about their wonderful cumtivc powe1`.~t. Ask thosn urhu nave tried and becnbeuelltcd by,Dr. Chase's Kidnefv-Liver Pills Dun : be skeptical. One or-two dosca of Dr. Chxxsds 1{idx1e_\'-I.iv'er Pillsmay moztn the; saving of your life. They acu gently and e ectuully. and do nol; in guy way iuterfero with your Sail)` nvocutiou. Briglms Deasc. Liver Com: Dyspepsia. Ouo ping dose}; 25 cc: m};sea.'Itorw_ho11\ th Rmnws` ham: 1 examm '4)bje`et`the:c\me of the tobacco hing tlmeclitox-izml an olua. ` E__ SAM`. We will give $500 to any person _n ;n.- l.:;-inane \ -that DI`. ChaS'S YOUNG MEN VIV nu. 5..- v_-, _ of the lkidneysihat Dr. Chase s`( WLi_\(er pill will not religve or cure. s Reading % up. with mahujm anu rucum nu. Auvui, .'K"5\3lh!:n fnrcml to ;{0_ ll) `Ilm To1'm1i.;', Wgangral hbspital when" it. was found f_tlial; h.eiwa s 'af_icLeii with torticollis y(wry nick). .During the first six i-nmntli9"i+e1helmspitul he` was uniler fh.8l:rl3al}tllelIb uf the Stuff eleclriciun, _bjnt~ the --poyivers of elclricisy 7entirely fgilegl,- and--after a "consultation nf _' `t was deingrl advisable t) perfemsm bpen1l.i')h., , Six i,wge.k,,La9ri ' L .wa&4mrtnimgd;_;'I,l1Q:_ at;ii:nsV proved snecessful only in _'so ftiigfas` _liL_-3 aifnrded tempbmry yglwief. "` mniained 'n' thj hospital from Nov-_ 1890. _tili`[ 'J_unuary, 1892,. and . . all ;t'hfe nmo?iern""i-Feinedies nnd appliames :lm'o_wn wrthni`; staflfw oE- ,thv,n,; weili:qmfpiped institution no, permanent . i...-.... 1 wuum lJ\u\l|I\-IVIJ . .,,, $500 000 1-) cuiiiplclm en-vy \i{`lx\ll in El " li ` _ , in inmlcmplaiut uf J.0~)U Mil.-:ii\n-is. .\lvi:'y `W "PD0!ilimi tlc[)l\"'I|\`l uxuliwg.-< lava lnwn ` jg lzuilt {urn lkb sum i.-:1` aniixiimr, `Iiul`nll) ' M, `Topeka, l{us.: Fm? .\'uiilh. .r\ll{.3 ~\'L`l|l.I|, Q.` Ala. : \Va\ilies'nzi, \\'l.~i._; an-l -mm: K\\'i-Iii) ' . ether.-1. Bll.5.llL'n`t," (?xL'llllIl'c.: no lnntcr .- . 5 . 5 ,rc exist, having :.;o1ic.xlic way if all purely ex spcculdti\"e`\enterpri=etn null lu..v.n;,; no H'- 11 Non. the cl xl1re\\'il nancier la not pumng.; his nnviu-) S` into lll\' SllnL`I\'i that [)\'0llll~(` us his pluclr A n his; fpr proiuotoi` nil l-a\vym- as `,l)lll[)t_`llHg: b telepliiliuiigei do. llu m.y luiui flu? 0 inc of his uum: in re.-t.urn for, u p'roiitullu- 1 A nsidemLi(m._lLtLli_e>,__p~laiiL will be built 8` (well in` poorly) ll`unl` the 1inestineii1'iiiEYn`(r?` by lnlnbs--|mmjsn uni l`ixn~'i1speutin_q cm 5, : ures who are so ine.\`peaience as tn l)L`ll5'V(: , b tliatx-l'>e kl certain prnniinent citimn, { R holds quite "a block 1-! stock in 1). new E enterprise he must have unjestu-1 n 1-urge t amount tnerein. .3nl 2 y l E ( ( s 1 turn for the heavy iiiveatiiimit. as the lzmil.~" sellum has the reserve capital necessury in pr_ot~u: an investment of this clnum-lei-, li- man has a" pmctlcul illustrmiuu of.lm\v zi\.`-ily `him, venture may be _swnlln\'ved up and lust for ever. ` - ` But the most diilicult_prol)lein' tlmt`cr`m- B fronts the new _cnmpany in :1. large city is to I so plan the, cons:ru_c1ive and engivwoiim; 1 fentixrealgigplnnt us to insure gfrmn Lin: 1` g;_ :5 s;xtis_::ctiiri"iliiglilliss Sl.:I`ViCe tn 1 eub;cril)"c`:ris:i).lree1ly" rlu_c:ited to-nylngh V 's'mnda.r:i of telephone service. lie, nneeins something ,ln01'e than plziciiigu. Wl"ClIl):IL\l`:l ' *1. room and "connecting. tllcl'(_lL0tll(_:\Vl1`5 rmliating oucto the sul)sci'iln-r.-s teleplmnes. For the lmiltling nf "the modern telujilmige plant in II ligrge city incl11l' `t.l.eplmuiing omhe `construction 01' 'ouL_l_ving exuliaiigia c6I1ne4:teLl.T.o e -ch otliermiil also to thr main M`--W - - , ~- ' -1.4.-mill A Pnsliws cuss ma xmuev fnoumi %THE%*EXAMsNE%R; ' iNER- and. T111` 3m, 397. 1'5-c.., .j-.- til1`Ja1i., ` _9E~`. fox`$bl.06" . 4 _ .\\rQt!1$])' Globe t-i1l.Jzm.. `Sf, THE -EXAMLNER 01xttyetr`f(;I',_$l.00 = I . ' ' \ \\. "t.i1eeTsyr`ript<).fnsZ A che.T.D_11,Il `Egg f`. ,r or BaseoEt11ejA.I;doxnen{Pains in-the'Bac ' (lcsirc to nrin:1te;`Sc:Llding urine with passage White dep0sit,s,v Tifed Feelings, Weakness, V , An u:J..,... 