Biputatiomg ...=..--.=......-..:.-.: r-......._o..-..-`,....,-_~..~.~__-...-1. llofus. Roms. Out; `of Tooth Pdwder-? " Y -_I_{.'-s'~H'0pivu-.a;l.r but Talimuny 7 Him: W13" If .I?",T-' -' Sollu. `.4-ur.uin Cums .wozcna:ru1.J~:.mnox.u-. ; ;g;;.T ago- ~ . .~ KlDNEYS.-I -believe it saveil my life," in the positive Letimuny-uf Mr. James McBriue ofdainesiuwii, Huron Cu., 0m.. in speakiiig of the iiiirucplous cure uf a complication of kidney troublea 1... ohm (1.-m.r. Ram-.hiAmei-ican Kuiuev 0! complication 0'. Iuuucy ||'Uuuu:u by the Gran}. South -American Kidney Cure. This gentleman wan no aavarely ratfecied that his physician had to amend him daily to take the urui from him. The rs; dose give him relief, and half ` `a'lmula'cured him completely. dissolving all obamictions. and heal` S1; and atr'engih- ` ening Lhd parts. Smith A% ` Cure is B kidney specic uuly. iiud it. dons ' all that is claimed for it every time. umnu Ann ; N n NRRVNR '_Tw;. ieiican Kidney ' all that In churned Ior It every tune. STOMACH AND NEh`VES.'_-'l`wo .thirda of "all ch:-'o ni': diseases n`i`6 due_m diaorderd nerve centres. Cure the nerveg .-`unericau Nervino has proved this then- ssudar of times. It is n puwei-fu}'nen'e builder and. in `cases of acute indigestion, and dyspepsia has` 51-ected marveohr cures. George Webster 0f\Forest, writes: For zs number of years I suffered greay from. nervousness, twitoiiing okmusclus and sleeplessness; 1 tried almost every known remedy i%T1F s induced as 3 last resort mvtry, South` A-mericun Parviue. The first houle bene- xed me, and five homes cured m6.- It is n grzuid medicine, and I ogve my life 1 u-: 6 umuuuu. uuulu , it."--Suld by] v\Voods. _ V . \ _ . \ ~*-' __ Health Am; Eduaohold n"1nti.. .. "bcglt; is a good exterxninutor or mot_hs._ Salt fish in best fr_eshcued by soaking in B0\1I`.ml1k. 1 ' ' - ' Celery is conaideregl angpfficient rcmedy in somq diseases of the kidneys.` I ,., .:_ .1 _:...II ....-......-. Au aunvu umuncun VA uu. ..u.....,... Butter put in clean potus nhd well surroun- ded with charcoal wihkeep good for uyear. .. . . 2 ,, __ I... A_n.::,...o.,A L..'n.A uuu wuu UIlL\l`\iUtl1`lVIll.n\,\aR: bum. .... ..J......, .\los_s|: stains can be emdiuatggd _by 'th upphcation of yolk of egg-if applied bofure washing, _` ' _ ` I`...-_; _...A ....ul... LN-m. lunm nrnmxu` wunulug, _ _ , Insect and rattlmnuke bites have proved harmless by" applying a plnstermude at salt amii the yolk of an egg. t\.....,.; ..:.lm. \`...:I.u-I zlnum on `nae Hmn nun. mug Luu Junn U1 nu vb- ' `$5-yeah cider Boiled down to less than one- lmlf makes an excellent syrup for Icbugha and colds. It will keep fomyear. xv , 1 :_ ,._.1 L-_\LAA|hJu l....... lumf. .mmn_ sluu nunun, :v nu; -.-wt. nu .. J`-.. , -Neumlgitntl toomche havabeexi some- times arrested byvupplying to -the: -wrist u a quantity 03 home radial1(grateq). n ;. ..1..i.m,.i that um largest; reaulnr an \1.\u\uu|u_y vi u\u.u.v .\.u..... \,,........,. Ibis claimed thin; the largest; regular Methodiat congregation in the world in L0 be iuuud. an Ll1eIf`_ree'[`fux1e Hu11,vM`unchostur, . where there is u cunstaubuptundanue of4,0U0 ~= persons on Suuimy, nights? 