Are 3 favoritka mick with us, has w?e'ai'e }1lways successful in" securing whg. the def`1;'and' is `foiz _Al.-- , tho1ighA0q1?' sale of Mimfles this pits been large, sun we have a` `uolnplete assortment as regards price: and t.'yle_ 1-f*you are .consideng thea} dvisibivlity of getting e'nv'v_on`e, call on us, ' ' ` ' Llnigi DIIUQES Crockery Lwmm Klso Flit away down `New: Lemons Sq; doz. `in. A. % DUTTON, Jeuntaliau sIMPS0N 8A 6500 A `H "ft/L t.1r"'r K1"ys3a.l . so ii . Nice 'x?:9;..smm-` `ind r '.'--4...- -.-, -_ `- na`;Fa:n1s.b I " unmn u;r'r'n:-nnn n.nnn?n I-:NJAM&1`N%&%%c., A ~ oposite 15ost~0fe., I5 WT ,:::ei!,;_thn:Georgi an e - t A Imuxr mom 3*.` : snip W quequc; ;:n. ; 29.. T3943 a**.of:1:mi"` ct j T02`-movlzithih . Tlslwiibt what a mad says about himself, but `what ' other people` say -about _`-__'_.him*A-I"f you wan}: to E v) and Fdiicy .`Z kJ:qr,' - A 1 `*9 W==.1M*_r9*~. 3*-W2 - 9 ` " HMJSDALE. ., . Nov. 3-'-Misa Jennie MacDonald returned ` on Sunday, after as ;.veek s' v,izit with friends ` in MidIsmd.~ -` . 1.... mmcm rp.m'arned.from- Penetang. `on imsie ;a~A .LI._' BILOCK, .. __ ._.__._..- ....... V...--.. I yihi5h:v`T T0 n.NP-`%v ~ 311...... Lg. `.- "23 Dunlop St. _ your neighlgor `V abogut. _- .1,t:...L. and th Bargains wi1,}'stop\y0u T ` 7 Friday. >_give as social ins few weeks; ......-lam. .~.+ nu-nannt, ~ ~ - in Midland.` V ~ John Gough returned. from Penetahg; `on The members of the Methddit ghurgh xv-ill Iiss;;Minni0,,,MAY9 is yisitiu her sIMPsuu.L " Ltrfcks 9!` the I_z1~:_t; Toot fofmigugfi-Vr.f A , gtyles and colofs of iiitesf sh6;`;t `L opy free 0; ILna'IerS9~ `V .: _ 111183 4vl'lu.l.ll.1u _, ,.uL_\Lg_,_ ` mother at present. ~~ `--_- . 7. W` , The Misses Leece and Miss Miller spent: _ ` ..`u ' Son si1ikeV , I .._18.stVweqk,` and Wm, Bqdson lost` one, also. *1 Potato, digging is pver, and turnips are V ` The ` being`gg in. A _. ~.E.` mesting on Thursday` evening I V? was presided ver byigsa Minty . Topic: " f_`My favorite Ptovexbl - . J1 ' Chas. Hart, '1` Hig gi_n3'and`J. E. Hewitt, ,\ a_are.a'way 9n the} spor_t1nan a holidpy. , --an-Q-.- -with poison,` iibeginnmg-to recover. L ` John Goddard loaf twcrsheep by bears; _18.stvweqk,` Bqdson lost` also. Phtntn dimzinn is over. turnips 15 -VMIILI2 Rm Nmws.-_V !` V MissRoseBunkerratgiii1*home`SaturdyE - evening,` iftefxtwo `weeks-` visi|:_wi1:hfri_a1,1ds ( - in Eli!iValeL' - "i6i'r `oi our" fair 955:; racegelp joiuei the 1:.o.,`..& Mm ' '= 2 ` "l,ayqd`aom_6. pretty smm tricks on Hallow "by Qrfesaiug i:x o1<'>th'"'i nhi`bh uteii too soon, nustin `on thir new isms, a ml smoking Anomer or our 1511: wax Iwvunxy ,u-um. vuv 1.. lisbroirsl , V. ._ The smallrboyg on,onr~road thought they on. Some of the` girIa_di& their dntynlso, E. by dressing in clothes wmon men wt: zsuuurl 'pu$in`on; thirjnew i.68J 3.111 3m9kiS. their b:r'owed1:mri.> - _ ' 4 Misa;"f3.eaie': ` ut;nah,, T_he Pinesg?