wus- A IOW'1"lIl_nIIbuvpry wwupuu-non There has been too little of this Idmirable . locel patriotisnrin country towns. Itia true. as a contemporary has put it, that in even} inlend town in the country the newepager publisher ixrcoulrouted hyrthe tendency of the people. to` patronize the larger stores of "the more populous communities. In some glncea this has rexched ll point to thorougly lggourege the. local dealer.` .He\nde his trade slipping away from him; expenses local paper. . ' Thecauutry merchant and the country newspaper unmet accept the itnetiouybnt the remedv, we believe, is in`tl1T:' nmrchilnt showing? the `degree of enternrise tltnt is exhibited by the city merchant, and the country nnblieher must doite pert. to encourage this enterprise. Let the country publisher edit the advertieinlz columns in his ' per in such 3 way. tint the announcements _oi the same interest that. beyond nny'qnes- tiuu, is found t4o~duy iutlle announcement of business men in the big city dailies. '.x.i...-...+:.mmnntsx n-irt and mm-`el of the there of the local nierohnurwillbe possessed 1 1 l 1 must be cut down, and one of the tint points - Of attxck, too often. is his advertising in ill ? _ Ex;&M INE1:,g'rILUns'mY; , }j::_ ofvbuainess in the big my names. Advurtisemeutsare p-irt and parcel news gotunsng, Why` not? Au 'a.d\'ertiae- men$+ar. leasbic ought L9 be--is ncwiv of n - kind that interests e\'eryb_ody in the com.- ` munity. The advertisers in the largemities have recognized chis. Their ad`ve'rt.is`m"enm are prepared in most cases by specihl advgrt-. iiiainggwriters. who, in many instances. are oldnewspapar men themselves. Then: the` `effort is` Inadein the sauna dirctiou in the uswspnpet ofvthe smaller towusof th coimry rel tively my ood results wilicome. Jay aho (1 She caaclusion be reached size ofithe population? , whole piper. They are being read, insama ` respects. with more axidity than the local > that push and out-erpriseis regulated by the- w sneak of the business men of the large of the popnlamon`! We speak of cities as tilled with push and go, and those in the country as baking things eas;. Is it_ `so? The city hasno rnurtgruge on_ pnternrisc. Ila hielongs to the country as well `as to the city`. It on ht. to be found there ; and when it is"_found t are the same results are fox`-tl\- om}iu;z.--Bnsi_ness. _ a Nocrigie ILnnItmhkn`&Il'! P2113. `Thablna . PRES. COHIENTAEY.` Hamilton Times; Wlmt. a lot of trouble ` would be saved if we had an assessmut, law fotrldd on some .equitaAble piiuciple, an enactment forbidding Lhe gmntiugof bonuses " and special exemptions. and rs system of levying taxes whichwould encourage instead ' of discouraging imprwemaut. ! m ,,.. cu--. '||1...M'....lmnuA with ninrinr 0I_ ulscuuragnhg nu! uvcumuu . '1`oronto_Star:_'J.`hose endowed with proper > sporting e iritheld m" the opeuest contempt those hum ers who slay deer wjithom: cou- eieTxiEg"3:x'xd `destroy gem e'thruugfmheer'lt'we L of destruction}. Yet. the {act is kuo\ie;thet many who "profess to be sportsmen, forg ; all their principles when they _r'eac`h the hunting gx_-euuds-a'z`1r1 put deer__on sights, withmit regard to those lenvewhich have have been gassed for the `preservation of _ . game. The game wardens are the guhrdiehe of the true interests of sportsmen," and hhters, instead of evading these oicihls; . as any; fexperiens:.e1, .h.!I,,!1*,3.I_`_`! ;!