12...`. ` ....i- Ya -.~unnr nnrinun nnnlicrh. khan plauuu uu ..`uuuu_y V u._..-_u-u. V President Krugep, cnrions anongh, has exactly the `same number of qrandchildren "the Queen. Hiahilduexx and gmnd'child1=.n, with their !1n`shund;: uud wiven. n-unhur 142, .. ,.- m |,, __1.1 .-,.LMI L..... .....J wuu huuu nuauuuuy mu. uuvu, .. ... Garnu's.~-Tz\ke cold cooked- ham and chop it fine, ~2seuaoh with pepper. l _ur.-9 V tnlzlespooliful. pf butter and an ' even tablespounful of flour inn saucepan. mix, .md.z (1,,aygi1_l__;;L<:_rea}1_1,_a_t._i1' conuuua'l17' until it boils, takg it from t1m'f`e-. aiiiaif ` ` thewvell beaten yolks ofloureggs and haltpiut of chopped ham, Put this in but-. ` tereu cups, amud them-inxrbakiug pzsu ' kaA-_lled with hot \vnmr, __cm'or with pupr, and cciuk in an oven for twenty. xnin\1c",L' _ l Serve\v1L|x"1:fFu|1aai1ce: W ' - ' . an A l.._.u... DUIVU wluu uxfxlsu auuuu. -housewife s friend, . Few know of the many uses cu which it-may be put. It, will olzm bronzes;after carelully rubbing 'them*'wit.h oil t;heyI should b polished with chamois . A _ I . I . . , . .` Swoel'.0il'.-A home" ofsxveet oil is the - nl:;.a.1:.m-.13 L ore.braiee,nf, "beef. Select only the en white leiwes, c_ut off {mm any `gm and wash the leaves free fromwsantf carefully in an , abundance of cold water. Lift them out of the water in washing than to allow the send am {all to the bottom. , when the leaves "iEe` lay them bu the ' ice to het;ome.criap and cold. Put the salad in n salad-bowl-l when you are ready to serve owy e . a saledepooufnl of vinegar. ' A d e e'&le.cl_- epoonful.and_& half "of oil and `toes eqaart `ef dtmdelibu leavea- in this dressiiiig. A mixture or llelf-chilled lettuceleaves unil thixllfdgedelioh leaves niekeepcn excellent eeu . - lion in n delicxounnccompmnmenum rugah nu... . . -it, season to taste with salt emf Vepger with ` Diaxdndbyes. ;Con&uce [tq ` Mq_dern_H9me__Go:1;fort. _ y The pfmaedt `nerai911_o' woman Tare` ` blepabii with pri*ailagea' and~a'\da:thnt,'ou~r. i. ` Agrand-mrenmnevefenjnyedi {Aii1o'ng't.hq 3 mah'v -imnm-tank" aids in uha4,.f;ini1y the? ` an new am V|`.Y.5 W3 ,"5"-" ..: 3- v 75 {I ' :51. ,i!9:1!:.!1,9|!1!%191!1(.\,!'_1 A ` A , M havemllnwed. on:3en.ler , t9,..,11;_. you age; that ; as up 8 anddam. 11 m.. .7 m mm...vila..imi1'.nhio'na of * the :_ ta salt,-_yoI), ayes ungu; no uuuu mu uau-.~ w E enonh to ' uaeavile imitahioino of: theV ;, L popular "fl)iaunoAn'di .y;qn1.;:. `NV-?h_n\ Chhe; * \ :Diamoh<:D. W _m1.e. u9c_\ (om): wank ifs, * nmnmhlinhh` " innxfawf mi K1531: |`lI.d x'V0\l"' " }:Bia$;Q:$%:;+;r.v:!;;;a:j. t;)$;;; ~ '- fmompliqhia :1 in; a.;o,w~ mi ;\l$.&Ia._|\lJ.d`N ` am certain oB*|Me'Il\lbD.. ' ` - 1aooampuqneu.,`m.~ I W! ulnxgugmuu am cwain oMha.beos~ main, nmmnfni` knivm' :Ibn}t"unA iikh 1 are outrun Dung. new .l,I_I|ll3l., Sn Lu.L`hu,;;uq[_d,yex.'. V ' , 1 on wmmBruL`{A:ns.% Xzooouowwowwunoo SPLBNDIW I\ \ ` ....,;`,`:._v4->_V_`,: V -, . _ , 7_:- WA . -` .The,pooref1; {nan} on.elLx~th: 811i~ be cure _ J HNOLE; vsmg Lf1;9At;&;=mg13.E..\V.nmV'uhe: semi; \ " `uiirnn nnv-vInin ' \FAoT _ ;u_1_wms: w3A_1\1`b 5; 2 ignvenqny; 1;Ine.dy.i \V'he \y_e,clean xx` watch we tlioi'ough1y`-overhgLu1 it.