Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1896, p. 6

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'gUUH UH KIUIUIIIJ UUIIIB perfect Acurr_e 'regsu_lgs. \`nrI ., `Get 3 Hme. rm? 333311; %;1%nrms%my, %;:::sm$ um FARQMNG LANDS T1TW.!3haau,aad_TPtndictivp. A mm the uni, or, the JAGKSIJI. uusme mu sxsluaw nsw-% A sum: om: mcmm csumt A " ; manna svsmn. - % % .Ourhndnros_tusted in the best Agricultural : , Common in Michlgnn, Excellent railroad (Adi-_ mam the leading mhrkeu of the world, `Hera ` ' ormortunity for enterprising Canadians to ' mam the` leading mhrteu or the world, _ 1161'!` t opportunity enterprising 0833411 *0` secure profitable fnrms on advantageous Dogma. 3 Prbea very low and -payments easy. o~ For _furt!1eu paxticuplu-s,V__cnyllFop or-write *1 n n nu nin' l__`.l n.__.I..'::.'...|.. [ {L51 lUUIL\alCo v V While in th lmportalnpicfolis or wheat and cam Michigan ranksl very ` hlgh _ln points of yield `per acre, the State` ls_ peculiarly adapted tgthe cul- t_lva1on of small fruits and berrleg. Immense lquantltles of thgse are Shipped aruiually from hFfrI,"Th:" buslness__l- it once very pleasant and hlghly protable. 7 A; - .......I. ....:..:-..".....I .1e.l.-w CI-.5.-n uA5Au,v 1.-A uuwuuuu As :1 stoclornislnfg and dalry_S_tate, Michigan has 9. leading p1ace. ' The M rapid profits of czft;`Ie-raising are well { consIdcration., _ known, andat present this businegs ofters inducements wo1_~t,hy_o_t prim rivers, and 'e_ve:ywhlere it is well t1mV- _ bered.-.1( s fertility ls spon _in re?` ports made by -the Eepartmgnt of `Agriculture. 5 ` _ 11n.n.. m 411.; (1-nnnr-9'\nf:'nl'n>l'.\4l rif ` In Vvaiuevof jnxfinciyial crops per `1C1`C.'" Michigan stands next"touNw Yorln " and above Ohio and Pennsylvania; and in value ofali crops per cre, she 1e,ads_ many Southern States whose supposed . advantages have drawn to` them so many Northern farmers. -- 1 , ,1 in-2.L2_-_ l......I .... I-..!l un-.u,v .vv. ......... ..., .._-..... The vaiue'ot Michign 1and,.as indi-E ca._te;l_ by the value ofthe crop frbm it, ` exceeds the [average of California Oregon and I ms__\_-._.1--.. 1....lI.n.....:..`..\-...-..,`Im-\A n-H1` L\.45\lAA unu : Timb_er'for `pullding isfr.bum1:mt and cheap. Mlchlggn has a_grc.1tcx' vxric-N ty of natural woods than is xyossessrl by any other State in the United `States. `The tarmgr is nont put` to thef great expbnse of borlngnaricsian wens or digging great ditches to irx"igate;His land. ` ` ' . 1,) 5- _n:u-_ ...4,. ......,;\`!..'..L .....u.,,,.. .. l@ Wm- hzweyyof Smdfurd, was 'hL-} guest`. of Mr. MoAuley and folks, last-` Sunday. ; . Q . A very serious accident occurred to Mr.` -Joph MuVValters; onefday last weak. } He was ahingling xx verauduh "for l\Ir.., -Bell. of Vasay, and slipped :15 he mu ' walking across. and 911, `In trying 1.0- ; save` the right leg he came dmvn on the _ luff _breaking ,it. Ihndly. _The. fmt ' was cT bTxEI<",7'Kiiki"the bmT1`mT `1TquglT i _the. skin. It was broken between the ki1at'"and..Lh,e ankle. Dr. VViIkinaou, of. _ Nlidhmd, set the _b-me, and the 3uh"er`er< M in doing as well as oan"ben.expe"ed`. We 7 hope_,_hia {euuvery may bejpeady. _ , .~:,_1hqvl;y{out1g folks from here spent`a_v:eryA 'f)"l'e aiaa1;t e\3enin'g., on `Thursday, Vabithe hnme`_of "Angus .Galbm1\Lh, uf Cedar _, Danced "'all7 hight, till broad \ day.ligl1t - ` > -' 2 , D..Am.1d Mwminm, am} aisravrusynrar - Victoria. Harhor, we3re,.Hrenewing;-,oldiac-~., : qunimmnces here, Sunday. ' ~ - wmim. nnnlml Bf St;i0ifhTm`r1ia."'vv`as . RailVay fcilities are e`xceI1<`:ix_)t. Michigan is thegreat highway of rail -...:..'....A.... S.'..nnnH gilofig the Flklgufoffrg Mugguetig .. . . I. at _____ .__| n-|._ :n.'|.|_-.. nuuruuu. Behien.Sa5g|naw River and Lake Mlchlgah For sale at EV vices andon easy terms 0 _puyment; I ' Tm` territogy in which thes lands l,ie.con`tains` ONE TENT} of the po ulatlon of we State, with thrivin citiesain village}, churches, schoos ton s`and fallroadsg heselands are the FKIITHEST SOUTH of any on-the market * "in Michigan, areeaslly reached by -rail from any point; and hnverexce tional market and trans; -oortation facilities. he soilistertile, products , In mlculgzul, anwuauy nauuuuu u, -Iqu uvlu nu, trans; portation soilistertile, products varied, climate healthy. ` g 1 ; `No Nearer or,BetterIIzands are on the Market. A ~ . , - 'Fo1V'_;(ifo1;xna7ii`)1A.ET"_a2'ss"" 7 U ` Land__!}on1mIssIune.r F.