` returu6d.jEft?i a. Mvinit.1w,it.l 1 friends in'Utop1a. . ' B.ev.J;A.and,Mra.fDndds_ and babyv-re ` _ _viisiting friends. inEssT- ~-.-'-. ~ - .- % I LNm;,%%2-rep1e are1t..%ii1S'T8`1fT3`1'8 ` ;:.th6:;~n~~wtht'aistherinsy t.,2 . V . ; Lfneezma .We::thrm&.&. `I . . >`wh ~T\i`Mainun `nmn R'0BB.- OR the % _ :'.;.h_iF`. 2ian o,b'i1`e_r;'v`mxfl;`, negessrxbeigre: I_reez1ggweVau_nerD0yge.VL vb : ' 1 Siam. Dickinson? `- h13,?"83;B: 913359 2 " 3105711635` 3.6; ; 'L`P`?8E3i?*S.. .P`fn3r , _._jgnd;s`` % `j 2 T ='C.fLawi_.. Address ' regular price $1.50, to any persdnin con \ V I r Sea2 ePS % Drug Store, '1? M ,,-. .,. menziop. School children anaiadiasiar complaming of a vicious dog, which at F" every opiportunicy mo_lests'them. Have " respect and get $113.. annual out of the ` way. _ _ _ a n .+..:,:.... W: nnlra are vafv numerL A way. _ ` rtridge and ducks are very numer; ; 91;; this year, tzurvsports having secured number theskdgw .;n'n]'nF nnu cnnnn- * '1"ir' " Ln.-" - `v-u~ ` --- his pathwafbe strewn with the mzest, ~ with favor and gifts without M rof blessings, vnnncnrn A This 'q`uestion is asked by 9V9i`Y7`&nXious patient 4000 Dople who have-been" cured by P8Y011i11 (Pm __ --_._--.3 Q31 :-uV\I\\ nnrr measure. I vauupmnu u.-...... _..-..~-. Be(:ia.ue` `if uchecked.{tLmay' lead directli ._ M .... ....,+:,... n.o,m-}-'ia mnssd bv` to consumption. 0ata.rrh"ia caussd by impure blooq- This fact is fully pats-._ blish_ed..,. Therfore it is useless to try to 1 cute catarrh by outward appliqntions or lBecause` 1t uncneckeekmmay luau u.u`vuuy_ inhala-ma. The true way to cure catarih is to purify the blood.` E[o0d s Sareaparila, the gregt bIoo&_purier. cures catsrrlrby its power to drive out all} impuritiesfrom `the blood. Thoxisand of people testify M -'i-mauentv fainted of caharrh ~by= Hood's `q.;...........:.n. , ' ` ` ~ . ' `that the have been perfectly and per~ E wgiuuuuy nu: .S_u1-sapartlla. un- l'or_Advex-uAse:u.* A_ ~ f 1. 1`here.a1-esomepeo'pf1ewho won 1: adv-. ' tiae unless it is thrus,t.1I{)oIt,t1`_1em by the. } "Susm. . . ;\_~ ~ _ . . . . . , \ |,.. In Q _ v l ' - \\_ _ - . . I The sucoe3sifn1A-era1vellii1L-2l19.aI, if 890181. e ea? . gpgyklgug, n`a_n. Ye } \ 3:. s ` ~ story lbnav and 8.01)? It walhsan 9&9 -by_the sglsman. , . . in devisingwa 3 :ior`se1ling.go a_,[ easy, .spatk1ing, nan. tell ocbasion 5_biI!SV ?}1.71i': i,9`iP5ln . '_into play when fwor ing`.up;_'a al. "-Lik qualities can bemada apparent in_adverbie- L meat with_ similar malts to tho_ achieved ` I ` *k ` . ..`i>,K.\:\\. _` `Tlie`megch3-!3_|:.m_tLy,e_x}1a1ist his mentality and meanawithin his Tatum tradea So1_ve.the1mbh`cit 7 written ~ and. Ayveil`-prinhe., . Lndvettisoments: I Thefarey 's_pra_ft6.;: .px;ove. the; : : througVn,yvbich)`r&$1e-Qnters;: st 5 V _ 'an.6 qdjaftet zxlt iE _6|y` : ' judicious newspaper advertising h_at5 Vbrixfga ` pmhlm by wells ' ~atory ' briey and apply it magsangmtgten has ' `luv 7 , .;._'r-hgoliowihg app&:gt1.iiux`:.