an %`*exxga:Asn [a..r;zf.j`o;mis;_. : 4-++rxuIoiunu*rs++'1~>-++v~ ..'.';...'.3._. ...I 45 -1-non: `of visiheb fstesi` nd ;i1ost_ F; M_. M5K|*'I7G OM`EBY.<" % % f%A.em. mv~rE- ~ * ,, , %L%HAVEw%1;RiED%` vu. __-.... gj mnk6f Tordnt o iiifildifxg, ' `I 1 _ 1 ` Owen S reetll W V 1 : "91 _ Bluzkzz. -ONT: ....`_........._....._....._....._.... :.u:.-T-3T07v;yAm. 44 pan 22 pan. l.3lHa.n'..`\ 10.5 am. 1&5.`-N. , ` ` .,,`'1`.{'.`39.`n.n\. `L86 p.m. um : :n3Axcn. g . . ' noo.`&n*'=r5m nnti mm Aim 3.317. V: Bpuuu. _h L .1139.` min." 6107 jg!!!- g. ..*....".,8_._ V pan . `M, $7.20 uggn; uuaxoxA_`muxca.; : , ' 3 .........ll. un. 1$.01p".m.V' 0 99 n m.` ---:- 'D.ln}n\ 5.1. A;` mLmiN;J -an Ann-rnu: ~ nlui Ihwuln A` EUUBII ulia `D1sti'3ict Axent, Ba`:-He - U)UVV \:v I .9o,9o0.00 . s.0oo.oo ? ., vwxw-an--. w.--v H"-4*-"""" L "`deuxndc6mmmcu..~, ; . % H ` L ,and mm with if f hues--of hla__wlo`q", dime ho_,.ti_ad_ thmin ,1 ~ thnhin , servanN.j,W1|.P 3103!? . bottarstothoamntgol always gaming ..: shxrnnxmx know.-.A.. .. . "th::1n}?n!.kannrl`n1nwof'tha'hrBt4 . . in e _ shndoddlnxnps, and shunned evidences of llmiiinas mm and bound- oethnhnlledvuru. >t 5y"'i:* DQEAOM ' me learn Jhnt "wire s_ had1e1tMm.vThonoge--!or ig wM_no , on-merely itmdlhe tact, and gave g gshoediroosnst whiohjnhe mighbe I, `hand q tow days. -A onr1y~ex`p1f6_tIed ` ' 0 for 311 hiI__kindn;IQ..._; A lo Thmwnn neither` !] . in . .1143?-r88!H1i&|Y'B1i|".*, Elm nor name of` shaman` noto join mentioned. ' '1. ti 0 | A1_ onalWl_!Bll,[1,0WDIi1,1unrI_I,I-,zc . 80 tin: sheet or scented paper` (tom his limp ngers to _ Diqk 1?`mntan_xilId grimly.-"1`Ahe~ . o|l'cunm.onco.wM-so wonderfully ' , "of his wife, Olive, as she Income since th_e_guu` of prosperity , V , shone upon -her, and sineeiuxm-y,` Edna living, and soft lying, had in down the enforced austerity on . I iy-bred English gentiowomnn, and pagnpared that boastiof the flesh that ` .l1_rhlxi;t1;e bodiesof the saintiiest. of . ity.,` ` V - V Ac `ibenisawith gloomy biows and tightened mouth uboveei:hedylng11re,`his f ,`-`unse`ei'ng eyes ashed into v'italIty'_as ~` .ti1ey lighted on a phiitographg. pushed - de to make more room for theivories . d ower vases, the 1;ibeiots_ of china" and siiver"tbeb overcrowded the wide` 3: telbonid.` He draw it forth.` It was ' in -ti 3, hopelessly innrtistio ml } ' oi`d-_ mod as regarded gown and ` his om faced that i ,1ooi;ed book i V "1 I0 you. U1 nuurse xqu wlu L ' ks _` *iu1me(1iate1y-~to-:free=ybursel.~=' , ` __ be at the. hotalletropole foyr huh 8 "week; then.we no to the. WK DIUW WUIU ` Ill nun- WM1'8"`nIitHhHi:I!=nt!r hit}! as dmugh `in my y__Ipech, ` 114% uihaga do_\s:~kYase rosobud. " `Ow sweat she..was in those d3.VI." hg H9_w are--a>_nd yet how maa hon she put - or little hahclin _ And more to fade poverty and tha`_ ' dr-won gtertune-ahd--lost - he'r. , 4- what irony! To gqln-What pne for--and to lose what onga has. .. .".H e.stooped (to pick up the letter at 1:13 teat, an once more ran _1_1lsAe,ves over its, Inofmvllml. `W ' kn `W `?W"" i 4 `nnanmmnuimurm tharnhrmnwho;-.A I865, MIR uuuu I too , lines. V Lr:wMt; , ` '01" For the first time he fel1'to wondmfing who'w_n`ia the man who 'hz_|'d dam` , this grmtrwrong.