--examiu- mg it' czi`ref_u)ly and-wseing to _:~u ......num- that niav be .:gnzen,zA1_,11y,173II1,'~ IS'-L A " g ` Fox sage by%1_Mrs. H. 1?u11:n; 1 " "rf 61 ~ heeb:fi6.y ' = In.-bh 5C;PI-:R PACKAGE It lsn t_.. . . - uuv Uvav `bunt, ,_v'u-av Univ: 3:. .<--- 'The..4Slater: sub; (to. Meg.) W. S; Knn`ba%1j `s: :v.__ . M. J.`.mAwLEv. {sole ~A g qia}'*i3ar&*az:v` wfrong, . 1%V7.:FIR.ST`.PBI(ZE nmlms Retail Eyerjhere . -saint. Buuwnenyou mxynnmsxacer V , _; .. . _ ,ahde. you got $5.00 worth `of oomfo`rh`wlt!1 A _88.00 pair or shoaa; They are madam 12139:-mans `- mam best` imported calf-akin", In black or ban. by Goodyear Welt process. wmch_i11entia1;VVl!11; hand-made. mgnssnapaa-mnyw1duns:-smmpad'ou=. tug sole $.00, 31.00; 85500 permit . s - _ -Ac 1 '.,(VI - ` .'.~`-_'_ -it 1: rleioub to yor.neres moi: `. .-nL12r1sonhcv_\;ae_9g9_a.@eL;I11- shogs would upon the cemperots.` - mac. But when you buy theslator aka}; unn nu!-_ Q vbnrth hf mam` A `sI9'i`f61?]Lr,71az Qiaiatljas 15%: ff@ry.; :.(E&af.>5:: ` g your Foots mu; jnocnEs:'sg,f v H. il 7 ougmy_ skiliul. Ulu vvu ...... ... IDIAMOND` 1-|Ax.L. WALTER BXKER an co., ' - V . DORcE5TERn MASS. O5.e.r -;Yb1_1r` E}a.ndBi11s, Cards, etd.._ and_b _We1_1 pfephred * ~~-;:.'.#.`__.g___V___4___;__ . . Tm of an guoosaii z `I 2 ,, I H `no r Ifgamn-`f, ` the in 1130) has M32 The` `Fa1I%Fair- W-i1l_$do x beihere V:L uu5, I Ouvi'~watcl1mnkers"are all thor- . .. 1 ..;_g .D u1'11op_.St`. Bax`;-Ye.` iiAI[a:Ahy\iiss` e3. ` B?a_kot_ Ir. co.,m. to om: 'an'ia`rgos: facturolts of pureind high-gggde cocoa and ' Chqcolates on this continent. (No qhomigals am used in their manufahtureq. ` -~ -'----A--- -I-nub` QC `Hf, b at thei;_11arne, labels, ind` vmppors.""VNntfer %..%THE `EXMINER, '7Ar1;*nxAniiNsn. ; `llllll ' used in xnear manumuu.u.. ' Consumers, should ask for, and be sure` that . they get,the`gen1_.I_iKne` Walter Bake; 8. C0, : goods. . _-_.-. Q an I !_.._.*L..(I. Mail orders receive prfftpb attenion v--v-... , 1 ;Q'(..*I_'?L'l.&Q_3___ T1_u_2JiJ.v_@;Li3_i?&" GiIe68~&\ Live MerHha.ntswi11 Inogeage `Their Business I`K0l10W8 2- . East: bfy Pacic . Aug. 1-- Rockies. --Coasts. ` Totals. 1896.... 58,414,000 1,917,000 60,331,000 1895.. . . .46,767,000 6,850,000 53.611000 1894.... 06,311,000 8,579,000 74,890,000 ~ 1893.... 681580.000, 4,437,000 73,126,000 . 1892. 31,310,000 2,770,000 34,080,000 180l;;:. 23,132,000 2,044,000 25,176,0(X) 1300.... . 24,037,000 2,363,000 --20,950,000 1S89....l0.z', ;0, , , , 01883.... 29`,l'l6,000_ 3,800.000 32,976,000 { From the forgoing, it appears nhnb while ` Pacic Coast`. stocks of wheat are vefymuch - !smnller than on Aug. lat, 1895-smuil'er, in nfuct, than on a like date for years pngt-A- V ' supplies of wheat, east of tbgpgky Moun- l taina ureconaiderably larger th&'n.on'A_ug. ..lst,.1_S95, so__ thut.tlxe`net result shows an !:.....-...m an (mnm`m'ed with one year ago of- l.lst,.1_S95,sQ_thotstl1e`net resulu snows uu I 'incrense as conlpmed year ago labouh 6.700.000 bushels. The encouraging ' | side is" found in the deem-easae from 74.890000 ` "bushels ,.oi available wheat on Angplsb. 