`H5w oaKaNs_ waojjg ' -------:-------9- ` Launch of, to Japxmese _W Mshlp. _ " _... ._....... w - w v ---~- _ J. TU WEE3. &`SON,- o:I:Tv'iI\:9eni`s,f'for B`r|&.:f` ONEA. \%G;vEs A 'piUkIng` - > - vi ;We know thnl; spigeq which, cqutgi `ihai; I original natural uii coat m L ma pnund w.i_`l go as far gin twb p51iu;is_aL,i cheap kind ' `_ nnr Whale Pi(:`l(linn' S\nic('-i" _ - Ihrg 11: mi longer imy dob.M' ahpuf 505` corrr'cLnm._o_t our po5ciliIu in lmwdiing nothg` ix_1u'lnI"t pure and unxfdullnmted Spices. > A sum: mav he nuaeufm die oil has been. , ix_1u'lmt pure amt unmuumaren apnoea. A Spze may he p`me`ufm- !i1\ s_hee{\. , ex_traot_.ed, a.nd- ygp be xdgnoatx wgz_gLtvl1lem,ifqbr `pickling, ;We know snices which contai cheapkindb _ Our Whole _PickIing'Spice'coutnins v.u3etre` c3f".S[f." RH wnnr Hm. $1}: mclmta'10c.'~ " rnneues ox upuce. -_ ,),{.'per 1b., lb pwkeg 10. xoultivatlon, WGIIII1` render her lnqepand- . tziluhlesh husbqsnd. While her baby-`lived = there was still sme nearnnd dear. object turnantonce moge to up mmwa suurquu , ofpowet and ability which. with a little arm of "sewing remhlves f and} frlndsnnd for l1_egt9'u_are_1or, but with` the death. . - " M:aCI;A._REN _ ` C`hemlva. d_m1 nruggu: ._ the dead pasb buriedhss dead nomplebaly. , But _-I"am`wjearyi`n_g you and. must. hasten f had been _the scene of:B mw W alidgroatest joy and began life againin 5 `a far away plans.` - A new x,1amefwag_i` chosen; newvwork wan" oommez'mad.aud `Three years ot'lo'_n el_'1'nesz,1 privatinn H phi, toil.v-`pegged away; an theh ` she i found _herseJ' wooed byanothjer man. 1 on, `Shgdid not love this mzimihvtho. tull-'_ax':se`o-f tha.jwoz`_:d, `for she wags 2 -vi9m nn.fwh`o'se' !.0rmer~ vows "oi; affeosloxr _; i er not meaucrroreznarxlaii, but 3116 3 5 jnw -thabihe could be very happy`-{with mm nd could ..make- him. happy in` ng; `,.ttir0z 5 n.(.d&Y.r after .-man`!-. "r9`f|18`.8 * - she re`warde_d-`his ix_n1pnrbunit;y' by promias ~ .il3g:'_Is_o_I!i&l`1'}?"_1Iimv.,' I have oa:.:1eed.m:v~ % .oharaoBm:s npdso I;his`pn_ixitzsnd hnow'1iv'liata' K ` .fIhw:1sn.u6: gen at_is.th_1;2':.lI htixfq p'ortrayed_ * this: saoond stiitor as m L this: second stiitor 1}; pgg L V ahass`hefnaa. 0118,? and :1` L wm to know _:_{4__:ih7VI:l31_!_i:7 be fjexxi V -inartishic` ending for. And k1nd;--{H_ . ,. T wo,:m'n7s.Ipas.; 1 ,deed-,.ha did` potvaugpgqg MT ihho u uxiduelvingf l ="'~ -e`so;;;o.u= s_t_*,e,} xuye `1ri8Y\dq_':""1}O2)$inl18d V -VJa1*-v,i,s,`Javtl_1 an atiem'p'Ii_|31sha!; itljs, ' M me,la'n9ho11a, ~`-`VIa,in; g"<)l;x:`g` `efan 7 'antb}_l;`.ace,!