|\JQ5pII\ \II`1' - liistrirt Am:-m 113:1: . ic '1he Barrjie A.:'L`fT""{`; 3s',om,0o 3s<,soo,uo .5 9n.m0.m . 5.00090 (`It in nlslwd!"('l< :1gL.',1-atulz3te'!ne, doo- ` tor," crld a joyous voicmmit I entered the ` room. He noe from the able, ugon * which my a violin and bow, and a pile of gwuyarmngeg music `sheets, and came T obyvard me\w!d`x extended hand. .I put in thejasusomaot can minutes ages" ' ; uv;.. n ,,1,...`.....m.a nnno ms nu. i in xn9.Iassnowao; Ivan XXIIIIIILBS uguu T I ---5-`-e;s,, -1 V giuxnbhsd, yoggng his 1111- g naturally brilliant eyes. and A ush upon 5 his thin check which I dtd note NR8 $0 g see them. "and put yourself in Na again 7 for :1 week more." . ' ' 05 ` #' .ux1..............m 1... mm moo!!! mummy K5 lull] UHKXIK '"IUU 1. HI I-`UV J3-V V" $115 1. Worst? {Jinn 3 lU`9`l,' I l'UlJlXL'\K WIN`; [HE YIUKIUIBK IILU Illll Ill if BIKILHKI pu 385* conviction. No. no, he murmured, i At length the nmrvoiioua. sonata was torn mot-0.". . sadly, " :11! does not understand me; she; done. Without. saiuration. or mcugnit- ` ~ Nonsense !" he said, 8811! P11311392 does 1:0: care iar--_- ' i . . ion of those heforo whom hehad piuycd, f me into a comfortable arm-chair. I ' Stuti !" i inwrrupted. She in a,wo- ` ihu" ;.L:-iurmar glided nwny. Wheugf `never felt better, in my lifa WhM_8b'.`. man of sense, and even hex-`vanity will` zmjakeningfroxn their stupor. the a'ndi~ surd notion` about my 1188131 h55>fnVd = tell her that` no nobler tribute was ever ence burst into thunderous applausn. and \ ld.B'1l10M in I83 ODSWNB head f.i paidto aiody-love. I-ia\`e.pationce. .Vi>?' demanded the reappearance of the violin- yours? ` ' `, ' ' f tor-ieu, Ayiunnn Rivers is not blind." - ist, ho was nowixerp 1o"be found. .\ or\ "YOU go on burning up 101}? V-u'5y,}I: Ho hesitated A moment. then he; had anyone soonhim iavo tho building. with constant oxciteIm11P."-I YPd- brought oubzspaokage from-3 drawer oi` In sumeming approaching 8 n igi1t~ grumiy, d`1DT1"i"g Yourself of y.r : the table. "I>haYe' written hi!` 8182931`: mate, I hurried back to the room wixeru natural rest. and regular meais, and you_.= m11gng1;ar myniove, and I hon nc1osedL..Ihadlofs`te mortal remains of~Juiiuc WU` 5h01'U)"S0 f0l` {Y011l`58 "WW Sun! [a copy of the sonata. Do` you-d9I1 I-Vicfaorleu*. and found two attendant.-a 1110 I10U91li`~" . .~ - .., i you think; doctor," he lookld M meaiuing upon either side or the bed. Wlif:I', The gay smile faded from his face `.`Is 1 mm "ms wistful oxpmui } 1 had let: sham. And share as I had iefu ` it so bad as rim? he said, soriouslihi mejto the heart _1.hat aha nightmare n_ 13, the body ofmy poo): mend, I know than I was notin` goodlleml ; for Ino_um:rn1lP _ During the ride back fronrtbe concert hm: I did not, nnnnnsn I W319; threatened - T I\n\`nn f, n nnhf. nf it" 1' mid noai- :...n `r'-1. ..n \..,...,........A unlonnxrhnk vnv ` Fit of sickness Ivgroanod,forget't1n'g my professio'nnHnst/in`cf,__ li1 n1y prdfound X amduty fuxtthiswonderfully gifted boy, E whom I had learned to love 115- I sliould have loved my own son, had hezwcx` vom`hs:\fud`u son to myold ago" Oh, I my dear Victorian! will you not see? (Jun .5 you not understand? It is no ;m5: WILD Ll Rful uh Ul axcnuuaxs ' .x_ I - lllxiess thml fear for you hut--" 1 k`nnul- nluhxhv alnnnun lm unit` ("I1-I\|].`.',.\' 111110.55 111155 1 mm` 1U1' _\uu Uuh- Spe:x1~: plainly, doctor, he said, (`:1-hul';.',n \ thougli his face haul boconw V'(i`_V pale, uixdhis lips wem `co1uprcss_ed_.lil~:c one, whomervushimslffnr:\ .h:1r11y):s11g. W1 demxtlnd us my'rlght {lmL.f y0u`tL-ll me elm whole mun, witlioun equivocarlou or-- eygasion. ` = ` Hfun n "I.- m\'nml .1..c...u-.:I.1c fa-nH;nnv 4 I 1 U) HSIULI. ~\\'e11," '1re;`{11ed_ . `myself {greed imn _z\ must know, Victorim of heart disease \\'3)i(`} curable. At the snzu-~ we noupn 12;" 2 ,. ._ 3 face `,`IS that?" said, sar1ouslv..i I"know $113!; noun goodlxealth, but I did not suppose I Has; _th1-eatrened g with 11 real t of sickness umu. ,.a ..a..v,....,,.H T ..............1 e......n'6nn`.p . ` . 1 yourself from -excitement; adopt regular hours, avoid shocks, and.- ur :..,. mm In ..r nu ntruhxvu nu n- Muim H my own pzu't;.Idox1 b_un(1e ma \V}1M you ro (1ri\'i11g at, ai`nd--und-7Ayl9I1na H River - nours, uvulu suouus, zguu.