a X we ms. -Aaveruse guru: guvvw auu Vac-35.1 yourself _ WV pness brisket In: --The com wiiihe; has '-"made busi- ` ` gt}. lmea. H V _- 2.. 2.. LL- 13.1.: 5.... `Mn ` 1 amslgn Q! ulu`uuuuLy--uuu_ucu. ! . --0n e'edu}~ini%t"A!e_x..3ihbu.l`d I wasthro nfromfhis orse. fracturing I a`co1larbone._ ' -_ -- 1_ _ _-Caret8.ker.Hill hm-3 enough Scofcli ` . in liim. to raise. theag on the Ppst 0ice`onpSt.. Andrew's ay, ` -_..... :_ LL). \r,...n..;.....5 >C$ D-l'lBIl5l.' Ill` uuuuq J ' --0.. E. Hewaqngis in the eld for No. 1 1 division of thn"Count1L Council. v; n_ " -n..--__1.... r ...:..-3.; ~ A 1...? :u);h..m U|L l: U11 5312: A-uubuvv n uugg --The snow storms in th.No1;t.hwest for several days Iusvweek made the ` Atlangic Express about twmy-four * hmu-A mm Auuuyxc 1.2 hours mg. 1': IJUILLV HIUV. ` --REV.` `E. l C. MCCOII, Geoletown, 4 will ll the pulpit. of ghe Congre_gn~ M tional church ne_xt Sunday. mnrnmg ` and vening. - 9. _ ' T.Lu..._ r1......:..*o `\nanu`I\ mnl` nnn mm cvcuxug. n- in ~ Phelpstonv on the `.2Stl1 inst. .Persm1s oldin tickets wijl luwe the kindness to sen` dgxplicapea as sbon as, possible. Little Bo-Peep has lost her she`[5" ' Rho: Inst. thnrh {n the fail. . ` --Father Gaarilfs bazaar will` "Little no-1-'eep_na.s mat. net sum.-p She lost them In fail, 1 If she would use it Emxxmn ad. . : `She'd find them tails and all. " . , 1_ . --People are gettin ready for Xmas `f "W`lse'mErch1m't>nh01I_ "at" ?once"leI7theM Z * Egblic know what X 3.53.. goods they ` we by zugverbising inTEEEX:ttRER: -` ' -Tmc Ex.unm:`n was i'n_e`rror in H - statmglast weekthut Jag. G. Keenan . cT_)iiipi5iI snvahz; is should have _ been a. set of Lancers. ' . "A n_:-...I.. A: in. AL. ' Accoabme TO AemTs"' REPORTS. .- water mark "Queen Vlctorilr Her Life and RE . U lnlzroduedoxx by -Lord bulferln, will reach la:-h ~ 0 cln:ulmlon- one agent reported twenty-nine orders the day after he gothls pros~ pectua: many take orders from thme-tom-ths_ of I calls made; we need mnviassers for Canada and _Austrn.lm; pmseptuv free on degrlt 35 31 as 80. V . uhae; if vou want to sheye in mine mstle; for terrltor , 18 going fast. The Bradley- mrmtxon Co.. L . Toromo. ` (1; arm U1 Lxtuxcxa. '~ `-'-The runny friends of Mr. Alex. Scbtt. who has been ill for some time. \v&ll'1wg1tet to learn that he failed \ verympidly duning the pnsbiveek, and ipassed-away yesterday Ext. 2 u'c1ock.. _ . D.m' \I T, `Dmn-cnn will sins-:11: ff) pusseu-wwuy _v\:au:uuv_y aua u.I.Lu\.n-. 4 ~-Rev .\l. L. Pemson will speak ti) ` the young men au~i11'o11 Sunday even- ing. `Subject - wise young mam turnedi to a fool." Rev. Mr. McLeod will com ugh the moing service. I`! \ I, , Ax..3.._.....l L........