.\ 'Show~t.hem`t(1;e exelience ` V` , and ful1ness`of the ` ' A A11=.'r_ REPORTS LOCAL NEWS 3 _ L `RURAL .coRREsPo_1~{ ` ANFGENEBAL `. I '` READING MATTER; -You `3:h4s,'rmBAnn:nj E A winbe sent to `any address in _ Canada` or the:Unit.ed States ALL THE! ~sws* ; ' lN`TKE EXAMINER ' aw ' . n q.gurg:e; {rum 1 `T `rd; of `twenty-ve 3 1t n:~:,*:m. ma 6` V = o .6 r ` tn ~ ' bQIh,3Q'quh~aux?1 `V t r uuxunvVos%%A4seu nut ' "'51 13. IOUND7 XX. mm ~ thing ~ hf-A. macI`.AnE;N. .D u n1)n."~. n ._ .coaR'E3P)_1~_;DENo1 . ?n:1g3t.;_`}_',D.1Wr mm n,;.._..5. ... ti in Lin , more than Vtweiaty tom my old .: f!o_1~,3` 2.0 .Gns A Dhlowogou ; .:B,.-m.1ms.;~._0m. I_j3l__1FX`S?{J5.|uu ....... .. Bqt thi"iaM.oneAt 1% `1iims"}Pipk Pillrciid '10 : me, I. .m~.`uih!ina ma attle. Over nus mu IUD. _u.w, stonigiias me aL.litt,le. L L a severe` earach, ., xqniw fpreparation in. the t relief. ~ ~ It `nearly`ruine`d'> fiia;\;xnc'j5f;;,a13-;the yearg since npgrtiallydesf. At't'er1Tob}f '1 7 ' back, V f ;:a17I7'cI'7fcv%7I!-"f!n\Icir oex:ei. 7 V 7:w1_1_`n run down by Rafa so my `mat " 'iiIin'th6house.': Pi . . . . NWO `IUl.""l`uu u.. . w ._- ` ~'1'~hap;_with.Vnlaa.p.H_as it aeemd. deep - the Esme secon _ in aAhaav.e1'1ly' radiance. But` dimly dhrkngss came. over` -the SW13 `."adT" 'with* an`, ixgdescribable outashigg ,a.t ` the corona Burst forth . -1-..:L .30 `non: maver- 8 same Becuuu luau ..,.-.___ ,, a heavexily` radiance. ~Bnt~ , seen through thin" cgloudvicwas never-. ~ '4--I-an 1....m+,ifnl havond description. seen through tmn tgxouu-no wan ........ Xheless .1mautifnl bgyond description. 8 Vbelestial ame from an "unimaginable heav'e`n.f Simxxltaneously the whole Y northwestern "sky far up owaix-d` the yagnith was instantly flooded with 9. uriclmxd startngiyiiiank L - .n-. ..1.....a..~ rlriftintl acrosait slightly l1\l'lQ'!l(.X 8llsI.`buu5A_y u... .th'a clouds` drifting am _=darkeri'n` shde. while so_ut`h west gleamed in n :. xyellow} _It wa.s_ not _li ; wgs too spmber, too ter 1 was dark. the horizon ..L1.'. "- lTfrid'si:d startlln 5- an an the scrossit slightly 0` 3 ' ~ ,=darke_ri'n` shsde. thswest snd 0,13: %$:l':;`h(_h isoughwsst shining lemon- *m,,my. mm in 3 , , like a. sunsetyit` the smog, and am terrible. The sea; Evangelist Elliott. - ducking special sex-vl wss dsrk. she` horizonfindistinguish- M319; . ' _- for several weeks, w ' (One human being seemed sos;ns1l."so m;ge:nt;$:::1%: helpless. so slight a part of nllthe mys-`l the mama of t ` ' un It was ssifche 1 M. A b 1,` ~"?--~..n;2;:;s`.;:`m~r`+rs " 3 "' "W" A max v ax 1113011 smpslon from [man W W55 an 11. um nlguh A w_mV n____ `___V_ lxan of Deity were `p0n from taxaa except sohool `non, Al: Blake Caxnpnny space lmd worlds, and had allowed a. 3 to the Westinghouse` for ten years. There-'-`was strong appeal- no e t 1' ei to the awful ess .- I m n My `mpg n p ` tlon to the by-law reducing the water `oi c rea`.tion. ` It might have been hours `_ . -. - __ `Arum. some of the members argulng that ' ` ` d ``h`d ma 3' u shin was done us would naoekslmo an`- : `Wen um-I tiniest p$Sib1`.g1bn1 9.