=1il1ai in :2; Argundabpu way; i ' pI'1r:t,bmrE;~_ ' ` ' ` .mosn. gnnocenngway `A153 .i;;w2ii'iriaigL,.;1eap1yt* jmp aqu 360 up. any any uauumua. _j 5;: long as ,li_ere~wm'-1- B&1*8igl't8l from * @119 f_`sen`tfnel" _-the e_x:;;_'u'::x;1'. could steam -.2 ghezui without R-a;r*,\1n1:~tI1e momgnt the _ ` }n 1igof`i11fto wage: sh9;lI'o`i_v'at than the _Lm.1fge.xed updn. the saunas: gave an ` alarm. and`. special reckonings_ were '; taken. Agsomy;r_11_aj: _ si_gn_p1er- "device, _ 1mving'the_ same end in view, hasbeen invented. the idea being (:9 have_i_t used . as a substitutgfor the" hind lead as a _ vessel apgtoachgs aggcqast-`or ahokin darkness 9:? {ogrwnn the captain is f doubtful of-his The appgsrat-1 us cdx3sista.oE'9: metallic cyiindgr hm .- .. ing 8 water-sight chamber. Wf?l1i)1. the chamber works a. piston. xgpon the outer edge of which is 8 heavy ball. When 3 the apparatus is swipgi-ng-elea1' in the ' I water`,-thexweight. of this ball keps , Lopeh an"elecsrbe-ei;~euit; htit. as soon as 1 the soundr"to'i1ches the_bottom.~t}1ei:ir- ! `lcuit `xi closed, and the eurrentz. conveyed ._ lwivires runningmi`theAcu.ble.by which F ' the, sounder is attached `to -the` ship. " rings 3 bell in any dpizrtmont 'of__the I '_ ship. The pst; of _tl1 device-is quite . "rii6dera_t_e. and its inventor claims that . . igs owruti0 'qqd sure. .__,_____`J_____________ '_ ` 1 hUUu.uUn1_Iaa. -.Lu- nun ucun u_uvv,u_yu uuv. _V "cnsto.m for the ladies "to a.tten' t as E`: French opera -i1L1gxze~ni`ng_ jxes_,3;i_th ," uncovered heads-. and,_ thereforepthe . r ; exactions of thejlaw do no`t,d_iseeme1> uthem in" xhe-_le.ast.` "Moreover, the. - ' L6uis'ia.Ii$..w\'omen are , not bald. _i11ir1-` ` 1 , they can afford _to [show their p;-my ` 1.ihe{>.s. . V .- . ;- i Pmvntin Windows troy`: Frosting. ~5 I-' `The time is approa.'chiAng~_whe nj the 3 owners of disp1a.y store'fron.tswi11ha`ve' '_ the - usual cold wea,t_lier'troub1e from. `1:he.fru$ti_n'g ,o_f .thei1: winows, ,'I.`his_: may be; prevented by painting the ggass cent s`pirit._oE wine; .G1'ycerine, like c'h1oride of~_1ime. ,1ia,s the property of ! absorbing wate`r.7'andj this acion over-' - V5-comes the diic _u1_ty. `For _sma._lI show ' 1.'windowssu1phuric__ acid may be an- }pIeyed_,, `as ;is dqne in Russia. This. hipwevr. is'on1y _e"1cacious ;where the windows are double. The Cracks be- [tween _`1:he two window frames and. around. the] edges are T kept` `tightly. ' _s a1eda'.n severalfszmill` vessels. l3 a;lV' ~ with 9. solution of glycerine in 63 per - ii 1 Drnnkards in Turkey. . 2 _; his_mmii1d.sL.u&t}mtL theiTurks. who . `r7_VureL mezibieneteeeasiongy i:`_11 the t inexvspapns. -have ,8. Vsi_ng.\\1la-1'1 manner. :- -:oE re`gulath1g"druukenness._ . If s;: J.`Iirk, - k "ove1'akeu_With:wVine,A falls down;in; the-I gstreeirs and isfa.r'rested'.`.by Vt_he' guarglfgvhe ' L-issntnqed to.the_ba_.shina`.do; th_i$.p1m_- ; 1 `ishinenhisrepeatd as ?faras.'thefthird' : LQE,Ii&. titr which 116 ,isv`regagrded;}aS ' . mgib `L . . I dmnk&.mi`; 1;0 r,`lpriSzilegad,. M d1`u;11;:a,rd. , ,Iv_he isien *arrestd.;hef ~ hgsi L H `to `nagiizsi. himself `mentiox,1hi'sl9dsin _ 1 haLisja.