Iyon,u"rut'9Qbmum.ori!* i.T-7yoi_&uo`yrut om. all 5, ; ud`m-thohow are on w ) you 1; 15. Nevb: \ iIIsoId?forIwIthin20o.. ' -4un1yohini1I`9e!_T3*5: *9 `-`--|--- -3 nhwnn far A 1-`[0 a.CK1)O\V1G4l;{e H15 1uL';:1uu1uw mum tfhe compelled to do so. If either . mothr or child was to try to forcehun n`cknow1e dgn1eut the case wduld be thrown out oflcourt. A'_. ,.LL.. .. _..L.r..-V AC LILY.-an hnv-n nut nf . Loitd `Slmftesbury, who` p1`ac`ticit11y ` : i11te1'ested }ims>1f`ior more than sixty a I years in improving thehomes of the ' I msfsses.~said time and again th'_at inany I {of the people who were in a lthy and ' I deplomble condition had been made so by their sunouindings, mid that where 9*hur,\i1~ Iinrnnu-`hxn'r>-~`Hnnh--`rrnh1`n\Y{ , . Irv ; In the Crim'esg is the most productive [ walnut tree in the world. It grows; in " the Haitian` Valley, near Baliclawu, i m1d_has_ an annual yield of fro111 8U,0Ui_) I to.100,000 w:L1nuts.v It is 1'p11te(1to be : overuzitho11sm1'd7yeurs o1d<.`- and is the ` property of ve Tzu'tn1' families, who ' s1izi_1'eitsp1'oduceequally. The biggest wa1n11t'(')rchtu'd in Engizmd is_~iu ti large village on the o11tskii'_ts of Bed- ford. ' It xvzis planted with 365 trees zwuuu auvcxlbj _yCu.La u-5U, uu _pumu_,4 acres of land 01'igT1iZTy 1'1s'CT"f5r grow- \ ing hops. `The amount of the f1`l1.1% '()l1" * the t1"ees\'zu`ies great1y,but "in favor- ` able seasons certain trees 1lil.\`E} fyielded-_. _ `20,0001i_uts, worth, at xvlxdlesalo price. ,Q0 ceutsper1,000. An average wal- imt."f1'ee in full bearing yields a. crop of 800. pounds of nuts. On n;i1zwe1`agc zu1acre_ contains twenty-seven ` trees`, .- problucing 21 crop mltlgd iJ.tjS675 pm` me. V - ` ' '\ tibn of jhei poorer elements amongst , 1 ` Uy UIIUIL 3U.lL\J\.l.l.l\aKl.L|E, VLIVL ULUl|-' VUDIVXC` . their homes'hzrcf~b6n*1mpmve<. i try w had been rescued from such CODCUHQHST A.` Human nature is imita,tive;1the force, .2 "oE'g66d {fr?1)T'is catching.` Lack of v oppb_rtunity to lead a. more civilized existence. not the inclinaon to remain ` as they are, .la.r_ge1y' explis the situa- \citydwe11e_rs-.* Sir Sidney" Waterlow ' ,~'citesthe_punctuu1ity with which the - rents `are paid to his corporation as ` evi' that people having ~ good `rooms are anxious to'~keep them. [He j Vhelieves that there is_ a grwingdesii-e. fqy, co;n_fox'table .. homes.-V-The Cantm`-y ,`_fo1"Septembe1'.~ ' " ' ' ' ` _ A.sing19_bits-ery w_or an" E Ventir family. fora whgiie _'_ One`! \sur1y'~glance castsjm;-g1oom`v overthe , ` \}1ou"aeho1d.`while 83 smile. like 8 `gleam ' of supqhixxe; may 'lighh-g the tiarkesh mncl wr;gxriet`hours.L Lilia unexpected oW_efs_ which ;spring ._up';.; ilqngyux ; _path.: fu11,of _fi`eshness.imgrs.nce and . beaiity 'so do:kind' wdrdg and-*`genAtle ~aot_s and swet dispositions -`make `glad "I`3`.?"'1\`i.`y\`& ii1iA-'5"E53 ".133 ` E'_sct of Gupd Hoslng Up_on_,t;he Poor. .. . ~. .. u 1 ..- n | `Nova nun uwuwu uwpuawwun -`mug gguu `_ih3"1ib`xh Riihi " p1i"cf."g7nd .`bITs fi V dwell. f-:Re"Vj.' ' Staue.r.-T ` * \ V ~Mrs."Muchmony (toCh611y"Sat69`n. M' whqia` posing as a. millionaire at sum-\ K; Txefif Tsdrt). fMr. ' S_M{ei$.}j YE: kindly hays this - bill phanged fat tho p o16e.tjorm?' % s - ~ ' L '. 5 ftnu` Qnivnnn Ilnnmnln ` `"Al')_s_e1\u1eu'.o'l'1\IYIid. I ,VeWW. 9` W-` - ,,(1hqll ` $&teen.(f6rot$.`hiidlf); Gist`? H "ttinly:. `*xu . Kim V %JohnGa.1braith%] -*--.-v'*rr`` : Kind`WnrdI. Two cs11l'6rialnno"pmv`c in `tick. Bhl and 31 13- A. Vflrhjxllips. an emplpje of then Southem"Paciii<"._L now'living in` rn.-I_.__ _.._s t:..\.:'`...... ......... H"... mm rm I DUUIHUIH` l,'llUl_|_.u1__ UU.. uvn urns. -- ~, _'l`I.1.lere..wentshi_ng sometimeagononr ~- the Bell River. in Mendocino county. For up in the hills. where the trout prevail, the strealnr ooursen along a comparatively level strip of country for "the distance of something like half a. mile. With 2. friend he drove` to thin spot. having previously arranged` Bait hndiiines and hooks. Mr. Phillips had thoughtfully cdllected on oyster on full of,ra'esh_opp`ers.to be used as bait incaee the trout declined to accept the ` y. He cast in his y-hook. but the _ w_il_y gameeters did not up 'eu:,,t_0.be 1 hungry; To wiilfffs he drove ' the horse into the stream. the water i being about knee deep} -and cast in his 1 line with a. liye hopper on the hook. ,No . sooner had the hook struck the water than n trout seized it and was quickly landed in thebuggy, ` The sport continnedp driving up the stream. landing the trout in the A bugfyli the stock of hoppers was exhausted. ' When they ceased shing they found they had 150 `trout in the 3 ,huggy.vnrying in length` from six to H ten inches. - ` ` mL:- ..1r_ 'm.:H:-,.. ....