would soon be none" ngznu. _ -lnatead of mu, she wanted to get woman; and 0-Jmp`.a.Iued of great weakness in 1519 xtTaiL.we`c;mn\1lted a \oc;,ur, wh-> breaieki "her fur_ a time. yemoua nf his mzgdiciuea appmred 1-: mach the`se'at of h_e`r disease. For axxlmntllhspha rexminad in . thiq g:..ndit;.;.;. ` We .kmS.w `hot `what further to do, land-waited with .111 natural wxiety for any mm for the better or TIM ` a device are entitled to a joint pntei. LIU ll- vCo-iaborers who joint_i`y.hnve. invented \ Neither can claim one separately` from i the other. ~~ . FHU UUlt1J.'. V ; ' All applications for 1ssuanoo8'f'1bt?re E patent must bo nmdz_: in writing to the Comxnissioncr of Patents at Washington, `City. ' ~ ' I. ' A n_.u.1..|. ....L....4- ..,..m.m Wnulnn Qt-nf._ I vvuznvu nnv:-_u.a -luv. , . L The German Patentg_OoLref11se5 to g ` grant a pa_t_enb to `an inventor who has ' 1 preylously patented his` Invention `in the 1 ' I Unitnd Smtzes. |> iilllllll |IlI.\. , ` _[ Application for 9. French patent, which . covers the territory" of Algeria, is ;$1(_)0, I " which `includes all Qxpensfis for 6119 rt ` - unnu- ;,,uu Juu:\_uL `Ill ! Alu my Vuvuu-up` - .V _ - ` > i I` 1 xvmn uodWgome`sn;to' our ~he`am - he: _ ma}m_s _ug_ te_e1 akin to everyjqody. ` ,1 1 I6 is n_` wpssg` qt1breA'thfo'1:`_-_a" preasohei`: `.9 -_ {(3 preach higgxer than he lives. k . '1` u....a..,. e.m-.h- In nm-m.~'!. +.Im~mn'n+. 1 `L , mmr uuuwn Av Alnvn themud. _ H 7 ._God. waits to help every man who 1 ngedu~he1p;. ; " _ The growlar is at poor trgvelhng` oom- __pan'_1on. 1 ` ~ . mu. s...,...,'a...; Ly... .'.y'i;.7' mm mm-n i+:I'n _ ymuuu. TJ;h9_br.oni1ef sne;w'3i>i;._;;s_:1ae more` mat t\mvel'ed.` _ _ > 77 "y Ndgrave (mdbe made deep enough to hold the truth. . . _,u,u_ ...:-._.._a 4.- ...'....L......L. `n` `IUI\l UIIV Ill llillll ' What. a subtle exigsmy tolagfeatnes is the newspaper portrait. ` -- l uu.-._._ 1.. ...1.... 'nL_|..u.... ` I. .; .m...\ shun uuu Llvilyuru; yv.......-. Worry1n'theChrlshlan`ls a sure sign _ that h'ed0esn t pray enough. -_ ` ` * -..n.... ....`.a u...~.- ...Hi: I... int? 116 uuusu u pray cuuugm, R V ~ Keep prale` -a1iv_e,A `and there W111` be. ,.no lzkh of joy l`11.theVhenrt'.: 2 ` '_ ` - W1.-.:...a.. .1"; I ` um... 11...: .....'...;,. 1-4.... .- low, uuv VIVUI ....\. V.-- _..._,, W. lowing, post mortem~e.xplanatione.p ended ' long, and hs. as me uuuueuu , A, wondmue 1nechm11sm, this 3 r h_isvco`at.-tail: The suspense kille 7him needle. _ . . ' gng1g,;`,d'g nect fol`-her discharged 301,. month, W1th1tStW0 uut011m.t1c needles, a diets II. sfsoyvp by thejact, am out at 69L`_s0inx1itesimu1yetso pe_rfec.t}y Compe- triunps relieved at the Winchester worlr- ten. Iopenedtheeuely11tt1en=w's\vu1e, house in` eight successive weeks lafely, 163 ' P1`95Si P011 the SW33 Of th91_19 t`m(1- - ` K . _ when the recnrving fangs hirrtrmen from 4 were discharged soldiers. . , _ , TThe[;v 5rw of E in Glasgow has beeni-Fe. then" grooves m the roof of t_he mou_th ducedfhggv 35. E mouaand feetrshe lowest: and stood tense, n et1_'eun1 so 1nconce1v- ` ` rate 973 1r 6`-Did. Tlie grout Scotch ms.nufac- flmy ne that the eye could. b`'e]-Venom ` 5 g `ed it mwujfb-ecomm ` 8 my Lt spurted from each; and 1n the epueo . huge Hive in , and re=*p'"*&"omB my ads _ of t_\vo or three Inches plelted mto 1n mg and wow pientw, ' vxsxble spray. Yet that get, ne1"tha_r_1.zs A. hat H W '6 Mb a .,i h m- colgweb, etrmxd, was enough to glve . .M$.`;)e. `Q3 zfnar th3;`n :;o.fn" `F ew}ft death to the largest and strongest he'xeeentl'3fi:`e6ve:ea ii. the 231 3 aa i`e` `."`1*?`V**`**-. . - J J,,,m_;n,__` L.JL`bi;leonvs. 9 jmplleai ` When thehunt \VaS 9VlI' _I told my V Jlio E.-. mdmn('.h111us of the mchu-cuate, and . llllllvll lI_l5 A~Avn` vnwaq any II 1.57:" - _ '?~ Having faith` in Christ: is themost religious thing anyone ever dtd.---Ram's `T-lnrn, '. ' M ` L ' _....._.__*__ WORLD'S WHEAT. " The fox `barks! not when haiwgulsabel thelamb. M . \_ . A A wg` _..; n-.-- ._..._ i.;.L .;.....e -..'...In. U10 mm D. +l _I see there ilino manhgp mayimak hlipaufadise. V ~, - - M ~ 1' `hum aaian nnnlrfnnn kn Am! hnhhla `"3 .1 `."`""_' ` ' -` wvvuu ,xw--- ~-_--v .v;~.-~-~---- -----~-W -V 9 _ ` _ ,,,.,____ ____ I have seen oomiption boil and bubble yen9h_Vtt 19\_r_1eareBb\xd -am`. such is the IN V `919T9thBnzBr5afti"li's'. till it o arrnn the stew. ~. [A ~ gmmensnty of space. - V A . Most men have more oour4.I86" . . - A J T ~ ._ 1 u;o'w td dixi-!I. 8k1nD1senue._ evotwhoy thamnelves think they 1: V9. ` V 39'7" W?" M `.lu;k. nm" ' Simply ztm_1ySwLYrm, sV 0mumur." Noln Wmtwo 4*-W I` M one -mar * T? `A"'~`i ,`1f%"A`*";;***'A`n:;::r::1m2.$:*:;: x:`;`%.;c:*"%:.2::'~y W the`, the min W119 let : gm am P\-ovekat. |_\._ Vnnsxoutta hggulsxotnv mwgw we S-km elm, wmo.._nm1i, &f.& V ._ _ ` .. V, V,DF0 \1`F\ mime `Rte '}V93-B939 elh; greatheuling uxxduutuuveuovyenaare oaaesagd 7 V ` ` ` V nhemfore`.0f.:he>`highest 'v1txe~im`noothe: remfsgr-Askyoul dfhsghttogswtmgmw. w..r'g.p `gqj'gp% pm `V 8n`g.1_i,_a1|3 . 00-. 