4' ' no nun; x-m-and onmu up ` ' enuxo-Co_nvoIt1on.' " " . x _ _ d . - , . Chicago, July 10.-A-W321. Brynn: j'$"* "" "`F` nu '.""". ~ mm was selected to`-day_u thumxlo % *""*'19lHI'**"' ```` 0` srd~bw-arinthnonmpalgn to:-tbafur a 3`u"-"*'"`h' "``"7 Sdonoy cube United Sum. 'YCN'lh7 i Nlyllvun nizmtnuniii ~09 0091" ` whgn tho handaoxhe young Nohguhn , f00people~wbo4n'vu-iouly bolkvodio mounted the rash-un_11n tho Ccnnnt1on_|,.u,. ,.wn4..g at on at an ton TW.W'1 9 dN 00 '0 ?`"7.t:ihudfI:ol.iu.LhnllglumalSouth- plnorm hen: consldax-ad the latent ",4 5 ,._`., 4 gag. poulb\utylnthuaoofoHl;honotto_ba aha `.m,bw~.h.*"mn_ contorted mun hour law.` Whonho - concluded hirgmat rhetorical non ha: "5 3 h`- '* db` ""' >`.`" ` ` _.__.JLLnn_. 'I.Mr.... nut` old. that mud HI , or S(1.,te guons, ldii th ` posltione of the various states` and marched in triumph through the aisles 1 .> Irv ' It osto15per=`on their themvto hide `their needs with shame. delegates, and the gnidons ofothor states, 91195 hive 1115h1l18'bW81' 00 .40.: Others dolneri the procession the cheerln bocnme say things concerning their neighbors and` madly hinense. Bland` bani) . B0163 ',`f1-lends for the pure devlltry of it, and banners and emblems of other candidates . i '1'f i - fell in line`, and ,the culminating point u an more at 9 om 0 30 pg Who | - . 0 ,, . i to_ngues.. are, the`worst,V;'and they say tie%`.nf1a`;??ii2aaZ'.?%y f":.g.22 3: 5 Was we or e n*r*' 1`L!..`b~.1. 111mzireneiss*bearin`"theMiEl ff"h'h"*v`*4d `"hF %5ym' "name, took step with the 7 rest `and*~bant~;~ their endeavors tollixies llvely sis ,nnd Stop to think for a moment of the feel- when lt was over the people fell ` in lugs 01 those-about whom. x-emu-kg` have` '_5h`l _$ghh'9 ' 1 . ma- ;, `; A ~ '4 A been made? 31';-obsbly they `don't. But :_tongues and cause wmethlng .smart.t_.Do 1,, these) . .people_..ever., ` l bounding the square spaces reserved for--.Sm&P9P19 Wk 5b.`W 035 ? ~b8-`I99 |- PQUIIUILIVI Ill VII! THIN I01 `HUI-IV-IIUK KI IE When he ton ho: had become n seeming or ms; the hours of the night his ohuues grow, and when the nouvaution, roeunod buelnue this morning he had been ee- cebllehodu Rlulmd P.` Blend : most formidable competitor. A: the balloting : progressed hie popularity among the d.olo- .9 geiee became more and more; apps E ant `end his shonkth in votes wont ; by Maps` and bounds until '_ the-onlxninak 1 tion came iu"tbo capture ofujllinoie and ` Ohio and the wlohdrewal of Bland, with tho ooneeuent -transler of Missouri 30 on Bryan column.` Tlxaro we:-o no _glu- .` ling trunspairenciee, no life-sized llt.ho- ? at-nnhn nn anal -In! Jmnrl: . nf mnnln tn nt. E I i i 1 '1 J tract to the elqquent yonng~~lnwyer[and ` newspaper man. V The modest ' banner of ; thn William J Ru-inn (`Jnh A Nahranknl DUWSp&pCP H1311. '1_ll9 111041085 Illlllit UL ' the William J. Bryan Club. 5 Nebraska `; organization was lzhn_nnlyoonsplouons _ emblem of the Bryan cause.` ADurlng-the ; nlghl; a standard had been prepared bedl-~ I lzig.` the concluding words of Bi'yan's "speech of yesterday: "No crown `of 3 thorns; no cross of gold, and this alone `E was the most suggest-`lve ontword`lndtca- 5` tlon thnt the Nebraskan was la the race 7 to stay. ' _ ` ' 3 -...,. __.,_=5_= .. ..--_. ..--.._-_._. But it noedea n; A articial means she`: ` as these to keep. the name of Bryan to ; the fore.' Hli-striking p1-esenoe,:.hla.ear: . nest bearing, his wonderful melodious-C. , `nous of valve, uh exhibited in his speech, . I had not faded from the minds pt dale.- ` gtgtes and spectators` and every mention of his `iale broughforth hearty ch G told ha awry of` the rm hold he had 11 those who could make .01` unmake him his Presidential aspu-anions, and upon Sh thousands `who ~w`re onlookers and not" Iiotlve paiticlpanbs. The battle of the 1 ballots was to be fought with 5 dogged- `-- nooie that shqwed 2:. mm -gietermlntlop on . _the part mt. those pledge to. particular ; cand|date;s_ 60 be oons1s_te_'nt in the dslm A1 n..i..7t....... r...'