-"J" n13 A nnn W111 cuulugu: IIMC Iuxulub Lin; 1 Luv- . --Chns. 21 de11s9n.t`ouue1~1ynfAnten ` Mills, died at ihtle C-u1'xje`ut1u st. month in the fifty-foux`t,{1 vuum of hisage. from kidney trouble. He left wife and three L`l1iId~x'ei1. \ . \ . - .n n -1.--...\;-n-A LI... ..`- KL. ......m ` -~'ni rink td_~night. ` -Adveri:ise gtrayg;ate1e and : yourself Ulll CC \.llLl\|A\4llI \ .-'0n F1-ida.y`_wh e\ the le were tenjoymg the bu.lm_v :1. `,' t) .)gee11ret1 to thmk of it g1`ee11`Y11`u-t1d.f_` _ t;_ on Tuesdzly whe1Lth_e 1n e1~~u1-~"::`_pe1 - ` towards zero, 'tl1ei1'_ proguo__ ` `seemed m1'tzherast1':1y. K" nit . L... n uv x11.-u:.< ,.L` I\.VL:a.l... L. ous . `seemed l`11'I2l10l` ascr.-1y. .M -J. W. VVillis. of \Vhitby, h:1.. _\u1'- chasegl the h:`u`d'w:u-e ln}sine_s or-E. Gr:we1'. M1`. Willis is highly spoken of by XV'hit,l_)y people. and will 11\() doubt receive il. `Ii1)v1":L1- p:1t,1`_.0nu_ge from the people of Bzuwie uu(1vvc1n1t_\-'. >_1_ \ n um` {um n' n I` `\]\vn'h\I`, 5 n gum ptuyu: UL uuu xx, uuu. - -u...u_ . > : 9- ~$An old" iu:1xx'ix1 C1ILI\vu'ter.= : _l1 lztbourer, says he will give $50 lxiuxsell 11D\y'zu`ds_:1..1go11se.(vFi"el`11g;e1fSteps will I be taken to build one. Hund1'ed_s of . 2`-nI...:_.r:.ma urith f,lw'ium:nul.< will nut. ..- be taken no Uuuur one. nuuuu-u_s U1 `Chr1stm.ns . \\ ltl1fh0 l1S&lXldS \vi!1 nut: do bhIs.`-PIamet. ` v#r1,_,,__' 1% f)....,.:4. A V"}\.' uu laula.--L utuvu. _ > . --`Rev 'Henry-`E. Benoit, Assistittit Missiontiry Agent of the Cnlmxitxl Church and School Socivty. .\Io11t1~vnl. reached moming and (`V_`L`I)iHg7, in` -iniby chruch on Sunday_. . - i -7-0n~ Monday n-iszht; :1.boub eigI_Jt.l% okrgkdefeetivxx xzauxusedan:-V m a. house near tlYe gas works. 0\vI1eJ'by man and nr-mmipd hv Mrs. Gul- house near 1118 gas xvorxs. uwneu uy . Bell and occupied by Mrs. Gal- ` .bru.il:h. Ifrtook the remen but 3. short; time t6 extinguish the blaze, and the loss wansvlightw ` `A " . l\ n. 1 `X ,-,, ,, -_I._~._;-.` 13-...` . u- ` stgoi-L shanldx keep, ~. W.ehu:ge ` hm_1 We" 1!.-iwvs, its; ;fun ;smybh.i1g?_ kanagdrtxg ;]3 " w \;\LxLxn v-0n,.Su'nd:xy .evening,.`about? ve `0l`k& o clock. the occxxpzmnts of Alf, C:u'sou`s hmdw house. Tuv,er_ the solte "on, ;E1izabet,h` some 5 ~ `street, received quite a. fright owing to wu,ve,` s01)_1e*c\u`taius catching re.` , -With lm fortab assistance of n.ssers-by . the ja.m"es Wll1`!1\ r were'ext{nguis1ed \vit.hout.:_my gma,tj from. .- 103$. _ _. _, , R 9 friend: -m "- -. .4 ,. ... -Gents` I :5 s@w>e _' V. 3 ' President of Quebec W. G. T:'U;, and V ' Athetnponiug exercises, by the`P;-si-3 every mother of son.` xxmh. 't;mx b politicians. The~\v6`uwu were encoun--g Hutwithspanng we aisagmabzel weather. es fa` I ea:-nest; woman found 1 their way to . e W. 0.11`. 6.:-ou ms on Wgdnesdny afternoon of lasweek to mt Mrs.` Sanderson. Provincial .