4-mnHng Con1p1aint.'Headncl1e. Biliousuess, Costivness 1 , 3 cents an box, or 5 fur $2; . THE .Ex;miN1aj1;-ancl - - Mo_I1t1-ml \_-Vi.`tn_ess - A.dd1'cs.g: . f;'rEs'nMoNrAL 00 fruubld with V disease 7 \that Chase's`Ccambined'Kidney 'a .nd A..- -.. A.-an m\iA_n,;1ma:1z .a__1id, F`a11:_i4Iy ` Ht-1-:x1d__m1ciWgekly Stm-_ 5 W5 `lulu L !J|\7||\ll|(|.:\, .,,..V,__, I I `r three months. [can say I am L-1111'vly_cu1'e(1. and mm. ml have s;we of dollars 1u doctors bills Very truly yours, _ 9 , ~ I J.F,BROWNING,Kiugston,0nt. ..l_. A. MacL+R'EN, ......-... nm '1: T1'Qlh)1}3d with sfrictur , impdimanta` ubsiructions, stoppage of the water,_ or a frequent desire to urinate at . '-night will find Dr.\Chase s Kidney- -Liver. Ping a` great reliever. uuu...sn;\n.u u, EXA.\IINE_R Oivce. B`an-ie OJ-D Ijnsnf writes the following i Lgo _ l_9-11: ' 'l}t_):4IXi`c,W`if.1if]`,rr*;1vi::;' _ n1\'va;ya;,a;ipv<`j1gi:t9, Maria 2: mini: um ii I` A iienioihei ;~.nci..'... ma, . gees I` .`{L1'\3; `L .aqbi3 nl.cra um , I p.-mnu`3. uhnln! `i-x.:};.LI).;a li\r_-an-e-~--n v , ' '. `"' f,"".'_'.r",.v.~:- '- . trier I 2h e:;8e:v`Yor` Post slysz 4 u~w wjri)_i4_)l| _ pfu Iuumoisl ma Luge any, ihxrduefoi me g'f:::t_HJru)blet1x~1it'|1\u-`t mlve kg, ant sf: the man n ' but m the-,u:\i':nhr:.f twrshtei cmnpamy Ilnevnpks it (Ms \q\ber ui unecrihera WM _p.ove p-.uu.urn'. .'-nu l",or't`. e ma-vguss ni ,1 !e 1\l' LI :y ` _ [MIMW \`.\-.;u.u:'.',u nu: ~ . -nine` Hn!"\) .5: I.\ z_m; < " rhxnenia x_n L:s`cnnuH~c.r._ ,2 |r{1(tl2~l)5n;5;.'xt_)er ` > VI} A atesv_aJp.;rdi_g.c1_xlu1snx5 um` ` and-mp!` [3xitmipaily'by mu mug.-{yfalaccs mxguc Q:u_\'u . ' trmitn ch`-.s uf zu!\'"Tm.1`.~x, mid 1-ii xx: ', g . ` gm of 'a1op3S9l.3_09lI1Dm1:' L..:" ...-V..-` 71).: aim. - . gnu Lnvxy L-un.\| ..... .. merchant must, pt)` Ins cuznpcnuy just the -`mm : ` `t!m`greuu.t xniu-`,~ :1 1)` with the and ti, lhu x greaze number of HM; `.d ,8|l`f3 to rewblx that remlc ixxrulunlxk-._ ` ` A 8UCU1.d pmhlcun. am '0! S0h1li(J:I;h' \3i.n. M _!L`(: ' ideirable :s"uba'chbcu:s, in H pee.-ssary , lg~cQx_1sxruc*. : r Smut. Such a `filixnt ~ 1 cons_t_ructed furless tha -....s.n. ... err. ;. sub-cl \1(:_lJ - .1 -\ lh -(3089 110' `dt'SN`0y {Hui `,`H3\lllP|, Lb the best iu'H:ngv' um.- and cjuulsiixg :uu1_i " m 'pO1isM-g` _Lirnpcrtit'3'.~-Bnftvr \h;_u) 'n1=sL.' h If Y` of: as i_t; cdnt._xims nu ma}: 1}: (.iu-~.mny._ li-.:m~.{- t:::: M f.hnn,zz 1lbec;}\xsnf1 -...~:z1nr_.. f[':U,,'rnn\.f:.tpl.l`-` Ammhe ._,' . `..u_\ll>.n. `[6 lug {n(1 whmn,uv,, ' ml the g u dqu-x xms M58. ~ '_cuumm;d.; _Ivurme for thgy Wtll `alone we '3` c=.xu.ela'u11 I` - Lhv br-as. 311 1, (`En . .r " . '- 7' '-` ` their . - \ '3` . s~`f0mLLA. " `um `th Johxi Er;l".1is in'\entcd`n_winter bicyle Egg];-3: bonm ecamps recently took the shot out `whdt ~ of the f)uLu.nce w_eij,I_ht-.un the n_..nkec, aczxle :.l .hm,' V t'l1row,iug__tl1e\n twentv ve prun=l,s" mt. . T, . V .: - ., .. - lsbrx ~ 161;; owns-.L;\l..<)hL Bn_gxr.l of '1:-'ade m-not cSn9et:sb1i.ahc(1. T' , _ W - , - 5err :-HmnHw:\~l;as.goue,1LT;uM1=1,!0_ '3 ~ takehar mu '1 `1 ' +1 W5 _ . _ g V. \e' muntn_>:ua1nH.s.`n1 us an m 00`*_ :`l'."-y: - I > ` , . delig >` Geo. btrcet. the t1ru'mt..1a About repmcmg `ham 'n.i~.1l>uiIe1f with onargi greater _u:1pu::ty uf ;m '..';..mIn3nm`,!mIu~,atinv_I tmmmtus iu_hi< szjeen` fnvw :5 ` In the prnper,zxrr.\:a;;;L-run ant and dispnsitum` of theever increasing iruflic in cim\=ms;n.vuns, abides an cngimzcring prul)_len1 requiring V oapzxcxty, -ability. auul experience of. mm ~hig-'m:st"n;`I.1:=1' t0_suti2kf:\cL4;rily :=1_ol\'g.- gum} ` the`r`eby evolve a succesmxl rnu 1 phone plzmh _ - _ _, bi these trunk lines, and the rapid lmldlmg er - hpmp.ny -I Hnx'ist,.1s repizxcing ` his lmler wi1.hona;t' Vei1pply'1n(;'!\el1eatiry,; appzwntus h'o;\se's, lmviui I uux-glxbxseul one- nfuhe [mi]:-1'3 .. , . in, . ` in `the; bui11 ageyhun. ..---cu.--.-----.___.. ~~-~v--... lllu \v|y V.-. mlcrs!c'.~*phum y....`.:u.g .... hurl-_-mw I:l'1\(.||):t Y lL'.u\`.u;,; nu ug- Mt. 3:13.; ` l` con1pcliug m .