{U D1strl_ctAm:x'1t_ Banie \i=H\II`t " _ ns: 6-27 `,"1`ha Bzifrl Agent`. pan. :3-'55 ` I33. Aunt! .DlB nun, ' oppqsite ' I % ss. .00] . 33,500.) ,. 90: 1) `. 5,000.00 .W`.` Wm H. . the `old ' mum- g L `_1`;B,4uTING._~ ; U1`T-;0LEBK,Lwi1l bust his once in 7 mm 1; onue;,4Barrie`. ery Bntnrdgy. P.'Q..`Qook_s`towu. - ' VVIHIIUI uL`9`\I`l\'CV%~1I`---1-----Y'..,,,, _ iE~PPS1$; QQOOA "' f "mjsa I , BREAKFAST COCOA Dnummmn tho fanowinz ~ . 19111111 1111 W11 ea: thesestz r j,'_,,_ . %, for Your Mpney It 1? you Save km- zncy Disease; Kidney Disease, I0 111:` n'|nn'.rnt' Inst`: in llh-Iohf : HIIUJ Illtdlg nluusq UIWVWUVI ` if not `cheqke. leads to Bright : l \!_..-..- nndlpegin to cure yor Kidney; " to-day by taking . ` Renab1ee-- % ?cor%resP0dents I Writ`.e`to-day for ire; tre1\t.mnt"111;x;1 :; ' _W nruex-`s Safe Qure 00.. Eoqhesteg, N.Y.~ . . . ---..-.'.----AAAAAA Because the Kiduys Freak \ down. and. pass%a=way with vthb urine. .. 7 .. .. i%Nw~ - ' 'L .byubsc1-ibingfor - '.|`..TExAM1NER, That is what tiiuen people z.m1';i1o- ing right along. Not 3`. week gasses but some more people . nd that that` they czLn buffo1*d to be without the [mper that. gives`then1 nill the news. It will-cost you `One Hundred Uents for 8. weekly pamper.` no _ matter xvhuhone you" take. Then you Should `see that; you g2dZ{ii7eZ`Danger Signhl * T in all: pzLi*.t;siof_,_t`;11gaA_;,i1i1`1;ri:r;t ken :-1;: 7 its rezuleys well informed`. W _ any lqcwllty is \m1'epreseute -it 15 be<':a.useT we. _Xd}V8 so far V .failedto._s'ecu1w'a a. correspond- enb.1.VCa`n you help us out by- A;.:..sgc11ring Wu. reporter ' for us:ut~ _\xnr_ep1::aex sted places? ' I _ Its _ urket Repo1't,'3__u.x~e,~such that the fzmruxer knows what E ~-his-p1~o i11etheTdif-. , 1 ferent mm-k`ets,' zmdso` is in a. ; '?:.';:,7r:7.w-~r:v--::xH-1:n--t~11e-41es15~~- Lvtwl-JV nu... .. `"'6Tti6`t;I>* V advsmntuge. 7 `s'\xbscrib1*s hJa.ve helped -us 1). kind;wo.u1`sL.t;Q their 4f1'iaiLsLnnd 'wefa.re vcrjy rate ful for the assist_mice.':L 311.01- write for sn.u1p1c`copj,{ Vvh;ieh et.% will he _[;1}ydly furnish . inf`; _ ' V 9! ;;:'r%1;; w`w'oi:1?ii . AMINER fojr the = 9.15-the m.r?% us `W(":T7". {1ud n..yiyoui to. send hm .THE. `EX? last five months; Trym 3* D P "N :'1nd Brihfs Kins: u 7% M ms-w.e-~<*'"'* ,. .e`v1`-`.`?"`1`."?`?W 939 2 nwtit`?n'cab1n4bo,v_-.ydmtj fotls ; . &anL_'Wmt:a amino , 5, xss. `T A -. Onemtmnthbmal, ~ 5 :'.!h1I is not:-hb where, -eraqxbod in :L` earthly in \ V I . ` Our sizllt 01C in dim, en: lovols ; _ V` ,\- VIshum`5`ai1`;lli`_aa.venl " o;mxeu`onemba ` _ Its main, its sorrow; and its toil no O ~las,s the pilgzixnk daily cross to V . _a mono the crown of ransomed V ,, wear, \ _ V ' . S . . , _~_ At home in, heaven! / 1 `Mn... ...u..m tn `hr-hzhtan cloudy days. ?mim " Maj m3.w.'aun' b;'.:::.:?*..=~ V One morein houv:at)l1 I H I` . - E 5.1105110!