(& MI. E. R.,. an-Innur '..;*!`I. " E29.99..E.9R;E$` qummmnces new, n`JuI;uuy.- William enemas su;:o:.mwma.**-g the guest of Iam_es' Bunch, list week.- ` A my heavy-min on Monay morning..v Where was theillnion Jgmk on the 24th 2- -. V 'l`H_1\Vlnter Couul1jofT Ohildnen Is`o_ften'a source of anxiety -(0 parents. ` and" properly so. for ifnegleoted the seeds . uf.oor1a`uptinn or bronchitis may take pout. ,; Oomzh, medij:ins.ane.ohjeotiohable `. a:6m96}h tl `t`o imptir~t;_h}! pppetite, 'th'\1b" ' ret_1ubingV.tIjeq nut1:ic,i_ve,po~v_er of thy`-bndy sindz addingm tsh ,GTh\B0lti0n~}1li inoi-j .. niirablyj a\1Itdv to ,heae".oaaea._ (nut. _sjn1y_ ,ni{tritlve (Value. of wnm. daIa.y_nd'bar)by' owing to` their tendemy it) hpset lth ' 'de'tally, i0.`.tl_ie' ';)i1lg`x{pnry irritgztin; ,`It;_ 1` is of`in`1porta.ri`0e' tgo J_n0w`phgt'_D/lziltin and: ; C3951 `.Liv`r igilqntf fHy`[guphqapl_1itts,_s isfacivl ; becauqv of.-it? "9fY19iI1` Q/Glion. -but .m\ ne M ` Why: 1695 oTn,i,1ccuuutjqfxtn paluubi)ity;' fqi' 7 'ohilr1re'xi *ami_n gqnwvfpnd `uf ix. .';t;;,ej-M 1 medialfaiogion 'u;&ho'oi!`_ia4fcnrt.iksd b'y zhi` V 77 of ghAe.mltifn6`..` jngnzf furtbei hiydta -a"bt_i0:1l . .' tip'o'h`ata`r`o_h `foqdagyvhioh are`:-dndred; 3 aujub1a,,an thereby. ,lieoomga' _nhed,mt67 ; a`ord.":.hM abxxndance 01 -nnxnriahtnen which after, qllvinno 'esa`ennio.l* mediqini; ; in those annoys; N0,lI(`iah`.wt-11` audwhe ` Iaivjar. 01!`. id!` '1-hate refaiqnsyquaaieu l.,6n v 0.-mm;-' cough will` : `cam. Maltipf. _ with ;_Ondf MI `W: r.emedm1??ol\.w';~w 9}m1.`~i0n, `oi I EihiE}'EAH&%'&i1::onar, _ ,, ` V l4nnaV,Vlng, $1611. ' . V -I-rhyuv-I -runny no-V,"\'-q`-`.3--.-r _ BYIVMQME--Mo1stures iinteuw iwhifga Min ~ V out tn M 1: toh . I 5 ~ mVeo3;un'iatxw3x'orryrn'3v'z?1eb3 V 5 Me vary sure. wnzn?*'3, 5 r J mm". ,;f?._e,;g1_;J %"cmnAL%mIt;`H1cAn* FAWN. W93-%. uuuumaamuu.I uw um. \ . Saginaw, E.8.;1lllcl'1.~' :fn?l!9qi nao:s;'a:(o&1;:s:T:; .:.r:,.A..`.a;;= .,.,m2.. 1.. aiokfuikl, 3 and Ngwaygo Counties. ` ' I jnnuu uriiuur am. ` One u'uoa".c'omny FrullFuu1%r'Omd;_ in---~`--- -'--- ----7 1. .` ,, ];szaa;;?ioL::Lis9`semum. I Inuvauurv-v-u _.vv-1 ,1.-to DEfARBO_RN sr. T CHICAGO vnu ulcuua UI uuabuuvnu The opportunity of acquiring a home in lliicliigan should be worth 3 great deal more than in less favored loc1-i- ties; To live` - whore the `land _ yields more; xrhere tornadoes or oods never come: Where churches land schools. are `- _t hand, is better for everybody. This `, "might well cost more; __ i I ` But it costs less. ' _ i ~. The best land in iliichigan. canb bought at 'e,\:c~eeding1y. low prices and . on small_and easy _pa'xnents. The _p choicest locations are in the marlret. .` He who has amrm has independence, are summed up in Get 3. homes I 'cul-turc, stoclr-raising, dairying, fruit- [ `raising, gardening-can be suited in; 1 Michigan " She has the best that is` ,1-go,lng. .1 1:..- t- he... .0 H... .nwvv\d nvhm;-n and it is not>nece_ssary to `add words; here to` the' many` arguments ,WhlC`.l ' Evc1'y branch of ag'riculturc-~horti-v 'I`h_g -settlervdoes:1_1'ot`hav to leava_ church and shopl behind him in drglext to obtain} home of his; on; `These prTvi1eges-theyHsguulqwbe "con- sidered ~neces sI`ties-meet. _ him at eve;-yhand. ` ' ` " ' l - vv .1--- ....L 1......` L- 1-13:5 '-nlnohvna every nauu. .. He does not have to 1ea:'ve_ i'e1atives_ and old friendafar away. He ,_ned not go thonsand__s_1~`of miles` imp a strange ccuntry, "where mai1s_are ew, "`%ix`1 (Tx *iIfi`*IIe"c 9.n'hope to seldom er neverggain see `the Belqved faces cg old friegnds or nelghbor, mu -_._.._L....u.. -1 .... ....!..I...-. n Iuuvn "A line fo any of the-f"xrm ;*; wpse ` addresses ' surround this article will bring eni1uh'ex-s'fu11 information as to locatioh, values and prices.` ` ` .. o 5 .vv..........., ......-_ .._,, ` , Thos who write .foi' iufornmtioxu" may be assuljed of courteous attention. I flxi flnson. Lake. Oceann. aI1d`Neu`a.ygo Counties. S011. climmo}m_d lqczuioh pm';iculz1r1ysnite ` for peaches. plums. up ales. b`l`l`l8S and vegeta-V I bles of all kinds. and or xvhent. outs and hay. | l "Some farmers in this locality have made thousg ands of dollzws from peach orchards in past." year. Qurlzxuds are along lines of~ra.ll1-oads rivers mldlakeharbors, near churches, schools and markets. Excellent tmnspormtion facilities to the leading markets. We offer land at very low prices on long time and easy payments. ' For further ptujti 13151113.