Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Aug 1896, p. 2

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wmm 4? PM I ii\;D3;_;\l)lfllt((, A851`, 1-mo ; IT { F .W;I\l1:(}Ol*AERVVL;. ..e:\vv , A . VBmk.qr`Torpnto Bui1d_.i1'1g. ~.\. 3 ` -Du`/an8t1 IBax3k.qr"'rorpim5 Bugiqmg,-"L . 9 - - -_ 0u`_r`en_8x~ee$. , i'.:)1`"}?1f'(j;;_ ._ & _ __ A k3|l)(`}i.ll_ pion. ";:;i1-' an mi. ~vus;!-iv.-v~ -. strietmaxt I_3nr.1e_[ I ` '-`:5*r:*"" I no I Iugl `` 5 .` `1_ . if! he 'iIgri1r-ARi1I?$"= 1 ' ` 90.00090 } _. 'h.00000 ` " ssori.o 7. 5?! W 3"` * can l'|$!|A|l.?) UL_lI UUlIT1U|lUL'a _ , Omhe men1nhr_ tfahi there were g I perhaps hn`lf.zx`dozen Wh0`W0`l:8 eligible, ' na_.ng1unyynu,ot;whmn,would have made _; ahusbangi any woxnnn could be proud % ' `of, Bx1ti`the'y`\i71ie1norely 'triemIs;' new `m_uxj_nk 9! `them ,-lupd em axiggjzmedf; ;auoh' a tlxixigas .matr|xnony* to` her. -ajnd ; ggpossxbxy this was;w1_y=she liked chem. ; ;~S-berversc is ye. hahum of iwomnn. r_ K . ' Amnnvr thin 1mIf.r1rw:m um: mm whn ` _v mu-vgur_u--u ouxnmrmulrmruuue. was tislortun that had `been . the scliiblini-Blbdk iii We `xxiAtrimonIa!`7` .1mtl_1_ot Suaauna,.;nn_d not any laixk or aimxeuva quanuges in her possesyidn, for ` ph ` s nhtvhomel , nor was shea ny- thing-,_ oh n`m_lug. .'1`haff_nri1ne, how- ; .evEr.` which was herdfrnm "her sixteemsh e. g\`e'r, he aid 'II'ot{; fvappumr, undy `bye Tggzs (awn. ` mntinurqgto appear, imtil Susanna V glad reached _z\`*>.qgd and}; iirrm'1m4s` of 3 uhmjuctmr, to put it.m `Ly. _when. her`: If&l (5lll3VvV\ 0ll!}_'bPc\ 9'f)7b8* Agublnd 1 to mnkv her, as attramva as 'she w2\'N\&; [{1tWN1t:y. _ __ , . ` . ,_ F "Phi: Iznnmldnn hm! nnm-.5 tn `hmd nmn. @ I wsvzruuy. ` .. 3 4 This knowlsidge hadcom to lher grad~ 2 xmlly. but wnsfnoue me less forceful on 5 `that; z,mcnu:_1v._`nnd\she was dtermlned F not to let .,tl1i" `ieapyy M` pns's"w1t-houh", -resu|cs';1ngbh `tater; * ? CH Mm mrm in .h:\r train` f.h"AI-n whm " W16 UUQNDUIUY 01 I101` SQ!-1l58l,'[lV00(1o ` . A. -Shawna gbod-nsltd:-.,8Bouh go, now: ..8VeI`,.'i1(1'1Bt. Mr. Ou1fvex~go;i on` with x .-w1;mm--n am to s;;y,Vzor:1r.u.m was ,1 2 any mail i`V?10:~,u1d*mak j Mtery Lanyi I more,1)_r;xlaI5ab,1af.\`:o `he than, a-ny_auhe1-Q 4: \&n, :-11HtjmRnW&i_ f:C\4t1V'9l'.f But 41; - was ngfmn pver,;'3{:and,%Wh6nV_MhoL had `xlxad 1 ~,IiImaelt?f;omqr`bpbIy;V;in gm` on/ay` `bht1r_,_ ' w!bhL?whA1uh.{he.w_ ,:i`tam1_l4iar,;_ha seemed} ' sq have Jorgoht M yvh,etshe::.".= `Susanna j' lmed La g _}gh1f nlf .n tg\fj._'&nd,bgn_ f; `.1|11}..h:g'%aboii1:-*t;_llLVii}1`UsVof thingis pfepple , ` 1sinnI;e:ot;,` 7' s\:xx`u,mu_ we xngra anI;e:QI;pa1a1;1g. ,- , At.n1l`MiVeve txt,V t/1mt >1;I .he,...way7 l_*_K3_ -"3'. `; _ * `annr'aud$h-0-_f6ItV-he-K This :sn1m~y;L j 2mnshi;or`tm:o.-!` ; %1!~u_I0!;=9vs 9! I34! B!g;`` ` '-*`;9TN.`*v W555` , . `} ~ .53 bdvwhmiwd gnootnlly. ` but ymrVgrjggo:a11yV span , the ma dime . `thmsr pro ; Is, and, share werefnxcr .manh mtha otha tour when the .- Q1lIJOR3},dapgt'1It. Now` that as man` had oomknjiher mind made rup. Sheould take glue` min: ot:Cnpld1n.-her (max and drive. that hamm- um um wvww WW vwnmu "emf lawn and *r!.r1yq,,thatL amm- hx `manor : to-.39.i 1I1arsel,1.";$hav knew harmed mines. one ` years on 9:; ahammm`, `and a poise;qndjba_l9noeAno uian who was 1oa1?lng'..di- anal nsJb1a womanns is [write could; afford `to disregard. In addi- rdnv'nxo1i'wu~ chMha- was thirty-'vaZ _ioxHo-tlxir1zhc4had.-whns men se1do.x`n;< 7.` disrega2_~d-a uomfomble-fortune. T -`Yf. iunn H: fnrtnn Hun}: hn `khan H-m `smug -,I>_\11n. ongrxnxng; jgne, mrtuna, now- ; .e"v,r.` which was hers`frnm'her. sixteenth` ; `blrthdnyy. 