` {|0F|I1;w on uwu uwpuy ; Anothert em 0 thank Incas J ` Another link on high our son! to 2 , E 7- K \ To home {and heavanl ? I 050 inoxe axome! ' That hom`e`wrhe_re separation cannot by That. home where :;one are missedf aler- nally, ' 1 Lord Jesus, grzsyri/tyius all Thee, Ahomein'hevgnl 3 Von1iiau, ?:u uktxu-. "am an And 359 9ur' " fp`cround. but even: . Ana Vrlp gut xnmiynpu mum. nun um "f But s.hz suntan an-mu sou cu in .u Ikhrqn '; " 7 ' ` ` more in human! ; Another be h tobrl bton cloud : Anothertxmtn ohhauk lnessandym I ! Annfhnv Hnk nn high nnr son! to 21289. ' I q \ I ~ as a fish and mu iiko u em-nwnorry. . , Some sold hnt. he was the sonata son-monster; oniiersnthzit the tide had .boon hia'mo1:hor,' Nobody ever knavg, ' who` he was, or.whero_ho.4:omo hem and at 15` years Strawberry found V him~_. self great -without:-` knowing whom to thank or how ho had happened to ha of `that age. ' ' . ~ g At Iii.-at he _ helped the ohormon kto ' throw hhoirnots or .sbrirng~ sh`. upon a odrd, or 0 point wooden nails for the bots- tom of boots, but he noverseomod his his ease upon shoi-e. He leis that he was the 1 .> 'sou.of hho sea, and intonded from the I beginning to, live upon it; its `dark ;greon waves, its opaiino 1-anspurenoy, : ltoailvelf shining enmptured him, and ,ha.pnnaod ,/hours at as time,. seated upon some overhanging rook. watching the huge wows roiling inand breaking upon ; tho -sizern cliff in wast.etui'foom; At 16 aim:-n Im hm -nmn lmhlii-HDV. in \ 1 a BY Gtunvpm AiTONA_.'-~ V H1971"-}ii nanio was Luigi, but vry. ` body called him Strnwberm ' beoa_use o! ! I z 31 I ; hhround face, colored like terra oottag . He did no;.`m'm_d `it. however; on the 1 contrary, ho would"hm'n preferred to see . his nickname ou;E1K:'ship's Iombdok, the `bill of lnding. or th0_deo1amulons of the ,oustom-homo. ' ' IL: rinvnyv l:l`\n\\` YY10hhBT nor the stern cm: In waswrux mum. u I At 12 ymrs he hacgnma cabin-boy, in which capacity his dexpcriby wnsuqtmlled thy.-`no one. It was: no.t'.'o_see'hlm 3113- V 1 pended by tho -teot_h amid nuns and cord- ; age. of winding up the ship's ouble.Wi%h` those lmmensu arms and l(_ags, .d1spropo_r tloua-to to his body, which made mm re- -semble one. of those grmi sea-spidbrs ~..; which snamper _awny_ between the loose ' rock and sfbonos. ' ' ' n...a.... +.. H\b{}\n13' Hfn -`n`i1" s:h1dbniIrd' ,oustom-house. V ` `. He never know his mother his- father; he wjzis round on the flue: sand of - the beach one Augugt _n_mrniug, naked `a fish and red ljke strawberry. ` cm... mm hnr. hn was the son ofu {like pmohmanu. nisnuor mm a cuiuux; is lags were lean and i1hin;' his` beard. like hemn. his face large, red and salty, - ; 1\nd`_hn inuked one eye, having caught a " smz\1iirou'hook- -in the pupil once in thra\ving:u..bqo3'. T1155 did not d_isu_1fb.. 3 him much, however; i`,he_ _onhnr_n,iwuya iroxuuincd, and for himiishmrauiiioed. Aa - 1- iovtho aesthetic Bidd of the .quasciom was- whole.` .. ....-.:..a.....m...m in tim'hnnI1f.|fl1i~? . ,$cAPTfSIRAwBERR}Y;f ;_I;o_<:k and I Ov'v'ii1'g to che`hnni* 1lI_e `o`i1" eh1{{1)niIrd' ; b`S body became like rubbar, his skin {like pmnhmant. hls'buok' liko_ a c:unel;' ans: [mm were lean and thin: , 3 u perpe|mal.'_in9\;i!5 ntuue ueaumuu . , _H\1nx1reds`qHlmsjho `fduud himself tune to fnge \viish'Licat_h, i but he always s1iocQzi<;d.in `escaping, although he more" i wiliingiy .bni}nved i~iiui:.i1: was by his. own i taovthan by tho. help "of_ Providence. ! Once in isiie=Wosh Indies he saw this cap- } jsnin bocomq pnl9"~\.t.h_e boat `was dancing ` upun the waves like a signal .