{`.1;u1fi %1'1l` "`1i:i1j1j1I`m.p - . T xleaseci anclisen b;s1ee;)'ti'po;f.x; the hog. Thus tlesziongs . ~3i1ti Lsuxzlmse. that k` _. o , ;> tIIIElIWVT|7I1`C 'i3 .`x Iet_:Ai1;.t11e SW03 11 twenjhe plates` of g_1a_.ss:_ But; the sim lest arid beak ` -mire '<>fa11"foi: .fros%ii1g-win&9ws isitd Mh9.vLe'a. small: electric fa .n;I playing near: it-cont.'inuous1y.. __T1_1e air is t1`1ur_s,I:ept \ ..inmotion, and there is noIcha.fnce for `b the frost to settle on bhe"glg.s:3.. - i _Courage from liearts and not f1-`om nnm-. ! oars grows;--Dryden. ,` ` Yo Qu `Hm Avmmu nu!` nut thettnr Of~01l!' ` grows.--uryuen.. . It. is the excess and not the n3t_l1|`8 05 `W1 p&'8i0l1!_5 which in pemshable.-b-Bulwer. . ` A ennui` nt;rH?nIf~ nla-I-f.inl`I.. '8: 0113 P3310113} Wlllcll IN pl`I`S9.'sJlt:.-'uuuu:L. Asoul' Witligllb rev._e,ction,.Ilike pile " ', withouti iixlizibimntgs, to` `ruin runs.-'-- 4 Yonyag. ,, . ` ` _ ` ' C Yn mm tn Ah-inn nr.lm-oz hm: do not like: `X-momg. . A \ We like to iyine others, but do Eox be dfvmedi ourse1ves.-`Rochgfo1_1- lcaul `- . ` ' ` ' .......- .:.. um \.....r Mold Ilin 1 cau1q.`- - . G603 -liumor "is tlx best.` shield agains ,l the darsfot suLi_ri.-:.xl .mi1lery.--C, Sim- mops. _ _ ' ` . _ A judigiods;-sileuch is aisxuiys` better ` tban'l:'rut.h _spoi{g v'vit.h'out`. churitv.-~D3j mu-.55. . _;,x ` \\ ` _ . _..~....w;.: . - What a man t.'hiu1{s\ot himse1f._ tha`i\a what determines, on ngcht gpdicaces hi__s ` mLe,-Thoreau. . `, x.-\. _.:....:..u.. :... .;.......mmn us: there is` lmLe,-'rnomau._ - N`o, principle is more noble, as there `none moae holy. than _ th'; _of A true obedienca.-H.`(jiles. ` um- .............. "G n mncfar in `HR EIICOESS 'i;') J". .c Jo?` `it-I V C.'A. A. .. `..-I`, -l` 9, Q, " . t`.1sux(,.'. % A gm .-(`.4 364- obemenca.-n. ques. \ The measure ut a master is hisucoess in priagiug ail 'meu round to his bpinion twenty years later`--Emerspn. . rm... ...:.;.u :.;...n ....\u. mm other things. . 1nr.ei\_--nmerspu. _ ! The miu(l.itfselfx1it\sl, like other thinigg, `- sometimes be uubent; 91- else it wil'ibe,l either weukehed or broken.-Sir P. Sidney. V '_ l Prudence isthe necessary ingredient in I .al1th.e virtues, without which they deg'en~. e'rate' into` [oily and excess.-Jexte1iiy .\-Collier. - - - - _ rnL,...- -.......u ....o. 1.. .nm uhnnlllfn necesi I -90. Bronte. > 1 - T._Ehe seas of `pride is in tlie Heart," and ou1yt.J,1e.i-,' `and if in be not. there, in is `neicher in the look norinthe clothes.- Lord Clarendon. ' (Lu: ....'.'_s..,.l L. v\no\rv'\l\fl; `hv hnmilitv. I " Uouxer. ` There fyvould not be any absolute neces- I sity for reservg if the world were honest; - yet; even then it would prove expedient..- Sbenstoue ' ' 1'7-- .,.L .. iuuu UL m I Lavater. ' A -vs:-van: uenscoue.