, wwn -u.W . 38,500.00 ` ... ; .' 90. .00 ` 5.0,00.00 mp 319, ` . 1-bpy j:~3S\1( \;'i1i fOl`|'l:llL1 at Bmdstreevs; New York, and Dunn`: r $9n1hm;`cial Agem-y,.Turouto and New` U(_)luIuu York: . Doeann extensive wholesale lulu 11:- tanltrzgdnobix `wines, liquors and ales? Mxnhlc neiihna buimu his 19. e trade by dealing `in notging but t. is {meat and best, brands Ofi now. He keris an extensive stock 0 allkinds ` of ebestmtikes of ales and porter ' and the best brands of Wine; and ii uom: how tbatthe holiday season mlisoon h on it may pl-owto your udvantuge to place your order tiiere--: eve:-ytbin strictly first class. When ordering. onot. overlook these facts. Goods deiiv_ex-ed to aw port-ofthe ' town. In private life` 1-, McDonnell l is t_m_ estimable citizen. _ ' , HENRY HARPER. In this Write up oithe business inter- of Barrie. we must. not forgemo .......onn-Mr- mu-oer. who isxhstrict hx1s}tliog~b1'xsi;ie`ss `men. `may mm: bnilbup an extensive ltrodo by close nttention` `to- business mud .by,ae1ling ods aathey are representelif ~ If on esire nnything in the Iin1of,h rd- wzu-e,. builders Inateriah pamtsi, oiis,., glass, varnishes; farnxuersf '-supplies. `etc., get about at Otbon &`on ' ? - They are also contractors_ ~fo:1mt: water and hot air (J. F. Pez13e.`F1irt1ace V Company.) furnaces. ga.wnnized iron "rooting, ` etc " In ' ofprnoces .they.1ia`we t-ti up some of the best in the town,- that are _uHiay givingtbe besb`(iegre` of satisfaction. They also make? 8 , specialty` of` fitting` up bnchrbOm's_. -' Mussrsi; Obton 61.} Son _a-re Jeatling citizens of the town and men who are highly esteenliod. ._ M ~ rHE'QUEnN*$ Horny - . mdnigilly inclined, wil do w'el t'own s ` int'ere.sI: and weuzu~e.. H11. 4 Harper is prominent in church mgtttcxs 5 and is alproininontlodge man. `He. is also zmissuer of nmrriuge licenses, which the` young pen le `hem? nmtri` not to _ `.lt.`1ucuu;_uu~uu .- . . Doean exgensive xvholeshle and re$ ` ....: n-nn m wanes. hquors and_alesT .;v.a~,. ` JAMES .MC(`/ANDLESS. - K_ee.ps a. ne stock of light and h'o.vy harness, which he sglls ~{)1`ices' that ` . xlcczmdless _ is one of the `best harness nmkers in the town an be has a, 1'ep}1t~atibn' for making a. very superior line 0f.h:1rness,b . Han nnlv fxmlf. if fault. it be_ gm) prqp'e_rly the only innit , can pro A it is pcrfectlfy ` esteemed. ' in the in_a`r'l-iet Io ` snfolzeo and .;. ye cl . here he has est M ' withontge doubt one of the hamlsoniest` .E 7 nines he has ft `full. "5'? . `Insurance. also a Notarfvnoitcmnu one of the most prominen .of. Barr-ie s citizens`.alwoysevincingn deep interest 'ih'nnytlxiIigvtliat tenda.1o.pronJ9..;i:l1c `t own and welfare. 7 M1`. ` matteis also it proininentlodge man. `He alsoanissuer iarri ge pen `brain forget. - I Keeps heavy which iii? iricesr MIC ilccnndless are most Y-easonnble. in the and he a,1'epi1tation' v of .h:u-ness, erly I cry called istnnt they last too long. eiu Iriade out of none but the best materin , natln -xii Io suppose that irsvclass . His` rices "will be found to be right. Give lllll axcall when in need of anything in the line f_ harness, blankets, whips. .' curry`- omhs--and. horsr-men s supplies. 