` _\s;rite_or_~;all_ on .' "L wI`fH"Tv&s 1'6 sum to ACTUAL s:nL:ns`9uL{. .A.. L.?_-:-. ; ACREAS or nholce Lmulu in Gr \l;\J\l\l, `I'I\rl R1: 6 (Dr Choice I.xu_ulg+ . THE FAMOUSNORIHERN MlL;HIGAn FRUIT BELT `in Mason. and`Neu`9.yg0 Counties. Soul. clixnnmand pm'ticulur]ysnited f o.g::;.; V Iir`hai,iEl:1'r\A ?6't?{iEr:f$i1e * hands-of a policeman. bus num- Iieslm.-mzse 0 . 33:11 la away: 3 `(notice with him, and iingiag ` tsswbenring. in. Evxfche , wt! burglm` will turn away ironiiae house where he nds _a_` black out sitgtlng uponha` oorstp; even if he -`ht! Vocpent V days in earning partlclxlnrs; "`"'fi_li:!iF h1strsa7autl;"1ts "inmates. . ~'n3 .. into rmlses undorfthe 1103') of an o , would Erunnhig `_d( or:: iggtqrthrtirms of the low. Neixher mil-u Vqrgiar enter nvhoxise "where the door-_ .h1oekr` isfmuled or..dmped who '\`s'1~.k,.-`; ' :`D'(4.I.-.m~..-ii-am nmmzan -mm"-It mlm-,r,`h .'l us ' (tbs uumbi",,dl-Qsimtwpoee-~ hiwl leueasy in.hIs mind when break-1 ~ mzeu . lownsnxpa. a1LuL:u,_m ,, .,,,L. , . Isabe` la and_C1are Counties; 'wit1i roads, schools, ahd near !1i8$ket8.rx.S0i1 clay loam. Price reaaonable, terms easy, title perfect. All our lands are withm v milels 1` aailroads. . . entra ic igan {arms growlar est `anqvbest ying crops, as provedg by .U`n_xted Sta es Agricu1tuxalReporfs:= DO YOU VlA.lT**T0 OWN A !-IOME - I}! QENTRAL MWHIGANI - I You can surely do it. \We offer you mauvghousand acxesto choose from. Isnge 13) and Clare Counties are Iatgely M po u1a_ted by Qangdians. Here ig an op- ~ portufnty fog enterprising Canadxans to secure protable {arms on most aanta- ..--.u.. 5-....- A L ....`~. |......1wun.-0..-a D.-on in Iow on` _time DRTCICHRITS,` write or call nu: CARTIER LUNl_BER`60.. Ludinglon. Much.` 9z999!&tz5s - _ - A. _ V _ ( Situated in the Northern Michigan V ` _ ` V ' .l`rnlt:Belt, ; I i . _ _. . A ,,,n____L.__ . -.-,__ _ _ _,. .....-__-..., '. 2! Along the line of the Manistee & Northeastem 1 R . R. for sale in -lots of 40 acres npto 5.000 `acre f blocks. from $1.25 to$l0 pqr acre. ~Adijacent to - schools, churches gmd _nmrkgts. Ego} ant rai1- [ road facilities. _so11,=cl1ma;e and lo~ tiou suites} 3 to growing an kmdsof fnut. - l * cuwm?wu L'- Ihe Bucklem Douglas Jlumheru co; . Maulstge; `Midi. " "'75 7ano?uE;3i" .3179 {[553?5'3\A!F3'--[{ THOMA5 n.L`oN. Aiun %;FOI; Sm `A la.` .. `_ -L II\JVJtllIV'l1ll'IlVrI, r` ~ V7 ` 5 mMn919n~ V, V .. . _ . SW: ma: gm. .o.s3e,um'. Iva-um ,W;a1b;iss, Eaumm, Afegqtal C Qonsmpsxog cm an`e`u',1n:rrA}e.` wooafa V` ooasA%im ;ishoazns,:umm:a:my;;Vml}weq;.mvmh:s `we. `we. , tomnnlyviqouudhgglshnmorxougpeduct L Mrwh.hhinr|{vlv'an'vdn"i1nIl"lh'\1MN.B1r' e,:remex1r*.i L - 5:-. over as `yam V 6! se with an ae.1a.sma.nme me remedy and tranmenm c}mw_i1A!`e':eo1:;2'f xzronyptnd permauieht. cure in all stggo or ` ` I lam-`.~ 'mmo;or A10501I"S!`fmuIa34!. allot " BBB am: oonvfzlns, wr Hl':.: n :..;u.~,, u mag uonsim-ed`.tJ ussufr nl`i1ex1inm;;xs' no}: or the thcfs` early nrn~,st.,-- "-Pfzsburg `Chronicle Telegraph. , . ._n...n_ .....nI....I. relksre to mguny v:_ouna mum-xwmw sun um um `gt;-van-3-av {Imu- hr vhhhgn ggiygn 'yon;i;p.gI`lxx91\rIbl&:s$h\Txeu; ` .19} {low within your ~nwh.Vbr1um'e:euo9nbr9tered:tn- 11t9..ot_ L ~me.: .nso.knze.tu-1xnsekasen.1ii:b;rnnuu\ns~ot9ot1_sa-. _ wh. by xwuayou can bG.9!WN%=W I HI!-vi www Prloogwse.-.p-vkuzp it: 33:: bv=m~!mW\A ;.V'0~t`IJMu!:~'*"9"~ X` IIIAA-I "-_"_`-IIIIIIIWU 1:-.--7 -~ AnnArbor&N.|t 'B.B..a.ndGnudRIp- dI&Im1iumB.B._'I moototthhlandtaig `enema nnmus NORTHERN memo mums 'l`.Hu'eLhuo|l.el1mo,fegndlecstion .El1 O_0l\'.' Ixsguunuulz un.,u-_uyu. mu. .... ; "~`Picpo_ckets .nm'ey-en -mox`-e supcr.`t,=.i than utglnrs. It is one of tin! e1Iz:nv11I- ;;y;n_11e of the l!`ghtng9m! fzut 1m- HN ne,v.r *0 pick the pocket. of a crass- ma urn clubdnoved per.-'01). 1` a vhv'`u"te`(l coin In aipurse WM {roquJ:.tiy _ inuov a plckpnckvt to t.hmw.a\\'ny me gown and contents, for su":`.x n` r;:_i'm;, if mt. `is uonsideredutu nl`1'1exmmt;;xs' ` cued In NORTHERII MICHIGAN FRUXTB T. Htmtha ellmotewdlocntion an suited W gnawing ' berths. -vegetables. w urches. schools and mu ts. We 0 erhelo hndsatv low prices on ` time spd any terms. Tile pbrfcct. Ken is. an o :4 can `am My. -1 no` foxnenterprising Canadians to secure pro e .' fahns on most advnnta)us'tel_`lu. as we land mgtdhe` sold `:0. tin: earl c epportunny. < V res: ' . %H:G_;.Ps_:_1_e.r.s 8'a|I&1umberL`o., .. -u,.._. A. ~ n--.:..