1l_ontm|_, Lov "ngers, but it never forsakes. m. -7. AL_., LL- __:._ LL- |_..n.,... IL. II `55f:TfiiE"a1 name of virhent is Triti- -'uI..uwn ;w'IsE _,S;Y|NGS.;.5 ..u, .....v ..- -.v...- ...........-... and the Un_anno1 a garge of the. British Col- uewspa] > ` top of >1;t,may._he;_$ak ` ~ i`1 31` mxher of years up. ENE? at of a progressiv (31'}y` l_&\`lllS CC ranch ! Novemper'zmn,v 1931.. _ , , ,y ,, Itisfnot wally needed to.._ndd anything; It] '. tn, whait 1\'1r3..D:ivie;s has suid.-- '0 may} 11 parhaps, vemurato say that, jiuall prc%d: "risihiiitv. her `duu2hLer`s cmrr'pl.zint4-`i{\di`~ 1 `V n in the anus. ll Mlxks ` station_age1 n'. Mctllellan removcu am pttpens, , 1 * ctc.. on his person, and put thcm.{u 2| sealed p:u`ceLh\vhile Undertaker lbuullxolise twig` elmrge of the body; Dem-asd was gxbout 65 ; 2. ymrs of p.ge.~--Ne\vma.rket Em. ' A _......__._..._.____._l,_. "no Not -llligc It. Do not believe that Nerviliue \\'i}[ cre ,1...2.. nI.n..m nul'nnHu Vnlfl` `Beth `| jgatent crumble stee-1. vv Ileu :u-p_w.uu4w vnu form 9. cbHEe)cF'cToToiivfidGTtig6W;'c'r0s< ' "sing and re-crossing the Clyde In its course, . .u.nd will run at a apeedof fteen miles an I fhouvr.-.-~- - - ` . =LuU|t: um! urwu -uuuu an. IV .......a.... _,l_ _ the New Glasgow diilm subway 'the-F biggest rope ever used for lxuulzjgg purposes. It is about seven miles long. xs fo_ur and ve-eights iches in .circunnfel'ence, and weighs nearly sixty tons. It has beenanade , ig one_-ttn1'ci11te and uuapliqed length. of jggtet 'u6ible stee-l.' When in-p_la.ce {it will cm . ..,.I..`nm~T;WidGlii`s'T1z '.c ros-r in t.he'mouth. `A delighbful p`reparation' 1 cleansing. so,` pTge a3.11_xb,`io the iaat'e,.a1)d i ifi8U.0Y.'f0r'i`t whit'o5na`:`aud p\urias,a.9Iord- nun. aqua ~..---...-_- ._ _Frag1(anb Ivorine for `the teeth dissolves? " 4 for me teeth is [v,o;i1f,*'LTfE`grunt ahd `btgienqs bey`ond" -the desire of me xpust exacting; A dream of elegance and edi- I mg bri!liuntly `white eeth and brenh as "aw eet and fnsgfzranp as that of the>o.w'e\'a.' If"the>'pe9:yi1`sah n_ fh9_t:Lr 'Six``ius`.-ha_.v ' eleaoupes powerful ennugh, odist_i1i;(11i.<`k objeeta of1 this p`aul:b,.anx(\ m'e_ 1(mk'm;.r Lu; iL'+ n v We are witi\esnimr~t\1ia'(Iemin~';m11 of 44 1 .-. J(~rusnZ': nn\, which muk ;'.l:we g~v;:xWlb UU 3e.m\~s `_ .9..{o CK cuurse, the 1`e.}xsm\~of this is tlmb . Hm lioM.w|n1:'h the world reflects. m'v,e1liv;: Luge U1 nut) I'<<:xsmI'0: mm 13 uuu: '1 kgxg light. wixilihme wprld reilectvs. m`:'v,e1liI_;; "aa'_.,,it `_d`uIps ah the Mb 0! 1S6;4_iU0 11)iluu. ` aedohd, "would. take eiqhteem uemuries to ` reach th6~neateab'\ xed the ._imii1e`1iai'ty'0i . :The\-`e has been made at VVm'figton d r um 'KTnuv mnnnw s1rbwavV 'the+ that,j|n.al1prL7 Tibility. duughLer`s c(ixxrplixit'-insii`~ geatihn and dyspepsia,` with.real/11/King. nervous prbstratimi---actually set in/'befm`c she _-wok ,the' old in which hits? Davies Mt1`ii>"1teb-%he-&Ha<,=k-~ Anleasf. in the great majority of such ca 6:-thatis the `- order of"eveuts . Let mot ers look `more L. .:ciosalg1_`i1Lto _:;h`e Sn i_>jec;.tfsnc1_ then say` what was, waiting for zsoxmft Turning Alzxzaii 1o< safe distiince olf ayzufd creature, which _f:1i ~1n111=deions rage. It ixigidly afthe chgippzu out wit,` bnt at just, 4 inj_2;'t-hut "tho hlzune m'\_'itcl1,___nct11_:ii1y fqh they _ tfn`&-- One ' hing" n1marthu.`ess`iia _cJ=:ar,and can be ad uponnow. I _n1'en ts - cmpiace a butt of Mother b_'eiqel 5 Syru_p in the honse,/whelher- (hey need it tn-day Then give the .yunu;`;-p`e op1e.a b9.i'.vt'xi[irw `ufn anything wrong. 1 bi hoe, dam" and back withont. Ii. ` idea of retreat, never that at heat. Some` and puff out with inn ing his mouth s0'wid4 ed the venom must at Bt*9` Tt wmmm Sweeiness ofneltlng I-A"oax,n mued `by um cm`; ' |_ IIU 3 Br Address- 1 That Tm-: B.\mm: Ex.m1.\'1m M will be sent tn any :1dd1'ess in (.`:u1:1du nrtl1e bmted States CLAPPEiiTON S THREAD % % %,`%f$":.`:;$,`:Wn.a`{:1:';;`:a:m.:e;;; -- the pm 11:: by a notice B139 f3I,9,1h3'3_`? WEE, {*a:imt:mTgmxisau%} : 1 ...-me nlmulntlon of any scientic paper in the -~J:AV_EA'-|'.3 'I'RADE mmcs, ( DESIGN 9A1-mars. comments. etc. For information and free Handbook write to . 1 MUNN >3: C0. 361 BROADWAY. NEW Yoax. Oldest; bureau for securing patents in America. Every. gamut taken out by usls brought before me on by B1393 1199 h!=_3_`? vV'v'v`v_-_-v--- Q) Luest circulatln any paper I won Li. S lendidiy tllutmted. No iuteili eat man shou d,be without it. Week`. ear: $1.50 six months. Addreas. MU N C0.. `uugsgxins. 361 B1-os,d_wB-3' . New York City. $;. on ~- gar M`erc5".""hui3 many vacnrmplaces 3; make in ourhomea. g , _ ALL 'Ei'_H_E News --`.\70.~`t oidur 112311113 '.;:1~.\v*.h`.s1-.mg ago and iusist on gett_mg >Clu1)pe\'t0l.\`5." ' Yourw FendS u1u_L'u Lu: . , . V itfengih, Fmdathsss and Freedom from Kinks found in. ``I '3: .=.m:('nx;:i'\ bn }'onyat1(1 \\'au'.mg Lo nd out what lread was the ' 1-xx`! tc-mac, tes1.c thelending makes. ] i i1. . b__n;cdthe `mowed me that none com.