7 `- Mcandless is a good citizen and liigflily it wouldhe RIOFRS CIGAR STORE. _ 'R.L. Rice is the prolpi-ieter of thih store. In this well-a.ppointed cigar store you can buy tlicbest l)l_'_!).n(lS of cigars, tobaecos and <-igarottes offer-ell for sale torclay. He also keeps the larg "st-and best stock of .pi yes and smokers `sundries north "of ' oronto. (lonsultjhis ricesif-,yo\1 'rel,ishf.zi good lie will be pleased. to. use {mu-ignt. Ifour hot and cold baths. Vater always hot. Mr. Whitby . Since` coming _ ablished a` good piiyiiig 3He is an e.ntlms_ia`s_tic iirennm, lining` one of f5u_lll`l'),'2FtlES'IUStr promi ncnt men zmdas a cilizen,_ (lescrvlly popular. . ' ' *7 . . ` SEAGERS DRUG STORE. ., ' Mr. J.H.Sen ers oneof Ba1*ric sn1rist hnogrcssixie on V popular young citizens. mslmd his place of 4 business entirely remodeled since he took`-possession comes` from r'ccently7nntil`tofd`ay he has as fine a, drug.lstore as there is in Barriexand fronts ofwhe nmnerons places- `of bnsuicss. _ _ `cxuelljent stock. In proprietor-y, rncdr linc. 1_Pliy__sici:ms ll ic ;1s_, __ . ,, inr:rcetse w att2:ntion~_1;o`e .hf1'slln:esS ' ztml `snllln the _fr1,';`$_._mh,e3,t `,'_,jeW `V W wedding 1 rings, -watchea,, and ` other -rings .` -l;cst.1Qi.:L_lrngs zit: ing 1'1 V. ' 1?. . ,. 11.. n- ` mu\` nod? pgygsn - that could .possi`T)ly Mr 'h0l}'1'\[ld~U0ld. baths, etc. a-.1 - - e applied Iticc A01-igi;1u`.lly_ `In drugs he carzieS..;an- '_coniipo1l1nde(l_{`; '1,_7,M in mwm V l ` ll _` I `S'\VOIT_C( up` .`*"*-W `_ "tv V ood `trode,._\vh1ch iscsteadily on the WW6 8 mm a my` i. .,m-nni~v'~ r`rm 1~,,_ ,,1,mk_ they. h tario to-Eei(tc'n1l_i11 g fa ;1armucx:ua the lhirtie_s.. when it was _lmow_n as *`Bingha1'n .s,':' is` the Queeo s rhotel. _ ' ':L.lS.QD.E..ll:t;l_l lest hotels `among the larger and [D01 ,po`pnlar ll0l_\SL`S .in >0Htl`l.I'l,0. This excellent host_el'I' is manziged by Mr. All . Arnall, former y of Owen Sound, who during his`n1anagcn1eut of the _same_ has earncdan enviable reputation throngli- out.0nta1-io.as_a capalilefand energetic hotelxnau, second to none anywhere. This hotel-is undoubtedly one o the tin- .bestconduct-ed . most cosey estarran ed . _ and com ortable hotel outside of Tel pleasant. ronto. being hom'elike and Since Mr. Arnall became manager of- thc Qu,e_en s-tlie place has been entirely renovatecl throughout. new and hand- some furnishings ad__led ; ne_w and rich` furniture put in; infa_ct._,eve1-ytliipg "be done has been done to mike it the `best that money could possibly make it. And they cer- tainly have sucr-.ee`cled:r` It is heated throu houtby steam, a.nd:_there are electric bells, elecric lights,`indicators, )(l'_(}_V`(1}fy im- rovement added that could possilfly for the comfort and safety of thc.guests. The cuisine is not ex- collcd anywhere, and is lqualled by very few. N,o expense has been `spared _` to make the Qucon`s as gifotl nsany house in the larger citicsof the fire`- `vincc. And we repent,tlie table is not excelled `by any hotel anywhere, wliile attcntive_ waiters `anticiiiate your every wantfln the bar on will find the "p_\1rest-'alnd. best oi wines _.an(l liquors and tliylxcst of . in: un-tell and donics'tio'cig:,nrs_. Mr. Arnall is highly esteenicd by the travelling public. and he vc.(:rt.ainly lias `left notlungliiirlone to make the Q.uec_;n S second to none. The location is Qfiilitfe best, being right in"th e"eeni-re ol.`.T lie`*x:Tnvn;`iy`itliii1?~e2t-3y- :l`cccs's'to _:ll`l~--l;l143 ir`npo:l.ant~ places of ` business and close to the" 1-ailt-oad'n'nd n stcznnboat landings. The C21L`llt.'l1uS` been kept V\Vlbllll.l_ Iezrsonable limits, , ;which is nnother reason` of the _Quecu s plienpmenul success. Duriiigeptlie sum- `mer season t,_he'ho tel-- is well tilled with tourists froni-all parts of Canada nnrl the United .Stut'es. _ lW,hen in Baiiric for business or for pleasure the Queens` is the place to stay at. " " ' L. sing ones jesrin, JEw1`+;i.f;.Es,_ Have been in husxnesa;`- liars, for years. being one of the oldest ostbllslleil business ` best practical. jewelers iii the" town. `Sanders . V. ` e keen. qlr,y,qt ell kimls, Vgixis ' 1 iwfe a- large` and .'h i%Tld -Thisvx*epx1t.hle tum has long. of;h`ein'g `one oi, the`. vegetanies. " . MR. srnrnen Hoe; without in `photogmphio;-,stn