` Was he some 0119 1. n3 she. had met. but lately during \l h" high few, months brilliant progress ` ` the gyeas d'rawm g~roo1ns- otthe West End? Was he.,some`ch11dhood is' `d urm the first years of struggling mar- ried IP10. and whoso power had. only re- gaown withthe .1e1s1u-e or luxury? ' Was ' hit a eqtng fancy or (.1 lasting passioh? Was he at Mend of his, own? Ebb hot blood oh} man who has been outraged 3 in honor and his hospitality ` surged ' ' lytiothe roots of-ht glghtlyv grizzled I I lover; who me"mor_v of whom had slept \ hair, 7 3 BAIT. * ..B3om Gqdl" ` ` his clenched sl akywards, If it imwone f 3 theghound he is. whom} Iggve trusted, uadwho ha_sbe- . trayoii niyhiith, I will gsh_oot' him like 3 Ana M. Ma. tnbnn :. +Z1~1 rh-ia1hk&n'S' Half! 3.11 but Iuwun._ w IIlIVI).I guns-._-Q Lt w_ `their-l'I1pql_,oa,Il know. _` J .6honhutonadLg1owTofVtha'nrtiu'- ; thehound he is." _ ~ : V ` ` An_d_h1s nag: aken.h9*'. fe11_to"thinking t the tttture-and, 6! what was be/at to hrrlnnn` fnr hm~....`m'1d for her-childish. & Lwm. . 7 two days D!ix1:__l`mnt'd1d not leave . `his mum: maiden` `in Grosvbnor p1uoe.~; b '13 unnmr van to the constant stream ill. fillslirs at the Frank private house ware to1d.;t.h'nt; Mxrs, F}-ans was out. of vown, V C1ty`,husbsnds~1and West End _Lwives-put _1sIm_!r-heads=togst;her and oanns Q to the conclusion t;ha`b `somsthing was ` an: s in the Fran; manage. . n nnilhnnrina nzmvnnnn nfan thlfsl` otcea` was that Mr} Frank was at home, -'-am in me pranp nleuuge. _ - '~: '1` a ea:-1_vfapr1ng afternoon ofthe third 1 `day had already oloaid h1,';md the lights ~ were twinkling through a damp, -blurred I atmpsphore, when Mr. Front t\1ri1ed'.intD' `1 *%Lv!mLg!11l1q1:R}A1_,@-19!)9;!(1l!1:,919191331` . hi`::.I\ ma H6 hnrnu mmtafnnhhf \n?1h| hnhs ` ` .. While he was" a_ti11.1.won.T ring` how he .`hou1d`mn_I1_ae,Vto see_*;h!aV . e, aswimy A.paqin7;. i gurwpulledf up .~ahort before .3 mm. and wash youn:;v-We i:_r-`1ed:".B y l>Jo va! Is`t;l1t`you,. F1-aIx0?,"` f~rTniiei`wifii6i7` TT1a1i13ithYa`n1l_iIif7` o og.d_1al 1by` }the tone; bu_Di9k '.E rnnt. ' yvhogn-:threedayq.~hac1:Aeat`im h1s=1_mfaru A x 1 3 a\_;n;1nA. izgefulhiidr1{nileE ab11tude,f` L ' (gleam; one o!:: .-hifgh `us his : hgwny mustpohe,_ and:hlsAhn.b: ' of 35016 I916 was dragged V ulmcst ow em-s_ and eye; A} Lie walked _.very .9st, "lihd, . qeemed afraid on beinxseian. , i ` . :wm.4.a an` vm-`an nf mm . Mam-onole`vha'5 seemeq Brtam 01 031113 seuu. _.;WJ;h1uo was of, she. Mtrapoxaftis i `m Vped: ngiort.`; V mug1:e`wz:a j she ml 19 iniher 1etter;L.}:1ut1 V`V~w1,th allher lnultsv he did not.think,~Isha*wou1d Ge- `mnd to _n{ my lie--- .lm7`V hft,1_w' `was liem -and her? is was-s' Iike1y'.vhNLher ` .ro9ma,w'are :,W33_!1;1n A her own /name, 'n;`sp_ac:`11lynsithnh-,_otar`_mb.n Jwjas` wim- at Q. ., ;'_ i` 3 . 7 9tbbi'._{:*'t!Ia;np1xr;i ' -;; .; A a _ main nl` Youl;-My.-.dehn=b0y, .` no mm. .. ~ ' ~ g_ Qqrveklt you- Of course X9 W111 ;_ nka1iam*iumediate1y"t0`tf1'6 Y0l`90*$'= rajjpou. wxw in'~m`)uu ~ . l.`3n5P33~." _~.`_ .4 V. ' {E -s. Withaloworyawoxnanmeoftombo ' fnm um m' 1m'(}..fnm(I thtwn men. I '-L VHinBl.0W01',flIWOI_uuu nluvsruuau-r 7 % tom the fire` n,2i&..h'z.ood{the` twq men. jg "My `huabaqd ha:-e!_A me .mumu;~ed. 3 `~ while twharlovely !0eI1lnahat\oheeks*d1od` M ; in aoreamy or. . ~ ` Y Even in` rahook gt '..th_1q sudden : - meeting Fmnvfnntioed that No witepnly gxpmessed astonishment w,!eemg'h1mmlt. 5-A--~l mar. Jvom- huhbami outside. Mrs. .m$mf.;fam `asknd`1`zuan nbn'soold. . vpihwtqiz Mm fvuuiv anuivnaan . _ w i4nt_hana`me`?t'h_;ors6n9ndPp! _' 151.1%! A `daugh92.VI donotshmkan'ymoihn.cun,` ` w1em; ego! hex; ten," aid ihmhmplx.` 4 ~ r`_.`. 3 3, Wlthugutura, Jmd Trmnnonvsignod {ntb th6w'um vess1bu1e:~o1me 1: . . up. jhaothar tnfollcw. Swlttlrthey { . am mm of che`wida',tt&lrI,updi (A .. . .. .,. down 16 blllant ms corridor. "mm is ax; Irrane med Lord 1*. : "munch,' a door. "Nqvsf you V'v '- Mus anon} ` 3F0nln1n_BDF U537- *-~MI met your _husband,Qut1da Mxg; 3 Frank.