1 1894," to 60,331,000 bushels on Aug. -150. 2 1896, and. from 73.l`26,000 bushels on Augf ;, lat). 1893,;-to 60,331,000 bushels to-day.` Prior to 1893 stocks of available when in the United States and in the Dominion of Canada. on Auguso lab `were only from one~ `l1alH.o4;woetift__hs what they are now. * ow... mm] nunntitleu of wheat nimilable l `hm: 4.o4;woetiIt__hs what may um: um. l ,4bt&te~g,;al1:Ct.'C&n,!_i,C1_t, _bpt_l_1__g9as_t;q, plyq the ? -_The tQt9.l'q_unntit.ieu wheat 1 for immediate distribution -`in-t.ha'_Ilnited N 1 quantity aoat for Emope from *ull- exp6rt'- mg codi_tt`:E{s'; *o1'1" `X 1`aL,Tu71dmruvai|--' able stocks in` Euijzpe, nT pTJfted"tn Briid at;eeb's,`are as f V . . n....4~ Ac `pidin <"EnmI)e '- Grand` 1553 . ~. `70 B7000` *..20.s02.000 2 044,000.` 0 , `x1800 0..24,0s7,000 2000,0o0* 01, 3,000 88,822,000 ~1s_89...._10,071-.000 0.941.000 47,7 .000 . 09,132,000 ` These urns` `show.-0 marked tailing` oil in tlxe.0v0i able M1000 supply; aziicompared with the 1030; four" years; and iudicame um farmers who hagd their;gr0.ih back will secure "positive ogre; are aingiinstita praiaeaday ;better_pri'ces than are Being0o`enad;n0_w.-_- in tgud-`dayout.:. I am 80;iy'ear_a 016*. I j H S"- " * L hw.e'had00at0.rr1lf,oI`_50Ynrat` Dr. 5. uew. s. ; of the trouble, ADIEOKS mu uwIsau_u., m_- -movias` the. cause. cleansusmni and Alma` the "parts--quickly and perma,i1e n0l'y.V Dr. Agnew'a Caurrhnl Powder doeaall thief `and W0 no hearaay. The alaves who" are . freed from thin loathsome `malady, by this . * ` 4 V. _-1 Gam`Ih01Pomgder9uredme..msL 0 took ""v3v`*-`"`* ` ' uponmysoure`an.almoi.0'fmii~acle."writes w~\-:4. .....|..;;.m`m1`n1mnh "Gaz`. 0Le'iii0; 0f,Shm`0kihP!!- A aim'pl_a` I nu. V .9 3%.`-,`'`.`?`` A" upo`_n;.mx;' Wrgwug V ' ffondiLhnnl1.Gen.J.&m,.`_ n `J%i.g1;I:`.a. A simply; `---~.~;~-3--w\.,.; Thatno gemdi inhho markeha V V . mo W __ 3_rpt atiap. to i promp.t1tlie-1n.toothache, Lnurafgig, and jor ~ld-. in qkha,.had.- may Q rheumatis rn;.a Net-vilim.e,_ and: i'tg.aotioi1._ ohnoicmtqrgh. Stap1hhe6o1d`and-pgevm 1 in cues of omnpa`. .0959, &ov1;:vAi,impl_ `theatarrh. Dr,Agpew s*-0atmhn1..I?ow4 1 m.uvellons.r~` thing. t9-l`phyx-I der .ia.};utm1eaa;anx1;eag1;;applied, . . .eaan ompexieue..:1m..smartmna'g,r;9m,hi ` V ' .~ * `knowledge of the oot_x1poail.ic';,.I1.o I_{erv.ilit1g ~mq;g!g3:;;j;; `gghgf " , . - 119 J '9'9dY_ '"-1.`*~3 MP9". 5*-*1m!` inure. All uMeI{oE.ibol1ing,"pilaa: 1n~'f.x:qm_. 3 to _\ - remedy. and that-1n's on`-.-. - ~boule+e'ENrv,'11in9h.;uld b._n1ai1a.b1L`f9R.';!;5;d{g_`5ng3_iug m1.3,,_; ; V Vmnae!:t,dem9h53: Red9r3VF*hi!~PP9" `Ale6.uhrea'T6;tel. S`slmhaixm; Venn ... I ...m...|A nu;-`N nmnl|nn_` . v . ' R'~`.hI- Imh:_-`hi .11: gruagioup o:.ghQ;` x'r{}'ggt:d$?h&iidh, V E - `ahbuldf grygrwiliue.` B emaggelsdemghdlg Readers oHn_1a p&p9l'y`A_]go_q1nfo|'._L?a,htBl._&l.l5`n8llm.v,.13`95!$[uu, 1, .gh'I)'\l|d< trygewilina. 3 . \B zirb"en'n Im1;:.;m`,sn; Eruptions ohheg `o ` _. `~ ) V. `gm. _35vggn})`,b'q|._ `..,_..'\., ....L1 g a = ~ rm, in, ,~ 33; an 5:; 1 3. .,-.