W'"_UEll|lII1Z OOIIIIIIIWBBS ;n 0111` 01].lD?'." vaaid.theV new` ',wox'p';m.7, Certainly. A11 formed ofgmdxnbors who am in the habit bf dd! the: trbllay cars. The max}, in nrmn n ' unt. ' hhmhndl vhntfamnnlvf '--15 rigg`a';I-.4Y6u`knov mpgle nn'r1'l'ed'%a' V mow an<.t wnt op` _12;- \vgsdd1nTg.`tr1p, .'d,1dn t Jfon? `I saw bun yeah: onahin _.El.`lU|.lB gxgm1'mn\ UEHLIU` H1 ;1muuu_,_ the pas th::.months; _` V _ 7 ,.Before 6. Oinaman quits.` Anna-a41ia_; `ha 5 nnmnn1lnd fn.umoinl':ni"Mn dnr'm'rIhmn. .u: mun: bu mu uruuay _'.U1U man, in 001113 guilt,` blushgd vdclferonsly; `as. Stephen - Giana ` might say.-- bIndlanapoll\8Journn1`.`: `l - I wp._x..._- " "\-r`.'.-_ `L__-_.. 11-...-1. -,_.__n-_x-_ . amp`: 5{.0ll?- :1 saw him; retxi enggs:--Afi 1 mi win: mmiv? Ri-inn-.:...-`E rugnugs ur1gg'es--turyunxngw un peu wnuu .; he was away? Bi~igg-s--:Yes.' e`r1ay_s`tlxaz' in-_&V t of absent, mlndedness ghe nnnrvmn fn hhn nEua{n;4`He's;:-lvrrwn T.ll n Ll-l'_&' MT: 0] . l!J5Ul1,9r Illllllllt-IIIBBB H v" pmpospdpo yim a'gai1_1j-_Har1m L1fe.. 1 .~Man- vh` try to_`serv8LGo;iT'for 11:0. wining _tso _s5:1-va. tho; de_1g.i)..f9r` nothing! I ev&'ybody els 1s :;d\an9ing ,;then11 :snreLv a` bride 'm:;yL.-vvdaxme` amber own iitlna ' ` amo'unt bf.__h`onyj` "held -`byjiha-A" `Eu-us": `l'.nnd`nn-"hmrn. in-7-nhh far-1Iuhm~l: i 1 Lmount V on h'oz`:,y-` ma -"by ;l'sha-A! V,aiibns`L.ondonbunks\ is::-um: fa:-`V shim 1 ot25o,ooo,oo9.y ; -V - 'mu_ __ 1.--. I.-. , ;ni:`miitEtTnr?? at .ar1%iahib:mrn1tur`e.j zauigjhgs juah"`oon5p1etedvi? 1inh:;tixa::. V hickisreb'-!sol1d'gold;1.-Iis? \" ` v 7 t A T I _1 % V L mg i_ EM 44;;;==uLw,1 it w i _ ~ A, A [!`iei"nnyth!`x:1f`;Laa.`;`a:i ililbr. V, ` ` Yoxuta u. On. 1- mg. :6 set Mw; ,=i.nas1i>Ax-, the __gafgm, ; TV ' Pdhuhen! 'Bea1l;,:dar, some of " . gnw 'mnuh.iivaI~tI1a 1iif?Y'- ` _ _ i , Lu . _ . :10!` .mn eh` 5 ._ 2 -r .,n__._|;_ ._.;n'_s,'u , ,1 ` -. n, .n . -vv -nu, a-unmvu nu-vuovaa * . ` :_Di3yv!pg;uowIy names 3:5 .;n.;;;;:" nInInu;.?=* ' _-..._..,..V.....,, . . ` mhcw` ;u in a1m1ap-we willbe friends. ` T `A . : ' -,.. T....... ....,. _ ,\ ' Hoidhig 'fan'entlro1y 'shub-Yoq hava manned. .- ' > ` . _ mm has` b mkbie `. `xlciisenoe 1 \`f annia-win no-1-nnlhn nv-'i~ n\n~ inT\1hYAn x -' The _;Brltish- musexiniw .'reoa_ives.:gan5 ..a....... .........;1- -4~...,+..1...`..;.a. .9 .m:n`n`cin u. _`~LnTL _FqNNnt3aA_PHs{ Lwhich _ aarmnn. - A ' 5; Q aiwaif; rea%v&ezJ:%i%gkaesisTb?s:.*ai?V = rdcptidant fax: the aws: a*:he%o1t-` `7.V!Ir:l'Il'n A.".`12i-1.