+- mu. 1... nm. - +1.- Ullllllli-lliM9j_ W IN kKlllBlb"l'U_U ll-I` DUI! llil .otehe1r`1'mm, butjume by 1m1o'-the .etnn`Hm-A nf 'Rv~'1cm wnu nnnannrl nnm-aw. M1811 uneurs. : Chicago, July? .19`.~`-;'Yest:`erda`y ended the moat} femnxjkable _ National ' tlou slucejzhe Democratic. paryrin 18 7 was tenfasunderipn the sl'avery_l_uge. I Ybex-day the convention oomplead the 3 work which split the party in ' twain on _ tho` nanolal issue. ' Mr. Arthur Sewall ,'-. nf Mninnfn Rhth ahlnhnildar and nn'm-_'J- 1. denfree cqlgggu mm,-was named `tor ! ; .V'-1c9-'K resident on the? ticket` headedfby : Willlnin J.'Bryan.j :V _.. ' - - '1 `Mm-st 5f.hm'r 160 aninvnfnl.'f(r'H1n"nnnmr(_ may *' mop 5 .1 am. I. uooda: 00., umu. Inn. vuuuuu U. Dryuu. ' r~--- More then` 160 iieiegatee'gtothe"conven- tion. 8,11 of Whom, with the fe;ee,ptlon `- o'ftho'golddelogation from Wiaeonsln .'.bod:r.~' This-he free country . andeierr. '. does and le. Anybog1jt ,_,makes.lt his .6: has : n business generally `that anyboiiyvis tine-' E uncle }portion" of. the 'delegatlon from ;persgn in: it le entitlod.t his other opin- Aliegheniea on .F`x-idzag, refused to.partioi- ' pate in the nominntion of a presidential ~ candidate on e freeiilver platform. Yes, , erdey more than 250 declined to pertioi- - ' pate in a nomination for Vice-President` Many of the gold delegates had left the ` oltyln disgust.` ` ' V ' ' '1`ho.silver Democrats, who controlled !.the,joonventl'o n " bii6lute_ly', and `who- .1 alienated the en ' in-.. order ..tn hunt. the I-`-Minneaota-who* -came from *~'east*of"tlI ` I lbir.` but when `these oplnions`bBeonieot` tipereonal natureeud--were spoken with } the` intent to smart and have rsqmethlngl to sa.X,..the prson`w_lfo does thertalklng; " : is.es__a rule, not to be coVmpared.;inV the V seine bleath with the `victim. The belt `policy to pursue lathe. old ` `one 0! Mind your own business? A` There-1.e enou3h to` ibez-taken care of at ltomees a stile; ` A Democrats, vho I 019.) Ill unsgulv. ` f. ` til? =Mp:;);;a\7;1t1ltloii. 1b'6luf:1Y. `and a ma L eea k n-., or er 9 Mn i buunevpt silver. hop to scour`; .:1`ppbr : `T tron: tho Paganism:Ts1xeVwass[aua*sauth- * , and the's1lver'R_pub1lGans eoxeoompiasoh Ezgm for the loss] which the platform gnd - . 6.`tiul:t muafinvltablj enal!` an the v sassy hey `hope to sea t_;1ltho`h1t1i to ;1disoordanwlempnts.o4h1lyerfrally toeihq `jtggndard which tneygme xaxsr --;- '.'I`h` nrfmlnmslnn oi `Mu .Qnau'.l1:-0... _ Vynwn uneyjnewe ra1se1' *7` `A :;m nomination at `Mr. Sown11tor Vigawresident yeaverdw. Fm -'15lfhiLpI' ~..mn morofof-n`aurp,r1se han thorn! ~ iBIn for`-President an Erlnv. Rmu\._ `--IYOII Il|0!`0_'0I`l'| SIRE`!-'1-39 ulln tihg at gBryan*tor*Pres1dent on Friday. Bryanv lhndlm the convention aamg with tall Qlqitgnoo. and.hin:-np_mo* wan onbxty V |VupVy_vhou sha bal1ot1n.besu.u,f!5ug, Mr;-. I 8awall'I'hame.\|n mnnmhlon um. th- I "5'! ' AWL `H5 ` llllllv "Ill ' UH GYM , |V1`1pVgni'$n :15 -b_a11ot1n`g.nesqn,VV*Vi:ut, .Saw_al.I?I;home.\1n mention with an Vtoa`-Pmldonoy. h L hardly" bun` `mm. ` [V "`l"` ,`f "z" ""' wanvvr -|V'l.ug `V vyuy $3,,` .8W11u;h0me.\In mention with thy `Afton-Pro-ldonoy. 1; `A bgq m... < . onod. , _ \. WILLIAM J." IiRYAN.\ ~.Nl)ltto`d. uu.aum_. . Ilhaf. I111: lI7:.._.'R|nIAv` I 6d $ pm; ;'?.`.;`?1;`.`. ;"*.`:.g t. .`.5" I" ,vu._r1.'.|u5v.vpuguUv_~Aoau,y-uv"u5l' III! Ugo`- & ;';`i "V zve1-Lag'e E;Ta6df"Ef7f'6li57h1cies 1.xi' th`e_.~ hmim-0 atraetgo London}. The qldg-la_Mv`r is still. ` "0 mi lM_n fo.1'oe V_that no. se1_(-propelling voh1ol_e;- ~ :-;+_ -.~;aha1H:r_1;.vel along #ha-streetgaT- at I;tghig_hex5;~ yg11-- go: speed than four miles an hour. -and 'ulgq,t`, Perlgippl` a man csarrylny a red;/n-al;a11`1valkA 80:; $53; of ii;-as In txfpnb to warn -pe,o9,le. o.th'e.ap-2 ~ 7 ~ .amu' .211 (1 Q loom ""311 rdhhr wsglnnhh " ' DH] ULIQ 10 I3 MUUQQ D "HD1851 VTKIKUU MN 1);}. 1:. nnybog1yi_,makas.1u . E kunlnnun zununnnilzu that nnuknrlv ha nnhn; ,-_u.nA..sLnn....