\.v hum Hlt," the-i H` ii"L`&':*"(\:_y .' l,llL' L -p-I-H u tclcphou: Pm |)l`uperl\' ii? i\ `aub- \l`L{L`i' oi:xL'ti. l cull igT'1``" His death i:< s:rl _ d to lmro.hs\on dirmttly ' iue to the inox'diuu=_'_l ` 15_Q_3L(;lg1ii'(`t[`S,~ . x .\h' L:uly'.~ lSullun~`. ` Buttons of to-dny mu . he culled ' huttonsz, as L my mm` In 3 lll " ll?` ~ ulnbbrato l)rnocl1e.=,_5;'r \`-'i,ll1il hu,nn_ns 1 0`{' : 1l}l'\_c`l:m_- ihuy l\1`__V(_!F\ll(`l`l.v .`3`\1r`(l_\: tlwy \`\'(-In-, morn` : `ms I;-ujz..-.suiLuh1u_IQr_}.!!.El0l(`..0Lll`l`TS.lFX.,.:L`f_'}, +?_;__I _ ' ` `, snn, yet they um still mum hruutlful for ``.'l". M the coining svzison. In `size; rim` _v::r_v ` from tlw size l1I1LlK~lm~r.> of :=in,;`.-5. ;!~:!IH l""* M"; 3' /worn in tho vars to olal)o1';mou4 of , * l"`_`'` _l'`' jewels and penrls, Iu~'uir or llllji.'!`i`i`, tim, `v "`jfl.`l3 L si'/,'o,of u silver dollar, hut ;:oue::lll_v`ll1e rk. 2 k~`L`~'I"'_Y'\' size is that of u hull dollar ` In such :~'i:c.-.4 -(1: -: '1` r e . ~, ,,, , - , ,, .,, , 3" lnlwlr rlrelmxiviltzlllglilr-llljilllrlltil-lrilllllslrsm Iwmlllllilii I .f pinelv ` `W ~ K . A.` haw-1 ll ~ - eruor.ild.~, etrx, oremzrrlml nith Orlvuml ""'nl7' "9 _ iiligzrvo. Again. u-lur;:;` hrll-limit lurs the t` `.\`l Ml 1 center sat round with night pcurls the "54 ll '"_3 i size of u snmll pen, yond ugu`m"nutLll1w.d S W "91" : in line ligree in points` of gold, green, `"","l)"_l=',r blue and various tints. The lines! `circle 3 W W` "' E of Illigroe the width M the null outlines V l.` lWm,"b.l" l mosino the size of :1 dime, Filigree ro- .l`!ll,,l V;_l~"m ; semhliugz the spokes of u wheel is seen vstrueiii. lll&Yl'l($'T spouting cum ; uncut citizen? ck :L-ritual lanxgle `lamh" eel lum ; nry yr, z-uou hu$= ow p and lelu tlmt`c m- ` large id sure ass to d to - n_-vlngh co. u. :\& ll'Glll)4|L\l`:l croto the wires -rs telcplrciries. .duru 3 ring LlSU -:.<.- `null round 11 large rubies and sapphires. Many of these new ` buttons are square in form with xi center 1 stone and the square of ligree or u ceu- 3 tr-1' stone rind squnro of other stones. the four corners being supphires -0! n1- E bios and the others brlllirurts. Ag:\in,tlm center may he mosaic with a painting of some tiny Ilo\\`or,such us _:1 rose. u lieurts; case, n violet, or n furgetanio-not. Such oenter paintings also zipueur in the lurge-' sized round buttons. . l`ho ilowers, nl-3 though smnll, are ohorxuingly reulistic. Lm-go mnml buttour. freqriefltly` quite girgnutlo, sport j8WBl(.`ll eentmns, und" cel~ gihnvn gold centers. Tin coloring of t celluloidis"}aeiEilly_'?;:m5ri" and in % `great variety. Somo'of the pnimed cou- tors `are of the size of in quarter. _ Imitn-I tiou pearl centers nre among the {sutures of the hour. Sruull l_1eurb..shupes of jewels : are outlined with illigree and zrrlfclmrm iugiy ei'l'e,c,t1,ve, zsnd iluoly wrought but- tons are the size of n (ll1ue'uud"u're. ' pretty}. Large jet nnd out steel buttons 1 are still-to the fore. Although :.ho hut- ` hi diKI"3iiTi""s`(it,'\\` lrliiT1si*.r.- - .a{nm rvqnirin1,;_ no of, the .t\;u My n`l nes -In, unlg}kM~1`)a~:- `x : \\`iuerlo:-3Iow . V ` Xb.'ll',Burl>d in Chimgp. ` ` ` mmuud #3." iiroivn, mic: `or-win an }B-`0Ii8,}hQ_King of the nm; In dead. fe died In Chioagn. Bmwnie for `theantidnnl repnmtlon inconnectlrm with _ihn book "If Chrnwcmue to Chicago. ` mm the slums and one wtio could qhfe yearn h"`.M`n_ Lwon known tn the Inn mi.-1 .pnlisica,f\vim-.3 he "gamed nu !p~ ; * -... the London ` S aditT5Wen- .`dr.`Stea.i name to Chicago V and announced his intention ofwrmug n", -monk lit` looked M'on_nd.'tornmnu fzmxmar _ ` Mm \'aluai)1e.poinsers on. that phase of > ' For yeru-svrownia hm! been -known on me in C-hiqago. He nhosa Brownie, who proved to be 2, valuable assistant to him. ? ;~the "lc\`ue. Ho was a `!mhilu<! of every ` "*3 rsort in the twndex-loin" district. ;. : rn......,.. ....;- hnrn m .\Il:.!dleron. near . ` X`0l't In [H9|"[Wnlll'I\J|I| lu.-x.;n.:.. -, ; Bram) was born m .\1h.*.d1eron, ; ; nntreal. Canada. 40 :,'eu`rs ugu. 3113 1 father was In xvnzmhy gram dc-am and I gum his son th-1 zu1\'nxit:ug.=s cnf\z1-(:(n}iv<.