`uL ....... .1`. L; ECU lllUHC5- _ , This, '3 r. Phillips says, was the best sport he or enjoyed. amI"as `the sh- ( ingesenson` is at hand again he is going totakezy.1ay-offia-ud hunt that samel trout spoc.-_Sa.n E`rancis`co Cell. I L 1 sake_ of, their. public interest. I . `land in thetgeneral vicinity ofthe John i < Show, in "September Review ' of Req Kate Field and the John Brown Farm. It was through the efforts. of the late Kate Field tlm the John Brown home- stead and farm were preserved for the The place had been sold to some one dis-' fantly c`onne'cte with the family for $00 in about the year18ti3. and in 1670 i Kate Field found that it was about to be sold again. `The public had seemed} quite to forget the tomb of Jblm Bi'ow'ii- \ and it had fallen into neglect. .\liss Field secured a number of subscriptions of $100 each. and purchased the-prop- erty. _ Her death and that of other members of this association which had . l)0_u1:,ht the place, made it seem wise to (1eVlSGh/01116111611115 for" its perinaneut protection. It happens that the State of New York has withi_n a. few years 3 acquired vast tracts in the Adiron- dacks with a View to preserving the forest and protecting the origins of im-. portant. water-c0u1'ses. Much of -the `Brown farm has become state prop- 0l`ty."1A1(l.il2Vl18.S been necessary topm- vide the requisite ad1ninistra.tiveAorgnn- * izatiory for the oversight of the1state s Adirondack domain. It was suggested; therefore, that it would be easy for the-, State of New York to care for the John` Brown farm `in connection with the great Adirondack reservation, and the : ,,Legish;,titre last: winter r passed,,an,A9t, ` enabling theexecutive department 95: the state Government to accept the farm and liomestead from the John} Brown Association. It was the formal transfer from the Vassooiat-ioii""f.T flie" state that was the occasion of the celebration of . July 21.~_-F1-om John \ Brown in the Adirondac-ks, by Albert ulnum , l I I l 1 I l > UIXIIJLUJUL LlS\/LA `(V `V IIVUA. ILAULIJ UAAQGLI :~lhimmm* l.."whi1e the; .``boss, '.p1ocuri1_xg himself a; ' bicycle suit, 'monopo1ized the wheel L a,11d\\'o1jev thevtiresl. aJoh1_ 111y regis- " terud :1, kick--a;n_d lost his job.'~-;\'ew , Orleans Times-Deinocmt. ' i I _..'. ._.____.._`___.__..__.____. ' 1Inav`Jghnxiy Lbst Hlgob. V J ohriny McGraw was general utility boy a.bout;_the o`ice.'dra.\ving`a, stipend of $38. week. He managecl; by frugal vl 1mbits.'to buy ` {L wheel on time. and 11ad_it*pu1(tl_y paid for. His employer ' wasiconsiderate of Jbhnny, and more ' so of tlTu_ littr s 11Q\V'l5';xcL1t1ii'ed ap- purtena.nce_ of 'pleasure.. He culd easily have spa.1te(l(loub1e the` price `o the bicycle. though he reasoned whim- self otherwise.` Illfzwecl the oiceiloy _Q11.tl1lS account; for the pa-rsirnonious nvnI\]n1vn\- nczu] fniurlmanl nxnvn H/uhvfl `;1vB.{}f1-}'iT'1'R}&"{fi2YStiiE}B'y ` ' , , 7 _ ,, i ' L - o ` ` & `employer used towvheel more than }A V ; . > . % I .Tn5mn-v~v--w ""`""-" s V 7T0 Refresh the Eye_.. . } If the'eyes`become tired and painful ` beczmse ofthe bright sunshinebon the { sami a11d\vat,e1(try this method s'ug- > gested by a hysicizui, of assisting and ' refreshing hem. _Tak_e it cup full of `water and';uTd su1c_ient--saIt to be S your eyes `to the water so that your 1ashes`to`uch it, then wink once'., and the gyes w_i1l_.be suused; do not Wipe them. This so refreshes the eyes that they` feel like *9. new pair, and they 'vil1 be sg s t1`d1gthene'd that thereiwill 1\,.1:m,.,1r,.1...,.. (VF +L.,.m +..;...1;1....m.. faintly percptiblet-o thetaste. Ho1d- - mo TO . :~_uv'.;__z-_.` I\...-- In TICK Vlll UU DR Dllllg UllU.UU\l I/1131145. vuqxv .vv1u be little da.ng_er __ of those troublesome: . 3 rink1es' forming abut the eyes (whi1e`A ' `at t-heshpre), beca.useLthie_y%a.1`e jqired or o\_Ierstra.ine.d,h . f~ ` ' `Australia. The inte1'na1;TwidI:h of this Th'a"q,r1;l s Lgfgest Q1-gun... ` I The largest [o.rg9Tff1-the world is that in the, TownAHa11' in Sydney, instrume ntis'_ 80 feet, `fJith_ 9.