-- - Livo the life of mu water or u'c1am, f interrupted Victorian, "` you pronlisb me a few your-s1uore. Is Limb 1t;?; ' T7 i,`TYes. 1 1 said, Wynn. max ,ov.on_mm.1n old ago," my boy. -But these wild urrlos --this sonatmwlxicll is t(_)' send your name 1_t1V'c1'S"- - St0p,~t11o1'o! doctor, 0xc121i1n0d"'Vic- 01-ilau, in 21 tom su stern and harsh that" Istarcd at him in zumlzoxllent. Since it must. ho so; and I recognize that you are right; though I hnvo- ondenvprodm disguise the Vmruth from myself; I have" &$~+1~shet._:t+1a;9:m:;~ lH.4mAEo1Lspeak . Mrs; I calculate -only updn months, or K ov0n(1uys. So he it. If enough of life is leftamo to perform this sonata at the concert, 011- the sixteexxth of this month.- I shu1l.hzwu :\cc0)11plisl)ed my iimbition. The \vor1d'-w11Lrec9gnize.~ a master, and sho--"his voice czulglxtz in his thr_oat, and _ fora Inoruonts ho bowed his'h_ea.d upon i the tabh) before him._ _.I3octor, he con- tinued, your profession `is -trained to .,,givu3m2`1ll_ heedrtmhmmupemotions, ex-. copn as they. relate to your nervas, bones, " and-mi1_scles; but I tell you phat when I u ` t(|' nu am-m nWE1T it will I51nf.'hn.`frn{{n m1 Ctilnias ,1,o*rm Htnbnlrni ' '3n(}'IDl1_SClBS, DUB 1. [till you E11216 \_\'H011 ]_ die,` as_spon slim; it will nobe-`froih 'dions_o. but-- _ nVwm1-jsmile grossed his pa'l'lid face'--from 10ve. _ ; -, ' ms. Victorian: ~mv/son 1 I c1-led."(1in-1 `pzuuu mun-- uuu: Auvu. `f0h, Victqrlexig ~mys6n.! . IV, q1'led.'V dis -: trossfully, Wl11 y(:111__p_ermifz"u worthless ooquette to dosmfoyyunr life and your ohnnues,of uSafu11'mss "in the {wprl_d_, your fmne--?" ~_ _ .. i > I 'H.`?\`. _fv (`uwm "" - hi: rnnnnfn` \xriH1'n cm}n ILllIlB*"` 1' ' - ?`j'l\'xI_vfzm1e, ~* in repeatekli',_V.i`2vit h`a3smile . mat, brou4ghti tshe1xxists3t0 any` eyes, hurd- ened old man.-as I am._ _Whv I love hg1_-_* 'soh_z{t_1\vduld oven_ gm up my great: senata M a W5i'd,_ a. look, ahint from her. And` yob,_.'I..11ayedodjcatod my work o_o ;.hnvv 3. - -=ner. ' . .- Te11n1e,:ViYg01f10`1i I riske` `ds `she really umler `t~ she really respe C.c1(5serve t6'he10Vd?"" ' - - 11: Im-mi him hmL"nn`(.\n him hand Inna- -yo1u' genius? Does" 11cI~lovey0_u as `you. `S110 many l'0SpUJ;*gt_lu~u)vu you as `you , ,.d(5servet6'he1ov'}d?' :" 2 .-.~Ha.bqnbhislxeudilvdn h}s-'hand_ fora ~ m0ment.~z`x_nd Whe;1 raised 113- algaux, - `the;rg,wns -an 'exp`1'ession, _a a_mila_5-' I ; know me` "what tojcnll 1t,-'-than` gloried ~h1e`wsn fexligjros; .-,`.`I. d0.nut 0nre;!V"v." 12_tst: =: ; sam, proudly. ;`fI l0v_e'_ her. , _I h:aV0, (10}.'()_t-`V . _ edmy genius to her, Lshzizlll 1;xg1;g;~1:je1 `"1 KNOW mt comrosmoxv WILL LIVE." XAYi;0N%A`.A no _a- (?()!`m`l`; `fif 'y 0u ; toriou. you huvv 1 form `- wixivh is`coxx in- .~n.n~ time. if _\')u guard ied, (1es;)L*1`z\tE1:, f('(!_1i`I}.2 I 3 KAHmERJlim TDECQBER 16, 1896. ` 1- (em you, iulvu Ur uuau. . { ,:-"`Yvs, said I, then _wo shall seem /Alive yqn will make 2) hit, -j!~" ai11'L1ggml- my shoulders smiling. 1 Oxrtlw l\flU1`Il00I1 of the Ilitocntll It < was \vltlx'Vicmr'1m1, foclingthnl tho dun-` bur: which W135 zto take place on that `: u_\v-ni1z;: would` his .2; crisis in his llfl-. _ I V E know `Lhut.,_ in_ his stsatu of hulth, che . '. :4:-L.>11g excitolumnt lle was about to uuder- ; go 1n the pet-fonuancu of his Sonata must} I-lug pm-iloug and I lmd rosolvofl to be at; ; lmnrl to Zlltl lzim should he reqmre M w:x~: ` onlv mo mxbahle, mv rofesaioual skill. - . . I . P . . - | '1! luul snf. fa!` SOIIIHIIIOIIIDIIEB in SHOUCU ! ` }_ra`n.c}ad crmdof niq6T;,b$;I Hylu,t*5' . ed &a,.&l`m_t :1xayTIIq1s:p `rim `ma until 5 Z 1'5`-\>.w'`_ntr.1':xvt'si. w ii: Lixzci ass 1 3 it It would burst. and niy>b1m. ica'a:;~'mi` ; through my veins like l%i;}s?n11igtur:u<-ix ue N vyxusiuuatu appeal at. glgsgairlpg km, ` I `S _mo){ glorious exathtlun loved one. 1 : such beauty of: thought.` Inch sweetness g ` .0! tone: Juoh. .s2l99dor..9_f;:.z=99m1on,- 1 c 3 had nriver so `much wt lmugluocfbefgxrx i5h>l" I m-had in than Incl utuvin urn . unu mfusr DU luuuu mi uu|IuUu uuu;A_\=. _ Oh !". I cried. II the Last M21 \`.