-issue o'gthe~ i - Inn41ox?'Pi Tb .WicIow.mnsi .%Sih31`TGn.`:mn~Wa*wn.edJust 9 latm.-'.:fv. i I aitx&$iM.W1?Pin%enMh&*hi!9h9*fm` z ` s'ide.`ab1`tabh..tf_h. ` .. Team up BLANKET: _ _ ' ....._L.__t,....,.. _ We regret; the removal of our seption- e&f0rd- M9- "` I ---- .....n.L LI-us mnI:nul- 4atgn-haans bansir. 'Ihe`ch2Hy nights of Fall make [extra coverihg. av anecessity. The pmdent~hou.eIii1pAer iviIfeT bow tie gngply [stood the sugzmer in the.mot.h p1-o.o_f `chest. ` I V A % T If you _desgire any new ones, nogv is the time td secure thm.- " We` have ne Wool Blanke`t,_ `extra ,1grge! -at % $2.25 a pai r. ~ Y:0u_,h`ave. palid $3.00 for ho % Othefqualities `from npf -BARBIE. " Annuay'm +_ _Mr."Skene s horse~ran `away. on ` Saturday, but no damage done; ' ` "7 ' - 5 _CRA'IG_I_IURST.` . _ A Peter Solisnry, who` was badly poisoned some ;ime' ago through coming in contact 1$'be%'io_ning1'.o recover. Jnhn Goddard` oat tweaheep by liearo, Glbslng 01 they Annvtmly-n{eet1nx',o!.the ~ +4 mayn.ol '0moc:s-l'_'spera_ Bead. _ ` _:_.... \UUuI:luucu uuun xncu ruuu, _. Thq \V,dnesday mhr6ing'ses.sinu opened at 9.30 xgvith impressivel devobial exegcxsea, I Armenians in the prayer offered by Mrs. spcinl retareuce being I/nude co the oppressed Smith`. of Qrillm, ` Aur Hun r-nninn nf minutes an intereetimz Smith`. 01 unum, After the reading of minutes an interesting discussion followed on businesirehting cq_ the Societ.y a work. via, Preabyterial Ex- penses. Annnulkeports, etc. The fun: that`; the- mogiay obtained by 'volunta.rv`uogtribu- : sinus, members fees, and clxankwfferings, should not b3 used fur any purpose whatever in connectionwith the work except that for which it. is. given, namely, to send _tbe` enforced. "A!{-l9e&l-ex[)enses must be paid * Gospel to heathen lauds`, was very`strongly ` bii` of 9. Special Expense Fund. ' __._ In thamance of Miss Deimi, of Bradford , ` oiif: of u_ Specigggpense rung. ._,:., In theausence of Dennis, ` Mrs.Gasrrett inpruduced the subject` Outlook 1 of our Young a B:mds," "giving mi ` eucoum in; account of the work done by biie Bra ford Society. . ` ` i ' . `A long and iutersting discussion followed ' on ways and. methods of drawing a greutigr ~ number of the yioung girls of our congrega- tion into thin `importunt hrancn of the Chm-ch a work. This is found to be every- where a. diiculf..problem. Responsibility of parents in this dweitiupob, the inuence of the home being`g_reaterVthm_1 uni! `nH~mr any other. Still-is was couceded_.that numbers is not 3 always u. sign of strength, atid',bhat satisfac- tory work is being done,is shown, by 'the amount raised by the societiesfhf the Barrie Preabyterial, which numbers 29 auxiliaries ' -end 21) mission hands. The total amount `contributed -by these dnring the year was . $1453.17-. bf. this` Barrie Auxiliary `and ; Mis'sion_'Bund contributed $147,623. ,In use Vj dition game, $45owo;t1_x_ot gv29s1L(219L*"ug. . F etc; was sent; to t.hewNon;h-V Vest.