Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1896, p. 4

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'!19P"3.- ` - _ 'Ad\ Whom:-Bombay an `a thmff `r Samubl L..Clemans' (mmjilkzgip T_i_;s_s_a*_r!- 1vousI1Lill`uJ33ypor. ' ' 9* .7: 1; ` nun uu I3nu_\m. u.. -u-._... ` :\'I'hfa~,GhinehqGm?efnItiM1`iuarohdsedu .el5ih3y.1; V_hou:ma` Bts\`hrS`c{n .rleb 9! the. _ typeof 1`88$di4a.~dolLg:gp!gce_A;--_N- .. . ,' nu.-.. ...-:..:...;.m...'r').'su..a. Iiun nf-nna . F]PV`U- \`IT7X"5Uf'l`Iqvtw1v~vr~:vvv 1 Tha,Angxo- otI{$ l'=hui1'd).-"ed. mmipns ttxlh ha:beeh_ issued at x V n,lnets7x~fdur,' with `1nter:;i;`Lig;t;:_ftv"e1 pgat cenfs. A `,\lI_ruuu`uu. 1 ..` Z X ` ._ ` A q'u.anmyL of wrobknge-gfptha Mgtegxpjg ,~ I "Ma'm1a;_fr`om I12_unhu.rg, Eobrhaxy 8 9;,A ' -.-Bastpu, ._yg:\s piokgd 11_p`_on,th6,;1W6Q_t; ho:{e`_ };,nt;Guer,nsey;,= ` * ' ~ -. ~- . m 1 __ -1 .;o:;_auernsay.:- ; _.__ ; `: ;Th0` railway ttaui drjossi-mg he7Fmh1i~V L frontier fl"0_lll`:~f.'gl3`_y Tar`a;vrow ;led* `with: , A .1_g;p_s';;,wIV|o are;1e;iv_1ng_?to :L"9a: "`pejpmilV1bry ` .L,u.%a:M?mii!;: Ifuf 7 - ,a.hor sommi. 33%. _ N9W;'19i`0 lah $~#ns 113F*1$9`"l1?:f 1 ud%: ymrVbawtni t 95! iedjiat fw{3f=._ - G'4?roIi.:J{ ,' , V- V 1! ` %'f'5:&s.azfuignc.`: you int mnwgooa. sen- '|_ihIe'gi}'1 irrd`ei&lngj`to hafnib; `You 7 i might} ayfwell; ,a_1yho`w.bbcaus`eT~ wxieny I Pm }ird'?1i? sa`i:*ad '1 Mtgo- " lug tosa_f,lwhaeM.1`jcnu`:e here E6 :;a3'm1js f e=v`,e`iug`fit' ac gum` :11-1,: V1: mkes. ,n. iquarter of an<~hom._-_:~ThaE?s thavsott. of: : dzspepata Iovcri-am, Km Nsggus. thouigff I -- -I diazframean to` gm the5Rho1a))usfuess,, L away in oxmbragth likcfthac. xiujiextded` ` < tcrlead tip to ltj/grmhm1ly.'~ `suppose, " -Bowevgr, the shgck of sivzi-p rise w}x's' vary` -great.. You hwian -igimsoniething or re. ` kin`lmi.u ooI;ii9g,didn'h you 2? I " - _."-'1 kavesv. you aw: ism `it rxyoesm `seem i L u_riineic_`t,oblog;g dd- mg sqme_thihgand they flyfvthe traok_a;1d rj mxniiacmsxq lots ii1~*ou_1er`"to gob t-hem spoher. W_hab`I intended to gayuas about t - like this: r ' Evergincefl have k_non_`m yam] ; u ,'hi!6,hQd _a_:gligregt feeling it.o\va:1yo1`; from ~t.hat;, xflzich I ante/:1rtain t'o'ward.otbex:`, , .