-. CHOIEE FA1mL\*G LAND IN MICHIGAN." xv. norm-n.r milk 10 non m-nia (n nu nurishlnn Counties IV|VVU l'|\lIIhV VlIUlV-vI` I Hgny Canadians, after ie/okin;:_ the country over, have settiul in Huron Cuumv. Mici|igan..\\ Mei: is con- cluuiva evidence that the soil. climau: and location of this county are-superior to other iocnllues. The under- signed hm 10.000 ACRES. iar veir lxeigngirug :6 the Crnw~ fonl astgtq: which mus: be . OLD A U.\'Ui~L This land isiocateci in all parts of the cuunt)`. In Addition to tho above. I otler I number 0! improved farms. in- cluding wme'o1 the beat fxgrms in Michigan. Ihe>e_ (arm; range from 80>fo 800 acre For pamcuinrs, en'- qulreor write_ 4 . ` . W. R. SIAFFORD. Bvner Ind lxocuiqri PORT i10Pl.__IlCH.. IL` 1" .llJ.l1llJ'.t1J.\ n /,We\o er for sale1`.2.000ncrs!nthvourishing ofSnguluw,Grnliot.'1'\1scuIa,!-hdlund,Isnbe1ln.Glnd- win. Aremu-. t\g-xn:\wLXhgiuulxmmnxngaspn, (_i (Ila _:1_nd fin. Aremu \g-xn':\'\v'LRnquuhxnxnxn, Inscn, (Lxcuda and nsegu. "Son is wvll adtuuml to Fruits. \'e;zL-tame: nn-I Stock. `Adjacent to Rnilrnzuls; Churches and" schotsls. }\'e invite enterprising Camndinns to come an-I look at these lands.` Prices low, terms may. Write . izasrpakn. I{z1reo'r"v':"u-?tZs'_' ' ` mentor.` ROPE. I101, or T. B. WOOD\VOR'l'H. CASFJILLE, }ll'kU.\' C0.; )l1(.H., _ o'f`YHlLIP.BXNKLE. Slum Bucu. Hunox Co.,311cn.' . Bear in mind that Huron Conny" is the banner com'1- ' ty of Michigan. See State Census for its `rapid In- creawhxpopulntlun. _ ` " . .. . enterprising Camnzlmns (0 lands. to or `call on l`l'l`T.~` S: COMPA.\`\'. BAY CITY, lll_(1i_! ., ..._ ..-.`.. ...-..- n ! creawhx populntlun. `V ' . pa _ jAn Iu_|:1_lnSous Cleurk. ~ Aproinincnt.bphntogmpher 0! Bo-mu jhh`ed_a young` mzm wh), he.t.1xe`x:gn, Tiwautd make an nfible Qssistziilt. _`;`i13 2 nliantele of the_ house-was among the` ".a..:... am A` umH.1mhwn mgidont. of 59,tmMcaEs - Situated in Otsego, Oscoda, Crawford T, and',,,,Montm9re11cy ,',Cqu1uie_s;- - Near cAhur.ches,sc`hoo1's`, xi1:irI{ets_ax1 railroads`. |Wi11'Se11iu blocks of 210 acr_es"fo 1000 ' acres ,Pric`e'.L5o<:. ~ to, $3` per acre Q31` : long time and erlsypayments, Tit1C[(`r- > `,' {ect.. Here} is an opportunity to purclmse . productive farming lands on lxiirlxlr` ` ad_va_nt_ageous tem1`s.F3f furthi fjiirixa I L Iars call 9319! .write,t9' " I . 4_51_New_he rry liujldiilga DETROIT; MICE." l'\lIII I `In ` Situnted in E:ni{I5:.0gem and Montmomncr V C0umies\.\HchIgnn._ Faecinlly suited to the cumvr _ Hum or Vheit. om. 3 .Com,rHugL..Vegembles, Wool and` Live Stock. Ogemu Cn. contains use Ines! hardwood lands In the Slate. Railroads. churches :md schools I `meat. 2 [Mr prices and easy `_ ternu. Hate in`: mngn cent, opportunity for gna- U. Ines! lands In the lime. nauronus, ` Huem mm a ceutop rtunity (`Jna-" dians to secure high y-`product ya and pmmuble hum: on most ndvautlgeouslerms. \\'m:- to or call on - n. N. B |%.__lIL`[.S,___ .` ibiiiuiikwnnr A HOME? wa nvr mr sixle cf-.cice~nro nnd }%!FAni\iI`i.ri`G% [AN 35 -I0,0d0 ACRES GHUINGESTM FARM LANDS. W Blmv Canadians. lwk1ng:_yhe cm'm.n_-y>over, ll) tt\dvnnu\geouter1ns. Sull clay loam. Yrices 1u)v, terms easy. Tme perm-t. (`hurchea,'schools, mm mm-ket~s_ |ulJ&ce1\1:. Satistucttun uasured. k For further mxrxlclllaxs Iuldresxs mllemtuale or me_ nousa "was umuug wt set. A`we1l-known resident; _i; `Beacon -street was in c0r1'L'sp0'nd(=nceV\v`ith' thrmabnut` some cabinets. He was zxblgst with superuous `esh. His weigzm u: warm. nfthroc hundred lnnruwuuu --... j-. Situated in the Northern Michigznn Fruit Belt, wlnxrclxes. schools, markets 'nt1d railroads adjr.>- cicnt. mylarnls-are loco.te Munistee, Lake, Mason. \\'e.\:l nrd. Cruwfortl. Kalkaska, Renzie, !\1i:.,aukaixml Gnmd _'1'n-.\-erse Coumies. The . mu! . mun. mud Im an :\rn'@I'f3-'(]7f% F ;g;,g"j;;g:j;i`%%:2;; m.aLse`ugsA:s. .2. Aow l`mwrntc9 nnh-nil Mm-.' IBIUIIIJ H.:'u 1 ....u'J Lruwu I In: vru._u Allan shaman a co... 42 w.congress 53.. Detroit, Mich . 50,000 %A$7Es% `T ;1`? .`.?i`.3 `:f`?." DF :,\F.A V` ' pp-aches, 9 Coumies. .e 31ib;>(J.l1k!\d G rand '1':-me swi}. c mate and Inc: Yfm am'Tuit#d'to growing: apples, berrxe-5. wheat. rye, corn, outs and hay. Ioffer this land at very low prices on low: time and easy terms. `I. ` ~ For further pnrticulcus call on or write to ' ' :.`;.... v\r:..u - ..--u.-. . gun.