'hzqd_ ' developed, 1ri_,~,'n i'ea1r_.I `thnvmeii sougm~11ar_;_t_c)`_1-__l1_c+_rm;;11onB)'.and 3 age {or Xx,n5e),;aud. never having fallen; ` jlnlovcga with akgy offher coixrtiarnf. she * '.did not nd'ib dltcgilh. fo- yesist_aidv an~ I ,es,',bnll9\'ln_g,' me 3119' did, lthms mien Ware 1 `mercenary wrvtohes us xrrulo, and `that I ; sdme gay the one mun in all phe W.o`rl<,1` for but; would appear and `clahu her as : Lgga awn. - . `' ~ ` - V V&............ . 1... .31.: 'viA: '....'......`.. uvul L. out .'DJ`}!K2EVtf!iU Hi |JLlH_ IR||l.ll'U VU1 `V\'>U1l|l_I. _ Amon;z_this: M1,! dozen was ,one who ; found the-\greatesb`,fnvor in ,Snsnnna's,__tshe others` taking their posmona after hlm_.!n regular gtjadntlqh, and this a one Sx1s.'_mnu'neIeoted*as. `he:-_ victim` for ' leap-yr~ar'.:resolve d.;t;o my ixllheiothers i in`cas`r'1 or faih1ro'ln_.tha r9t."lfm;t1m`oa._ Q > Vt`:-uh Qn2rnniu'~ct1ud'n r1dunnv\;tt'u axii:_ ` guwuyn UUHIU8 VVIQII |`1QX`|3. _ . ' f. ~.Wh_qn-`(ho c':una_agn1n, she was sc~ ,,wrough up. over the work before he;__` Lthae hqr gyag sparkled and her clxeelm ; ~glowedinrosy`oolor,- ` -_ T --wrw. mm vain anm. -?\Miu1nAn-213,15... n !-g ): I _ ; ' . V ~ . -----. LU nu sucueusm.e.- '3 - - ~. _ ; t f;. ; . q,E`;?,?;..99. "'_ ? ?*.:_ , `.`1r91l.vou__I;w9n t. hez=r'._-In rms xs is uwnyl bk,-q ybr gem` _`M`Suan'm'_,;_-' ontiwlix. -1nQ`xj).01${3(\, and I `am .sure__nu. 5;. . fu V , V - . _ th_1;'-gun my 00 u uct; ma ever. \\`a1'1-gnntntci he ma my 3. wok Wage" ; you in1:_rouch`in;.tl~1asubject:to me." I _.Ha,wh s. ma-y`em, (Mei, than she; sud : _ Mr. Cxxlfzzxv` was very evinlenhxy 1}: cm`:-` _ -always '.a8s1Im.6'd' that B1658-mY`5``Y " 3 `}`1Se`;3:etl`?dto;x?I13:1`;s's`r\)\:\!211r::o:er`::`;:1?]$g\xi: A V . ` `I; " `. v _ I` us-V `9`Y mm. 3 ` . ,, `j women nosed under hhe.`ci1'ou`111sv1\uceH in - `(om -.h"k '5" '-M .C1" v.. 31" a which Mr Culver was Placed All in Ttwittored. I m\'sur,8}Y0u L 0:11.57 t1?lu1F _A9o.L! ' ` - ~ V ` ` - L - ` .. ,. needed nowkvms` ja llf'tl %v1I10I`e ~nonx~i`ix;z.' ably/La1,gm1yV pad susunna norved gepsels rm xe mm `g 3 . 1 wanna `.5. H u. .;m`m.A 53.3. um... ........ n...a .TX30D~ unuuwu uy_-emauy men. _ _ ' j~`.'./Oki.*_tAhank you. {Mrh Culver,_ ,she twlbtared. "I'm inure` you thlnl5'___so. ` 1! 1odk ;i\'I alsvuys look." ' v - ' O1-course. I Miss Sus:ynna.0nly La1ightlyV .`~m0I`8 so. "-He hniued, bqt there,-was that 'i{A1n.tha_tojne .svlx1a1:.~hz;d~?`the. ring, of in T jaipoorltayy or`. as l_e:'\sb`- superficial` and- uonlety sInnerity.wh1`oh_ is very nearly fthe.snmehhlng',and which made, Sun-. , .l%n`nn/A dannldn"'M.`\`.nmv *1if'.'m:m that an I a'r'h'_ml`meimt2 to her no fdisolutloxx ot an nnntinsii nf hm: m.h...m-} 1 \ mr nun mean; no net no msgoxunxo ~' the continuity or her spins6etthpod.~ 1 -Shawna nhnd-n'si1:nrd.. about 11. Q Kp!EU"l o V ` 3 " stomeeita m `int y "aema mange S3ht_tint.x1i. ?'l51rlt which has;-won ~or than ajthu manna; -mu 'ofshe1pBntlr sex; .; MI cm : ad xpfac ` g1;u_`ha shcxqfhava homage} tr. 3:=:`::11ha&V1s-J5* n:.wwoz% omen: imm- = Accept/Aheir` Io: mum T Am Sunnimbrmn hm_ ivliah` Am suaaum **ap fin" !!;i*fW F!;19h. 11111 8!3l8`w- Fxncggmxxa-ursug um 01 snapenugr sex. . Emn"~Imn-nan hm! mind hm hm; anti awn _ . ` __ .And.no_1ess spry, 101-`in the ioouixw ol his t-st can in the new year. :ah,e began- I hep opmtdoixs. "But Its; \vae.n_drondful, task, nnd theVevsn1ug.passed wichoub .8 _aSng!,'o `st;ep__taken.-forward. The -et`fo1`t-- ma been made`, . however, always come_a with effort. ' "Whnn-`.-ha n'n-nim nrmin and courage `; nhn I-um: an `M,-ths avidaniv and an: A mankind ; :9 poms: Es` mm-x-.`T V hm! hand min innit, in H` CH5 UL lllilli l_Ll_`l1|`lU LL53`! l_1JNDUf. I Slfruly, Susannm'waa'n dsperute spin- atmn - guy u1,'.y.