~ _ .._.A 'J ;mA. Maci.AREN. Rumnr, F IN rm: EXHIINER` Scientic American Agency for J Lin nu u 1 "BlXI?l1IIgN r.. hmie been fdhmfnan the nest 01 an ea ie- ' i . . . _ recentI"-"cIisFive:e Ami. "i?iTi.33 w:.som 1 my v-W " I i. ii '`?{`3*` "`-b*"`*`3 i55`*'*"" 4`35-LP'3~~ r~ Znldian chums 'pichu-(mate and Men we highly `1.wa mud, 613 nta ,I,9`.J 1`! heads of 'fowi`s, 18 heads of` a,,`ked them muy mmstioils Thy an straw hats? . A, A_ _ ,3`i.!"-Hl'e emi-.'*f " `3mb `_ f, M" knew of the aiialic; ihdiigh .SBVG1`ii1"h&1(1` ` DW`.5 `lmntin that M` f mY9*5T1' 7 W:`1!11`53'?"d-_3`l"?`- - 7 never seen_o1`1e, and all agreed tiltliiriiikii `"15 "59`? ' - _. '~ ' 5 5 M ` ` ` extreinely rare. , The crotalus ranks V Siioh internally hot weather Afollown ii; mnong the Pueblo gliviriitieu. zmciitheir thurider 's'tor'.m.?' -_ ; 7 T i ` _ , I L ~ - -chnrnershave no *difcU1ty~With-thlat-:` Barbers alwmmdo. one s nhair, as it . L` V " * L V ` _ stea y-going and -respectable reptie.-_ rm 1, f" -,1 - -` _ - Butfeven among thesepeople witliwhom W`:-D one .0.9;: 1- b h f - . Th0S8 Who.` the cult of the rattlsnaice .ha.s such 115- k max: $79!? $3,; 0 "0 95 ` 0 Whig` L sounding features. and where until re- 9` n err." .n .- . i . Q ` ` ' Most. walt:ers- start away bgfore you ' t bl k t` d \ cen yeamevery Pue 0 ep `:1. sacre mm done ordering? 7P8g9k_&ge ; ; M , : mg rattlesnake in asacred room, wit`mspe_ci- _ V - L ` -. ,- . ' ' aliprieststo attend him, bhe,vi11ainona `M People-whistle popular airs until thex `. little aiind vi er_`is.accnrser1. Even_th(>se become madd`nin`g? A T ~ . - biigineu men in " ?1`m V H _ _ H ' ,who have `t e oW_er;of thg snakescan. ; Dogs` was go much Mteobiioii mi `pnynonelay prots . V.h`;'I')`9*}}? wo1-bhleaa human beings?` _-7 `j'_"`3'7' _ - w I, 0 P`-D3 u on 15. 5A"muu,take ano`bher"",drink when he i fill`). in~iii:;~:g:i?$'W9ii*>*9? i:* W i.i:i~u:: -` xi i :**"` "i:$;.%i2%,?J;i`*Eii .* ;Ii?`;i}3`i`;3,`3' ii Iiswesi T0` `THI~KiiiABo0r: .W"' `?',`t`imes\v oreA thaii'vch'a-ra.-3.-dehi No 7 < L` M ; . 9`: .. 9 ondevargotwei1.if'the pincliin cuute bit, 3' The FWD W1,l039A d511`5 1">- 5'13W1(.1- A'1t6 him; Ewma medicine man once, `who-" w11i_be.qur'e t_0_Ei Wh8 h6 W'5M9_- K`.Q_f,`91p_`.qe~ _ knqw_nl1thesgcredherbs, and gowns Ngbddy can `be auudarich` with nxqnay (1 mg; proo'z}guinst_sn;ike[ ~b011ght ai ichu- who wouldn't be just as rich withouims. ` 1,{l1;1`:`?l11`:l:`.:1fi3`F P(gfb L`;)'&: 'N;!:manM1a brawwho is afraid o'_t the " ` , ,. mi `.4 V. , elm nnr and mm: in it Im 1t-st1-uck him - nZ.u....,. hnuulinnif V and vm'1 will `khan ' ;i:)e. vmr and mat {x-ea Iix1}erestlhx`Items. tape my words` to others, you_ ulication of this I.` Davies, [nu_rnuuthsh1're, x.._:idd an`ything; 1 .. \Vn mav, - gmxw `Bl ms nuns. me Ayxugi as-zcfin we hmm` SENCEf0FTHE'SNAKE. 2 F011) '3" '~<` " x `Ever to siojurve it. Xvi: oonlnt `thoyltilllhu tulxuf Iznnku_.d;` hupgst s9\_.,IJ`7"ur My in plain 4 {ad m n frinllg. helyfgl npirit ` onlrybody. And it no m cin- 933; we `now say l.uuL mo, women .`i`-Mb ' miolmtuhieh _ We sppmim the cnmoli-_ ~' at! who no lnplha of growing`. that `they ought in be more uchfil bf thnoemhildren, ebpecinlly in aws that conveys rhgaxr hosnlth`. '1`-m . 20 ylwqnite use many. Aud1egth`i boo `mutation. Thom am tog may orignvea in the churchynrds. Cum,` mm now, let`: have I bit. of I talkwnhuub `.1 Ln nun Jmnd mmhen weak Iirat. sefot!re;ingAoeu:2le*of `hi! 950-{WY , A [Reptile Fat Man I Iva; itunvv '\ Tlrelsonthwestis mqre liberally my plied with venonxqusmings than any L other area in the union. In the`l>un::g llertgin the inhabited but arid exp-my . seyof New Mexico and Arizonagthe n,_......1m nhnnnda and m several The pivlnxcxmtc marques mu nuxm. `serpent of lndm... Not only the most_` Mnhlv-venomous. but the ti1x1est:;11.11tho , India... Mir only me num_,>_ hig,;lxly~ven0m0us, bm,the tiniest ::l_1..t.1 the X11031U``21Cih'X`()1iS,h6 \vou1iH)c also-the ' H1051 d:ingur<')11s-b1it, liickijy, he isihe ` ra'r-st. ..He iS'.th(3 only xr11easp on this ('<>I1[iIY(*Ili':~z\I%(i_ in the Yxiited State; is .3 never found outside of New MGXXN) zmd Arizona. That he was also known to the anient .\Ix1czu1s is :ippzii'mit from his nzm1e--picl1u~c0at1, an .-Xztcc \\'u:'.1_ , \vbich\vnsbr0ug11t up to our territo1`_v} bv the Spanish coxiqiierors. \h- ne.inmtimzwvitli one, writes (7. .\. ' \ \ h.m~ Ilile I Very uim. by the bpzuusn cmnlm-mm. My firstinvutingwmli 1*`. Lumimsm the I\uw York Sun, was T in \'z\lenc ia. count_\',{-l\'.;\I.. in June, 1.`,-`Em, _ on _tlie sim ilmiks of tlfe Cem) Aire. l~\ 'as out lumtin-`,5 jzibkrzxlyllits, in company with .`-`D1110 Indian friumls, "mid . lnul.'lis1no11nte to stalk, leulin;.:1::_v* pet l1'0x'so'l)y the bridle. . My c_\'cs.\\':re : on n 61nzxl~l clmppziru lmsli. nlimul. xxjlmi ` suddenly" Aln`r.:u1 snorted, zuul re:uml' l>ael;\\'zml so \`lUl8Xltl)' as to almost my ` ninge my arm. I l0()l((_3(l about in sur- prise, for Aluzzm \v:1s to0 good a liorse i to uriml trifles: As tln2r,~'\vas notl1in_: to i` be $001), I 5tllI't0(1`f() pull him for\\':fr ~ Again he p1`0t( Rtt2tl and \\'itl1evil<~nt 1 ii*1'1`U1`. (|Il(l clizuicing to luok at my \'t'l`_\.' ,' feet. I unllerstood his fear, and fvlt vary -gr."m~f1i1 that his :<(.