~2 Jvdncnuoxy. ,, `mu after It-Ming` caggegg` 5 young Jirown \\;vnt. tn Wmartown, a\'."\'..' `Q Where lie u.s:u|u:.l tho x_unn:;,.':nm1t ut -" {the St. /Law:-om*o Hntel. Abwut this ' 2 t'nuo.t,he uluor Brown died. l2r."xz:g his 5--.. ear. mm '_ son .$j3;';,wu, .. ` In three ym-3 the young `man had spent the fortune. In 1881 he czune to , LLl1:.iL:ngo and put up ur \)';;ls n's 1n:i;:ln_1- home, No. 523:} ulnr}; streak. [iv was 1 without money.`but lwcuusn . ut his {'.I'(`,-`$ . and rduciu'1'>n he was given the title of . `. mm: of th(-'hums." H" M nun? `. 1-:*.I1w . .w:':x:.i:x politics`, utnl 91110: t`m '1 nu.-K `awn u.;:()\\`er in the Euh uni. `.`J:.: ;re- ' mm .1 u ` Illa . -. g,,mense-Vvnrievty in time slmpcsz, some .- Iprnsenting ulmnst; ux: surfucns. othorg rnlsed`z1t3"tl1u dontnn M at the odgtv, or in-.` 4 tnrmedintely. The sizes zmd-shapes of tho `various. gems also product: many planning -varieties of tout: Vansmublc. Jewel` hufltom, n'lthm1gh preaenhiug 4 exact; re-mesexxtnbiuns of thoso to be seen I in the shops of vxinzlnrs of _mnl gems. are : ` inexpensive in the extreme in `c0mpm`i- ""5011 wi b,h'the style unfde'ffecf..-New _York 1 [ Evening Sun.. "V , ` ' _ r 1 \ -~ `-K1a{-ens me _euM:5._f - ` ...-......_-- . \,_ - 1 [RIM H is brig? mix ah I 3 K. K V `_ H `_ lf. ])UGUULl lvu Iuju Lu: uuv, 4 .3... m... ..~ -` V 'GmI'(l*1I-tn` P_21jI.~ I - _; would mwe oqmey I A ` __ ` _ ' There WIIS 1| SND\V1`60k 1..m1d'95- Mrs. Prlngle top}: a, passing our and ` 1'h8 iifi "5 `.`V*" 0` .-"W- 931 "went; home. She had changed her dress, -dark night `got mu: `mtio jthe, 11`f9b0.`3- _Lnnd huntr woulduz have 1na,lted In her, `rm: `kind b`Iu\v out; the luxfmrn. .H_ave , ',`5{],;}'1.`\};;;,`1 ` EM,-_ Ppjngje oglmg 1m .5119. airy ? of ydu II !i\nh0h?jaBk0d fih 05D*39i- thinks skin has proved Ber husband to be. After it long 5*%l!0h ins" m1=W*h` WM ; u mdaol et,mot1mda; but she dooguw mun ,. __n Th`nra--ttm"mini: - would no?! kimw thnhhe poted .Adm1rer? -at the ` he ,_wors?h h2dt n am. but no`? it "is, \ -h5 ' may g1i`hip`s`o on her- disguised hn`m1 wr4t- `3 r? moat valzflale th1n'g:he3' hnYa.VVVLhe IiU!9;,A,!.1 ' _1)u'm-`ow Fr6e~P:ess. A ; b _ .' , in ox:dtt`vf.1 139'D10k.5dV!i77bY.`, * P951S ` ' ` ' ` ` `uBm`nn"rlH'\L1v'-mII:'h |`i`n ve Kn! `.. I I K "I`lm`Blcy0Ye Satlcllel` ., " ' yhnl; theydo ls`pm't'nf 3- llving `whole. . u_uruu wu uu-u u u`-an---~ [`lmt In-lesclf ls sxxnshlne. .'1`he.mornlng-`l grmitly Dled 50 lnflkc. F0111` 01ll|iDY3- ` ._ . a bright . with the kue\\'le:l:1 ef. holw Q110e- `1t:%.f`r`u; InBBt`1;;S f5ti;1`n0IEl!:i%lt 4 zit Hillel gmegg mwh has tube done. . The (day we 3: ; l!DD!`01\U 0 - 9 33 S9 >1S0- W ` 0},` wk ,` `_ ps lnokefforwm-d to. The hbur Q:6LW)p- I wear a blue Ylreselanft curry ~a bunch of eihtas meh " _' playlneucpluy;.nhe.e\1eglng h_' Iglnk F0508- " ' . - ' l ` ,. ` , %ect the dead- . a all that has been (lone-ls_ talked ever, 1e_ e s _ e ` - . - . ? 11I!h'@I`- , yextractgef J(;,_ V mug`),-'3 j Ahthe bhur specied the w(_m_)un in _ opium under :_ ' ; theekin `in K at rest and sleep, the grave 1s"not farclistmIt7*`flx T` ~~~ take care of health is E before it islutterly and 4 irretrievably gene; The` 1. _ man -wlxxeotks on and]; on, utterly.heed1esfs `of I: health and toobusyto . occasionally ta-lie a-httle, ; necessary _meclicine, i , '. " v . -cm'mx`xitt1ng -suieide as" surely asjf herturxz-gl a..pisto1en his heart. 1' Such a man `dies l;ylit'tle Zdegreesel First a . _:A __1ittle_indiestion and alittle n_eg1eet.. Then .; loss of appetite, I`he`bdwe1s get` clogged _ L the bloogl `receives. poiegsi1s,_i;1st_ead. of 3 healthy nutriinent. _0ld, inert` tissues" in Llelightful; and sleep,` ,sore h_m_.. `B. only m;,t1,(-3,. piece of p1e;,__q;m1; 1. the blue nlres was there.- _ A_ mau--who, `= :;_;. }m.;;_ Angyeg H, mm; hqugghold 1901; ; wee nee .\l1*.'1"rlngle-awallzerl up be her. forward, all` its men1h_m-s. are bright, all 2 [ MVG Ylllf _!109;" 59 Uegtlll. BM Sh harm I-,m,an0thm._ ;;;V.B1.y._d;,y me,-Va is-v1_m1rnexl on mm ; llke fury, How dare` . the light of: `aognetlliug eoncylxerinig in 13011 ne: V xkm me? I am here to meet my the eyesnf those who work. T1me,, the 3 hlmhzmd by wp.o..intmwnb- % . an ee walks as .