-'5 Treasurer of t.he-:w_s:-kl s W. T. U. denffof. B91-I-he Union. }Ixas.~S4mderson gathered the \vomen_nl;oun her and` vex an informal talk about the work In general. its pzumzulzxr needs in view of the cuming Plbbigtite. our duty to gain mm-emembers and than-l)y more- inuenpe; Mrs. Sanm-I-snn~ ~`:x_t'< i( u them up for P1-ohilwir \:'.. .~n,um,l have it in Zl)`) e3LlS :1 .~.}`1'.`: of the 3 aged to work un. kee lug tlfc I`e1np<-r~ : auve sentiment well More the peuple and to work in lmpg. The cause is tvlxe Lord's and must premil. In l)iu)\'lll*(!. ~ Richmond L`Q.. Quebec, they" were under loculprollibitiou. hut xvere kg L i busy wutclling the tricks nf the mu e and atlucztting; agitating and advnnc-3 3 I i mg public sentiment. `....v.....>.,. -.....:.. . _ ,1 ` T}iWi`?1tix1g -0! last Fnday \\:a_s niost interesting and successful. '1hi?_ subject. E. .; i_. ;Pue. w;_1s t1`e`at+'- m~ 1&2 brief but. succinct. paper on hxs_ life by H: D. Macleod; a paper show-Hit! `ht? u}n2l:`-\\'i4`n nl\'n|lI:|l'".V Of 51101;` bnt ` interesting ta Q5, by M1=.--E:.nu::u-: an H: U. v.\1.\c1eou; .~:uLm:.xug um I - e world.-\\'u1u..po` ulzu-1_b_v of Ins short 3-3.3 ,..zunusin'g selection from "his pmse by I_` Dr. Waslliugbuuz 21 Inusle1'1V"2l'i1d :1 " vsym zthetic appreciation of his poetry 3-`, `~ Jur J, nnre: andzvth01`()usIh~zIn:il\'- zuietic apprcciamou or ms pueu-y ; by . J. Moore; andzvthorougl1~zui:ily- ` sis of his style as a poet. by` Donald 3 Rnssz;-~-Mr. Nuns. as critic. gave some valuable sxxggestiunsh some of which ` werem'tcd.\1Qon:1b'()ncc. In Llie Order ` of business it was decided that the ` critic of each incetiug slmll prpiu-e 2; .sui'ta.hle report fox` they ucwspzxpcrs. The p1`0g1`2u1)me for Dec. 111,11 will` consist of sdebate: `Resolved. that the Will! hus_ de1_~iv`eu umre benet. _. roux liberxibnre nlmu from science. Airmutivc. J. A. Mclntosh. H. D.` 'Mau:le0d; Negative. A. C. ljabtexi, D_r. Washington: Critic, H,-. A.. Hzu-per; cliairmaui, .D. H. M:LL'L.`1I`el1. under local proliibitiun. but K8 )[ '5`ll(rulll be at ' um. _,_,__(_)_l J_)_1`__l_u!:. um. pour su-tist, 1V'lxo:f.7save frumgi .~ 3 zidvnnc- satanic he was constructing. strigiwed himself of his bed clothing rind (ii in v. 'pre`;:ei-ving his masterpiece. exhibited Literary Union. `_ _%tl1eltrue spirit, not be satised ""`l.' 5 I ' ;. " . .- E . .:_..wi1,\l u\ve1'__st.un 1' iu'oiu` annular ' . The niemtiiisa ot Fiul 1}. is k L; us have high me S, Ma `niiost. successful. The ""' _ ._ A. `Poe. was treated in~;i :Y_`_ 9? ,"1 Y U35` 1115? 1'- 9 ,l5- ' sixetriiict. paper hislife l)\ l {*`hg. .`5 the 3e`.5t' ullwnce m 3". i` D. t.li'el"'`-Y-` Th" P9 1 `W `-553 -,0rId,.mep0- ulurm. Sholzt 1. wlhduct -of religion and eno1niI_\e\`,ion. %5 by "M{,___E9uCm.; HF`-`lit-ielvefoi-e.the t,eai`t-lier should incidence . amusing prose_l)y .