` Heupreuedadeammwegom T-`said Trevnnnon, quietly, and 59- ! unmi '!`1~mnmvmn wm not sneak of j and '1`revgannon, q\l}8|5|Yy "35" 33 `_`,Lord Tmvqnnop will ,x;ot_ speak 41.13,--' lnte11J0sed*'.D1ok,._Fragt.; He is too much our 1-lend."_ - I A .m.aHnn|nn mmn lnfh Mm. `In ,, tome owner. _ *\ ` .k_.T__ h`cai1;:'eas`seemed1to.reasa,nre the lovely .wdman stixixmng by 7 th mxblace, fortheooler crept back lno her face, and the h11ght_tre1;1_lllhg that hisd ahaknv hm frame ' .. :7 ` , - 9 ' ~n1m'-3' besmti Fmnt. n10wYy."`I havl ` toomuon wenu."__ p a I A questioning `gleam? .N1,l0_ lntp Mrs. Fmnta blue eye6- na she looked` !r01.n; one` `mgfw thother. ' v_ " In `a;n`1h11iAua`nnxumnl1 In nuinnm 59 0l1v," bega1imFraM11t, .1wisv,7"1hava name 0811586. only a_tew words to. inf ! intend tomak you im questions; your own `gimme must. ' be sumolent pun` you, for you", are aproutl wo_man. I cannot now after you forgiveness," tor that would be to dis- `honor myself.` -But I ask you to come` baek honie'wlth mtg. ' Rm-kl-_.Immn!_w1th : muP" cried MFR. FTIIIIU. ' . \ 1, I ask you to return ('10 my. root-950} | silence all`*gossip'~nnd`-~-seandilftdr-.-she 3 ~ .. sakaof your chiIdren,'}__ . . mm `RH-anf.`n nmmssion was not veiv { saxem your onlulmu, .- - . Olive Frnntis expression very pretty as she raised her ue eyes looked her husband in the face. 4 Hum.'nh{Idrn1\|"-T nm to give 111) 0861! name wnm mtg." _ . Back !'--honie !,__--with` Mrs. Fmnt.` \ , ur ...s. mm +1. mtmm +4 "IVS um uuuunuua ;.u.u.u w 5. my best years o't_1 e-7nTy7in:)165%-x5r* prospects of a great marrmgo--tor" 6116 childr95ni' , va HIl>vnnIn1I\au`nrln 'l\1| tvr`\.&'| (fl? 0h1lI1}f9nl"' v . . - ; Muriel has` cried fox-Kyou for three days,.or1ed Frant. ,. . ` Mrs. Fran}; waved: aslnie the piteous `avpefn1`- 2 -A . Vnnr warm-.h will notmake it dim-M avpea1- - Your wealth will not make dtl-M cult for you to give that another mother. For myself, my owniuture contents me. `_You'will give me (freedom, 0! * oourse ! she eo1d,'w1th the first note'_ of. anxiety mbreakln through the evenness of her oharmtngovolce. L ff`Wei whr'ir;s9s2"_`* "cried" Fmnt. _ mmm. vnll mnv m. from bad to worse? ' . "r'orwnau_ pnrpgseri um-u rams ;__ That you may go from bad `to worse?` 2 'l`hnl-.vm1.... . ` `run 011-" v f".l`htTt I mziy` beoxne aucquntods, -`s e . anwered smiling and dlmpllnk "all over `V her .beautlfuFface., ' ` ' ` u A`~ ...;..n+ml '1`!-mm....f.ha man Whn'}iB v her .b_eaumIu1 meet , I "A ` countess! T11'en--the man whoghas dgne this base zhlng-Trevannon!" - . . ` One gloe`-at` Trevzinnows livid face gave ans the o1ew_'to the` whole ` wretcheg. story of broken trust and dis -"K honored friendship. , V wm. n nu ha nmhadfrnm the:-oom. . `me case .0! Mann V8. nmuv uuu uv- givannon was_scurce1'y is nine. day"7Wun- ! vder. 'Everyhog1y hud.seet_x is coming for] so 1o_ng.: Slightly more ua6on1sh1ng,~| waathe {acts that In due` time ` thehrl 4 =Q`_T_revnnnon'inade the" fa.1r*0livo 1115 --.....A... nut` :.Tr.;1.7.::.a"1' :`ii1imi'h`.nd` =Qg_'1`_revannon man we I&_11';`U1IY\9 mu countess. and took A 01136. z`r`*t6Wn; 'andV" engaged a huge eshablishnjgnt folnthe _ purpose of exploiting hla`bv1da._` - ' - mv mnmm-v co11k1`neveI'.fBd6 with V purpose or explomng ma` pmua.3 ~ Her memory oou1d`neve|_'.fsda' 'Frant, for his nretureg w'as.