` buoy, and * __W- +.na.noq,_anLu&:. _ = pex-petual:_1n9\(ms tome beautiful? .5 Hnnrlmmrol times` no `fdund hi! i theivwntoh upon Athovmain` topsoil, look- } Ina: cm; for uhe"Ldnngm`n1'1s coasts _n.tha_ ' ahorewmch could no ~oaally'dish$ng;11ahod" trorn nbqnrd. The Imam urmykedi andiho anilsow avz_\y in ali1'ed3 with vha (nit-` \. ous bursts of.-wlnd., ,A1!.a.t1.99V99:;.v5Y1h `* I frightful hound of luuemtad ' =wood,_ we j boy elu'~himso1hmd ahewtapszpil 'h_ux-.: 1'n_tcLJsh_e 1\1!*.l1katwo-sf;rm\'s.M cm me of 1; wh!x'1wind;._ An hour later he clam- ' befred aboux'd hurl, relalged his amps so thcyhorrled crew. Auoohav 11116 ha tel1~ _ {tong the top of the fore atuygsml, remain- . lug a'uspanded- mmidnlr bra mob winch` V nmuvhl: in l>.hn"nn1-dune." mg 8llPJ1)Bluuu~Au.Iuumu` 1): in wuu vvuutu` paught in the nordnge. `H13 boneawere 1m_rdl,ant:-. he eson`pd'- `A11 and always, beonxnse hhere was no one I who ozxed whshcr he livd fodled, and no mm to rexix'tii'b6hinr'1 bo'w`esp foxuhlmg ; " A ml. nhm funm-`hm-Mn:\nn tn hn'rrin9.ns." 110 mm W w!Iltun_u0xux1u vu wuup zur,,ug;;;_q ' And than from :1Iur_rlouno to !_m`rrloane,'; ou'uor\ on'a "danger _` and` 1np)- 4nun1z1m,: .:oroad.tb'uhe utmost` by work-and.pr1'-;. ?vMlon. _h{` qamo`a_tv mu :0 M f hhe 0,WDI_&` of n,br1gaImVne"1n pazgtugsrhlp; with pa oldmptuln. whu;took.*ou3rga of the me ?mlnlstru.tluTaT of nifalra, ;f\r~huo0'apt.V-.: _ `berry dilftzotadha bark; nux1Lbrcs]eAt1 - ~1abs:se>n.~. -'J,`.qmh :,the,v .- 6l`:8I1EI*.\,m91?()_q11a . `slam.-ab _ ~bua1i1:aa `on the Lco_a;au_;g;ng1 . Vmud-amqrmy'A`yeryVoaslly.: ; , ' "u,s1nsu-nm'n'rnm'atL yhmwham -v~-.vha d n im;\u'a~-mQuey`yeryguzz1x:y.: ., `L A1>:39;y9ars.r ,[`.":'.3'-`7',h" d, not ib*:thdushb'V9t`1ova, 5bu6_. the saluhaloha I ` #11?!-'Bni!~'a9.`Y?h}9h'1% 5" '0(;!hi1 N13 ` ~ 1) "9 ` P`: N ,_`.7:a- . One montgln haven! pleunn, tin onouua ino- moat an-rival mlod ' ' " And 5 bfplaud who Mad; any; 192 tbvuhixd b M: country. when by gun bartnto t chap of 3 Danny! woman who had anothu bghy; tarzyips patiently mt aha beonngo n wolun that he might mun hr; like one mamas z`ras=-no rile! Ia Invent Iron that urns on new not fall that mqmdous sense otlbph. ln_ suing than embcaoes . and Io'v}nggreounga as homaoomlnl ` and departure; Ba-ypy` days win coma `for me n1aol" ho ibuukht. End he.walsed wmx the ume tndlerenm `with which _ in time 0!. calms hnwalhd `tor the wlnd .. I....'.i.... ` TW108 I m0ID,"WDOu VH9 l.U_Iuluvu from hiruaual voyage, ha` wnftnsee the ohlld, and guilng her running h08h831 011 th shore. tx-dm-rook to root like a -b d, or 530-` ing"her infant, upon 41:1: 3 th-bu` Yossei-brothgr; the dlu-1&4. Huh: o! the `suubeamgmaklng har appear mom hlnml and morefbanimtul. he Io):-beau-phased than over with what "118 had wl hno.1domot_ concealing his thought ha mid to overybqdy:--, ' inxr.:`n`Iae.nm (2.3 mm ' mm I cum- h gmkl GO overynqay:--, *."My_G`1ahat n`a $3.3 rose vats an a hotlgosa wish all um. 0:15 day this toss: will expand, and all has nnrfnmn will be for ma!" parmme mu no X0? mar _ Hana: proud of what awaited Hm in `a near tmure. ' , unu... nhuunn was on ha mnnrin uay mm rosu ww upuu-4. perfume will be for mat" man was nmd at an rmure. . when Glapetta was 20 he mm-ln`gl bar." the; girl zillmivlng hers-lt tn. bs vwzdmzd $0 the qnly man to `whom aha over looked for pzg-ot.eo:lon.