-zxsrzs \ve;e lw tt(,-r than mine, for in zmutlwr :~`tep ,1 slmulxl llama I walked upon niy xlmtli. n, '| rnm nnlv `thing visible was a tiny 1 i walked 1ip0iiin_vu:-zmi. , A .~ ` The only `thing visible in . ohject,.not iiezii'ly2;u lnrge as {L gooil ` stag he(~.tle--iiiL-i':l_\' 1: liomi, nml pi.-1'}:-.1p:; ,5 mi inch of iivvk, But it was the l_!1.()~t ; N ` friglitfiil (iliject in its kiwi that lliltl 3 ever seen: 'l`h(- liend, (`.t,`l'l1lllll' iieithi,-1' : In "so broml or so long as my thunilmiiil. E Si had 3 sliape mnl nixuf cmiilun.~,ml IlI:|llf..{- , ' iiityi1i1pussil)le t()ll(`:~`(3i`ll)(. ' lt sreoiin,-il `: ~ the very essence of \\'i(-licilin-~.~ utnllintu, fairly bulging - with _(le:uil`y/"spite, mid" growing upon (>110:-. until it" I looked seveml tiines /it_s_ a_<.-tn-.11 , isize. > The u;;_ly. ti" ngle (\vhi(:n.: |`13 the tlistingiiisliinr ninrk` of iilll ` V0n()m01_1$ llillw.`-1`, he: mg formed by the , 1 ` poison glEiI1(ll):1Cl( of each eye) told iiie,` 1 : at'0nc.etli11t Al:m1i1 \vas keeping up his 1 V a `ll tn (1 T - reiiututionxieitertliil he sl1y:ita.li:1rni- `i less snake--/{ml the `tiny horns, whicli ` 1 'added a. neciilizit nngl gmtesqiie iii ` 1 , ness, l t no d_o_iibt that this` \ vz1'8nl.. Iilcilu-/C11f1_t(3.WH8 hzul buried liiniself gyalinst .tothe_liea tilt?"/gl`il)' smni, , w ggiainst which his ll])1_J(, ISl{l[l \\'&l..`llJ2l1`el`y - ` (llStlllg\l'lSllEll)l(.`, zmd tlius` in ziirilnisli ` _~ f 01` isoiiietliiiig t( rtm`rH11). loose, Ilmelt at the ' ztyzuful to study the little _f:1i1'ly sivellfed with not only stfuck attlie chzipparg switch Itlirnst ` wit, evidently` discerna ` iin:'tl1at'tlie lay back of the fqllowed it "up, mid i `- ' ' 111.; 5-5 `a as :8 16 "8 it `i _ `of a conch shell. ..-., evidently t amlbzuzk without loss of tlUl8. seemed to enter flat Sometixnes he would lie impotent rage, th1'0w` . ing so'wide open that it seem- ` ' (l start, gmd soinetinxe )6 gliE?I't`(`)Tv Ei`T1`rI1e:*TlIisf IIe1I;l*111n(; above the ground, with an attittle -\vl1i`el'1'seemed to any: Stand still the andAwe l1see who ln'u_glis!" . - - -At last I killed him. He was neither larger round nor" longer till1Il'{ln_O1`(1il1:ll`y ' ' lead pencil; n cold, lemlen grey on the back, bnt:unde1*neatl1 rosy us the mouth *Theifzu1gs were tiny, to, not n.1uel1.m_ore than on "It not sttuck` ` 'im1Tllr7if'tl1e K W `l i The I 'h"l A"IF"y7"rYfx's \7iif`ftlo'31'lng'1vhiskers?~t~~-1 : I eigth of 1t!l`+i11(i}`~' the thinnest " and 'ns. nnnlile. A, _t_l1is Some men tnll; so much? 1 Women wear tight. sl_1oe.:? 1_ eople smolge olgnrvttos? Sonfzwing men In-vor bathe? A Vizomnn chew gum i1x'1)11bllq? I Anybody keep it dog in :1 tint? ` ' Saloon-keepers won_1' (limn0ngl_s?: Irish pntriotsulwnyls squabble? Golf 1'etuse to hetioino popular?"- , Men sex g;_15o_iig" toxvnfiterr? - ' Americans oxpcctornte so freely? V Summer nnnels always slirlnk? The spa serpent not come nehoro? _ Footl)z1llvplnyo1's alwnys -chew gum? ' Poof peofwlo hnve`so-many children? .Toko.wi3lters not Snygaometlilng new? _Bed-liended men wem` yellow clothes? A .1n'mI:nn man never break his-neck? Iltgnisnkkll \ _ to l1_lBv-CDHVWIIE ' um nuupcuuu nluuu . ' ! Engl9.i1d s nglect foiaher .s:o'1-; hons6{' um; dinchnmed triuilps tfie \\ inchest.er worlr-; diets soym the fact 69L; `:tan1e,it. *`But when` he Let` It om; upuz the tim the door ax_1,djsan.g.to it u it struck bin in the:wriat,_Vaud `he fell own and diex a one could count; fty, ~ 1... .33` n|..._'I-'.. .nI..I.a-in," ' I? A Story of Chnrlcunlokens. . `M, Charles Dickens once received an in ' vmtion to 3 Walter Scott" party, each ~ : _ V t beingL"eXD8$9d\to' appear inqthe 4 actor or ozx(q'oi`j1;V91other 0! S_cot`t a, j ;, eel- 9b:'A9v9av1 n*sh{. `how- .1 tr Dnnxeroun Than 1|}: hit `In `tho. Mxnvsrlcnu Asp. a ls.DeMh-\l~`ortuuntely It In OhnrlgI;DloknI- mrlnn `m'n1m'n:- nnna received 9.1 " Runembnnoela she twilight of Ob` '4 5;... ,. ` Fottnno does not change men; R an- masks mom. _ ` I` 3 Weigrans more willingly our pity than c our esteem. ' " . .a Siienge is the em-esia part of him? V whn distrust: himself. ' A ` 0 Ii is more heroic to live in one : grief than to die of it. _ V In liiaerm`.-lire, the euresis-~-wey~~io be , right is to be dead. ` _ ` The `greatest jny in women after being ,. in lore is to Obi\_'-`. _ A society withum prejudices makes a "world without scruples. " / V In is- our apparent hgxppiriess which makes us the most enemies. ' . ` Time is the friend bf friendship and the enemy of love. _ V ` ' When pnssi(nn enteih by ihe door roa- xon ies: out of the window. -_.._ nl nnhln nndg 3 I I I 1 Ines nun ox mu luuvn. . Applause is the spur of noble minds, } ' > the ends and aims of weak ones. , -T1`1TeTxi i'1,:-st virtue in man is coir f _ sumcy; hmvery 1% second only. ` He who blows the tire exposes himself _ to be burned by the spnrkl. Nothing assures betper tho` repose or the heart thun_ the work of the mind. An indiscrcet mnnuis an \inSl'u`l8d letter ` %, that everyone can read. . -. ` 'l'i1ui(iity consists and the fem` of not succeeding. _ In politics, to foresee is well; to warn ` i Fis befttcr; to 511;-cecdjs everything:. A book is :1 written lotr `to, all un- iznuwn friends thgst one has in the world. _I iea51xrq.s are like vicbunlis, the most ` ` simple um those which we never tire of. - We-nmro nitn pay homage to tho . ..._x. ..: ...,I.