= ' `?I geese 11oe.~=Yo,u are` here to meet a 1;`? _ _ V 1 [V L . I .V a friend with those who work, and` he 19,, M15 1 Plngl. W110 $6.111`:-A me to seexvlmli ng _ opmpshlim; wherg-we-make 1 yo}? `H . '. - . him out or ngghnst lntnnrenllty. In guolr; . _ \VreteJ1- `If youvaddrgse another we;-d A house. if hherev-be also-_ the `good hem; m-`1f*`H`H?11 0! 119111 -_ , , pm` of love. sunshine never eenses. - .j ``AK5`3 111?; bu if M13 "P1`1E18 had` . 1 '- ~.:..: s h` ~ f -I ` ' 2 - _ G\izu'(l'1`mu- Pfaltli. ~ f `Z >$(?`.?f(a1(:v(;(i`eIne1's7xwi~e gm isrum` he .T`'9 *3 ` 1 .Am1d'95- _ Mrs, Prlngle, tee}: 'a- imseinq` and Th" '-`m. `.`"`'f M35 Q went; home. hadrohnuged -dark night-`eon W W0 rthe butter wo11ltlh c have in v"vlml' hlmv cuts lzm"tarn} ...H_;we V n]3{]g5.`\5';n cum? .5119 . esh, mu5c1e,.nefve and zbral are not re. aiisr` of mn6oh. /a.ak`ed the .` she be lgced by x_x1ew.i- 1`11e-who1f;`,b-`.1Y.'t stale. 1 _e very 5 C(31) ng-room 0 I a man 1:: 13 I Mvril search iu shnn9=1nMh` Wm `11 t: m` de" b t 1: fl 3 m `V . . . ., e .. . li`0r--i%W'*i'w`.t0`!-would 110 :h:t. hrem;pouea' .Xdms1&r-::'tnhe `m`P.`31`e.`..`?3 ``"*59 )Y:\`.`?-21*? 3* ~ , A I H mm hm now.-53 `.3,-e~= ; ~ _ - s ` vwhplesoxne_o1o_rs(as1flthadbeenoceupsed > w..W0lT11_h$. . V _ . . , .. esh glimpse her hnn(1wt4t- l b adecom 05, _c0, qe .n.haS been Ge`. ~;I!etdV&l1;6bg%!;1{hY._'3Y9~h?!Ei`*>;`V f 'De'm%>1bFree-P:ess. ` 'cKpied"b` fmaeghaxgziea. l'nhe'p oisonee 3| 7_l.l..`,.`?.`I,.`.. 9'1` _,*?" Y.'l*l`I*}5lS " . . 15 ` . V t `ht at .' "k. ` `magitheyl;mut.V|Ieveqflie , L A. >4-.= rr1.,.~1n_mresa.xa1e;, f, _;_3te% .rei3(::t tl:)_`tE'a es; jc(_s)1`e1:'vi?x1r;i_c..~,i '1Y`b-uAf`(l`,} rn>("`%I.\8. _<)`<),Vl_cI_-_2A\e- ,"5`>'iyl"l'&`Xl,d_'.`>_ evhm-. '1`,',;gm,,gm.' mdd19,"`w'm.9'gn.,`,_.. `injection ojm.orphine-axz1 ` ee,.y2death,, _`.` `hHI8'thm'!\,`-!?9\m the Inntoh-l-wgwnzi` aucenyaar oi` two~'ngev.lshelreelig11ine X.DA`},i`***?`,*g3;,{;,~P`, f1`%,`}` I eh 3"-` ' "-an: `t W. `M ' ' v ;1_r-.erce,a`. ,"Tl.;-.1..` V. 2 Wm M my `ML 19 ` `*3. Wm b "t:orre,cLs. all`-_.d1,sm`de.rs __n \( .7 34 s'uppo'rte'r;~x be1`lev.ez1,nl_1ae high 1"` but 'to=day,"~h`W9;dI9/I$~:\Y1a1 eli1Ii1atio!X P ` . 2%: 'r.xx}1?u{ xx Amixxig V .,_--. -1 V; ifhtarioviii 3.. nhhudbn, nuuv I \ at u. ...., Mthzxl l)u.rm_ns C hvy Vv:-re xdurn 5 mlry !:s-I- son-` ` :30" in |_1ftTfiiTfrTr" " aizo, tht,-_v_ ` sinr,;`.u. V of, i or tkxzx. .lI.-\al. luunu uuu nun: ` mg to do. If ' gullf; lnv have ..nowoulezv~"u.s1f0Vv her the letter." _ umughtg, in J she Hhlln Safely trapped lmzl she; ` lmowlailgoynmlo lxuro/t`t.e1*l:.' wrotclzozl. l l Mr. Pringlegrr-ad tiliuhcrie over -zigaln on his way `to the oflloe. ` . A ;lxay- ~-ool~t;halr-l--r--' `hear, Sir'f\?I_, havexstmzi _ T5991:-lztrzd, ad: T ` Inirodyoxl from a dlstauco and wo;:`..l be greatly aoquainh-. ledge how '1. -Ma_et'.-`Ina thls afternoon at as tho 8 , ln dl-lvlng on . but they have h movements llv'ing 'Whole. e ndrln_v walk { Hour qgeLm:r- mg h_'oT wheii ovex_`,A1s_ we sore lz1bor s `: yv. day ls"1_ 1 pk. mum, .5 .v_nrk, he is,` whez1~we-smal':e Y0- reality. suolrll .hem_- ` Burned hllshzm or . M " would M15 - h`5"V-IQ`? dress -xn um ` llfnhnnf. . .....1 |...m.`..'n+nn-lain :-. lmlvn nmltad m h; 'An_ch`n me `of 9, tho \\'I\-9 Mt`. your nolze, sha lllufllke ` you speak-to x_m-cl: `?I guasa _11ob.~=Yo11 `meet `Vhlr. lmngla, soe;'\vh_ma_' _ , O \Vr etch! `If you address word tonm-P-H- for ` ` 5 v .,l1xnuso im_=., but Mr.-'Prlngle hm `jexpaotad lsoaee hiswife, `om sum he? Itherfaoh 11_lmt- ho tllclnot. gtlor to . Yes, shn thought I \ h. to -Belle Isle Brldge. Iwlll' ixilmlx-t_sr. '1"rlngle-walked -. :l:1{1\{'l1o111 they `tho nexvs an tlrassllanionrry K .. j` ` ` cl npp.q{nt1uenb. 3 . have come. hogging` our `and .u\-cu \lL ._--~- ; illllll. wmnn-xx. who llaye regular pa :l.rc, llunm e vsex,Vvh~o,7se houses thl entertam by.l1: `scandal of the an thgs: efcgfn 3. out enough to 1' ~them-in7a:lie oi l_azines~ , > _ W l far dIstam'.