-u-`Raga in aha! `A12-kip." lllg OI Il0`ElIl'5lllJ-I ? '\J'-VB` " qwsitiea, of`oour;aa;T h`i!i:g oo1G.." Madame, do you "wlmh you vs: !mu.d9Jng_ _:,. ` jV ___,_. --~-Whv}-wbaihhat dn vnn mmnF"' I I Y3! . ;- You have been runingme. ` Do yoh re1nIlza.hgtI have to -toil `put! slave n make the money necessary Ix-' keep `the root out our heads. L And ndw you 1:`:- tshat you hnve.been\_buylng- without: my , `consent whubyou am pleased` to tm-ma "tew"littIethlngs.' Ba.h!_! 1 ' Rm: mv dmu-.._" ' - Wyr1rk#svha,dnyon mmni", " foqnmni1nthe coolet possible '_mam;er .1,u}AI:yuuuuug ikuu` mm uquiuu U1. men. J. j never. w'ox`try xnyselwhen a man is on his ' knes in front. of `me putting on my over- sho'cs,=as to whether he considrs me his: Vgqgal politicaliy or not _ It isi's11fcieh_s_A. .sabisfaotion.for mg to see hiziml them.` If ; he; 11'ad1_x h'wxxn_ted toisavq me-"the trouble 1 'may even tl1lz1 !V.I am strong. ox.1ugMh*.fot-. I such an arduous _d11i=,y. `That! -wdlxldnft. = ,h\1`m.`1ny `fetsl,i,x1gs`t: 11iher. . I have an idea} shhajz he like_s.iu better ;to think. thin; > L ` e .0 anyt;h1ng_ troublesomaAtor~my-A . _`.=s`e1t,than to be1ie\{e`1;1xat I couldgetialpng , -;patBc`~y m I am ' u 't~,--H.hm-9'31 E ..L_hereAsl`y or'y.ou,- oh.._ya emanoipnted.--41 do 3 ; r 1ou`in~t2he .1`e:xst`minfI5bEiiig_depandenii on.` nx'en:'--provided the men": ar nice eougb; T 2 Legjzhem glvgs us all the so-called rights -I 't_eyI{Wan.u.-ho. I shall over VjV\2iI1.`lig;-0 :g9ti bshind some man if 1-889 9 } av cow..~"vI4'\`. them: givoms A vote if they; :5` wig. I's1a1lL}j'(anb.;t{V$1gast three menmo _ "uux_1:uA `my _ uuur gig.` v~ulu_ mrs. Dwindleg whmwag with. you, spend any-- lsh1ngP" .\ ` * " % No. She said 1Iequ:ax'.b nmird 1:."-= " Preclseiy. `What mun 1n._h1odt:'raho* . ciroumsmnaes can` afford WY . ,Hav`e yqu any1dea,".n1i1dnme,61`: how much the `few hh;lngs j1n1uun3d`b0'? M T-hnvrr Ham.i `kin -mnmnv-nnzkrun "' V .. L-scotcnnocsnan _ ~ - `At: 0na time_i!= atlas: hi`ghland__s;oj Sgimt- ` 9 Iwdrto MM: Vrecsi .n*2 ora; .~ none was voouainibmsi a ni;`;;iIIHIi1\`~f'sv.uc A ' : 81. shing} a.s_j,a~; breax:h:M9: oo xmnnl;&wzigsVrim3ly _ fheatglof, sqfstmi9hI::!*'1id:-the peopkzkregatil '- .the:r;hn9rn;f-LTb9T`_ 3?3b1?i`1-"-WiVn98 E u1;1xgu' lzuuuuuwu WI I 'hwq' , "Ham - is %}i Jusbsizzo. L ' V `_`And, do you"kno%v; `maduzg, whntr that sum,xvepmsnbs? * _ __ _ . _ "T dd mv drmi ' `H: I-m'n~'nm{nf.a:f.Hn dwm WIIIB !i\l|llVlV!]_Jll.'5( -l1l3'.'l!" "I dd, my deaf. `It mxkqmnmi the. sum Mrs. Dwlndlgr says. you, won from her husomidmz poker 1nstv_ nlj;m5.~+-Sobon P1191`. ` _ , ,, . :7 i1ao'rxnj:zneSue- Expaou is to be Tmtii L . e;1-neuter 1-mm Any!_xo_dy E_lnu.