I pu us. me name or nruesu, A1g:up\v:u1, 50f Ildhurst. was inadvemteutly om1t:- ted. He was among the first pupi _l in .l the inspectomte. % , A vn.:,. " n.:m1 Ln. I-n-caulk intcn - L116 ll1ayt.L'LU|u.u:. I _--Thie\"e:`" tried `E0 brezg H into Spx'ou1e"sh-ver_v on Monday mght, but \_the noise :1ttv1':u:t,ed Cun. mm-in"s dogs. who chnse(L them away in such a. hurry : fthut one lost his hat. . a l n ,. ,n.-...n.....\..... ......,.c..1..1m..+, 1u_uzu1- ax; . '--In the lists of successful Entrzmce ils. the of Ernest Mg:Gg)w:m. inf .{idhu1-st. inadvemteutly omit- ` Lllilh um: luau um um" ~ --People should bev\ery czxrefnmboub ` throwing bznnatna; skin: on the side-' imlks. George Knight e'ncouut_.e1'ed one `on Tuesday night and now has a. lame veryhuug1s'omepip. \ V _ mt." bixnf nmon hpnm-hm:-nt. `Me =bz1.cl; and ,n1pI1rns the" loss of .a;_ very txauygumc pp. -The Hist Ofce Depzn-t-xnent. `are {very bu'sv"t.hese days changing the 07d brass locks on the mail bugs to :1. steel clamp lock than: is fastened to the bug ` by a. chain. The change is being made {through the entire ser vi_ce._ V A ..,..'.u..:"n "lune nf nnnnln mph) ti) Lzuruugu um: uuuuu u\.n. . ._~..-_ - A cerlzuih class of people seem to delight; in `covering the grauolithic walks with tobacco juice. The pmctice isou very lthy one. and 3. little thought nn than mu-t. of the exnectomters isuvery nlmv one. Lulu as. name uuugguu : ,on the part of expectornters ishould niake./themstop it. - N, n n: 1-". n:}.x..... 1.... ,..umul1m]' 'sn0u1u I1l`i.|.1iK`-'hl1t:uI hUp Au. - .-*I-Ion. Sidney Fisher has cancelled I all the appointments of veterinary in~ spector's~m31de.by D1-. Motague ina. ' l11m'_v'zLfte1tt.he elections. It is said that Dr.`M0rL`enof.tl1istown was the l `vet asppointe this ciistrict-.M Tq:1\l1" T.innnln'w .Q1nif.l\,`19f. Pl`lnCe VH4 uzppUIuLm_A IUL uum uAuuAAuug . ---Lieut. Linc_oIn`F. Smith; .1st'. Prince Wasies Ries. son of Major Smith, of I this t.o\vn, has secgnrd his first class gcex-bicate "at the Military School of Iustriictiou at Montreal, obtaining: first ipiac-`e. highest muuber of marks, in a. `ivcluzss of nineteen. ` ` ' m\L._..__:-... .. `\`4\n`9 1-i-ulririnn IV C151-`SS UL u1uL'u:cu.. ' --sea-n_da'. v` two securities of $200 each. -Last Thursday a. black miiou ` owned by S. D_yu1ent;'a.nd driven by Mr. Moore. sta'u-t'.e_d- to run While the driver was shutting the gate. He'ju_st 'ma.m1ged to seize the hnes and was 1 dra.g,ed along the gropnd. for over 200 yzu s before the holfse was stopped. ` -`-Wm, Cole; who was charged` with . ,p~cu`t,iciI)a1-tlom in the hoxjrible Orillia. ' concerning the yo{i'g gir1s1'a?si7e year and who could not. be found whefx 4 wanted and stxbeequencly returned ` t-0.01-_i11ia.. whet-eehe was ax-Vres'ted,.". was released from jail this week on hail of ..u n, __:J BS1-sou co, ronto. Ont,` . IJWU Dcx.\unun.v~.v V. ~.-.... ...7_.. g --0n .T11esday*.. Aixgusts 41:11. vDa.vid }So\i1es, of Big,~Bay Point, hadla. bad accident. Whil_e staguding ' behind _" 9. s thought at `the time that ti1e`in- 1 juries xxxightiprov serious. but he` will `soon be over the efec_t,of,thg blow. - ,,L.:. 4... Li... auuu kn. Uv,vA. I4nAv ....._,.I..,.___ __T _ _ V -'-Acha.r` be1'1m.s been Kgmnt-943 to the ' LzLk.Siu1c0ej H6tTCo., with gapibal ' stock of $80000 .to oivu and _operate. J, hote1`s'0n_Lake Simcoe. -The promoters are Barrieites including: 4Ge0.B&1l. J. Bothwellg. S. 0 esley, F. A._Let.t. W. b_1-Tm bf hike new compgnyj .. .. . L1 ru_,___ _ uc Luu u, nu}: ....,.. ..\...`.-v_,_ '-D. F; Mawwett, Chairman "of the Bozujd of Health ; Iastk Wednesday visitedt-he `gas works to see the means taken to prevent the on beii emptied into the ha. i. The uid conta. qiugthe oil is pass, t_hroug11JaL,tank -of water so constructed that the oi1`1_'isest;0 the top. The plan was -contrived 1) M1: Sa.nfo1-`d and seems very success ixl. \ .--Hem`v Watters, Ottawa`, and D. E. ,i\ia'cLhre1i,`_'arrie. ha.ve. _ been l appointed dele etee to represent -the Province of.On a.rio"a.t the `American Pharmaceutical Society which for the _ first time is` holding itsjagnnual session. . ' on t-his=sidsrcrithe '1iue,_meeti_ng in Montrea.1 this week: This .socie_t is. 3` ` ; d<;vo`te1 to scientic research in the me: 1' A n u\\n`In.f`V, ~' " " ~ ` .__ ` ` ~ 7 . 4 . nrownihg 'AooiclVentVs* M3, 0111113 ~ nnwkentonm - ` ; aevoueu w sum of pha.1`ma.cy_._ : barber, shop. lam Saturday. nlgl_\t.; ygung njhered in restaurant andfat a` nanny ` meal. . nrownmg nuoxquuyu `nu; .......... ....__ Enwkeutono; OB1]I.I,1A, "Aug. l0--AitAeV_r .o1osina; hi_ ' Wesl.e`y_ Dnviafwihhv aoma eo.mp9.n1ons.~ '. same orle proposodLa.7ha.th. a,nrl;_;C2l1_ag M thy. M idjougmed to Eh dock. where, Dgyhpghn-, :'.fdr9sse3i~and~ dwgpeci mo t.h.aA ma!`-Vein`. _-He. 1, ,, v(&;_i,n the water onlygwfw minutgzgwhen. ., .3... -v...1I.A nnfr that ha'hnd,5!;aken' Jr cramp` ; " 3ni;.w7n_`a (1r:owni_ng;. 'Bia'oomp'anions, think I mahh.mA_o._Ql1n5;1gi_t,i_:n0 atlzenhionwymtil, : ....a.:.`.:....m|...`1- ha i ' " iiiffthey ` wd.a';jn_ the water onxywxew llI1uu'Igha;,,wu:u-5. . he called, out hat ha ' had!;akn' cramg . . h_.izaLa_oszl_in;,paiV1_:no atnqnulonhuusu, ; - ;?r6dof.a_1~ed.E. .Dnvia?'