- 1:, - use . ;}E5 ` 3. m3n, $:`.? %"fiv Lmr`Pi1;`&*=;&1*?1ioi@;psvfeotyziid: eada 7:, and V Ate my .aoxo wt M,.onrrlikamagxmSnok~Eaadaqhq.A-Opnqtugag :, V W - '- ,tiol.6Bi! I}nb1i'reiqib";ind a11{lhtorv;; 3., Limited, ..9u,w4 ,vuu . . . . Barrie 1 niirailable L. - TYn:n(` V . -wm uking,~ in Iddition-1-Io` of indigeht ill U15 IIIKII-t'l`Q`p(w I, vuul vuv two-7 3.. ma` uhnxrwgbxi ma Lu. mgoting pnrp m%.;_, W ' " Slain to August. 15w," uome recompense tor nursing hm. during hi! mu weeks illnuu lain mum. _ Thu Dunno nonnrfpl`. {hit an EXYBHUIVC . The Reeve reporua, man In exusnuve V` washout hndlbean nude on Ridge Bold, con. 1, by which thoroud was runuered im- ` pusuhla. tie and Councillor `Malcolm had examined the plnceuxd lot the job of re- pxiring the sung to Geo. Crawford for the U1 0! 350. Repor adopted. 2 _ f`.4.mmnnwntinn (mm Andxew Martin uk- sum 0; $50. keeper; ld0|)53U- _A Comtuumatiou from Andlew M -"1.k' iug part par`; for woxk done qnnew budge. can. 1. The treasurer wu instructed :0 PW $50 on nlgoveu ' .. Th: nnnnnil mnnhl nmnt of J83. $50 nbove.~ The cduucil made: gmn't`of $23 tb M06111 1.0 iinprova line, :on. t ind `2 ; and $2 to N. Bell to put ruling on bridge, line, uuu. `land 8. _ 'l`|u. nlnrb nun innhrninti tn nntifv 11. J. Tana 5. . ` The clerk was inabrubted to notify 11. J. Crnwfoxd xo repau-nolduuling dnhridge, line. colt; 8 tum 9, and Juhn`Smith to clear up road allowance. hue. con. 5 and 6, oppo~ site lot. 7. on tienns agreud upon wiIh`2ud Deputy-Reeve Campbell. llmumillur Beawu. on behalf Of Hugh uepucy-Lwevu uulupuuu. Uouucjlluru Beawu, Hugh Morrison, asked. fog` pay for half the wire require _ _ add a fence on north side 01 CJS. 10 and 11, opposite S. W`. } lot 10, con. 9. Lou over. . . \ `N... ..|..|. ..,.... :...omnml m nntifv Martin The ulerk waa.i'nnt:ucted`to notify Martin Johuson_t.o remove his fence otf road al- luwuuce, Ridge Road. con. 1; also to notify Robert Kuuaell to remove his fence ptf road allowaliue, opposite lot 9 add 5. pt. 10, con. .1, Oro. ` . . Messrs: Angus Mccuaig and -`Wm, Mc~ ,,; __l._.l L- .... ..A.I:o:nn .1, Uro. Messrs: and-' Arthur appeared and asked for lg xn uunuectxon wxth Central church, Urn. H/.. ohm A5 Ur Runlnn smd Mr". Cal ` ` : -I:r`.u:t..-vno,--~ ' - .\u:n_.t Rm. f: The couu`;,:}`l mg: In ujonmxntnt. connection with uenirai cnurcn, uru. . 0/n inotion of Mr. Benton ungi Mr". Camp- bell, the clerk was instructed to nomy Aiezssrs. .McCuaig' and ';iioXEth'n r"'thnE` the land asked for non aim for Sabhnth school room, in connection with Central church,iziat present held by the om Agricultural Society. The council linving conferred ivith the ` Directors of anid society regret that they cannot grant the iulliuiionn of land asked for, but would be pleased to make an ad- dition of 6 feet to the north ofrpresent chur-sh lot, beginning at a point 4 feet, 6 inches east`. `oi present northwean `corner, then north 6 feet parallel with. wash fence. then east and parallel with north fence of present. lot. which we believe would be the quantity of land required for proposed building, ` ' `rim clerk was instructed to notify G. EL. ut wxuur. The Reeve peporud, that extenuvo vuhnnt hnd bun msda Ridge building, V g : The clerk was instructed notify Taldwell to till up washout where crossrond joins Benetaug Road at Crown Hill, Oro Aida. ` aide. leit over`. . _ " The clerk was instructed to offer Joseph Seymour aha sum of $300 and original road allowance for a deviation road 66 feet wide through his farm, as pgoposed By the- council. - BY_(ADV`ER'1`ISING THEIR Goons nuvuun ;u A nuuuyi "W."A.