` depth of 20 feet. `It conts.iTI 1s`T .126 stops. dis- tribute_c1 `bet-ween ve maniials. took three _vea1's,to build; and cost` $75,000. . At theopening of this organ 8. Adinxierw "was given in 7the_s';ve11-box, {at [ which I ten pers6ns.. chiey big-wigs of ithh '1 music world,- we1'e`p1`eent;_' V. . M . . Better Thmi a lngotgjvaok, . = "Doom: said he, Em Va, vitim of`; Vinsomniiu. \ I ca.n t '_slep'p 'i_.f,-the1'e. .:s _ the` "last; n'ois,,st1ch is arcatv 211_"theA.`b&6_l/_ ` I`. :." \ ,'fence.Mfo2`insta4n Q. , ` V V I mkin unxufar H11 1nh~ nani-_{vA`.'\~A. lance. I91 xnsmllqq. V` `. ' ` ` This powk1r~wi11ba'_efiective -'xe~ " p _iec1.1;eiphysician.ja,fer cOmp`ou nding." ba:pr_esription.`.K , " i _ pg 1 ` ~ "When 101 t'ak`eit. doc1;b1j?"_ ` _,Youc1on .t take T-it. . Your giveit to -Ends" _ ~Vthe-cab-~iu-:-a-~1itt16miIks93-Odds:and- : Fiixnumydwht - - ~ , T .. mn3x-7Suys- ma, d0n .~ib [majgq %;`:;`;*h*#4k% when you me: Emma? is nevus. , 'I'here'a1:e lots of gqods to be had from us during; the next ,few'wc::ksHaVt__1Tss_thaqhi-egular prxces, .1333 than \their~u1arket. valrie-,v prices that cause pe< ple `to siop, to think to Vxvohdjr, to con_e'rude`l that afte1`aH-tifnes are not so had as one may suppose when such ` elegant` values are_t0 be had for so little ready cash. A `some Pebple Say % % ` #We~% a,r'e[ Loslng ,MoIney I Mewsclothing 130% 10101: Aing 1 . 10.` pe 1: 0 "best 12 ` , . . ' signs` I [Our % Carpet L1)1`epa, rt:;11;enfLL CASH ONLY 5 "AND ONE PRlCE TO ALL jelllng `grgoode `at tllese close prices". We l'reely admit 7 that SOMEBODY MUST "L08-l-I MONEY when goods: [are sold at lS9.tllf\u tl1ei'r"ma1'l;et value. We do not _ lose. The wholesale people or n_1e.nntl1Ctu1'e1' do,` We ` cannot consider tlzem and amhe sanle time`look,afl'er 4 the interests of onr own customers whose interests are indentical-witl1 our own. * ' 9 We have cnly space to mention a few of tl1e.many lines of goods-neuLJ;ei115L,.p1aed_bll)133_)u at" out? p1'ices. H A~sma'c1`A1. mm ANOTHER` L01` . `SEWER.-\L L1N1~:.~ om) PANTS AND v11s'r3, 4 \ T!50nIbv$i-!A`iiij1`.`L!kf!6011.sn15lIlef1.Ol0}:`-t T zdrem !.m`;.gkNcx;le?dt:.1{f01d;m?` E. , W993 .. .. ',` Z 2 : `Ds.G..O.'0aaooD.x' \ 4 A` ."06suormIiI95"!"`?Y* `- *wh1ch`I"II!1,lF`l!" d" `.1W9h.'1&V.'. ;mnentp:tmehudren.wdn*8s11!~ _ neaglotthqvaxibunq-ia_cknaost,tunI1V1t19h|_l'} b / aeuuoy1nsthi:1o'wed.onea.b:!rinontnm. .- . am Lo_nmtopnmmnL an "'.'"T""'f"i :""1""/""' `.':""': '_. _' "1"": `, " \ '.j:1en:)`i1:r;'Ip9l5` ~"m;me*.7.:.;4..,...'"' `anon mthetnouuido ` nu x-Angular ;prodm.%I.mwan me to comurm u nan-LuolL0I_ItorltLhu_wonv-uaIolookvI:. ;avOt!I>ou1.t.-' - ` L m ` iny:=:mwg ~uirT jcastria is Dr. $a.1nuel`Pitehsr s`1:_)rescri_1:)1;ion for Isthnts ana_'cm1arn. It neither Opium, Morphine gm- v ogiiii-`cotic substance; alt is 9 harmless substitute` sor5-Parg0ric."DIP5 S9'.`o9hing svrnsmna worsen-V .1t_1 Pl,e;a.sa nt..Its*gual'_antee is -thirty, yo;a"rs su_e bi" __._-- ..-..- , 4., __'__ n....4..._.:.. .r....;._.'..... 'n'r......... .....: ..iI..;.... " 1-mi beatmmedytorchildrono ;:.9$*'3... ihannhadnyiandt Diuur Sets. 9'] pieces, from $4.99 up Tea. Set: from $2349 up Toilet Sta from $1.25 up IL-ml Whma. nuns and Saucers. 60c. do; ,.|u.:u A-,n.v.0w"- '~ -'~' u""-"*"' '"v "'"'- -v'."`". '- +Mu1iousom;tners_; castpasletrbyswotms - fevel-i]1n es`s., 0avsto1A=ia_p1-ev'ents vomiting -Sour '._,x` 'Irr3..'.1 11.43.. .n..-a.....:.. .}.n....... I-Divllul-I:.|uuwI.~ V--.--~--.. _- W..- ge.!1r6B_17'iiIrrh0t2a and wind ;ooue._ Castoria relieve; ; teeth1ng_ftroubls,' .cn r,es constipation and nm.1.,,.3y,- Castoria.ass1milte_s` the food. re/gn1 a",tesi.the stomach f;mid.`~bowe1s; giving xxeaitny slepi 655., I ktorie% ``*90h1! s 31fh 8`Ff!ndi % ,.._._.x_ 1 per yard will. buy our best l`2c. Prints, ne de- Iron) 5c.` upwards. ' n A special purcxmsq mu an silk l m`:1~'0l, worth from $1.00 to $1335, all an the low ...;,.n ..r ma ` A speclal 'purclmse_ of all ill: Iimiu.-ole. worth :.~1.w w -:L.;u, price of 750. For 35. per yard you can secure the best 50 and 60.`. Dress of the season. New Cloths. ' ` Is entitled to the grs_1;e._a;t cbbsijeratiou of carpt buyers. In it`) is found an that is bear. in Canadian. Engligh nngl Amerigap markets. -....,m.. rIuuY(il\R ;.. Ihninn. nII.