_,. pstentn_` me; im ,.: :iu oho_wn~ 'and.tpo1_ the,b9\y _'b9)m61-for ;nuhiipg'Vhl1`-$15 he _idi_13n`i T""T`iTiiffthey _`becg.`_inAL al;ixqd,an ,.' . _ ` . g "M ._: Jar`mb_ u\ Cotnerar whefimioii; name. 1 ~\...'.-..a..I-<. : . No. 125 McDonald St. (North side)! There `:3 about i new of land well planted with truit trees - and small fruim. TI`bere~ is a good house and stable on the romlses. For. rt1culm`sappIyto ' N-OMGOODF LLOW - I \.~n__'u ` Atthe abov `ddreas. ., Tmxgszomk Augjz. l0-V-PlI_i1.iv; :.M01nbgi.i: F rim %1.. .P`t.`s"\-i1`M *9`1v : * I . . ._ at ` BARRIE, oN'r.. THURSDAY. AUGUST :3. Wax. Lyle, 3f Chicz1go,.is home on a visit. . _ - - 1:-1!-,, _ : i I E A ___',EL!_._ ... . LlGKl ll.U n < ` Miss L. Jones; of Londcfu. visicsng Miss Fox-syth. ' _ u... 11.-'..'..m; Nani ix: visitivia-'fripnds 31185 nunsy nu. 1 ,\ : Mrs. Hurj Harp'eniJitirig'friex1ds -m Tommi V . I. . I. g. I` ..t AV 1- o._:.L. :. . 1 ul 1 u1UI.u.u. . ` 51iss`Sa.die-SmiLh is visiiirxg ftimxds 1 iu'T0ro1'1to, . K, Miss Eva sibbam _is_ holidaying .;..; E` Big Bay Point. v Dr. Alf. Shklnay mtumed from thei south on Friday. I , \ "_ ....,..! 5..-... Liz. t.ln ` | VLYKU. I I Kiss. Jessie McNiveu is visiting in? 1 Ha.I'I'lt0I1. ' ' r 1 ,._ suuhu U11 1.` Luna}. _ ~\ _ ` . . 1 Dr. Taylor has rg!t111'x1eL1fru11),l1xs mp _, td the Northwest. . `, >. I Iv . h ,4 ,_:m......;.. in :7:n':}|-nit` clay; well water Desirable farm Sroggrty, Co1\t.:),iIlillg"-'6 acves; . an: of )3 Lot Con. 5. Township of Oro. Brick dwe 113.; xrnme out- buinn *;t60 anrescleared. `lgerms very liberal . mu! oi;.. . , ! `VT? Miss Ferrrier. of Tofoncu. is` :vis it.in`g Miss Chzwlcswood. ' M1-_s..(D1-) Wells is 1mh`d.-lying" on the ` Christian Islands. 5 Miss Ed\\'ards,.0f Chelthzuu, is in! t0wn!`f0;;_L_l1_e__11x11Ine1-; " ` 7 I `I .` s J|1UJ`1E',9i.EE.2!115:,..4.__.___.__.. , { Ed. Lyon. of Toronw, is spending? "hishg)lidz1ysin towng ' . 3 LI \I.1I\.\nnl.l annr Qnnt]:r\' :|T. HIS IIQIIUUJS HI `IUVVID. l- g H. McDonald spent; Suud-.I._ at, his 3 home in Richmond Hill. Q J Miss Lntciv Sibbald. 0f_Bmu`1pt.on. is `Q lh0Iida._v_ing.iu fI`0lhuxd:ll.. ' * u:,. D u r:.:ln:.. .\F 'l'nI-nnh\, YR? `lU`lu(t'V_|i-X`l-+\lll\-l|\A|tIlu I IL Gilpiu, of 'l.`o1-unto, i`s 7 visiting the` Misses Gregg. . 3 _ M. Burton webggz-rie_d f1'om -Gxxmsby Paxykon Tuesdaly. ` V ` " h- ...`..1 \l.... \JHL~ A\"]`l\I;4\II`l\ `ennnf. -\.H.Iu1au_y 1. urn uu ;. -u,.nu- - . \ _ .- ' ' Dr; zuid Mrs. Mills. of '1`o1*m1t<)._`spem. i undziy` with Dr. RiVL'h:u.`dsOn. -.. _ E,-J. 0. jSu1I.ivzmis now running 11.: .busiuess_ college in .v\1-x1p1-ior. ' . Miss Grahu u),`fom_1ex-ly of the 13.0.1. 5 statf. speut.,Sufidz1y in town. ml. T......... ;.F\ `mu V'nu-1: is""' tho SIRH1. 3[)!:ul4_tJul|t{n!y In uuuu. 1 Mrs. Jzunes. of`{\'\v York. isthe gtiest of-.Mx's. D. .\1gLe0ul. ' ._ nu... n....I:.. -..mI uxn Plli nf 'l`n.|` guano. uL-.uu::- u._ u. .u_.,uun,.. Chas. D.xLiI1'an(1 Elli. of To- ronto, spent Monday in tgwn. n.. Dmilum . nf l`m-nnm. is mpnulinq -I a. few days with `iev. Mi-.,H\itlox1'. _ `spent. Sunda._v with F. C. `He\vs0u.` \ ' 1`Ull.U, bpcuu Jllluuuq In -, -u u. Dr. Peziker. of Toronto, is` spending Dr. Austin. of Kansas .CibY\Mo.;_ VV.'Mc(`-11113., of Bl':lI1) itnii, s enii, couple of days in tmvut is wee . 13.... II) QnnH- an!` F `Jeff. I:\Qh`I uuupm UL nay: nu unv u yum IILVKXI ' Rev R. Scott and fau11ily_1eft.1asb' - Mondu.y:_fox' two weeks` 'V2Lczl.-Ulou. X * visitiughi the vicinity of Dilxm-oon. .: I Miss A, M. VVhite. bf` DzL1_ston. vi5ibing`J. A. White, Pam-ry Sound. Mrs. J. J. 'Brown:uxd_;sm1 George, are 1 n.. u.. ' H? (h{|H-1: Iasmhun-nh:1.\~m" 3 VlS1Ll'ugV1_u Luu vu;unu_y ux JJlILLuL_vuu. Mr. `Su.egeL', of Urilliu. 11:1s'pu1-chased` the drug lnisiness of W.U. McLean. .u.. ....,l'lfne I A 13?r-}\-.n-dunI1.- nf - V :--:o.--- ' Wes: halt` semi-detached. two-storev ` house, ycoxxtethxingnlne rooms, closets. ebn-., hard and soft water on the nremlsesl; good cellm`; also wood shed and coal house; lawn and shade trees. Thisnronertv iscentmllv located. and win be ` U (LYU5 Uu|ucaa Lu n . \/n .-u....\..-.... ` `M1-._a,nd' Mrs.-J. A. Richamson; of Chicago, are in town vxsltmg fmends. ` u:~. \[....n Dmum 'nF 'I`n}vn}\rn_"3:: Uulbtlssu, -1. Lu vvlvu ...4......B --.,_._... ` Miss Mary Perry, `of Torouxzo," is ` lvisibmg her aunt, Mrs. Jnsa \V'el3ste1'. u:m. M....~I.mn-all {M 'I`m-nntn id tho Vlslhlllg LICL` u.~uuu, -u+a. uuua vv -u`:..m-... Miss Macduugall, {of Toronto, is the? ' guest`. of Mrs. Crmvfm-d,_ "Woop1lzmds. II '1" T2I.xnbc+nI1n .1?-Hip nY'ii;L Tilllas. ' guest. U1 aura. \_/L1Invuu.u,_ vv.u-..-u.\......,. H. '1`. Bluckstoluaofthe Orillizx. Tims, _ called on THE EX.&MINER0l1Su.tl11`d2l.y.` IL, n .- D and Fuunlvr elv Cuneu Uu .Lru: 1LI.}`xxtl|'.\12Lv uuuumu..u.._, . Mm. Geo; Reedy and -fzx.xx1ily7'`u.re ` enjoying the `plymsxlxx-es ,0f._.,G1-imsby Falk- ` 1-. ~n-,1. .3 (1.... 1:-::..1.....An'n`.'. ` Head. 5 Dr.ARichs.rdsou iugd Mrs. Richamisoh ; havti retur;1ed.,ra I. alxolidgxy at Bond. ,, _ _ \ rm..." .1r:..,. ..a= "`r~nI}\n'n Q i new. _ Miss 'Lzu_11-gi, `King. of Tomnto. is ` spending`-a. few xlzxysivith wsakda. } Slbbzmld. . _ v ` `f\ ` ` 0 b I vv n,, >`-l/it .....J C.u....h-r vvynvux us muumu. ` H. B. Sphtton gmd f2m1ily we1'e in town on J1onIla.y ou_`bheir way to Muskokzc. - ~ . u A Inmlmnxi "4-`Fm-ml Nlusumue. > _ _ <- - . - ~ . -.11, A, Hm-pex-, ,.