country. The pu only, first class we and kinds, from groups. and large pictures. specinll; of photographs he anywhere in thi places can they work advertises l beat advertiseme We 'conld `not all: without :7. referen phera in this pa graphslin all si: the smallest` size, able. Be sure yr when you have y JONATHAN Has an excel thing` in that I trade. You can ling your pin-ch the leading bui: full and complel were is kept, so were, paints, oil rlerson curries p town. He also were of all kind of the best stocl try. All these are most reason the largest and tie to make sell` of_ any of these it call}. ' R. Among then luring establisi ~A~.~Stephens,ni hblc trzuleas i `hey cuter t: which speaks} they turn out. w. `. igbt! pl anywhere, am` ordering your forget um, I satisfaction it where. in gr enormous stor yfashionable st not be beats Barrie have if these goods ti them at R. cost eiseivher steam luun'rlr_ n.-. e. dcre . ho.-3 been aim two" years, .a -chairman `of 1 \/u\-\a~4..-.. V. :RIOE S CIGARST01?:I. . 'R. L. store; store. tl1e'1wsH)x_-_:_uxds)f cigm"sa,- . . , ,,.1 ..:.'.. ;..-.ne`na nf*'Fn|-in] fnp gale _ this \ve1l-a.pp()nuL.u ungm aw... ,tobac cns nl fe1-edfor tl1um_a`rkety of.pi " Jrlcesif,y0\1i'ulisl1..zL _ snfo l:e toluse %n\11'iglxt- . }g`.ou1-hob'zmd '1 A01'igi;121.lly '1 ,coine3`fmm \Vhitl)y'. coming` established U an V tT1u_fn-`1'g- g _ ` ; `T l . ...... .m 1'\v\l'x`.f\ ur-l1l'\t)1.1 ' y llyr ..... -. 's1:AGE1. DRUG STORE. V _ _ - _ . I. J. H. Sea Bnmu sn1nsb . `mug:-essxve am cxtlzens, 1 `usllmllxispplztcc of`bns1ness . since. , has n as there Barrie and witlxoma. hmxclsonxest fronts p1z1ces- 3` business. carrieS_'a.xr ' promitux-y", - -cius a`fu1l'.li'ue. % }'1!`0St=I'ipt 10n,s cm-,uf_i1l1y _cpnxp(mnde(t` nl]1t`!61DOIlt/113119 has \\Q1*ke(1 upgg ,, gut l.x\prop1`1emry.mum t f.L`fll11`- h 1-eseax-ipti01:,sA cn.I{efi1l1_v _c0mp(mnde(tL } three months, he" has \\bx*ku(1 up'u. ae - de, which the`- in(:fe&8B xc gs ,_A__ M , utt nntion;1;oT .b11`si`n_ess `scaling: the. ' mmzsta ,und-,-1;est.:QL'c_iI-gtgs at `wing prices.` He/T1as_.'t11e' $910 agency for _ seveml _A_.merica.`n .'1n'epa1-ntions mmo_ng_ A t.heVnun1he1`being. sole njgnksj for the I); of Uaumda, of I :L'1fk<::T )1.tent'. 1 pxs. - ' A liigglect -to` 1noi11bim1[ is 1\q.m1n`s'nums,- 1 store. Mr..,M2mx\.fdc,Ves a goorltmde. ; ' =H .ca.1~1-ies" winpqun daubs one or the j V `hesjhstocks-'Loff:1xn1ly synd of_fica'sta_Jf:i>`xi~` n'n1r-i) 1'|A qr-hnnl` sunnhes. as well asm; 1 excellam stock; or \V1}1u_m_v;. 5_ulu,u:aj_nu;u V` ` wall paper. of any boo_ksto1_ie_11'1 .z_m-12.; V He t-.arr1es;pne 91 `aha largest a.xxc1most_ _ My _cpn1plet_e stn`cJ_~:s1nf 1:1(1iesfz{mcy go0d$,~ _ilk$4audBe;'l.inlvpol` Stzunpe, linens II and nnnhnlnfn uuu -. ..... , Domiuiunibf Gamilda of ;Tz1.ten`0 can never make any mmzuse u_y uuy---n -v "4": _ . . . , , pills. . l V _ ' xvlry from Sanders 8; Son. Prices to{su1\` FETAWLM` 8` Db` 1+` 5?"" . f' `-}l`s\`iS 1.-1 .b'1`~-1 *:i{-r|fbU1I_s>S.~ values uwu, 2 ' - .. s-.y . _ .: Vmag, . : 5 ._ _ ._ _ 7 , 'A}0U8 lhe 11108`; P`3_mlN`-llt lms; Of` 1lY:ml{Fenxle1l, Mlltc.-u_ 115211`. ! . V . : n = s u . T S klmwn U: {lacy ..,_Gl;u.;3.ILJr,__`f}-fmd >"fei'u, Lutiuufs uezut. . .; . _,~,,./__,__ ,.Clas's;_l pt .2nd---.L1o{d_3ueht, Della. Warn`-. ice. LE. l:[u1qgss_oN,v Ieaehr. 1 .,; .. _-4. ; I .; ` . _ _` . , _ l Anobhelxof: the- m:`mcl-pal ,bu siaess 'QU.EEN 3 H k V , `publicas.d1ie'oi'~the".n1ost iuelumi -p1nces,ofTt11,e`town_ t.,ha`t "e__ mustvnoty ~j(.3mgl1;yl*.\1.'_. K71ll.,l_l17l\._3.1I1,3\.!1L }1ho_ls_ one pushi_ug._ Their long experilmwin b[1sinea' Vlleglect -to m0`~I`|l:10YIl 18 MIm1n s`bQ0kr cflxe ;iyi1mipal'nen im-tlue fe brigirdv. Pr p|acesthemin*Elxe' f0re1noat.,Tank.'zlslxp-zo. Mr. ,M2mn.fdc,'es is A gl-.z~M. 1_<'ulge man. as well as 9. horse date business men. M They have xnadea suc- _H'.Jca1-x-ies without doub: of_the -nc'ier...