_1.."f3..*`,1,.'l.1`1 feel ` in dun bound to not only observe the lmizs, 1.... s.. 1.... O-hat nthnrsx n serve e a. . 111 mu: Dlluu Lu um. uuug UU-1u>A . but to see that nthars_o segve e - atiou. ofgame. the n:\tu'm1_fau_1ily'n_f deer ' will. in a. few years. he extrmiuated. A ' grew: deal dependmpon the ex_mnp\e set by nld hunters. ' U \ V '. Unleas`ap0rtsm'e-_n me 3 l1and_in%h'pre serv- _ gm! uem ms; 4 old mmms. . jciautsx-';-\;L_EL. _ Out." 7`Z8-V-Dr. A-. 'We_tou `nf Wiai-hon and-Miaskl; Lanna: ofthiaplaee `spent I. Tuesday vzithfiiands in Thornton and Choks-b town. f0rIner_1yjuf vQ_ne,ensville..; ` `_visjt_ jug; b utainJ,m1'a`nex nuornuum 7 L ' gmpmwtgd om-` us of'1`_ew~- 9. 1,; * 'j_t!11`y`5@`ijgfs:B;:laa3: weiiy L 8 an haimbxeskxngwti .. `-.. *0ct.'31st-4A1ex. oung-is renawin :old'_ acquainbncaa "in our neighborhood. `V al.- nome home, Alex; . - - ` _ _ Mina Smith Is v`is_iting ;_`\I;s; R. Robm-t_sqn._ _ 7-W'ar<'>` pleased "to hea'r'_that;}1rs. Jqhn ` Math: ., wiio`_}1:z`s been v_g'g_y_jl}, is~re_emrer_~ n Cum mxva `V. lug ruyxm, Mrs vW..V; Brown and Mrs. Robertson = `- `attended. Cthe eonxvgutioxi _ of-' the Wo.'ninfs_. I * 7Auxi!iary}\ hem in Barrie; ` ' "l`Hn'r.uri:w and `Fridav weraltmj Bgmgifl ; `Auxiliaryk hem in lmne; " [5SI1t.h~tiue;. Ocbober. 1 u;...,~rr.r. f`.nn\i)ball is ammaisa` fhevPm- : '3_.`1m'mday and `Friday weraltwc beau:i_i1lV fdays,.'wu:a_1r`a_nd -sunny, which ..'&j'_B 3333313 1 xemiuders of the'um_m1' tlmis past. and: ` V o,tb,ea'5i!2tex::ovems!ia'n that` ge.nura1|yvollo)\is; ; 131$, 3.3?!` 4: .LtLighholhoo6 g `.s'I1:.hAtiua`.daya.iI1 October. L vknka: on tleer hxintinit axpaclitfon. _ . nnirikknhnntt " '. ` v Rev:7N;j(`mxpba1_lia attanig_ hevPr~ vvincinl Sundafseheelonvengu ix;/Lyzncipgx 3 1 ';VV;'E_.__.R_oA iusqn igveg mm; mg. 1; -ms; Khe"MdLeod iyvisitixgg in ant? mi 0lVNfl`oW:i' nigsr. *f0<:.}-31 7:513" rd` i1}a.wivh$g1ve;y"1iht1&__`, ijgj . ' , 7 Mr mzm V ~5A`13P3il=~91$i2l*&t8H.bPi, M 3$`n4%+V. .UP.~md~.`9f .~.na.~mIamea were ' who i ` '7` (Ip_\ya;rdxbE' J_ udafmdiyl were :\:he.m,gv'yvho. 4136 image: of the ueormnn my man; uu. gm 3 mp mg, me mung mm 4; W 7s?`3Y `"`m"iRb"`_btfmdgn :3 :3 ihziy the direction of, the blacksxhggiiy `mm `"8 '0 `"Y ` _ ` ` "8 5 W 5 ` Through the efforts of W. Blaick and others Candidates for County Coun_cil honoriare (;::;'ag.i`:nl,n't:e elm ..beginnin,q tn declare themselves. Dr. iurlv ` from about m m`wn_nn9_ ]`$ix.:C `:13 : '2 uZ$'cii:acM:'.";iiii ~- ` " "" "" -`*3 ` = . 7 - 1 . o . ' 4 be camiid aes for the eixch division.` Mr. {awed mnever ey at , W._ B. Sanders, of titayner, has been n:- V _ quested 90; run tor the same division, but` . has mi: yet. coiin-V-nted.. In thejourth divi-i ` V ' . - aion Dr. 'J.` G. Sutherland M\1'be_iu the.| eld. Iuvthe ninth district Mr. Jupg. of . They had run - 0_;illia`,~ has deemed himself xx cnndi ate; _ :In the -fth district. Reeve:Nebtietou gnd . Reeve Mcilliater are all _tnat'. are in the] _ '._ "_`"'``_~ 7 I - ' , "em Y" ' The Family Herald and Hn Fridv afternoon Mr. Jghn Ransiex-,1 ,__,r._`..