`; lnoiehso lnthe tax rate. Chalrman Dlxon l 53bt- like ;`1TP `1' 9' P1`ih1{:p' 1 stated that thoroduotlon hwai utlmhtokl fI3Y9`1.tl_l;i`lifa1r cox`-ono. ond all. 91; at $15,030 ayoar, but `lb was expected` . *co1or' in sky and cloud w1thdrew.the' thnitha reoelptrwould balnorouul. `B410 : S80 . -stormy ftwilight -kaspeet ventlrol receipts` for this ,yoar...,would zomonn ` ` 84,000 morn than the ontlmaoe . ' Jloturolxiess rmed. and than the two :}5:imn Gommmbu the baw ~ T ' , T7rBr1*f"Iin nngmory seem ' ` 9 but ya? few] seconds.---Misi` o Nf`h1`:ln &f:&`:`:;`f`.f;:`;`w;3[;`}1t "F P9f`_. Y. ilaoomis '1`odx1in the New York _Evon- b ` `Snmm,,m,y_ Wm `M pm? at the quarterly meaning 0! the shmho dots of the 1-1.. G. and B. The rival tootlona , . 1PP?" Wm 5Wh1- , have named their dloz-`shoes. "but the ' ' Wthe .hioyole l_5"_,a_._}_)_l:>_Q8l.`V home will llkoly he mg. ed on the an- thing for a. woman to ride? inquire nual mitlng in January. `The Rooms- ...-...a mhnbner contain of another` down I Eula QKNIMOH Wm 50 9999` 0 Wur- The 8319901"! Vvnu an. N -um... ' the inquired tine schobner captain ,atCha;1ey,Ellia the `other day. says xlie F1or5.da?TimesM-Union. ` ~bv..~.1. Tum mtto` "think so. 01-the`, F1or1 '1':mesr Unlun. 4 MB gosh, I've gotta` think forthe" : oicflady rides one. . . _ _ __f\TZVhen I wentjhome last voyage ghe "saya_ tomWe:-.- - ~ wa:gh.:99.g`de~ - ` `- .. _'__2Bhe3Jf;ERW1* Iitnra_ft;` % . o1dV1a,dy._is;rbut shETdifdi; 6:E6W"ho to ride. so She must have me" to cast: of! hejlings and give her `a. tow until she ` ` got pretty vv'e1luiidrVhadwo.`y; u Aunui she started.` 9. reef , in hqr l pretty well under neaaway. L ~ Away she reeiwin hex` VLheet~on one side? 9.-`showin too" much . of-hampara. but as-gettin . along pretty _...~n am. gmmk-a sduall-and I shmrted_ V . T'goo(1.T.Sh6` ~m harlz- ~ -t,oh`er`-:y-_.. .' ` - ' _ `.I1i,`there. put `your, wheel hagtd 9-" par an s }-y .boa_i*d! '.1`hat: a what she .dit1.~at1t1 by LL- -L.u.m.1` '}\11rt4inn.1`i6B the rudder what _sne .u1o..~uuu -u,y tthg eVtq3_g_x;_a.1; hurricanes the rc turned clean oval; tli'eiBoW 1"i{ ant 1 shouted:-A V ` . V ~, : M fW.on_1a.n` ovnrboargm `I ' ' ` ~:`.'b`3"ohjrI`.` ;saya'_s1_1e;._ reproachfully. y0.\1__; __, t_" know]. anythingjabout. it- 1V0e'o32tbs_4A3`,A` it s~a.11right Di: a, ship to 7.'shit.hr3Bs,Dzx_stj fever. .to~ the opposite ` way you are oarning, but on a wheel; ib s,; different; 'Wh_en your ~ wheel is 13Jing:;t0_ 15rt?Lyou lean that way, A >12; ::(iiii'ned it. she ,didh?t :1mn_:}.'1_`te thingdn that l1I\na1:ura1.prin- "c iple`.j jangl n9w`a1;`e`ri 1:119 v1 zee}`li1se V "6-._ ows.- _` _ IV, Jlnxunr um;-. ern1z_xn,_i6xiish% >ufte,r`making . a v `g.refu1~scr3tiny ofthe works oitlm - ,1;1!xnve:a. has amgeunoed that they V 1` V ' M ;_1I;,;3jnt_e;(I:`f}}i`ijV*'i11::`sdiangela ` ; ~p1w7i`351`?$7?Y5?`f`RP . wr'xi 861rhesa:s.._ L A ~1Q!