgoq"t:f`3'f_1(3r0rg9V.(3fqw, `` farmer; near "me village of Tarqi. Ont. v _p_e,l1Jj,I_:;.ti,2LL1Lh1h:n1n:g:>.mentp,oL.:har heari. . }for.narIy`_teI! yeap';s, .1,..docfgured.`with ~ : =bejst pb,;=,=iciai18`and Mtiid"iiii:iimus%r e11_1 e-2 -. ` .die`a;v:ieb. v{ers=,.!itt!n: bn'eti_:._; . In buslocfsl} - T age: 1 notied `Dry,-'_gj1av,v; s Curd} for B_h ' {Hem . aidv_91:tisdj.. ind '_ I deterliifqerl fto. ,. M g_iu`e_Tit,`a.r4rial.' '. Inside: of'ha`1Ean ho,.ur~-I` I befile_',".i;n5i Jfelzjhbr-tiny; `liat; Wlli ` eer~`I wfaa.,j [ J; a_m vegwmp t`e1y1,cured'. 2 eugers 1'} cm, Aopggositig. V I5}-[d?} nndnnvmm omen` asylumap ..-- _ " The i.:"uiy I4 'nches"thi<':k_ on the lake, the thinnest f01'J'6!|l`S. ' . Ixnmp (".r.znnnx-'.' an Om Fm`-mar. fnnnd V horse; belonged.-to Frank Lnyoock. who `session of the horses, Lzsyoock withdrew his me _m1nnesnor_yenrs. . James O Conno_r',f an _0rp farmer, found gevierol horses in" his crops Iiistsuummer-, and impounded them at Jaxrats Corners. 4 The ieplevied them.` Aitei he had got-. poo ' xeplevin suit. Tl1T_s3'oek4 . u , A . Bugg, laid information against-Laycock before Mr. Geo. Booth, J.P., to recover the ' poundage fees and exnags., The magis- trate gave judgment against the'.defei1dnnt' for_ $17.40, including tho costs` of thecourt. The naan.nJninn Mr QAWAH-. in !-i hnviinn XOI'_ $1!-`IV, xncululylg me CGSIS OI W13 C0\l_l'\?. The case-against Mr. Go`,for h.vingy moose skins from -Quebec in his ppssession - has been dismigsed. _ ` L mama; `hIlC.KI|!`0|i|`ll119aWW3!V.3l: !<$I3!l!` rpieo3q.uuuthlI$th,Hoq:t';pt-rut: Ag:-n;w a' Care for }he mearlt Dees .- the,` Must Intense V Pain---No Matte: ' ` "How Longistgnding the Troublefxt . Masters Disease in Half an Hour. `and: -~ iuLtl'1e`C_?e oEJoAImO`r'owL. Fi.veBott1es " aked` .Hea:h'Dise3ae inf "Ten `Yars Stuu_d_iLng-.--MHereL s+ 'Hia_`._Te:z_l:in1pi1>y `U11-`L nnli`:-hkirl '~._. . ` .