-> A most; interesting and instructive` paper,` 1 . I 4 1 V L110 111 MUCH` `other. Still-ih W 650.) 8811!} E0 6118 ,J.VUru1-vv cu. m . `most interesting instrucmve` papef, -entitled, Opportunity: by Mrs. Young,--ot I Gmvenhux-st, was read b Miss Back, of- Penetang. Mrs. Y..beinguna.vo1iIaBIy'enI:. `This paper, nogether wish Mrs. ,M,9Kinng_1,l s A :"Persevera.uce `Amid Diiculnesv " have been,` sent to theeditor oi "the Leaet, for pubs, licstionyis they wer'e both so full of practical'.... ....A I-...ln9 nl 4>.|-mnahtsz. ` WEN read.` . . lnvitationswere hhn reeived 'fro'm`Brad- "ford `and Orillia for the, next meeting of _the .. Society, to "be, held in Ootobef, 1897`. 'A ` vote `being taken, Bradford was*declared_fhe h, hoic of the-majority. - ,.: , '_ - ` - The rendrb uf the Nominating Committee cnoxce or me-majomy. ,1, _ g The repdrb Auf Nominating "wns-nhen brought in, and the following" oicers declared elqcted for the ensuing year: Eon, PreSidenb,,M rs.vR.' N. Grant; _0tillia; ~Preside:it. Mrs. McCrae, _CbI1igwood. 1euVie'Pres., Mr.-Camepep, Allandalk. nu 2nd ` Mra..Clarke,.B1*aceb;id'ge.` \ 3rd - "` Mrs;,Smith; Bradford; .4221: " Mrs. Webster, Jarmtt U`o.x_.> e.......o....- vm..-1(..'.. v n.~ani.. . Z110. X'u..UlouAv,. un zuv-guubv. ..1-9;. Smith; Secretary, __Mis_s;Kea.`n,' Orilliw " Bssish, Set.-`., `Miss, McC_onkuy, ' Barrie.` " Cor".-Sec. of M. vBands,,M_rs. J. McL..Ste`-` ` - ` __ _> ._ V " v_en_son,- Barrie. Treasurer; Mrs.LCsmerbn,.`B.1l&nda|. '_ V . `Sec.;. Mrs. .G._Baiili,e, Qravenhurst. P n ......~ ...:st.:;*xm..n..`n, an hnnnnf. reumt yawn. V; uugu. Auswu .u . _u......,~., V..- . .__.`__ , It. wps` wibh3f6a1ings~_.o,f the, _<.1'epes!.'re`gre.l: V ` ' ci t 9 onpthe part of every member or u n hat the resigmghioua `of heretiz-_iug ~oqce1's' 2 wage accepted. As-Presid'ent,. M173. Grant has en`dear_ed herself 120, all `wiclnvhom 'Bh'e_ ' .ha.scome in contact". . Her nntiring zea.1La.nd L ' m; d_e_v_9 tion ifo the work hzprbn :ln .u'-dc, nnvirnmmkhll Rvvthn at. -1Bl'Q`9. ` .v,vh_oa. jwdtk Tan oi `blgia th'e ;arggt.Prss- unaelliyigb (t_ev_ol:xog go mesworx nus -uuuu dep rap[itciat'9 ` y-the at.-large. The same may:...b&.Aaai_1' o.f'M'ra.N_eedha.m, V vbyimg in tB'.P;6vim;e wfss.ffby,--`p o. mans ` ,li'gh.t,`even1 thoingh shelmd in Miss Robert-` '1 ` son ave`ry.-';sb1-,asais`tant.. Mrs. Stevenson ' ` Vhgs bgan._a,p1'opt faithful and` gfcivnb ':f.6:`fourVyars&*. ` . - ..A:....u'u.'.6'.s `(xii ihgslru-may uivnn tn, _&)l::LVIA_ 1vQI\H| V} -> . I 7 1 Ame-ndi. `V959 Jot given to? ;` '. h; 95] 35 mirix: in turn. 4 * `gheuv .30 `o Lwng9ksw_mjaggygq,%nn 5%` ms. Chrswell, :o1`1nm'g. I2` Smith, of Bradfatliii M /0ftb,e_-fooiety, `bhex hayin inmaatyaiznnecte , L V = *nknr.r.;,n ' inbiaaiztal 1:opnecueu`gm nnn.ju,.cz.3.u.' e_bseer,j,qi L` A l'.:'1e:a__.','.t' UVVI yuvrav -. _.. nounced Sikenp). `ay- V(Con|r5in`ue'd`ir'bu1' lst we-k.) 1n"_.1_..A.1... ....'