`ess6ntln_lly , faithful, but the-poignancy oth_1s ~g'1-let-. had nbated,_m1- the sting of-shame had Lgst its sharpest pain as therst ear of "7.""" ~ r- I115 Vlllml WICIOWBILDOOG 01030. v: um Lu- fortimin`1ove had entailed an inverser ratio of kick in bu`s_1ness',7'- andgho was mac: n vnlflnnnhvn, 1i`I'.. Jall h` s:m'n a V nu w mu law an .qnlet,'_kind1y- creature `as even. Next to .t.hemno.ss1ng of wenltlg, _V1_1ls* pleasure lay _`. `with his ch11d1_'en-`V9 - V '-n_ 1.1.. ..-..(..A....... n0 't'\1tun`"n` f>1|n;M-. hn ` mm ms onuugeu. ' gv, "On th anniversary of he_ sat alontn her 0116 time bdudoir. The , : whole_ scene came baokto xfnm,%z_mdAw1th ..;;lt some tezirsgof - sorrow. " [Ha . brushed them aside to find rs servant betomrhim. . A doctor requested h1s'1mmedinbaiathend_- . ano at No.j10Qf`Park _La11_; _- W.(_n_1ld . he onm?" ~ ` :4` RLIIUKQ lw nu. ;vy1.;:aLn uuurg. q_-__u_.u. m. `goat ongo?* ; T-*5 - ;_ `f I ,. . =_ "1. As he left: his house and a pase~ hair h1"Eb1ii*'ThiB`jh68rt'thr19d" at the _- 1.,` up-__~_'_ r..-.. 1. .... ....-ac. Once mu1'u..;.- , . _ v V 1 'She waaLnhb-.doad wh,en*he' arrived; though" ,_bj'near' the bordrluixd ~o"f '1`lm*eT ; andLEte1tn!.ty.hhab:it oo\1l_K%`?soaroe1y. he \ said shejliyed, `~The`:doeherHe1dr1h4mbhe~ pitiful story. A. stsory ot;"c_1 o;m..hqa1th`,* ' te"mp.o`rarl1y- loan looks.` ; '.931`3. quar- frela, and. .`bihtereah.=o! f:a,11,',"..3`9alou5les. -V L. .tr e:;tles.~ tha'Ea_r1 had` pa in going ., out. ,,A:.vlo11;t;so9h9 (ans: wkgfclx` endedj lnfms I:9r;Ia;l;1p_ leaving 1:} ' "phsaidn`,* and tu1hLerVLaAdyah "That eveningespite tEeT::Qo:;ness' en- M IE8 nz1nsom~ms,_ _nuurn_ , gxwxuw ggu yuu }_ .kn0w1Qdg9'.\|;hab. heivns gbfng `to meat`. l`wnmun whnihnd ~ been .111`: wife: ton, _know1e;1ge'.nau. n6 WES gomg in mean; the`wgx_xy;n who 1_had been wife; for git; wag :to,Lord. `I.`revannon s')xone'he was - ` `dead, it mar aummonedmxid, lixjm Lady Tm-annon `xv o , ' 9V=>hjou1d nee` on6e:pxA1o1-en g i ~ T ` COL- 00380 1181' nusuuuu In uuu nun. A_For the 'oh1ldrenl'I-lam so give up .... mmx1m ` aonoreu xrrenusxup. With_a 9:: he ruahedh-om the:-oom. I. -' in i e t ' I Te base of Frank Iv:-1. Front and Tm- numnn wmz m\m-mlir is nine. dairiihns . `you? :1\_h 3on!""g ` _t3gcxxe0!iv1ul'ruuwa,1n . nmmanxat; .' v` - lnnylorm. . I n 1 5 `and yes to onewho nndermxdpbfth * .po1a.vIn1ns; Ad1hple"hndfm`a:er-.of-fna& * umnunoaimmt thmrlgahmgge rqader [iwu1Lnudxgswp.1gng4enm;g; min . it danmeanlng at tho simple 3.: "n1`oo1n po!mn!n.1?~it gneaus` u v A... *- . 5 ' _ A Hug}. . .V ,I\'_, g "I _n mnu exaanhrojuglx the letmmnnnohuwmdvrxevsvm 914 * Jowed W? . `V w1thona01,;9%moIt_;d6dJ!'0'P1* n5$ `-gpoigouclan`edwlthpr,nl$9 Wm. 5`; \ 'c.zms.eo _th6Vm1nI1tq_d.06e% : Vk1n,me`nandnn1mn1s.- T . aim. deadly mm oontaind 1a.. suit I * ..kmaaot The poor.ewthamde<>1 ' tobacco the hlkher the pementa89\D\mf' Blue; The ner gmdes 531' Hawks contain` ' ;`about.8 pe1"n oeugfot theVp0187n}`W1!11*. ms grodesoontaln about dquhlg that tummy _ . : mg... 1. un. tlarn-iIt\n in `tho qmnmuy. _ V Tim is little (111131-anilee in the 6f"'t6bieeo&;vvhether1$is amiiked, chewed! m % ~ ~ . renew-"`[ g tobaooo`._=`1`he lattgr-is said bobs-much, `hen hnldnnnna nn mmnn of the admlx- 3 1l8};Il1y;1Uuuw n urunrvggua-----,~ -1 r 9~on061n1hz by cisamw L burning paper andotobaooo; it lies 'px~in- , oipslly in the moist and soggy and of the `l `cigarme which is held *be.tween,t1;L1xpa. jhiund gamrgtgdwwmx. 53_1Y3.a . and the tobacco parts __wlth its poisonous? elements, which is prompt1y a_baorbed by- the: 'tongueand tghe membranes of the ` m6u'th and moan _ - mu.-- :'i.`..'.. 