`t|iu:'l ` pway into silence` "that ii: '_e%y on. of tho grai1k_1es_c oommitlizns over wx-iu;n. ' `Why, my eiear Victorian. it is ccrzniu mg 3 make you fam qua. A _ 1 5 Rn: what will `aha um!" ha n`\m-mm-.` 1 man: you mu: gun. But what wilhhe say)" he xixixnuury-`Q ed, laying aside 119 violin. It is all} T for" he`:-." ' " -..(n "I... A... ha` ..a,.... an \r..om.l'..n I f lUI' U111 . : `aha is worse gban 3 109,1," I replied wam; `.`No.. no, murmurctti :ho dgws , does for-_-" ' ""If she does notgdom you. > Vj_ctori'eu. uc..o=rvv i :..o........;.,z ugh. I . . .'.~.` l1:|h\l,'1'm1 J. nun. 1;_o:uLt.'Lm1_ 1119.2 u_y _u\';_ uuuxvuvluu u; JULLI 5 VG1'ay, to wlnom I am. to be married on mu-_return f_ro1u our, trip abrod; unitos i with me in thanks and most sincere` re- [ gards."j . - 2 E it:-xvirmd and bitter a"lette`x` ever 3 I0!` 1110 _tiH /31` llLll"_' i s n... uunng we mm mm: Irorrrmu conczru t`W" I 5* Pm?` hnii, had grecovared. somewhat my I haven't a doubt '1. 3h5"W`j question the mo watchers in terms of ness of 'Ayionna Rivers -nature as my 5 professional usage. They had nothing to `P091 `1'viv V.1` WW km" A Hi tell me. except '.I-.:.: aboua huii-pus; cigiia \V.0T51\1DIid. `h'\Qh3Q535 M W. sound which on examination proved to '1"`b*i` have proceeded from the glin case be-, nnoinawn-an-wl-up-nv~-unn-4-ill-nn.-o-+;-. ,x_. ,, .L_ 3.-.: _.-;_ i\...\..:..... u.,. oonviotei! hand sentenced hp `death. ) .. . V H , ` _f . b H ,i '_ I _ _ , day fhr:his axaoutionmamo; - he was led: I -9i-`~1."0%'h `1 `W 1" W *`= ` vi odumry composnre.:nnd-was thus able to to the sen'oid,.his head was Ahoodecnihe ; ` my own words; !or I knew ` ` ` ' T118. r_ope waa'p1ac.ed'_' around his `neck and Shqgj George Parsons turned to spring 3 the trap.` v.-oi-siiipped her `as the nnchorites of oiii; they had been mmlad by a loud` slmrp 7*"nH0w dm you feel Johnson?" he was I: asked. Well, '1 it was. ama teenhg, Item" , u,; .'un.,__, .._.--... I 'J.'ll(`D{H3'L 3 " `.H:wc paticixcv;xny'boy;orypxraril}~uo+ 1 ho :1':;iv In play` ypur sonata as all." f ! "Tho aiXt(`(!th of the,m0nth is not fnrf. ' 01T" lm murmured, gntheringr hp his_pu-, pox-g and then we shall see. I will play -l:-,-;I- tell you, alive or Eliixd. " V I -*.-\'.m " um. I thnn vm shall see. \vl1enhuari)so and began to walk rusjp! "`.I have put n1_v`fMe`to the test, only p1`0U. \UlL'., In;-' prulcsuuuzu Mun. We bud sat for some moments silducu I lussly abolmbhe room. He was already: dressed for the concert, und prepared tu` jump into the cah~whi0h---weu1d-e0m`ey-f`.- him to the hull. ' Doctor-," he sziid, pausing before 1119. ; as I told i you I meant; to do. ` .The concert-`- I began. ` ,\'0, I n1ezu_it -A_v1(mn\u s decision, he nnswere(1.' feverishly. I asked her to write mo to-day. To tell mu 1f_shu will xxt:(:op:. my love and the homage 01` 11fy'snzv.t2\. OH, doctor. if--if- V Hsv`vl:| I inmn-nnmd. I511:-.1'o is the? ` my snnzmx. ,UH, uuuwr. u--u- Ha`rk! _ I interrupted. thx-,1'o the` posmxmxvs`whistle; -A letter for you. . Yu:<."' no cried as he pickednx) the letter which tell t.hro11gl1 fche slit in` who . duqr. ' Fruln her! I know her wriping. 11.`; u....-.~.~.u1 him line fn `rhn-nnrflnnmlx (1UQl'._'.L`1'UlI1 mu": .1 Jxuuvv nu: xvuynug. i ` Ho pressed his lips to `the-perfmned~ envelope, then stood, lmsitating. ! Lon me 1-owl it `first, \`ictm-ieu. Ii. said. with u p1'cn1oul_tion of evil which l` cuulnl not overcome. You nceal all your nerve [or the po1'for1m1nc(a to-night-, and -u`nd-~ - K I T I ah I\ ..\.,\;.m mm. ..m'..m..1 rm.` 1 1 -uuu-~- _ ` Fflf ,_sh,e, _sh_0111d .1I_n_ve ..1'fC`J'`;`>t.(`},1,,,I,11(-` might fniljp dmny ddliu;._v,-yo.11 mo howetortcd.` with a ghastly nttexupbg nnfnn T nnmf cm, fur nvven Inn--nun if there is {L hm "n or h(_s1l for me u'ndo1' this frail cover. bo-- 3 I ~ 11.` .,...,. :+ ....m. ..x..m.m1 uh Hm haw.` HHS mun uuvgm-. .uu--- . ' Ho tore it open, glzurcod` at the half- dozen lines traced `upon the 'slxeut';..,thc11 with such an expression as I hope never to sou upon nmrml (urn aguimha silent-1y B nmuled t1 u,1utt-g~.1- to me, It ran Dear `Isl;-. Victnfmxx: Lmmot;' say how highly! flzittczml I :'\T1n."by the. (iedicaon or your 1 x.,...nn+'n1 mnnm fn 1nn' -Mr Anumi f`Ks-wicked and bitter a1ette`x` wn;-5 penned, I_b11r?svs out, angrily. _The`n I arose hu_1-riedly. and w'ent'ovm' 1;o`yvlw.ru"T Vjctoriuu sat in his cha`n',`\vibh'.his chin upon 1x'is\ch_9st- and hamlydzxtigling, at either s'1do., A g1anoe..teld,`me' the truth.