\:v. _- ~., ` 1 . '~ " "Oh, .l zn' um: 1fta:I, % lab` `es fa gum`. voico._I -m3'n:-:t:- w.::t` \ J tints of thing. Sim afzizztnm .1" 3-or `why. am` yot1j;z';:2`_\' 'r:_a`.: in )'r ~ -a_ `Q ; fa one, ':n(1._dn!y:m chill :lmxx'.\v(ml`,1.M ni< of `is. .-1: " m at at- vd 1`; 5_t;1m mklfgg :~.n nuw-"0' E M `n ` better my ic,11j3\-a In.-._.m',.g; .` .`.\,.. :1 v- ~':):x.: :v r . `K-`aw. -.-g.;...&..-.v-;i-.~. ,.;.,.; ..;_ f'~-`~f`;`L`~ muons in_~,I1tL.j,hn:.;`0ni'L atren , Is` _ ph}IxLkAmy:elV!_ theyturgv }'xlix';t-I11L,"`n:t7:a mLg:;u];=`r . ` A ; ~',: sn ,\'g'b`,z_:_r1;f` qru so? awn \y.son3a. A ` .- -_ "? :~`h%a`:v.~W-*v9*<?`~n= I=W`.W** W 4m{:Hli:"{:`!E:":1l?,('%%)`l%%u(;~{?1:i` x 8(i5.iy;`."]$_1l`lJt`(. T9`i$ ihe`.u\p-ym:_ priv-";v.m-.~,u;lkm/d ` I V __ 3 . ?'M9ge.'_A}1` women. uew and nid. (gm: ::T ~ ; r , - - ., i , ;_ `j 1-..'ciuiiix `t-hat. nIi~:i7ynn 1n11sm't:,,Iorga..- nim, L. enblamnn is ; alarm: chm: `doeamot I/whi l2zLu7f2eap-,s*nar"'. J " 7" ' 29.1?" W `"3 `W401 : *9`? W `1*3~ MW1 2 1'2`! had {org-men us," 11:: _(gild, .;',xx::`~x7*,:_ A and fe4e1iugsjin'm_ry smlqgu "6 his chair over into ch tar garners-oL..z....,seg~j \'; ` j mg `u-,1` ghm3'vghou ghguyagg _ `{ f.i t`` -I*h! 81ll1n0.0 ...Rf0...V ,ts'~$'!|5`,,!=W 5 lI\7a"ior'ver?V;Izi.t`less, st'z:a`ngaTt.11:iI:;tIhon', . = -e an %;shou1ds,t1xva*,`\~.a11r. ~ - 2 = ` he was `mm cnhzhe p_!en-mlzt - in.u. ; Eu:s:xn!.:':x s`amagzirrss. He we ` 3,l>n5t.n_1b `nxnking; hlgmeii bl` ., \ar:"~'r.5.aud tim;:}wI nnxjed `.;'a;5k, V_ as 1,is:!;- no;sror.!j}nz{rFEfnre.. -, . `- `W.'\nvnn--xv-nn: is (f.:-nnxiv N-` Hn.._ .~--7 ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ; r\' K rv `There ` is little pleaaumin t!m~-worId `` ; =,thW;-1s.sincareT.aul -ta-un`bes_'idu thaof - -` Ld0i;\_' duty-and doinggpa 1. ` - ` L. -' ,It`i.-1`t"XiJe ixrevitnblfend of gzxtls /tIia`t` it} 1 , |'J`?{`| u` : Miss Suaaunb," ha ax'c1nin1ed,"`d_m1 a' listen` on It, `t slsced, h{<`;`.'.1xs=,` ailh aenmdfok lmxytshnla ~\`vns.the proper \v_u$r_ atn comi'\mn,:z sxxcns:;-- rm 'o0urtShi.p,` l}.11d..i10\V.r aims` s:lx\ j '3 hegun 11:, she most deoidedlywvislxrgdr 1157. 1 r .. ` . 5-: no ne`s11coa-sru.l.- . m mm mm r.....;.{!e .t..~...... 14/ imn.. \. T s:p_v_nn_o,t_lwr- \v61'd. ,__1`Ze4Il)y,T` 1- ca.Imoa_;. "-131'xjn' I nius it to you;" @219: "lb? ; Hold on. Snstmn'a';:; holti _on,":- he .e:~;~ Oitlhned. "!Oc;mt`uuPt1 1% U ,. (that sht>.oI<!` "v . . m}.gtms am .kx1ewAn&`aglrlv n.\'e{'1` mmea ` huwny `;'_vitii'fer \ s`11_(_i_h' . oiruxlixnstmxus, iWB`er*nx.xoh she\,~1uli ".`.I dc puns we uuuuy h}I|t)W,W,\lulA"|:UlI.1). : . F} ii have-mought iv-ri 1 talking-.` \n'uni" 3 > ` .. . , .L;he1-c ;la.;.ony ' miejvognnn h1~`the ' world _-that: I w:mta,~ x.u(1, ~?-iAx1x_ ` ulrezxweus. gm A ` ' ' ' V . L=uudiStxsa`nm -,; mu :65` In vuallbl-JIIll(T _ V J`\<~,~JL.;_\. ' mu usiown !=6`JeP 7 on~tI1e1`llsi;u/ns.gI1era was anlnmr-` - noqprable otimaola in hargpath. and `_vg1`!; Mr.` Cum -hold1_ng"to ,il1O,Ah."l\D .op1n_Ion* `what good would n be E .!t:om `her, avenfit she aho`ru1d`m usse:_up courage Vendu to. maks?_1?i.L;t?h`ev'Bhrgughc - A Tminum, gpd ing that vnlnntq it` new suhsme `aame,. x Vthah had bvsn there beloreyto, hnimi , gone -wool"-gasherlng `Mia she was heat: i mg about thii'bus4h with tho\nev wonmn mm. * ~ V . r ` = , _-.u._u, ....: .u4V..~`\ `-sauces : to 1_i.yes.1 ;Ia_4 u mun }-than this. me! _:*Er.:.~fiL =shal;O and t aiz\._`..t. :` :_*-W`, . r '1`i.Ife.izi`n': 'n'z'ir1_ ctjhne,` amt, .=;'.u viva t._he`womni1 to Igsa ~xo`"g1q1~iqu~;.uu { tmnr._v. / "`7\hI (`.n\vkm-L" min: lu:}n\'x V i : . 1 1 uuun_v. _ V, _. ` .V V - I Mr. Cuh'er.._" aha. hagatx. ` in. A rm 3 volna and ;\rith_`_ grant. (`itl`.5l3.