1.. '..n......a ""4.-. amhixn In-m-i in not so.nu_1oh train "the. smoke of the ' ' quehb awouixts or poisoning as` 5'? result mg I0ll`KJO.:'I.nB uauugr us uuu UVU91-I-Iuvu less poisonous on account`. of the admlx- ,3 ture of harmless vegetable gnamar.` . _ ` _ , Thrxria arouse r'6Q0l' where `amen followed `the chewlng~-fo--ha1!T-u.-cign:;_,- Adolescents am particularly snsdeptible _t?Tiico6i1i, as it evidenced fromtbe fre- ot cigarette smoking, The cigarette ap- .~......;. M ....n.1 ma Innnonnt `that. nhlldmn OI cxguxauw uuxuluug. Luv unguuuuw Hy` pears so mild and xnnooonmhat children . I ham 9",. H.-vm-v Hmnv TM mddnrdoesr ! pgars 30 muu. uuu Auuuwuwvuau nu`-uuum take to-it.-very kindly. mm begxnner does not as a rule suar the tortureg which; 1ouowhmHganJk- rm... Hanan! no n'm1nnh'-m hv nioarnttm ' luoum &_`I1L| vuwuu. . When a5o'y is 'ai1_owed'7to amdke from one to `three or mre packages pt cigar . ethos da`i1yrthe_-injurious effect of the poison becomgs iappargant. i Heiappears .depm_ssed,~oompla1ns of nausea and lass of apptite, is nervous and iii-risible, and his heart acts it} an irregular manner. u ._.-.. ........ 1...." .m 1..m..u-I .m~ dilator! ma ms nearn acts In an lrreguxar nmuuur. `_ It may even hem exflarged - or dilated as _.a' result "of"the "cbnstant*1'rr1tat1ox1v pro~-~ duoed bythe polgon 11} his system; ' ` ` 1.. n... nuanmm nnd"nna~inav i nd anyonefot the, following conditions: `Qgarrh of the t1iFoat,` hose and larnyx,-' `usually 0! a `chronic nature; catarrh of th stomach, palpxtatyon ofgthe` heayt, ..i and various disturbances _ot1v1s1onf``-*3 ` mu... 1.... ..;..\'! :1 van! an L V.Me an agreed that children shonld`not_be allowed to use >3 tea, `coffee; beer [and wines; `. ' ' Tobacco, and particularly qigamttes; ;: should he added to th1sV11st,`noton1yT added to" but placed atthe head, for the .TC{'n'R1E`ET_Tv'\" n . nu mn {gt the normal. . f 8110. VENOUS ullSb|l1`l.l!IuUca_ULvv1uLu- ' . i are frequently of n my se 1- ous character. It . is said that clarity or vision is sometimes _` reduced to one~third Q! the iiomnlj ` ` ' ` ' :c_;'a-..\' -..LL-_IsIn;o nnka. nmnan that is 'iiB_Ie oIIi1"b ng mo :0! a serious oh:m_\ot`er_v1;han `all `of -other articles put tbgether. V j uuuuu um, uuu ,0...-.-.. ... .-... _-.._., ._-- , _ ` 'th _IN VlUELu:.u\.-Wvv 1 nqw 'sr\'ioe pm: -. a...`l.-_ LLA SBFVIUU ljluc, uuu .:|JUU"MJIi\lLUx\l, - vuuung has taken the p1'aeo`__o- the` Martini L at actually toq It;erc!fu_l in its n-'n\lnn. n I Henry,_ is _n an An ,`-the onemy,':md ugh `to kl1l"h1m. bptxip-1 L I 50510. 511131 UIJJUDD UL `Wm 13 W I-unuluu ` pa_re1t1y'th'e new `rie bullet fails to._ _do_ . e1t1_mr ..`The r<,;port;7o1S't.he us/e-of tj.hejpro`- vieotua In thtr1`rai ual says that; th in`- iuries wh`1<*;h.w1?e made by_the I:e9~Met~ ` ford` w'erej1n1 wh- cleaner and healed much" ' imtn-9"` quickly` than 'thos e.i, from the V Martini-Henry; . soon `the -entrance mid j Vexui ofioes' L wre exoe<,i1ng1y:snia1L`~ana - so o1egn=.emb.t1gg wounds . inhernany that 7 rice` as bur henwbo 1m;1>been% - / n;-___, ,4. 1a..` |.....`..` .. ........ ......` ,*t;he* hospital. 115- 1wi:e :;nat'wnere h . bone is struck `j the effect; is most v1o1en't,.. .~ ~ piirii 7'0! the body `brth. _new'7bu1leii.ln?irk3` ' snow L `lean g cmugnTTc`xx;Z;-v}'s73E:C' faleacent a .tew days admission to` but there can be r ` '=uht;wh&bevrt1iat{ ' the Vperforation oi fma`orgz_'ma zmd*es,hyL kotten than'nutL&bsQlut1yfa's instanbtly ~ to aasamje the vloin, `imless; '9r-om;`=a' mnWw>orsm'tw.wr%t i rbporbV st99s. OM mitohij % gearlou` _Imture, ngngaly, ' _ V akofigglns; with : b&41._0n$T&l19G;_V' .The.; w;91mdg,;onL tlgeiother hand; which` 1631116 ..b7ithe- Mama:-Henry buuess; .. - ;A.Mer5;i71x,1.f!uhgt. English military men are and `voting a 1 Mn`:.n'b11ct-tmr U pnwuu nyunm uvou, _uu -my ble o!