` : " Hqwas deal}. 1- L__`l 1-..... um I\.I1VI Lnr mu Hm nil} .(1U wan uunu. ,I hmlloved` the ppm` .l`y`.`.asvtV1;e. "and wor1(l-wor_n1ov'_l2h9 y.Q11ng ant} in'no~ fnt. and for it 1mn1unt_'.'bho Pullous cum- Vposurc of the Irurdxmd pri\c_t_itione,rb.gave \vay,'u11d-I wont qver-hjm--in deep so'1'rm\-._ Tlmn I czylletl, in zissi__;t;1ncu:,.unl1 379 mm him upon his ' bed and covered vhim 11'eeunt ~ As we nished our _mouri1ful _ task, the ,c1nuk_ . st .1'uck{_seven,- and Ire- `cm olln .4; -his sboumn, -dry1ng- strains iron; the consular inst:-urncnE' \...1.l 91... .m(- guullnnna iwanthhtml, . straws Hum mo annular zuuxum-mu. 12,3; halt! the vast andienin lmathless, ,- :..u2i%xr;md. wpierlng! Who bus Jmio * X-"u-mrnml? Yes, icmrian hiufmlz! 4v 3qzorIcu,ghaxtly=u deh{vriI.h lnmaeyes nmringzstmlght hofors him,` playing as it without. can or head of any figure szggnliug myhoaa who now ru-not nf thn truth, um-`lhln CO 1'-i.Jovo, was in t11e.asc3_ng11_ugt;. _'1_`1)_91,_\v 1.; _ E supposed "td possisss"71cM'6FITcIT<>sT.FF " 2 elements of .chzu`aoror' thzin 0Ll1c1`s, .:;:U. U ` hence to partake of t,he,benign qluilitios i attributed _to the Father pf the Gods. V I m. xx 0` 1 .. HIP. - \ ` ` -.\ { if tho apdienm hzulnot bell faqcinated " 'L:_vond all (ib$c!`\ zxiiun of oncriorthiugs, Em; wild aypuxzauco nmst.bave _l:e_<;_n "noted and cuxunxenpegl upon. ~~But. n`o lune hedew inc; for `never had such a v 3 igerrqrxgxnucsr been listened. `to. Even ghe orchestra forgot `their parts, and held I-thuir.mstx-nxm-uzs am"-pended. 11321115 35 the violinist: like man In a trance. ;`.1.......u. um ...........n=..... gmmba mo: g may mm D6011 n_Luruuu uy a noun, bul'.u`p` on examimgtiqn vjplin `ringing to the dead man. Opening the -- the instrument. hadsnapped. v ` 4 Whnul\ T nruntr fn Inn}: nvnr HIV nnnr case. it was fomldv that every suing on ' IIHU Hl5ll`\UuUH.h llll auuppcu. ` ; Whoa I came to look over my poor friend's effects, I discovered a copy of tho . Aylonnn Sonata in his` zmd-writing, butt" 1 so bk\ue(i, torn und defaced as to` be i wholly\ indeciphorable. Whether Aylunna : Rivers--now Mrs Anson Gmy- has pre- served hers I do not know. ` The word topaz couu-.s` {mun the Gm-.1; verb signifying to guess, The jewel was brought from the East. and rupurt<:L1 to have come from an lshmd, and 1mm. guessed an. aha lo;-:u1un_ of mu ipiu w;.ic.: produced such beautiful gems. fI \L.. __.A...a ......IA ._..._`:...=uc.--I... rhvxn i ..The word scold wasfojxerly nppH0d to; E A "t1uzu-rolsoxue person of eithsr sex. bus as; women are xyocoollsly` "1ifbro given to _`sc01diug than men, in has come to be ' Iivnifml f:\-hn 1.-uu-our and mnra l"iT{}rni Mir`. v ` UUUU.ll|lK_i|lLIl| IXIUU, ll. A||iI3 UUIWHKA: LU UU 5' limited to tho fzurcr and more Ii11guistiL}- ; ally gifted halfbof the humzul nice. 4 YIN. u-nu-.-1 vs)-nIu\af(\hr\IILt nu-luh~.nlhv .. Bnvxuu ....... .. I i'11g"ff-rdm place t?o'pIzice. `As those, ' pm`- ; sons were by no means "choice in t1m'n'- ; language or elegant in their doportmeenc`. 5 the Word was soon applied to those` Whu V , in speech or action 1`esombl_eL1 them. .- :. ' Presently 'fu1`i'i)Iy Jnqant i`nst.z_mtl_v,-er "i1nm mmdhissex10 in f l ; scon'es'of plzmes by p`hake$pe2:ro`_zm.1 ot-im-2 V` -writers of his tinxg In is nm1riou.: il1ns~ V ` tration of the-(lilzptbrinass-ofh1ima.n nature `-that zI.W01'd syhiclxonce meant instmxtly i i ' :hoi11d'1:o1"tb"B universally cox `err ed as 1n_eemlng aft'e1` a time.` _- ,_ rm. ' ..1...,.... .....r. .a..;..:....I1`. `um ..|.~.......1' (:11: h. n.>v \.ll\I .......uu uwu. - The word preposterous - originally meant :1 process of n-.versin,r.; the nzxtuml 01'd01'()fthim:s, sncli ;'.< imlimted in` tin) common expression,puzting the Curb hu fore the horse". " By an easy "grudatioii ithus come to be used in its present signicance. ' ` um I I-\\w\-1 nu. .1 ,,IL_ .1, ,n: _.,:,_._-.._ Take no thought for the. nmrmw. : now lgntlerstoml in _ax1unl3i1'n1y d7.l`fe1'e I nmnner from that in which it w:\ '1......1..A u,.. L .... 