-,.7 . E`, ,, _ . R . F A A -- n- . n 0-1II.l.. -nu . ' L V L * ,P`\v5.' v; and Mn n...: 4:... ..,'.nm.m.in:},:$i`- the Wo'nim. s._ `GILCEIRIST.K`V -eld A -I -_ 4 On Friday afternoon John Ransier, I Ison of Mr. and Mrs. Rnnsier of tffalenth { line, met. with n terriblemcident which may l yet <.nuse_him to lose one of his 1egs.,"He ` was engaged in operating 9. bay press and in some unadmnntnble way ~becam,e caught. Bejore he was extribsted one ofvhis legs; was, _ terriBTfyErKs'd;"`!he-calf being bural;,. and the bones broken.--`Bulletin V agawh!ohupal'rh?:lIulu-uatwo~` gnllanjng. ',heaa ggswecemdhythu apinqmhulxutlnotand gigantic bird .0114:-Ilnpngsar. `the cubic bulk (them .....s..1.mama um: at tho quot .oHu!ApI_uar. `Ina onmo nun ussuupu eunhdghnimel thus` cunt `fdllyblrsrl ot tho Slhufa." which` vnnnnn that nnnh nf. than ".&IlyDln1~ox~I.no uuuja. vuuuu menu that euph at. than lnaqunlh polqtotoapactty topnahundndmdmty h!I'8l* i . < Thonidxscovaryottheau intm-acting xellcnatpndrtxnzes was made by uhe-\ captain of I mefuhlnt vessel, which had mppsd_aIn.pori`ou_a tie northeastern - couI'at.lu}agaoca: '-in trade, with the nnna. Durmi: tbs my gttbepolnt mmonod, the. curious vaaaals used by the mmvedlor want `gases uttmcwd the" 'manunnosheoapta}n.. ' -- rv....... tnmnsmainn it um vfm-md Qhnh esuennnn or we uepsam. - - . Upon investigation it was found that these odd utemila were in r3:L`i!_v , gignm a tie eggs out lrrhelvas. Upon que`.!:io.n`!ug the water carriers km xegtu-1 be the bird that` 1eSd_the egge and the plecefwhere ' they Jyere procured, the captain was glveg to understand that the bird `itself . was unknown, but thns'$he"egsze were `discovered in A large and bank some . dlssenee aw in . the up eqnntry, had could not be -"found elr-ewhere $6 the knowledge of the .native_s_. ' An nnr tn nnmhasn K1183 [)9 knowledge or the .nanve,q. An qer to purchase all that o<'m_ld proured coon resulted in` the dlsuovary of several ue. hnens. all at which ` fell into \ha"ha_n `ot Isadore G. Si. Hil- ..... (Inn w........h nnknrnlint. These cur1~ the 1az_-gash museums; ---1*` tau man we na_nus ox Lsuuun: u. `an Lur aim. the French naturalist. These c\_xr1~ oslsles were am;-wards dim-ibutgad among _ L. _'l'h'eorY`Ehd Practice. ~ ' Wm-," remarked Mr. Sirius Barker, as_he`dropp;ed his paper across his kxioes and looked mm space; is at b'rusal- z_\'1:d btirbnrous Institution. Iona : understand why it is than human beingawill geno- ganher nd gh jpssad of discussing` any. ditfenznce that may-qnlsov lnh calm. genclemanly manner.-" . "vniram in favor of arbitration, genclexminly manner.-'7 ` You are in favor urbitratjgn, aren u you?" said his wlte.- - i`.mnhnI:hvn1lv. HI find the n`owe1>-_ I aren't: your` cam ms wu.- . V Emphntiha1ly. _IfLL had power wouldn't thin); ct allowing any question. linwnvar nu -out ntxsniall, to be _netsled osherwleo. 1'h,ere`ls'uo"uuec1' of allowing ` passion to `genhgz betwr of retisbn. The moment we admit that might makes _ ughs..sne great.~prinIplo of jnsuce 13 sure -to be sum-l,oed.