- Wumnn arights! `Why Very mt ' right wn..;ex1)ect is to be? ' mama" beatger than anzzkiody elser-batstzervthrm men treat ' each other as :1 body, add buttasr by lm` in_dlvidun.1 lnmn than` he treats all bshar women. I zibumlnubd the .1dea_6t` equality "(la and to1d$I.nm' ' xx ` good fellow. and to be meimally s1app:;d_on~` tho. s}ioIi1~ ` , _sIx.x:'i,n.I,LQ91z.;.,.|l19 ..i..l19;:9f . .dtfP...!1-f1f**:~_ : und.oo1d,.pmud--isolption with my nmn`-f ` -.oipat2ec_l sismrwvomen, lwho" E~m_1ggl0( intro? `lial: owin contzs i1nass1sh9d;and~, gas ` n,.r.hmtamJ.u:rm;L m4:hnsn,nm;,g1;.um, , 7aIx d._-53,113: on to a;s1`s:t;p_j_n h 5urwu,ca.1_' I in nhn -minud nnnsninuusnpiu r.hm-.` mmv urn M f: gooii>_1LfA msfe REGTII\IxR.-.. ".~`Gh.t `-your 5ne'wlsf in _3RL}? AS _to.ensure 'inser1;i<'m= that V w__v,eek.,A .it ;!o s'A not go itfblam 7} ` ; yfdmjself `for "being latt:,.;_ F15: 'A[ 7, T DAx;and.`NE\{ER MISS sen`di_ng '3`/nut` .4 =-~`-meklgbpdget to THE Ex .m1N?1a1<;`Lj A !_ittl~troub1l.a t- first, but :it;`wiIT 3 A ?3become`a habit -in a;sh,ort_ time,` I CdRRESf 0N_DEN11$':\VAlN'REE. - V 1" `Good, , wi`de-awake , reporters wanted for TH'E;_ E-`A1\IIN*ER-_at`-_- ` / I:froy, Egbert, I.vy,`f Brentwood . j.and 3 M ~ man `-- .h.--...'._J. 1:4`- ...1..... ...;..` 1 1 uuu._-uuvugg uu w n;a_b1.?; HI yum M:rwD,ud.1' . ingiepeli in 13116 -Eroud consoieushwiiss alum may ar. em; :md 7,56 dquzxls of_ men`; I, nnvmv w'nv'v1~v Iwxvmlivhnn A. man id rm Ma ' bull DLISIRUW 1!! UUW _|,K3,C_` VOW.'- Ban .Tq'ne:_Batiea Home Jour~A| pursg,i one no lholuf '1i1`1iVLS.`1 *39: and i L chi; third boshow `mfhow i?0,4;si;;myr vohe.-_ Lillian B81} 111'? .TY1ne>I:}adian?' "Home Jnnu. }=1xr(|.l-i,1f%_|,[:s,7uun:l;II811 H; 0lIuL_Lt_xggs1gu!xJ11l0Q-lg" ` .T!.9.~T1i`-.**`*`9`f M1`+ S```1?3?=`+`:`%! l :i3 `1 : mw uuwq `uuugs. D But, my dlnf-.- _` 'nnn '. `uni? nnr Eiixxmmn-SmwE$`LHRAL". , ~, _. . ,. - repxsmtionsha `g`f0l: $_l'JO1!` he FlxI 12h&5he`Expeo`taistobuTmgli" hemanwa hs n esxtaaic `M euower1~_1:an.~1ny;_qdy1:_1su.- . T'.:~: A ` . u 'WhyV_t\1e vryumt - gm: _Vj1_B..'9X[)B(} 6q,be =~`ff'r1'euha(1""beatger ' < - .- 3 T 7 mn anxwodyelseabanmrvtbnn my d`:$`,% gm wan eshesivs .w`d. W*.. b: %:?..;.`;,.;`a _ "wdmms RTGHTS: gbk Lots. ,in,the waiy ' _ V 7 V ~$k00e)+hence-weream,. uuc Dllvlll-. (nun I:I|.IwulJuy.,_mw Fer sale bvv+~ {Ia e1'Ie1:my Ithe habit. " In 4-Isa .~a.uur.u1- r:rm:r;-_1:__ I ` ?N;B~.3-`Drop u_s`.ai1irie .\zh_en yoii f `1eed-"postage; or_ statioperiyl _ ` M thebabib. L `V 1 Z ` - Inthelighb of-`o examinmhons ClIltE;we`a.re buisrgerfoxsnni ' ' "the same, and stwxnpmas the. crp vdes _ ' ` ~lIkI).`l.,hnnm\-mp_ ULVUUIQ D..`LIl-13* J.