` `I 4. U! I UIUIU VB!!! vs uuuuuuuu v: The Michigan `| rusIveo. , Receiver, ...._._ -'\..... hltn 1. 3. e. w;:`Em<.~ bi cn..A Szind Beach, Mich. un nun nuu `nu ..-mu... \...... -.. \>F .. LOELISS S.~\I\'D._S, IiIa.nistee,' Mich` LAND non nimsns. _._a :_ e-..u-Z. n......... -ml Vnntmn with superuous HUSH. nui \\'u1;mg~ ' "611 the. verge ot;_throc ~He wns'bashfu1_`abuut hisHzwn'ir- " urdnjiois, wanted the utmost sec, cy in. 1 taking his pxctum,'end, us he sun in his :~i0 6tor,;;:?the dldnw wan; to be looked upon I! w"!`ai'e animal. 7 ~ An engagement? was made and the we set. When the .nat}arncr' culled he a vnn at nm'-!mw -sa1esv UU VI nu I _rI IIVIIII. i ` for sitle c!:ci0e~pro(1\1ctl\'e, famxs nds within a few xm{_2s 9! S:_md Uen4_'\._ on [.`re gi 1;igg=zi3I:fRem1;7._"`: Emb_o`giies_ {he .expe1fi- "e nce`"'E xik1 improve. 444 _ ._l._ -t-n. .. -4-` ....._ "cu1`arbuxgi" ..- .u~a..uu. ...,.r_._. ... -7 . tyyve years. V Powerful 8-inch cir. - -cu 4 _ uuxag uuguvno. , . Wicks easily cleaned, _ {removed Or replgqed. . Brss 1'eserv0ir:I6ca- `.`r*-- Steei top and ffams. . an min;-'46.. . ufeoistermsl call 8 N. JHILLS, MARYSVILLE, mca.\, \ 011% A % A 1 Cooking j/St0vci;*}+; `man sash = IIu5u__.w uuvg wuv u-u ....... The.luttr's fact: was Farmers` `and _Cmm4e|-cgnl. Nnbs counted. - A * . .. 2 ELMVAL; Ann ismuen. I-'amern Se `Nous: cashed or I`.aKeu`for Collection. A A Aiamms iB_AR.R|E,o `- L -:4. Speciul Attentiog gen` `ta (`oll;=.-ctinn-of _'Notes and Accounta.. H ` t:r..;;,';;e1.""t,;.i._i. ;=.7:. 2 Am&R:dif"'Ei'hango_ Bought and Sold. ` > Dvfafts Iahued Payable at PM -in tauado." and Cniti( Stgpes.` FLETGHERA Qff ` Etc. Intending settlers writing forfurcrmn-' tion will" eceiveproingzr replies Insurance/and Real Estate Agents. Chicago} Winnipeg. Montre'2iI.%.A Money to :LoanV at. NR esgs`o.nab71" ` . Rates ` "R J FLE`i'cHE3 _ A B1m\v'Ni.EIi ' The %Fi1`$t `9 Thing ?|You.can[fKi1l Transact a General "Banking Bunixieu. |rhe Neixt `V \Ve c}m"y -'23 larges sfock"'5f:V'i6Ii1x,'VGLiitzn` ! Mandolin and Banjo Stringsand Fixtures. 1)%9~!=er E LL.i:LS%;,4 SAN%DER .3: son; * uv :2; an A Vluh nave on mud tirst-eiasa home _is nr`Yea.sonable rates. In the ogd . (.1-osby sham. opposite the Mechnnic_s_ Insmu e ' Owen SL. Barrie. (.1-osby stand. 0 p . Bzujrie`? uni Quin uv. . ' LY. Buhlm RF.-30 ml. `Lv:Civel,:md.8.0L Pit msranu sn_;r,\R1> ?i*nu-.:,' 'Arr,vClevoland, 8.30 A.M., Arr.Bu_t`fu.1o.a8.30.-A.1I Take fh 9`C. 8: B. Dh1e"steo.uiers und by If ~' refreslix ' .clg11t s rest. when eutouva 'to- even land. 0 n c1nn`a.t1;`1`oJe,d'o.' n'dla.~ napons`-. Chioauu,-,Deu-on. Mmcklgw .1: . land. Northern Lake ,'I'our1a,t`1'eIon_'I:1,,'or H mwohlo,-Iudmna, or soufilwestgeu-)1. point: `. ~` ` `_ Sang A ;cjgx,1'ts ppggmge t`or`tou,rlt pqmplglet, .\y{ HERMAN, - -~-"r. E`, NEWMAN; `G '1? .Ati+~-` - 6.41:-M.u_age:" . , ,-1en,->j\%}s`P`:3.*Vf!Al{D.`.0liI0-' en .. ` 1 . :CVl.:E\/V-EfLA|_V_lV3, AND -T'VF Olb_E:D0 _VlA C. & B, LINER `- T R ` u'nu..' -0 nun-..'u- it ;_,_.__. sieameis city of Bu`ale,L',.U1tsw) --n -I-_un-on ' `fstagto of Ohio and '-`state of New Yolk] 3 DAILY mm TABLE. sunmnf INCLUDED Aging; uh` 30. r_,nn.-u- ..... .- ... :2-1` V . aux-In! Julonana QEIM ` . MUN .omwm xw JIW9 _byaz':`ouoo1, . , .. 00.361 _ .*`:**`%%:: :n*:s:r,`*g_u;;::,o3:`~a:w% I I It lsmemlrquhtlonok ` .OVE & AV-ERIE. have 9f1 hni1dti1'sf-blas home ' 7jzrmf`R_igs ':t`1'e9.sonable old z6";`t'%*%%;*:s' i`r`{:`_3e'_`x`_ g``3``u?3mu`E` ;m`II.v mm Iimmzas .` n.-. -_._ .-._ 3`. `When buying Jew'.{1ry is to .` know where to get it ;:v?3o~l. * Is to know where to buy It. right-_7Lhat is-cheap as well` .as-"good. ~ 7 I ` ` Each of thse' bi+'ds-'-`s'o' to "spea}:--witlz T;h6'MSH1lBgH|Ql18-` - hiking; zxdvi1nt',:1g`nf" the 4` big>reduction~t we have mapl ` on everybhinp." ` -3 ' mas. Aster Ge :\CE3YifwAl{D.`.OliIo.' ` R H. M"cKE_GG.IE,,z V V . MANAGER. BU1*FALo% SIm:ery- . - - _ : 0 um1o'ubbedly_'ab1e . oreign body, such ed in the" esh nf that werlesri to L: "remove `e'q1m1"-to the (men- _ rsfinenna in `the elecxm-nmgo .- isb1ng_th'is.- Acnriouln ` '[.sue:n:movAmen;- new V was k v " n:..a'o&`# m`3?E.`;'.}s``o'I$.`ra. QNT `:9 Sat. vgnen me .(.'-uuwuwr L-uuuu nu 8 met L133 the door*%3y~the-'1:/vgw -sales- - Er . ` ma noistgs, cries Qt "0u?re 1:t;z5': ` am-lied.-" were heard by h9_Ij9j unlnn nnf. in? m? mu; vv um : `%W71W:rmt.. m, Th: were nearu- ,Uy um pru~ n x1t_~Bh2W!I, T`t.