\vmn. 'l`:mestrv. Brussels Iounu MI HIM: 15 um newest designs in I Axlnlnstcns. . DRIVE '03 25 jsmrs AT $3.25. G AT W()R1`H Sm) V LI1\'I~:s A1`.$6.00.`,"T.-10T0$10.00 ` ` (:()()D C;s$tria;'j Di/NLO`E\S;T. .`.`"-f" `D3. G..0.;0aaoon.x 'r.m....n'I, `Mun 'Wi1a<.t is 0.037.-1()T0 $10.00 1 A . _ GOOD VALUE AT A HALF MORE , SHIRTS, OVERALLS, &c., . ' - AT` awn` DOWN FIGURES covsijeratio_u or carpe: nuvers. m 117 B nu ma year. and American The 1 Union. null-Wool."l`:11iestry."Brusses -gugd 25:0. `A goo variety in all the sizes. Noncatch line with us. All are alike in price.` We ' can t: the biggest boy in your house ~\vith a. gond honest Canadian 1` eed r rtf M (38.11 ux. un: u|;.';.'.cau nu, JNJII Suit for ` Boys` Sum" from $lv.0l) 2 $1.25 ~Good White Caps (102. ___QQ}Q_l_'_:i Cups and Saucers, 90c. doz. . A ' . `vorth $1.00 W "` " ` Lu... An- un `"?f(.ah6H9I'so!;ne}lhdapv},oohu51;;u5gi > `lmoqngmenaieosmlperloy-toanypxgaiq;-_1;gpn_ `hmwntoms M .' "A = . 1;rospeccive buyersw'il1plea,seVnota that- . ,we are always pleased to showgoods _ ` L ruuuglmnxuuu mu 3919' 99 *9.-" = hgwn 99 macf W.`- -1--`-2' - , m'nscm1ain pa rum hhvuoxapok 7 hi_s1_1ron yuan`: 5 .;p:odua_hy.o.w9uo ~ W-*****%h9.'s%v-!9!tuas .hvimuum|;f "' I -.R..ALA:I0;;Il.Al`L .D.. `H . GOOD VALUE1`i_f$6.00 nu..~., A1` A Per yard will buy the best Cashmere Hose we ever howed for this price. See them. ' s , A`.C., AWAY DOWN FIGURES P_r va1*d'for nenSpob Mum liu. `Just: "the goods for 'pres'ut season, and a Bar- zxtfthis price. ` E it t9 be ' . and American markets. he Nxt-D W S-te hi Fancy0t;re..`:s. . ~ For` be.u1tiful New; Yqrk 2 ` Crinkle Blqusing Sbripea. The very latest. and worth 200., only 12{;E' Bum AFLUURING NEE! lmpor brooms it -10Ao.wo_wh,~if you wm_uhem.T , If. you In pghg the Ito :-e. II V o w"indovr--you_ will too them. .e`uopvIlnu ." kw_b eat , 3u`rIoy~_. . '.-.N .V.` .\. ` n - In -to-uvu . """!`,'vl , . _ broom noun ** % TOLLENDAL .% .-(ALLANDALE P. .0.) .'i}B5*K`R1?.IE_MARKE.TS`. ; .A war; ?%}Ei? and Qhoinmpbf Daily - w I . `Carefully corrected,to`datc.. ' `. , __ '|_%A`r*:`i`RE.Sept. 9, 1896- A ' -~ An : .L:[H, D0; D[\9KB,, `ID. - _ v r , - I,1m1--'I31n'rt:es, mic; and pgalls, "A-"nnmpound,5tU(} g -" ' `U . \\'|_um.L,\vlnte,ol('L` _ \Vi1m,1L,`w'l1i|s a, IIGW} .`. .,. * V\\'|l61).`L, !'0(,_-.peI` bus . \\'l:eMgooso.'perb1xs ' L ,1_'wIs;_. :12111CLM'IeI"`h11 h r - `L)n;s.(M.`pe_rhT1s...'. . ` g4 25, ~, ...()_uLs,uew, pay bushf.....2. " 3`-'30` _ My:-' nerb11s'h.;..._...".....,* - ja'...~`- ._-lmrley,ps:% bual*i.....j._ ~ . . - Blmkw|1ogw..~...`. , . i '-i_.NXck,.` wing`. pen mi .. Qidukens. per pair...-.. ... ` `U;-ee.pr lb...,.., - ' - ` utter; iu"1`-HI." rolls. 1535, newjaid. ... . .... . ?maLoe_a.ugw, per .b\u?h..f.., .1 Moss, our lqts, .-..' . , L ntqarm/1eyr;po_r bush... - ms av,parLbus,h....`.V._- V 5 gang cu: o...; : cones ammz T `u-nIHn`8t. \ look in_ - . mmod-aooa put dla rmgnu wan. V , nroln the onntry ' make: dorpand for millfud llght; L car lot: of bran, high {nights west,-oer;-a; ` $9 and shorts in . u....._nm inc of 8.000 bushe1s`o1d A;J~cAR80~ `ironic. QIDI. _ U.-Vlnl-->U_uIIIwu_ Ixmmtha-dnnuaytonomnd berehmir`: . :m-unr-v:n"1!n:" NW"1'Qd"`hB8C,- mum: had an my um, um Ilrxvvuur IIrvIr'vIry*duii:-*Ncw-~1-od-1thea,. winwn quoted gt 61; old;-edvnc 64?`: Indold whit: It 66. lnllobsl um Vdn|LAnoom1eI,ulouot No.1 hard. mo.-..u. ...a nut mld ml 710. and Vdnll. An oomtotm our ox no. . 1 turn. '1`oz-oixllo pad west, (old [at 710 than werolurluc at 710; No. 8 `hard, um: tnl!u."o!orI mm; No. 1 hard. 1110. Fort Wmhxn, is held It 620. ` Flour-_-Qu_M tdvdny. Dcmund low; strighl rollerta Inigo of mind new and o!d`wheaI,ru-o quohd st _88, naked, and dla rntgma won; L \mmn`a_.0ood nature In ' expnrurn are paying no. 9 0nta--The very low price of `corn across the `border depresses prices for nnta; old"whlt.e oats, west. sold to-day up ` :80. and mlxad'w_ero quoted at 17x0. ' - -u.... ,n.m an- want an held ntr"34C. 58 and sham at w. _ V Ppas--Ona lot of 8,000 bushels old pend, north and westlrelghta, offal-ad. tn- `day at 430, and new pan oored at no; paying 110. nm:_.'I`ha van mice and mixed w_ero quoueu M in nu. 'Rye-Odd: oars. won, an held as---8-to, sud 32:: |s.bl1; `offering: as ye: are `...;.u '\ NU U-"A \\ emhll. Rn:-It ,emMl. \ A -' B:.