- He whb, si1e"ub, love: to be with us, and i ,,who loves `us in gulf silence, has t_.qu(;l1_g1W& ....,. .4 +1.. ha. -trig-ravtsh hem-13:- Lavateru V. . . _ V . A memory without; blob .or contamina- nmbinngxglgsgjge an exquisite ti-ensure, an inexhaustible source or pure refreshment. --C.BronI:e. - - ` rm- -_... ,.t `....:a. ;. an 1>.Wn Mart." and Lora Ulgrenuon. Self-control is protixoted `_by humility, Pride is 3 trizisul sou'x'ce_ot.uuensix_1ess. 'I_n`-kepa the mind. in disquiet. Humiiigy 4 "is thekucidote to this e'\'i1.-f-Mrs. Sigmu- uey. - N ' Fun:-11 IV|!.In? ]'\!LK-hi9 n}.min- ha`G10R. - ) xuuu-1uu.., -" cuxylxxoxx _ Felxlnuu; ..n > -2`. \ ibis `looser and, lighter to one than no 'ixuor.her: and he is more at ease who takes_ in up and-carries it; than he whq drags in - -+Seuecz_L ' '- ' Th!) most: insignicant people areth. most} up: to sheer at others. Timy are [ ante from reprisztls. and have no ho'p_e of ifisiug in their own gsteem: but by `lower-' - `Lug t.1x e.r x,1eiglibi)xs..--I:I:izli1s'i`.._,__` 2' 4 ,- ' .-To know nhepains of power, we must ~ gem those. who have it; .120 know its i ' pleasuifes we must go to thos whoare I I _.~`eekin_zit.. ' The paint: of power -'9.re'real;.` V us plogzssuresimagcixmry.-#Cu1ou. ' i" > V . ` Ev,ery_mBn11ms-his chain andclog. on-iyy 7 i beu)_re. I_ mike: `yqur word for it, butJI _ and i; as 11;): own; and may I`-170; lwxethe .I -.~.:uue just. thoughts arm them, `as fothers may have :ifterxm.?- -,1-,5ru5_'ere.L _ ' -- : rm... m~ms-n`.~:. ra iil "life {We 11803151) i may have utter xnu--_1;>rug_cxu.- , -'l`1z_e gveuzsa gesults vii) "life we nsualfly \' ;1:p:ci'1xed by simple mea1xsemd,t1xe eke:-cise .'1uEfurdiugsry qrmlisies. 1'h'es:e nm_v_, for-.t.he { nnosrxparn, bgsumxxned up inmeb-e bwu-+_~ x x--muninn `ynse - and ' perseverance.-2 3;? xmf. sfat. -'h'\' . foo B`pX;haLx1x. V V . Smite-is-u fbr_v of g1i;,s,, \\"hereiV L;"17I`)e1:1o1d.e eta: geI`1g:m_1l3_zr.(/liscoxrer ' everybm1y';s* face` but.__l;eirb`\vn;-wzliich is the`c_hio_3re_ason: -;fon:,tha recepLio|;_,`is- mens,.' in the wor_1d~.- - ].ja.u'd; t.liah- so \`er,y'.'few.a1'e offended with in." `-`-S3vif|:. f ~ \ ` 1`: m .. `.;..+ ..m..' ' rlmni Q1-inn" tlxeuzrat- ""`53"L15`5-"t. .. -` .1 .. . \ V, I'ir.l1oi1~,a.rt-rich; f_t:lz_e_n" s1jo\&'.' t_hg;,tg1-`mt:-g. igxeasguf 'I':1_1_.y7{prn,L11i?EIt)v:\im;.. is Vlbeutm, the I rezttguessof`,ci;,)'.sou1,.iu;t.l1.xneekuess;of: _ t l35*;_.<:uri"\:e1 `,0l:;'j'<':o1i<:I`s'ct*,iiL(Ll._,<); .Lnie u.o , " .isn_r'a:setl_; and-s Be, em.`-` r one at her aunt-noners," _ V _ 1. l1`nos'>vlo1ati ng any condence,`I `said, `fperhzips man will not ; baaversa to` giving ma a few proof-sheata," orally,` V "1fIo, said ha,.*._*u1mmg what 1jmd-su- -- --tendad tmdo. Au nearly as -I (:_an remelnl I ; "nimble wonderfu} mm cent.ury`nosa1.11__`_. ; ' her this is she way she` put Wm me: - -' U u tr nhnoa m-nr. vnInn_' aha mid. `noon I `MULTUM ` 9`Avo_. 