}1gutp.1-pr1ia.? inn1`xxiw~.de`too1 para. has (vgettini along pruuby he struck-9. wsquall-and showed, . hum. *1-;x:m:.'-$32 . "UUuuuvw.. "V. I for the Fermem Looking {in an American Apple H, .` Bnyer_-~Au1nuenol aohoewund Bub ; VOYEEG 8119 i_er-Mvukor-A Tmvoiegjiuod. . ' `V ~~ - wogamok, on, com 87.4-A few. ` ywheel and weeks ago J. L. Armlbnga; an American ` - `apple buyer, mated much excitement *` -emonphe. tz\.!m6_1fE__0U1!3 ,9`1nW by 01* 1 Y anginLt5QJ) .`@_ large ejuantmss of _ apples at unusually`-hTfgE`15r i6sTHeeuon1 mriioted tor savera1_1>hou's:uid barrels; and was to have-them packed on the mix of A Ootbber. `Two weeks ago he left town. and has 1iots"baen seen since, and my ' farmers are now. beginning [to fear that they have been ,dnped.1"i`h`a- suspicion is gaining ground that Armisage `was sent lent Hy tht A_m_e1jieanv da'e1ora_to block the Gemini 1: iuimrkeu and give tiiaeAmerioa_na' .u,ohiyn_oMso work off iheir`,atook.qArml- M eiw ' _ 0 15 ;Z]Ri6W'"hbw as my way. he; 1 along M vheel iiagtd o}-' ktemporary `getter Rom Vgijnobhing gn theway of h _iit.`But hm. ygsarige h A Acome~b;ack,' and they `have _.a'iii.e,i,1nd3I,bia imthe way 5 V "Onej dAy/while telling , i meetings iso-mo:-row night. ' - ~ l The considomiion ofby-lliwu ooonpiod` amnion the City Council to- ' night. A by-low, was passed granting um`, i ~ 3 2 `Wosisinghousegir Broke x g ' opponi; ` 3'; roses. E; this done inoi-ease in the Chairman Dixon ' won 3 3 a your, it 9' that the ` ` - 9 - o . (1 [of the Finance Gommime. T .,_`lho- by`-law 51. -!og11l,ba`,,turtll!11'_,5!l!IIi_l~orod no -a special I mmtinar next Honky nTht ' V ,e,chan_cMacu work off 3. `*3. .. . 100-farmers, the majority at whom cook . ~'h b h feimncea and coptrncsed _wich Ishedculer }'Vv ll 9 tor"the~pureheae-oMhelr.orchm1a,*'1i3_ ,hE`18 P1103 11' .im-mere were to buy the barrels, and tu1`l3 these werejto be purchased by the dealer hietory e`d chm: on thcdcy ot_ehi_pmehi2. Many Vol-`tile That Bostgn mm farmers irozxmhcm Armiisage has bought `where he. is; _1] " his nose ope,n- . iii have their bani-cle mail: and QI6_WlMD3 ,_ for the American to1comea`ndopack. Sev-. eralvixirxeere `spoken. to `by y'our oou-ea-. . . pondeuis` ccmplainihet -it the American ' _ A nu; we The well-kow the rural echo makes it c. mutt *tneny.lfboye `win tion but -that `_ -want, out `into did noiiehowHup`4t;hey would poeeiblyloae . theeere ct their-apples; gor oi; .1eaet.heve_ to dispose of them` nix e lower gure than they would have . done` had ;chey`,eol the ; local buyers "earlier in` the eedeon. 7 mun-an Mozlleiior. 8. traveler; fwho: forltixo Amononukw. uuxb;.gal.;}. u ,:`.;.;.,`;;;& V ~'. "'..`' 39 8.1)" . " '3.`h Way tolneurnlun. oomplagn that -.1! the American .- Th mm -~ . mom. C0 of sbm.