` um. um nun Ffnnrv. Mn Dlmlas. snreto DB sanr1J1peu." - ` By the way, . Igenry, Mr; Dlggles, who ownsykhe property next door, called ham so see you this morning just before ; you went down town." ` . - What didha wens? -' He snysshe tenets` be `can our lots as bver on one` side `so that areis. ti strip - "of his ground _s1x inchesynde in our uni H . A _ . - . A "77"" 7' "W" . We are recemug everyday m` regard to ?the marvellous cures effected by the use ~of Wright`: Liver and Stomach~_Pilla :- ` ' V... ..-.. -. !:L(....A.. an mm Inn nnmn in yum." . He said that, did be?" Yes. He goughtbyou `might? not know about It because the property has never been surveyed since you bought it. " um. I. am lmnnnnm in asmrt that been enrveyen Smw you uuuguu as. . He has the impndanoe to assert that I_ have been occupying six inches of ms ground, has he? _ _~ I , That is what he said. ` ' -Who \`.old-hlm` alI,?chis? . - . He sage he puspeeted ils'a1!_ along, and had it 'sI1'rveyed_yaste1`day, and lms u}x_ej;sn:fv;ag'or told him. M L - , *-wm _ifh1Tg6i'g iii `d6b'onHt? f 4* i He says he is going so hams man come next week and move the lenm ' Aka. 7! . DRE 8 IEWIEIZ And may byvaiutrm X" ; . . _ ` "What are you goingjo doj .abon_h ih?`-'3 "Pm golngio lick tbs rrst than that in the bargain. If ifs necessary 1'}! g :1 whola 8_bundlng'[army and 3 Gatling it. "That s _whuts Pm going so :19" \:_1h0u__tA j he U . '. . W`, 1 out `more Ffun. `aha while thousaand 10!; combined. agg; worth? Not ~ lam: .hls"hnnd on ma: fence. and Dlgglea . gun in zikand nixarci over every pdas in 5 over." V . . - . - __ He is, is he? -Well, I guess I ll have something to say. nbpns that.` He : goif ` no yankhat taupe`-around to wherever he` uhoosegiand giia me any `little patch of she t_3arhh' that happqns to -be left over when he has all he wants, is` he? ."Iha s_ jusH1ke7I)iggIes."- ` ` ' u ' v _3;1aw1er`?;' ,. _. ' u .\ mi mus nnh vnm-A than. him whole , `. f'S`he`1s a. Sl!1l1)1`B.KD. llle-hdj." ' Sometimes one new ittsaid of :3 good wit}: ax;g1~-`xpother that: shah ' a. regular -hom.e~bo.d:r.' Thgphia Is simple , but .;wh:_:t a-wdld of .annobungL qualities in in- \ dinntes, - and what :a universe of frivolisies LsO:trne\;~he1pmeet; -is only t for such _ nompanignsjglp asNabuohadi_1ezzap`Ttound ` {in the--_ bylonish Bast`-nre. ' -\ 11...:-.2 m`1nr}iilR."\h)R8 mission it istoo. :its.exo1u:ies`. , "A niakrdnly ho'me~body is," ' 1ndeed,,`L`Ieaven s been gift to man.?* and the husbandmapabla` of maltsreang. | . v; u..:...- ...._.- You are at liberty to use my name in the emiursement. of your" valugbl pills One box taken as directed px-o.v_9d such a perfet cute thnt I cannot nd wordtfa to exprels my gratitude to. you,-and "will aver sound the praises of your pilis for liver trouble I . ' . " - .. ~(Signod) I6. 0. BROWN. Norh,'I'_Ol9.Qt9.._ _L__lL eadwu cum mo i>AcKao'aY_1:ss,;-_5 eaowslas mnrut F-`mast TEA mangns "m ms . WORLD--BLENDED no TESTED av EXPRT3iAin Pnouolmcen pm Bas~'n--11` ALL Gaoceng ; . . K , V . Im mwmsou a amt`, Gram new -patte1asT-ai~e,.