\[..-L,l}as_1)ee11 oered 9. felluwship 111 Ecoupum-s_ m a. Gl_nca.go. Uuivgrsity. .1..- `n1...;. .n.\...m. nF. l`,nIo9.rv, 1 Umvgrmuy. _ . _ Mrs `Chas. ;G'ome1-, of Calgary. N.W_f1`.; IS vismug 11e1_-;L_not`.11e1-. Mrs. Many, Tollendal ~ ` - , ,x-L.. u.JI..., ac {`.him1.u'n,.igsnendillsl, h3oi1anElcba1l lavxf This propevty iscfentmlly 4 sold at n. .1)n.rxnin. K . . `Fhquire on the premises. 35 Worstey street.` a may, Luucuuau ` _ ' John_McKee, of_Cl1iczygo,Ais.spendiug,:, a. couple of weeks with hiapaxzexlts ab '-"I_nch_iquin. `- - f` Miss Hattie Kendall, of '1`orohbo,.is sfsehding _a. few days with her sister. ` Mrs. T. Coopqp. '. . V 3 1 - `r n A..A...u am} T A P.-Lvnn ;l.!'P. Mrs. L. puuyg. - _. . i '- WV. 0. Axldrc-.\\~ and J. A. Payne are. a.tbe1\djng.GraLud Lodge 1. 0. 0._F. in Saruia. this week. . ` ' . .-.-.. nan, r\E n....:~.\.. hmn gjn M:-:3. Pxjice, of F1-zuxkfort`, ind... are holxda.`ymg_in toxin. - f * '_ V 11:... r,.u:.\ D.mL-m-villa nf O1-iIl[;],_ I n0l1(xa.ymg_111ww7u. . ` _ Miss Lottie Baskerville, of, Orillizm, spent; -last; `week, with. Miss Adm E. Sxbbald. M.uIczLste1',stre_e`t. ' , A _._.:..' {V..:.~I~m-. kn n-nnu an gm) Dlulliuu, u.l.uu.uaou-.u. .uu...-... _ Miss. Annie" Cristoe has gum; 611 21.11 -ext'ended`visi b o` Toronto, Kingston and the "1Th0usz\.11d Islaulgs, _ '..c.... I! r\. '7-Iv VVn.vxms'nin`Q`. Pm. 8.I1(1 But! 1._uUu5iunu_ Lauuuwz. 'Mrs. GI C.'WzLy. Wa_Lynesburg, Pm, ,-, and Miss Dea.ri`e; of Lotlisville, Is_y., are, . Mm. W`. H. Sibb:1Id .VMu1cane;- street, _ ` spent a.. few days 1'ast;\vee_k renexving ' z;c'qua.inta.uces mroxxnd St3m1_1d. ` Rev. Nixon retmrned. from his j tri -t00tta.wn>lai.st; weeknynd preacheti ' in 1; .A_ugiI:ew's. church _'ox_1VSundu.y, Mrs. Geo. Ball, of Kempenfeldt. was summoned to `the death bed of _!1_ier_ sister. Mrs. R. "Campbell, '_}.`orox1to,'la.st - 7' Ivan]: ` week. I `A. w. Rmuwick, of Ni_1m-Qi#a11s. N. ` sxswxz. Wis. xv, \.wua.`_y-n_.u, _.-.v.v.....,, .....- I E. Dymenp;'M. P._, of Thessa.lon\. 1 8;rrivedin'_towx1`>,on Saturday and has ' beenreceiving t;h_e"t:ongrzi.tu_1at;ions of his tosvnsmen. T ` - [ YTw1TTbrmer1y `in 1-. Webstefs oliice, visii;et1jfrTe'n&_s"ri1 tq\_vn- fonnfew ?da,ys.t11isweek,._:;+~ .. , nvv 4. v Mnn;mp1~nF the Rfmk ` i(l8_.`5F.s,ul11.s; I `F; Y. Ulieckley, Man.ii.:g1V'6fbhV*13:inl;x ` ` 'B1nh%ll1X,_' hastbeeu : of Commerce , \ visiting Witl?:E3t.n and renewing old `cquaintances. -~ u.. '....a mum Dz-{H-. MnnI;).;n sin Misis 010; zM:q_lwlu w.uu:a. - . M1-.~'ma` M1`-s. Rtibb. McClain axmiss ' `Helen M<;GI&in,-9f._To1-onto.` haverbeen: ~bheTguet_s' 9f Mrs.` ~`Jno. _MeC1u.ip, Mac-`. ,.`d:oua.ld:_s;t21~eet, .fox:a.few days. I - ` ` `*> 11-. _..z.J 'lI'..... T3nnnnkO~u'nnrFn1`IlI$ ; Ide_1%hia.V Pa... , .CVJU`IR|-luv. |1l`t:I:, .1.ux; W .1l2VV' wen; u. M12, zmd,-Mus.` BatnetzVm1d`fanxilyL, _ Cohlmbus. Ohio `.; M1ssEv2i.ns. of Phila.-_ . nlnhin >121 _ sm-. snm`xhe1>i`nsz` in town Columbus, Umo :; muss mans. U1 rum-_ .` :del%hi8-. "Pa..._ a.rt:.\.nuzix1`:et:i`ng'Lin town , wit: JQH1:Mainpriz,M'_R0ssebreet. g __ ~ ` Mrss. Cecelia-TR..,"o;1-mihal; Shpiyofg Nurses.= Iusnois Hospica1:' time. %o-. and r`fQ;a+m.'- Riathii;h"( }imnicli3a.el=.`- 0 Hook. ~Nunses.=1u:inois g%isb&r;173'3:_I`h1},g3h Tm __ Mr . , .og1,II,Sf? osi , _ sea-~ }:Mxi;GiX1ieai`?C?1fxi`"afb:_of=bIewXfqgk: ' 1 \_V 0lfS|.By 5s_1.-'_ee:u. _ A1I1I:8}V; Fm}ser,AaccQn\i '%Erasem_,leQ tqmrn yesmng. 6 {$0-mnkmgnhs 151VIn.\.'.e,rne.8S_. . - .elka;-::x:.r3dsfm.%1 Fr ~ ;vhu`h.Mh brag . - ' \ 3; . `PERSONAL. l H lauSlmooe a.`P A M l Sheriff DrtIl'ylms ballkul i'1)te1*esting A ., ' ` imne in- ~aex'\im:_ the writ om ' ` ` - w. H. Beuuem. .\l; 9.. for the prot/gstlro ",,,n ,',,_,,``` _ Eof hie eleegoxx lilu East`. Simoe. Last " m < ~ . Y. - ~ . ' -- pveek Ben mlt _ :_t.L}ul lll Mxdlmcl fqr am can to I I 3_ 6". _ gsevexjaldays wzmm for Mr. Bcunetgl 5:{1'snnv`g,n,.`&,3',:i; . mg ltu come home but u_. uuue `non ;ln_u 3 wednesdm, the 5th inst_;.wns 3 fed` 23 H. bl" {W 'th". .5"`C letter,-`day i1'\~Ll\e histor of Prq_by~ x1ds`9U5;fl`0m he3`1`1`"`3'- `What the lteriaunsun in Hillsdale an surrounding ;her1"s,oicer was out of mwp look- lcuutvrv when the Corm. stone of tbg 1133 ml` E H` be `'if} ,`` U ,B"'` "`}hf3 lnexv L-lllux-h in couxse of `em,-ct.in'n was *w5 we .3 THE`) ` \i)_``E.' "" `Ml iluill wit.l1i1'n singcemtuony. A~-large `d**Y `,1}"V.`" lnin, hfll` "3 T"""`',"- icmlcourse 0 people had ztsembletl to 5" 3 P!~`."3"r E 11 ." l` the '"` Fm" zwitness the ceremony; and express th :m .n` .``d `n`.1 "" ET13" ltlueir pleasure at the prospect of soon `` :1 th91l}`iFf 5.9"? 0 ` Em ~wox-shippingin ii. la1x*geunduomn10(lidIJ 91"` .":d 01`; ml`-`3 `g,}t- "he" uhurv.-h.suit,uble to.t.l1e wants of this ml Lglft `git -I ed :;f.[.`f; _" n_gg1'uwiug.~ congregation. The ghurch. _ 1 ;- f` :1 V139. 9t;l_ "" _- "- _ `.'."~`* `lwlxere the 1 1~esb_vtu~i:ms of Hlllsdale '.1x1gf`ViL>0Y1**f 1* __3 `F?! P-P3 ,lW l-l,\\'l)1'.~`l)ip';lt- present is about 2: -mile out-_ "l`eft"` fe hum? bg_W1[_" "u-`(fl-" 5".m'3`uf the sillzlge. and as the village is P90 * 'mg '` `e. `W `m ( ""`". `;g'r`u\ving lE_\\'.'