`1"`1_.`mm,`-` *-`l!ld"l-- The, `lull-My l *"~":15 l*Wkl_8---"1-W. Pbl3 W901 vsvm 37h"m "0" ""'.`h`*` S"bb`-*t`h "hl" Ky Moore; andzvthorougl1.zui:il\:- $h*`ll`V 1"-lb'l0|1 *5 $91955? "3 ``3.b9 M by luunded on iincleistgixiding. Conscience R.0ss:;<-ll`. h |.i'nns. sfave m"_"`l.5 tube 91`lh,39*l ml. "391? suggestions. S()l1ll.;'()f 5_l"*"t``ll.`." D"" ,' A 3h*P_3 weren.cted.\1Qon:\t'(irice.` "1l 55. 1'5t' be dlusmd bf' "5 "1 `*9 " h9dP*'=3`*'~`v`*d l.'l _m` prepare [W55 of fe"i5c,le1.`?`l3. "'dl..3l-", .suii;a.l1le Went W "`.t' k` `,` . Wm.` }f5 Jim Dec_` 11, will `and stand. to it; We ui1_ist_lnweVa.v aliebate: `Resolved. that WP Of 1`el18|0 511' 13 '1V5P`51"5l"*' has deriveu benet. W13 190% h: ste1'iw1~ .0? wwe '1 liter:itur'e. tliiui 5"1-ms` `.`d 5'l5-` "1h"b`ld.`g 9:5 Airmutive, A. 11*}I'iK'=l`l31*8!`*5W1'?-_A'1V*="Pd Batten, 91 l`.:3; h:d:!1l'l5`;;`n`g`f%:)3 _ : . .1 in experie -Lyra _ci . . wasbmgmn mm 11pm` thought. It is mgile and needs cliairiuali. . .guum.mg and `pruning. The qualies; V . Curling. ' ' L ivanted in the coming genera(.ion`9.re M .` - . ., eknowledge and charux:t,er., There = On. Flfldai` eV?u"1g- 1. 8 0 Clock theft should be abasis of dbedience.~butthere `Vin "0 `` "`?.`` L\"f t`h'm'ml~""5 f does not set-into be the some` exercise ' B1l1`1`l9 (v7*l1'l`l1'l"'" (c':.l `W h Q` *". S ul`u.uLliority by the S. S l;e2u:hars`a}$ in lmtel. .'.l`lie_ iinilersigned has held ii.-1iuyem.\s gone 5}, 'The...c1,i1dmn_,,m 43* ' coiisiiltaitiou with tl1c_-`lessee of the rink 'iuvi._,_.d mhel. . mg mm'mwded;` ~ ' S m me. t.`:ms. P0. Whwh ml -lb- they u1us'r..be iven ailionus toiixlllbuvei. ` can. use it tor the` sen._s0n,- and it is Lheniseives; enueness is gem` hm ` ne_cessu1'__v that any zigreeuientx be l.&g,.em. ';_sss1m,,,;_ -Tim e{:ou&' . entered into at once, for with coir pm.t,`. of my subj-Eu is: I ~8 ea_.,bha . - tinned. cold wea.t.hei- there should be mwheris weu"p0'ns` Th, i3.s0-meihg ea` ice this week. V A full fibtendance of lwe do m,h*hm.e in` BmTge.",[,u-Q; gs. - lu(:`Il1l)( 1`SlS re nested, as the member- membm. in Glwgow we `pong, wen` Zsliip fee must e struck. It might be WHY" ueedd_ I 1`m9'-e h,',M'd_0`f. 5` `V % .111 ,7' me. lowest possibl`? me ' '\-vmna.n`$ hauling Said `there than if she \vllll)e$'i~.':ll1(l at tlml: rate there must lmm would keep her class quiet she- l. he lil!ty.t\vo meinlieis. The `nielnbers miglm nmmge to teach them`. The. f of the cqxiiiiiittee ;ip_poiuted to secure gram weapon` hm.w1.`- is `he. Bimef l Slll)SCl`lllhl()nS will k1mlly_bb1-ingtheir -15 w Uude1.[um, "adapted: to ' lists w'il;l1.