-i`f~lX".i\'x. `I, _' l1z_v;(! `tar as longtixno been 'r2aix1`!;itrg you s` _|_ cnghu ea 'n1ru'ry,'_',ax_1(x 1":hmje x evgg` ;_;.:.;- ' 1 `as far as to select` )'lIH!i_`ucl)v 3 won) 2.`: ._ I_ bhmk would guih" ybu.' I:-~ ,hm:aJ::u34';c.-.. _,( or$`no:ns11!mtiona~\vlU\` zimt ,=*.`.m _ ' ~ 'is.\'vming 1,1131`; 1 shznxxlti [)k`L:-.115 thaa`-11315;" .E1:tO ,\' beu,u`18ci~l ktmw you 5;; ` I mid_.y'on will utitierstzxiaai ix; Letter H znemhunk if she7h p Wimn aka \\'si:x nhnmt AM G}:-yk.< V 1!: ` Q39 ghhtc do man ranmlf. In` aha:-uwords, L `w xvpxnza `will `he . nu'yuu".I nmogof time i ,3 ma, I2-awn: 52`: the uahtu to .31 ngu you1Ii~ 1; a.m;a.m :2: - `In .415`: ar`ir`oxx_rw1t11 !ooX1ahnot1_on: 5,.` j ~\_ \ `of that ._iJnd. *? iluanuu'un a -.1. ` L .3 `*5... "" cm x:;;x;~ D(`|?l.{l`.|j}}il{|'DtilUTk`h . , _ .-1. I .`Fo`rwarxwd; is ~og'a.zr:}1e3 V Viaa-gs\z:i1 ;'fn_xu1:nnw.thatglghzwe ,m1;.'! .".`51:"'rrf tw ;,dnngers a1mad,.I;hupo mu wl:l` }`t'ulI~!?_%' mv m w!.a-n . I ll\!'H.HAH_ H .`llU ISKIUNILL pl` ` ` ` > V C .' \'i_mtl she was ab<)m:c':) ;.. ow.-:1 `fu xfE:`.`~?:'- : ` i with her-`remarks, `Air, U_u1\'o'1' &iio\'\'e ~-.1 sj 3 sigxxsvoi real mjxiot-y, `and _'_arose4t9 his} i fl->13f.@ ' ..- Mhm I1unnhi\." hm nvnhdnm `-`dn>1n t.' ` I `pop. . up F. '. _,.pup. . v ' I Pm-haps'_you l1ava,ndt_:,NhI1ox1g.2t 513," ; she nal(1= in hvr sofbesvolce, hub `t0"m'e .`.,thex`e~hns ever been iv;r_1esir5e.t.o ':=;zytr5 you} 3 . , mg. l`~hf. ( z\'x{>x5-` mm mm; Jery_g1ose`tso- 1: I }lI_lIl; llUU\Vll}llVV_l/tl1I1\|T>1I{f{vl`l1|U ,WH5 I Gus she lmrdly kneWVWhat=to cm. I l-Ink ! nn' Qnmuinix Iinl rm ""-. In.- u-u. ` o.;\[~.dr- - ail . Thigfe his mnyf `mitt iclrguy m' J.` ~in~Il,_::{vIEIenriOui-. V, m g . sq s!t`~st1`l1.' `' 1. . I ?N`\ an ;"Il1" y1nktng3. _ , . \ m, ; -. Gnblexmm, 151 a term. then \doea not" _ any station, `but cm; mind and` feelinmz in even amnion; 4 i 1?!,Iltf,311156T$_'hi2;51ei1S5.h!i{h9A 7 N-_. m.1nd:~nona .ca1i`be aa_l_led jdetb?1n e&:_I\ut.` _ ,' a 1\- -_._._..,.'_"7 * - rv "1`he1'e1s Iflttle pleaau;*evin_the~wor}d ; = Vthmz`. `_1s.s_inc.ore,`. and - ~-trm)`be3'_idu thaokgf doinggpa L _ 9 V. g. -'.?It;i.-iie of g:xu:'}tnat'!:1( `;\ p|_a_g:4_=s -its own, -pxznizzlmwent: pm a _ pl{I|XiC6: . which is sum-em occnm-` ~. . ; '3. K The "win-pllmxftgg. Land; emmga_n1as;pf 5 1.0112` l)1* slxouldlvv-.rcaI1,, however ;e\1no`t.o1y,"t-11ejgrt\`zl}`ienr '0! J..,... J rs-.. ...zn :_ ._..x .4. inn: dt3sti::_r._ M h; _ n-..--.-.. V--.4 IJ-$>\l|l vuhlylll UV U-I ||.VL|Uc. >7 ` ! Often _t;h_a, eIemont~s'_hhnt move` and I I {1}01cl_`.Lso ciem'y are ha_resuKts*uf sistars > _; coux:solv_t}nd-tha mothar`s_!Wa.-yar. ' - , In is uh innvituble my that afnxnr7c:\n tiring higher than his own hapbiness. . ` l `Fhri a...o`l......: 1... n..`.. ._`.x__ ' ; not, 116` ~lanppy\1nlm he lives '.m- scrim _ Inn] uuua 1.1! uujn IIU .u'_uuu_ J.V!`\\ I.Uv.lfl_L;A 3 'l`l1Irl;y` days are reqillxd 31! mu ,u_o_ 1.1` braye1bub_`\vc_en.,New;Yqnk Bushlrb. - - 1 Z "1_`,hirt}yL uays"re`5_ Lrequ!red_-`!o'r-mailxq I D ;gtra'v ol -b,et.\x'een` New. York and Gk_mtt-'23.. 3- L1~`rom-` Peuung fto *N,Qw"5,Zork- zi 1cS6AcerT ofrpqulres 85 days G0"1_ny\l'i6'Yil}!:'3_"391}1`i\ey`;` ,`;Only mo am ar,e_`Vnede*dfo1 gr lter" to; um: bemeen Halifax amt LNaw/ York. `. Y `I A 'I.wu.: ......uL..: 3:. ; '5 nu. ,-av MA-AIUAUIA an \-a_uuuu:i:. _ The` .nm'ilf rbute afromf-LNew_ Yo 1;kAto l Afripn, via Pxxqama, 13-27 days long-. . ` ~ 'PIm'_ &Imm.a4-...;...n ....m... :..`+......... n_..; V , }, % ;1.g:.;,+sjif;ra mTua,`saf>;sna ..;{.~ _ let-tgrif m _ Qvk g dI31#1_nd.is1,-\ in Insbm 1nb:5~M: i. 9l*9`=*W*9vvi_mMv~~: L - 1' g .11 .35-- 1.1.