\S felt that the time luul 1\iV'd_ -`F3 l11}"S`}";rulrv`1)`l"ll f1'%Y""` 0 lcmne wlxen mun--place of worship 5 in W` `fili t `~ t 9`'.h. `l`.:1?1lt_`r. W Eslmuld be in the xjillazge. besides htlieir fl 1`* _ T ty ," ` ` `V \_"`.`g jp1~cse`nt. chuwh is mther bou small to ,,_., 1` `i`,....: i_`f`,.` -""1? 9 _`1""`l'*`Y- .uu:onxmml;m_e all who are amxiuus to hug ~[.UE.-1' a mixllse r: Bennett `llm,mh;~,mrWnT:--whnm. the h - _ j`f`3 f"`l'}.`. *1 ,9, ({_'`:`_[ l-`l"` ghzul zutrived fin-the ceremony to begin, 1115 ' `. V .. ~ H. `V A` _ ` itlnr pu ul.-u- pastsm-, the Rev, J. Skeue. _-b"_`l" _l jqje '9`~',- `l`.""" him ill .51;-pp;-x on the plzuforln erected for L `;i'`11`(f:1` l 1`69`fg.- _.".f S`_"' ;tl1-3 uccasion at. tl1e`su1xtll'1`enst, corner of t `"`* `_ 5" lea F"l*l! 1W"! ;the foundation. Where thcycnrner-stone - ilr f;5t'k- ` ' `was to be laid, `and invited all the uds ' Qu; ), is 8 ,- I . . . g _ `A 3,-=Am,,m__ _. ' lunnxsters present to ccxue to the plat- _ ` _ . -. . . ;' ' __ ` . . . 5: mm Last \VedI3sLlaty about; 8..50 .m, it "1au;11`,1;,ee11i }'{{;(:lig,!,)5x;:e8\e\:'],}}; l bad ace" e t. occu1'r'ed :1. Bl ` I . .v , - . `wlheu th`3ds`tn0x'xu2W8s 14nrilI2.h \l\"l.uPt lime `.`d m"g"`3" l-"`*hd`5hl- Th`-` pent. lubbert, --`\I1"s Hnbberta {m1 yw: gu1eexm;\v:ls c;ll.lexlt;o qnlerzmd opened Cassie xfctcosh " who Had been `rm. !`5``8.I` f the `*3 PS"' "`` `I ng zm ling M` as. Cthigtsf We're 1.`,[.m_mngglnellclug w1t,l1t.he \\voI`ds;-- . . ` l 1;o`._ue. A G;1Evin 'Hilln0tlni11g:1hl::`. "`.1 my.t1`1-at J=r\I-wlertl rmw. have LCJ. `gm see int`l1ed:u-kness, the l)ug;:y'\v ent~ P9"`1`l f* `~"W? . ~ over the ste `hunk ml was 0ver_ ,,L`~`l' Ll,~`W"_1 1`'*~ tl`$"`}_l WY P13`/Cl ` the t.ux'ned. Mrs. fub,be1't. and Miss )lc-: H`' W l 1'03l `1'.`liY- ` _ lntosh were tlmown violently zl:.:zllllslA}l A portion of Su-ipture was then read ' baulk and M1`, Huhbert Was, ll1'z1g-ge1l ibv Rev. 311'. Rollins. of Elun':Lle,'afte1' f T05 lseveml yartls up onto the road benentli wlllich the Rev. .\ lt'-.C;unpl)L-ll.- of 0m. .. . ., `W. L. ..,...m_ um `mu 5.. m--u.-m- 'I`lu- nn.~:r.n1-. the REV. 9'0-:u'1' loan _\'bu $1,000, rnepayahleby 1nm1thl_v iu. smlnxelus of $13.30 for eight yea1's. This sum in- ` eludes xzrincipnl gmd interest. ` Full. ;:arIiI.-ulnzjs furnL&h~_2d on npplxcntion, - . ..-_.a._.V 3 A Ran` AOOIQGBE: _y E Wed `sgsdety 8.30, ' ulll H zwoident. occ1u'redA :1: .\U(l$l1I'SEh a when the stmmasvas raging. W. P. Hubbert-. --Mrs 0Hnbber_t and Mia: Mclntosh, lmd visic- 3 ` 3 `ing at Couts7 Were rum:-ning ` `home. - G,:1'rv`iri 'Hil! nQH)oi11g:1hlu . nt. _S'u1u num-x "is selling. smuv alfi `Your own prices for _bulau1uc "uf SLl'2l\\' _ but season. -Om` object. m2|kiIig1'i)1)n) f ` Efqr ' i [bud accident.` uccxlrretl zrt. .\11l1!x}11-stlfi ` iwhen stnrmawas ruguxg. \\._`P. `W lllubbert-. --Mrs Hnbbert 311 `ass-lg liclntosh," lug rvuxming` G;1rviri :i'Hill n0H)ri11g:1l1l:r `H . itu inthe dzulgness. buggy went {over the bank over: ., Me-' _ llntosh 'l.bxu1k llrz1gged_ lseverul the henezlth {tlre l)llgY bcfortz` he co\l11Id` stlop lllg ` Eohorse xamiuaz ion As ow`:-r Lnl lhlrs. Huhlwi-rt. was hurt about, the : , head and her left si'(Ilefro1u sh\13\_1lr1c-1\'[t,r) `< feet. was znuusag muses. . . (.1--,2 H, l;Iuu{sl1r_eceived several cup in the face. ;` ` 5M1-. Hubbert, had several rubs f1jnctu_1-ed. b-This face cm: and several otgher ln-'ruse:=. ` 1*`r`o1n the p0sibiQntl1:1'tl1e}!werem Lhe nvouderis that the injuries were 1105 3 511191-e severe. - ` V I - . _ .` l l 1 I v ~ i 1 I The veryxl'at.est novelties in ge11t.1e~2_ 51110113 neck Wume sold at. J ._ Txu-nor &; ` (`.90 `'x_ ' ` 3 I l lp body in the rush put wlinn `Coiistitble MCB1-ide g I end arrested him just before train time 1- ,1 G l`Bh*UI1'5' E03191. Allundale. where icorner stone of the edice to be erected, ihe haul gone to `get zuh-ink. His ngune \ . IS Jaunes H`mvkesle_v,; "Detroit. He chnrcl1,:,inddevot"ed to the worship of . cxuneto town on Friday. -He ivzns lAhni My God\ tried on Monday morning before Mr, Ross. and Ill hxs"cross-examination of iof_ the brethren. Here may the voice i the witnesses .p1-ewticavlly gatve the of He was -found voice of rejoi(ing9a.n\ Plokpooket `Caught. On Sntnrdzty Inorniri r, hetiveen ten and eleven hlrs. Jos. ebh lost her urse co tining zindat the eleven o'clock t in Mrs. St. 0nge.-f it some- _in her ocket. As soon zls the math `semiwg that - e was observedhe ran and Mrs. St. whole . thing n,\va.y._ guilty m1d till` .\l0I1d`l-_V to voice of praise 1 allow his record to be looked up. 'DUllI`(.l 01' .uu.uugx::uL-nu mu. II .... _... ;conunittee. and of the. contractor and lnrclxitect. to rether with the name of the persona. out to lay the corner stone. He snidhe had place *some 5coins in the l)ox-a. cop er and penny - nnd he hoped they won d never rise any i; ./Mg]/ier. - ` - } The Rev-' N. Campbell. of Oro. was 1 ; s E -; `_0ng_e.gnlled out to have him stopped. ;then called `upon -to lay`4`:he-.1;or|1er ; which was not done..~ A diseription of. 3 st,oue_ him was `given to tliepolice. and that night, High Constable Beardsley and; iven, ot tmcli of him it ie name of the Father {ind of ~After the stone was la_.id in its _ and the three tops of the trowel he was then heard to say: In ' the Son ( =Itlld,0f.