1.. ;Il|UL|Ul ILUUI |lHtl|l [11 Ill tended \vhm tlm I{'m;,'. Je '_ wasprepamd. `Tlgon the ex E _ fake thong-ht \vas 1u1ivm's'nl `E nym for anx_i0us solioimde. m :1 .1. ,, . A` -Tabby. the nmxm of a. well-known 1 species of cat, was iux`_u1mIy atnbi, which was a term used to deig1mte'. a pecaxlirzr pattern in tho silks xmnufu.ct1u'e in Persia. The xnnrkklgs in the fur _0f_ xha "cat reemble the -pnttem of the silk. . he `cmhc,duub1e,application of the nmzgz-., ,1 I ul r\I\nr\ -nnnluvvb lxn. .6:-an l\F ..Ln~mu ..\,L..u,.w,\.u......`.,..,.,............ \lL N ,, H . , ' .Iov1a.1 once mean: the type of clm:':sc ` -`tor sppposed to belong to 2L11'po1-sous: wh 0' I 1 I I _ I . _ ` ...w...u..~... ... ...... -.......- \/C .... ~ The xpi-ession b1ak11ann1 origiimllyl lndicaod the soulljon, !;.itqhon"l_)oy.{L11gi V pot-wash`ers_ who b1"011ghtsIup this 1'v:1:" - when a great )nun a - lnuusohohi was 1nv.>\--'- `{ irvaiygl -rtI\71r`\ yrnr-n f}\WI\Tsinn 7 "As: Izhnch um-. \J\t ... m_.........5 ....... .. .....\,. _ ,., ( l , ;Tho shrew was Qrigina1l`,vw.-'tb9 sl1mwd mouse_, which, when _her`y0Qn,g x've._ire,`; V he1p1ess,_ would gix6'(!o sperately`ix1 their :` gdefuo), _)u'd so Well known svgs the cmn'- I ag of ;tl1is_tt-lo animal. which wqixlrl " iovon go out of Us way-to 'seok_a:1 o~.mm;v F au"t1mes`}vI1ei11.,4-h4;._z1ost nec_dedprotec:-ion, that tl\1o.'\v9rdj.becama applied. to at wu-. ,- `V1D`a1J VVj}_)t)7VihS 9V0r 1`<=3:1;`.3ry't0 seokx quzw; f `Uh : " < . ` . . _, Thaexpressiou b1z;qkg\m`i1- or1;1n.a1}_v.- 7 mm;-.n:ed tho sc11!1"mns". l_;itcb(m 1:,0ys."-21::-.2 z _po'.~,._`washe;`ys_, whp br ulm 1'}a2f I when dgreyxt m:xn _s;' hqushold/was nmv-~ ing `E;-o1n'.p1'L\co pa p1tice.. A;1;h'ese-pcrso11:;.,' . `wexr 2'.byVr_1` Ixzmns c`m>1co"_iu "tb'oh` `lang- ' mg 01`. _1:=.ga,-1_1t.;njt > _ A to rth?osa"who in V_'or(1;\vfg$ s9o`i1app_13e.H. V _ ` ; spgech ` ram-i b19(1'f5)5ien_1. `j if (1epi:1- gn`1eI1),r," this 7 Ipnl 4;; rm-um n u_-wuuu ._ T L. ._ . ._ V L k 7 Qgton o9urse;~md-Shl! I019-Xlfheen-,miles.02:" - Onevfthozreatest:Wm1ers;.9tano1env -was bite:`To`5umi1mt1ze,thet;1me ma- ~ (Egypt Was the-. faI,mf*1s.9rts1t1oi`n1z`} b9d~93%ubn@ition'. oi -he? -`rikfaT.`sh::. znme.2o3L~ : wat.erL-ca11>dV Imke M95 -"153.A$ `1m8"t9-'mi1e=l,i1` wane;-new .h;cmi. rm %\ = ,`i@h3E_tS}1'!`.;:$S irv\I3&f9tg.mmates. * .+en.wa$ 3i3..f.P1Q3SsLWh,1o _ f = ' L * `thAie1:1."h``..6:19118?{i0!:8PF-911G1Y 1511' Tak \ `b0%%a.? .i'I?he~Ozmilvatielixwmeh . , tin V L % inzmo 2 01 this Greek . zxxsnen mm 9~;wati31: tr gguns rsaggruxug wvtpuau um: um azorzmt o{ the truth. terrible to ..,.._;._j.. I worm HISTORV. A ` Auk icfnex an w L \VI|llJll LL Hal` RH` Jemuxs \.'<*r:;i exprcssioxx Lu 1mivu1's'nl~us ii syn0 nu: annitntln 11;;-.,,,u. , ,_,,, ,, A. ~,,-_-._,-,, ,_;mmm.eL3LruuLouLy..oauausa..4ney:.~4mu1u~ C. "75"? 1'-"i` 1` ""`_" C``"Y-.6 : hays bad credit . of the cure, but bednua mo Denver-glories in many_ re>cord-break- ; the reauny of the disorder would have. in , he-elmen and a1sn`1n one record- i ' ' - breaking, wheiwoxxman. Mrs, Rineharn, a 1331- than those .rgcoye1-ig m- ? 29s!Tb1%[. m-'ee'eiet5L;ba&u$yr Wade "a"'f ` .,: d0111>10 09nt`z1\1`) in `z\'9Wy and ODE-third" virtua of inert remetiies and another hours. The Cycling Wesi_5 says`thls is the ghing to` 1-91-.ogn1'7,o me esggfeh of mm. fsb time a. woman lmsxnada suchva ride. ; 1-equenskzucoess.--Philaulolphia *1`-ixxicss. I that ew men are able to accmnp1ishnhe~*_ P, V . _ . ' ` fga:x_tm11:i that` no. Gnloradnau has even i "' M M5 91 `Ll' mx.m` ' - fmi done it-.' Mrs. '}-i11ix1e1m1*t_lefl: hef homegin 3 " A great `km M nonsema has I-'`3" nnYv I rm` ttm __-_.,. W5"-' ` Denver S`{o:ln:~ n:'\rning a week zigzi I hem` D.b.mhed -in 'quaSi'5.mmm :`tmnrs ,._,\-.'. M j; ` ` to Lhe_e:zect; that: `a man mounted. -on a M ' bicyvltris D1frfect1y`"z{f_""* 1n 2: ttluar` , nznl <.u:m)!0::;i her first. cumin-y LN. .r.