`. .,--::-q Uq9l$,C"'w' an-nu, an-gqugw. mu; .yg,`p(:qI"I-Gvn\(taI :L usgzmsie-;-161$`: _ /6h9wet_'I'an -xaxm-an mus` em _ retugg`oHI.eak V x;x1naa,`mum.e: maguuy o:.ra91 at :1- ..k;. `nu-.. `...; n..`_.;;,_ -u;."..' 1.-.;.' `vvvvrvrn IlICI{;l lJQI`.`Hl1|p"UH` ` ` . rliln V `K ,- Iaih;!:.'ai . on vloaziit ;`_ rat despises Gqdfand `titan: fafd `mun; ' Iln`.`.'.`-.1..... 1. `;..; L.x`..;.;.|. 1.3.. .1.......' , yup-vs: VRYTG. wt-IL; vaIawIw_`IeH|!DM~ _' Th -law -in wxsmut ximh fa. thmr A vrho, withqut heed,.,do` plunge mm 15'.` ' . X? `'D'AMm- lb nu.-.-.` ah"...-' -Ni a.|.`....e.1.....W -yuvg '1-uuxgur uuv-agnuv `uuuav nuuv aye i 3 nu _ch'at uxuue inlsertos whIoh...-dtnwte were _onu.a't I""~,"' L v.1ny:'.n;a:.Tcn5 mg; and therphor ; Joveeis ns. ` `T `` i 111:: .. .- - I. .' _,,,. are sent, `ma what.` so ' hba vie gig: to -`Fre mm is not theizy do cn'ivi::1"t}-I '_`_._.!,...~...,y,, \'uu_banu:I``uau L`UI \ptu_ \;f?\lylu3: i o 1 ovr fine likes, bmsm pm\'er of gioinga . whatever one sees ought; to'b; ` V > nr..'... u.,. ..'x...;_.._.._'- ..v___ ,,,___. . .....`,a;:.c,.u.. mu-an uug uuu uuypxuuan. 3 `rm: pnishmen axxered `by.-the Wise who-rcyfuse to`%:`h in the Gpvm-n~ `munvthis 3;';e - under iwgsmmgment A0: bad mex;.. A . ` WV _ 7 u nu...__,a., nu. .. .. ...... -1 -....... ....y...` .l`haro' is} this:-rernarknb_le 'c.1l1 erev`I`ce ` 3 1>etweo1)_mat.ber and uxind, by doubting _ I11`0\`esi`t." ' -L , . xfnn . I ~v L. , -~}Whut lilpad yob` To6rg` i:i'o.b`st,u'c1a. *.of1tf?`me`y`zTsk\d, ` a sudcasstul. mun. _The`.othur o_bsmo1e, ? l1e.qxiw_ereg1. x -r__`u_-`_.,2.,4 , 5 .4 _ _ . . . . . v . u .,-u-vav, , A_l\J-Dl)ll~1'V\`lU\h , _ In'the`opli11pu of the,\'vor1d. marriage" 1 ends `all, `as 1bdqes;n a. comedy. ;'1`h.e- ":trm:hjis px-eo1se1y`_.t1ie,.x:evers_e: it begins an. *' * ,: 3 ' 1tL_._:_` L. 'n V 6. 2~ Music, tin the `besjf sense, dnaiz not requireTnoyelt y; nay, the oda,x-' this _nnd : the` mo1*e"' we ` are`; accustomed so 13;` the greater its effect. ' ' ....`.. 4.1..` .. , ., .- .... . . `;\_._ We put thhigs 1n prde'ri; . God. does --glue t `rest; Lay an irmgj lmrv eastun1_w`es}-'- it? knob rllangntliegl-. Lay `It; m1x'th":m1d i gdzlbh, and 4; l_s.~--_ .. w u w-Ju wu uww IV} ugyv, __ r A diiys u lttexf mailed in New York i \vill,beAdxIlivertad in Gi'_bra1m. _' '- * . I . The .nuil]' I-'ni1Ir.a ah-nm`-`Nam. `.7nZv;l-v A. .l1l9'WllU IIIIHUIKQ gjnqtieh atopg as an begixinl_ng_ ,: btvirkun. v give what yo hive. To Qoxnh ltmgy-V fj_b Mm` you to,t!= inR- *1 r.'.i....` 3.. ~ ,;.`2 ..`.7""".l'..... :."_...'".'z.`o..'.\'..:..`.';. 12.` :5 A V iecser rm; 'Cai1;6,..: willvbe : receive_d_!n_ New York in 13 (13ySs_, w L _ I . Wunm \Tm.;/v;...I..' 4...` Am.-- .. An_n ._` . . .... .-V u. --un `nun Au ur uu,y;3'., i_ _ _Frbm Nm\` /York to` Accr`tc,*1n.A(fri czi,`. 9 3 . involves 3;`; dayai oi sgu voyz;ga;' |..'1u Ag... .. |,.u.... .....u...: 1;. xy... u-..._. ......u.., uu a.uu_mm.;, to-at Lmyu mug". _' Tlga e.sVhozttesb;im1l yglte hebweag/Now`. _. , Vork,,_und`the.A1glers d;u:\`nds13'dnys. . F_rdm De1agoa"I3zty, in'Afriozy.a1t_bmf ' I 31 requires -1E"iii1y`a to much 'Nv .3 `J. or}:- rm.u.a...` .1--- -._- .-.- v. vy_ vq\I_-`I ~54 -._y_u_uu:u &AS!u.`I_Il`A' IgIlB AIUW /3|:-`J1::o E ~ A "lessen? ;pot{ed `C,_ st{n|$1nopl._wm: 1 b&>1i.1`ti in Na ' ' I .1 1- Y.ox'-L two\.}w_egLs,, _1r;:uuf,..dAy':ireq:ixrd37rbgkiii; .to}.t%`w Ira Naw Y9r1:tL9VAthans,,vlzt-; ` on; - L ~ ! m\o;gs;a:;1,;,mVo&;n% gangs 7 11.9 1Ix1ilItOnte':_eqnX1'8?.53` 'a)`s.,: . g - "A iosr oFg=xcE.fiME_ T ABLE.` puusu, lugu am-j uugmn; Brwho "goo; Insth ntnna at aha : T:fg}1_e ;u'1 d~_'ar;:;ue_g and put. 'Lu~'thi1`-' , `c1om52`sticqpejs,ce to, ight disputing .-.. Va. --g.n.u\.u gunmen: I `tI1; _s;'q\1eei:`3~I;b\>nr `sdme 15evo;'ilei"{\_rilI i % ':tbqu;']`t1xo;,f'ne1-est. f'ffif1}=,'f. $;_uja~ `Mr. *."J:xwx1e1' to his wife VneV_evening.