` gwen anyiremadyf |FA0T% -Tbi$ poorest` V` M ` ;fi:iiz"u%_e'amth`c;mla e;cuned; UNCLE SAMPS T6B:A(2GOVA f3IRBE;i"1it:ld xrivnn miv rn'mndv_ * F7'3?~'71?5?9 `\ \lrVB430i"1`PARB`0UR`.-.. " % j` `Clapperto`nj s% Y ,1-:6 L1oaA;;g_oi%.` marr ....4. r\` 4%.. ....:..-..... ;..l....... wt. 1 :i*AB;1SED; . _.`. riodially with A<>ther mal5:es,T V andhave never found another; M `~thgt:_ qombinS . so ` A much -` and smooth1iess'with. the extreme v -fredoi11 frtzznv kinking L andV"'-rsnarl-ing.V=tha" nharaharirtan` : . ,*.cLA%1iPER`roN*fS[ .Tn1 3Ap . A. .F ,. _ ___,a.- , - _ 1873.1 1 usutwunun. > A _ foo':ba.ll?:ii11Ib'1J oi.b`b}`?l'1a1{taI ;on aid`) on `3Ag:..I{n;yg1ol_:`i iu;,hilelret,x,a?iadocc1;teuua-took Mu Gndeoix Shorueadigsixd SE. -nlirmj in the death nf Mr; Rnvnhldt. Thara Martin hnva heu ah tha am]: [ill the Disk Satur:I:y1Irt-gzxnt.1`1r--'** ~"**"-""' "()?`in'%jnnallOn1,_*`ghig3- " 7 White it.`-<`!.*`**9 19.i!.:.I.u.` 331:? '_ T {r?Ei`m?a3:iaiiIoaIona:`tis:nhga . %_vh1saLi1l~si9ngL!1n.linir:.sc\S .1 "in::.f`9'>$ni;iind ever in: racing ctshptiurr .. '>r9f."\)I>!_C,F!`l\n'33_1l`l1EI3Ii%`)g." .. 0 \ Fm-Hun`: the dim-.m'mx-v` mm! |_ ljllfelfy I no WO K > ~pw:e. in tip degth of Mr; Roynbldg, There ; Wm only two.lmja girl: in the h`oxisd_.nt' the timr Onuaing thug: to be grqst-ly mumgd but: it `was not `Icing, howeyer, bafore'r._ha`y 5 `gaghmd usigtanue oc2u'rry1he.9oormsn , dyxgxg aahe w.aa'intotl1al.onae. Liefmade an o m . .- "pasted. peacefully my.` a.wu rtaken'8';gndny, 14th, to "his last reaming" ; the sympathy bf this community in cgeir sadbe;-eavement. W - ' ' ruin peak.~gn,d`while miih tang to A ";':.hce,- in Innial`. .'`His wife anti fahxily have , Mrsfhns. Lewis in siyenrlinnnffawunvs . A" [ M. mww" :>~_~: - [ 4 `,fpo;:_ _; ` i av.` . V `. V'i"=~4`!"|tGon..: an . Wigaignacaioo of` Xamn${}g W"!- 9*d*'*=i `:31 run dom`in`no:vega& M 3;'gj'.;` ~ ` au':i!a1nnznpxv=8i:ndpy aftaruaon in ch`: . 7:}fgn;1`:-%Eamii"odiiagix.i:i L " mm`, to` doctors T ` T Wine. 1 b . " `, 5 * L` `-'!s.csahh.ildett--IbCof amt . . ciuuoA`i;tJgis -d|?nfnbygucy.an2 :_ V-at, {nice}-. by: tfnl yr` .' V npdodtly eilnqu` xtnqlt,; qsviiftgy - > b Voundihionievan more ,&epIonblotImnIm _ go I_he'ir`owtI[,fo?`,'l5hat' ct numhen. L Em. ` Flo ! .;MAIthu' L .with_>Uoa'a~ V Vatiuiiz may, theuing aniing,~fr'om .1 given the headed jmmtm. who aafng gizqm: kit 9 com in` real enough, uhd ilr . paler ofvborlykpdimiud;-urn g1ien:`i1 `this bid of tight]_boou u my ommnnn ` Mdiqebtivb \orgg.ns_ ;"`impmvpa qua` mimiir oamplgint glen. Putnam : Painless Qnrn` tive fuuciiun_a.g'nduug!siua`t1i-`vxtalforued -Ex'tamtd`i.