*`1"1 take" of it isu` g. -whiuwxl utterlyhe to ta ' _me -5 he tum-gll dies degree a little negll g `surely man. _ _1ittle_ indigestion _`_nnsLt.h'e receives. poi9i1s,_ healthy nutrlment. ,_0l_ ......------w--.-......_----- fibuck Shooters; `L Hollis.` es ehntgd will st to you. . `fools or 10-18 :31 gauge g.'.i1s__a_t` l l I HID HHIWHQ U!`lL llLu1 u-1n,uu.~, {l'\0lll llmlciz ll) the oolllllzlzll-fl of ll full H`t'.2lSlll`y, yet. is injured llncl oft-en mllnerl - emes for tho dovelnprllent. of his otllllmy. If no hull eon con 0 is l some portion of his hoards onpullllo lm-V I pr-ovelllellts, on -' ~re.sul:olrs...,and_..wnE:r...cQnr9BL _.1lL1!1.j..h_0. coilsn-uetlull of roads and bridges, ho wrlllld llllve lliollglls under ollltlvlltlou ;\ tracts of cultllrllblo lllnd wlllcll llre now desert null would hllvo lnrgnlywbonelitnlll l)0_thlllSh0W1i rovenuu nnd the gmlerlll tlvulo of the country. But; no C0llld~ l']0b ulllkuilxl his llllnll to spend money, and t`. not. only to reqlllrvll every llllprovolnon l parlor itself but to bring ll largo oon- , tzrlhllcloll to llic own trellsllry. '1'llo cnllcesslons wlllell woro given to ull colnors ' for nlamlfllctllros, W llllnos, mllllwllys, rozuls, . bunks, nlollopolies for loctcrlos, electric lighting, tohucco onl- turo, and other scllellles were ill no case. .1 lw cmm mnmw_ hilt: all lllld to l l i ..-u: lllllr. Klldll` power "can only be nlude suoul-o 1 the repair of unolentr mu. uu. . ..\.. kiIldS'\I'(."f[`(.`lll (lle szlllle root. G1'0llll\llK:lllll;llll()ll ll_:lslleell ulilllzel-l with llllllly fU l'<:l;.:i`l $Ub~[2lllCL 5,r but go erillly lndlzul lllelll, wllelu llullljazllll 1l_0lu'zll'e llscl _ l I . lllirillg the .\lllilll: .`\[.Z\.`:, ill I'.:lly,b' | and b'ulllll_el`ll lllzlllcu. .l_(:lII;l.$ of tile `th0l1Se.~`~~\-V'+l'4~J-il3.:q.lluL.LLl. ` il:_,3yl,w] ill }lill`[ wllll pl-layer \ Tile l)Bl`l'lc*a Ul Lile 1)L`]l[l\'l` l"` u :l.sp'll;0. illLlli.'~t I'\`~'])L`Cl. c'lusel_\' l`L'SL`ll1l ; tllc'bel`l'ies oi` Llm ul`llllllll'y lllfric, "lull .lu llll lll\'ellvl'.~. ill {ills (.` ' l KN grll Oil of cl-in-5 is :lll c.\`(`.uell'lll;_'l_\' \';lll ` mljllllciE01110illlt'l`L)~C0[)lS[,llvlllg llr ~ I`L'll(ll`l' [.l'(`.llp:ll`l'llI. S1lCL'n'llf:lllllll:ll t ; i1)l'lllicl'ulsc.llllc ku\':lllllllilIll)ll. ;\f[(.'ll,ll_`lll;._,' psclell {mill tllr- {l`ul cillllzllmll; ll-lrll ls p:A`ll.'\i ill ll<-:lp.< lll "_\' lkwlllvlll, llnll l'zl\`.~,l-:l:l`.l`.l fl'll:."(,'l:'.'llL'(l'Ul. `illv vpldu l I l Hill! he llluru |! 'l'lll: llllllle-ill" tile L`lU\`l}':l.< \1(`I'i\'Cl\V :l L.l1i:l \\'ul'll, ' .~i;_:llil"_l_l`lj,' 1l[Lll'll:ll1.\ -_~ nx i I l zwzxrix-.2. whit-h was imnxonsp and insati- able; and although bhis1s`ufmxlt: com- mun 0:-in-mu} dn,sp3t.=, who I991 nleusury, uftien ---I-!- __w _i___ The L.LmSh;uH as (Jlne-Fluted hm! Illn ulcroii Tmpzn-..~ U3` l{_is ! a.rs|lnuuy. ` The gtja-meat`. defect `of the Shah was Ms [_ihiil` from u:t:xc';; by of ! 3. 1 eme_sAfor Mxmtioiplxtetl proms. but .snnu mm m-um 7-` nhhfiirxzxxxrriors ware. deterred. from m1- f ` \`unc111'ing )n so unpropltimls u country. 1 Thu ghmml Wns left`. fron to less llnmst ' Hpbctilzxtnrs, who applied for cum-es<.1ou.v., nnb.toA\vork them seriously, " hut; to p1\ss them on fornconsidorzmou to othms who ` 1uig11ssu(:cvs plnnp thvm in the , 1 0ft_e_g} crodulousi markets of`l~]\_1mpL~. I`>1s: 5 ' nste1- f6l'1dv.'dd',' t1i'6."h"f(3'dit'T)?`I orslz\ was j 3`1oiw'red mm sound entorpriso: xvrn-. se1-i~ { ou.=1y iiijtlrnd by p11e_co11:1p.~umi worthless gspeculgmons.T-Nixwtoentlx L`mmu'y. ' Ebuck Sl1ootcrsT`x,=f},=,;',,V, e,,_;; 1,Are you aware In 5:11 ch'e'I:3er W11 333' 5 ' .{ 0. 9` hmiwm c,nzaa?_ The xea_son fox 2 _ Em iswebnylugex. ` _d____ __ _ other schelnes 111 no cunu g ixssistetl by Share money, but 3 surrender :1" shuw of their `prolius, rm] pr ` ___x_1roA1__lg:_1_q_g`t'1 All to tho Sh 11. The con. , 3 qg1o`uco,\Y s that the gi ?