\l4l1 Holy Glmst, We lefy this under the, naune of `St. AndI:ew s In this place may the faith ourish, the fear of God, the love rziyer (_:0'ntinnall heard. the P .*Ltio_n; the _ and invnczx ion. of thy gxnost lorions- and honorable yname; Ie.ven.t :5 name of the Father _a,hd.of ,,bat`.he_. M1-`.Bmd1ey' was the rst; In t3ro\v`el', "in- cL)1111ne111or:ttion--of the` . ` to for at to swim and. szmli. `He l1a.dla.ddresse(ltl1e people, ointing olxmheir _ `- \ve1~ea.bove the water when Mr. John-gupou all tllenecesi_.y of Self-sxcrlce ` :5`---V. --~~-~ -~. . allow looked ' lxuost`. loi-ious- and honorable na|ng:.~- i `v . . . (event. tho Fat.lxe1ra.`hd.of r _N` -" 'm'~`"`- ' _ the Son and of the Holy Ghost hence-' `a "On Tuesday niwht &l.l)OllE 9 .o'clock *fo1-tl1a,u(1fomve1-. He was thelg pre- . Alex. Sihbald, _L`.Vllf.B1'udle,v :u1(lRobt_3. lsenhed. by it meu1he.1- of =bh:Sess1on. Jol'1_uson,went". down to the Ced:1-rs'to Wllill a. bezultiful and v:Llua.hle`silver the \vziti'7fdtI fs'ii3fuI61TtEiboIit3D y:1'r(ls"{ solemn exercises of b1ievda;yoa.n(l~oi.he. .; when somebody czulledv out that he \'v:1s"l, art he took in the px'oce'e'di1_1gs.~. The _ just; over a deep hole. This semed-to lguev. Mr. \Vn`ll;1ce then led iuApmy1'. - `umke him loose` hiilleild as he seemed lzxfter which the Rev. Mr. Czuupb_ll' lgone own t\vl_ce :md.his_ ha.uds-o11ly`Edubil2s'a.11d responsihi ities :m(I`urging_ son wadgd out as far he mum -a.ud- ~a.nd_o9-c)pe1-ambioxx in the good wo1'lg:' they- threw hls trousers to hm). The droWu- l1ad'un de1~t:1ke11. :..,.. ....m nlnltr-lwrl hlm s:rm-Immts and 2- A libeml collection \v_a.s_Achen t3a.k`en ' I itu \:lum:ucu. uuc stlnluuuu was pulled nsh01'e..\vE er_e x E001? itime to b1!in>f:him to` him`slf up XV:-ns wnsmlled and foum escape from drowning. Dr. `Veils xvzismiled and found that; I considerable \va.e1:hn;d found its way. into his'tou1ach and it was evident that Mr. Bradley had 3L very. Iuurow `time to.b1!ing;mm no nunseu; , "~Dtmklng 9. Tdrontonmn. \l - A very amusing '1n'cident 0::ciu`_red at W hg"Al12Lndale Wharf on Monday"when ' he~'l!9x;ou - ~` ' ' . _~+...4.1;no~ ah Hm .e t_-man. Smudinm 3 7 ' H 1 ' Ill |..|'iu|| Iu was scandiu .;tb.1;he. station. Stmudinggt on the Wh`d.I` enjoyin z_1 whiff of the t weed t111`0Ugh{L1)l'3.I1 new c-la1y11_1ipe,. c one; of Ivy`s hemmveights `was in a- 5 brown study, which was rudely broken ( in, upofrb a.Toi~o1itoxn2mWhowa1ked '. past and nocked his clay out of his .1 ` mouth; H62 found-"that. the stzilivarb ' - dzugogne _\_va.s. the Wrong main 'td.`} `_ 001 with. He quietly restored the . pige; ivgilked up A. to bh sniaq in ividual from _the city,.1aid~ hold or _. him-by the seat of his .'pemts. and his 3 - '0uM`. a.n`o;i'*easily_ dropped him into about four feet of water, fi-mn which he emerged a.` _sz1ddei- and WiSeT`"lll8.l]. ' on mu %wAm` TO meow? - ha.d'1eft town u._udn; constable arrested` 1 " jwiwas remrmd,edtil1- i'mdayfox*'se_nti3ue. 5 5 frheifcrggry vms,quit_e a, eleye;-rogg. . convicts: of Eorkerv. - - ' On August; 4th, 0. H. `Bplitho. gave T. Turner ,3.` chgck ' for `$16.35, siguedh Mdoge & MCDQBQCL VVl1en ` presen A `at; the Bank of M0om_me1'ce. the ledger keeper 1;_eu_se( to hononit; 3 sa.yihg'1was_:_v. fogeg. Injfomiation I was"Ia;id`a.ga.insb.G.. . B(.hth,9,` who I him on Monday `morning? my Upb_ex- V g):o.v.e.. _ On Tuesday he was. armigued '-bef`0r';P. M. Ross.. leaded. guilty a`.nd.~ } ma c.;..;...~ 7 rliihi(Thi1rsda-y):'evenils;{the.`biind Z will ayi attl`m=.Q11_een.s-" Ps.(;k`hh L :t61IW11sK`prsrH`m` : - u';.;...h_-mmma`m'*. . .; .1ma;y'1 l'1`xa?n6iiEfodsi`$4:9i95ili%9~i1ixi&5hA 3 M `and.Apnri_(:'ypu~blo9g1gLomnLnqupped 1 mdni`v'ahndH`rafi'nIh1n1M!Ilan. `- s m:u.use1's no nun. 1u_e urUwu- '; __glutched the garluents and * id nahm-ca \v'em1f.f,n ' so 113 I ,.1srAN 1LA cows \VhiL:h the Rev. Mt-. t';unpI)eu.- 01 um. `I ` m prayer. The palstm-. Rev. Mr. 9henc. steppe! fU1'\V:l1`k1:lI1d.1'Dll.di" smne stuteuxeuts 1-eg:u'diug the new ` `church in course uf erection. 1: He sand v .,zt1so that he \\'u5 s01`1'_\' tusu.-y.thu.t some _ . iwhum he had invited and depeh de_d on 1 . to be present to assist 111 the services a . . 501 the h<,nu'L had fzuled to put 1!) an Iuppeurzuxce. 1`hef:u1lt\\`:xsuothxshut I jtheh-s,m1dhe hoped the peaule would , `xbeur wjth the t di.~:uppu1ntu_q;1t, He ' kshuwed them the ht)-x. held in 1 seha.-n_d. - gwhich contaixled the copies of the 1ez).d- - ,ing papers (local) and church papers.` 9 [the names of the membexs of Session). $130111-d of *'.\l:magement and buildi c0uuuittee. the-contx-actor am - J the .. -.1... ...,..e.m' .. nut tn hw the.corner :u~chitect. Q0 Vethel` wlm 1.ue~uu.um U1 v person :1. .` I . \ gslaoue. placetqlf some ` 5co1ns m 2 hoped n ; /mg]/_wr. ' `Tho Rm: N. Cmunbell. I The CzmI11pbell;0f01'0. f L-u.lled'.upon laxy`4`:I1e-.1`-0r|1er : ist.oue. ~Aftei- vgplace mivun. he was say : ',pl:icezm(1 me three naps ul um uLuw<;| {_%1Lv\en. heau-(Vi it .E:i.11d ,o`f.\the `corne`_1-s`t.Que erected nnxder the. And',r:\v s'_' _`, . Qt the Hlllsdale clrclllt. the- q+...mmu..n.v ms then talk 0.1 but: nluaumc Lu\.un.. ...