0e>su1uun:u uy gm u...m....... _ nse pervsc'veruuce.V-,- 150150 '55 I m-"'"'"k \ "5i of the Loui$`.inna. Le;>:isls;tur.e and ap" , .30 jqdg.,`g,,\h-1y. once upon 3 mm 51191-3 ; sion is charged.went. into eectiilast. ` but a constant orlnging strife, for enough they quietly and unre:sisting1y~1-emove "been lonely and `longing for some one disposition; `The anthhet law permits her this is one we put: 16 I-U 1uu;- - _ ---...--.._~ 3 . . ,`I.p1noe great value. she said, `open *~Law-.-Lg-I:nsc~11_i-;1x gmzi, _ your knowledge of. human nature, one ` The 1, p,iS5g41_8_t $5,, recent session ,` out ending (or my, story 5' want your ` `Wed 1) G F t . .0} -by 1~ suggestions and advice. Follow one oiose- gearinh 3;.` 28. 13 9: r;`'l~:1&n}tu:: ` 13-: that you may lose no detail of .wh.a`:' "` - ea 9 ` . p I have _ah.e,,dy wmm and `may be able 2 places o f am_nsemen't where inn 'admis_-M 1 -~--4 - was a girl--ot course. There conlrhive E }veeK. oTt"E"tatedA that cixeiwoznen of` ` been no novel. without her. She was not; :'Loui3igu"13 have bowed m.acefq11y'm he vets: 117$-$3178!!! endthere wee noiblns i th d ` :1 c .1 ' b.t *n ~11 Per zirlhwd W W W he in mi yiiieis Jfneieii 2?cf 1374355 faintest ,trece of premnese. ` She was] H r . m n ti _.t. \ .Wh _ th brought up in poverty; not the object: * e 5' 3 *`` ` 5`- 9 57 poverty of the tenement. and we smeggy enter places of publicemusemen now to eatend to wear, that is oalled re- .t-heirhats and receive checks for`them.- -1113033519 PV81't)' MW Whhh 13 ..V81'_~ I The ladies are content and the men are I delighted. _.The simple fact is. says ` nearly an hard to endure es` t'.he"in`o"rei'n-; \f'v1"`3'd' " ' L" - the"`Pica'Yune. :"thnt the Louisiana "- `Sh . 19 h F1 or e?1""e oT` - . A . 1 71: `:22: vr:.s`;';n:1:8aoz Ad ah women are remarkable for their .bea.uty 1 mustered it oesi_ly.'- _.All her me.ahe_.mu1 510? face and fr their Sweet au b1ieinn" to-oonxlein end cling to and_ she ao- [them to displnyxhlieir handsome bends 8D"d"`h1m 15II1!181Y 58 531' 1130- uncovered, as well as to- exhibit. their ` ho a m to-do'uot`wishtodo L i . -- 4;`:...::":ni:*.....:~L 3.. ..... nn'E . Ehor-i-"%:i.`}_l.ea:?.'LEE'1if:}3.eB.8.K:Z$Ehe e A nerson. ness. . V lik thinigg, Do yez hear the blackguard? _01_x,- ` it Wm if Icnn laymvhanth foamed l_E'z1t~. -as he continued his war dance. . -7`_"A}1. you m11stn?'t..\ mind that. Put. , said his sxveethemjt. You re It d*onke_v. surely; to be minding the talk of that .cmz_v `bird upstairs Why, i\`. s only . -. 91:3 of they9.ung men, ,[P1'E_*S which .`(`, ,'1({ , ;`;l,`.`,t",,'.I`;f,`;; they broughy. home with the"r i{*-{Rig ~ expedient..-- 'over the>seo..` It's an ill-manner bi;-_d, . and _ do s\_ves.r*dreadf\11ly. Mistress wbh t have it in the - house. so the boys i1en9e...ha9!1h1T, hang upthejcagg 9i1t..0f t1;9,Wi.n1`Y_f,% seary ingredienigin -. degen-. l F`, vhh lnzm-ta:- n,-4 '7~--' W - nu-1Innrn*l1hl: an-9 the voice any, `fnuuo. ram" - V ` Is that Valli/you` cah say. .