\fEf'"i1i1')'1'l3i21"'(\f ,, J_..1s.. I ... ...:.;..I\ m ` ___]'_)l`U memzu. t 1 Allw _A__________ __l:lLL||U uuuu. ` . qg1o`uce,w t gi'FT\fF "xT1i1T1' .1` "'(\f"'j lm-so in(111stri::1 under @nk`1ug.Avhiclx. in ; ` a strange country. uud umnng u s1::~';s'1u'1 ` ` oils population. 1'vquire(1consmnt saupport X and large ])l`Cl1Ml|l`)` msistzxncl`. from thsr Governxnont, soon \V`H ;hBl`(`l1 and di'~':xp-`; ponrml, um! the Shah not only lost his 'untioipMe(1Mprot, but .sn1id and honor - ..im. 1snmm1nrn wore. ` - Z\1i7s.~1`1'iug1u . imd ,.1ivv11 11n1rrie(1_just._- ` six x'11un-tins, and would hm`) [won li1i. g ` fuy happy, hut she` \v..x< one of those 5 ` wmnun who never can lot-Ewell` enough _ 311'. Prmgle and was luxl wxth surmxscs 3 " .thz\t hml nu nctum inundation `But she [ decided to set zx_t:'zV1p for him and ltnever I mm: tn mm nmr. chi` xnirvhn nnsslbl.'Ll full hitn it hnrsm. ` One day when` I\1r.71 x'mg'lo went home :_tn dinner his wife `hnndm i which she said hm1_bx>en left f</:*h`u`n that n;gsrn'1n`g'.. H hpenod it, i him n. note nmi after scan-` rning it hs\s_t-ii)" thrust its i11ditT:::"c.z1t}y into ` his pnukcrx. \ .4 -H An\`H\inQ inhnbrhant`.- -u>sked his wife ` to hm-'th:\n she Ixlighn possibly, ' him it lxnrsmit`. don-,'1dml set 1; [mp I01` mm iuI\|1unuv:jI. ` . mm mm whmi Mr; Pmnglo 2 ?=-<$-cF-o- .733! G Kklil than the gut. j:ux:us1m'-. n}:c:sxnF.i 3%3}1e9n. ex. gm: an. L Smil L's, rad Guns; lhe uomlonjs on (gl3bxough'I_ or low . J in `Kl`u`1~ Own 'l`::\p. , qnd III .. L other as A substitute for atomic ! is the` face: that ,,. . it makeaiu Vic` ims idiotic before );.u1.x;v;g l 5 iqeach. . 3 "Pkg red pepper plant. may bx` ti :- ~i'3' E grown in all parts of the world, as wen in E _ ' j` Acurioua property of giangcr vixen used ( thexempex-xi a aind north texnpepate zones i g as in` the tropics. ` ~- 1 I r J n " `g Ciuuishxouirees begin to bear in~si`x of ' seven yeais, set1t1ing.ibr;l1 at that time I shoots than can be spared and quite tic fur '1 A 2 ne-e1En_'.' ~ -. ` ` . 'x'- - . -f I W _ _}rer 1-` mt Mesxdgny of it: . fvpho dgpeixxot kpow Z1r...J.` lt,`v 1.'6'c!ne< not know` .9! his a S ` V su"a2:i:1;t 1mdf~\vho has M1" t . - V '| I I C I Mxvenper. ~ . his I"jvi.3iwe from a his of E151! 3:13;} pun through _!;ii6 mu m iI]iaqm' Rink Pi'lf_s. ' uleed if itit.he;auml_s 0 Qliciue ' turtmtinn 3- . `u; nn.:I`E ,4 hip! ` [)eei`.ng.' Mace the 'u\'c:'ing of the nutmeg sud. E After tif fruit has been rammed me umrc ', dries around the seed mg! is subsequ'euL)y '9 taken Em-. - ~ " I II" :- . :. .t.,. x-vlmua -u Hm hlnnk. 1 um... .,... 2 `\\_'l_1itu pepper is the szmxfe :1: : with the excegszion that the cuut of the berry has been ran 3 xvlme pepper lacks much u:'Lh< 1 of the l>l;u:`:;. ` ` v I,{`, ..._. l, .. hnlh l`4il:l_Iu` x;.\nx.n.;zx. nu ....., K..- Rulxx:\x\ Empiru. L ` `~ l'l1 edi1Ie1'cnce lu_>zwee1) bl: ck a1x'_l`\\'hm3., - I ginger is in the retemiuu or removal of the dlirk-CU1_~ rexi cpi\1L`i`l1li.~. The two the udxxizea-:ten1 fln'<:i;.:l_| subxlzntnccs; gencr-. '1mliau flu11xjr.m1pc',\ ya` in: s. .\1idU.le. Imly, ` ` ' ` and 1"ruucu. .1 ;-dz<:,`z;x.s C-nay 1,1. ...n_~ u-mu. inznnux|L`1\' ' \\`;,wlg;_\_)_[`_1_ `us use IIQu\.u- lnGerm:my then: is a belief Hm g megs aid in the L}E'gestiox1 bi c:ri)'u;s;; czuxlillowcr, hence this spice is um-1 `As an :n'x;rix` ~i,,'l .. L..- MM Hm 1 U 0; CILHHHHUH. ` ; , I ' In lzncdiball pmct_ive s1m\ll doses `of nub Lmug are 1'cg:mld as u s:in1_u1n.m; large ` doses as a nurcutic. It is sou;e:i'xns am-'1 :1sust1h~'_i.11tc for opium. " Pepn-`xr -was well kuow_u.in Rome, being; h~:(m::;c th'ere\'m1grge quzmtities from tin.- E:1$l_lxI`t:X:"11:Ix})ze for the p1`Ud`l;(:L\ uftlzc I Rum.-ni F.mr.)iru-. ' 1 4 U\L'l LU`; A `4 1)i;'d1b'ci:1g J pu1'LiUj_;U' 1 thy. plum \XL'H.1_\UH. LHUH cu_ch1'c\o1LiLiuu \ wm'll. I \\'l1ilu the who 'rv WUUH 10. "U10 1l\\\')'t`\' :u1_n1 u 115.; 2u1\"1cL* :1: so mu .4, _3_ , T. S gantral found " itha!; |1p'ws;s'af_icLed torticollis (wry rst -m(`:nth9"i+e1i1ehnzfpitul 7 elegtrician, gbjutihej-powers elctricityventirely 4 `pljysiciznns it ' %if6i1}a1--bpgn1.ti_;n.T .