`1f;you wish 2:. almve .u good as a_ (3653 pg the ditfereut,,b_1`a1xcll1esV\5vhichthg rm `heststucks-'loff:1xnilyand 0f00'9*8s*al'1"` hewb`er'e verL gyv mill at S\1therl'an'd`s, .who_cmy ou, aud`puroliasers. can` :glwaya}`:ely L b V ` _ \ _ leryimd _schoo1 S.l1Pl 119S-3 W331! Wan ha v`had'.nwW Ye'8 .`w erW?``E`l- .6. s8`8l'Vemhins:'in llreirlilumf the ...Class V:-i111:"hCurx`;.Mabal_Ctrr. " ;; ' X09l19 St`k 0* `Vld9`.`7; Shades.`-and ..T!ii8`i3`5 3-PF`11`l-hl" `.`lll' 5"`b`." h` -.bes't`$`-`194.m Y W1 at .918. l\'_rY:l!0.WS.*~ll!*i*- . (;1asi=.IV4Nelsois:\'l3ice."Irvih8'Warrmfa` wallpgzper.Qfzmx1rl)()o.kstmje_1I1 m9I.\%.0 ~_ B.t_{myn, Nona but the moansklllu-l -In drelsa gooas u\ey.cg.ry;;y- one.of,;the_la'1-get" ` (3la,s_sxIII SF-`-Algil `_3l1esl'.,f Dorgrmmphyi. czarrieggna lgxrggast .un, 31n[)1_0yd~,- alvlr; mm best smfd stocksam the`-vjtown, An .Em"w, Cm; Am meg Amy Qulmz. , "1VP3W Stnl)ks\nf1`l\(11ES cy ?()(`$`1 3lhFl&!1 sham; Of ``P"W . thqmoat famh-iouabletexll1F:lf*S ;zire.show n iqg 01333 ., J:-'.":.01a` snmh`.yva.1te,lyvam{5," = 1lk8laudB6If1in"WD0l.9t.L`-SWDP8_1136115? oflzhe p'ul>liu;;a'nd l;e~inw*ari&blL_ggte\an$` : . -. .--.: :.s-.: ;'an@J1_*p`r'_tceu:':h` 53;-.ey1j,}e. 5 _ \ _ ` _T g\-\_(L_'l,`,i_Q{':y;; full`, andlcolnplflte ,the'*bet- of Vdabiafmtion. 1 YVh_e:_n you-_ want that 309 cannot aifoxd Wgh outside .o'h`e pg;-g,I1 S;-...Wim_e.f`Bumy, Efg m2, 1;s!A ryzhtng m.c0rn`Iect1on;;g;gayhgve,`n' clean ahw; Orga decent town.t"0~be_quited.l` In ,ea1`p:;ts::,they*~k5ep; Xe. .Q1`_l19_,4..Ia0'Y"\VBbb ' __ . l .. l ,3. . ,; .8 tt-01538/`,lf3I10Y'-oods; shqr_e._' 3;... ;;`or'af&&i0`N,l$l\iI\011V.08-1HhP9- \ `ch 1`as~b-Il"Jr.+~M;iye1iwebblra Wie. Anilrthe prxcesm. which they {we sold T I ` " V ' ' ) , _ > _ _` an excellent` assortment. 3 Ab` Frawlayq 9 Tutharliynldl in wt llikgld `b_y.i\1llclasse.a. uvli'n s_ on will nd 9 "fl Ark of , ._Q|ag`11+Mb.ryj;~V\ ;{mia Jennie wim. _.n.Ij_Q1l}9S c Ly.` l ` _ _ _ .` ` V` ` . . ' . ' . , `man is onelof our most gx_'o`nunent.a.nd_ l - v V. H . ` ` ` V` `damn a- oluslllngg wh A L wgxq-lwentg, L_\1'Iu_QQauz,lmadelsmich.. _ s` inuential;lWellv.t1i9i1gVt of by all: .1lar._\13,rad1ey_.haWe! naegd in!h6s1`w`__L ._iize`sof,',cwei<:,<)_?Al&la11, `ref ` _ V ` ' S-:.A?NDi L ,.,`p:()3;G,_I$1>1:e$pQs:~H`:`~ _ aodi ui:;wa3`%%3T.:;u?%t;%: . ,. ed. ,. 7- Z _ :`M_ ',rhuVf$dlaP the PEN q*pq;gl.lavie'thd,fo,clAl$S' til :uaneed lhgL j ~ l Lgodllb,z';:ondiL!iob;zlls ' L l L M ~l**W*`~ -""l?W`Y;.L$9l?9l4?B?@39` ` V` . I) am M10603.) 1:: . j`-}e':;{dVi:t SI, N0. 17, ,Il;\ylsfil, ft')r`tl1`e month of:0,ctobe_r': ` V .- 1 : I TIm l meat unsung - K ` 1 oc`;nm3,*Q.o.; 1r.E.P.`mzm:.q.c A.__H(y!_-\2M}V |`BY. D. C. Mgncnxsox. ` V ` 1 7ooNv1mu`pnRs} &.o.1 % A uu.'.w-.u,m` _-V -,~.-`--,, ._.v.~, , ` f.h()I`O|lgVh_1 ,'_ . A mndhia `prsoei LA. .bn'x`sine_1,rxan, ha1d1,apmya_:t;ne tics,1sbadilyn'1iu.crea.sta}3`g* He~-hv8,4,1,`- keenuesi `of busineaa perqaptioh. V gcoindenjxge ;xnd:e,ateeu;_.of_ ha;1m;ytiax;ts! gm ` -"_au(lgk'eepa' an exqellopt, stock an A V `_an,(I*hi'skill';}via'-txnqtlestionedg,--Whik: gfit ej;hefa`asaortad,ir$`highclnaeIgrocgrlgag; Gm `;u;1s1tmjdv1g;g`:unc1I,1)t-M11911; haio._uju' sxtsideian oi; - . V of;~`dept1stry;I :1)rRi` ` ' It rooting, cw us .,....,...\,..,.--, some specialty` bnthrbOm s_. V Son who highlyesteeuged. , _ Q V"1`L1EV'QUEEN S> HQTELL ` . yr the `1m`s`kii`s-`ix 1;ote1s`7m~on:,, and signs; on Duniop meet, Oppqmtu we Clarkaon Hcu`se[v75he`re he always ke eps in mock o.ut.dwers, etc. AM` as in. :1: he W111 keepla g66d,,tock fcelery, cab go and_frosh"vgetub|ea for his` m_un':on,a `cua~ t0mer,s.