~Q DWUu&___`Il.l`{l Ivu-. Hwy: :13 wvur II; dmeuis 3 a single (hurl its will bur- denedvi*ithniniutoohoavy!ort.Inslou-, der support, and the slum: tall: io the stream. but the thread smfhige easily '3 the will: of the ' ~ E -Thefunemi 015 Tea, for thatiu the na"me-or ehehanguxgu tribe, is as odd in its way us G religious abelid. `His body ' is wrapped in a`new' cloth and his toes ' tied together with red` umian; grain, sug ` ear, tobacco and money are` `concealed in `his tunml toga on prbvlde mm for his 3; journey acmss_t.he.a Styx end the dark b ` * V beside the wipes and the dead man's ; hands are placed upon their-_ho rns. `A place of his skull, his hair,and his finger nails are removed to be used. later on at 2 the great colgsbrticlon of the death of all ; echo, du_rlng the tyvelve months, have m'kcn"the leap over the great; pre- c;ipioe'int.o che_boti.omlosn` byss." When `f these tokens are removed. claried butter g is smeared `on chefragrans - wood of the UA nuu IJVILI6 uuuwuu nunuu nun VA nu; vvv\u zbuslnqss. ' Generally the people who dc}; ,_.;t)he-mos't osglplhg are those who live in. ; the house of "the thlnxiest glass; and It the, cu;-At;`u.in:3 wefe raised things might be TIVUJ 1.9 IIIAC u\.\f tishgas undxsho ashes scattered bathe four winds, ` . ~.._ 4: Colonel F. .W.I Snxtovn, of `Qai;iand,` I CAL, was in Washington recentfyu A little incident that came to my notice justvbeforml leib home." he said `to at Times reporter, impressed. me that thgro is never any use of a man to act oi:hk*r~ ` wise than a gentleman, and" that it is often a_ financial gain. to do so. ' HI`'\.... ..I Q...` Dunn.-.lpn'n'a nunttgll.-on h. vuwu w_ AALMJLJVLQIA sun ma nu nu. One of San Fmnclso'o's capitalists is Joseph Boardumn. It is said he is a millionaire, but to look at him you` ` wouidunot think it Yon could lmi-dly say that ho'd.re_i:es. shabbil_v,. but he come: `very close. in it, and appezufs no a stringer go be some kindly old- gentle- ` man whomfortune -has never cared to ' smile upon. Mr. `Bou-dman"s house .is over: in Oakland. but his oioe is in San `Francisco. and each morning he makes` _ tho trip Ever on`the,ferry. ' .`l`kn Al-kn-J mu-nlna kn -gland-ml lnn I-kn uuu uny vvus uu vnv ,AuAA._y~. ; I,`he otherkmorning he `started for the '_ boat,`unt1 in his haste helorgoc 66 trans: . fer his pocketbook to his clqths. Of ; course he dld.,no.d1soover ` this until he hndi-cached` she whu-f; There was no ,,,_n LL-LL_ |__.>_ .,, LI_,L ulna rvuuuuu uuu vvuuun. Aulnu Vvuza uv one lnthe qrowd thathe knew or that , knew 'him__ Hekjmmhed, efery pocket in . vain. A young mqn standing nearby wltnessad-the bozifnslqn of the old gentle- . mankand, walking up to am, thrust; xx _ .m`m,. ,,,,., A .,,__- ;_.,Lu.-_ _.., ,.,.. _ -V uuxcmyvu. . `T;L{e young man` doubtless supposed & that he\had done an. acid! kindness to Va needy on`e, and-he hastened away, in order tc_>,m?iige.i6 less embarriuslng for hlabeneu1arj%.~ He had no opportunity to get far. hovtgver. before Mr. ~ Boerd- 1 .,iuan oaughhhlm land made him divulge - check, rarawn _by` thekpmionaire, and his name and addxees, `1`he`next7dz'ay.the y_oung~ innn wgs the lkolpieht of" n enug, making gun Hchar by `:9. hnndre , -than he was the day befo1_'a."x\ _ I ` %wero=~se:a-atT[ahbutraoesdq~3:rm.r~.=gum, VIiu1Hn'd _. V65W`ere !n nmdemba` sup-'_.. `pl1.4a;1d sold. In A tun` monk ftcr: 11:-mar * .1 , ' `99,,V9& . dice, 4 To, yaw mm mm-.9 ya `0`33 V AL IIIIVJU I! an; IIIIAAJS IJUUVV Gil UWIVI: IIU _ be detcstedjh a person it - is the fn\c l`t_v` of n<.139;1_I,Icz_:1l>E;t.<> mlrgd his` or 113,0 n :..;g.I...m., "m........11.. um Mani; ...|.,{ .1). A5153 VI` Ill-l\lBV'FlUUlAlI vvuvq.u- AYJIIICIAD lulu) Int-anmnnnn nan anmnthlnn nlvn-la H-an-n uwu uuuuvc -ngvuuuq U_u\-4' vovuu. uuu let` someone say spmathing about them _'and let It mao`h't.hah*ears,*what A tongue .lash!ng results! And She meanest team.-ve of the whole thlnglithat theyhaver any I- M, L.. H... mm so am m..H.......A m...;.