`T 0 . '..I.........+m~ than M] `A! Hm Idaya.mbiiheah9ie1itsisiiound.ATzs. . ` Wish: 13611, theif manaionaw 3; uibaxeir cc-umrj tiling, gawhigh) they ; zegu1aiIy3esortd`aT_catugn ofi : 3126 years * Ey1>tiau-monnm6::8VV " in i5`gIlhfe"red ghge thaleadi1l8 msmbars ` 1 oMha~4rstmmy.ud `Ia-no estates. in g w!i_fIft!ieir mangiohs stoodmtnti upon i; the;e_vqer`hept hogses. cattle. pbnltry. : and ;a 1&r89Vnumbr- of`servana- L E and hi .oo1_xteinporaxiei1 not only dwlt Hncune. bq,t' `at V oiinndmazdedin their gvillnamg !`shors_of the\ . if at 0lympia, Dales; "and: elsewhere` . fservecl as holidsyimnd rainy ' g `left. their townresiden`ces_and took up their hbode in the neighbmhood where- ` -thgcontess mightba withineasyreach. ' H6moe_s1xows howhe and Heliodoms , visited Cocceius' villa at Cndin'm; hm. '* .0occaisc1i no,1wnys reside therb. " He vis_i131 Candium at crtain`seasons. ` He-also tells that the Eastern Medi- '_. ferranean `was fE`*favorite'touring ' ' 1 grpund, especiallyfor tha`Ron_'nj1n nobil- I `=5 icy,whbVvisited Greece is gmericans` visit Europe. `and becausejt} was .fash_~ ionyahle to stay A in Rome at _certgin~} `1 times. igs sit is xfow" to stisfu-Vin` hvwnvuuua-,3 `(and than with magnesia rubbing dbgth .si_des-of any soiled spots. it should be. , . Asuuuvuvn-A fun... A` cs'.lj:e;ofdmagnsia. `and T a_;o1oti1e A .brush are a" frugal" woman s best friends. After brushing a dusty gown? hung away for a day or two and then ' brushed again. The spotsjwill be found 3 to have disappeared. _ ` hr- - ..!.. .!..'......\:..&'...;.4spI urI~1:`m'xroA. `I ` oil into_ pulverized rottenstone and nub 1 LU lRVU\|DII1)y0a1Uu. ' Dip Va. cIo th'moist`eued vvit}1`sweet , ` your brasses `with it. 5-'1`hen,po1ish `them with dry rottentone a.nd3 pi e ce of"[E}7a'nn1. When brass qtqnsils are not in use thoroughly clean them. with rottenstone and oil;,wra.p up tight in papers and keep in a` dry place. 117-"... lmulna mA\A'nnnnh:'n-u `mm? hn {ll puputu unulnguy Lu on us; yin-vvn Water bottles ancrdecantrs `may be cleaned and stains` inside of `them re,-I .moved by `shot, tea laves or potato! pelings and a_ little water. VWine_ bottles are best bcleaned with ' charcoal. broken in small pie{'3.nd alittle, -pqwdi-ed charcoal left in bottles for a. I "da;yo1.j two wi11 eEectua31y ifemove any- unpleasqnt odor. " ` ' ' ' T :,..1.4- .mlm-ml mmm'vmr nnvnu` mnv ha" dry cleaixed aiy at hom'e;in a very short time. ,. The -gloves may" be pun on the hands` or on` woqden luxmny hands. than rubbed _a.11.o'ver withne fu1lei"s earth. and next with adry' "fls.nne1,`an"' nally shaken -toget rid of the po_w `Mix a. little F'renbh' chalk with sifted bran and rt1b_the gloveg. withthis after the former `pro- nnua I`. L cessf _ $3 , m ,_ ' Bake cottage pudding in gemor pop-. 5 . over pans[t;hus giving to each `person ' .6n1y 9.(I the attractiveness of this an indi\ridua.l.puc1ding . This way not n~7vvn\`n km-. r{n`r{u:lLi3 ili::h..hn1*. conserves nun U lulu. umuy mgu vuuoux vco I .1_mL ,.its lightness. if.` as Often appens, 9."; careful hostess` attempts to out the.; pudding with` 9. . steel knifev when hot I` from the oven. . The_ _usua1.,s'a`uc e' ac -A ; Tcompaniesthe ihdivi V V . Inexpensive- and _ mosp -nutritious . ' ` Q;g;;oging' ` c=lgge1}`Twho, ogl . 