`Herr"6i1.l1ingwashdut, Ridge ` - Road, con. -Laud 5. .. ., . . . . . .. a '2 '00 W. A. _Herrun, 50 loads gravel, to ` ` _ div: 3 .-..; . . . . .... 250` H, A, Crawford, pepuixing road nm- ' chine . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . 40 F. Hubbert, board of A.` 1\lcCu2iig, _ " Mayl1toAug.ll . . . . .._.....'1S00 S. Wesley, ad. and printing . . . . . . . 5,28 W. Elliott, 65 loads of gravel . . . . . .. 3 25 E. Ratcliffe, " . , u'_ . . . . ..` `I W` Debenlmm, 35 u , .1 75 _ J. Filliugham, 73 ` " nu 3 65 L. Forward. work,'line,co'n. 9 &10 `l_-L 00 , rm. .mn-m-nf mmI`inIT()Wn Hall Wa left L. Forward. work, une,u-on. :5 oz. 1U `J._-k uu The matter of insuring Town Hall with the-clerk. he having xfeceived notice that the policy" qxpirea on the.30tl1 inst. Adiourned` to November 9th next, at > that the poucy qxplrea on mu. auuu mu. Adjourned 10 a.m. ' ' . " Y H. J. TUDHOPE. }You d Givg All hm rim osilaom to bej .__._4._ W ; __ HEART DISEASE.--Relief in thirty miimtes in most alarming cages of ham 1 trnvuble; A at-rongmatment tomake for . Dr.-Agnew s Cure for the Heart. bufic is borne nut by t_.he bestimo11y.nL_LhousaI_1d1 . who_r.o-day proclaim theniselvea snatched from the grave by its wonderful `curative , powers If the heart utters , pslpimes, T tires easily," it. indicates heart_ disease} Be ` warned in time. Use this surest and quickest`. cure ; it never fails; Jas.'Al1an. of St. Stephen, N,&LwLm3sv:-':I-waa_., troubled! with wary _aevere phina in the ' heath, pain mthe aide, and shortness of ,broIibh:,, I, became ,comp1ete1yh9xhm`%edh with t.he`1ea`as:exerbiqn. .Doci;ors saiii{i'xh"y'_ ?0il86'W&B ` : I prboured n - bgm.1e'4;L,D::..Agnew's Cure for the H"e'art * Afew (loses ggvje me peruiangnt relief-- - aix hqttle`a entire1y-`cured m.`ph11T6lday ` .1. am well, _nn1_iati'ioug as ~Ieve'r`was-. I ~ `think it the heal: medicine on earth for- h,earhtcol1.b,1e.." -. * . '9 - , n . m a until. `I : ....`n. a.J-.I- in'I1I'. l1,9I'D|JL\l|.ln|{l|?o. . . _ j OATARR.H;--.I6 goes right to the'ae'e.t "of the ti'duBI; ;attaoks the diseases. re.- .......2..~ um nnnan. nlennausoii mid hum `GOLD oia SILVER-..4_V eat _Cu'res*r7q Sgiggic Cureatgo}: ` A Speitio Ailmenta_.. _ correspondents ACCOUNTS rassxsn. nu. , . -___ V 5 W33 {Bl (1 Deputy ounhn ul `all. nnu Fm Iulf Hm wma J. TUDH01`!,` ` ' Clerk,` \_ A.8'ew3. ll ` H Ill, mu : an addition ....`km-.1: ' A `i " 4III..;_.__.-4ln Al `Jung:-0455 T Go where ybu will over the whole North Aluericnu couuuent. yuu wm hear Paill_c:'I Celery Compound spoken of `; and in every village, mwrraud city youwill nd some. who, 'thrnugh-%he Compound : power, btwe found heulllyand new life. 11.4-1`; .:-::..i`.`. :.. 4...n;.