|'|un:\ -1` n..'n1- 1 T T: tr - {easily and thoroxixlily. A ' . Qnestntterdlnnorpllk. . ' ':seanta. All dmggtm. ffrepued by C. 1. Hood & 00.. I.gv_rell,Mass. .'1'ho onurm to utewm: Ho_od s smapaxma. ' It Says mllnn Wl;o and tho Rope on Ell ` ' Hock. -W. F - In the Maryland House of Con-ootion * In 3 comic: who, 26_ years" ago, escaped -3 `hanging by two minutes, This man is" .Wm|nm Harvey Johnuon, known tamll~_ \ iarlyoas Boll. He is 49~yars old, and wulghs 236 pounds. Born in Hni"rlson- btirg, Va., he was taken by hlrmother g to Mamnsbntg, in 1866. There he found omploymolyg on the canabboati, and ghdnolly worked down to-tho-~bay. In \18'a'1 ha bocame involved _in n `quarrel.-, ` with one oftbo crew named Joa`i;u'z_Ga1`.- '1-ilon, `and-shot him to death. He wns ' oonvlotelnnd `death. The ` led. V f to Aboodecnihae ` ` was'p1aoed ' ` spring the Hun . ' wag '&1Idon.sonrstnn:ch,!ndigesonueprompy mud by Iioodyfllls. they do their warh- _ IBKBG. V 5 feelihg, Itell you." he replied. `V`Thera.I' was, nxpect~ _ mg. to me] things give way with `me us `any minute. And if it had been one of these here patent gallowsgs Iwould have gone sure. But, yoxfee, the sheriff had ` :"tcr'go"dnwIra*'w1ndinr stairca_3_a;'n1:d"btr ; fore he raachedtha bottom my nepriavo name. That nights they tnokme to Bam- ~ more on the steamer Helen, and I ate a dozen spring chickens. I hadn't: been . -hungry for a week before that." ' """l`hn (Invm-nnr hm`! r-nmmntnd than dank}! nu 605% L...n.... mm ah-sunk lndiresnn Am mom!!! I-I cod. s _s -DUDgX'}' I01` 5 WEUK 0810!?! Dllllb. The Governor had rmmmnted the death sentence to 1`mpx-isohnxent fox" 18 years, and Johnson open: 16' of them`in'nhe: penitentiary, gaining time for good be-_ X vhevior. His reputation for eating fol- ' lowed him there. One of the directors of g the institution asked him how" many ; plan he could eat at once. " ' 1 Van mnnn {ham hm-A nnnnh n1en?i :- 5 Little` . 5; i:n'.`x '}`.ai=_hvd am 12.45 'L"uu1-sduy mn mg ,j_,:-r" c_vc5l0-_ _V nwter_ regissatud` 203 vn`:1z>:'. Sh; c-ndur0:1- many `1:::L'(isi1i1as; czrmecialljz 01; the`. lust: ,cenmn-y. B_efo,1-9 gzlingg Iift.re_I1 nmilcs on :1` the Pl:xLt.'v_i1la road, mid" after` making ;` 9']: 113 miles, she_encoun:red ex min storm. 1- f.'l`Ms oantlpued until she fund hqrself ._j pushing-Jshtbugh isblzm.-.d mud holes and. [1 i`im'1151__sinsest'tephes off""\te\r, which sub~ v ;-. mergedhe road In `mcmy, pgacas, iThe , lash thirty miles W515! where her great .v .-pluck and exzglugqance were: broughtintio . "play,_. The_ distance \':as`vgune*in*inky darknasq. `She was. accrampnnied: by `hen `,."h115`bt\Il;d,~WhQ".WOl11f1 have g_lz1dl_y re-,' ; llnqnxishad any glory to. sltbqsiqe a re In afcomtorbavblti home 1 -in. gpzfaforenca to- 'bravi`ng_t-he mg Ie1ectric.z`:1 `sperm whicll - swe_pt`pver`Dexw.or pa bha05~ nighh, send- Tng heets `(1,f1"`ii11 Sn. he -taoes. of pedes- :t-rians and: _qny9r;ng- the T;-'o`&'"Wfbh"'SH1i" merlnlg ppplsfo{.w`ate'_r,_ .dis_cfgz-nibl(a, fonly. ;_ whnla ziwih ox lightning lmup she read - ' -' 'make',x;iatuers -'wors9;;, Mrs. s. tits: $>ll.imb1'_u'-ed on the Limo`-. bu (2')y.1 ;fsia,`7b5;ia1;- She "x:odfa`?.;:lft._:ek}A- ymijes ' .a.:.-J.;i.'{'..f." . Fbiixkx . myllgrorfu PIE?! DB CUUIU 836 BE UHU. ' ` 4 Yon mean these, here peach pies? ; _ Well, about 1:3, I rm-I;on; was his reply ` Will you let me give yon 12 `lnslms `if 1 you cannot? wus n=ked `him. Yes, sh`. Just: hring on the pies. Tlmerwere brought. He quickly dis- ; posed of nine Then he waasnrved with : a d1'|ed~:spple'pie, and` persuaded to take; a drink bf water. After that he managed ' to show away we llgh plan. He looked as j thb 12511 sadly, bum-d"nis baokimd said:-- ' Pm nu-uhv gin Vnn fnnln mn- hnf. LIver ll|s% UHU JJUU bllly, UULULI ll]3 UIIURIILH I'm rvmly, Sit`. You fooled 11 I'm willing to take the linking.` ; What-. is fhn chnvv Pm fix: wit! I 1 ll! \VHHllg IJU Mlht |4liU uublug. : That is the story he tells with agrent deal of gusto. He has served three years before in the House of Correction` for _ larceny, bun he is_ able "to make a good = .livlng oysterlng in winter", and working `in the briokyards or at other -jobs in ,summer. He was commicized 1_3.mpnths ago for 18'months on a charge of sceni- lng an umbrella in Anne Arundel e County. Ila says that he paid. 15 cents for it, and` that the -man who amslaed him carried} hlrn before a m_aglst1;ate where he could unis gv.-is witnesses to prov his innocence. ' IT'S A` BAH Fr.-geuna 'L'L1 [US UliUhllllll uuLu;-- me; ` but - ,. ALA H ..... U .-u-.--.