\rley-Some lots of old cl:-op, barley wave beisn movgd out at p. 15.; new barley is gcarcoly in the market you. _ _l RO1DCE.-/ _ ` N Eggs-Export demand `contlhues. um prices--aro\1rxn ntlig for trash and we {at gnod seconds. Y3ntnI'nnu`--Oal'l!]IZS flaht and prices gnod sevonus. . A ~ Potatoes`--O.'erlnzs llght pxflces llrm. Car lot: of uoqd sound stock, up trck here. will hrlng 400 per bag. Deal- `ara sell amull lots out of 9601-0 no `50 to 33: per bag; Dmuln-v_..0nnh1nn nominal. Tur- bag; ` Pm1ltry--Quotut1ons nominpl. Tpr- ` i "2;-_va are quoted at 9 to 120 per-`lb; geese, ` 1c 7 to 80 bar lb; chlclgens. 30 to 600 per` ;;aiI`, and ducks at 60 to 800 per pair. . .. . nnm._Inm-.t1ve. Dried are quoted at ` = g.-air. mm ducks as DU no we per pun. n I p1es-Inaatlve. quoted lie in round lots,-_ delivered here, and ' awlparnted at 50. Dealer? re-sell` at.` 3340 1 r'.:r' dridd and N40 for evupornmd. n.....m_nnmnnd nlnw. Whltcy ]mnH- ` dried and 5:50 tor evupornmu. `V I3u:1n.<--Domnnd slow. White` hund- plc!;c-rl beans ye Q_lTered'nb 700 per bush, _ ;md_ ordinary as 600. -'nnn\'._.A mndm-ate amount of bus!- ;md_ ordinary as two. F.nney--A modernm amount _of ; H:-ss is being done at unchanged prices. ` { rim=s are steady at 7,"c for 60-H) tins, mm 8:? for 30-11) tins. New clover honey.` in comm. is `quoted as $1.50 to 81.75 . pm` n /.. 5:-vtiuns. x:-. :...1 1._...#nninr. (Tar lns: nf timothv rm 5:-mums. , 3:-L:1,},In:;'--(`,uiet;. Cur lots of timothy! svll at 811 tt1.$Y`l.25 on track here. >`.:r:uv-Ezxsler (_)ut~sbrnw, on track 1 1mm. sold at $6.5" to-day. . ; IIops--Ch01co1896 s are selling ut..7` I m Sc, and iufs-rxors from (So down. ` LIVE STOCK )IARKE'I`S. , do il3Ill_ \7AUllllIL.I , iioney--A Prirzus 7}'; c Mlil iftlh clover ' at 81.75-, uv `my. 1;`.-.,iV.'-_i,l_my--l',)uiot. timothy at Out-straw, ' to-day. ilops--Choice 18ilti selling at .7 from d i STOCK )iARKl~]'I`S. . i i M. the Western Cattle yards thls-morn- in;; we had, all told, just 70 loads of; .;t11-ring:-1, including about a couple oil :-lmusand hogs. 1,500 lambs and sheep, 50 calves and a few mllkers. The 1narl;et.-_ was a poor one; stuff was selling, but prices were very low. For export cattle ; the top price paid for fancy` lots was 4o ,' par pound,antl this.` was got "with dif- j nulty; quotations ranged from 8}o up ; to 3-`}1c for "really choice loads, and at`- mnssJlgumLnh,Qu,,,9:vL1'I,hL"K, was s91d- _' llutahers cattle was mostly of inferior quality, the small quantity of superior ; stuff herng readily caught up at from 3 - :.o El}/go per pound. Most of the deals` ranged from 2% to 2-/icy 80 was a stood , price for loads to fetch. A fair, business 3 wnsdone eventually, but trading was . low, and some stuff was left over. The i ....... ,....xm.m no Hm 1nru-lmf:'nl ..Nlnnl .- .out about 11 o'clock last .night in the ` Loss about 335,000; ` yesterday mornlnghe K. & P. station at 'Hu1-ontarlo street slip hero. The lire was burned steamer lire unknown. Southampton, Sept. ~i.--Elre -broke Soritlininptoii Lumber Company's lumber yard at Pine Tree, destroyinghbout 8,250,900 feet of lumber, chiey pine. insurance about 825,000. Cause, sparks from the smoke stack. - Kingillin, Sept. 6. -About ` H o clock Glenrale was burned to the ground. The... loss will be light At the `same place a barn filled with hay, owned hy Mr. Jaxfis Calnes,.was destroyed.` The . loss will be heavy. Both fires are supposed to" be the work of tramps. . Collingwood, Sept. 6. - Yesterday morning the steamer Baltic, one of the : pioneer stquners of the northern waters. 1 was burned to the water's edge in the ' first notload at a quarter to 3 o oloclr. , Fortunately there was only a very light " wind, and that ffdf the. southeast,_, otherwise much valuable property in the liIinWiYia`to'n sl?zEloT)rhood would hays" been destroyed. 'I`ho oribwork of the townwharf on the east and west side of the slip was burned, as was, a few oords of wood owned by Messrs.` Craigand Darling, whose tug was burned a few weeks ago _ near Michael's -Bay. The (Francessmith, as she was formerly called) was the first large Western l oil ,, this. :i!1ctor loads, tlinseJlg11reLnl),Qnt,,,9:g'I,hiI!&, the caught from fairbusiness was done was. -il0W, poor condition oi` the market at.liioni L-.