- * He was (>0 years old. and the ugliest. capuxln that ever` commanded a ship: she thg moss barm- tlful glrl of the Rlilom _ _ - (mm. Rh:-nwhnnrv semed to be happy. titul girl or use xuuem Capt. Strawberry semed bappf. _ Ho esmbnnhedhax in 1: mm white house on the shore. surrounded with roses and lime trees, then_re_{.u;ned to M1 b:lg.-m- ' nine. hl_s voyuges`.~ his huslnnss, nave: thinking thgt in taking a wile a M o!~ - h1_ Ilo,oughs,a1so` so ohmuzn. 9 had mared Glanem totfbe sake 0! having near him a beautiful lime pale" face, for - the plonxmf of ageing aoxnubody on she pier waiting for him when he -1-evumad. and to have: good woolen socks for wear Iin-wlnter. , .. u-....+.a..r.u. L... nnmnd `A nnnnla of and the dogs` coats "smnliod siirong. ttlah 1ju'erit-`uf=sugi1r,*'marsuitr=pud-'ci;,iara. -an-i - ' in iumahd; iniierinrding his talk W4-hi ail .. ,ha_ `would v hav_e. commanded tropa.` in-winter. ` [ Fortnightly he ptmpd `la poupie of days ashorp, going home to hiabbido he treated her as aim would twat a good ' chum, with no thought qt.` him- `seif.to`pidsa hat, and iaeiievixy 21:-znly that she was deeply fntennned in ivhht interested him. Re new hot thauvhun `the bees lingered close to the beehive it was unsafe `t-3 put out. to sea, bniuuwa irstorm thraatonad; he Jsaught. hm how: to._prese1=vo cigms in mm -and hm!` to manage a boat with n lnbeen sail. He made long conversations with her on tbs Qt the_Juthar._suiphur and, (iii so much manner `of `niariiiTa"Efnd gomiiiercial tn!-m`s_. towhioh the_ little roy ears of the 20: im liken ship." " He oomnmndeci berm: "Vaer,'tnci<, heave out cable, izu-hoard. starbo2\rd.! Aii this he wonidszq toher. andvto pieasqhim `she was obiiged tn uudaratand. 1 . " _ 7 ' m._,,_ ___Z? a:w. nniy nfter all bnsiness_hadboenz\rmnt..-051: yem--oiribride were strangers. Ru tmaheci - 4.: a. .ana.a.?~`:ean"?.2.3`f;:ruI`i:n;sa3i`e 8:11 inst *0 ````N3o , ` , Twice monlpwhon he rammed n.....v.. `uh-`11-run` on--`an ha` uanftn 386 Tinm pnsaedpanithey E371 Sewage. Had a year, when one night t~ha ~ap.- mm, greoqy for busineas. returned `inlay- beforpths usunl time, but because of 11 .'g1madtq1.storm bho hrlgnrmno mm ans . enter-the harbor. When every sun weia furled the 03 min made mo Vznlkin Joni him zmbo:-a." ' a he touched land themat- _ric'ana bum In all lts.1'ix"x- yT-*1`e\iu had 'mnst trlghtful 1'x_ighb`envelo`pe1 `tho Edv- lum. ,By the sinister blaze. at the lkfghs: mug the qgpgggjn Vfrouud the path Whig)- lad to his liable home, ;xnd'usoQn\=d it as best. he could by the t-ml xglaxnlng; _r_e1Ta a!::+3nxe_uns1n!etn9=s% ' 1% ~Bw`md `I9 him tlxmuithe h0t1sa*fx`ia:1et3.-* `t_6 "nes1sre:~ he approached 001;; but nauy he arrivarl at the garden,` and saarnhe In the xtnrkk ~ xxasrfor3_tha _l;m_:hjo!1the'gat9.~~;r-,3 . A`II"..h `An..- rnnt 'e\i funnr Him :1 h{noa`. lXUS8'"IU1"_lu _lK\l-_\u"Uz'uuv grwwv-`W ; V ` - M _Allnh_`onue, not rm`, mm him, a lmrss of merry 1z\ught haayy. h\m'yim.:.- jc` focmstepsymnda him thrill. ln:s_plve`oiV 9 aha amour of mu hurricane he-recognized .g the vulceyf ?(3/,[tv\Wn_;z~.At_;\. __hi,s. wife, an\m- t ' was lnumlngly to agxiosvhm-voi4_ca;i"1>liei953`; } I I 1 x 1 s 1 careless vsoneiof akyoung man; Smuv- b9z_`1`_i9 felt, lm gtp1d{ol.a_b my poxsp1r`aMnn,,\ was*IiB1,6}7xead, and hi_s_.legs trembled` ` v as ;bha_v?mu1 zmer treinblud M-.1 ne rbqk- L -ingot zgnyi vaqso). Ho waitedx Bin, ham, ' A saejmnd toMbound.ousVot mm, a : T 1118 sight. `K`.hnd`o'n1 the $!uxo'teo`agap ' nmmy Lh 6_wen t-`wo, bushes, i,~when .