\;.;. I . VI. vuu IVHUIV uuung sq vuuu vuvg uvvlzl rug 1* 1H-othefaqe at the maligned . but always belilhd their backs like oow-~ !~ ..a.. A.,.:..-,; ulo=uv'-awu:: ' Land goeq` his own way without molesting . .9 I any onejn-. is nobodyjs business what he` 1 Anna Ant! H tfnvhlxdv mnkblu ilx Mn in-bani , '1*aa`n ua1` '31 marble mi "jai.xir1"g2s'?yxit111)vfr6iIIy*b6: run` at 6310' nixynriaisa `EsTiKnT"7WT7 7iir"7I'\'11uin1'nn lviv `thin yxwvunurg uuuuvn uni gwwn mopr car was, osughb 637'? l|m'm`nn-ulna dmrn A` with `1 -I-IIVIUS VHF V.VIlB_UI|lH.V VI. ' "JV!-IH$l|l'|ll I mm gem down A1 with throughtuvo. - no ggsjo ln.hlx.6.`est1zox-noonfgni the mo i%[.; ; about he amen. fanhhanrv and rttuhoult - puny `D9._1`BGhNf M:'~Iwvwun1ucf;v : or, M .;m " '?1Lm999!!;`::3.9v 3:W_tiil.1!. 0?) "N Mil 1 .. _ ,.._.......... If themis any thing above all sher to 'u\ .z,..-o..a 1;. .. ...._...... u. .|.. um 0..\}.n|`L.. ; xx4yVI t`oV!,v`e'Gex:_lt`le!x`Ii1`xAl`:>.H lf:jy.n,u sre ashing. tb.ore,. look in` th`wind_bw--you'wil! see t}ie__m. ~L`a'mng London. 1.11 'm7o*xs nmu nhfnun. l.h`el'e are-lolts of goods be had` from us during` the hext femveeks at -less than regular prices, 1&3 than their market value; prices that [cause p'e< pleto stop, to think to wonder, to conclude` :'that alter all times sire not so badas one may suppose when such , elegant" Value_$ 'z1r\fo be had for so little ready cash; . . People: 1\Say V % M V579 Ja;re_Losii1g. Money` Glothing E011? C3-1`P`3 %DePartmBnt of ohgpr bfooms at "V ;`if 59:; wgtitthegn._ 356`: {rmwley &'aDVs` r\rr1 -I\ an... 1 cAsadNLY' ' ` `AKQ om; PRICEVTO -ALLV Luv: xuuusuuuu \II V... .,._,_V,_,_ /\'kd5,ntiCal witl'1V_ou1"ow1T1.._ . . . _ _ A_ _ / V*We have cnly `space to n;enti0nVa few of themany li A of goodsgzxv being placed bef'o1'e'you_at cut pgeg. . " cisiiaria is Dr. Samuel _l_ iti:her s' precriptt0 "f6iTii"L`ants ' ` __mx1Qhi1gi;g1_1:_ELgontains neitherpfm, Mbrphihe nor L f. (ner--Narcotic substai1ce._It is a`h9rm1ess~'supsc1tut.o'T f 5 V. ' for\Pareoric,-Dr0PS,S91in.*;Syrlipsmnd castforf on; "V `I1: is Pleasant. It`B1`3ntee is thirty years by. . lIn1ionsofMothers Gaistorigx (16513;-oys worm; and L gevg;1shness., Cstoria prevents vomiting 4 V J; '- .__,mg,av+`j ]JiIiarrl`1oaa1,"`.XiI`iiii`r V/Wind Colic.f. `,CaSt0fi1i'fj'elivq . ;- _. tget1j_1ug1;jn;_i9ubles,`~,euxsAJconstipationggncfajzuxency.. `asimil:te_s; th_{():ajtA137 regg;1az;gm\,:.,LV.,;,,,,'a.,h:- ' ' ' andfbowsEs%:ainzih61*h; amnfstxuel saw V A. 3 worm is` (the (}11dten*q `I.-;sn:i9_a=:na_ yzotevs Friend}: * _ i `, "canto;-In 'b5un;e;col1entmd1cjn6 for c3,:!l`- 2' . `M0th9rlhaV`WPlW11!001dmeo!i(.' vvdo9ouyon$hoXnohi1d;mn.'}; . ` v T : `:Dn.(}..U.0a'aoon.' P|lUl,W|lyVH__$IllYVll\Akl||.`v'.` . .. _V;mG__q.omD. ,;..,,m. . ` ~_ . "`,0ll$O|!iM|1hbt|,m.d't0r0hi1ll$n0,. which mmwnm I'hP.h9`dA7l3noh ~ on-_ wmmomen wuioqggiaarthbreax - hterouaom-s!ro!_a1I1.remza \uo.cau.bo:mn-- Ibmm-touiqtmk nodrumsv[ihiii?_ i `M 9a``?:fr*&niuma ` V Iwnrud om: harm} -. Sllitigogoodp` at. thes_e~c}ose prices. We} freely Jtdmiti that SOMEBODY MUST LOSE MONEY when _zi1'e sold at less than their`:_m}11'ket value. . We do not rose; The \vhoI_esa1_e `people or ~manof'actu1'e1' do. . We M cannot co_ns`ider tlrm and~-at t-hesame tiiru,a look aer V 'the'interest's ofo1'i'r_' ownfcu.st-Jmersow ose interests are \- 1 .-. I -`I. __` ,__ - - o ' ' -A`S.PE(')IAL DR_IVE or 25 sux`rs~;m: GOOD VALUE. A1j'$6.oo ANOTHER LOT gr s4.;)o'. w0RrH s7.5o ' - ' SEVERAL LINES AI` 86.09. `SHOITO $10.00, 44 ` ` ' rznnn vnnw. A1` A.FrAJ.F M SEWIHAL Limbs vgu ;o.qu. .)A.&U`Lu |v.Uu 4_ V ~ GOGD VALUE AT A- HALF MORE ,0Dn Pars AND \'msTs,JsH1R'rs, 0X`EB,A..L.LS, &c., ~ - n .n\vnV nmxm mn'Im.w..cx `-1100.-pgaglyard will buy our T lfesl: v1;2c.'Prints`, tine de- ! _sigus fmm 5,0. u[;\m:'ra1%s.-,,,_,,;, 1 `A speciatpurchase of `ail. Si|l{'p:II'2I\lR. worth from I1 Specml. PUTUIILISCS 01 RH- silk' I _;u';l.