-r A _l"eculi'.u' Mimi (`m'e`.' , g In h y`sterl:\, that in '=terieu$_complalnt~ that ussoznma so umn_v and vnried forms, the inlluonce of the {vill Against the reflex action of vcluntunv muscles is constantly seen. Mrf Skey.` according to Take, records the case of u yqunm lady" of 16', . whofor many months had been sot! :- ing tronxlnversion of the left foot, whl.h was twisted at right angles with the other and was treated by` orthopaedic 2 surgeons with on elohomte apparatus of , splints. (though he recognizcxi the nature of the ; affection) ...:`.11ccee:le(l in caring it; Pay; ` chical agents; however--in other words, . mental impre.= a euro in II` few ,:x:in'.:::-.~. She willed to use her foot like other people, `mid she did. The on- , en;-enoo is I`-1'lZ`;Z'.`(l -as follows: She an- E eompanied her family to is hell, her foot, ` as she entered the hell room." being not restored to its normal position. She was invited to dance, and. under this. novel excitement, she `stood up, and" to the astonishment of her V filllllly, she danced the whole evening, h:\ying_ almost sud`- denly recovered the lieelthy muscular .\'oithcr may her Mr. Skeyw action of the limb. She came to see me.-" adds Mr. -Skey, `two days afterwards, . . She walked perfectly wellinto myr Jo1_n ` and paced the room forwards Lind book` - ` words with greet delight.` The actions of the limb were thoroughly restored and `traces of the oz-evlooa malady ` had dis- V appeared. Fortunately, adds the histor-i , ion of the event, no quocl<._ medicine or 3 doctor aroused the will in this case;` for-4 .tonatel3LrucLon1y;because:L4the3L-ioold_;; credit because have _ hoan rlanimi hv Izhnun whn hsnvn ml-ill n _.-no-ya - The tnw1ng_npn_ shfiiilllfii . proo! umdnbem is not than in A nmndv which Imuuiit _ umannom II no: A tlxorolu umedywhichwmuudit onuxio,conn:yo:ca.rmon,cov1t: , 4 >\ I. chnxuMoq.otha6ikyLoi0tz9v:.Ia1;.u< County of Carleton. Bluhmlth.` GB, uolemnlydeclgieufollowl: ` 1. Inddagtxmalasaasintbugnlsl olottgn. ` - " _. . v' x . `Q - . 9. rorthep.qtnreeonyun`2'Ixnybaqn.. .;.. _ . Agratsucraztrgzmkldngydiagtu; umoia.,t_lu prominent Iymphom: o_w_hi_ch run ` > : pninnln my haghotuhuutmdmuhbn 5 l ` snobueothaIplu.onpbotw_oen1nyIhouldgq'b *` ~dlzx1neu,hstdscheI.oUe. Iwinlbpd .` gene:-Ally and Inated small 'ls9n)"`,n' timu. ` > f Tlleinonze pun pravenbadm: Il__oopii1._nutl_l ' 5 seemed to gay worse conulnlly. The who wexe` dulled in prononimoafmy dlunnfwh L: anbem, but their emtbeue amfn gout, m;'\ L 5 " `they held out but Ilight hope ofh:y_freegvu'y,3 ' g ` E 41 us than a o`ru.go:io with the axummuu L = Q ~ could nag turn in bed without help. My aim. Inn at 5 dark yrinecolor, and full otudimmt. 8, I took |l|_kim_i ofufedicine, but without - ` ` _' au reuet. `r , _ ' . l A-- naming of Donn : Kit1ney`Pil_ls I'_ got` . 7 ` nu. uuuu -_,-. " b4;`I;\g`1.1`o! Ki}1ney`PiIls T : been so often disappointed s`cCo.rthy s dnju acombuhhs ` b h&.<,1,uo mitimi: u. _... unvrnhf` T nlnrttsd llldn them. [n ho} it H.I-`. S{a`cco.rthy dyug :ahc:`x;.ut:)us :lag1ixg them. Howavergl started tlking them, Ind ' 7 they struck the right spot at once. and 1 com- menced to gay nether.` Frpm nus time on g ixnprovamenn wns`cont1nuouauui:ilI.am now. ` utter ave we'eks use` or D0&n's Kidney run. entirely free from pain of any kgnd. Th`: um-{no = `is nntuml, and I am now working right along .` mw \ 5. we in n. man source of pleasuwfor mo 0:; ` an; In my 51103. 5. It is 2. great pieaspre testify to the world of the cumt1ve' Dusn s Kidney Pills. and I mnke th declaration conscientiously believing wars of solemn fair to \. it 9.0 bf true; and knowing mm in of the same force- aud eect. is if made under oath and by virtun 5 of the Cmiada Evidence Act. E:--I (`N ARIKRH MORE.` ` Bgd. , unxnnyno mum). Declared before no at thecity of Ottivm. in 1&.G2u!;x2L9;!99n. t-Iain nz; ,d.a1. 9t....Ap.ri1,, , `Herc ` cu u11u_re;i-tsuu ulmu H mun l.|.X'.)Ll1!LK5u--"11 a-iIiuyuitris-_pgrfec-t1y* 5 n ,2 11,u_.ar`f ~ storm, because he is supposed to he,in- _ I .cuI-.\t-ed fI'0-11) the "earth by the r11'b-her V ? tires of his niachine. .Thg fa;l_lacy?