-mm-n r.h:m to that of n. I L menu. V_ f ` Tho uncorfxinty of hnpplness is more 1 ' , orunl than tho certainty of unlluppixlcss. ; '1`lxo,{m~Iin;,v most diicult for mun tn I hear is ploy, especially whgm it is de- 't ; served. , _ I -.. . .. 1, LA,` ..nm}. nnhr 5| wank W'0! B6. . "'It'wax in May,/1894. that Item! in a` litile book or pamphlet, that md been left at ()ll\`~hl1ae,>MQlh6l` Seigeh Cnrutive Syrup_ and h'nqv{:fm1y cases with the same symptoms, army dmrghters, h_-ad bum ~ cm-ad lfyjt. ' Wha't i,rnpreseed ms` was the plain, htraightforwaral speech of the Ienera pf pegpla 'prihted in the book. .'l`hey noun led human and true, and I. made up my mind that the m'adic`n.e 111:1}, had be-:n' tblssiug to other fgunihes xmght prmie ymtnmine '. , uw,.nv 1 turn. 11 nmnlte of the Syrup wan. . > ` Folly always deserves M morsuxn ` c `Everybody : friend in nohody'a `triend, I Thmarb sm_1lea wmch wound lhe ` Iguana 5 ' O hlulpuz nun vu I tlxerib of an 1 friend. I .... ._ victory. _ ` `lvery buim,:`n1\1$t kcx)ii_!5Lce and 5 not affect othvr pcx'fcr.:binn.-4~ehnu-3t.l10su, 5"! be1nnuing'trr'him:' ' "_' ?.-~-Befo1*eycormiu people one must not ' ` speak of oi10 s s'1f.wm1 too much-_m0d- 1 ` esby;,tl\(',y\'<)\111I-not bu too happy to ; { tnkc you :11: your word. V ` f "`41`l10rou1'o Hm-0 kins of pr:|i. thut; I \i'h\ch w o_y&o1d, that which we land. and V; 1 that xvlxiuh we pay. W0 yield" it to tho [1 . ;mwm`ful1'_r0m fmr, \\`0_ land it to the ' `-wvnk t'r0m'jixm~rcst~, and W0 pay it to 1 - . . 0 I the dcsorvuxg from gmmtmlo. I `W \ x ;` B`I'\'Cu. ,, Frlntlemipis too often nnly umbrella whim tugns Inside stornxy \\'e;wlxer. - Lknr-n uvhny ,st \\'e;mxer. \Vu'oftr>n pu7,'/.1}: those whd nro 'dis~ ` trustful by uppuaring to have condenoo in them. ` 7 71 The (01139 which we might have com- mim-(1 the last we would fqrl-,;h'o '11) another. ' ' `- ' -~ `- V W.-- |...m\\:.m ism-mucsxthnv ,'VH|IUl/l)'Jl- . ! Broriks are ever Kgnbbling ; om wuntmg In depth. Grez ` silent. - -A - u"; ;._..:u. at u. ` PIIIUIIU: '1`o`nttah1 thu `/,eplt.l1 of wisd +1u(:o.cs:\ry to neither enb,_ sleep, too much. ' - ..\ nunnfnnuu `i [UH uuwu. _ 1 There is more true grentnpns I [ deed than in u l)euun'xf111 poem c 5 victory. i `V 7. L .... ....u;t- L-nun hi`: `TRUTH! 724635;? 1. An 1 ica? Aluminum, {vhigh a few/ryears ago wais as . xpemlve as gold, 16 now reduced by so cheap 9: process that it aglla for 2 gents an ounce.` tr`ee,--vouz west the other day, with she fol- mortemnxplanation up endqd 1 to his coat.-tuail: "The him, ?'r1u._..l.LL.I .. ...;,.Im.- tmi hm Aianhardnd nnl-1 A, borne`-thief wa found hzmgitig from u_ ` ` war , _ Cats `Wash over their o:u's_ before in rains? ' A ' V VValtcrs make other people do the waithlg? - > Some people keepon talking aboxm |I`ucHI\v9 ' ` nuluu youym nuuy,..._ ......,..E, ,. 1'1`_rllbyP ` Men leave theirseuts 111'. thovtlihvatef so dften? ' ~ wem: highly:c61orbEF'b'unds' straw . .. I 9.-- .. -l.m-:nlv- nf mvsitm-I. 1` L ..:.; I ODS l'UUl'H:I ~ . . . Sgbh Afollown thunder .:r " .: ~ ,_,,, Barbers alwa_v_a~-do- as gt" . wus_n 'dono bofor?- -- .. ,A-_`_`uu.1'.. |...u.n`Lna nl n1'hla..' warm I: uuuu umuuu Fin-mars w`enr ;lltt1'o bundhes of _w'h!s-' kers on their chins? atarh away bre you ofdoring?_ ' - vs , u. '._|.A..u- ...\-dun nh-u I'll}. hhnv -}_!L`:'l!..'33~V..__\If?;`T`. ."is \ . cxpcctorntc ' Ilnmnels shrlnk? a1wnys-chew childrn? rib A drilnkun man nver hisneck? The sloclety woman-Ilot weal` bloomers? The Germnnmperor not was a. rest? . The Brlnlse of \Vu/lcs never vlsit Amor- Inn`) V EQIIIBDOCIY eljsuvuuu U1 ulnnuausqu. . ` There ariypeople whu`neyer aoompflnh _ anything, beoauge they try to do too V much`. ; -- B when Vmdii nums. he" h_a1v9ah!I.` s srighmnd duublal hlaIfd\1W_,l- A ~ m..u. .hnn"nnnhlnrlN.' uI Jn ~nnla|i ' Wlll _D6.6ul'B IM_U_U ,VvIInu nu m-..w_. Nabddy and mo_na_v_i ywhvo Novmanxla is` `o'_t [tn-ut}:.4 V . x " n.|.'_.... ..'....._'mdl' curl \rnI'I H7. *'knn' uruu{:. \ V A Behave yoxn*se1t,Uan(_1 yoxi will *'k_eepV V apmebody '9we.out of mischief. om.-.... ...... .....;.nn u.Im`m'wmv nngmllnh Ijvgngluuu uqu|1nnIVun;;;uvnv`% m * 0 *1! %y'*- - Ann 9' 4 g1iIn t'_ln\ it .w1th= tho "`M-*V` ~ _ s_._.. 1.. LI... ......}.-' nftn noxuugu w 1 unknown t-ham he maentl `ducdverec. m we Alps . n umc, \ ~2`7=c4sir19 "-1f8et.'4Lpigeo1is' ` "pI.1e.a; - at,` 11 heads of of ` ii!`0 11:\I`1,o51_.x_1p':_t-blue remaizfajol number of cab ta ,`:;mrmota'gnd._sqnirpela. ` V. \ 1`. . . _VUlH' Wuru. v kinds tlmtil told, ml v - - ....1 Iv mm H: tn WHY WILL [of wisdom it is- \b,'s1eep, nor speak ling Ikcause may` Great rivers nre LVBARRIEE}iMfINER;:"j`1`}1 f1tSDA`i , `-SEPJEEMIBER ;1`i1,,.1s9a., in 11 good u or ugrcat. n whk out in ' the casein the ml` Weiss. 