>added, to t Rubbe'rsare_akT`1yS.np-to-date.. V A. They honest1y._mz1de -of -pure . Douftg ma '_1'ubbEt;tiIi,_1ight;e1aSti{:,,du1 3hk,_-__' , ` sxm.:a;xoka:ba1t:g ndhe. \"`D"I ' 3 AkvGao. Hor`1kman.,~Druggis`s, abt wtheirx. Sample box sent o_n receipc pf six `cents in`post:nge-a tamps.' ; - . THE LEROY PILL 00., Toronto, Can": A Try 'Don l5' Headach Powders," safe, " successful, sure. 25 cents a box .. - ` 50. PER` PACKAGE; 17 i`1n'r% P3123 ET `* Retaii Evar"5m`r{1er.&-., ,Lm-..wH.c$u:sAL: vAa:u1sLjVtaa6:c$: It `is uh? o ive reliafp _Ne:vil'me'i__ -uvv awn uvu ..- ,,_,,,,, , '1 9 T6 dike cramps. take Nerviline, Tor _br_eak up.'*s_'cnld nothuyg is aslgood as ` Nerviline. IEluxiubago.neura1gia. or rheu- matism" troubles you._ resort to Nervilin .. .\........C..l .\.mm.:-nhnn _-m manna W In ' u uv lvuun. _.uu.-nu-.., .._l .a powerful panetratxng an s auqa ;v m Igoea at. once to 'the bottom and speedily- dialodges `all pain. Nerviline is better, stronger. uni more cenaiu inaction than _ an_yM,3th'er\pain ren1ady in" the market. ` ,Nerviiin_c_3 is sold by 311; dealers, 91') 25 `cents. A ' - ' ' I , Oct; 5n"2---3vIisa'.\d.i)_x'11V;e,v\"'li<)' ha:bgns;;ena- 1 -"mgthe suumierwith her aunt. Mn. 8`. At- ` tburglefh fps he: l1ome`.in_Philadelphia'qu_ Thursday. . 1;` Horn, fl`o'rox)._t0. has' been iapenciing 9. ,few~'c1ay:iin;dur village, W _ . * _ A f John C`SIsIW].l"lei' for`T.oronto on Thurs vdazy, `to; resume` higjtiudiag it Txinity Med. [ College. ' Hugh Russ.intarid- Yivinn for the city on ; Whitby. V mad axce'11enI=; speech; awning ' `high pusition ho, bijgmmharsb off temper ,Si:iuxi,j ably llet}-' tl_1._ch.ir, -A -number` - Tfrofm Om Smiion were prese:xt. * ~ . Hugh Ross intends lgaving Acity , Sagmduy, to attend fifrinityeci. College, , ; I_'.Ifh_a 3,. of VT. hadmu open meeting last 1gT\i&`a.da3; (goth), -,N.`~"'H.ABe\vell. G. S., of ` \mauy_promineimfmen..who attributed their ` Lanna sozietiee tench, .W,P.. Ora .*1s.n.;-..~..'e:.;-.`. van=...os town. is aturensenh Tfgom Um Smnxqxx were present. - _ .. I L` {_ M::i3hi3: laq.Palk.: joi, town. is at present M ` .viai_ting_' Kim} patentznj this nef hhorhoorl. miiea Hm: mmeanted of Tau. 1 `?`}'>' `_ oohnmawob. - _L- _L_ ___ %Va;.L-saz ma`% %w.; ....nmn-run. :51 as. Sm ' Inf"! Letfui` T` , mecca ' s of he hocoiiate pregaratioiis of A Fun Inna of Vhltu Iain: 1 on. (established in !.189)'has led to \ghe_ placing on the market of -their name, i iabeic, and ' wrnpporx. V Walter Idkiri U400. are the oldest and largest `hdanuw ' factufbr pf pm id high-grade Cocoa: and Chbcoiates onithis continent. No chemicals are bed in their manufagtures. ` -> ---~-~--- -.L4..I.gI ..|, fl. `"4 Mgura many misieadingi and unscmbulqys imitations; naive You Got In | L `V wTzme1ywami%ng. q sHA _nIir BAY. .0` HI UICIF mllulapsuuuu. ' condurgijs should ask for; and` be "sure `that "they got,tha gonq'ine`_`{lalter akgr In 00. : goods. .. _..__-. ~- an - 3,.42L...l ---- 9 . ~.' bot. '2'!--George`-\'attie`a cund_iio,n 1s.\;ery much im,)mvd. . ' _ M.-, Atkinson.-formerly of the fth line; I impmvd. Mr. Atkinson,-formerly tlie fjh ` inegfsrrie, has taken possession of the "(um moenthavacnted by J ames Chuk._ I Now for .ths_,tsrnips. 'J.