-+bnr.b`efara`,I go ; :ui_,"v'_1urthe;r` am like in; ,_1xay6`somg` kimi o`Hnf er 1'-m wasting my gimgbr not. ;SomghoV'7_ C On = ~ . re-l -qumxso ` condept as-~Ldid.wh en ;1 _,Baasn~?". If V ` %": i`1I6st"1ip {(I* "31 m6mii"b, r.tdor"a""lvnr `breath tmdinq11-ited_1unpasily , ~ > Isispf_nnyusa'1Qrmft.o'gb gn,_`Kv.te _ v , . :T_h ro}sy`lips qf.tlin$g&ir yung girl part-` - `ex-ed::_ + ` ei1 and shemttiy `a ,_ Nib'! ;-.-=__ -2 '1' ~ ' ` , .That. settls it, rejbingd Mr, Bellamus. reco`vVe'cix_1gL hi`1 njs\1tmul i. trawinrorr"hia 1 .glog,es., I1: tu`ritd\out `exactly `usl hoped I ighhgbt,l`?.sIvgd' aft l'et1st.t,;:`n 1i1.i_u~' mes otxfalxgabluime (quack that nmkes twenty miuus; I"don';. krigiw . what your tiina-` ii Vxvgrth. `but; my mn:, ;,l_`c d!n1iut,ed`_fI o`i'1x a} busiuess_ point of view, `Via worth $2.0perhour. I Wi1l`nodemin - fyoxi-arxiy Ionger,MisNagg~uos.- .Goode\`e1L,_L : {ing.f"->-Chicago} Daily `Tribune. " . I ' . . , V ` .` ` ,~ M. xuians yuan}; anon 0:} act ataxia '.Iun.tF [III- of a certain clan ofFijians, Na} Ivilam katm, , the.y.a.cquired the pqxver. trick or se;:reb., Wh.*.3n,Mr`. Thoxnson} visited the scene the L `- iztt._yvag a .wb_l-cg-hot:_,,1nx;ss,P' shx5;xti1jg'o11.r. f T1itt1`a%"tuuguq'$:i)l'32#Yiit xiie. ,f,'? f'l.`1ie`.\?`Oi5L!,, was extracted by pqles, and t`hexa,-lowing` - gtones vm1e1a.d}`1iVa1. .to`ngue` _o,ame' `A thin; t`1r<`.`va1ki`.s;i7).r`11i:l`sl`i:!:;a7 rx:71:" {{{aim3e T` siihb have 3' traditional .f:i1_y tale us mhow ` - null nlns}3nr3 nmnn t'.hA nl '3 ' 'l`hn`;' fheil 1 . yggonas v[pr_9*l8.w.- 16261, "wugueg _u_L_uaun_: ` %4mLplamamm than in rnrlnnds- with anklets-.0!-vdrzed ' 1.pLamam_ > -meg, in gag-lmxds. with. nnklets ~'of- dried ` _ternV, walked bgretoot over;1'.he sqrfuce oi, . the stonq", tramp1ing do'w_n-the gregn _ -leaves as 'bhby- v\"_ox'e`throw1L, _;ookers`on. `Pkg volume o_f_-s`te`am '1`o`e` ` thick and a?I_{. 4,. NQw,'fa.~ feis;-,m1u1\-tex_ be- ` ._ fore1she men_em;ared the -ft1J'ua;e.' a'lx_ob . sganlg was` hooked 5 outs", `on wliich` :.-Mr. - 1`lt<.mns9I.iis.;h:sradiex.