- `ii Mn new-. failing) ramady fqr` ' until. by thbimpgovedconitinuqihbringa thus kfnd ohaartaehe, _u,yn\1"cnn e'as1ly' .about,the equiiibzium of thb funotiout in prov}: ifaiiclmd. Uhe9p,. re; painlegs. A ~ neamrd `mil health fx-ene.wedL vjhlaltinak Pry th genuine and use no` ehar;~** " with Oman Wine is mhfbv all drtmaism. ':.._._.__......._. tI'anass1nz,Lv"rttht:a`.`; . j I . unit`-the;-5 Vi._.;ank1ingTchorn\i:x; hm-t,md' fan that At%n~-.winnl& ' YBQIQICU PINK. KIUZIIUI, TUNE-W30` znutxue ' yith Guns Wme 1,: aold`bvnlI dntggintm. LIIQI. MUIXOEQ` 481111 LNUIB UHBIIFJEIT HBQ quite `as 'tim digging a.,wel,| Inst; week? They dug down. 13 feet; and "while an dinner `is caved in. ~Luckily..for Mr.,Ch&ntla1her ~ man no: A-9:` the h|)I'.f,l'VVL' `Thad a`.nitAd`unn; '15 UIIVEU I3 ~Ltl3KUy-.IVUI.' tut. __\/l_ll_.llIl|-51 I18 was "not; ah` the; bottom.` 'I'hey.amrtednan'- V other with like result. - Keep outvdf the`wel|_, Lama"; uvqur w Loam.` \V|\H ` \Vhilevplnying"fo at ball Friday evening Dena Knapp got big leg brokqnf Why not do any with nhoae games? There are other gmxes not. a_o dangerous and boizides more protable.- -Tum was 5 lmeetinu hm-A in Lha mtatesr. HWDLB.` ' "There was a"mee'ting her in [the xutatest. ` of the Reiorm f-`party Fridgiy night, the . apa;kere;,ptese'ut being.Mems. H_weon,,Mc-' ' -. Lean and_Sisson_a. The house` was lled ho" overtwing, the speakers having control of _ the audience. by the order `that was mani- fested`. ;Mx_-v.1-Robinson occupied the chair, ,aurh:twr_'u few. remsrkk13y. this gentleman, ' the meepg dame to a..c1o`se. byfgiving three. _ cheers {sit the Queeh and the candidate. A mum: in him. umn nanih i'Th hnrtsl` ` wmru.-xenon mnonlawtuaga. _ ,; = .M1aa,.Sady `Cook returned~ lxomaeirom Barrie Sutudayy evenin ; ` ' `x _ ` `Thql. Culf`9r`d-and uia Chuxitler. had '....:4-.. '..~ '4-:5... A:m.:..... . ....u `inst m....I.\ sun ueygnvemenh . ` W -_ ,_.Mrs'.,Chas. Lewis in mending a,-{aw days witlffrienda in Notzawamgb. ` Mk: . Hadv Paul: rnmrnarl hnmn .,frnm CD931`? I_0l' EH3 RN83 3110 N15 uauuluuw. ` Amove in pine wood again. i Th hearts of the-'1ivood~ -merchdhta have come ba thei[r qld~t.i:re`waya.- 1 cannot sag/that their faces: are clgeerfulvbeause the black of the wand hides then` reinblanc, b1uactious" _to tna-`moan mun _on=1upaaay~. L . _ M "1 he recent` rains have qnpquraged me" `crops. We are anxxously w,aitingioVr more. II_,I`ll- LIVII .I.Il`I\l 'IngILnuvuyu nrgvu. With lI\Vi1mo13;I[llyq:;s7.V=:-.T,.. ` ' ! AAN6 %`ther1`\1.xtho(1.Of home Vryinyt-ring gives: cOlors\";5fm'i6hulf so 7 fast `and beauciful ' as 1)iamob,d`Dye3. '1`hec;olo,r3 areiull, rich, `bright gndA Kandsome,'and so fast :anu : mhemmfade. .. , - . , In. :... -nno m. 