\0lS, worth from 81.00 to 31.25, fall at the low nv-inn nF ?'lr"n e1.w LU e1-- a price. of 756- In _- A \ H ; Barr,i s%, One Price" A Cash Sfore+-A--`~ . For 350. per yard you can secure'the best 50 2u1d,60c. Dress of the season. New _CIoths.: . . ` '-- DU./vL5R 571} BHRRIE ,.~\Xll1l|lStl`.s ,-,, ` Is eutitlefl tothe` xzijutst )z`si.Ir.\ti0u of corps : bdvers. In it i3 to-be I found- all t|_ut ;'s.bes:..iuCaugdieg11.'l3x1giil1 maul A1r1`.~3r_ic>.n markets. The newest designs in Lfmon. all-Woul, 'l`:|pest_ry. lhjussels and nu 1ife`., f_ .' . . ; 25-;e. I A ood.variety in all the sizes. `No`catch line with us. A11 are alike in price. We can t the liig::est'hoy in your house "with :1 good h(me`sI; Canadian heed / suit for Boy 5 Sliits from $1 00 upward `V V CuQorln1s.sdwellIId_A.pw!i601i!@."9?$1!O5.`,', Irecommendiuaanuyorlortbanypmugdpqltn ' fm= ' " E-A-A;3`1!33pu~n~b `V 111so.0xtordsu.,B_xvok!zn.I{.a'\` . `-Kqux-' 0iiwn'tho. ommmh mu` h:':y:!vk9IV Nxhkvl 0* % qino ln,thelr"0n_tdo x. ,_l;nd umoush?vWOMMWVa;hAN j modIoh\mPPa=vhA&lI`NP.*n,'|A'T . , toduqwygtwolu _, marina. otoanoxh-mmnxu mm 1I'HI9on!t.?`. . . ' t I;ospe(.:tiv;a l'myers'xii11-pleaVse_no.he .cliak' yweage a1wzys_ple;ed\nu Show goods `.H!4"9 *4-1 ' ` A1` AWAY DOWN Fiduams. Per yird` will` l)`uvy vthe beat C.xsI1mer_e Hose we eve showed for thivs p1`icVe. See ' them. `- \ Per '\`aid for: da Spoi: Mus I liu; Jlust the goods for ' present, seazion, and 9. Bam- a.l:`this price. `Eor heatiful New Yark Vb Crinkle Blousipg Stripes. T_he very latest. And wjorth 20c., only 125:. `LII!-11-: . 3 at haw-. mr._}2b1-- v lines -->>>BR10l\1IS| irit %;~$%arsapariI[a Q):i8ting,a1id V-iihoppinr ?_ *-`3 j-i'4 V. " I A , ' ._,4 If ' y> wnt a broom, or_f:f_ ymt n bt.want one,` call ~ And see the br&9m5~i>ve C-`an s_ll~ you I at 150; "~lNevr in hold for less mini `. Qc.. ma you will pay`2V5c. in Dllehty of` atoms" {qr av .. brdoni uh:-so godd . \ corrgted -to date. Bvmms July 155 I III Va::.- 1! `- Kn 53.: i 1886, ` xmnjsmm. _ Tuumo.` Juli 8.-Jfhozau were 411:! g Tmjonmur, inane marks! um. uoinlngmnd allardu mum.- my dull. to? ."l\Mn km the has bucohawomh wcrowenlm. and; till dmand.` Liar thlvgfng and `ux- ` nut Q18}; in Ilbht hunt nslm I Inluumnwg wuuot mm. was light. IlhD:l1't:`lJQ amino . ` price"! a EMU. QKK H153. If run >XUllli _ Oonnky nu-ht: 11!! (11130 dunonllud the ohuspxngimao. In human! oath` mental; ndlyohoioi am here sold At ` ham $3.13}; lb 08.60 per 100 ponndn.- but ordinary [5031 "lte sold at 39.75 ind 88,80; with 06 In the ouuide gure fa! mm; Plhnlv n! nnnd ntnfi tmdnv H `D! OIIFSIUO RUN Plbqty of stu today at B0, and Interior d unde'%r.. A M ol sale: would be 01, gm public interest; In fact, = the xnuht war in snolfbtd shape}: to be qonroely worth reporting, We had upon! 1,350 lambs andwsheep. Lambs wen pvemooked and weak. sf tfom $9.85 Q0 82.76 each. Sheep sell at from v9){"`bo"2%c-px:pound;"`wlth 30 for exam ` nhnlm nwuv A {nu man. at Hm Inn`:-"an. arm uugw cases M was. ' - '- 3 I {oear.oei--Stocka here am light. and - ` -prices to-day-~werr better. _ Bulk `lotsvot ` ' Southern sold at; 70 so 750 per busb5.;,A,;1- 3` peck bbls at 31.50 to $2; and camimm 5 -' Ontartos, on k. are worth 206 pet: `bag,-and small ocs out of store 300. :Pou1n1-Turkeyq are quoted at (No 120 per pound; gese, M7 to 80 per; pound; chlckenv, 30 to 600 per pair. and , duckl, 60 to 80 per pair.` 1 'nmm'_.Nn nhdnan (thaw. 190:: m-mvm. -18 76150 800 pagshel. Car lots of old" X , winked. Cplves. ware much mo plentihll, 2 but sold wank-aeurgma 01.50 to :4 each. I Then wauugnali run of hogs here, and 4 in consequence prices for oho1casiners" -were A shade hunger, and txorwr pound J I Wu thp top price: think but Am worth OX0; town, 30; and Stags, Bo. Stores are nqt wanted at "any price. 1 5 `D2(\T\IT{`.!1' - ' 1 Egg:--Supp1les to -day wegg` almost ex: oeulve, Them was free oerlngmud only ` {alt buying.` Prices were unuhan 6 But nnvv. vmnna ntn ufnrn nuntnd `am On - IUU3 "CAO uuuuuu D uuu imy.- YB-N1. one were quoted `at 90, ahd slngla cams cit9;b . T.3n9.nf.nna._.R-nnl.