1...... .. .,m...+ Hnnn` uh `hams Sm-"Hm: L.QLLR..L2};,K,`i!1Ji*HmE.`LLBL1..;`L.`i=3i`.LLJJ have_ a. short , timaatv home .fo1-`the ` -i.1oOnd3y"1unch_ am mu'de'_jfrom . kidney ` Beans. b1a.ckAbeans, white be31.ns.7peas_ . L9.nd`cLe ery. pots oes and oma oes m_ L t_11'eforin of cream soups. Meat soups containing. vegetables may; . al s)o bev *u'se or. twice} week, Same with this soup bread or rolls madeof. T wvholeivheat; ~p'referab1y sth_e 1af:ter',?'a_s theyliisve morebr-ust than the bread..! Dno-n+na:-}mIznr'i in thnir ng nhhnm I may IIIWU muru urusp umu uuu unjuu..; -- Potatoesbaked in their "skins shbuld !- have a." p__iec_9 _cut off the ends'before' fbaking, inorder that the stea11_12 may es(:ap_a._ Prgpnred in th'_is_ way they are t:1:.'.;1; ` n_nn.l:a1L;;'SEn\AVv\" 1 . _ ~~ ? -hdg-of uiIizLfng"*:.xce.,-in;theraxseutiaarr ` .. arthold Brae. a_Gerjmau A, b'oi1ed,th9y,.xhay be_*prepa.1%e infth _ -same way. a` iremovedjust before`-ervin g to` eat: 11 'vidua1.' ';P<)tato'esv are nnquVestiona.bly - dust and , fIl_Ql; of a,vQr,w1;gn' `boiled in this way: .t,,ha;x1`.v\*h1j}3sI;`dLb'efoz'e cooking. [I_`_he 1 . utmost ;csg:a. is neoessgry, to p1te)v_ent" ':.thil`;,bEili8f["-1(1~'when LeaL.At'enV. _as. they `Lgidxv qoIc3'a .'pidly* after their skiunre` Vrmox>.ea".3aoe*a11.:.u;:ngs, potatoes ` 3"Vsh6311 .:mhqt gin V whatever ,. mm L 't:;:yT-`ar Ler*vet1:-Tu::les:iHge4izr%aV n6us1iom`n:x{.. Ii! ..ani`s.`:lvv.`a;;.;,,.`:'x`.;.,- \..~..n1 I yup twuuuuvcuuogp vs vuw po` i1lbLfdish,but conserve nunvxlsvth .' . andplump. Achlld or sevgnf " should not be;thf` andpale, Mfvzlth` me aged. loom twenty, _ DWULI; 3 ulIIII_lUlvq- ivera M V V phites ',fills& out the sunken: 0: with {VHyx3>p?r6s - cheeksyand gives Color t9 the lips. It Jfumihes material. 5 for the`growth -6! bone, and; food ior"th'e brain and nerves. `~ " `~~~- "A ah-r\n('l fnlldtionr 100(1IO!"Int: uxauu mm .._.. ._-_- `It laysb. strong foundation. `;forfutqre g'rowVth andV develop-` --_._L "V'PIlIl)'IO a'nd,`:.oosf 4 .` lorbdpyourbab_y. : lqzk, Hocmyonrpaug ~-aum.Haowna. who` has an t:o~uranaoar 2T1-no, th ugh tho `ozmegbrnko, stllrlhr ` in the torrldolr, `id 'had seen :two or: thre low hills crowned with ll\`e groves, 1':lantedllke_am;1p; and on the top of each.,'so`methlng that looked. like the `rixlnsot gigpntlo vbrlok-kilns or` t11inbled~ ` \ down factories. Gfanadzi must be near, orthe. domes or .Caliholio Spain. Slower ,_nnd ` for we` had passed San` Fernando; but 4 neither to she right nor. to tho Taft could :- we see tho minaretsot the Moorish city, ` - I stoppeul Evory one got. out, and we'kne\\'* ' * it was Granada.-Lights undo Shzidows. v To: me Alhamhra,"_by E;l_izobo,th Robins, ` !'DnmnnlI `in thn ('5nntnrv_' ` 01 F118 Aluuluuruy, _uy N4] ;"Pennel1, in the Century." Rl.0EX'l'.| ' ISGSERTCII 'lJ3"'TI1I'VlVW nInu)7' - (_Jl1erlsl;ed\'Stories. V `The path of recent h"x`sto`:`~ioa1 raseamhws wn with the wreckswof discredited, - once `cherished G_e'ss1`e1j and the`-apple is the. most con . ' spiouo\_1s.In 1760 `a German book was; pxlblishedcasting doubts on nr=narra~: `- tive, _andt~Ii1s. Eookfwas _puBI-Ioly Eumil by, the Hangman of the canton Uri. I;is'.. now .pro,ven. beyond` any doubt that: neither Tell nor Gessler had Inny._ex1st-- enoe ,-andnthe story of. William Ten `is. 1 n0W.fo_rb.1dden to be -insertedin Swiss." ` ILIIUIIS, uuu UL {Ill ULIUDU \3L1U_ IIIUUA Ul ll|lQ"`, 4 annual` books. `Among many other myths V V ~ nnm` nnnnhp aefnntr-thnI-fnl1hwLis9~aia-' was defen1ed,not"by_three hundred S_par- :} V tans,, butrby seven thousand Gtioeks. V Nero did not chants the .Burn1n gVo E-_L '1 .!l`nn\_;?, .