<=hi.eL ~?A.1aVid 1: nhei `1ne)_1__wentn'n;__Aand it`. `ya; removed when_ 1 `r the last. man `lath the>o venI~ Every 9 ~. thus touchedsh 'sb.on_ ` wps;c1uu-rd,? .as, - L fmdeed;-may be. obsa'1fve_'d- `on 1:,he'hah dk9.:'.-f ; -chiet. whicrflie betbrh us awe_w~ritpg,7`_ A - - . 1hefeet. of-the'parfqrmdr3, "beingjj::+I.1'x1_in-V; V ` lu9.tlwere i1oB:~bur, c1.`;'"Mt;:'4.i'1;`I10x1jSQh ; ` -dawns .1.>1r,'12.11.ei1I.=`y~ '}is.s.he' `ota.`simi1ar'* * wijot h'."p nftnr thi: Bwinf.` " L . .- ~DIWK.Y.".'-..!'P`.`-". . r .% . . `r4hkI`ef.s`i` 6 vejrtauon; Norlongsaga?-3well-knn#nV%rtr_z;W?;V "lea.tUwere not:_.burxie_ 5`: Ahonxsqn 3" ~ 4 V `_~ J: V rd t<'}Sm_:at,``. is`-Tg1I, M . w;oem::p#:=b1:shac1-ac <:uus.:>ma:.s1.x=`r=`ue??5{"i5&3:53%ui?g ~~d3kin:4.Ihat*mz.s;w:'`75 *!i`*"?*`9?. > jarnenhe evm H'h9shar4.7=~`?*rr%i1mr xaem by M.-B6iini6r'g%'Mt6.Shbw~s11iits- @,L0W%W%'??*%9 oneshmv ; Acwnonx.-inthecool:Izreupm-1s1wJs. ~ ~ '*'e1cricli~hE rbhiotes an h.i in%th.Wt*!F319."+ F`2'1L?: * ,andiHsatt'es;hted;L bqt}; in, the-Jauphaliot - * - V !x,pgn`gg,g,bgfff "h)1L(i:_everV.`8t`2'f\ b1'5*9,3'.'W`f?`V.'- `K335 jthe,1?(a1ypesis_s ',1Sc5c1ety_,`..and:, byL_`p x'ri\'at_,e} ~ L ;;g;,,m,f,3`m1`1 thik4n k;is'1p_sech: <>L|h$1B?jW .corr6spon;1enqQ,*mo;1;;51h LK1iug$;.f;of=' 5 },,"dm;'.,,;_5nm_;t`.pqainees,;:1Su.b6gh 9., Sout:h.rx't~s`It`1di_2.*_gz1;cE ;a1seyyh `ea. . ' 7 that 13 `,2 . . -> 4 _ mg. -1 `uuuu, wuwu nun uvnv.s nu ..., .n. l`.heVfeeVt: qt-thepprformgrs, `being fl Etribgbion of ;1;I1e g-,0Zn; like 7:1) ` r 1 . _ . ` \ xzifuxifbx `-015 me` ~ non:iem_; my hl$:ze t .1xis o:w1_(pe1:;;9n;-n THE nR'~7w3KLK.~% %&HJ;91ery;; iii E5 9} ~._"_;g; " u r"`ncn*e?_ , . l I. `/ f;i_._\:,/ !I,`Lyf'! rt - '; 1`. ,.j , 8! wmwmm " 7 fc}oug A , V um-`%tbrpw` a%men`eyaway;_T V v ,. V, \ ' ` 2 -A .. - .7 ,-"xi ` E5." `N 'v` ""5 best; cs>9gh .Aremes*S ;t0.buyAM. as ~11! ; doxngso you are % . nan;keia3i3`,.531'.i.3i`*?-1.` _ 1...... `m.ll.knn.wn cm ll C3,: &,hf&= z1:e'dimA>=u# `st ` ,.yet+- i*e_t_taiui?_y l `1!iuiutia`k.. 7 ; - * V Inn maducziou 0! the Jgpz , hit .1...,u1nm crowing; biwk W fth`oIiK_ ftvilxm Tt!