'mI1un'nuu-ynnnl-:: nut` nnnu rm that: a'yn;ur s s,'unslx_:i1iev syijl no_I'."ca'uae ,; mam Lumuu. . '- _ , 5 V _ ~- II: is not so. when garments and goods me dyed with tbe.pborjmitsiniun_dye'a that vmany? rIea1jrs_[;` sell for` ';h_i_s '_aakej`of large " p`r_(_$tB8" V 3 f}nnda coldr'ai"with the ctiide d'ves.ao6n Iau`, ll UUUVIMU \l_ll.|g'Y' llu Uglyu 3.0 guoum be borne-ix": mindsharf the common dyeacosh the .a@xx1{\e;.'p tice`aa the, waged and. L popular Dyainondg _v__ _ _ _ ;momeu!;`b9 .u * . T: mm? wnn`lrl`m.m: mnndv ma time. `not 3;, `but. ca'nnpt.f6r n_ jmotneun; US .UUIuy_n,ru;; \v_1u| \num..-x * \ g If _yp,u_ w,ouId`uave money and time,.'p.ut M ;y`ul1:HI`1lsB a\a allgtimeg}-in the `nLeve1:~fa'ilLihg; j. . ,Diambp Dy,6a.,;. tin? us.o1"&1i 'nevar`1_iiI`sap-':j;, ,:[i{)iilL8Llf,_ _Rfuse-inferior" dyes oered by` dealers,` and `xnaistf upoxi..having_ me; .A =--J2ife_.ma 4.; L: '.-; -,_ " E1e,V. |`l: A. Brotqngtm w - - `a ` '?IY)e`_bhodit conerence,,:M` `Y ' June: 1a;IMiss. A'n1iie:Lib't1 TTx_Id'.'Ldllie hiss,en__',i`ee~on Suqdx-L~.. , - K .5"vVl1qthmixspgiiu`-Suiiia3gi_iTweak,azwwi 1 V . M,.ia.a IIrs.n&?:sa;b;9:.. `Jinn T ' L V V 3W~`_ ' W- bhe,iIidrtest,, $1.... ,. - T..- -._.V..-_-.., .V,.._._o>__VV .W._, . V '~ 030-~,srAI;o;i; N015` Fade vvG.3l'm'.l,t.5 Died be"beld in Mr. Sbevenon Grove, on1Mon- A. _ ,Sunday,'S;":ho_o1 Pich|c in mnecfin` with Sb.~A'ndrew a 'ahdtoh,_0ro Station; will With lliamolhmfllyqssa:-.-,.. .d,r4y., JiiI3e.v,29bh.i_ ;7_1`heVladis -Wi11`b 1f1 8"? * 2 __ V bazaar; Music wil1beprovid`ad.: and. them- No '"t11epn`;etho(1:_of hams dyeipg will be wall kinda. of -a1nusament,_ mvhun ' `Glors\?";5j'Qi56hulf .str7f'a.st benuciful`aa Wei`-YbdY i9 3 T9 `F0 1\3.\ 9 .3001? 0im- TN` )iam0mi'Dye. '1`he~colora Wm 5 3 ~`V` '" `W 5 9-F M`.i`9'.`-3 An-_ 2 b M G.) 'acolor'ajdf w_it1'1 the crude d yeuo6n A.ui:nncGon.JI... ` _ ._ V in... ua`.g.:uru$"'cmms .m__ . "!f"1 g` ' V H , :.,&mw1c.m wvshighand-"-I0 _ '_ the right -hand,-It ll ll1B`~Wi.I|ll& `In...o.u.... 44; um .L.:.L mfg? via-.... .....:' =,;/ A _ mane. uueu mgsupxmgnsuy , but 8cribo. Rm: -Fiutncisi Sm-ag. .l'm;{lri;da.: Tranni-ai~_.`MnL Anmnf , gaunuay. ` . __ - . Mn.` A. L. Chealey, of St. Thbmas. is : visiting` with"her parents at t_.h_e Hwillow a~ ~Faruz." . ' ' j ` " I`!l0WT|1nIlll In mu 01685. .. . Maury. Shq:troed,Br6a.- shipped of 3 att!eeh'v train on Monday. ' - . % ` `wedding halls wm jingle me mm nix future..' _. -,_;' ~- " ` Miners.` Wah1nd`Lenb. of'El'm{vsle, . wheeledjli;-.ough :to Mouut'Svb._-1 Louis` 9n \ Sunday. ` M.-.`.. A. L.