-E A wrgpgwdin a~5mar1'ne1~ a. `c_1ga`k,` -`n_ ymng, ~ 4 l11!\I,\;i-_~='\)1\e Ltostnnbgqgher .ot;*, Gianmsmi . ear3 a1w!!s -of V ::fsra.9bexxy.gNw1nh, khan m$msL_'aro_undL+m -`l`m_aj'qkz;=,\!ka` n_;oh11d,L i mm by with 81%|` mid ...and,, A.o pan1'nn I g` L ' afU58`1kha. m`ths`. 1 ra.nacx-nen: : Wu; \ \ HonaILe `rngmp P133800- DAN suwq nmoagg. Women V 1maanm-s1np ml-um; on-an emu `g: u..,......,:m...m.x u... u..u.m ntotiie Vt `bl .'I'hose who takes` philan- thropic `interest in the `elfeireot other the tales brought from Morocco by Englishmen who have been traveling about the (lomain oi the young Sultan `Abdul It me that elwe dealers are more active among the~ Moors now than for many years post. and some attribute the increase of the traic to the disturbances in the Sonclan. where the Anglo-Egyptian troops are ~ now waging war against the Mnhdiets. 'Nearly'o.ll:i the slaves sold in Mor- occo aro stolen from the tribes which ' \nfest the .Souden] endof these slaves 90 per cent. are young girls. ranging in age from eight years to 25 years. The L explanation of this is that the men o_l\ the tribesere away ghting under the h di, leaving the ' women unprotected against the raids. of the slate dealers. ` 1 e A . . "IL- 1-`.-- l'-..... .1. `a/-nnnnf.n..vn1`l nations are deeply excited just now. by V, 01 [HQ SHYVU Ufil-U``v I The. latter. from 1:11 `accountsware taking tizll advantage` ofvthe unfortnn- V ate` con owing to 3 the" abundant supvly. slaves are now` selling in the princi1'ml.tities*of Morocco . npcheaper pribes than ever before. An . unattractive woman of 24 or 25 years : dan n'o_w" be bdught for this .M&n'ish ` equivalent of $85." but a. bandsox\1ie' little` girl of 9 or 10 brings as high as 8560., . _ l"}mcn xvnman-hf `the Sn'uda.n I`J.8.t\1l`0 ` gm OI U Ll) Drmgs as ulgn an cw. -W - -- These women-of `the Sdudan ,____. yc~ry early, and are old 9,t 80. Children %,~ MWW of 9 or_10 are as well developed as_the :' this W nyemge girl of 15 or 16; ' The L_S_<>\L,!1- rpm, es: oman'i_s quitiiYiTzi k and _un;~;ain1y nu. he in ppearance, with all the_{axml1a_r Orient` `chm-acteristics of t.he`Ai_rican negio. - rpm) .m..-.._._... :. ..m..:..n.. ..mm.uiv:m1 in q..1.-.. .ortun9.te vicltlms. Bulletins are posted ` cnnractensucs 0: we :u_nuv.u uuglu. `S1u`very: is ofllcially recognized in Ml'"d in mh. 0` t h13'1`:`1 mes Wlwn'any"of the slave capture there is a.` special slave market, where ` an` exceptionally ha (150 me girl She is the wares of thelealers are sold at l at We sent to the impe,;a1pu};,W` and '1.'I1?K8y IS are-meu wuu L-U\I\'s um wv . M 1"?819-l'- .iI1t.91`V5l3- These ilsho is Vdeyamed stingiox` apiece in-V 53193 `W0 51`V*1Y.5 !1`1110W1 With $93`. the harem 1194-ecomponse of thaslaver` decorum. but the dealers resort to many 1513`-,ge_ All of ms coumers and rdyal tricks to get big piices. for their un- _ , _. . . `. _ ixi- the size of their` harem V m the market gxvmg particulars Ol , merchants imitate the 'conrt1e. The. the 11933 5316-` and $11059 M9 C159lY E ceaseless midslnt-he Soudaxxmorethau studied in a.