......:...-.~mm.Jnn . w. m1.s. ,;rm; BARBIEA EXAMIEER, 'rHU'RsDAf, xdvmmaa ~-5, xggi > t = - yu1ueu, mun. an ultiropte l'esult.whg'ch eventbbae who_ "were disposed at first -be decry the new management. are now willing to believe will. be `successful and protzgble. A new rule ;bas.been_ad_op,ted tlgroughont the `entire -system: No nepotism ; merit the sole test of 'pmmul:ion. Not length of service at all,- eiclently m :11 lunches of the service, from . `the high otcial down to the gateman. along the line. I . An: I 1\.. , ,,,, J.,L -3..- . but ti_biIit`y_to dn the work probaptly and 5 v Oshawa R'eformer:` I_t_ issaidlif Genral hfig Hayetpof the G. T. R, "thug he is ' =mm ya ideas, With. ...; .'.lr:ws-an rnanh`. mhinh mum ,t.h:-ma who un: nuy. I The Globe's Ottawa. cqrresnondent; says: lThe prediction __t.hat Mr. Fielding must negotiate ll loan may or may -not turn out true, bulrthe governnneucean do their best to avoid it` by keeping out of`snch_unc:1lled ~ for and nnpo nlar eitravegances as an `ex- penditure of ytifteenmillfons in subsidies to I a twenty-knob Atlantic servicelidesigned to] *-~c~.rrry-a`-few peqple and a little express frei5ht \ quickly over the ocean. The new govern- l ment may make` tnemistake of being econ- ` nmical in lij:lle`tl1ings only, bub-in upkesa lot of cheese-pnringto make up 8750,0004!- yeai, the amount the late government `were, pledged to grant for a fast Atlantic ae`rvice.~., J `l J.....lMmc VI`:-mm. - R-nnnan ' H14: mu:-(`arm- '%Hanyi1to1LTimes : Brennan," the murderer U of Mr. Strathy, of Barrie, has again been tried,-and a run he has heen sentenced to 1 death, notwithsteuding all the e o'rta of` , counsei and expert alienists to convince. the court that he`, was insane, or-.tha.t hiserime - was to ab degree justified by his ejection from A Mr.`Str_t. h3. 3 house. 1-It is elwavefpainful` v thing _to-_approve 2:. capital sentence, but while the lawcontennplates the ex iation of murder by the.-penalty of death. reunan e ease seems to be one calling for no mitigetion | of its rigors. He may be adegenerate, of '- _1ow iiioral tone, but he clearly.kne.w-when be armed himself with in revolv,er and visited ` Strathy s house .with murder in his heart. that he was riakinghis neck for revenge. ' -5.I3h&insa.nit}q;leK.hne,been_tQQ ofj1J.l.1953P_5:, , Sol '0! late, andfthat Barrie jury has done ` something toward reeesuring the public who do not wish to see the Canadian administriv . `yicugcu w 5-uuu nu -. H... ............\. ..... ....... ., tion ofjuetioe redueed to the le've>|_of New York, It is to be hoped the Department of 1`JnstE1Twiiinot oe*1esr'xcmpnionrarbo'its duty. , ' . -_ . - .1, 5 ., Third Cla._ss-BeatticeNess, Nbrma:n Reid, `Alan Reynolds, `James Sinclair, `Austin Lockhartz. Pratt, Frank Uxvensz Orillicf Owens. Louie a`.;......: {`1h..a.;\.lnnnin .q';:aum~ `;.mh ~ L00_Kb&I`E. " I _ ` `_ Second Class-IVIaggie -Srigley`, Sarah J.Summqrs.' Mabel Rniney, Eva.