-, real Tyesterrlay was reliected here. We had , 1,500 sheep and lambs; lambs are worth 5. from $1.75 to $2.75. each, and were in i -unplo supply to-day. . A. buyer was here { from Buiiuio looking for lambs, 'but- did i not purchase any. Export sheep sold at 5 from zito 3 1-80 per pound, and good ones are wanted; bucks are worth 2540 ' per pound. Calves were weaker. and .~o.vunion- calves are not wanted. A few I mils are required for export at from Bil - to ii!/,c,p(-r pound, but they mustphe i-holes. Mllkers are unchanged, with .ily a slow enquiry. Hfgswere weaker, rile best-(1_iialities 'se`_illng o L89. per. , 14.4. A 1 n..` , HUT0l1W10 11 W l Oept. Sinith s Clifton,` which had done "a protable . James (}alnes,.was destroyed. _uie_.luss ` supposed imnWcYiiiTe"neTszhi)T)rhood have ` ; cords Darling, whose was afew Michael's (Frnnccssmitli, formerly boat to` be built at a shipyard on the" northern lakes. She .was- built to'the' order of Capt. Smith by Simpson, at his shipyard in Owen Sound, during the ~ ot18d6-67, and was _lu\_1nohod in ` winter June of the latter year. `That year she was placed on the route between Colilnsz- -' wood and Owen Sound in the placeof small river steamer, business for some years previous. _Capt. Messrs. Craigkindl ' thrown out 01 C0l1l`E. Anotlier class of children born out of f\ve(llook. which is not affectell by the law, consists of those who have become legitimate, as by the French law the sul)sequent- marriage of the p'.u'eiits 5 legitimizes their children ulroiuly born. The` number of persons to whom the inodiegl law will apply must. there- fore. he smallwhen conipared with the smaller than might be ll_lf0l`l`(`(l from the prominence given to their so-called wrongs in literature and on `the stage. It is, large enough. however, togive value to the results of the present ex- pe1~iineut, wliatever they are. It is not expected that French fzitliers ' will hasten to assume all their moru1rc- now permits them to do so.~-1\'e\_v York Sun. ' ' Yalliabie Walnuts. the Crimea grows Smith commanded the France: Smith until `his - death in` 1873, after which Capt. Tate Robertson took charge. ` Sh was insured for 15,000. _ _ V Itis reputed to over it thousand years i - n.....u-(mu! mini. '7 ._i<`.m-iv this mm-n. Sliti.l'0 its produce equally. ---- R 3.. D.,.~i.n..1 in in n i._ .4 ' }-/>1 I4 .. mull ..pQplL1;lti,On. _ L_}L:`m1ice. ,_,mu.ch . sponsibilities simply because the law` the Baluc1:tvu,'l ' l.ll(l._lliiS_ yield to. 100,000 walnuts. a-`llolcn. ' lllllkers `are -uuunuuguu, wu-u I H?Tg1 we2'e bmt- qualitles "selling of! ;muml. Chplcp off cmthogs fetch 4 1-865 jwr pound, and pros acts are for a `slight further reduction: t xlbl; fat sell at .`l~3r:{r; .-r.w.a nt: 30, and stag:-1' tit 20 per pound. .5 is no use sending them" here. . .~t'FTF"f?T`i*"l"i`iiTF*ll"Ilt`fSTiy`pri'c7`st'r < "V PEQIALTY DAIRY PRODUCE. > ihxtter--Cream:ery butter is` sailing` xu!mrs1owly'nt present, owing tomhu n1'geot'fm'ings of dairy in large and `mun rolls. People from the {Mr nom- Vang fmin the surrounglhlg district have w4u~--H aim in l>asl:vt.~'c. nnnd`th 8VS1lpply from -- ` ._m1r_v, n1lD,.6u01(_:e. 11) bu Pt`/20, uu., Lu ` 1.--mien tolnxeditxm, 8_.to 1Qo; largo roll,. *1 .11 .m 130,; pound prints, 13 to.15c; ~rn2n1wry'bnbs, 18120190; pounds, 2Q to |,. , ___ Il'0ln 12110 Sll1'l'0l1ll ung umlunuu mgvu Hm-"u_;;im wand thdsupplry :.n\:~s sorce is quite lm:ga.~. Prices nro uni" .-.h_m\g9d. Quntutinus herb are as`_folI'Ogvs: hairy, tub,.ohoi 13 to 14150, d0., low ......a..a tn mnlnm. R to me: lnmo 1-o1l.. w (,)hI.e1-s.u-=-Stendy and unchanged. MIl)\ou1- pr; nre buying round lots ofnew ohaesa? - ( del1v and .rusellh_1g at '95 to 8%0- ` J A .:' ' . , _l (-\~t'.h, Ont,, Sept3.V 5.---To-day 400 ".uws orohaea were brnugh Into Perth nmlm, :\11`wMb9;` 9 cents traely offered, hm only onolot: sold nu that prIc6;7bal- 7i`xTm1l`Ifpet fttr-Monrenl~f0r storage. i'"uL-.tnryn1eu holding: fbr highor- .prldea.- -' b`u`m- `nuyers-1-om`Montroal and Brock- villv ` .......\'.....--.n ..'no\ 1~.'r|t\`I11'r1l'I\'l1(1 \ Hllf. - n1mssI;n'Ho(1s AND .P_Ro`v1sIoNs. \ nuuauuuu ......\... .--.., .- _._ . ,.-__~. .Ou~ the street to-day ._l.\ few lotsot nil`!-finL`\1h(`)gS so1'd_.j at 35.50. Provls1ou_ muu1:zxunohnngad.* ` The tone `is, steady. huLdem_1fi"nther low. ,Prices to- .;ny ruled as follows: Barrblled pork, snmmiormess, $10,. heavy moss, ($942; uhorn ants, 8153 to $12.50..