-of Mdld possyblyloag ,6? ' 9W3 15,, , P . ~ theh--Aapplaa,L Amgal scho91_ taaghers c_>f long we Manage them gure than mukgs 1% mo.tter,.o_f,s\1rpr1sp.rtlm.ts9- done ha`(1;they_ao1 .mmy_byS who. m,,,_g;,e.1.ng1n_struo~ A huymearllet In season, V V on mg `mg. these_3ohoo1sT afforded _ ,:Gje_orge MoAlll_acer, a traavaler. who Wm` QuH`n`w:g5h warm 40- be-come T tum. 1 mm mm 'liM' W5-nod t.hek'z'ea.t awn numy of thm did be"-` by we Mwsmm M "n~mm`8I the beki oonie. `L'-`The -govemdr 90f 'zui eastern" moms (,1 uho>fMn_l\16 get-vVant.a;n_t aha-L . .. _- n . , b O B .(3a1at.prhu\\an3!/V1.StX\}f3;_{1gg5_!Di ~- ="= ~`- .1"? ft *>}W NW0`; 0 . ` .TWIrL1**<!' .(I}>11lX\11iElla*f:'hms.Wm`u'v - ~- 3- -.m..gm mm, om; one. 9'3.-as `rd , r . ,: ~:wn8 cxtauovgredwzhla morn1ns=a%boqH.'80 , - `0m'5`-L` =h`m`,",v,. `?`."` '?_3` omlookmthe old.~ElgX_n h0\16',faMh6..P.0r);il9rmr T0W1`?_ ,A ~ ' T sx6;a&t`;: -$1aa;bn1Iins_1-V ~ BtMh1s~is,'n9t W1 W*W?1 ,.now\oeoupled~'bfX{ Niaxlil-1i1l%-Purl: slnughterofhakingamnglxshnbsz. _ I` "Wd"R`Vi- ?*WWr.5 6`? " ~ V '- vaizwestem4aq: I Wtl m-H31-%AF?`9 "`n*'"3V oneaskod himif he had b eonLto 3 memiokut 389'! 'h " ` " given as few Vuights`befor`e':~V-- `L`?L`?- `"` -`""=""~?""`v ."~"-""~A- ; T he` re Iiea-L "Ididn tknbw of` L 7"7~""`*"""`7`-~"``~ '" " ` `Ir 1isa"c3:=k? To "e 3 Ithawglturggz. ;.`1`ho. reme_sn'.;-ramon;!og1_; _m3e: _ b _.b11 W Lpro:n Mly._an1__aoon ha`.~'3h9 tlminudae ,:o,wa!,1_t1, . ~ } T v ~ ioaitm-';0l' The diiX?3iW.2.;.`1:`% WI - " ` A lticc"1aI~a1l ft, andgwl).l he oaiomd-~wV.m _gu: anno.,; ha~ori`gIu9t_0hamlauuknown. _`, . 4, iivvlilinowalg 01315.. 1 OLQNS7-r-Abl ~80 : ` .91 my ;1i.gh!a`ba!1$}_01 Wmtam lnllatd V` m: qlmxoyad `b:-.::11re;.` 09s8MrLw1t\h' .. . .3 `consisting. at A oowg; buy`,=gmxn,= = * {feed may iuinj am, . 9:. 90-: W. Inuxirdmn Waterloo` utuul;._qx ajng". > Vh\\ndri:'t1.V~_ . mi. N 1 V` _1v1ft1 dol.\_IIl{i 1wI|kh I'|l_\! :?~' - _b,:(3\1hh3uj00VQl"h`.j" M mi km.. 7 ~ ms.~n:nomas. * ; 13$ '-`P----`-"-'*-*----v-'-V?- woowrock __NOTE.B. _ A _. -..Amu. Anclem unu `.um'h-rur Au. 1- `_ . ` in I`$nn(rC_,_l}I(f_3Alsein\I f3':u.t 1: 151- ' Dgtb`-..-Men} (): !`-nae"; A Boston judge-1xai3'}ETrT?'T`f"nm-> - a decree o di\'0rc.t5t0n. \\.fe_.'.\'.`:z)' '-`0n;ht` sqauracidh from `her Iii*.s1w.:.-J. hen--11-e he snared. The decree` may be*'n_i\sed ' on'o\\nd1aw asjtis \ v1'tta:11-i'n l\uss:x- _ writ:ten`1o.\v of humaxxitgj. _ ._ v. :. M. nnr mmntion toimerfere' chusetts; but it cd1m':'.r_v t6 the` un- ` oloudand earne_at$ rotest. V T writtenhxv of lxu_}x_1a1u_ty, _ It is not_ou_r m-temion with ythe domesc_ re1 atio'_;s of `any coup1e..says the` Chicago 2-Iews; onthe L other hand. we wouldhuve every home V on this earth 0. hmen of n1.`ux_xite_:ljo_y . and umiest.ri_ct'eg1 flicity, ' But against the crime of snoring ye herewith enter `Snoring shou1d- made r\ capital ..n........ :n gum-V civilized country. -.'I'h`e~ `SEOYIIIQ 3n0\11u-`}J6 >Luuuu u ..-.r...._ offense in every civilized country. man who will dolierntely lip prone cm. hisback and` roar through Ii` jmisal `organais an energy ofispciet `min ' menacefo law and ordext. A we ancients _so considoredv him. In hiif " '06mmenta1-ies.-"~ at.ho_ la .teMr. Caesar says?