\. -.-_.. -_, Stmngxvzny. was then uu.11ed_ , upon . xvhorin a few well chosen `words, ex-' pressed his delight to see 3, new P1-esbv- 1 Be,1`ia.u church goinv up so new: the." one recently -erected y the Methodist`: .peo 1e. and he hoped that,_ the blessing \of (rod might 1-e`at111po11.t-henx." " V ` - : Thlnics nf.;r,he`co11e're_rzab10n pre-7 {or Urqd nugnn 1-esu 1lpuu.t-ucm. __ , The ladies nf..t.he`cong1*ega5iou pre- ' 1'e_dtea on a. beautiful Imvn near by .t.he church. and it is uc`cdl:=&<,,,'t0;s_zLy `fpared tea be-aumux gauvu u<:u._L' uy .the chumh. needles `t0 S&y ' the past;-ec01'ds of !li`11'dies`- of Hills- . du,le- ~.`_Ample justice was done to the . good things p1'uvi.dd.. and. with 3. 2 cqncertz held in the evexging. in the; v _ Teulpemmce Ha, .1,,cmne to a. close .1 day, `M ; long to he7rmxxe111bered' by all who \_sfe1`e})resen't. The chul-ch when" com- > min` rm nnn nfmhe `oust infhe `n1 n9-'.\ ..v..i., .,.. ..- _ we1`e resent, Tl1ecl1u1-cI1\vheu'c(_n11- ` lee will be one ofthe `bus; in the an-iel Presbytery. It is 60x 10 feet. built: of brick, wxtsh u bu.seu1enb_for Szlbbahli School zrml. onher kindxted. V i11;eebixLgs;anLl,Will cost when completied, over. $5,000." :VTlxe Rm . Jas. Skeuge, the .( . %(gp1tlm`~pa; and his people we to f'_on9.tulate(l o11tl1e rospggh of 1 ha.vin'g such a. heuxdsome c trrclif` ; we l1aw e- no "doubt: that in .t,l1_L;_. ` 3` - ` fubmre. the coug1'egzLtio;;:_,i_1_1_ .l;li': , will lnmble tersup ' orb V ; Selves: V M1`;Skex1e.msonly he:)N31-fr eld alittla qvexmyear and s L . [5 timemzer 40;l"1iew names M `i l ` 1 gadgledto the c'mnx1x_unio11roln v V ` .. "3`;...uIwr vv-3*-I 2 . j Ampontegpaingat theta` 3 A; the other day.%;1_13`q\1_ix'ed. sf` V ' ` of the hQt.`w&1e1- on t: ;_w;gter Sn 1: `readily: ,avs:.hiinE`,he ; _ hin-`_ 1 Le;Vfo`l1t`m.ubS,1S * ~ L ~"i1`1'1D1P9`?"3W`* B h!;mdv.Vz- J `V -'.Eu9sd a.y WedneadaaE;" Rid 'un d e1~t-zmken. AA liberal `was then tzakzel .`!._]3.` ..l..' Ll.`(.'lll[. 1:-ne- Lw_v. my H nhncnn '\vm'd'S. BX-' A15pI;v- ` mum; foothgil, want Angus... Q0` "35: Prqabybengn pzcnm. ` " rm... m.........o.. I'l\......-.al.$, 1. luau; vsnwuu panam- , . The. Toronto Tecumseh? ie`6 init; with Lhaoapitalawho L ` goals _while the Tomnm new : uh E , ' ~ . `Bicycle mun mu: sum. `fracas again. *Tbe'r8t'wi!I3 i ' ht: held next week. "-races again. `Luv 1 7 beheld next week. r!1AALL LL. _.It. IS seuurwan U19 rtxuuuwe . pusesge, 3 by the Onillin Bicycle 0lub~iiK`l`3 g " ` ' to county ride:-_sM. -If so. 1 Ban-in men will enter.` and they ,,,iW no't.-far .from~*t}'I hjohtatahha nish. L _. 3 > I vu xxnumuqyu _ - The-Racin` "A L . Bicycle Ofubg A `hm:-pg attain. `The rst.'wi!I`: uyuu an unu uukuu. . __ V V Several new avg chased here.-`this gear; d eat. is beimr taken` mums vergzxnad TheBarriepa, 8I'0 VX'yIIg3_X 5 over the exceedgxy-rmxgh\ _ W L [ta which their _lzycmm-mam-was.m`xb ' 'ject~ed in `the xawh hemlnst Week- nut Barrie `cont.emp<\'1'1u'Im Th}: axzhusk X nn the nlnniro was Ictmseu neretms 3_rea.1~ana being In this vegyamdin uq_nat.ic sgom Sqme of _ shoum be xngood s >tograeing:z7u; ' it. wouldbe a good i ensif pushers coulgl anamge gl_!B`cI1nt8Bt3i F:1i r~uxin`de`d Orillizms r`:ouIdwixih fab -. L wur_3'le38* cause for~hhsH-esenhmen, '. Aug. '13-Bm'dfonl at name connemprarmg. on the um ire. Was. 'g:i`1la` ungentlexnnnll e and i` Packet; ".' " ' '91:: games yet: to be played imhik district: z1re:-~` ` `.70--0rillia ah Bmdfoad; House AND {Lg `row SALE. u, `Drzuuun at `Ox-xllian aw`uL'xulu. - ` r_ On nnday Sec .. t,3bnnr;lx1"1lj}2{a7B- phoned Bradford rome Olgnb. makesure that the `yvo|1ld*heEu,9;qu. Thursday. > Much.` his surpri$ev" was in formed that.Bmdford wont}: ' lay more than t'11_e;_ single segieh u here will be no game r It seems thatthe wiliplnyin Grade _rst where all t_ eirjexpetlsaarwikt paid. Gravephursh asked _ lav` in that town bo~dny~bnb om ; e;-lined to go on` accomfb pt 3 minim with Bradford Aug. '_15--1Sm'I0l.`tl an narue. ._ -. V n H u 27-Barry 3315 Bradfprd. *` Sept. 2-.0?\HIa. a.h*Barrie', 1., M _ Two dates were nothlletl.-' "itini, ` 11, gralcllford at{0rillia.; July 8, Ba.i';ri.&., uf. P I-3 in ' V " , 3 xy t.l`1se0I*iIIin. yum action of the Brfidforii mm gauze with .Bradford and `now they at-wont;--af both games. Th Barrie Secretary told B1-ndf rd. 1113 Barriewould ciaxmjzhe game by defmxl if to-_da.y s were not pla.yed.f` ; g elm. D...` 3&1. li0Wlll|K_.> .~ Un Mondnytwa rinks uitshe . Grzmibes plgpyed .a,gnme:wit.!_1; bowners on their own '8Q9~ themby Th8_ - -very plesant am: am x;c:'*` j _f ' in makxmr then get in hm hzive mgdod efcon the] nave &;gUIKLulL!2|1bulI'lu1I:'n yavgw in makxng L %' ;ai;t:` The absence of L " ts . and Boys rather weidienetl M `1-inks. I :~ - V; Therinks wereas olloxirs j _ 'B.uuu8 Nc').1. _ t` ` D.F.Macwatt. . , P.H~.\S'm\vn,ak. 16 _' I ~~-BA~nnm;`No.-is. . \i' wnam` W..Raukee. \ "In A. M(:C3.(lh) x . G-A.Radenhur8t,` A Dr. McCa"tI1y,\*{. ...`,-'4! ` ` No}, Barnie`.... . my 9 Harris: ?'**s.a**" ., : b-' iia i1c':,`7s ` :u '.-ind.` 01111111 App pe _ag1c1in muck sngqngpgx m_xt.s.w1 ex-_.-:$ndV.s`1zn;\11\er fog *.