` ` ` I . hm nuH'n`n1nntl._.T.nno `nlnml hfmnn. '.\H0l'|': mus, was no |s1;:.nu.. -- Dry sn1te(1`n1_eats---_Long `olegu biioony can-' Iota, as to V 5`/10; ton lots, M40; 0350' lat; ac; lmqks, 70. ' ' ' I,1uz mT1'(lvpt l`l8. ` ` 'm.'-unnund K tn Rn`: nxansrutrs. mo V . , T " 9.-wh I--Oukidt. 3'2 ... ........ ..'.'a mm: T v cum _y_vV Eiwlr .1. ,_1-...a....._...;-.-- , .2: In our the lsximamon uufwu Douay 3 Inter-fed. 'l'oronIo,_ Sept. 8.--,Tomnto1or a few 3. hours yasrdny had the honur of enter 1 * IIIll.'l 3 i5TF"0f' tlmnbnlrtlngutuhed r T!ljRSWIi hM"i.Yfb6BuV`ItIli1f"ia = -bouudulan:***`=:Batwuen~~ehroo--4sad~nu' `. P o'clock hls Excellency Earl Ll Hung Chang. Ambassador of Cl:ln'a,waa our` 5 guest, and la ln safe to any that he has o depntad with I favorable lmprelon of `I ha: clty and la luhnbltants, vn... Vlmmv mm` earl! nsterdny . ' the city and its iunumtanLI._ - Tha Viceroy at-ole` early yesterday mprning, as is his usual habit, and by seven o'clock had completed his brash fut at the Cataract hotel. Niagara Falls, `and while servants, porters, and express men rushed, about attending to thc'bus~ `Ila of rlepgrture his Excellency received and bid'farav;veli :6 a few eminent Amer- ican. `All the baggage and servants were wpiacod aboard the - Canadian Paoiih; special `on the American side. and the train was then sent crash the river to await . his Exceiiency's plenqnre. The Earl seemed in bettver humor ` yesterday than he had been` on Sunday. One ren- ~son for this was the fact that the xr.orn- ~ in`: was very "bright nnd clear, while . Sunday's `weather 1va:"the particuira" nobhox-rence ot the Viceroy. . NOT PARTIAL `[0 THE \\S'Z`A'1`F.,<.. I . _. .r_... .4... rrnr ... ma 1 " --,-----.-u- g 1"!` HIV! ',U-v . my 9:13. _'t.7i' '. 5 ' '"". so an .?c1s?-.. -:;ia }Z. - by an -_.mn1I.nI `gt; Vggm_;_.. anuz. gnu-`nun -.. _.__. , \ V Perhaps the fact that "ho was to bid i farewell to Amerlgnn mil had smn thing ` I l K I to do with his goud humor, fur, de'spiIjc theorarteption hehn.<~. been gimn in thf` United States, and the many mtx-ntins that have been shown him. - he xnuknre his dlsliko of the Americulms \':~.;;;.' up- paro}1t.~ This was his px-h~.ci1;a 1 r:':u.:.;: for taking "the Cnmuliau-mute mum ; count, as he is very much n.V,|'i`"x3 to pugs- ing through the \V'esLern pbrtlon of the United States. on `account of the way. in which the "emlgrgmts from China" are i treated the__re. ! _ I ; ` . , . ` The F|re- Rcnrd. . _ `Groeiiivodd, "Sept. 4.--The barn and o}g_t__l;}1lldings occupied by John Dwyer. hnlt M3115 west pthere, were dosh-oyr-d by m this afternoon. with the producsg his implements. Loss about $1,000,\l I ` of two hundred ncrvs, togethnr with all partly covered by insurance. Cm1se`oH. re unknown. c.u.n..mmtnn Qnnf. 4_._Eim `SHALL nuN>Log_s~nv BARGAINS T RSEPT. i work or trumps. , ' ' was wnto Huro`ntm-io re o'clock. a . ffofn" ' I '"liIi'nWcYiuTo,'n would gbeen destroyogt. "of g on ` lot V n....n.... mlmm mm was hnrned a. ! .l lnsnreu I01` m,wu. 0 `I V` Bmntfqrd,-Sept. T.-`Early this inox'n~ i ingxp burn, with contents, halonging to Mr. E. R. Lang, J.P., Ltmgford, -was | des_tr0yct1_ `by ru. M1`. Lzmfg laid in~ ` : --foHmveiea~+\ga1nst..S\ZilLiam.~l posh.-W.` master at Lnngford, and his - son Ed- ward. The two were brought to Brant ford` by Constable Adams. Mr. .Beld ' domes knowing nuvbhing about.` Vthe (ire. [fl HUNG CHANW8 Vl8lT. . ~.-`IA ~sQ1llv-`(.)=:ltl'lMA(:`>;s-Vi-.>R;ixI;z.` . . l 2 " Toronto, Supt). 8.--'I`ho (inelio race in g 9 I .~ V 1 c Cnnadllnnll who shall say it _ln an up? . lmportnnl; fzlotorlin tho llfo-df the oo1in- `. ~ -f:ry?-ussorterl its place and influence mid J U ` its elnlms lashllg-ht at \Vebb s restauri. ant. The q;cnslon1Was_u dinner lield. under the nuppluea of the Gaelic Society I ` .0! Shin city, and theirqnih objebt of the gathering wnl to form a federatlon of | the Gaelic `Societies of~`Cnnndu for those ; _ .- ` V , ` ! nuvunmm. mm \J|I . purposos:-- rn\ 'l`n nwn . ' _ _ ._ I i (:1) To awaken and mninmin an active 3 interest o11.tsho~pz_xrt"ot-shga Gael `in Can- 1 min in the (itTe1ln language as a living ( much: in tl1 `111toW. -am- I; qulties, mwnars, and customs of the Gaelic-ram; and generally in the wide eld of Celtiolmxtiquibles, literature and 1 1 ul- orb. g)__jJ_.