-`-ELis.usnztm1m`t:nf-reut"o era is ope of the beat tube had` m;yyhe' :` And he keeps bedding plants, iu's`a\h. He does _a__good trade, which come: from fxirnishing no}iingLlm,'t the best ,_claas nfowers and citizens ox mu Luwu nuu ...-- ._.,- Q` the host kYib'_if1'10teT1`1`On,/ to-( :1) , -ex on mg. . BiI1gh:u'11 .g_' Queen s hotfls 1 u cum` n .i_n bunumo. .LlI;_n ' is fog-xue`r V _ repntati mu l\nf;u-in.n.S IL canalglcku I 5. up 5 nges _ . lhl n the \v_1u nnu ; . ` xct, aixd ` Arlnm ' _u'zu`el1ing ` ls -n-n cm-rmd tn .:p'oken:of.- He in- korn?and* we)! phprtly, wind: moving.iptg_hi fwn pxjernisegs next :0 the Advgqmro ce; ` ' : WOODS`, DRUGGIST. -'_ .V Oixe bf th'e.oldm dm {inns in Barrie. or id nurxbem Onmio is, at of John ,`tV'o(_> d,I`. V Infdrugs Mr. Wuoddha ` tau elcelleiit uioch gbe {urgent in tbl:`t0Wn`.{iId;he i iii tlfo) 2):- ..t .~-..In.1-(Ia Hm Inrnit tale in ~-~ __ ., .. - 7` gnest.` axvsgs mm, M can emcient. lmy: up ' ` sictori ; invent a told u S sr (aver, cum all liver mg, > H `sir.-3;_headache,'1nunillce, cvnstipatin, etc. 2!: L- ....... nnmnnka with Hood : Satsawln II Lu. -4..-.-.v-., . ' _'1`o aicommodrito Ma chat:-.m~ en, Mr, Taylor happened out a greenhouse Dxjaglop street, oppgaite Vthe m....1...... 1:1.-1....-, where always ,keeps MR. s`1`1s:t'1uma, -`rnuxuuunn ..,..., without doubt, one of ihe_ nst "phutographi9;:nd1ds in this pan. of th_` pulilic will find in this aludlo A work?` Photographfnll izc.s ' $1` per. doz. up. Family ' granite. large workfalan copying old ~ uictnres. specially attended to. _'_1`he class ` ' his =1 EIUUFO` up by .. V I - V 7 specmlly The turns out cannot be heaten this`count_v, zmuviu \'ej'y few be ~ excelled outside. business, and_ is the very advertisement. he could poslsibly have. allow this write up to appear - 7 a reference to the peer of photogra- in this par-Lot the country. Photo- graphs` in aims, from lifo size down to and appricea most reason- you give l\lr..S1.ep_hens a. call, you your `next photo taken. uAR'n. - ------ . ...r. . \Y uh;-\'nm1_)un'_vQ 2 His. `IV l\u.u._ Has xraelleit ussorltitleut .'of e'very- ` thing` line and does a-very` Mruu. grade. gxake no fnistake` in .nmk-. m"v\n umun nm-ahasns Jlhleu ` in that me uuu slum: ..-.u.._, ....g.,. ._,V W, make S'(l,Ul['l i`n_g year pm-cl1ses.thiaxe. -,Ih_i_a_is _q11_e__pf here.. I leading buiness rms` in the to\vu.v_ Al men are l full completb stock of all lines of, h-.u'd- l n-`l any 'ware suchaa heavy and shell "hard-. of lugqi oils, varnjshe, etc. Mr. Hen-_ lmrtl tir probably thehrgest. stock in work'. has}; full assortment of tin- .W, 1 ware kinds. In cutlery he keeps one_x Gm-s_t_ E `of stocks in this part of the cuun- The( L. All ghocls are sold it pricgs that met in ` 1 reasonalsle. Mr. Henderson carries 1 mnshzomplete st_ock iu`l3ax- _ } 'sele;-lions from. When .in,ne_ed _ , , 5, any goods be.-ante vyoulgive blm phym 1 . .' _ _ ` b gm.` - R. A- SI`lLl HENS. . mm 1\. :1`. Uxun u:.u.u-u. _ theImosl:.prnmine.nt merchzint taxi '_ estalglishmeutsiu towu_ is tli -at of R.` - -A:~Stepl1eng,Jg'l1o_dQulaj'i1_tu\Q,.i9Pl`; ' well as 9. `gum paying one} to the very best trade lien-, A speaks_vol_11m;2s for ghegylass of g r` they turn Their goqds will" be louud < ' ' prices _tliM`.`c:muot; be lmaieu_ J unywliere,ami_qaalil.y_unsi1x-pusml. VV.heu winter overcoat. or suit (16 no}, ! for, if `they cminot give you satisfaction will liebard to suit; you any- - where. gents` furnisliing. ihey cm-ry am enormous stock, in al_l.the-nmvesbaml `inns: fash`iona,ble styles, 111(l'M; prices winch (:uu~I beaten `in Qutar_io.. The pesiprlc of , 5 tired ofipaying fancy prices `fin ` 55 tbe_s wlien they kumv they `can get L2. Hmm at R. A. Stephens at one-tliird thai vV"'l`6l! you unvv. Iyuuu ....... r..