-n ham nun. Huh! an`. I-IUUII, OU B0 DUO pl` plf. ` 'Ho`ps'-No chahge, Choice 1896 growt-h~ `aryquoted at 8 to 90, and wind blown ' I samples at 5 to 60. _ Annlnsz._(Jn1nf. nrfri hnav f`.nnnt.I-0 Int: 1 samples In 0 I0 00. ' Apples-Qu1et an'd `easy. Country lots nnequot-ed at 50 for evapomted,a.nd...8o for ' dried, delivered here. ` * ' ' Uonlnn nail amnll Inf; fmv Run for! usjwu nuu 00.101` avnpuruwu. ; . i 'Beans-Dull and` easy. Scarcely any ' "demand. , Hand-picked whim offered at 700 per. bulb; and ordinary at 600. , 0 Maple Syrup-_-Five-gallons tins sold at 70 to 750 per imperial gallon; gallon blns : at 800; anclhalt-gallon tlns aH5a., -I ' Fl'nnnv_.N-nrsmv-mm nnnllnntinna 'fm.l III OU0; &U_DI!l 8lil1Ql1 EH13 B5"i0(L` Honoy--Ngnme;-ous applications bids are being made by holders of honey. Dealers quote 7 }e-er~ 60-lb. 1 and 80 for 10-11;, tins. -. M - u..`t:.a 11.... ,D..x-.... .-..'...s.........`.a v lull DU lUl' 1U'Al), H.135. Balbd Hay--Prices unclianged. 1-`Io: 1 Ontario, on ttaok_here, is quoted at $18 to 813.60. 52.-...__n!.a.'.y n... m. .49 ..'.+, .,+......~.'....'. -15AI_RY PRO DUCE. . . Butter--Supp1ls of hum: of all kinds _are lame, ahd prices, while no lower, have an easy tone. w Present qiiotations are: Dah'y,`tub, choice, 11 to lime; do., low grades to.-medium , 7 to 90;. large `roll, -1,1 to 120; potind prints, 12 to _1'.1a-; orsamary,_t_ut_;s,'15o; pounds, 16 to 160. - Chnehna-Uanlnra um nnw nnnnn .n.vn mm new-L e-xa-=7 -have doIc mQ,mnch good. I lo6d`olmipu1na,un4lthioIb' pg God, :2 `mm. II hard at um-` Rood',lPi11s_whea_ tsktnxtth Eoofi Sunipulllo help my much", nu lLIuunan.1'ruh51d.Pcnn. ""1111: `may 1ncn`thu :in?m:rmmf um. nmun n `" "n'nd.I`uu thankful to u`: I an` mumury, yqgs, Lao; pounua, 10 W 100. Cheebe-Q-Dealers are now quoting -Gxn for new June ohqese, and ape sellgng at. 7%(:. ' ' ~ ` Wh`e'at-'I`he local max-ketgwns easier ; tqday. BM! wheatsold at 610 west, and whiteherod at 630. Ma1iltobas'were 1 easier. One` 1qi; 3.500 bush. aoat Fort William`. sold at 57%c.'_ Cur ioiss. g.i.b.`, -via Sarnia, weie quoted at 650, Tofonto and W931}, and "660, Montreal fraightl. The United States Goyarnment report on the (!!'_0P. issued -this-afmrnwnpgiv% 4sho- - condition of winter wheat, at 75.3}, as ag_a-insiz: 77.9 on,4Iun'a int, and spring .- wheat at 93.3, up against`. 99.9 on Juna lat. " J . . * . |nu;__; n,,. 4 1 . . "u. .. ..-. Mllltaud-Demand quio . `r. The mm are aiming moss otthek bran and shorts locally. YDemnnd from the east is pi-nos`!-. Bally nil. ` . .. ' _ , .' Pen`s--Steady. 'j`1`herve Wm bidsrto-av. ` at 55%o, aoauvmonteal, and 480 east. Car lots, west, are qubtad at 450.` _ ' Data.--(Innt!nnn vm-v dull Aha umnh IIKIUU, Lll'|lVl2I't!u HEFU. I Dealers dell small 106: for 350 I01: ` dried and 6c_vtor evaporated. E :HAnnI--nnll and ` mun! Rum-nalv Ann w w.o.ou. . _ ` ` . _Straw-Easy. Car Iota of oat straw on track an qtidwd ; is` `$8, . _unr mu, W855, are quonau El? 490. ` Oata--Continua very dim and weak. White sold-`wept today. at 18o,1nd.`mlxud at 170.` 7 =I`.r:~m74.\:`-`Int ..-"I. ....... `v-n-_. 1- LIU-` 4: ` . =Gorn-Quiet_. and any. Yellow is vqno_tod'-`n_t--28o-asked,- Ghajshamrsn` ` mixed`at._2'lc askod.- _..Bar1oy-L-Nominal. . ` V .B.ye-Nom1na1. , Bqckwhoatg-Nominal. Whack. white, per bush . .8 Wheat`,-mi, per bush .... .. ~Wheut, goose, per.-busah. .;. Peas, Lcommon, perbush... r _ Gaps, per bush..... . Rye per bush... Bur ey, per bash Buckwheat .... .. ..o umcxgns, per pair...-. Geese, per lbl. . . . Bu.ttg1,,-in 1~lb. roll's.. Ens. new lnid_.- . . _ . _. 1l_\'al?If,,'ll1 T0115 8 5 3,..V'..,..,&,, _ `GB 65%, per.bu5h_... . .. . . . . .`. ,'I`urn1 s. pei-'bug, by`loa.d.; P . 3:"::*= 2;: 1225- =9 B 68, .. V-Jieansrpezt-1Jush.- .. Beets,pa1'.ba .... ~ Garrot.s.'pe1.: 32. by Ioad.. ,x;r:1nipu;l:_exl-D11Jalaug...,..:. " es. ....,_. Hag, tiinoth ....;,.. 'St1-aw. ahea .. `Bast, lgindl ... ,goe`f.1orleq.;l.]. rut : am 5 carcaso ., Vgal, pe1'..lb'. . .'