`s`L$9 9` 9? .599 across the my 93113} -started tLx.ref:\1g:hg hf) H` n17 unnvto "ii? ' Vnl'ih' Mlsses w11IIm;1xxg Miss. Zillae; suev ` ~ of: Stmhfdid. Qhava`n:rn _ ` Q; .01: Damuxpguy, ' w ` S_teve`nson3s. Majority for li1.`annies , _8m?l3- r In this hot Weativlm L:..b ' n pm-lino on1e sand,y_lo nm'. ` * .. l.11ere are many r63_..'\'ous ftmns and many - cattle are being sh pped from West Branch. V These lnngls are otfemu for the rst time to set- `tiers. E11qx\iir.;'1L-,N'. H`A1_IP`riIAN; L 2 ' _ 28-amos \`.VgstBrn1;ch, Mich. , Surrounding the.pmsperous Village of West` Bumch, Mich n. thei County, seat. West. _B1-mrchlssitun on Mk-higunCe1xtmlR.R. Six hours from Detrolt. has-over.,1200 ii111zvJ)itants. ,.,3Wg11x1rches` ood schools,-su\v mills.. 13!; mills. libmry,eecnr 0- R , _m:w . ' are from the vil1zx{,'e l1m1ta_ 1) .F`*;5`-E-W % 'f;;s%.;'}.,: .< _ -3 1 { ~~ 3 -1 .-RLVI\VNnc.:_". -_. .. `.., , sum bo Berlju Organ and l'i`au"o 705.; Box-178. Barri/. or "at the,S1xo`\v' Rqoms. ___.;._., .rAi"m nomarxms Ixsumn _ "R. L. BARWICK. no n I: M ~ I`nrm'\fn Build! ` Is in pfVFSCS>'i0{1"\\f :\'l the late styin introducvd at .1.uierian Photo: ` " 1 'Cu1i\'`1:tia~u. 1 { nK7K B%AY m"S'&aY h`B3h`""5 &`3'. 52 j Ln 1m ` ".-9 3` : 38; X`-~ . `Stu? .Ilt\h.!.Ln `Fan ~a'fs`3-ovou3ownmpie ` nownutw;-v V ` "j"`FbR {{{{ SK`L_E+ ' -:GHEl_T\_P V To all poiato bugs and simi~ lap pests if you use .- `~ 29 FARM' ` . ` `\: ~VIl ` 1: *, `* *`-='=:'~'=s :s.?` }:9:-~-:'ch35" alsir ., J t Rf L.~Bmw1`c1, n-..v. -c m,.......m nnlmh L... u.HnIv_u.u\. Bank of ~T9rontoBuiIdim:s. ~ 1 * ` , B:m'i4 It IA-rv IIIIIIII l.\/no Bank of Toronto Building; ' . v Barr x3 years old. . .-..--nan Q ` V ,'1e3.axH new ~i.ie'al Certain Death )D.FELLOW yddresi. (111153. Ba'iQ mnllv (13113: Barrie. ` ' u ,, .Aw|ITEB--0k1 Establishes} Wholesale Rouse - ` mum one or two honest and industrious : remesenmlves for _Lhis_secjtiqn. 1133: a hustler =%` A mu-n 0'1 ` iudimrioual rep:-esammves thissection. Can pay: husupr IITEI}--0ld Wholesale muse habout 522.11) :1 week to star:-with. Dnwxn 29. ` } Rnntford. Out. 350 ! about $12.00 wee: f Bnntford. 0u,,,;- I August 22nd. at 12 o'clock. anon, the Easbhalf of ; I.otNo. 8. in the 5th Con. of Vespra. T . ` uxuleknogvu on day of sale. . 33-_35_ } ' . ' {name sueinrs Ofce. Bank. on sazunh I Sealed 'l`enders\\'ill be received uy_ we umuzr ` 3 signedvup 00 the hour of 6 o'clock p.m.. Mbpday. . , Ammsc mt, fgr the erection 91' gl brick building` I ix} the Town at Barrie. ~10 be be uaedaa xx Sa_4va- t1ou:.Army `Barracks. Plans and s icaums ` 5 can he seen `at the S. A. unrtersalx street. _ i l`;1;`*.ll0\\'e.s(.`or any ten er not ueessaly ac- ` = veg; _. . .3 - : , _ 1 ~ ` D. 0. 00:23 :1.)- I. It 1 ` - _Ix ma Esrrns Jonx Moms, Ln; or ms ; Tmvssxuv up M.en`01m:."rxA11xx Comm us: t J Sincor-:. Rsrxnxn ("I-`.\n)mn. Dxcsxszn. 4 1 i S1 f, U! %oHuacH s BUG rxuusg I.ofNo. in 5111 Con. unulekuofu l l)C|. l.0JU, |.u\.:A ........,..V,_, , _ ` . land f_ull articular: Qnhelr uhmns and ot the nu: ` 01 tun} of t e security (if gmy held by (hem. And , much is abo hereby given t tamzr the said day, thu~Execu(o1-as will procued to distribute the assets ` 3 i gt` dim deceust-(lhxulxonxg {lie pailus euritlelcl thL`.ll0. a'n re n btn- ns 1` '~h't ' !sl\::!lllu'eg1?\:(ti(?e. y Q C 1 Wm R) 4 Imudtlnis 30th Jul_v..1n}._ mm _ I ! 188:. Lap 110. bectiou M. and amend ,, , g mzgfx L`li'%(li%rS :1ndfot'I`1er l`r3<>l1xs t\1I:|\"i11gI. C. nun Inst 0 smteo` t` e& ( om. omxi." i ileccnsod. who died on or about the Twemgg-First ` dt\Y`Of Julv, AJ). 1896. are hereby requxrcd to sendby wepaid. or todellver to-J. T.`Loftus. So_11c`tm' for b mlnicjk Momxx and )1. Loftns. ; Igxuc tors. un _or before the First dxw of septum-. I ber. 1896, their munee._ addresseg axunnljlescripuons. I :uui i'_ullKartieulats_ Q_Irll'l(_fll' uhmns of the H tum uf 2\u_\' ~ \. s. 4.` ;.n.,.s....,i.-1... o M mm day, `.\}0TICE is hereby griveli pursuant to li.S.U.. ` ` " ` It A . fsealml Tenders will received by_ She under stgnedvuum Monday. I for a building ` in of to tir.nxArn\v`RnI`r1A'liS. sggcicaupns \ ` _ ' ` lq the Matter ol'_ the Estate of .\l.l1X.\.\'_nl-2l:\` .\lcll-3.\'lI|~`.,vl.a|e of`-the Vllluge or ' \ Q l.e(ro_v'. In the Counlyllol 1 A ` Slnlcoe. lleceusccl ' I 1 .. _ 0 ` _ 1\'.0_TICE L1; lncntby given. pursuant to R.S.0.. L 1887, Qup. 110. bee. 345 and (unending Acts. 1 that all persons lmvfng claims ngahxst the estate i of deceased Alemnder licwzie. who died on? . or nbouttlxe Third Day at` Jlgly, A.D. am - A .-..., , A :.-M 9.. -. u . ,v.-..._,. ` llnl A lot` Mciierriie. who ureu my very - or aboutthe Third 1896. I 1 required to send by post. prepx\1d.'or to deiiver to -. .i ,\,Ic.3sr-S. Dickinson & Mzu-\\':\tt, Solicitors` iur the 1 very Administrators, on or before the 15:11 dav or Scptemherq 1&6. their names. a(1drc:\ie.~*, an de- S(`l`i1)ti43llS. and 11 full statement of part1cui_:Lrs~of` C13 their clniuis amid the n:1turq`of the security (if a any) held iry thc1n.du\;y' cerhhed; and `that after mm bras ` the said dn the Adm nistrntor wiii proceed to distribute he assets of the; deceased :u'nom;_the -parties ergtitled thereto. iuwxng regard only to the den; cinims oi which the? shall then iuwc notice. H U Dilmd this am Ju it. was. . V M V . DICKINSOS S: .\1AC\\ Aii"1f, . 