`tliem. rind us it is 3,-ur_uor_ed _mm'1.e_ Thar-are to apeal ; t l3ll:l.l'{l)l1le persons who Vsignecl will not heart ,1. -mind MW 1.easD;1' pugs 1 l)t` Willing ELlI)\ n_io1,'e ,t`lm.n .m\,m_. ._imgkg-,.,ah;0n _~nr- 1,93 . it would be (lGSll`lLl)_lB'lf the Sl1l)S(.`I`llEl`, l,im)ut ' appluplqam noushhmu ,l(`1lll) H4 - . A V . ,_ mu _ e 1!iem_\)_ g_)Ll)1i.___ 1'1 9.}, Ln 1 m Hm I 1;; 1 ms. Hind gi\jen_ to ui1(lerstziii_clTat the fee ,;,,Lfu,,W_Tx,1`f`1.10,;.,t,l`t,,.i,;,1,, r em Wll1-91'Wl}' be th1S-the orrevise it Let them have it l 'ru.te can witli: L`-e_i-tai.int_Vj-b_e eil tl~OB uidforui. ' ~` ' l ".`. -~ %:iw<'m~ No 491 "-1 .' uuk Lu u11e._L:_mxu1`en gm uezncmee the Leaclu-,rs made so mm: M ~ . . A . {washing dishes in the next: mum hat The boys were called out .\1o11da.3':m3. remarks wen, iueifectnah The eV't`!1i".g W x 33 '51-Z`,- ea 1? "5 \p`m-soumy13 those teachers nut` works, but as tI1e.1'ehau1 madeli -t-le -of m1~encm1mgmg`hmure=_ ` :s::::`:3;s:,.:m::**`s:iz'::3;:f~-$5, *8 W W` `M 9+ - . u.wu-b it scrum or 3 Vleasi. ' ~ '3V`3"-ud 5505 t`h ..t` Wem`S,9*.C~-`"5 souzil {$0 uuusim:%u. P ng pa. \ fox't2a.b1e`:md 1oMoke_d-so p?eased m._the`u:. Bu * my mmmmg V unduu-10t.lung_they had bo`ugI 1t., ;j from.`-W`. T....,}?'mson, advised their friends to go .{{r,mce,to W. T. Pea.rson?s . - Gents Furnishing Store .wh.eL*e-they , not only got bheir.wa.1-m updqeiothing, 5*hnt all the -mast uov.e1t_1t_2Svi,1l gentile-' I I Barrie _Fi'r _Brigte. I _me.n s war. 1 N V H lo!ic e_ - j` `j. u -ov.27hhLJ_ohx1T.L'J3nom .on,.jofL ms neighbor. homais * `ud insulting` ' l1n(leI`cl0tmlIg_mey mu: uouguu A their .{[t..mL"~` 50 Ptramson- s M taheir warm undrpiothing, `hm; 11ov.e11_i!_3SiIl {..mn c: unimr . , 3% y 115 . f. assaxt ad insultixmg .: .*;`$ e.J;x?n:nskby" ned . Sm:ond ehai_I.'g9:_\Y3$ ~-- ' ` ~ `_ ;_ ' FUIIVU` WI_IIlI DVD ` . .: ' On Nmr. "7hh.`Jph1x'.`.V'Ihom cougofi` accxxgm 1115 P1:11onm's gm =cost:s._on t;he".rst: i-;1iai' ftnifi it`-" nnin a.~:.rna.d'n{' Hrbertv W1l3I&llIS '1 `1;`;_}; usa,g:e`znd;lw;ttribut;dE, 1 ce to .the *1::r;g3.t;ne1i1?:.re<~ 1 Whiheleyv q.n&-' 4.A.I:tl1mcs..\ :1 na<:;V$.10ranr3:co cl ' s ,.~_, `sod L11&.l`ZI=.`Y3-3 -- " V; On the samed'2}.` L,B~i%)EI:bv Wilizm:s' ; was` el1:wge`dV- wt .v_agrzu\cy shy I). `~ V-Sweeney;:He::wza:.;.gr gs1t,..12o, - -Awo::k:`fqr. gamut. o;t;own. -1. 3, n'.`1:Ii1\(1= In I : .Tr-sh `l4`mwrn ; '.W0tk:`L0Fv S*1.=; 91 3"V'-V ' rp1ind nmng; i f1?ou1`~York;qt1n%y{,~` :- ibiifsfttmnths as ` 'l1e:.1:o1eme1: 1v\',u..v.nI_.'1;-;a_r:.u iastsgf. WIIVU lilrlluwjuunu - ...-_.... , Teacher. of. nmvmg. ou'mu1*.cmua Paxnng, _ Gral(1uata9ftlxc0ulnr1oSehool,of Art,_Toronto.. Special glass for school children Sumrdqys. 45-4 ._.___..--.-.--___.___.....__-. U 5El*l.|`U `U .deI'm 15.0.6. `$3.113. uuuucx. _ - ` _ V , _- _r A mav. D. n._'i mon.~-3 . ~ 9: The Rev. D. -D. McLeod. `of '- 3 P1-esbytexjian church. gave an address. 