.j`.,.. .". ._. .;. Mutton, per lb . . . .. ". .. ; Drogud hvoxa, 5; ."*.*,':.V. . on-an uu . Chiclmns, pair Geese. ner lhl... `A f`lbu1'~-.Qu1e1;j`sls1g'hI roer mlddh hahrhfn want In nnntad at If! 1n}n 812 IR 1 mmey, I uckwheat. . innlrh imrim n.wh1t;perbusnI..s 60- st` b`,-re. 00 t, ` 48 common, 48 per bush ........... ... 21 `xerbushu... ....... .. 48 ' v_,per.bC1sh...'........ 31 vheat ..... ..... 36 ms, pA1r..;-.;._... `per lb1..... .. 17,,-in rolls. _!3,9V'..,.1..n,1d- ...` s-per.bu5h_ pa. by log,d.`.- 365, per bag... ..... .; 3es,carlobs....... .` r{39l'~-1Jl}lvh.-;'. (Ti `rr.1'1'-" 9o*" " ' ` parba re. peg ipu,per baz...,..:... slper bbl........._.,_.2 bimoth . ..V..M..`.M....A....'.. ....'.."'..;._..`..'.. foreq.;... ............. zqlamha, Mcaxjcaso; 3 pet. |.n9 P91 fl`; minus-" ad hogs .*:*,':".. 1: 9. BREADSTUFFS;' I an} yluniv pRoppcn- ', I19: I Juana is )_f old} - : 9 60 V 3 `. .-owt-h~ b1own_ __...,-- .v. ...V ._..`.l......... u. . .......... A_NALYSI.\IG_ THE CABINET There will be bye~e1c-ct.lons in the angst!-` ~ tuencies vucintcd by Lin`: 8.(`(`('ptlInc1mfoEc9. ' and seats will ban obtained fur M.-. PAL- srson in Outurlo, Mr.' Blair in ,'.\'-nr Brunswick; 111-. Fielding In 2\'omSc.- Mn, `and .M_r. Turto in` Quebec. _Of the sixteen members of the nnw Aihnini.t:.;~ tion. fourteen will have seats in the givgtmasns 115:: KTHEI` OATE. or k .(.."`."f'5: " ' 3 . A (Joya;-nnnen: -Iuuhtar of the , mmouo be An|iolIb_-Ir. J. n. ; EdEGmn|kor., ` . [ '; Ottawa, July 13-`Rho Ianrhr Ad- _- mlnlutnmon took omen "Shh nlurnooh. Thevportfoliomhzgvo been nllotood as fol} Jovn :- ~,uwI:-- - ` ` `_ Wilfrid Lam-iar, Prexniernnd Pmidbnt `til it Councii. 7` : n ~ - "Sir Oliver Mownt iiiinintcz 0! Justice. Sir Richard _Cu-twright, Minister 6! This uni Commerce. _ v - L. H. Davies,vLiinisie1E"6! linixio and Fiuharies.; V V ' W. Peterson. Conti-oiior of Custom; Sir Honri Joly do Loibiniere, Con. trailer at _InludVRevenue.. . W. S. Fielding, Minister of Finance `W, Muiook, Poetmnsmte:-Gondiml. Dr. Borden, .\iins-iie of Militia. \ , J. I. Tufts, Minister of Rublic'Work_s. Sydney Fisher, Minister at Ag;-ioui~ R. W. Scott, secretary or Scam I _ A. G. Blair, Minister, of ilaiiwhyt And ` Oanais. . ' " .7 ' I1.........` I n n I-\-L_n __.-.2` n I uuuuus. V i Messrs; WR. B. Dobell and C. A. , Geotlrlon, Ministers without. porolio. C..Flczpa_t1rck, Solicitor-Generixl. ` The portfolio of Interior 123% not `own allotted, bus wiilflt is expectedhbe tllleai 2 later on byn western man, probably At.-_ torney-Genefal `Slttbn, of Manitoba. `fr, .7 U Fdonr will hn .'~im-nlvov nf. ~ Ul uuu DUIHI P9r!;!9.n3eat V!111.htILUn6l!1R!!58.d .. to-morrow nu Augusmlth, when 18 win`. .; meet for the desputch of business A\YA r xfovurv mtirc /1 A nvvnvn. lUl'|ll7y'U!lIl't.| DIIIOII, OI 31,111)-UUI. | . Mr. D. Edgar will be Speaker _of the Home of Commons. with Mr. L. P 'Hous'e of,Coxinons and two in`tho Sen- ate.` Five bf the Laurler Cabinet are ex- ,N"`-55` Premiersof provinces. - `nu; 'x'~preienta~ tion by. provluoa is" as follows :- _ nntAr|n_.R-D1h'm- Mnwnh, Sir Rich. WIUH U]-`I)1`0VlL|UUB 13 ll! LUIIUWEL-- . Ontario--Sli--0l1ver Mowah, Sir Rich- ard Cartwright,` W. Paterson, W. Mu-. `lock, R-. W. Scott:-Five; ' ' _ > Quebeq`-Wvilfrld _ Imurlery J Israel Torte,` Sir Henri Joly, G. A.'Geoffrion, `R; R. Dobell. Sydney Fisher. and C. Fftzpatr_lck----Sev_e n. " - --Nn mmwnmL.Tm_ yours, DB uuu 10ll0WlIl will SIIUW 3"- ..WIw.1)T'i'e1`,' iifyer, 55 yegrs of `Sir Oliver Mowab, lawyer, 76; Sir mon- nrd` Cartwright, ; nancier, ~61:~ L` H" Davies, lawyer, 51;~Wi1iiaxn Patqrson, biscuit mnnufaoturer,j57; Sir Henri Jpiy, iqyv or, 67; W S `Fielding, journni-- M, 48; iiiinm`Mu1ook,.iaWyax-, 68; Dr. Borden, physician,` 49; J. .1. Ta: , no- L 'mW1d%uPiilE`TTSVdRT' ixhmr: A%V&T1*Iagnicent Aimhasejof % % npruuu, ylnymuxlu, `iv; 9. .1. Mu.` , no- 'y`er, 71; A__(} Blair, `lawyer, 525Ghar1s Fltz`pat1'lok,..1nwyer, 43 ' . 'I`hm-n m-A xin (`.nl:hnHna In Hm Admin- '.:$ary.7Im11ourn1II,tatz`4T:*Sydner" iahmr; . `-gentleman" ;"fA1'Bl81',".