`iIfiiiT T fuc was irhuge. bulk moved, down the stairs. We otter for solo 40,000 acres of choice lands in the } I FA}-ious N0liTllEl{N MICHIGAN i`it_Ul i' BELT, near marketsyschuols and churches. Mnnyvlu-mars after looking the country over have settled in this locality ~ and nrecdoing yell. Big money has been made on fruit during the past year, aomcarmora, realizing thous- nnda of dollars from their peach orcim . Peaches, plums and berries are grown in large qu titles. The _ soil: climate and location `are peculiarly adapted for / iruIt~gr_o wing; also good soil for wheat, oats and hay. our lands urn along"; the lines oi` railroads and ne-lake ,.%hurl;urs, and exiemzive faoilticmfor transportation by K I water and rail nroricarai: imnti. Rapid transitot fruit or produce. to loading mcrketq in otgrect importance to farmers. Ourlands are situated in Mnnlstee. Mason, Nowaygo, Lake, Osceola. Wexford, liissnukee, Knllme- . lrrmwimdr,-063830-and Grand Traverse counties, and is. large quantity '0! it lies within n few miles of the enterprising and progrcngivo city of Manleiaee, the 1 thirai largest city on the east shoreor Lake Michigan. We want good, energetic farmers to locate on ourlwds. umi, as an inlucg_n1entto Cunuiian purchasers, we will 1 ' soil to the iirstw purchasers 50i'ortyncre lots at tho~ . cxtrrmlely low price of_!!: per acre, .'i` opportu- nity in n. llietimo to buy Ll {arm cheap. Title perfect; $31111-A em;-y. _ We otter for" lo one or the best im- pmvmi farmsl ncounty, I0 niiigrom I7\idIi13- ` 7 , Vton, iii; miles from it. R. sgauon- or further particulars, call on 01 write . 2: 3, L. men & soNs`,~M`amsiee, Mich. May 30th-.---The ice cream nciztl held by the Ladies Aid M1 the evenin;;.of` May 25th. proved a succsa. :_a`lthrmgh` the` _ night was very xlnxfnvorggble. The fnlniliar } 1z_a'ay_iE1gr"N) |'uatter'(\Vha_1: the weather is . L jlike,` G1rriTr'i`e"c}1urch_ ,n'e.ver .fnils, has . `again proved :me>b_y_t|1ga way in which . the people_ turned out in the puking rain ` nfnrm v ' - .:_-~ - ( I 1 1 I 1 umrun, Quite a` number fr:-{In-..,thia'"vicinity" sm_endeL1_%he'fmwra1pf the late Donald Gi_lchrlst'tn the Union Cemetery, Barrie, on Tusdaylaat-. ' . ' wag .]n`\nV(1"'(\l1rilf nf ihnnn` nnnlni Hun UH lllevully l?I|!l'- _ _ John Gilchrist, of .GGi1ha()n,` spent the 24th with._hia uncle. A]cx.; Gilchrist. wry . . . ' . "|iH W|ll|~_I||l` IQIIVIU` IXIUVL-l \Jl|UJll|3h. :M-r'4 * `V A` - .9 'l`ornnti. and Mr} and Mrs. .luhn:Wouds. of BarrLe_":pent. the 24th with frietrd art: a nere. _ . v . . . ` Jqhn` Ponnzl`-has finished the contract of putting a.- storm basement ungley/th _ qarnvof Duncan McC:1au;. _ ,' ` ' The Eat the _be:at."f'l`h Vlfaxt is Ivhrin. "Best." because it~wl1)'keIns. the teel and `.1...\.. -1. ;L...L..... M... nu.....`l ."X.\-`A nu DUNN IIUUEIIBU lb Wll VII! MID LUULII null does .-not destroy/mu cimmel. Good as ' the best in frzui-anvce aud,ole,nnsing `and, A poliinggpropeitia. Betlwithan mqetx as it Etfntkina no acids to dmirfroy. Better. "than: all buxulse plaasnnt, fragrant.-claaqar ~ ing, and;whi,tning.. all the g`n_od qual1t_je,a 'gan,olaim; `E0 l_Jatl1_e Bat; . L A combiued."1vnrine ,;'_or_, the mph alone" poxvpii` A ., at|;.ende(L tha';qpe_ning 9f the new Me`tg1'o- M -in _oum1~:b,1.,iu~.x1xmdu1e;~ c.ii1\:!11nda!y: . ? ` Dunn Human`-l'm',nrl-=nthmrhrl-HiA-'nuIdh9nt.ihn I IIIIlII0lII-, uuuuv In > organizd .To\V"i1ship3:""`Situ;Ited, in 1 Isiibe'lla Counties, with roads, A can hum, Prim reasonable. terms easv. LIVE UIUES OI nuuuaus. Central Michigan farms `andvbest prove United Agricultural Reporfs:= "n vnu wnufmfn nun: runlnr f~AR?3I5mN]3:]~1kNA9|` In UEII nun. mqvruunn z ~ `Yoixlczin \We man vthousand acres to from. Isa ' ulated by Canadians. Here is portuity enterprlslhg'Canadians most adyantm geoins terms. Atotirxhead `rtersf in Rolland 1`qwnship,_ .Isa ella ._Co., ur farmer will go with you to examine Ian ' . "~ For furtherinfoematiomcall on or write l|]_U\].Hl__D(HHB G_l3Ql'0I|. DUHCHSY (,_V9,|,H]_\ `_ ` ` ' ~'I.`ha `Sacr:smeIi!.- ofthe Lm-d a Enppdrii ; till she ; m::x,z. sund\y."' in the 3 Prasby;Hull.' ,` . j/an Ida Dolmmelig home (rum Ohimzuo; .M `Mru. 'Suther1ahd. Mra,vMoLoan, IWm: ' `Rlnhh mlvui `J7 `.W"'Hlnnh- -dun u`Iilii!"in IIIIIHUL '- I nllllllllu ` |nr_uIvv . Situated in Glgdwin, Arenac, Ogemaw and Roacommon Counties. Adjacent to churches, schools, railroads and nmgkets. The il, cli- mate and iocauon are especially suited to grow- ing plums. apples, berries, v Eabkes offhll` kinds, and: wheat. oatsnnd ha . offer this land at low prices on long time an -easy terms. Ab- "sofute perfecfumle. For further particulars write to or call on Thomas Cranage: Buy my. lick.