` n1 mm` ._ ," = 3 . . I would rather &'m_a.n would wallopo the daylights out. of me than `snore in my neighborhood. -flwouhi have am ` __c_ome the barbarians if -I had notlost Sieep by reason ofjixe of my aides-do camp sighing thro1f`g11.11is'noso. If I had not been .dono.fgup by Brutus and his gang 1- `shou1d";h_ove madepo. low which would ha.ve;; discouraged this ormofre1n`xation.h _ . , V - Pro.Ebers. the well-known Egyptol- ogiit, . says `that the real caluse of 3 `Cleopuitmfs early death wits nervous` prostmtion brought on by ; zu1uttend- _a.nt s snoringg --Rxtther than spond_oz1y - moreosleapleso--nigh 3s1xe~grabhod.._.nx1, _ a'sp,1yinp; nem`~hyyB.}id told. it to start ` `asping ri;:ht(o.wn.y.` 7 _ ' ' ` ` `At St. Helena. Napoleon 't'o1d.his doo- M tor that \Va.ter1oo was lost by Grouchy - _falling asleep under 0. -tree and snoxji-ng, so loud he oou1du t hear "the guns at Wuterloo. Napoleon had no sympathy with a person who ~\vop1d1.sleep with his oi3e,n- D .'_ Vet V , . pupi1a_:~-~'_ V T . - ` `Gommfcoma ..ohi1dren;fc`an t' you` sat T ."upLa;litt1e,more et0oter? ` ' V " - Buthla ` "not equiil eo.e1`:m=_ui _ y7~.t2ihia vu:>51s':=fItI 2. 1; :- c-::L1i ,t; :l9[a.rzg:*y5g 3 ;L` s _ , , .. = %"'P*i6L3Na.zLsu1eririt`ez1`k>rft f.sh % ? V` ; wetemstut9; :su_yethat; h vqgg.: I-co`.-.`IIr|}/`I . ;mhnal--'4whax) 1:. re` in '~ 1 -. wau.3 BECOME .LUcK ..........u---- thogeau about um: her. upuuuc supposed to `bdne loasiol _mony. 05 hoth`.-\o{ frienrk. of nwuthearts and cVonToHi.faitsol._ ' `V -Thqopalponpuel tie evil ya.jand V {hero is rvipdiotive g1ini ih itfnqt i3 . perfectly plaixi t.o}thos who have givn any Mtanpn `to the WI! f ppglsu .On the other hand. they 8 g ._ '2- LL41-nnn`I1OLV V Thev p0l`l.AB!-ly y_LuuL vfr.--..-_. attention ways of opal; other hand, are hdutiful` stones in thexnselves; They set. -o the beauty of =3 woman as per- L --- '-nnnknv mm will. ance women `semi! the beauty 0: ~a Wvuunu .. ,.- haps "up othe: gem will. Hence `them;4agd~laughiI:x_..!0 . ---... 4.. ...mmit.ion wnoefning `tlIQlB"'_`5!l\k--4|u.uuq`..`._ scorn .the Asuperaduon oonoeming ';L-_. _ _JweIe_r3 fsay_that_ the demim for opnls is `g1fea`tr7,nOw than it has been for many years. my are in ea.r3\ i1gs.L . ribbqg pins. hger, rings. belt buckles. brboclfes and even bracelets and gar-A ` ters. Opera glasses are studde ' thq 5765637` an florgnettes. with the Ion}; han1v1lea.`Anre aeb*oE/with them. - ;- Dianmnaig and '~`op?1ls we `an exc.eed- ingly .rich "arid showy combiniztion. -The old-fashioned `sets bf jBwe_1ry.' su_ch_ 213- were common before it bqscame ' ' discarxlearring, are in 1=:__.. ......n 9 Q on 3 `again; _ }1-.