-., , JONATHAN Hvzxnmusong HAn`D._ _ wAIu;._ ` - = -4 '-J ..;...... Barrie have men Otpzlyltlg muu, ,...m. ` ` ~ ; Stephens - cosbe1se3vher'e. He is agent of theol en~is:-::u' ` hu\ridr_v whosework "always gives the ' e.aLde ree of sat.i.fac'tim_1._Mr` Steplwvxgv. ` amemher 0 `the tuwu_ cuuun-.1 u and is at` px'e$e_1w`tb e'Iix;ie1\L` * -ohuinmn th e. boardof w0Bks,.,;_.l:{1:JI121ks 1 thcmoughly capable councillor. As a. :11- ` zenlieis ge1}erzd!y vStt,n]e`d. - ` F ---.. .. `nr.\T7't1\'(` 1\I)\7 -I1n'nI!'\Q > mules. ,~ J. , 1, _ smpgimxs, -PHOTOGKAPHAERL _ .,,. - .1-.. Ann of ihe nst work,"aIan copying unu . arnnhn he A-. s`ri:1>H'ENs. r /........|mmu': : > 2 Prr-caims If tram ii) Hcmskopf " - |"Suu!h Am:rIeij.!!3'ar_!in ____ f Sgwed My life" ' '\ V _ ._ Mn: 3. Stapletdn of Winglnm'writeeI= ` ff], have` been very much troubiedt for yafiwaince` 1.87485--nith neidusjsbtiity s and xlnpepsia. Had) began treated. ' physicans withut pwmanent relief. mm "M-1yi:ed.uhc_sut Ihreemonths Igoutg Cunard: and'England`By mind of the withaot pwmaneus rum. .. was hdvi:edabqut again` task; Smgth Angerican Nrning. Lnn I rn31`y`ha!iev9 1' eye my M6 to iNb-r3_1- I can.I ruthfpllj::\ suy that I hue derived ` mufe benet. `frbm it than any Lrexmen` I Ever Had,` Iiagm htrnngly recnmmend. it, sud will hever tuevithbnt i$ myaelf," ` Sol-{by}. Woods. V ` L "`"" ` - ' "N`AN"1`YI l.' ., ~.N..2".-W..C,` W,S1cCullou'gh_and s_. L. L. Spillm conduct the leagrie next Friday night. subject: "1`heTGreateat Man_ In Hiatorv." A _ ;_ _ In D Htory Mrs. *3! 7| u 59 I 52056 one. ' V _ . A stump machine has` commend;-d opera. tioua on the farm of Thom. Easting -.~ \ .x.,_,,_ _ ___V_ ~ vi`cua`dnring the week. A man must he gr y `u_nday beaideje c5$i1duof.,iiii1eTc'iii'!"1ser-" madle of iron to stand thjsg yet Mr. L. seems - .' jzjijerijiiy-it, but there.;_J'3_,a, li_m_i go humzm_ . unnrilv some where. . _ V \ r0;D]ny`lb, uuu u|:wu...._u__..` . _ some `- " `:,.x: .-`.:: ::a*"l;';, ;.c:as No service in b`hnnl:y'la church on Sitnduy, aisle: -in "Eden I diltesil owing to quarterly meeting at. Strand, ? ' cqudillon, said, I '31:; tnki S. Spillett shipped to E D. Smith at *l1)l?x*:;11u:1:1Y3.:1n:1"1 ?` 3%: Winona on Tuesday last ll0O~lbs. of y_m.u\g She did. 3 am t-m,,Ppn gocsebbn y bushes. This nmuunted to 3500. ml: ho: `how im tovomel well root (land tln`ify>bushe'a._ Mr. SI ith "'19m1"`;::tl:,:ddrtg1Bl:m pxocn: empldys speplallsts to grow cemnn llnes of _ Horn rm-omi0`u go He plants for him. Mr. _bpellett having the npia ma cominuoua. gooaeberryliue. ' * ' ` herformox dnnserous. pa-ix T ' \V_e sue our` old friend J. Fruzeif behind ihe km 'm` 31 ' . v _ , . . for mono thana month he counter In Bemrose 3 store, It seems like old . vi 0,0, beam, `sh-5 1, times to he waited upon by J. F \Ve pre- ac ool sinco aha c.omn_1enc * `Ind has so much truth 2 sumo Mr.'FL.i s uniting the merchautile linel nmmdher mm fvxtlh fgnln buying. We wxsh lum .succe.ssQ gokegg ,,:ul':,?,e n-med f tn 0 _; _ 1 . -st case eys o e_nee "The rise in the price of wheat is the pre' 3." `` l ' "3`,"d.` . . _. , x wxllcm-o_nny ,, ,\_I _..n V` U UK! The d kl..H.:u-H . the one do1lnr`nark. _ A. . g Saturday e.ven,iIYg~ passed off very qnieuyg It is 10 bejlqped that our. young! . menarq'1`o\vj_1)J,;,_intejligentenough not to; ` any. amusement in the stupid practise - lugging gates alaou15`the_c0\_1utry. I1; these` _ times-one ought to be paid for amen _ . V . 3 I w n M.`r`.nnimv oms the Quest of Geo. Q _ _ The ofcial board of the Methodist church. theNzuxpyr church on Saturday lqstr. ----~--~.---~:~--~-1* . x Physidians Failed -Cure-Allyn Failed}; '3 Blymhu Great Sul1"th.Arne_17itiu1Kidney `-d 0l|l`\'-. a-Specic Remedy for zrSpec'uic '` "l`rm1Ble. _Cu`r;-d _Mr. 