1 During` the days of slavery dogs were ` useg throughout the South to rum.d_own i fugitive slaves, but for manyyears after as the war man-hunting with hounds was almost unheard of. New and again it n". was ,tried, but.` lack! of, tmiuing in $116 . 4...... .....1 nm-hum: want oi uatienee in ` Iulnnltnt Don Tnlzged for 'l`x-smut 3 Oclmlnaln. `t Tho `us: 61 bloodhound: as an Adjunct nf the Police Department is becoming more and more common in various aeo- uom: of the Union. This Is pamoqlarly case in the tar West. ~ n...u.-...; um dawn nf mm-rv dons i _tried, but.` law or muunug m mm dogs and perhaps want patience tin-h-owners 51-ought nboutnso many iu}_iures that the pk:-not.iee`was ahnosh for` gzntvten` I`en years ago when `two desperate men held*up~n 9:1-u!u-on rthe~At1antla_nn1L 1 ac`.c, llnwtlxe Southwest, `and secured mnnny thousands of dollars in booty : n ranchman in Arlbna offered to trace the highwnyxuen It su\1c1ent`.'{o1'oefox-I-heir capture was turnishd him and 8 rewm-d_ fsr his trouble offered. These preliminar- ; . awn... mnlnd ha nnnered on the :;'1fhqse Who!` g *co1_nmo;L LPa,`9k_age g i his trouble oered. Tnese prenuuuzm ius being settled, he appeared the , mane twenty-four hoursx after the crime imq been cnmmltted wuh a couple of :xuL"'very ifnngerous-looking dogs and n tume, and apparently `ragged mentally, but, as the result proved. knew what he 0 Dunn! 1` \\'iuclusner rule. He was rugged i_n cos- . I i in his family t Nestor, showing a union of nobilit'y and it . .. V'l`he_v ufterwanis confessed their xzaiilt and told where the booty was ', hiilnieri. .\'eurl_\' $:')0,()0() was recovered. iz. ~tr\r;.' work of the hioodhoun-is revived the old, practice of trailingz men with .iu__w.<, and there are now hundreds of the '.1.~cful animals in . the possession of the j,1~*zICt` oiiiuers of the West.` They are care- duries. . ' . ~ in California the sheriffs ofadozen counties have these four-ieggeti deputies, nn'l not infrequently they prove more faithful and successful than their two- i1.:;.'(`(i :s_ss Tlio`*lJ'e.t hounds in (`aliforniu have been token them from nth:-.r states, ivhere their h:-ceding is male 11 lmsiness. Some of tho zmimtiis lmw lonp, peal;:1'ens...A valuable addition to the sher_iti`s force of Nevada City is it 5-months-old pup christened Lirw-n .\lountains of old Vermont, at the l{i`,_1iii`iS of J. L. _\Vinchell, at Fair ';l2m~n. ills siro`s oilieinl name on the _ (`inn of America is (Jhmnpion Victor, ; li),Zili5, end his maternal am-estor s ; d-.'si{,'Imti()n on the sauieurcliives Cham- pioiidutiitli, 13,870. There's a Duchess tree, a Premier nnda brains not far back on the record. In color Jim is block and tan, and he hash ..m.;. ;.p...nn {nil "i`1~.e amount of money involved and satis-, :':i'.'._v lired and. trained` for the police ' `fJim ` iiu.i;i," after the Governor of (`hlifornia. C `i`o=.nig Jim Budd was horn amid the y "ALr~'z'or heel; of the Eiiglish Bloodhound ! ,momh t1liaLalone _is_w_ortli _an arsenal_Vuf` A natural-born man. The 0 W "V cum Vdigure. Wheat, in 100 parts, contains 14.4 of water; mineral elements.` :3; "albumin- oids, 13; cfarhohydrates, 87.6; crue iihe 3, and fats. 1.6. . ~ In 1891 the wheat crop of the world was CSiil])iltl1(il\t :3,187,000.000 hiislieis, of. .\Yh_iL'-,1_l,_ilj} United States raised 6.12,- 000,000, or ever one-fourth. " It is not generally known to farmers that wheat straw is H niost vaiunhlo food for stock, containing almost as much nourishment as hay. There are several plants of the wlieat family which"nre perreniul. and reappear in the some fields or localities from year to your indenitely. _ ` The finest 110111` is not the most nu- . tritions, for while it contains the must starch the ulbuminhids and other nutri-- tioua elements ere almost lacking. t | Chinese writers claim that the euitiva- I '_ tion 0! wheat was introduced into the I Celestial Empire by the _Emperor Shin- i nung 13,700 years~beIore Christ. . y'1`honamo wheat is derived from n ` Saxon word. }iwaete," signifying white, _because the our from this grain is ` lighter in _color than thu.t- from any other. i Tea wheat, a Jmriiety years ago mudh E esteemed in this country, is said to have , been grown from a singie grain found in niiex of tea brought from China. _ i There are varieties of .whea_ which . lmvn n hotanieal " " " 1 D zmical wheat ` l 4 '1. Three days later, Mu-r u_ \\u.1xy ::x~'v of many miles over one of the ramghvsb trails in the world, the dogs . cunw up with and cornered thn highway- zzwn. The Inner killml both of the dogs, before they conldnscnpo thn pursuing 'Wr:au B.LQ0u_HouNos. i.,.mm1LlL11hn1;,;\lon& _1s,\_v,<)g_n,g_,uJ, iIl'nu1u|L\7u ; :'Hli>s mvnny jail. A natural-born trnilvr is the cheering character given him by the sheriff: . `I Wrnann hn: nix bloodhounds. and the _ v T sheriff: 3 l<`rvme has six bloodhonnds, and -gt-nlul lmrglar,s\'h0 has been huvlhg n`. goml time for months past is seriously I cnnsiduring :1 change. One of the ,VFre.cx1n ; > \1".1S is hy the famous Leander, who has c::p=.im=l- ll)01`0 tminv robbers than my . dug living. Inone instzineeflieamler tnek_ iiw mill of one train 'rol)l;or fem` d_:i_vs `_ uimr he haul left the house in which `he ~Kz'._\`ed all night. The deg followed the ' mill six days and t-reed his man. '.