` Lockharb, `Mnninn Rninmr, Trla Mr2("7:m]e\'I. Marv .WIt. ' . ` Wewant_ 6;-ery consumptive Aip Canada.-toT tst?th&is great remedy for oonsumptio and dec1ine;_~and will` give 9 absolutely -V - % Free Eddl Ulutk, hen`. Uov.'ney.. . _ ` ' ..;.Senior Pt. 2nd~--Mx_ibel_La1m3_nbuqh. {oy W Reid,` -Eie Clark, Robbie" Sinclair, Jaspar `.~ 'IJnniur 9113 ;Mmroie weus. Ethel u - ."JL\niov:. 13t.i2nd4Maggie weng. Etihelli Srigley, Ednuegrell, Willig Duns, John; Watt. .-.v ` ~` ' 1 Gibbms. `Mun... '|'`....L 17:`: `R:'ninnw- I ummgrs, Mabel mnney, l!4'V&.V1.4()0l lZ-, `Monica Ra;ix1_eyLJ,da Mcauley, Mary Watt, Eddie Clark, Bert Downey. '.Qnn3nn 135`. 9nH_.Mihn` T.m|knnhn.nh_ {OV W&W.. .- .. . aeuior Firs t--'FiIr1miI.1' I;1GY: :Ila. . :_ _ I Kainey-, Georgeuvxce, wuue ummns. * clair.` Willie Lautexxhaclly A,lbe'Vr-1: Summers-, Lorne McCauiey,_ Re'be<,*ca.'. Srigl`y;'. Mabel > Harrell. A van rut` uoknnnnnn Junior First-4-Ida; Robe1tson,7Ev}e;1 Sin`- " Simtre or Bad Advisers, j - . . Z (Sarnizy Observer.) . ` j . ix " o;ice.departmen`s is reported toT have granted a. `_`oncesl`onj to the big city? depgrtmenml stones-which ood the counry` V with bulky caitalhgues by allowing them to}. inclndg_p;ice' listsymhti order seghg without V nmmm. `The mst.uiee'd`enartment..: inc-1ndq_p,nce' uats gnu` mjuer sIl3`." Wlnquuu `V i ':O;X*Efe postage. The post.uiee`d`epartme_n I is reported to ~ have _ deqiddv nponjmposingi _ postage.-rate on uewspe;p,e'ra`ai2' -the,-next!' .session of parI_EuxB9t;` and it hasrbben Hen-7 nounced am the post: office department _li:a's`I adopted. 8- rule whereby dead beabinewapupap V iaubsaribersvcancompelnewspapgrproprietors to psyjull: postage on newspgpers that they Wihooaa to'mm'xrnf or reject." Rl1ili,9t""&l80 creditszlxe .p,l)sl3 oice department wlthi the . `in)xtion,oi discontinuing .l1e *pmc_%i ' V has-grvgild-since befomCo 1'xfedstation of. K ` ipnbliqsii` ,:he;poat.bice$ime--tabIe; for the - " b}mei1s o,ti:\ej" ubliq, bnxthq.v_g;oun:;. at-g recdnqtiiay-.2 -If;;a.l ; 'the1a;xtbiugs`_`%grgy tru `it; L would `1_0,()k.:D4:;B ' =somexonQWv;Ta_a'steering the _ nq'\v.,;APos_1imas;_ =i3_ep._`. into` ft`t9n.b,e:_Dgaber8.: mg nJaqml*nxrun;ox us; , `9p:m it PM v-1-W nukgmw . okeu A a large bottle, : sumgtion. . ~\z ` J WWI w.m.;umg'.& m~.@d1%fih1'Ise:A-mni- mam; of 1sh'Yxl_lnga= 6`Mmbmok; 3`? ` T9" ( nnciliotfh` 7 ` V ' V Te fn of s;"s:":ms;"misa1, for. oak. _ `. -MabeI B.oberbson,`Ge1-titr 1:-mrr T.H3\Mn Rm-hnldpz f'**4* tlen:_eu. ` - : Avnrager athendaug, 2'7. Puss` cTon"mTz~x-ranv. HONOR ROLL. V , 3 - our.Gonume.3g . . ~ : ~ ome'1\tad_e.,,`:= = - . E3P9,9_o..&IA01I' Mabel` .............,......,,.- .u'u.-.-...lL.u - . .. _ Have ybu , friend you would nlik us to send a bottle to ? Let us havetheir name and address and we_wj1I serjd one bottle free of all char"ge.. . at _ A ` V _ ` `