(lV'ai1ce by prospective buy: 3 meemhe demalndibwmch is no, 1m.ge1. ` than at-any tiniein the history oi_t_ha.' era. . _ `The slave mo.1'ke_t at F92 lsvogg 9f. tlm.f. gmiengcounm-_ .....\".~L Sm nmdn'n0- lrfn nrln 5f.-~'"`T ." >"- ` ; Sultan of Morocco is sail to have 1,200. parasities attempt to imitzma, the S1 can t 6 _ ` of the people who come no the sale first ! v `T116 lave markt Fez is one of: thesff. Vmdstj. important in th `itiiigfrldin ofT Morocco. `It is simMeLi_ in `she center I of the city, being nothing more than a large: `open `Squaw. 'si1rr`)\iti by (V kind of a`.rcadc in which the buyers nid l spectators` sit. On oiie"/side of the open ` square is}; magiiicenb mosquxfa ne- type of i\-[oorisii alrciiitectiim. and many visit"tii`cr mospua "anti sent} upw"pra3'1` {- to Allah. . V -` nu:_ .;1',___,,._,v..- :........:-Li.. u-i.}{.1L.An to Amu1_. ~ , _ ` The slave` sales ixxvariablrake plkxce" `ingkthe eveliizlg. for thpurpbse. often- -coa1ix,1g,-intho dim` light`. any "imperfec- xions svhiohkthe unf'o`rt11ua.tes xmiy M -possess.; ])urin,<;*he_s'a_le*tixe shwesu:-e I .`1-Am. 4-.wm}.m- n ni\2x1}`TT.1\n7'rnn9SPs of} pOSS8SS. _ .l,7LI1`11)gF [1U_s:I._1L' um 5;gt.Vc:a:L1'L' 1 ;`1:ept:~ t_oge;h_er i1`1_o`q,'3 o e* `recesses of. the arcade` They zfr alrwa._vs surround- ed by a. ggoup of ,men -,-_ prospectivex `I-mimy-a_..m}\n Mnl-" than`: m;'m- :1: n. I 911, U) , )1 gfltly `UL ,u_s,:;.u *f_ lJ.\\4'OtVL\.vigA.I I4 . -;-T ha,ls1g* ; woman itpects hotfsehold -fu`rnitur0_ az- a`1\,_zmction sale. _ ` ' v __ ;.... ......._a..I_Ll-m 4-`nun-\ nIu'L~ `w"c- aI\,L\l(ILXUX! bxlu > | The average agerof-the s1zWe- girls is about 11 years. but. the, raiders do not scrupla 'r.O,Steu.1 children who would- almost be ~consite1`e in other young-ries.~, The cieulers.` who in most gzis miprosperotxs. he'~`I09ki11gmeu, `mo n nvmr r mv xnmcimk r~.m'afnlIv- QRSES are ptuspurumn uxxvuvwxuny, umu, wen A pvrer ten` vxccims carefully- uutil thgynre sold. L feeding them gem. Terouslyiand trying `to make thenn cop- tei;t,ed.'so that they will present.ax1 -_ agreeable. appearance Vwhezx placed. . before thebiddersri ' `: * ` ` 'Tl......~1.'.uus'n'.'.'-{n' 1n'A','n{i6 :~n'v{.'i-.55-nhv'}\iv' I DQIUFB 51.7113 _.` .W . - .~ \ I V The-s1aves aye led; .out.. sepztratelyVb y` K thfed.aler.x who pczzies, out their msmy 2 }6d\'mnt;ages_inT .2\mbic`.g The usual . siressof the slave is _a ,._single garment . 'joE"'efz_m1i<:o.v 'M1;`l1eT dealer maighes her Varonnd the Iji}xg_9f open spice while .t1_1o bidclers 7r.is one an l where is'no possibi1ity_of getting. a. . higiiepbid the girl `is:h9.;ided*to'7t.he Lpurchttser. thefmoney is paiti `over. and ' `the `Lmaxn: Slave is btqughtvr out." to `go through) LpteCi961Y..f.the.'_ Samg V pqix-forum I. ; ixnoe.-j {As the mxqtioxts tke "glue? ' Ve1`.}':.Ie.\w}:. days; `them? auee-]no1: imzmy _51s;v;p1f;t .. _up a;t;bx;xe sa`.1e: ~ - 1_`a;9r._ '1fzisT ; tl36`&YQ1f;i9`?_13111lberg`b11bin somabasegqi pn1sbo.,Inwn:!mihtcuabom!"t _ .t.hemntr1AL| *3,-K0*0b` u \"V m.Kr`n` Bpuzkmu drus'mr- .*`* -``,"-` 39* Hanna _` 4. was 1.`. ooxsse_snn2vW `5 `. ` 3"` ` i Equn . a fit did inc no good. not got. mathqt. U13 - snmhu, unt} I Ind taken too: boxes} and 5 shout giving up when relic! camq. I continued ` to gun them muhe pun me my back. ma`: ', mnox col. Instadol gettiqg ,n13|doIoati;11auh53ht I nave? get up morog Shun once nw.' urine is now ` . 