4 '~ The T=u;c.her`s Work, Wen _ us. uni 3 9`: \Vnges" HE Sp0k8-:l.lL_llK tannins P 1 fnllnwn 2 icama sw1co5.s.s. LV Iconveution in Ureemore nus` year. _ Mm; Bonner. ` The fullowingmlcers were, g Pres. -W. Fijyer, ColIingW0od_;- Q _s, `Geo. A. Kenn. 1 .\` Iollmvs : 7 ' .- * `There should he :1. hi _h cpnge tipn {taken of a um-her ss wor *.au1t_1"re nggaln, `should bu ax` tg1_zs.L_L_c;g,T,_gfp_r3_de. e. nnnr :n-n!` -mhn, ht) SH.V(! fl'l)lll I ~ tlI\(}`i: ;)t!1in;F;i:ott ` :`fro~xxx"noi an M H-8t4`i.o`kvsVrrix_{cs W; ilnoh'av' 3` " ' ; w Hg :15 follows Th nu-n talk the.` 1-1.,` :4...` ' V ' jlreu _at tex:!D.%!1n;u,,13t mm! sn much u hustle; for ten-I . Ga.n'etzonCo.. . , _ . - Thexkwaa , .chnrch ;v;:kr;;Bg$ not-`uni own IRE. u civifuntiollt , -our own ._ . . eIierieity:~ hat; in "rasi1ta,ofd\Ay Imva as ea wisgtharaboxrs . V A in the S S. tu d_a._'en( aliy. 1! iii "wail _ ixudersmnd` thaqlwyhar and Vhistog: `oi V _A no defence. ' no _ Cbrisg [aim ` V. P - uewhets monk V L ()0 :-:.n "H . 5 afbertac`h'!d:.~en 4. =the__.bm1re`.f Kaine ful wibhuu.b..thi!" up the great RIO h:1sa!w:sysheenta` 1.: one cxulv 'e1'xlie :* V xvithout an, "`e?n" s~.?'m wit 9 spin . 0 who taught. th_eiI.*`chi_lt3I.`n " We _ _ M uz`-' ussous Iyanntnnq nivnuxcfssg I V . ii I.'om s, * . [CHEAP MONEY. - DOLLARS; % 5 ~ ` To Loaf: o1rIs`_ar_11_1`-Pro1)erty" >\VTiW_- -` I `_ ~ Borrowers befo -` new mortg-mes sh imam, It _ rays --o:.:....m.mL$ut- m renewing or. borrowing Ion * ould-`enqulre.ot` meals to path on to do so; - Ilgmats you `no- ` .Cn1Lor_. , > :0 _ u1n sell yo/gut your own price; cu-.-_---up ?ms`i 3(A3sK;'I`4rnnnLAY. mm. Duinf-in Iavwvann V.-- __ _, ,, Interest, charged aths, n`n(I_`6`pe1'cent., j gsr Bank of Tomnto=Bulldlngs,. . Barrie. 3 20mg u ...._.... ` \3\ H S-.rnunn~ mum ` of me um; ` at < Lat: Cami, espmahoutlamhidk " 613$ 1 Binwn Hum.medinm size. with rlughnim n left him! font. owner, may um Tlmbrmvinsprowixmdwyhs mm - JOHN WlLLu.llBi' ' . _ Cmlghmst .0. $51` chneinto the premises of the under- Lolw, Can. 4. F109. on or about the Koveuxbenlm, Thma` Cdves; one and white. The qwnu-_m_ny have the Eimainto the pnemies the undr signed. Lolw. Flos.oI_1 Thma Cdvgs; oae , . . _ . ..-. . 16.111 3.1 . 2.!-5{re'u'1'b3i, "1i'&, Calves ; ned~.two red and The owner my numb! pmvins property and wins expenses; v ' ` ' . "JOHN `HARLEY, ` . rhelnaton 11:11 `D. =MacLa.1en,i` ` I8 llmilop Street Barrle s Gr_e`atest: ohoe Store. . , Shah as we are bfferilxg this week will see the beginning `of "the enthusiasm for Christnns trade bvyond all 1:re'cu1euu. 'Hzu"u'xg` the biggest sftock n akes more to choose plrofn, and bu,fiug iu` "biggest quantities n1xk$.~s ` :. T1a;uu;_n1:%g9 '.1?.1.`.i99.$.-..., MW SW95. hm ' &i'E'T0'3rd`r1ferenTto5-27y;hix1g, .yo1L 1L .L`....