`:is my : `11gevenjwi:h `1|_|I|'FII,`:' ._ "I'l`h,-Yolk zany` (rieuda :1 _on"us(_1 ne;igh\Iorhood'-hive" U "um! ,w:rqi1m1at+..yoxi-cre V 1 9_Ir9(t ourmidst, undue , f on tyfleave ua,withm't`ex- `M : tome Mnxible way` Joni- hgh'a'p-` 1.yon;- lgbqvs msoxggpt nu`. egpe`-` - `yox1i;:d`gat!tj:h':to. thefohildru who; ` ir3x:_te.?l* Jug yoxfi your .53. * cligsea, A , V , \!eticf!c3g>1bnuu`in.A_con: ,?:hoirL as tii`i_r `fkxif e.:f1'11'i `M y'ea'xiyou' hwe ,becr'; closely, 6' xioikvbf the hkrch;1`aud_ __ ` M ' 'oE; Qbss.` Gem;-at-[ , V ,wift\iLeT`&esp6sBVi.n crest ` ` Viv/ork. I.'hc`:. } g _ `a:1f6Lug.l'\|vorkV tisticll ;l:ms`:\ `of `etgi; few wining, o`neu.i in you L f " Gxtthnprwori.yon_dig!_ . "Q iprecivpfed by thostzwbli mnzii mhoaewhnshm `wen - . _ .5 3',ci\x"during `the~paa.uvo ' `nu r~S; as, to which M {`e`n:'t_so.d,-v (_;to;`d, Ewill` n1_iaLyo_u, at i!}9,1 tg}.M'L'9gvill he abla tr. continue mm mmv.Lriitic mthe?:hoi.L- * j s ggmr A mu (eahy-mini Eburch, Mr. Campbell,` <` M}. ucxapb, ` .H'y_on.;wj}l_ha mum Vruulxunuuq _ `rrtgff"m`The"`choir: A` 1` K 1fy_dua to your` se1f~ i`;,a`_i1 d_'{& so tliif wliliugm-ea = wk1y`**p"fctic`Ia.whn the` M\_1`i~`r wfgfavor&bi'e;_ No choir ' 6-`do: gdod work wiuh gni`t"6uited_ e\r1miaf._f\`r:app:biate th ` 'r,i,au`d.vze hope} the mtnbera 7 .it:tei_ent %hf31L3E:_1`\'_3s` in the t , W _iutn rc as min the3pat._ .' ' . via : >q_':_`e,.'tea_el,;aL|ed upon to ` we ~`t&3i5'giT W7(yT9ur qpp1e- .- , yoi1jy'grBL`\anab1d no dolor `ch `Work 0!, the church, `and agepzx of thisigifs tomight. Iirwioh-fV. cw wsarxi fer; " T3*o.u:`:`m.t%5' 'Ab1y"i1!'9- L " xiuziire, and that. - wtufd-,yui1.`. ;.` `- ,- u, l[u~ng;f:x{ug nu ... ` G&mpb'elz1~ gttist s_'.l'11`e'sg!tsy. _~ `aka:,7,; 9:9,; , nvafTill;b`ealth,i L- 'ela!39.ttEZIed Ptanbyteryy !`m~;sdiv.-`E I` ... ' ad 01:17., tarmdnwaqs a for l 9*.` WV ?! 95 ~10 oroaai_ng`Moxxc1t_sy. * brokon,,a!m-`in nth ' a auwgis with gun Hc3`y:1a,.V,. uimidontut l r unumnnuy-;u_x 1 - - `The Giih .':L0dII:V,`_SQnl`f.. I T zissoaug at 1%t;erbdrro,~`aeHd omgn and `aecxdadm mo: next-y`es_ne Branttqzds - . ` ~' mm, in}... In ,1t.._...a....' ` n #5: AI Y WlQU3,W 1lu,l,I'}UOl_Iu -uauu-In-g_o\ ` 1TIw~ 61%: 61 '3;Ra!!1imu'75!3 *0 :9 Comma: have varied ;00tI191`m"-``c sh: bxnjbomra as`; La; ` trio Luombl!