`1Iui3o Pat!l4Vhr6_ the divii are you.'mx_\_'- ` h9w?m'sv'erPat. ; . , 5 . Pat you i4e, 3. fqolf said the vpieel ' Began-a. y_o\"1 x-e a liar; whoever yt- be. shouted ~Pa. as he looked, blindly Around for*hi8'insn1ter. A _ ' ~ ` ' ..n_; _._._ u'.-| :1 ..,...:.~.` "nn.m-R rlm ' mica. ` "I`.m no fool. whprwet ye arr;-," c.a':1e4_i' out Pat; \\'ild.with M1391`-. "'13" i` ."Z~' , . . . , 7 :1. wxll show yersblfl 11 p1`o\'e-1Hlr`.`Wzj,. NE`.-mliuh Dun" nnh\I= Hm ranl\'.'. wm snow yerselu :1 guuww N -`:"`f,. "F oolish Pat." earn the P6915 -'4l`~"`'` pxmigd by a hbrse ctguckle. 3 i * " .1.s D .r f\~inI'I'R MR3} Yh0U"_"H. ~p`a}mid by horse cxmcxxe. 7 .,P4t.wasfui~io:'x's,.:1m1 thong`. f.<._tf his _ riva.l,._McCarthy.` im'n1edim1y camel i_n his mimi. r`. .~noI,__L_ __.....n 1r,.r.....I... mv .;'.mw ' 1115 ruuxu. ` "-Sho\'v yers elf, Mc('artl1y. 1)ni' .s'.xow _\'c'x'seIf. ,.\IrCa.rthy. an I il puuch_ 111 the face of yez. I will} I \\'i513 119' `shouted as he (Tnbe,d- up\Aii1i :l down. -VD... vvI\II Km-JV -Du! vnn fan}! h."-110.. shouted ne (mne,(1'\1p`Aauu up u.'_ "Pat. you,ool! Put. you fool! l1o,'lxo.' . ho! lmha! shouted Pa1_L~ s tormem_e2'. _ `By this time Pafs coat` and \v;\lst- oat lay oxi'the_grou11 autl he l1:ul_lxis ` le_eves rolled up tofhis elbows and \vxi.,s' teai'ing.1x'ouud like :1 hen. on u 110: ' griddle. Tlxerfs nd telling xxvllapwould ' have happenml, as it ivas nearly the time~forthe;police1nuu om thy`-bezrtqr -- pgass that xvuy`. when tllebusex1in_: t!ogn' opened and Pnt s s\\'eotl1art` came out. On seeing Pat slie `uttered 21 zlitxle scream and, exclaimed;-` Are- you c1'az_v,Pat? rAx'1 wha_L has~cnme into , you the night? Put your cloclxes on, . \ vvlnll " mm." + M * ' "'W_i_'g1.. spalpen. Put!` Foolish Pat! Ho ho! balm! Go home, P:;t."said `the xnystexfious voice" out of _t_he dark: uric-B F6090! llllll guluo. L `In; uun nunu w uv ; himan injustice. He `was no? Eliot: ;- ' '.~ oughly bad man: moreover, "I do non deg. ....il'B to exonse Ibo: or detract: one iota : - tromthe magnitude of her crime. He .. : did not deceive her; He told her the day beioreizhey were uo:ba_ married that he : had 1 wife living... Andjshe--well, per- I , hspiahe ought not to have done` its and " . of` couxae Ineisiier an absolutely good ` -` woman nor a` thoroughly vunprincipied, If selsh woman would have done ii. _Buis : she was only an evex'ydey,.~ erring mortal ' and-`-ehe meritied him `anyway. . Do.not ~-atarrso.~_She is only an imaginary` hero; - 1ne._ Flesh-;\nd-blooci creations. are `not i is . 'gniihy_of such gets oi indieomon. ~ .. --`At the and. of A year @119. varyizhin 'Lr1'o0n_1 upsta1rs. _ _. .`You`re a. grm`. gaivgkr. Put. to` be`) minding the `likes of apoor, Simpler ` xnindd bird `like thatw \. ' ` T),.a. l.,.-...;..... DI`.