`= _I was over to Tom Dewvs`on the,ot;her 1'egul_:u' quayiuzel Ovbi` \vheI}`er some .little.txViiug-veym '1`oni.h nd began talk- ing ':1bc'mt ocunml op * i`1'1esday or \\'2,c111'esday.j. 1.153 was_n-`E of the slight- est; consei111nc`i'yVhih> day it qc,cuz~'_ W ~- `V t y ~` I ` `day Mid he and his` `\i'i~fa' ggt `int.o:a`- Jhn `tna\'-rnnt `S-:1`nn `;'nC`l\ Ham-min minnii I .hr>&: iv vMIrrm%:hw `vaIIay.Li_vif:_' he Emma and jWes:n.ontinen{ 1 . iiufon eizhmsae:+A~T-Itse1tVa&e90mi16%1V `wid it` gaq:a' be divirlecl , by two; ticket. j [ta each .ot=he1-"and tog ` I jauguf` iw _\y9_lV!{ lull W2 /.!!9 into V vgiigys. Leggch ; .,Th'a` &`Vr73"`vI0uld .._reah* abmt; ii1? 'elv*lutioii of the eonz1nna1:'masrigi.T 811% ;w6uId .. {Orin lirod.'un:1n1utin;:;;lst'e8i1i. ` Here And ; visits;-` mostlyjo `cai1`ie.* fvhich now `are: 7 1knu!.wn`s8Ii`s1an38. sudhas Iceland and V *theAzLotes. uiountaingpactforms ` .m"m1l.hA rvmm Ev A -Ana 1:11.13.` f She:-e,`t_hoy wo,L QI tiuginto lofty `anm- F `,wv.us_{;uu uovgwau U) ,3 mm gm; xuuu. `1i3ie`? 'cI;nIk,; while use chm Lszallyil x\1mIldbeLoc_cnpied*by red cIiLy., The I phyfsicalg `features: of ' the new country,` `wouldupresent. a; striking contrast` to tiia `sceneryof existing continents. :'I:h'T'0\i1ids: woiili b sbftvand ogv-, :-in -' I)......:.'..:....'.> ` W .....L..}L... 4 4-3 ..L-_u.i . uugysn w.w;gq.oe,un;03a uuxuuwnu In 3 >1) ; A " A ;4-tiofzqhs {vi 311:1,` rise gr'Ec'1ually .;},Vi inlvix `the... cleaned `plat- "f;u :'x1,1`s`.'_ fI`11i3{L" is the to the; "a?1l,_isence.,of V ard6iI:phetic`f'action, _The I *be cI6f`th`e-~AtIgnti has not b_ex1,ex- . ;'1i0$ed-for.cbuntIes ages. if evrj. to the .urea1jand;tg9.r of hrosts. min hxid tun`; g_'~wa.ter,, ails} Touseqnnbly .1 the ` '3`s'ic`id`_,,fe`2\tufB ee' bf. ',t1i `newwland. _i?'n1i1 as would `be? miiillly d~ I .wtmined`by ythe grgdgial \'uph"da`vaI of } parts oftjhe great,;1itigL trough.` or i, by, the planingu actM1on'-`ofthawaves -- 7dux'ig aIibmargencc. jlnfthe c'our;s'of I `time. `yivessisfstenxs xwmld be _ formed. 1% mid` the 's4:111pmr_ingOf the new sur-fu.p'e; 1`vrau1d'becoj_1ie moxe varied 'and. pic`mr- IA irque... '* -` n uutumgu. stuu; .\ur;..,a :1->w1_xm;. ` "W611, whabaiiislxe`w9.s. T'said`3Wn ' er a. t1 if1Q sim1'p1y.._. "It `didn't make 21.. ` ;ssravdit`ference whether it-occurred fin 'J.`l.t`1.~:-t1a._v or'dziy."" ' um`...-. :.:.: n.,....n.; `....,...., '.,1.,.;.; .1... I that < >ut?"`f v vs um. ` _ ,"`{b_`he xjvas.:tc_2o! . _ A `.'.L d like to know ` how you make ` Because she begni; the u'gumeut." .`f'1`hat5.\va's no Mrggggxg why 'Dmv so"n`-~ should lieeg it :1,.) p;' _ If _ 116"1._I)een a gentlenw.u' _e-- _ ` ` = - N1-in ruun`u.rn'I`1n}\ n; n. nAaHnn\nu;\`>n:i1 puns}; V}; W cuuuuuaay. _ -_ - _ . V Whamf M; duh . You ve szml xovexf ' Mid Ovai` that "it was of'no4 cQx1sequeuce , . F xi_'lxen*it?happened?L \ . .3 |'V'2:E and 'H\nk`n '1nKn _ `um w aqu In V idiot-i<).L'. 1 ` `vn . -`(.5 '\lLH`UL'.lV-3 ' - . ~, `- - V j46~ s W!1tt_mi3d6"r"' .p6)2f0P11l{1$Q:111;tI&h1)t& A_ -cIon?I b1~e.`me..her a:bit.~ T f`Ye_S;I,m *I>'w<:xi ai _, ~- 1 .:~.;..`n 2 1;: ;;..;;;.1 um ..m...- , _xo1c;lo11\t:fox\Ve.&' `asday,?by'Gf3r!fT ~ .-`Tes. " T 3%. .9i 9 " i11%&.'v1a~heade&.7i f Jan av! -$vW~F'}'M* um .`Z0l'E5- -1`ne,s_e xnoungaunpmuorms ' [:\x`og1lc_1Abec6"s'e*re1iby;sf`ine ' y`m1'zd`f I;Iu.xo:h.I1:; n.-rm. us. an-....' u.11 m.. :.Luu_r-Vuyuuca VTUUMII DU Kill! 51-! 3UV'[ ing. Prec_ij>ice's . goiga-`a`nd sharp}. ridges would e V t ri`e.Q." _ _ , _u. . ' I -r%e':1w;..I..%;pppsethuc Mrs. ;.DiwsOn. I felt tglxat }1e_ w1S"*_1rig1;t aborgp thg it occurfed." said; Mrs.j_j $vnmg; --`(xmi ..,x...... :: .;1..