151`- | 33-34-31;-38 Soiic1tors_for tho Admrnistrntor .0111 ` is on Futtig 01 i%BeFoot VALUABLE r_{u_u_a run SALE !\`.'0TI()E wiveli pursuant R.S.O.. : ' 18537. Can Sectipu _&5.`' and amending L..:2..,_ veg. xxxu1;'- lffo. * 33: shall lfzuwixxotice. Daxtudjjnb 3Qt|_1 J 111;}. lzu. V Nbncz TocREmToRsg_i refusedbo v.wi11ap - - -~ . " =oCR'r T - gcourt; m z_9._ `e\w'days. L I ,, '-_L_ight1ni`ng\struck Here are t nu}: .EF|I-llluil lung: rm. - u..._. _ . 'La.dies ~ `Dou gohx Kid Button and La.c`e Eats, pa tent tips, razor or round toe, exiblge . sole, yyere special an`. $1.35, now $1.00, V E ueW"sh_apee, were $1.00, now 75. 1 Ladies Oxfdrd Shoe in sane and blacks,- - made of the choicest 1ent.her,hand tum sole; 7 four diffetenhstyle toes, were $175, `ROW . $1.25. . . -V - . -:-MISSES DEPARTMENT, . A. . 1' m,.,. :_ -..`..-....A'klnn1n: Laies FinelSboe in tansvancflilagk, all Z , sprinfheel. toeonp, sizes 3,_,to 7 nowAum:~. M T A _ fChild'r Pebble Goat ~Bixthoued_ -Boots, ,'.hauti tum `o1'e.wm:e75e.,_now,60c. ,- W. . nfans Strap Slip{Jers,_tdrn.`sole.- were `` '40c.,'nowr 250." ` Murs VDEPARTMENT ' `- ' I -`nu 1-..- DML. mlulln fmmd. '-TlIHDIi-v an... n.. ..._..._..- . __ _ Misses Oxford" Shoe. in taxis` and'bla_cks. kid" lined, new toe`,-` rm. `sole. were $1.00. n'ow`65n'. .-u u u n Lu- l\....c. n.;m...nA -Rhnts` _. vIVI__lI__w `Bl-I mu 5 nu..- . -\ Men's Fino1Laqe Boots. whole, foxegi, sewed and nailed sole. London toe. aa's'y;' domfbitablt: tting, wete'$l.50. now $1.00. ._ ' Inn .'l`.'n Rnlmnv-AL axehidn A n An ui. COIDIDIIW-UIH uyuuug, may v....... ..- .. ,,.... . _ Meu s Rnsnan -Tan Balmoral, extehion. I aole;_ wVhole,}.foxed, /vary-swell shape, WON '.$2.50,uow$1.75. - N ` " a-.... n..'m.. (`AW L~me=`B00t..Kt6i1i0n: % FRANK JAI}KSON . $4.01}, uuw u. no. _ Boys Bdstony Calf L;\ce=`Bo`ot, . xteiision: 1 I 1m1_e,.seam1ass;A-pxed,ju,'wery stylish and- .,t1rqsty'wo:_o,:er, pizesjl 130.5, were speisl gt, . - . V Yx`mhha ~, B. Cali _ B\l_ ."r.\l . `who_1e,;_:,.fdxoti .D.R-aole.' tiwuazlunsi musty fer+vsn.;_;ize;V1 * -to 12, wags. $1.90`. ' kn mnkanisn `un- W .50,` vvu_.,._`..,-...., <:bLs5a..:1;r,g1e,k,.7 _ .= . ._ `O nxuttz";alb_se_. 9:1 `qvgry pm. 9? 5"` _rSum1ri`r St}oe;Ajg-Yfhgthexf ymx h_u,y. L ._ rsnnsngjngran . LADIES}? DEPARTMENT` I 171,! D..u.... nmi fa For an ambitious; effort to make on aggregate sale record for `August tha.1:w1'H-be 'even=greater than the heavy selling of"the past month Never .behn`e have we had such brisk shoe activity. No -tim'e for ' - dull .seasnus,.here,.`3y,it_h, p;_i_<;_>sM _1;5_J.___ ' `xfgluced below. the original cost. are the prices. Xttmct.iou's-Our loss ` (.4. on`e`ve`ry pair menus your gain. ;|_1 u1y~. lnxi. J . T. LDFTUS. Solicitor for the Executors. " -16 King Street \\'est. Toroxxm. i ' ham -n mph own homes. 3 BRADI.EY-G.in- ANT D--Three{General Agents for a block` of aunties` nlsdve cnn\'a&=ers for each. I) th1ng',..ndt ose who get territorial ri ht: will aim luck. Can also em Ioy several ght ock uni" u'0nq3y_ Iuaucx nucu-* " 2 - A water carnival is gain .d" ` uissed ` . _ l - v _ _ g me used as Ema ]:Lt p1-esentutnd If It can be earned mt. . 5 ticatimm _ ` Lers.:.`2 would give as great deal of pleasure to U0Fl1*~"35531'Y `W `th_e.u{nzens.`-w 5- 1 V, O0R_E. --`L`,Eief Kingis still after thepoll tax. MAdJt3m Seeral of'tI)e young men` who. have V. , rf`1b0 '.'1l -`me 1' RROGATE GOLRT f\..`.f'.. ,;?l1, Tlvfpped-r m P0 we a=`Bo'ot, ixteiision: mm : ntvlish and- {LOCAL %_:NEWS. pig: Lu nu: wluuuvv UL sun \.n5cu uuvny. S -701`. W. A. Rossilast week loscone of i.t.he thzgoughhwd mares with her colt, - gums he purchased in Toronto last year. 1 --Ba.~ss_shi`nis repo1'.te.d`goenl at E Peninsxilatj Par .whet-e lzhreg pmu'1dex-s= r_ frequentiy delight the heart of the ;_ 5sb_ex'men.- ` 0 - , -;,-__u :- `::->.-J`::\)\`IlI\l\I\(` 5 ` ~WhiLeu s photo gallery in Qrilli:I.' was burned on Tuesday. - - > rs v n. .__ ____ .-_ I nan uux ucu vu L uuauu y u . --R. L Rice has a. ue pair of giiinea. I pigs In the window of his cigar store. n.. u.` A nnm'!..a- man):-lnatnnn nf L`U\H'b lu i_L_x5:\v ua/ya. .. . . .`\ ' . ` ' I , '-L1ghtAnmg\ struck the a.gr1culuml .f)1uIdxngs In cuurse of erection. on H '7 3I'on'd.-`\yTninht vStI\3.17CEI'IUTS0me:'0f"th8' rafters and sttxdding, _ _ ml... ....\.. ..,...:;..m- \X.`. l` Qhzumhf nf ! l.`illLtfl': iulu aLuu\uu5. ` -The cz1e ugaxinsb W; T. Stewart. of g` \Vvhvulfor,a1ggrzu*ate3$q.saa111t upon ! ~.:`.\'eTsou .\`,IL-Rue, of \Vyebri?lge_is- being` lhezu-d as we go to p1'e_ss. . \r.... niu m....1; mm. ....-ml, ..`z..=..;um1 `LlCi|.l'U my Wt`. gt! LU pnzpa. g ~ Dzwisnn. ivho died ixm.\'ew Yorkhn --.\[rs. Cf. Clark thus week reqeived ` notice of tlxedezzth Of hei- uncle. Samuel I the 7tIi"inst...z1tthe ripe age of 8yen.rs`;1 . nr n.......:,.).... 1... I..r.....mI Hm! U111 (LU. lllahu (II: but Lugs: ask. \u. ma, -.-4... '!,robbenv_.iu. Hamilton in July _ 93.- `n10nth.f0npocket- picking ixi Toroutb lil1_Jzm. ' ' 7 L- .9 _...\..--~C..1 n -_..-L W. Beardsley. has learned that . Hmvksley was given 6 months for A 1) thing, ..nu muse wuu gm. muumuu .. ....~ luck. bright ladies at their own Bx.mu:Y-GAn- 00., Lm, I9,Rich1'non`%St. West, To- . , ` I mnto. Oi1t.' K i