3 aaumahganondxmeueocanyunct . up , :. (_|._u -Ih...u'- 1 ` ulnar Iuu n`--w-vi .-. .. , , 2. "I an dammed sh testify in tsehur or Do_nn'a Kidney Pills. as they onmkma alto: ,tha41n_sI D3 nyofhopohidad. .` pdnlnzoundmyloimwhcroumuuu-u...._....., , udlhhutuwghsmtlwerebingpunaa. I----n-Nuskhvthlhhilegi.` I , ; .\Lyx--nu A -~ ......... ..... `__ tbis prucedem.` - ' young Su1%aa--`ras 4:; greater number of wives than any ethsw of the Oriental" pomnmm-1. The b`ult:L.1 of Turkey is cruiited with 12000, but the: an handsome sheis at sent; imperial palace. if she deemed a piace fhemecompense is Iai-ge. I zzttompttoirnitzztk-3.t}1e tan` V imitate 'court16rs. their` the _-.--4--- _....1. :_ -.1... Qnmlm. nun-n Hmn _' .Ws aood Day. ` Ho Only Gang-M "rhnno In 5 DD! 3' V . . . ` > ` `They were telling h stories. every one tried- to outdo the others, The usual yarns were spun `anti L-excepL.aane+ fold m_an'. who_;_t9o}L.x;0;.'. a part. . . v T\Hn + vnn ova! Haw) nulraa mm. ' pun. v { Didn't you ever sh`.-" asked. one, Was rgisgd on the Kennebec river. up in Maine. and never did n1_uchbutI~" sh, ivas the quiet reply. I '1.V1-mt uvoa Hm mdarf {-`:J\ van Aver " ; nu, nu: Luv quxuu 1.:-pg. . .b ` ` ."`~VVhM`.w9.s_ the mos sh you__ever I oa.ughtina.day?"M_. ' ` ~ ` |\Thx'ee`) I . ' . - `?`l`hx`ee?` , Oh. you,ateiiIting,. , . . No, I ahft. It was near thsmoufhg \ ..\ U U, 1. Mn In an IVCID uccu. vuu ufvwtuv. i 0_The. Kennbec river. ,.TTxere'was 8; storm `at sea. and the fish ,were (I1ti_ven'_ 1 intotha river-` Then the water went ' down and they ootzlthft get back, and Igor some 1og.ehain`sT, hitched mples tci `them andvdraggei them out. - . `.'\\- hat kind of.s11xviro they?_ f VVhnles.i And_r.he'o1d 'ms.n}shitedV his tobacco to the other c_heek.a.n_d _ _ .1_9oked t_rg;thf1_11.-\Va.s}_1_ington St9.r.: -__ Elptul Cnhonxcs. 3 _ __ I]`-.m..-.'... ;. .-.,..... ..:....d|- .......s,. _ 1 I - x uelptul GauunonXcs. > " simplegrourine \i*hic *__is, considered most benecial by Del. . ` Tsarte` teaTcThersT*in_ .impatting. a. goodcar-7. "riage to thehovdy`. K and Lwlxich` has.t1fe . further advantage of`requi1:im;1iu;}_g of 0'n s' time .to ca"rry'it Out. mndw `n1nv\vxn`n-V kL`::'\``f\`lriI\il 1}-.. VHS) D "JIIJJUJ-`V VGLVLIJ VI`! UU-3: ` ' ' > _, \- V Every m.orning,_ before you leave your bedroom. sham} as c1 .s&.tc>: the \va.1I.fn.ing ingis you earl appmabh; Try touching: tbs noseithzee forssheaci anii; the chest to the wall while the 1_-st of: * the bodxisqpite may fgom Lit}, . .'pi15n:. . preierve`_`bhj very same attitude if W'a1ki\g' a4h0ut`?'he`- room for A few] I.-vnnm :m+n' `-T}:-Iaxin u`um{}1n'k1`.. 4: ._ 1 nau.\,.uA5 muvuu 7 LHETTUULH I01` 1} 19W I~mqm ents. ;-This will inevitably, if pi? `L sev6red.`in. givb one Ai up1*ighbt [ ho s _m<}=aber&* ' hearing. aind h'` x -ihT"'p0si_t`u1nY6"'1T6 .T' %<`Ine}manLjwnh%:r; tf' marks ion?` his%sk1n wou1jc1 he io?1isi.LLt<>:j%at% mp t-01" I fth%In%;ViQffJhy :5 (ms at nnowx ?1**3vi3`e1`vT`T A .-. ~ "'lnAv| BIG FISHING- ; 111;. `..1 \`;).zicu;e'ot" ; :.j=-hvsxcliixoi M .. max. ' - :.x':~J . Blow! inreemo >`< ` .0l:'l'l.(;I`IAl: i1.ri=_ . o_so` -1140 `uquege amen -_8t:T1-M.