+....-... 1v..p..:,1`1Z?:n..' gw1LLu|m.uup'_-`- ` ' W ; lrle was`aKs.much oi =a*. gentleman us .s1i -was lady. In ujzps very bad V znzmnem forher to bmak into hisvcon-` 'i-saztiotyics She id . .' u I. ..L. - ...- V U1 DU-_llVlVl`l` DMU_ U-IKE. .- .jl c \~`:_us m>r'sjo Inannors-fo1vhi"ru_to. quael with 11e]r_~beor`o_;:gTfhird- party, _ \V~'.hy didn t. he pass it` saying `ligh,c1y,WVery. \vell',f my` dew.` pexhaps "it wn.sT\xese1i: ? L nt`l;!}mn..;..x 1;.-.7 hie `..`n.A ilu .-4; :4 'L......'_ All W .l\|1l`I'?- 5 ` `_`Bc`mxse he felt. s`ure t11:9;tit.1xap-h` pe ne1'QnWednes `iwkn W N: -(J9 `Vn|1 u-n L-m":\ "nAnau - ,;,uuuu uuuuv; unvv:suu.,..J;1-.!Iua ' thing h_appened+T` "I ti ; [hold out:fox~g}Ve,c}iig$day,by;G`6o ef . ;; UH Luc-:u`a_v U1 uuuuxuzty. | W11_\" did Dawgou :a_rg;\_;e:ai1;9i1t hg iatex-,w'Vti)e1i, f ' j `fwell: `w-xmxiavhis` siny me niak herself ridictdous disputing about it? _ -"She_wo,sn t ony\s'111ir `lthain he ' . H ` - . ' ...- QIUKBUII ,l'l\.llUl|lUl.l5` l/ll[)H-|4l1.|_g 1' She .wo,sn _o.ny msillier ` was. 3 V '. A501. .. `\;!llU.Ll'J`.|1 [{M1J}!UllU\l.- V_ , ` `{Y's, and:'th2:.tJs/1xvhatv;1}&(19-~ lUlL~V.!/" Ultllqlll.` iii NIL`: " V `.1 ' ddxi c ~Y)1,i\'1ii} `Dawson_"., . 5 H` he ...- 1.....".,..`.~..,;;L-~.\-`;(. urm3.'......,:r..4.. -`ru`~ _, iv mrgxa E. mitb, Qtllllao _` 9 Vepdied nfotthg - hHl'1!.`\VMl ' Hill wu:.rr:u_1cuy lUl" ||1B_!|l3lu` an ``.::ink smnmnl\}"' , I in Siber)px' :Rius_`1a2i4 f ` r * * Iiuhnlun cuttin- . .....V-......... VI `..f-.,. " The-.ci_t.y of Ghent..I3.elgiu1'n.'sza1ids upund ,'2_6` istaxxds. which` ax-bconnected by 98 xix; ves. l\l (IQ mun. l,_UUV. ECIIB_ H5519 "V\y;(\ <: yiugphxrttresuea were - first em 103793 `t3'." V727. op lumps by wellqs by ii_igbL. . 1,. support the roofs of churches, eir origin dates from we thjlftegntsh cent:m-`y. J . `The Roman houses palaces were so lmperfgctly lighted that immany livihg .1 rooms the inmates were forced to`depend,..*. r.` ....-..n. ...,..._...\.a.--.. -4- Jvucl - '1`_hoj`t1ve_"natl0ns of ._E1u:ope ,- wn-9 :3;31I) \v;1rships,..ni_ou'nting' `88,.`3S9 nus, 1- . all read? for `_`ix_nme1a.`te;sergice.'- - V 3 A - In]... .......A. . . . . ` _ . _ A_.u_-.__;...." _~,, ...u \lL u.u..uu.. av vI4\u v. n._;m.u-u`ii- Mnosquitpl bite Cr fOr nhj*sb1n of insect them is nbthing betts_:r`t:haz'x` iaha old 7 fzlshionml remedy of 1or.hem, soda; mixed with vinegar until it fonms wall. _ ; 5 , `Amsterdam, the capital of`-IiAo!1a.r-gyd, men 7 I on orestsofp7i1 ::a. . . V _ " H i 'FrnL ,-.,. ,5 nL_,,. n,u,,;,,,, ' .` u UHWQS: ,_ p u `f I The bmelgqamturf 1Eu1'i_1ius'Scm\m:at Rome conxfo1*t-z{Ui`y`.s9qed ` 80.000 .parsons._ It. was bu` 1',950.yea|-s aE6T" v -` .1-:n_`,-_,.. u... _,_- .._,I_. 2:, _. , . Q` `u"`2`*;. ,.,_. M. ,.. ,.-.,_ -._.,..._._. ,_ _- Since the VCi1b.ziu war began th&$:eea--E-" ml debts of the island has jbeenfl,'ed W by $305,+551`.950.* - 1`hgiirevious#deb_was $16;s,5_5_1950. xn'uking* as ;om1`qt S-.B_8,~V} bx`; 1:... uyuqvnv. _ > : . . _ Sh` Frederldk `0zu"r1ng'ton,, who? -sa_1Io. - the other day-' for South Africa to" take" Z_charga otthe` "military joparabionsin.-EV h .` .. ................ In cases igf deati1n'hei`thr seems no` A - extrexne sntferfng. `with wrinhipgs.`-and $3,` 1 ..--u....... .. I... 4 ' _sp`a_ms',' su':_~.-h phenomena x\re_ gehraliy l_to reex muse-_uIar,actimx.. ' In`. up. ..,. }_ An e;%1szly_-a'pplihev _ re'rI'xtIy`fo1:_'cl'1aivug~"ia I; I subnimne of Vbismmbl ll\'_i_.\'(:`(1\\'ih`gb'_ce!:' in'1n pmportibu "of about half uneaspooir; l.fu1 pf bigsmlxth to_ou of glycrin. .m .'3.`h .Grn1nn",ar}ny_us5 ,137,000,C00 bmnl; 'cu:nr1dgeva year. nu... uu._.."._.-u...;- .3 'm,,, ,,u. * ...