\.. M ..n..... uh. ' nave tounn neui_tn`anu new me. ` People deiigiit in telling to others what V; Paine e Celery Cumpound has done for them. Neuvonder thntthere are teneot 4 thouaande uf ardent and enthusiastic tnit_3- ` eionnriea all over thecoutiitelit speaking 1 good words about Pai_ne s Celery Cum , pound to those who need 9. curing and a I healing medicine. The friend: who have ` spoken for and recommended Paine : ` - Celery Cotnpotgnd have done more to - advance the reputation of earth t_t.beet medicine than all the newspaper articles ever pnltnliahud. ` Tim m-mu. mninrilv of diseases that e-nd T Durigg jglge -Summer `months ,`if[g1w9.y from h6tx ieT corrspioixd: : vents: will please endeavor to get f someone to do their work during Jtzheir; a.bsen_ce.._T9; "that their 910 cality may not be nnrepgiesent-d. . nnrnannhnnts Wlllted ill un-1 ppguanua. The great majority of diseases that in misery and death might be quickly and germaaemly cured if sick persona could ` only be induceu to use Paine s Celery Cumpound".*' ~, " , -~ Thu umnrlnrinl nwdAit-.inH Has 3 DONG vumpounu. . 7 The wonderful medjcinu has `In ` record uf.cures-m. 'array of testimony that istruly magnificent and astonishing. The rheumatic? dyapepti, nervous, sleep- less. w euk. run-down, and those tormented - wilh blood diseases are" abon made well _ ` and strong by Paine s Celery Compound. you case; aine s Celgry Compou `wll surely and certainly give yu_u the bloom of health and long yearsof happiness. Tm)! tunnv Armminr m- onlnr lmmv that ne-um mm long yearaux uuypnueua. Let your dmggiat. or dealer know that vutrmuat have Pame's, as ilnitauons cannot meet your gaze. Our reporter uid u visit. to Auteu Mills on-Suuduy last-, aucluhile there was the 1 guest of A. F. "Gurrett,` the genial agent of . tha'Burriev Branch of .he Berlin Piano and I Orgun Ccinpsuy, who resides about a mile j from the village. in the morning we were j invited to attend the hlethodist Sunday school. at 10.30, We iound,'on our arrival. - the little church tilled with rosy-chiaeked uirls and sturdy brown-faced boys..,to_the ' number of about sixty. The stuffof teachers were in their places. and are fully up to l the average town Sunday school teacher. Mr. Garrett is "the Superiimendent and a `capital one he makes, me. There is ulso 1 Bible.clns_s'. \, " In the nftdrnoon we toolm well; over our ....--u,. mm ..~... 6.... Sn 1.! mhinh nm nlnm-Ml. peopla generally zXro'bnr1u.y anu progreaslve. Evening - found us at the Anteu Mills ` Methodist Aahuch. and: a we -tilled house greebedmfe Rev. .Mr. ,: Was} ington; whi) - preached u. very impressive sermon on soul uzxving. ` ' _ Mnndnv morning we iourueved homeward uz\Ving."' Monday morning we journeyed \vell pleased and considerably refmalled after our d.y s sojourn among thehonesb tillers of the soil? n.. ........:m. nun unwn infm-mad that THE tillers oi the 51011.? On enquirry we were informed that Tm; EXAMINER is in very xvelcunm visitor to many homes, and that they would as soon go without: their dinner as mine reading its nnnhmls. - n.. xv vv wuvu copltents. Therenre more than one eort of korna. ` Some korn is planted inthe ground and ' gheother aert'..duu'.t. need planning; they ' grow nauiully my inn"e""foesend`en t J need hoeing. This kind of corn line" we sorts--one gentle and tender like `until Bill Jones steps on your font. When it ` - gets l)`oiling_`n1A:i;i_;:_yd speqrs like every- " thing; the` *ot11er_ ie lmfd headed and makes n row all thetime, especially when your boots are on. I don t like korne. and use the extracting medicine. Putnam's f Painle'ss'Curn Extractor, which removes , themjnainlesely in uventvy-four hours. __-.