\`liei'i1'f.l:iel( .T0nes, of Stecktoii, has , tlw. i--xputntlon of heing one of the gi'ezit- crimiiml catchers imthe West. He _ .'u six dogs, mid is on the go with `Y-ln"Ill all the time." Leader, _th`_p_ei;, ls hy Old Romulus, owned `by the state of .-`\x'l:mis`:\<, ixIiLl`l]I)D6rlt?d from Cuba. All the (lugs ewned by Mr. Jones are either i:npm'tedC11lmns 01' from im1>0i'ti-.(1 stock. l .\in'ntcrey County is one`of vsuehvast eiiiiiensions, and at the same time so ' 5'). .ely populated, that since the days of , `.:1sque7., the despergul o, its rolllnghllls, j xemely-eeeradAvitl}.x:hnp12i3!ilL,_.lQ_5, l lnu-rs lnmlsl have always Dl'0\'81l a refuge? ( :`i'}"0`(`)`t';'6;` '~""" "W Dwv-wvv-..v -~v-- ._.__,_._~, ._ V`"ml H "3 mm` 1`9ad.r* Deb , i ' . '.. . . ,. I A inichine, called the aiitciiiiitic _iie\vs- in by 1 nrrllcrmoius issuance of letters cpaper wrapper. is a. lute iii-eu:imi.'iiitii v;`\l'l{l\llS-lh`,_ pfltont niiist rmido capadty of 1,000 pf 1mm, ltsu(l:J.ptlOl1l'.D the oivned lilr. .loiics (t`oinxni_ssioncr Patents the (1i1fm.utm0Ve,,,em;s, am} mg p,msi(,u lllI}J0l'C(l(_;lll)ll`llS iniportctl itnity. V _ V 1' _ with which it executes tm.m .m truly i ` M`_L1'0Y (0l1I)tY 0X10 0f "5\10_l1,VaSl5 3 A British patent covers England, Scot- wonderful: The ivruppiiig paper is fed freii+r~ 5111110 $11119 land, Wziles, Ireland and the Cliannel large roller on ii revolviiig cyl'.mslei`.~ The ': l"1y l )l"`l(;`te'lv ill iltnca d*`l5'f11f L I__slm1ds,but not one `British newspaper to be wrapped` is fell from the -"1 {U i`SI19Tf1-l0. 51 T0 1131 5. `miles. J i. ,, the wrapping ClltlTll)f*l"lil\I'0llf!,h'W1 *'ff?'l99l!f`*000?3dmWit%}-hDIlXEl!lL.`)ll2_ELL_..Ln..GAi:many,4an~pntent_.11i;;y__[1g;_ `.\v_i_rle\`sloc;n(l,(lown an incliiietl plzine on to ll.-tic laiids have ii Ways pi-oven re iige ` out for one or any number g me -mppf`---mr~mg-~,;g~1i;-~31,nk.;,Tt.he.`._ for crliiiliinls. Owing to these almost to fteen on Payment (g10wly.fn0ving wmppgr sheet, mm gigs] _ lllcceblbl d15b1`l5S in $119 00\111l5Y ; annual mx` _s.rnis come 11 and enrvu e the zlpel`, and by Hheriif I L Matthews saw the necessity` - - P = h g - P - l*f.500l11:1llll..b100(l110l1lXll3 to help him Jn` -=0 coigliizligfrr -F ; : ; p`f" . Wm I r 0 y 0 gm` S the same time a paste bru'sli7iisus liom "a. trailing rofugiwiis. In 1893 he sent to .1 wnch in 1 d H `_ f _ . I c~u 68 u expenses or that paste recepta.hle_ on the side and moves _liLtcre.l1y across the wrapper at the riroper "ririitclilield, the overseer of the convlut 1-year "fiirni ct Ciirrollfs Prairie, 'l`ex., forscme : . ' , 0 _ ___, ~ H > .hll\l)(ll1()l)H(lS. le soon had 031180 to pull. All *`l Dlli*111'f7"""5* Camlm 905035 , point, and theiie, knife comes down and ciits thr-iii '1Il`[1(}tlV8SB1`lV(5fl, f0l shortly after costs $40. 'lhls"sum_ includes .Govern- ` the wrapper. .- " their zirrivzil the depredzitlons tool: plitca `ment tax_an(1 all charges for the period I ' _______ __ ` ".~lt!li'IE%/El%;l"1I1)d l ;ifi`ivGr. ..l`3;if Svhffil f Z`: f Si' 5 to-` , A, 3, f w ` The Sting 'illhi- - , .' - _ ii an eon, no . (1 . -- -. r `. _ .:mimnca in San Quentin, A few months taxes fo, 0gB'5.ea, C03,; 9.9;-twig , It is said there is a raiihliiig tliorii in use hllilollnd did the county ti Vllllllble gruuedn gar {mean .y9m.s1 mmmusb be evryheart, and` yet that _none would =<+ri~ico in trailing the murderer of em worked within mm ' ` _ Jlge their own for (hot of zinctlier. -Be /,,1iict.or Snlednd. They` followed the trail PMen%Om0Lr efSes that as it may. the sting arising from the W` lW_9l?l {5"V0 `miles Til? `he? flld patenmo ml` invetor, heart of a ccrnseal eiiougli,_a.iid in this the criminal. lior the most part these preyiouslyimented invention .1 the `land of tight boots _a veryrcommon mm- (Er-.`.lI`itI`l0S and others nd the (legs so use- United SW i plaim also Q Pumami Paimess GSTTEF- ) gcoghggwbhe imlmls brmg very large W A , tractor is a never failing remedy for this 05' of '_the beS_`mth0mle5_on b100d_ F193 AND TH|s~n_ES_ ___ kind of heartache, iisyci: can easily prove, ` ifaticted, Chezip._ sui'e,.painless. l`ry the genuine 0Lher. . 1* ~_.._____ hoiiiids is Edwin Broiigh,' of Scnrboro- . ; , _ . . _ .1 - i A H - ` ` ` . I nnv an a tells how nuns should Love suffers. but never prices now. g One -the 4 ugh, .En'zland. He tells pups Ln :...u M. nntmm nnx-rldnzo. stewed hf` tau QnTonnmezu }_JuL'1`|u5v, avvuvu s11Pep's heads and shlp s`biscults,and .g`1v_es n\inut9_.,g11rectluns`.,z_:s totraining rJ:e, yqungslnex-s > to hunt; the lelean buob."