80138 a.:;:;*:.?a';.,.{ ` V` Closir In 101 _- I : ` . May I--0ur-.teacher and his, vyife` am risiinu Ms hnnv'uL;j:._F'.lmarnva_ ,7; yolournmtne nearli or |3!!8.l`JIllpll'B. g` ~- A Inga` ac:EeT~Ee f711Eaxae:Tag Sewn` in 7 zhialomlilav. - -I ~- A " 3pl8l0_|381Xiy. , , ; `,1 J Ulovqp in looking'we1l and promises to beg : 879' arms-. _*J_'.L!.`.'1'-.fx..`.'.'.`.E.`..`?.".'5.`..`_.`.?'_.` LJ:.`.r.._" _......_.` m ('l'Tnnu |)::1t:-I` known -~r u: re hi;zhl_\ e._~`1~emed - A: than Mr. and Mrs, Jus. Turner. 3:! 1;; luruur ' P 3 in am .`mcl' an the PI-esbyterizm vhhf1.'ia. am 5' 4 u_ m.-cu xvlxuse xvum In M: uyd as his hand ` 3' 0 Hal his fau1ily.'re:idc two yuung Ltu-nut, Muss" yj,Mau.i Christie, '-su uiluptcd, daaghh.-+,--and ' "J/lies` Jessie Hall.-"a _si!_nar of. Mrs; Turner:-=1=- [3 B` tI'1` uuug lmixka n|`c'kuU\\ju' io`.|1uv` luu1':_ u trying nllnesses. gzgd wer:_a.M to have he-eug ` $1, restoreu to 'heu1th_by., A popular medxcI_ue,`! ` - the`mm'm of which is a Iiuulsuhuldord fmm , the` Atimntic to Life Pan.-|u'. Jixdgmg` that 5 their st'o- .~ym\I'ould 19%: `cf [,upulur_1nbes"est, {:1 reporter called on them and asked hr ancli-T iufarnjatiuu as ti1e37_fnTxb`h chngu 6 xiuik public. Both yuung ladies were" avfsh iii; - rVllblu:it.y, but when it was pointed oucjhab zhejr experience mnghn l1ja_heIpfult other sufferer. `gave a s`mtunu:_u,n for pni_blica- 4-tion-. Miss (`hx-mtue.` wr.o_aa uiteiS_[)crli:nps `,. the moatrfemurlczxble, is gwen .preLjcd};:;.;e'. _ She Isaiq; I- am `now 19 yrams uf'a,;e mm; have ueiir been very strong. (in "tin: `Zth Qt" Q of July mat I Was ptacked }\`il.i2 pr.<:uinuuiu`,' ` brouglit (ml by `K severe zol-x. ~ I'W&s:qun`- . t Hnnd 'Q`n Ku.fl',=fnr nnnrlxrniuhr \Avm.1r-4 wharf" ` Drougnn uu. u_y A severe Julu. I Wanrcll - ned to bedifnr nearly` eiglu__w:=xk.~a. whe`u j_ c. `was able: ab 'gen'up onge more. During these , 3 Weeks I was undgx` tarqstlpeng-by our phyi~' ciau, and '-zgaill _\:U1lEinlX$_d tnkag his medi~ 3 ci1ie..I did? not. appear to vrecover my } 55. strength, h9_wever, 'a1;d'`>`ix the 14th-0f.'Nnv. E` was again` fqrcetl `to take tqxuy bed, this} 9 time suering "from" reqh_ w_eakness apdv 9- nervous prosbrhtion.` he'do'et.or s medicine ` , ` imw seemed to dome no good',__an`d Igrewl Q gradxially worse. I bacamem luv?-that is ,---%u-iwp!%ea`amHJ1at`m`8di " - as o` q_np more ` ` use` Lo 1116, . At; this time anjarczle was 9 ,pub1i;hed in the p*Sper.concernin`g the-`gnruf .1 I of as 3vouuu ludv in Toronto bv the use of xune was .T!x_*ea_$`ceae.'i~s3~ixa igcynnmxrpifon I Fbllun/\ng_ uu ;`,!ieu:k.uf l 1:eum_()vx}a-'l'he ' Qgherr \Vgg` in Au1'Ad\~n~(l~ "Stage! of] ' .,`A'xIaex1.ia--i)rVy. .V_V'.3!i.m_n_:'_`P`iu'|; P3Ii}'_Ro2- l` . 8[()_|:8._H6*aIlh Afier 0tho:_r_MhQiu*s Fail. 1 From {fie 1`fux`x: 3.5 , Nqws, V "CV. - Two Y0uII`.'. Ladiasmne-_i;\|:;h.tr " toileuhh mid :Sh'\~.n2t`Ilz A. . .ur. vv um-.u_na nun rI,HB 411.61 .\!l.T.'J.urlu_3l=` at nuce~ ho gm name. After [I `had used 7 bengr; my manual: beganver tetummyv hqxe8'()1 Pink Fifi: a`ud~ba,'\fe no lmeicalibn, T1 cm in my _ca:'e."~ " L. ';|\n .. a nut six was .I began t.o:ga;gradj1al1y. ' ` appem ixnprcvgrx, and I limiaoiind itefreah.-5 3 ing vsiep at. nigm. I~ha;ve new used`f_tee'n'. .< in sinyingtlmt tl1ey'l1myeected a uondetful ` ; puotxgpeu 1u`Lms paper-couceruxng ;n_ev cure -y_ouuVu_ Judy m Toronto by {he gab of Dr. Wiliimna Punk. Pills; and Mr."1`ux'~n`er of Anna. hm hr. -nm.: Afhm `I ~ln'..A .. .4.A I 1.. ne` case os:.\1is_ Han :he1i5i'1J i*iiT? T" have a1ao,acc6n1phsI)ed mkrvels. '-She wags-" 1 cure Hi _La;'(f."- ~ attacked wiux dxzi/.ine=s,`seveie hehdachqand ; . fkiuling splle,_.foHowinI Vllxte;-V bji bswuinig, . of.the feen:;_g;_gl limbar to ether w i.t.h ogbet i sympvoms `bi ui:`ai`e`x1ii ii`. ".`AIex` hVaiving.'bgefn` * "treated byg; ginymcxau for some, we with` outpny noticeable inxpx-oven1ent,shec}geia. _ to give` Dr._. ~W1Hiulu8)" Pink Ping, a`-t13i al.~f.`? Aft.-m. uszinm.-a -ipwzlnnwa n'-' Thu 'niI!ni'Hi1' " m % % % me gut! Ul'._. `Iv |u|:uua' rum 1: -m:s_ u'Il`ll -*_ yAft.erv using ~u' 'i'ew{bt:x_eis or-' the p{l3s' '1H' V was :.uiacIde:i- iInpr.uv<;uy.-1:: in her u. i11JdlLi_0u, `` ; and with l.h:_:0lAE1ud uge_ uf nha mxfclicine ifllll Wigth, hea1Eb,und' aergjgy r.et.urn'e'u`,v fanZI*bt_rs Hirri `:jf1ib` \ fi li"E5:`"li . liver mq nu` hgr hfe; Bum `M1'.ugId M1,-3.. fTurner'wci.;e priseda*1du`r_iug'rhe,1i:`Ler~lvnv;,. : m'on'gly endorses} wha1:'hh6- yoLixng;iv `i7V.v`Pink'Pilla`haki. (Ibn furfthm. . `ivT5$.b`.=Pink Pilla'had- done foriithenn. ., I TEA aynnriurmn :1!` Guam lune vuiniu - V -.--.--y---- ---n. L ~ fa{V.m'm5:}-j%coms,Ltgom; .np3a..;u? ;?mVs:o fG w;_Ro;s:~ .. La; -man .. 0.. .'a L mun |xu{.`un' kmnm. . _ - = 1 T0 thaw 31131: M: 941-42....-41.1 n~ NI :4 D0tTu_Li~;;1t:2sCiIL "..: sm.d;-f~ uow_ mid then " when everv gentlennatrfeels the need; ._..`_.__.....__._......... ' an H>3LAREN, 9 V And; 3:01} r.o{get rid. of; all t_ho:se ',_. deadly vdiseiase" Vgmlsv \ \'hTioh. 'h z; v}Tcb 'bexi "ccumui}xting in the gllar .a}1(f bak737yif`a1l winter,-`ind-to do this -. you: _1u_st. have" Some 6f ou:_' disin- _A fe:LEML-1"17n .v.N._We ca}; give ybu aIl__yo_\1_ i-eqliire. fi_ir~ .e;xr'cents. It. s~ in odd` Jmvestment,-_as. It may save your a `lrg cioctos bill." .;. 7- . _ 1 vv uvu uvx. v .5 A-.u.uuu.u n.\/As: u _`_~~`<~)-fa_tK;17a;:eptioI13}{ViI-y`*"_~t.`liS 1~1> Enid Kfim put togthex-`suit of, clgthes. _ The -occasionlmay be a wedding, 3.` reception, a. journey, or some other; I hpportzmut f_L1pction. V ` " _ " '_1'hu.t is the `tiIne`to a.voiA_d a. chance t. 2 El`hzLt is the time z1boV'e`alI;othI`s; to ` give the oyder to me. U - * '.rfA1Lo,H,` '47. Dum.LoP,s%1'. ,. It}natgerg1I"};t.'f ivf}1ether it is%"af.h0{1-gg % ` ' _.uAs he dfn2uid f0vr%La.dies.Shirt'Waist.$; ;: ' `Q: 5}.- V, Vi`;.s(3s,V.s,.Vs_'o;A-_ -f0;L'_th?:sm,Aet, bLuAAweq ca,n suiipil/YL -_- 7 is..-i'r_1_cVrea.sin-g, we `are~in `_%pLA6xiti:i)n' ~~ f._ dIi_'e`. for_ieither:_p:;rp`dse..,;5}`:Of st`ocAk 61' " % :tisfya11 t:1.stes,f _`Ox}r`s1:o;c1{\igfwe `z_1~s'so1*;1: .. % %%P?WS*`%f'?15?-AVQP [i8`%ut1SiJrpzts%sed%b5v.%,any ` ' i`.3"d3<*%P"99S %`hiEf, W BWX Eh?-`g %`V e~*?i e h1ouc.%in the.trade,p_bt1ffo,t v%x~lue ii1s1T*d';. ' _hav%e vfu11 ' um. %0_f _BO5`$ - and A vf-[ j 1 A 7 signsWm-e.sox%d;.ave.-yiay by%4us ion;-V ,. % Q115i1`S%i113{%*h9%13t93`dSi13$S~a%kI ` 4* . xfs that there; 11.tcA)'tliAi11;g_.'that carnouch _ _ % A_ V 9 V 5 L themfn t0W111- -\ VY?'uSh` V`V3"m"3`3`_1`C1._3T$3 T`3 J~7" M A_ . We" are (1oit1'h e3 Mi1Aliner_`v7_ . 54 Du Nu s f0r7*S91.j A % * tra J'$Tt6 % % .5 - '~1v.-/0 V, .> . < W. 1 ii: --. := fhiit` * 7 AMERA1?A;.1[L "**M3319`*577 Ausm 5 . 1 . - The Orillia people are again zit tho G.T.R--1 1 ab-iut. the "discriulimutinu against Orilixa" by who $1.25 frmn '.I2o:htb. nAn one but. - in Orilluuz could se_'e than pope would travel We 21 Ignites )e$ween this` 'r.o~u1v And ' Orilha. should puyffor it." The old fate,-of $1.00 .Lu`0riliizx wag mu dis_criminasio_n_i ' against Barrie. Supt. Mu wuigun who in n shrewd bnnil1ess mpn, saw the mgabtr in its _ true Iightiaud 80 gave the Urillia delegation -fthatwaited on him last week. little an-| - . Ann I. nnnuxn O ` ' 7. . I As the weather grows warmer our citizhs will be more iuc1iue:_i"to make use of. ` the beautiful sheet of water that stretches .`ho.-invitingly before the town. With the openjugof the bouting season. the public nuisance of the oil on the bay, for which the ,(:`ms U9. is reepo_n'e'mIe, will come `more to ` ` . the uciuce of me people. Every you this V wtihstop the nuisance. If the coxupauf ~ fan to not soon, the town xihoulu seo- Whzti | ` {nutter is brought betore the publiqwithout, I.` so far, any goourgsulte. The Gas Co. are`! said to be now taking gnto their sous ' consideration the putting m of a. lter that _` can he cutie tovvurdn preventing uur__h_e_:_u1r;[w; in] buy from bung thus apuneu any Juugex. I . V ._ I _ ` `. - lnjuflukulm. ' LHU1 unuuunv Au uuu MINE nu bicyclists and some ohe councxllurs mxghb Jet their fellow wh_eeZmen ngumi em mple ` instead of using the sidewalks as 1 have frequently observed them d)i_ng,_ _ V , 9 -4 - _ ' Nuw,.t_hab theroadu hsve_dnjed`up, thel chiet `(if police should see that the by~l;:.w 5 prqhibitiug bxcyulisbs riding nu.thesidew:|lk:. 9 Via at;-ictly enlorced.. On Sunday ur wheel~l ':nan.ran mto an old man Auu Dunlap street, I ixijuringhim. 1 Thevrcadwav is the place for L:......l:..o.. ulnnl ennuu nrQl\n :\nn:.mHnn-a mlnlult . ` . ._3h 41-`, ~' . ' , One can hardly pick up} paper or mag-` azine to,-day without seem; 3im"1`ethingabout } bi .Rece_ntly. I happened on a ,)iecx_of_ iufurmm.iou'n'1 this matter that. was en'ni`irl`y`*neW to me, and may be ttymotof the reuderiof this column.'? The idcx-edsed-`se `=`o`4tha.-bi said to have caused Ii deciease in `the conslxmptifiiiji ' j beer, `Here they: isga-new rgle for."the_j wheel and nnw we may `upset: to -hua,4xll i the white _ribbon'era`arde.nn admirers or cycling. 4; ~` K'`0T. ..n./. - '..9 V," j _ rm. 7 _ L. I `It wo_u1d_h'e a gOoJ~:de'if'-bu} wheefmenal would pass 8. ununimdus reenlu6ion`nob to ; leud their wheels, as this habit generally ' 1'eeu1:|:sm,`more evil than good`. Bntrabove` , a_.ll, every wheelma_n,shohld beware of that ' end who win delzberazely jI_1mpm~~ b:~1)i<;y_- , nlegb without askmg permission, andgo o,_ I . Ifjujat fo_r_'e.._ride.:" bfeveral _o_;9ur _los,-u_;5 ' cyci-ietsbme bfeesiug (3) semen; these gentry just. at present. *~"._'" "I u 1 ~.wa,sf.1 rulv p"tiiu1 tart notiQ_iIJ1e'g'\'iden gusto V every detail {If this B1-enniu": tfial ndglbuii` . of having semzred u chli9,-.om.ahg g'a.llu wa', ,as,i_h`w3u hein conveyed 129` tlgehjail; '_'1fhe. I vtongier 1E some pg;-enfs are aware of _ the depraved Lastesvoi thsir-xmildren. In with which the youug.her"`ti:f:l:iiiupo`n dayor two ago, a boy~ 9.~'to\m,een nomad V `pamnts are fo lame for thi`s,`asA w.ell*as,th6; .mn'era. Every him-owing deuan of : gh`m1y- Impressions thtf, Way; [l'l_"|'"" "" -' ,'f`_" -`V V --'7 '-~ ~ -~ A-_ - . . rp. Ever . harrowing` deuailoh.gha.stly- :1 girggefi read 501.6 I11 children. and- who ca u'wqnderthut~ theylearn: tj.o,.eag`e:ly look; ' for, ye; weicome.- the am pretty murdhr 2",; . I nnqrugfslther not long sings rem the go . count of a.`br.nnl~nu iliagfm n"c<.:unt.:er,\. hiIe ' ve ,~membc_n*z:T I: effimily, Ia:`ge,fnnd7 :ama1_:,gnh4:re_d round to iisrien: `Dothgset I -mi-ants know. chat the! are bet-hnns.nlantinz; -puenus Know HUN tun} (Ara ueruuysl.-,uauu1u;g; I igxthatrlintle ones needs which willevgntmilly ~f1V`958V.*L 7 " at. ,. _ L .The Edn3:q1onDeplrnmentjmada us: mve -- in ,th)e..rigl;1;3di;ection;`_`yhqE they; txulled ` upon aivary ~a`_ch9el=in_ ;_9n$:iaj-t_ !p_lan:,;9n~ - :. `Amp: D&V_s QR .5|1K:~tr_e'e ,-l1f;b6' khdwns ` f om: Brit1bh_Trm v-anti Va. maplem-`Qug.,f [Gnuadim Trpmf ,Y9ryFf&w1j`cbi1dze1i;kg_ow '3 . the iguisns,_o.E=,Iha?okk,LLi th_ey`a_a>;`o_ihe ; qgaplg: and`f15$1`!i;noh.91tl3_ Io=Cinxsd6s EM 3 : alsjomthes h_9th9rl;qd;vL*thq!_homh 4oguhi; * . j < > K L &*.'-i_`.7; . .. ` . Glad We this? ````'!7F`?:E?8, mi V ~ Erika oqnditgfrn 9! t`l1V&1".l.:h03.-u\z6FY Kaegg; y'*` 5'15 ,am_9Ua guynereu rounu to uanena `un tuqae -parents know they are Del'hnpa.pl:_mtiug_. in than-lhtle one: willeventuilly y ` -min !gIqa`)_M 9vnnV:8!u=an1vmouu`coxnumI n1f;_'nspAY, -a.;3t 7, ;s:ss3'._ ,-`rillllllg [H3 l.'l'lIl'll'0BE 835368." 1 Mr. Hays is getting things in shape to erect; a new house this smuuu. 2 i neighbofhoud have taken up their ubqde on Jwthe uorbh_shore in cotxuecjzion wich_ the I Ifuermen .- ~ I` 11. M ....... L. on.` ..:u-.... I- .......l. K numbbr of -the young "men of this. ] PPDVIDCBS. ` 1 J39." Robinson, jr;, is busily` engaged ` .~[`hil1ing. the Primrose estate; - `. Mr. aw: in uattina r.him!s in nhana tn |> V . _ ---_--s-.-naaaq _ ` . '31ay _2.--0n` Thursday eyning, is Arch. Campbellitvo sonr,"George and, Angus, ' Tm-.ro nlavinn 1!: n,neinhbor'a house; a large > ynulpuplns uwu noun, uuurxu uuu, Angu, Fm-.re playing 1!: s._m_ajl;bor'a house`, a huge instill` jumped gt A 1_ t :9; am; himnaa he inighk .otherw)J' The` dog Mized be rombt. himself, or a been strangled. dig in his mquth. gunner: Had it: Istnnce` hczfwould a` dog .Tha`own'er a1ahot'.- , ' rv mnid niiin Hm not been for 9509) have been ogatmgne 'imme<'liabely ha5"th6 `Hm ar'nIIf.h.h`mI..m,i _ t.hr.<>5\-1. mm boy % May 5-+ 07win.g' b.`t1:ie"ne weather ' farmers in. this locality; ma gqhtingwell-a_d- vpnced with their auedmg. The full wheat. looks veryencourauing a_.'t p.esent. although the `reporters state uk failure in otlxgxj provinces. 1 Ins." Robinson. in. busilv enawed ` IIHHUETIIIUU. ' ' ` . N C. Hamilton was in the viagn last week. I We expect he-will be here far s_ome.time. I ` ' ` ' NOWANDTHEN` I .May 4,-'-Tl1e f&;,;I;1ers'<\f this vicinity are laboumlirough sdiu]; au.i are lookmg to!` good `results owing to the ue'growing wmmlmi-. nntb ` 5:;-Ju IVBIA'|.\I vvvlu -.v Nun qua Fnvvvlus weather, of1atI._ 1" 3 `Smjvicea in t.he`Menl'mdis`t chuxh. wafe- can'elle_d on account of Quartcrlvbervices being. yhlil in Chwfga ulxurh On >b`uhd-uy morning last. - ' ' Th :.inl:- nf m'n- nninhhnrhb{id'are'nM`. nvfv. uuxueumwny mm -nu Ilse growth has! `weather at Van "' IT..- TIIFXTI n..&..-.4. Kl'0BQlUg '88 Well iiB`WlIUl(1 U8 e1specwu.. Rv. J. W. -Goig, wH6has' been paswr of the Congregatibnal churh for thepnan ` ve yea_rs, rendered his resignation on Sun- daV' In-at. ' ` ` . - - UVU _y!:H._lz, da Mat. v--ntu `UH MISC. . _ . {bu an_d`Mvs. John Woods have beu in %I`_qronmLd3igi;gg,,_tlg_g_past week. _ V " MeIy,4.-Walcer Reive,,teachr of Picker; ` ion` `Public School, .spenb- Saturday and Sild.&Y Vl_ith"ni8 Farents. ' - .' -'7 Bu -on Bill and familv have'muved'to' nunqny W_lm"n|u parents. . -- _ Bytu'u_ill family hav._a'muved'to' ]:Geur9,vti:yg'1i; We tire aorry to` l6e_ Mr. 4 ' i1l fu)mHdi1r midstas `hvhaa always bun ` genial and-kind to strangers. and hishotel was one of the most,orderly am! well can- dnctecl ones`. in this vicinity. ' W. I - l'.mmnv hm-1 mnumi `inf-.n thn.`hnnnn xnommg HIS`. _ A V V 7 . The sick at ougmgighborhood are not; prov. greasing as well aifvvuxiid be expected; ` 1 . Rev. J. W. -Guin_ wT1h.'xs' been mmhr cuucnw ones-xn u1_1uvvu:lI.uty. _ . . ` J`.-Lepnox has moved `into. the house `lahelynccupidd by Mr. Rockwelji; ' ; .Eddi~Rnss'has'tI)afra1Wrk of his new ' " Ngxf D)or .io* T_|egrph _Ofkfe'. 'IBKlY,0GQllp1`.(1 ny .V.I.l'. E.0CKW6l_l'._.__ " ` .E1dirR.'os'has'tl)qfra1eWWrk his nev vhouaaA'nia'bed. -James Craig, 6} Bums, has 'he.cumr_act for the brickwoa-In < ,. . . | Mri. Dnnmn: nf Cmkntwn.` i"to he nnr V UISOUIIVSIEOD I0!` 506 Dl'lC_KWUI`KA `, Mr} Deacon . of.C-QI0k8t5Wn.' i"t0 be 0111 . ;__ne\.v`innkee_ur. We-wish him aucqess and `prbserity amdhgat us.` ' .v . . Iurmniors nlhved a match with Chet!-v mxroy, remreeu me gama,-., _V4 - - _ Hu6.you any 1emJua; asked $13.3}! of :; our `st9rekeeper.j` A1w_ayahave _tliem.on- .:{'haud,_ ` q}_x_g fa_iqd'jo ' Mnyl-'-.-ES . -Stanley. whiI`e;- laughing as. few ddsyugo, _m_etz wnth as pg:i_n Lacoideut. L'l.`he"h9t1es`,; umrting fprwncd, cause.d= the I les, |.0.y up, 'B_t!:Iking tanl'ey .; .15 ah(_1~_bres.k1ng-as, rib-. nas- 4 vered friommla blow, howe`vo_r_.' i'wriuing.-- .. I -- V '_ ; `hint. of A nmirinn rain. our schabl `. `prosyemy amongau us. ~. 5 QM juniors plhyedn Cherry "Creekjjuniors on Saturday evening. Score 14-07 in favor of Cherry Creek. Ed. Hill. : h;f:3dv.' refereed the mxma.": [ *_I1i;?tht "child -iucyiqan-Sana in nwir.` The lak-shore vr :vD\ N. _"TUnK,.'tng'f_;8 over.` Lug Laxg-snore wan ltm`ed- itim_y11gh`x: -`jiiks oi: Wgdnesdny nighm`. j ` Outfrom; 1,0 p.m;"t6 2=8.m.. , dh-th,;ee1 0r5,,fou1`.` `sh, usull1.\ ' 1``\]` In IKVUT UL l.fl"2>lTy U ! Lefroy, refereed thevgajna," "Have vnn mw ll`-lnuuB'. *4 jwhi t;ggng;.`tha_dogi`_ at schoolon 7}; Thu lih!zlu~_B_ert;if 'Da'y` crushed t.lieV \. , her,1efth,Iiu).dyery sev);e1y. *; jmbory: wilt stun. -. in = a -_av, - . " Vshe mmt- 9ei!iAfVc6nVe?i;I;: 1 L _ jthta magi? qIeotion:_@t9k;.~ : CHURCHILL. ' lneauxi `., V 15" is over.` 1 -hp Iakg-shore was .. 5. xar~w2.am..am hibh ` 31LcHRIsT.- DALS'.f()'. GI;J1`ETRIE`. : `$931 31105..` `V ` jig:-y rapid. siuce_.the` .d wk ..i9.._p!9;. ` As ihe ' dfnzu A for LLa'.d`ies. Shirt'Waist$L is.ri`n_crea.sin-g`, `are in ,__position* to_`.s.{s.--_ ;tisfy all tastes. Our `stbpkx Wei`! "-_2_a.nd_a,t"pries";%thit: sell `exrefyl :tin1_.`; _.\V=e__s.:_- _ha,ve '.linTe pf ._B0"'S conmin a_11th.%1:tesc (.isig'nS. - COUHEIV: .V '| ' Do not-._fonzl.'the;Y". P_.S.G=E-.;a.puiveF`sarv..! Rev, Dr. Dixim, of Gain; sec. 01 Y.[ .S..C.I*L , societies. .aud B.'ev. Dr. Parsunsof Totonto,. I ,` will bombs present. .A cordial invitati`ou+ ': fs"eXtma ditq anrroundingsocipties.`*"`01r urch will hold` 500,--an-wiil try to xl(_l__, `mom for all, The uxening must begin sharp ii at 7.30 in order to give time tathe speakers. Slirain 3!: point. `and be "presul5_il_1, time `to ` Becum 5. gent. Excelient music provided by " the choir and others.- A m.,...:..,. .....:`.;..+.... ,.rw.....,..I.. nm... E t .. : g, i '1 I . . VIIIUHH H'lE(XS Ill WOW_Y| RISE WEEK. ` ` i ` Many of the` graves in `the c`\urcfiyar ` `have been fixed up and owers planned," but;-I there is btilrooun for imprc-ven_u.-nt i`uJ.he.. genera.` appearance ofthg uroupda. I It in rumored t'v'mL.thb Tmvidsnn` &:- Hm: J. A. )latl1r(ec. of (he board ut trust-e`e:s.) `3 Amohz others present~ wefe'Mn!. Ri'herc`;' -Paton, Mrs. Jnhn_0rr;gMrs,A. Patna, Mm. , Auden-_9n, zind numerous young-ladies. A.- gaueraltcleuning up tdok `place `_in..t.he:f grew.-'* nbn. and we pupils ghgergd very heart-ily ` into t1e.worl of. beantifvung the sch-nolfmuse y and -grounds. K new `oor and new. seat! . would make our g_c|mol__oue of the best in the ........~.. Ill CHCLDU H(4:f_U_ FUN! VPDOSILU [U KUIIUUI, ' * Robert Paton, M.P,P..is oh the pic I gramme. of the Synod of Collingwood, as` clmirxhaiifor one of the afternoon session. F Sowjug iajn full blast, A good (deal of ' 'th.fu Il wheat is looking very_ delicate, _but~ hen}; uydv rain will yet revive it. Some "elds" hm? bq en- ploughed up. > > Mriv.`2-\V.('.W_MoCn`l!mmh Insnavmhmhla general ibppeurance U1 `HIE! uruupuu. It is rumored ,t'viuu.thi~ Davidson` 82? Hay farms have `hegn--leused_._Lu,-as yet nothing denite e known, Four teams are plqughiug in tbe.S0 aqreleld rpposite to school, Rnhm-t. Patna, M P, P 3 , in M. thn n'v"n uems have Dqeu ploughed M a'._v 2-W.C. W.M.cCu`l|nugh Inst avazluable, t ' threc~_yea'x--old (regiswred (,`vlv'de) u_H;1aui ight withinamxnation. ' . I v i Arinle hrcharda 1159 hairm set out here l_JlgHG Wlill `IIIIIEEIIIUIEUOII. ' g Apple brchards` a1{e being set out here qui_v'ex;ensivelv. _ About 1500 trees -were" delivered at Letroy om `Friday and Saturday, C; W_`.'Me(`ullough is 's_ et-ting vq acrs in appls.` ' x \ W4:-nan wind .t.N='4=n' `mi- 9 an advnnnd at {chi}: UN! UIIUIF auu UUN9`l'H. ' 1' g. Fleming and sgster. of W_vevale. were vnitintz friends'in' town last week. " M'...... .5 'r\a- ,....su,g ;.. -9... ,......L1;'..;..... 4 '7i"`ti'ey 1;re`ja"c* 24Ch30mQ fBSSEf" ;I lums areiairly wbimwith blossoms. .` I in apples; ' : _ 9Grass and,.tre'es' are ag advanced at this I 4.. .