-"Q mm- 1.__n|. .1 Ila 'll4\anl-nu-In`, In "Mr n` BIN [nu glppvsu V&l.y_lJUI:prq,-1`-: ..........._,,, a*n.,,1u`usa ac; Qt. Lmeggmg >1. my my mom zodamnd he? mm ` 3:ond6n!oI; ` ldifa Li:6; t`q'iman9Tn a Isxxjtzgrluxiug Ha awn P`.",' rthega. --u ,7T;m:coroner s:.;jury It, , A ,_ _ shgaoas_w.%Vnx;.;aa'uzs: zfow 13r9svil*.r~ -. .:mnedL 1: vord!ci_5thItho"`ou3!1a:t0 his \ ' T.nm\I.I.i: mzihiaa; .. .ilmh.lgom euxghag .wnnn:}jnl Mr. .`i arim' s`aa'zs.un _h;`. `2l.lEn`D.1'1\W`ll_'vIIB } I `lffof-5'ithH`8bmte, mm 1' ' if 119?} I n HIM EU M :;rMr,?.1rrt `t V -' < - -'r A iffilsgklatu 39'gnmn -` Patron-Lmmhcr. 11105357" `ting cha:um:ot .1-railway pags;esbx`;thB 191?: ` -1:lnf 6x_`s, wv,`"Vota}1dowli-_ , 11.. A" "-Li"! ::;.*;`7.`nj;.1:rnn.a.* = 'llIUl_`; yvpg vuuqs-vuunsg my. .1; uxs5iaia"5i:1,"a7a3`arti:o*;:`s~nsa9:7u 1} . [t!iai:6!i't'1-`;c_s1_nr`- mu: c'a1ib`u}*y,._d1ed at [of Sl1ngoA county," and whdf1mt 1'$5`tH t O i f _ Bnr`r_1s'onvS uturdpyjnig ;_.'agsd 87. ` `T\-l.'..._-.. AI ELK unrfm Uni. Mia? diitc 1_0 t`-'~ ha}; `_ct;uu;y,4_uxeu up 1 new xuu, ~. ` 7,: _ H . , I . VA _ ,3 on1Suturdy~nis gazed 87-L 5' V Dr. A'rbhufr;Duashon, mo so-sauna mu- ` I . .VPa2aun. srsba Mcem Lin! i nomm-9 xiu:d;`gm;o.t S_s,a:Lou}:a, _whq __wu ongmliggdalivgfi *lectuf:ml n* uganvioteglj ~~Gtll1;cn; (Gong! 1; Fgbplrh on at. sin..r.1day :'z xz_.v ,nn _ .6 .t..rn.9asi9i ,. A. 8 .H'i;an .-3 '1. `Unity of gs migltah-peAgak1ng_ !?a9p)a." -~i V.St, Lplxig, was ssii1x`6djto m:13_anz(x?[ ~v gj: Johnxinklvell, ,f?it`1nd`g'ti!lk'y"a_i75_W111-.;??i gfg . ;.n!9es.o,!;Vo,L attempted `murder or T. ;-; `Dawson oldhagx, ta`- :'SgyAtanr~nld`;_`rea1de'I1. , ..G]gnwp`Rht,aiiB`,*Wl-lllhm.3m}l`nh., wgi_s_ ,s_en:',f=Wq~VV_M_tx_te Hall, Ky , navqxl `ha: `winged; aw` Atenuedlo nfehxmrlaohmens for his crhnai `ger.mdn'a_( {th:1*1!ethods?-hh5h*inf ih*ujL,; \ M :1. w;.;.,...._n.L. _w..-.:s.:..:; Ta_x-Zs_1Ta_%Ahqs b_6ts__:;~aT-3 Ptf 'm_A 2:-1;`... 5_.'