` nm.u.v_ inf` st, 1"1;'..mu. is f .f"f"" "H , 1 ' Gndeon Sherwood;-Ind Mg. Jpper, Martin have begn o tha vslck list the pm ' W30ko ` `x D Ji. Black, _C.`Ds.via, W. Hill and Wm. ` Haiti: malt in the nrnurninn tn Ovmn Sound. d`..DIMI, _u.'1J&vw, W. um um Wm. haith cook in the excursion to Owen Spund. .on Fridg, and report. -an onjnvhble time. ._.\ Min . . Krawlaufnf (TIliii:'i1n(i `Mina N, J ,1`): `A-;1'i;Qi)-(`J;b onjo"y'&i)le . . . Miss ,1tmw1ey,`or_j ollianndmgu NI . Quinn, of,-Sb. Kim, spent last: week with` ma Minna F'mwlav_ ' _ . Quinn, 01 ,-30. min, 1 ma Mines Frwley. .Tnnnnr.Murh'n Nu I ma ncumax-rsvney. . ,, _ ,_ `Jnsper.Marti`n has retted hig, mill, a_n_d. it '*ia`no'w1'unninginfnllhlaat. Q 1 Mann Qhnrtl-mu` nhinmd 99 head ' June; l5g-'Wav h9.dn howexf of rain lass, Mondny and Tuesday. ` ` Mu informant. was wrmm alinnt the climnna Iaanmonaay nun Lueauuy. My informant was wrong about tghe cliange 0 bjanngmade in the time of aervicaab the English church. It wull b'eas 3"p'.m. as usnal,unti1fur*.hennotice. " - -- \ . Thran militinnl "moetxnm were hair) hare usnm, 11|1li11Illl'$Xl8_l'Vl10l{-let`. Three p:1`litical;meetmgs were held here . last week,` :md;wera'p`retty. well attended.- - `Jgihn EIsnm1:eia`indispo_sed,` . L H.}5oleon`goea mi ~cm'1t4:hes, -<::ms'ed `by a 1ioil.- C; Hart; has, cs spx-a `dd h'and,`-and . Jae. Cunningham id gtting:ov.,__ as very bad atvtacyogquiusy: >. . ..-_..-....._..-, ...._,-- A Reeei. an...-added _ gxdgy i it. egioirclglaz _ "teeth of. pearly. whitenea; Care of the tet_l_1_, how imporgaucfyot neglected often: ` - -;o{the.Mmarring of` their beauty or destruc- c-i:`m'- 'h;L'thn_umLnLn,nnma],nmr.inn daunti- In Bath; Onhrio. Gba.se's\Kidney Livier ' `Bil-In mo? 3 --stn.ndar ijemady; Joseph A ` 'Gardne'r-, at` this towix; aujfered. for 40` *yaatg_':wiI.h indjgeatibu, and ice eV'v_ac-pr`e- rue:/11: . as:_:_om nn'1.nenta+nonetipaci0n_.=anti oau nn'- am '.`~1nn.m anhv, n<;&<}anne.. `A. au_u u_.;;:u1u nu; u'.u.wn_g I remedy phatgaye hjm relief.` 2_6E`'a_bpx, { of an dr)uggisLs,011e:.pill-,.afdna.. ~ `_; I -,` ; .~June.. 14-:~Ti1`e-,"veii'I1:? isenirkice `A651 .th"e I Congregational, eh1irb_h;of\lnah Sunda.5,'_~wii=s'-' g ; 'qgm1uj.ed by Rev. M_r:,1`;aaggot.Aj; The'chIimb- __ was`. gtowdedv mane ` dA)Ql'..8._ ~ xv . a My-Tm-nah. ms. mm; ne -Rm-:3. m`.. ..` 1 _ wgmcrowuen tqona aoor_.s.A , ` - J..~A. Mclntoahgand;w1fe,AofBa.rrie,. w .tha geBt3_'9f' Mrs.iSVtewaN:.`bn;,Sunday. . : :Rav.H; A.` Btovm 'bei`mtxa.wav toi A`.'t`oifty~Ya_1-`0l%ll Gnvgno Removed.` Iv.| 1x .[_vir`1:3h1ng` anus...` 1 V CRAIGEURST. % 5*"?$D`?~ ;._o-.z..sT_oN. ` |I_uyu5u law 931:! 'IIllF"l.6 ll , W-h-toaumnhs Iwm } `mm Nu} the we n;x_:fgi.;3;au *h'ye`anut'hat. ` ng;__g_ ., .5 u 1 - ' . U M A gas i'eat'on righ}; cliaek--Yea. V wrest on left; cl1eek--No. ` -' Opexiiix Vgsmfshutting it rup1dly-"+"You- annual. me.b`- ' ' `I h.....\.-.u-L..:_n 1.. u... 1-.. m- .s"...`in 1.- I gL%:"*m ,Lhe,1s_ compe1led 13{)s:regiabe,r"hi8,(16[5_B'!'fiI41!fB- f amtlgave lii8'Dh0t0gf:s_ph_._' ; _ . '5 .Sca_r1et fever -.k_i1lAs* ' 'gi1_ ishje. j average,` abo\;h,'.81*,000 par__son5,chlg_y \ `h151*58?3 M X993`3!18 Y.?`.*?:"?!3?. I ;A;h9a1vh&;%znax1i#sv1i*=s:19 61* %0I:~:I"n.8 ~ - miIi:i_te.Torovsx2m%0r00I34Ji!1&:a ' `V -bi1ne,S=`&vmlnuiiB..' ' .-D?!-01'! 11 Ullllllill-H111 ILLIIIL xdui. ' axzdzw vaimkinz . ` ' ;a;ay=amghout this - ;-';o1in`y.'A;-`:;hg;1_:}yiS` nothiiig in - this E " ~. < gorigjj :55: . map: : bg , ixhp_rov;ed;; g ' .:_zind. there `i_onT-point weiwould 1 . 'liIe.`\tg;{ impressi xupon ~du:.`corres_- M `spondentsv:... ;::_,xn fl SOM'1`KI t V _~_L--EVEYWEEK.Y W'e.d9 n t` expect `a ,, ' . ;cd1uin_ri{gr eac1t issue.~buti..\ve ex-_ Ir -pec_t"at`Ieast half adozexi itms of F __ ~ ~ :vco0D,LIVlE news from each cor- - 7 xespondat igvhry week. `I`oLdb ~=*~ i;:tr;;;.7rar.\'a7t*.r';n"rrz="r::i5`i7rr r. .._-_--u Emilia. ixipxdxy amt. .oxm`adxy-Svam :d1y8n.88eevL' `f Holding hBnd19'pJ8d: to the 1ps--Kim m 7 , _> rr-vm_`__-n-._.__.. .. . . u 2 \ "-"-a`"- - - - ~ .Hoxa_m`g tan pa.r1:ly;shutr-_-You hmhtill dear to` me. ' _\ M 7 still and wide ` for mm for r_x'nr" ...n. van-nu uu_'.uu.u-uvnyun. - Beating, olosd' on left declare` war ugamsg yoi_1._\_ ` , ; ._ I shoulder--L '~Riist1n_g fan oxosa on` right shouxaex you share my. affeotigns. ` D..La__ ..I..-.;.:` 4i` v-aL"- _L_._{5,_ r1 _`Eer,B`athe:~_-.-Hos "my daughtoxj given you any vncouragemenq ~ s1r?- Sultan- Well she 'said, you ware` always-a ve genrons .pMent..-Philadelphia Axners ' nan : - -ghe-'--When tzheylhem-"you are going to, be, ,ma1'1-led; dear, w'on t they raise- your salary? He-1, am afraid snot, *dnrlil18; , they} hum `heard it so hnfnm ... I`r-nf.hj Mary, Ihope you took good care :0`! `my animals whilall was away .-` Indoud .1" did; qn1`y,[qnoo _I forgot to feed the cat. -I liope she didn't suifer." _0," no! ` She a1i.e'.tlio canary and the game." L--F1leg en .!e Blattr. _. .} : ~n-1.___ rm`: 1.: nu . u 1 '. I _ -.-nv........ ......u.~.. . ` .Bobgey'---Did. M;-. Sl_1n_1p1_ey buy thaw]; tickets -yon.-xp'ected'-to sell him for the` * .com,:arb' .1n..~aidV or the orphan asylnml - _G1'n1bay--No; but `he px-.oYiflaed`!;o write 3 `lemr4mpress1vo0_fhV!-s sympathy for the `- _g1ony1B.o.a,nse,-Roxbu;ry v Gazette.