-glaring a copagracn 3111- Rome.. ` and he did not murder his-mother. Con-,1" 1 z;;;__tine_" the (item; was great only. ask. , 7 a -Lscouutlfl. "1`he_:gpri_es1s`:'z1s' the`gnil-" lotine did notsay to'"L01'\is XVL: -SonW :. L 0!. Iiouls, acond 13'0" Hem-ei1! *f Aaxicvi. , `the king did not die with ?I;tE)`, hd; atrugg1ed__w1t_h his executioner: anti` 'sr1ned$'or help and mercy. ` Th--`_Span:; Zlsh Armada was"nob. so_atterejd by tho`: wlmls of Heaven, The winds four, times in its (aver and.'bg;qvgg1_,,_i{ Mme frqm =.d9strujqt{on.., In tap it `$116 jwlndj.-had not gone fright rauixdg It ~1'aoxxuIr~1ustattemhe-bu ie"o*G1`a 7:6i1ngs;` K1t,1l\.!K'!.13L1!i1probabI6.t 1: using) an .wr'""'1,hnve' esogped, W ` ` qonspictiousz The`pass1 qf Thrmopyiem . _ ' % unu l|('v.U""i Wt!` 213` 1&0?" E3*1Uk KKU"+'v cnroiixs I;;v`a 1_t;{; ausgdv f`(_3m find? 5! Ii I.o:iaon.V.. 1LRsc.t;.F ' ' . ` GrI.e -. zit, _.I2haie`n;-6:xtnsk2trL` V htxcngsrda. ., _[`_(iYL1_:.'_|-|_S7 OF `HIVSTOR-Y.V IUKH. Al1lUUg many UIIIJUC Iyll ~;a%ed- as ;factr-thef-fo1l'>w4li':g~2:1`e-'+`-:~._- `nip: rm...-.`......: nu rm.)...........h.. sum: _ at each w ....c.-. in (mm J`"U"9'. $519, 31-1.; V . V " um axmrdi; 1 , Dolalgmtuwuuu--a 0` -{`bo\t~o-on-six E" unf-.ivug-: 1;. M: *i;:e+;;zaa ;._; m;;:A;::::z:: fbonnt nap. 1 9 * onxspnw Us j~I1`.B8 .in.UOAL ' Wm `M5 ~ ...._`..u-.. manta`.-'." IHIIWJII 1' . Makakggii \-BB8 .in,UOAL of all` kinds. _im'p'orte ` EDHNSDN.-& ESAK-JIJALVL, unnu _ tram thy; minegg ' 3120- Law And ` hixiglea, White `and Qrey L1_me, `P_luterm` am Sawex-`Pipes hrs Buck. Fu-e Cm. 1. ind so ~' :15 very renongabl men, or Purina` emenu, em, .5110! boat, I L `Smut : '281lmbe_th~t., gnarl; opposite -v-ns..'..4.:y. '55:! ` ~ -r Q7 :' `Fwy . `ind ;<$I`&*"nt ` H103 98` wnllinrtdn H LThe1I5r0vincia1LI}ui1pl_iiA1;1annoan ..-_..-a. Denitecontract with both .lnvesto';] And boy- -rower' .\_s1gfor pamphlet. V _ _ . JOHN ROGWERSONT '~ ` *D1strictAzent, B81-`n ie (LI 0 .-1i7)3ip.tlo:1f. _ % supsmpnn cam '. - .i1.'z2o.s`oo .eo`* .'rWEST_ERN`; t`NSUBANGE.~ co "_i- f-_0F TQ_maN'ro.~-.i- - Viccunununn uxnsg. mm. ASSURANCE-....: mcomm . Kirbnnss. TAKE80L'DMF`i?*T ' _ - V `When ggmve the chance. 'There1s no use undergoing rdshl thaae days when travelling if you know what nes to travel nn~;'mmewho- `_ _ `_ Vthdt t/h_e- -` V " .0: II: ' HlIQ\yllll{IlLvg_ barium Va,o1rw1oE_. _,i11_:Bm1 Agent}; l'.'.;r:. _ iwaKoxA_n1u_arc11.,*_ , 93,0`! n -A- until`-IN I oi?ExpruI ..,.,. 24:p.Vm. 2.22 pm.` 4.39 pm. 9.35 uh.- lllxddg...-.....T9.9),p.m.A_ `6.40 gm. -OOLIJK;33W00I5A-Ah'D nuronn` 'oRA2l0I!.. A gun ..;. ;........,lg:gg um. p;m. ' vxpfl u;.:u...,.`.. `pan; ' . mm. \doqh:._... -1327 we. l0.l3 mm. - . >rI!lI1RG`_0IspxI-BBAXGK. ` _ ail .........10.56 a.m.;- L_;80 p.n.. 8.05 p;m,x wS.55 g,m. c-h..r.'...; nfhn ~ any-----v .. ;L_4_9;.g;g;n9t arm -Ii1i!I . =`-iuun , svsma its stniom enucanmm ~ VPEBMXguIL*:'cunEb; i 3 .% . _ `ua1AnvAuoe`;:A'vL " ; I vii:'ir:':ras 0IRbU_ `.1fj'l`n n`1i!f='x'AILzi1:slwiwrn : Ilhiitdn 't.,'.l'orontd ` 2 " ` Lfvemool. Pdciuslowaathelowgst `, F6: full 1m`onm\ti_on applybto ' L. - ` at . `his V Om_ce'inA M "a,V"ev3i'.`S3.tx1g;1sy; . -Esum:ooMgmw;:%%+ ofmon -dz" SARJEANT, DEAL mm: in non. kinds. imbortg JoHN?{5~GER$QN `n mum . WEE l?!!!!1'A3luiiInH'A'I'v'It 5.haw_t8_h-To.ro9:6L g jflfulz. LI` m'I.'rIm.' 71'0"! u `I lhuozjxdruted 1 $,5*I~.` ._.-....- luil-|4u.yno. . _ G)HYEYA!1OERS. MA 1 G..`F;E;P.Pxn.nn.Q.G . 0..mmcmsox.M :