.l`ho4 fg. 3,.j,Ai 1d6raon. ~Ex;1iah;~l `I'ese:vat1on,fnb?ir Dasetfbnbo,-~0nt.; who `Q llreqmnrlaonmeuy lul: nun um uuu. -, , -, , `l oh`uiqh'jiastor =~t_m `the -Mohawk: Indian ~, i . had baqhl to: twg wegkq, died yestgrdgy , minte : * a V .. 2 via... 'm.. ..i'.u.n 'm-man}. nnrlhmit` ? 'J.`ha'_l1te oflztha present ;p`a;lium6x1`I;: v'vasf iacusseti by ,_thQ- .HouxsL`1\Ionmpy.j` The lfv1'eiahi-of thjis_rgui11o;i_|5' iwa in ; favor ot_ `h-0_9B'_t5!!0!`!`, gnu`: 4,;th9_\ `term -Vanda qnd El I '11,- 7 V Li.`3hn:Ba11iL:;3i m3.ny. xear` 8553?; tary of the `Irish. Pronstanl; , Benevolent _Soclety_ .ot- fBofoh'td, nndyell k'n`oWlI_-1T_lV `thn't.'. n'M:`v MmT `mm-dn`v utter. a mo- I _-#,*~A . _ r IVHOGIIOW; DI` '.|.'0l'QIl|5u, nun` vyuu nuun_9.u. ithahl o'lty.,g1;at1.. gadcoxday pm`-' .`nn ` . '4 .3, _ _' - `){U(luIDUI., g V ` _- H _ E ' `A yo'img.n1:`\x1`-Anabxixetl .Chm-Ids` Stein 1 rwg.arrestaii`1;m Halifax on Satura , . 37 $9`: . ha was about-`to embark on the V steamer ;Stoo1:j1plm'f for B_raineh:' j H}? $87. _9PdV ; at swlumtuR?.N.BV*l`Yt)rk merchant!-, : ' an-,. ,1-_1__ 13...`..- .'.l"LY-`..uIlb'nn i;:ra1!I1!1Ii DI S_WHl\lK _`;\_UVI aura umsuuu-nun _ Mr. '1 ohn. EurIs.d :}Iufmi1ton,_ih retliiAn 1 1 Tfroxn fe (EFrim c1`1`runk . 3 service, ism}, wil be. nuaomled "as `westepn fl dislzrmj might. mu : by Mr. Rq})7erb"fQn1l1lI. .f0!""n`] unopqnn rxalulhgentg at Llvr[io0I;' _ i 2 'n.| '1...:..:.`...;.x hi-1Ltn`nhanl ' huh ` ,E`,`P3.11 93I'!W$_% .3 1 9`!?"9" _.-_ `rnlnesy-{dun with _1meresuuz,11ve ya: wxqv. : LAW 12f\.bV !1W4`. ~11: is "`aiI`LD!1cd eua`e:>1:s&. Keen. um .;gf~ V'8 $35500` 0)`: `-iixnij 18 AgBanqt1|!_ `I snowy ;?ub1x_h his -mes: discdveria _m` ' * "-3` TZa':`'.`;.=%nmig'aa $?a.,'2 5 ; ;;;w'hisnewL1rmvh 38*.-hm iqvnwmv ` magma`: that h{a~Tue vardrawn.'(: nhmfmn abn;i._. . M. , 13 9%:d3?`ua?.?:.nw1Ixi:1'h t Mi e~tvedmon~ `eiuh t.h`9m,n<\: velor V "Kni:ht'we:'bf11'1dd::dd as'3zu eio2a on ?f1W%W`'9`FW*?`W*`?`**5' ' mm; xmoimng ku(1wn~"bhuI`.~Kn!hif .'?` T [if ` 1 Z" I .. "V - ` ' `z` A ,Ppr:1ne'sqomg,_wh1oh wu_gohoduIed.- ;."",.;"._'7'7`; V-`73""L`_'` T`.'.",""'_""`.A jaaszxtga ue earth` -ox_1;Sa12ni1`lay, lM:i1v- M . " ` ` .. "ailing away fro11;`theTozrt,l11,1Lz_aisoutherly L dtrecnlonl" ~ r j` I - -~ . ,z;..,....._ . ....... .4 E4` ".m~'.