-(min annnnc(" nn..n minded birO.'1LK6 mat. " ; Pm; became s1`o'w1y appeasdj. and.-as he putvon his coat. he said; _`{I don t miml-what ,9. burid says. Molly. but begox-m.Ith`\'1ght 1}: was that shgak McCarthy hing furninstthgr stoop. 1 I -NeVw Xvorlc-Tribune. . Iucaizdapcegnt, slgn Lamp Atmqhment. A ha.x_xdy w_e,y ofimaking an orrnary . e` ,in_candeVsc~mt._e1&mD .SeI`V.6 .as..9 shovq a sign` is being` tuhjd -to. Account by many > storekeepers. A `nicklef wire % springmlamp, w'hichVgripsf the bulb on _' either side. `carries -'9. transparent disk. I` upon which any require:1_ "1EEe1:To1t;in;- seription: can be painted." When. the 1 lamp isinplace-and burningxthe disk is ill1;_n1ined andtihe inseriptio_n'4 is 1, _tine1:1y seen.` ` Another form of the same. '(1eviee,'is' a. semi-epaque, natural glass disk upop u. frosted baekgrouncii As " the signs amentirely seperate from tlieli lamps thY_never1jeguire .remova.~1. and" L _ L " V` T` vthe&'ev`i'ces eanbe ' chahged etery. day. This is_ found an excellent meditugx fer c_;_\1j:Vsid.ox',_shox\:-i ', v6:indew."signs.v The; F`ice`~1 .mp. is ,an6the1fdet;9;a.tive bulb, which "gives, 3. 4 bea.h_hifu1and'arcistic eifect. -,The;-e1VL- 5 tire suraee'of_ -the.Lbu1b is broke1Lb__s-L: . Whundaeds of drystaIs- that ash l_i;ia.c I; . `frdm`aAtliou'sa.nd facets v;'}_1n illuqnn-` ` ` a"ted.jIt looks` exaugiy liken` mas of x - snowan:19ce.._{ * u -2 ound toHn81nsu1te1'. "Pat. you 601. ugzaizi `mt-em`.,xlxe unas 1c&l,iu_Bis \\ ark. I . Stephen Fiske px-eu~en.s a most inter- esting .pc~n picture qof Dickens. his . family and of "`t:"ad.'s Hill." where `he wash frequent and` welcome guest. in - the Septembex Ladies Home Journal. Of Digkens method of work QM:-. Eiske says: `.`During my visits Dickens was I not azwork upon &"B0 Vt 1lx-lJll[ he shun himself in FeClJI('l"'vc.'.:1:ut frbm 11` 1 n `rial: l\'by_`c"list Wu Slytu-mutiu and ue';nd. ` ~-a.nmto'3 p.m. {xlnxost every duyf `this was another `pair. - of" his n1'eth`odical system.` If he felt in the -...uo.1 he `Wonk. write an `Uncommercial . Trave ~_` zyrciclep if not.lu;9u_ld -a`ns}ver. letiers. read -`All the Year, Round` proofs. jot down ideas. fill up` ` the -tim with .~.0lIl6 sort of lit{erar_\' . labor. 5 This. 56 i'6ll TrT(I was his elf- discipline. "Fife. one r<'x5'1n in the chalet? was sparsely, fumislxed. and had win-l dows.ou all sides_ commanding qu ct, pleasuxitviexvs of elds and plzu1t:_\;l tionsg, HeseL`domt:1lked,~9f his books, _hnL_mn:.r.nin;uhu;_hs_1ho\ved me. the. n lJo.u1id_ninnuscrippof one of Lhem.'and' told me his nretlmd or planning` 9. .~sory. Having selected :1 subject he `\_\'oul write name of the hero unil 81.11.'ro\unl it; witlyquex-ies: Slxnl[",he'l- be , riclx? Pnrents or, _guurdi:1ns? _De- 2. fruuded of his proper!