`p___ promote the` objects hold sol common liy tho aillated noolohlos,- by~" such cooperation as may he found so be . prao_tloabl6.- _- ` ~ . V . m\"l`n -form - is basis of brotherhood praomaanle. - (o)"1`o 'form'-in brobhrhood whereby $116" mutual interests pf the .mem_bara may be advanced. _ ` The Su}ta11js4l)l l_emmu. Marseilles, Sept. 7'.--Tho Armnians f` who recently arrived her from Constanth nople, ogmbonrd h the steamship "Lu Glronde, after having surrendemddso ,Sir . V Edgar Vincent-. have agents` a. collaotlvel `note to the.,Mmlatm~ of the Interfor dd- .x'nandlng their relnae, on the ground -t1;tthe:Si1l_tan' p1_ `them hfejgnd " , `llber_ty;If they s1irrendt3\`6d..- They expect` tvsatl1al1ortlytqr New` York. x I . j cu. .'DoI~.mtnhm~n. Ram '1'.`--The Name I to 8511 anomy 10;` new 1011:. A V Sb.-P9erab11rg...Sepb,,M 7.`-A-The, Novoe Vremya makes`t;he`1m_p)ortanu- agatameut .t>n:duygtha b" thevczaa` tour `shows that {St . Bmaburg. ` are 7conholouI *of" the -moeuity of. common o1eaxtyfd1bp1}1. 1:; recent event: 1;; Tur- knv. - Brmund Vfenna,;jm;_'woll as Paris and: J _ _ atldh by`: 43119` . ppwggn. to dqgeas the pb1_moal.,designa of `:61-oatrBr1tain'. wh1oh,Lv1bvT-.1nAadded. are T rd;per..B,g `. . " comm` mm T -`am MIDDIVUBI an uvuswna ` , v Landau. on. em; 7.~-Lahur day was u1ly- obierved hora yo-day, bualnm nlnnn hnlha muarallv aloud." A1ilad'b_v~ was muy- onlarven new _w-nay, uunluvli 1. ' Mn A {.32-T;I,1:z,`_.1Ts>.-:91-T` Aided hr h:.nn wags a:,f'cho `cselqbratlqn main om: v7tayFa Income. The prooenlon was ,oompu:ad.9Mho;91n9A1zg lgbgr union; . ...=w* : -$1 "na%so`uo ma nm.m'motm. T'.IIn`b6`i my sutonaunr .. n..4. unk. I7__`l'.. rung nmizilc Ixminun. #TfIURS,DAY, kzrrminxn 10, 1359. lntu-tingling! 'CiEgn;f:Ivo Just. Nude In French Luv.` A law which changes radically the llegal positian otehilciren born opt of- A wecll6ek:an&wlIiclr;'ln tbs` -' ` ` the.:x uten_ce 95 '4 mosywithoutattfacting notice during E. the last. session of the French parlia- ' menu. It was nevdiscussed at `all in , the chamber" of deputies, and 11131 with r onlylaint opposition in thgenate. An .~ illegitimate cliild whojs recognized ac- . cording to the forms of law: by his ' father mayinowinlierit. or rather can- ` not lie disinheritad nnder- normal gon- ditions.a,,sham in tlie.`proprt'y the ; fatl1erleaves.' His` share is to be pne-` 5 half that of a. legitimafg child. where ' A n n A wig-on - flu-nn_n"n1urDrR VCHRTA l fire the family in Prince. waa pnssd a'l.-" ` `` HRH Ulli CI 3 1Bg1unw.Lu uuisu. wumu lggr exists; three-quarters, if there are 0 y uncles, aunts mid nephews left. while. if the nearest "relatives are merely 'rst_cousins\of the lfather. the whole inheritance descends to the natural child. The provisions of the _E1fl3.11QlLli1iV,.Of inheritance. which se- cures to lmitirnate children 9. `certain proportion of their pztreiitslproperty-. in- l '` alienable by father or mother. are made l/to apply -to illegitimate children also. Moreover, the father may leave to his ~ natural child 9. portion of that part of = his property of which the la?r allows * ` him the free disposal, tirovided that ' portion is not larger than the portion ` I lnfr m rlm lnaszt fnvnrml 'le2'UltlIIlzlt8i puxuuu m_ nvu u-.5. ......... -..- ,7. ._., V l left, to the lea.st_ favored `legltiiiiate _ child, ` ~ , I eretofqre` the law has forbidden .lc;;acies_:?il1egitimate children. so that the _v way, in whichia` f;i.tlic1' could makewbequest to l1iSf.llI\tui`Lll child was by refusing to 1'eco_r_fniz=3 him. 1` as his. thereby placing him legall_v..iu _ the position bf nstrainger unrelated to 1 `him. 1. .;:n L. I..L........L:..~ CA ...[.+a1. ch. x `mm. _ _ - J ' W It_\\-4i1l be interesting to \va.tcl1 the eilcct on Frencli society of this uttoinpt _nt 2). solution of a. grove socinl'p1'oble*m. 'L`.he measure is not so sweeping as it seems to be at first sight. for it affects only npnrt of the children born out of wedlock. The 'famous Sectioii 310 of the Code Civil": Lin. recherche de la paternite est interdite..whicl1 inuny Frenchmen look upon as one of the main bulwnrks of social onlclj. remains i-nfull force. The father who r efus9s -to ackiiowledgei his illegzitiniatc child ,,,.=~1._ ;-N.m1|,.,1 A an on If nhlmv w-7: r V ` V . '1 A FRENCH IDEA OF JUSTICE. ---v--_ i I Lldiesfart; invited to call and vexm our stock. No` trouble to show goods.