_ Ho.'disou111*}\gns the pragtioe of rubbing blood an the bout: of the man - ~w-ho,is-Vhelug ,experl_nmnta1ly` ovhnsed"f'61'_; , ,m'nini1)g,pl_uj_posgsL egpfl; fLy_9x:s the clean. hnnf." nm:uM l'nm; u ,E]`mlHI_lg _pQ|:lIlIaaLr}EA\A w- bon15"every`1:1me; _ .. V . Mr. Brough is `quite. mrenhhusiast _\n the bloodhound man-chasing busl ,-ness, 'nn`d tn` hhult haans much fascina- tion as -tennis or foot ham to the sporting mun ,_ot qtxleterxnsmes. He says. among uthur l:h|m:s:,~- ' "K _ I V V L H'A nn nun whn `I fnnd Of 3881112 ;h'h'en- 4...}; nu null an that the v wmpltasa nfhlopdhounda, In Hugh olraum- 9: utllur Ialllnzzsm-' q ~' .w..-_. `f'Any one who is fond of_seelng he ,llol'1mls`worl:, ..bm2 who. has only .a llm-` Keep lmrl luno`un6 .011 N/lnry_to lmnh over, Am W-5k will nd` nu lmmenennlount of Ap1ea_.; Wm! sure--lu hunting "mAz_mIwll5ll, one. or two V ` ~ ~ ma4kc_s _ Tlll)C9L1`iEl9` great oonvenlence ho be 1, 2 15.5 - Innlmal.` and a grai Vvnrlet-y ~.of _l1mled {lllll no aeleub. the \ ,ex__nob oomse; wliloli. DEG g~.rmlrl-~`not'.` be Ilonvenln. hunting; some Havi 1-`ellglin . mns min, `be qontll-lvted _over lllmtedlloru. grnunll. - . > vI. know nqlqhlngn Vmorp .doHglItfull . olmn to we bloodhn`unds l wprklng outin scent carefully `under, varying` ol1-oum- , ' stances. and tonlxenr their spncous, deep, The .he1l-like notg.` _'._[`here is not, of. course, 9110 131 Lhe allghbeat. danger to the `runner, even` 394 ll the bounds had neverlaeen him before. hlgpw When_they. have oon1L"!!n_._nd. miffed 1}... him over they manuast no turilf6F1iW' "W eat in /}3_l_VI9_-" V I - ` MOB _ ` .lII`KI`|II:I`f.-' - .. ` . *.'l,`hI$a uA good towxi 9` me" up," _ iribmvgd the editor` ps the Loyolona jllxtaed *fnMl. h; a|;.p|pe:\ _ ` gland. He tens now pups ziuuulu m1T ox-ridge, L--A- .....a nI1In u `hhmn .s2_nn variation lo! put farletlu of when thnn betwoo this min and some kind: at out: and barley. - rm... ........|- mlngt. nnuhknl nf the wrld I mm and I011!!! unua ua uuw mu. ........,. The greatwhest counttiai at the wrld are the United States, Bunk, Turkey, Huzary, Chm. Aussrhlib and India. mL- 16...... main `shunt knnwn in an uuuynq, yuan. ,...-....`. . _ _ _ _ . _ ,, The one-grain wheat. { known South of Europe is St. Peter`: cor: bear: but a single gtpln to the stalk. ---A '11--1..--. Au.unHn D681 ! uun ll mugw gquu us up u_..... Tbmnghouc Western Anstmlia the annual yield of wheahper acre in \ 11.5; `abous the same figure prevailing in Queensland. ` _ I A ......'..,.-anunn n! n grain of ghgaf. | queuuaxguu. _. A cyoss-section of _n grain of wheat, examined undex-`tbs micrpsoopep shown chx-no layefs of ce_l1, the outermost. the -Innrnhnt / , Huuscau X _,,,./ "'1`)1e Arabs, anxious to impose upon travelers", oft/an sell us genuine mummy wheiht grufus taken `from their own elds. - _;__1_I) -1 ...I.....s um. mm In So _ - The average yield of wheat per acre ln Great Britain and Ireland isi thirty bush- els to thlincre; in England alone is is thlfty-six. ' nu. l...,\..-..... ulnlrl nf mvK'nnf In Rm-mnnv Ml: Inf i of n tunng -m.\. The nvcarge yield of wkintin Germany _zig51_Itnly is nbnut tlie same; that of thn - 10.4: A. former being -10.1. bushbls, uudgthe lament ,1 n._..._|,. r....n.l;. ' I 0, mm uu..~, x.o. ,of,,\1h1c,h,_h9 _ . most _ , , , . ..u ..|.__.... -5 M... rn`1nnfM 1V. `.1. ' V . In the province of Ontario, Canada, the yield of whuzit per new is my); ui- I most exactly the spine as in '1'nsznuniz\, , Where it is 18. , " ,. i -~ - I-,,__u..._.1 :-u:.).; ...'`n- VVHUKU lh Ia AU. Wheat: costs in Maryland $15.23 acre, \\'hig~l1`n1x1sb be disbursvd by` farmer in {abor or. capitn_1bufnre gmln can be shipped. ml... .:um..-m..n hnfxvnnn winfnr grzuu can IJU rulllvyuu. Tha d_ieronco be.tWe(~n winter hull spring whom, is merely u mutter of cul- ` tivntion. ,, _ ` .... : _ . ..t L. '1`:-HI. ` oum Vxlgure. nu _,,A. :.. 1.: UUHI V utgnus. water: eleniouts.` oids, ` n11(Yfz\ts,. 1., 10111 .L,. ...n,...- nu-nn nf Mm wnrld uuun cwnunum Luv ulluvuv ...... ..,_.,. ` Chinese `I: t'1ou"ot\vheut intotha !' _Emperor Shin- [ 2,700 Christa. ` 5 ` Tho namo wheat_ ; Hwuute," _ _ boonuwo tho ` 1n_co1or ivhent, Years _ is to have i iotics svhozgt which , Lnnn .. hm-mh-ul :f'nr~!\-.H'.'iTh I I I \ f. :L ! `5 ` -`` '- `!'-',.!` .E`!`'`` 2. ~;-lmvo u hn_tu11l(-.n1 differeuce7'i?o:i1` mc` other, nudn. great many others whose ditferonces are mostiy in the name. . R > . QHU, Ut`1lE', nlvuzxuu. upuu uvu y.._,--......,. _, The iirsv uppllcataion for z1n _iuycEion or duvlce receives the patent in Great Britain, \\_'1;o_t11er he be the xjenl invun_tQ_r ` orvnob. ` I \ . ~ - ,,.u,, :_x._u._ 1.....- x........4-4.}: I maLim-iviih the bestjessuus V , I "" :'`Out of my,l;riowledge of thamerics of this remedy I would strongly recommend - I to all"women, sbecially to those who F; A_ which may aowuiily prove more serious than alfrat feared. In hope words` . may reach and be of use you A have my consent to Lhepublicalion hasty letter. (Signed) `M, >Bln`ckwood, Newport. ,I\Inu_rmuthsln're, November` 28th,? 1894. ` "irent a cl-icicalage. Andlliable to illnesses \ n :'. :,.,. ..,.'.I\.~ mmrlud to. Add lmvlhingl