-._:------._ '1 CA .~'\dd1'uss -_ . V _ . _Bx-_evit'1"i'I"'. I . Six olcors of u Wnlthum. Mean, Orange'duniug~inltiution. . ln founding eihome for the _uged_ut Norfolk, ; 7Ve_.. and thenmet the `extreme disappoint- ment of being ,unnble `Uto nd ten worthy ` persons in the city who were willing to F enter it. _ _ V, " . l An old men, one ofthe. nine persons in Peter Peterson s house near Grafton. N. D., when a cyclone came -down on it, tried to hold the door from blowingvin, and the next minute found himself, still clinging to the door. forty feet ' e eld ' A nu'rimIn mmrnble `of,, the viositudeeof A . -_ muywgq4mm sweet 011 very lightly and wrap t.h'in in tie.- Ld`'haVLbeen'd'$35 emu insulting `For riufleninmtory rheuxnetismrdissolve in n ' 'J.`homo.e B. Belleutine expended 375.000` sue paper; this wvillprevent their rusting. ' '.ltJoLsweet oil one ounce of pulverized sult- petre, and tlioroughlywuli the parts effected. Sweet oil will clean mutals;' rub um metal well withe flannel cloth i_mt_l Wnhll off in wurin eoupsude. A bottle contmniug two pertsyoloil t0"one of lime writer will he found excellent for eunburn. ' . n L N N ~D'audelion SzLlad.--.fX elem` salad of dunde4 ndeliciounccompuinmentof meet ham the snowy any gre ` ourefully unabnndance .......l.l-.4. Huun .._._a.-..1.. IZ-f-`IvIrII&~f--I.I|a5`II-\L Thousands of Advocatu-sr forbyfeetzumy_n1_t.uLue1n - ` - A curious 0Xulh]`_)16 0f,, < "f_fi>ctune is. that of the lnte,'Mr._ ,': a>tt`.ison, who recently died at Rockhafnpton. in Queensland. He was abutcber. who struck : gold,,hecame very ri,c,h,, went into politics; . was made Postmaster-General, lost; his r1,c,n,, went mm puuuuu, was mada money, returnedto his butcher shop again, j dying apoo: man.` g . ` lamn Hall Park, the residence of_ t1_1e a poor man. u |ll|al\lU.lvvn-nu- -. , V Eaton Hall Bark, .reaiduce of {he p00nful.and.& Duk of 'VVeat1I\inist;er, Willheuceforth be closed to the public on Sundays. owing to 11315-chill! thp continued nnsbehavior of mwdies.` 3 - .h%\f diffldeliop leave: ....._.__.._..__......_. ` ',,1u`d;* ThT1;;f9Tnh`e best. The beat is Ivorine. ~ ," ` ' seiuwhitaua d does not" destroy-`the enamel. Gqod as ' the beat,-in fragmllob and oleanaingrand Vpoliahing~propeArtiea. ' Better than most, ' .as"i*.`conv._ains no acids "to" dwatroy; Better ' than ujlbeuauae pleasant. ragrant,'olei1 ns- L jiugwami whitexiing, all t.h'e-go'od`qualitiee. _oombi'ned'.` `Ivo_rine'V_for,,;the .`teet_h alone ......-..1..:... M an thnvhnt; ~ . " _ ' - oomomeu.` LVU_l`um `nun, can cluxmm b_.a_the beat; V A van: to-Anten'mu1s_. may 7,105 UH .|Lu1'U|){.va:'uu -u. Ozmrespondents. wanted in fun-i r_epr.es_a'n!:ed districtssj A i an ,1 u',._., ,A