`hja` is ideal'we's'thar 3... Mn: sins- 1 "Milne Family "ITi'e1_-zildy E Wlly 'St7a{r,A jibe Bt a}1ti- lful Premium A `0rphan s Prayer, -and The Barrie }*1xa.miner,? all for $1.75; au4:......._. .. _ , __ . >7 On the crest. of the wine of the \vawe of Success is The ,Fanu'ly Herald and Weekly .. .:u...........I .. mumr can well known to: is I'M Janmy aemm. mm. H Hung` ar,~Mqnt.renl, a Imper tqo well tu zed any description. The lrmily Hezjald and Weekly Star has a. sweetly beautilni premium picture; this season for all new and renewal subscribers. It is_ `entitled The ' Orphan : Prayer. Th Family Herald and . lfeeklg/jssar. together with the" Exuumsn .and`the premium plate :nay,.be scuredfor S 1.75. by `remitting direct to the'E.X:\:\:IR. nmm, 1.110. ofce. - Ooh. 2:7-M-1~.:'. Benjamin Carr "intend; jqining her husband in Toronto.` " Onarterlv servicewill be held inffhornton ~-:no:tlL,lm_'l.`hursdzsv.2!tn.,1n.. ; I joined the Mathddisg Church here on Sunday "movemau1roE?v,Iisaionary4Eaeavo;-N4>v.-1st. aoc1a1the`rst_Tqesdny evening in Nov_qm- Mr. and Mrs. Rebiason formerly}? Egbeif last. f _ , T116 Y. P..S. O.~E.' will sand-away their. first remitmnce of` the Studgnts forward The Epworch League intend holding a. L)... - ' jqining her husband 1-n Ioron co. " Quarterly service;\vi|l next Sunays ` ~ . ,. `Tim-snoitsmen oiour village are going Sundays ` The-spoitsmen village ~=-no:tlLfon,1.`hursd&v.29tb.,in..g _, , ..u.. ....,I M... Rnhinsnnfnrnlerlv oflixzbarb her. .- . _hg1_is Henderson otbit. Pletmnt jqined IThornE6i{Shof_Tii1prAucer""""'~ '- ' r 'N... hunlnirn. nf our mxlm intend `htwin uut;1u1 M: ` nut: on .1;he-fth at Nov. ` It is :5 match with J; Wasp and J. Bowmkufas captains the losing aide. providmg the gn_mewg'hope.l_mph you'w_in. ' > .. J . A; Spears passed nhroughgour town on ,bus_inea Inst Monday. - ; R. -1.; Hill Iunisl tax colleqtpr 'baa`been_ onhiar'9uu_ds.,, - ` -- .- Va squirxel h mnza GARE '-.1`lxe'boy is bhe_.fzither~of the ~man; am} has ` & good deal ` mugs of tho.) mm in him than 4 must `penpie give him `credit for.` Almost; ` ,a'uy.boy `can be made Vienna by conbinua.llv- : `telling him he is hi}e\vorsb boy in town. ~ I?-`at [the Notdinax-y_ buy_-j_,i__1}_&-_-ahylishwell 3 ` made suit ntayclothesand make-himjthixik_!ieL j ' amounts to, Vao I;iebh1ng,.nzid\he`l1risia hp/the` f -occasibnnnrl 3how.the xnanfm; him; ` Pm: , him in a shoddy suit nhatgwiu gig and naval `L B ind h`1lbej about the; _atyIer~1)hapL.to go. ` well with.s\!0haTsnib. V 7 rm... in mi `ransn whv anv` 1) f _31_eiTkca} o:T;w{i;e;igs;e:e.;s ` ~ wellwithAs\_1 amt. .. .; . L There is no, mamiwhv my; 1) ` A .-wejmpoorly nude <:V1_9tl19s,'V because. the very- `x vbasb.MelLobhing pm. lIQW`.,h land natty-made.` ~a V Messrs.-K.. * I10RE /oi=1unt``.8R\'. .; ham made}; re}gumxon{ ;r>Boy:s Yo\ mha3;- .- L Cixildrensf and"j.Y,.onug`n1_6ns': Vxeady-made` ,1 1 "I?11osegoodaarj`aI1`sawI1w\yithV1ine1ithrem1 ` _thsclc`>hTia_hpxnug3:lj;v_pongt1ian&Mshxnnk . i'and';`the`wqrkjmtmahxp fully-.;giiaianteed" -.11: - L` " ` nvanL2&:muLo'-Sh9rsr,`3 "and';`the`wqrkmanamp my-Lignuanxeea. .-U-1 .4 I i#VJF~89+=..1?+J>i.:59l3S` ` .C!ethingiu,eg.!i$l.aikat:L .gumnha31: __ Irvm: mlshiot: -- stains` ..tl_1`ia ticket. @JUYlv!'|`l-?l\\r_I~:,u, -Q...-v.....,.(-.,.` ` ,.,_, H Jlfyon smalshou--Vsi;~ in'gg_..thia ticket.` h ; I W .. `he-~su x:e`of- emu ishore Limited, ' mDHUEST.