-y`? Anyearly LL love? and so on. with. the. 0tl1s;xr`cha.1~a.:- d pets` as they occunrexl "t9 him. He al-` ways use(1 blue ink. and so-did-Yates. "and Hallidnyand the. other writegs 1; "of what was then `the ` Dickgnshchool, (1 They all called him 'Ch1ef.`- amine. liked-the title." A _ ` I 4 3" Ket:pixgg'aPrl-nca's Jipnnxnry Greeh. _ -In .the private apartments of the Queen at Windsor castle there 'are many touching evidences of the man- Tner.ir'u.vlm:hAth' ' &n_'1e:no"x-;L.o['1he (2 ~' "C6n`sif>rL is reviv'_eTby Her Majesty. .[`l1e doo r_bf the Queen s boudoir ism- scribd: This. chainber was altered ` and decorated unrlr `the superintend- ' UIXCU UK I_L|'.lIIi.lJ.`. U-U L-lll.l\)U"'V2'\1L1D'_\lLV"'lIu| the twenty-fourth year of-,h,e reign 0 ` 3 Queen. Victoria. Everything in the V chamber remains` as it was*-a.rranged' " by the Prince thirtay-six years eigofiind fa conspicuous object under a. glass _ `shadeis the bouquet he presented to` ' Her Majesty `on her wedding morning, February 10. 1840. In the,vee:ibule of the-lpng corridor leading to the Qu `. ' ,privalte apnrtlnentis there is 8. begiunij ` in} life`-si`ge marble grdup of Her~Me' t3\;1x1r1t1xe'Prince C01lSOI`E,Whi(:1l. was ` -exehuted by William Theed l'1or'tly ~ gter-*ghe l?'rince?s:~ December; 1831. Tye Prince is` a.-rreyed as a , .knig11t.A\{1`he. Queen has her` :u~ms.. 1- around 1xi u_1eck. and. is gazing` loving- _Iy up into"hi face`, `while he. with his .. ' right-arm extended. points on 11igh. T Underneath : is`\ti3e appropriate line , *_ from 'Goldsmit1i:\ A .``He allures` to` V " brig]1te1_"svor1ds, and leads the way." " ,-'Il,1gVg<`>gp is coveite1`ivit11' T'a'he,.:u'1d.` " st:ands-before zs_'brighc\jek1 h_nckgL'(i11xid. which addev_erv- consigerablyy to` its i: "striking effect. [ .\_ 3 j ' ,................,...,-..--_ _., `Anew battleiship or c1e\\z_xvy_o , i `Japa.n'was rece11th< @!fi}1_8,,d fi\0I/I} the . L wharves.of_ the T}1ames'~_ Iron `Works Compaxxy. in London. - It 1jec'eive_t:1e ' name':`F\1j;whic11Tnz%ns P'eerle*. . , -,'l`hsi:iiple' bu; 'impr`e~s'sive.rit_es coig:-. V 2 Mr L ` .a1'ected;with its namig vconsjstedv in` ' . .e'ch` the'se'cha,rmi_ng obsei:vances: Strings.i;\ j y e'ai.;tat`,m_th*e - threa.de and. w1me.-the Japanese` ;\, 1`aestSh,eT.sh3`pS_. ; - 7 co1o13s--`by -which 1-.I;eL mighty `monster . _ > - H _ :dfjt:he sep. was titifto 9. agsbn, were L. itlmcls - ;c'ut.Wit.h1-a silver knif by the 3\iarquisai1._ _ 7 . L. wiffqf thexnhassador ofJap1u_1 E . 1:tfL .a.i3_.i ` `Britain. .bef91';3; . I 1 `galley at such gone 01'. mmsureuun. ,tac_b. He returned no his-Jirst love. 11: did. V non kiilher. She schooled herself ti) iu_ok- --`At the aiyeaxi-"he. vary lzhin \ which he had aiwayeassurecl her would be an lm'possibiiitsy~ became an `dnshred. `uponher pnnishm/egh, as the inevitable result of her transgression and, reniizing 5` -`that her love dream was -ended, "she turnelfonce to the innahe sourqeu ..r........... mm nun:-.v which. wlh` 3