-! ..unun`-mi-n_tFTa mm 'pxn"t. with ; i..~ GL5; u\`l\muJ_-unu\..\..... .. V1.7, U `nd mywhere_-t.fs you 'exp"t.vwil7h V us. For the next three 'weeks the store M news in -this column will. be` to sugges_' early bgiyiag "ind emphasise such bargainaasthesa:- _` A - Un1'Al\AAnnu.s. hadia Fine Gnrome_ Gout Ba; . >_` I oral, 3 `narrow t9a,~ very latest stock, 'ti`p; decidedly -now; regulatiou- akating boob. '.-. `. . . . {$1.75. ' Ladiea"_SmohT:E Calf nnhou and Banners}, ' 3 new amok, `up..hea_v'y sole, .mi1m_y eka.t.iug_ -` V neljvery swieil styles. . . .. . . . . ;.'.`.'.`$1.25.. Boot. all sites, regal arr Ladiea Fine, D913` 01% Buton and `price, $1.26 mutt, ....`$1.00;. Q]: an nrmr heelgvery swan st.y1es,......_. .~....1u..:v.- Dyri` ola`Butm!'1 Lace` pr_ic.e, `and, HOW ..;..\.`-u. ....'.,...a...V.`$I.00 '_hu.dies' Fine Felt-T Laud. pr Congress Boon; _ sewed,` all` best`. quality, . .~. - . .'$l'.00. ' mun... hm nualiw Ennliah Fmlippars, - : Ladies best: quality Eng1ig!;Fl~Slippafs; A. : ~ I;:a.l_ies,'.'1eIh:, `nton, . .\Le'r3hoe., -_.J>ats._ _qna1xt55...; '. . = ~ lea . sewed, an bean qm;my,`..".. -. ....~.-;.uu , e1i&le_:%1ole,;._ ;. .,. ..,.__..65o._ 1 Ladieh` GeI:man~F.e,1t`S1ip ers..?.0`to .:50c.- ; - . .Q.. _. .>. ".`.$1'.1p5'.` ` eV:a.A,.;_ Aavta _ L-.1 {EUUMV ,V_:lUIl_y .-_\_u.u2< .-.-I-I-aw _-,-yyx j A _\ _V V 3tonrIey`;;LH`(w; mud ` X M f\|_ial:'33hE:"M6.I;', bxzsmess was; - ` ` . -nu. ....,.`-, __ , ; leakage smthe connectxon o J`=-t11eL ma.1n;pippI a;nd- the bmnch that nters W. M?&un`ssto1-e, will probably necessj. tame twringfup the maaxvay for a. `ghgth 'dis13;mce.'VM1'.` Keenan wasvall; - retLi_Yyt6 diti.thi's. `when_BtOp1)"e d` byithta` :M.py<;:r. s;ndheV clegims I;haM:is:com-; imuy v_s?c(21_x1fa:z1c,h enmties him ta tear up _he`shreeb....Q . , * -A ._ ---The ,: E 1:esbyv(2e1";`;a_,n Achuix`-11* choir al in. i:1I8sx21\oo.room' Q , "1" " "" Lvuuv._u.u........... 1613508..-.Al)3 bheqi. ta): 3.119.; Pguetgn _Ret - x -`-$1-1.50 Tixetr home is on7St. oseglfs Island, J .a._ndf- they,` we`1 3e,sente_n.ce ,. about; 2 .~ I ,a.go`.., af:;Sm11!;, Ste. 1\iarie.,_t0 .. rs endtzhreemouthsin thergformzntoxy. ; :11e-bovsAsay- thatshhsmanlx kill&1.t>s9T chickens; :>.nc1ih!3&as.jsQmgaT~tig11e bfore Z tthay-;we;>earxsestec1;. then-A,sh9 x2y~ is - the bpys;Aseem9cJ;Vt1;alI th \ noRs3_sI};Av. ` nnudexsr-.----r pa opncxm ? J . Frawlev swdcx ESTRAY. I}Ai>Ii:s` DEI'A . 13- ` n___._.... n,,,`., B.1l_l'-tic Aveefiow sud: wee. uwea.Il'I_e, . A to . '.mwdN J..GO0DF'ELLO,W. If ~ , Bonseoour Fnnn'?. .n A goba. wll eulumaa mo new mm. wnmn 10 _ml1esof Barrie. Wm pny {$900 cash for one an suit. Apply no - -_ . , R. L. BAEWICK. 