'Y,o111\g ,"n`L( ' .BaV'rnaton'. P.Q-., Quickly zmd Pevmzw-_ "~ 'm'l3'* ' - - .2 ._.: This is her testirmmy, `)1. was taken "1 sick`i_n J :\v :u:a`ry;'lS93. : _I. enxbloytikrsvcsml of the bash physidmtns and was t.xeatedhy_ xlxmn fair kidney dis-use (mail the auttmm of the same yt-:u\vi:}1o'int rceiviug much : FeI1f.- Tt'hn~u in-guri uing _yuur Suuxh ` Amcricuu Kidney _- Cure. and` -iweiveu 'u_rea'v.`hetletxlnmst jlllllloihtxfly , fez-'1' I ms\\'.m;uI L gun` quite u.I__:_rcd. `V I have taklr -nu l\]t`.Lht:_I_I_0 i'v-Hmne Eength of time and f h:'n=a nriv' imfi 21 Vre-mu-n of x.he"sl_i ghtesL )~ ."' . ` - n-'-.' S\'l!1,tum of _the dnsgv-rag. -.`0\L_1. by J. 4 ` \V0`od3. ` ' _ . ; . ' ix .......__.._.-_..__._.__..... ' D. M<`:C<>Vnk`ey w.us'theV guest of Geof i1_oNo'n nohn. i _- R'epnr_nf Big Bay Point; ptilic schobl, for \'_:lmjmnnth of-0(=Luber:" ' , - 4 ` "` W-*iluiH'r"`\Lahh` Amy Wehh l ' Bexu`sie"Radt`e1"ru'. . - -~ . - v Chis; III S:j.~ --I1`:-.nnie V`ernmi,- Ee"Ar1uL` - st_I'c_gxxg,_ lggillie A1xnsmmg.'1'hresaa Reid. . _Cluss`{Il L Jr --f1_v.hn'a \V.e})b. M yntle Gust . M-nmn. nm A _ J I nn: ` 12/eporu 01 0, my u_u. u`, utuguuun, Av: .... mofuth of_()9tQb{e_i": I f I` ._.Qla%s V-E: "hGu1'x*,.Mab_a1;Ca`rr. ' '` , ` .1 ;Ias IV-`Nlsou; Wine, `I1-ving` Vvarnw` ' (;}Ias_s\.III `SI?-`-AVlgi'n GuesI:,i _ Ernest C&rxxg.9;1h1n Wvice, Quanz. __ Gkssa JI"~"-0Ia. Snnth.--W;-Iter Vvarnid, > g1_`.v_eVyVU() 1e. Pa;-tII S31/7~:W?:_eTPnti1ey. Efb Hicks,` 3. 3319 He$1e.[i4L.1eu9'\Vebb.K 7 : V 11:21-I:-II` JI~'~Mahl?`9Vebb."If% .Wi.e.V ` gclas `ll:-`Mm`yjrV\ u:nia,` ,VY ar -`wow; Luhxi Q.\1Mz,Grade.Sm1th. . ~ - our `OF 'l`-HE f1`(;LS._ mun, } ."f'vil;I1a}@ A r _ 1loueyto_1m;1 a Lqwst Rzxcesm` N.`-I Vt .-., 1 _ , ` 3 , I a probation or my mm mm u _ ,,w._....~ .ut:::u(;`:\r tl1;i1tyandgitgouhcnyglgguh:>|:ix1;:1ce:g3nt ~ . . w. var, sow e- mom on or the! T|(`l:`i~ *` `wit: ~:.{;1lbm{;olt]5fee1'gtheggdeau [3 1, _ t * wrong. y 09- on my 1 s. fa ave 6 mu Ty 9 e58 not the least doubt that _11er__trying-the pills `Be Paid ,fr Bum .. just at the` time she . dxd saved gs a. large V . ` doctor's bill, 15.93;; was all but sick shed at us guest 3 thuim9..L:m=sxxty-two ye`&rs_of age. sm- ~ . 1, entor Xfny ttradte, have beauty}: 3 rosidento:1`|bS1t. hekleghvdistehuvrchi m:1:.:..:;e2:;.,::%.::~w:*:1k:::::z;:3';:,..k:;o ch Saturday last. t.hisso1emu'dgac1ar`a.t~ion believing the snmeto __.__._., ` ` - .be trueazxd kuowiuxtzhthe asmne ta)` hag go , ~. 111 - B6 8 , - ' LE mom >' ifohiegpeotmg?r(;BJud&%1,6"zf1?1?;18%:'9' `*2 `" T V` ' ' Jr 1: " agdi do b`s`;fmmAM It:k1(.)x"1N' is w _ _ - ;_'_' a on an ~ sear , oro:ma.:L V; afowno, me `W. Fmd.. of St, Mary's, in the County otPe:th,thi3tE h.Axne:r1tu1,1i1dnuy "dayo!Much..SA3D..1$96.. - " W` ` ` ` - '- . . g ' ` ".d`-` `F` Sp 80919, ,_A Qonxmxssxoner i ?a. Dung nfT 0ngm-i0_ ` ~ ..__.J .1). `WM N. min ` to fligh Court `of~Jus . _ en h _0uN6d vmn sauna s V ` b The` 'u m he; baud ins f ..__ .. ...... dvuvsxlilej 1Hxequen_y_`pm;. W I-QWBC -Iy~u-n. -{L9 Yonu 8mt.'roron2a. `I 147 0-LI. ` . uwnztsnus vn-an H $3333.. 3 f-?@i , . A` I disease. She hm comum lsuu ......... ,__,_ b pa.iu'i1;`he; farm! and elm t. unaminzsbla.` It fxequently pm-. entedher from attcudizzg schoohgmd she found study athomop1:n.cticu.i1yimpoa5s1ble. Bhclnd ' no appetite, and did not; sleep_ well.-. The re around ha: hem uni she was was very save ` with uttering and palpitntion. ` ' time. Her moms: ou sl'y 'a.1umeV-as` and myseu uwuuu .........._, "was conutanu1_getsixx}- worse. , Last July my ddugxter Samhfn teicher in the Public School :1: Kilggsyillo. Ont`. mm Q home to spqnd her vacatxon,` and nding hat` aiatex-.