$va.s.4:ert6nn.c:d -,--_-,, _ i 1-cnixrssioxxal gossips iire`co{mno11iu. `:im1.Most of them are elderly have patrons of Vsex`,w'h~Q_se houses t11e.y_v,L~:it, l auld \{'h0111 enteitaixx b3',1>'1;11*1'zL-tings, `scandal day. They .. v. thgs oufnotxgh mgaintain oilazingag .. 3?. ._...._....--~----------------__ _ cpmmon SPlCE Ill? \\ In mx.1l11\`c:: miun bark zuld the brukex: awithheld from unnm-ru he purpose of xnuk'1ng:h-. .__..__..______._. ]'tui`Se 1 ,rofess1ona l Gossips. DRWIYFT vvddif is` as the blank. .;.... 9huY Hm nnmr dark 1 H. Vlalfuydvu. mug nu` [)x`.g_t:L.u; ` . - cuxutuut user oi tetcknquo ; If` M"'gere r.xl public. and Halo s-c " m: m1_\:sduty`;1..- rm-my \:;{\`n.\'| in`. But hi; 1 :`,une'L7 1` ' - ' Yr 1-` ' `,n`-; u mm "5 k- ::';;.:`:..`: .A `-V-`WW3 : H3" 1`-l`?W1`_\'- llumhcr the V ( 3 `inuence. of the damp ~.ds2s|re t.)re`n`hlh!\trenders cl" possibly some carel&~'sn-2.s:- m"-- _ .N '0 mg ht,` `M: h" ,,`|s llthcked `_ so-cL_u.d p1'oi_)lun. umlu` " , " , " _ ' ` of suh1l1(m;u'\iX.xt.nI_:ucnr . 8"'3\`(3 `NH 'hW!1 \`V9UW3u)' desirable In ' in his l'nubs'. Fol bme _\'o;n`_s"uu-cseary :1 1 almost cuI1sLauL\_1(fer_r 3 M`*'-; 51 _W`1*"` Ci" ., , . V.` {N t Such cQns_t_rucLedfur'less them. ~ ' ' _ ~ _ . Q it .~uh-tcrili an%y__ ftreaumant fur tUlm.trp1_1hh-, we ;z., .0, we ..mL,_,,,,g.._ q. 1k]1`q;(\r(3.`~`;)h, lxeyomi xgn occn~.z.on;\l pimnmhe ln ;_viu;~ Hm uv 9 age fyauu `Fin-any S{Cl'|bL`|'. `.-\ `lraK~:i.|5S W13 ', .' ~ I . >-e-<- .._g_ - ~ _ ,'|- make. uxaxltus \\'nTs:'h`: was ntmuked "3 3`*fM (" . _ l j with mahnria and mm. i'i'c fever Ho M hlal" )6 ;'{]>`1plMd `M . _. ` _ _ _j` ` - _ 4 won; prunm y mlum-, V-`:\3~tIwr for-`:coit:o h>~_th_: Tormxrm $500300 ev ` ` ' 3000 .~'. .4... ` ,_,, \ 1 1 `us l'a$Lx'ib1'.I` !lL'L 5; V. w 1ighL:m):x;i1sut:I1 H mm . ' ll. IL) U` Millions die annhelly through lack of "care fox-`t.he kidneys-wth, rst sign of kidney trouble noticeable is aeingle-pain ixrthe _ which gradually develops into thatfdreuded malady Bright's_ d1- Ase-ase~-4)ne Of the most alarming sympcoins is highly . "mine giving bricklike-deposits--do not delay when the slightiegst` 4 ` symptom has appeared---Kidncy trouhles_sar.ec p;9Y9_1}{ their earlier sta.ge&--if neglected they -maymbecomer obatina.te,f . chrcuic apd"perliups fata1-1nedical; science has provdtlmt ~ kidney diseases m'ise~frou1 an excess of uric acid or `kidney acid , ppison in the blo0d--One of Dr. Chase's kidi1ey_`-liver pills if taken weekly \`vill;_-_nei1tx`zlize'this acid and prevent any` tendency ti) Briglufs disease or Diiibetea i . ' \ Have ydu any of theeisyrnptoiris? BackZ VA`che.JJ.u,ll 11 Pain in the Bladder in-the": and Sides, Unu:snz.1 nrintitg Sczilding pa obstrujggd, Rd 0'1` dep0sit,3,v'I`ife_l Weak Dropsical Swellings, jdiese are\s\;1`e signs of kidney troubles. ` Wituh biwkaclxe, Weak back, deposis` . in the urine and other symptoms of kidney decay should not postpone \11Jsing Dr. Chasds Kidney-Liver ills. ' , ` `J. F. >llrownir\$.. Carpenter and Joiner, of Klngsmlr, 0ut;. toslimoniu _ - . Gentlemen.----I mm troubled with my. kulncys for ten years and was cozlxpelled to arise four and llvetl1nos:mxglxl to unna.t<~.. l`lm pain m my puck__ \v11s- terrllgle. k aulrng store, and olmxulcd no relxet. I have med ex1ol1glr'1l:1lcrs and pills" to sloc . _ _ . A , . ....I II;`\"|L'{\I` urn in an` to [`0[-gun) I~Io3U8]I teslimoniul : A in)` kl(ll'lC'.< compelled live tiniusn mghl [Q uriiiato. 41mcl I lnivc enough plasters pills lo stock ' l`liodocl0rs pronounced my case liopeloesx and zulvisod inc logo` to Toronto and "l hull inznlc u my mind to go when l reml \'0l1'l`.1\d\`6l`li<(3lll0lltill 'l'l_iu 'l`oront,o Evuiiirig .\`e\`vs mil in}: ymir pill the great K.up(l L. Pill. winch I look the lllC8.l1lll loholhe 1{NIGl-{Ts-014` lnuson PILL. zunl beln * inyselt u ineniber of that order had colilillumjn in the nunic. null l'pr0n-ounce t cni_ll1e Workingm2u1's l*`rienl. for` since inking lhl-in regular for cntirvly` cured. and had I taken them years ago, would saved lunidreds in dpc"t0rs' . ` -l ' " ' ~~~-~ - -A 1 w RROWNING. Kingston, Ont.