\Amr .t~...'nial mmnierlv hnhr of the. :KI1U'U8 ETB ~I8l|'|y \;VD)E8\V_l[.Il Dl0380l'l1S. May 4'~--'0"1cial quarterly balm} of the}. Methodist clnuxihuxnelt uh Na.n_t: vr `church on -0...: ` . - . ' ` -2110 ~ .- g 4: -4 _ ._ /_S. Spil`Iet1:`received 51-varieties. six or each variety; '6f. goosbrriea Trhm Englau '_ on. Friday, for the South, Sinmoe Sub Station; lo,cated=e_n'his'plav~eJ; alscvfnuzriber of pro-: mieing native. segdhngs. one ..wiLh ihe euphoifoua name of `V`0regQnJumbo. . ' Our teacher and his pupils. planted qultj QUDIIOBIUIIH RHLIIU U1 'V`VJ1`CgQldL|Ul_|)U4 . teachgr aiid pupils. planted quite; , ,'a number of. maples aboubT_thoT.scho.o.11mzunda 1 on Arbor: Day and hud 5a ,ge`u`era1ncleaningl n n`: ' - - . ' up.-' . , V J; W.` Rosa, (pf Churchill, {we are"? _plBaed to. record. has -bgen suiint_exi .1zhree_. momlln. leave of abso'm:"1y'fhis people viisit the old land: Eor fifty years thereh-as l__ beeind communication except: by letter between the family in the gold land; which `is quite numerousmnd the Canadianhrauch. M1`. Ros_ has relatives in -Lqndgn, Glasgow ~ and Aberdeen, and will mp.k'e astay in each` - . of the3a'plar$es. Wewiah him a pleasant j 6journ.in.tlxe heart: of the.Empire. r A lma smaa n ` eas m Hem: sown l | !."riqa.y;- the mayoris Iookmg heart, and Is I winamnnx rum nan-gone Ionuxenl. . s -, ` jnauIa`x_s.g9nj_a; _ever notwithqtandmg the _ T_h'e_ experiepce of jeans has, p;`.o.\"ed; ~o_r&5al`hQ haalntely aaaeti through in his `h'6ia&b8oluteIy'nodiseaaa dizetoa_\>i g` q Q'pn`Qo`defg1;.th., mu, . _. _- condition ot:he_.blad grab .$ri.=du m n_.ew}5nI:ohera. seem. to be huaytnnd; that Dr. Willie-u._s* Pink -~ lib. wilt ` .w_iHv;b7"dc;uht `win -_their ~ahw3-"bf puh_1ic- 1'nmph!1y`cure,,aud thnse who are at , _ phhrznage. i: ., . - `~ -. x-om_m_1ch, tmdb1es..wil1,gvoid`mngglpuii ~.1weiuqthnf:.thew:irm.weathat iabringig` any} save`n1ouyMrpronnptIy"rsorisi _ V, mm: on, old mem1_ fJa_mea Hughes; thxstramfment. G6n.he.geutunh;*Pink; `Its My`;'hi iiiii berf` go`wI_``I_s ;; 1. mafgvggy-pimegigfmb:u6&J3`ptiis;Teiz' ughe:~hsQbeQn:afiQtdio:~aslong..ti1ng..3:&n,,lmaiq;1,Ql`1_93j>.1!F` 1 L `:11; ' L winli Vlirangihitia. `but i_a_ iupruving-..v'y'ith- _nhe~ (10&l6lf, which for-the-!ake`bf uhggxumpno wgzmneather. _T , V H % . ;. t.0`~hi'msel_f.~=he mnya J9}_m'{Ert8'r, graih`iS1.:gl9r._' pjf Lefroy, wag 1_`D'I'..Wi31in_i A-Pi \ :ig1uvingtot1xgjPoinhtQ . ,':sy._j 2 4. ;`~ ll,l,edi9ines.fm,I-L " ` V V` V Hf..;E`. WT. K9.ibphai8,_1e,ceivcd`_nycall , " " ? 314;` will ISj3].Vl_:aV1ng~;1_z:'gaft::r't;?\_8 uueejcingaut V 1. `L 1 E-9""; In mot` Vom`es'-fxdxir E " dnzt at on uyiii, `jlih ' ` amg;cro_. - _ V V L - ,'e bags: hand-graairom gut M.P`.1$![T_' _F`riqa.y.V- The mmjoris lookigg hearty and is 13399,. a_; g9nlr_o;A _ever\notw_1thqtand1ng thy -nrthalha hanclnlmlv maxed-l'.h1-mmh m Ins