- Tuoaxron. A0? %T31$.L Bars; ,,,,-ln. %.l-, -'3-ucw`- '37" r* n .. . Annther gum in the 0ttaI`|-0:-illis our lien sud J. Hill: mkfug 3 dz`-aw. The `m1i::dguu chest Iutnh it niihed. lteuin. 11. soon in still even, than` guns: spices. _ The Tune?! in booming C. J. Killer for Muyor for 1897. . V Head Masher uylnon, or we mgu ueuuuu, met with An accident last wetkfthst reunited _ nu the Erukidg of hi edit:-bone. He in: diiving out to his {Arm on tie Mmknh Bond and leading a colt behind, whentdog frightv and the` yoqug bulbs It plunged, upget .1... ..:.;.-1.. mad haunt. cut nnd driver VQDEQ ll! yuqug uwuvo 5- yo--3---, -r-_-- I.he__vehicl9_, uad horas, cut were thrown nil in 3 help. - Lust Tuesdny ofhernoon George lhyurd found the hody of hinhrober. Wm. Mn}- nard, near Whiskey Shad. whore deceased had perished 15 day: previously. ' `A P;*mae@{ Cu1"e*% .1 Letter that Proves the Ialne__9_f 1 Pa1ne's Celery Compound. i . , ...5...., .,....i. Tr- V, Gentlemen: ' _. . The; following teatixnenial. relative to your Paine : Celery Compound. will no doubt interest all whn remember my testi- monial givgu tiiore tliantwo years ago. vm.;. 1......a.mm-gl hmmffnrded ma ample :1 Medicine Tm Makes Pebpletwgll pd That` Keeps Them WeH..- * menial givgn more man we yum ugu. .opporn1unityfor}hdging (if the. eects of edicica. ` 1* `~ ~ I .., ...; ..I........ unlnaa Hm duration {if I This long interval has afforded qmple \ edxcxce. ~ I hav always valued the duration of cure more than the` temporary relief. It is diicult, `if indeed ivis poasibla, ti) get a nxedicimrthat wi pmdtice A permanent good etfect, so much being dependent on r_igha usw aTxid dietggry regulations. _We must" help Pi1ine's Cale;-by" Compound ;' we must consider the quantity as well-as the ._...m.. nf H... mm! we eat. I am con. consxder me qtmnmy as WuIL'un mu quality-of the food we eat. I am vinceg by experience that, is this medicine he pronerly used and afforded fair play, In will do good wotk. ' `I am past seventy, yet, afnce Itook ` . th g;Paiue a Celery Compound, I feel as well as an old man canvfoel- For this condition of health Icon thiukof no other r cause then use of the Oompound,.-;..~. V I am. "gentlemen, yours thankfully, M - JOHN IRELAND. l _. gxd Manor Rycnon, of mu: High School, .... .m. an nmisnt last j , ` v \\}IJIJl.L1V:I Iv vvus _ ` ` `Roger Brovm."1ho its cotnmitad -gt hvenhs by Lt . MI1colnund~ J.P. Shore n. .m.a M. can on a charlie` of ntempting WHt& Richardson tn Monreal, P.Q. ~ 06:. 27-John Smith is erecting nntv bunldingpu the cornerloh, John Houden i has the cnntmct. The steps work on Jun. Cmwfdfs bfiek ` block on Qimen St. is about. completed. . The bnjldi is to be completed bjv Jan. 1st 97, John ouden hasita contract, n T A -Ma-Ks-myia and Co. 'shitmed`over John, houden mxsima connraon, an J. A. Mclieggie and Co. shipped `over hve handed bushel of Alsxke this week, ' ` 1. 'u....`... R;r..