}Tii;g}sfiir Oiiliog `moms and Opals combined the effect M is d_a;z1ing.v Who cures for fate when` s`nup.da'x 1g1ingM from the lobe of tlie emiand ashing with each` movement .of.the w,earer., When -they sire oi dia- -A 4- .mL-aiHnhv geyfng lnuuua uuu uy... `is dazzling. W} sxuch'briI1iancy i it at defiance? ` mL- - s...,.I.;nh ')x`l`~y5IivisTyea'r`s.AV During man; temydies, gud V ` _temp9rary`\re1ief f-xom 1 smthimz m thewdy ` i deance? _ ` ` The absolutely newest `thing in`enr~ Tings is thgslnrgo rings` that are usual- `am set with diamonds and opals. hbw-_ evorgwhich is not 0`. custom of the for ~ tune tellerg. Some `of the new brooches are coilgad snakes. set with the same L bugs. carrying large opdls on their `backs, V V. ""7, xx. nn1vQ the anal a favorite stone 1y\vorn;,_by GipsyIo'rtune tell-ers. They ` ;..je`wel.L Others are horrible-1ooking_ bockg. . - V . ~ Not only isthe opal now. bjm even imitations have come jinto the mm1~'Let. The ope.1isasome- what oxpexgsive gtona-more so now ~ count. of the growing demand for it. who real stono..b_ut yyho like" it. never- theless. Forgsuch women there is 0.` stores. It will` be worn" a. great deal this nuiumu ab an ornament for bats nod bonnetzs. - ` ` .rha`n it wash "tow years -ogo.~~on ac- ,- There are women who cannot aord '1oznwke.bly. good "imitation in the '`1_ heat met your "daughter Mamie` is xnnrried. Mrs. Trott. , _ Yes, shuie; and she s gof; 3 real me man. ;` _ v ~. _"()h;`1msshe?? ' -~ _ _' "Indcec1~-she.-has. 7 ;1`TvabeeTn- xn_z;1_ M T}i nTzxj1itt1 visijr and-l.,te1L..y.('n1.`ha. `debs everythinftd mukehome pleasant _ \ "for Mamie. ' - , _ - ' . 3 T"Ttmt-is~gebe " T ` `fltis so. He gits -upofamorning zm the fire and nits his Oxvn break-fast and makes .Mamiez;. cup_o_i `coffceun it to her bed every` ;~.;.r....:.-.-mktnrrxn `noes d.ownLt.own. _' `coffee un it to I1e1`.pe\1.uys_u,y.. i"norx1i,ngb'eforeA he goes clowntown. _ - _ `f_ I7_hnc.is good3of him. ' - ` .' _M,_V_`::V____ . W W H `-`Yes.n.m1.of A Monday he gets the Twgshing 1111 started and-some vofehe Achings on` the line before Mamie is out _ ofb.ed. ' - ` . - A - T _'I`lm.t`s nice for Mamie. ; ~`_-'AMin-`t it. though? Anc1`thatman V ]does` every` bit Votgthg sweeping -and xnurketing. ,9,p;1_M1*1_'nQva1` v bothers 1\i:unie`ahouh .hfm* buttons,. but just sets down and sews them `on him- self. ' . V F W E ` self. "I guess` it does." Then \vhen _he _ 7 00,meahom0, %!..1. Avkill 1;:o1L's'9}_f' woxykin . IIe s real nice} .DhM saves Mamiz gbod 1oal. Whe,_ - 11 the` suigmer dishes`: whila lt1f.iiiiTfSit"ithe` " parlor and ro_cks*o`r 1a.ys"out in the L hmnmock, _ He` aixft goin to 16!: Mamie I III:-1'I1 use u--..--. Elerqgisi uncxumple of` 'I.`me s .reive1i- I` g; 11vo\,bI ews of Bugdnd h'ewe1ate~ Amurdxaeiall the land on iwhfoh 'Em eiex1 t Babylon` stood; '1`1mt` Baby- ` 1,.-.4...4J.1,.\L.;.mm,a;s;.the,.Jmszsjngxilg; umuuu. vul- Ear-ngs M6 0! ` ..:...1:.... Cu-`nm the I ho ctgres Ior We ....v.. is possibleby sewing` .._...............-------- __;`mas, nuances. ~ " r t .' -amr\:.. `T '> `mun mac. 9 A .-....1.1..v.. me. _ b 'dzmghter Mamie" 5; $1 lms. . t1`ees:* that @159 Meiiiiix Ideas" , in.` that `city s?s;sHntI}' thgden of ' T mts1:i1&ren ?'irxt o*the nbw? he?-. V` V `L 1: z; V094?-I " ~. nnmnui. eumts%%LANn%?*TAvW ..Farxx'iei* .Comrxe`oi`:.lL; ML `-`7 (\1:`i2a.:.V.1).i ' Mmere'sst%Notei`kW?i`#35-i#a