`46;' R-~ `W `Scott; law-. ` I must " , talent. and the average age of those who ` compose it. is a little more &l1ax_z'lltt.y-ve years, as the following will show:-- W.TmfIT-3'ia1i' `lifirnr 55 \1DI`l nf lino- L` HJWPHUTIUIL, v`IlQVV]FL'; '10 There are ve Catholics in the Admin- ismgcion -- Messrs Lzmrlor, Tam, Qeoffrion, Scott; and Fitzpatrick 'l"hn nlinkmnriia ni nm-iafniina hv m-m1. J.` lI/lnpllUl.'l|Jh""'DUV_Ull- * Nov}; Scna--W. S. Fkylding ant}--Br Borden --'1`w`o.. . ._ v - us/, / ~ = New Brunswick-7-AA G B1alr--Oxiia - k ; Brince Edward Islan\d-'-L I-If Dajvles- I n. _ _`l`H - One l'I"kn QBUHFIUD, DUUDU DU. I.`llJl4pld'lUK. The allotment of portfolios by prov- inces {E1 as follows: _ , h..o..-|.._Dn=-._nmn`.- radium. rt-.....a.. MJUUIS 1!! H5 lU!lUVl'.3l*7' Ontario-.-Post-oice; Justice... Trade and Commerce, Stan, and Customs I l\un}\nr-;_DnhHn WAPII DH:-In Fnnnnll Nova. Sc'dt?in- -Fiaihce zihd"hl1llii; . New _Brunsw3ok--Rallwuyavand Canals ' Prince 'Edwu.rd- Island-'-Maxglne` and , , ,. `, ,4 .. , ,V, . . .. 'fI`lv.n vmin f'1nunnnu'nnnl>.1-unn.1n..u4_ `..l...:."_ "'lBIl-l'l(1U'`'f '" 7' 7 7 The new Gov;arnr'n ent has nlrwdf `glvh [game-abtenon to tho] subjectpt 'aixp'pI1os It h'as`dec_ldet1 to ask. his Excellency 0 { pensesot the pubm? service The story ghrlxls warra`nh'tcr~meet*the current `ex-`T oat; to-night is that Lord Aberdeen. has practically assented to threamuntha { _up'p1los b_e1vu'gV placed, at the; `disposal of ,theGom-n1penb' A _ I A 7 Chicago, July 18.'-Tha~~`long' and` ,'the;=`;`_ihorts".men,' vqhq .l1a.ye gured "lbav `conspicuously in the,roe,n,t sex,iea.'of`-dun-..-; `in; `hol_c1-1`:ps,were ax-reted~ lastwuight. 3 'Il`!i"B1;i)` xiilii 'Vi*i_?i"T)l 0e(I iii, 6116 iiiiBt V. box for six hours au_,the oenbnalmatloxx.` 4. Ho`-br'ovkedown undo!"-the some .ex'aVmhi-` afuldn IXICI told. the pblloe v freely 01- tlxo long nmeagot crime: which havi , a9t_son`- 5 lubed Chicago and _the `whole country. i: `H'r`ia"D0u318liF`.Clild6`I1.nI_l fjninicri . -. Clem; " and a spa .ofV4W!l!!91!! ~(3.lA~nVon-_ ` "ring, a Montreal bankqr,Vwh_o )f.`:d a _:;prM1m'o.ago. The 19Vng -' man in Gqld to 1_1o*,Red .' Oolllpl. Oloudennapgw. oonma1.on maid toh;voVboenl;11b'o01.1- 1 _p11eta.L He? not `-only f nuve..,_ot-i-Mam A aogounm mo Vnoxa-up-. but: am: 9 t. his no/Vva._and gum ma." .`)3hj-' ;:o3wo` . worth): on` _!n1not:I\61on;`qnd, 5 go. tonnd-pp om_o ` otookp in pan W0 in gurpmt. ` \`. IT TO 1`7":I~'V III `pubs Kood`I"II`!IU!fv' 4hiilyilIu0;0thItIo6un1:ug0do ~ Jun ` The salar1d,part_; of the new Admin-V Itrntlhh nnmmnnu n,nrm\. an] nf Hang! Ill UQlu|Ul'UU, Dbl!-`F, IHU UIINDUIIIE } Queb,Q_c'-j-Ptlblio Works, Privy Council, = {nhn `Rmmnim. uni! Avrimultnra V uuuyu mun nlmw upon. I` , eAAn-noxerawnm-oi u_s-mass-`.um-`;_wr;%t-;_-.I Imloos - temp ogooepmoouze _, 1`ha_L_onf and Shqnjt 'I`hlox'e`s`.: * xmzi; WILMID LAAURIEILV W45 `mi `Mama --niX9?fE3g_inUasnA. JULY` m.'=7m<:.% . U1 UIIUII `pub ylllnltl U HDMU DLIC - standard 0: Bryan` was pressed nearer-_ ' ,,and nearer tothe point of vantage, and may not be dwelt npon here. Change followed change in- the ballots east by"- the various states.-and all went to the man from the Platte, and when Illinois, - Ohio, and nally Missouri, withdrew - their strength to his support the race had been won, and William J. Bryan l stood forth in trinfnpb. my `the leader of his party. Exhausted, by cheering the 9. name of the Nobraskan, tlJgJaat_cong17e- l -gation in the coldsseum was elowto mu rz tselfof the opportunity of displaying ,' Jhtmll, extant oLits ,,1igor,,:butlt grau.- V allyrose to-the demands of the occasion. - and turnedloose a volume of `sound that V made the iron root tremble in unison; v Every man and woman in the hall was _ L , tndhn ux Riv\rau;n1_1nnn!-tn!-n`nv\ (aha ` 3. :k_m+Iu{Iuvtou wuuuul. 3 ` ` V we v 97.11: want` them ' ' J?9IkI%Vell'0ra;:vho!faa`b:d ::;drdohoo'n`x Tvumwvrv; to h1_,;& Cbuflm cash` hm and whainm