~h6a. Pm-kins. Kennedv and- &;1cWat`.ers drove to Mmluuu last: aunuuy. ` H. Rihchfe tinamith who. has been work- ing for Jas. Callqgbdn of Hillsdale all sum- mer is nbw in town working for R. Peters, ning u"nnIn`\t$I' hf H19 ! )80D`B in t0Wll and ` nbw in town wormng mt u. reI.ura._ : Quite a number of the people I ( 1 1 '- "around an gettingmndylto gahnntingnext . week. ' 7 ` V < . " ` Mr. Shnscy and` Hnriy of Midland were ` `in the village this week. , ,. . ` `J no. Crawford has pnrzhnsed -the 10!: next , ` to L. Lansin s st.dre~ (known as the Omug. j 31110:.) and intends building :1 block on it Ravi nnrinll handed bushel ot Alsme mus ween, '5 Messrs. Ritchie. Perkins, Kennedy driivto Midland last: Sunday. u Dihnhiin tinnmith who has l.u\_u xv, I Iluu ` next spring. Diamond Dis'Make 61! _'l`hings ` " _-14-ox-mks New. . ` puuw,- Agnuuu J skin mats, tite- - min; Rnnix\uV' nt gsvann by J.r. Jlueounsnu u.r. uulu _ tovltand Ilia kid on charge` uhtamgting I much "npmwu Atkinson,-iormerly -P``' h b"t` ~b`'`` 3750' T5 near`Ban-ie, ` `*=W' '*V`h P'i'<.m- hissfher `d"faxintscent :1r~v+1cnte`~jbyJamesCla1k. '.h'um` ' . " `. Now for.Ihs__turnips. 'J.`hia`isidsal'we's"thsr On Wednssda.y- morning it the home of fo, the wrmk. - ' .~ . 3" H` H3-"d",' "b`"` 7 5-F `_,3m,'u A jbviislorowd from Orb. Crsizhurst and adding tk 913 Th m`"_`3 p.,`." ,3 the neighborhood," gathered at Jzsa. Donm"s w'5*~S5:Q9!Wl' 9`: MW """"mE'_'. msideue on` Thursday sight, and spent a . `Hendex-sou. ` ; '. .. `, . ` de~Hghgu1tima_ ' " _ - "wd'i3`1Y `"".~ V Hm! "hm On iuesday 51fter'nooi1` the village win 5 -mg """`d -` G13` wh`f' um `t ratherhtartleii whenaspan sf horsesattached vth freeze: of the Georgina Bay Fish Cu.` 503 to ' . - - .. , . ` _ , ,- . . __ , p buggy Lame dashxug furl4)uE1y_n=1nyg `m`'` "`' "H" ""'? "3 5`m"'R 5 W151 in Man direction 011.. blacksmith shci'p. jjfhiiabnth. thnmds of xiofnen wiliibtla 9 * ooh-ring. dresses; "sh;wyIs,' coats, vests. pants, kgiihtiug yarns, carpet rags, `sheep . .bn` main aim. ` skin mats, etc. . `The. (iyeiug0peration?is an impdrtaltt 5 (me, sad demands much gate. The great ( essemial is tog`-er. the `righb`1yes-colcm that are pure, bright, and East !`.}j'washig' `A audnunlight-.~ _. ` ' . ' 3 1`he_Dix\mond Dyaa---the only gnar-` i : anteetidys i3;_tixe_wor1':1~_-poasess all the L .L im6rhamvirmja;cha m&ke{3eicb.oolnrs.,, J .- _'Tho;popgilax:-Diamond D_ye_a have aucluu " 3 axkended` sale that \1n89r_up}ll9iA_ d_qaJers ; l have iii8.(1s_ :je4ti`oI;ia tf9Vimi hat`_a themi, Avoid x 3,11 such ixnitghiouse 1TIf'yos1_,v_vouV1d Thave;* j `ygup goods. md, materials; piemy-;.. ' V nlv.use-onImhe~Diamond;?? . goods. md_..mm:m:1a1a; eoxoreu l'u:u;_y; .3 L _ ' , '_y,us a-oniythe Diamou<.1" . `._B'9fuse\alIdyea_thn your :1ealer{:eH;ryou , i}r&`ji5st`l`j9031l1dS:th0 Dim_o;1x`. "1 ~Th'e} ;t ; _`:}}txn),unr1 *"ar`tl1a}b3h`in:the::wOnki`uid.. . h3kn9ws it..we1l.5 `V 1 f ' V Fergus; Ont? Spt 22, ELM VALE. yours ulauxluuy, AIOHN` """' " . i . ' , 4 Vhsnxmhblnodis mu. "rhnh2.`B$- In'nod.`sn::~xtnd!Rl1S.Wh|9h99Il-!s1InIllh 1>!eees,anh ltwmx Eood s.. Euytohh `K kw mirth tint evpry tuwnnnnn. should mind nu! rmnxidar. ` Z1&_ 8M. &lymoperaxn.'istruo `oH!ood 3`,Pllh, which an A` V ` `upmdatn_incvni-yrespr.-ct `sate, cercdnsndxure, All . ' ~ . _n:xxzzist:.15m G.LHoodtCo..LoIIl!.!nu. -rnnonry,rnuuutawmrnoo*ou-snuxn. plccc, In: I-nus - r--- -aux-- v-I -vva - --- ` Ind Aha` in nnrnm: ii [ma -~ - 7