` ...... ., ... .......-a-.-uu -aw. I`av\n ; The` W greatest: Vproportgdnaher .;os pitsers to` men in any `battle was amine capture of. Rdaarwhew-&hmo_"6icerE'.}i wemlost; Lao-gvry :31_me1_1_." V Ag mi--- u._ '11 lls'.`ll HUN "5 `in ` -4n`r`IIAS!Ull&JJ:S`l \uIl`UlV`u`s_, . ` 1.ii;Ph0und' Egypt! monumen t:s:.:.:j-' _ Only .-Xnngricnn 5ux'g_e_aus have sugeesgjleii " I in 3=VI.:L;&!i.t:`:_::=:-;es3.s>! . aiazwndlcicxs `. A Xhimewmer ism safem-n_1edy fat-`the_:u:id`-' I ! hr Hun :-ru`ziraawI1?:f. Hr Irmxwn hr thunk`? ` j _` t_ _ ' `fashiunetl phi-mg: as sxcli scqmac_b.<" ~ 3 . 1 . . , V . A` .1....u. ...l....`... .I...... .........- 2!! tr V1; Your voice ? h7Ioter's.T .heritect= weak` Iungf ` 'eA slight gure 7 Moth{'Sg )'_protectf :vour3:elf.~`T Live. loam doors ;` get.`the`\`1resh fir ; gkeep well nd_url$hd- . % ; ; `-4 . `K, _` Vof ,Cod-_Iiver LOV,..with ;H3I`:(:x*)EL:. .'phosphIts,V isathe " Apreven%tIve_ to. serious `iung '7`troub1t`.=;. ~I t. supplies just the T kind of needegd fat: _prevent ` useless waste of.%tissu_e ; makes 1 `rich `bioodf ; and fortie the: body_ against atta7ck;` N You V .hguId 't::tke it _g9nCg1f' yo1;.,.. Wfel-weak,`. . .. "or'arel`osir'x .-esh. ~P0:upin cent wuvusu saw as _gy_-L3`-`_-vv In 1._-.--- ....~ _ `SGQT1`_'_5` BMU !0!%' has been uIintst the mdi-at fe_ssInL*u' em years. (Ask your doclan). Isis because s~ wpy! pa(mu.~-;l~ coumixs we pumt Norwc::'a:&_~-- -liver 0:2 .1 a:3pbospb:`:.~:.. 3 1 I , 1 $1.00 ns. 'l`hemaIlsizo mvbwon 1r9.g9ywwcmrshorhdp>vu:hhx- ` f,FL::-::r:En0fIs;n ?C:gcg`rinN E,,.,._ " woreo -AND `G_uN._ THE `ARC_HlTEC_`l'." THE puvsccmn.-w /`V E `NBS! @ . F: . .0 ` A .;q.,}1uxm3"Q ... u - a 0 . ~ - \ 1A_`}}%EVill!i1;lI111.:3Il{1'L{_l&lA}"_ \'1-YYi55.i?E1|} IAN1CANABA VL-`oiE`11`-..T;_ AGGULfULATED' FUNDS ..... . :~`*roT_A_L,`As'suRANcs:...... , l 4.4.3 ...,..`;..s--A...L...m `ngu V .A.;..,.. *fi>u <'IE2.l nu Qu,\.h n_1 l\H_ kxna_8.~_~1mpor_rq I %b1:j?t< s~:hb}mihen;v mo 'snd~L3 _ hit?` tndqtcy L1me,'P{Iaerogg;_{_1 , gfy__ Ea-var P: , __,g uQBcks Fire-`Clay. .4 fI*1g1ic_:..oI`Pur[s,.%ameu; u;"`a {3.,'- allot Mn] ;{ 1,t1l\tt`3. :`_and cold It very: reaspnsb|_5a.r_w_as, -1 Jfllct: Q13 E3lsIbe!h__814..au2a_;\;!y' oppasxta K 1 mnlimztnn Hotel.` -.-..~-- iiaasmg songaciv "mm nm. ;;m.;?.V.,..i.,.(1.`,.,..j jqwer .$!kfor.11a,1h;lxlet.< - - (ya HN Ros,afso,~. .73` - n.!u ' . ` \ hlnh-I:-`1`mm9 RnrJi.I :"1in;xnn_;cA;-Fzn. si.7a9'.3o.o?oA" ...._.._Tb.,,...+..-. 7"pEi. L A `.i_91:_m_ pap; p. u.1"n.' ( ,"' @3760-Va. ri1. L 7 ms hkl/G,__if;`_ , ..,.*.{.` )0_-55 bin. '5._30'p.s_n:..* _` Q ..., 8.05 pm. 7.20 mm.` 1. is L")? n m "112 1 in` . 3; _\V um o_ulmvothe"chz5.nce- .3 `~1s_x}q usqundergo mg ardshlns these days .mye)nn`g:1ryou`kmxwmmt Iinestojtmyel l.`hose`who- Q :' . -1* up ,au.w- ;. .,.,n._ nu;-an 3-In. '0._i)0.p.T_n`_.,'-_ p;m>;`?~.Q;i~;-+~.., pm.` .730 mun.- oooiu'.,.;.1 ;`Z7 p.m. l0.13u1ii. wrnyn1~gaovxsaxxs njtfucu. - -_ Ila}! ; ,;_:._ . .A..1o;o5: am... :_.5V3e `pm-. , ?ui.l.`;..`...`... 8._05.p.n\; 5178.5_-1'-a.m.1 yfnn-`nae nun; ` ` 7?.`I4.j: A`; .-p;1'i_:;c%1.V1tt3%:`: NEaj9B`vIo1_:. _ _-_ Ih e'I3':yx'x'i 8P1!R!!E5I'TLY':i0URD_ ' ' gugx; `fa_1f.t1cglut1on..,-;; : __ .-swarm ny nU(:A`r{nuA_L [ `FEE. . wane. `int : qauouun: 93.33 J9 3N3..'3'!'.17VT3V3".V MB te"x'1i$t.-.'1'o1'A4 mtIA.V,Z.`_v:L " u1I u.Ta`rs pasjrlruw. .: L J` > 7,, V =l_D1-l'lilJ1ll-![l!TB R otsax i7.s.: sAI;Imx m?. ! 3.i3Ab 4 3 ;u.;n.u. my i1T'_'"kind_s.~rimpOr_1* * umfwmm dab! miner: mo `Imth tnth ._._._-,--~...-.-......-4 ._... L o;Vs:mm 1;; ::.-.;- sum ;.=..a loat I A w``f*?1al :e."":."x'or:`1} ""% F : e OW . ;.11 orf11lt1tg%)rmat1on apglym cmw. a0H~}afEERs&~

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