- Ianner Will g0 WIID YOU [0 CXEIIIIIH: 121uu, `~ For further infofmation. call Whitney 8:. Bemick, Detroit, Mich. Tilufyq n-u--u--->- "1 have for sale -5.000` Acres of Choice , Farming. Lands in Bag and other Counties, Michigan. on the M. C. . BL. near markets, schools and chuurches.-.~ A number ot Canadians have settled near my lands and are doing well. I offer my lands on easy terms and low prices. " Ei(il?iEI01Y`inVImdT7S1I`Tletters`nnsvrered` ` promptly. Addresulfl MANSFIELD. My City. llich, -"T`.`....` -an-or -nun: I Il\ lnllhn IJ,UU_U IIUIILU Inllmnlu ~Ll'IIIIJU in the Famous Northern Michigan Fruit Belt, `situnteduln Mason and O_ceano.`oounties. near churches, schools, markets and railroads. So_il, climate and location e ially suited to peachw, mm1es.berrles. verzetab es. wheat. oats and hay. I . . . NRBAI hthcountxaot -, - . M_.pnu\~c . - uoumbunov. a'nd_'. PRIBQIJE nan. V- . . .' ' Hlblll ;;;piy`m,Jo_1xn' ni&i.3t'."supt.. . BLACK Rxvn. Alanna C6.,.)l!ch. 0t:,Al.GBgBsuIll'l'!_ID& co.. Dn~nm-r Vlru Qli - rnnmmc - LAun mum! In nmlmtn AI-nnnn Gm-mhw n 1 eswecially suited to peachw, up 1es,berrles. vegetab es, wheat, Pr ca v%ry- reasonable and tqrms easy. Title per- . u=her-ino`rma,xon -w1=lLeJrr- or call on BUIIERS & PEIERS .SALI & LUMBER 00.. lndlnainn. Mich. . ` . I ;eae'%';xam`*n`c[?unns nrnnlm Nnrfhnrn Mir-hhrnn Frn`. Belt. BUWERS & Pi tudlngton. Mich. !% ..-.-. - T,_iT)IL1t`(-1? 'lfoot l|.'l'o\v;Ii/3/r A!_ l " ll\|. . . V rhim1iigL"anas `inn RA! .'C'H(3(t:.`E LAKms."' LGILOHRIST.` ?:vaov%:;;*f spun uvu Dnnon. men. In MIOHIGAN. V Mrs. J. 11. l*'0rsytn nnu cnuurau, '- ` ' ' &r-pes%masterY--- `nF '[`n|4nnln unHnr"l*\ I H`!'-fiBHH%iUH*l'w---v'-, . Mrs. Elliottgof, Toronto, visited` her `*Mt'..and Mrs. Juhn Rgdfern. I stages of some of Vthe most impurh'mt"in- gradients cmnpoaing the puinlasp al sure corn cure- -Pmnanfs Painless Corn Ex; u'uctor.- The juices of phmts greatly c on mmtrated and purxgd, gumnnd balsama `. m harmonious union. all` cgmbinad give the grand results. ->_Pntm;m's Extractor- makes no sire spat fines notlay 0. man up for a` week}. but -go'e's on quietly doing Min: work` nntil n vnerfect Acure `results. {TEN musnun rAnm,s.j _a!u"*goxm-ally those at me pause-V tho were the first "to; capture `the `-` 9* ~< V .\., up 1U! 21 vyccm. um. -gum uu its wo until q__v_p_erfe<;t. - _ Beware of ncid.aubnti_mtesf DeIlnil! Ixtiuotn ` _ Ale,-II. Ilnlln. Mrfv 2 Z:--"I`he Que-eh/'5 birt.Vhd-ay_ 0816? bmtiou p.nss_e`d otf quietly. ` _ Mm: .1 K R`.-mivrh and r-.hi1dmn.fz-nm In an Ar,v8!5t PmE. Oi U mt-:TAuo"sm'mim; aonc: y1o.m.n}awooa`umbennat:oors:-; nrunpg; Ballny tntme:._d:urches, schools n? muvma-m axoalleyimnducemeatnpilbnd to settlers in this ucounndnmmwlnrgunuvatmg blushe- d ed `farms. Prumcnl shnets plnll .2. :43. on .1... nil n"`\`nn A mu-tin life mxfnd now note, vs arms. tmnas pom: wlo wish M (the tlfelriinsunnlnhfe cufnd on be'tber_` land; In` a West. 1-have also dulr-O able {arm lands in o 0! tho State: wonimly lnvjte all u o / condition, `to come and look at giy lands, will he mamto auitpumlmsem ` Farther tngormauou may be hha by addresdng d.'I>'eW: x-"t1t1!-" " Tenn: ` ; ;V.L1`u. uu_uu Lwuwru. I Cgnon Murphy niet with a_pnina"nl acoi- ' dem.on Tueadnv. His horse stumbled. ` break_ing a shaft. and ran aways upsetting ` "tl1eLb'u.ggy, giviqg qeveml` b1jg_aea- (orthe - rv. gentleman. ` ' . . I'- W -*I.unnm( Pntjrnn nnu1di1'lmn_' And \Ja Iln: I II-I-nu v: `u, .1 'l`awas,C1ty. Mich, 0 lovelmd, 0. 'i`hv9`superior advantages 3: Michi: gan ior~tarm_ingb nd fruit raisig "are xnown to all ii1e_w6r1:1._ That there is no better State in .the_ Union in whicii to secure a coxiiforfiabie home, with the meagsiqt making` mliylihodd and evntiiaiiy of acquiring a compel ience, is proved by omial comparisons` with other States. ,. 4... ...`_'..1.:.... `gnu 1-... of four persmss. V FBV. genuclnau. ` -T. W.-Lennox, Patron candidate,` and ` J. Park, according to .adveVrt.iaVement, pd- dreased u. meeting in the Grange Hall, on Tuesday afternoon. They had an atfdxehce. Self-Govemmexnt-tog `oys__. ,' _ _ _ [politi- _ methods `was only leak ya ble than -hea!m`tining4inprimtical7' thrlf - ustr1g1ec'onomics. J1`he_sev trlnlfclasea-we're u1lov'vedi to [T two chambers ot_t.he Re- I class elections in ty, am} the `t; "the exercise" = ~ ;Fx'om Vaca. - ` ` pub1ic.