-1. Tornne * nu : Hotel Ba.u:,o lain my pmon _ .*.ty:'om , ,.;;ga.._.g1.nuhimbon, V iA%.a;ia2;nox .%%=m{%m;nA __ Ugilegeiltteet Jlnnm `m_t.~.. frognnep aoucrmns. " - ..___.OQ{YjEYANOEBS.>&o. _. V ._ . iibknifts` 91.0.; `F. E. P. PKVLE. Q.G ?`?`?x5i7's:{a im i*" 5 1 SS ..Pevey;:1lc0:mg:`129nun - - . w L 1.5%., "C. emu ., n-n..n... rnvmgmmn bf 1 A siz; xo.. Kxus. my I ._-.a:a-as 3195?. IIIIUIIIU "Aoougn.... .. nxoot.-..rom who min; as Lath gpd. olmsox a.s~A'1LjANT. DEM.` , RES in UOAL o! :11 hi db`: importe Shlnglas, mta and Grey Lune, Plsaterenri Eli; _."?a'm`Pipea, Fire_Briok. Fire` `Clay. ute; of Pnris,3Gements, eto., all of best! qnity. And hold at very rewonable ratgn, r .\....... on maugvmm RI;:..._.-Vnsa:Iy oppnsnte IIIIF 2"._., inovn':4 Exprm,. . . . . . Jr - pt rewona 01:10:: 23 Elizabeth St;-v,-wnsarly < Flute: or .l"|r18.~.i6uwuus, nu... ...`;i wnllincmn Hotel. ` "Oman; '13 rznzau Wellington Hotel.` [!r11e1*rnvinc`ia1gmmnuann Lnanil --nu ...--->_~...`_ __ 1" : ` ~. - Ass6o1Aa_tiVqii. ..au13_soxmi:n'car1rAL': 3 s1.'m.3oo.ou| A ~ Deanne cohtract mm liothlnvestor io.'xii"_"t>bf-V xowgr Asklfor pamphlet. . t District Am:x'1t_ nju . d._oHN,-Roensoiv. :. WESTERN. L`lNSURAN0E. co -- ` +01? 'rQRoN'ro..-- ~ ,\-' _.._-_.. V V ENGLISH ` . BREAKFAST COCOA: . V Posseasas the following _ . 4 _ V , ' _- . Dmlnottvg Mtltzyr Wm "T~`??_'_`fff,,1 95" . nmcaov or FLAVOR. V` 7"!-' `M. M'oNTGoM'Eav, 'SUPERIOR;_'IY m QUALITY.` ` V . AGEN'~I`.'.BAR_RIE. , Grateful and Comforting to the, Nervous or llyspeplsic; , NUTRITIVE QUALITIVE UNRIV.AI.gLE'D'.v ` ` I In Quvartcr-Poxlnd Tins and Packets only. ` Al1ES~F-PPS E C0., _Ltd.. ` I I _. I 12-6m ' Englnn . Hommopnthlc Chen its, Ldmlon`.. A. . h Isvswmn is OAN:Af>TOVERf. AGOULQULM-`ED FUNDS...... T_0 I`AL ASS_UR`ANCE ` INC0h_{E Wpisxuxa Amlnvp. , ..'... Jl.29 a.m.. ui'.k;$as;... 2% pm; mom. p.m._ oor u;;`) . . `. . ._ 9.00 p.m.v "douxxawoon um unroao 1 nm ~ ` . 10,55 mm. 7A Imnnaa \fAxTsnLun%coun:n_a;7 ` pn. v'1`hqse_ who * ' ,1 When \o1hu.vut.l'1echancn. Therelsno use undergoing rardshlim thu days -when`tmvemng_if you kno_w w__hz;; 1:103 travel` `1ex)uiIN1i:rc}oF1-"_x_c1. " n5.~j21`E. ,`.vjA T J ` Made: to rm-M ;....u n'...;.:".. nag.-.1r.... I` %'kssVunAu:_,I:_V_;cni.MPAuv. @ os`tF.-xmahlps i2rtHastest `imd most _ - commodlmra heuveeu Montreal and ` Liverpool. Pricesuslow as-tho lowest Egif {ll infoxfnmtioh Apply to in '4 A thin`! JOHN` FEEERSON ._7 ] T;V(I;A:u c_ on KINGSTON) _ 5 1" R[!B_15A:.i"1{I51D`}1:`0,-_I)(1j`:1LI4. KINDS"6F " ax Awxcmea%A4 3! ! 33F `f'V1`3!.I * _~.aUfRGEON , 7 . J e9a'Dm_:.1!:ma;&,8mlth Orumg v ' awn:-_-Toornorwanvnn v$s*tFamal'1lps la~1tH a_stest `find most comxnodlons Momma} and / _ ~'~1;_nsxoxA zuwu. -- _ "._'..l .l|.29'I.li). . 5.07 pm.-_ .Exp:efu.... 2.44 {22 p.-rn, u. ;j..,.... 4.80 p.m.j 9.85 t..m.% 1s&_...'.-...;9.oo mo |.m. Lmovjoon Am uiuxuu. win: 4`. II;..'........'8.06 p.m.` 7.20n.m ' 1.... 4.-.112 p.9tn.'~ 10.13 a._m'. rxmmxounsm-:ux' nxmzcn. ' .-'...:..`.10.65_a.m. - 5.30 p.n.. ':..~. pfm, ,8.55`a.m. 10.55 ..m.a 5.30 p.m.} 1 3 tan I I - u v - V. . " " `M?-l"..V'l'. . . Bank of ,Tor'onto'Bui1ding, `Owen Street. 55 ? 21/, 'B_.1*1RI145. _0zv 7" I'.`VI 1 07 _,v ~ `r-if ~ . `.'.`~'8o58 mm mxon. -' - H 03 A in. I-29 mm. \ .Jz%'i}{l7%i?iIi1.AnI\a1r,.