}u the taQ`?_b9_on,nng_ xuuwn B}1;lF.`1;.gx3uI.r Ad'1y; -;` ; , M .:r;Mr. .1 ' .. V tarmdtiwag str1xok`bm_ha Omiadiani ~ ..,1?g~oio` rai1,wa!- ?3I9rass.V :M=.i-iwalkamvllle . .A....;......-n.;....~L.a..-... % mm oxi a'ithh:hbona *, had enteta1ypnT_lotj\i;I tqrm?-`013 Bgilngg; i `W -."" . L `..' '- ' ,h3r.{'. i`mi1`>I'I mun h.`1*?L"3,1.f1!!WT} ..m 4...; .x:i..". .'.~ um. `rusrsnmte. nhu ..Bgoio`rai1,way Lupress; inn; muaxyun J otossijng` Monmiy. ,- Hanan. o;ia'-Lthjghbonq ; , _brokon,. an}! )3" othecld badly; ;brmsed; _, trwimaasn.- 3~`-- ` >VJnIV, U1 II_\f gnu IuAuv~Il_'d'. `"'```'f," I -v--, ,- ._ - i:Mi:;.?.13`urnLm. L.-"wife of Mr. .L;:6nai'{1;;~``19* -V*`*`' Buzngzg, I,1_Be1}z;1`uan;1lda'ta forthav.-Do.,.-,&i1!X!.9$ * ` - n;1nxquAg1acj1_ohs for South Ontario Vandal ; .a{]n4lit`a3EL,qf'i1on. Jghn, Drydgn,=d1a[d very ;;{ syn atbiaok Lu 5 puddenly 10:1` Lwadniesdayv 1'1jg11Hmm` `tho `(min .a1[1u`-A {ngmf a.Ab!9g,;1vqgel.; V, * `leaf were not. .burner{. SM1`. - . '.L_`;10msQn `. wgote h:pT::b1ishq;1.acc(:nun 3:1:'t.h_a1._c1_n`y-~ after the event. Hehss heardfo! tisimilax` fgabmn by `Fdj:t1i(rih.\{e3igationg mn,o 1-,ne_ enzecc or = t>he.qLe(:n-,ic`1igl.x,t} and ' electricity? on vege-3 i_ .. * . .. . ,3. cr-e1nony;h_'1theockig;a}$P"_Vk!L-1s;La11c}. 2 -V ~n. -nVe1g' t` *1} L,}}'L,,f%"`L'--m`; ` z**I1*1i*iWt%.tV%1i=?.i'3*.1 in W9`-17`%"%*2`% mama asVc1z.L6o'1>h$ %x;rsxa`sa4aot* ` L.t1j`T_?91j5'!15i5!`V`591`x=9`~.bY 1 V" . mm; sa.ine;"6ini`.`QA in: ?7aT_ii;bo-iiiial`. fs,f:ii>xct.ix,1`eio}`. _e;Iei;[w V iUxid L L. ` _ L _ _;iiwibumo;nLotsye, T8:1a.u1Liu_`hh_e.{`.iSIu8 `omextem1e_&T _=ibute F5 4: _' 1'! kllicdri uixbi .' I ~-4 vuuullu nu. u\;_u;=,vyu;. . .`{;;,]`g;;;" 3` 3xa6ps:im*rr;s`m:*I*y:1;:? syrthrmr [; 3,m,':0_1m,g f port_ed-:'uon`u1`u,sionL,o`E /is`-`?'-t.raaty between all k'n'own:!n I1, Rnsskran0'0h12m.!a~conh3:9Q . Vpxfo-' i ' >Thv_,_lmporia{\Pag1jm:ang1agt week "functioned `t!i_a]- `9pxx-:1x.p"gut gallorig` :_1$ma's_~ Stieln M1? n.W?Ia;2_ d.r3:s~.;-.2 . `_} Saturady`-aa`i3f '1 h'9 Fr'an_gh_'Mi; :02-Agriculture has jgmmqr I Isu_m1,n 'de or'e,a ghgm _l}11p6rtOd ;g:_ptIe neud _{_ej-`4_la7_n_noua6d, l,not'b`e,1;111ecz ;m_.;1an,_a_1ng.