(_>f this _ i rs:-usoning is shown by she fu,uu.tqlm33.II!DF E `sham one cause has happenerili which 9.7` 3 hicye1i_m:has_been instantly` kiilcdjwhile , imrifying home on `his wheel_._ "In. one . =,u,<`mnc:2.- the. cup, shirt ami com? o`t:3e~ ride`: V_V`UTF!.t0lfll tu nails," and his? chel; ! _au{i' uhcinizieu were severely F_bu`m.adT.. Many whaelxnen have raiied upuh? their; ` rubhei tires for safety whllai asti-i_de_` o ..t'..`miL` steel machines dl`_iZJg"'0i?})1}i'i?3B1:. 1 s.-tn:-ms, tihpkiug ~thanxelves insiimcad E from the grbund `uhereby. "In such csisa aha tires; am uS11al1y'cove1'a:-3.` Wis}: af-`ing, of iv;:nr`fhnx.`the 1jainfa'1l_.Ian'ci .the5r:,am not to ba relied u p_on_ as..adm1.uuteip1`ob'ec-7 tion- againss the` mig`h._t~yV'eIef'ra1:niv force that bridges} the graajair--gnziotz Q .!i"'htt1i:vg -.ss;`ul~te. "!`.3` r * thinv ` ~. `a3we'11as.;1 *,;z ` :\ tiiunxier storm 2-zbelfg--. of sgsnm ,buihii`ug K > win-:io~.vs aimed.` /-l;ic_\'c1i'5t,s and .Lighn'|in_:. V . nonsense pecenglyv puh1ishru1_ .quasi-scimfffe`. `papers 3 Ll1e4ei1-`eat; tilxatsa mon'nted.-on -h't1tvnhr1'*.z%'m`r`FISr!Hv*' 1 I I x n u nu nu.` gu. .~_um:;_LJ ndo~.\7s'o1o.zed..` w~.,....,,5 out reuex. Yr ` 4; lieu Kidney Pills hm: st ILF. a`cca.xthy drugatoxje.buh_hsyix;g Sgd.' mm: E. QMEARA, A Commissioner. eh D ACE. CHARLES MOSS,` ,u... n:o..}.l nu ... 1: jiiizbuin moo % :~~gs.u. `..a,..; :n . Burk. tuag,m;a.,co' IOHN E. Q`m;.uu, A ell. ~ nanny },ro`- Lpzm. ` ` 7 .- fuoxvmxdmn E170 h Vi L mun u?;izi`7`T - ABB13T3. *`~ 39.1`-10I'1`B 8 f. . T j iooNY1:mxonBs.`&a% am Ldcmux, Q.G.,r F. ELP. Pans. Q.C ~ swarm. . vl_l}>ne:toLonnV _ sthowwt Rates. .' - ._.1I. A.11l D. c. mmcarson. - ' fl` -_au-1 CLERK, will `be gt his om in ie, - every Saturday: _ .`I"DI\ nnnhnhnvnn ' ' ,3o1r_s&;nnowN. ` ,:,%LIOrIOR8 . ~ % L:i;:oxL W. Born. 0 . Buowx H u uvuuv,_uunnqu, un aaainzliaixee '?na"1>7o., goomowu, "T f . . 15:4 Eamemsmxen Orilllag atmix x::-Ooxnor 01:v6u, an K > l `;` -. I! 3023;? . Qoilege Itnzeat. ant. Toronwv fem :;r:,in' , 3 WM". Barrie - at month tx'nu;A _"a:jaoy Elmvxle r .` * _ . Dunlap and Oven streets p. Hunniolgl v `Inc and am -o'IAech_montI1_'HuladaIo last Lovellrntywenesday. ' - Post owemu-rte, Out. .:r ..............._-.....,._.__.._. ......,, holmzhn toss. 17g._'gg._._`, - -- --1-vauaaunalnv 9* `V 0oo!cntm.vn`1St and am each mo uth. nulmmm Inxt 1 Diseases of the, Chest. Tmxzsxnur-*` . ac ddwaiif .niunuulCiEo. `n.I1_1A.._. -: A... gt aw, 8*m6Eox.':m- ~ xv; Dismay at the (Ihaqt. .:snvnnnn'n' A _ -` - %V V;n.*5,`.c. swam A 3. '1.` saw-are ' . V rumcmss 5 um _ drticun gxgmwngs" "0HN\SO S ck S'AR.JEANT, DEAL . RES '1: UOAL of all kinds. importe meat It. the. mines; _a1:o Lath and Shingles, White and Grey Lune, Plasterers` Bnir Se-ver.Pipea,'1*'ire Brick. Fire Clay. , Pluto: of Pujs, Cemexita,"etc.. allot best ulxy. nnd solq at very rssonnblo ratgee, -"I93: 23~E!izal_)eth SL, nearly oppqsxta jvolltngton Hotel. "` 0}-27 IThe ProvincialBniI11inuanLuan| Denfte ontract with 1:g3tl1Iix_ntcstor.nnl bor- ' rower Ask for pamphlet." ._. -. __..a-__-`. [svnscxunzp carxnn. ' - .s'i729.soo.ou wEsTi* [ iLR%&0E 4 co --_OF TOR`)N'FO. - I ixvtsimn 1N=cANAm oven .. _AOCU-MULATED FUNDS ...... 'A romn ASSURANCE`... ihkt sou sweat A . When oulmve the clmnee. There is :1o'use undergoing mrdshilss these days when _f.lfD.Ymllg if you know what ines no travel on. `Those who ` ` _ Annksss M Kxlw. mt the-- t !D'oM1N%:oN LINE` VF.;.X}u[_INER dxmcm: i%}14PSIAIns%AAIEm3:%mmwP%sI.#| ....a,-.--... ._......_.-. _ .___..._....` igxninning :iXNDARD ~iIz;k_-::EEs73I7Ii;e :1;-4' =Js;;:;ie:- It_la;3aziuc.?nul_ -E1 1!; ; zyspefsiatltgt _ ' ` yaw ,;VsYork}-4;rT,Tziz1 .xm-%T V "j [ 1f()Q11,t;!,Y.5l{l`}X(!c!(3d> T . i u1_v\:11_ruux. 1. Hum nu-urn L , `For ffxll iinfprrmioxx applywto fASSURANGE_0DMPANY. - LIFE, . I3'PBEPAREI2`.0_D DS oxrs` %.1oI-4N ` a75EERsoN . - .. /AGENT. ._..._.. _hQ1$o:`:\dr1iteq7l.$3:`$I. of Stemnsmps is the. fastest and mast commodlous -between :1\lonh'ea1 and Liverpool. `Prices aa.I`mv ms the lowest ml ft-I in('m-nmnn mmlv..fn we F 'M. M(-)F1_'_GOMERY. AGENT. nannm. ......___.......__ `Bank of Toroixto Btlilcling, I - ' . Owen Street I ,.L{i,;yrE or KINGs'g0N)' ' SB 2314 'B.11;HI1e,oA'r s-IVGIIJ;-.`1ml\`ll"EOGERS`(`)|"4l;v n':..-L. ,0.-m I A'S0(!il{[-i0l`l. ' `x aL _JjLt:;`G_: