Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1896, p. 7

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V U_ha1`l6)'. Jusumy 080. 11101:." 1.1115 u,1::.- "~ ' Ving did.nos= g1 -ow less when he sa1d:-*- " .Mi1ly xmnts to speak to you. She has .*T"b?"ri`I??;T`i g"%ziE"5?t,` ` " 1*:za - hnrd]v'r- m-nm1I'7A vnn fm-- her"n1d u1n.vfel- EI 1gland S .poIig: army nl1Vn1b1-940.0430 man \ 7 wxpannuu --of the physical being is the result bf draw- -. ing ince'ssan't1y'upon the reserve capxtgxl of .`nerve' `farce. Ihe wear,,te`ar %uic1='stxmn of > modern life are concentratgd upoxxthe nerve ou.sys_tem., ` The you_ng~m`en ojour day "s1x`eters' from z1e`rvous'- debilihy or ex-" ; " vhhggtiglnervoua prostxatiqn ?or_. weakness. .Tlng3.m&I b thferesult of much 1'nentn1_ i` wo,rry;.an&,,-(:xcite`n1e'n`t,.,o1f the rqsult of `pr.at1c,:gs.and excesses; ox pemic:o_us4hablts,' A 21: ~ youth; Lthmugh` ignpmggg. I `pmcuggs.ang ex_0;e_sses`, or perulcxuuaulwnu, _ hncted` m youth, thmugh` ism 9'1` by-bfeelrxitahte, "weak and-xiervo with` ` ..s1_1c1 dittessi 2 symptoma; as backache,` . _.d1zzm a3,,s1:_9o yng guns; Li.n.1,1ead `on 'che.s `.11 some es 111 H _ * ken, \aa,w.e1I, saga: f}'qm_exhy;1u_sl1on.10a.of'~. ' manly power, 1 V '_sp_mts, impaired mmpthj when;t1;.9verworkedbusi;1ea&Inqnmemp! >`tn.nd`.res%ih.beds. ` `-~ - ~The*nhys1cians and speciglistyqt g Igg- d1 gstnon. _The midtllegage '* = ; _'axid`i1m`tlx. demn meme of nnd,and body : V The. il1~uS,ed`ub xi is morbid_ly.wid'e awake '_ tn.nd`_t"est1n,bed, " :; T ~The physicians si).eciali1.:.`Sf; M :"valid:s.-"1`:1,0tel and. 3111';-1931 ;Inaut\xt devote ; tug sgch unfo'r~tunameL to ha1th"9;n.d 58991` : llieira best engrgiea. to reclaiming uxrtreetb ` f mm A-mat Dotd: Book'ot"xo.oo paces. V ( ins sxxch xgnibrtunalges; to neuuay mu MPP!` neas. ' A great Doctor ,Bopk-fotf moo pages, 1 gomgelynlustgatecigg treatuxgog t.hese~nm_Xa.-: ' 1 lea: 9.1111` Jforth .a ra,n.ona1a`mans.o >\4{`V- -A r011..H.31uc.H 3 "Q V. 7` ;duty,mIga 5 reuuer. . _ ' It doestft make any diiferencc; does ` pt " -` "`* I i . L:.1-...-u. __\_r{oRTH KNOWING. A Look ,0: a Word: ma e`x__qe_ss'es', pem19:o;:a4naDII3.' 1 1 in .t;;mugl;I irxitahle-, weakvand I/let?!) W131] mssinhn svmutomsra backache. legacy. 1. Suppose, en. I Very._likely," 1113.. returned, ` lndi_er= ` ent1y~-he was so used E0 these thlngsjxe . scarcely toqk any noticg pf them now: Xt s Unc|e` Stephn. D14 _; - know mm:'j - . . an gum}: .3 ... hand mvn hm:-rl nf . b`ea.1~ moved `I L a "::Ill_v-I16" | I - .. ' ` `l`hut`s all right. smiled 41:6` are ' ` (asset, but our lnteiiigence was `of no ', gmxtrvalue tons. The case "was oneiof murder, in which the murderer galnel n Ioztuneby getting an heir idut of the r` vayand -ta'i:ing- his place. The trial did ` not take place until two years. after the L death of the victim, and the evidence ~ , - was very nearly circumstantial, but it was a remarkably clear ceseiot o'm:um~` stnncoe. Well, there t_Ien'3_'thing pe- "i cuiiar or interesting that yrou`.in'r. have ; haopned at any murder triul,_hut the i.. 'pris'i:ner extraordinary, at i~.-;\=c as tn`! _` his eyes, which were ofthe pinrr'i;ig`kiiid 1 ;' one reedsyf in` stories to `chill 2.1,: .i;-mi. ` He did not usevthem, however,to any 4 : extent until all the evidence ,was in and ` the attorneys began their ttxlizi Then he - 3 turned them upon the jury and" fastened them there, as if pleading with unto 1 saveihim. `Ali the-arguments were in by 6 o'clock the` first tiny, and tho- judge` be~ a` gun to charge the `jury. All the soul of. I the prisoner seemed then to be ' ion` his _ ' eyes, and I could not get my 'mind . `on anything butthe prisoner. What the judge was saying seemed to be a tenet! Y whisper, vague and indistinct. Whether` it the other jurymen were atfeeted as I was _" I did not'k1fow, because` I hardly `real- . ,ized that there was anyone on the jury except myself and that the _prisoner,wes looking at me for help. ` J.- ' ur ...a .. c...u.,u....e inn that `ha `um: *1` Tomlgof 1 Jury 'lIondax-"ad ifnder _P3oo1i- Hnr Clrcumltancoo. ` ma 5 mosnvpecullar power. A dozen years ' ago. when bypnqtlsm had no: heel) Tril- " byed in_to.lts pmsenu fame, I was ' one of twelve jui-ymen in u murdert7ria1._ It was ,an ixioelligexgt jury, 500-" ' ' , "Gt, course, laughed the reggort/er. otherwise ynu ~_would' not have been- "\.'.'. ...'."YY" "` 1 . Hypnotism. unmarked the "professor, " LUDKLIIK no um LUN ucnp. , ` "Lhad an indistinct; idea that `ho `was . ux1\wo`1-thy to be saved, buts'lr_1 spite. `of ' 2 myself I couldgdt bring myselfto con-' " dmn him. Thdu the jury was sent out, `the eyes gt the Iolloy1ng `until the door was between us. I` I.wa the fore-' ' man and as soon as we had entered the; 'room and sat down, I said, `Gencleinexl, 1.1.- ._..x..-....- x.. .....A nmllt-u 7 R15 nfohnronh Lu_uuu{ ` t was assented t6 without a `dissenting { voice, and in ve minues time wqwere ! in the box again, and ten minutes later | the 'prlsoqer,\ profusely thanking. us i for a. verdict in his favor.` ' ` * umL ..J L. I_a.'A.L.. ..,...-L. ....,.... rIIV`n`rI!. up uuu R7gujAL_xu|uu- 1105. ` _ _ . * Thatperson _repliec1-that .,t3here4v_asn`1: 9_ne,_ _as the only ag they ever, ._had was , shot away in the 12155 aair. , ` Was` the pirate chiefmttled .NayI _ _' 2 y _ = " For the ` bold buccaneer to rush dawn ` intorhfls cabin,;_1n-ing up_' his Roentgen takdan i;1sta.nsaneous"phQtogrg1ph bfmhe _mzStie s 3kull`and- a couple of crdss bons from his twisted 1e'g_w_vzisbul;jthe_wo1-k of a. moment, rind in a. wink: the s&b1&peq- . -'m_3.nti was ying frdrix the foretopsnil of thejsaucy-Plankwalker. ' ` " V Wmni. Hmi-. ihatgvxt siszln 1mm\1 smnh rcamera, and, by means of the X rays, `to V ` 101' li V Lu um un_u.L. V Then he leftze court-room quickly 1 and hhe_.jury was dis chu.rged. We wn1I_zeg ~ outms if `we were dazed, thenmosb pecul- I inr mid uneomtortable feeling` that x 3 ever experienced, and I went to bed that. 1 night feeling as it I were smotsherlng. 3 Next morning I was all right: again and ` I'n"1ade it e`pb1nt,to question my fellow, I discovered an: experience s1m_i_1_a1` to mine, but we hardly dgwed _s_ay we had been hypnotized. That" 21 mwvvnng n'_rp-nwumv unnn. town` and that my mm itself invhyls hands I- a; :1 private. geance. and evryman `org in ! settled tlfe busi1`1es_s.;`_The .1):-isoneg had : hvphtized the jixry :y.nd,ha1 rceiwd a_ l~ was wlwa is`ca1:ed u `Sensi:'r:e. JI'u:v.t3 ' ...u..+ nu bani};-.s:n':n:s`` -.if."1\n.~. "If? wn'iinf.' Know n1m:_'_' I shook ihy heoci. Eye `heard of him; never saw him," I mi I hardly kne-w him myself," Charley V llpllned-,-_`.`_I!`i,,l1|0.!!`.5x _,9.9*`,_?'`.E`LI '39 ' `a boy. It sa rare bother, this, ~o'fxiing*uch_a long journey into the ' country. I say, Jack,` you have don your picures and~.sent `them in, and have nothing to do for a spel1-could.u t you `go down for me?" o What; in\yqur_nnmoP" I e .Yes; why iiot? It's years since I was mung uuywif the set. This letter is trqyn o. a Mr. Pzxrchly, .the solicitor to the will. I suppose; h.doesn t know me. You are. Jack .Wibum--it; _s onlyu diemnce 6!- Chrislzixui mm; and We uil"ih"'"th`67nm-" _~ lly," you know. "l` tyzhonmtter short. I had (50 con- . ll_V])l.lUb1._'l4Uu uuv Jul] a_1:uu.,uu.L u.m.n- m u_ v'v`ej-dict as he,?*`?*s`*3'_B7=.`iT '1,' but "IE was'iiot' ' g to he retracped! agd the ver511ct; stood.--_ .`Kansns City Star. Q Va ' I ' . ' j _ ._ x".m'=ys In Piracy. 'l_' "The pitiless pimte scanned the distant 5 horizon with ofmo his eggleyes. u1J'..|'n- i -It.was _u ..:3h6rt_w0rd, buthere must . have`bee,u a mopiv for it ",. ~LLA-s`a11,! a sail! ' ' , -Turning to" hls,i`sb mate he manded mm, with l1'faI'f1ll oath`,_.tov run up the reg1'1;1ntion- ag. ~mh..+.-mm-mu 'rnv\li4>-f.hnf: f,he.:-e4wa'sn`t 1 n -_-~ -.-- ~,.-~-.. ..._V,,__ , _ , ' - T119 `physiploigsts 'offo1'd were iiter- estsed in z;nd'.puzz1ed by the" spleen. It ' did not make a "secretion, mid the remov-` 31 of the organ did _ not _ seem to .create _ .g11uoliTc_i1stur;ance 9f the, -~v1t_aLtunotions. * f1`i1odm: pttygkitngy shoifvs mm the fsp1een , . is .Qu:3c1i311b'mdl$"" It b19$1 `$131113-; P1: _f. Schnferv and B. _Moore,L`_tyvo. ' nptti P \ English Vseientishs; haveprod.r th\zgb. the _ spleexg ants . us.',a kind. of :satAet:g-valvve} :- ms;u1:_e~ })_1bodcirnula_f3ioh`~.` - "ff'I31\:e1 hen` V`reI5@i1d1 A.at1 onca "$041111 'V i1f'!3*f1*?"i":*3 3117 ' _h~blqoc1, pressxire, `whether; these _ v_gV1-ii:__-, tlonsfgre uhe1,:t11_em" or f1'om_,h9, a. Igmg, FIVE` is" n. vex;y,_se11sitivga. oggan. ~. uid "aeemsfj so. b`e'a kind hf; _ ; Lern.or,"_ j mlxcfxj -like _thew S91':g;utlng.;g 5 "meoh.nsm it, that na1te:.*_1Id `the`atiIm" ...; .4..- En!) S&|.W]'.r.ll1ub.waAIxu'. _ . ,_ From that instant, sis-is usual in such ` caes, 'a11 "was ~excit;emeuC3.'-17G1ncinnati . ...`-.-.".~....\...v2,-,w-.,,_, ,_. * ~ `The setuugumnpr, one or Inga `qpgnxqpp mu ` ` In in bit-hheocem. can 7 v v_ . smmuaj m;fts1xM,. ~ V 5} ~"'J.`ha geq.oYl91,13.6r;`-t0 92` J3: `qgziqn 1 ,d11stAv+?Lboa1es;g)=n9'-h:!?W* aim WW3 F - . mna;;;_m 39 v . _.T.__.___:__ ,, HvPy4oTsM in counfr. .._...__.._____.,_..._.__.... What the spxeenlmlly 1;. . .-cu. ' uy, '.To.cut the matter shofs, sent-433 I gonemlly did where" Cimr1ey__ was concerned. - ` . , I cum}: um ln.wvmI I latter,` as A mid: of American mi ALWAYS NEAT "3 ALwAvs sw: :1` ALWAYS LIGHT A ~ A1'.WAY$ incl-rr_ BABY CARRITAIGES, wAG0__Ns, Tm _J. r?uTrw1a%a. son, sage Ygnts rm mac; I UN _H'l6 gwm U! Luv gut rmnu legs been thomughbv Spong- i ed and Shmnkjandtluworb \ gnaasaip isfulljguaranleed. ; -n. snout :~co., : .. Unnbrdni. 00l|08l`I18L I took the bxyyefs letter,` as a sorisqof otedenthil, and set V out, grnmbllng a good deal at what I considered Chm-!ey s cheek in thus making` use of me If I had finished up my work before hhhad, _ it was; only because I` had worked at it more oonsmntly; and now, instead of reaping the advantage In the shape of a few days rest, he made it onexcuse for . `sending me of! on a lugubrious mission- vllke this; and Charley would, no doubt, haven good legaoy out of it. T nn f'. nnnnnm it's much." he -said T/ti: '1': a -guvamnke "Ma: _!/iecloth in thisganneinl ` Imp luau Hmvnuzrlrlu SI-mac. ` om exsms- Ba New and Arnszti ` Louse-Cle_anin ig , _T.irne1 .- ` ms. D. n.%MacLAREN; An!\:_?-""*-'T}ou' want 0 gut }1a`3'"_a11 thoa hnu Ji_\' disease ge`rmsV which ha\'8` lliu-n .uc<;umuInting in` the jcellur and "back _\'srd an wi`mei,._aad :9 do me. `~_u-u must have some of o'ur -ii-in . _ . - :7; Wecan gm you gl1___you requirejor 'ten gents.` IL a mud inyestment, as "it may 's..,\'\e ydix` ai. lafge dnctor a bill. o'o:_o- I don t suppoe lt s_ much, have goon legacy oun or m. I to me. Perhaps -a hundred" or two-- hardly worth kolng down for,` you know!'f` sznr had an m-with nd lemmv in." 3CH1;A1>ER .PHAN `Evin; g ._.;.u,.' , .1 Ionttul. ` THESE %U%ALi[TIs;. {A1 . Pose:EDBv%* Made} _ away. The next day, therefore, saw me Among the `assembled guests. 1" found fiut; Mr. Pmhly, and silently showed him his own latter. Ah, said he, you T'IYnT"*Vnrv clad bn "see V011. . ** latbar. Ah," said he, "you are mr. Wi5urn."Very glad to `see you.. not reply, so he concluded that -I was` ' Charley Wiburn, without my having said . apythlngong way or the other. ` ' `But. when. Ether the funeral. the will anything one or me owner. `But, when, litter funeral. Carrie` tube Weed. I foun was v down for 5, 000. __ This made me think it harqer lines than ever that I should, have ;had to poms down in` his place. The weather Wm a.tx'oclous1y' cold; `the March wlnds_strong and blustering, with show: e_'rs` of sleet; and snqyv; `hand Ifelti cold and miserable. Ahthe end of the reading of the will I was making my way out to get backto the `hotel, when some `one said: Mr. Wiburn, I be1ieve?g I looked around, and saw a stif!_, military-looking old boy regarding me` with` a smile, ` /t_hr9u In his spectacles. -.' Char1ey,"`sai'd nn . vrm nimi-{In i- me 356 down Winn avulmuenwu Luux. . , Anotliar funeral (Q30 to, he grum- >.1.a `Hum! . ham am mv` nintnrm . 5119 came up emu suuun uuuus; uuu. nuc- moment; Iulooked at her I simply fell `_ helplessly over head and earsln love then l and them. She seemed to me they loveli- est, "mosh adorable creattire I `liacl 'eve'1f ' seen, A sudden resolve came into my. mlnd. Rather than runthe risk of-losing . the chance,-I now had of speaking--m her, I would sayjnothlng about my not being (_.`._ha3l_ey,. lethe consequences" be whete they mightf - - ` T]m f. vrm mmmher nuf little DIEY-A I Vnnurn ill! 8'8! Illugumg 1 - u _' _fbu3sunnhow,Iscu-aoly_nunadtn,bek=ng_ `L Iothefamllyatdl. Wahad noend-of .. rolat1onn.gndho`wus umkxhvaih ates. Hevru ounsuntiy gett1;3gAaomQ\ little "wtndnn" of, this kind, m1_ at Iehgth Charley _Wlbnm a:1upk beama _ aganeinlmhhwogd _amon.n&-a sync? I gym fuzfuhntwu lucky and twin- been muumg as you, anu. says uuu uuu hanc11y'r'ecoguIze you for her `old p1nyfe1- loW., (No wonder, "I. thought. f`It , would be strange if she didl) ` Qha mtma 111i and shook hmids: Blld th -loqltyng11J;lQ.01t1`'_s01u161'~'.-81*? .0u9.x. no 1 '-my <>9udS1he1!:11:s. to If , 99- 4 ` . B0 h 9, 9-W. \..Suc2hTz.;~ftenda did. We J tha.;I`:.nngred`.on` ix : the 9: _ ` :\We`k.. Gnni ~;W1!19!. W99 1 as man`; unoonxfoi`1sa'.bl9`s!i`15he U6.l'0l'9L0$WJIil,y ntmlzeu. VVULIII 1. wua__ , doing, I was whisked 03! to Major 11e1d s house.-`-a,s 'I' found the name of ~ M111y`s fablierto be--to h ne, calling at ` the got/31 for my evenlni , `hogs? on phe -* way. I fmmd the major s*house_ - a neat,` quiet-looking. Ilttle place, 1011' the xmh; i_3ki1jt.s.oi_the town; He, lived alone, wih 'i1is-t}i1i8h`6er'(h1'wVtfe#b9ingL~dead) A one` servant." Though everYmn8;.`W&S__*;91.m_Qf&B1%; there was` % that mdesogibabxaau that me -onethe T 11gprgsi9n= that they W939 _nQ1_z _. boo wen of!-its regards this w_2_vo1-_1c41 s goods. ~ v. 1 Since Iwas not we well--enetther, thin would not!" have troubled -"me. `huh may mxgnr _ -. . . Don t you remember your little play.-` mate, Milly?" said she, with `a blush and 311.. entrancing look of her bez_a.utifu1 eyes. -Well, ib s not so surprlsing, . for _I should . never have known 'you, -either, if Mr. ,; Parchly had not pointed yogout to us! ` Rafm-A T oxmhlv mA b I was 1 blues 1 was now up WHI._l" 0T"_LEn}r, this woyld not" have troubled -"me, but for than legacy of $5.000 supposed in-have mm:-tin fm-. Wm: Ilhaf. {aha sac-ml: | .so;h.ave cdmem tor.` Was,ohatthe secret; to!` Unmi legacy ox _a'.u,v_uu supposeu ' cause (ii this sudden '1em1lines?"" `I Milly, and saw thef'fmnk Vglancei 02" her` I tmtlxtul, .honesh-loo1ing' .eys,v V. I Jfelt ; ashalned of myself; 110:` when I,rega.t`,ded raked ~myse1r. But -w1_xenI looked at Lthe irxaiory and -"noted th6>open;~mnn1yV : 1)QI;uhb;J;1ei'.oltI"soldil`-..8%V9 .bm.k. to 1 --ma. timd I brink mvsalf .130 think` ()f I _ wuva us-vuaqu. _< .-,1 ms egmg W1'w& .1 -new say.-f or um;1;uu9rA}4;a.sou nanpna: 1. ` havo Aaaxa .h.1:~to* he I nmhmnim... | ~cwee.z.. s=xz.r1ns..;wsm9,vrx42v L -.3 n_no3~q Ignoomortoblacat `the was ` . laymg. samgty 1` sou'ght'_- Qub_Mi1lx mg;-_l %~3as.~u1one. and hel ~"?'1'. W um; J _ N Mno~.-awM-Lse`d'.u.h `3,,;mg:'1` :nore, nxtI1xMrin9.G,A,A;5`M ;\iao:,-I sgxflder enb. use you -much;uxesmsx.{.* " .;, *?*:9`L_V"*'i-*?*`3/ *9 -*`:`. 7 -1: , -Qh9'I19$1,..!18%!.'?%.`SP0`V:.3?1? <`%"3`1`3' " ~ " ` V` tor` zqursotrr 00: ih-1nI;*'f.DJ5 couai . i;:ahoA_.d,l;&!i7 s000- A~v.Ia11,ef;o:::s;%3% ' L :wem.not,.even soV.ncxuqIxaame7;t1{2;pe&V? 2.: " , , .Ah1" I"n'alJ with ' E8!-'9--1l05,6V%`Ds`39,v!!!*l`i'1`}?i!.,!1'%llv'-!W~ ,: X 2. a-f`~Ah1. f 1;Vsa;a.~.vz1th as: sh: is _`cha:1gysL'1uok-n -It is z_x1way's_,.` - the and . aimya`unno`se.' " M . -. . `. woum be snmnge 1: ans u1ux"_; She up and shook hands; `and the- mmumnh T lnnli-ad at her` I simnlv fell .3Z}Ei1"id3"&'b}31uEE oYf3Et :5 u'sT ' Before I exactly b I was., lnhm-. I win whisked M`! to Maior Rain-` L L} '-vtxfy, but-if you are too vfaint,-hcarwdv to D p ~ river is a mile in width. Many Lentm qn and VHS 'pr_osdmably \beforo it was discovered by white men: eook. She aleddepartnd, E V 5 I e r a 7 [blurted out my hopelgg am; for her, and -`8DM_`E cunmus swans- ~ o end---that Wlfial `to murky, ` .80,-Allivuol Ink`. ` . _ 'm,..fewd'-;,m:he:r`d`h.Mnu 0lIBOf_ h_n3ll0|ll'i0ll8`1'iV8.fllI expressing .wouder at whatever W m3 '0 um Vkn"`9d8 t 13 2 . mm 1 mum mhm at me am of my .-the Webhe Shabeylx or Eastern Africa, a year. deep and rapid stream. abonnding in `WW ? D0` "en ~ ""*"' mhLgd; A1 ~ * main for hundreds of miles through fertile , lands -the immense volume of water never reaches the sea. , A short distance north of the eqnator the river is lost. in a desert region, stew snidlwouldgoaway atonoe, foriteltllmllesiromthelnxlianocean. ' t that I could not possibly stay than any 1 song 0: tug mom 1-mew; explorers of `onset. Milly, always quiet and self-pow i Alaska and British America claim. that "m`d sue 3 "MEI d *9 `~ the Mississippi can no longer be regarded `mung dowm A ' iasthe largest riveron the North Am-'` ' V I nnmk you had` mm to * ericau continent. " This distinction is It 5 day. nding-myself alone With Milly, I N - - ` l What! Irapturonslyexcisimed, do 3 you really bid me hope Milly? Do you . , really think there is 9. possibility of your T twonyeni-s in Alaska oollecting materials 'father"--Pstoppcd-and shook xny .heml. ; for the last census, the Yukon empties `_`Ala~a, no! I said sni5h a thing could mm Norm sbund about onemd mom" not happen to me. It `would be Charley's w"m_, than the Missmsippl mm " "`"" ""*" ` the em: or hiexico. The Yukon basin "`Well,""jsaid. Milly, eounposedly, they _ . , say you never kno1F'y0ur*~luok--t~lll--you- ~~l1(11DU5`i5i-g:5) if? g`? 1;1``h`;` has a, an .mles `In ts moui e cordingte Ivan;VPet1-o , who spent over- wy, why, of course- I ll go oil and find the major and- haveit out at once" I burst out. _ `And I. saw him accordingly, and told ,l_1lm~the,who1e, story, humbly apologizing for dating to asl: for his daughters hand. when,.ae ,1 'wss bound to tell him, I \`-`mi not Charley, but Jack WiburnJ___:ind` I had no..,-`$5,000 legacy, and no pms-,;ec:s ._it very likely served as the watar,high- ' way into the interior for tribes"who1_n . we believe Whore crossed 'Asia to the American continent. The _ Yukon " river is over 22.000 xnilesuin-length. ` 5 Travellers report that in A1gerlLt,here, `V claimed for ae** - rsaw ub-dI'hn.Rhencu,"h in- uwhmeslcurhhly ii-, ihlrcnllw-I-. "no you is-. A.putiarr"sid.un'olhu-Q!'_bdsh other-. Bathu,"wn&s auumnhunyuintumqph Io; kindofwomanthatllr OW eopy. Doyoukniwwhti Ad heroompanlonssidspe , pc- teotly. Just urges is an mica mews 1 to say, but ammgh initnln ' l _ If 1 considered the linocut raj , noladylikssto be csrriostuxol by It ' domestics. ' ' j Snug this funniest sight as afternoon," said 3 women d nuls }" other dnyL_ Mrs A., wholivat 1356 Q- ,_ poslte, came out of her house pyly & ` tired tor ahurohfin the lstesthlhl and proceeded up the avenue. A In` .' minutes later, from the rear door. of peered what at first seemed to `be another Mrs.A.,butIno'on sawthat it Wu 3' aboutto leave the window I win pod`; tively startled by seeing a third Mru. L. issue from the bout door--and this time. it wasthn lady. s maid.` "Idaho say i-I -~ remained long enough, I would have ' ~_the_rest'of the hgigehold siguy ,r..__. __;r__;,x-_-.z_ u xr.T"l*i....... P3P& Wha$!`" E `you there "futher"--I`sto'pp'cd-and .h1ck,t`.hat;--n0s`m1m1" . ~uw..n ""nnid Mmv. mmmsedlv. chev- | 13 mun ll.` u:- .~.-ax... Wed, I,re:urm-.i.. I 12. b*.~n;. - race, I 1_1:m2 nothing else 3) r-.-ly 03- \ `or hope for-`-1ike Clyarley. It's his {no}: -a` nd mine!" - utr...........-Ir`...m4-1". .....:m- T hm.-n haven on; at once" 1 uumu out. him Q ,1_1Sm~the;wholg,' ask no,`-`5,000 in particular. mid no luck." 1 H m_" szild the muior. h-aw is it.- ` 111 pamcuuu-. unu 'uu NICE. H m," said the major, hm_\jl it .- t-hat'.Master Charley cnmes in for all the `luck in this way? , . "Y rln`n l: lmmv air." I nnnwt-md. dole`- `luck 1:) cm: way: "I do`n t know, sir," I nswex-ed, dolp- , fully. He goes ubnut In re and 1nn'..:-4 } himself muru iikcd. I think. I"-1 )} Isthm.` 7-neSl{a{-_+. _ _ ' _ "`Whi I` mu stick at home :2:::l_worL;. hi` .~`.-xii. Ulnl '7 I Dnfuu-vu R --anu mxnez" _ - . . ; However,"sa1dthe major, I.hx_xva V been told yoix get your pictures "hung, and sell them, which -13 `more than -ho i'does. Is tlmtrluck, boo? rm` am. 7 .....An nn nnvwu I nnnMn t does. 13 mar;-xucx, wor" To this` I made no reply; I ~c9u1d.n t see its relqvnucy. . , Nmv Inn}: hm-9, Jnnkv Wlhurn." the its relevancy. 7 Now, look here, Jack Wlburn," the . major went on I knew you were not. Charley Wiburn. (I looked up in su.r- _ i prise) Milly told me; and I i` ..e xhado \ certain inquiries of my own umi I have` `something to tell you. The) lone Alexan- der _Stephen Wihurn was 21 very old and ` lntlmage friend 'ot*mine*"and had long `V ngo_set1hls'heart upon Milly : marrying E Charley." (Here I jumped `up `excitedly, i` but he waved his. hand to me as 5. sign to be Quiet.) - But he was determined . that 1'! it came about `shall, it should he" spontaneous, and not t.hro_ugh "any com# pu1sion- or unworthy motive. But in that ` will you heard rapid the other day there V was something you did not hear --it` was -mixed up in" another matter; but it comes to this that if, Milly married -his = nnnluim ha and nhn wnmfn have a. den-f.nin 5 0011188 W bum Ia_uuo u_. uuuy lunluwu nu nephew he and she wereto have an ,. rtain sum between them to commgnoe 1 onse- 1'..m..:.... xuikh" 1.1mm onnnuN'Y My-., with me that as `Charley s' mine is not"! expressly mentioned and` as: he would nottake the tgouble to come down hi_m- ,` self even to the funeral-.of_-his poor old ! uie who had been so kindly disposed to him, if Milly likes you weli.,euough_ to ,v have you," you and she will be just. as 1. . much entitled to the sum set aside as if - Master Chzxrleyhad married her; and I I gun sure I shall not. object to the substi-' ` tution. Inlthe will the only conditon is that Milly shall man-ry `his nephew,` and of course you are as much his nephew as ' Charley ls. Therefore. -I leave it with Milly, if she says `Yes I say the same, , and youwill both have something to set { up housekeeping with. " l Nn nbod tn fell the 1'ev-w=l-th--v\l1l1ich I" Pnrchly_npon"this iuutfgei` and he'agreo:s-` 7 'l`n.' Va , ' . A;asI:l!_p,, .._,. heard t3h1s"unexpecbed news, or the 'he_urt'..- mess with which thanked the kxndf ` hearted major." , . > urn on nmma mn1'1m11v ntzhnce." I I I18&l`l'a(1 Il1]0l`." rn go off and tell ' Milly .at`bnce, I, said; but I had not gone `far Fw1L1en he _ g;;_1Lem;b;9-_nc1s.. _* M >_ ` You.don t ask how mu_ch you Wm ` have to start housekeeping upon, he_ -i ~ said. -: - ' ` mm...+ ....++m. ah. cinnn '\m n +.h`inL- if sum. , What; matter, sir, since 'y6u th`inlg it enough?_ I answered. 'FT 1n4` hm-. vnn <~mav as 'we11~ k1i0\i'l. enougnrj 1. &I1SWt_:}3:u. _. _ Em.-` but you may as well k_no\jrl. You may not think it `eno'ugh. _ V ` * How much 13,135, then_?f~ I asked. Eify `thousand pounds.l' Said the major." _~'_- ` 1 And that mwmr. Chm-lev lost` and I ! ma3or. _ * _ - - = And_that iswhat Charley 19st` and I L1 gained -by that .jour1_1_9y--Mi1ly (worth.-:1 mo1'e't`.ha,n- 31l1)'and 50,000-! . . A I 1 Amlnmv Chswlnv wnn f. snpak t0"m0 I 4 mu. UuQ.u nu u,_au\.ww...... `_4 to myself, `>`0h,' n6w`I m in for it. E lie, '?1on`t yfm remiimbei` mve? era's 5 nice mess--all through trying to servec T Charley. vJust\my b'ad.1uok. This fee1- '- mu-.1in' nntxirfnw Tess when he said: more r.nan- gm) anu ::w,uuu-1 .. Andnow Charley Won t; speak to 'mo I -or to my`wie-for Milly and I are mm v_ glad, and he says I me;m1y- took. advan- tageofhim;b1_1tI_sayas I used tosapy ubef93 Wis all hi's'1_uck--and mine, . V f`.. . E .: Even duringthe stormy weather of f1 last week pople were. observed to pause , and read,someV of t;he.Vyitty~ window.-`ca which are alwgzys found in some of the .. State street stores. Here are `a few :-- - I ` osunm 75 mhm-n Hm r.$I-.qi1m- nnemelln i 3 street stores. here tew:--` g Here is whggq _themrtailer , untlerses ' the ma1i'er. _ . \ . Do as.wedo. Getthe most; for your money-"L, 5 ` ' _ ' * ~' 'l`hm~n are no `ifs or `ands about as.wevdo. Gehthe most; for ` name In uu-wn 3 3 . A mongy.- V?-V _ I; A'k1n'dword! Think of 1t_._-.'_I.`hls Juan '-lherev-re no.`1fs ~ or `ends about. -}md;1`n mms power '-13.0 'giv-than boy these values. .. _. " ~ ` A newness in thy Style` `_1.-la` `#59 fellow craved noumng st)" muchzas akind ' - n - _ V ne?'.30i1?PtI}3I1?icI:;1ctl?I'1ik6 tmide. 0ne"`A`huer :'w'd}nw"nd then If me-D13 sends a.notber. v 3 x 7' , _ ` uiwei.-e you in `Paris you woum Wm __ ly `havg; had the wish gra.`nted._ An;kind- these. V fWhy pot he`;-e? . `(_OLmi11ine1-y) ` i wqrd! You hz_1venm.ny_ such spoken to `.`It s the falahion mow to buy the but- `you daily, and you.don t: think "much of _ ,money,j`c1'ots_hes, p1ayt:h1ngs,`_bub the little . ,, evemao .1itb1e heart, the boy must cetbaixi- if ' {W15 rs`?-V Whwsi 19! buys cloth bo.tr1m- their value; huh that. poor boy i1i.the.. - thbnifwith.` Enough, is saved on our but- I Qnlage, at `}v'vhom" Everybodv 1v.11ghg,, . "mg 5 immmg `' `` `? 997 5 =`` ' I mum think .t;hnshe had` fouhdahrensury - J ' "`.The dnly=way yoit cmiv abeaty outings. I `t.3mP 59! `Vklnd W-Adh 5 h`m' sis t;o=~du's1s them% _~ -Chi_cagpi Dry, Goods I`, WhynpWe1iiq1&&!;qf9rLa.u2.hlng'- ` A Vk:RnnnM"nn I -mas van;-aver notice h6w- m301i1e.Wil1. money.".f_ , ' I There are 1ioifs 01:` `adds Shout, values. l/ ' u A ...m.-. In .i}.'-a6:vla smd- 9. m-inn-' . 10u6Keep1ng Wl~Iall. _ Wiudokards on State'Sti'e'et.` nanny worm 301113 uuwxuur, yuu xsuuw '. A 80 I had to go--wlth_ nd legacy vlewat all, small or large! 3 ~ However, as I have said, I set out for . the plaoe-lt wag. ln D_evonshlre-andA ln am course I arrived at the little town, 47 and put up atmihotgal for the n1ght._ The funeral was xed`fe_1' the following day; and on inquiry I learned that `the house Ilmdtogolsowaa onlyashort `distance QWRV ` `rugs. ' r_n.> vo1n'5e- I` min `f Tibet), it 61', ms; `-Wh y Iio Vvevigfldglzq (gr Laugi;lng- ~ . ;_Dld.= y.qu,-aven!.1'otice_ how ;mop1e;wi_{1. apologjza Ii): laughing? '.[1en`ni1'bne;i-s;A1xte; _ how at _;.'c 3ma1n` p1m,; .a.x,1,g1-.` ngsazia-;` oe.msinT foc,oaB1s>n._ tue'1w*!*tIatu1~l_ner1v,es wgari ltiicckledg by 2 $91118` vunlquegbtiibinatstqrx _; j oi` ' I ` ;gg'_c_1 uiihesmya 61: he will 41* ~ lks1ishe TIfT1iW17WT5`I&h-`ttiib1I1*1h i:' v \u.`Iu{ Ha ,, . ' ` .u$"A luvuriu Jun. ~- I One of; tfxe most ouriouxrivexstzlm 1 have mini knowledge of mania {deep and Imam, A!Enm,hL&di igh it ows bandied! ......-|. o...nI.. Innh ,tlm imfmmm l'lVE1' LS U\ UK -?.\lUU Iuuca lLl'LILl5ILu. I . exists 3 small stream which the,c1_1emk- ' ` x-y`of nature has turned into ink. It is ` tqned by the union of two" rivulets, one 3 'ot\whfch is very strongly impregnated with iron, whil the other, nxennderiggg "uh!"-o`ugh a pqgxt. marsh, hnbibes largp quiynmles of gnll1c..zxc1d. .w_1xic11,,,9l.'!.1_1_5__-_ this-i small, yet woudux-111, .-trezun,v. ' rm... m.. an vx....m-.\ in (`:\|n1nhh\ in A HHS smuu, ycu \\uuuLuuu, s-.n.uuu,. The Vhmgn\, in Comlnlmx, is a `stream the. x\':x`.'es of wlxich by admixture. . vs`ithIxi11'>huric acid become so sour int the river has been appropr1ataely_named the Blade Vinngrein or Vinegar river mu). n......... n...r'!..n.Inh plumn In Qnnlh; Ina nip-uu yxuugwhur Vusracn 51165. I Ths Orange on-Gnrieh river in South- _ ern'Ah-ice, risesiniahe mountains which - separate Natal from the Oxjango `Free State. The length of thisnctram `is . 1,900 miles. In banks around it nre found rich oopporhores. In this stream are ' many varieties ot_ sh which am found`- ; until the river passes _.through a rocky` Ngion containing copper, below which. the waberiis said` to be poisonous, nhnost ` insi'.antiy___kiliing the sh that venture` "nearit. ` I un|.x_-u.. r.....,...... H 1.. in: Mt]. kn.` Chinp.'s omws," is the title be~ stewedkupon the guest Huang Ho which rises mj the mountains of` Thibeii, and` `follows 8 wonderfully circuitous channel! for 2,600 miles to the Yellow Sea. The ~ iweywmdness of this mighty volume of `V water makes the river` a. ,constant source 3 of_ anxiety and danger to the 170,000,000: _ of_people inhabiting the central plain of V Able -It is known so `nave suddenly Lehnnged` its course nine times. It has i xndvd its mouth tour degrees of latitude V ,--- .......' at mn in" ' near W. .3 _ XIIUVUH LBS Luuuuu unu: uu5uwq U1. Iuwvuuu 5 pty1hrI'cWsn nm in dierent ` directions, `and .nding;a new channel for itself, where scores of towns"- .vandvi1in.ges;hove stood. "1`he_1-iver has - i ggh 1gsicm character 01181` _ 1- 3, wide area, converting fertile regions ' I intxsandy deserh'or`nmking shallows` of them. -_Whether it is within thepowar` at nioggyscienoembo save. this greahi " plain from disastrous overow and` changes of the river s~bed, is 3 question` which during late yems, has been widely _ discussed, especially in `tho scientic , eircfesiof London and Paris. . ` - I . _,Li_-_ ..-......1..'.I.1.. ..:...... in mm Tnuu 1 um murnulg Ii nnnuuw-wu W van ;:ttsta,andshared,the suns ronzmand yhmh, upon apenlngmd leading, he _ out down with qdlxionmnted look.` UAnM:|aI- Inna:-AI hm ht hav unnu- RIVER8 c1rcu.;s:s_.u. uuuuuu cum. I. mm. I Q . Another remarkizble river is the Indus, ` a` great sreani in Hindustan. It rises in 3 frhlbcjn, and its` course is u_wq1_151e;:11 9x_1e. L _...,_..Ll..... E'....-l Hm v\-\nal'.7I'\nF".I\7AIV\` :J.ll1Uf`:: uuu. um Uluuxnv An uVVy\{uu\_ifLuA 1 7- _On reaching Su_ssi, its most northern `I ` point, it turns southward, loses itself in ` ` the hills and 1'appea.1's in_'~Takot in A. Kohistau. The Indus `is p1,70'tTini1e_s in ' 4 -lggth. At reeiving the Iwaers Of i ' ~mah3~- tsrib pies 1t:sehanne1-grows-na_=r- .ro_w, and here it; is- divided `into .mhn'y`*5 channels, some of which never return to the parent stream. It; abounds in sh and cxyocodifea. W ' - 1 rm...L ..1....I.. nhvavu Hm (Janna: ia,nn-u.'~ - V jrspehkxmdly` I u A man was 'once saved,_ by avery poor `boy, from dlfowning`. .'Aftu61'_h1S` rssoration he said to him:--._. ; "'_ _ E v~~.--Wha1rean~I do~_for you, -my boy?!" ` 'un._..-I.... !.I..A mnurl 6*n`nna unmatinunn Ul,'UUUUl_-W5- ' ' ,... `V ' Uur UIUUUHUU uUU`il-Vululyf Q J , Thnmlasslc rivgr, the Ganges, isgrra-':; ` I :1 in its, -e like the Hoang Ho. In W A - 8. N "5; . 1s1$roinln:?1:r1o,thin the` religion and the. V S```bd ' 5 5 `W `'F` ` . 89E1`3PhY f India` ` It: varies mm only rural)` is." nevertheless it is`. infectious,` ' ifronl se`as0n`t0 season. but from yew to 1 and who}: 11; smacks church members Hear. "and freqt\1ent1y`e.xchanseso1dpa-s+ Hz ls*wor'set.I1an death. ` . .- A _ I . __ _-- :..:...n... ....,..g -vrns... man a..m+.1...i-., l` ing nughuvtohe 3 fatal disease. but it 1- 5: year, gnu Ireqpeuuy uguuuugtxs uxu. I sages foijnew ones. "Ifm.s_ been s the Ganges `dellvtex-s into the sea every -yar `B34 000,000 tons or mud, sand and; ;.o-1`... ~...n.z 'mn+.m1'-A_.Sn.n `Fmnnism uuvb nu. E `zlhronlcle. V ""`_`vrnz5t1jt:~w.t:: 1L\r_LUE you, Any uuyr 1 I` Spg,akak1nd _wor_d t;o`m9 sollletimeis. pep1iTaTthe boy, the ugars gushing front `ms eyes.~+L1-asn's got a mother like 1 tqome or tihem."_" s j I A'12h-id_wnrd| Think nf it. .. This ~ma.n WUQEVW. ` help _lt..- : T Inna? xmgr-aavr ;ws%en:n;aeienant%wman "ot buatnesa. .I oouldn- .t. -116111 ;_!`.`,'a'*' : 111 112.," n3h9d5:" "says: thdtqgl-. oduldzm help.,1h."'I;hq . gays ; 'u..'.:.'...a..;.mm animal 'a-M. imuld:n~ .fi hem ~ DIN, ."Im1 nan us my pmuunaa unnished. next week ls gemllng-in - 1...:-v ~ _`.11d11.'? WP . .vhs*a18s1in 4. 1t,;. ,}?,Qi1',kI,1ow. . 'eon;;w`hoL;w11l as! A to: ad hql .m," "L._smA_uu_-mu.5g._ gm; / E .s_9,h01 83$ `L`.1.`11-1*t'A*%1ilx> E "73". `j`1.1*.8lidi5,`.3 1913' to It: would seem, -Vsbmetshned... I m..;. 1-1m;anea" and *ou1dm=.:he1'p 11;?! x 1jay1d.- _ l !)SG1)83tab1=6.+BD?0Xl- I `mm mcnsnfu, mm; 74, 1395, s "ub-n'ibun.RhLndl,"h I mh,alIcI!'II1l80II "E II-, uunuhlpui 1lrouplnyun._"Do LFIW.?"II1dlIl'lhI`| I B.Ithu."WIl&ojI. ashoianothoclyhlling .Akindufwo_mAnt-bath: 3'opy. rhcroompanianutdneo I may : ahhpiln s 1, iinou-at : `no ladyllkento s ' - stun-noun," mini ` other Mrs ` ' chumhjln very lnbesthlilu A `pea:-ed at rst be angina- Mrs.A., butlndon was 3 .. ....a u... -.......`a.-...m.' ah. . nunudhnlnooarr. . 1 3 . . A;::.r:n'ut-ll. | He `gets violent sometimes on, very" fnhort provdcation, and when he slammed `-the book down on -the oor. his wife! " 5 knew thus in ,Wl\s_n't .nn'ythi-ug very 'sar~ 1 ions. But for the sake of seeming inbor- d` sted. she inqulmd:,-- _ 1 I Wham is the nxupter. }{_f> f 3', I wish, he _exulaimed; angrily, that _f gals l:ith0}""W0l.11(lqu_1B culljng me.``gen- : a mu 1-. V V ~ 3? ' tr Areunakt mnlm tum ;ii`Tnwnnn,' dnlu : n74m4tea*..1n4 ._....a. am 5 ` In-u um man us uuu uuuanuuqu -u_-u-u, `attired, and I;vbEE;ed7T?ii'r; K."kA1Tv'v ..a t...... 1......m- ...-vma.-4..-. and hnltntnl-J uuuuuu V II ~Wh( RSDUIIBU, auu L|VVUl.LL|Cl`lZu u sup 4; of her humble admirers and imitators. In any case she could not ! have rallied the absurd effect they produood.--`Phl1n" delphin Time} ~ ` \ ' Agar vv Fiiteu bridges cross she 'I.`h:1:;ms,in the i London limits, /1`he population of Liverpool grits`? over 116 persons to the acre. : Count. Cnp'1-ivi hgul never been aczivein public life \v_hexi called t.o,ofce_iu 1.31).). s 'mm "M WM-rib1\vh.Ial hm hium ummd puuuu nu: wucu \.nuv..u Inlvxuut. The old Ferris wheel has 1 `mud rebuilt in Chicago with a car and huec feature: added. . u, -u;.._}.... x. .. I......'. `.1... Jill` uug Uuucu In-nun u sIu\A\.\|. V _ 5 , `llnsszxcliusqktts is ;_1 large shoe pfoducihg ! state. No less that; 60,500 sides of leather are weekly cut up luxju .~")`.e: for shoes`. k I A M? H" IE! , ._ 4 Yes, it does make '11 difference. It's an untru_t-dixful assumption. 'Tdo'n t like ' `the wn`y_' he writes, and I ain r.. gentle '11 n Irend his books. '11` I didn't `get a+,n1lrn in hnfru-A Y I.'na;n' it in thnt__I \SNHK%L1---l 1 k-kf want: to see how his misrable story comes qucl I wouldn t tolerate` his bad i ` 31-'a_mn1'nr und vorse*sen'se for a. minutn; And when I m doing my. best to he pa- , Vtiept and bear with him. to have him come alongmxd put me `on the back and. ' ` call me"gent1_e read`e;-' gets me riled, and _ I can't help-~shn~a`ing -lt!"-`-5Washlngbc_Jn 1 i Star. . ' .` V` . -----~-*-* . I - - , _ Fragrant Rose Jars. ' . - V 1 3Rose jars are made `by puttlpg a layer of petals of any fmgrunti variety of 1-`osav in the bottom of a jar. On this scatter some coarse salt; -close the ` jar tightly and place In the sun. Next day, or as fsoonas you have Quough. vmatgrinl to j` make another layer, pub in more petals and another sprinkling of salt. "Continue iE'fi`h:" .-acnv \7:-' nu "'v}i1i31\'n h\v`?5I_ T`('i'iT *T anu HHGUHCY sprxukxxug 01 run). UULHIIIIIIU ` gso as ."'y'61izu`e '0\v'e. ' add , _clove,s, _c1n_nam'.'m. _>9m-is-zfooc and `other fragrant articles, zind `mix the gw_h_ole mass well. Keep thn jar closed ; _ welll.--_A.px_'1l Lai1esi'Hqmo Journ;xl. , any `X71631: or {word can helpnr hm-"m 5 . . =. our follows; "It is for us to give cheer or ? -gloom as we piiss on our way _ in V lye: ` nnd__Ee are responsible for $59 1-es`u1t,oI'. , 1 ' ` our inuence accgrdingly. aayl" `v V , ,` ~.Who Is it, now!" I asked- Another legacy, I suppose, eh?" ' Vnrv liknlv." ha retumed.`1ndier-' `

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