9` _ Bmkof Toronto B:;_ildlng-. Bujrk. V Coi1ntg: close to Bnrrle;,,1 nm_lnts 39. :1 anqm. ; chnba Mu ht. cheap and onmrms tosuifpumhnaer; all ulars on agpncanan; tosulfpurelnser; In P mun advanced to PI) - Ann v tn FOR\_ALE` fI`E.\IDERS.wi ba.ime1\;.-d.n 1iivaurs1.gnad.. 1. (or 150 coni.I ilrbnlk. oltgo less than 25 cord- Im nf mmn sawed Mnnle an Jicech. 1 feet long,` 1 {nopseswamg Feavy IJ,rauAh c. . Horses ` Ihnluhlna from mm to IBM lbs. ' vvqxxnnng nun... ...-.. .. .... -__. ` ' Thus}: lmrses must be sound. in good cogdlon. `~ and from 5 to 10 years old. Will be at the follow- ing places: V . f ~ ` Kcuncg_iy"s Hotel. Barrie. -` !'l`ues.. Dec. '8 . ` Cock.sc lllllsdule, `~ . \\'u1.. 9 Blackstun-k s Hot:-l. Siuglmmpton Tllurs., 10 \Vllc3x's Hotel, Stayuur. - Fri.. . 11, - nngiinta * l Vylpiiyhb ' ' ` . ~ 3 ' ` . ` ~ `R. I:_- BAIWICK. ' aw) Bapk of Toronto Bviiiiilng, Barrio, Ont. "sex-{mt mu be renluirod. ` - 2311 ten auto y noon on Ssnturdny ,Dec`. 1 1.. v _ . 1 ' t rays t1osoa-I!;,msts`youno- `f~-thingtamiin t- you~wanx_-_~._m.k1xo_\$t_.C:alL;1x: mort rages Snoulw uuquuw. um... ., ....._ wrlheu ' I -Is Undex` the Skylight Again. 1A'x`ter 3 rest of \ me Lime. having` purchnscid the ` liarraud and ' mr $tudl`o an `contents. oppdslta Ra!1imy*Stat1on'.- in Both- .~-wen?s Block. - ._- V :"nemniBg_x:~ mg lico. Bnt!v'e_ll s Block. .% TEl\iDERSi%F:0R woou. ---I-------- = now . . _ . ` A/'l,_`LI1ey Killed -.T`wo.C'_hickens.. ` 'vB"`9dnI'i`1?e3di1*);E11iT)}`01i% Detective"! ?mJ\m.gnaxmm E&wwLand~J:uxes 1351`;tmi `f21$.ri'`$`%`m: fg a!&;l1er.h1r:_t:een~.1nd fteen_vem:S0f 9'59 `ih the: 7B1*z;(1fo1d an other rohgerieg resxmtvely spent `Sum? `t the In iTs.si.id cm airew ms A "m - county mL`wh.e1-e~they_were`left'by 'ymmge~r.MeD0m 1d madega: mm ssim. .; theii*.eu_,todia.u w.hile.he' went. to Tom L,`u;j -.;,3,;none of 511;: resu1g;g'1m-s*1, (n , ronbo.."r etuAxni.ng on Monday to: take 'nhe3rre3gx,f-vsmWa,.;;_:.. _ .8 ? ,3 5:hheii1'.i;,0: the.iPg;;ea,n ,B8fQIjml,3.0{`y., . V _ x - 7 L ~`t'H1Qi'1`_hO_ s_on7S(:.: oseglfs : 1399-3i&Sef1*3*3T1e Connecbxun otlae ?L _a..n13thejjr..4 _v;e1je_ sentence abs` t;; at mV91l?|PB 8nd-the.b1`twcbV.bhatnters L fat;Sau1tA2. Mahhjsvsberswiprobably nedessis -.m..na+.hma onthsin~tl1e1`ef1>rn1m:oi:y.. tbe_t9-__.11x1%gV upthe roadxvay for m --m . um - Irnnmnvx mm. ..n Onpnslta mi Runway alaunn..q1 nun. . ~wenfs . L N jgm'\*idd'*it11zii'1f0\\ttof' . . ai1 ii1`L-Ixcsouswmnttfae-- I-nhn rm Hm nrmmnf nn 0 .. -C {kw R ` . , ` The` 1?hot_ograp_her V-u-VJ `-,-p----g,_.-. .*- Welirhlnx from 1406 toq16001bs.- ` .......: :.. ....,..! .n1\r|l` The undersigned will be prepared to purchase - . - Awau ` R. E. x<`LE'rcIn3:R, Chnirmtm of Gaol Cnxmnlttae, " v` ? High Street. Barriekl Sale` FOREILE` ;. MAROIS. ' Mmxtreal. _BAKR,_IE, om, I$fgU`RE)4Y.=g mac. 1.3_ ;395; ; am or ReMuApIs