`;`n such ,c1istre_ssing and dmerout` condition, am` taking` Dom`: i 53' ` -A=-- --.- ...m.h unmll nu X!_0Hll9 }~.uyx;uu lav. ..-._, . , amter-gn ,c'l15!.te_ss1_ng condition, taking` ' Pills and theyAue_ d9_ e mu_ch ood.I :3 I`IC_--v`_ ,1 Fmmawoll - " My dn hterPoi1_v. hssfoxmare thaun _ eeu troub ed with severe xynxpggggs of ey iseasezisho bud conjztaut and ncute painnin 7 ~- mm.` min "111 `bar ns `farm "(ll'::t`.l .' 2\1\}f}*"v)ti`:1i1 tomb o~:s4'>` `ozLz's'befO1`e- D. . .c1)~-N; contained :1. sec of_ 'm'.titi<.-:L1- 1_Z9eth_0Il> sycau-._m1` wo`0d.._. y.x.;xt'e. `Bangs-hezxdcl tucks \\`e1'u.11.s'ed foi'ftei=11 am} the :`.n"unge-g ixem xwxg. t1(:1'z1bl)'.'\veU'ad{1[)ltd to the}. p{1i*pbSe'll1te[_ldd. ` " ` ` ~ . \ ...-: mu mm; me fufmerly 'made:of` p111'p"ose'ix1ter_meu. ., ` i-Artiiiculteebh 'li G1`?v:fUl'11\ET13' made of hippopomxiuts 6p'\vu1x-1isi\*ox-y_,~. '1`_h_i3 .m`g.._ _ ten -jzxl, ho\\'e\*e1`,~pro_ve'd unsuiuyble, as it. was subjegit to decay, zmd. the"co_x:rosio.I'1- ' train we facids of the mogxm mad_he , * 'branh ofYensi\`e..- . _ M ... .... .,....._- .,- ~gg;n_g'xx mzu'1':i - ` 'xuc.`.'<>i` ieealz. In- I. ......\.~. H L . n_\'Lnu, \i`I_u.u. V..1......., mats hswe sexeml hmhi ,..._.......... .N.`il'1L am J: 3. _>' "' '. vtgttu uocmgny - 0 13 _:me Amos @5136, u.,`....;.c ~....v `.. ._ , .w.q n`: ' 0.00 p,m,_ 7 Lu6\ 00l_) as-b nmroan} _ henna . 2;, 10.56 3.13.: 5.30 pan. ~ um: `n m. 7.20 mm. ` ?"'? ;ST ANZ&RD M 1 ._ j `~ fwxoz or. Pin-` ce)nex_n-.s, em, .11 qt beat : nnlixyund so; ' me very rempnable 1V-st_en, ` 32:10:: 23 Ellzabth'St.; xmrig oppnmte Wallingtonotel. ` M7. J . A owns, w:111gbe: at `1iiIi_ (._)fc ii: . `-3:" 1'f.aw'rma. J%.Va-120,. D99k8wWn,~-'*< :A ouse_Bhyr_i.V'very Saturd2.y.r _ (3<::31!2~tV4._1tI"n71s-It.sLn:1 >3l'I1 ` ; .:a,s.r ` asbtintioxn. *9 ` sunscnmnp CAPITAL.` s1 ...._-..:-_-1L:._.. 7 _`,`__ I D:evn!`t`c-A oxxtrge . _, `mwer. ` Ask fer pixknphlet. v ` ' K ,- . ` \ ____g_Q_l:I_|`i ROGERSON, ith mui"in `7"DIM ` "i}ik;i};~1_;m~utca?1gs51.~ I ERY._ ; EU Mgmbmreom -01? TORONTO,-_- __.__.... 4_--.;.. .,.,,.,m v ~r`o=r>.L-Asu;zAz ,; INVESTED n~: =.cxx.xpA `ofyEn';. .xocms{UL._yrEn` aiuxns. .. . mcozsm--..:...~..._ ....... .._-_.4_'_. , Aiipawis _ m -".""~""". """.'f.. . . ` V ` ` _ *_ Vvfhn oxihav`t1xu'chunc:i. `Thereis nousmmdevgoing ardshirs u` se days '1vhcn.travellln;z if` you `know. wlmt, in on. Thoaexvho ' ' . e5_; `travel . X1 3-`)""*"9`<;,)?z lgimw that the - T .-.-4-_- JOHN % ROGERSC5h'|` :4`,-I.`m'I` ' 2 us `lung ....v mu{mt_:i:N. f ` _ '2;i;11;NE:c (m~1(`.E.'. The B:g1'_g"'1(:v.:\_"_;'It'._-_ _........ , -`> ~ASUB;;lfE'. pMPAnv. lu"\I_Ivr-- v._.- , , L ."' oi Stc4nnshlp3thc`f21stost and mosg _ u ` (zommadlous hezween Montreal in ` yiverlml. .PnIc`ga aslow a.:stlIe`lowst Foy\1_l iixforma(jon_n1m[>1y to` ` . .-. -g> L....`_........ ,.... r... ` `r}mnAxonrsusx: Bsnxcm - ` ._.~..-...`.l0.55 mm. 5.30 39.11.. M v\.m. ` 8.55 Mn. >I:T.l__`{l7\_v73lI,:a .._-T...:.__., , ,. I 7 _ : tun-gafziiij anc1 =Iq1us`1b ,I;im11ng_.i A ;fI:s_` 1iREt#A1_zExj rQ,,DQ ALL KINQS on A / . i " L f".`""1.`_l- ~ - Bank or Toronto Building, " '~ _ Owen Street. I'll.` uivu. . .. , AGENT. ARRIE._ _____,I (LA3`1}3 OE I1iNGsIo_Ny` `n LlNG'Efr.?A u noun mu: A ` ` _. matte; .wlM`; they_`g_o, at; > ` . , ne of that class of 'peopluy(ho` will succeeg ' ' `y`axxd`sgll aouditidu'3. `H813 mm of moat_progr`essi_ve_a.nd wideeawakgg. K .. % 7 `an ' terested; Vinhevgrge _g`oudL . ` 8 ' _ _X'0_3tlV-: musu not, Iorgeu Lu : . m`emtion-Mr-.. Harper, isxlnstrict on Con_fem.t1on_L1fe, forF1re - `inves or an - av -- (a_:11~_`_ u ., pronnnen Bnrrids ERSON` cjtizens`,alwuysevincingjx deep interst 'n*anythin1g ' v . t;own s`mte1-est we1fa1~e..' kl!!!-n V5.0'Zf7jr. I 7.20 I. M. M.