<, my ' " 50f. Re-. 0pp0i'tun`ity_'_ $0 ; \\ nu Uhucl u|.cu\.o. In the first place, oonslder her loca- tlon.` - Surrounodetrby the Great L1k'es,r the climate is tempered to a degreo eminently pleasant for man I and rightly conducive to the growth ot the most valuable productions at the Ten,3pe.rate=`Zone. A Here_ no cfclones sweep across the land, to destroyzthe ` results of patient and hard labor, and often add the horror of deatlrto the vlsitatlon. No oods occur, to wipe out the home of the settler and send him and his family-eeing for their `lives. Here he can rest secure. ' ,,!..__IL..._- -1 AL- (`Lula In u\uuI\`\ _ iglaxi $1} any other portion of the coun- uvtu. nun. uv nun: .,\....... ........._... Theagricu1ture~ot the State is prob- ably"of_) 82 more diversied chaj*acter.. --~- : mu. _ 1.. .. Tn Mu` nlnrn . u vvuna I yuan xu u.u_y \1L.uvA yvn Lnvu V. ... T1iMI.:i`I TTFr`g51Tsiidr i'fi1e plum i belf of the` `wori(1, :ind the same may `be. -said of" `the Lake _Michigan shorej ` as to p`eaci1es." Centrai_ Michigan farms are the admiration of all ,.visito1`s. _ Evefywhherue the land is` 3&'l`l_\v.tered `by .jsmHil`: 1akea.,..s.nd. 3 .,. ...-...---- -. _____ __ _ 1 Situated in Lapeer County. - : Within six miles of the ourishing City . ' of Lapeer,, the County Seat. Ourilands are excellently watered, and" adjacent to F churches, schools; markets and railroads. ;_ Soil, climate and location suited to grow- v mg` fruit, vegetables and agricultural pro- E ducts of all kinds. We offer this land at low prices, on 1ongj;ti_nie and easy pay- j mentfshin lots of 46 acres up to 11000 ; acres. Title perfect. _This is the best a place in Michi anto'secnre an abundant- ly productive arm`. 1`lie;re are a great ' 1 many Canadians in Lapeer C_our_1ty. We ~ want y6u' to `settle on oiiiflaiids. `It will be to your `interest to come and see what 1- we `offer. `For further particulate, call :- .... .. ....1I+n in _ V . Do Not Believe It. ` Do not believe that Nexfviline will `mire neuyalgia almogt instantly. If your tatfr ' achb uunsolu yourself with Lhe ruaution um pain ci1n'h last far e'ver, Du Wang vNet_`yx.!i'I`1 e.; -it might atc' pain. ` Vhau-.` `ixiatiaxuiis ofueu difticultv to.cura, .rubbip`g hewovldp jnahiogqd linimetm as_.a,' _ J inattm-_' Juf` `reaped`tu~ ' a u nt\ N,'etvi.liue,ir , ;s'.nevv'.diaojve;ry`"; thatf .in .it'a;.-If`9ughtt(i.uohtle'nidiip. ,-Ehqnufore _'u)inggt.o;thg r,)Idf';` nq'er`jA pai'i;av'oid tgha V _E*Neqvili(ie,` \l,h_e"m'(Y;II. p o:werfu`l:' peklhf, 5; mning.rand 'f08|`_$Bin pain jrdrnedy Lin _v.!_;'e ` _L w_u1 ~ld;_ 9 27- ; ' _, re A Q-, %\F%AH#M!N_6LAN_0S1 ALI .n.n av:-..-.._. --..`.--In. ` R9om3.JIo1fut ark. DETROIT, Mlc'H.v , smbeme. :n,%L:m.a,zw`a weg;;a %ago. 4 ' 'l.utle~'J\Bvcb.Bnwinan. ?ufj_Wurmi-n1ate1',` is at pppenmtayixxg wiph,_hgr grandmothers M:a.`a.Laug:_ % ` . ~ :, ~lInhn' 11' u-AgharA."~nh`:"Shn(iaV` week. `bhrxvux OW * .%..,,.,...... pna storm: Not one 1! V halo ux~ou'nd av. ` ,in"p0pn lybur erron- tha hem or'u:..Bsn uuinbers`. and` Will never enter ` TR? meet. The ominous iiwera chers T0 capture `the V ildlommll mm, is a sight have a lively hm-or` ` q;rfa':hap'w,h1ch` in that A 5 arejujerhlly those of the police: ` ELE`: 4"", ' on or wnte to \,Mra.'u. uung. . . M _ ,LQqit6 gf. re, h8|f&,"v0h' sugday wogsls. ` The man wara ghtinsr Vi1rall"ny. V .Grnviu' gust-ainad ` u u; a .3035. his fiiqg ` to _IM'Mb6 h9u.u..;. ;Sqr;$a_ 'ma`waodn_t [Vg`t;gtrk.vsubnrnt. _ ' -,6`! Mnwnllut` :',bain11a`l.;bo\rnt;v an tshn had n,`hard-time M ma... I am? "am? 7 .-Mme}! ;fV'i` (3l:1&n\$i1!ihRa won` mar. Vii. n; In-I`hmdai37~veek. V L uAnl`n`v. who` him. -bean`, film Nlgjk. `Ill OM51. (mmn x TWh)---Michigxiln is Prefefrcd.` manou p.nsa_eu on quwuy. ~ Mrs. J. K. Foriayth and children, f,rorrj' Lmgnm-_xaaiLmLnur_unatmamturY- 'sI7iE`Fnonumuva* _(-:i.m!.-IV-;vi=VR.E".O>TT, ____ n 4... 131-1. .. lgunlnnd. Xvi}. STEPHENS; n lf_lI!-&II`II`- nl_ICl\l\l1| ll! --v------.{__ PA1NAS\V/I/GK. ' g-n piece -about thrn; < gh ioxig .i1nb0'dd`e(} in th-umb. -A - `slight cub skin; over him place, . bi} vms,1uoawd, and u , _` gn'g.t _devised. ms. ther - Mg 13 amtion applied", `The. ` `the `ma net` fur the amex . N . _. nce,jnn9ingi1:-(o. esh, broken _

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