`v V j` - -- Fr. -61! V, . I . "_,.3,.puiidTnpVhis. _7 A V ' 5 Rum. it1$g:g:ed:ehi n1I,!,i,.t6'nc6th3 `WY, 7.; pmp1{;dnis1;3:uq beyond his V 7v'a"t$s1A vbynnd aciVX1%ogan.' 1 1 f 9:; ,, I hav'Vsgn eVh11)g tn yiw ymi Kain. M aIghg:t!x_ogwn!3;i_; I-s-Qua`: /tjtrixgyqfsit aee~wir1*cy gram me. ' 9'onNn`&;A1;teaIe.:mhunat*beemeu&i goni/0:35`, ` V- .. "lme'rt':5" *. r ? . ,,. g,.5 .IsiH." -. ~ .- ~ % ? 5 v , 2 `tm.m....',f Hunm tn .3...` Then `?'lZha :g_;m.;Y,:k..wo:1a`g V `ha1.insda nisarlx 9VB!'.8;3it~in,thd.;Unlon. Hill, I! I|U b`H`v `LVRJHIUIIH5 Juan: Ivy 1 tr , I and as n :esn1t;p:'_{e1qcu. .Ln9Lm1nn.tlou T .0. *1 W`* iI!.=J.1$i!9x,1z? 13,: I9.uIs'1: `gcnveniion. U j j _ ! nu... .. hmul M ztumwum =xii= z='-V*.%r`-`1**`i?`1i* r4~ ,. "-"`7Ti2oAB;7.1;iya`llqno2? V ~ hwy. whqjaw Yvik 363% Sainfi! the Ataetgbly yu:a:_g1gy,_ new gwttitt .9119 Goynrnofs xignrggrg. {' g A V. tn`--.-__.-u'_'L'-ri't.`.`.I... .....u... L... .'...s uxnlma I FIll n. Ma-;.L . V / , , fvlh0Opl lgh du.rr.111;j!L. P_l5-',"," . and is losvlywcqv? nifzohx Ip.-g . = ' ='~ .'mI__ 11`_._ 1*.u-|. 4.15 . )1- Jbihan Qnadn ' -`I !ties}i!i'ht&posaisionJ~"f*.. ` - }` .$/'1WVi.`** 5,9Ii1..& fuslllv ` ;``.nn just%cev,"sa'afs t`X`85EBF}'. " `q_It.eame1-qgliajitax ~10 ` -1-rhulnaai-ly120,$o0 V ;- W_ii!i;:xri - izzc,1;e:ax1er,,.~he; _i:si:`1 u -xiisi V . 'G9I1ip6P?i\j.!Hi soon . dd1"npo$l;r:A ?pulac`a_., to the magulaaxxt` oneif`-thus now:gr3co_ L-lgonaim-vizrmiqensgdt tho kandard ` U11 ' 4ho.Vm1l1!onzi:e 4rd!st:xsBVu1 fifth uyqnug New York.v _ .: .:._V : - -, Lra. .Ay1x 2.j;:ut_1. , ~ . ` , * VDaV6dnVO1(Ihag1x; 1 L p;;r.'nld;;rei1def1 Q f;gg_Wn1te Hall; Ky ,- nevep "ha: `missed; a\ -,"ger_n{6i1 'a_t` th:1Fhlethodis?-"hh1iIfixxif ilk? Lulgqlh Igp_r_t{.M;y.`%rs 1 he has bean ~a* - ;:_xaver"f'iii$E"ia`io?_1"ti_>bisi:bt>"323*}? _ or 1;/as` he` mated wh}s`key,-. I _ ; _ :.;,1ron11o:~z; '- . . 3 ;'I`he Italian Gdvrrzxxiamretuses 91111-4 - Monss?KIng`l&Ie.nelIk s ipvnpqgea; -terms, gt ` `nan :-a V L

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